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The Complete Guide for

Conducting a Successful
SAP® Authorization
Introduction Terms & Definitions

What is an Authorization Review, & Why You Need It User/User Account

The employee’s account in a specific system. For
Why should I be performing authorization reviews? example, JOHN_S in the ERP system, or account john.
The process of reviewing authorizations enables in the Active Directory system.
enterprises to verify that authorizations granted to
employees are still valid. This process entails that a Employee
manager goes through each authorization allocated The term used in information systems for the logical
to each of his/her employees, and decide whether to entity that represents the human employee. An
remove or keep it. In some cases, the authorization employee can have a number of user accounts in
review process ends after a single manager’s approval. a number of different systems. For example, the
In other cases, additional approval steps from employee John Smith has a user account JOHN_S in
senior management are required. At the end of the the SAP ERP system and the user account JOHN_SM
process, a list is produced of all the employees whose in the CRM system.
authorizations were not approved and therefore needs
to be removed. Organization’s Auditor
External or internal auditors. In general, the
The authorization review process is required by requirement for conducting an authorization review
SOX and equivalent regulations, so companies need process and its related follow-up actions come from
to perform the review at least once a year. Many the organization’s auditor. Therefore, this document
organizations perform these reviews twice a year or refers to both types of auditors interchangeably.
even quarterly, depending on legal obligations and the
requirements of the company’s auditors. Provisioning
Performing an actual change in authorizations
“Authorization Review” is also often called “Access using an automated method for adding or removing
Review” or the “Authorization Inspection” process. Only authorizations to users.
after achieving a complete view of all authorizations
can organizations remove unused ones.

The Importance of the Authorization Review Process

The importance of the authorization review process

is not only related to financial regulations like
SOX. In addition to being a regulatory obligation, a
periodic review ensures that employees are holding
authorizations for justifiable reasons. Over time, a full
overview of employee authorizations is achieved via a
Organizations with more than one system
comprehensive list detailing all of the authorizations, and 500+ employees should definitely
the usage pattern per each authorization, and utilize an automated tool for reviewing
the name of the manager that approved the authorizations.
An effective automated tool sends reminder
After achieving a complete view of the authorizations, emails to managers that did not perform
organizations can: the review in accordance to the defined
• Remove unused authorizations
• Identify usage of sensitive authorizations
• Investigate irregular behavior
• Comply with SOX regulations

White Paper | Conducting a Successful Authorization Review 2

Related Processes

In general, the authorization review process is one (creating unnecessary user accounts and the
of four significant authorization-related workflow possibility for security breaches), it is recommended to
processes: implement an emergency access process.

1. Authorization Review - the process discussed in Emergency Access Process Flow

this document.
2. Authorization Request - the process in which 1. Employee opens a request for immediate,
an employee requests additional permanent privileged access and provides a reason for this
authorizations to answer a specific long term request.
business need, or a temporary authorization due to 2. Supervisor grants defined, privileged access or
organizational needs such as replacing someone additional authorizations to the specific user
on vacation. The process begins with an employee account.
requesting an authorization to a certain system 3. Employee logs into the production system and
and ends with either granting or rejecting the performs the required task.
request. 4. The account is automatically locked when the
3. New Employee/Account Creation - the process of defined time for the privileged access is over.
creating a new record in the HR system for a new 5. A detailed report of all activities performed in the
employee, then creating usernames in the relevant production environment is sent to the supervisor
systems and allocating the required authorizations for approval/inspection.
according to organizational needs for the purpose
of commencing work. In most organizations,
creating new accounts for an employee is Individual Authorization Review
performed by copying an existing employee’s
account, which can result in replicating many In many companies an authorization review is
unnecessary authorizations. performed immediately after an employee changes
4. Closing Employee’s User Account - the process of positions. This is because when an employee
closing all user accounts in the event an employee switches positions, the organization must verify that
leaves the organization. The term “closing” all authorizations from the previous position are still
changes from system to system according to a relevant for the new position. If not, changes must
company’s standards for saving data. Some user be made immediately to the current authorizations
accounts are erased, some are only locked, and in order to adjust them to the responsibilities of the
others receive an expiration date earlier than the new position. Other organizations adopt more strict
current date. The trigger for this process is the approach, removing all authorizations first and only
event of an employee leaving or prior notice from then allocating the required authorizations, as if they
the HR department. are dealing with a new employee.

Emergency Access While the latter method makes sense, it may

The emergency access process interfaces with the disturb the employee and/or company’s proper
four previous processes and deals with the immediate and functional performance, as many employees
need to perform an irregular task in the production receive authorizations outside their formal position,
environment. SOX regulations require enterprises to do such as access to personal network folders and
this only by enabling privileged and timely access into the ability to execute special queries. An individual
the production systems. authorization review that is performed automatically
after an employee switches positions is strongly
Emergency access in response to a situation where recommended. Such a process prevents unpleasant
an employee who is not supposed to access the surprises that tend to occur during a periodic
production environment needs access for a limited authorization review.
amount of time and for a specific ad hoc reason (for
example, to inspect a bug or train an end-user for a
specific purpose). Rather than allowing IT users to
freely log into the production system

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Authorization Review Process - Manual Authorization Review Tool - Installed
vs Automated Locally vs Cloud

Choosing between a manual or automated In general, Cloud-based applications usually do

authorization review process is dependent on the not involve continuous connection between the
amount of available resources and the complexity of organization’s internal systems and the Cloud; rather
the project. The more systems an organization has, the they require loading data occasionally to the Cloud. For
more complicated the authorization review process example, a CRM system in the Cloud, like Salesforce.
can be, and the more resources are needed. Therefore, com, means, in most cases, that employees work only
in such a case, an automated process adds great value in the Cloud and do not use data from internal systems
to a company, saving time and unnecessary hassle. inside the organization. Therefore, there is usually
no need for continuous connection between Cloud
Similarly, if an auditor demands complex requirements applications and the organizational network.
for the review process (such as exact documentation
for each step, the reason behind each authorization, Surprisingly or not, due to the many services available
second approval by senior level management, etc.) an in the Cloud, more and more organizations are
automated tool becomes a must. In addition to the reviewing their employee’s authorizations of the
great savings in time and resources, authorization- internal systems using the Cloud. The data is obtained
related information is more up to date and can be from the internal network (either automatically or
documented easily, which pleases auditors and manually) and then transferred to the Cloud. Emails
management alike. are sent to managers via a server in the Cloud, and
managers work on web pages that are located in the
Furthermore, an automated tool allows for the process Cloud and not inside the organization internal system.
to be repeated easily (based on previous reviews)
without requiring additional resources and without The main advantage of performing an authorization
depending on the organization’s experts. review process using the Cloud is the fact that no
hardware is needed. When servers are not installed
Many small organizations with just one system within an organization, there are no installation costs,
also prefer using an automated tool in order to no need for ongoing maintenance, nor determining
be prepared at all times for any changes or new password policies, as well as no need for technicians
requirements. Changes can include a new auditor, a if something goes wrong. In addition, working in the
new organizational structure, a request to view records Cloud facilitates organizations to allocate resources
from a previous process, etc. Small companies also exactly as needed. The Cloud entails payment only
see the value in an automated tool for improving the for the exact amount of time required to complete the
quality of the process and for obtaining accurate process and saves upholding hardware costs after the
cross-organizational information so they can perform review ends.
the review in the most professional way.
What about the data itself? The most common belief
From a departmental point of view, an automated is that data is not totally secure in the Cloud. However,
tool enables the process-owner and the auditor to even if we ignore the robust security methods of the
know the exact status of the review by business Cloud, (like SSL access, security reviews, penetration
units or business processes at any given moment. tests, etc.), most Information-Security Managers will
The process owners can be in control and easily see agree that exposing data required for the authorization-
different views: how many authorizations need to be review process such as usernames and roles, cannot
reviewed, how many authorizations have already been be compared to the larger risk of exposing business-
reviewed by second level management, and how many related information. Not that exposing usernames
authorizations have not yet been reviewed. With an and authorizations should be taken lightly, but in most
automated tool, departments are able to control the cases the risk is minimal compared to the potential
entire process, provide clear reports to management benefit.
and reach accurate decisions.

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In the end, in regards to authorization review, the 2. Requirements from a process point of view
choice between on premises installation or Cloud
is mainly based on the organization’s policy and • Support the ability to retrieve authorizations
its approach to innovation. The more traditional data and maintain a centralized database for
organizations, such as banks and insurance employees in operational systems.
companies, are expected to choose classic installation. • Obtain the HR system’s organizational
The more innovative companies, especially companies structure and upload it to the main system.
that already use the Cloud for other services, may • Email managers with a link to their employees’
consider conducting an authorization review process authorization review.
using the Cloud. • Allow managers the ability to highlight the
authorizations they want to cancel and keep,
according to the following options:
* Approve/reject authorizations per user
Automated Authorization Review Tool - * Approve all authorizations in department
Key Features * Reject some authorizations & approve the rest
* Approve some authorizations & reject the rest
An effective automated authorization review tool • Continuity of a Review. Permit managers to
includes, at the very least, the following features and review some authorizations, shut down their
abilities: computers, and return later to complete the
reviews of only the authorizations that are still
1. Review options open.
• Requests to Cancel. Allow those authorizations
The tool must be able to support the following review marked as canceled to be sent to a special
options: database where they can be handled by the
person responsible for the relevant system.
• Review of all basic activities allocated to an • Data owners must have the ability to
employee, such as opening supplier accounts, review authorizations. This means that
updating records, etc. the key financial user reviews all financial
• Only reviewing sensitive authorizations, per authorizations, the asset expert reviews all
employee (for immediate and rapid review). authorizations related to asset accounting, etc.
• Only reviewing specific activities such as Note: Even if this option is not relevant to your
financial activities, per employee. current review requirements, it is important to
• Reviewing authorization groups (roles) ensure that the tool supports it in order to allow
allocated to employees. If there is a need for future modifications based on current reviews
a quick review, some objects can be removed and changes in the auditor’s direction.
(but this will result in a less thorough review). • Quickly obtain authorizations data from the
• Only reviewing some employees, a specific various systems. In many organizations this
user group, department, etc. is done manually and repeatedly for each and
• Reviewing only changes in the authorization every system! By the time the data is fetched
allocation since the last successful review. from the last system, time has elapsed and the
information from the first system is no longer
Advanced Reviews: 100% accurate. Therefore the tool must be able
• Reviewing business such objects as to repeat the process quickly, and to recover
authorizations to warehouse, to company data in case of a technical malfunction.
codes, etc. • Upload user and authorization data from Excel.
• Reviewing activities that haven’t been used. This feature is needed for systems that do not
• Reviewing authorizations according to position. support direct connectivity or if connecting
• Reviewing authorizations resulting from an to them is complicated. It is very frustrating
organizational change. to discover in the middle of the process that
there is a legacy system for which the auditor
demands a full review, yet there is no easy
option to upload the data from it to the main

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• Current status of the review: It is critical to be • Provisioning. For certain systems in an
able to understand the status of the review at organization, such as the main systems,
a glance: how many authorizations need to provisioning is strongly recommended for
be reviewed, how many authorizations have changing authorizations automatically and for
been reviewed and how many authorizations documenting the actions in the appropriate
still need to be reviewed? The status should be ticket. This ensures that no one will make
divided into different views for departments, manual mistakes during the tedious process of
managers, user groups, etc. Sage advice: removing authorizations, and simultaneously
The report should be understood not only increases the level of security.
by system technicians but also by business • Multi-language user interface support. It is
managers. proven that responsiveness to the authorization
review process is significantly higher when
Thorough documentation of the whole process for the user interface is in the manager’s native
easy access at a later date. The entire process, each language.
approval, rejection, change in definitions, and every • Simple and clear language. The language of
ticket for cancelling authorizations must be easily the user interface needs to be understandable
accessible after the review, even after a long period of by business managers so they can make
time. Many times, during an audit or investigation, the educated and accurate decisions. Role
question “Who asked to remove this authorization, and names like ZLO_NOCHANGE provide little
why?” arises, and the answer must be easy to find. or no information to non-technical people,
so managers may inadvertently sign
3. Requirements from a business performance point authorization reviews without really knowing if
of view the authorizations are required, which causes
a rubber stamp situation. Instead of unclear
• Review employees, not users. Managers names, use role descriptions that have a
tend to have a limited amount of time for meaning, like “Logistic authorizations: reports
audit-related tasks and therefore need to be only, no change options.”
able to review an employee’s authorizations • Employee details. Employee details like names
in all systems with one view. This is the key and positions must be displayed clearly
to pleasing managers and to getting a quick because managers usually refer to employees
response from them. In other words – it should by personal information and not by user
be possible to review each employee and all of accounts.
his/her authorizations over the various systems • Automatically indicates sensitive authorizations
in one view. in the full authorization list. This is critical,
• Resend a reminder or the full request again to because when managers can visually identify
managers that did not perform or complete the sensitive authorizations, they can focus on
review. Many managers need a reminder or two them quickly and make smarter decisions.
before taking the review seriously . For example, “opening an account entry” can
• Support “Cancellation Tickets.” Cancellation be defined as a risky action that should be
requests need to be documented in relevant highlighted clearly in the manager’s review
tickets – one ticket per each cancellation page.
request. These tickets can then be handled • Display last usage for each authorization. If the
later by the Helpdesk or by the relevant system being reviewed includes usage records,
authorization managers. In many cases, the review needs to provide information
the auditor needs to see the full flow of the regarding the last time the authorization
cancellation request – therefore, supplying was actually used. Managers find it easier to
cancellation requests by tickets is a rather remove an authorization from an employee
good solution. when they see that the last time it was used
was over a year ago, as opposed to one that is
being used frequently.

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4. Additional Requirements Tip 4: Prepare proper infrastructure
To avoid issues that might slow down the
The tool should also have these important capabilities: implementation process, and to maintain an
• Delegation option. One manager can transfer atmosphere of success, it is important to prepare
the review to another manager, as in the case proper infrastructure. The infrastructure may include
when an employee does not work directly the required hardware, additional software programs
under said manager. In addition, delegation (such as Microsoft Office in a certain situations,
should be permitted for authorizations that graphical elements, etc.), preliminary installations
have more than one appropriate manager to (database, Windows), and allocation of authorizations
approve them. to the different systems.
• Saving the data to a file. The output can be
saved to external files, such as saving audit A delay in any of the above will postpone the
reports to Excel and user forms to Word or PDF. implementation and the auditor might disqualify the
Managers and many other users require saving authorization review for that period. Preparing the
capabilities, usually for backup purposes, and proper infrastructure shortens implementation time,
the tool should enable this action. The output improves the level of satisfaction and enables the
must be able to be saved in a nice, graphical review to begin as scheduled.
style to guarantee user satisfaction.
Tip 5: Hold regular status meetings
During the implementation process, from the
6 Recommendations From Our Customers beginning and until the end of the review, it’s a good
idea to conduct status meetings. In these meetings,
The following useful suggestions come straight from the timetable and remaining tasks should be reviewed.
customers and consultants that have implemented This is to ensure that enough time is left to complete
an automated authorization review process in their the authorization review and to implement any
organizations: changes.

Tip 1: Prepare enough time in advance Tip 6: Train the reviewers

The average time for the first implementation is Conduct a training session in the organization for all
between two weeks to three months. The length of managers that are supposed to use the authorization
time depends on the number of systems, the readiness review tool. The meeting should be run by the person in
of the databases and the organizational culture. charge of the tool (ideally, an internal employee), with
Therefore, it is recommended to be prepared ahead the goal of increasing the managers’ confidence in the
of time, especially if additional resources need to be process. Professional training equals high satisfaction
included. and fast authorization reviews.

Tip 2: Get top management support

It is essential that higher managers like the CEO Summary
and CFO support this process. Involving senior
management and sending them status reports ensures By following the requirements, advice and guidelines
that the review will end on time and successfully. in this guide, enterprises will be able to verify that
authorizations granted to employees are valid and
Tip 3: Involve the auditor comply with regulations. They will also be able to
At the end of the day, the auditor is the real customer increase their control of employee authorizations.
in this process. It is recommended to involve them Conducting the review at least once a year will ensure
along the way to receive professional guidance and that employees hold authorizations for justifiable
to increase their level of satisfaction and confidence reasons and allow the organization to make the proper
in the process. It is also a good idea for the auditor to decisions regarding its authorization compliance.
appoint a representative to participate in regular status
meetings, while the auditor him/herself should be
present in the company’s executive meetings.

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