1991 Bookmatter StructuralAnalysisInMicroelect

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Tables of Beam Deflections

Statically Determinate Beams 404-409

Statically Indeterminate Beams 410-412

Beam, loading, and
diagrams of moments Angles of Support
and shear forces Elastic curve rotation Bendin!! moments Shear forces reactions
ptZ 1[ Sim:~Y Supported 1 s
I Concentra~loadin W= PI 3 [~-.!£+ w'= 16E/ 1-4[2+ M=-PI 21- N=-P [t-lIfl] Rl=-~
the mid-ClOss-section 16E/ I 3 13 2

"23 [~-.!.r]
I 2 +II f 8 [f-trJ -li f [f-t]J
Rt~~~1: PI 3 Pl z M.... =- PI
W mox = 48EI wo= 16EI 4
L~ .J
'-'i:N__ fon=.!. for x=O for x=.!.
2 2
Pl z
w,=- 16EI
for x=1

Concentra~ load in w'ePI'

2 W=: [e;·f [1<: - 6EJ
1 I' M=-Pll-~:-IL[x7]J N=-P [e; -ILl] R1=-P T
the mid-cross-section

-;:]+11. [x;er] -3~: ]+Ib [7]']

pc 2 c'2 e'] Pee'
Y N 1 W,= 3E1l wO=6E1
, Pee' [1+/ Mmox=--I- Rz=-P!:..
~ L_.J for x=e for x=O for x=e
Pe'lz , Pee' [ e]
wmox=O.0641 E/x W,= 6EI 1+/

e"2 "2
x 1-[2 for x=1
for x=-V e-,/"2 ,
if e>e' . _-- _._------------ - - _. - .. _-

In all the tables, the terms after the sign II, should be considered only for cross-sections x > c.
Beam. loading. and
diagrams of moments Angles of Support
and shear forces Elastic curve rotation BendinR moments Shear forces reactions
3 Two symmetric forces w=~ [~[3~--~~+ w'= PIZl_ee' _ x Z + M=-PI{x
-- -x-c
-- II N=-P (I -1J.1-II.,I)
6IiJ / /' /' 2EJ 12 12 I • I Rt=Rz=-P
in the span

+IL[x~er+ +IL[x~cr+ _II •,x-c']


R,t t ~c~R~
1L-c....!---- c'------f- +IL[x~eT] +IL[x~eT]
.L.._. ____
JY-._ ."'N L __ Pce'
w = Pic' [3'£'-E.] WO=-WI=W M .... =-Pc
'6E1 I I
for c:!>x :!>c'
w f:Xp~;c [~_~]
- 6EI 4 I'
4 Concenuated mornent at a
support cross-secuon W=-:; [f-;:-J w'=- HI [1-3 X2-J M=H!. N=!!. RI =+!!.
6E/ 12 I I I
m~. HI' HI
w_ =-0_0778"EJ wo=- 6EJ Mmu=H R2=-!!.
..~ HI
for x = 0_5771 W,= 3El for x=1

11'-11" H'-M"
5 Two concenuated moments w=- :~ f [l-f]x w'=-~ [~[f- M=M' [I-f) +H"f N=---- R1=---I-
at support cross-sectiorts I

x X2] +
x[M'[2-f]+ 1 12

M=M' forx=O M'-H"

+H"[I+f]] +H" [+-;: ]] R2= - - I -
, ,M
ftL:\~ , 2M'+M" 1
6i=_~ wo=--w-
, JI'+2H"
i WI=--w- I

Beam, loading, and

§ diagrams of moments Angles of Suppon
and shear forces Elastic curve rotation Bendine moments Shear forces reactions

6 Concentrated moment w~MI' [~[1-3~- W'= III [1-3~- M=-M[f-l L1] Rl=-!:!.
6E/ I I' 6£1 I'
in the span
N=-!!.1 1

-1.+ 11. [x; r] -31,-+11.6 [7]]
, III [ c,,]
R·t;Qc'=4~ we= W.= 6E/ 1-3/2 R2=!:!.
C R. 1
t ~~~' [c/]
, III [ c']
V~ w,= 6El 1-3"

, III [cc' ]
we= 3El 3/2-1

QI' x' X4] ,-~ x'

, [1-6,+ M=- QI [~_.£.]
7 Uniformly dislributed w= 24EI
[x1- 2,,+7 w- 24El I N=-% [1- ~] Rl=R2=-Q
load over entire span 2 1 I' 2

+4- x']
R~Q=qt R. I'
q •
5 QI' , 'Q1 2 QI
t W"",.= 384 m wo=-w,= 24El M .... =-g=-O.l25QI
for x="2 for x= i

8 Uniformly dislributed load QI'c' [x [ c w'= QIc' [1+2~- M=- QI R 1 =- Qc'

w~ 24El 7 1+27- 24El I
N=-Q [£-11
21 ' ~]
2 c, 21
over a ponion of a span
_£.-2~]+1I (X-C)4] c2 .x 2 +
12 12 c Pc" - .I - 6 I'
II (X-C)'] M"",.=- Qc' c]'
8 [ 1+- 2
+ ,4 Ie" 1 R=-Q [1-ft]
, Qlc' x
Wo= 24EI

x [1+21c_d
I' J ,
, Qlc' rl+~1
w,=- 241':1 l I J

Beam, loading, and

diagrams of moments Angles of Support
and shear forces Elastic curve rotation Bending moments Shear forces reactions

9 Linearly distributed
load over entire span QI' [X x' w'=~x
w= 180EI 7/-101'+ M=- N=-Q [1-3£] Rl=-Q
180EI ~I [f- [fn 3 12 3

x5 ]
+3- x2 x']
x [7-30-+15-
15 12 I'

QI3 _ ' 7 QI2

'.~~ wmu =0.01304 EI- wo=TsO EI= M"". =-0.1283QI
_ 5 QI3 _ QI2 2
-0.0389 EI for x=0.5771 R 2=-3"Q
- 384 EI
- .... <.,NJ ' 2 Q12_
for x =0.5191 w,=- 45 EI-
_ QI2
--0.04444 EI

10 Linearly distributed load

over a portion of a span QI' c QI2 [e' [ M=- QI [c-~- Rl=-Q£
w= 180EI N=-f
[c'T [7+6/- w'= 180EI T 7+ 3 12 [f- 3 I
-3--10- x
x2] -+ c c2
x2] + _II (x-d]
12 12 I I 12 12 c [e'2
II' 3(x-d]
+ II ' 3 (x-e)l] + ILI5 (X;~4]
c c' 13e,z I e
, Qle'
-- .-.~. Wo = 180EI x I e']
R2=-Q [ 1-3"/
~ N>--..I
x [7+6--3- e2 ]
I 12
, Qle'
w,=- 180EI x

~ e2 ]
e +3[2
x [ 8+9 T

Beam, loading, and

§ diagrams of moments Angles of Support
and shear forces Elastic curve rotation Bending moments Shear forces reactions
2. Cantilever Beams
11 Concentrated load
at the end PI' [Xl [3 X]] M=P(/-x) N=-P R=-P
w= 3EI 12 "2-2i w'= ~: [f [1-11]]
R P w_= 3EI w~=O Mmv. =PI M=PI
m L.!. P/ 2
for x =1 w,= 2EI for x =0

12 Concentrated moment Mx 2 , Mx
at the end w= 2EI W =Ei M=Mm .. =M N=O R=O
Mil w~=O M=M
w_= 2EI
'y t for x=1 w,= EI
~~ c._._.:J

13 Uniformly distributed
load over the entire span QI' Xl [ X w'= QI2 Ex
w= 24EI 12 6- 4 7 M= N=-Q R=-Q
6EI I ~I [I-ff [I-f]
x x2] QI
- x [3-3-+- Mmu.=T
12 I 12
Y M t QI' M= QI
w m.. = 8EI w~=O for x =0
~ 2
' QI2
for x=l w,= S;EI
... - - - _ ... - --_._--
Beam, loading, and
diagrams of momenlS Angles of Support
and shear forces Elastic curve rotation Bendi11Jt momenlS Shear forces reactions

14 Uniformly distributed load w=-- 6 1+

QI' [[ --- w'= QI' QI [ C x R=-Q
e1 lx'
I' 2£1
I I M=T 1+/-2/+ N=_Q[I_ILx~c]
over a portion of a span
-4£' _£.+/1 (x-d] II (X-C)2]
13 c'1
+/I e (X-C)4] 3 12 e 3c'12 + C c'l
'I'll, x M= Q(c+l)
W,= 24E1 en 1
QI' [2+6 e +1'
T w~=O
C Cl - 2
, t
~ r-----.".N for x=1
c 1 • QI' [1+-+-
w,=- M = Q(c+l)
~ w'=4El
Q/c' [1+3/
e1 e'l
I' max 2
' Qlc
for x=c We= 2EI for x=O

IS Linearly distributed load w=--- x

QI' x' [10-10-+ , QI' x[ x R=-Q
60EI I' 1 w = 12E1 T 4- 6T+ M=tQI[I-fr N=-Q [1-f1'
2 3 2 3
+5 x ] +4 x ]
r -rx r -rx
m~~ y t w =QI'
w~=O Mmax = """3 forx=O
- 15EI 2
~ for x=1 w;=~ forx=1

16 Concenttated momenlS W=~ w'= M=T x]

PI [ 1-2/ N=-P R=-P
at the ends· I -
I2EI [3[=:1' ~; [+- [Tn
wo=O for x=O; w~=w;=O M= PI for x=O M.=-~= PI
1;£-,;4' PI' PI 2
2 2
W,= 12E1 for x=1 Wmax = 8EI
M=-PI forx=1
- ---1 2
~ M I
i ~-
for x="2
- -

• The rotation angle at the right end is zero

Beam, loading, and
diagmms of moments Support
and shear forces Elastic curve Bendiru! moments Shear forces S~moments reactions

Concenbaled force w=PB £:£'[3'£- n II, = cc', P cn

6 12 12 1 M=P Tc /
[.£- RI =-r(3c+c')P
in the span /'

_ 3c+c' .!]+ 3c+c' .!] +

- ~I-I
1 1

~~ +11/: [x~c r +ILp<x-c)

PB C' c<3 N=-P c', 3c+c' +11,1' c 2 c' c2
w'=T/'3r I' 1 Hz=-T P R 2 =-/'3(c+3c')P
for x=c

2 Two symmettic PB
"---;r 3--- x' [ .., xl + M=ph' -x] +I N=-p+ltp+lt.p II, = cc' P R1=-P
6 / /' / 1
concenbaled forces
+ • PB
6 [.!::E.]'
1 + +ILp<x-c)+ Hz=-T P R 2 =-P

:t ~"'I
c' c +II.PB [x-c']' + 1I •• p<x-c')
~ \ • 6 1
PB c' 2c'-c
for x=c

Notes: I) The origin is at the left end. 2) In the expressions for the elastic curves the ROl8tion B = ~ is used. 3) The suppon moments are positive if

they are direcled counterclockwise. 4) Tenus after the sign ILrefer only to cross-sections x > c.

Beam, loading, and

diagrams of moments Support
and shear forces Elastic curve Bendi~ moments Shear forces Support moments reactions

3 Uniformly distributed load w= QB ~ [1-2~+~] M= QI [1-6~+ N=1- [-1+2f] Mt=Qi. Rt=-Q

24 I' I I' 12 1 12 2
over the entire cross-section

w mu - 384 +6£]
~QII 1
for x=2 M' -- QI M;z =- QI Rz=-Q
ml~t. "2- 24 12 2

4 I Uniformly distributed load ql' {x' c ql [x c' c c']

qc' [6-8-+3- c'
24 I' /
['='X-2[2- M=12 6J2-6 i x N=T 2T - Tc [2-1'+ 1It=- qc [2-2-+
over a portion of the span 12 I I' 2 I'
on the lift

c 1 e l ] c-+-
x c' [6- x
cZ c ]-+
x [2-2-+-
3 M;z =- qc Z 3
+ ~: ]]-1 Lq(x-c) [4-3.£].£ +c- ]
I' I' I I IZ 13 1 12 1 1 13
c cZ]] - C
+C- [ 6-8-+
c-+---c 1 IZ IZ 1
Rz=-!i.£ [2-.£]~ Z
, t 2 1 I

_II (X-C)4}
c 13
I' c

c' [c. ql [c 4 c3 c c 1 l
5 Same, with the load on w= qB {~[~ [2£- M=.I...
_I' [6 --2-+ ql' [ 1-6-+8--
1It=- R t =_s!. [1-2'£ +
24 I I 14 12 14 13 N=T 14- 213+ 12 I' I' 2 [
the right

c' c
-4-+4--2] +1- c4 ]
-3- +2£.- c4
+2+-1]++ [1- +2+ -I] + Lq(x-c)
I' I 14 [3 14 ]
c c]1 C ] 4 4
~~2 -6-+8--3- + c' C'
C ]] + C' C4 ]
ai' [ 1-4-+3- c'
ql [ 1-2-+
I' I' 14 I' I' 14 •I..,I =_-'-'-
12 I' 14 R,=--
2 I'
.. +IL (X-c)'} +' IL f(X-C)2 4
+c[4- ]

Beam, loading, and

olio diagrams of moments Support
N and shear forces Elastic curve BendinKmoments Shear forces SUDDOrt moments reactions

6 Linearly distributed load QB x 2 [x'

w=60/2 x
/2-3/"+21 M= QI [IO.£.- N=- x2 ]
Q [ 10--3 MI=QI R I =-O.3Q
30 13 10 12 15
over the entire span

we =_I_QB -9f+2]
2' 384
QI ~=_QI
for x= i Mm .. =- 23.3 R2=-0.7Q
~) t ~ 2 10
1 for x =0.5481
wm.. :: 382 QB
for x =0.5251

Qc' [ c Qc' [c 2 C ]
Q c,z Q C'2
7 Linearly distributed load w= QB {£.~ [2+.5:.- M=30 2+ 7 - N=1Oi /2"+7- 3 + MI = 30 7(21+3c) RI =-IO 7 x
60 1 /2 1
over a portion of the span

c2 2 +1 LQ (x_~)2 Qe' [e
c 2 x [2-+ c2
-3-+3 [c
2-+ ~=-- en 1
12 1 12 12 12 C /2
30 10-+3-
/ X [3+2f]

:c ~m2
~ +7- 3 + cJ3?2
, 1111 +f-3]T]+ R2=-.Q.. [10-
"-d) 10

II Q(x-C)3 c,z cc,z ]

+ c 3c,z -3 12 - 27

Concentrated moment M=MIf

c' [(2c-c')- N=-6~M II, = c'(2c - c') M 6cc'
8 w= ~B [f ~: [%+- 3 I 12 RI=-T M
within the span 1

~= c(2c' -c) M R - 6cc' M

-~-ffl+ -6f]+ 13 2-13

19~ +1L[x~cr~] +ILM

~-- -~---
- - - - _... - - -------

Absolutely stiff plates, 305 supports, 170-172

Adiabatic modulus of elasticity, 159 thermal bending, 209
Adiabatic process, 156 Bending of frames, 243
Airy, G. B., 69 complex frames, 248
Airy (stress) function, 69 simplest frames, 243
Albrey, T., 150 Bending of plates, 256
All-round compression (see Hydrostatic pres- circular plates
sure) axisymmetric bending of absolutely rigid
Apparent modulus, 153, 154 plates, 317
Argyris, J. H., 12 large deflections under uniform load, 312
Aron, H., II von Kiinmin's equations, 308
Axisymmetric deformation, 91 classification of plates from the viewpoint
of their analysis, 305
Backward differences, 355 Kirchhoff - Love hypotheses, 257 - 258
Bars, 56, 170 rectangular plates
See also Beams application of Rayleigh - Ritz and Bub-
Beams, 169 nov-Galerkin method, 285
See also Bending of beams application of superposition method, 283
Beltrami, E., 47 boundary conditions, 265
Beltrami-Michell's equations, 47, 161 cylindrical bending, 264
Beltrami's strength theory, 63 differential equation of bending, 262
Bending of beams, 169 large deflections, 292
application of Castigliano's theorem, 219 large deflections under uniform load, 298
application of Rayleigh-Ritz and Bubnov- M. Levy solution, 272
Galerkin methods, 226-234 "membrane" stresses, 292
application of theorem of least work, 223 Navier's solution, 268
beams on elastic foundation, 190, 191 plate clamped along two opposite edges,
bending moment and shearing force, 173 276
boundary conditions, 179 plate under distributed edge moments,
combined action of lateral and axial loads, 279
198 pure bending, 57
differential equations of bending, 179 spherical bending, 265
effect of shear (beams on elastic founda- von Kiinmin's equations, 298
tion), 194 thin and thick plates, 256
elastoplastic bending, 130 Bernoulli, J., II
large deflections (elastica), 264 Bessel, F. W., 349
nonlinear bending, 201 Bessel equation, 349
reference tables of deflections of beams, Bessel function, 349
186, 403 Betti, F., 225
shearing stress and shear deformation, 187 Biharmonic equation, 70


Biharmonic operator, 262, 308, 311 Claugh, R. W., 234

Bimaterial assemblies, 81 Cleavage plane, 121
Bland, D. R., 150 Coating, 97
Body forces, 22, 25, 91 Coaxial cylinders, 94
Boltzmann, L., 12 Coefficient of compliance, 79, 80, 81
Boundary conditions Coefficient of thermal expansion, 48, 94, 145
in bending of beams, 179 Collocation method, 358
in bending of plates, 265 Compatibility conditions, 35, 36, 67
in elasticity theory, 23, 162, 164 Complementarity theorem, 26
geometric (kinematic), 214, 268 Components of strain, 33, 37
mixed,268 Components of stress, 19, 20, 21
static, 23, 268 Compression, 20, 55
in torsion, 100, 101 Concentrated forces and moments, 170
in two-dimensional problems, 70 Conditions of compatibility (see Compatibility
Bowing (see Bending) conditions)
Bredt, R., 109 Constants, elastic (see Hooke's law)
Bredt's theorem in torsion, 109, 164 Coordinate functions, 214
Bryan, G. H., 340, 346 Coulomb, C. A., 11, 62
Bubnov, I. G., 279 Courant, R., 12
Bubnov-Galerkin method, 227, 233, 285, Creep, 144, 146, 147, 154
287, 298, 313, 351 Curved bar, 334
Buckling of beams (bars), 324 Cylinder
bars on elastic foundation, 327 symmetrical deformation, 94
curved bars, 335 thermal stresses, 94
effect of initial curvature, 329 thick, under pressure, 93
Euler's formulas, 324
large deflections (elastica), 331 Darrow, K. K., 3
Buckling of plates, 340 Deflection of beams (see Bending of beams)
circular plates, 348 Deflection of foundations, 254
rectangular plates Deformation method, 235, 367
plate compressed in two opposite direc- Dilatation, 38, 126, 161
tions, 346 Direction cosines, 22, 23, 26
plate simply supported along opposite Displacement method, 235, 367
edges, 344 Displacements, 33
plate uniformly compressed in one direc- Drucker, D. C., 12
tion, 340 Duhamel, J. M. C., 44, 47, 48, 161, 162
Bulk modulus, 43, 126, 161 Duhamel-Neumann's equations, 47, 48, 162
Duhamel-Neumann's hypothesis, 44, 161
Canonical equations, 229
Canonical form of stress surface, 29 Elastic limit, 42
Cantilever, 52, 71, 172, 173, 188, 231 Elasticity theory
Castigliano, A., 219 direct and inverse problems in, 45, 161
Castigliano's theorem, 219-221 elementary problems in, 49, 163
Cauchy, A. L., 11, 29, 35 hypotheses in, 15, 16
Cauchy's formulas, 35, 45, 50, 53, 66 semi-inverse method in, 46, 161
Central differences, 355 Ellipsoid, stress, 29, 30, 55
Circular cylinder, 92 Elliptic bar, 104, 105, 165
Circular plate Energy
bending, 308-317 functional, 227, 286
buckling, 348 law of conservation of, 215
See also Bending of plates and Buckling of strain, 60, 228, 235, 239
plates Enthalpy, 156
Circular ring, 86, 89, 92, 317 Entropy, 155
Circular shaft, 53, 163 Equilibrium conditions, 22, 25, 26, 67, 160,
Circulation of a vector, 109 176
Circulation of the shearing stress, 109 Euler, L., 11

Euler's force, 326 Huber's theory, 64

Euler formulas, 191 Huber-von Mises-Hencky theory, 64, 65,
126, 163, 164
Filon, L. N. G., 74 Hydrostatic pressure, 31, 32, 55, 125, 138
Filon's solution, 74, 164 Hypothesis of plane cross sections, 175
Finite differences, 353
Finite-element method, 6, 7, 360, 372 Ideal plasticity, 132
First-order method, 355 Ilyushin, A. A., 128
Aexible plates of small deflection, 306 Ilyushin's theorem on unloading, 130
Aexural rigidity of plates, 59, 256 Influence coefficients, 251
Force method, 254 Interpolation polynomials, 354
Forward differences, 354 Invariants of stress (See Stress invariants)
Fourier, 1. B., 73, 269, 341 Irwin, G. R., 117, 165
Fourier series, 73, 269, 341 Irwin's stress intensity approach, 117 - 119,
Four-point bending, 174 165
Fracture, 115 Isochrometric lines, 384, 385
Fracture mechanics, 121 Isoclinic lines, 384
Fracture modes, 117, 118 Isothermal process, 156
Fracture tests, 121 Isotropy, 16
Fracture toughness, 121
Frames, 243 Karman, T. von, 292, 308
See also Bending of frames Kelsey, S., 234
Free energy, 156 Kelvin, Lord (W. Thomson), 4, 12
Free enthalpy, 156 Kirchhoff, G. R., 11, 256
Klapeiron B. P. E., 219
Galerkin, B. G., 5 Klapeiron's theorem, 219
Galilei, G., 62 Kron, G., 12
Generalized coordinates, 214
Generalized displacements, 214 Lagrange, 1. L., 11, 262
Generalized forces, 215 Lagrange theorem, 216, 217, 227
Generalized Prandtl' s formula, 104 Lame, G., 30, 39, 47
Germain, S., 11, 256, 262 Lame constants, 39, 40
Gibbs, 1. W., 156 Lame equations, 47, 48, 162
Gibbs' potential, 156 Lame problem, 93
Gilbert, D., 5 Laplace, P. S., 47, 309
Grave, D., I Laplacean operator, 47, 309
Green, G., 103, 109 Lateral force, 173
Green's formula, 103, 109 (See also Shearing force)
Griffith, A. A., 115 Least work, principle of, 222
Griffith theory, 115 - 117, 165 Leibnitz, G. W., 62
Gross, B., 150 Levy, M., 256
Levy theorem, 68, 85, 164-
Hardening, 42 Light, polarized (see Polarized light)
Harmonic function, 47 Linear viscoelasticity theory, 150
Harmonic operator, 47, 69, 263 Lode, W., 12
Hencky, H., 12 Love, A., E. H., 11
Hermit functions (polynomials), 365
Hill, R., 12 Mariotte, F., 62
Hollow shaft, torsion of, 110 Martin, H. C., 234
Homogeneous deformation, 16 Maxwell, 1. C., 12
Hooke, R., 11 Maxwell model, 149
Hooke's law, 16, 32, 38-44, 45, 53, 67, 91, Maxwell's theorem of reciprocity of dis-
161, 239 placements, 225
with consideration of thermoelastic strains, Membrane forces, 292, 311
43,44 Membranes, 256, 306
Huber, M. T., 64 Mesh method, 353

Method of initial parameters, 183 Principle

Michell, A. O. M., 47 of least work, 222
Mises, R. von, 12 of Saint-Venant, 46
Mohr, 0., 62 of superposition, 16
Mohr circles, 62, 63 of virtual displacements, 215, 216
Mohr strength theory, 62, 65 Prismatic bar, 49, 164
Moire method, 387 Proportional limit, 41
Moment of inertia, 176, 210 Pure bending, 49, 57
Multiply connected region, 37, 103, 112,
113, 164 Rayleigh, Lord (J. W. Strutt), 226
Muskhelishvili, N., 91 Rayleigh - Betti theorem, 225
Rayleigh-Ritz method, 226, 229, 286
Nadai, A., 12, 31, 65 Recurrence formulas, 356
Nadai hypothesis, 65 Reciprocal property of displacements, 224
Navier, H., 11,257 Reciprocal theorem for forces, 217
Navier's solution, 268-272 Reciprocal theorem for works, 225
Neutral axis (surface), 176 Rectangular plate (see Bending of plates and
Newton's interpolation formula, 354 Buckling of plates)
Nonlinearity, 16 Redundant unknowns, 172
Relaxation function, 151
Relaxation of stress, 144, 146
Orawan, E., 117 Relaxation time, 150, 152
Orthogonal functions, 76 Research models, I
Residual deformations, 15
Photoelasticity, 69, 380 Retardation function, 151
Plane strain, 66, 164 Retardation time, 151
Plane stress, 66, 164 Ribiere solution, 73, 164
Plastic deformation, 16, 125 Rigid-body displacements, 35
Plastic flow, 124, 125, 138, 165 Ring (see Circular ring)
Plasticity, 123 Ritz, W., 226
Plastics, 143 Ros, M., 12
Plates (see Bending of plates and Buckling of Rotation, 33
plates) Ruge, A., 375
Point-slope formula, 355 Runge-Kutta method, 356
Poisson, S. D., II Rupture, 148
Poisson's equation, 100
Poisson's ratio, 40, 43, 161 Saint-Venant, B. de, II, 36, 306
Polar coordinates, 82, 164 Saint-Venant-Uvy-von Mises equations,
Polariscope, 380, 381 141
Polarized light, 381 Saint-Venant's conditions of compatibility,
Polarizer, 380 36,67
Polymers, 143 Saint-Venant's hypothesis, 98
Polynomials, 70, 164 Saint-Venant's principle, 46, 161
Prager, W., 12 Saint-Venant's semi-inverse method, 46
Prandtl, L., 101 Saint-Venant's torsion function, 98, 164
Prandtl-Reuss equations, 141 Schleicher, F., 12
Prandtl's formula, 101, 104 Second-order methods, 356
Prandtl's membrane analogy, 375 Section modulus, 72, 73, 106, 130
Prandtl's stress function, 100, 164 Semi-infinite beam on elastic foundation, 193
Prerupture deformation of plastics, 149 Shear modulus, 41, 43, 126, 161
Pressure, 92 Simmons, E. E., 375
Principal axes, 26 Simple loading, 142
Principal directions, 26, 37 Simply connected region, 37, 103, 161
Principal plane, 27 Small elastoplastic strains, 125
Principal strain, 37 Solution procedures, 45
Principal stress, 27, 30 Specific heat, 157

Spherical tensor, 31, 160 Superposition, principle of, 16, 162, 279, 283
Spring constant, 191 Synge, J. L., 12
Statically indeterminate problems (systems),
26, 160, 172 Temperature, stress due to nonuniform dis-
Stiffness matrix, 240, 363, 368 tribution of, 209
Strain Tension, 20, 56
at point, 33 Thermal expansion, 48, 94, 145
compatibility of, 35, 36, 67, 161 Thermal stress, 94, 209
components of, 33, 37 Thermodynamic potential, 155
effective, 127 Thermodynamics of viscoelastic deformation,
invariants, 37, 161 155
nominal, 124 Thermoplastic materials, 143
normal and shearing, 33 Thermosetting materials, 143
plane, 27 Three-point bending, 174
principal axes of, 37, 160 Time effects in plastics, 144-148
principal planes of, 37, 160 Timoshenko, S. P., 279
rotation, 33 Topp, J. L., 234
surface, 37 Torque, 55
tensor, 37, 161 Torsion
thermoelastic, 43 boundary conditions in, 54
"true," 124 circular shaft in, 53
Strain energy, 60, 61, 163 displacements in, 53, 54
Strain-hardening coefficient, 124 elliptic shaft in, 104
Strain gauges, 375 multiconnected sections, 112
Strain rosette, 379 of prismatic bars, 53
Strength of rectangular shaft, 107
coefficient, 124 section modulus in, 106
theories (hypotheses), 60-65, 163 stress function for, 98
ultimate, 42 of thin-walled sections, 100, 108, 110
Stress Torsional rigidity, 55, 112, 165
at point, 19 Trapezoidal formula, 356
components of, 19, 86, 160 Tubes
concentration, 164 subjected to internal and external pressure,
deviatoric, 31, 32, 160 93
effective, 126 torsion of (see Torsion)
invariants of, 26, 29, 32, 126, 160 Turner, M. J., 234
mean, 18 Twist angle, 55, 109, 112, 114
nominal, 123
normal and shearing, 20, 21 Ultimate axial force, 130
octahedral, 31, 126, 160 Ultimate bending moments, 130
plane, 27
principal, 26, 31, 160 Variational methods, 213
radial, 82-85 Virtual displacements, 215, 216
relaxation, 144, 146 Viscoelasticity, 143
shearing, 20, 26, 30, 82-85, 112, 160, Viscoelastic deformation, 155
178, 179 Voight, W., 12
signs of, 20 Voight-Kelvin model, 149
surface, 29
tensor, 20, 21, 28, 31, 39, 160
"true," 123 Wheatstone bridge, 377
Stress ellipsoid, 30, 160 Winkler, E., 190
Stress functions, 69, 100, 164 Winkler's hypothesis, 190
Stress-strain relation, 42, 124, 156, 158, 161
See also Hooke's law Yield stress, 42, 164
Stress surface, 29 Young, T., II
Structural analysis, 8-10 Young's modulus, 40, 41, 145, 161

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