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(Extract of a report at the VIIIth. Congress of the International Medical Sport’s Federation
published by the Medical Sport’s Federation’s Bulletin.)

Allow me to put to this Congress the forms of psycho-physical activity should

following question: Are they any biologi- be denied to them. If, per exemple, Pyg-
cal-medical reasons to prevent women as mies cannot go in for the same psycho-
well as men to go in for any type of psycho- physical tests than the species of the Dinaric
physical activity thus practising all kind race, shall we go as far as to forbid them
of sports, endeavouring to beat records in to compete on equal terms with others and
speed, strength, skill, and endurance? to score marks of distinction in keeping
This question is of topical interest as with their development?
there still exist a great many scientists who The existing physical differences bet-
forbid certain sports to women on the ween man and woman are constantly im-
ground of health. pressing men and cause them to have out of
On this particular point we have adop- date and erroneous notions about women.
ted an attitude differing fundamentally Let us see these differences.
from the recognized point of view of to-day: Differences of weight at birth:
We actually allow women to carry out all
forms of psycho-physical activities and to Women Men
practise all the games and sports. We shall A P ER T 3 200 gr. 3 250 gr.
therefore endeavour to explain our point of V A R I OT 3 020 gr. 3 130 gr.
view while urging the Congress to adopt a M C A ULI FF 3 250 gr. 3 350 gr.
definite position regarding this important
matter. Sovietic experts, after having taken a
In modern times, woman has acquired the record of the measurements of the Moscow’
right to exercise any kind of physical or children, over the period 1932-1935, have
psychological activities. She ploughs, she discovered that the new born males measure
helps harvesting, she scythes, carries heavy 51 cm. in length and the new born females
loads, works in factories and workshops, 50 cm.
in offices and schools, in hospitals, in scien- P FI ST E R has found that man has bigger
tifical Institutes and she studies the Facul- kidneys and G U N DO BI N discovered that
ties at the Universities, she also takes an man has a blooder with a larger capacity.
active part in all the branches of Arts an From statistics drawn by B U N AK , N E S -
carries off marks of distinctions in all T URH and R O G INS K I the height and the
spheres, all this entitles her to be recognized weight of the average man and woman are
according to her capacities. respectively: 165 cm. and 64 kg. and 165
Athletism and Sports aim at increasing cm. and 56 kg. Investigations regarding this
man’s physical power. It is through the chan- matter were carried out in Yugo-Slavia in
nels of sports’ competitions that this result the region of Zica, revealed that the average
is obtained. Man and woman become all- of 171 cm. height and 58,2 kg-weight are
round sportsmen by acquiring speed, skill the measurements for women.
strengh and endurance. The recorded measurements which we
Man has the privilege to practise all have taken at the National Institute of
forms of sports without being handicapped Physical Training are as follow: Average
by contra-indications of a general order. height of the male student 174,8 cm. and
Woman, on the other hand, does not en- 68,4 kg. weight as against average height
joy the same privilege. She is only allowed to of 161,7 cm. and 57,5 kg. for women stu-
compete in the sports displaying speed and dents.
skill while all sorts of restrictions are impo- M AN O U VRI ER has discovered that wo-
sed on her as regards to sports where endu- men have abdominal organs more develop-
rance and strength are the outstanding ped in comparaison with the thorax and
features. She has the right to compete in the the muscles while they had shorter limbs
800 m. races, in the swimming contests up especially the arms. R O L LE Y proved that
to 400 meters, in skiing races of 3 to 6 km., women have the forarm and the legs shorter,
short distances cycling, rowing and skating. their thorax is smaller and their abdomen
Which could be the main biological or larger, their sternum is 5 cm. shorter.
medical reasons likely to forbid to women This difference of the biological and the
the practice of sports where strength and sexual order between man and woman
endurance come in foremost? If, constitu- becomes more pronounced under the in-
tionally, congenitally and as a result of fluence of outside and inside inferences.
the wrong type of upbringing, women have The strength of this influence has been
become weaker than men it does not mean noticed by numerous scientists.
that because of thess facts, access to all The outside factors are geographical,

climatic, seasonal also professional and eco- with the idea of her growing up frail, with-
nomic social spheres, the last two factors out strength nor staying power, devoid of
are expressed in historical evolution and fighting spirit? Are we not entitled to
the social status. expect some help in the scheme of recons-
The inside factors are: genotypic, endo- truction from such a citizen? Let us change
crinal, sexual and pathological. our outlook and in a certain measure we
English statistics taken about 1930 give shall transform the characteristic of woman
the following results: and turn her into a vigourous being, able
English students measure: height 174,3 to withstand a hard life, full of fighting
cm., weight 63,8 kg., spirit and determination. From infancy,
English workmen measure: height 170,9 we train our girls to play with dolls and
cm., weight 59,7 kg., boys to play at soldiers, we do not see any
English workmen out of work measure: harm in this. However, in physical culture
height 169 cm., weight 56,6 kg. and training for sports it is imperative to
S C HW INN ING has proved that urban instil in both sexes, speed, skill, strength
populations are taller than country folk and endurance because these qualities are
and that students top the height of their necessary to both. This does not infer that
fellow countrymen. woman shall be equal to man. Biologically
S TA MB U K and K ES IC have proved respec- and sexually this is impossible. Women cannot
tively that pupils and apprentices who have become masculine as certain people pretend.
received only primary education were smal- In various sporting competitions, especially
ler in stature than their comrads of the in track events, we often notice women com-
same age educated in the secondary schools. petitors with masculine tendencies. These
R Ö SS ELE and B ÖNI NG have made compara- have caused antagonists of sports for women
tive studies of the development of children to blame the latter for being the cause of
born in 1878-1880 an those born in 1921, this change in aspect. This is not the case
they found that the latter were one centi- and we must try to see it in its true aspect.
meter taller. Likewise, R Ö S SELE has found Sporting competitions imply a selection.
that conscripts of all European countries Victory goes to those who know best how
have grown taller in the last fifty years. to adapt themselves to the final effort.
E RI SM A N , in 1885, has taken the measu- Thus track events are often won by women
rements of the young men belonging to the showing masculine qualities of strength,
village of Gluhova in the neighbourhood of speed and endurance.
Moskow: Sovietic experts resumed these
researches in 1927 and in 1934. It has been
proved that youths of 1934 were more
developped than those born in 1927 and
1885. One can thus perceive the direct
outcome of the much improved social and
economic conditions of living.
G O DI N shows that warmth promotes
bodily growth and activitates manifesta-
tions of puberty.
demonstrated that bodily growth derives
directly from the number of rooms in a
dwelling, while V I LLE RME , G OUL D , B E R -
T R AN D , P ER RY M O NT BL E , L EG U ES proved
that persons brought up in confort are
taller in stature. Lastly G A L SLE R , U H LI TS CH ,
E I SMAN , P AGI AN I , etc., show how substan-
tial, good food promotes a normal physical
development and tends toincrease the
M AT HI AS found that an exhautive psycho-
physical activity hinders normal growth
and that overworked school children grew
quicker during the summer holidays.
D U RAN D D E G ROS stresses that people
living in chalky soil areas are of high
All these exemples tend to prove the
influence of the various factors external and
internal on the development of man and
woman. It is obvious that as long asboth
sexes are submitted from childhood to the
influence of different types of education
the existing specific difference between the
sexes will increase. Do we bring up a woman


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