Assessment of Infrazygomatic Bone Depth

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Sebastian Baumgaertel Assessment of infrazygomatic bone

Mark G. Hans
depth for mini-screw insertion

Authors’ affiliations: Key words: bone depth, CBCT, infrazygomatic crest, mini-implants, mini-screws, orthodontics,
Sebastian Baumgaertel, Mark G. Hans, zygoma
Department of Orthodontics, School of Dental
Medicine, Case Western Reserve University,
Cleveland, OH, USA Abstract
Correspondence to:
Objective: To investigate the bone depth at the infrazygomatic crest with regard to
Sebastian Baumgaertel orthodontic mini-screw insertion.
Department of Orthodontics Material and methods: Twenty-nine adult human dry skulls were imaged using CBCT
School of Dental Medicine
Case Western Reserve University technology, slice data were generated and multiple measurements were undertaken at three
10900 Euclid Ave sites associated with the infrazygomatic crest and five different measurement levels. The data
Cleveland, OH 44106
USA were analyzed using intraclass correlation and repeated measures ANOVA.
Tel.: þ 216 262 3352/ 216 368 3249 Results: The greatest bone depth was available at, on average, 11.48  1.92 mm apical from
Fax: þ 216 368 3204
the cemento-enamel junction of the maxillary first molar and decreased rapidly further
apically. Maximum bone depth (7.05  3.7 mm) was present at the lowest measurement level.
However, here, insufficient clearance to the molar roots was present. Both the measurement
site and the level at which the measurements were conducted had a significant impact on
bone depth.
Conclusions: When inserting orthodontic mini-screws (6 mm or longer) into the
infrazygomatic crest while staying clear of the molar roots perforation of the maxillary sinus or
the nasal cavity can be expected, but bone depth varies considerably between individuals.

Absolute anchorage through the use of one of the infrazygomatic crest. CT imaging
or more mini-screws has become an integral suggests that the bone available to anchor
part of modern orthodontic practice (Melsen a mini-screw at this site presents as a rect-
2005). Recently, reports proposing an an- angular space with distinct borders within
chorage site suitable for single mini-screw which navigation of the mini-screw should
insertion for corrections in the vertical take place during the insertion procedure
dimension have appeared in the literature: (Fig. 2). A study conducted by Liou et al.
the infrazygomatic crest (Kuroda et al. 2004; (2007) investigated bone thickness above
Liou et al. 2007). Topographically, this the mesio-buccal root of the maxillary first
insertion site is located on the buccal surface molar and revealed that on average suffi-
of the zygomatic process of the maxilla, cient bone thickness is available for a 6 mm
above the first permanent molar (Fig. 1). implant if placed at a specific angulation to
Accepted 16 November 2008
When placing mini-screws at this site for the occlusal plane. To date, a detailed in-
orthodontic purposes, it is important to vestigation of the infrazygomatic crest space
To cite this article:
Baumgaertel S, Hans MG. Assessment of understand the anatomical dimensions cannot be found in the literature.
infrazygomatic bone depth for mini-screw insertion. that can be expected. However, to date, Therefore, the purpose of this study is to
Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 20, 2009; 638–642.
doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2008.01691.x not much is known about the bone volume investigate the available bone depth at the

638 c 2009 John Wiley & Sons A/S

Baumgaertel & Hans  Assessment of infrazygomatic bone depth

Fig 3. Orientation of the cuts (red) in the sagittal (left) and coronal (right) plane.

Measurements of depth: At sites 1 and 3,

the first measurement of depth was con-
ducted perpendicular to the buccal bone
surface tangent to the tip of the mesio-
buccal or the disto-buccal root tip, respec-
Fig 1. Topographical location of the infrazygomatic
crest (green highlight). tively. The following four measurements
were taken increasingly cranial at 1 mm
increments again perpendicular to the
buccal bone surface. At site 2, the first
measurement was taken at the level where
the width of the furcation reached and
remained at 2.5 mm or more, which
appears to be the minimal inter-radicular
distance required to insert a mini-screw of
Fig 4. Measurements of bone depth (blue) and ver-
1.5 mm or less in diameter (Maino et al.
tical dimension (green).
2005). The following four measure-
ments were taken in the same manner as
– Hitachi Medical Corporation, Tokyo, described above.
Japan) at a 9 in. field of view, 100 kVp and Measurements of vertical dimension:
10 mA. The resulting voxel size was One measurement of vertical dimension
0.28 mm. Using Accurext software (Cyber- was carried out on every slice to determine
Med Inc., Seoul, Korea), slices were recon- the shortest distance between the first
Fig 2. Illustration of the osseous infrazygomatic
crest space (green highlight). structed at three sites on either side, measurement of depth and the cemento-
oriented perpendicular to the buccal bone enamel junction (CEJ).
surface and parallel to the long axis of the Measurements on 10 slices were carried
infrazygomatic crest with regard to placing maxillary first molar (Fig. 3): out twice with a 2-week time interval
orthodontic mini-screws at this site. between them to collect data for the in-
1. Root tip of the mesio-buccal root of the
trarater reliability assessment.
maxillary first molar (MB).
Material and methods 2. Middle of the buccal furcation of the
maxillary first molar (equal distances
Data analysis
Sample to mesial and distal buccal root) (IR).
All data analyses were carried out using
The sample consisted of 29 adult human 3. Root tip of the disto-buccal root of the
SPSSt 16.0 (SPSS Corp, Chicago, IL, USA).
dry skulls from the Hamann–Todd Osteo- maxillary first molar (DB).
The significance level for all the tests was
logical Collection at the Cleveland Mu-
set at P  0.05. Preliminary data analysis
seum of Natural History, Cleveland, OH
revealed a normal frequency distribution of
(26 males/three females – average age:
Measurements the sample (Shapiro–Wilk test) and led to
30.1  10.8 years), which were collected
On each of these slices, five measurements of the assumption of sphericity (Mauchly’s
in the first half of the past century. Inclu-
depth and one measurement of vertical di- test of sphericity). Intraclass correlation
sion criteria were intact maxillary jaws and
mension were conducted. Measurements of was used to test intrarater reliability. Paired
the presence of maxillary second bicuspids,
depth investigated the relationship between Student’s t-test was used to analyze for
first molars and second molars.
the buccal bone surface and the cranial, differences between measurements of the
lingual and caudal borders of the available left and the right side. No statistically
Imaging technology osseous space. Measurements of vertical significant differences were found and so
These skulls were imaged with a state-of- dimension investigated the vertical height of the data were pooled. Two-way repeated
the-art CBCT unit (Hitachi CB Mercurayt the first depth measurement (Fig. 4). measures ANOVA was used to test for

c 2009 John Wiley & Sons A/S

 639 | Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 20, 2009 / 638–642
Baumgaertel & Hans  Assessment of infrazygomatic bone depth

differences in bone depth at the different Table 1. Descriptive statistics for bone depth of the infrazygomatic crest space at three
measurement levels. measurement sites (n ¼ 58)
Site Level Total
1 2 3 4 5
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD

Intrarater reliability was high for both mea- MB 6.69 4.27 5.62 4.25 4.75 4.15 3.89 3.48 3.6 3.6 4.91 4.1
IR 7.05 3.7 6.23 4.1 5.1 3.9 4.02 3.21 3.57 3.08 5.19 3.83
surements of bone depth (r ¼ 0.89) and
DB 6.17 4.23 5.18 4.44 3.87 3.78 3.15 3.36 2.97 3.64 4.27 4.08
measurements of vertical dimension (0.91).
Measurements at all three sites exhibited MB, mesio-buccal root; IR, buccal furcation; DB, disto-buccal root.

a similar pattern. The first, most coro-

nal measurement yielded the largest
Table 2. Descriptive statistics for the depth existed, on average, for the insertion
bone depth value (MB: 6.69 4.27 height of first measurement (n ¼ 58)
of a 6-mm orthodontic mini-screw without
mm; IR: 7.05  3.07 mm; and DB: Site Height
perforating into the sinus. However, the
6.17  4.23 mm). Thereafter, the values
Mean SD first measurement was taken tangent to
decreased gradually until the smallest
MB 12.18 1.76 the root tip. This means that placement at
value was recorded at the fifth, most apical
IR 10.36 2.04 the first level would violate the minimal
measurement (MB: 3.6  3.6 mm; IR: DB 11.9 1.39
safety distance as explained above and
3.57  3.08 mm; DB: 2.97  3.64 mm). Total 11.48 1.92
therefore cannot be recommended. Further
However, with the standard deviation
MB, mesio-buccal root; IR, buccal furcation; apically, where sufficient clearance to the
(SD) ranging from 52% to 122% of the DB, disto-buccal root.
roots existed, bone depth decreased rapidly
mean values, dispersion, as a measure for
with every measurement level. This means
individual variation within the sample,
disadvantages with regard to potential side that further apically a perforation of the
was high (Table 1). Statistical analysis
effects. A longer implant has a higher like- maxillary sinus was likely, even when
revealed that both the anterior–posterior
lihood of damaging adjacent structures. using the shortest orthodontic mini-screws
position relative to the first molar roots
Therefore, all things being equal and within currently available. An exception is the IR
(P ¼ 0.003) and also the measurement
reasonable limits, a shorter mini-screw measurement at ML 2, which provided
levels (P ¼ 0.001) had a highly significant
should be preferred over a longer implant. 6.23 mm of bone depth. The high SD
impact on bone depth.
Most manufacturers offer mini-screws of observed in this study proved that marked
The height of the first measurement was
different lengths in their systems, the short- individual variation existed in the region of
located on average 10.36  2.04–12.18 
est being 6 or 7 mm long (Baumgaertel et al. interest (ROI) (Fig. 5). Statistical analysis
1.76 mm, depending on the measurement
2008). To prevent damage to adjacent struc- indicated a significant effect of both the
site, apical from the buccal CEJ of the
tures when placing an orthodontic mini- measurement level and the measurement
maxillary first molar. The largest distance
screw, a certain safety distance is required. site on bone depth, which suggests that in
was recorded at the mesio-buccal root,
Unfortunately, with recommendations ran- order to maximize the amount of bone
followed by the disto-buccal root, while
ging from 0.5 mm (Maino et al. 2005) to depth available the insertion should take
the buccal furcation presented with the
2 mm (Liou et al. 2004), there is no agree- place above the furcation at the lowest
least distance from the buccal CEJ to the
ment in the current literature on the magni- level possible. In their study, Liou et al.
first measurement (Table 2).
tude of the required safety distance. In a (2007) found a narrow range where, on
study assessing mini-screw stability, Liou et average, sufficient bone depth for a 6 mm
Discussion al. found that the average movement of an implant existed at the infrazygomatic
orthodontic mini-screw was on average crest, but it was dependent on the angle
Before one can determine whether sufficient o0.5 mm at the implant head (Liou et al. of insertion.
bone depth exists at the infrazygomatic 2004), and Maino et al. (2005) recommend The level of the greatest bone depth was
crest, a brief discussion of the optimal 0.5 mm as the minimal safety distance to any located on average 11.48 mm apical from
mini-screw length is justified. To date, no adjacent anatomical structure . To reflect an the buccal CEJ of the maxillary first molar.
conclusive evidence exists whether implant ideal scenario, the present study used 0.5 mm This would indicate the ideal level for
length is a decisive factor for primary stabi- as the safety distance, the minimum recom- mini-screw insertion. More in detail, at
lity or long-term success (Miyawaki et al. mendation in the current literature. When the mesio-buccal root, the ideal insertion
2003; Miyamoto et al. 2005). It appears that determining the minimal interradicuar dis- site would be located farthest in the vesti-
other factors such as bone quality, implant tance, the implant outer-core diameter has to bule, on average 12.18 mm apical from the
site preparation or implant diameter play a be taken into account as well. For a 1.5-mm- CEJ. In the furcation, the insertion site
significantly larger role (Miyawaki et al. diameter mini-screw, the minimal interradi- should be 10.36 mm from the CEJ, which
2003; Miyamoto et al. 2005; Wilmes et al. cuar distance should therefore be 2.5 mm. is the lowest level of the three measure-
2006, 2008). While a longer implant seems The results of this study indicated that ment sites. At the disto-buccal root, the
to have no advantage over a shorter implant with an average bone depth of 6.17–7.05 mm mini-screw should be inserted on average
with regard to failure rates, it certainly has at the lowest measurement level, sufficient 11.9 mm from the CEJ. This was to be

640 | Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 20, 2009 / 638–642 c 2009 John Wiley & Sons A/S

Baumgaertel & Hans  Assessment of infrazygomatic bone depth

mark et al. 1984; Raghoebar et al. 1999;

Ardekian et al. 2006). If a perforation
is noticed, interruption of orthodontic
treatment or removal of the implant is
generally not warranted. The patient
should be informed and monitored closely
because in very rare cases, perforations of
such sort may lead to sinusitis or muco-
celes (Kravitz & Kusnoto 2007). Assess-
ment of the risk–benefit ratio of this
Fig 5. Individual variation: specimen with maximum bone depth (left) and minimum bone depth (right). procedure needs to be carried out on an
individual basis considering the patient’s
expected and reflects the contor of the caudal border consisted of the mesio- and goals and desires (Tulloch & Antczak-
buccal roots of the maxillary first molar. disto-buccal roots of the first permanent Bouckoms 1987; Cassidy et al. 1993).
However, all these insertion sites are molar. These anatomical structures that
located so high in the vestibule that constituted the borders of the ROI showed
implants would most likely be inserted with marked individual variation, which
deep in the mucosa. This is unfavorable explains the relatively high SDs in the bone
as it can result in tissue overgrowth, irrita- depth measurements. Root length,
When inserting orthodontic mini-screws
tion or discomfort to the patient (Kravitz & pneumatization of the maxillary sinus,
(6 mm or longer) into the infrazygomatic
Kusnoto 2007; Baumgaertel et al. 2008). bucco-lingual inclination of the maxillary
crest, perforation of the maxillary sinus or
These findings are comparable to the first molar, alveolar processes height and
the nasal cavity can be expected. However,
findings of Liou et al. (2007), who mea- depth and morphology of the buccal furca-
the anatomy at this site varies considerably
sured the height of the insertion site not tion were probably the most important
between individuals.
from the CEJ but from the occlusal plane at variables that determined how much
the mesio-buccal root only. bone depth was available for mini-screw
The infrazygomatic crest space was a insertion.
rectangular osseous volume that was lim- This study demonstrated that on aver- Acknowledgements: The authors
ited by certain distinct borders. The buccal age, mini-screw insertion (6 mm length or would like to thank Dr. Lysle E.
border of the infrazygomatic crest space more) could lead to perforation of the Johnston Jr. for his help with the
was represented by the course of the outer maxillary sinus or the nasal cavity. How- statistical study design. The authors
surface of the zygomatic process of the ever, in rare cases, given favorable anato- also gratefully appreciate the support
maxilla and the most apical regions of mical relationships sufficient bone depth of the Cleveland Museum of National
the alveolar process. The cranial border existed for placement of up to 12-mm-long History that granted us access to the
was characterized by the floor of the max- implants without any perforation. skulls of the Hamann-Todd collection.
illary sinus and/or the floor of the nasal Small perforations of the maxillary sinus [Correction added after online
cavity. The medial border consisted of the or the nasal cavity as they may occur when publication 4 March 2009: In the
lingual root of the maxillary first molar, placing orthodontic mini-screws usually go preceding sentence, Johnson was
the lingual surface of the alveolar process unnoticed because they heal on their own corrected to Johnston, Cleverland to
and the surfaces of the nasal cavity. The and without any complications (Bråne- Cleveland, and skills to skulls.]


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