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Ann. Telecommun.

(2010) 65:385–389
DOI 10.1007/s12243-010-0161-7

Experimental investigation of mobile radio propagation

at 1.8 GHz over macrocellular dense urban regions of Delhi
M. V. S. N. Prasad & K. Ratnamala

Received: 20 October 2009 / Accepted: 19 January 2010 / Published online: 17 February 2010
# Institut TELECOM and Springer-Verlag 2010

Abstract The design of future-generation mobile communi- indicate that, in India, mobile subscriber base crossed 325-
cation systems depends critically on the suitability of path loss million mark ranking this country fourth with China, US,
prediction methods and their suitability to various regions. To and Russia taking the first three positions. In order to
investigate the radio channel behavior, experimental measure- characterize the propagation characteristics in the 1.8 GHz
ments in the 1.8 GHz band were conducted in the dense urban band over different areas of the country, radio measurements
regions of New Delhi for six GSM base stations. Path loss utilizing the existing cellular networks in urban, suburban,
exponents and break point distances have been deduced, and and rural environments had been undertaken. The results of
observed results have been compared with various prediction this study can be applied to newly coming 3G systems going
methods, and their standard deviations have been presented. to operate in 2 GHz band in this country since the
Measured regression line exhibited lowest standard deviations propagation characteristics are more or less similar in 1.8
followed by rooftop propagation method compared with Cost and 2 GHz bands. Over this country, not many measurement
231 Hata and Cost 231 Walfisch–Ikegami (WI) prediction related radio channel studies and associated modeling has
methods. Variation of observed results has been explained in not been carried out. Lena Melin et al. [1] conducted
terms of vertical and horizontal propagation mechanisms measurements in macrocells in Stockholm at 900 and
which is the novelty of this paper. 1800 MHz in urban and suburban areas. They reported that
difference in path loss between the two frequencies is 6.9 dB
Keywords Dense urban . Path loss modeling . in urban areas whereas in suburban areas it is 9.3 dB
Measurements . 1.8 GHz band . Prediction methods suggesting that diffraction loss from vegetation is substan-
tially higher for 1,800 MHz than for 900 MHz. Kurner and
Meier reported [2] a three-dimensional radio propagation
1 Introduction prediction model which allows mobile operators to predict
the outdoor and indoor coverage in dense urban areas. The
The introduction of cellular communication systems in drawback of this study is that it requires high-resolution
India using both GSM and CDMA technologies gave a big accurate building data stored in raster format.
thrust to mobile communication scenario. Recent reports In the present study, radio measurements at 1,800 MHz
utilizing the Idea cellular network (an operator in this
region) in various dense urban areas of Delhi and
M. V. S. N. Prasad (*) comparison of the observed values of path loss with various
National Physical Laboratory,
models has been carried out. Path loss exponents as a
Dr K S Krishnan Road,
New Delhi 110012, India function of distance have been deduced. Also, break point
e-mail: distances have been deduced, and comparison of observed
values with various models have been carried out, and their
K. Ratnamala
standard deviations have been brought out. Observed
National Geophysical Research Institute,
Uppal Road, results have been explained in terms of vertical and
Hyderabad 500007, India horizontal propagation mechanisms.
386 Ann. Telecommun. (2010) 65:385–389

2 Experimental details Gaussian variable over macrocells. L is taken from the

observed path loss values.
The carrier signals of various GSM base station transmitters Using the above values, the path loss exponent “n” has
located in the dense urban/urban environments of New been deduced. In general, at distances close to the
Delhi area operating in the 1.8 GHz belonging to Idea transmitter, exponents of the order of 7 are observed, and
cellular network have been monitored with Nokia GSM then, they fall steeply up to a value of 4 around 400 m and
receiver (model 6150) generally used as a drive-in tool for remains steady for the remaining distances. A typical figure
planning cellular network along with GPS receiver to know of the above exponent variation for Inner circle base station
the latitude and longitude of the mobile. The sensitivity of is shown in Fig. 1.
receiver is −102 dBm. The base stations used in the present Another typical figure (Fig. 2) showing the comparison of
study are (1) Inner circle, (2) Arunachal, (3) Indraprastha observed path losses with those predicted from COST 231
extension (I.P. Extension), (4) Onkar nagar sector-1, (5) Walfisch–Ikegami (WI) method [4] for street widths of 20,
Onkar nagar sector-2, and (6) Trinagar. The transmitting 30, and 40 m and building heights of 15 and 18 m and
powers of all the stations are +43 dBm. All the six paths are COST231 Hata method [5] is also presented. In this case,
situated in dense urban environment. The details of the base close to transmitter, high path losses of 150 to 170 dB have
stations are shown in Table 1. been observed. The estimated measurement root mean square
error is around 1.5 dB. With an effective isotropic radiated
power (eirp) of 61 dBm and receiver sensitivity of
3 Results −102 dBm, the measured path loss at best is 164 dB. Some
points close to the transmitter greater than this value appeared
The observed values of path loss for all the base stations in Fig. 2. These might have got originated from antenna side
have been deduced for distances ranging from 50 m to lobes and were not taken into consideration while computing
3.5 km. Path loss exponents from the data have been standard deviations of the prediction methods. In essence,
deduced from the Eq. 1 shown below using the observed points greater than 164 dB were not used while comparing
path losses for various distances and L0 depicting the path the prediction methods with observed values. This is due to
loss at 1 m distance. the plotting of all the available data in Fig. 2. WI method with
heights of 18 m passes through majority of dense cluster of
L ¼ L0 þ 10n log d þ S ð1Þ
observed points at all distances. The same method with
Where L is the path loss deduced for various distances, heights of 15 m shows the predicted loss less than that of
L0 is the path loss at 1 m, and d is the distance in meters, S 18 m and passes through some of the points. As the street
is the shadow fading in decibel. Using the approach given width increases, path loss decreases for a given building
in reference [3] of Erceg et al., the path loss exponent n has height. COST 231 Hata method underestimates the values by
been deduced. In the above equation, L0 =20 log (4∏ d0/λ) 10 to 20 dB. The variation in path loss for a given street
where λ is the wavelength corresponding to 1,800 MHz and width of 30 m when building height changes from 15 to 18 m
d0 is taken as one meter. s is the shadow fading variation is 5.5 dB. This figure also has regression line plotted with its
and varies from location to another within given macrocell. coefficients. Similarly for all the remaining five base stations,
It tends to be Gaussian in a given macrocell denoting the deduction of path loss exponents as a function of distance
shadow fading as lognormal. It can be expressed as s=yσ, and comparison of observed values with predicted values has
where y is a zero mean Gaussian variable of unit standard been carried out. The figures of these base stations are not
deviation and σ, the standard deviation of s, is itself a shown due to paucity of space.

Table 1 Experimental details of base stations

Name of base station Environment Type of Gain TX Beam width Beam width Height of TX
TX antenna antenna, dBi (horizontal), ° (vertical), ° antenna, m

Inner circle Dense urban 739495 18.0 65 7 22

Arunachal Dense urban 742212 17.5 65 7 32
I.P. Extension Dense urban 742212 17.5 65 7 27
Onkar nagar (sec-1) Dense urban 739495 18.0 65 7 24
Onkar nagar (sec-2) Dense urban 739495 18.0 65 7 24
Tri nagar Dense urban 739495 18.0 65 7 24

Height of the mobile antenna=1.5 m

Ann. Telecommun. (2010) 65:385–389 387

Fig. 1 Variation of observed 8.0

path loss exponent with distance
Innercircle, hb=22m
for Inner circle base station


Pathloss Exponent




0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6

3.1 Break point distances regression line with respect to the observed values have been
deduced as a function of distance for the above six base
The break point has been deduced as the distance at which stations. This table also contains the standard deviation and
the slope of the curve (the path loss exponent vs distance) mean errors from a rooftop propagation model proposed by
changes. In Fig. 1, it changes at 200 m. In the case of other Naoki Kita et al. [6] based on geometrical propagation and
base stations, the same approach has been followed, and the validated with measurements at 2.2, 5.2, and 19.4 GHz. This
values are shown in Table 2. model consists of three regions: the direct wave region, the
reflected wave region, and the diffracted wave region. The
path loss in all the regions from line-of-sight to non-line-of-
4 Standard deviations of prediction methods sight can be estimated continuously. Authors claim that the
for all the base stations model is useful for radio zone design of a system with
adaptive modulation, study of interference consideration in
The mean error and standard deviations of COST 231 Hata, the short range intended for frequency sharing among
WI method for street widths of 20 and 30 m, and measured different systems and radio zone design for next generation

Fig. 2 Comparison of observed 180

path losses with COST 231 Inner circle, hb=22m
Walfish–Ikegami and COST 231
Hata methods for Inner circle 170
base station
y = 4.5837Ln(x) + 153.78


obs loss
WI, b=20,hroof=15m
WI, b=30, hroof=15m
WI, b=40, hroof=15m
120 WI, b=20, hroof=18m
WI, b=30, hroof=18m
WI, b=40, hroof=18m
reg line

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
388 Ann. Telecommun. (2010) 65:385–389

Table 2 Break point distances

observed from data Base station Height of antenna (m) Observed break point (m)

Inner circle 22 200

Arunachal 32 400
IP extension 27 –
Onkarnagar sec-1 24 200
Onkarnagar sec-1 24 400
Trinagar 24 300

wireless access systems using microwave frequencies. The path loss falls steeply up to 0.5 km approximately. The
details of the method are not reproduced here, and the nature of variation of path loss exponent in the present
interested reader can refer to their paper. study resembled to that of variation in Erceg et al.’s study.
In Table 3, standard deviations exhibited by measured Steep transitions of path loss occur when the base station
regression line are low ranging from 4 to 12 compared with antenna height is close to the height of surrounding
Cost 231 Hata, WI, and rooftop methods. The first two building rooftops. Hence, the height accuracy of the base
methods exhibited high values ranging from 10 to 24 dB. For station antenna is especially significant if large prediction
Arunachal base station, all the three methods of Cost 231 errors are to be avoided [7].
Hata, WI, and rooftop exhibited more or less same value. In It has been observed in all path loss and path loss
the case of Inner circle base station, rooftop method exhibited exponent variations that dispersion of points decreases with
a standard deviation of 13.20 which is much less than that of increasing distance. Standard deviation remains quite high
Cost 231 Hata and WI methods and equal to regression up to 500 m and then settles to a smaller value. In dense
method. The trend continued for other base stations with urban areas, path loss exponents close to the transmitter
rooftop model exhibiting less standard deviation than Cost remains very high, variable, and falls steeply up to 500 m
231 Hata and WI models. This is a very important fallout of or so and then varies between values of 3 and 4 depending
the present study. Furthermore, the average values of standard on the density of buildings. These higher fluctuations close
deviation for all the base stations for all the four methods are to the transmitter require higher shadow margins which is
16.73, 17.68, 5.88, and 13.88, respectively. very difficult to implement in practice. No clear correlation
of variation of path loss exponents with base station
antenna height emerged. High path losses close to the
5 Discussion transmitter were explained by Barbiroli [8] through hori-
zontal and vertical propagation phenomena. Near the base
At distances close to the transmitter, due to high cluster of station horizontal propagation dominates and at distances
buildings probably line-of-sight (LOS) component could be far away from the base station vertical propagation becomes
missing. This might have led to high path losses. As the significant. The relative importance of these two depends
mobile moves due to the availability of LOS component, on the base station antenna height. The higher the base
path losses decrease rapidly and remain flat with moderate station antenna height the sooner the vertical component
variations for rest of the distances. In the case of Erceg et becomes dominant. At distances far away from base station
al. [3]who also made extensive measurements at 1.9 GHz at transmitter, the effect of building height becomes less
New Jersey, Seattle, and Chicago, high path losses close to significant. In all the variations of path loss exponents, the
the transmitter were observed and then, the loss was trend of exponent falling steeply up to certain distance say
decreasing linearly with distance. In the present study, the 400 or 500 m and settling to a fixed value shows this effect.

Table 3 Mean error and stan-

dard deviation of prediction S. No Mean error Standard deviation
methods in dense urban regions
Base station Cost 231 WI Regre Rooftop Cost 231 WI Regre Rooftop

Inner circle 29.96 27.83 3.47 30.69 24.09 23.96 12.43 13.20
Arunachal 12.13 2.03 4.63 20.40 10.01 10.79 4.51 11.70
I.P. Extension −6.33 −5.93 2.57 3.14 14.95 15.26 11.26 11.39
Onkar nagar sec-1 7.35 6.71 −1.62 26.46 22.66 23.76 8.58 16.00
Onkar nagar sec2 7.63 6.99 1.29 21.28 17.60 18.78 6.59 13.22
Trinagar 7.09 6.49 2.72 16.96 23.46 24.58 7.25 16.06
Ann. Telecommun. (2010) 65:385–389 389

Milanovic et al. [9] have observed that, in dense urban deviations observed by rooftop propagation model. If high
regions, measurements show a very interesting feature. Path standard deviations close to the transmitter are not taken into
loss after the break point does not increase with distance. account, then the deviations observed are confined up to 10–
This could be probably due to the wave-guiding effect of 15 dB. WI method with 30 m street width exhibits less
city streets as well as the existence of radio wave deviation than that with 20 m street width. High path loss
components reflected and diffracted on buildings reaching exponents observed close to the transmitter can force the
the receiver antenna. The path loss exponent in the present operators to go for higher margins, and in this context, the
study showed similar trend. study assumes importance for the design of future 3G systems
Fuschini et al. [10] explained urban propagation consisting in the upcoming 2 GHz band.
of radial or over the rooftop propagation where the wave
propagates over the buildings in the radial direction and Acknowledgements Authors are grateful to Mr. Aswani Khilnani of
diffracts over building tops, and the second one is lateral Idea cellular networks and Mr. Rajendra Singh of TRAI for their help
propagation where several rays reach the receiver after in conducting the measurements. The constructive comments of
successive interactions with vertical building walls and anonymous reviewers are gratefully acknowledged.
edges. Various models of ORT are Ikegami et al. [11],
Walfish and Bertoni [12], and Saunders et al. [13]. The first
two models simplify the environment into uniform building References
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