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Estimating the Level of Abortion In the Philippines and Bangladesh

Article  in  International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health · September 1997

DOI: 10.2307/2950765

47 1,923

5 authors, including:

Susheela Singh Altaf Hossain

Guttmacher Institute Glasgow Caledonian University


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Estimating the Level of Abortion

In the Philippines and Bangladesh
By Susheela Singh, Josefina V. Cabigon, Altaf Hossain, Haidary Kamal and Aurora E. Perez

In countries where data on induced abortion are underreported or nonexistent—such as the sequences of unsafe abortion,2 the possi-
bility of collecting data that would allow
Philippines and Bangladesh—indirect estimation techniques may be used to approximate the us to estimate the level of abortion, the
level of abortion. The collection of data about women hospitalized for abortion complications availability of collaborators who had ex-
and the use of such indirect estimation techniques indicates that the abortion rate in the Philip- perience with research on the subject of
pines is within the range of 20–30 induced abortions per 1,000 women aged 15–49, and the abortion and resource limitations that re-
stricted the research to only two countries
rate in Bangladesh ranges between 26 and 30 per 1,000. About 400,000 abortions are esti-
of moderate size.
mated to occur each year in the Philippines, while the number in Bangladesh is calculated to The Philippines and Bangladesh have
be about 730,000. Some 80,000 women per year are estimated to be treated in hospitals in the very different official policies on abortion.
Philippines for complications of induced abortion; in Bangladesh, about 52,000 women are treat- The Philippine penal code contains a gen-
eral prohibition on abortion, but while no
ed for such complications, and another 19,000 are treated for complications resulting from men-
exceptions are specified, it may be inter-
strual regulation procedures. The probability that a woman will be hospitalized for abortion com- preted to permit abortion to save the life
plications in the Philippines is twice that in Bangladesh, probably because menstrual regulation of a pregnant woman.3 Despite the law’s
procedures by trained providers account for about two-thirds of all voluntary pregnancy termi- severity, abortion appears to be widely
practiced, however, judging from studies
nations in Bangladesh. (International Family Planning Perspectives, 23:100–107 & 144, 1997)
carried out over the past few decades.4 A
recent survey of health professionals in the

egardless of the legal status, acces- tion is extremely difficult to obtain in Philippines suggests that about one-third
sibility or safety of induced abor- many parts of the developing world.1 Al- of women seeking an abortion obtain it
tion, information about it is essen- though the problem is most severe where from a doctor or nurse; the majority of
tial if health planners are to ensure that the procedure is highly restricted by law, women consult traditional practitioners
women’s reproductive health is protect- there are a number of reasons why the pro- or attempt to induce the abortion them-
ed. However, reliable information on abor- cedure is often underreported, even in selves—increasingly, through the use of
countries where abortion is legally per- prostaglandins like misoprostol.5
Susheela Singh is director of research at The Alan mitted under broad conditions. Providers In Bangladesh, the penal code permits
Guttmacher Institute, New York. Josefina V. Cabigon is
professor at and Aurora E. Perez is director of the Pop-
may not report all of the procedures they induced abortion only to save a woman’s
ulation Institute of the University of the Philippines, perform, an official system for recording life. However, menstrual regulation by
Manila; Altaf Hossain is research coordinator and abortions may not exist or may be in- vacuum aspiration is not regulated by the
Haidary Kamal is director of the Bangladesh Associa- complete, and women may not always ac- code and is considered to be an “interim
tion for Prevention of Septic Abortion (BAPSA), Dhaka.
The authors would like to thank the following individ-
knowledge an abortion. method for establishing nonpregnancy.”6
uals for their invaluable contribution to the collection, The countries of South Central and The procedure is allowed up to 10 weeks
processing and analysis of data: in the Philippines, Cora- Southeast Asia are no different from the since the last menstrual period, but in
zon Raymundo (both for comments and for special tab- rest of the developing world in this regard, practice, it is sometimes provided up to
ulations), Zenaida E. Quiray, Florio Arguillas and Jose-
and most lack accurate information on 12 weeks.7 About 12,000 doctors and para-
fa Zafra, all of the University of Philippines Population
Institute; Benjamin Marte and Vidal Pantillano, Jr., De- abortion. These countries span a wide medical providers have received formal
partment of Health, Manila; and in Bangladesh, Reena range of situations regarding the legal sta- training in menstrual regulation,8 al-
Yasmin and Purabi Ahmed, who are quality control of- tus and safety of abortion provision. The though many other practitioners with
ficers, and Abu Taher, Hedayeat Bhuiyan, Lutful Man- Philippines and Bangladesh are at very only informal training are also believed
nan and Tariful Prodhan, who are interviewers, all at
BAPSA. The authors also thank Heidi Jones and Reina different points along the continuums of to provide it. However, many women do
Nuñez at AGI for research assistance and Jacqueline E. legality, access and safety. Although we not know that menstrual regulation is
Darroch, Adrienne Germain, Stanley Henshaw, Roger focus on these countries partly to portray available, do not know of a provider or are
Rochat and Deirdre Wulf for reviewing drafts of this ar- the variation that exists in Asia, other, unaware of time limits. In addition, access
ticle. The research on which this article is based was sup-
ported by The World Bank. The findings and conclusions
equally important factors that influenced to legal menstrual regulation services is
expressed are entirely those of the authors, however, and the choice of these two countries include poorer in rural areas than in urban areas.
do not necessarily represent the views of The World Bank. the high level of concern about the con- As a result, in both urban and rural areas,

100 International Family Planning Perspectives

a substantial proportion of women are be- project described in this article, all avail- For the remaining 776 hospitals, we as-
lieved to obtain abortions from tradition- able forms for 1993, 1994 and 1995 were sumed that admissions for abortion com-
al midwives or attempt to perform the collected in early 1996 from each region- plications would account for about half as
abortion themselves.9 al Department of Health office.† many patients as the number hospitalized
Despite the policy differences, both Because some hospitals do not submit for the lowest-ranking or the 10th-rank-
countries face serious health and health a reporting form, we assembled a com- ing cause.** This yielded an additional
service problems related to the wide- prehensive list of Philippine hospitals, to count of about 18,500 abortion complica-
spread practice of abortion. In both, ma- place in context the information obtained tion cases per year from these 776 hospi-
ternal mortality resulting from unsafe from hospitals with forms. Existing lists of tals, for a combined total from the 1,121
abortion and a heavy demand for hospi- all known private and public hospitals hospitals with reporting forms of about
tal services to treat abortion complications were compiled, and hospitals that were not 69,500 abortion-complication patients.
are serious public health problems.10 The on these lists but that were identified The third step was to estimate the like-
maternal mortality ratio is estimated to be through the reporting forms they had sub- ly annual number of abortion complica-
much higher in Bangladesh (480 maternal mitted were added. We identified a total tions treated in the 742 hospitals for which
deaths per 100,000 births) than in the of 1,863 hospitals from all sources. (By com- there were no reporting forms. We used a
Philippines (100 per 100,000).11 A survey parison, government statistics for 1992 in- regression equation in which the number
of health workers in Bangladesh in the late dicated that there were 1,663 hospitals.14) of abortion patients was the dependent
1970s indicated that as many as 26% of Using information from existing hospi- variable and hospital characteristics con-
maternal deaths were due to abortion;12 tal lists or from reporting forms, we creat- sidered to be important determinants of
Philippine government statistics indicate ed a data file of basic descriptive charac- the intake of abortion complication cases
that about 10% of recorded maternal teristics for all hospitals, including were analyzed. These characteristics were
deaths were classified as due to abortion.13 ownership, type and level of hospital, and ownership (public vs. private), hospital
This article presents estimates of levels number of beds. For hospitals that had level (primary, secondary or tertiary), hos-
of induced abortion in the Philippines and submitted a form, other selected informa- pital size (number of beds) and region.
Bangladesh in the mid-1990s, based on an tion was added to the data file, including The regression equation was based on the
indirect estimation methodology. How- the number of abortion complication cases 1,121 hospitals with information on the
ever, the data collection efforts differ for treated (in hospitals where abortion was number of abortion patients, whether di-
each country, reflecting variations both in among the top 10 causes of admission) or rectly reported or estimated.
the availability of the relevant data and in the number of patients treated for the 10th One interaction, between ownership and
the provision of abortion services. most common cause of admission (in hos- size, was significant and was included in
pitals where abortion was not among the the final regression equation. We estimat-
The Philippines top 10 reasons for admission). ed that these 742 hospitals treated about
Estimating the level of abortion in the •Calculating the total number of hospitalized 30,100 women for abortion-related com-
Philippines involved several steps: col- abortion patients. Of the 1,863 hospitals plications per year, making a total of 99,600
lecting information on the number of identified in the Philippines, we obtained women hospitalized for abortion in all hos-
women hospitalized due to abortion com- usable reporting forms for 1,121.‡ We then pitals in the Philippines in 1994 (the cen-
plications; adjusting this number for in- made two basic adjustments to the data:
completeness; separating out women If reporting forms were available for more *Nevertheless, these data have been used in special pro-
jects: For example, the LUCENA system has collected and
treated for complications of spontaneous than one year, the data were averaged; if processed admissions statistics from 21 hospitals since
abortion; and calculating the total num- the form covered only part of a year, the 1993, and in a pilot project in Northern Mindanao, a cod-
ber of women having an induced abor- number of patients was adjusted to cre- ing and tabulation program was developed to utilize the
tion, safe or unsafe, based on the number ate an annual estimate, proportional to the data from hospital reporting forms. Both of these projects
were developed by the Health and Management Infor-
of women hospitalized and on assump- number of months covered by the form.§ mation System of the Philippine Department of Health.
tions concerning the ratio of the total to the Overall, in 345 hospitals, abortion was
†A letter of authorization was obtained in 1996 from Sec-
number hospitalized. We arrived at these one of the 10 main causes of admission and
retary of Health H. J. Ramiro to facilitate data collection,
assumptions after considering all avail- a direct count of the number of women and both central and regional staff from the Department
able information concerning the safety of hospitalized for abortion complications of Health assisted with the fieldwork. Data for Northern
abortion practice and access to hospitals. was available. For the remaining 776, we Mindanao were obtained directly from the Department
of Health, which had already processed that region’s
These data were then used to estimate the used the number of patients admitted for
records in their pilot study.
abortion rate and the abortion ratio. the 10th most common cause of hospital-
ization as part of our estimation process. ‡Forms were obtained for 80 additional hospitals, but
these lacked some information that was essential to this
Methodology We developed a three-step method- analysis, and could not be used. Nonobstetric specialty
•Data availability and data collection. As part ology to estimate the number of women hospitals were also excluded.
of licensing regulations, all hospitals in the hospitalized because of abortion in all hos-
§Of the 1,121 hospitals with usable reporting forms, 221
Philippines are required each year to com- pitals, including those for which the num- had data for three years, 347 had data for two years, 383
plete and submit to their regional De- ber was not directly available. First, there had information for one year and 170 had information
partment of Health office a form report- were almost 51,000 hospitalizations be- for part of a year only.
ing on their facilities and on services cause of abortion in the 345 hospitals in **Additional information for Northern Mindanao sup-
provided, including the number of pa- which abortion complications were ports this assumption: For six hospitals where abortion
tients treated for each of the top 10 caus- among the 10 leading causes of admission ranked below the 10th cause and for which data were
available on both the 10th cause and the number of abor-
es of hospital admission. However, these and for which a direct count of such ad- tion patients, abortion complications accounted for about
forms are not compiled, processed or tab- missions was available; this information 60% of the total number of patients hospitalized for the
ulated for the country as a whole.* For the needed no further adjustment. 10th-ranking diagnosis.

Volume 23, Number 3, September 1997 101

Estimating Abortions in the Philippines and Bangladesh

tral year of the period covered, 1993–1995). 1993 National Demographic Survey show ly to get the treatment she needs for med-
•Estimating the number of women requiring that nationally, 28% of women delivered at ical problems related to abortion.
hospitalization exclusively for induced abortion. a health facility, but this proportion ranges Unfortunately, there have been no large-
Some hospitalized abortion patients are from 11% in the Cagayan Valley region to scale, community-based surveys of women
treated for the complications of a sponta- 68% in metropolitan Manila.17 that might provide a reasonable estimate of
neous pregnancy loss rather than of an in- Thus, by applying 3.41% to the number the proportion of all women having induced
duced abortion. However, in settings in of live births18 and by multiplying the re- abortions who become hospitalized. After
which induced abortion is illegal, as in the sulting number by the proportion likely to reviewing all available information, we con-
Philippines, hospital records typically do not obtain hospital care, we can estimate the cluded that this proportion most likely
distinguish between induced and sponta- number of women likely to be hospitalized ranges between one in four and one in five
neous abortions, because of the possible for a late spontaneous abortion separate- nationally, but that in regions with greater
legal consequences. An essential step, there- ly for each of the 16 regions; by combining access to safe abortion—or with poorer ac-
fore, is to separate out the number of patients regions, we obtain values for the four cess to hospitals—it may be one in six. Thus,
hospitalized for treatment of the complica- major areas of the country. The resulting the multiplier appropriate for the Philip-
tions of spontaneous abortion. estimated annual number of women hos- pines would range between four and six.
Because it has the advantage of being pitalized because of spontaneous abortion Data from a number of studies provid-
comparable across areas, an indirect meth- is just under 20,000, or about 20% of all ed the basis for this estimate:
od of estimating the number of women women hospitalized each year for all abor- •Two Philippine community surveys pro-
hospitalized for spontaneous miscarriages tions. The remainder, about 80,000, are con- duced relevant information. One, a 1978
was used. In the absence of induced abor- sidered to be women hospitalized for com- community survey in Cavite province,
tion, both the distribution of pregnancy plications of induced abortion. found that 12% of women (or about one in
loss by gestation and the proportion of live •Estimating the total number of induced abor- eight) who reported having one or more
births among all pregnancies are fairly tions. Our next step was to derive a mul- abortions had been hospitalized for com-
constant across populations. Such data are tiplier, or inflation factor, with which to es- plications.19 The other, conducted in 1994,
available both historically and from recent timate the number of women who have an found that among 170 women in metro-
clinic-based studies in the United States abortion but who do not need or do not politan Manila who reported ever having
and other countries.15 obtain treatment at a hospital. This in- had an abortion, about 36% (or one in three)
In clinic studies, estimates of pregnan- cludes women who die before obtaining had been hospitalized for complications.20
cy loss by gestation are based on all preg- hospital care, those who have a compli- Neither of these studies may be gener-
nancies recognized at an early point in cation but do not obtain hospital care alizable to the whole country in the 1990s,
gestation (e.g., at five weeks). We assume (whether due to poor access to hospitals though. The proportion of women hospi-
that late miscarriages (those at 13–22 or to a reluctance to seek treatment), those talized in a rural area such as Cavite, and
weeks) are likely to be accompanied by who obtain care from a private doctor and in other rural areas, may have been high-
complications that require hospital care.* those who have an uncomplicated abor- er in the mid-1990s than it was in 1978. On
Miscarriages at 13–22 weeks account for tion. For example, if 20% of women hav- the other hand, the estimate for Manila
about 2.89% of all recognized pregnancies, ing an abortion are hospitalized for com- was based on a small number of cases and
although since live births are 84.8% of all plications (i.e., one out of every five had a large sample error. In addition, it is
recognized pregnancies, such miscar- women having an abortion), then the in- difficult to generalize to the rest of the
riages are equal to 3.41% of all live births. flation factor would be five, and multi- Philippines from Manila, a large urban
Since the number of live births is known, plying the number of women hospitalized area with better access both to hospital
this proportion can be used to estimate the as a result of an induced abortion by five care and to safe abortion services.
number of women having late miscar- would yield the total number of abortions •Philippine health professionals knowl-
riages.16 We applied this proportion to the occurring in the reference period. edgeable about abortion believe that about
number of annual births in the Philippines In general, the safer abortion services one in four women (27%) who had an in-
to estimate the number of late sponta- are, the higher the multiplier that is need- duced abortion would be hospitalized for
neous abortions there. ed, because for every woman hospitalized, complications.21 Over the last two decades,
However, a further adjustment is need- many have abortions that do not result in the safety of abortion services has im-
ed to obtain the number of women likely complications or hospitalizations. Con- proved, as abortions have increasingly
to be hospitalized because of a late sponta- comitantly, the poorer and less safe abor- been provided by medical and paramed-
neous abortion. Since not all women who tion services are in a given setting, the ical personnel, reducing the proportion
need hospital care for the treatment of late lower the multiplier will be, because a needing hospitalization among all women
spontaneous abortion have access to a hos- higher proportion of women have serious obtaining an abortion. The 1996 health pro-
pital, we assumed that the proportion of complications. fessionals survey found that while un-
women having a late spontaneous abortion Safety is not the only consideration, trained abortion practitioners in the Philip-
who are likely to be hospitalized is the same however. The multiplier is also a function pines are still thought to frequently use
as the proportion of women giving birth of the general availability of hospital ser- traditional methods, such as abdominal
who deliver in a hospital. Data from the vices. Where such services are easily ac- massage, these providers are also believed
cessible, the proportion of women with to have increased their use of hormones
*Although some women with miscarriages at gestations complications who receive hospital treat- and modern drugs.22 The health profes-
of less than 12 weeks may seek medical care, many are
ment will be higher. In poor regions or in sionals also estimated that about half of
likely to do so on an outpatient basis, and relatively few
will be hospitalized. Pregnancy losses at 22 or more weeks underdeveloped rural areas, on the other nonpoor urban women seeking an abor-
are not considered because they are usually not classi- hand, where hospitals are few, even the tion would obtain it from a physician, a
fied as abortions, but as fetal deaths. most seriously affected woman is unlike- nurse or a midwife, and that even among

102 International Family Planning Perspectives

Table 1. Measures related to calculating the number of women hospitalized for induced abor-
tion complications, and estimated total number of induced abortions, by multiplier to account The process of estimating the level of abor-
for women not hospitalized, according to major area, the Phillippines, 1994 tion in Bangladesh differs from that for the
Philippines because there are two com-
Area* Total No. of hos- All No. of women Total no. of induced abortions
no. of pitals with hospita- hospitalized ponents to be considered: clandestine, un-
hospitals reporting lizations for induced 4 5 6 safe induced abortion, and menstrual reg-
forms for abortion abortion† ulation performed by vacuum aspiration.
Philippines 1,863 1,121 99,601 80,103 320,413 400,515 480,618 We combined separate estimates of the
Metro Manila 166 108 25,951 20,917 83,668 104,585 125,502
Rest of Luzon 871 478 45,938 38,899 155,596 194,495 233,394
total number of women having induced
Visayas 278 181 10,831 6,895 27,580 34,475 41,370 abortions other than menstrual regula-
Mindanaos 548 354 16,881 13,392 53,568 66,960 80,352 tions and the total number of menstrual
*The four major areas are: metropolitan Manila; the rest of Luzon, which is comprised of Ilocos Region, Cagayan Valley, Central Luzon, regulation procedures, to produce an
Southern Tagalog, Bicol and Cordillera Autonomous Region; the Visayas, which are comprised of Western Visayas, Central Visayas
and Eastern Visayas; and the Mindanaos, which are comprised of Western Mindanao, Northern Mindanao, Southern Mindanao, Cen- overall estimate of the number of volun-
tral Mindanao, the Autonomous Region Muslim Mindanao and Caraga. Calculations were done separately for each of the 16 regions, tary pregnancy terminations occurring in
and then summed to obtain results for the four major areas. †After the number hospitalized for spontaneous abortion was subtracted.
The estimation process for the first com-
poor urban and rural women, between were based on the assumption that the ponent was similar to that used in the
one-quarter and one-third would do so. number of abortion providers might range Philippines, except that Bangladeshi hos-
•One of the highest documented hospi- from as few as 1,000 to as many as 5,000 pitals have no standardized reporting of
talization levels was that found in Chile and on estimates of the average number abortions or of any other statistics (al-
in the 1960s, when abortion provision was of abortions performed each year, based though a few very large teaching hospi-
highly unsafe: Community surveys on interviews with providers. tals produce annual statistical reports).
showed that about one in three women The medium-level national abortion Thus, we obtained the total number of
having an abortion were hospitalized.23 rate derived from our analysis (based on women hospitalized for abortion compli-
Across the Philippines, there evidently a multiplier of five) is 25 induced abor- cations by carrying out a sample survey
are large differences in the types of abor- tions per 1,000 women aged 15–44 (Table of hospitals. To derive an estimate of the
tion methods used, in the safety of the pro- 2). The low estimate is 20 per 1,000 and the total number of menstrual regulations, we
cedure and in the probability of compli- high estimate is 30 per 1,000. The abortion began with official statistics on menstru-
cations, according to a woman’s income ratio (the number of abortions per 100 al regulation and then estimated the level
level, social class and area of residence. pregnancies) would be 16 per 100 if the of underreporting of these procedures.
However, it seems highly unlikely that by multiplier were five and would fall be-
the early 1990s, the multiplier for the tween 13 and 19 per 100 if the multiplier Number of Induced Abortions
Philippines would be as low as three. To were either four or six. •Survey of Bangladesh hospitals. In 1996, to
provide a range within which the true Regional variations in the estimated estimate the number of women hospital-
level is likely to fall, therefore, we made abortion rate are large. The two most ized each year for complications of in-
three estimates, based on multipliers of urban regions of the country have high duced abortion, we carried out a sample
four, five and six. rates: The medium estimate for metro- survey of 110 hospitals (about one-seventh
politan Manila (41 per 1,000) is the high- of all facilities).* A 1978–1979 study had
Results est, and that for the rest of Luzon is mod- found large variations by area in the level
Nationally, according to the moderate es- erately high (30 per 1,000). A relatively low of maternal mortality attributed to abor-
timate (a multiplier of five), the annual rate is found in the Mindanaos (18 per tion,25 suggesting that variation in the
number of induced abortions in the Philip- 1,000), although it is somewhat higher in level of abortion complications and of
pines in 1994 was about 400,000 (Table 1). some parts of this island grouping (e.g., abortion itself may still be substantial. We
If the multiplier were four, the total would 23–24 per 1,000 in Southern and Western expected that a survey of this many hos-
be 320,000, while if it were six, the total Mindanao and 29 per 1,000 in Central Min- pitals, based on a systematic area sample
would be about 480,000. In comparison, danao). Very low levels of abortion are drawn with a random start, would cap-
an earlier study estimated that the annu- found in the Visayas (11 per 1,000). ture the range of variation.
al number of induced abortions in the We converted the number of women A senior medical officer in each sam-
Philippines in 1982 was in the range of hospitalized into annual rates to measure pled facility was interviewed using a
155,000 to 750,000.24 That study’s estimates the incidence of hospitalization for treat- structured questionnaire.† Two sets of
ment of abortion complications per 1,000 questions were asked on the number of
Table 2. Estimated annual abortion rate and abor- women of reproductive age. The estimat- patients treated for abortion complica-
tion ratio, by major area, according to multiplier ed rates indicate clear regional differences tions, allowing us to create and compare
Area Abortion rate Abortion ratio
in the likelihood that a woman would be
hospitalized in any given year for the treat- *The universe of facilities represented by this sample is
4 5 6 4 5 6 all hospitals and clinics that treat inpatients. The sample
ment of complications from induced abor- does not represent the large number of clinics without
Philippines 20 25 30 13 16 19 tion. The rate of hospitalization is highest beds, some of which may treat women with abortion
Metro Manila 33 41 50 28 33 37 for women living in metropolitan Mani- complications on an outpatient basis.
Rest of Luzon 24 30 36 15 18 21
Visayas 9 11 13 6 7 8
la—eight per 1,000 women aged 15–44. It †The Bangladesh Association for Prevention of Septic
Mindanaos 14 18 21 9 11 13 is lowest in the Visayas (two per 1,000) and Abortion (BAPSA) fielded the survey. In larger hospi-
tals, the person interviewed was the consultant, medical
intermediate (five per 1,000—around the officer or chief of the department of obstetrics and gy-
Note: Abortion rate is the number of abortions per 1,000 women aged
15–44; abortion ratio is the number of abortions per 100 pregnancies. national average) in the remaining two necology; in smaller facilities, the local health officer or
major areas, Luzon and the Mindanaos. family planning officer was interviewed.

Volume 23, Number 3, September 1997 103

Estimating Abortions in the Philippines and Bangladesh

Table 3. Sample information; estimated number of women hospitalized for complications of abortions, by type of abortion; estimated total num-
ber of induced abortions, by multiplier; and total number of menstrual regulations; all according to division, Bangladesh, 1995

Division No. of Sample No. of women hospitalized for Total no. of induced abortions Total no. of
hospitals hospita- menstrual
in sample lizations All Spontaneous Menstrual Induced 4 5 6 regulations
for abortion abortions abortions regulations abortions*

Bangladesh 110 24,377 90,766 18,973 19,367 52,426 209,704 262,130 314,556 468,299
Dhaka 29 7,163 32,747 7,126 7,155 18,466 73,864 92,330 110,796 229,689
Rajshahi 27 5,160 18,904 3,822 4,380 10,702 42,808 53,510 64,212 81,911
Khulna 15 3,144 14,308 3,470 3,632 7,206 28,824 36,030 43,236 31,235
Barisal 10 1,458 3,375 112 1,320 1,943 7,772 9,715 11,658 42,055
Chittagong 29 7,452 21,432 4,443 2,880 14,109 56,436 70,545 84,654 83,409

*After subtracting the number hospitalized with complications due to spontaneous abortion or menstrual regulation.

two estimates. The first was based on di- teaching hospitals, about 59 district hos- have been treated as outpatients, while the
rect questions about the monthly number pitals, 372 hospitals at the thana level (a remainder were treated as inpatients.
of patients treated for any abortion com- thana is the next smaller administrative •Estimating the number of patients hospital-
plications, separately for outpatients and area below a district) and approximately ized for induced abortion complications. To ob-
inpatients. The second, an indirect ap- 333 nongovernmental hospitals.* All 13 tain the number of women hospitalized for
proach, used questions about the average teaching hospitals—the largest facilities in complications from induced abortion, we
weekly number of all patients treated (sep- the country—were included in the survey. had to separate out and subtract two types
arately for each ward in which abortion To obtain representative coverage of all of abortion patients: women admitted to
patients are treated), and the proportion other hospitals, we drew a systematic area a hospital due to a spontaneous abortion,
of patients on each ward who are hospi- sample with a random start, selecting 16 and those hospitalized for a complication
talized for abortion complications. We ex- of the 64 districts in the country and 55 of resulting from menstrual regulation.
amined the consistency of answers to the 88 thanas in the selected districts. (Al- To identify the first group, we examined
these two sets of questions, as well as their most all districts have one district-level responses to a direct question on the 1996
consistency with other data (e.g., the num- hospital, and about 75% of the 486 thanas hospital survey. In it, respondents esti-
ber of beds in the wards, the total number have a thana-level facility. In addition, mated that slightly more than 19,000
of patients treated and the number of de- nongovernmental or voluntary facilities women (or 21% of all hospitalized abor-
liveries at that hospital). also operate in many thanas.) The sample tion patients) were treated for complica-
As an external consistency check, we included the district hospital in each se- tions related to a spontaneous abortion.†
also compared the number of women hos- lected district and the thana hospital in The 1996 hospital survey also showed
pitalized for abortion complications at each selected thana, as well as at least one that about 19,300 of all women hospitalized
three large hospitals (according to their an- voluntary facility in each selected district. for abortion nationwide were treated for
nual hospital reports) with our survey re- Interviews were completed in all 13 complications of menstrual regulation. If
sults. This comparison confirmed that the teaching hospitals, in 17 district hospitals, these patients are subtracted from the total
survey data were of acceptable quality.26 in 55 thana hospitals and in 25 voluntary fa- number hospitalized for induced abortion,
The sample was selected to represent all cilities (nine more than expected). The sam- we can conclude that over a year, an esti-
hospitals in the country that receive abor- ple was weighted by type of facility and by mated 52,400 women in Bangladesh are
tion cases, as well as to maximize cover- division: Within each of the five adminis- treated for complications of induced abor-
age of large hospitals. Bangladesh has 13 trative divisions, weights for district and tions other than menstrual regulations.
thana hospitals were calculated based on •Estimating the total number of induced abor-
*An additional 174 government facilities, specialized ac- the proportion of beds in the sampled fa- tions other than menstrual regulations. As
cording to purpose (e.g., infectious diseases or tubercu-
losis, among others) or organization (the Population Con-
cilities; for private or voluntary hospitals, with the Philippines, in order to estimate
trol Division’s maternity hospitals, for example, or police weights were based on the proportion of fa- the total number of women having an in-
and jail hospitals) were not included, because they were cilities that were sampled, because detailed duced abortion, we must use a multipli-
not considered likely to receive women with abortion information on number of beds in each fa- er representing the ratio of women who
cility was unavailable. (No weighting was had an induced abortion but were are not
†Applying the same indirect methodology used for the
needed for teaching hospitals, because all hospitalized for complications to women
Philippines to estimate the number of women likely to
have a late miscarriage each year would produce a much were surveyed.) The sample was designed who were hospitalized. No existing
lower estimate—about 4.5% of all hospitalized abortion to permit estimates at the division level. Bangladeshi community surveys provide
complication cases. A 1988 study carried out in eight hos- The 110 hospitals sampled reported a an estimate of this proportion, but we can
pitals of varying types applied the World Health Orga-
nization classification and estimated that 32% of 1,262 hos-
total of nearly 24,400 hospitalized abortion use other available information to arrive
pitalized abortion patients interviewed were being patients. After applying sample weights, at such an estimate.
treated for spontaneous pregnancy losses (see: S. F. we found that the total estimated number Two factors must be taken into account:
Begum et al., 1991, reference 10). However, the symptoms of hospitalized abortion patients in women’s likelihood of experiencing a com-
of spontaneous and induced abortion are very similar;
in addition, a substantial proportion (about one-third) Bangladesh in 1996 was about 90,800 (see plication that requires hospitalization, and
of abortions classified as spontaneous were at low ges- Table 3), of whom almost 14,000 were their likelihood of being treated in a hos-
tations (10 weeks or less), when women experiencing a treated in teaching hospitals, 13,800 in dis- pital when they experience complications.
miscarriage are unlikely to be hospitalized. It is possible
trict hospitals, 33,200 in thana hospitals Bangladeshi respondents to a survey of
that some of these women may have had an induced
abortion, and that spontaneous abortions represented a and 29,800 in voluntary facilities. Nation- health professionals knowledgeable about
somewhat lower proportion than was estimated. ally, 21,000 (about 23%) are estimated to abortion services estimated that 40% of

104 International Family Planning Perspectives

women obtaining an abortion have a seri- ever, such statistics suffer from a very high
Table 4. Estimated annual abortion rate and abor-
ous medical complication, and that about level of underreporting: A 1985–1986 sur- tion ratio, by division, according to multiplier
half of these would be hospitalized.27 vey of menstrual regulation providers
Those interviewed in the hospital survey found that recorded menstrual regulations Division Abortion rate Abortion ratio
also estimated that about 50% of women represented only 29% of the number of 4 5 6 4 5 6
requiring hospitalization for an abortion procedures that surveyed providers said Bangladesh 26 28 30 17 18 19
complication would obtain such care. they had actually performed.30 Thus, we Dhaka 38 40 42 22 23 24
Rajshahi 18 20 22 13 14 15
These results suggest that about one in chose to use indirect methods to estimate Khulna 18 20 23 13 15 16
five women who have an induced abor- the number of menstrual regulation pro- Barisal 27 28 29 17 17 18
Chittagong 22 24 27 13 14 16
tion will both need and obtain hospital cedures performed in 1995.
care, producing a multiplier of five. Con- We combined estimates from the
sidering the very high ratio of population 1985–1986 study of the annual number of duced abortions were performed annually
to hospital beds in Bangladesh (there are menstrual regulations performed in the in Bangladesh in the early 1990s.32 Our
about 3,189 persons per hospital bed in mid-1980s with information on the rate of lowest annual total—678,000—is sub-
Bangladesh, compared to 647 persons per increase in the number of trained providers stantially higher than that estimate, be-
bed in the Philippines),28 it seems realis- to project the number of menstrual regu- cause our approach produces higher es-
tic to expect that a lower proportion of lations in the mid-1990s. From BAPSA timates both of the number of menstrual
women needing care would obtain it; if so, records of the number of formally trained regulations and of the number of induced
the multiplier would be higher. Howev- providers—both doctors and family wel- abortions.
er, since we lacked any additional infor- fare visitors—it is clear that this number al- Are these estimates exaggerated? Almost
mation that might provide the basis for a most doubled between 1985–1986 and 20 years ago, a 1978–1979 study conclud-
more likely multiplier than five, we chose 1995, from 6,158 to 11,944.31 ed that nationally in Bangladesh, there
to apply a range around it (four, five and The 1985–1986 survey drew sampled were 780,000 abortions per year,33 a figure
six). These three multipliers were applied providers from existing lists of formally that some analysts considered too high.34
to the number of women estimated to be trained providers and included informally Yet an estimate of even half that level for
hospitalized for induced abortion each trained providers reported by formally the late 1970s (365,000 abortions) would
year in Bangladesh—52,400—to obtain a trained health professionals; an estimated imply an annual abortion rate of 24 per
range of estimates of the total number of 241,400 menstrual regulations were per- 1,000 women aged 15–44 in 1978. It seems
induced abortions (other than menstrual formed annually at that time. Given that the unlikely that a rate twice that level (48 per
regulations) occurring each year—from number of providers has nearly doubled 1,000) would have prevailed in the late
210,000 to 314,000 (Table 3). since then, we might expect a correspond- 1970s; it is more likely that the level pre-
ing increase in the number of procedures vailing in the late 1970s would be similar
Number of Menstrual Regulations carried out—that is, about 468,000 menstrual to that currently estimated for 1995, or even
The legal provision of menstrual regula- regulation procedures in 1995 (Table 3).† lower. In light of the tremendous amount
tion was initiated in Bangladesh in 1975, of social change in Bangladesh since 1978—
and is administered by the government Results not least of which are the increased desire
under the division of family planning. Pro- Combining the estimated numbers of in- of women and couples to control their fam-
grams to train medical personnel in men- duced abortions and of menstrual regu- ily size, a concomitant decline in family
strual regulation, started in the late 1970s, lations yields three alternative estimates size, a large increase in contraceptive use
have expanded over the years and now in- of the annual number of pregnancy ter- and the expansion of menstrual regulation
clude several government centers, as well minations in Bangladesh in the mid-1990s services—it seems highly likely that the
as centers operated by nongovernmental (Table 3). Rounded to the nearest thou- abortion rate would have at least remained
organizations such as the Bangladesh sand, the national totals derived from at its earlier level, if not increased.
Women’s Health Coalition, the Bangladesh these three alternative approaches come The overall rate of hospitalization due
Association for Prevention of Septic Abor- to 678,000, 730,000 and 783,000. to complications of induced abortion is 2.4
tion (BAPSA) and the Menstrual Regula- At the national level, the three estimates per 1,000 women per year. Most of these
tion Training and Services Program. of the number of abortions in Bangladesh complications (about 75%) are due to un-
Formal training courses, typically of 2–3 produce a range of estimated abortion
weeks’ duration, are given to physicians rates for 1995—annual rates of 26, 28 and *Family welfare visitors are women who have complet-
ed a high school education and who have obtained two
and family welfare visitors.* Some trained 30 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15–44 years of paramedical training; they represent the major-
providers may informally train others, (Table 4). These rates are moderate com- ity of menstrual regulation providers in rural areas.
mainly by allowing them to observe, assist pared to levels worldwide. Dhaka divi- †An alternative, plausible approach could be to use es-
in and, in some cases, practice the proce- sion, which contains the large Dhaka met- timates of the 1985–1986 average annual number of men-
dure under observation. These informally ropolitan area, has the highest incidence, strual regulations performed by each of the two main
trained providers include physicians, fam- a rate of 40 per 1,000 women (the medium types of providers (82 by physicians and 46 by female
welfare visitors) and of the number of active providers
ily welfare visitors, medical assistants, estimate); estimated rates in all other di-
in 1995 (the total number trained, reduced by the 42% of
nurses and traditional birth attendants.29 visions are much lower. Rajshahi and physicians and 27% of female welfare visitors thought
Some private doctors, family welfare Khulna have similar, relatively low rates in 1985–1986 to be no longer active in providing men-
visitors and nongovernmental facilities re- (20 per 1,000 women per year), while strual regulations), and then adjust these to allow for the
port the procedures they have performed Barisal and Chittagong have slightly high- proportion of menstrual regulations done by informal-
ly trained providers. This approach produces a much
to the government's management infor- er rates (28 and 24 per 1,000, respectively). higher annual total number of menstrual regulation pro-
mation system, and BAPSA publishes A recent review concluded that at least cedures (722,000). Such an estimate suggests that the rates
these statistics on a regular basis. How- 450,000 menstrual regulations and in- presented in this article may be conservative.

Volume 23, Number 3, September 1997 105

Estimating Abortions in the Philippines and Bangladesh

in both countries, al- summary index suggests that family plan-

Table 5. Fertility-related measures that may contribute to levels
of induced abortion, the Phillippines and Bangladesh, mid-1990s though it is somewhat ning program strength is greater in
higher in the Philippines Bangladesh than in the Philippines.38 Since
Measure Philippines Bangladesh (26%) than in Bang- the 1970s, the family planning program
(1993) (1993–1994)
ladesh (19%). Yet contra- has been a priority for the Bangladeshi
Annual abortion rate* 25 28 ceptive use has greatly government, and service delivery has
Total fertility rate† 4.1 3.4
% of pregnancies that are unplanned 53 46 increased over the past taken a multisectoral, broad-based ap-
% of recent births that are unwanted 16 13 10–15 years, especially proach, with activities including the ex-
% of recent births that are mistimed 28 20
% who ever used any method‡ 61 66
in Bangladesh, where tensive training of fieldworkers (empha-
% who currently use any method‡ 40 45 about 45% of currently sizing the use of female staff to meet the
Sterilization 12 9 married women were cultural need for women to be served by
IUD 3 2
Pill 9 22
practicing contraception women), the establishment of information
Other modern methods§ 1 3 in the early 1990s. In the and education services, the use of mobile
Traditional methods** 15 9 Philippines, this propor- sterilization teams, the setting up of local-
% who discontinued using pill
due to health-related side effects†† 31 52 tion was slightly lower level clinics, a focus on the extension of
First-year discontinuation rate for pill‡‡ 33 38 (40%), but reliance on services into rural areas and an attempt to
% with unmet need§§ 26 19 less effective, traditional increase limited maternal and child health
*Medium estimate. †Derived from respective Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) for the methods was much services. Nevertheless, to maintain its mo-
three-year period preceding the survey date. ‡Among currently married women aged 15–49.
§Condom, diaphragm, foam and jelly. **Periodic abstinence and withdrawal. ††Among all dis-
higher. Moreover, re- mentum and effectiveness, critics say that
continuations during the past five years. ‡‡Excluding those who stopped to become pregnant. search in the Philippines the program must address many contin-
§§DHS definition. Sources: Bangladesh—see S.N. Mitra et al., 1994, reference 36; Philip-
pines—see reference 17.
points to an additional uing challenges.39
barrier—the frequent ob- The Philippine family planning pro-
jection of the male part- gram has been in place since the 1970s, but
safe induced abortions, and the remainder ner to contraceptive practice.37 it suffered a setback during the Aquino ad-
are estimated to result from menstrual reg- Considering that contraceptive use is ministration (1986–1992), when political
ulation. The annual estimated number of somewhat lower in the Philippines, that and financial support was weakened as a
complications requiring hospitalization traditional methods with high failure rates result of the strong influence of the
that result from menstrual regulation are more commonly used and that societal Catholic Church. In addition, as a result
(19,300) represents about 4% of the ap- support for family planning is less strong of the devolution of health services to local
proximately 468,000 menstrual regulation than in Bangladesh, we would expect to government bodies in 1993, local govern-
procedures performed annually. This is a find a higher level of abortion there than ment now assumes the primary respon-
very low level of hospitalization, consid- in Bangladesh. However, estimated levels sibility for the provision of family plan-
ering that it reflects care by some providers of abortion for the two countries are sim- ning services. Thus, the national program
who are informally trained. In comparison, ilar: according to the medium-level esti- now focuses mainly on technical assis-
induced abortions other than menstrual mates (a multiplier of five), annual rates tance and policy issues. Although devo-
regulations are estimated to have a com- of 25 abortions per 1,000 women of repro- lution does not yet seem to have had a
plication rate of about 40% and a hospi- ductive age in the Philippines and 28 per negative impact on numbers of contra-
talization rate of about 20%.35 1,000 in Bangladesh. Such factors as greater ceptive users (as contraceptive use among
social conservatism, ambivalence about so- married women aged 15–44 increased
Discussion cial values and about attitudes concerning from 42% in 1993 to 48% in 1996), com-
Recent national fertility surveys reveal family planning services (and fertility con- munity influence is likely to become
that unplanned births are still common in trol in general), strong public opposition greater, and in some areas, opposition to
both Bangladesh and the Philippines.36 In to abortion and poorer access to safe abor- the provision of family planning services
Bangladesh, about one-third of all recent tion services in the Philippines may ac- may be stronger than when policy was
births were reported as unplanned—13% count for this seeming discrepancy. more centrally established and directed.40
unwanted and 20% mistimed. In the Because of the high level of reliance on Bangladesh and the Philippines face
Philippines, the equivalent proportions menstrual regulation in Bangladesh, hos- somewhat different policy options to ad-
were 44%—16% unwanted and 28% mis- pitalization of women with complications dress their induced abortion problems. In
timed. When the annual number of abor- of abortion is much lower there than in the Bangladesh, where menstrual regulation
tions estimated here is added to the annual Philippines. The number of women hos- is legally allowed, improved menstrual reg-
number of live births, we conclude that pitalized each year for treatment of com- ulation services (increased availability in
each year, 45% of pregnancies in plications of induced abortion is somewhat rural areas, better access for all women—
Bangladesh and 53% in the Philippines are higher in the Philippines—about 80,000, including the unmarried and those having
unplanned. (An estimated 18% of preg- compared with 72,000 in Bangladesh. a first pregnancy—and intensive efforts to
nancies in Bangladesh and 16% in the Given that the Filipino population is ap- educate women about the legality of men-
Philippines are resolved as abortions.) proximately 60% that of Bangladesh, the strual regulation, where to obtain services
These high levels of unplanned preg- rate of hospitalization due to unsafe abor- and gestational limits) could substantial-
nancy are probably a result of the strong tion is much higher in the Philippines than ly reduce resort to unsafe abortion. In the
motivation of women and couples in both in Bangladesh: 5.0 hospitalizations per Philippines, where abortion is legally re-
countries to control their family size and to 1,000 women per year vs. 2.7 per 1,000. stricted, and in Bangladesh as well, con-
space their births, combined with still high Government provision of family plan- traceptive counseling and referrals for
levels of nonuse or poor use of contracep- ning services is emphasized in both coun- women being treated for complications of
tives. Table 5 shows that unmet need is high tries. However, one commonly accepted abortion are both greatly needed.

106 International Family Planning Perspectives

At the same time, both countries would USA, 1988, p. 37. gy, 12:157–170, 1988.
also benefit from some similar policy and 7. Ibid.; and Bangladesh Association for Prevention of 25. R. W. Rochat et al., 1981, op. cit. (see reference 12).
service measures. Improvements in any Septic Abortion (BAPSA), MR Newsletter, Mar. 1996.
26. Dhaka Medical College, “Activities of Obstetrics and
aspect of contraceptive services would 8. BAPSA, 1996, op. cit. (see reference 7). Gynecology Department,” unpublished reports for 1993
help in reducing levels of unplanned preg- and 1994; Institute of Postgraduate Medicine and Re-
nancy and abortion. These might include 9. S. F. Begum, H. Kamal and G. M. Kamal, “A Study on
search, Dhaka, “Statistics of Gynae Patients,” unpub-
Menstrual Regulation Providers in Bangladesh,” BAPSA,
extending the network of family planning Dhaka, 1984; and S. Singh, D. Wulf and H. Jones, 1997,
lished report for 1991; and Sir Salimullah Medical Col-
services (thereby expanding the range of lege (Mitford Hospital), Dhaka, Department of Obstetrics
op. cit. (see reference 5).
and Gynecology, unpublished reports for 1993 and 1994.
contraceptive methods offered), improv-
10. A. B. Marcelo and Project Management Team, “At-
ing the quality of services (especially with titudes and Perceptions Towards Induced Abortion: The
27. S. Singh, D. Wulf and H. Jones, 1997, op. cit. (see ref-
the goal of counseling women and couples Women, Professionals and the Public,” paper presented erence 5).
about the proper use of methods and at 1991 conference on Attitudes and Perceptions Towards 28. The World Bank, Social Indicators of Development, 1995:
about alternative choices if a method is un- Induced Abortion, Institute for Social Studies and Ac- A World Bank Book, Washington, D. C., 1995.
tion, Quezon City, Philippines, Mar. 15, 1991; N. J. Ford
satisfactory), including husbands in the and A. B. Manlagnit, “Social Factors Associated with 29. S. F. Begum, H. Kamal and G. M. Kamal, “Evaluation
process of family planning decision-mak- Abortion-Related Morbidity in the Philippines,” British of MR services in Bangladesh,” BAPSA, Dhaka, 1987, pp.
ing, and improving communication be- Journal of Family Planning, 20:92–95, 1994; A. R. Khan et 1–2 & 11.
tween spouses. al., “Induced Abortion in a Rural Area of Bangladesh,”
30. Ibid., Table 7.3, p. 45.
However, the practice of abortion always Studies in Family Planning, 17:95–99, 1986; and S. F. Begum
et al., “Hospital-Based Descriptive Study of Illegally In- 31. Ibid., Table 2.1B, p. 6, and Table 5.6, p. 25.
reflects wider influences than simply that duced Abortion-Related Mortality and Morbidity, and
of a country’s family planning program. A Its Cost on Health Services,” Publication No. 5, BAPSA, 32. H. Kamal et al., Prospects of Menstrual Regulation Ser-
range of cultural, social, religious and eco- Dhaka, 1991. vices in Bangladesh, Publication No. 9, BAPSA, Dhaka, 1993,
pp. 36–38.
nomic factors contribute to women’s need 11. UN, The World’s Women, 1995: Trends and Statistics,
for abortion, to the type of services avail- New York, 1995, Table 6, pp. 84–88. 33. A. R. Measham et al., “Complications from Induced
able and to the level of induced abortion. Abortion in Bangladesh Related to Types of Practition-
12. R. W. Rochat et al., “Maternal and Abortion-Related er and Methods, and Impact on Mortality,” Lancet,
Consequently, governments may use many Deaths in Bangladesh, 1978–1979,” International Journal I:199–202, 1981; and R. W. Rochat et al., 1981, op. cit. (see
different approaches to address the prob- of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 19:155–164, 1981. reference 12).
lem. However, they are unlikely to be able 13. Health Intelligence Services, 1991 Philippine Health 34. H. Kamal et al., 1993, op. cit. (see reference 32).
to act on all fronts simultaneously. Statistics, Department of Health, Manila, 1994, p. 195.
The Philippines and Bangladesh face a 35. S. Singh, D. Wulf and H. Jones, 1997, op. cit. (see ref-
14. National Statistics Office (NSO), Annual Statistical
number of difficult decisions about where erence 5).
Report of the Philippines, 1992, Manila, 1994, Table 9.15, pp.
and how to invest their scarce health re- 9–29. 36. NSO and Macro International, 1994, op. cit. (see ref-
sources most cost-effectively. Moreover, 15. J. Bongaarts and R. Potter, Fertility, Biology and Be-
erence 17); and S. N. Mitra et al., Bangladesh Demograph-
these decisions and choices will have to be ic and Health Survey, 1993–1994, National Institute of Pop-
havior, Academic Press, New York, 1983; S. Harlap, P. H.
ulation Research and Training, Dhaka, Bangladesh, and
made within widely differing political and Shiono and S. Ramcharan, “A Life Table of Spontaneous
Macro International, Calverton, Md., USA, 1994.
cultural contexts. These variables include Abortions and the Effects of Age, Parity and Other Vari-
religion (Catholicism vs. Islam), the rate of ables,” in E. B. Hook and I. Porter, eds., Human Embry- 37. J. B. Casterline, A. E. Perez and A. E. Biddlecom, Fac-
onic and Fetal Death, Academic Press, New York, 1980, tors Underlying Unmet Need for Family Planning in the
urbanization and modernization, current Table 1, pp. 148 & 157. Philippines, Research Division Working Paper No. 84, The
and changing roles of women, the avail- Population Council, New York, 1996.
16. World Health Organization (WHO), Abortion: A Tab-
ability of resources and political feasibility.
ulation of Available Data on the Frequency and Mortality of 38. W. P. Mauldin and J. Ross, “Family Planning Pro-
Unsafe Abortion, Geneva, 1994; and S. Singh and D. Wulf, grams Efforts and Results, 1982–1989,” Studies in Family
References “Estimated Levels of Induced Abortion in Six Latin Planning, 22:350–367, 1991.
1. T. Barreto et al., “Investigating Induced Abortion in American Countries,” International Family Planning Per-
Developing Countries: Methods and Problems,” Studies spectives, 20:4–13, 1994. 39. Barkat-e-Khuda and A. Barkat, The Bangladesh Fam-
in Family Planning, 23:159–170, 1992. ily Planning Program: Key Programmatic Challenges and Pri-
17. NSO and Macro International, Philippines: National ority Action Areas, University Research Corporation,
2. F. M. Tadiar with M. Omictin-Diaz, “The Problem of Demographic Survey 1993, Manila, the Philippines, and Dhaka, Bangladesh, n.d.
Abortion: The Philippines Case,” in International Planned Calverton, Md., USA, 1994.
Parenthood Federation, East and Southeast and Ocea- 40. Department of Health, National Family Planning and
nia Region, Country Experiences on Abortion, Malaysia, 18. NSO, unpublished estimates of the number of live
Maternal and Child Health Status Report, July 1994–June
1993; and H. H. Akhter, “Abortion: A Situation Analy- births in each region for 1994.
1995, Manila, Philippines, 1995.
sis,” in H. H. Akhter and T. F. Khan, eds., A Bibliography 19. J. M. Flavier and C. H. C. Chen, “Induced Abortion
on Menstrual Regulation and Abortion Studies in Bangladesh, in Rural Villages of Cavite, the Philippines: Knowledge, Resumen
Bangladesh Institute of Research for Promotion of Es- Attitudes and Practice,” Studies in Family Planning,
sential Reproductive Health and Technology, Dhaka, En los países en que no existen o se registran
11:65–71, 1980.
1996. en forma deficiente los datos sobre el aborto in-
3. United Nations (UN) Department of Economic and
20. J. Cabigon, University of the Philippines, Population ducido—tales como las Filipinas y Bangla-
Institute, special tabulations of 1994 Community Survey
Social Development, Abortion Policies: A Global Review, desh—se pueden utilizar técnicas de estima-
of Women in Metro Manila, Dec. 1996.
Vol. III, New York, 1995. ción indirecta para realizar un cálculo
21. S. Singh, D. Wulf and H. Jones, 1997, op. cit. (see ref- aproximado del nivel de aborto. La recopila-
4. F. M. Tadiar with M. Omictin-Diaz, 1993, op. cit. (see
erence 5).
reference 2). ción de datos de mujeres hospitalizadas debi-
5. S. Singh, D. Wulf and H. Jones, “Induced Abortion in
22. Ibid. do a complicaciones del aborto y el uso de téc-
South Central and Southeast Asia: Results of a Survey 23. R. Armijo and T. Monreal, “The Problem of Induced nicas de estimación indirecta indican que la
of Health Professionals,” International Family Planning Abortion in Chile,” Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly, tasa de aborto en las Filipinas se encuentra en
Perspectives, 23:59–67, 1997. 43:263–280, 1965. un margen de 20–30 abortos inducidos por
6. H. H. Akhter, “Bangladesh,” in P. Sachdev, ed., Inter- 24. M. J. De la Rosa, “Induced Abortion: Is It Really a cada 1.000 mujeres de entre 15 y 49 años, y la
national Handbook on Abortion, Greenwood Press, N. Y., Problem?” Philippines Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecolo- (continued on page 144)

Volume 23, Number 3, September 1997 107

Estimating Abortions in the Philippines and Bangladesh

Estimating Abortions… trual realizados por personas capacitadas al- entre 26 et 30 pour 1.000. On estime à 400.000
(continued from page 107) canzan a aproximadamente los dos tercios de le nombre approximatif d'avortements pra-
tasa en Bangladesh se sitúa entre 26 y 30 por todas las terminaciones voluntarias de emba- tiqués chaque année aux Philippines, tandis
1.000. Cada año se realizan aproximadamen- razo que ocurren en Bangladesh. que ce même nombre au Bangladesh est établi
te 400.000 abortos en las Filipinas y esta esti- à environ 730.000. On estime qu'environ
mación alcanza a aproximadamente 730.000 Résumé 80.000 femmes par an sont traitées dans les
en Bangladesh. Se calcula que unas 80.000 Dans les pays où les données sur les avorte- hôpitaux des Philippines pour complications
mujeres reciben atención hospitalaria en las ments provoqués sont sous-déclarées ou n'ex- de l'avortement provoqué; au Bangladesh, en-
Filipinas debido a complicaciones del aborto istent pas—comme aux Philippines ou au viron 52.000 femmes sont traitées pour ces
inducido, y en Bangladesh, aproximadamen- Bangladesh—on peut avoir recours à des tech- complications, et 19.000 autres sont traitées
te 52.000 mujeres se tratan por el mismo tipo niques indirectes d'estimation pour appréci- pour des complications résultant de procédures
de complicaciones, y otras 19.000 son trata- er le niveau d'avortement. La collecte de don- de régulation des menstruations. La probabilité
das debido a complicaciones resultantes de los nées au sujet des femmes hospitalisées pour qu'une femme soit hospitalisée pour compli-
procedimientos para regular la menstruación. complications de l'avortement et l'utilisation cations de l'avortement aux Philippines est le
La probabilidad de que una mujer sea hospi- de ces techniques indirectes d'estimation in- double de celle au Bangladesh, probablement
talizada en las Filipinas debido a complicacio- diquent que le taux d'avortement aux Philip- parce que les procédures de régulation des men-
nes causadas por un aborto llega al doble de la pines se situe dans la plage de 20 à 30 avorte- struations par des travailleurs formés représen-
registrada en Bangladesh, probablemente por- ments provoqués pour 1.000 femmes âgées de tent environ les deux tiers de tous les avorte-
que los procedimientos de regulación mens- 15 à 49 ans, et le taux au Bangladesh varie ments volontaires au Bangladesh.

144 International Family Planning Perspectives

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