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The Body Mass Index (BMI) is the most valid
indication of weight status. It is calculated as
BMI= Weight in kilograms divided by
(Height in meters)2
The following classifications are used:
Below 18 = very underweight
18-20 = underweight
20-25 = healthy weight range
25-30 = overweight How much is your Body Mass Index (BMI)?
Over 30 = obese I am _____________________________

Special diets may be ordered as treatment for a disease, to eliminate certain substance from
the diet or to supply a specific nutrient in the case of a deficiency disease.
An individual’s choice of food may be based on ideals, customs or religious dietary restrictions.

Look at English for Nursing 3 book page 31. Match the problems with the possible causes. Then, find the
diseases that may require the following special diets.
1. Diabetic Diet Anemia
2. Low Cholesterol (low fat or fat free) Diet Crohn’s disease
3. Low Fibre Diet Chronic constipation
4. High Fibre Diet Heart disease
5. Gluten Free Diet Obesity
6. High Protein Diet Kidney disease
7. Low Protein Diet Diabetes
8. Iron Rich Diet Coeliac Disease


Some diseases require the patient to have lifestyle changes. Recommending lifestyle changes
sometimes is not easy. It needs strategies to give advice sensitively so the advice can be accepted
and understood well by the patient.

Read the following conversation and answer the questions on the table provided.
Dr. Singh : Good morning, Mr. White. How are you today?
Mr. White : I feel much better, thank you, doctor.
Dr. Singh : I’m Dr. Singh. I’m your dietician. I’d like to talk to you about lifestyle and nutrition.
Mr. White : All right. Dr. Robert has told me that I need to meet you.
Dr. Singh : Hmmm. Your BMI is 27. It is overweight, Mr. White, and your doctor told me that you have high
blood sugar level. You will have to go on a diet to decrease your blood sugar level.

Mr. White : A diet? What sort of a diet? 2

Dr. Singh : It’s a special diabetic diet – reducing the amount of sugar you eat.
Mr. White : Seriously? I really like sweets, cakes, and any other snacks. You know, since I try to stop
smoking, I can’t stop chewing something.
Dr. Singh : Yeah, I know it must be difficult for you, but it is important that you need to reduce your intake
of sugar.
Mr. White : I understand that. Sometimes, I also get frustrated with myself, because I can’t stop thinking
about food.
Dr. Singh : You must keep a close eye on your sugar intake Mr. White, because it can increase your blood
sugar level. How many times a day do you eat your meals?
Mr. White : Three times a day, sometimes I eat at night if I feel hungry, and I always take many snacks
between meals, especially chewing candies.
Dr. Singh : You should eat on time with enough nutrition so you’ll not feel hungry between meals, Mr.
White. It would be better if you do some physical activities so you can alter your mind from food.
Anyway, how often do you exercise?
Mr. White : Mmm, I spend a lot of my time in front of TV so I think I almost never exercise.
Dr. Singh : Could you try to include some physical activities in your daily routine? It could be walking
around your house or doing the housework by yourself.
Mr. White : OK, I’ll give it a try.
Dr. Singh : Last question. Do you stop smoking totally?
Mr. White : Actually, I still smoke about a pack in a week. I know it’s not good for me.
Dr. Singh : I understand that. It is a process and it is hard but it is important to stop smoking if you want to
avoid circulation problems. You can reduce the cigarette consumption gradually.
Mr. White : Thanks for your understanding, Dr. Singh.
Dr. Singh : So, let me conclude. You have to reduce your sugar intake and you should avoid smoking. You
may consume sugar a little bit, but you’d better consume low calorie sugar such as corn
sweetener. The last, you are suggested to do more exercises.
Mr. White : Well, okay. Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.

Answer the following questions.

1. What is Mr. White’s problem?
2. What treatment should he take?
3. What are the doctor’s suggestions?
4. What is he prohibited to?
Problem Treatment Suggestion Prohibition

5. Which one is the best menu for Mr. White? Why?

Menu A Menu B Menu C
A plate of brown rice A plate of rice Two slices of bread
A bowl of vegetable soup A cup of water spinach sauté A piece of lettuce and a slice
An egg balado A fried trout of tomato
An orange An avocado juice A slice of grilled beef
A glass of cola

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