Battle Ready Prayer (For Teens) T TH Sat

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This Battle-Ready Prayer will take about 25 minutes to Romans 8:26 I thank You for this moment,

read aloud. It is designed to help you live a victorious life in

Christ. I transcribed an audio file of this prayer (found and the opportunity that this day brings. I
online), then edited it and added Scriptures as the days know that each day is a gift from You, and
went by, according to my specific needs. I have left plenty
of blank space on the pages for you to do the same. This is
I have unlimited potential to impact Your
a covenant prayer; it is meant as a statement of faith to the kingdom today.
Lord, as well as a petition. If you read this aloud daily, you
will be delightfully surprised at how it shows up in your
daily thoughts, and even starts to come out of your mouth
at times! Also, I initially thought this prayer would lose
meaning and become a rote recitation; that concern was
without merit. Every time I read it, it never fails that some
part of it ministers to me or brings me joy. I think it is
because the prayer is Scripture-based. I also have added
so many Scriptures to it, just for my edification, that these
are now being "hidden in my heart." I hope this prayer
blesses you as it has blessed me, and more! THE ADVERSARY
Battle Ready Prayer for Help me to never lose sight of the fact that
I have an adversary that must be fought
Teens(T TH Sa)
each day. The Word tells me that Satan
I submit myself to You, God. I come near
came to steal, kill, and destroy. But Jesus
to You, knowing You will come near to
comes that I might have life, and have it
me. James 4:7-8a
more abundantly. In the Name of Jesus
PRAISE & THANKSGIVING and the power of his blood, I bind Satan
Creator Of the universe, God of Moses,
and his forces of darkness from any
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, The Holy involvement, activity, or distractions in this
One of Israel – the Alpha and Omega –
prayer. Lord, empower my angels to come
the Beginning and End – I give You against every thought, feeling, influence,
praise! "Worthy is the Lamb, who was and hindrance that may come against me
slain, to receive power and wealth and as I pray.
wisdom and strength and honor and glory
and praise!" Rev. 5:12 Praise be to the ARMOR OF GOD
only wise King who declares the end from In the Name of Jesus and the power of his
the beginning! Isaiah 46:10 Holy are You, blood, I equip myself right now with the
LORD! "Better is one day in your courts whole armor of God, that I am covered
than a thousand elsewhere…" Psalm from head to toe in every aspect of my
84:10a I give You thanks & praise for life. There are no parts of my life that are
Your goodness, Your mercy, and Your exposed, but my body, soul, and spirit are
grace. I give You thanks for a mind to covered by the blood of Jesus.
pray, a heart to seek Your face, and HELMET OF SALVATION
authority You have given me over the In the Name of Jesus and the power of his
Enemy and his demons. Thank You for blood, I put on the helmet of salvation.
Your Holy Spirit, who guides me into all Thank You for promising me salvation
truth, John 16:13 and intercedes for me both for today's battles and for all eternity.
when my Words and wisdom fall short. This helmet will protect me from the
deception of my enemy. My thoughts are and a sound mind. I trust in the LORD
sealed by the blood of Jesus, and no lie with all of my heart, mind, body, soul, and
can live in my mind. spirit. If You said it, then I know that You
BELT OF TRUTH will do it. You do only good things to me,
In the Name of Jesus and the power of his and You are able to perform Your Word in
blood, I put on the belt of truth. Thank my life. I believe the promises of God for
You, my LORD, for showing me the truth my life. Every Word You have spoken
about Yourself. Thank You for reminding concerning my destiny shall be
me that You are the only God, the Creator established and come to pass; no man or
of heaven and earth, the King of the devil can usurp Your will for my life!
universe, my Father who loves me, and SANDALS OF PEACE
my Shepherd who leads me. You are my In the Name of Jesus and the power of his
wisdom, my counselor, my hope, and my blood, my feet are shod with the gospel of
strength. You are everything I need each peace. Peace rests upon me and covers
day. I am Yours. I am Your chosen, my mind and heart. I will share the good
adopted, dearly loved child. Nothing can news about Jesus with anyone You bring
separate me from Your love! Romans me. Because of Jesus and what he has
8:38-39 done for me, I have peace in the midst of
storms, chaos, and confusion. Your peace
comforts me in times of trial, and sustains
me from being weary. It surpasses all
understanding and defies logic.
In the Name of Jesus and the power of his In the Name of Jesus and the power of his
blood, I put on the breastplate of blood, I am empowered with the Sword of
righteousness. I thank You, LORD, for the Spirit, which is the Word of God. The
showing me the truth that on my own I Sword of the LORD shall never depart
could never be good enough to live in from me. I pray for holy boldness in my
Your presence. Jesus, thank You for spirit, and for Your Holy Spirit to bring to
taking my sins on the cross and for giving my mind the Word of God when I need it
me Your righteousness in the great to comfort, encourage, exhort, or wage
exchange. Your righteousness protects war with my enemy.
my heart from pride. My own good works
are like dirty rags to You, so I need not CONFESSIONS
worry about being good enough or doing I wash my hands of my sin; single-
enough. minded, I purify my heart in Your
SHIELD OF FAITH presence. James 4:8b if I confess my
In the Name of Jesus and the power of his sins, You are faithful and just and will
blood, I take up the Shield of Faith, and I forgive my sins and cleanse me from all
bind the spirit of fear. You have not given unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9 "Search
me the spirit of fear, but of power, love, me, O God, and know my heart; test me
and know my anxious thoughts. See if
there is any offensive way in me, and lead
me in the way everlasting." Psalm SUBMISSION
139:23-24 I stand before You, LORD,
naked – offering no excuses or I know that friendship with the world is
justifications for my sins. I come, LORD, hatred toward God - if I choose to be a
seeking Your standard, and not those of friend of the world, I become Your enemy.
men. Holy Spirit, bring into my mind the I know Scripture says the Spirit You
sins right now that I need to confess... caused to live in me envies intensely.
[just wait - it will come to you] James 4:4-5 I come before You, LORD,
LORD, I am thankful that You have with a heart that is after Your own, and a
forgiven my sins. Forgive every thought, mind that is stayed on You. Praise the
deed, action, motive, or intent of my heart LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his
that does not line up with Your Word, benefits-" Psalm 103:2 I choose You,
Your will, or Your calling and purpose for LORD, and all of Your benefits, and
my life. Forgive me for the times I have denounce all ties and fellowship with the
taken You for granted, or moments where world. I have no place in the world, and
I have allowed my focus and discipline to denounce everything that it offers. I thank
slip. Uproot any seed of discontent that You, LORD, for saving me from myself
has been planted in my life. Forgive me, and the consequences of sin. I surrender,
LORD, if I have held back my time, LORD, and give You total and complete
talents, or resources. Give me a heart to reign over my life. I willingly submit to You
restore every person I have wronged. Just in thanksgiving and praise.
as You forgive me, I forgive those that
have wronged me, and I let go of any hurt,
bitterness, resentment, or ill-will that I
have held in my heart. I will not allow the SPIRITUAL COVENANT
sin of offense and the bitterness that You have given me a choice, LORD, and I
follows to wreck my relationship with You. choose to be in covenant with You. I have
I will not fall for the devil's bait of offense. crossed the line of no return, and I will not
You can take care of those who hurt me - look back. Each day I am becoming more
I don't need to see things made right - like You, and growing further from this
that's Your business! I repent right now, in world. My reality in Christ is more real
the name of Jesus, and I receive the than what my natural eyes behold, and I
power of the blood to cleanse me from all know that You are near. You are right
iniquity. here with me, every step of the way. I
thank You for every opportunity to gain
revelation and understanding concerning
You. The truths You have revealed to me
give me unshakeable faith - I will not
crumble when the storms of life come my
way. My life has been built on the solid Father, provide for those who grieve—
rock of revelation that You are the Christ, bestow on them a crown of beauty
the Son of the living God. I rest in the instead of ashes, the oil of gladness
belief that You died on the cross for my instead of mourning, and a garment of
sins, Your blood was shed for me, and praise instead of a spirit of despair. Isaiah
You rose again on the third day - 61:3
conquering death to give me life. Let People who are grieving:
there be no cracks in my foundation.

Psalm 91:1 "He who dwells in the shelter
of the Most High will rest in the shadow of
the Almighty." In the Name of Jesus and
the power of his blood, I bind the spirit of
death. I shall not see untimely death, nor
shall death have any hold over me. I shall
fulfill all of my days. I have divine order in
my life, and death has no grip on me.
Psalm 91:7 "A thousand shall fall by my
side, and ten thousand by my right hand, HEALTH
but it shall not come near me." I exercise Psalm 103:3-4 You forgive all my sins
total faith and confidence in my belief that and heal all my diseases, You redeem my
death was powerless to hold You in the life from the pit. John 14:13-14
grave, and that You rose again and You have said You will do whatever I ask
resurrected every dead thing. I receive in Your name, Jesus, so that You may
Your resurrection power, and declare bring glory to the Father. Isaiah 53:5, 1
there is no dead thing in my life. I Peter 2:24b
separate myself right now from every Your Word says that by Your wounds we
dead thing, and release them from my life are healed."James 5:15
in Jesus' name. I speak life in all things You have told me to pray for others so
pertaining to me. that they may be healed. I stand in the
gap for my family and friends, and I speak
health and healing over their bodies. [pray
for sick people here]

Sick/Injured people:
is not of You.

In the Name of Jesus and the power of his

blood, I forbid evil spirits from attaching to
me in any way, shape, or form. Lord, give
me wisdom and discipline to choose
whatever is true, noble, right, pure,
lovely, admirable—anything excellent or
praiseworthy, Phillipians 4:8 so they have
no place, familiarity or invitation in my life,
and do not enter into my eyes, my ears, or
my mind. My spirit has victory over them
all the days of my life!

I will say of You, LORD, "You are my
My Family: refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom
I trust." Ps. 91:2 You have set Your love
upon me, and You protect me all the days
of my life. My heart is being protected
from all ungodly influences, and my
innocence is being guarded. If I make the
Most High my dwelling— even the LORD,
who is my refuge- then no harm will befall
me, no disaster will come near me. Psalm
91:9 I pray, LORD, that You protect me
from all hurt, harm, pain, and danger, and
those that mean me ill-will. When I pass
through the waters, You will be with me;
and when I pass through the rivers, they
will not sweep over me. When I walk
through the fire, I will not be burned; the
Even as I pray, my body is regenerating flames will not set me ablaze. Isaiah 43:2
itself, preparing itself for another I understand that every relationship is not
productive day. My body is developing for me, every person does not have my
according to Your plan, and health is best interest in mind, and all that glitters
being released in all of my cells, nerves, isn't gold. I pray that You protect my
organs, tissues, bones, bodily systems, parents, my home, my vehicles, my
veins, arteries, and muscles. My brain is property, my friends, my neighbors, and
processing the information consistent with my extended family.
Your Word and filtering out everything that
fruits of all my crops;" Proverbs 3:9 You
PRIORITIES own the cattle on a thousand hills, Ps.
In the Name of Jesus and the power of 50:10 and You will fill all my barns.
Your blood, I pray, LORD, that You are Proverbs 3:10 The blessings of the LORD
my everything! I have no priority greater overtake and pursue me all the days of
than You all the days of my life. It is my life. I speak financial security and
impossible for me to be too heavily stability over my family, and the perfect
focused on You, and no amount of time I will of God in my life. I am blessed so I
spend with You is wasted. You are the can bless others! Show me today how I
creator of time, and I will not worry about can use the resources You have given me
the time I give to You. Psalm 37:23 The to bless someone else.
steps of a good man are ordered by the
LORD,And He delights in his way. Order People with financial needs:
my steps according to Your Word, and
and design my days according to Your
will. Psalm 86:11 "Teach me your way, O
Lord, and I will walk in your truth; give me
an undivided heart, that I may fear your

Pray for My Involvement in These

Thank You for the friends You have
blessed me with! I will be careful to
represent You before them in everything
that I say or do. I commit to live holy
before them, and set godly examples for
them to follow. I will not be a hypocrite; I
will practice what I preach. I know my
actions speak louder than my words!
I keep asking You - God of our Lord
Jesus Christ, the glorious Father – that
BLESSINGS You give them the Spirit of wisdom and
Philippians 4:19 "And my God will meet revelation, so that they may know You
all my needs according to his glorious better. I pray also that the eyes of their
riches in Christ Jesus." You supply all of hearts may be enlightened in order that
my needs, and I am blessed all the days they may know the hope to which You
of my life. In the name of Jesus I speak have called them, the riches of Your
abundant harvest into my life. I will honor glorious inheritance in the saints, and
the LORD with my wealth, with the first Your incomparably great power for us
who believe. That power is like the pray they will draw near to You and grow
working of Your mighty strength, which spiritually. Lord, let me be a blessing to
You exerted in Christ when You raised my parents, because Your Word says that
him from the dead and seated him at children are a blessing from You!
Your right hand in the heavenly realms!
Eph. 1:17-20 My Parents' specific needs:

Friends with special needs:

I thank You, Father for giving me parents
who love me. Help me to show them
respect, and obey them as Jesus did His
earthly parents. Help me to recognize that
the authority You have given them over
me is for my good. Help me to submit to
them as though I'm submitting to You,
because that's what I'm really doing, after
all. I trust You will bless me for my
obedience, because Your Word says, CONCLUSION
“Honor your father and your mother,” Ex. In the name of Jesus, I seal my soul to the
20:12 and, “Children, obey your parents Words of this covenant, that it is the
in the Lord, for this is right.” Eph. 6:1 declaration of my heart. Let every Word
I pray that You impart wisdom to my be lined up with the perfect will of God.
parents to make good decisions, and give Let the LORD Jesus Christ be the final
them courage to train me in the way I arbitrator of my mind and heart, and let
should go. I pray You protect their this covenant be always pleasing in the
marriage from the attacks of the Enemy. I sight of God. I thank You, LORD, that You
love me, and that You hear me. I thank
You, LORD, for a mind to share intimate
fellowship with You. I thank You that
these Words are being established in my
heart and mind, that they are a part of me
and guide and direct my paths at all times.
I thank You, LORD, for this opportunity
and this new beginning. I can't wait for
Your return, and I know that nothing I
have done or sacrificed has been in vain.
Thank You for this life, for who I am in
Christ, and for all blessings You have
bestowed upon me. Amen.

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