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Tarkes Dora P

Converting Uniaxial Creep Test Data into Prony Series for ABAQUS

From fundamental creep test, data available is ε(t) and σo=100 kPa

1. Evaluate J(t) = ε(t)/ σo

2. In origin pro exponential data fit tool is available and expression of the form is available
(name is expAssoc)

J  t   J o  C1  1  exp(t / 1   C2  1  exp(t /  2 
Shape of the curve for this expression is similar to the creep curve and this expression fits
well. After performing non-linear least squares analysis in Origin Pro, constants obtained are:

Jo 0.000089864
C1 0.000185036
C2 0.0000966988
τ1 17.07279
τ2 367.03092
3. Now we have discrete data of J(t) in continuous mathematical expression. Convert this into

  t    t 
J  t   J o  C1  1  exp      C2  1  exp    
  2    2 
C1   t  C   t 
J t     exp      2   exp    
1   1    2   2 

Suppose a known strain history ε(t)= εo1(t) is applied on the viscoelastic material, it can be
sorted out as
1  J  0  G  t    G  t  s  J  s ds

In the above expression J(0) is known i.e. Jo and J  s  is also known in the above expression.
Using principle of Laplace transforms (Appendix C Pg 302 Mechanical response of polymers
by Wineman and Rajagopal)

1 1
G s  
s Jo  J  s 

Now G(t) can be obtained by taking inverse of G  s  . Substituting the appropriate constants
in the expression of G(t), tabular data of t vs G(t) can be obtained. To ease this process,
symbolic computation in MATLAB can be used to determine laplace, inverse laplace and
using eval function tabular data can be generated. The set of MATLAB codes are as below.
Tarkes Dora P
syms c0 a b t1 t2 t;

laplace(a*exp(-t/t1)+b*exp(-t/t2),t) ;

sol = ilaplace(1/(s*(c0+a/(s + 1/t1) + b/(s + 1/t2))));




a=1.0836e-5 % a=C1/τ1

b=2.6348e-7 % b=C2/τ2




Export these data into an excel sheet using xlswrite function

In excel divide G(t)/G(0)= g(t) where G(0) is the first data point at t=0. ABAQUS need these
data in normalized form. 0 < g(t) <1

4. Feed this data into ABAQUS

Elastic properties: Youngs modulus = (First data point of tabular at t=0); poissions ratio = 0.4
Change it to instantaenous modulus default is Long term modulus in ABAQUS

Viscoelastic Properties: Relaxation test data-> shear test data-> Feed the tabular values. Since
relaxation data are given input long term normalized modulus i.e. the last data point
normalized value which would be 0.24 approx

Done with feeding data. Evaluate this material properties in ABAQUS it give you creep test
data and relaxation test data and finally you obtain the prony series parameters.
Tarkes Dora P
Output from ABAQUS

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