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Parking Issues and Policies

On-Street Parking
Wesley E. Marshall
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To cite this document: Wesley E. Marshall . "On-Street Parking" In Parking Issues
and Policies. Published online: 13 Oct 2014; 361-380.
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Wesley E. Marshall
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Purpose To overview the gamut of issues that on-street parking

impacts in mixed-use centers including: parking demand, land use, vehi-
cle speed, road safety, the pedestrian environment, and travel behaviors.
Methodology/approach In addition to reviewing existing literature,
the following two case studies are presented. The first study explores the
impact in centers built before the advent of parking regulations as com-
pared to more contemporary, conventional developments. The second
study investigates how street design factors affected vehicle speeds and
safety, based on a study of over 250 roads.
Findings On-street parking typically: serves the highest demand; is
efficient in terms of land use and cost; induces lower vehicle speeds;
increases safety on low-speed streets; enhances walkability; and fosters
less driving, more pedestrian activity, and increased vitality.
Practical implications On-street parking is one piece of a larger
puzzle of complementary factors that influence issues such as travel beha-
vior and safety, and therefore, it is difficult to isolate. On-street parking
plays a crucial role in helping create places that are walkable, require
less parking, and have more vitality. On-street parking is not purely

Parking: Issues and Policies

Transport and Sustainability, Volume 5, 361 380
Copyright r 2014 by Emerald Group Publishing Limited
All rights of reproduction in any form reserved
ISSN: 2044-9941/doi:10.1108/S2044-994120140000005014

a device to be used in the right environment; rather, it is a tool to help

create that right environment.
Originality/value of chapter Prevailing thought on the subject of
on-street parking has shifted back-and-forth for generations, in part
because most studies focus on one or two impacts. This chapter takes a
more comprehensive approach in order to increase our understanding of
on-street parking in mixed-use, commercial centers.
Keywords: Parking; on-street; land use; walkability; speed; safety
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Cities and towns around the world have struggled to revitalize their down-
town many of which have been dormant for generations. As early as the
1920s, in trying to improve automobile flow, the solution many downtowns
sought revolved around the elimination of on-street parking (Norton, 2008;
Shoup, 2005). Cities such as Los Angeles first tried banning on-street park-
ing in these early days of the automobile after car traffic started to restrict
the flow of streetcars. While this ordinance was reversed just 19 days later,
in part due to claims that parking restrictions were discriminatory against
motorists, the debate about on-street parking was just beginning. Los
Angeles went back-and-forth on the issue for decades, an indecisiveness
representative of policy-makers everywhere. Even San Francisco, a city
where you will find pictures of its on-street parking on postcards (Fig. 1),
banned the practice in 1970 from 7 am until 6 pm on most streets (Highway
Research Board, 1971).
While many planners and engineers now consider on-street parking a
fundamental element of any successful downtown, the debate still rages
because conventional engineering practice continues to regard on-street
parking as a safety issue and a nuisance to through traffic. One difficulty is
that both supporters and critics of on-street parking seem to have little pro-
blem finding examples to support their side of the argument. Another issue
is that there has been little academic research on the subject, especially with
respect to studies that cover the wide-ranging gamut of issues that on-street
parking has the potential to impact. At a minimum, these issues include:
user demand, land use, congestion, traffic calming, road safety, walkability,
pricing and the economic success of a downtown. Since most studies focus
on one or two aspects, finding a definitive overall answer has proven to be
On-Street Parking 363
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Fig. 1. Emblematic Street Parking in San Francisco. Source: W. E. Marshall.

exceedingly difficult. Thus, it is not all that surprising that prevailing

thought on the subject has shifted back-and-forth over the years.
How did we get to this point? Why is on-street parking ubiquitous in
some downtowns but conspicuously absent from others? Furthermore, why
have some places been so successful when it comes to incorporating
on-street parking into their downtowns while others have failed? Though
the inconsistent history of restricting on-street parking traces back to the
early part of the twentieth century, such as in Los Angeles, many point to
the 1950s as the defining era for such decisions, particularly in the United
States. A 1955 policy statement from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
exemplifies the predominant line of thinking at the time. This document
called for giving the first priority of any street to the:
movement of people and goods with such restrictions on curb usage as this principle
may dictate. (Highway Research Board, 1971, p. 161)

The U.S. National Parking Association further highlighted this issue with
a 1959 report recommending the elimination of on-street parking
in downtown areas under the premise that through traffic should be the prior-
ity in the street realm (Highway Research Board, 1971). In 1971, the Highway
Research Board, which later became known as the Transportation Research
Board, joined the debate with their take on issues of traffic capacity and
safety. Their published comprehensive guide to parking describes the issues
surrounding the provision of on-street parking in the following manner:
Curb parking can seriously impede traffic movement along major routes. It typically
contributes to or is directly involved with some 20 percent of urban street accidents.

One of the best and most economical methods of increasing capacity and safety is the
removal of curb parking. (Highway Research Board, 1971, p. 5)

According to this guide, on-street parking would only be acceptable in

situations: where the street is not required to function as part of the street
network; where the through movement of traffic can be prohibited; and
where the need for parking is so great that it trumps vehicular movements
(Highway Research Board, 1971).
Despite appearances to the contrary, research to support these claims
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were limited. For example, a 1965 Wilbur Smith study found that on-street
parking reduces road capacity and that off-street parking in downtowns
enhances retail activity (Wilbur Smith & Associates, 1965); they concluded
that on-street parking should be minimized wherever possible and that
off-street parking would be the key determinant of economic success. As a
result of such studies, the high costs of structured parking garages seemed
trivial in comparison to the potential losses due to traffic congestion,
crashes, retail activity, and maintaining parking meters. Not surprisingly,
cities in the United States and abroad undertook a systematic effort to shift
street space away from parking in favor of increased vehicle movement.
For example, over the course of 40 years, Hartford, Connecticut in the
United States strategically removed on-street parking while more than
tripling the 15,000 off-street parking spaces that were available in 1960
(McCahill & Garrick, 2010). Unfortunately in this case, the effort to
improve Hartford nearly destroyed any semblance of vitality; only now is
the city beginning to climb back from a 25% drop in population and a
more than twenty point increase in driving mode share.
This reallocation, and the underlying premise that streets are primarily
intended for the through movement of traffic, is still prevalent in many
places. However in the last couple of decades, a growing number of urban
planners have pointed out that the centers that have retained on-street
parking along with other compatible features of pre-1950s centers are
some of our most successful downtowns. In order to address this dichotomy
between conventional practice and emerging urban theory, this chapter
evaluates the current state of research attempting to evaluate or assess
the impact of on-street parking in mixed-use, commercial districts. It also
presents the results of a set of research projects designed to study the range
of issues relating to the provision of on-street parking and its impact on
downtowns. One set of research questions was based upon case studies for
six New England town centers in the United States with a focus on the
impact of parking at mixed-use, walkable commercial centers built before
On-Street Parking 365

the advent of parking regulations as compared to more contemporary,

conventional development patterns. The second study investigated how
street design affected vehicle speeds and safety, based on a study of over
250 Connecticut roads. The sites were selected to represent a wide array
of street types with different speed limits, adjacent land uses, and levels of
on-street parking.
By relying on multiple lines of research, the intention was to forge a
more complete understanding of on-street parking and its effects. This
includes an assessment of the benefits and shortcomings of on-street park-
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ing vis-à-vis the other common methods of supplying parking (off-street

surface parking and structured garage parking) in addition to looking at
the context in which on-street parking can be successfully employed. This
chapter covers the fundamental impacts of on-street parking on a down-
town, including: parking demand, land use, vehicle speed, road safety, the
pedestrian environment, and travel behaviors.


On-street parking as compared to off-street surface lots and structured

parking garages is thought to have the highest demand in commercial
and mixed-use districts. This is because on-street spaces are typically pub-
lic, highly visible, and often convenient to multiple destinations (Litman,
2006). The existing research supports this claim, primarily through studies
focused on setting the appropriate price for various types of spaces, which
typically suggest the highest fees for on-street spaces (Shoup, 2005). The
first of the research projects investigated this question in six New England
town centers where on-street parking spaces not only charged higher fees
than the off-street parking but also had the shortest maximum time allot-
ments. The study itself was organized around the selection of three case
study sites, which can be characterized by having traditional mixed land
uses supported by a fee-based, organized system of parking; and three
more contemporary sites supported by free, privately owned surface park-
ing lots with similar land areas and land uses. The selected sites included:

Traditional Sites Contemporary Sites

1. Brattleboro, Vermont 1. Avon, Connecticut
2. Northampton, Massachusetts 2. Glastonbury, Connecticut
3. West Hartford, Connecticut 3. Somerset Square; Glastonbury, Connecticut

Table 1. Parking Occupancy.

Peak Occupancy (%) Average Non-Peak Occupancy (%)

On-street parking 94.5 81.6

Off-street surface parking 59.2 48.8
Structured garage parking 75.5 49.4

Source: Derived from Marshall, Garrick, and Hansen (2008).

Following site selection, a boundary around each downtown was

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established; the boundary lines incorporated each commercial district and

any parking lots intended to serve the center. Data were gathered detailing
the provision of parking by first mapping and categorizing each space
as on-street parking spaces, off-street surface lots, or off-street structured
garages. On-site work included parking occupancy counts carried out a
minimum of five times at each site in an effort to collect what could be con-
sidered a typical peak usage (i.e., during the busy holiday shopping season)
as well as an average non-peak occupancy (i.e., on a summer day with
good weather).
Table 1 shows the parking occupancy results. The results suggest that
users of the downtowns consistently selected on-street parking spaces over
and above less expensive off-street surface lots and garage parking. In other
words, visitors to downtowns place a premium on on-street parking, often
because of their convenience to a wide variety of uses. The combination of
higher fees and the shortest maximum time allotment in these particular
on-street spaces also helped maintain high turnover in these most conveni-
ent spaces, seemingly without negatively impacting overall usage. The goal
of the parking fees in general should be focused more on parking manage-
ment and less on maximizing revenue.

One often overlooked fact in assessing on-street parking is its efficiency in
terms of land use.
The impact can be felt at multiple levels in terms of the land consumed
by the parking space itself and in terms of the opportunity cost that comes
with devoting excessive land to parking. On the first point, one on-street
space is typically between 7 and 8 feet wide and between 20 and 22 feet long.
Off-street surface lots, however, consume additional land for driveways and
On-Street Parking 367

access lanes. Practitioners typically use a rule of thumb of 300 400 square
feet per space (Litman, 2006). Our results suggest that this is an optimistic
estimate. For the six sites studied, off-street surface lots averaged 513 square
feet of land consumed per parking space. Driveways and access lanes were
indeed the main culprits, but landscaping as required by many municipa-
lities to mitigate heat island effects also played a significant role. Fig. 2
depicts these differences.
As for the land use opportunity cost of providing parking in the form of
off-street surface lots, this difference in land consumed per space can add
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up quickly. The centers in this study averaged slightly more than 2,000
total parking spaces; if only 15% of those 2,000 spaces were provided via
on-street parking, this would equate to more than 2.3 acres of additional
land not needing to be designated as parking. With land being a limited
resource particularly in downtowns where density and high activity
are important the benefit of being able to conserve such vast amounts
of land by providing parking on the street rather than with an off-street
surface lot is immeasurable. This calculation does not even consider the
fact that if parking is not provided on the street, street space would still not
likely be usable for uses other than transportation and that this area would
increase significantly in larger cities with much more parking.
On-street parking supports greater efficiency in land use, which can
facilitate higher density commercial development than would be possible

Fig. 2. Land Use of On-Street Parking versus Off-Street Surface Lot.

Source: W. E. Marshall.

for a center reliant solely upon off-street surface lots. To assess this, land
use data was collected in terms of retail space, office space, and residential
units. The traditional sites, where on-street parking was prevalent, also
• 58% greater building density;
• 176% greater floor to area ratio; and
• 90% more leasable building space in each of those town centers.
This suggests that on-street parking results in a more efficient use of
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land, in part because using the curbside for parking saves considerable
amounts of land from life as an off-street surface parking lot. However,
parking can also be provided in structures or underground, which has
additional land use efficiency advantages. Given that each of the traditional
town centers had one parking garage, this played a role in the increased
development numbers. The trade-off, however, is in the cost. This cost
is not limited strictly to construction costs, but also should include land
acquisition, operations, maintenance, and interest. Taking all of this into
account, Litman’s work estimates the following annual costs per space
for urban (but not CBD) parking: $578 per space for on-street parking;
$780 for off-street surface lots; and $1,598 for structures; and $2,298 for
underground parking (Litman, 2006). When assessing the advantages
of structured parking, one should also discount the number of off-street
surface lot spaces the same parcel of land could accommodate (Shoup,
2005) as well as take into account the development that can be built around
or above a parking structure or underground lot.


Two of the drawbacks most often cited when it comes to on-street parking
are congestion and safety. Congestion is thought to come primarily from
not being able to allocate enough street space to the through movement of
automobiles, and secondarily from the traffic created by vehicles attempting
to parallel park. However, research by simulation modelers and empirical
results from road diet1 conversions have shown that in urban settings,
actual road capacity is largely controlled by the capacity of the signalized
intersections as opposed to the number of travel lanes on the street (Huang,
Stewart, & Zegeer, 2002; Litman, 2007; Welch, 2000). While such delays
might seem substantial, particularly for those being delayed, left-turn lanes
On-Street Parking 369

and cross street traffic volumes are far more significant factors in vehicle
throughput than the number of travel lanes. The one congestion issue sur-
rounding on-street parking that has been shown to be significant in several
studies has to do with cruising for parking (Arnott, de Palma, & Lindsey,
1991; Arnott & Inci, 2005; Glazer & Niskanen, 1992; Shoup, 2006). The
underlying issue these authors found, however, is not the on-street parking
itself but the price of on-street parking often being less than nearby off-
street spaces.
The issue of road safety leads into the second strand of research, which
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investigated the impact of on-street parking on traffic safety and vehicle

speed via over 250 roadway segments. Crash records were obtained for a
six-year period and aggregated in order to obtain a reasonable count for
statistical analysis. The severest injury from each crash was assigned as the
overall severity level for that crash. Previous research looking into on-street
parking and safety did not separate crashes by severity (Hansen, Garrick,
Ivan, & Jonsson, 2007). Thus, on-street parking has previously been asso-
ciated with increased crash risk (Greibe, 2003; Pande & Abdel-Aty, 2009;
Roberts, Norton, Jackson, Dunn, & Hassall, 1995). Earlier studies show
that 16% of crashes in American cities directly involved cars parking along
the road (Highway Research Board, 1971). In a before-and-after study of
curbside parking prohibition on arterial streets, another study found that
non-intersection crash rates reduced by an average 37% with the banning
of on-street parking (Desjardins, 1977).
Table 2 presents the safety results in terms of crash rate per mile per site
for low speed streets with on-street parking; high speed streets with on-
street parking; low speed streets with no on-street parking; and high speed
streets with no on-street parking. The results suggest that on-street parking

Table 2. Crash Rates.

Crash Rate per Mile per Site
(1998 2003 Aggregated)

Street Speed No. of Total Fatal Severe Minor PDOa Total

Category Sites Miles Injury Injury Crashes

On-street Low (<35 mph) 13 3.06 0 11.1 47.7 231.1 289.9

parking High (≥35 mph) 5 1.45 0.7 29 89.7 222.8 342.1
No on-street Low (<35 mph) 13 2.36 0.0 28.0 48.3 192.0 268.2
parking High (≥35 mph) 24 5.12 0.2 17.2 44.7 114.8 177.0

Source: Marshall et al. (2008).

PDO, property damage only.

can help to create a safer environment. While this statement seems to con-
tradict most people’s perception, the reality is that lower speed streets (less
than 35 mph) with on-street parking have far fewer crashes resulting in a
severe injury or fatality. More specifically, the fatal and severe crash rate
on low speed streets with on-street parking is 11.1 per mile compared to
28.0 for low speed streets with no parking. Also, only 3.8% of the crashes
that occurred on low speed streets with parking resulted in a severe injury;
on the other hand, 10.4% of the crashes resulted in severe injuries on
low speed streets without parking. This severe injury crash rate is more
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than two times higher than the streets with on-street parking. Streets with
speed limits above 35 mph, however, found contrary results. On these
streets, on-street parking was significantly associated with higher crash
rates at all severity levels (although only five street segments in our
study fell into this category). Thirty-five miles per hour was selected as the
delineation point because we found a very different outcome for facilities
with speeds less than 35 mph versus those with speeds greater than 35 mph
(e.g., there were no recorded fatalities occurring on facilities with speeds
greater than 35 mph).
This divergence in safety between low speed and high speed streets with
on-street parking might help explain why these results differ from studies
where such streets were not considered separately. Moreover, these results
highlight the need to consider context in assessing the potential use of on-
street parking. In Europe, urban street speeds are often less than 20 mph
(Mitchell, 2007), and such conditions seem necessary in ensuring the safe
use of on-street parking. This type of thinking is also making strides in the
United States; in a street design manual recently published by the Institute
of Transportation Engineers (ITE) in conjunction with the Congress for the
New Urbanism (CNU), the recommended practice is to maintain speeds of
less than 35 mph on streets with on-street parking (ITE & CNU, 2010). Our
results concur with this recommendation and suggest that under these low
speed conditions, on-street parking helps improve safety, and in particular,
these roads with on-street parking show a significantly reduced crash rate
for the most severe types of crashes. The obvious question is: why?
One reason for this difference in crash severity outcomes has to do with
vehicle speed. Part of this same research strand included an investigation to
identify the street elements in the driving environment that significantly
influenced drivers’ choice of speed. In addition to the presence and occu-
pancy of on-street parking, this study controlled for: roadway type, land use
type, posted speed limit, lane width, roadway width and shoulder width
where present, presence of sidewalks, planting strips, road edge delineation,
On-Street Parking 371

side curbs, and medians. The segment lengths of the streets were determined
by the consistency of the variables of interest. Thus, segments began and
ended with the presence and/or termination of any or all of the variables
mentioned. On-street parking was measured at three levels of occupancy:
50 100%, 30 49.9%, and less than 30%. The results revealed that the
50 100% and the 30 49.9% occupancy levels did not show any statistical
difference in mean free flow speeds; thus, these categories were merged.
Speeds for a minimum of 100 free flowing vehicles were then measured
for each site. The assumption for this study is that the driver’s chosen speed
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is influenced only by the street itself and adjacent driving environment.

Accordingly, free flow speed was used to ensure that other vehicles did not
influence the drivers’ choice of speed. With mean free flow speed as the
dependent variable, the analysis of variance model constructed in this study
explained almost 80% of the variability in the mean free speeds chosen
by drivers (Hansen et al., 2007). A previous paper shows these results in
additional detail (Marshall et al., 2008). Significant factors included land
use type, posted speed limit, building setback, the presence of a vegetated
strip, and the presence of on-street parking. With respect to the presence of
on-street parking, the reduction in vehicle speeds was in the order of 2.3
mph as compared to streets without parking and all other variables held
constant. In other words, this study suggests that drivers tended to travel
statistically significantly slower speeds in the presence of occupied on-street
parking. Overall, the speed study showed that the largest speed reductions
occurred on those roadways with a combination of street variables that
many urban designers would consider complementary to on-street parking.
For example with building setbacks, small setbacks were correlated with a
1.5 mph reduction in vehicle speed as compared to segments with large set-
backs and all other variables held constant. Fig. 3 depicts an example of
these mean speed results for two 25 mph segments.
The empirical results found in these speed and safety studies differ from
conventional engineering theory. This mindset is emphasized in a recent
driver simulation study of speed and hazard for streets with and without
on-street parking (Edquist, Rudin-Brown, & Lenne, 2012). While they
found slower vehicle speeds with the presence of on-street parking, they con-
cluded that the reduction in speed was not enough to compensate for the
longer perception-reaction times found in more complex environments. This
type of thinking does not seem to hold up empirically, in part because it
only accounts for the fact that people are driving slower in these environ-
ments. In reality, drivers also tend to have different expectations of hazard
in more complex environments, and in turn, they compensate for these risks
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Fig. 3. Speed Study Example Outcomes. Source: G. Hansen and W. E Marshall.

accordingly (Adams, 1995). It is similar in concept to the empirical examples

that have found better road safety outcomes for shared spaces and multiway
boulevards, both with more conflict points and complexity than any engi-
neering traffic textbook would deem acceptable (Bechtler, Haenel, Laube,
Pohl, & Schmidt, 2010; Jacobs, Macdonald, & Rofé, 2002). In the context
of the type of streets seen in the three traditional downtowns from the first
study, on-street parking and the other factors that coalesce with such envir-
onments such as increased cyclist and pedestrian activity can change
the way people drive, and in turn, the road safety outcomes (Marshall &
Garrick, 2011). Studies such as the simulation study also do not account for
the potential difference in crash severity. While they acknowledge that
slower vehicle speeds provide pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers with more
time to react, they fail to recognize that when a crash does occur, the chance
of it being life-threatening is greatly reduced. It also does not account for
the implications of the additional off-street parking needed to compensate
for not providing on-street parking, as off-street parking normally requires
curb cuts and driveways, which have also been shown to reduce safety.
It is important not to underestimate such differences when assessing the
complete pedestrian environment.


In terms of the pedestrian environment, the strip of parked cars along
the street serves as a buffer to pedestrian activities immediately beyond
On-Street Parking 373

the curb. In planning circles, this type of advantage does not find much
debate. For instance, all of the main pedestrian level of service methodolo-
gies score streets with more on-street parking as better for pedestrians
(Byrd & Sisiopiku, 2006). This is thought to be due to the buffer between
pedestrians and through traffic imparted by on-street parking, but
these numbers do not begin to take into account the potential for increased
walkability due to less parking and denser development. It is also important
to remember, however, that on-street parking can easily be misused in situa-
tions without complementary street design features (i.e., generous side-
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walks) and the associated development patterns with appropriate densities,

land uses, building setbacks, and pedestrian connections. In other words,
on-street parking for example, with its traffic calming abilities is part of
a complete street package that offers pedestrians a safer and more
comfortable built environment. But how does on-street parking impact
This is a difficult question to answer because ideally in a study of this
nature, one would want to find locations with various combinations of
some features and not others, in order to isolate the contribution of each
individual feature. However, this is very difficult to achieve in a real-world
setting, and few studies have been able to accomplish this because on-street
parking generally comes as part of a package with these other features such
as compact development and mixed land use. For example, a recent paper
examined the impact of on-street parking on car ownership in residential
neighborhoods (Guo, 2013). While the study attempted to overcome meth-
odological challenges such as the weak endogeneity between the provision
of parking and car ownership and the low correlation between on-street
and off-street supply, it did not account for any other street design factors
nor differences in price (as the study only considered free parking).
So while it would be nice if our case study could isolate on-street parking
as a factor, the reality is that these results need to be contextualized and
understood as attributable to a larger number of complementary factors, of
which on-street parking is just one.
The study results showed that centers with on-street parking and other
compatible characteristics such as generous sidewalks, mixed land uses,
and higher densities recorded more than six times the number of pedes-
trians walking in these areas compared to the control sites, which lack these
traits. At similar times, on similar days, the traditional sites averaged well
over 300 pedestrians compared to less than 50 at the contemporary sites.
Combined with an estimate of the on-site employees, the traditional sites
averaged 1,300 more people on site, a level of activity successfully sustained

with only 400 more parked cars. This means that the traditional sites
averaged 1.80 people per car on site compared to 1.06 people per car at the
contemporary sites on a typical day.
Fig. 4 depicts two sidewalks cafes during the lunch hour on the same
day; the one at the traditional site is heavy with pedestrian activity while
the one at the contemporary site is empty. While factors such as the quality
of the food or service at these restaurants were not controlled for, the
images do speak more to a qualitative assessment of the relative appeal of
dining beside a street buffered by on-street parking as compared to one
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buffered by an off-street surface lot. In a recent book by Eran Ben-Joseph,

he derisively places off-street surface lots at the bottom of the parking
totem pole (Ben-Joseph, 2012). In other words, on-street parking is often
an urban design tool used by planners to do far more than provide parking
while structured garage parking can be extremely land use efficient and can
also be delivered in a manner supportive of a downtown. Off-street parking
detracts from such environments and does not provide much value beyond
the parking itself.
Some of the difference in the level of pedestrian activity at these sites
can clearly be attributed to differences in mode share. While only 9% of
those surveyed traveled to the contemporary sites via a mode other than the
automobile, this number reached 25% for the traditional sites. Other than
driving, walking was the most important mode in each of these town cen-
ters. The user survey showed that at the traditional sites, almost 15% of
trips to the town center were walking trips while at the contemporary sites,
only 7% walked to the site. Bicycle use reached 2.5% in the user survey at
the traditional sites compared to negligible bicycle use at the contemporary
sites. In terms of public transportation, nearly 7% of those at the traditional

Fig. 4. Sidewalk Cafe Comparison. Source: W. E Marshall.

On-Street Parking 375

sites used transit compared to only 1.4% at the contemporary sites. The
difference was noteworthy because both the contemporary and traditional
sites had similar levels of transit available (Marshall & Garrick, 2006).
Another potential reason for this difference has to do with multi-task trip
making. In other words, people at the traditional sites were far more likely
to park once and walk to do multiple errands instead of driving and parking
again. In the user survey, drivers were asked if they always, sometimes, or
never park once and walked to multiple errands (Marshall & Garrick,
2006). Over 70% of traditional site drivers said “always” compared to only
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25% at the more contemporary sites; furthermore, while only 7% of those

at the traditional sites never parked once and walked, this number exceeded
32% at the more contemporary sites. With regard to parking, this distinc-
tion is significant. Parking once and running multiple errands within a
downtown as opposed to driving from store to store results in less parking
being required to accommodate the same activity; this is a more efficient use
of resources. Litman suggested reducing parking requirements by 5 15% in
more walkable communities where parking once and running multiple
errands is favored (Litman, 2006). Our results suggest that this potential for
increased efficiency in parking could be greater than 15%.


The vitality afforded to these more walkable downtowns is in part due to

the presence of on-street parking as a design feature in itself, but the corre-
sponding reduction in off-street parking spaces needed can also play a role.
Fewer off-street parking can potentially be replaced with more residences,
restaurants, stores, and offices the very uses that get people to want to
come there in the first place. This begs the question as to the differences in
economic output. For instance during one of Los Angeles’ on-street park-
ing bans, the city found a noticeable decline in retail business (Jakle &
Sculle, 2004). Without on-street parking, convenience seemed to diminish
and people decided to shop elsewhere. These sorts of questions have yet to
be studied extensively.
Movements such as tactical urbanism are also beginning to ask the
question as to whether vehicle parking is the highest and best use of street
space in the first place. The current incarnation of what is generally known
as tactical urbanism sprouted from the first Park(ing) Day in San
Francisco in 1995, when activists turned a parking space into a park for a

day (Lydon, Bartman, Garcia, Preston, & Woudstra, 2012; Patton, 2012).
The first image in Fig. 5 shows a Park(ing) Day temporary installation in
Denver, Colorado. The other two images depict more permanent tactical
urbanism installations. The middle image is from Portland, Oregon where
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Fig. 5. Tactical Urbanism Examples. Source: W. E. Marshall for Denver and

Portland; M. Lydon for Long Beach.
On-Street Parking 377

two parking spaces were converted into a bicycle corral. The bottom image
is from Long Beach, California of what is known as a parklet. It represents
a growing trend of what appears to be outdoor seating for a restaurant in
the form of an extended sidewalk; in reality, the parklet is open to the pub-
lic and not just for patrons of the adjacent uses. When changes such as the
bike corrals and parklets were first being introduced, many business owners
objected to losing parking spaces and potential customers; however, anec-
dotal evidence suggests that such installations can increase revenue
(Gandy, 2012). Innovative street space solutions where on-street parking
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might normally be found are now succeeding across the United States
and around the world.
In addition to methodological improvements to on-street parking studies,
future research trends also suggest a shift in the availability of technology
in, for example, being able to track parking space occupancy in real-time.
For example, San Francisco is currently undertaking a study called SFpark
where they have outfitted over 440,000 public parking spaces with occu-
pancy sensors (Pierce & Shoup, 2013; Simons, 2012). As part of the dynamic
pricing pilot study, the cost of parking in 7,000 parking spaces spread across
seven San Francisco neighborhoods changes over the course of a day and is
being adjusted every six weeks. The target price is to ensure 85% occupancy,
so that there is always one or two spaces available on every block face
(prices can vary by block face). The overall intent is to reduce the amount of
cruising for parking and perhaps even increase user satisfaction. Parking
meters have come a long way since first being installed in Oklahoma City in
1935; new technologies and studies such as SFpark will hopefully bring a
greater understanding to the complex world of on-street parking.
In terms of the provision of on-street parking and the state of
the research, it will also be interesting to see the influence of the current
proliferation of car sharing as well as with the changes that may come with
autonomous cars, which the head of Nissan recently stated they would be
selling by 2020 (Wasserman, 2013).


Beyond being convenient to multiple destinations, on-street parking is

a great way to provide for parking shared among a number of land uses.
Combining high occupancy rates, high demand, and high turnover help
make on-street parking more efficient than other common forms of parking.

Efficiency also comes in the form of land use, as on-street spaces do not
require access lanes, driveways, or landscaping (Litman, 2006). Such off-
street parking requirements help off-street surface spaces consume more
than double the land needed for on-street parking (Marshall et al., 2008).
Providing parking solutions on the street tends to also be less expensive
than both off-street surface lots, primarily in terms of land use efficiency,
and structured garage parking, due to actual dollars spent (Shoup,
2005). Our investigation also points to on-street parking helping create safer
roads. Although prior studies claim otherwise, this study considered crash
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severity and found that lower speed streets without parking had a severe
and fatal crash rate more than two times higher than the streets with park-
ing. This result was in part due to the fact that drivers tended to travel
slower in the presence of features such as on-street parking. On-street park-
ing combined with lower vehicle speeds also impacts the pedestrian
environment. The case study presented here suggests that on-street parking
plays a crucial role in pedestrian comfort, and in turn, the sites with
on-street parking were more walkable, required less parking, and had much
more vitality.
On-street parking should be used in situations where the street is a vital
part of the destination and where the intent is to get drivers to slow down
and recognize that they have arrived. There are many cities and towns that
fail to provide on-street parking in these potentially beneficial situations. In
many cases, the land needed for on-street parking is already available in
the form of excess street capacity or existing paved shoulders that are
entirely unwarranted for a town center setting. Other researchers have
shown that street capacity is actually limited by intersection throughput;
thus, a reduction in the number of through traffic lanes along street
segments rarely impacts travel times. Many cities and towns have street
space available that can be reallocated toward a more productive use such
as on-street parking, which in the right context can help make these places
safer and more walkable, while encouraging increased vibrancy and vital-
ity. Unfortunately, these same places are still being influenced by the long
standing idea that the focus in street allocation should be on automobile
Getting parking right requires a more comprehensive approach than
simply considering issues such as demand with respect to land use, as is
common in most parking regulations. Overall, our results suggest that
on-street parking is not purely a device to be used in the right environment;
rather, it is a tool to help create that right environment in the United States
and internationally.
On-Street Parking 379


1. The typical “road diet” reconfiguration converts an undivided four-lane road-

way into a two-lane roadway with turning lanes at intersections and other features
such as bike lanes and on-street parking.

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This article has been cited by:

1. Jennifer L. Kent, Robyn Dowling. 2016. “Over 1000 Cars and No Garage”: How
Urban Planning Supports Car(Park) Sharing. Urban Policy and Research 1-13.
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