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Best Buy Corporation - S. Bensen, A. El Haddi, K. Fitzsimmons, A. Hussein, H.

Marotske -- UST EMBA [1]

“Best Buy Corporation: Strategic Management Analysis”

S. Bensen, A. El Haddi, K. Fitzsimmons, A. Hussein, H. Marotske

Strategic Management
University of St Thomas, College of Business
Executive MBA program, Cohort 62


Best Buy’s news coverage of the last few years has been consistently negative. The company’s performance and
reputation suffered greatly. Its Earnings per Share fell by more than 200% in 2012 alone. These negative events were
the result of governance problems, a changing market landscape (cloud computing, music streaming, online
purchasing, online gaming, etc.) and a significant leadership turnover in a period of crisis. The company’s value
stream is in a state of flux and could be said to be a master of none at this time. This paper presents strategies to deal
with these problems by creating a strategic road map that will first stabilize Best Buy and eventually put it on a
growth path. As a result of our analysis, we recommend that the company employs new strategies that include
growing its online business by capitalizing on Geek- Squad’s expertise and exploring an internal fix-it strategy with
the development of a compelling mission and vision. Finally, we recommend that BB explore the formation of an
alliance with its rivals and leverage opportunities presented by new markets.

The purpose of this paper is to examine Best Buy’s (BB) strategies using SWOT, TOWS
and value stream analysis. It proposes business strategies that can mitigate BB’s current
organizational problems and improve its competitiveness.

Founded in 1966, BB is a retail consumer electronics business that owns 1150 big box and over
100 express stores around the globe. Its holdings include CinemaNow, Geek Squad, Magnolia
Audio Video, MindShift and Pacific Sales. Best Buy sports a large array of brands as shown in
figure 1. Best Buy’s competitors include Amazon, Walmart, Radio Shack and the world of online
As of this writing, sales are flat around 50 Billion dollars and its growth is declining from
an average CAGR of 7%. Its earnings per share have declined by more than 200% in the last year.
Additional performance data is shown in the appendix). In 2012, Best Buy pulled out of the UKi,
removed the founder and chairman of the boardii, closed many stores, reshuffled management and
is trying to deal with its own governance issuesiii. In addition, BB is facing a significant market
paradigm shift towards online e-commerceiv, mobility, cloud computing, internet taxationv, music
and video streaming. In section 2 we discuss the value streams, followed by a SWOT, a TOWS
and we finally propose several strategies to address Best Buy’s stagnation issues.
Best Buy Corporation - S. Bensen, A. El Haddi, K. Fitzsimmons, A. Hussein, H. Marotske -- UST EMBA [2]

Figure 1: Best Buy brands.


Organizations can pursue one of the following value streams: Operational Excellence
(OE), Customer Intimacy (CI) or Product Leadership (PL). They must master at least one value
stream in order to succeed in the market place.

2.1 Value streams defined

Organizations that pursue OE lead in overhead cost minimization and convenience maximization
by designing and deploying processes and systems that drive efficiency whether in production or
in delivery of goods or services.
Companies whose objective is CI pursue fine customer segmentation. CI seeks to address the
needs of individual customers by delivering the right product at the right place, the right time and
at the right price. PL value discipline focuses on designing and delivering a continuous stream of
innovative products or services. Businesses pursuing PL must be creative (open minded, embrace
external ideas, encourage new ideas), bring products to market quickly (flexible rapid engineering,
agile methods, concurrent product development, rapid marketing and early distribution) and they
must continuously raise the bar by creating new solutions, new products or by adding new
features. Table 1 illustrates our classification criteria used to discern Best Buy’s value streams.

2.2 Best Buy value proposition in a state of flux

As of this writing, Best Buy is making decisions that will impact its future existence. For
example, management issued a press release (Oct 2012), to announce the streamlining of the
organization by refocusing on “connectivity, online retailing and customer service”. The company
fired the vice president of operations and his senior staff. The CFO has resigned and is stepping
down in Februaryvi and the CTO and founder of Geek Squad have left as well. BB’s new direction
and its value stream is in a state of flux. Hence, we will focus on existing details and try to predict
the future direction.

2.3 Best Buy Value Streams and the competitive advantage

Best Buy is attempting to focus on cost leadership as a competitive advantage. The problem is
that customers often use it to browse in the store, try products, and get questions answered. Then
they make purchases online for a lower charge, from Amazon or other competitors’ web sites.
This “Showroomingvii” behavior is increasing Best Buy’s costs, which does not translate into
lower prices for the customer (except for the ones with access to free financing such as small and
medium businesses). Best Buy is using focused differentiation by leveraging Geek Squad
expertise and knowledge, which is hard for Amazon to imitate due to the personal attention it
requires. Geek Squad has an army of technicians who visit customers’ homes to install and
service purchased goods. The technicians also provide lessons to customers without sales pressure
(Something BB was accused of doing in the past). Best Buy extends zero financing for 1-2 years
to select consumers (The most frequent and large item purchasers). This lowers customers’ prices
and reduces BB’s cost of customer acquisition through retention and repeat purchases. Therefore,
Best Buy Corporation - S. Bensen, A. El Haddi, K. Fitzsimmons, A. Hussein, H. Marotske -- UST EMBA [3]

we believe Best Buy is using a hybrid of focused differentiation and focused cost leadership
(Figure 1). However this competitive advantage may not last as Wal-Mart edges into this business
segment and as regulations address the business of credit financing.

Competitive advantage
COST Uniqueness
Competitive scope

Figure 1: Hybrid focused cost and differentiation as a competitive advantage

Furthermore, Table 1 shows a cluster view of how Best Buy ranks compared to its competitors in
terms of OE, CI and PL.
We believe that Best Buy is attempting to be a master of two value disciplines with some
successes and misalignments (See table 1 for details). A quick scan of the print and social media
shows a bureaucratic organization that is not keeping pace with change. The company claims to
avoid top down management. Yet, the sales associates who are in direct contact with the customer
are not empowered to deal with customer issues; Management has to approve non ordinary issues
with transactions even if they impact the customer directly. A visit to a new store shows that
customers may feel lost even after the new initiative of remodeling some stores. It takes more than
3-5 minutes before an initial contact with the customer (It is interesting that the older stores had a
greeter and the initial contact happened within 15 seconds of entering the store). The company is
in a consumer electronics sea change and a paradigm shift accelerated by changes to cloud
computing, music and movie streaming, online purchasing, internet tax and credit card legislation.
Hence, the corporation is in a slow re-invention and reactive modes. For these reasons, we believe
that the company is focusing on Operational Excellence first and on Customer Intimacy second
(Figure 2). Best Buy’s attempt to be a product leader as well was a failure (Initiatives about
Mobile application development and other off the shelf commercial software and Skunk works
attempts were aborted after birth around 2010). In October, the company reshuffled its operations
management by laying off the veteran operations management and a new focus on mobility,
customer service and online retail emerged as a new goal.
PL Figure 2. Best Buy as a master
of Operational excellence and
nearly a master of customer
intimacy. The company also had
some initiatives in product
innovation that failed.

Figure 2: Best Buy Value Streams

3. SWOT ANALYSIS (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats):

A detailed SWOT analysis is shown in table 2. The following is a SWOT summary.
Best Buy Corporation - S. Bensen, A. El Haddi, K. Fitzsimmons, A. Hussein, H. Marotske -- UST EMBA [4]

3.1 Strengths
 Company size and extensive (domestic and global) distribution network
 Core competency in technology services through Geek Squad
 Well-known brand
 Strong past performance
 Robust internet presence and online infrastructure

3.2 Weaknesses
 Major governance Issues
 Recent senior leadership turnover in the midst of a crisis (governance, market shift)
 Weakening financial situation
 Too many brands
 Poor inventory management

3.3 Opportunities
 Emerging global markets (rising middle class and oil wealth, rebalance of global power,
 Quick obsolescence of mobile technology (Requires frequent upgrades, repurchases)
 Online purchasing is becoming more prevalent
 Increasing need for IT outsourcing
 Economic recovery: Small-midsize businesses and households may resume purchasing

3.4 Threats
 Shareholder lawsuits against value destruction, governance
 Limited number of suppliers; growing power of wholesalers who are also becoming
competitors: (i.e. Apple stores in malls).
 Online competitors set up brick and mortar distribution warehouses due to internet taxes
 Exchange rate fluctuation
 Low frequency of Television upgrades
 Cheap retailers such as Walmart moving in
 Financial legislation and compliance: credit cards, financial instruments
 Unemployment and recession impact on discretionary income


Based on our SWOT analysis, we developed a TOWS matrix (see table 3), and as a result, we
propose the following strategies. It is imperative that BB clarifies its value stream by revamping
its structure, developing a culture and governance to increase the company’s intrinsic value.

4.1 Growth Strategy

This strategy must be accompanied by a new pricing structure that deters “showrooming.”
Best Buy has strong brand recognition which should be utilized for expanding online market
Best Buy Corporation - S. Bensen, A. El Haddi, K. Fitzsimmons, A. Hussein, H. Marotske -- UST EMBA [5]

share. In addition, by taking advantage of connectivity and the company’s infrastructure as well as
its free computational cycles, BB could implement a platform of software as a service (SaaS)
using concentric growth. Furthermore, In 2011 Best Buy acquired MindShift Technologiesviii, a
managed services and iCloud services company for business owners and customers. Combined
with the Geek Squad technology expertise, Best Buy can leverage these factors to differentiate
offerings from other traditional brick and mortar consumer electronics stores. In an effort to be
perceived as “cutting edge,” the organization should target high visibility early adopters on social
media platforms. Best Buy must continue being on the front lines for social and mobile
consumers. We also recommend that the company develop an aggressive international growth plan
in markets with rising discretionary incomes and laws mandating shifts to high definition

4.2 Internal Fix-It Strategy

BB must review spending in connectivity, services, online, retail and home and pay special
attention to the power of suppliers such as Apple, Dell, HP, etc. The corporation must re-vitalize
its enterprise wide training about new technology and perform an internal audit of how they are
using their Big Data and Analytics initiatives to make thoughtful strategic decisions. It is
imperative that BB take advantage of its own consumer insights and market intelligence to
anticipate changing trends.
BB does not have a published mission or vision statement on its website. The organization
should create a new, compelling mission and vision that gets employees excited, re-energized and
engaged. In addition to closing non-performing stores, the use of in-store square footage and the
company’s pricing strategies must be reviewed. To be competitive, a clarification of value streams
is needed (i.e. for OE treat stores as additional channel of distribution; for CI ensure items are
available to deliver when purchased by the consumer, empower associates, custom choices
through online near infinite selection etc.).

4.3 External Fix-It strategy

BB needs to rethink its strategy for new markets and cultivate plans to integrate cultural
and economic factors by developing specific entry strategies for emerging markets that have a
growing discretionary income and a desire for electronic status symbols. This should be done by
leveraging a concentric diversification strategyix and understanding how other cultures use retail
and mobile technology differently than North Americans (i.e. mobile payments, money transfer,
pay as you go, etc.) BB may face state owned or supported monopolies in mobile technologies.
Thus, it must explore cooperation with state capitalism drivers as a market penetration tactic.
In an effort to capture early adopters and be perceived as a “progressive” company, they should
seek exposure to a captive social media community of people in public relations, journalism,
advertising, music and film who can champion BB’s brand and create opportunities to expand the
enterprise’s affiliate marketing channel reach. This will differentiate BB from Wal-Mart, Apple,
Amazon and others. BB must also ideate innovative strategic alliances and partnerships with other
companies and organizations that align with the brand.
Best Buy Corporation - S. Bensen, A. El Haddi, K. Fitzsimmons, A. Hussein, H. Marotske -- UST EMBA [6]

4.4 Eliminate/Survive strategy

We believe that some of the following strategies may be required:

 The company should consider a merger with rival Amazon

 Explore new ideas and unique integration with suppliers
 Close the least profitable stores and invest the resources in further vertical integration
 Evaluate use of in-store square footage and consider leasing space in the corporate office
 Assess internal spending, financing and hedging to protect against currency risk
 Review pricing strategy since a big portion of profits is derived from margins on
accessories, home theatre and extended warranty protection
 Review debt financing, cost of capital and capital structure

Best Buy has traditionally been on the cutting edge of the consumer electronics market. Not
long ago its largest competitor, Circuit City, folded. Best Buy will have to first leverage the new
consumer habits of mobile shopping and cloud computing. The effective execution of these
strategies could and should help propel Best Buy to remain among the leaders in consumer
electronics. However, the future of the company remains uncertain. We recommend a directional
strategy that is a blend of stabilization, retrenchment and growth with an emphasis on Growth.


Based on our analysis above, we propose the following concentric diversificationviii growth
 Leverage Best Buy’s existing resources to pursue opportunities in cloud computing, virtual
sales and affiliate marketing. Best Buy has a strong internet presence, an extensive cyber
infrastructure and brand image. The company will use its existing infrastructure and idle
network and computer time to service a big need of small to medium businesses (SMB):
selling their goods and services online world wide and delivering managed services around
produced solutions
 The target market includes software companies, game developers, small music and movie
 BB will be a virtual processor, a technology provider and a fulfillment partner that leverages
its own infrastructure to offer e-commerce, automatic payments and online distribution for
the SMB companies who are not in a position to sell directly to the same customer segment
targeted already by BB. This will enable BB to increase the utilization efficiency of its
existing infrastructure and expand its sales of the high margin service worldwide
 We propose a revenue sharing model, in addition to charging a subscription for using BB’s
big data analytics and hosting the online store for third party vendors.
Best Buy Corporation - S. Bensen, A. El Haddi, K. Fitzsimmons, A. Hussein, H. Marotske -- UST EMBA [7]

Project Name and Objectives Project Name: Internet Affiliate Marketing and Services

Project Objectives: Provide virtual stores and marketing for small to

medium technology companies that target the same segments targeted by
BB for complementary products.
Project managers: Marketing: Interactive
marketing manager
The lead project manager The trio will design a solution that will
must be hired from outside CTO: iCloud CTO provide services for small to medium
to bring in new ideas. The technology companies to deliver
manager must be a product Customer Service: Geek solutions to the market place. The
development manager. The Squad Service managers will work across boundaries
manager must have and lead strategy making.
experience in cloud and
mobile computing and
online retail.

Best Buy Services

Provide internet services, online ecommerce. Geek Squad and Managed
IT services will provide premium professional services around a select
number of technologies sold directly through the online stores and
delivered by affiliates.

Structure of operation
The unit will operate as a startup within BB. This may cause resentment
from other divisions.

The unit is chosen to combine the unified “geek culture” within BB,
provide freedom to innovate and agility to deliver products faster.
Focus on self-managed teams with leads.

Competitors Amazon, Digital river, Google

Best Buy Corporation - S. Bensen, A. El Haddi, K. Fitzsimmons, A. Hussein, H. Marotske -- UST EMBA [8]


Best Buy Stock Value

Best Buy Quarterly Revenues (Billions of dollars)

Best Buy earnings per share declined by more than 200%

Best Buy Corporation - S. Bensen, A. El Haddi, K. Fitzsimmons, A. Hussein, H. Marotske -- UST EMBA [9]

Table 1: Best Buy Value Stream Characteristics

Operational Excellence Customer Intimacy Product Leadership

 Reliance on information systems in  Use of personal shopping assistance  Attempts to develop own
logistics to reduce costs  Store access, presentation, assistance Mobile network.
 Reliance on Big Data, complex event (Mixed results, upgrade with newly  Attempt to develop own
analytics to maximize sales remodeled stores: i.e. Eden Prairie). Commercial off the shelf
 Outsourcing of support and other IT  Use of Geek Squad to help service, software (Failure attempts)
activities (i.e. IBM, SITEL) to reduce guide, assist rather than just sell
costs and focus on core competencies  Well trained teams on the floor (But
 Bureaucratic and hierarchical high turnover with College kids).
organizations (Titles matter a lot inside  Takes too long before initial contact
the company). with associate.
 Established procedures of doing business  Heavy use of Big Data Analytics and
with less leeway for deviation. complex event analytics and “attempt”
 Automated logistics and product to focus on the 7% of the customers
aggregation that generate 43% of sales.
 One size fits all products (sell what we  Reward programs, zero financing for
have) select customers.
 Turnover in experienced senior  Attempt to focus on personal
management. computing, media and mobile needs in
 Extensive use of social media inside BB one stop shop.
to attempt to gather cost reduction ideas  Integration of product selection, sales
 Extensive use of predictive behavior and service value chains.
models.  Extensive use of social media inside
BB to gather ideas about servicing the
customer(Blue shirt nation, loop
market place, predictive models)
 Extensive use of predictive behavior
Best Buy Corporation - S. Bensen, A. El Haddi, K. Fitzsimmons, A. Hussein, H. Marotske -- UST EMBA [10]

Table 3: Best Buy SWOT

(S)trengths (O)pportunities

1. Largest consumer electronics retailer/ Reputable Brand Name 1. Growing global demand for consumer electronics:
2. Diversified portfolio of product offerings  China 22%
3. International business acquisitions  Middle East 20%
4. Reputation for excellent customer satisfaction  Russia 20%
5. Customer centricity, through an end-to-end model  South America 17%
6. Level of service is unparalleled by competitors 2. A more knowledgeable, savvy, consumer base willing to use the internet
 Highly trained staff for product purchases
 Reputation for retaining highly skilled and talented staff in 3. Dissolution of number one competitor; Circuit City
the consumer electronics industry. 4. New business ventures i.e.; Best Buy and Car phone Warehouse
7. Provides in-store value added services; customer service, repairs, 5. Further expansion of chain through “mobile stores”
interactive product displays. 6. No other pure consumer electronic retailer near Best Buy’s market share
8. Strong growth strategy 7. Rapid obsolescence of technology and increased needs to upgrade
9. Financial strength 8. Gadgets as a status symbol
 Revenues of $16.26 B |Profits of $651 M in 2011 9. Economic recovery
10. Capitalizes on economies of scale i.e.; cost advantages 10. Weak dollar against other currencies (helps exports)
11. Strong advertising budget | increases store foot traffic 11. Growing mobile applications
12. Physical stores | convenient locations
 Just under 4,000 world wide
13. Online presence
14. High levels of community service and local involvement.

(W)eaknesses (T)hreats

1. Marketing goals too broad 1. Rise of many competitors - loss of market share and loss of revenue
2. Weakening financial position
 28.7% decrease in net income (’08 – ’09)  Unspecialized discount retailers i.e.; Wal-Mart, Target and Costco +
 Increase in long-term debt due to multiple acquisitions Others such as Sears
 Decrease in available cash due to rising inventories and  Online retailers (i.e. Dell, Amazon, eBay)
accounts received.  Entertainment software stores i.e.; GameStop. Office supply stores i.e.;
 Increased costs associated with the Customer-Centric Staples, OfficeMax, and Office Depot.
operating model – training of employees  Home improvement retailers i.e.; Home Depot and Lowe’s. Small
3. Top leadership turnover at crucial time (need for increase in retailers with little overhead (including internet vendors).
connectivity strategy)
4. Dependence on few suppliers
2. Legislation restoring internet taxes, thus forcing online retailers to
 5 suppliers represent one third of all purchases; Sony, HP,
establish brick and mortar stores (case of Amazon now).
Samsung, Apple, Toshiba
3. Legislation regarding credit cards and other financial instruments
5. Physical stores
4. Shifting IT market to cloud computing, SaaS and PaaS architecture
6. Impact of class action lawsuits
(What to do with geek squad who is geared to desktops rather than
7. Many (11) brand names
cloud? misalignment, desktop sales & service)
8. Deterioration of strong ethical culture touted by company 5. Distressed economy + Fall in consumer spending especially
9. No strategy for cloud computing, Software as a Service(SaaS), discretionary spending
Platform as a Service(PaaS) 6. Moderate to high bargaining power of suppliers
10. Governance issues 7. Rising labor wages + Skills required for cloud services
11. Poor inventory management systems 8. Regulations negatively impacting private-label credit cards i.e.;
12. Poor inventory communications to customers decreasing revenue streams on domestic sales
9. Domestic market for consumer electronic products maturing i.e.; flat
panel television market
 Most of Best Buy’s revenues come from TV sales
10. Chinese imitation goods with very low margins
11. Very high risk of a shareholder legal action + Former founder value
destruction through offer/offer withdrawal
12. Trade wars with China, protectionism
13. Overseas American businesses as a soft targets to international
14. Cyber-crime, cyber war attack on internet infrastructure and other
business discontinuity events(Natural or man-made disasters)
Best Buy Corporation - S. Bensen, A. El Haddi, K. Fitzsimmons, A. Hussein, H. Marotske -- UST EMBA [11]

Table 3: Best Buy TOWS Matrix

(O)pportunities (T)hreats
1. Growing global demand for consumer 1. Rise of many competitors - loss of
electronics market share and loss of revenue
2. China 22%, Middle East 20%, Russia 2. Distressed economy, low spending
20%, South America 17% 3. Moderate to high bargaining power of
3. A more knowledgeable, savvy, consumer suppliers
base willing to use the internet for product 4. Rising labor wages
purchases 5. Regulations negatively impacting
4. Dissolution of number one competitor; private-label credit cards i.e.; decreasing
Circuit City revenue streams on domestic sales
5. New business ventures i.e.; Best Buy and 6. Domestic market for consumer
Car phone Warehouse electronic products maturing i.e.; flat
6. Further expansion of chain through panel television market
“mobile stores” 7. Long life of TV sets
7. No other pure consumer electronic retailer 8. Direct competition with suppliers such
near Best Buy’s market share as apple stores.
9. Rising wage rates
10. Shareholder lawsuits

S-O Strategies: GROWTH S-T Stratégies [External Fix-t]
1. Largest consumer electronics
retailer/ Reputable Brand Name:
1. Develop aggressive international growth 1. Develop entry strategies for emerging
Diversified portfolio of product
strategies [New markets/New geographical markets with growing electronic consumer
offerings, International business
markets ]: S1-S4/O1 population and high economic growth
2. Software as a Service: Cloud computing: S1- rate.[S1-S7/T1-T9]
2. Reputation for excellent
S4/O1 2. Explore integration with suppliers[S4:T8]
customer satisfaction;
3. Leverage Remnants of Geek Squad to educate 3. Develop aggressive international growth
3. Financial strength
customers + Managed services strategies
4. Online presence
4. Explore a growth strategy with vertical 4. Cooperate/Partner with others such as
5. High levels of community
integration components. Amazon [W11:O1-7]
service and local involvement.
5. Develop Strategy for expanding online market
6. Geek Squad: Service, Training,
6. Build visibility of inventory to customers [S2-
7. Strong leverage of Social Media

1. Marketing goals too broad
W-T Strategies [ Eliminate / Survive]
2. Weakened financial position
3. Top leadership turnover at
W-O Strategies: Internal Fix-it 1. Explore integration with suppliers[W11:T1]
crucial time (need for increase in
2. Close the least profitable
connectivity strategy)
1. Close non-performing stores:[W5/O1-O6] stores[W5,W2:T1,T7,T9]
4. Dependence on few suppliers
2. Companywide training on ethics starting with 3. Review Accessory pricing
5. Physical stores
senior management[W9:O1-O7 strategy(W2:T1,T7,T8]
6. Impact of class action lawsuits
3. Revisit pricing strategy to be competitive. 4. Merger/Acquisition [Amazon: W2:T1]
7. Many (11) brand names
4. Improve availability of items for online
8. Weak skills in Cloud computing
9. Deterioration of strong ethical
5. Cooperate/Partner with others such as Amazon
culture touted by company
10. Incongruent pricing structure
11. Logistics/Product availability
12. TV sales are a high% of total
Best Buy Corporation - S. Bensen, A. El Haddi, K. Fitzsimmons, A. Hussein, H. Marotske -- UST EMBA [12]

References and End Notes

Bustillo, Miguel. Gordon.Kathy. 11-08-11 Best Buy Leaves U.K., Reboots Phone Venture.
Wall Street Journal.
Clifford, Stephanie. 05-14-12. Chairman of Best Buy Resigns After an Internal Audit. New
York Times.
Lee, Thomas. 10-09-12. Schulze Gets Access to Key Execs. StarTribune.
Duryee, Tricia. 10-10-12. Best Buy’s New E-Commerce Head Aims to Unify Bricks and
Clicks. All Things Digital.
Ericson, Jim. 11-05-12. The Cloud (Tax) Platform. Accounting Today
Jopson, Barney. 10-10-12. Best Buy’s Finance Chief to Step Down. Financial Times.
Bhasin, Kim. 06-25-12. BEST BUY EXEC: Here’s the Truth About the ‘Showrooming
Phenomenon’. Business Insider.
Wheelan and Hunger. 2012. Strategic Management and Business Policy, 13th Edition. P.215.
Prentice Hall.

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