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Volume 21, Number 4

June - July 2014
PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560, Australia

Letters To The Editor

Readers comment on iron deficiency in athletes, boron and borax use, hope for autism,
glaucoma treatment issues, zero-intelligence policing, US interference in foreign nations,
dolphin people and Vedic mathematics.

Global News

We report on mammogram risks, Fukushima melt-outs, hospital equipment hacking,

dolphins to a swimmer's rescue, Saturn's polar hexagon, a UK government-CM industry
conspiracy, the Gardasil fraud, a new whooping cough superbug, the fate of Flight 370, and

Mind Control In The 21st Century

By Steven DiBasio. Technologies that can tap into our minds and control our behaviours
have become increasingly sophisticated over the decades but are hidden for national security
reasons. Some recent advances that have been made public have disturbing implications.

The Lost Language Of Plants-Part 1

By Stephen Harrod Buhner. In learning how to reconnect with nature and other life forms,
we can discover much wisdom from the plant kingdom. Plant chemistries are intricately
interwoven in the lives of all organisms, maintaining and even healing them if they're ill.

Dehydration And Chronic Diseases-Part 2

By Dr Fereydoon Batmanghelidj. To reverse the diseases caused by dehydration, we need to

drink sufficient water and include sea salt and minerals in our diet. People with diabetes,
heart disease, rheumatoid pain, migraine and even cancer can benefit from this simple

The Great Pyramid Fraud Revisited

By Scott Creighton. Analysis of Colonel Richard Howard Vyse's handwritten journal

reveals serious, never-before-seen discrepancies in the rendering of hieroglyphs relating to
the Egyptian pharaoh Khufu and suggests that a fraud was perpetrated within the Great
Pyramid which has shaped mainstream opinion of this monument.

Science News

We feature a proposition by Christopher Carmody on the barycentre, where the centre of

mass is at once a point of zero gravity but also the emanation point for the entire gravitational
pull of a body. The barycentric laws demonstrate the truth that all is in one and one is in all.

The History And Future Of Brown's Gas

By Drs J. J. Hurtak and Desiree Hurtak. Research into Brown's gas, or oxyhydrogen gas,
continues apace around the world, with applications being explored in diverse fields
including welding and automotive industries and even in the transmutation of nuclear waste.

Surprising Anomalies Of Sichuan Province

By Paul Stonehill. One of the birthplaces of Chinese civilisation, Sichuan is a region of

many secrets including geomagnetic disturbances, UFO activity, paranormal events, unique
ancient artefacts, strange images in the landscape, cryptozoological mysteries and much

The Twilight Zone

This issue we highlight a 1998 lecture by Falun Gong founder Li Hongzhi and his 1999
TIME interview, on multidimensional realities and the Three Realms and on alien beings and
their use of advanced science and technology to control and conquer humanity.


"One Mind" by Larry Dossey, MD

"Exploring the Crack in the Cosmic Egg" by Joseph Chilton Pearce
"The Power of Acceptance" by Annemarie Postma
"Back to the Afterlife" by Bernie Kastner
"The Ayahuasca Experience" edited by Ralph Metzner, PhD
"Peyote Dreams" by Charles Duits
"For the Good of Mankind?" by Vicki Oransky Wittenstein
"Snake Oil" by Richard Heinberg
"Transevolution" by Daniel Estulin
"Eden: The Truth About Our Origins" by Anton Parks
"Light and Dark" by Dr TrevorJ. Hawkeswood
"The Templar Treasure" by Tobias Daniel Wabbel
"The Most Dangerous Book in the World" by S. K. Bain
"The Self-Actualizing Cosmos" by Ervin Laszlo


"And Did They Listen?" by Michael Horn


"Bliss of Being" by The Pure Heart Ensemble

"Flight 14" by Uwe Gronau
"The Journey" by Kim Kirkman
"Merkaba of Sound" by Jonathan Goldma14n
Volume 21, Number 4

June - July 2014

NEXUS Magazine Pty Ltd, ABN 80 003 611 434
EDITOR: Duncan M. Roads, email:


Welcome to the 150th edition of NEXUS Magazine! The 1980s saw a plethora of small
magazine publishers in many western countries, and Australia was no exception. The advent
of personal and desktop computing during that decade meant that publishing a magazine or
newsletter suddenly became a lot easier and a lot cheaper. Thus, if you visited any
newsagency in Australia or New Zealand during the '80s you would have had a wide choice
of alternative niche-market titles, ranging from home building to UFOs. This was on top of
the imports from the UK and the USA. It meant that of all the western English-speaking
countries, readers in Australia and New Zealand had a lot more exposure to non-mainstream
points of view than their counterparts overseas. This was reflected in the rise in the number
of health food shops, alternative bookshops, natural health and healing centres, meditation
centres and environmental groups, all of which sought to help make the world a "better
place" via new ideas and approaches.

Back then, a typical "seeker" was not into conspiracy thinking and, indeed, when I changed
NEXUS from being an "alternative movement" magazine to one exploring the ideas of
suppressed information, this was not received warmly by either the "new age" or
"counterculture" consumer market. Even worse, NEXUS started "killing and eating" many
of the movement's "sacred cows", resulting in howls that NEXUS was too "negative".
Killing the myth that soy products are "healthy" certainly upset many readers, and, to this
day, NEXUS is one of the only publications to address this issue, such has been the power
of soy advertising dollars in "alternative" magazines. Another "sacred cow" that we helped
destroy is the myth that Sai Baba was a spiritual miracle worker. After interviewing
numerous victims of sexual abuse by Sai Baba, we set out to tell the truth about one of the
new age movement's biggest stars. Sai Baba was a fraud and a paedophile, and, to this day,
many so-called "spiritual" people squirm in their seats at how easily they were duped.

All in all, NEXUS has broken all the rules of publishing, from the artwork to the advertising,
from the content to everywhere in between. I was repeatedly told that people are stupid and
should not be exposed to lots of text. So I decided to make NEXUS a magazine for people
who think and are not afraid of new ideas and perspectives - and, thus, here you are reading
this! Of course, all this would not have been possible without the rest of the NEXUS team,
and I would like to take this chance to thank them all publicly.
Meanwhile, this year's conference is shaping up to be another fun time. Unfortunately we've
had to replace speaker Dr Gary Cook (NZ), who has shattered an ankle. In his place we now
have Karen Hudes (USA), the former World Bank solicitor turned whistleblower. I'm sure
we'll all have questions to put to her.

Speaking of the conference, a recent donation to NEXUS has provided us with the chance to
give some scholarships to people having trouble affording to come to a NEXUS Conference.
Please contact our office for more information.

Three articles in this issue particularly excite me: first, Scott Creighton's article, which
implies that the Great Pyramid was not a tomb; second, the Science News article about
barycentres; and third, the Twilight Zone article about how the Falun Gong movement
founder has been on a mission to raise humanity's vibes so as to prevent a full-scale alien
invasion and takeover of our minds and bodies.

After 150 issues, there's no sign of the interesting information running out, so buckle up for
the next 150 issues! My thanks to you all for your support and encouragement over the

Letters to the Editor:
Iron Deficiency in Athletes

Dear Duncan: This past fall, I filmed the high school cross-country season of Brentwood
High School, Tennessee, which culminated in their surprise third-place finish at the Nike
Cross Nationals (NXN) on 7 December 2013. Through that, I learned that many student
runners suffer from low iron.

I'd like to call your attention to an issue that you won't find anywhere, which is the fact that
over 50 per cent of student runners are testing low in iron, an epidemic really, and the causes
are not being addressed.

I have previously written about digestion and internal cleaning and was surprised to read that
some of the running articles about low ferritin make no mention of iron assimilation

So, I've written a short book on the topic of low ferritin from the perspective of appreciating
the microflora of the gut and their role in iron uptake. I identify the role which antibiotics
may play in hampering athletic performance, including the sterilisation of food served in
chain restaurants, causing imbalances to the microculture of the gut where iron is absorbed.

I believe that low ferritin in student runners highlights a health impairment common to
today's youth, important to discuss and to eradicate as the sick canary in our coal mine.

If you're interested, I can provide an article which summarises my approach on improving

iron assimilation. This includes understanding the role of the microflora in the gut in the
systemic transport of iron and oxygen to the tissues, and provides little-known dietary
sources of probiotic and prebiotic foods, plus information on the internal consequences of
antibiotic use.


Scott W. Webb, USA, email

[Thanks, Scott: I'm a big believer in the importance of gut flora and fauna in maintaining
physical health. It is not just our physical health that is at stake: our gut health affects our
thinking and feelings. Our gut is actually a "second brain", and, as US military experiments
revealed in the 1970s (see the work of Dr Richard Alan Miller, including his article in
20/04), effective "mind control" can be achieved easily via control of gut microorganisms.

Boron and Borax Use

Dear Duncan: I refer to the NEXUS article on borax (vol. 19, no. 4) and to the Letter to the
Editor in the last issue (vol. 21, no. 3). Boron is in both borax and boric acid, though the
borax is high Ph and boric acid is acidic, as it is a mixture with borax (disodium tetraborate)
and hydrochloric acid.

My recommendation would be to dissolve borax in water and ingest it in very small

amounts. The benefits of alkalising the body will be lost when using boric acid.

The National Center for Environmental Assessment (NCEA) in 2004 stated that the
allowable daily dose of boron had been more than doubled, increasing from 6.3 milligrams
to 14.0 milligrams. Take into consideration that borax is 11.44% boron, this means that 122
milligrams of borax is okay by the NCEA's standards.

I think that a lot of ailments are caused by boron and magnesium deficiency.

I can recommend the website as a great source for more information on the
health effects of using boron.

Have a great day,

Simon M., Australia

Hope for Autism?

A colleague of mine has conducted a successful autism research study which promises new
hope for children with autism.

This research study, utilising a gentle, noninvasive treatment for autism, has shown
promising results. The NeuroModulation Technique (NMT) was found to be a promising
intervention for autism, demonstrating significant reductions in maladaptive behaviours and
significant increases in adaptive behaviours in the study children.

After receiving NMT sessions twice a week for six weeks (a total of nine hours' treatment
time per child), children in the study demonstrated improved mood, speech, language and
social awareness as well as a decrease in irritability and repetitive behaviours.

Dallas, Texas, clinical psychologist Robert H. Weiner, PhD, was the principal investigator
and lead researcher of the study, which was published in the January 2014 issue of Explore.

You can find a brief summary of the study, the published article and also parents' reports at


Deborah E, Vermont, USA

Glaucoma Eye Drops

Dear Editor: Most National Health Service prostaglandin eye drops prescribed for glaucoma
contain benzalkonium chloride (BZK), which is a detergent preservative.
Some experts state that this preservative damages the eye cells and is cytotoxic, but it's hard
to find an eye drop for glaucoma which doesn't contain it.

Eye journals have reported that BZK can cause toxic inflammatory changes of the ocular
surface, fibroblasts, cell death, etc. This chemical penetrates the eye and is stored in ocular
tissues such as the retina and lens. Chemical reference books state "Keep BZK away from
eyes" - so it's bizarre to add it to eye drops!

This is a concern because people with glaucoma, such as my father, often have to take
several drops a day for the rest of their lives after diagnosis - which can be for over 40 years!

Despite the harmful effects being discussed for years, most manufacturers still keep adding
this harsh detergent preservative.

Could you do an item about this, please?

Best wishes,

A. Wills, UK

[I've had several requests of late for information about glaucoma and how to treat it and
prevent it, so it seems timely to organise an article. Any readers with information or
personal experience of interest are invited to email me at :

Zero-Intelligence Policing

I took my daughter to see the movie Divergent the other day. Like The Hunger Games, I
found it encouraging that at least some filmmakers in Hollywood are putting it out there to
the young that the real enemy comes from within and is not some exotic foreign monster
scratching at the front door.

The messages in both of these movies are about dishonest government playing people off
against each other for its own benefit and amusement.

The blurring of lines between the police and the military was a theme in both films, which
my daughter and I spoke about on the way home in the car.

I was informed by a New South Wales policeman going on 10 years ago about American
police training manuals being used in training local police forces. He told me that one of his
instructors was quite disturbed at the violence of the new training regimes; he equated zero-
tolerance policing with zero-intelligence policing.

It would be really tough trying to keep your integrity in that environment, and I want to give
a big thank-you if you are one of those cops who would rather talk a situation down than go
for the spray and the Taser.
Martin M., Australia

[Dear Martin-. I notice from visiting conspiracy and other "alt" thinking forums that more
and more western countries are being encouraged to adopt what we would term "zero
tolerance" approaches in terms of policing the public. In the USA, the number of dogs and
civilians being shot and killed by police on raids is getting way out of hand. Combine that
with their insane prison population statistics, and you see why more and more Americans
feel as though they are experiencing the emergence of a police state. Ed.]

USA and the Arab World

Dear Duncan: I read with interest the article in Global News last issue ("Can Washington
Overthrow Three Governments at Once?"; 21/03), revealing that the US has specialised in
interfering in the internal affairs of other countries.

There is a US ex-military and police magazine called Aid and Abet, which a couple of years
ago wrote that if the US government had not interfered politically in the Arab world since
the last world war, there would have been no 9/11, no wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, no
hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians killed, no millions of refugees flooding the
world, no thousands of troops killed or injured. I think this message says it all.

Brian D., Old, Australia

Dolphin People Sightings

G'day Duncan: As always, I enjoy your magazine. The recent article by Frank Joseph, titled
"The Shared Evolution of Dolphins and Humans" [21/03), could have gone even further.

Years ago, two old sea-captains from the Pacific area north of New Guinea and surrounding
islands (one had a group of islands named after him) often spoke with me, telling unusual
stories in confidence about things that others would not understand and that would create
ignorant ridicule.

One told of when a volcano suddenly erupted behind their boat, showering them with fine
debris. One large rock just missed them. That story featured years ago in Australasian Post
under the title "An Island is Born".

He also told of being 140 miles from the nearest land and seeing a giant saltwater crocodile
near their boat. He and his first mate estimated it to be at least five feet or 1.5 metres wide
across the head.

In addition, he told of an ancient city of stone buildings under the ocean, now called Mu'a.

Getting back to dolphins and humans, they said that islanders in several areas talked about
seeing what looked like "dolphin people", often on the beach and in lagoons. Several white
people had told similar stories and were ridiculed beyond belief.
What if those that went into the water are still there and thriving well? The medical museums
of preserved stillborn infants clearly show some unusual genetics in our ancestry.


Gil M., Old, Australia

[Dear Gil: Interesting anecdotes! You may also want to have a look at the article "In Search
of the Mythical Mermaid" (NEXUS, vol. 17, no. 4) by biologist Gary O pit, an occasional
contributor and a scheduled speaker at our forthcoming conference. Gary presents evidence
for marine cryptomammals in the same region. Also see the dolphins story in Global News.

Vedic Mathematics Update

Dear Duncan: A long time ago (NEXUS, vol. 10, no. 6), you published an article on Vedic
mathematics in your Science News section, partially based on the contents of our website,

We would like you to know that we have recently updated the tutorials section of the
website to include a much larger range of freely available material. It should let the student
master the basics of simple multiplication.


Clive M., UK
Mammogram screening for breast cancer isn't much better than the test for prostate cancer,
itself widely criticised for its overdiagnosis rate.

That is the conclusion of a 50-year review of mammography studies. It suggests that the
benefits of screening have been exaggerated and the harm underplayed - especially the risk
of unnecessary treatment thanks to overdiagnosis.

"For years, we knew that prostate screening was problematic, but we always thought we had
a winner in mammography," says lead author Nancy Keating, MD, of the Brigham and
Women's Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts. "Now we're finding it's not that different from
the prostate antigen test."

In the USA, women of any age have a one in 36 risk of eventually dying from breast cancer.
The review found that a mammogram cuts this by about 19 per cent. However, around half
of women screened annually for 10 years receive a false-positive result, whatever their age.
More worryingly, in 19 per cent of cases where cancer is detected, the women are treated
unnecessarily because the cancer wouldn't have harmed them.

The key, says Dr Keating, is to move away from the idea that all women over 50 should
have a mammogram. Instead, doctors should assess each woman individually and only
screen those at higher risk.

(Source:, 2 April 2014,


We reported in May 2011 that authorities knew - within days or weeks - that all three active
Fukushima nuclear reactors had melted down, but they covered up that fact for months.

In June 2011, we reported that Fukushima's reactors had actually suffered something much
worse: nuclear melt-throughs, where the nuclear fuel melted through the containment vessels
and into the ground. At the time, this was described by experts as the possibility in a nuclear
accident. Now it turns out that some of the Fukushima reactors suffered an even more
extreme type of damage: melt-outs.

By way of background, we've noted periodically that scientists have no idea where the cores
of the nuclear reactors are, and that highly radioactive black "dirt" has been found all over
Japan. It turns out that the highly radioactive black substances are likely remnants of the
cores. The journals Environmental Science & Technology and Journal of Environmental
Radioactivity both found that the highly radioactive black substances match fuel from the
cores of the Fukushima reactors.

Indeed, "hot particles" with extremely high levels of radiation - seven billion, 40 billion and
even 40 billion billion becquerels per kilogram (Bq/kg) - have been found all over the
Fukushima region, and hundreds of miles away.. .in Tokyo.

Japanese regulations required nuclear waste with 100 or more Bq/kg of caesium to be
monitored and disposed of in specialised containers; the new limit for landfill material is
8,000 Bq/kg.

(Source:, 25 April 2014,


In a study spanning two years, security specialist Scott Erven and his team found drug
infusion pumps - for delivering morphine drips, chemotherapy drugs and antibiotics - that
can be remotely manipulated to change the dosage doled out to patients; Bluetooth-enabled
defibrillators that can be manipulated to deliver random shocks to a patient's heart or prevent
a medically needed shock from occurring; X-rays that can be accessed by outsiders lurking
on a hospital's network; temperature settings on refrigerators storing blood and drugs that can
be reset, causing spoilage; and digital medical records that can be altered to cause physicians
to misdiagnose, prescribe the wrong drugs or administer unwarranted care.

Erven's team also found that, in some cases, they could blue-screen devices and restart or
reboot them to wipe out the configuration settings, allowing an attacker to take down critical
equipment during emergencies or crash all of the testing equipment in a lab and reset the
configuration to factory settings.

Scott Erven works as head of information security for Essentia Health, which operates about
100 facilities including clinics, hospitals and pharmacies in the USA. He began his research
after a security consultancy performing a penetration test on an Essentia Health network
discovered some devices connected to the network that had security issues.

Erven says that the health care industry is just now waking up to the security problems with
medical equipment, and that the problems exist because medical equipment has only ever
been regulated for reliability, effectiveness and safety, not for security.

(Source:, 26 April 2014, http://tinyurl.c0m/m645y40)


A long-distance swimmer has been protected by a pod of dolphins that scared off a shark
during a charity ocean swim off the coast of New Zealand.

Swimming coach Adam Walker was tackling a 25-kilometre stretch of Cook Strait as a part
of his quest to become the first British man to conquer the Ocean's Seven - a group of seven
long-distance swims around the world - when he spotted a shark in the water below him.

Just as he began to panic, Walker said he was surrounded by a pod of about 10 dolphins that
swam with him for more than an hour. They swam around him playfully, getting close
enough to touch. "I'd like to think they were protecting me and guiding me home. This swim
will stay with me forever," he said.

Video of Walker's swim with the dolphins was posted on YouTube the next day, 23 April,
and has since had more than two million views.

In a weird coincidence, Walker's swim was in aid of the Whale and Dolphin Conservation
Society (as are all the Ocean's Seven swims). (Source:, 2g April 2014,
http://tinyurl. com/kd4 eaxs)


View from NASA's Cassini mission of the six-sided jet stream at Saturn's north pole, known
as "the hexagon". (Source: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSI/HamptonUni)

In 1980 and 1981, NASA's Voyager 1 land 2 space probes passed for the first time over the
planet Saturn. Among their numerous discoveries, they observed a strange, hexagonshaped
structure in the planet's uppermost clouds surrounding its north pole.

Although the hexagon remained virtually static, the images captured by the probes found that
the clouds were moving rapidly inside the hexagon in an enclosed jet stream and were being
dragged by winds travelling at over 400 km/h.

Thirty years later, researchers at the UPV/EHU Planetary Sciences Group in Spain, in
collaboration with astronomers from various countries, were able to observe Saturn's
northern polar region in detail once again and confirm that the hexagon continued in place.
After measuring the positions of the hexagon vertices with great precision, they determined
that the hexagon's movement remains extremely stable, and, on the basis of the cloud
movements, that the jet stream inside it remains unchanged. (Source:, 8
April 2014, http://tinyurl. com/mzfhylo)


A recent report shows that the number of people locked up in US prisons has skyrocketed
over the past decades.

The devastating report issued by the National Research Council, which is an arm of the US
National Academies, shows that the growing size of the world's largest prison population
does not correspond to an increase in violence but is driven by politically motivated policy
changes. The 464-page report |] describes the rise in the US
incarceration rate since the 1970s as "historically unprecedented and internationally unique".
According to the report, 200,000 adults were locked in US federal and state prisons in 1973
but, by 2009, that number had ballooned to 1.5 million. Since 2009, the number of adults
that federal and state prisons in the US hold has risen past 2.23 million.

"The U.S. prison population is largely drawn from the most disadvantaged part of the
nation's population: mostly men under age 40, disproportionately minority, and poorly
educated," the report said. (Source:, 4 May 2014,


Emails between UK civil servants and the GM industry reveal collusion on a media strategy
to win over sceptical consumers.

Details of the emails have been made public after Freedom of Information requests by lobby
group GeneWatch, which said that the public would be shocked at the level of collaboration.

UK Environment Secretary Owen Paterson has pushed for faster approval of new crops and
lobbying for public support. Significantly, he decided to lobby the European Union to allow
biotech crops to be planted in Britain, even if they are banned elsewhere.

The email exchanges show that the Agricultural Biotechnology Council (ABC) - financed
by GM firms such as Monsanto, Syngenta and Bayer CropScience - has been at the heart of
developing government policy.

GeneWatch director Dr Helen Wallace said: "These documents expose government

collusion with the GM industry to agree PR messages and blacklist critical journalists."

(Source:, 5 May2014, http://tinyurl. com/mc3Z4hm)

Dr Bernard Dalbergue, a former pharmaceutical industry physician with Gardasil�
manufacturer Merck & Co., was interviewed in the April 2014 issue of the French magazine
Principes de Sante ("Health Principles").

"The full extent of the Gardasil scandal needs to be assessed: everyone knew when this
vaccine was released on the American market that it would prove to be worthless. Gardasil is
useless and costs a fortune. In addition, decision-makers at all levels are aware of it. Cases of
Guillain-Barre syndrome, paralysis of the lower limbs, vaccine-induced MS and vaccine-
induced encephalitis can be found, whatever the vaccine.

"I predict that Gardasil will become the greatest medical scandal of all time because, at some
point in time, the evidence will add up to prove that this vaccine, technical and scientific feat
that it may be, has absolutely no effect on cervical cancer and that all the very many adverse
effects which destroy lives and even kill, serve no other purpose than to generate profit for
the manufacturers."

The HPV [human papillomavirus] vaccine has become a huge international controversy,
while enjoying widespread mainstream media and medical acceptance here in the United
States. Any mainstream media reporter who dares to report on the controversy surrounding
Gardasil faces ridicule and a potential loss of their career.

US law prevents anyone from suing Merck or any other vaccine manufacturer, but Merck
does not have the same legal protection outside the US, and it is here that we must find
information regarding lawsuits over injuries and deaths related to Gardasil.

(Source:, 15 April 2014, http://tinyurl.c0m/0slldj4)


Launched in 2013, the US National Institutes of Health's BRAIN Initiative aims to
revolutionise our understanding of cognition by mapping the activity of every neuron in the
human brain, revealing how brain circuits interact to create memories, learn new skills and
interpret the world.

Before this can happen, neuroscientists need new tools that will let them probe the brain
more deeply and in greater detail, says Dr Alan Jasanoff, an MIT Associate Professor of
Biological Engineering. "There's a general recognition that in order to understand the brain's
processes in comprehensive detail, we need ways to monitor neural function deep in the
brain with spatial, temporal, and functional precision," he says.

Jasanoff and colleagues have now taken a step towards that goal: they have established a
technique that allows them to track neural communication in the brain over time, using
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) along with a specialised molecular sensor. This is the
first time that anyone has been able to map neural signals with high precision over large
brain regions in living animals, offering a new window on brain function, says Jasanoff, who
is also an associate member of MIT's McGovern Institute for Brain Research. His team used
this molecular imaging approach to study the neurotransmitter dopamine in a region called
the ventral striatum, which is involved in motivation, reward and behaviour reinforcement.

In future studies, Jasanoff plans to combine dopamine imaging with functional MRI
techniques that measure overall brain activity to gain a better understanding of how
dopamine levels influence neural circuitry.

(Source:, 1 May 2014, http://tinyurl.c0m/mleyk4a)


by Christina Sarich

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has known for years that vaccine use and
overreliance on antibiotics cause unstoppable superbugs, and now evidence of this
phenomenon is happening in Australia. The bacterium that causes whooping cough,
Bordetella pertussis, is morphing into a superbug most likely caused by vaccine use and is
turning into a strain that can no longer be controlled with vaccines.

The big change that researchers noticed in the strains of Bordetella pertussis is that they are
no longer producing a protein called pertactin. An astonishing 80 per cent of all whooping
cough cases studied by researchers in 2012 were caused by pertactin-free strains.

So why are new vaccinated cases of whooping cough running rampant? It turns out that
pertactin is one of the three proteins, made from purified extracts of Bordetella pertussis
bacteria, currently used in the vaccine in Australia. The other two are pertussis toxin and
filamentous haemagglutinin. The study is published in the scientific journal Emerging
Infectious Diseases (vol. 20, no. 4, April 2014,

"It's like a game of hide and seek. It is harder for the antibodies made by the body's immune
system in response to vaccination to 'search and destroy' the whooping cough bacteria which
lack pertactin," says the senior author of the study, Associate Professor Ruiting Lan, of the
University of New South Wales School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences. "This
could mean that these pertactin-free strains have gained a selective advantage over bacterial
strains with the pertactin protein."

This isn't the first time that vaccines were found to be the cause of superbug creation. More
potent viruses and bacteria are developing, threatening the health of future generations. We
are creating a warlike atmosphere for the immune systems of young children coming into the
world right now. While researchers keep asserting that better vaccines are the answer, the
more likely answer is to stop relying on vaccines and to allow the natural immunity of a
human being to develop with better diet and lifestyle choices.

Scientists knew about the morphing bacteria back in 2010. As reported by Pennsylvania
State University (

"An acellular whooping cough vaccine actually enhances the colonization of Bordetella
parapertussis in mice; pointing towards a rise in B. parapertussis incidence resulting from
acellular vaccination, which may have contributed to the observed increase in whooping
cough over the last decade."

Microbiologists from the University of NSW found that variants of the pertussis bacteria
with a particular genetic signature had increased to 86 per cent of all samples taken from
infected people after a continuing disease epidemic began in Australia in 2008, yet people
were still encouraged to vaccinate. Now, many are questioning the national vaccine program
in Australia and other countries.

Similar occurrences have happened with polio vaccines. Just one vaccine called Prevnar�,
which has curbed pneumonia, meningitis and deadly bloodstream infections, is now causing
superbugs as well.

One strain of Streptococcus bacteria called 19A is spreading due to superresistance to the
vaccine. The vaccine has been used in dozens of countries and made its makers more than
US$1.5 billion.

(Source:, 26 April 2014,; UNSW press

release, 14 April 2014,


by Gordon Duff

We are now told that the fate of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 is known: not-yet-identified
debris has been spotted in what is called the southern Indian Ocean, perhaps more
appropriately described as "north of Antarctica".

We also know that the 777-200 is a "fly-by-wire" aircraft with controls in place that allow
the CIA to pilot the plane remotely "in case of emergency". We were able to verify the
design and implementation of this system through Boeing, Raytheon and commercial pilots.

The descriptions in the New York Times and other publications are purposefully inaccurate
and contradictory. Their explanations of how commercial aircraft communicate and are
tracked are fanciful at best, "criminal" at worst.

CIA Controls Commercial Aircraft

When Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 was reported as having crashed in the South China Sea,
a massive cover-up began, yet no one will speak of it, nothing is written of it, and its broad
consequences are a subject of no investigation.

While people around the world were told that the plane was "lost" or had "crashed", the
aircraft was being monitored by NORAD (North American AerospaceDefense Command)
and its regional defence partners through secret systems installed in the plane.

On 1 December 2006, John Croft wrote the following in an article for

"Boeing last week received a US patent for a system that, once activated, removes all
controls from pilots to automatically return a commercial airliner to a predetermined landing

"The 'uninterruptible' autopilot would be activated - either by pilots, by onboard sensors, or

even remotely via radio or satellite links by government agencies like the Central Intelligence
Agency, if terrorists attempt to gain control of a flight deck.

"Boeing says: 'We are constantly studying ways we can enhance the safety, security and
efficiency of the world's airline fleet.'"

Similarly the Raytheon Company was awarded a contract by the Federal Aviation
Administration eight years ago to implement an Advanced Route Evaluation System
(ARES) to work in concert with the system operated by the Central Intelligence Agency.

In addition, the technical staff at Rolls-Royce continually monitored the plane's flight, a fact
also reported in the Wall Street Journal.

Hundreds of people knew exactly where the plane was, how every system was working,
what had been "turned off" not only when but where, and exactly where the plane is now.
Every word told to the press has been a lie. Every word told by the mainstream media has
been a lie.

The "Flying Dutchman" Airliner

Now everyone knows that the plane continued flying for hours. This is where the cover-up
becomes problematic. You see, everything about the plane was known: position, conditions
of the engines, oxygen levels in the cockpit and passenger compartment - all this and much

Even if the plane couldn't be remotely piloted, its systems under "uninterruptable" control (a
term coined by Boeing itself), the 777-200's supposed "Flying Dutchman" journey to the
South Pole is more than implausible.

The CIA along with joint military commands, set up during the global War on Terror,
tracked Flight 370, monitoring it continually, monitoring the murder of its passengers,
monitoring its landing, monitoring its refuelling, and know exactly where it is. If the plane
really went down "off Antarctica", then they monitored and "allowed" that.

Rolls-Royce's Silence

In Britain, technicians for Rolls-Royce monitored the plane as well, reporting its position to
the British government every minute that it was in the air. Those technicians have been
silent, the British government has never been asked, and no one has been asked.

As the largest "Where's Waldo?" hunt in history goes on, now pulling in data from weather
satellites and fleets of antisubmarine warfare

planes unleashed upon the Indian Ocean, the entire thing is an "act", a would-be comical

Flight 370 is a Boeing 777-200, one of the most automated planes in the world. We will be
outlining some of the specifics that make this theft or hijacking or alien abduction or
whatever the mainstream media choose to call it as not just improbable but a case of
government-sponsored terrorism.

9/11 All Over Again

This isn't the first time that something like this has happened. When four airliners
"disappeared" on 9/11, much of what we are seeing today occurred then, but with far less
technology being denied and suppressed.

According to Drs James Fetzer and Dean Hartwell, planes involved in 9/11 were still flying
elsewhere after being listed as having crashed or never having taken off in the first place.
These reports, though backed by verifiable data, were considered wild and suppositional by
most, but, in light of the Flight 370 debacle, deserve to be reconsidered.

Yes, planes can fly for hours after having crashed and, yes, authorities will lie about not just
the location of planes but show a frightening indifference when it comes to the now
obviously planned "disappearance" of passengers.

Tracking Flight 370

A number of devices on commercial aircraft are embedded in such a way as to prevent

disabling while in flight. You will never hear about where they are, what frequencies they
broadcast on or how they work. They are there. They are highly classified and they were on
Flight 370, being continually monitored by military and security forces tasked specifically
with preventing commercial aircraft from being used as weapons.

Similarly, with one of the great "disappearing tricks" of all time, the American military not
only monitored every mile travelled but knew exactly when and where the passengers were
killed. Part of the admitted "redirection" of Flight 370 included 45 minutes at 45,000 feet.
There is a procedure taking exactly that long at that altitude for depressurising the cabin,
using up existing oxygen supplies and killing passengers.

A Massive Conspiracy

What do we know for sure? We know that the plane was tracked continually. We know that
classified systems were on board that could reroute and land the plane no matter what any
hijacker could have done.

We know that the passengers could be killed easily using control systems that should not be
available to crew or hijackers but, for some reason, are a major "hole" in the security of an
aircraft that has multiple redundancy systems for other "mishaps".

We know that the media have never addressed simple technical issues that a simple "fact
check" on Google could have rectified. Did they lie on purpose? Did someone tell them to

Sources claim that the plane landed on Diego Garcia and was refuelled, dead passengers
were "disembarked" and the plane was then moved elsewhere.

Is this a better explanation than flying to the South Pole hidden from the world through
multiple simultaneous failures of safety, communications, counterhijacking and autopilot

What we are certain of is that in light of the announcement [about the debris], a series of
seemingly plausible rationales for what we really know to have been utterly impossible is
being concocted. This effort is what is now called "reporting".

About the Author:

Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War and an accredited diplomat.
He is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the
world's largest private intelligence organisation and regularly consults with governments
challenged by security issues. He is Senior Editor of the Veterans Today journal and
website. For more information, visit
Mind Control
In The 21st Century
Technologies that can tap into our minds and control our behaviours have become
increasingly sophisticated over the decades but are hidden for national security reasons.
Some recent advances that have been made public have disturbing implications.

by Steven DiBasio
(c) 13 January and 10 March 2014
Posted by
Part 1:
Part 2:

PART 1 - Conspiracy Theory?

Mind control is a topic commonly perceived as "conspiracy theory" or "X-Files" fare. That
is, it is seen as possibly not "real", and certainly not something about which one should be
"overly" concerned. This attitude at least partially arises from the widespread belief or
assumption that the human brain is so complicated - "the most complex entity in the
universe" is a common formulation - that it has not been, and perhaps cannot be,
comprehended in any depth.

One writer, for example, describes the brain as of "perhaps infinite" complexity,1 while
another, David Brooks of the New York Times, writes that it is "probably impossible" that "a
map of brain activity" could reveal mental states such as emotions and desires.2 Similarly,
Andrew Sullivan, blogger and former editor of the New Republic, opines that neuroscience
is still in its "infancy" and that we have only begun scratching the surface of the human
brain, and he links to a New Yorker piece in support of that position.3

The cover story of the October 2004 issue of Discover magazine, entitled "The Myth of
Mind Control", advises the reader that while mind control is a "familiar science-fiction"
staple, there is little reason for real concern because actually deciphering the "neural code"
would be akin to figuring out other "great scientific mysteries" such as the "origin of the
universe and of life on Earth" and is therefore hardly likely.4 According to the article, as the
brain is "the most significant mystery in science" and quite possibly "the hardest to solve",
mind control remains at worst a distant concern.5

The underlying idea seems to be that sophisticated mind control is unlikely without
understanding the brain, and we do not understand the brain.

Understanding the "Neural Code"

Of course, one might question the notion that a full understanding of the "neural code" is a
prerequisite for mind control since it is not always necessary to know how something works
for it to be effective. Nonetheless, the assumption that the brain is so complex that little
progress has been made in "solving" it is itself incorrect.

As neuroscientist Michael Persinger has said, the "great mythology" of the brain is that it is
"beyond our understanding; no it's not".6 In fact, according to inventor and "futurist" Ray
Kurzweil, "very detailed mathematical models of several dozen regions of the human brain
and how they work" had already been developed over a decade ago.7 Kurzweil also said at
that time that science is "further along in understanding the principles of operation of the
human brain than most people realize".8 While the brain may be complicated, "it's not that
complicated" (emphasis added).9

Similarly, a US Air Force report from 1995, in a section entitled "Biological Process
Control", predicts that before 2050 "[wje will have achieved a clear understanding of how
the human brain works, how it really controls the various functions of the body, and how it
can be manipulated...":10 One can envision the development of electromagnetic energy
sources...that can couple with the human body in a fashion that will allow one to prevent
voluntary muscular movements, control emotions (and thus actions), produce sleep, transmit
suggestions, interfere with.. memory, produce an experience set, and delete an experience

As disturbing as such "predictions" may be, is it possible that technologies to prevent (or
perhaps even impel) muscular movement, control emotions, transmit suggestions, delete
memories, create false memories, and so on, have already been developed?

Past Developments

Certainly, even a cursory review of the "open literature" reveals that various sophisticated
mind control technologies already exist.12 Indeed, it is rather shocking to realise how
advanced mind control technology was, even several decades ago.

For example, there is the 1974 invention of Robert G. Malech - for which a patent was
granted in 1976 and assigned to defence contractor Dome & Margolin Inc. - for a method of
"remotely monitoring and altering brain waves".13 Moreover, experiments conducted over
30 years ago at the Stanford Research Institute showed that basic mind-reading from EEG
[electroencephalography] readouts was possible, revealing the existence of "a non-symbolic
language" of "brain-wave patterns" which could be deciphered and translated.14 Indeed, "
(b]y the late 1960s...'remote control' of the human brain - accomplished without the
implantation of electrodes - was well on its way to being realized."15 A means of stimulating
a brain "by creating an electrical field completely outside the head"16 was developed, and it
was discovered that electric pulses could stimulate the brain using far less energy than
previously "thought...effectual in the old implanting technique".17 Not surprisingly, with
such developments arose legitimate fears of a future world where "human robots" would
perform the bidding of the "military".18

One source quotes a 1970s Pentagon agency report as saying that it will likely be possible in
"several years" to induce sounds and words directly into the brain (bypassing the ears), as
well as to use "combinations of frequencies and other signal characteristics to produce other
neurological effects".19 The report notes that the Soviets had observed "various changes in
body chemistry" and "functioning" of the brain from the exposure of the brain to various
frequencies.20 Also mentioned are studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
showing that "(mjagnetic brain waves can be picked up...and amplified as if the brain were a
radio transmitter", with no implants or electrodes required.21

Finally, an article from 1981 describes how "microwave generators" placed in appropriate
locations and transmitting at low energy would create "interference patterns" out of the
interaction with brainwaves (brain electricity). These interference patterns "could then be
built up by computer into a three-dimensional moving picture of mental processes" - in other
words, a remote "thought scanner" (and tracking device) could be developed.22

Recent "Advances"

In light of these past developments, it is perhaps rather surprising to read modern articles
describing supposedly recent innovations in "mind reading" and mind control technology -
in which it is sometimes claimed, for example, that scanners, electrodes and proximity to the
subject are required to read and "control" minds. Such claims reflect an apparent failure of
the science of "mind control" to progress as one might have expected, considering the
presumed interest as well as the spectacular rate of advancement of science and technology
in general in recent decades.

Of course, it would not be all that surprising if mind control technology has advanced
considerably, but that research has been carried out in secret for reasons of "national
security". CIA-affiliated scientists have certainly conducted much research which they have
been prohibited from sharing with their peers,23 and inventions that implicate "national
security" are routinely suppressed under Pentagon secrecy orders.24 Also, it might seem
desirable to hide research programs which sometimes "require" relaxation of ethical
standards, such as that of informed consent.

That said, even ignoring the likely existence of a "secret science" of mind control, recent
advances which have been made public are quite troubling in their own right. Some

1) In 2004, 25,000 rat neurons on a glass dish learned to fly an F-22 jet fighter simulator.25
After scientists placed the neurons on the dish, the neurons quickly began "to reconnect
themselves, forming a living neural network - a brain".26 The lead scientist added that "one
day", though of course "a long way off", disembodied brains might actually be used to fly
drones,27 though the current experiment was meant merely to enhance knowledge of how
the brain works and possibly to provide "clues to brain dysfunction".28

2) In August 2013, researchers revealed that "miniature" human brains had been grown in
the laboratory.29 As is typical, any negative implications or reasons for worry were
minimised, while possible "therapeutic" uses were highlighted. Thus, the breakthrough was
hailed as a great opportunity to understand developmental defects. Though the writer did
mention "the spectre of what the future might hold", the reader is reassured that the research
is "primitive territory"30 - though one researcher did comment that growing larger laboratory
brains would be "undesirable".31

3) On 1 July 2013, a magazine reported a claim by neuroscientist Dr Sergio Canavero that it

is now feasible to transplant the head of one human to the body of another and reattach the
spinal cord.32

4) Scientists have reconstructed, from fMRI [functional magnetic resonance imaging] brain
scans, random images viewed by subjects, in research which "hints" that "one day"
scientists might be able to "access dreams, memories and imagery".33

5) The brains of two rats have been linked, such that one, located in North Carolina,
responded "telepathically" to the thoughts of the other, located in Brazil.34 The second rat's
brain processed signals from the first rat's brain, delivered over the Internet, as if they were
its own. The scientist speculated about the "future possibility of a biological computer, in
which numerous brains are connected".35

6) A brain-to-brain interface has been created, allowing humans to move a rat's tail just by
thinking about it.36 Readers are told that while it is not yet possible to "communicate brain to
brain with our fellow humans...we may be on our way to...controlling" other species.37 But,
since it is "still very early days", the writer hopes that any ethical concerns can be ironed
out".38 Of note, the study used focused ultrasound to deliver impulses to the rat's brain.39

7) Continuing the ultrasound "theme", focused pulses of Iow-intensity, low-frequency

ultrasound, transmitted noninvasively through the skull to the human brain, have been
shown capable of producing not only pain but also sound, as well as evoking "sensory
stimuli".40 Accordingly, a lab with a "close working relationship" with DARPA [the
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), the Department of Defense and US
intelligence communities has been looking into using pulsed ultrasound to encode "sensory
data onto the cortex"; in other words, producing hallucinations through the remote and direct
stimulation of brain circuits.41 Possibilities are the ability to "remotely control brain activity"
and the "creation of artificial memories".42 Even Sony has got in on the act, patenting a
device for using ultrasound to produce hallucinations - again described as "transmitting
sensory data directly into the human brain".43 Most troublingly, one source recently alleged
that the National Security Agency is using this ultrasound technology to target individuals
through their smartphones.44
8) A researcher was able to make a fellow researcher in a different office move his finger
just by thinking about it, in the "first" demonstration of a human brain-to-brain interface.45

9) A low-cost means of tracking people, even through walls, has been developed. While, in
the past, individuals could be tracked anywhere by the "military" using radar technology,
this technology might enable entities with fewer resources to track people as well.46

10) Scientists have remotely controlled a worm by implanting magnetic nanoparticles into it,
and then exposing the animal to a "radiofrequency magnetic field" which stimulated its
neurons. The scientists suggest that their research could lead to "innovative cancer
treatments" and "improved diabetes therapies" as well as "new therapies for some
neurological disorders, which result from insufficient neuro-stimulation".47

11) Americans can now be spied on in their homes through their Internet-connected
appliances, according to (former) CIA Director David Petraeus. Petraeus made his
statements at about the same time that a huge microchip company, ARM, unveiled new
processors which will connect home appliances such as refrigerators, washers and driers to
the Internet.48

12) LED [light-emitting diode] light bulbs have been ostensibly pushed for their efficiency
over traditional bulbs.

However, LED lights are also semiconductors capable of inducing "biological and behavior

"Breakaway" Science?

While the aforementioned public developments are quite concerning, the reality is that they
may not actually represent the true state of the art in "mind control" technology. It would not
be that surprising, after all, for a domain with national security implications to branch off, at
some point in its development, onto separate "tracks", one public and the other "hidden". If
such a bifurcation were to occur, advances made in secret would not necessarily be
incorporated into the public sphere.

Eventually, perhaps, innovations and breakthroughs would result in the development of an

essentially new, covert science.

An example of a domain in which this bifurcation process seems to have occurred is

aviation. In the public sphere, the most advanced aircraft might well be the F-22 fighter jet
or perhaps the F-35. However, if insider testimony is credited, these aircraft seem almost
primitive in comparison with flying machines developed in secret.

Perhaps the most compelling statements in this regard come from Ben Rich, former Director
of Lockheed Martin's Advanced Development Programs or "Skunk Works", a Lockheed
division notable for its super-high-tech, top-secret projects, among them the U-2 spy plane
and the SR-71 Blackbird.
As Dr Joseph P. Farrell reports in his book Saucers, Swastikas and Psyops, Rich made a
number of peculiar and provocative comments at the end of his career and following his
retirement on 31 December 1990 (prior to his death five years later) - comments strongly
hinting at "the development off-the-books physics and technology".50 For example,
on 7 September 1988, in a presentation to the American Institute of Aeronautics and
Astronautics in Atlanta, Georgia, Rich lamented that he was prohibited from discussing
Skunk Works' current projects, but he did say that they "call for technologies once only
dreamed of by science fiction writers".51

In ensuing years, Rich elaborated slightly. For instance, while speaking to the UCLA
[University of California, Los Angeles] School of Engineering Alumni Association in 1993,
Rich said that "an error in the equations" had been discovered and corrected, making it
possible "to travel to the stars".52 He added, however, that "these technologies are so locked
up in black programs, that it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit

Farrell goes on to relay a statement from an unnamed retired Lockheed engineer who was
quoted in a magazine article in 1988 as saying that "we have things flying in the Nevada
desert that would make George Lucas drool".54 In the same article, an Air Force officer
involved in the development of the SR-71 said: "We are testing vehicles that defy
description. To compare them conceptually to the SR-71 would be like comparing Leonardo
da Vinci's parachute design to the space shuttle." A retired colonel chimed in: "We have
things that are so far beyond the comprehension of the average aviation authority as to be
really alien to our way of thinking."55 Consider then, for a moment, the possibility that
within the classified world, in 1993, a technology, to quote Ben Rich, "to take ET back
home" had already been developed.56 The implications are enormous, not to mention rather
frightening. One wonders where the technology must be in 2014, more than 20 years later.

If the aforementioned statements are true, and this seems plausible (why would these
individuals lie, or even exaggerate, especially to engineering associations and aeronautics
institutes?), what might this imply about the current state of the art in domains other than
aviation, such as neuroscience, which has itself been the subject of intense "weaponisation"

Indeed, what does such a vast discrepancy between what people believe and what is
actually true suggest about the nature of our perceived reality in general?

PART 2 - Electromagnetic Mind Control

Because mind control technology is in large part classified, statements and official
documents from "higher authority" as to the state of the art are lacking. However, despite
this limitation, one can still perhaps arrive at a reasonable understanding or approximation of
covert capabilities by examining the most sophisticated public research, such as that of Dr
Michael Persinger, cognitive neuroscience researcher and professor at Laurentian University
in Ontario, Canada.1

Significant aspects of Persinger's work relate directly to the feasibility of "electromagnetic"

mind control directed at targeted individuals or populations, and are thus a continuation of
research that went dark in the 1970s - research suggesting that remote electromagnetic
energy fields could be used to "influence" the brain.2

Electromagnetic "High"

According to Persinger, the brain can be influenced with very weak magnetic fields, "the
electromagnetic fields associated with consciousness, which are very, very weak".3

These electromagnetic fields can even "mimic" the effects associated with taking various
drugs. This is possible because the brain works by electromagnetic patterns - brainwaves -
not just chemistry, and for every drug there is "an appropriate temporal pattern" of
electromagnetic radiation "equivalent to the molecular structure" of the drug.4

Thus, by introducing the electromagnetic equivalent of a drug into the brain, the individual
should experience "the drug" as if it had actually been ingested. In other words, "you don't
have to have a chemical".5

This is especially significant when one considers that many compounds, both legal and
"illicit", alter consciousness - modifying, sometimes significantly, one's experience of the
world. Imagine, for example, "electromagnetic LSD" or "electromagnetic valium" delivered
via satellite to a targeted individual or population.

Hallucination Creation

Electromagnetic patterns may also be capable of creating artificial "sensory" experiences.6

This is because sense experience is not a perception of a thing "in itself", but an
interpretation by the brain of electrical patterns produced by a given stimulus.

For example, the perception of a rose is the brain's experiencing a particular electromagnetic
resonance pattern produced by the interaction of the rose with the senses, not an experience
of the rose "itself".

By introducing the electromagnetic resonance pattern normally produced by a given

stimulus directly into the brain, the need for the actual stimulus (for example, a real rose)
"can be circumvented".7

The idea, in other words, is that vivid hallucinations can be created via the introduction of
precisely patterned electromagnetic radiation into the brain.

Synthetic Reality
Such possibilities do not appear to be merely "theoretical". In a 2000 article in US News
& World Report, John Norseen, neural weapons designer for Lockheed Martin, is quoted as
saying that electromagnetic pulses could be used to create what he termed "synthetic

Norseen elaborated in a series of emails with artist Duncan Laurie, posted at Laurie's
website (Norseen died in 2007).9 In one such discussion, Norseen referenced a technology
for creating hallucinations. The topic arose when Laurie mentioned a news story reporting a
Mexican police officer's encounter with a "flying witch".10 According to the officer's
account, the witch fell from a tree and floated above the ground before flying at the officer
and "trying to grab him with her hands right through the car's windshield".11

While the officer perceived the witch as an actual being, Norseen suggested that the witch
was not a living entity, but was instead a technologically induced hallucination that "ripped
into [the officer's) perceptual apparatus from inside his thought structures".12

In other words, Norseen's suspicion was that the officer did not have a real sensory
experience, but instead experienced a virtual reality sequence, a vividly realistic, complex
"sensory" experience produced entirely in his brain. Accordingly, for Norseen the "real
story" was "whether this type of...hallucination is now available in the PSYOP eh".13 Norseen explained that the witch could have been the product of an
"orbiting satellite that mistakenly beamed [the] Mexican village with a powerful entraining

Information Injection

The "witch" is an example of what Norseen called a "semiotic". For current purposes,
suffice it to say that "neural information" encoded in "carrier waves" and then decoded by
an individual's brain is a semiotic. Norseen was particularly interested in semiotics - like the
"witch" that "reflexively controlled" an individual.15

Norseen discussed an experiment with rats, in which a rat would press a button and an
electromagnetic field would stimulate a part of the rat's brain, inducing (apparent) feelings of
ecstasy in the rat. The rat would continue to press the button, discharging the "pleasure
semiotic" (Laurie's term) until it died.16

Per Laurie, "Norseen's point was that if you could trigger that part of the brain remotely, via
a transmission of some kind, the receiver would be all but powerless" to stop his brain from
responding in a determined, stimulus-response manner to the semiotic.17

Norseen suggested to Laurie that one way to transmit a semiotic would be to encrypt
commands which could be "buried within unrelated visual and auditory information, to be
broadcast to the general public".18 In other words, a semiotic message encoded within, for
example, a television or Internet broadcast could be transmitted directly to the unconscious
mind of a person, in essence programming the person for some future action. "Norseen
strongly suggested these techniques were connected to the Columbine murders..."19

Moreover, as Norseen suggested in his discussion of a satellite downlink producing the

witch hallucination, semiotics do not even need to be encoded within a sensory medium,
such as a television program or Internet broadcast, but can instead be transmitted directly
into the brain via electromagnetic radiation or ultrasound.

As Norseen put it, the human brain has an "extremely keen sensitivity to both INTERNAL
and EXTERNAL signals, from sight, sound, smell, touch, memory, ultrasound, EMF
[electromagnetic frequency], etc." (emphasis added), which can make "the human
essence, a sex, violence, religious pump":20 My Database of Semiotics, Signs and Symbols,
when presented by various media to the human brain, cause[s\ tremendously strong circuits
to fire in the Nucleus Accumbens (Sex), Amygdala (Violence), and Anterior Cingulate/right
temporal axis (Religion)... So even if a person wouldn't do something Based on his
personality, the key is to reset or disengage the person's personality (free will), and then
repeatedly train either consciously or non-cognitively the person's brain to fire the point where you insert a new personality that acts upon the impulses
emanating from the SexNiolence/Religious circuits [emphasis added]. You end up with a
Sex Offender, a Serial Killer, a Religious Zealot wherein suicide is an option.. .or any
combination [of\ the three...

[S]omewhere, somehow, the result of culture at large, or highly refined and focused cultural
inputs, is turning out just such Personalities... The Question is, is this just the natural results
[sic] of Five Billion people on earth interacting with modern information and EM
[electromagnetic] signals...or maybe, just maybe...somewhere, SOME PEOPLE ARE

"Semiotics" can be transmitted from an external source directly into a human brain,
"training" the brain through constant repetition into new beliefs, new motivations, even,
perhaps, a new personality. Further, this conditioning process can occur below the level of
conscious awareness, presumably further enhancing its value as a tool for plausibly deniable
covert action.

Thought Control

Norseen described a technology that can literally control one's thoughts. As he explained in
the US News & World Report article, one could possibly even "begin to manipulate what
someone is thinking...before they know it".22

Dr Robert Duncan, a scientist who worked on projects for the Department of Defense and
the CIA, likens this "thought filtering and suppression" capacity to the automated spell-
check in Microsoft Word, which corrects spelling errors as one types.23 According to
Duncan, "even new thoughts can be suppressed"; moreover, memories can be faded or
Brain Prints

The most invasive form of mind control may require analysis of the unique characteristics of
an individual's electromagnetic output, what Norseen called "brain prints":

"Think of your hand touching a mirror," explains Norseen. " It leaves a fingerprint...Just
like you can find one person in a million through fingerprints," he says, "you can find one
thought in a million."23

A person's "brain prints" leak into the environment in unique "energy dispersion pattern[s]",
which if "monitored by mixed electromagnetic sensors"26 could potentially be used to
identify and track the person.

Moreover, brain prints could even be transmitted "back into the brain",27 "intact or
rearranged - to the individual or someone else",28 with the brain acting upon the information
"as if it were a real signal from the environment".39

[An aside... Much of what Norseen told Duncan Laurie may actually have already been
"old hat". Norseen had security clearances and had signed "70+"-year nondisclosure
agreements.30 He explained that while he could not discuss more recent developments, "at
least" he could "edify" regarding the years 1995-2002.311

EEG Cloning

Copying one person's brainwaves onto the brain of another person is a technology
sometimes referred to as "EEG cloning".32

Researcher Tim Rifat explains that emotions and states such as anger and aggressiveness,
apathy, lust, psychopathy, suicidal depression, mania, paranoia and psychosis have
distinctive frequencies which can be entrained into the brain "remotely by use of extremely
low frequency broadcast carried by pulse modulated microwave beams (ELF pulse
modulated microwave remote mind control technology)".33 As physicist Dr Richard Alan
Miller put it:

By using.. .computer-enhanced. EEGs, scientists can identify and isolate the

brain's..."emotion signature clusters", synthesize them and store them on another computer.
In other words, by studying the subtle characteristic brainwave patterns that occur when a
subject experiences a particular emotion, scientists have been able to identify the
concomitant brainwave pattern and can now duplicate it.34

These stored "emotion signature clusters" can then be entrained into human beings to trigger
the emotion.35

More than mere emotions, even another "personality" can be "cloned" onto an individual.
This "cerebral cortex cloning" has been likened to "having an enemy within one's own

Of note, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, alleged Boston bomber (most likely a patsy), was subjected to
what he calls "majestic mind control" and told his mother that it felt as though another
person was inside him, telling him things to do.37

Making "Connections"

John Norseen suggested that the brain, a "biological computer",38 could be connected
wirelessly (without a brain-computer interface) to a technological computer, explaining that
a person could possibly be "pingjed)" with a "light sequence or with an ELF [extremely low
frequency] radiation sequence", causing "something to be fired off in the brain".39 Of
course, one computer "pings" another to test connectivity between the two "devices".

Moreover, if multiple brains were connected to the same "system", the same brain signals
could be routed to ("cloned" onto) multiple brains. "Broadcast messages" could even be
sent, inducing similar thoughts, feelings, behaviours, and even beliefs in all people on the

One could thus imagine hive mind cells or even a large hive in which "participants" would
share neural information (brainwaves). In such a scenario, complex group behaviours could
perhaps be coordinated from an external "control centre", a situation reminiscent of some
accounts of individuals claiming to have been "gang stalked".41

Mind Hacking

"Mind hacking" is Robert Duncan's term for the process by which a brain is remotely
mapped, and through which some degree of operational control over the brain becomes
possible. A mind hack establishes the full capability of wireless interaction between a brain
and a computer.

To "hack" a brain, the brain prints or overall "brain signature" of the person must be
deciphered - a mechanical, deterministic process requiring only "time" and the target's
"coordinates" to be effectual.42 In other words, given "time and coordinates", anyone's brain
can be hacked:

Precise timing of pulses is how the trick is done... The timing of the pulses must exactly
coincide with the end of a neuron's depolarization.. .specific to each individual and their
microcircuits... This bit stream acts like an encrypted message that only a single unique
human brain with the exact physical patterns can interpret... In order to create any
significant amplification, thousands of neurons if not more need to be exactly pulsed without
a single one off alignment before the electromagnetic signal can gain enough influence in
the brain for entrainment. In other circuits or brains it merely adds noise that is filtered
out... Radar pulses using the bit stream key [are] sent to the target brain, and if it hits just
right along with the others, a few microseconds later an evoked potential should be
detected. This indicates that the brain key is being accepted... These bit stream keys are
categorized and sub-categorized. Each one represents a "brain-resonance" or a state that
was achieved. They are templates that can be replayed into the target mind. As the brain
mapping ]process proceeds] other bit streams fall into place into the whole cognitive model
faster and faster [just as when one gets] closer to completing a jigsaw puzzle.43

A signal "tailored" to a person's unique brain signature will not affect other brains exposed
to the signal. Thus, people standing even in close proximity to a targeted person would not
notice anything unusual, other than perhaps the target's behaviour.

According to Duncan, that someone could be remotely besieged by "invisible waves", while
others, even in close proximity, remain unaffected and unaware of the intrusion, tends to
"baffle the common citizen who has yet to experience the electromagnetic virtual reality".44

However, the concept becomes more intuitive when one considers that the targeted
individual's nervous system has been "tuned into like a cellular phone".45 And, of course,
only a "phone" whose number has been dialled is going to "ring".46

Mind hacking enables feats of grotesque invasiveness, making it possible actually to "listen
through the subject's ears, and see through the subject's eyes".47

However, the concept becomes more intuitive when one considers that the targeted
individual's nervous system has been "tuned into like a cellular phone".

An unanswered question is how much time is required to hack into a brain. Minutes? Days?
Weeks? In any case, however long the process does take, one might suppose that mind
hacking has become more efficient with time.

Scanning Brains: MASINT

According to John Norseen, the brains of individuals in a given population can be surveyed
and unusual brain signatures ("brain prints") identified from afar. This would appear to be
an aspect of MASINT - measurement and signature intelligence - the "newest, most
encompassing and technically complex" of the intelligence-gathering methods.48

Norseen writes that "multiple sensors can detect and measure what you think" and that
"hyper spectral analysis across the electromagnetic spectrum, within which brain function
occurs" can be used "to correlate and pinpoint with more accurate detail the
specific...regions of the brain engaged in mental processing of the target activity".49

Further, these mind-reading capabilities are "much more robust" than traditional diagnostic
technologies such as EEG or fMRI, and "involve...more remote sensor analysis using
interferometer techniques" such that "information about underlying neural activity can be
collected...and displays generated of ongoing and anticipated future mental behavioral
patterns, normal, pathologic, or trained":

...Neural circuits that reflect normal, pathological or trained brain patterns can be
discerned. Therefore, ...a complex system of Internetted, hyperspectral brain analysis
sensors, exchanging database information packages of representative mathematical
equations and biophysical state spaces, would be able to survey a particular area and
determine the brain activities of the constituent elements of the surveillance area.

A person with normal brain patterns would have characteristic brain prints that would be
different than another person suffering from some pathological or trained pattern of

It might also be added that non-conforming brains - for example, brains with non-deferential
attitudes towards authority or unsanctioned beliefs - could also presumably be identified and
singled out for additional "investigation" or "targeting".


We are faced with a world in which dystopian science fiction is fast becoming reality.
Indeed, for some, the dystopia may have already arrived.

Worldwide, thousands of "targeted individuals" claim to have had experiences consistent

with what Robert Duncan calls "mind hacking". Moreover, as these are only selfidentified
targets, the actual number of targeted individuals could be significantly greater.

Meanwhile, "whistleblower" Edward Snowden goes about "revealing" NSA surveillance

abuses - abuses largely disclosed by others in prior years, but without the consternation and
media fanfare.

While Snowden's "revelations" are certainly not trivial, it is apparent that the American and
world populations now exist in a bubble of "unreality", entirely unaware of the "science
fiction" technologies arrayed against them.

Consider, then, the possibility that the true extent of "surveillance operations" remains very
much "undisclosed".

About the Author:

Steven DiBasio is a writer, attorney and sometime musician. He lives in the US Midwest.
He can be contacted by email at

Editor's Note:
Because of space constraints, we are unable to publish the endnotes accompanying this
article. To access these, visit at:
The Lost Language of Plants
Part 1 of 2
In learning how to reconnect with nature and other life forms, we can discover much
wisdom from plants. Their chemistries are intricately interwoven in the lives of all organisms
maintaining and even healing them if they're ill.

by Stephen Harrod Buhner (c)2003

The Foundation for Gaian Studies
8 Pioneer Road Silver City, NM 88061, USA

Human beings, throughout most of their habitation of Earth, have been so completely
interwoven into their environment that, until recently, there was no separation between them.
This understanding is reflected in information shared by the majority of indigenous and
ancient cultures: They did not experience themselves and nature as separate entities. The
intimate interweaving of humanity with the rest of life throughout evolution means that the
entire development of the human species as a distinct species cannot be separated from the
landscapes in which it developed. Such deep interconnectedness to environment is so
fundamental to us as a species that, ultimately, it is not possible to understand ourselves as
human beings without understanding something of wild nature itself. Because the experience
of nature and other life forms is so deeply interwoven into our emergence as a species,
human beings possess a genetic predisposition for wild nature and for other life forms -
though it must, through specific experiences, be activated. Edward O. Wilson calls this
innate feeling or caring for living forms and systems, for nature, biophilia.

This innate affinity for all life forms - for things that do not even appear alive to western
perspectives - has been routinely denigrated since the time of the Romantic poets. It is rarely
taught during the educational process at all.

There is a bias among scientists and educators in favour of awarding a special ontological
status or fundamental reality to the elementary particles discovered by physicists, and an
attempt to emulate or give higher value to that orientation in other disciplines. There is an
inherent belief that the understanding of the physicality and interrelationship of matter in its
tiniest realms somehow connects people more successfully to reality than do other
approaches. A science-based western system is generally assumed to get people closer to the
way things "really" are and therefore to possess more value. Underneath this belief is
another, deeper assumption that the use of such a system will result in sufficient
understanding to allow effective control over nature and disease. In consequence, it is given
a kind of first ranking in the hierarchy of approaches to descriptions of the world. Other
approaches, such as those concerned with the inferiority of nature, for example, appear from
this perspective more "fuzzy", less accurate, not as valuable or real. The seat of
consciousness and perception which is trained in this approach to reality is, of course, the
brain, especially its frontal lobes.

Heart and Brain Feedback

In contrast, emerging interdisciplinary research - initially begun by "popular" researchers
rather than institutional scientists - is indicating that the heart is not merely a muscular pump
but a part of the brain with the same number of sensory neurons as that possessed by certain
subcortical portions of the brain. There are tightly interwoven biofeedback loops that exist
between the brain and

the heart: what is exchanged is information about the heart's perceptions of the world. The
heart uses a highly detailed emotional language to perceive and describe the world, and these
descriptions are sent to the brain for analysis and response. The two organs essentially
engage in analysis through two differing mechanisms to reach the best understanding of the
world in which an individual human lives. While the mind apprehends through analytical
modes, the heart uses its capacity for generating unique complexes of feeling-gestalts to
apprehend the internal reality of the world around it. The heart apprehends a living world in
which all things possess interior depth, point of view and livingness. As the Jungian
psychoanalyst James Hillman commented, the heart is the organ that "perceives the
correspondences between the subtleties of consciousness and the levels of being" and is
concerned with "the interpenetration of consciousness and world" [lecture, "Thoughts of the
Heart", 1981 ]. The heart has a natural capacity to find the eachness of things, to experience
an intimacy with each particular event. The ancient Greeks called this capacity aistfiesis.
Developing the capacity for aisthesis allows the unique living essence that is present in all
things to flow into the human through the organ of perception that is designed to receive it:
the heart.

Two Perspectives on Life

The contemporary western capacity for this mode of perception is stunted because of the
decades-long emphasis on more analytical reasoning during schooling. We are, in fact,
taught to quit ascribing aliveness, soul, depth or intelligence to the external world, to adopt
instead a primary view: the universe as machine. We are trained to view all species as
isolated units unconnected to the larger ecosystem within which they live or the larger
system of the Earth itself. This perspective - that we or any life form can be viewed in
isolation from all other life forms - has been encoded in our present cultural epistemology. It
is a far from accurate view and has had tremendously negative impacts on the Earth and
human ecosystems.

DNA has long been assumed (and taught) to be somewhat like a fixed software program that
determines organism shape and behaviour. However, DNA is actually a highly flexible
organ of the cell. A number of cellular structures, in fact, exist for no other reason than to
mediate DNA rearrangement. Bacteria have been assumed to be unintelligent and virulent
bringers of disease - hence the medical war on disease bacteria. The combination of these
two beliefs, as many epidemiologists and researchers have shown, has been nothing short of
disastrous. Bacteria are actually highly intelligent (though researchers tend to describe this as
genomic intelligence) and engage in promiscuous DNA rearrangement in the presence of
antibiotics. They actively create solutions to antibiotics - even antibiotics they have never
encountered - which they then teach to other bacteria. The unrestrained use of antibiotics has
created what many reporters have dubbed supergems - virulent bacteria that are responsive
to no known antibiotics. Many researchers are now predicting epidemics of resistant bacteria
more virulent than any known before.

These kinds of problems have been generated in part by viewing other members of the
Earth's ecosystem as somehow not quite alive or intelligent, as not possessing interior depth
or soul. Ancient and non-technological cultures generally view the Universe as living, not a
machine made up of bits that can be understood by disassembly and study. These two
perspectives, as they are internalised, not only shift how life is viewed but also how life itself
is experienced.

The tension between these two perspectives - Universe as alive and universe as machine - is
readily perceivable. Consider Norbert Mayer's poem:

Just now
A rock took fright
When it saw me
It escaped
By playing dead.

Contrast it with Ken Wilber's observation [in A Brief History of Everything, p. 149] that:

...[A]ll you and your pet rock can share is, you fall at the same speed.

If you let yourself relax into the statements and internalise them, you will notice a distinct
difference in how each of them feels. I recite Mayer's poem to many hundreds of people
each year; the reaction is invariably the same. As the last line is recited, their faces light up
and they laugh; it reminds each of us of something we have always known: that the Earth,
plants, rocks are somehow alive. There is a natural, childlike joy in this that is immediately
felt throughout the body.

Wilber's statement, in contrast, is quite different in its effects. Sometimes people do laugh,
though not nearly so many as with Mayer's poem. The use of the word "pet" before "rock"
creates a sense of sarcastic denigration, so the laugh is a sarcastic one - at Wilber's
cleverness, the thought of a person being dumb enough to think of a rock as a pet, and the
image of a person and his friend the pet rock falling together. Most often there is a silence as
the sentence penetrates the body, then a sigh of pain, a general sadness. The childlike joy
accompanying Mayer's poem dissipates. Mayer's poem activates a sense of personal
aliveness and childlike wonder. Wilber's statement moves the listener up out of the body into
the mind, into thinking, into sarcastic cleverness; some listeners feel dumb or foolish. And
perhaps this is the point of the comment: to make foolish the belief, and anyone who would
espouse it, that rocks are somehow alive, that they have equal value to people, that there is
this kind of livingness in the Universe. Each statement represents a distinct epistemology. As
each is internalised, it shapes individual experience and perception.

In earlier times, when nature was perceived as alive, with intelligence and soul, a natural
process took place. People bonded with nature much as people bond with their pets or family
now. This bonding process - which has decreased in frequency the more the mechanistic
worldview has pervaded society - engendered a certain kind of attitude towards nature. It is
an aspect of biophilia, the genetically encoded or innate emotional affinity towards all other
life forms on Earth that Wilson describes, but it also represents the emergence of a deeper
aspect of biophilia: biognosis.

The continual immersion in nature where the bonding process is supported and encouraged
allows knowledge to deepen into a direct, depth knowledge of nature that cannot be reduced
to the assembly of a collection of bits of accumulated information. Knowledge of the
complex interactions of natural systems or the contribution of individual members is gained
without being able to pinpoint each step in the process. There may, in fact, be no steps: the
knowledge comes in dreams or a flash of understanding. The knowledge, because of
immersion in biophilia, is directly communicated from the landscape, plants or animals
themselves. There may be a predicating factor that bursts the knowledge into awareness, but
the many elements that went before are and remain unconscious - an expression of the
ancient interplay between organisms interwoven in the matrix that gave them birth as
species, an interplay between species that are, at their core, relations.

Plants and their Language

It was in 1803 that Friedrich Sertiirner isolated the first individual plant constituents from
opium and named them alkaloids, some 140 million years after complex land plants created
them for reasons of their own. Plant chemistry has not been studied for very long in the
scheme of things; it is still not very well understood.

Consider that each of the estimated 275,000 different species of plants on Earth contains
several hundred to several thousand unique chemicals. The majority of these species
manifest as millions of different individuals, all of them generating different variations,
sometimes significantly, on their species' chemical theme. A plant with one thousand
different chemical constituents can literally combine them in millions of different ways. To
compound the complexity, these combinations, added to those of other plants or of other
organisms, produce synergistic results that are not predictable. Even a tiny change in dosage
or combination can produce significantly different outcomes.

Basically, the little that people currently know about plant chemistry is not very much. This
ignorance is magnified by our tendency (because of our upbringing) to think of plants as
insentient salads or building materials engaging in chemical production processes that just
happened by accident and, in consequence, have no purpose or meaning.


Still, here we are. Plants, it turns out, make and release their complex chemistries for specific
reasons. Spider mite-infested lima beans will release a blend of volatile oils (terpenoids) that
attracts a predatory mite that feeds on spider mites. The plants can tell exactly what kind of
mite is feeding on them through analysing the chemistries of their saliva. Each plant species
then produces a different blend of volatiles depending on what kind of spider mite is feeding
on it. That mix will only call the predator that feeds on that kind of mite. Their chemical
responses, however, go far beyond defence - far beyond nature being "red in tooth and

Pollination and Pollinators

Plant pollinators range from bats to mosquitoes, to mice, to ants, to possums, to bees, to
monkeys, to beetles, to lizards, to flies, to birds, to butterflies, to flying foxes. There are at
least 1,500 bird species, 15,000 wasp, 40,000 bee, 20,000 butterfly and moth species,
14,000 fly and 200,000 beetle species, 165 bat and 300 other mammal species that pollinate

Perhaps 80 per cent of all the flowering plants are pollinated by beetles. Forty per cent of the
angiosperms have a primary dominant pollinator with a number of other, less regular,
pollinators. Some plants have only one. For the past 40 million years, each of the 700 to 900
fig species in the world has been pollinated by its own individual kind of fig wasp. Their
lives are often mutually interdependent; neither can survive without the other.

The vast majority of pollinators are called to their plants by specific chemical compounds
made uniquely for them, which are active in extremely tiny quantities. The fruit fly Dacus
dorsalis, for example, will respond to as little as 0.01 micrograms (one hundred millionth of
a gram) of the pheromone compound methyl eugenol produced by Cassia plants. The
compound is so specific that even minute changes in its chemical make-up will produce little
or no response from the fly.

Because of this kind of specificity, plants create a wide range of volatile compounds that
appeal to pollinators. The smell of rotting meat, fresh faeces, decaying fruit or aromatic floral
scents all contain chemical cues to which pollinators respond. However, most chemical cues,
millions of them, have no "smell" at all.

They are picked up by receptors which in vertebrates are called vomeronasal organs
(VNOs). In mammals, VNOs are located in the nose and their only function is to take in and
transport to the brain the complex aromatic chemicals given off by plants and animals in tiny
quantities. They are so sensitive in human beings that as little as one part per billion of a
woman's sweat in distilled water dabbed with a Q-tip [cotton bud] on another's upper lip will
stimulate her body to begin menstruating in harmony with the first. All pollinators and all
land life possess VNOs or their equivalent; these are the receptors for the complex chemical
communications expressed from plants.

Many plants facilitate this process. They raise the temperature in their flowers (often
considerably) to increase the volatilisation of their aromatic compounds into the air. They
increase aromatic production when pollen is ripe, and vary the amount and type of volatiles
being produced at different times to attract different pollinators. Since night pollinators
cannot use visual cues, many plants increase their volatiles in the evening. The different
compounds diffuse in the atmosphere at different rates, letting pollinators know how far they
are from the source. Using these chemical cues, bees are able to harvest over a range of 60
miles [-96.6 km] and remember every flowering plant and its location.

Plant flowers will continue to release, even increase, aromatics until all their seeds are
fertilised or until the flower withers and falls. This often takes a great many pollinator visits.
Tobacco capsules, for example, contain 2,500 tiny seeds that require 2,500 fertilisations
(which, in the case of tobacco, must occur within 24 hours) in a space less than 1/16th of an
inch [ ~0.16 cm [ wide. As soon as fertilisation is complete, aromatic production and
volatilisation ceases.

Since nectar is an essential component of most pollinators' diets (for some it may be the only
food), nectar constituents are altered depending on when primary pollinators are likely to
feed and what kind of pollinator is expected. For example, bumblebees need (and get from
their flowers) a much higher amino acid content than honeybees because of their inability to
consume large quantities of pollen. Such plant-pollinator interactions can be exceptionally
complex and involve multiple plants and insects.

Heliconius butterflies lay their eggs on tropical passionflowers, acting as the plants' primary
pollinators. The butterfly larvae feed on the passionflower and sequester their alkaloidal
compounds in their bodies to protect themselves from birds after their transformation into
butterflies. While each of the 45 species of Heliconius specialises in a particular type of
passionflower, the passionflowers intentionally limit their own range of growth. There are
never more than 10 different species growing in any area. Although similar leaf shapes exist
among the scores of passionflower species, none of those 10 species will have similar leaves.
Each passionflower in that area uses different chemical and visual (leaf shape) cues for its
own butterfly species. But this interdependency is even more complex; other local plants,
Anguria species, come into play as well. Heliconius butterflies collect food pollen from
Anguria, cross-pollinating the plants during their visits. The A nguria generate exactly
enough nitrogen in their pollen to support the egg production of Heliconius butterflies. And
though the butterflies collect pollen from other sources, it is only the nitrogen from Anguria
pollen that is incorporated directly into their eggs. The Anguria and passionflower plants
coordinate the opening and chemical emission of their flowers so that they are visited in

Pervasive Plant Chemistries

This use of plant chemistries by the life in ecosystems is pervasive. Plant chemistries are used
as moulting hormones, sexual pheromones, dietary precursors to protective chemicals,
essential proteins, amino acids and lipids as well as healing medicines. Plants always
produce more chemistries than they need merely for their own health; the chemistries are
released into plant communities and ecosystems to maintain them. As with so many other
aspects of maintaining ecosystems, plants sense when members of their community are ill
and they offer up chemistries to heal them. These chemistries are either sent through
underground fungal or mycelial networks to where they are needed, or chemical cues call the
ill animal or insect to the plant which needs it.

Plants and their chemistries do even more, of course. They are intimately interwoven into the
lives of all organisms on Earth. Their roles are still more complex. Plants exist not for
themselves alone. They create and maintain the community of life on Earth. Plants produce
the chemistries that all life needs to live, and they heal other living organisms when they are

Continued next issue...

About the Author:

Stephen Harrod Buhner is an Earth poet and the award-winning author of 20 books on
nature, indigenous cultures, the environment and herbal medicine. He comes from a long line
of healers including Leroy Burney, Surgeon General of the United States under Presidents
Eisenhower and Kennedy, and Elizabeth Lusterheide, a midwife and herbalist who worked
in rural Indiana in the early 19th century. The greatest influence on his work, however, has
been his great-grandfather, C. G. Harrod, who primarily used botanical medicines, also in
rural Indiana when in 1911 he began his work as a physician.

Buhner's work has appeared or been profiled in publications throughout North America and
Europe including Common Boundary, Apotheosis, Shaman's Drum, the New York Times,
CNN and Good Morning America. Buhner lectures yearly throughout the USA on herbal
medicine, the sacredness of plants, the intelligence of nature and the states of mind necessary
for successful habitation of Earth. He is a tireless advocate for the reincorporation of the
exploratory artist, independent scholar, amateur naturalist and citizen scientist in American
society - especially as a counterweight to the influence of corporate science and technology.

Buhner's most recent books are:

� Plant Intelligence and the Imaginal Realm: Beyond the Doors of Perception into the
Dreaming of Earth (Bear & Company, 2014) (sequel to The Secret Teachings of Plants,
Bear & Co., 2004);

� Healing Lyme Coinfections: Complementary and Alternative Treatments for Bartonella

and Mycoplasma (Healing Arts Press, 2013);

� Herbal Antivirals: Natural Remedies for Emerging & Resistant Viral Infections, Storey
Publishing, 2013.

Stephen Harrod Buhner can be contacted at The Foundation for Gaian Studies in Silver
City, New Mexico, USA; email:

The full version of this article is available at:

The Cause of Many Chronic Diseases
Part 2 of 2
To reverse the diseases caused by dehydration, we need to drink sufficient water and include
sea salt and minerals in our diet. People with diabetes, heart disease, rheumatoid pain,
migraine and even cancer can benefit from this simple regimen.

by Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, MD
An edited transcript of his lecture at the Government Health Forum, Washington, DC, USA
28-30 March 2003
Web page:

The Signs of Dehydration

How does dehydration reveal itself? In four major ways: perceptive feelings, water-rationing
programs, crisis calls of the body for water, and disease complications - and you know that
disease complications mean that death could be part of that. Perception of thirst, feeling tired
when you haven't done a good day's work, when you wake up first thing in the morning and
you don't feel like getting out of the bed - these are signs that you're dehydrated. You had
better drink some water straight away. In eight hours you have deprived your brain of
energy, hydroelectricity, and that is how you feel tired because of dehydration.

Water is a "pick-me-up": within three to four minutes, it will get you out of bed. Feeling
flushed and irritable, anxious, dejected, depressed, inadequate, heavy headed or having
cravings or agoraphobia are all complications of dehydration. Depression is definitely a sign
of dehydration.

The Body's Drought Management Programs

The true thirst signals of the human body are asthma, allergies, hypertension, old-age
diabetes and autoimmune diseases. These are all produced by dehydration.

Alveoli need water. When you breathe in, you suck water from the periphery into the
alveoli, and these microscopic droplets of water, when they coalesce, create a surface
tension. This surface tension is a very powerful tension; it produces the constriction that we
use in order to get rid of the air in the alveoli. Breathing depends on water, and that's why
asthma is a sign of dehydration because, in order that you preserve water, histamine
constricts the bronchioles, stimulates mucus formation directly and indirectly, and plugs the
bronchus. Because alveoli are very delicate membranes, they cannot become dry. We lose
about a quart of water, a litre of water, every 24 hours just through breathing. If the person,
who is breathing constantly, doesn't have that water to replace what's lost, these alveoli
become brittle and they break. That's how you create cystic fibrosis. In order that this doesn't
happen, Nature has designed that you stop breathing. Unfortunately, we in medicine never
understood this. Today there are 17 million asthmatics in America; in Britain and elsewhere,
an equally proportional number. Yet all of these people can very easily relieve their asthma
by increasing their water intake. I've written a book called ABC of Asthma, Allergies
& Lupus, explaining that histamine is a water regulator: give it water and it won't cause you

As I explained [see part one], histamine is a neurotransmitter. Water and salt are the best
antihistamines there are, but in combination. If you give water by itself and don't give salt,
you cause problems. If you give salt and not water, you cause problems. In fact, you need
not only water and salt, which are the extracellular balancing factors, you also need other
minerals that are inside the cells to hold on to the water that seeps through.

Dehydration and Lack of Salt Cause Hypertension

In any water loss, 66 per cent of the water is lost from inside the cells, 26 per cent is taken
from water volume held outside the cells, and eight per cent is taken from the actual vascular
system. But since the vascular system is not a rigid system, the capillaries constrict and pick
up the slack, and you don't sense the water loss. So when 66 per cent water loss inside the
cell is beginning to produce symptoms, any of the tests you do will not reveal anything to
you because the vascular system is a balanced system and it is regulated completely.

In order to prevent hypertension, you need water, you need salt to operate the reverse-
osmosis system. In addition, you need calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc and selenium,
which are the intracellular minerals, to hold on to the water. Once you do that, no blood
pressure will dare rise above one hundred and twenty. Give the body the right ingredients at
the right time, and the need for all blood pressure medications will disappear.

Many people say that salt causes the body to hold water. That is not true. The correct ratio of
water to salt will not hold water in the body. You need a quarter-teaspoon of salt per quart of
water, which is a gram and a half of salt to a litre of water. Now, when you go to the
hospital, they give you nine grams of salt per litre of water; they're not giving you isotonic
solution. But I'm giving you enough salt so that your body will retain that salt. You need to
take sea salt, which contains the other 80 minerals. There are 80 trace minerals in sea salt that
are not in table salt, but in the table salt you have iodine, which is essential; so if you only
take sea salt, you don't take iodine. A lot of people can develop goitres, and an iodine
supplement such as kelp will help; taking a vitamin supplement that contains iodine is

Salt deficiency has actually been used as a means of torture. A person deprived of salt would
die in agony very quickly.

Taking antihistamines on a constant basis will cause more disease, because when you don't
honour histamine for what it needs - water, minerals and food - and you give the body
antihistamine, you're only camouflaging the need but not satisfying the need, and so the
disease will continue on. All of a sudden the antihistamine breaks barriers, and then you
develop cancers and all sorts of things, and very quickly you can die. All these people who
went to the most expensive clinics, spent thousands of dollars and were given a clean bill of
health came out of the hospital and 10 days later collapsed on the steps of their office or
wherever and died because their blood tests never revealed dehydration, which is the
foundation of disease.

Diabetes, Insulin and Water Regulation

You have two kinds of diabetes. Type-1 diabetes is the autoimmune kind in which
interleukin-6 destroys the beta-cells, particularly in children because children's bodies do not
have a great amount of water reserve. The body immediately goes into the next phase of
reaction, which is autoimmune disease.

In the elderly, insulin-independent diabetes, type-2 diabetes (which now we are seeing
among children as well as teenagers), is caused by dehydration. We should consider the
pancreas to be a regulator of water balance in the different environments of the cell. It
produces insulin, and, once the insulin gate is opened by insulin, sugar goes in and takes
water with it; amino acids go in and take water with them. Other minerals go in because of
that gate and take water with them. Now, if you're in a dehydrated state, that is an
embarrassment to the circulation because the circulation cannot afford to lose water to the
cells: it has to draw water out of the cells.

The mechanism that brings water to the pancreas, prostaglandin E, which is a water regulator
and one of the sub-hormones of the body, has a direct impact on beta-cells and inhibits their
insulin production and release. If you give water and you give salt, which are antihistamines,
you nullify the effect of histamine, you don't produce prostaglandin E, and the hold on the
insulin-producing mechanism will go away and you produce insulin. So, all people with
type-2 diabetes can get relief very quickly if they begin to drink water and take salt and other
minerals that the body needs. Does that make sense? I've seen quite a lot of dramatic results
in people with severe diabetes, 600-700 milligrams per 100 cc they're completely recovered;
their sugar has come down to 80-90 milligrams. This is the mechanism involved in this

In type-1 diabetes, insulin-dependent diabetes, it is this interleukin-6 that destroys or "guts"

the beta-cells of the pancreas, and insulin production is diminished. Now, even in this type of
diabetes, if you give the person water you won't get the complications such as plaque
formation and retinopathy that are associated with or acknowledged to be because of
diabetes. All of those complications will not occur because they are actually dehydration
produced, not diabetes produced. As for insulin production, insulin need will diminish. I had
a person who was using 90 units of insulin; now he's using 36 units of insulin in 24 hours.
He had retinopathy, and that's gone. They wanted to amputate his legs, and that's no longer
needed. He's totally recovered from the complications of diabetes, which are actually
complications of dehydration itself.

Other "Dis-Eases" Caused by Dehydration

The emergency calls of the body for water are the main pains of the body. Early morning
sickness of pregnancy is a sign of dehydration of the mother and the child, the foetus,
because the foetus has no mechanism of telling its needs other than through the mother's
system. Histamine, which is a growth hormone in infants, babies and intrauterine life,
whether it's human or any another animal species, reflects its symptoms through the mother s
system, and that's why a lot of women get early morning sickness of pregnancy. That's why
a lot of women begin to retain salt and become oedematous - they retain a lot of fluid.

If we increase water intake in these women, their early morning sickness of pregnancy will
disappear. The infants grow much better in the intrauterine phase of growth and they're an
average of an inch taller. The few I've seen are much taller than normal. Their hair is grown;
they have a much more developed hair structure than the hair of the average child.

Dyspeptic pain or "heartburn" is a sign of dehydration. I treated 3,000 peptic ulcer disease
sufferers in the [Iranian] prison with water, and that's where I came to the conclusion that
these people were thirsty. In order to prove that, I needed to find out why the pharmaceutical
industry wants to block this pain with antihistamine, Tagamet�, Zantac� and so on -
histamine-2 blocking agents. So I went to the library and started researching histamine, and
the answer was there. It had been there all the time - but the pharmaceutical industry wasn't
going to share it with the doctors, and the doctors weren't going to do research.

When I wrote my article "Pain: A Need for Paradigm Change" and presented it as a guest
lecturer at a cancer conference in 1987, explaining the role of histamine, the Scientific
Secretariat of the 3rd Interscience World Conference on Inflammation [1989] invited me to
make my presentation there, which I did. So, histamine is actually a pain-producing system
directly and indirectly through its subordinate systems, and that is why we have dyspeptic
pain and why the pharmaceutical industry uses Tagamet and Zantac to block it. The pain
includes migraine headaches, anginal pain, rheumatoid joint pain, back pain, fibromyalgic
pain, colitis pain, false appendicitis pain.

I have seen a number of people who came to me in the prison with typical appendicitis
symptoms, but they didn't have a temperature or nausea, so I gave them two glasses of water
because by then I knew that the pain was a sign of dehydration. In three minutes, their
"appendix" pain disappeared. These people would normally end up on a surgeon's table and
have their appendix taken out.

How does pain arise? The intracellular pH of the body should be 7.4, and the only way we
can achieve that is by drinking enough water and taking enough salt and minerals to make
the body alkaline and get rid of the excess acidity through the production of urine. So, when
we produce yellowish urine, it means that the body is getting rid of some of its acid. Ideally,
the urine should be even less of an intense colour than yellow, but when we produce orange
urine it means that the body is truly dehydrated and somewhere it's going to "sing". The way
it "sings" is very easy: when the body is alkaline, the cells are happy; when it becomes acidic
gradually, the toxic waste builds up. There is a chemical substance called prekallikrein,
which is very sensitive to pH fluctuation. When pH becomes acidic - when it drops to 6.7,
6.5 - free kallikrein is converted to kinin-, and since there are nerve endings in the area, the
kinin in the nerve endings is the element that causes the pain. So, that is how pain is
produced in a dehydrated environment in the body.
Now, this drought-management program of the body rotates drought or hydration, so certain
areas of the body are dehydrated and certain other areas are hydrated. That's why in
rheumatoid joint pain you get these migrating pains: one day it's this arm or this hand that
hurts; another day it's the other arm or hand that hurts, or it's the hip or the knee, and so on.
This is the migration of dehydration, and that's how you get the pain.

The Cholesterol "Problem" and Water

Complications of dehydration raise cholesterol. Obesity is the first complication of

dehydration. Raised cholesterol, heart failure, chronic fatigue, cancers, neurological
disorders, strokes and so on are all produced by dehydration. In the fourth dimension of time,
when you're talking about dehydration you must include time elements because the body is a
chemical plant. You pour ingredients into it and it produces an outcome, whether it's
thought, perception, knowledge or physical activity. Now, gradually change the ingredients
that you put into the body and in the fourth dimension of time your plant will not be the same
original plant as on day one; it will be a new chemical plant, and it may have disease
processes already established in it or beginning to be established. So, reversing a situation
needs a lot of understanding because you can't capture all that's lost in time.

When you eat food and do not drink water beforehand, the gastro-intestinal tract scrambles
and draws water out of the circulation, water it has to spare, and the circulation goes around
and borrows water from the rest of the tissue and puts just barely enough water into the
gastro-intestinal tract to break down the food and dissolve it, liquify it and circulate it in the
portal system to take it to the liver. In the liver, you need a lot of water to operate the
hydrolytic properties of physiological metabolic processes, and so more water is used there.
This concentrated blood goes to the right side of the heart and it's pushed into the circulation
to the lungs. In the lungs, you lose further water through breathing.

Now, highly acidic, concentrated blood reaches the left side of the heart and is pumped into
the circulation. The first area that this concentrated, acidic blood attacks within the arterial
system is the heart itself. It will compromise the membrane: it's acidic, so it burns the

Capillaries are already constricted because of dehydration, and this blood pressure rushing
through this compromised membrane produces abrasions and tears. Unless something covers
these abrasions and tears, the blood will go under the membrane through the tear and will
peel it off and throw it as an embolus down the circulation to the brain or to the heart itself.
Nature has designed low-density cholesterol to come and cover the area of damage here,
smooth over the tear and make it impermeable so that it will heal underneath. We see this
cholesterol and we do an "LAPD" phenomenon: as soon as something is reported, you have
to prove that you haven't done it yourself.

The medical community automatically assumes that cholesterol is the cause of the problem,
so it gives patients medication to lower the cholesterol, which is sheer nonsense. The reason
is that doctors measure the level of cholesterol in the blood that we take out of the veins of
the body; we never measure the blood cholesterol in the blood from the arterial system.
Nowhere in the history of medicine is there one record of cholesterol ever having blocked
the venous system. Yet if, because of its slower circulation, the cholesterol is sticky and
sticks to the walls of the veins, then all the veins of the body should be blocked, and they're

This is another fraudulent statement of the pharmaceutical industry, and it's a four-billion-
dollar fraud in America: getting people to take so-called statins. With flowery language, the
industry explains that this is the cause of the problem. It's not, and human beings are being
used as guinea pigs or "cash cows" for the pharmaceutical industry. We need to wake up to
this phenomenon.

Although the heart circulates all the blood, nonetheless the arterial system of the heart is
compromised because of dehydration. The brain is 85 per cent water. If you look at a single
nerve cross-section, in the axon you will see waterways - structures called microtubules.
These microtubules are perforated and they drain water from the cytoplasm. They have an
environment around them of solutions of lower viscosity.

This is where material is floated down the stream. The microtube itself acts as a rail system,
and the transporter protein carries these vesicles down the stream into the nerve endings. In
order for this transport system to be efficient, we need water in the nervous system. That's
why the brain is 85 per cent water: it has the reverse-osmosis program completely, constantly
supplying this water. If we have enough water, the diffusion process will help. This means
of transport is called fast axonaltransport through waterways in the nerves. This fast axonal
transport still takes weeks and months from the source of supply to the terminal where it's
being used. So, dehydration is a problem in the elderly that is slowed down because of this

Using Water to Prevent Cancer

Cancer is my field of research, on top of the other things, and in 1987 I presented the guest
lecture for a cancer conference. The tumour biology unit of King's College Hospital at the
University of London evaluated my writings and realised that what I was saying made a lot
of sense, so the chief of the department went to the editor of Anticancer Research and said
that this is new information. This man was an eminent researcher in cancer, with 70 original
papers to his name, and using water to prevent cancer was an entirely novel piece of
information to him. It took him about a year to understand what I was saying; I had to stay
with him and guide him through the channels of understanding. Anyway, I was asked to go
to a conference and explain it to the other cancer researchers who were invited - eminent
cancer researchers from Europe, America and elsewhere. I explained that pain is a sign of
dehydration, and my guest lecture, "Pain: A Need for Paradigm Change", explained that
dehydration is the origin of pain and disease, including cancer, in the human body.

Cancer cells are primitive and genetically selfish. They are anaerobic; they have low oxygen
needs. They reveal stem-cell characteristics in some cell-culture media. In other words, this is
a primitive cell that can once again become something else; it can develop into an organ or
another thing. This is the mechanism when the body is dehydrated and the cells become
reduced to their primitive form, and from that primitive form a new life is supposed to occur.

Cancer production depends on a multifactorial system dysfunction; in other words, many

systems have to fail before cancer occurs. There's DNA damage, reduced efficiency of the
DNA repair system, receptor-bound regulation and immune system suppression. There are
four main chemical pathways that prevent cancer in the body. In dehydration, all of them
become damaged, and this is how it occurs. When there isn't enough water to wash the
hydrogen ion outside of the cell, to take it out of the cell, this hydrogen ion can damage the
"fine print" of the DNA system.

In dehydration, we lose tryptophan; it becomes an antioxidant. Yet tryptophan is part of a

tripod enzyme, lysine-tryptophan-lysine, that is involved in a DNA quality-control system.

So, in dehydration, quality control that recognises DNA misprints, cuts and splices and
corrects the DNA misprints becomes disrupted because of tryptophan deficiency.

In the body, every cell is in a watery environment and depends for the transfer of messenger
systems on a watery environment that would sit on the receptors and stimulate the cells, so it
is a means of transport and communication in the cell by means of the receptors. In society,
we have these dishes and electromagnetic pulses to give you all the information in television
and radio and telephone communications. In the body, communication is in a watery
environment. So, when the body is in a dehydrated state, not only does the waterway in the
cell membrane close but it also begins to lose its receptor systems. This is because if there is
not enough circulation to bring the messenger proteins to the receptors then the cells don't
need to make the receptors, and that's how the mechanism begins.

Histamine increases calcium release because calcium atoms, when they bond and bind
together, trap one unit of ATP [adenosine triphosphate], one unit of energy. Nature has
designed it so that histamine breaks this bond and releases the ATP. So, you get a lot of
loose calcium in dehydration because when the energy of hydrolysis is not there, when the
energy of hydroelectricity is not there, another source of energy has to be made available,
and the calcium bondage releases its energy in the endoplasmic reticulum or in the bone

As it happens, excess calcium activates the proteases and receptors are destroyed. Protein
kinase C, which is a protein kinase that activates growth normally, responds to messenger
systems. This protein kinase is broken down and it becomes protein kinase M, which is an
autonomous protein; once it is triggered into activity, nothing stops it. A normal cell has
receptors which know where their boundaries are in a receptor-bound regulated system; but
in a cell that is becoming cancerous, these boundaries are not recognised. That is why cancer
cells overgrow one another, and you get lumps because of protein kinase M.

The body is a multifactorial system, and if it has gone the route of destroying its receptors we
find that in that area the cells have become autonomous. They have inherited a selfishness
that makes them replicate constantly, but they don't have the receptors to stop boundaries.
That is how cancer begins to develop and grow.
The other element is immune system suppression. Histamine, once it is secreted, activates its
receptors. Now, the suppressor cells to helper cells ratio in the bone marrow is two to one; in
other words, as soon as histamine is released in dehydration, the bone marrow becomes
suppressed. Another thing is that interleukin-1 is stimulated and interleukin-2 is inhibited.
Interleukin-2 is essential in defending the body against bacteria, against cancer, against any
offending agent, because it stimulates interferon production. The scientific community has
tried to use interferon to defend against cancer.

Now, the role of interferon is very interesting. Interferon stimulates indoleamine

dioxygenase, which breaks down tryptophan and indoleamines and produces oxygen,
ozone, superoxide anion and hydrogen peroxide.

To an anaerobic cell, oxygen is the kiss of death. When dehydration inhibits interferon
production, in effect you are not producing the oxygen that is needed. This superoxide anion
is actually designed to oxygenate areas of inflammatory environment that do not get oxygen
because of the stagnant situation, so the cells that are defending or repairing will get oxygen
manufactured for them on the spot by the action of interferon. In cancer production, this is
stopped because of lack of water.

Water As a Cure for Cancer

Dr Lorraine Day is an orthopaedic surgeon, for 15 years the chief of orthopaedic surgery at
San Francisco General Hospital. She had the lifestyle of a surgeon, drank a lot of coffee,
operated a lot, and never drank water - 15 years of maybe three glasses of water in a year.
All of a sudden she developed a cancer in her breast, and this thing grew very quickly. She
was on her deathbed. She had changed her lifestyle and started taking an alternative
approach to treatment of cancer because she knew that the normal treatments wouldn't work
as she had used them [on patients].

She knew that chemotherapy is a poisonous system as she had used it before [on patients)
but it never worked, so she wasn't going to use it for herself.

Dr Day stopped practising medicine and went into alternative medicine, but whatever she
had wasn't working. She was totally bedridden; her husband was giving her bedpans. She
told me this last weekend: "I started praying to God and said, 'I did whatever I could, God.
Please guide me! What am I supposed to do? I know that you don't want me to die, but tell
me what to do.'" A friend of hers bought a copy of my book. Someone had [already] given
her a copy of my book. She'd read it and thrown it aside, saying, "It doesn't apply to me."
But this time that she prayed to God and the book was presented to her again, all of a sudden
she woke up and said, "Maybe this is it." She started reading and realised that it applied to
her. That same night she drank 15 glasses of water, and she gradually started improving. (I'm
not saying to go out and drink 15 glasses of water. For God's sake, don't do that!) Dr Day
changed her lifestyle and got better and better. Within four months she was totally cancer
free, although she'd had secondary cancers under her arm, in her liver and elsewhere. She
had been dying. The doctors had given her no more than two weeks. So water is a magical
treatment or medication for diseases.
A young man I know, Andrew Bowman, had a classic case of dehydration. He developed
allergies at the age of eight years, diabetes at 14, neuropathy at twenty-six. He had asthma at
the same time as he had allergies, but needed treatment when he was twenty-three. He had
immune system suppression and several bouts of infectious mononucleosis - and, of course,
when one gets infectious "mono", once is enough but he had it three or four times. He had a
lump on his left flank; they took it and biopsied it and it was positive for lymphoma. He had
a gallium test and the lymphoma was all over his body; he just glowed with lymphoma
tissue. They offered him the orthodox treatment and said they would give him a total body
X-ray. They "fried" him. He was burned, second- and third-degree burns, and he refused to
do the treatment any more. Nonetheless, the cancer was growing there. They told him to go
and put his affairs in order because he had no more time; they gave him three months.

He was going through Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, and he met Bob Butts, who is a
proponent of the water cure in northeast Pennsylvania and has spent hundreds of thousands
of dollars educating people about dehydration. He took Andrew Bowman under his wing
and told him to drink water. Andrew contacted me, and I told him what to do. In November
1995, a few months later, he was totally free of lymphoma. He is still free of lymphoma. He
hasn't looked back on lymphoma. For his diabetes, which is the only remnant of the
symptoms of his dehydration, he was taking 96 units of insulin; he's now taking 36 units. His
eye problems disappeared. His leg problems disappeared and he didn't need an amputation.

Practical Use of Water to Maintain Good Health

So, water is an unknown quantity that God has revealed for mankind in trouble, in times of
need, when we are being enslaved by the pharmaceutical industry and the ignorance of my
colleagues in the medical community.

The treatment process is very simple: prevent dehydration first. You need water on a regular
basis. You need salt on a regular basis. You need daily exercise because your brain
chemistry depends on how you move your muscles. When you use your muscles, you burn
the branched-chain amino acids, which are competitors to tryptophan passage across the
blood-brain barrier. Once you burn those, your body chemistry will begin to function
normally. The calf muscles are your secondary hearts for venous circulation. That is why
you need to exercise every day.

You need a balanced vegetable and protein diet, a ratio of 20 to 80: 80 per cent vegetables
and fruits, not very much starch, and 20 per cent protein. Do this and take the right amounts
of water and cut out sodas, and I can assure you, I guarantee, no disease will occur in you
for a long time.

You need your water before your food. First thing in the morning when you wake up, drink
two glasses of water to offset the overnight dehydration. Then you need a glass of water half
an hour before food, because if you expect to digest the food then you'd better have the
water beforehand. You also need a glass of water two-and-a-half hours after food, to wrap
up the process of digestion and hydrate the areas that lost water to the circulation. For every
quart or litre of water, you need a quarter-teaspoon of salt.
You also need the other minerals in order to regulate the volume of water that is held inside
the cells. You need a balanced protein diet - eggs are very good, cottage cheese is excellent -
to give you all the amino acids and balanced structure. To reverse any of the diseases
produced by dehydration, it is essential to supplement the body adequately with intracellular
minerals. The diet must be high in potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium and
manganese content.

This is a very simple solution to cure any of the modern diseases that we have come across.

About the Author:

Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, MD, was born in Tehran, Iran, in 1931 and died in Virginia,
USA, in 2004. He received his formal medical training at St Mary's Hospital Medical School
of London University and practised in the UK before returning to Iran, where he played a
key role in the development of hospitals and medical centres.

During the Iranian Revolution, he was a political prisoner and he treated fellow inmates with
the only medicine available: water. After his release from prison in 1982, he escaped from
Iran and migrated to the USA.

Dr Batmanghelidj devoted most of his medical life to researching the cause and cure of
different ailments in the human body. He had a number of books, videos, audiotapes and
medical research series published. He was best known for his book Your Body's Many Cries
for Water (1992, 1997; reviewed in NEXUS 3/01; see

Editor's Note:

The transcript of Dr Batmanghelij's lecture was provided by The World Foundation for
Natural Science, based in Washington, DC, USA (see ). The
full text of the lecture is available at .
The Great Pyramid Fraud Revisited
Colonel Vyse's handwritten journal reveals serious never-before-seen discrepancies in the
rendering of hieroglyphs relating to the Egyptian pharaoh Khufu and suggests that a fraud
was perpetrated within the Great Pyramid which has influenced and shaped mainstream
opinion of this monument

by Scott Creighton (c) 2014


It is an issue that has been hotly debated for decades, if not longer. In 1837, Colonel Richard
William Howard Vyse, with the help of some gunpowder archaeology, blasted his way into
some hitherto secret chambers above the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid and found
therein numerous painted "quarry markings", the only writing ever discovered inside the
monument. Among these unofficial quarry markings (graffiti), Vyse and his team found a
number of cartouches bearing the name of Khnum-Khufu. In the topmost "Campbell's
Chamber", they found the cartouche of Khufu (abbreviation of Khnum-Khufu) - the king
who, according to mainstream Egyptology, built the Great Pyramid c. 2550 BC. They also
discovered Khufu's so-called "Horus name" Mddw (pronounced "Mededu" or "Medjedu"):
in 1837, no one even knew that such a thing existed. These markings provided Egyptologists
with the only tangible pieces of hard evidence directly connecting Khufu to the Great

Curiously though, the lowest of these chambers, discovered some 72 years earlier by
Nathaniel Davison, was completely devoid of any such markings. This strange situation led
some to speculate that perhaps Vyse's discovery was not so much a discovery at all but
rather a fraud perpetrated by Vyse himself. In 1837, there was no scientific means to analyse
the paint used to create these marks and so Egyptology had to accept Vyse's discovery on
faith, on his word.

Questions over Vyse's Character

But was Vyse a man who could be trusted? In 1807, Vyse stood as a candidate in the
Beverley constituency for the British Parliament. After Vyse won the seat (by a margin not
seen before or since), Mr Philip Staple (who came a very poor third) presented a petition to
Parliament, charging Vyse of electoral fraud:

A Petition of Philip Staple, Esquire, was read-, setting forth, That at the late Election for
Members to serve in Parliament for the Borough of Beverley, in the County of York, John
Wharton, Esquire, Richard William Howard Vyse, Esquire, and the Petitioner, were
Candidates to represent the said Borough; and that the said ]ohn Wharton and Richard
William Howard Vyse.. .each of them was guilty of bribery and corruption and corrupt
practices in order to their being elected to serve as Members for the said Borough in the
present Parliament... - Journals of the House of Commons, vol. 62, p. 680
Unfortunately for Mr Staple, his petition was not upheld - although, with the benefit of
history, it should have been, for it is now known that out of the 1,010 votes which Vyse
secured in that election, 932 of them he secured with bribes. It has to be said, though, that in
1807 this was not an uncommon practice in rotten boroughs such as Beverley. It also has to
be said that not everyone who stood for Parliament was prepared to commit fraud in order to
secure victory. That took a certain type of person. So, in this action, we have the first
glimpse into Vyse's personality: that he was a man who would do whatever it took,
including perpetrating fraud, to get what he wanted.

Figure 1.Richard William Howard Vyse, British Egyptologist (Source: Wikimedia


Another charge of fraud against Vyse (figure 1) is presented in his own published book, to
wit: slanderous paragraph, intended to be inserted in the English newspapers, was this day
shown to me, which accused Colonel Campbell of having improperly laid himself under
obligations to the Pacha by obtaining the firmaun; and which implied the Colonel and myself
intended to make our fortunes under the pretence of scientific researches...

- Vyse, Operations Carried On At The Pyramids Of Gizeh In 1837: with an Account of a

Voyage into Upper Egypt, 1840, vol. I, p. 225

Vyse makes no mention here as to the precise nature of the allegations being made against
him. In what way did Colonel Patrick Campbell improperly obtain the firmaun (a permit, in
this instance "for excavating in the Pyramids of Gizeh", issued to Captain Giovanni
Caviglia; Vyse, vol. II, pp. 164-65)? What was the extent of Vyse's involvement?

How exactly were they planning to make fortunes "under the pretence of scientific
researches"? Who was behind these charges, and what evidence did they have? While
Vyse's published work remains silent on these key questions, what this episode demonstrates
is that someone believed that the activities of Vyse in Egypt were improper, and this person
threatened via the UK press to expose what he was doing, thus, once again, bringing the
moral character of Vyse into doubt.

A Dubious Discovery

The questionable discoveries of Vyse would not be complete without making mention of the
claimed discovery by him and his team of the remains of Menkaure (Mycerinus) in the
smallest of the main pyramids at Giza (G3), a discovery that was later found to be
completely bogus. In this regard, renowned British Egyptologist Sir I. E. S. Edwards writes:

In the original burial chamber, Col. Vyse had discovered some human bones and the lid of
a wooden anthropoid coffin inscribed with the name of Mycerinus. This lid, which is now in
the British Museum, cannot have been made in the time of Mycerinus, for it is of a pattern
not used before the Saite Period. Radiocarbon tests have shown that the bones date from
early Christian times. - Edwards, The Pyramids of Egypt, 1947, p. 141.

So, what we have here are archaeological artefacts from two quite different periods that have
somehow magically found themselves together in Menkaure's pyramid, having been
recovered by Vyse and his team only after other earlier explorers of this pyramid had
previously somehow managed to overlook them. Why were the bones and coffin not of the
same period? Are we to believe that there were two intrusive burials from two different
periods? Why, then, weren't fragments of coffin or bones uncovered from the other intrusive
burial (assuming there were two such burials)? Do these events alone not reek of an attempt
at deception by Vyse and/or his team, trying to pass off a "discovery" that was later found to
be false? If we have grounds here in Menkaure's pyramid to suspect attempted deception, we
have to ask: just how does this impinge upon the credibility of Vyse and his claimed
discoveries elsewhere at Giza, including the inscriptions he allegedly discovered in the Great

Deception in the Great Pyramid

If all of this isn't bad enough for Vyse's reputation, then the 1954 handwritten family history
of a Mr Walter M. Allen of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, makes it a whole lot worse. Walter
Allen's great-grandfather, Humphries Brewer, apparently worked with Vyse and his team at
Giza in 1837 and witnessed Vyse's assistants, Mr Hill and Mr Raven, refreshing old paint
and making new markings.

Humfrey [sic) recieved [sic] prize for bridge he designed in Vienna over Danube. H went to
Egypt 1837, British Medical Serv. to Egypt.

... they were to build hospital in Cairo for Arabs with severe eye afflictions. Dr Naylor took
Humfrey along. Treatment not sussessful [sic], hospital not built. He joined a Col. Visse [sic]
exploring Gizefi pyramids. Rechecked dimensions 2 pyramids. Had dispute with Raven and
Hill about painted marks in pyramid. Faint marks were repainted, some were new. Did not
find Tomb.

. . .Had words with a Mr Hill and Visse when he left. He agreed with a Col. Colin [sic]
Campbell and another Geno Cabilia [sic], Humfrey went back to England late 1837. -
Zecharia Sitchin, Journeys to the Mythical Past, 2009, pp. 30-31

Curiously, while Vyse makes no mention of Humphries Brewer in his published book, he
does refer to all the other individuals mentioned in Walter Allen's account, including Dr
Naylor with his intention to help the local Arab people with severe eye problems. And as we
see from the Allen account, it seems that his greatgrandfather had a dispute with Vyse before
leaving. Had Brewer objected to the marks being painted, accusing Vyse of perpetrating
fraud, then it is hardly likely that a young man barely 20 years old and of little consequence
to Vyse would have been mentioned in Vyse's finished work. That said, however, even
though Vyse may not have mentioned Brewer by name, he may have indicated his presence
at the site through the work he did for Vyse in the Great Pyramid:

Two quarry-men were sent to blast over Wellington's Chamber. - Vyse, Operations..., vol. I,
p. 216

This is precisely the kind of work in which Brewer would have been involved. One of these
men, we know from Vyse's book, was a local Arab man named Daoud, but no mention is
made of the name of the other quarryman - someone who would have been crucial to Vyse's

While all of the above may leave a bad smell, an air of suspicion, this is not actual proof that
Vyse perpetrated a fraud within the Great Pyramid. However, the most damning evidence of
all comes from Vyse's own hand, and it shows beyond reasonable doubt that he did
perpetrate a deception within the Great Pyramid.
Revelations from Vyse's Journal It seemed to me that, in the absence of official scientific
tests having been done on these painted markings, the only avenue left to explore would be
Vyse's handwritten journal. I realised that if I could locate this document, then at least it
might be possible to determine if Humphries Brewer had been in Egypt with Vyse in 1837,
as Walter Allen's family account tells us. Perhaps Vyse had written of him in his journal
(when they were on good terms at the start) and simply redacted his presence from his
published work. That was my thinking, and if it turned out to be correct then it would at least
give some corroboration to that particular account.

And so, in March 2014, I set about looking for Vyse's handwritten journal. Thanks to the
Internet, it didn't take very long. I was sure that I had done searches in the past for this
document and had come up empty handed, but this time the location of these nearly 180-
year-old documents came up: the Centre for Buckinghamshire Studies, in Aylesbury, about
400 miles from home. So, my wife Louise and I would have to drive a round trip of 800
miles [ 1,288 km| to have a look at Vyse's journal. We didn't know what to expect or if we
would find anything of any great relevance to our quest. However, when we finally arrived
at the centre in early April 2014, we were not to be disappointed, though not in the way we
had imagined.

Vyse's handwritten journal consists of around 600 pages of yellowing, folded foolscap
pages, bound together with a thin white ribbon and all contained within a rather
unremarkable card folder. Although some pages are perfectly clear, the ink on many of the
pages is exceedingly faint, browning with age. What posed the biggest problem for us,
however, was Vyse's handwriting: it is sorely difficult if not entirely impossible to read any
of it. In consideration of this, I asked if we could take digital photographs of the pages so that
we could take them home to analyse at our leisure. This wasn't a problem (as long as we
didn't use flash photography). And so, for the next two days, Louise and I set about the not
insignificant task of photographing each and every page of Vyse's handwritten journal plus
some other material in his archive. It wasn't lost on us that the task to find anything
significant from these pages could take months, if not years, to research thoroughly. (Indeed,
I'm yet to determine whether Vyse referred to Brewer's presence in Egypt in 1837, so
difficult is Vyse's handwriting to decipher.)

It always seems to be the case (at least in my experience) that just when your research seems
to have hit the buffers, the "library angel" appears and hands to you exactly what you need,
precisely when you need it - and so it turned out to be the case here. The gods of serendipity
were on our side. As Louise turned one of the pages for me to photograph, I was about to
move on to the next page when I spotted something rather peculiar on the page before me.
Putting the camera down on the table, I took a closer look at the handwritten page and
pointed something out to Louise. We both looked at each other in stunned silence as the
realisation and enormity of what we were looking at sank in - for, before us, we were
observing compelling evidence that the cartouche of Khufu, which Vyse claimed to have
discovered within the Great Pyramid, must indeed have been forged by him - as a number of
people over the years have long suspected. To say that we were dumbstruck by what we had
uncovered would be an understatement.
After we returned to our hotel that evening, somewhat exhausted from our day's work, we
sat and stared at the evidence on our computer screen in bemused silence. The irony of what
we had found was not lost on us. Here we were, barely able to read a few words of Vyse's
scrawling handwriting and yet the ancient Egyptian script he had so carefully copied into his
journal revealed to us the truth of the disputed inscriptions in the Great Pyramid that many
have been seeking for decades, if not longer.

Anomalies in the Cartouches

Figure 2. This is a reproduction of hieroglyphs with cartouche from Campbell's

Chamber in the Great Pyramid. (Drawing by Scott Creighton)

Figure 3. This reproduction of hieroglyphs with cartouche is from a page of Vyse's

handwritten journal. (Drawing by Scott Creighton)
Figure 4. The Khufu cartouche in Vyse's published book no longer shows the two dots
under the snake glyph. (Source: Vyse, vol 1, p.285)

On the surface, these two cartouches (within the oval shapes to the right of the hieroglyphs
in figures 2 and 3) appear unremarkable. When we look a little closer, however, the simple
truth they hold reveals itself. The cartouche in figure 2 is a copy of the cartouche that Vyse
claims he found in the Great Pyramid - the cartouche we find in the monument today.

The second cartouche (figure 3), which Vyse also found, is presented only in his handwritten
journal (he didn't publish this drawing) and clearly it was found somewhere else since it is
slightly different to the cartouche in the Great Pyramid, i.e., it has no horizontal lines in the
small circle on the right. Had the cartouche in figure 3 been copied from the cartouche in
Campbell's Chamber, then Vyse most surely would have copied the small lines into the plain
circle that we observe in the circle of figure 2. That he did not copy these lines tells us that he
did not observe such lines in the circle of this cartouche in figure 3 - which implies, of
course, that this cartouche in figure 3 is from a different source to that in Campbell's
Chamber (figure 2).

So far, so good. Now, if we look below the small snake hieroglyph (between the two quail
chick glyphs of both cartouches), we can observe two small dots side by side. And here's the
point: these two dots are a mistake; they are not part of the king's name, and they are likely
the result of random splashes of paint dropping accidentally from the scribe's paintbrush.
Indeed, even in his book (published three years after he was in Egypt), Vyse, presumably
having now learned this fact for himself, removed this mistake from the Khufu cartouche that
he supposedly found in the Great Pyramid (figure 4).

The question that must now be asked here, of course, is: how is it possible that an identical,
random mistake can be found in two cartouches of Khufu from two seemingly different
sources? It is surely stretching credibility to breaking point to accept that these two
(ostensibly) separate cartouches of Khufu could have been created with the same inadvertent
mistakes in the exact same places on the king's cartouche. If we reject such an outcome as
being beyond the realms of probability, then what we have here is compelling evidence that
one cartouche was copied from the other. In short, the cartouche we observe today in
Campbell's Chamber was copied from an original external source by Vyse. That there is
indeed a correlation/connection between these two (ostensibly) different cartouches that we
find on the same page of Vyse's handwritten journal is indicated by Vyse himself, who
comments on the top-right cartouche (figure 5) "in Campbell's Chamber" and on the bottom-
left cartouche, "Cartouche in Campbell's Chamber".

Given that we have eliminated already the possibility that figure 3 (with the blank circle)
could have been copied from Campbell's Chamber (figure 2), then we can only surmise that
figure 3 was the original and that this was used as Vyse's source to render the Khufu
cartouche (with some minor refinements) along with the other hieroglyphs into Campbell's

Figure 5. This is a reproduction of a page from Vyse's handwritten journal showing

Vyse's comments and the double dots under the snake glyph of both cartouches. (Note:
There is much more handwriting on Vyse's original journal page than is presented

Glitches in the Glyphs

But what of the other hieroglyphs to the left of the cartouches? Do they tell us anything?
Clearly we can see that the two scripts here are very similar to each other, with some minor
variations. If we consider the two stafflike hieroglyphs (figure 3), it appears that these have
simply been replicated in the other script (figure 2), with the top of the second staff (from
right) drawn truncated and more looped. (As it is, mainstream Egyptology interprets this
glyph as a chisel, although a number of questions surround such an interpretation). This
slight difference between these two glyphs may simply have been the result of poor copying
of this glyph by whomever Vyse employed to render it into Campbell's Chamber, possibly
Mr Hill. Indeed, there is even an argument that this slight difference may have been made in
order to introduce deliberately an element of vagueness. Given that Vyse could not
understand what these glyphs were actually saying, if they were rendered ambiguous enough
then the likelihood was that they could be interpreted in any number of ways, one of which
would likely be meaningful in the context of Khufu and the Great Pyramid.

Making Sense of the Script

The simplest explanation to all of this, by far, is that Vyse discovered a piece of hieroglyphic
text with the Khufu cartouche (figure 3) during his excavations somewhere outside the
pyramid, recognised the name Khufu (this had been properly rendered and published by
Italian Egyptologist Ippolito Rosellini five years before Vyse went to Egypt) and copied the
entire hieroglyphic script - mistakes and all - from that source (including the very similar
characters to the left of the cartouche, which he would not have been able to read) into
Campbell's Chamber, except that he slightly modified the small circle to include three
horizontal lines (and badly rendered or deliberately fudged the second staff-like glyph).

Vyse would have added these horizontal lines into the plain circle (of figure 3) because, in
1837, it was unclear that a plain circle could, in fact, be read as "Kh". Believing that a plain
circle (often with a centre dot) could only be pronounced "Ra" (as in "Ra-ufu"), Vyse would
have been compelled to place hatched lines in the plain circle to render unequivocally that
circle glyph "Kh" (as in "Kh-ufu"). Indeed, on the very same page of his handwritten journal
(figure 5) we can see that Vyse is deliberating over the use of these three horizontal lines for
the plain circle of the Khufu cartouche and that he also places a cross (X) above the two
discs just outside the cartouches. On the same page, Vyse also comments:

Cartouches in tomb to the W. [west] of first pyramid are different than Suphis

Clearly from this comment, Vyse already knows what the proper Khufu cartouche should
look like. Alongside this comment (figure 5), we observe his drawing of a small circle with a
dot in its centre, the phonetic "Ra" sound, and below this another small circle with three
small horizontal strokes in its centre, the phonetic "Kh" sound. This appears almost as
though Vyse, having found the Khufu text with a blank disc (figure 3), is deliberating over
whether or not it should be drawn with hatched lines. We can even see that he cross-
references all of these circles by placing a simple oblique stroke mark at the top right of
them. Eventually he decides, and at the bottom of the page in the left margin he draws a
cartouche of Khufu complete with the two dots (mistakes) under the snake glyph and now
with the three horizontal strokes in the hitherto blank disc. Below this he writes "Cartouche
in Campbell's", as if noting for himself what he has decided to place there.

The irony here is that had Vyse simply not bothered placing any hatched lines into the plain
disc, the deception would have been far more convincing since no one in 1837 knew that
Khufu could also, in fact, be spelled with such a plain disc.

Vyse overegged the pudding.

What we are presented with here is the smoking gun pointing to Vyse and his team having
perpetrated fraud in the Great Pyramid in 1837.

The presence on the very same page of Vyse's handwritten journal of two slightly different
Khufu cartouches (ostensibly from different sources) bearing the very same inadvertent
mistakes (the two dots below the snake glyph) speaks to the truth of what actually happened
at Giza all those years ago.

It rather seems to this writer that wherever Vyse went and whatever field of human
endeavour in which he operated, the whiff of scandal and perpetrating some form of fraud
was never too far behind. And so we now have to ask: can we truly say that Vyse is a man
in whom we can have complete confidence? Can he be considered fully trustworthy? Is
there anything in what we have learnt that might raise sufficient doubt about this man that
would lead us to question what he claims to have discovered in the Great Pyramid? In legal
parlance, what we have here is akin to asking: is there "reasonable suspicion"? Are there
sufficient grounds to doubt the veracity of Vyse's published account as it relates to the
discovery of these painted inscriptions in the Great Pyramid? In short, is the discovery of
these inscriptions Vyse's greatest achievement or his dirtiest trick?

The Task for Egyptology

If we take the view that sufficient doubts exist on the character of Vyse and that there is now
also sufficient evidence that casts doubt on his claimed discovery, how does this have an
impact on Egyptology and where then does Egyptology go from here?

The answer is simple. Egyptology must do what it should have done in the first place with
these inscriptions: consider them inadmissible until proper science can verify them.
Egyptology must put aside all written testimonies made concerning the markings in these
chambers and return to the actual, physical evidence itself.

It must apply hard science to try to determine the authenticity of these inscriptions, for only
then might the truth of these markings finally be settled.

It just needs to be added that it is not for this writer or anyone else to disprove the
authenticity of the inscriptions within these chambers: it is the responsibility of Egyptology to
take these issues seriously and to prove scientifically that these inscriptions are authentic,
rather than to accept dutifully the word of a man whose actions have brought a number of
others to question his moral character. Refusing to conduct proper science on these
inscriptions is simply no longer a tenable position. The world deserves to know the truth
about these inscriptions.
About the Author:

Scott Creighton is an engineer whose extensive travels have allowed him to explore many of
the world's ancient sacred sites. He is the co-author (with Gary Osborn) of The Giza
Prophecy: The Orion Code and the Secret Teachings of the Pyramids (Bear & Company,
2012; reviewed in NEXUS 19/02). His new book The Secret Chamber of Osiris: Lost
Knowledge of the Sixteen Pyramids will be released by Bear & Company in January 2015.
The host of the Alternative Egyptology forum on, he lives in
Glasgow, Scotland.

Scott Creighton can be contacted by email at . For more

information, visit his website:

by Christopher John Carmody (c)2014

Previous theories dealing with barycentres have treated them as if they were merely a
theoretical construct with no actual existence in reality, a mere simplification for
mathematical purposes.

Consider three entities of different but similar masses interacting in space. Their collective
interaction creates a barycentre-. a unique point inside the gravitational system that actively
and continuously assimilates, amalgamates or agglomerates all of the gravitational
information within the system (as well as the influence of external barycentres), and then
interacts individually with each of the three entities. The barycentre is the dominant
gravitational point within the system, around which all three entities orbit.

As one of the three entities moves, so too does the barycentre move to take account of that
change in position of the entity. However, as the barycentre migrates, the entity must also
relocate to take account of the change in position of the system's barycentre. A double
feedback loop exists.

If we consider another one of the three entities within the system, we can conjecture a triple
feedback loop and so on. This is akin to the dual integration discussed earlier in the larger
version of this paper. The material entities and the barycentre are most probably interacting at
light speed (some theorists such as Isaac Newton have postulated an instantaneous
interaction): adjusting to the adjustment of the adjustment ad infinitum creates a dynamic
system unparalleled in its complexity.

Mathematicians and the most powerful computers can only approximately grasp the
complexity using the simplification of differential calculus. It is universally accepted by
mathematicians, despite centuries of research, that there is no solution to the "three-body
problem"1, meaning that the precise location of a system's barycentre cannot be
mathematically predicted for any future moment in time because of the infinite complexity of
the interaction (with a few well-documented but "red herring" exceptions that presume zero
influence from external barycentres).2

Even quantum computers at their maturity will be unable to fathom the complexity of the
barycentric mathematics involving three entities, let alone the processing taking place inside
a galactic barycentre which, by inference, is a mathematical calculation of infinite
complexitybeing solved instantaneously ad infinitum. Barycentric behaviour is
fundamentally nondeterministic in that whereas the barycentre's past migration can be
accurately mapped, its position at any future point in time is uncertain.

Even though Jupiter is 318 times heavier than Earth, a human weighing 100 kilograms on
Earth's surface would weigh only 236 kilograms on Jupiter's surface.3 That is because the
weight of the human is determined by how far the mass of that human is from the barycentre
of the planet (under consideration) or, more correctly, the distance of the human's barycentre
to the planet's barycentre. Because Jupiter is so large, a human on its surface is much farther
away from its barycentre compared to on Earth. To put it differently, the human interacts
with a planet's barycentre in a very real way, not simply as some theoretical construct.
Because gravity weakens according to the inverse square law, the extra distance to the
Jovian barycentre would appear to be the critical determinant of the human's weight, not the
overall mass of Jupiter. Indeed, if Jupiter were the same size as Earth, then the human would
weigh 318 times as much as he does currently on Earth, or 31,800 kilograms, because the
barycentric radii would be equivalent!

A Cuboid's Barycentre

Consider a large elongated cuboid entity of uniform density moving through space. A human
standing at one of the ends of the cuboid would weigh less than if he were to stand directly
above (on the surface in the middle of the cuboid's length) the cuboid's centre of balance or

If a barycentre were merely a mathematical simplification or a geometrical construct, there

would be no reason for the weight of the human to increase due to the fact that he was
standing closer to the barycentre. Any point on the surface of the cuboid entity is no closer or
farther away from the mass of the entity in total. For example, let's say we have a 10-
centimetre (cm) ruler: the 8-cm mark is 2 cm from the 1 Oth mark and 8 cm from the zero
mark, making a total of 10; the 3-cm mark is 7 cm from the 10th mark and 3 cm from the
zero mark, making a total of 10; and so on. To suggest that the human is heavier near the
barycentre (which he surely is) simply because of gravity's inverse square law, alone as an
explanation, is fallacious because he is no closer or further away from the entire mass of the
cuboid wherever he is located, on the surface or even within the cuboid.

The question, then, is: why does the human standing at different locations on the surface
become heavier as he gets closer to the cuboid's barycentre? The answer is because the
gravity field that emanates from the cuboid (or any object, including Earth) really does
emanate from its barycentre. Let's call this "Proposition 1" The ultimate conundrum: the
centre of mass is at once a point of zero gravity, equipoise, and yet simultaneously it is the
source or emanation point for the entire gravitational pull of the mass of the entity.

A Spheroid's Barycentre

Apart from the barycentre, every other point on or in a spheroid has an

opposing/counterbalancing/ countervailing, mirroring sister point. Only one point is unique,
or singular, within the spheroid, and therefore it has no counterbalancing point.
From gravity's perspective, every object is a spheroid, and in fact every object can be
considered to be no more than a distorted spheroid, no matter what its shape. (A ball of
Plasticine can theoretically be changed to any shape.)

A spheroid has only one unique point: its geometric centre or, more correctly stated, its
centre of balance. Whereas every other point on or in the sphere has an oppositional point
which counterbalances, countervails or neutralises the pull of each and every other mirroring
sister point, the barycentre is the point where every mountain, every ocean, every rock
precisely cancels out each other's pull to create gravitational equipoise.4 Nevertheless, like an
indestructible Herculean octopus in the very middle of a tug-of-war with its tentacles pulled
from all directions, all pull is concentrated/ funnelled/wrought upon that central point. Most
importantly, it is not counterbalanced by an opposing point because there can only ever be
one centre of mass in a spheroid. The sphere's barycentre transmits as a conduit the entire
pull of the mass of the entity. Therefore, the gravity of the entire mass of an object is
effectively aggregated at the barycentre, which is consistent with PI.

As an approximate analogy, think of a long steel tube with two suction pumps of equal
strength affixed at either end of the tube (note that suction is also a pulling force). A ping-
pong ball would remain suspended in equipoise if placed in the very centre of the tube
because the two oppositional pulling pumps would neutralise or counterbalance each other at
that point. However, a hole placed in the centre of the tube would have the pulling power of
both the pumps combined. The tube's central hole transmits as a conduit the entire pull of the
suction of the two pumps combined. Once thought of, it's as simple as the shape of a wheel.

However, if a human were using a gravimeter on the Earth's surface, he could, let's say,
measure the mass of the mountain to which he was juxtaposed - and you might say that this
disproves that gravity emanates from the barycentre, but you would be in error. Due to the
localised proximity of the measuring instrument to the mountain, an exception arises because
the countervailing sister point is much farther away (indeed, perhaps on the other side of the
planet) and thus does not counterbalance to negate the pull relative to the gravimeter. As
Einstein proved, all things (except for the speed of light) are relative to the perspective of the
observer, hence observational positioning is still important.

It is well accepted by astrophysicists that in order for an Earth satellite to be kept in a stable
orbit, the requisite velocity must be determined as a function of distance from the Earth's
barycentre to the satellite's barycentre, not from the Earth's surface to the satellite. As to why
this should be so has been a mystery to astrophysicists - until the publication of this PI paper.

Whatever the deliberations of Newton, his decision to adopt centres of mass or barycentres
in his conception and explanation of the laws of gravity and celestial mechanics, most
probably as a mathematical simplification, turns out to be perfectly correct.

Despite the fact that this new explanation of aggregation of gravitational force is not the most
astounding of scientific discoveries, nevertheless the extrapolated ramifications of the
theorem are beyond stupendous. For that reason, the reader is encouraged to examine the PI
theorem critically in preparation for latter passages in the text of the larger version of this
paper. Comprehending the nature of barycentric power is the key to understanding the
universe, both in its genesis and extant order.

A Galaxy's Barycentre

Given the above, it is essential to comprehend that a galactic barycentre (for example) is not
merely a theoretical construct but an infinitely small point that possesses a precise space-time
coordinate (at any moment in time), orchestrating/processing an infinitely complex,
simultaneous implosion and explosion of gravitational information. It is the most influential
and powerful entity within a gravitational system and the fundamental key conduit point for
interaction with external gravitational systems.

Consider the galaxy IC 1101 barycentre, given the above, and the implications for the
ferocity/energy of the barycentric interaction within that giant star system. The galaxy IC
1101 barycentre is thrusting with the gravitational information broadcast from (by some
estimates5) 100 trillion stars. After receiving and assimilating the information from each and
every gravitational entity within the system, the galactic barycentre then transmits the
accumulated and integrated/ amalgamated/agglomerated information back to each and every
subset entity's barycentre within that same system (the down-up and up-down dual
integration), thereby determining their overarching orbit (if we temporarily ignore the input
from the Virgo Supercluster barycentre into the orbital path determination of the galaxy IC
1101 barycentre).

Every entity within galaxy IC 1101 is orbiting that infinitely small, nonmaterial point at
momentous velocity. Each and every one of the 100 trillion solar barycentres, without
exception, relays all the information of their existence into that single point; and then that
central ''neuron", after processing the incoming data, feeds/broadcasts the information of the
total collective back to every subset barycentre, accelerating them into an orbit determined by
that overarching barycentric point.

A human neuron pales in information-processing capacity by many, many orders of

magnitude. The mechanics of operation of a human neuron are different to those of the
operation of a galactic barycentre, but both would appear to carry out a similar function in
that they:

(1) receive relayed information,

(2) process that information in a nondeterministic manner, and then
(3) relay/broadcast/transmit that information to other barycentres/ neurons according to the
imposed hierarchy. Indeed, even a computer bit/chip bears similarity, although its operation
is strictly deterministic.

Despite the fact that PI is not entirely an original concept, nevertheless, by implication, it
creates the potentiality for the most powerful gravitational singularities ever conceived of by
theoretical physicists.

Different relative distances to a barycentre also cause the phenomenon identified by Einstein
as "time dilation"6, which is entirely consistent with PI. Gravitational aggregation at a
theoretical universal barycentre (UB) would cause maximisation of time dilation to the extent
that a postulated UB would become the font of an overarching time field enclosing the entire

The gravitational pulling power of a galactic barycentre, given PI, is profoundly awesome,
such that the strength of the most supermassive of black holes will be minuscule in
comparison (Magorrian relation7). The forces unleashed by a theoretical UB or, more
probably, a supercluster barycentre (if superclusters are not gravitationally bound together to
create a universal barycentre) make barycentres by far and away the most stupendously
powerful gravitational entities in the universe.

If an intrepid spaceship were to head towards a galactic barycentre, then long before it could
intersect gravitational equipoise it would gain massively in weight and undergo time dilation
in a similar way to approaching a black hole - but on a grander scale. The ship would
accelerate into an orbit and undergo "spaghettification"8 caused by the massive gravitational
field emanating from the barycentre.

The barycentric fabric/web that makes up galaxy IC 1101, in its hierarchical/pyramidal

gravitational order, assimilates and coordinates the entire entity, giving it cohesion and a
graceful, pirouetting beauty.

All inclusive, the barycentric laws of gravity mean that all is in one (the masses of all the
entities create the barycentre) and one is in all (everything is interconnected and directed by
that central point).

Galaxy IC 1101s barycentre is exquisitely sensitive to its fold and perfectly connected via a
noneclipsical signal to all within its realm. ��

About the Author:

Christopher John Carmody, LLB/BCom (Melb.), is a retired Victorian barrister with a

lifelong interest in astronomy and, in particular, celestial mechanics. His article above is an
extract from his larger paper, titled "Barycentres and Macrocosmic Architecture", to be
published shortly. Christopher Carmody can be contacted by email at


1. Fejoz, Jacques, "The N-body problem",

2. ibid.

3. Gerbis, Nicholas, "How Much Would You Weigh on Other Planets?",,
24 June 2011,

4. Calder, Nigel, Einstein's Universe, Penguin, London, 1979, 2005 updated edition, p. 28
5. Leedy, James Keith, Recycling Universe: A Total and Complete Star Theory About the
Origins of Star Galaxies, PublishAmerica, 2012

6. Drake, S.P., "The equivalence principle as a stepping stone from special to general
relativity: A Socratic dialog", American journal of Physics 2006 Jan; 74(l):22-25, doi:

7. Magorrian, J., Tremaine, S., Richstone, D., Bender, R., Bower, G., Dressier, A. et ai,
"The Demography of Massive Dark Objects in Galaxy Centres", The Astronomical Joumal
1998; 115(6) 2285-2305, http ://tinyurl. com/m 3 5yocv, doi: 10.1086/300353

8. See the Wikipedia entry for "Spaghettification",

The History and Future
of Brown's Gas
Research into Brown's gas, or oxyhydrogen gas, continues apace around the world, with
applications being explored in diverse fields including welding and automotive industries
and even in the transmutation of nuclear waste.

by J. J. Hurtak, PhD, and Desiree Hurtak, PhD (c)2014,

The Academy for Future Science Post Office Box FE Los Gatos, CA 95031, USA

Yes, my friends, I believe that water will one day be employed as fuel, that hydrogen and
oxygen which constitute it, used singly or together, will furnish an inexhaustible source of
heat and light...

- Jules Verne, The Mysterious Island (1874)

Whether we look to the monuments of Egypt or Tesla's wireless transmission, for centuries
there has been evidence that "over-unity" technologies or so-called "free energy systems" are
within our grasp. Inventor Yuli Brown developed a "water engine", known as the "Brown's
gas electrolyser". Although it is not a "free energy technology", it does allow for possibilities
of better energy efficiency and, in some cases, claims of "over unity".

Most people say that "it is unbelievable to run a car on water", but during the Second World
War there were several rumours of cars, tanks and other military transport vehicles running
on nothing but water. It had been thought that when oxygen and hydrogen were separated,
hydrogen became a dangerous fuel and was too bulky to store in a gaseous form, especially
for automobiles. These are the same arguments that Brown's gas researchers are contending
with today.

What Yuli Brown sought to create was a unique mixture, popularly called "HHO gas" or
"oxyhydrogen gas". Although many prefer to call it "Brown's gas", it is also known as
"Rhodes' gas" or "hydroxy gas". Brown did most of his research in Australia, although he
was born in Bulgaria in 1922 (he died in 1998). He also lived in southern California, where
research scientist Adam Trombly met him. Trombly recalls:

"Yuli Brown was a former Bulgarian engineer working for Germany who was arrested and
imprisoned by the Russians after World War II. He escaped from a gulag, having survived
many years of torture. He was helped by the CIA to immigrate to Australia under his well-
known pseudonym. One day he arrived at the gates of the Greystone Institute in Evergreen,
Colorado. Christopher Bird, [co-]author of The Secret Life of Plants, had directed him there.
Chris was my friend and hoped that I could help Yuli develop the technology and bring it
into common use." (Trombly, 2014)
Brown held two major US patents - 4,081,656 (March 28, 1978)
[] and 4,014,777 (March 29, 1977)

[] - although his technology is now in the public domain.

However, Brown was not the first to try to achieve a unique combination of oxygen and
hydrogen mixture. William A. Rhodes was granted his own US patent, 3,310,483 (March
21, 1967), for the "Multicell Oxyhydrogen Generator" []. Neither
man was the first, nor most likely the last, as research into oxy-hydrogen energy continues
today, all over the world, with engineers seeking to find the best "stoichiometric" mixture of
oxygen and hydrogen to establish "over-unity" devices.

The History of HHO

Ultimately, water can be separated into its constituent elements, oxygen and hydrogen,
through a process known as electrolysis. It functions by passing an electric current through
electrodes (a chemical cell with an anode and a cathode). The standard formulas for water
electrolysis and combustion are...

� electrolysis:
2H20 -> 2H2 + 02

� combustion:
2H2 + 02 -> 2H20

In the standard electrolysis of water, hydrogen gas will form off the negative cathode and
oxygen off the positive anode.

According to Henry "Andrija" Puharich (1918-1995), who in 1983 was awarded his own
patent, 4,394,230, entitled "Method and Apparatus for Splitting Water Molecules"
|], AG 249.68 Btu is required to split the molecules (an energy-
absorbing reaction) but AH =302.375 Btu of energy (heat or electricity) can be released
when the gases, hydrogen and oxygen, are ignited and recombine into the end product (the
exhaust) as water (Puharich, late 1970s). That's right: the illustrious Dr Puharich - who was a
medical doctor and a close colleague of the authors, and who brought Uri Geller from Israel
to the USA for scientific study for the first time - also had a patent for a similar technology.

Clearly, Brown's gas is more than simply electrolysis. The process begins when the
electrodes are submerged in water. Next, the elements are not completely separated
(although there are some claims that they are first separated and then slightly recombined).
Yuli Brown had sought to find a specific mixture of not just separated H2 and 02 but of
HHO combined, to create a more powerful fuel.

HHO is also unique for welding as it does not have a set burning temperature. Furthermore,
HHO creates a very cool flame that can be touched briefly without burning the skin,
although it can be used to weld metal or destroy a brick. When the flame is placed on a
metal, ceramic or glass surface, for example, it can produce temperatures of over 2,500�C
(4,532�F). On average, the temperature of the Brown's gas flame is about 135�C
(275�F) in open air. When the same flame is applied to aluminium, without any torch
adjustment, the aluminium can heat to 702�C (~1,295�F). It can even get hotter when the
flame is applied to brick, where the temperature can reach 1,704�C (~3,100�F) with the
principal by-product of water. (Wiseman, 2012)

There are seven diatomic elements in nature, and hydrogen and oxygen are two of them.
This means that they are homonuclear molecules, where one hydrogen atom will link
directly to another hydrogen atom - and the same for oxygen. However, Brown's gas is
distinct in that it has both diatomic and monatomic atoms. Although there are various ideas
of exactly what is taking place, the general theory is that HHO is not a standard diatomic
structure. Even the bonding may not have the standard hydrogen bond strength (-23 kj/mol)
but a weaker energy bond state. Specifically, what Brown's gas researchers are trying to
achieve is to discover where the electromagnetic field within the atomic structure changes
from diatomic to monatomic, as the "bonds" are really magnetic attractions called van
derWaals forces.

Therefore, a Brown's gas electrolyser, instead of just splitting the H20 generally, has a
"bubbler" or a secondary chamber where gas, first attracted to the electrodes, becomes
dislodged as highly energetic bubbles. Some say that it is in this chamber that the H2 and 02,
already divided, become HHO, while others claim that the separation is more of a
weakening of the bonds (in the first chamber) and this is why it takes less energy to make the
gas. Of course, there are various HHO electrolysers as well, each producer making their own
claims to fame.

So, Yuli Brown discovered that by using relatively small amounts of carefully tuned or
pulsed electricity across submerged electrode plates, the atomic bonds of water break
uniquely into HHO thousands of times more efficiently than with the high-amperage,
traditional systems. Consequently, the supposed monatomic forms are associated with gas

According to Better MPG, the monatomic molecules are like "free radicals" seeking to bond,
and they can have as much as a 3:1 energy yield advantage over the regular diatomic
hydrogen and oxygen.1 The diatomic form is mainly there for the stability of the fuel.

Some inventors add that the key to the efficiency may be the pulsing current sent to the
submerged electrodes: positive-going square-wave pulses are gated and pulse-width
controlled at frequencies carefully tuned to match the "capacitance" of the spaced-apart
negative and positive plates (Kawai and Fujiwara, 2003).

Yuli Brown was not claiming "free" energy but a "better return on the dollar". Of course, it
takes electricity to get the reaction started, but we are also paying a lot for gasoline at the
pump. Results do vary, from an increase of 10 per cent plus of gas mileage when used as an
energy booster in an existing car system to claims of much more energy, including over-
Another key to the process, according to alternative energy writer Steve Windisch, is that
when a "perfect" mixture of 66.67 per cent H to O is established, there will be an implosion
instead of an explosion (perhaps the result of the gas recombining into water) (Windisch,
2008). Some suggest that this comes from the state of monatomic hydrogen and this is why
there exist claims of "over unity" where the quantity of exothermic (net additional) heat
energy released is greater than the energy used to make the Brown's gas. Needless to say,
there is a lot of controversy over this. If this excess energy is purely from the monatomic
state of H and O that exists prior to combustion, then the state must be maintained by some
type of high energy field.

This is what the inventor Stanley Meyer claimed to have been able to create with a "gas
gun" using argon and lasers. Technically it is unclear what the trigger is or what the real state
of HHO actually is. Moray King (2001) and others do not believe that it is simply the
hydrogen that is causing the excess energy, but that it is possibly what King calls charged
water gas dusters. These clusters create a type of plasmoid or plasma vortex ring. This is
perhaps why Brown's gas has an implosive nature. Yuli Brown said: "Explosions are
destructive. Implosions are creative."2

From the late 1920s, the Austrian naturalist, scientist and engineer Viktor Schauberger
(1885-1958) was working with vortexes of energy also using a "specialised" water. This is
why Adam Trombly affirms that when we speak of Brown's gas, we need to acknowledge
immediately that it was actually Schauberger who first observed the most important
phenomenon associated with the stoichiometric mixture of hydrogen-oxygen gas, i.e.,
implosion. Schauberger had noticed that vortices, which at times formed spontaneously on
the seemingly still surfaces of lakes, appeared to be powered by some heretofore unknown
source of energy.

Trombley also points out that it is important to note that the volume of gas, at its most
efficient ratios, derived electrolytically from one volumetric unit of water is equal to 1,867
volumetric units of stoichiometric hydro-oxy gas. When detonation/implosion occurs, most if
not all of the 1,867 units of the gas become one unit of water vapour in less than a
millisecond.3 This is nearly perfect recombination and is an endothermic process, not an
exothermic, wasteful, thermo-percussive process as utilised by internal combustion engines.

Schauberger, during the Second World War, did create an "implosion generator", and the
authors were able to visit his home and see some of his models. He rotated a cone-shaped
spiral tube in a vacuum system and incorporated a special "virginised water" which he kept
at exactly 4�C (39.2�F), which he claimed allowed for the implosion system.

Trombly also studied the Schauberger system and believes that what Schauberger observed
was a hydro-oxy gas derived via the electromagnetic potentiation inherent in the fluidic
electrodynamics of the vortices which caused disassociation (expansion) or recombination
(contraction) of the constituent water molecules, and that this process drives the
phenomenon. According to Trombly: "He [Yuli Brown) spent many hours telling me his
stories in 1986. The technological punch line of this long debriefing was that Yuli Brown
had stumbled into implosion phenomena regarding stoichiometric hydro-oxy gas as the result
of experiments conducted with gas derived from the fairly primitive electrolytic cell he had
developed for his famous hydro-oxy welding torch, which utilised the amazing thermal
characteristics of the hydro-oxy flame to weld, braze and cut metals.

"One day Yuli, having heard about Schauberger's implosion generator, decided to do an
experiment to determine whether the gas he was generating would explode or implode when

He created a steel cylinder with a 15-mm wall to contain the explosion of a small volume of
gas. He placed a custom high-voltage Tesla-type spark plug at the top of the cylinder. He
filled the cylinder with water, which he displaced with an overpressure of hydro-oxy gas
through a transparent plastic tube into a lucite cylinder at the other end. Once the gas was
displaced, he ignited the spark plug and the water was sucked into the steel cylinder by
virtue of the implosion created." (Trombly, 2014)

Adam Trombly personally conducted this same experiment hundreds of times, always with
the same results. He took this to mean that we could develop a highly efficient motor that
would create zero pollution. More efficient HHO electrolysers have been created, but,
according to Trombly, the implications of Brown's work in the development of efficient
motor technologies were astonishing enough for the president of a major oil company to
say, after witnessing a demonstration: "This could be the end of oil!"

The Technology

Although there is little or no question about the benefits of hydrogen in welding, there is
extreme controversy when it comes to using hydrogen in automobiles. George Wiseman of
Eagle Research in Oroville, Washington, claims that his HyZor electrolysers produce
Brown's gas. Yet, for Wiseman, it is not the hydrogen that is the fuel, but what he calls
ExW (electrically expanded water) which occurs with HHO.

To understand what ExW is, it would be best to discuss further the work of inventor
Stanley Meyer, who claimed to be able to run his car on water (Meyer died from food
poisoning in 1998). It began with replacing some of the car's spark plugs with Meyer's
special "injectors" which were "electrified to a specific resonant frequency".

Basically it was an on-board hydrogen fuel cell that would split water into hydrogen and
oxygen gas, which would ignite under pressure with the help of a laser and RF electricity
which excited the hydrogen gas.4

The H and O gases created on demand from the electrolyser were together injected directly
into the air intake of the engine. Meyer replaced the technology in his Volkswagen dune
buggy and ran the engine on nothing more than HHO gas from water.

Of more contemporary interest is the work of Ryushin Omasa, president of Japan Techno
Co., Ltd, based in Tokyo, which we were introduced to by the famous water geometry
expert Dr Masaru Emoto. Dr Emoto recommended this technology, which was patented in
lapan in 2009 (in Japanese) [] (Emoto, 2011). We were able to
organise for one of our Academy's scientific associates, Mattia Ghielmini, to meet Ryushin
Omasa Christoph Beiser. to discuss the technology. In the eyes of most researchers,
"Ohmasa gas" is at least a form of Brown's gas, most likely with both diatomic and
monatomic forms of H and O. Like Wiseman with his ExW concept, Omasa vibrationally
creates small bubbles of hydrogen and oxygen gas by stirring the water with frequencies in
the 100 Hz range (which may be similar to Meyer's RF frequency). He claims to have been
able to store the gas over long periods of time, and he has demonstrated how both a
motorcycle and a car can run completely on his gas, although he has not devised an
onboard process to generate the gas. (Omasa, 2011)

John Kanzius (1944-2009) also created an offshoot of Brown's gas in 2003 when he
discovered a way to burn salt water. In fact, for many of these systems, any water will
work, including non-potable water.

Many people saw the CBS 60 Minutes news report which stated that while Kanzius was
looking for a cure for cancer by testing various RF energy frequencies, he found a way to
burn water. What he had discovered, many researchers believe, was a way of disassociating
water into HHO using radio frequencies, just like Meyer and Omasa before him. It may not
even be the same frequency, but nonetheless the agitation of the water molecules excited the
water sufficiently to ignite it.

While some inventors use HHO gas as their sole source of fuel, the majority use it as a fuel
supplement. In fact, systems are being sold all over the world using HHO as a booster
system to gasoline. It is a simple concept where HHO is fed into the system through an on-
demand electrolysis. This can be steady or pulsed, but it generates hydrogen-oxygen gas on
board the vehicle. The HHO then is fed into the air intake to augment the combustion
process of the engine. Only a very small amount of the HHO gas is needed, as it is fed right
into the regular gas (i.e., gasoline, diesel or biofuel), making it burn higher and more
efficiently. Consequently, the mileage "booster" is the most popular use for HHO
automobile systems today, apart from in welding. The technology is often sold in kit form
or is developed by engineers and would-be inventors at home. It does not require a lot of
electricity for the onboard electrolysis. Reports are that for a 12-volt battery, the electrolysis
process requires about 20 amps. However, when you double the batteries to 24 volts, the
process uses 40-50 amps but produces more than double the gas.

Vehicle Average Fuel Consumption Improvement

Baseline (mpg) With EHFES

2003 KW Cummins 15-Litre ISX 4.10 5.10 24.39%

1997 KW 3406E Caterpillar 14.6 Litre 4.01 4.82 20.20%

1997 KW Detroit 12.6 Litre 4.50 5.37 19.33%

2012 KW Cummins 15-Litre SX 5.29 6.11 15.50%

2011 Freightliner Detroit 15 Litre 4.50 5.50 22.22%

2004 Mazda RX8 (Rotary) 15.12 18.48 22.17%

2008 Ford F350 6.4-Litre Turbo Diesel 15.03 18.09 20.34%

2007 Dodge 5.9-Litre Cummins Turbo Diesel 16.00 19.85 24.10%

2000 Lincoln Navigator/5.4-Litre Gas 15.60 19.25 22.53%

2007 CMC W5500 5.4-Litre Diesel 11.44 13.29 16.19%

(Source: Report from Sven Tjelta, Empire Hydrogen Energy Systems Inc., on results with
the EHFES, March 2014)

One such system is the Empire Hydrogen Fuel Enhancement System� (EHFES) where
"hydrogen is generated on demand", that is, produced only when the engine is running.
According to Sven Tjelta, chairman of Empire Hydrogen Energy Systems Inc.: "It is not
stored or compressed on the vehicle and it is not used as a fuel. When introduced into the
engine's air intake, the hydrogen acts as a catalyst, dramatically improving the combustion
of the vehicle's regular fuel in the engine cylinders." He cites his results in the chart below.

The famous magazine Popular Mechanics did a story on the hydrogen booster kits and
came to the conclusion, with the help of researcher Fran Giroux, that the hydrogen or HHO
energy in the fuel can allow the engine to run more leanly. The problem is that less
pollution in the exhaust equates to more oxygen content. This higher oxygen content is
detected in newer cars by the electronic sensor which senses the exhaust stream. In trying to
compensate for the increase of oxygen, the programming within the ECU (engine control
unit) tries to correct what it sees as a faultily tuned air-fuel ratio (AFR). The computer thus
adds more fuel until the factory-set parameters for oxygen content are met, offsetting any
fuel efficiency.5 One may need to disable the engine's fuel detection management computer
so that the lean fuel of 20:1 can be used instead of the normal 14.7:1. Some people have
reportedly been willing to do just that, although the car will not pass inspection.

A new star on the horizon is the Austrian inventor Christoph Beiser, who wants to heat
homes with HHO gas. This may sound dangerous but Beiser assures that it is not, as there
are multiple safety features built into the system. First, there is the need to construct the
system with metal (although the demonstration model is of acrylic). It is also important that
the oxy-hydrogen be discharged into water to prevent a spark from igniting the mixture in
the oxy-hydrogen generator.

Beiser was introduced to Brown's gas through the work of Swiss investigator and
experimenter Peter Salocher.

Together they succeeded in perfecting the classic square-shaped dry cell by experimenting
with new designs. For example, higher efficiency was achieved by using only one hole in
the plates for both gas venting and electrolyte equalisation (water level control). Most
classical cells have two holes: one for the gas output; and one for electrolyte refilling, which
produces significant current leakage at the second hole. In addition, a special passivation
method using citric acid was applied for further optimised results.

Beiser alone carried out subsequent research and developments, also with the support of the
Austrian-based group Gaia Energy. The aim was to develop an efficient and safe hydrogen
dry cell for everyday use by the layperson. Beiser gave us a recap of his technology:

"Our current state of the art is a fully automated, computer-controlled dry cell. It fulfils any
conceivable safety criteria such as pressure control, automated water refill, blowback
detection, voltage control, and much more. Significantly increased efficiency was also
achieved by using a much higher number of (spherical) plates as well as a special power
pack. (Spherical-shaped plates increase operational reliability because of a much better
sealing.) The cell is designed as a 220-volt cell. Given optimal conditions (considering all
factors such as ambient temperature, etc.), such a cell requires only about 1.9-2.5 watts to
produce 1 litre of gas per hour (W/L/h).

"Where we are now... Currently, successful applications are run in two primary areas:

"1) An all-automatic heating system (e.g., for a family home) based on the catalytic
combustion of HHO gas. Here the hydrogen gas impinges on a catalytic exhaust converter
and reacts with the platinum surface. The reaction produces very high temperatures that are
conducted away by a special heat-dissipation procedure. There is no flame and no exhaust
gas, which makes such a catalytic system most advantageous in terms of greenhouse
emissions and even more so in terms of oxygen surplus. (It must be considered that 1 litre of
fossil fuel requires 10 litres of oxygen for its combustion - a fact that is even more
aggravating than its C02 emissions.)

"2) The dry cell for optimising exhaust gas values of marine heavy diesel oil (project carried
out at an ocean carrier in Hamburg, Germany). Currently tests are run aimed at the
reduction of millions of tonnes of pollutants from diesel combustion by injecting HHO gas
into the intake air and thus optimising combustion."

Beiser's plans for the future are also aimed at a totally new method of Brown's gas
production that will reduce the required power by a factor of five hundred. This technique
would mean that only 0.05 watts is needed to generate 1.0 litre of HHO gas per hour.

The Future

It would be great if we could run our cars or heat our houses on water, any kind of water.
The big problem has always been the cost of electrolysis. KleanGas is one company that is
using an alternative solution. It is currently in the development phase of a system called
PEAS (personal energy alternative solution) that unites solar with water, hence cutting the
cost of electrolysis.

Yet, as important as power is to us, we need to be able to control our energy use as well, so
that we can all live comfortably on planet Earth.

If we put these technologies together based on the fact that Brown's gas creates not an
explosion but an implosion (where the reaction product has a smaller volume than the initial
gas mixture), we arrive at another key use of HHO.

From the implosion, Brown's gas enables a transmutation of atoms, which has been tested
and seems to be able to decontaminate radioactive waste. This is an amazing find, especially
for the crisis we are facing today in Fukushima.

A Brown's gas incinerator can reduce radioactive rays to 1/3 to 1/120 when it burns the
trash from an atomic power generator (Oh, 1999). According to Dr Andrew Michrowski,
chair of the Planetary Association for Clean Energy (PACE), Brown also did similar
experiments in Australia and in the USA to determine if he could reduce radioactive
particles; his initial experimental results showed a reduction of about 50 per cent.6

Michrowski and Porringa (2000) inform us that on 24 August 1991, China's Baotou's
Nuclear Fuel Component Plant (No. 202) released a report entitled "The results of
experiments to dispose of radiation materials by Brown's gas". The report establishes that
experimentation on a cobalt-60 radiation source decreased radiation by about 50 per cent.
Michrowski and Porringa (2000) also quote from the research of Christopher Bird, who
reported on a test conducted by Yuli Brown before a public audience including US
Congressman Berkley Bedell:

"Using a slice of radioactive Americium...Brown melted it together on a brick with small

chunks of steel and Aluminum... After a couple of minutes under the flame, the molten
metals sent up an instant flash in what Brown says is the reaction that destroys the
radioactivity. Before the heating and mixing with the other metals, the Americium, made by
the decay of an isotope of Plutonium, registered 16,000 counts per minute of radiation.
Measured afterward by the [Geiger counter], the mass of metals read less than 100 counts
per minute, about the same as the background radiation in the laboratory where Brown was
working." (Bird, 1992)

This experiment and others have shown that there can be a significant reduction of
radiation, even more than in the 50-95 per cent range, in a short time period.

This is similar to the results that Omasa from Japan Techno Co., Ltd has recorded. Omasa's
results were impressive enough that, in October 2013, Omasa submitted to Japanese
officials a proposal to provide countermeasures to help neutralise the radiation at the
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Japan Techno claims that its agitation process
produces "nanobubbles" which cause nuclear transmutation. As a result, Omasa believes
that he can reduce the amount of radioactive caesium and transmute it into nonradioactive


As we face the challenges of energy deficiency, we must remain forward thinking. Whether
in the home or in the car, real-time production of HHO is being achieved. This paper,
however, is not intended to encourage people to go out and make alterations to their cars.
We are simply reporting on the state of the art of this invaluable technology which
continues to grow around the world, generated from the work of Yuli Brown who
accomplished most of his research in Australia. As researchers with The Academy For
Future Science, we are also excited about many new forms of technology, such as
electromagnetic motors and zero-point energy (ZPE), but hydrogen, the most abundant
element in the universe, may be the first step in our much-needed energy transformation.

In 1978, Australasian Post called Yuli Brown "the most talked-about inventor in Australia
today". There is a great potential that is still untapped. Now is the time to move the
technology forward. This is happening not just in the garage of one inventor, but all over
the world. New energy technology is viable and is now becoming available!

About the Authors:

J. J. Hurtak, PhD, PhD, and Desiree Hurtak, PhD, are founders of The Academy For
Future Science (, an international non-governmental
organisation that works to bring cooperation between science and consciousness.

DrJ. J. Hurtak is the author of numerous books including The Book of Knowledge: The
Keys of Enoch� ( and The End of Suffering, co-written with
his colleague, physicist Russell Targ (see review in NEXUS 14/03).

Dr Desiree Hurtak is a social scientist, environmentalist, filmmaker and author whose work
includes the preservation of environments and indigenous cultural heritage. Together, the
Hurtaks have written several books including The Overself Awakening and have created
inspirational music and films.
The Hurtaks have worked with hydrogen energy since the 1970s and were members of the
International Association of Hydrogen Energy. They believe that hydrogen and HHO are
great stepping-stones to take us away from fossil fuels.

The Drs Hurtaks' article "Propulsion of ET and High-Frequency Vehicles" was published
in NEXUS 16/06 (October-November 2009). The Hurtaks are scheduled speakers at the
2014 NEXUS Conference in Queensland, Australia, on 2-4 August. They can be contacted
by email at and via




3. Brown's gas generators produce between 300 and 340 litres of Brown's gas per 1 kW/hr
energy DC current approximately, and one litre of water produces about 1,866.6 litres of
gas (Michrowski and Porringa, 2000).

4. "RF" stands for "radio frequency", but the term is often used to mean anything related to
electromagnetic signals.


6. Michrowski, Andrew, 'Yuli Brown's Gas", Planetary Association for Clean Energy
Newsletter 1993 Jul; 6(4): 10-11


� Bird, Christopher, "The Destruction of Radioactive Nuclear Wastes: Does Professor

Yuli Brown Have the Solution?", Explore! 1992; 3(5)3

� Emoto, Masaru, private discussions with the authors, 2011

� Omasa, Ryushin (president, Japan Techno Co., Ltd, Tokyo), discussions conducted by
Mattia Ghielmini on behalf of the authors, 2011

� Kawai, Soshi and Toshi Fujiwara, "Numerical Analysis of First and Second Cycles of
Oxyhydrogen Pulse Detonation Engine", AIAA journal 2003 Oct; 41(10):2013-2019

� King, Moray B., Quest for Zero Point Energy, Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton,
IL, 2001

� Michrowski, Andrew and Mark Porringa, "Advanced transmutation process and its
application for the decontamination of radioactive nuclear wastes", Proceedings of
Congress 2000, University of Alberta, Edmonton, 29-30 May 2000
� Oh, Hung-Kuk, "Some comments on implosion and Brown gas", Journal of Materials
Processing Technology 1999 Oct 15;95(l-3):8-9

� Puharich, Andrija, "Cutting the Gordian Knot of the Great Energy Bind", late 1970s;
also at Rex Research as "Water Decomposition by AC Electrolysis",

� Trombly, Adam, private conversations with the authors on his work with Brown's gas,

� Windisch, Steve (jibbguy), "Brown's Gas ("HHO"): Clean, Cheap, and Suppressed
Energy", 2008,

� Wiseman, George, Brown's Gas - Book Two: Build a High Quality Brown's Gas
Electrolyzer that will Exceed the Performance of ANY Known Commercial Machine to
Date, University Reprint, 2012

Additional References

i. US Department of Transportation, "Guidelines for Use of Hydrogen Fuel in Commercial

Vehicles: Final Report", November 2007, available at

ii. Companies (and researchers) mentioned that are working with HHO:

� Better MPG LLC (Mike Walsh),

� Eagle Research (George Wiseman),

� Empire Hydrogen (Sven Tjelta),

� Gaia Energy (Christoph Beiser),,

� Japan Techno Co., Ltd (Ryushin Omasa), http://tinyurl.comA4xb7wz

� KleanGas (Bo Linton),

Surprising Anomalies
Of China's Sichuan Province
One of the birthplaces of Chinese civilisation, Sichuan is a region of many secrets including
geomagnetic disturbances, UFO activity, paranormal events, unique ancient artefacts, strange
images in the landscape, cryptozoological mysteries and much more.

by Paul Stonehill (c) 2014


Sichuan is located in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and the hinterland of Southwest
China. It is bordered by Chongqing municipality and Hubei and Hunan provinces in the
east, Guizhou and Yunnan in the south, Xizang (Tibet) in the west and Qinghai, Gansu and
Shaanxi from the northwest to the northeast. The name Sichuan means "four circuits of
rivers and gorges" and refers to four main tributaries of the Yangtze River, the Jialing, Tuo,
Yalong and Jinsha, which flow through the province from north to south.

Sichuan Province (better known to westerners as Szechwan) is also called the Land of
Abundance. It comprises the fertile Sichuan basin in the east, and misty mountain ranges in
the west, which form the easternmost part of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and in the south,
north and northeast. Sichuan is one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilisation and home to
numerous anomalies and ancient mysteries as well as cryptozoological and paranormal

About 150 kilometres southwest of Chengdu, the province's capital, is one of China's most
sacred mountains, O-Mei, also known as Emei Shan. First inhabited more than 5,000 years
ago, Emei Shan is rich in history and culture. It is the most famous and highest of the Four
Sacred Buddhist Mountains of China, rising to 10,167 feet (-3,099 metres) and supporting
some 76 monasteries. The province hosts the Xichang Space Centre (also known as the
Xichang Satellite Launch Centre), an important part of Beijing's program to reach the stars.

Throughout recorded history, China has been home to some of the most culturally and
technologically advanced societies on our planet. The past, the present and the future come
together in Sichuan. The third-largest province of China with a population of over 80
million, Sichuan is also a very esoteric place.

China's Valley of Death

This information comes from various Russian sources (such as Vadim Chernobrov's
research, and IgorTsaryov's Trud article of 22 February 1997) and Chinese sources (such as Alas, few people in the West know of the mysterious, foggy Heizhu
Valley or Black Bamboo Valley of Sichuan Province. The valley (also nicknamed Valley of
Death) is sometimes considered to be one of the most pronounced anomalous zones in

The area, comprising 180 square kilometres, has rarely been disturbed by humans. Perilous
topography has been baneful to a number of scientific expeditions. The valley has unique
geology, complex natural conditions and primitive ecology, as well as a mysterious past and
present. This is a land of dense forests, wild animals, rare plants, numerous lakes, mountain
peaks, waterfalls.. .and a strange fog.

The Yi people, native to the valley, claim that one should speak in a low voice here so as not
to disturb the mountain god, lest he produce a thick fog that will sweep away all signs of life.
Stories about disappearances and deaths of humans and livestock have been long known in
the area. One story tells of the remaining 30 Kuomintang soldiers who entered the valley
when Red China was established in 1949 and were never seen again. In 1966, a military
expedition on a mapping mission disappeared without a trace. In 1976, three members of a
Sichuan forest prospecting team disappeared in the valley; three skeletons were found there
months later. In 1995, two soldiers disappeared when they were passing through the valley;
only their weapons were found some time afterwards.

Could the disappearances be explained by strange, thick, perhaps poisonous fog that lasts
almost all day long in the valley? According to Russian sources, those who have made it out
from the fog tell of strange noises and loss of time. Witnesses tell of a thick fog that envelops
people; by the time it lifts, the people are gone.

Some Chinese scientists believe that strange accidents probably happen there because of
saturated fumes from decaying plant matter. People choke on these fumes, then lose their
bearings and die after falling into deep fissures that are abundant in the valley.

However, there have also been unexplained plane crashes in the valley. Scientists note that
the magnetic field at Heizhu is so strong that it can disable compasses and actually cause
planes to crash. Others are not so sure.

The Yi people, who have inhabited the valley for thousands of years, have their legends.
One of the most interesting ones describes the supposed cradle of their culture, Shimenguan,
a perilous section of the Heizhu Valley. According to an ancient Yi teaching, entry to
Shimenguan came to be strictly forbidden and anyone who dared attempt it would be
severely punished.

UFO Sightings over Sichuan Province

Unidentified flying objects have been visiting China since the distant past. Some
observations have been recorded in the annals of the country's history. Red China lifted the
ban on reporting UFO sightings in 1979, 10 years before its neighbour and rival to the north,
the USSR, did for reports of sightings in its own territories. However, many observations are
fairly recent. Let's consider some of the strange objects seen in the skies over Sichuan.

Zhang Zhousheng, a former astronomer at the Yunnan Astronomical Observatory, first

observed a UFO over Sichuan in 1977. Mikhail Gershtein, Russia's top UFO researcher and
a well-known author of numerous books on the subject, has collected information about
Zhang's 1977 sighting. He mentions it in his book Cfito skrivayut ufologi ("What is covered
up by ufologists"; Moscow, 2006). The sighting took place on 26 July 1977 in the northern
section of Chengdu.

Zhang observed a strange, spiralshaped object and pointed it out to other people. The object
was shaped like a sphere that resembled a yellowish star. A large Archimedes spiral emitted
from the sphere, a glimmering line, clearly bright in the moonlight. The colour of the line
was blue and partly green. Because the spiral line emitted from the sphere, the object was
clearly not a star and probably was comparatively small. The line went around it in three to
four coils. The strange object also moved in the sky in a straight line. The velocity was
invariable, about 10 degrees a minute. The spiral moved synchronously with the sphere. The
object's size, shape and luminosity did not change, and the spiral did not rotate around the
sphere. No trails were left behind in the sky by the object. At 10.14 pm, the spiral
disappeared behind the clouds at an altitude of 10 degrees. The sighting lasted for about five
minutes. The Chinese scientist was shocked by what he had seen.

Zhang Zhousheng was not alone: thousands of witnesses observed the UFO that night in
1977. But Zhang's story does not end there. The astronomer made a prediction in June 1981
that in July of the same year there would be sightings of a UFO. On 24 July 1981, millions
of people in Gansu, Qinghai, Sichuan and Yunnan provinces witnessed a luminous, spiral-
shaped body flying in the sky.

Zhang has been studying UFOs since 1977, and has theorised about his ability to predict the
arrival of UFOs. According to Zhang, predicting UFOs is different from predicting meteor
showers. He can predict when UFOs are due to arrive, but cannot be sure that they will be in
the right location where we can see them. Zhang also claims that he knows more than
anyone else in the world about making such predictions. Since retiring from the observatory
in 2005, he has continued his UFO research but no longer makes his predictions public.
(See )

According to another astronomer and dedicated UFO researcher, Professor Wang Sichao,
the 1981 spiral UFO had an altitude of about 650 kilometres and a speed of about 1.6
kilometres per second before it disappeared. Professor Wang is a planetary astronomer at the
Chinese Academy of Sciences'

Purple Mountain Observatory (also known as the Zijinshan Astronomical Observatory),

located near Nanjing in Jiangsu Province. He believes that extraterrestrial beings do exist and
that their UFOs have the ability to visit Earth. Professor Wang was interviewed for the
Yangtse Evening Post of 1 July 2002 ( ). Having analysed the
witnesses' accounts, he concluded that the 1981 UFO was a "dimensional flying machine".
Such phenomena have been observed dozens of times. Professor Wang and his colleagues at
the Purple Mountain Observatory have recorded, gathered and analysed UFO incidents since
1971. Wang believes that UFOs are of intelligent design and are not a natural phenomenon.
After the 1981 sighting, Chinese researchers studied ancient chronicles to find analogous
events, and found over 30 references to "bent arrows" in the sky and other similar anomalies.

However, we are not yet done with that memorable 24 July 1981 UFO mass sighting. The
Soviet TASS News Agency reported the July sighting in August 1981.

Years later, in 2010, Chen Xia of reflected on what was China's first mass
sighting ( ): "Hundreds of thousands of onlookers...witnessed an
enormous luminous spiral from 10:33 pm to 10:53 pm. The object moved at an unbelievably
low speed at the upper atmosphere where helicopters were unable to reach. Later studies
showed that the object had an abnormal anti-gravity capacity." The Purple Mountain
Observatory released a communique stating that "the population of 14 provinces" in China
sighted this "celestial phenomenon".

In 1987, reports of a number of reddish or orange-coloured spheres flying over Sichuan

circulated in the West. Soviet sources had more information about the sightings. According
to Izvestiya newspaper of 20 March 1987, an orange-coloured UFO appeared at an altitude
of one kilometre over Sichuan. Its shape was that of a "straw hat". The UFO disappeared in
half an hour. There were 20 eyewitnesses, and one recalled that the object made strange

There were many reports of UFOs throughout China in December 1998 and January 1999,
but scientists claim that "these were not alien spacecraft". Intelligence sources revealed that
tests of a new stealth fighter, codenamed Kong Shiji yifiao (Air Century 1), were being
conducted in the north, east and south at the time, and that "some UFO reports might be
sightings of the Chinese stealth fighter". The first tests were conducted in the southwest in
May 1998. "At that time, many cities in Sichuan Province reported seeing a ray of light from
a UFO. According to military sources, when the light is seen, the aircraft takes about 5-6
minutes to pass from view, so it was travelling at about 200 km/hr." This was reported by
Beijing Scene on 21-27 January 1999 ( ). In 2000, a V-shaped
flying object was observed over Chengdu.

Something very interesting flew over three provinces including Sichuan in June 2002. As
reported by several media sources, on 30 June, around 10 pm, "a mysterious, light-emitting,
shape-changing object" was observed in the sky ( > ). The
accounts describe "an orange and white ray of light" which "flew from east to west" and
was visible for about three minutes. It changed its shape from a fang-shaped object to a fan-
like one. Eyewitness reports of the UFO's shape, size, flight duration and flight path are very
similar: the object was flying at a great altitude, much higher than an airplane would, and
was "quite large". A Sichuan newspaper reported that a pilot from a local air force station
flew next to the object and mistook it for an enemy fighter. Tian Xianyuan, an eyewitness
and the assistant manager of Chongqing City's Astronomy Centre, was able to point out the
object's exact location." (Chongqing, an independent municipality, was part of Sichuan
Province until March 1997.)

Sightings of UFOs over Sichuan and other provinces continue to be reported.

Yuan Mei's Ghosts and UFOs

Yuan Mei (1716-1797) was a successful official, a writer of how-to books for the civil
service exams, a compiler and editor of volumes of supernatural tales, and a flourishing
landscape artist. He is also considered to be the greatest of all Chinese food writers. Yuan
embraced the spirit of Zen, but strongly rejected both folk Taoism and formalised Buddhism.
As a boy, he was a talented student who earned his basic degree at the age of eleven. He
received the highest academic degree at 23 and then went on to advanced studies. He
eventually left public office and retired with his family to a private estate, the Garden of

Among other things, he also collected and published local ghost stories. Apparently he was
also an advocate of women's education.

Yuan Mei travelled extensively throughout China and thus was able to collect its folklore.
The book Censored by Confucius: GAost Stories by Yuan Mei (M. E. Sharpe Inc., 1995)
contains fascinating descriptions of paranormal creatures, some of them eerily resembling
aliens depicted in modern-day reports.

Such was the description of the creature encountered in Sichuan Province by scholar Fei Mi
and General Yang Zhan during their stay in a government facility said to be haunted by
monsters. Neither the General nor his assistant Li believed in monsters, and they decided to
spend the night upstairs - the reputed site of the hauntings. Fei Mi was asked or forced to join
them, but he was of a more suspicious nature and took with him a lantern along with a
sword. After the third watch that night, a monster tiptoed upstairs. The creature was
described as having a face but no eyebrows or eyes. It was lifeless and stiff, like deadwood.
It had something of an eye in its back, which gave off a bright golden light. Apparently, it
could direct the light at humans. For the complete account of this fascinating episode, readers
are directed to Zibuyu, "What The Master Would Not Discuss", according to Yuan Mei, by
Italian sinologist Paolo Santangelo (with Yan Beiwen; Brill, 2013).

Yuan Mei's work was also studied by O. L. Fishman and translated into Russian ("Yuan
Mei, Noviye zapisi Xin Tsi Se ili o cfiyom ne govoril Konfutsiy [Zi Bit Yu]"; Moscow,
1977). This publication contains a gripping description of a very-modern-like UFO sighting.
Zhang Xiao-Po from Pinghu was sitting in his courtyard; the sky was cloudless. All of a
sudden he heard a cracking noise. A crevice appeared in the sky and in the middle of it were
two eyes resembling boats, with shiny pupils, round like the axle of a cart, which emitted
bright light. The entire courtyard was flooded with radiance. Much time passed before the
"eyes" closed. Those who know said that the sky "opened its eyes".

The Sanxingdui Ruins

The ruins of the Sanxingdui culture were first discovered in 1929 by a farmer digging a
drainage ditch. In 1986, archaeologists rediscovered the Sanxingdui site, so-called because it
contains three mounds, each resembling a star (Sanxingdui means "three stars mound").
Today, the study of the ruins is a systematic project involving scientists specialising in
archaeology, geology, hydrology, the environment and more.

The site is situated at the small village of Sanxingdui, about four kilometres northeast of the
Nanxing township, near Guanghan City on the Chengdu Plain, beside the river Jian in
Sichuan Province.

On 30 July 2003, the People's Daily website ( > ) revealed

fascinating information, and later Chinese reports confirmed the origin of the enigmatic
artefacts which are unlike anything from any other known prehistoric culture in China or
elsewhere. These artefacts were produced by an ancient culture which left no written records
and was never mentioned in the records of other countries. Excavations of the site in 2003
covered an area of 700 square metres.

The Sanxingdui site is considered to be the ruins of the earliest and largest settlement of the
ancient Shu people, whose occupation of the Sichuan region dates back to the Late Neolithic
period. According to some archaeologists, the first stage of the Shu culture was established
around 4800-4000 BC, or about 6,800 to 6,000 years ago ( ). The
culture flourished between c. 5,000 and 3,000 years ago, but the people mysteriously
abandoned their city c. 2,800 years ago. Many theories surround the fall of the Sanxingdui
civilisation, which seemingly disappeared without trace.

In 1986, two sacrificial pits were unearthed, bearing hundreds of gold, bronze, jade and
pottery artefacts. Eerie-looking sculpted bronze heads with gold-foil masks recalling a
Hollywood vision of space aliens were uncovered, as were statues, sacred trees and other
relics. The artefacts carry no inscriptions to shed light on the civilisation that created them, so
archaeologists and historians can only guess at their meaning. The Bronze Age artefacts
have been radiocarbon dated to the 12th - 11th centuries BC. (To see examples of the
artefacts, visit the Sanxingdui Museum's website at )

According to a China Daily article of 1 November 2007 ( ), some

people speculate that aliens might be behind the mysterious relics: locals alleged that they
had spotted UFOs in the area in the 1980s. Did an alien species give impetus to China's
ancient civilisations?

Indications are that Sanxingdui covered an area of 12 square kilometres, with the city itself
occupying four square kilometres in the centre, enclosed on three sides by a trapezoidal clay
wall and the fourth side bordered by the river Jian. It was a very active trading hub. Its
people knew how to fire clay and cast bronze to a most sophisticated level.

It is believed that Sun-god worship was practised by the Sanxingdui culture. A striking
discovery is a giant bronze tree, standing almost four metres tall with flower-or animalheaded
serpents snaking their way up its trunk. On each branch sits a giant bird which, according to
legend, carried the Sun on its back across the sky.

Archaeologists continue to look for the remains of the ancient Shu kingdom as well as for
answers to some baffling questions about three different ancient cultures which developed
separately in ancient China.
The Institute of Archaeology of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences publishes reports
of fascinating finds.

One such find is an 800-year-old Song dynasty (960-1279) tomb group unearthed in
Fengcun village in Changning County, Sichuan. According to Xinhua News Agency of 18
February 2007 (quoted at, ): "Wei Zhijun, an official
with the village, said that two strangers came to him several days ago [and) told him that they
were willing to build a road for the village free of charge, and the only condition was that
they could dig soil in the nearby hill, and no villagers were permitted to participate." The
villagers doubted the veracity of their words, and reported to local police. "The tomb group
was thus found." But who were those strangers?

Because archaeological finds are under attack from plunderers and tomb robbers (as in many
other places around the world), the Chinese government decided in 2012 to protect the
cultural legacy of Sichuan by unusual means. As reported by Xinhua News Agency on 30
March 2012 ( > ), Sichuan authorities announced their plan to use
dogs to safeguard local cultural relics. "Tang Wenjun, deputy chief of the cultural relic
bureau of Anyue County, said his bureau will deploy 66 dogs to the county's 57 cultural
relic protection divisions" in order to guard 1,000-year-old stone carvings. '"Dogs are
sometimes more useful than security equipment in terms of protecting cultural relics,' Tang
said." Anyue County is home to about 100,000 ancient stone carvings. The local
government has already installed video monitoring and infrared alarm systems, but nothing
really beats the dogs when it comes to protection of ancient artefacts.

Li Ching-Yuen: Secrets of a Long Life

One of the most famous of Sichuan's residents was Li Ching-Yuen, who allegedly lived for
256 years. Naturally, his longevity attracted keen interest around the globe. Most of the
information here comes from Russian sources.

According to Chinese records, Li Ching-Yuen was born in Qijiang Xian in Sichuan in 1677,
although he claimed to have been born in 1734. Russian sources indicate the year of his birth
as 1680, while western sources have it as 1677 and Portuguese sources say it was 1678. It is
not exactly clear when he died, but Chinese sources have the year as 1933.

Li Ching-Yuen spent most of his life in the mountains of the province, collecting herbs and
learning the secrets of longevity. In 1748, at the age of 71, he moved away to join the
Chinese Army as a military adviser and martial arts teacher. Li was a medical physician, an
expert in herbs, a qigong master, a tactical consultant and a Taoist master. According to

Li Ching-Yuen had 200 offspring and 24 wives, surviving 23 of them. He lived longer than
the USSR's champion of longevity, Shirali Mislimov, who was 168 years when he passed

Li Ching-Yuen revealed to the Chinese warlord Wu Pei-fu his secret to a long life: "Keep a
quiet heart, sit like a tortoise, walk sprightly like a pigeon and sleep like a dog."

In 1927, Li Ching-Yuen was invited to Wang Xien to meet the governor of Sichuan,
General Yang Sen. The governor was amazed by Li's strength, vigour and skills at such an
advanced age. It was during this visit that the famous photograph of the Chinese old-timer
was taken.

In 1928, Li returned home, where he died five years later. Legend has it that before his
death, Li Ching-Yuen told his friends that he had completed everything he had to do in this
world and was going home. Having said those words, he passed away. General Yang Sen
ordered his team to investigate the truth of his story. The team interviewed Li Ching-Yuen's
family members, who said that he was always old, as long as they could remember, and that
he was their grandparents' friend.

Mengding Mountain Image

Mengding Mountain is the birthplace of tea cultivation in China, and Mengding tea is known
in the country as the Tea of the Immortal. For thousands of years, the Chinese have enjoyed
special tea varieties from the foggy peaks of Mengding Mountain, the area's damp climate
being superb for growing tea.

Xie Qiang is a researcher at the Beijing General Research Institute of Mining & Metallurgy.
His home town is Ya'an City, in Mingshan County in the central part of Sichuan Province,
on a tributary of the Min River. The city is located on the northwest side of Mengding
Mountain (on the Tibetan Plateau), 128 kilometres from Chengdu. When Xie used a Google
satellite map to locate his home town and region, he discovered something truly fascinating.

To the north of the city, in the Mengding Mountain area, Xie Qiang observed a very
unusual, huge image. It resembled a person, perhaps a warrior, wearing a crown of feathers
or a helmet, with an animal next to him. The animal reminded him of the Chinese mythical
creature called the qilin (the Chinese version of the unicorn but with multiple horns). Xie
determined that the entire image is 10 kilometres long and three to four kilometres tall, thus
occupying an area of 40 square kilometres. According to Xie, the best position from which
to appreciate this image is from an aircraft or via satellite, 20 to 30 kilometres above the
ground. The satellite image shows eyes, a mouth and a nose on the person's face. There is
either a crown or a helmet on his head. Something that resembles a tunic is on the right arm
of the figure's shoulder, and a bracelet is visible on the arm. The left arm is bent at the elbow.
To some people, the warrior figure resembles a Roman soldier. The mysterious image points
in the direction of the southwest. Who or what created it? Geological formations?Human or
humanoid builders? Meteorite impact? The specific cause of its formation remains unknown.

Xie Qiang was amazed, and decided to explore the discovery. In July 2007, Xie and a
geologist arrived in Ya'an City. They made their way to Mengding Mountain and reached
the location of the figure's head. They found rivers in the area and concluded that, millions of
years in the past, the mountain region had been shaped by floods. One cannot see the image
from the ground due to its huge size. The story was reported in the Chengdu Evening Post of
3 March 2008. Xie Qiang also visited the mountain site with reporters and scientists to
investigate his discovery further.

The author of this NEXUS article found out about China Central Television's 2010 special
documentary investigating the mysterious image in Mengding Mountain. It is a very well
researched program and is accompanied by English subtitles.

Those who watch it can see the mysterious image very clearly (see ). The documentary screening fascinated the public, but the image
continues to be shrouded in mystery - very much like China has been through the ages...

It was the image of qilin that attracted the attention of this article's author. The first qilin is
said to have appeared in the garden of the legendary Huangdi, the Yellow Emperor, in 2697
BC. (The mysterious Yellow Emperor and his remarkable achievements are the subject of a
future article.)

A powerful magnitude-7 earthquake hit near Ya'an City in April 2013, reportedly killing
some 200 people. Because of the epicentre s proximity to Lushan County, much damage
was incurred to many centuries-old buildings which had survived a magnitude-8 earthquake
in May 2008. It's not readily known how the mysterious image of Mengding Mountain

Wildmen, Dragons and Towers

Many more fascinating sites and paranormal phenomena have been recorded in Sichuan
Province. There have been legends of "wildmen" (sfianxiao) in China for at least 3,000
years, and various accounts of the strange primates come from Sichuan.

Another creature with paranormal properties is the Dragon. Over the generations, the
Dragon has become a rich cultural symbol and a sign of strength. Indeed, the first recordings
of Dragon imagery date back thousands of years.

Dinosaur fossils were once thought of as "dragon bones", and a c. 300 BC discovery in
Wucheng, Sichuan, was labelled as such by Chang Qu, a famous writer of the time. Modern
scientific research of dinosaurs in China began in 1935, with excavations in Sichuan
Province, but bones had been discovered long before that. Here the stories and legends of
dragons of the Middle Kingdom come to mind.

The Dragon is regarded in China as a sacred symbol of celestial and terrestrial power, the
divine mythical creature that brings with it abundance, prosperity and good fortune. In
Chinese mythology, dragons could make themselves as large as the universe or as small as a
silkworm. They could also change colour and disappear in a flash. They would rise to the
skies in the spring, and plunge into the waters in the autumn. But should dragons be
relegated to the past?

Westerners learned of Chinese families' raising dragons, using their blood for medicines and
highly prizing their eggs. Marco Polo reported that on special occasions the royal chariot was
pulled by dragons. In the early 17th century, the Emperor created the post of Royal Dragon
Feeder. There have been stories from remote corners of China of "falling" dragons. But what
do we make of the strange "flying" dragons photographed in January 2004 over Tibet's
Amdo region in the Himalayas (Epoch Times, 7 August 2005, )?

Then there's the mystery of the seemingly earthquake-resistant towers of Tibet (in the
Himalayan foothills) and Sichuan Province, some with vaguely star-shaped walls and some
as tall as 15-storey buildings: their origin and age have not been precisely determined, but
they could be at least 1,200 years old [China Daily, 16 November 2005, ) or as much as 1,700 years old (Wall Street Journal, 27 May
2011, ). The towers are built of cut stone, brick and timber.

French amateur archaeologist Martine "Frederique" Darragon has been trying to solve the
riddle of the towers and the unknown culture which built them. (Previously, Darragon was
involved in animal protection in Tibet and sponsored philanthropic works through various
foundations. Nicknamed

"Renaissance Woman" by Discovery Channel, she set up the Unicorn Foundation together
with Sichuan University.) There is an hypothesis that the towers served a religious function,
perhaps representing the dmu cord which, according to Tibetan legend, is said to connect
Heaven and Earth.

This same area is where mysterious dragons have been sighted in the sky and where reports
of "wildmen" have originated, too.

About the Author:

Paul Stonehill is a researcher, author and lecturer specialising in anomalous phenomena,

especially Soviet and Russian military research into the subject. He is the author of numerous
articles for UFO-related magazines, as well as of several books including Paranormal
Mysteries of Eurasia (Galde Press, USA, 2011), UFO Case Files of Russia (with Philip
Mantle; 11th Dimension Publishing/Healings of Atlantis, UK, 2010; see review in NEXUS
17/05) and The Soviet UFO Files: Paranormal Encounters Behind the Iron Curtain
(Quadrillion Publishing, UK, 1998). His articles "The Enigma of the Nazis'
Regenwurmlager", "Mysterious Amazon Women of Eurasia", "Haunted Railway
Tracks: The Ghost Trains of Eurasia", "UFO Sightings over Kazakhstan", "UFOs over
Russia's Remote Arctic Regions", "Investigating the "Ghosts of the Ocean" and "Soviet
UFO Sightings in International Waters" were published in NEXUS 21/03, 21/02, 21/01,
20/05, 20/04,18/06 and 18/04 respectively.

Paul Stonehill is fluent in Russian and Ukrainian, and can be contacted via email at

Question: Teacher said that when the universe was cleaned up, there were alien beings who
escaped onto the Earth. Do they exist in the form of possessing spirits or in some other form?

Teacher: Let me first explain what alien beings are all about. You know that this Earth isn't
the only planet with life in this universe, and Earth hasn't existed just this once. I'm saying
that at Earth's position there were Earths that existed before.

Those previous Earths were discarded. Some exploded. It happened many times; the number
has been quite large. The final stage of an Earth has always been a time when its lives were
the most corrupt and its matter was the most impure, so the Earth could no longer be kept. It
would be eliminated since the whole sphere had turned into a ball of karma. The reason is,
lives reincarnate. They reincarnate into soil, rocks, plants or matter; and regardless of what
they are reborn as, they carry karma with them. Earth would become a ball of karma when
karma was all over the place, so at that point it would be eliminated.

There would still be some people on Earth who were relatively good, and those
exceptionally few or extremely few ones were taken and placed onto another planet within
the Three Realms. Yet through the ages, this Earth has been replaced innumerable times and
each time there were people who remained. So, over time, those remaining lives increased in

The gods in each time period created humans with a different appearance, so the differences
are quite substantial, and there are some who were created on other planets. These are alien

They've become like a record of history, placed there like a page of history left behind.
That's the function they serve, a minor one. They were left behind from the final stage of
Earth during those times, and took with them the technology they had in those times over to
other planets, so their starting point was more advanced.

Over this long period of time, the knowledge of the universe they came to grasp far exceeds
that of the inhabitants of today's Earth. Their bodies can enter other dimensions and adjust to
the mode of those dimensions they are in; they've developed to this stage.

Those things they ride in that fly back and forth - those aircraft that human beings call
"flying saucers" - can enter other dimensions and fly into other space-times.

If they travel in a fast space-time, after being there for just a short while they traverse a long
distance. So, that speed is inconceivable to human beings.

The types of fuel they use aren't in the least the kinds of substances conceivable by the
technology, theories or concepts of modern science.

Over the ages, these alien beings have continually been developing and metamorphosing.
So, in this universe, there have really appeared the abnormal social relations that these kinds
of lives have. Greed and lust have caused something like Star Wars actually to happen over
where they live. They haven't yet threatened humankind because humankind doesn't have
the ability to pose a threat to them.

Although alien beings haven't attacked humankind, they know that a human body is the
most perfect. They've thus taken a fancy to the human body and want to steal it. They
saturate all domains of humankind with science to make human beings firmly believe in
science and rely on it. When human beings' thoughts and way of existence are completely
assimilated to theirs, they just have to replace people's souls and humans will become them,
and they will eventually replace the human race.

Science as a Control Mechanism

It's a long story. They have been coming here full-scale since the beginnings of the Industrial
Revolution in the West. They had come prior to that time, but they didn't control people
then. Their full-scale arrival began when Caucasian society entered the industrial age. They
made full preparations and systematic arrangements for occupying this Earth. It was they
who created science for human beings.

So, this science was set up by aliens. Their purpose was to unify human beings and simplify
their thoughts to the point of being as uniform as machines. They unified knowledge to make
it easy for them later on to control and replace human beings.

Furthermore, they've chosen a few nationalities as the vanguards of their future, total control
of humankind. Japan is the vanguard that drives technology. The USA is the vanguard in
breaking away from all ancient cultures on Earth. The cultures of even the most ancient and
closed-off nations haven't been able to escape. The whole world is being impacted by
America's modern culture. England was the vanguard in the manufacture of machinery
during the early stages, and Spain was the vanguard for mixing the human races.

The way alien beings get human beings to shake free of the gods is to mix the races, causing
human beings to become rootless people, just like the plant hybrids people make nowadays.
South Americans, Central Americans, Mexicans and some people in South East Asia - all of
these races have been mixed. None of this can evade the gods' eyes. Alien beings have made
rather extensive preparations for overtaking human beings...

Think about it, everyone: alien beings are, after all, beings within the Three Realms, where
ordinary humans are. There are other reasons why they dare to do this sort of thing. It has
happened because the Fa [the Law or the Way] of the universe has deviated and gods no
longer look after things. So it has to do with high-level beings as well. If this situation is to
be turned around, it has to begin from high levels...
Aliens among Humans

That's the situation as far as alien beings go. They are being swept out up there, and they
found out about the cleaning - so they scurried over here, and in particularly large numbers
in recent years...

As of right now, most of the alien beings who have come here did so fleeing for their lives.
They knew that in the end it would be hard for them to escape, so some alien beings have
married Earth dwellers. But it's not that they marry legitimately, because no one would marry
them. They catch a village woman to leave behind their offspring. And there are those who
are hiding among ordinary people. They can't stay under cover no matter how they hide.

Immense gong [cultivation energy] is coming up from the microscopic level. Whether it be
steel, iron, wood, the human body, water, rocks, air, plants, animals, substances, etc., from
the microscopic level of everything gong is coming up towards the surface. Tell me, where
could they escape to?

The gong is omnipresent and rushing up to the surface. So, they've seen that there is no way
to dodge it or to hide from it.

How do they exist? They aren't actually possessing spirits, but some of them have assumed
man's appearance and walk the streets. You have no idea who they are. Some have hidden
and don't come out, but the number is now small, very small.

In the past they could hide, and their flying saucers could fly up and go to another
dimension, but the other dimensions have all been cleaned up.

Immense gong is rushing here and they can no longer hide. They can only hide in a cave or
at the bottom of the sea in this dimension. Even so, they can't stay concealed. Anyway, that's
the problem they face. All lives are positioning themselves in this affair.

(Source: Extracted and edited from pages 62-67 of the transcript of Li Hongzhi's question-
and-answer session, "Teaching the Fa", at a conference held in Geneva, Switzerland, on 4-
5 September 1998; see websites at and http://tinyurl.c0m/k4qlgqh)


by William Dowell, TIME Magazine

TIME: Why does chaos reign now?

Li: Of course, there is not just one reason. The biggest cause of society's change today is that
people no longer believe in orthodox religion. They go to church, but they no longer believe
in God. They feel free to do anything. The second reason is that since the beginning of this
century, aliens have begun to invade the human mind and its ideology and culture.

TIME: Where do they come from?

Li: The aliens come from other planets. The names that I use for these planets are different.
Some are from dimensions that human beings have not yet discovered. The key is how they
have corrupted mankind. Everyone knows that from the beginning until now, there has
never been a development of culture like today. Although it has been several thousand years,
it has never been like now. The aliens have introduced modern machinery like computers
and airplanes. They started by teaching mankind about modern science, so people believe
more and more science, and spiritually they are controlled. Everyone thinks that scientists
invent on their own when in fact their inspiration is manipulated by the aliens. In terms of
culture and spirit, they already control man. Mankind cannot live without science.

The ultimate purpose is to replace humans. If cloning human beings succeeds, the aliens can
officially replace humans. Why does a corpse lie dead, even though it is the same as a living
body? The difference is the soul, which is the life of the body.

If people reproduce a human person, the gods in heaven will not give its body a human soul.
The aliens will take that opportunity to replace the human soul and by doing so they will
enter Earth and become earthlings.

When such people grow up, they will help replace humans with aliens. They will produce
more and more clones. There will no longer be humans reproduced by humans. They will
act like humans, but they will introduce legislation to stop human reproduction.

TIME: Are you a human being?

Li: You can think of me as a human being.

TIME: Are you from Earth?

Li: I don't wish to talk about myself at a higher level. People wouldn't understand it.

TIME: What are the aliens after?

Li: The aliens use many methods to keep people from freeing themselves from manipulation.
They make earthlings have wars and conflicts and develop weapons using science, which
makes mankind more dependent on advanced science and technology. In this way, the aliens
will be able to introduce their stuff and make the preparations for replacing human beings.
The military industry leads other industries such as computers and electronics.

TIME: But what is the alien purpose?

Li: The human body is the most perfect in the universe. It is the most perfect form. The
aliens want the human body.

TIME: What do aliens look like?

Li: Some look similar to human beings. US technology has already detected some aliens.
The difference between aliens can be quite enormous.
TIME: Can you describe it?

Li: You don't want to have that kind of thought in your mind.

TIME: Describe them anyway.

Li: One type looks like a human, but has a nose that is made of bone. Others look like
ghosts. At first they thought that I was trying to help them. Now they know that I am
sweeping them away.,

TIME: How do you see the future?

Li: Future human society is quite terrifying. If aliens are not to replace human beings, society
will destroy itself on its own. Industry is creating invisible air pollution. The microparticles in
the air harm human beings. The abnormality in the climate today is caused by that
[pollution], and it cannot be remedied by humans alone. The drinking water is polluted. No
matter how we try to purify it, it cannot return to its original purity. Modern science cannot
determine the extent of the damage. The food we eat is the product of fertilised soil. The
meat we eat is affected. I can foresee a future when human limbs become deformed, the
body's joints won't move and internal organs will become dysfunctional. Modern science
hasn't realised this yet.

At the beginning you asked why I did such things. I only tell practitioners, but not the public
because they cannot comprehend it. I am trying to save those people who can return to a
high level and to a high moral level. Modern science does not understand this, so
governments can do nothing. The only person in the entire world who knows this is myself

I am not against the public knowing, but I am teaching practitioners. Even though the public
knows, it cannot do anything about it. People can't free themselves from science and from
their concepts. I am not against science. I am only telling mankind the truth. I drive a car. I
also live in the environment. Don't believe that I am against science. But I know that modern
science is destroying mankind. Aliens have already constructed a layer of cells in human
beings. The development of computers dictates this layer of body cells to control human
culture and spirituality and, in the end, to replace human beings. ��

(Source: Extracted and edited from an interview by William Dowell, published in TIME
Magazine, 10 May iggg, web page

About the Interviewee:

Li Hongzhi is the founder and spiritual master of Falun Gong (or Falun Dafa), a system of
mind-body cultivation in the qigong tradition.

For more information, visit the website

Reviewed by Ruth Parnell


by Larry Dossey, MD
Hay House, London, 2013
ISBN 978-1-78180-196-3 (360pp tpb)

The concept of One Mind is ancient, but in the last century it has become increasingly
studied although it's still at odds with the arrogant, materialistic worldview that erroneously
regards the brain as the source of consciousness. As a physician who's dealt with the dying
and has had much experience in bringing scientific understanding to spirituality, Dr Larry
Dossey is ideally placed to explain that One Mind is a reality. He dispels the incorrect notion
that we are isolated individuals, and presents evidence that individual minds are united via
the One Mind - a collective consciousness that already is, and of which we are already a

In his extensive thesis, Dr Dossey touches on amazing case studies which show that
thoughts, emotions and physical sensations can be shared with a person at a distance, that
sentient humans and nonhumans (i.e., our pets) can

communicate with each other, that previously unknown information can be acquired from
someone who has died, that hidden or lost objects can be found by mental means, and that
near-death experiences can provide direct contact with a higher, spiritual domain. Dr Dossey
affirms that the One Mind unites us with all else, including our Earth, and its "calling card" is
love. A profound work.


by Joseph Chilton Pearce

Park Street Press, Rochester, VT, USA,
2014 (first published in 1974)
ISBN 978-1-62055-254-4 (194pp tpb)

Three years after Joseph Chilton Pearce's breakthrough book The Crack in the Cosmic Egg
was published in 1971, a follow-up was released in which the author corrected some of his
ideas because he realised he'd unconsciously accepted certain cultural assumptions.
Exploring the Crack in the Cosmic Egg (now reissued) is Pearce's reassessment of the
"primary process" that lies beyond the reach of our "verbal warp" and of "culturally
conditioned" thinking.

Four decades later, Pearce's transcendent work still motivates us to explore the true nature of
ourselves and creation, and is as relevant today in a world dominated by a sociocultural

The author of a dozen or more books (see NEXUS 9/06, 14/05), Pearce continues to write
and teach on the heart-mind connection, child development and spirituality.

Inspired by the writings of Carlos Castaneda and the teachings of Don Juan on the sense of
"body-knowing", Pearce explains that even though we create our own "cosmic egg" of
reality through cultural conditioning, we also create a "crack" which can help us return to
our primary state, restore wholeness of mind, release us from the fear of death and extend
our limitations through the power of our imagination. There's much more to life than mere
consensus reality!


by Annemarie Postma
Watkins Publishing, London, 2013
ISBN 978-1-78028-576-4 (192pp pb)

To live in acceptance is to live in freedom, says Dutch self-esteem author Annemarie

Postma. It means surrendering to the greater power in order to make contact with it, letting
go of the constant urge to control and understand everything, and walking the path that
doesn't lead somewhere but allows us to be fully present in the moment. It means not letting
go of painful emotions but of the fight against them, and making room for healing by giving
up attachment to the outcome. If we suffer, it's because we try to change life as it is into life
as we want it.

Postma's words of wisdom are akin to the teachings of a Zen master. Her wise advice is
intermingled with conversations with some inspired individuals of our times: Dr Joe
Dispenza on the balance between intention and surrender, Gregg Braden on heart coherence,
Dr Eric Pearl on reconnecting with the cosmic frequencies, Lynne McTaggart on the bridge
between science and spirituality, and Dr William Tiller on building your inner infrastructure.

In her powerful guidebook, Postma doesn't ignore fear, pain and grief but offers a way to
transform these feelings through total trust, love and surrender. In surrendering, she says, we
come to live life as if all our prayers have already been answered.

by Bernie Kastner
RVP Press, New York, 2013
ISBN 978-1-61861-312-7 (247pp tpb)

Death is but a soul's transition in its journey into the afterlife, concludes Bernie Kastner, a
Jerusalem-based psychotherapist, but it was the death of his 19-year-old son after a short but
terrible illness that gave him the impetus to investigate the possibility that life exists beyond
the physical realm.

Kastner read books on the subject by secular thinkers, doctors and scientists, and was
impressed by Michael Newton's between-lives accounts in his 1994 book journey of Souls.
He discovered that many details are mirrored in the kabbalistic texts, particularly the Zohar
(Book of Splendour). He's pieced together a step-by-step tour of what happens from pre-
death into the afterlife and including rebirth on Earth. He's created a map of 46 steps on the
soul's journey; 25 of these are described by Newton's subjects and 21 are from Judaic

The material from the Zohar provides a structured but complex picture of the world of souls
which helps demystify the great enigma of what happens when we die. Kastner discusses
planes of existence, soul recharging and shuffling, soul mates and soul sparks, reincarnation/
transmigration, past-life mistakes, reassignments and multiple bodies for one soul. He
enlightens us on the order of things in the ohm habba, the world to come, and on links
between this world and the next.

Kastner contributes to the evergrowing body of knowledge about death and the afterlife -
subjects that continue to captivate the public.


edited by Ralph Metzner, PhD

Park Street Press, Vermont, USA,
1999, 2006,2014
ISBN 978-1-62055-262-9 (264pp tpb)

Some readers may recognise the name of Dr Ralph Metzner: he was one of the key players
in the Harvard Psilocybin Project with Dr Timothy Leary and Dr Richard Alpert (Ram
Dass) in the early 1960s, so he knows a few things about hallucinogens. This book, The
Ayahuasca Experience, edited by Metzner, has been republished, no doubt in response to the
growing interest in this Amazonian brew with visionary properties: ayahuasca.
Metzner provides a weighty introduction as well as conclusions, reflections and speculations.
He's joined by Dr Dennis McKenna, Dr J. C. Callaway, and Charles S. Grob, MD, who
discuss the ethnopharmacologic history, psychology and
photochemistry/neuropharmacology of ayahuasca. He includes inspiring accounts from a
number of experiencers on the teachings of the Amazonian plant spirits.

Of course, ayahuasca is not a plant in itself: it's a concoction comprising an extract of the
vine Banisteriopsis caapi and the leafy plant Psychotria viridis, which contains the powerful
psychoactive drug DMT. This is not a brew to be messed with: it's to be treated with great
respect for the powerful visions that it can produce and the life-changing effects it can
engender. In other words, don't try this at home, folks, unless you have a trusted shaman on
hand. A classic in the entheogenic literature.


by Charles Duits
Park Street Press, Rochester, VT, USA,
2014 (first published in French in 1967)
ISBN 978-1-59477-449-2 (153pp tpb)

French writer and surrealist Charles Duits (1925-1991) first partook of the powdered form of
the Mexican cactus peyote in 1956 at a time of existential angst, having earlier passed off a
friend's urging that he try the mind-altering substance. Instead of being a "suicide mission"
for Duits, it turned out to be a visionary journey involving philosophical reflection and
spiritual revelation and, yes, perceptions of indescribable beauty. He ended up consuming
peyote 200 times.

Duits's book Peyote Dreams was first published in French in 1967, and this new English
translation is just as meaningful today. Back then, Duits railed against modern society's
revulsion of sacramental plants and other consciousness expanders, and still today we're
trying to overcome the materialistic paradigm that clamps down on individuals seeking to
find oneness with the universe by whatever means. Yet Duits was always cautious about
ensuring that we remain the master of our own mind without being carried away by
hallucinations. That stated, Duits has some intoxicating stories about his journeys into the
oneness offered by peyote, influenced too by the cactus's Mexican heritage. They reinforce
the visions that we hear about the ancient shamans who experienced oneness with Nature
and returned to tell the tale. A record of a powerful inner-knowledge quest.


by Vicki Oransky Wittenstein

Twenty-First Century Books/Lerner Publishing,
Minneapolis, USA, 2014
ISBN 978-1-4677-0659-9 (95pp hc)

Medical advances have often taken place as a result of atrocities being committed on those
least able to fend for themselves: orphans, the disabled, the mentally ill, the elderly, the
uneducated, the poor as well as slaves, soldiers, prisoners and racial groups who had no
choice. In For the Good of Mankind?, Vicki Wittenstein gives a potted overview of the
shameful history of human medical experimentation. She also names names so that the
victims - and the perpetrators - won't be forgotten.

Wittenstein has an American focus in her book, yet this comes into sharp contrast when she
compares Nazi doctors' horrific experiments with those of their American counterparts who
were injecting plutonium into unsuspecting patients as part of the Manhattan Project war
effort. The post-war years also yielded disturbing studies that bypassed the Nuremberg
Code, which many doctors concluded was not relevant in the United States.

There's a history of the public protests against the injustices of medical experimentation
including vivisection, and yet, even today, we're struggling over the ethics and fighting for
the right of privacy of genetic information and informed consent.

Wittenstein exposes morally unjustifiable experiments and calls for laws to safeguard people
enrolled in medical trials. She lays bare what it means to be a human guinea pig and entreats
us to find a path to respect, kindness and justice.


by Richard Heinberg
Clairview Books, UK, 2014
ISBN 978-1-905570-72-0 (146pp tpb)

In the preface to the new UK edition of Snake Oil, "Peakist" Richard Heinberg urges
Britons to learn from the shale fracking industry hype that has misled the American people.
In the best-case scenario for drilling operators, the gas produced may provide a small,
temporary boost to the economy but thousands of favourable drilling locations will have to
be found and tapped - and with the same adverse consequences to communities and the
environment which are cropping up wherever the technology is being deployed: problems
with water quality and quantity, air pollution, human and animal health issues as well as
environmental degradation. Ordinary citizens will rise up in protest, as they've been doing

The author of Peak Everything (15/02), among other titles, Heinberg points out that tight oil
and shale gas well production will peak before 2020 and fall extremely rapidly - contrary to
industry's exaggerated promises of 100 years of supply, motivated by short-term financial

(His focus is on shale gas, not coal seam gas which has farmers and ecologists up in arms in
parts of Australia.) Heinberg is of the opinion that we must prepare for life without cheap
fossil energy. We need to build a new kind of economy and create resilient communities if
we're to ride through the inevitable environmental and economic shocks.


by Daniel Estulin
Trine Day, Walterville, OR, USA, 2014
ISBN 978-1-937584-77-1 (229pp pb)

If the elite globalists have their way, humanity has a bleak future. Investigative journalist
Daniel Estulin, known for his Bilderberg and "shadow masters" exposes (see 12/05, 14/05,
15/04, 17/03), paints a vision of dystopia which writers before him, like Huxley and Orwell,
have warned about, and which the elites have been implementing at an unprecedented level -
now that the technology is here to enact that dreadful vision.

At stake is human freedom, national sovereignty and economic management without the
financial oligarchy's control. It's about the right to eat healthy food that's not been tampered
with genetically, and to access therapeutic substances which the Codex Alimentarius is
banning. Meanwhile, the modern technologies - personal computers, smartphones, social
media - that are widely available and give us the impression that we're in control are being
used against us, to spy on us, program us and control us.

Behind the scenes, the military-industrial cabal is focused on creating self-replicating

synthetic DNA, nanobots and nanotech weapons, bionic soldiers, augmented realities,
neurotechnologies for human upgrades, remote neural monitoring, psychotronic weapons
and other technologies with diabolical possibilities. The transhumanists, the inheritors of the
eugenics cult, have mass depopulation in mind, the survivors doomed to become slaves.

The question for us now is whether our desire to be free can overcome the elites' drive for
total control. Perhaps our hope lies in our tendency to interfere in unforeseen, non-linear
ways, muses Estulin in his well-researched, thought-provoking book.


by Anton Parks
Pahana Books, Pantin, France, 2013
ISBN 978-2-9544566-2-1 (255pp pb)

Since 2000, Anton Parks, a French-German graphic artist, has been investigating the ancient
civilisations of the Near East and the origins of humanity. Eden, his second book, is the
result of his decoding and translating Sumerian cuneiform texts from clay tablets, dated to c.
2800 BC, most of which were excavated in the late 19th century in the ancient city of Niffer
(Nippur) - a sacred city of the mythological god Enlil - in today's Iraq. These texts, he
concludes, are the source material for the first chapters of the book of Genesis and would
have been accessed by Jewish scribes during the captivity in Babylon c. 597 to 539 BC.
Parks compares the cuneiform text translations with the biblical text and shows that serious
misinterpretations were made in Genesis.

In his attempt to identify the original Sumerians, Parks discovered that not much evidence
older than 6000 BC can be unearthed from the alluvial clay because of a history of flooding.
The likely source is an area now underwater: the Persian Gulf.

Parks identifies where other translators have erred and is critical of researcher Zecharia
Sitchin for making unsubstantiated claims about the so-called planet Niburu and for never
having examined the Nippur tablets. His rigorous analysis puts established beliefs into


by Dr Trevor J. Hawkeswood
Balboa Press/Hay House, 2013
ISBN 978-1-4525-0877-1 (190pp pb)

Sydney-based scientist Dr Trevor Hawkeswood has had a lifetime of otherworldly

experiences and is critical of scientists who dismiss the validity of the paranormal without
even bothering to look into the evidence. It turns out that Dr Hawkeswood has been visited
by Shadow People or Black Ghosts, spirit beings, a demon gargoyle and a vampire, as well
as guardian angels. He's even had an encounter with a possessed typewriter! From his
experiences as well as his extensive research, he concludes that a multidimensional spirit
plane exists which is the source of these intrusions into the physical realm.

Dr Hawkeswood has had four UFO sightings, uncanny instances of precognition and
clairaudience, and a brief but utterly powerful out-of-body experience. What he's been
through defies description, but he's convinced that his experiences have been real. Indeed,
some of them have been life-saving: in January 1977, he and his family slept through their
alarms and avoided the horrific Granville train disaster. He believes it was the intervention of
guardian angels which ensured they didn't catch that train (unfortunately, this didn't work out
for the 83 people who died).

Adding to Dr Hawkeswood's book are extensive references plus a huge bibliography of

UFO-related books. Craig Seay's illustrations provide an extra dimension to the visualisation
of these extraordinary realities.


by Tobias Daniel Wabbel

Trine Day, Walterville, OR, USA, 2014
ISBN 978-1-937584-34-4 (247pp pb)

An 11-year journey of research and travel has confirmed in German author Tobias Wabbel's
mind that the purpose of the Knights Templar in Jerusalem in 1120, after the crusaders'
conquest, was to find the most important relic in history. Their mission had nothing to do
with guarding pilgrims or fighting battles, but with digging beneath the Temple Mount in
search of this key artefact which was hidden either before or during the 597 BC Babylonian
conquest of Jerusalem.

Wabbel dispels many myths about what this artefact could be, and it's not the head of Jesus,
which some speculate is interred beneath Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland, and it's not a Grail
cup, but he does shed light on Cistercian and Templar Bernard of Clairvaux and his
inspiration for later works on Perceval/Parzival and the Grail legend. He also points to the
lack of evidence for the Knights having escaped to Scotland following the Templar arrests in
1307 on the order of the Pope and under France's Philip IV, who hoped to secure the famed
Templar treasure.

The Gothic cathedrals built during the Templar Knights' heyday are an intrinsic part of the
big picture, and Wabbel aligns the Notre-Dame and St Stephen cathedrals with maps of the
Draco and Virgo constellations. These cathedrals encompass so much arcane knowledge,
but Laon's may be hiding the ultimate secret that the Templars were so intent on finding -
and then preserving. An intriguing and ongoing mystery...


9/11 as Mass Ritual

by S. K. Bain
Trine Day, Walterville, USA, 2012,2013
ISBN 978-1-937584-17-7 (362pp pb)
Investigative researcher and former high-profile art director S. K. Bain makes a compelling
case for the events of 9/11 having been orchestrated according to a deeply occult, long-
planned script for a Luciferian mega-ritual of mass terror, with more than a few nods to the
infamous wizard Aleister Crowley.

Analysing the symbolism and numerology associated with 9/11, Bain deconstructs the script,
noting patterns in dates, names, places, buildings, airline numbers, Twin Tower floor
numbers that were hit, and much more. He suggests that as part of this mass psychological
operation, the emergency help line number 9-1-1 was subverted to become a weapon of
trauma and anguish: the "evil" number 9 and the "magic" number 11 (representative of the
two towers) now standing for "evil magic", which is what this large-scale 9/11 black mass
was all about - presided over, as it was, by President George W. Bush reading the book The
Pet Goat to a classroom of students.

Bain's intention is not to name the perpetrators (plenty of other theorists have done so) but to
show that whoever was responsible had the ability to manipulate, control and even make a
mockery of the populace on a mind-boggling scale with their "techno-sorcery". Bain's aptly
titled The Most Dangerous Book in the World is a rivetting read. Included in the volume is a
separate book, The Next 9/11, a work of predictive fiction.


by Ervin Laszlo Inner Traditions,

Rochester, USA, 2014
ISBN 978-1-62055-276-6 (199pp tpb)

Systems scientist Ervin Laszlo has spent four decades exploring an holistic perspective on
life and the foundations for an Akasha paradigm, one that returns us to a way of thinking
about nonlocal reality, integral consciousness and interconnectedness with all living systems
(see 12/02, 13/04, 15/05, 16/04). In his view, his latest book is the culmination of his thought
processes, assisted in good measure by selected frontier science thinkers.

In the first part, Laszlo lays the conceptual basis of the new paradigm, defining Akasha as
the fundamental element, the ultimately real dimension of the cosmos underlying all things.
Next, he describes the Akasha paradigm in relation to the cosmos and consciousness, and he
goes on to discuss the philosophy in terms of perception, health, freedom and "The Good".
In the fourth part, he brings in some key thinkers to reflect on meaning within the new
paradigm: David Gibbons, Maria Sagi, Gyorgyi Szabo, David Lorimer, Stanley Krippner,
Ken Wilber and others.

In the extensive appendices, Laszlo reviews the evidence for nonlocality and interconnection
and presents two hypotheses: one on the transmuting ether, by Paul LaViolette, and the other
on the universal quantum field, by Peter Jakubowski. The Akasha paradigm marks a new
stage in science and society's understanding of the world and a way forward to peace and
Compiled by Duncan Roads


Humanity At The Crossroads - Extinction or Survival

by Michael Horn (c) 2014
Running time: lll mins

Michael Horn is the authorised American media representative for the Billy Meier contacts.
He has been researching the Meier case since 1979, and for as long as I've known him he
has been very passionate about the authenticity and validity of the whole Bill Meier contacts

The majority of UFO researchers don't take the Meier case seriously, but then there are so
many who are "armchair" enthusiasts. Those whom I know who have actually visited Meier
and spent time investigating the details have invariably come out saying to me that "he is for

One thing's for sure: Meier made many specific predictions based on his alien contacts'
conversations, and many of them have proven to be accurate. He warned us, but did we
listen? Included in this case is scientific knowledge given to Meier decades ago - knowledge
that's only been "discovered" in recent times.

In this feature film by Michael Horn, there's a lot of material to consider before you either
accept or dismiss the Meier case, but the abundance of "debunkings" of Meier have only
made matters worse. This film offers a rare positive perspective on both the nature and
integrity of Billy Meier himself, and on the claimed contact experiences.

Having said all that, I'll leave you with the description of the film from the back cover of the

"He warned the people. And did they listen? You need to know. Hidden in plain sight, for
decades, the most important story in human history.

On a mission - from the depths of space - one man risked his life to reveal the long-hidden,
ancient secrets to the people of Earth. Overcoming millennia of religious intrigues, political
suppression and numerous assassination attempts, Billy Eduard Albert Meier, the prophet of
the new time, brought the eternally true spiritual teaching with its promise of true love,
peace, freedom and harmony.

The long-foretold prophecies and predictions of wars, environmental disasters and social
upheaval had already begun and humankind was offered one final chance to rewrite its
future history.

Learn the truth about the:

� only scientifically authenticated extraterrestrial UFOs
� still unrecognised magnitude of destruction from Fukushima
� coming danger from asteroid Apophis that NASA won't admit
� UN ambassador who met Asket from the Dal universe."
Reviewed by Richard Giles


by The Pure Heart Ensemble

Black Swan Sounds, 2013 (60mins)

Pianist Richard Shulman leads cellist Adriana Contino, flautist Kate Steinbeck, vocalist
Dielle Ciesco and crystal bowl player Bob Hinkle. They've combined talents to produce
both an emotional presence and a sense of peaceful relaxation. Shulman, who's trained in
classical and jazz, had in mind to create music that could help others relax, heal and
eventually come to a place of gratitude. With 23 albums behind him, his most ambitious
project was the theatrical musical A Dream of Camelot. Adriana Contino has worked with
Shulman before, and their collaboration inspired this new album. Fine and blissful music.


by Uwe Gronau
Time Rider Music, USA, 2013 (66mins)

Uwe Gronau is a German musician and master of many styles, with numerous recordings to
his credit. In his early years, Gronau studied classical music and also became passionate
about jazz and rock. He produced Flight 14 with his long-time associate, Clemens Paskert.
Gronau created all the music on the album, and on "Night Train" he's joined by guest
saxophonist Matthias Keidel. Some of the tracks were inspired by a trip to the Bahamas,
including a flight in a six-seater plane, and others are dedicated to the memory of his parents.
There's a mix of soft piano and ensemble compositions on this deep-feeling, soaring album.


by Kim Kirkman
Hinterland Harps Music, 2014 (58mins)
Distributor: Australia - Lift, Maleny, Qld,

Queensland-based musician Kim Kirkman follows up his Hinterland Harps album (see
21/03) with The journey, his interpretation of the Seed of Life and the One. The Seed urged
part of the One outward and there was life. Kirkman's intention is to reflect on the big
question: what is the meaning of life? The answer, in part, may be to accept where you are.
Kirkman recorded this album in one take, improvising as he went. Beautiful harp and
gorgeous music.

by Jonathan Goldman
Spirit Music, USA, 2013 (59mins)

Jonathan Goldman is a pioneer in the field of harmonics. As well as making albums (12/05),
he's written many books, including Healing Sounds (see 10/05) and The Divine Name
(which won a 2011 Visionary Award). On Merkaba of Sound, Goldman creates a sonic
vehicle for deep inner consciousness. All the sounds are harmonised in the phi ratio and
include the Tibetan deep-voice chanting of Lama Tashi and Goldman. Together they
combine chanting, vocal overtones, Tibetan singing bowls, flutes, tuning forks and
occasional sounds of nature, all of which resonate with physical and subtle systems to
promote healing.

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