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Cell Structure and Function Exam

Circle the letter of the BEST answer. Good luck!

1. The dispersal of ammonia fumes from a broken bottle of cleaning fluid is an example of
A. diffusion B. osmosis C. active transport D. pinocytosis

2. Which structure regulates what enters and leaves the cell?

A. nucleus B. cell wall C. nuclear envelop D. cell membrane

3. The fundamental structure of the plasma membrane is determined almost exclusively by:
A. phospholipid molecules C. transport proteins
B. cholesterol molecules D. carbohydrate molecules

4. A plasma membrane is considered semi-permeable if it allows

A. all materials to pass through C. material to go in, but not out
B. only some materials pass through D. materials to go out, but not in

5. Animal cells do not contain

A. nuclei B. vacuoles C. cell walls D. cell membranes

6. A bone cell has a high content of calcium, yet wants to absorb even more calcium in
order to become stronger. The movement of more calcium in would be done by
A. active transport B. osmosis C. diffusion D. facilitated transport

7. --- have the ability to convert solar energy into chemical energy and store it in food.
A. nucleoli B. mitochondria C. chloroplasts D. lysosomes

8. The movement of glucose into and out of cells through protein channels in the cell
membrane is an example of
A. facilitated diffusion B. osmosis C. active transport D. endocytosis

9. If a 10% sucrose solution within a semipermeable sac causes the fluid volume in the sac
to increase a given amount when the sac is immersed in water, what can be said about
the water relative to the sac?
A. The water is hypertonic to the sac.
B. The water is hypotonic to the sac.
C. The water is isotonic to the sac.
D. The water is impermeable to the sac.

10. Endocytosis and exocytosis are both considered forms of --- because they use ---.
A. osmosis, water C. passive transport, energy
B. active transport, energy D. facilitated transport, carrier

11. The diffusion of water is best known as

A. osmosis B. endocytosis c. exocytosis D. facilitated diffusion
12. For diffusion to occur, there must be
A. transport proteins in the cell membrane
B. concentration difference
C. energy
D. semipermeable membrane

13. The movement of substances from an area of low concentration to an area of high
concentration is known as
d. A. dissolving B. osmosis C. diffusion D. active transport

Fishmoore City Cell Analogy Read the following short description of a very special town
called Fishmoore City. Then, match the parts of the city (underlined) with the parts of the cell
listed below.

In a far away place called Fishmoore City, the main export and production product is the
magnificent widget. Everyone in the town has something to do with widget making and the entire
town is designed to build and export widgets. The town hall has the instructions for widget
making. Widgets come in all shapes and sizes and any citizen of Fishmoore can get the
instructions and begin making their own magnificent widgets. Widgets are generally produced in
small shops around the city. These small shops are built by the carpenter’s union (whose
headquarters are in town hall). The widget shops are located on a maze of streets that wind
throughout Fishmoore City.

After a widget is constructed, they move on special widget carts through the maze of streets
which can deliver the widget anywhere in the city. In order for a widget to be exported it will
travel to the postal office where stamps are added and the widgets are labeled for export. But
sometimes widgets don’t turn out right, and the “rejects” are sent to the scrap yard where they
are broken down for parts or destroyed altogether. The town powers the widget shops from a
hydraulic dam that is in the city. The entire city is enclosed by a large wooden fence, only the
postal trucks (and citizens with proper passports) are allowed outside the city.

14. mitochondria = __________________________

15. ribosomes = __________________________

16. nucleus = __________________________

17. endoplasmic reticulum = ______________________

18. Golgi apparatus = _______________________

19. protein = ____________________

20. cell membrane = _______________________

21. lysosomes = _______________________

22. nucleolus = _______________________

Answer the questions below using complete sentences. Be sure to answer all parts of the

23. Suppose you were to add a drop of blue ink to a beaker of water and allow it to remain
undisturbed for a few hours. After this time, you notice that the water is uniformly blue. How do
you explain this?

24. Compare and contrast active transport and passive transport. Be specific and use examples.

25. Why does a fresh water protozoan require a contractile vacuole that constantly works to
pump out water?

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