Lecture 09 12 2010 FPSO Related Piping and Pipe Stress Aspects by Bluewater PDF

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FPSO related piping and pipe stress aspects

Paul Voorhaar & Hugo Kamphuijs

November 2010
Rough sea p. 2

Who we are p. 3

We are Colleagues at Bluewater Energy Services in

Hoofddorp working as stress engineer

What we are not:

•Persons that think their approach is simply the best

•Stress engineers that have stopped being critical about themselves

•Technicians that do not listen to other stress engineers

Why are we giving this presentation? p. 4

• Firstly because we were asked by Dynaflow to do so

• Secondly because we feel that we can share some of our problems with
others and we will all benefit

• We appreciate
pp Dynaflow
y for g
g these p
presentations for all interested

• We have heard many others, telling about their field of expertise and we were
more or less obliged to give our contribution even if we can not reach the high
level of the others we have heard

• By preparing this presentation we were forced to think about the importance

and non-importance of several stress items with FPSO’s

FPSO related piping and pipe stress aspects p. 5

Difference between:

• Land based installations

• Coastal installations (Jetties)

• Fixed Sea based installations

• Floating Sea based installations on a fixed location (FPSO)

FPSO related piping and pipe stress aspects p. 6
FPSO related piping and pipe stress aspects p. 7

- Length 248.12 meters

- Breadth moulded 42 meters
- Depth moulded 21.2
21 2 meters
- Draft, design + scantling 14.9
- Dead weight tonnage 105,000 dwt
- Deck area 77,985
985 m2
- Topsides area 6,000 m2
- Deck payload 7,000 tonnes
- Accommodation 84 persons
Ship movements p. 8

Space for visuals, tables

or info graphics
g p
Determination of loading cases p. 9


Various Load Cases

CASE 14 (OPE) W+D4+T2+P2+U1

CASE 15 (SUS) U1
CASE 16 (SUS) U2

NODE Load FX N. FY N. FZ N. MX N.m. MY N.m. MZ N.m.


160 Rigid Y
1(SUS) 986 -10794
10794 719 0 0 0
14(OPE) 2729 -9115 167 0 0 0

15(SUS) 186 2796 818 0 0 0

16(SUS) 252 4755 1404 0 0 0
17(SUS) 1 13 4 0 0 0
MAX 2729/L14 -10794/L1 1404/L16
The result of this p. 10

Ship movements p. 11

Space for visuals, tables

or info graphics
g p
Loading Cases p. 12

To avoid numerous combinations of loadings we do

calculate the worst combination of acceleration first

U1 U2 U3
L1 W+U1+U2+U3 SUS
X 0.5
L2 W+U1+U2-U3 SUS
Y 0.3
L3 W+U1-U2-U3 SUS
Z 0.2
L4 W+U1-U2+U3 SUS
L5 W-U1-U2-U3 SUS
L6 W-U1-U2+U3 SUS
L7 W-U1+U2-U3 SUS
L8 W-U1+U2+U3 SUS
Loading Cases p. 13

One of these combinations will give the highest stresses.

Say it is combination 2
2. In that case only the following accelerations will be used:


In this way we limit the number of pages of the output.

FPSO related piping and pipe stress aspects p. 14

Flexibility analysis

Flexibility analysis is performed in order to investigate the effect from alternating

bending moments caused by pipe temperature expansion/contraction and

other imposed displacements from e.g. thermal expansion of pressurised

equipment, FPSO swivel stacks, live load deck deflections, sag and hog effect

on an FPSO.
FPSO related piping and pipe stress aspects p. 15

Primary Stresses

• Primary stresses are those developed by the imposed loading and are

necessaryy to satisfy
y the equilibrium
q between external and internal forces and

moments of the piping system.

• Typical loads are dead weight and internal pressure


• Sustained stresses are primary stresses.

• Primary stresses are NOT self-limiting.

FPSO related piping and pipe stress aspects p. 16

Secondary Stresses

• Secondary stresses are those developed by constraining the free

p of p
p g subjected
j to thermal loads or imposed
p displacements

from movements of anchor points etc.

• Hence,
Hence thermal-and displacement stresses are in the secondary stress


• Secondary
S stresses are self-limiting.
FPSO related piping and pipe stress aspects p. 17

Peak Stresses

• Unlike loading conditions of secondary stress which causes distortion, peak

stresses cause no significant distortion in piping.

• Peak stresses are the highest stresses in the region under consideration and

should always be taken into consideration in fatigue

f and fracture
f mechanic

Appendix P of ASME B31.3 p. 18

This Appendix provides alternative rules for evaluating the

stress range in piping systems.

It considers stresses at operating conditions, including both displacement and

sustained loads
loads, rather than displacement stress range only

The method is more comprehensive than that provided in Chapter II and is more

suitable for computer analysis of piping systems, including nonlinear effects

such as pipes lifting off of supports.

Loading Cases p. 19




L4 W+T1+P1 OPE

L5 W+T2+P1 OPE



L8 W+T1+P1+U1+WIN1+D1 OPE Supress

L9 W+T1+P1+U1+WIN1+D1+F1 OPE

L10 W+T1+P1+U1+WIN1+D2
W T1 P1 U1 WIN1 D2 OPE Supress

L11 W+T1+P1+U1+WIN1+D2+F1 OPE

L12 W+T2+P1+U1+WIN1+D1 OPE Supress

L13 W+T2+P1+U1+WIN1+D1+F1 OPE

L14 W+T2+P1+U1+WIN1+D2 OPE Supress

L15 W+T2+P1+U1+WIN1+D2+F1 OPE

L16 W+T2+P1+U2+WIN1+D3 OPE

Loading Cases p. 20

L17 L8-L6 EXP U1+D1 Supress

L18 L10-L6 EXP U1+D2 Supress

L19 L16-L7 EXP U2+D3 Supress

L20 L4-L3+L5-L3 EXP T1+T2 Abs

L21 L17+L18+L19 EXP 2U1+D1+D2+T1+T2 Abs

L22 L6-L5 OCC WIN1

L23 L9-L8 OCC F1

L24 L11-L10 OCC F1

L25 L13-L12 OCC F1

L26 L15-L14 OCC F1


L28 L3-L1+L20 FAT 3650 P1+(T1+T2)

L29 2L19 FAT 50000000 2(U2+D3)

FPSO related piping and pipe stress aspects p. 21

Flexibility analysis

• So
S we have
h seen th
thatt we h
have tto perform
f an analysis
l i ththatt ffulfils
lfil our requirements
i t since

the notified bodies involved not always support us in the required solutions.

• If we look at the codes there are some requirements to get approval of the notified body.

• We do make a difference between the requirements of the notified body in order to get

an approval and the requirements of the company we work for.

• Although we have to comply with the applicable codes we also have to get a safe

“feeling” about our design.

FPSO related piping and pipe stress aspects p. 22


• Deck Displacements

• Forces on restraints (supporting, nozzles)

• Friction
Hogging and sagging p. 23

Space for visuals, tables

or info graphics

FPSO related piping and pipe stress aspects p. 24

FPSO related piping and pipe stress aspects p. 25

Ship displacements
FPSO related piping and pipe stress aspects p. 26

Ship displacements

FPSO related piping and pipe stress aspects p. 27


• Deck Displacements

• Forces on restraints (supporting, nozzles)

• Friction
Supporting p. 28

Supporting p. 29

The bending moment decreases as the distance of the load from the support
increases. Bending force f1 is slightly less than force f2 and this difference (f1-f2)
is transferred inward toward the web by the longitudinal force (fs)

Supporting p. 30

This force also has an equal component in the transverse direction. A transverse
force applied to a beam sets up transverse (and horizontal) shear forces within
the section.

Supporting p. 31

In the case of a symmetrical

y section (A)
( ) a force (P)
( ) applied
pp in line with the
principle axis (y-y) does not result in any twisting action on the member.
This is because the torsional moment of the internal transverse shear
forces (Æ) is equal to zero.

Supporting p. 32

On the other hand,, in the case of an unsymmetrical

y section (B)
( ) the
internal transverse shear forces (Æ) form a twisting moment.
Due to the above there will be a twisting action applied to the member
which will twist under load, in addition to bending.

Supporting p. 33

Supporting p. 34

Supporting that is very

flexible is not advisable
on an FPSO
In this system this type
of supporting is used
Probably because the
pipe itself was thought
to be light
Here it caused
problems once it was
filled with water as was
to be expected

Supporting p. 35

FPSO related piping and pipe stress aspects p. 36


• Deck Displacements

• Forces on restraints (supporting, nozzles)

• Friction
FPSO related piping and pipe stress aspects p. 37

• Approximate and simplified methods of analysis may be applied only within the
range for which it has been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the competent
b d th
body thatt th
they are sufficiently
ffi i tl accurate.

• It is important that we assess the highest load case. Friction is included in

most analyses.

• The most severe load case of the two (with or without friction) should be send
to the notified body and report that the other one leads to lower stresses (with
the exceptions, if any).
FPSO related piping and pipe stress aspects p. 38

Wishful thinking
• Since a ship is moving all the time no build-up of friction forces will occur
• Since a ship is moving all the time the direction of the friction forces changes
with time
FPSO related piping and pipe stress aspects p. 39

Increase Flexibility by means of:

• Sliding Couplings (Victaulic, Dresser or alike)

• Expansion
pa s o Bellows
e o s

• Expansion Loops
FPSO related piping and pipe stress aspects p. 40


• G-forces due to waves

• Blastload

• Slugflow

• Waterhammer

• Hydraulic Shock (Water Piston)

Modifications p. 41

Modifications p. 42

FPSO related piping and pipe stress aspects p. 43

Any questions?

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