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Tata Starbucks is a performance-driven organisation that encourages diversity in order to create a

workplace that is truly inclusive. From the beginning, the company’s endeavour was to create a culture of
belonging at the workplace where Partners (employees are called Partners at Tata Starbucks), feel like
they are part of something bigger.
Tata Starbucks is committed to upholding a culture where diversity is valued and respected. Over its 5-
year journey, Tata Starbucks has grown women participation in their partner base from 16% in FY14 to
26% in FY18 and this still continues to grow.
At Tata Starbucks, increasing diversity has meant hiring highly talented, passionate and skilled
individuals from diverse backgrounds, individuals with the right values and behaviour — and not just the
right skills and experience

Offers flexible employment/work hours

Hiring a diverse workforce is just the beginning; retaining them is equally important for the sustainability
of this initiative. Flexible employment/part-time opportunities plus the ability to work from home or
office depending upon the nature of the job allows employees the flexibility to balance their personal and
professional lives.
Partners also have the option of switching between full-time and part-time roles, or vice versa, depending
on their need. Tata Starbucks has seen nearly 7% of their partners switching between part time and full
time roles by leveraging the flexible employment model. This has helped the organisation with high
retention success leading to an attrition rate that currently stands at less than half of the industry

Gender pay equity

In a world plagued with gender pay inequities, Tata Starbucks shines as one of the few companies who
are equal pay employers. The company has achieved 100% gender pay equity through a structured and
systematic approach focused on pay for position and performance.

The company continues its commitment to offer a supportive environment through various partner-
friendly policies, especially around significant life events such as marriage and child birth.Starbucks
provide extended long leave policy for life events such as adoption, bereavement, paternity and maternity
breaks along with special lactation rooms for women returning from a maternity break

Tata Starbucks’ partners are not only diverse in gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion and
age, but also in cultural backgrounds, life experiences, thoughts and ideas. Embracing this diversity not
only enhances Tata Starbucks’ work culture, but also drives its business success
For example, Starbucks aims to increase the proportion of women in our India workforce to 40% by
2022, where the industry benchmark is currently 25%.
Starbucks is one of the first retail companies in India to announce a company-wide, five-day workweek
for all our employees (India traditionally has a six-day workweek), offering greater flexibility and balance
in their lives.
Approximately 65% of Starbucks partners are women –
Of their 50+ Top leader 26% are women
- Of Vice President 48% are women
Starbucks Aspirations: - By 2020, increase female (& minority) representation at the Top Leadership
level by 50-60 SVP’s and higher

100,000 young African-American and Hispanic employees within the next 3 years

- 100,000 low-income, 16 to 24 year olds as apprentices, interns and part/full-time employees by 2020
- 10,000 veterans and military spouses by the end of 2020- Starbucks scored a 100 out of 100 on a new
Disability Equality Index Starbucks incorporate different groups by:

tarbucks Commitment to Access and Disability Inclusion - Partner Training and Understanding -
Customer Accessibility and Resources - Disability Community Engagement and Recognition

Starbucks understood the importance of internal employee engagement for their bottom line and wanted
to cultivate better communication and collaboration throughout the organization. As such, Starbucks
adopted and embraced the social media platform Workplace by Facebook.

Within a few short months following the introduction of Workplace, Starbucks witnessed a huge uptake
in the platform amongst partners and staff. According to Adam Brotman, Executive VP of Retail
Operations for Starbucks, “…we have over 80% of our store managers using workplace on a weekly
basis. We can communicate directly with our store partners and then they are better able to serve our
customers.” Even leaders of the corporation, including CEO, Kevin Johnson, regularly use the Live
broadcasting feature on Workplace, to connect with thousands of store managers, facilitate knowledge
exchange, and build a culture of community. The application of Workplace was so successful that
Starbucks decided to expand its use, deploying it on a global scale with operating partners such as Alsea
in Latin America.

Lessons for Others

The adoption and integration of internal social media has helped Starbucks connect partners across an
international geographic landscape, create transparency within the organization across all levels, and
facilitate collaboration and knowledge exchange between staff, managers, and headquarters. By
empowering staff via internal social media, Starbucks has improved the company, it’s reputation, and its

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