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Test on Units 3 and 4

1. Complete with the correct form of “be going to”:

a) It……………………………………………………………… (rain)
b) They ……………………………………………………….(eat) stew.
c) I…………………………………………………………… (wear) blue shoes tonight.
d) We ………………………………………………………….(not / help) you.
e) Jack ………………………………………………………(not / walk) home.
f) ………………………………………………………………(cook / you) dinner?
g) Sue………………………………………………………… (share / not) her biscuits.
h) ………………………………………………………………(leave / they) the house?
i) ………………………………………………………………..(take part / she) in the contest?
j) I………………………………………………………………. (not / spend) my holiday abroad this year.

2. Read the sentences. Write N for now, F for Future:

1. I am going to the supermarket at this moment.

2. My sister is giving me her car when she gets her new one.
3. We are having a barbecue on Sunday.
4. All my friends are waiting for me.
5. We are taking my niece to Aqua-Park later today.
6. The train is leaving in ten minutes.
7. I’m so happy! We are going to the zoo.
8. On Friday I am going to Rob´s party.
9. I’m living in an apartment with my best friend.
10. Rhonda is staying home on Friday.

3. Read the conversation. Underline all the examples of Future you see. Then, mark T true or F

EMILY: Hi Paul! What are you doing today?

PAUL: I’m seeing my dentist at three o’clock in the afternoon. Have you got any plans for today?
EMILY: I’m meeting John and Jane at the cafe. We’re going to play Scrabble. Maybe, you might join us
after your appointment at the dentist.
PAUL: Sounds good. I think my appointment will finish at four o’clock. I’ll call you when it finishes, then I
can join you.
EMILY: Great! We’re going to talk about the Interrail. We’ll need your advice.
PAUL: Alright! I’ll give you very valuable information about the trip. Look! Andy is coming.
EMILY: Oh no! He’s going to see me! He lent me his Geography book, and I’ve lost it. Now, he’ll probably
ask me about it.
PAUL: OK. I got it.
EMILY: Bye, Paul.
1. Paul won’t be in the dentist after three o’clock today. ______

2. Paul can meet Emily and others after his appointment. ______

3. Paul is leaving the dentist at four o’clock. _____

4. Paul doesn't know anything about an Interrail journey. ______

5. Emily isn’t going to see Andy. ______

6. John, Jane and Emily have planned to play Scrabble in the café. ______

4. Choose the correct relative pronoun (who and which):

a) This is the bank…………………….was robbed yesterday.

b) The man………………………robbed the bank had two pistols.
c) He wore a mask…………………..made him look like Mickey Mouse.
d) He came with a friend…………………..waited outside in the car.
e) The woman………………………gave him the money was young.
f) The bag…………………..contained the money was yellow.
g) The people……………….were in the bank were very frightened.
h) The man………………………….drove the car was nervous.
i) He didn't wait at the traffic lights…………………were red.

5. Write definitions for these words using the relative pronouns (who, which, where):

A library is a place ……………………………………………………………………………………………..

A butterfly is an insect ……………………………………………………………………………………….

A waiter is a person…………………………………………………………………………………………..

A doctor is………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

A dictionary is …………………………………………………………………………………………………

A beach is……………………………………………………………………………………………………….

A mobile phone is…………………………………………………………………………………………..

A bank is………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Mendoza is…………………………………………………………………………………………………….

6. Complete these sentences with the Present Perfect:

a) I (not / work) ………………………………………………….today.
b) We (buy) ……………………………………………………a new lamp.
c) We (not / plan) ……………………………………………….our holiday yet.
d) Where (be / you) ……………………………………………………?
e) He (write) ……………………………………………………………….five letters.
f) She (not / see) …………………………………………………………him for a long time.
g) (be / you) …………………………………………………………… school?
h) School (not / start) ………………………………………………….yet.
i) (speak / he) …………………………………………………………. to his boss?
j) No, he (have / not)………………………………………………… the time yet.

7. Complete with the Present Perfect or Simple Past:

a) Peter (play)……………………………………. football yesterday.

b) They (clean)…………………………………….. the car. It looks new again.
c) Last year we (go)…………………………………… to Italy.
d) John and Peggy (already read)……………………………… the book. Now they can watch the film.
e) I (see)……………………………………… my friend two days ago.
f) We (visit)……………………………………. another country before.
g) She (buy)……………………………………. a new car in 2011.
h) I'm sorry, but I (forget)……………………………………. my homework.
i) The girls (not/eat)……………………………………. their lunch yet.

8. Complete with something, someone, somewhere or anything, anyone, anywhere:

a) I've got ……………………………….in my eye.

b) There is ………………………………at the door.
c) We haven't heard ………………………………….about Peter. Is he ill?
d) Do you live ………………………………..near Mandy?
e) ……………………………………wants to see you.
f) Has……………………………………….seen my bag?
g) My teacher asked me …………………………………… .
h) Can I have ………………………………….to drink?
i) Don't worry. ………………………………can tell you where the post-office in this town is.
j) I don't know …………………………………………..about it.

9. Make or Do? Complete these phrases:

………….a course

……………… a phone call

…………….. lunch

…………… sport

………….. plans

…………..a mistake

………….. yoga

………….. an appointment with the doctor

…………. Gymnastics

10. Dictation. Copy the sentences you hear:

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