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More embrace having a single child Twins likely to lean on Pineda


July 16, 2019
86° 73°
Hottest week of the
summer not over yet. B6


Chaos at $17.5B social service agency
State’s Human Services head quits after 2 top deputies resigned. Commissioner ment will ask the deputy com-


tration of Gov. Tim Walz. Lourey’s sudden departure
Tony Lourey
resigned on
missioners Claire Wilson and
Charles Johnson to stay now
Broad new rule, Tony Lourey, who left the comes after the resignations of Monday after that Lourey is out.
Star Tribune staff state Senate to become the his two top deputies last week, six months on Walz, who was inaugurated
facing a legal chal-
lenge, would deny commissioner of Human Ser- raising anew questions about the job. in January, said during a Mon-
protection to most The commissioner of the vices in January, wrote a letter chaos at the top ranks of the day news conference that Lou-
immigrants. A4 state’s sprawling social service to Walz saying his resignation $17.5 billion state agency. with a long résumé of top pri- rey was not fired and left of his
agency abruptly resigned Mon- would take effect at the end of Walz announced that Pam vate and public sector jobs — own volition. They spoke in
day after just six months on the the day, stunning some mem- Wheelock — most recently will take over as acting com- person at length Sunday night.
job, producing the first major bers of the Minnesota Legisla- chief operating officer at Twin missioner. It’s unclear whether Walz declined to address
shake-up of the new adminis- ture. No reason was given. Cities Habitat for Humanity, she or her permanent replace- See DHS on A5 Ø

E.U. tries to
save nuke deal
Omar, 3 allies decry Trump Klobuchar
stays on
attacks as racist, divisive
Foreign ministers

trail with
say Iran’s breaches
don’t warrant nul-
lifying the pact. A4

Big Easy avoids

worst of Barry
New Orleans was
spared the brunt of By PATRICK CONDON and JUDY
storm, but damage KEEN • Star Tribune staff writers
still heavy. A4
WASHINGTON – Minnesota
Polio returns U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar raised
in two nations nearly $3.9 million for her presi-
Pakistan, Afghani- dential bid over the past three
stan report 42 months, lagging far behind the
cases of disease in leaders in the race for the 2020
health setback. A2 Democratic nomination but
tallying enough cash to keep
Study: Laws her on the campaign trail.
cut gun deaths Klobuchar also announced
States with stron- that her campaign now has
ger regulations more than 100,000 “unique
see fewer children donors,” closing in on the
killed. A2 130,000 needed to qualify for the
third Democratic debate in Sep-
tember. She has surpassed the
2% polling requirement in three
Mpls. puts heat of the four national or early state
on Crave club polls needed to get on the debate
Downtown shoot- stage after this month but has
ing prompts call shown weakness in one recent
for better security South Carolina poll.
measures. B1 She also landed 7th in a new
New Hampshire primary poll,
Firm leaves at 2.7%, good enough to edge
behind a hole out back-of-the-pack rivals Cory
Thor Construction ANNA MONEYMAKER • New York Times Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand and
leaves rental proj- U.S. Reps. Ayanna Pressley, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib listened as Rep. Ilhan Omar responded to remarks Beto O’Rourke.
ect unfinished in by President Donald Trump after his call for the four Democratic congresswomen to go back to their “broken” countries. She faces an Aug. 28 dead-
Minneapolis. B1 line to meet both the fundrais-
ing and polling criteria for the
S P O RT S President unloads more diatribes World leaders condemn ‘1950s Sept. 12-13 debate in Houston,
which follows a debate at the
Sims, Fowles
are All-Stars during White House ceremony racism’ from Washington end of July for which she has
already qualified.
New Lynx point See KLOBUCHAR on A8 Ø
guard makes By JIM SPENCER and PATRICK CONDON • Star Tribune staff By JENNIFER HASSAN • Washington Post
WNBA team for Omar’s war chest: Minnesota
the first time. C1 WASHINGTON – After being singled out by President Don- LONDON - Lawmakers and commentators abroad Democrat reports $600,000
ald Trump with racist tweets, four Democratic congress- expressed shock and disgust Monday after President Don- raised April to June. A8
Peppers get a women, including Minnesota’s Ilhan Omar, chose to stand ald Trump targeted Democratic minority congresswomen
hearty ‘G’day’ together before the cameras and defend their in tweets over the weekend and told them to “go
Aussie softball vision for their country. back” to their countries.
team makes home
in Mankato. C1
Omar and her three colleagues — Reps.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ayanna
Pressley of Massachusetts and Rashida Tlaib of
On U.S. soil, Democrats defended those
believed to be at the center of Trump’s fury: Reps.
Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, Rashida
The pledge is
Michigan — held a news conference on Monday
in the Capitol to respond to Trump’s attacks, say-
Tlaib of Michigan, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
of New York and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota. reinstated in
Walk-off at
Amazon site
Workers in Sha-
ing they were not surprised by the president’s
remarks and vowed not to be silenced by them.
Omar hit back hard at Trump, criticizing what President Trump
While Republicans largely avoided com-
menting on the president’s statements, law-
makers around the world did not. British politi-
St. Louis Park
kopee stage a job she called “the bile and garbage that comes out cian David Lammy branded Trump’s comments By ZOË JACKSON
action on Prime of his mouth” and renewing her call to impeach Trump, “1950s racism straight from the White House.”
Day. D1 who she said has “overseen the most corrupt administra- Prime Minister Theresa May, who has just days left in
tion in our history.” office, also condemned the tweets. “The prime minister’s The St. Louis Park City
“This is the agenda of white nationalists. … This is his plan view is that the language used to refer to these women was Council voted unanimously
See OMAR on A8 Ø See TRUMP on A8 Ø Monday night to reinstate
the Pledge of Allegiance, say-
ing the firestorm of criticism
over the issue has taken a toll
on the staff and kept the city

Buckle up and wait, congestion’s here to stay from doing its work.
More than 100 people
packed the City Council cham-
Story by TIM HARLOW • Photo by GLEN STUBBE • Star Tribune staff bers Monday night to protest
No singin’ the council’s June 17 decision
in the rain … Rush hour traffic on Twin operations. “This is an upward to do away with the pledge at
Mill City Summer Cities metro highways is slow- trend that we have been seeing most meetings. A similar pro-
Opera’s outdoor ing — and it’s expected to get for quite a few years,” he said. test took place last week.
show marred by slower. “There is only so much we can The pledge was not sched-
showers. E1 Drivers were caught in con- do. The best we can hope for is uled to be discussed Monday
gestion 25% of the time during that things plateau.” night, but Council Member
the morning and afternoon In the 2018 Metropolitan Thom Miller made a motion to
commutes in 2018, according Freeway Congestion Report, reinstate it because the city has
H E A R D?
to the Minnesota Department released Monday, MnDOT been inundated with e-mails
Alan Turing, com- of Transportation. That’s the cited a variety of factors that and phone calls, some that
puter pioneer and highest level of congestion boosted congestion, which it Miller believed endangered
World War II code- since the state began its annual defines as highway or freeway city staff and residents.
breaker, is the new highway traffic surveys in 1993. traffic moving at 45 mph or “There are many from out-
face on Britain’s And things are not likely less. The Twin Cities metro side of St. Louis Park who are
50-pound note. A2 Slowdowns are most likely on I-35W mornings and I-494, to improve, said Brian Kary, area grew from 3.08 million abusing and harassing our
above, afternoons, according to a new MnDOT report. MnDOT’s director of traffic See TRAFFIC on A5 Ø See PLEDGE on A3 Ø

SUBSCRIPTIONS: 612-673-4343 or STAR TRIBUNE Minneapolis, St. Paul MN • Volume XXXVIII • No. 103 • July 16, 2019
More of what matters to Minnesota. All day. Every day. go to ONLINE: • NEWS TIPS: 612-673-4414 • COMMENTS: 612-673-4000
A2 • S TA R T R I B U N E T U E S DAY, J U LY 16, 2019

New polio cases surge in

Tennis’ Margaret Court, 77 Actor Will Ferrell, 52

StarTribune Theater’s Tony Kushner, 63 NFL’s Barry Sanders, 51

Pakistan and Afghanistan

Kicker Chip Lohmiller, 53 Soccer’s Carli Lloyd, 37
• Michael J. Klingensmith,
Publisher and CEO, 612-673-7576
• Glen Taylor, Owner

News Rumors are keeping

• Rene Sanchez, Editor and Senior Vice President
612-673-7937, parents from getting
• Suki Dardarian, Sr. Managing Editor and VP
612-673-4937, their children vaccinated.
Senior Vice Presidents
• Jim Bernard, Digital By DONALD G. McNEIL JR.
New York Times
• Chuck Brown, Chief Financial Officer
• Kevin J. Desmond, Operations The global drive to elimi-
• Arden Dickey, Circulation
nate polio, which has gone on
612-673-4322, for 31 years and consumed over
• Paul J. Kasbohm, Chief Revenue Officer $16 billion, has been set back
• Randy M. Lebedoff, General Counsel
again by a surge of new cases
612-673-7133, Showtime in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
• Michelle Mueller, Human Resources Oliver Stone got to know Russian President Vladimir As of July 10, there were K.M. CHAUDARY • Associated Press
Putin well when he filmed “The Putin Interviews,” his a total of 42 polio paralysis These children had their fingers marked after receiving vaccina-
Vice Presidents
• Jason Cole, Advertising Sales
four-part, four-hour TV series first broadcast in 2017. cases in the two countries. tions last month while a police officer stood guard for protection.
612-673-7715, They comprise a single large
• David Diegnau, Information Technology FACES outbreak because most cases political turmoil, according As in other countries, vac-
are in the tribal areas along to an article in the Diplomat, cines have become politicized,
Oliver Stone ready to
• Brian Kennett, Digital Advertising Sales,
612-673-4899, the border, where local people a current affairs magazine with opposition parties spread-
• Derek C. Simmons, Chief Creative Officer easily cross back and forth. focused on Asia. ing anti-vaccine rumors.
share his memories
• Steve Yaeger, Chief Marketing Officer
Pakistan had 32 of the cases, Earlier this year, Pakistan The virus is threatening to
612-673-4256, compared with only three by announced that it would spread to other countries. In
Editorial Pages the same date last year, and streamline its national vacci- May, a sewage sample in a bor-
• Scott Gillespie, Editor and Vice President Oliver Stone has some memories to share, not all the situation is expected to get nation drive in June in order to dering province in Iran tested
of them happy. worse because hot summer make the campaigns faster and positive for the strain of virus
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt announced Monday weather favors the virus. There less intrusive. Teams would circulating in Pakistan; Iran
that it had acquired a memoir by the Oscar-winning were only 12 cases in the coun- try a friendlier approach and had its last case in 2001.
612-673-4343 • 800-775-4344 filmmaker. The book, as yet untitled, is scheduled for try in 2018 and eight in 2017. gather less data on the families A further threat to the eradi-
fall 2020. Stone is known for such provocative films For each paralyzed victim — they visited, the prime minis- cation campaign is that a few
General information as “Platoon,” “JFK” and “Born On the Fourth of July.” usually a child under 5 — there ter’s office said. countries — mostly in Africa
Local calls .......................................612-673-4000 According to the publisher, he will center on his are about 200 others who are But false rumors spread — have been unable to elimi-
Long-distance calls ........................800-827-8742
Website............ early years, including his time in Vietnam. Winner infected and shedding the virus on social media saying the nate some mutated strains of
Subscribe of an Academy Award before age 35, he will also in their stool, the World Health vaccine had triggered faint- the polio viruses used in live
Advertising recount his “overindulgences borne of youthful suc- Organization estimates. ing spells — or even that it vaccines. Those strains have
General information.......................612-673-7777 cess.” Stone has an acknowledged history of drugs About 20,000 children are had killed dozens of children reverted back into forms capa-
Place a classified ad ......................612-673-7000 and alcohol and has been married three times. Stone, born each day in Pakistan. In — and many families locked ble of causing paralysis.
72, said in a statement that he has been reassessing cities with open sewers, and their doors to vaccinators or In the last two years, there
General news line ...........................612-673-4414 his life and decided that all memories are to be cher- where other pathogens may hid their children. have been outbreaks of “vac-
General news fax............................612-673-4359 ished, “pleasant or not.” attach to the same intestinal The issue has split families; cine-derived polio” in Angola,
Sports ..............................................612-673-4447
Business ..........................................612-673-4144
receptors that the vaccine the Times of London recently the Democratic Republic of
Editorial pages................................612-673-4823 Senator writes about gun violence does, it can take many doses described a Pakistani man Congo, Ethiopia, Indonesia,
News in education (NIE) One of Washington’s leading advocates for gun con- to fully immunize a child. returning from work and Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, .............612-673-4929
trol, Sen. Chris Murphy, has a book coming out next Last year’s hotly contested divorcing his wife on the spot Papua New Guinea and Soma-
Job opportunities year. Murphy’s “The Violence Inside Us : national elections temporarily after finding their children’s lia. Last week, a sewage sample
General information.......................612-673-4570 A Br
Brief History of an Ongoing Ameri- threw the program off track as fingers marked with the indel- in western China tested posi-
can Tragedy” will be published Jan. local officials were replaced, ible ink used by polio vaccina- tive for a vaccine-derived polio
Postmaster: Send address changes to Star
Tribune, 650 3rd Av. S., Suite 1300, Minneap-
20, Random House announced Mon- said Aziz Memon, head of tors. Islamic law allows a man strain.
olis, MN 55488-0002. Published daily by Star day. Murphy, a Democrat from Con- Rotary International’s polio to end a marriage by merely Xinjiang, the province
Tribune Media Company, LLC, 650 3rd Av. S.,
Suite 1300, Minneapolis, MN 55488-0002. “Star
necticut, said that the book was an campaign in Pakistan. Cases saying “I divorce you” three where it was found, bor-
Tribune” is a registered trademark of Star Tri- ex
exploration of the roots of violence have typically spiked during times; he threw his wife and ders on both Pakistan and
bune Media Company, LLC. and “a deeply personal journey” of his elections and moments of children out of the house. Afghanistan.
(USPS/351-200) (ISSN/0895-2825) (10/16/95D)
Periodicals postage paid at Minneapolis, MN
own battle against gun violence. His journey
© 2019 StarTribune Media Company LLC.
begins with the 2012 shootings in Newtown, Conn.,
when a gunman killed 20 first-graders and six adults

Britain honors WWII codebreaker

All rights reserved.
at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Murphy added
that he hopes his book will lead to a less polarized
conversation about guns.

Post Malone is coming to the X By KARLA ADAM found dead from cyanide poi-
13 23 32 35 68 21 After landing atop the pop charts last year with his Washington Post soning.
mellow-cool, AutoTune-filled singles “Rockstar” and British Prime Minister The-
Winner/Jackpot “Psycho,” Post Malone has scheduled his first arena LONDON – Alan Turing, a resa May tweeted Monday that
Yes, in Tennessee; $198M headlining concert in the Twin Cities for founding father of computer Turing’s “pioneering work”
Next drawing/Jackpot this fall. The tattoo-faced Dallas rap- science and artificial intelli- played a “crucial part” in end-
Wednesday; $40 million per/singer, 24, lists a Sept. 26 stop at gence, was revealed Monday ing World War II. “It is only
Xcel Energy Center on the itinerary as the face of Britain’s new fitting that we remember his
for his newly announced Runaway 50-pound bank note. legacy and the brilliant con-
Saturday: 6 • 15 • 18 • 25 • 37 Tour. Malone’s “Sunflower” duet Turning was also famed as tribution LGBT people have
Star Ball: 9 partner Swae Lee and Tyla Yaweh are a World War II codebreaker The Bank of England has chosen made to our country” on the
Winner/Jackpot the openers on the tour. Malone’s last st Malone
whose work was widely cred- Alan Turing as the face of the new 50-pound note, she wrote.
None; $2 million public performance in the Twin Cities was ited with hastening the end of country’s new 50-pound note. Dermot Turing, Alan Tur-
Next drawing/Jackpot as part of the 2017 lineup at the New Year’s Eve dance the war and saving thousands ing’s nephew, praised the Bank
Wednesday; $2.05 million fest Snowta, a relatively small gig booked right before of lives. He committed sui- including theoretical physi- of England for focusing on
“Rockstar” made him a big-name act. cide after he was convicted of cist and cosmologist Stephen his uncle’s work in computer
CHRIS RIEMENSCHNEIDER engaging in homosexual activ- Hawking. development and computer
Monday: 3 • 30 • 34 • 35 • 38
ity, then a criminal offense in During World War II, science. “It reminds us that this
CELEBRITY LAWYER: Attorney Michael Avenatti Britain. Turing helped to develop was what he was best known
None; $325,000
says that he now represents three victims of singer Mark Carney, governor of a machine that cracked the for during his own lifetime and
Next drawing/Jackpot
R. Kelly, three whistleblowers who have information the Bank of England, said that Enigma code used by Nazi — I think — what he would
Wednesday; $370,000
about the case and three parents of victims. Speaking “as the father of computer sci- Germany. His work as a code- most wish to be remembered
NORTHSTAR CASH at a news conference in Chicago on Monday, Avenatti ence and artificial intelligence, breaker was depicted in the for today,” he said.
Monday: 9 • 14 • 16 • 21 • 24 said that at least one of the whistleblowers made cop- as well as war hero, Alan Tur- 2014 movie “The Imitation In 2013, after a lengthy
Jackpot: $29,000 ies of the tapes that Avenatti ultimately turned over ing’s contributions were far- Game.” His work also laid the campaign, Queen Elizabeth
to Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx . ranging and pathbreaking.” He groundwork for the modern granted Turing a royal par-
DAILY 3 ASSOCIATED PRESS called Turing “a giant on whose computer and artificial intel- don for his “crime” of homo-
Monday: 0 • 7 • 1 (in order) shoulders so many now stand.” ligence. sexuality. In 2017, under legis-
Carney made the announce- After the war, Turing lation that became known as
MEGA MILLIONS ment Monday at Manchester’s pleaded guilty to a charge of “Turing’s law,” Britain granted
Friday: 8 • 25 • 38 • 56 • 59 A story on A1 Monday misstated one element of a Science and Industry Museum, “indecency” related to his pardons to thousands of gay
Mega Ball: 7 Megaplier: 2 proposed limit on tenant screening in Minneapolis. which will also feature an exhi- homosexuality and was sen- and bisexual men who were
Next drawing/Jackpot Applicants with credit scores greater than 500 would bition of the 12 finalists who tenced to chemical castration. convicted of offenses related
Tonight; $137 million be protected. were considered for the note, In 1954 — at age 41 — he was to their sexuality.

Strict gun laws leads to fewer deaths of U.S. kids, study finds
By MICHELLE CORTEZ argument that gun restrictions Each state in the nation fell after states implemented
Bloomberg News may help avert some of the is allowed to implement its stricter laws, including back-
4,250 deaths that occur each own regulations on buying ground checks for buying guns
Children living in states year among Americans under and carrying guns. The Brady or ammunition and identifi-
with strict firearm laws are less 21, the second leading cause of Campaign reviews them each cation measures like micro-
likely to die from gun violence death in children after traffic year, gathering an expert panel stamping weapons. Goyal and
than those in states with more crashes. States with stricter to assess each state based on 33 her team decided to see if the
lax restrictions, according to a gun laws had 4% fewer pedi- gun policies and rate them on a protective benefits trickled
study in Pediatrics published atric deaths, and those with 100 point scale. The higher the down to children, as measured
Monday. The more rigorous universal background checks score, the stricter the firearm by lower pediatric death rates
the rules, the lower the risk, for firearm purchases in place legislation. in the strictest states.
the research showed. for at least five years had a 35% In the new study, every 10 The researchers weren’t
The U.S. has the highest lower risk, the study found. point increase in a state’s gun able to show that implement-
rate of firearm-related deaths “As a pediatric emergency law score correlated with an ing stricter gun laws would
among children in high- medicine physician, I have per- Associated Press 8% drop in firearm-related directly lead to fewer pediat-
income countries, as well as sonally cared for too many chil- Moms Demanding Action rallied at the Virginia State Capitol in deaths. The protective effects ric gun-related deaths because
the highest rate of gun own- dren who have been unfortu- Richmond on July 9 when lawmakers briefly met in special ses- remained even after the they didn’t compare states
ership and the loosest laws. nate victims of gun violence,” sion to take up gun safety legislation and then adjourned. researchers took into account before and after new regula-
The findings are part of a new said lead author Monika Goyal, other variables, like gun owner- tions were put in place. What
wave of research into the effect director of research in emer- which tracks all fatal injuries 21 during the five-year period. ship, education levels, race and they did find was that those
of firearms on public health. gency medicine at Children’s in the U.S. They cross-refer- The majority of the deaths, income levels, registering a 4% states that already had strict
The National Rifle Asso- National in Washington, D.C. enced their findings with gun 62%, were assaults, followed drop in firearm-related deaths. laws had fewer deaths.
ciation stirred the debate in The researchers analyzed law scorecards from the Brady by suicides. Most occurred “These data suggest that Stricter gun laws are already
November, telling doctors data on deaths caused by fire- Campaign to Prevent Gun Vio- among males, and two-thirds strict firearm legislation may known to lower overall death
to “stay in their lane” after arms between 2011 and 2015 lence, which measures state were 18 to 21 years old. States be protective of children even rates in adults. For children,
the publication of papers on collected as part of the Cen- firearms regulations. with “universal background in areas of high gun owner- the approach with the most
reducing firearm injuries and ters for Disease Control and In all, there were 21,241 checks for a firearm purchase ship,” the researchers wrote. impact was universal back-
deaths in the U.S. Prevention’s injury statistics deaths among children and had lower firearm-related Previous studies found ground checks for gun pur-
The new results bolster the query and reporting system, young adults under the age of mortality rates in children.” overall deaths from firearms chases, the researchers found.
T U E S DAY, J U LY 16, 2019 S TA R T R I B U N E • A3

Officials warn about Medicare fraud involving genetic tests

By WAYNE ROUSTAN The scammers contact Only your doctor can order personal data information is or come to your house. physician. Keep a record of the
Sun Sentinel potential victims through such tests, officials said. compromised, it may be used • Your physician is required sender’s name and the date
telemarketing calls, health The Inspector General rec- in other fraud schemes. by law to provide written you returned the items.
Federal authorities have fairs and even at-home visits. ommends: • If anyone other than your orders for any genetic testing. • If you suspect fraud,
issued a fraud alert about an They offer home-testing kits • Be suspicious of anyone physician’s office requests • If a genetic testing kit is contact an Aging & Disabil-
identity theft scheme using to take a DNA swab for diag- who offers you free genetic your Medicare information, mailed to you, refuse the deliv- ity Resource Center or file a
genetic testing to obtain Medi- nosing health problems and testing and requests your do not provide it. ery or return it to the sender complaint with the Office of
care or Medicaid information. request Medicare numbers. Medicare number. If your • Medicare will not call you unless it was ordered by your Inspector General online.

Home Care ...

... Instead of
Assisted Living or
Nursing Home

CALEB JONES • Associated Press For

Native Hawaiians protest telescope Seniors
and All
Hundreds of demonstrators gathered Monday at the base of Hawaii’s tallest mountain to protest the construction
of a telescope on land that some Native Hawaiians consider sacred. About daybreak, a group of kupuna, or elders,
tied themselves together with rope and blocked the road to the summit of Mauna Kea. Another group lay prone
on the ground with their arms shackled under a grate in the road. Around them, protesters sang and chanted.
Telescope opponent Jennifer Leina’ala Sleightholm said she expects protests to remain peaceful. “I don’t anticipate
anybody will get out of hand,” she said. Scientists hope the telescope planned for the site — a world-renowned
location for astronomy — will help them peer back to the time just after the Big Bang and answer fundamental
(763) 546-8899 • (651) 699-5070
questions about the universe. Hawaii’s Supreme Court has ruled the construction is legal and the state has given
the green light to resume the project. But some Hawaiians consider the land holy, as a realm of gods and a place of
worship — with only the highest-ranking chiefs and priests allowed to make the trek to the summit.

The pledge NATION & WORLD

is back in St. VIRGINIA

Ohio man sentenced to life for rally killing

Louis Park An avowed white supremacist was sentenced to life plus 419
years on Virginia state charges Monday for deliberately driv-
ing his car into anti-racism protesters during a white national-
ø PLEDGE from A1 ist rally in Charlottesville, Va. James Alex Fields Jr., 22, of Mau-
city staff, making it very diffi- mee, Ohio, received the sentence for killing Heather Heyer,
cult for them to serve the resi- 32, and injuring dozens during the “Unite the Right” rally in
dents and businesses in our Charlottesville on Aug. 12, 2017. Last month, Fields received
city, which is the very reason a life sentence on 29 federal hate crime charges.
our local government exists,”
he said at the meeting. N EW YO R K
A short time later, council
members voted 7-0 to reinstate Power failure blamed on burned cable
the pledge. The power failure that plunged a broad swath of Manhattan
Some residents were there into darkness for five hours on Saturday night was caused
to support the council. by the failure of some of Consolidated Edison’s equipment
Kirsten Brekke Albright has near West 65th Street, the utility said. The trouble started
lived in St. Louis Park for more with a 13,000-volt cable that burned up at West 64th Street
than 20 years. She and other and West End Avenue, Con Edison said. A protective relay
residents felt that it was time system that was supposed to keep that failure from spread-
for the council to get back to ing through the grid that supplies power to the city did not
more important work. operate as designed.
“Frankly, this is a distrac-
tion. It saddens me that it’s B A LT I M O R E
gotten the national attention
of mindless, but very effective, 2 die, cop wounded at methadone clinic
agitators and organizers,” she Two people were killed and a veteran police sergeant was
said, adding that she was com- seriously wounded after a man with a gun entered a Baltimore
fortable with the initial deci- methadone clinic and opened fire. Officers who arrived at
sion to nix the pledge. the clinic Monday morning tried to “de-escalate the situa-
But protesters far outnum- tion many times” before an armed man shot at police and the
bered residents like her. officers returned fire, killing the gunman, Baltimore Police
Organizer Marni Hocken- Commissioner Michael Harrison said.
berg of Roseville said the pro-
testers believe the council’s DOMINICAN REPUBLIC
initial decision was another
freedom “being taken away 11th U.S. tourist dies on island
from us bit by bit.” An 11th U.S. tourist has been confirmed dead in the Domini-
“Why take that right away can Republic, this one a 31-year-old from Georgia who died
from other Americans who in March. Tracy Jerome Jester Jr., of Forsyth County, died
are really proud to be united March 17 of “respiratory illness,” his mother said this week.
and indivisible in one nation?” He had been vacationing with his sister and had just wound
she said. “I think the Pledge up a day of sightseeing. Like many of the other tourists who
of Allegiance celebrates our died while vacationing there over the past year, Jester was
diversity, that we’re all united.” taken ill suddenly, vomiting up blood and saying he couldn’t
Hockenberg and other pro-
testers took up most of the
breathe. But his cause of death was unclear. CALL NOW FOR A FREE IN-HOME QUOTE
seats. A large overflow crowd
stood in the hallway.
People who supported the

E.U. races to save Iran nuclear deal (952) 252-5145

council sat up front, with some Scrambling to save the nuclear agreement with Iran, European
holding signs that read, “You foreign ministers declared Monday that Iranian breaches so
are welcome here.” far were not serious enough to take steps that could lead
The council received criti- to reimposed international sanctions and a collapse of the
cism from across the country accord. That conclusion, at a meeting in Brussels, effectively
for its initial decision. Even extended a lifeline for the 2015 nuclear agreement, which has
President Donald Trump been increasingly imperiled since the United States aban-
weighed in on the city’s deci- doned the accord more than a year ago and renewed its own
sion — twice. sanctions on Iran. The European Union ministers reiterated
The city said it will return to their view that the agreement was the only option to curbing
saying the pledge before regu- Iran’s nuclear program. In recent weeks Iran has exceeded
larly scheduled council meet- the amount and purity of the uranium it is permitted under
ings, twice a month. the accord — transgressions that the International Atomic
Energy Agency has confirmed.
Zoë Jackson • 612-673-7112 NEWS SERVICES
A4 • S TA R T R I B U N E T U E S DAY, J U LY 16, 2019


No more asylum if coming through Mexico?

New Trump rule applies lum. The rule also applies to to close the gap between the are simply too scared to stay in
to migrants who pass children who cross the border initial asylum screening that their own countries.
alone. most people pass and the final Oscar Ponce, a 48-year-old
through another country. The vast majority of people decision on asylum that most bus driver from Honduras who
affected by the rule are from people do not win. was waiting in a Mexican bor-
By COLLEEN LONG Central America. But some- Attorney General Wil- der town to cross into the U.S.,
Associated Press times migrants from Africa, liam Barr said that the United said he wanted to apply for asy-
Cuba or Haiti and other coun- States is “a generous country lum legally. He left his home
WASHINGTON – Reversing tries try to come through the but is being completely over- after gangs threatened to kill
decades of U.S. policy, the U.S.-Mexico border, as well. whelmed” by the burdens him if he didn’t pay their “tax.”
Trump administration said There are some exceptions, associated with apprehend- “Plan B is through the river,”
Monday it will end all asylum including for victims of human ing and processing hundreds Ponce told the Associated
protections for most migrants trafficking and asylum-seekers of thousands of migrants at the Press in Ciudad Juárez.
who arrive at the U.S.-Mexico who were denied protection in southern border. Immigration courts are
border — the president’s most another country. If the coun- He also said the rule is backlogged by more than
forceful attempt to block asy- try the migrant passed through aimed at “economic migrants” CHRISTIAN PALMA • Associated Press 800,000 cases, meaning many
lum claims and slash the num- did not sign one of the major and “those who seek to exploit Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard said in Mexico City people won’t have their asy-
ber of people seeking refuge in international treaties govern- our asylum system to obtain on Monday that his country “does not agree with any measure lum claims heard for years.
America. ing how refugees are managed entry to the United States.” that limits access to asylum” at the U.S.-Mexico border. People are generally eli-
The new rule, expected to (though most Western coun- But immigrant rights gible for asylum in the U.S. if
go into effect Tuesday, would tries signed them) a migrant groups, religious leaders and back to places where their lives cross the border each month, they fear return to their home
cover countless would-be could still apply for U.S. asy- humanitarian groups have are in danger ” said Eleanor many claiming asylum. Border country because they would
refugees, many of them flee- lum. said the Republican adminis- Acer of Human Rights First. facilities have been danger- be persecuted based on race,
ing violence and poverty in Mexican Foreign Relations tration’s policies amount to a ACLU attorney Lee Gel- ously cramped and crowded religion, nationality or mem-
Central America. It is certain Secretary Marcelo Ebrard said cruel effort to keep immigrants ernt, who has litigated some well beyond capacity. The bership in a particular social
to face legal challenges. Monday that his country “does out of the country. Guatemala, of the major challenges to the Department of Homeland group.
According to the plan pub- not agree with any measure Honduras and El Salvador are Trump administration’s immi- Security’s watchdog found During the budget year for
lished in the Federal Register, that limits access to asylum.” poor countries, often wracked gration policies, said the rule fetid, filthy conditions for 2009, there were 35,811 asylum
migrants who pass through Mexico’s asylum system is also by violence. was unlawful and the group many children. And lawmak- claims, and 8,384 were granted.
another country — in this case, currently overwhelmed. “This is yet another move planned to sue. ers who traveled there recently During 2018 budget year, there
Mexico — on their way to the Trump administration offi- to turn refugees with well- Tens of thousands of Cen- decried conditions. were 162,060 claims filed, and
U.S. will be ineligible for asy- cials say the changes are meant founded fears of persecution tral American migrant families But many migrants say they 13,168 were granted.

President Donald Trump is
sending a high-level delega-

comes face tion to meet with Russian

counterparts in Geneva this
week to pursue an arms con-

to face with trol treaty that for the first

time would limit the nuclear
arsenals of not just the two

accusers largest powers, but China as

well. Trump broached the idea
with Russian President Vladi-
mir Putin during their meeting
By RENAE MERLE and MATT in Japan last month and has
ZAPOTOSKY • Washington Post also signaled his ambition for
such a three-way accord to
NEW YORK – Two women President Xi Jinping of China.
who say they were sexually Russia has expressed interest;
abused by jet-setting finan- China has not.
cier Jeffrey Epstein stood just Attorney General William
feet from the multimillionaire Barr condemned anti-Semi-
in a federal courtroom Mon- tism and racism in a speech
day, urging a judge to reject his Monday at the Justice Depart-
bid to be released on bail and ment — comments that came
briefly describing what they a day after Trump declared
said he had done to them. that some minority lawmak-
The women spoke at a ers should leave the country.
hearing before U.S. District Barr, at a forum on combat-
Judge Richard Berman, who ing anti-Semitism, decried
said he would decide Thurs- “identity politics,” which he
day whether Epstein should said sought to tear the fabric of
remain locked up. American society, and he com-
Annie Farmer told the judge Photos by BRYAN THOMAS • New York Times
pared hatred based on religion
that she was 16 when she had Mike Newton cleared a blocked storm drain in Baldwin, La. Gov. John Bel Edwards urged residents to remain cautious. or ethnicity to a cancer.


the “misfortune” of meeting
Epstein in New York, and he Kellyanne Conway will
flew her to New Mexico. “He ignore a congressional sub-
was inappropriate with me,” poena at the request of the
she said. As she spoke, she president, refusing to testify
choked up and said she pre- about a government watch-
ferred not to provide details. Final blast of torrential And the problems persisted dog’s findings that she broke
Courtney Wild said Epstein long after Saturday’s landfall the law dozens of times, the
rains unleashed by White House said Monday.
abused her in Palm Beach, Fla., — when Barry came ashore
starting when she was 14. “He weakened Barry. as a weak hurricane. Deluges Last month, the House Over-
is a scary person to have walk- hit parts of southwest Louisi- sight Committee authorized
ing the street,” she said. By KEVIN McGILL and JEFF ana late Sunday into Monday a subpoena for Conway after
Epstein, 66, has been charged MARTIN • Associated Press morning. special counsel Henry Kerner
with sexually abusing dozens of Calcasieu Parish emer- said she blatantly violated the
children from 2002 to 2005. His NEW ORLEANS – Tropical gency director Dick Gremil- Hatch Act, a law that bars fed-
case has riveted the nation, in Depression Barry spared New lion estimated northern parts eral employees from engaging
part because of his wealth and Orleans and Baton Rouge from of the parish got 17 inches in in politics during work.
partly because of a controver- catastrophic flooding, but even a few hours. Two people had President Trump officially
sial plea deal he reached with as it weakened and moved to be rescued from swamped nominated Mark Esper to
prosecutors in 2008 to resolve north through Arkansas, its cars and 19 others were moved become the nation’s next
similar allegations. trailing rain bands swamped from residences threatened by defense secretary, prompting
The deal allowed Epstein parts of Louisiana with up to 17 TAMIR KALIFA • New York Times high water, he said. the retired Army officer to
to spend only about a year inches of rain and transformed Margaret Lee, whose house flooded in 2016, looked out In Oakdale, La., Mayor step down as acting defense
in jail, and plead guilty only part of the Mississippi Delta from Fred’s on the River, a restaurant in Prairieville, La. Gene Paul estimated 14 inches secretary and hand over his
to state crimes, avoiding fed- into “an ocean.” fell overnight. duties to Navy Secretary Rich-
eral charges entirely. It was As of Monday evening, with In Evangeline Parish, north ard Spencer for the duration
approved by then-U. S. Attor- the center of the storm about of Lafayette, KLFY television of the confirmation process.
ney Alex Acosta, who resigned 105 miles northwest of Little showed scenes of water-cov- Esper, a former defense lob-
as labor secretary Friday amid Rock, the National Weather ered streets and flooded cars byist, congressional staffer
the growing controversy sur- Service said flash flood in the town of Ville Platte. and Pentagon official, has
rounding his handling of watches remained in effect in For much of Monday a returned to his previous role
Epstein’s earlier case. southeast Texas through the continuous line of showers as Army secretary until he is
He has pleaded not guilty to lower Mississippi Valley. extended from the southwest confirmed. His confirmation
the new charges. His defense Forecasters said the storm to the northeast. “Please don’t hearing before the Senate
attorneys have said that pros- was expected to produce up to drive through these flooded Armed Services Committee is
ecutors are inappropriately 4 more inches of rain — and areas,” Calcasieu Parish Sheriff scheduled to begin Tuesday.
bringing a new case based in isolated spots as much as Tony Mancuso pleaded with
The Trump administra-
on allegations that Epstein 8 inches — across Arkansas, motorists.
tion failed to follow ethics
thought were covered by his western Tennessee and Ken- In Mississippi, forecasters
rules last year when it dis-
earlier agreement, which they tucky, southeast Missouri, and said 8 inches of rain had fallen
missed academic members
claimed senior Justice Depart- northwest Mississippi. in parts of Jasper and Jones
of Environmental Protection
ment officials were involved in. No fatalities or serious inju- Tammy Graves surveyed the damage to her home from counties by Monday, with
Agency advisory boards and
Berman convened Mon- ries were reported from Barry. flooding after Tropical Storm Barry, in Franklin, La. several more inches possible.
replaced them with appoin-
day’s hearing to help deter- Some of the earliest fears “The South Delta has
tees connected to industry, a
mine whether Epstein should that the storm posed didn’t ing repeats of catastrophic lucky, we were spared,” said become an ocean,” Missis-
federal watchdog agency has
remain jailed before a trial. play out: A shift in its path Baton Rouge area flooding in New Orleans Mayor LaToya sippi Gov. Phil Bryant wrote
concluded. The Government
As they have in the past, decreased the possibility of 2016 — didn’t happen. Cantrell. on Twitter on Monday.
Accountability Office found
prosecutors portrayed Epstein major Mississippi River levees “This was a storm that obvi- But the storm was still The Edison Electric Insti-
that the administration “did
as an unrepentant sex criminal being overtopped at New ously could have played out a huge headache for many. tute estimated that there
not consistently ensure” that
whose wealth would enable Orleans, where catastrophic very, very differently,” Gov. Levees were overtopped along were more than 325,000 power
appointees to EPA advisory
him to flee, and noted that levee breaches along canals John Bel Edwards said. “We’re waterways in some coastal failures reported in several
panels met federal ethics
just that morning they had devastated the city after Hur- thankful that the worst-case parishes. More than 90 people states over the course of the
requirements. It also con-
accessed a safe in which he kept ricane Katrina in 2005. And the scenario did not happen.” were rescued because of high storm, and that about 33,000
cluded that Trump adminis-
piles of cash, dozens of dia- torrents of rain forecasters had “We absolutely made it water in at least 11 parishes, he remained without power as
tration officials violated EPA
monds and a curious, expired said were possible — portend- through the storm. Beyond said. of Monday evening.
guidelines by not basing the
passport from the 1980s that
appointments on recommen-
had a photo of Epstein’s face
dations made by career staff
but a different name. It listed
the owner’s residence as Saudi “We’re thankful that the worst-case scenario did not happen.” members.
Arabia, they said. Gov. John Bel Edwards NEWS SERVICES
T U E S DAY, J U LY 16, 2019 S TA R T R I B U N E • A5

Chaos at the top of $17.5 billion state agency Congestion is here

ø DHS from A1 in state government, harder
to stay, MnDOT says
mounting speculation over than being governor,” Liebling ø TRAFFIC from A1 vide traffic control.
Lourey’s departure: “There’s said. “My sense is that maybe people in 2017 to 3.11 million MnDOT operates MnPass
going to be a desire to find he didn’t have the right mix of in 2018, according to Metro- lanes for carpools, buses,
more dramas than is there. skills for the position. … It’s politan Council figures, and motorcycles and for single
Those of you who know me such a mission impossible.” that means more vehicles on drivers who pay to use them.
know I don’t do drama.” Wheelock, who will take the roads. Lower gas prices The lanes are designed to
The staff tumult comes at over the job Tuesday, was and a drop in transit ridership move more people efficiently
a difficult time for the agency. meeting with senior leader- also factor into the increased by improving traffic flow in
DHS has been under increased ship in the department Mon- congestion, Kary said. adjacent lanes and allowing
pressure from lawmakers to day. Meanwhile, legislators of Motorists are more likely for transit services to travel
rein in spending and crack both parties raised concerns to hit a snarl in the afternoon at higher speeds.
down on fraud in state-licensed about the upheaval at the mas- than in the morning, though When MnDOT completes
programs while simultane- sive state agency. drivers on the most traffic- construction on I-35W in
ously meeting the care needs “It’s too early in the Walz choked routes can plan on downtown Minneapolis
of the state’s expanding popu- administration to have a riding the brakes part of the and a new MnPass lane on
lation of poor, elderly and frail scandal like this,” said House way to and from work. I-35W from Roseville to Lino
people in the state’s Medical Minority Leader Kurt Daudt, In the mornings between Lakes, that may add some
Assistance program. Photos by LEILA NAVIDI • R-Crown. “Minnesotans 5 a.m. and 10 a.m., bottle- short-term improvement,
Republican lawmakers held DFL Gov. Tim Walz said at a news conference Monday that deserve answers and trans- necks are most likely on Kary said. But without add-
a news conference Monday Human Services Commissioner Tony Lourey left of his own parency from Governor Walz Interstate 35W between the ing more capacity on high-
decrying the pace of an inves- volition and was not fired. Sen. Michelle Benson, R-Ham Lake, about what’s going on.” cities of Lexington and Arden ways across the metro, he
tigation of the agency’s Inspec- urged Walz to ask private sector experts to assess the agency. Sen. Michelle Benson, Hills in the north and from said, those improvements
tor General Carolyn Ham, R-Ham Lake, who chairs a key Burnsville up to the Minne- may just push the problems
who was placed on paid leave said it is unlikely that Lourey In his resignation letter, health care committee, called sota River in the south. Driv- downstream.
in March after the legislative left on his own accord, given Lourey said he believes a social on Walz to turn to private ers also are likely to encoun- “There is just a lot of stress
auditor found high levels of his dedication to the agency safety net is key to making Min- sector experts to examine the ter a very slow roll on both on the roads,” Kary said. “You
fraud in the state’s child-care and its mission. nesota one of the best places to agency, much as he did with directions of Interstate 94 in will be sharing the roads with
assistance program. “This is a giant iceberg,” live and that social programs the state’s flawed car registra- downtown Minneapolis. more travelers.”
The state has also struggled said, Abeler, R-Anoka. “There — and the state workers who tion system earlier this year. In the evenings, the worst Money for mitigation
to meet a burgeoning demand is something just below the run them — allow people to The three top-level resig- travel spots are on Interstate efforts has been tough to get
for home care services amid a surface that none of us know lead healthier lives and “dem- nations are likely to delay a 494 through Bloomington from the Legislature in recent
severe shortage of care work- about.” onstrate our collective com- number of major initiatives and Interstate 94 in down- years.
ers. Johnson and Wilson, who passion for one another.” But at DHS, which serves 1.2 mil- town Minneapolis, where “As the Twin Cities grow,
In his resignation letter, announced their departures he made clear he is no longer lion people, including some speeds drop below 45 mph and our roads continue to age
Lourey said he was proud of Thursday, have not return the one to lead DHS. of the state’s most vulner- for a majority of the peak and deteriorate, it’s impera-
the administration’s accom- repeated phone calls and “I believe a new leader is able populations. The agency period from 2 to 7 p.m. tive that we identify a long-
plishments during his time e-mails. necessary to best execute had embarked on efforts to MnDOT collected data term, dedicated funding solu-
at the Department of Human Walz said Lourey merely your vision for human ser- streamline billions of dollars from more than 4,000 in- tion to invest in transporta-
Services. The agency boosted decided he was not the right vices and continue the critical in Medicaid benefits for frail pavement and roadside radar tion, improve our system’s
funding for the state’s cash leader at this moment. “You work of improving the health and elderly Minnesotans; sensors along 782 miles of efficiency and keep Min-
assistance program for fami- have a complex agency. I think of Minnesotans across the eliminate long-standing bar- metro freeways and highways nesotans moving,” MnDOT
lies, maintained the health the skill set that Commissioner state,” he wrote in his resig- riers to community inclusion to put the report together. It Commissioner Margaret
provider tax that Republicans Lourey possessed was incred- nation letter. for individuals with disabili- collected the data in October Anderson Kelliher said in a
sought to end, and broke down ibly helpful,” Walz said. “I Sen. Tina Liebling, DFL- ties; and crack down on fraud 2018 and compared it with statement.
silos between mental health think now with the complex- Rochester, chairwoman of the in the state’s Child Care Assis- previous Octobers because Commuter Matt Steele of
and chemical dependency, he ity of delivery of [child care] House Health and Human Ser- tance Program for low-income that month represents regular Minneapolis drives on Twin
said. and some of the other things, vices Policy Committee, said families. traffic patterns with decent Cities freeways a few times
But while Lourey sought I will take Commissioner Lou- Lourey called her last week “This brings any momen- weather, school in session, a week and thinks motor-
to put a positive spin on the rey at his word that he felt he to inform her that Johnson tum this agency has to a com- vacation season largely over ists should pay for using the
department and its leadership, was not the right person at this and Wilson were leaving the plete stop,” said Sen. John and road construction proj- roads.
some lawmakers expressed time to do that.” agency. He provided no details Hoffman, DFL-Champlin, a ects winding down. “Unpredictable trip times
deep misgivings about the With his quick unexplained of the reason for their depar- member of the Human Ser- To help alleviate conges- can be a frustration, which is
circumstances surrounding departure, Lourey continues tures, nor did he give any indi- vices Reform Finance and tion, MnDOT uses ramp why I want to see MnDOT
his exit. to be a headache for the Walz cation that he would be resign- Policy Committee. “It’s a sad meters to control the num- pursue dynamic tolling [con-
Sen. Jim Abeler, chairman administration. Republicans ing, she said. moment for our state when ber of vehicles entering con- gestion pricing] of our urban
of the Human Services Reform won the special election to But Liebling said she could you have more than 1 million gested roads, displays infor- freeways,” he said. “I’d rather
Finance and Policy Commit- replace Lourey, expanding tell by the tone of Lourey’s people left in the lurch without mation about crashes and pay a few dollars and ensure
tee, said the sudden depar- their majority in the Senate voice that he was “struggling any explanation.” road conditions on overhead I can drive at speed, rather
ture of the three top admin- to 35-32 and empowering the with what had happened” at electronic message boards, than sit idling in congested
istrators at DHS represents GOP to thwart major DFL the agency. J. Patrick Coolican • 651-925-5042 and has Freeway Incident traffic.”
“absolutely the biggest crisis proposals such as paid family “It’s important to remem- Chris Serres • 612-673-4308 Response Safety Team trucks
this agency has ever seen.” He leave and a gas tax for roads. ber that this is the hardest job Jessie Van Berkel • 651-925-5044 respond to crashes and pro- Tim Harlow • 612-673-7768

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A6 • S TA R T R I B U N E T U E S DAY, J U LY 16, 2019

Editorials represent the opinions of the Star Tribune Editorial Board, which operates
Readers Write
independently and is not involved in setting newsroom policies or in reporting or editing
articles in other sections of the newspaper or To learn about the Editorial
Board or about how the opinion pages are produced, see


SCOTT GILLESPIE, Editor, Editorial Pages

Trump’s latest from

the tool kit of racism
Early on Sunday morning, when many American families were prepar- SUSAN WALSH • Associated Press
ing for church, sleeping in, sipping coffee, or perhaps already hard at work, Trump tweeted over the weekend that Democratic Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, left, Ayanna Press-
President Donald Trump decided to hop on Twitter for a particularly ugly ley, center, Rashida Tlaib, right, and Ilhan Omar should “go back” home.
Two-Minute Hate.
This time he unleashed an unapologetically racist, xenophobic spew THE PRESIDENT’S TWEETS
against four Democratic congresswomen of color, whom he accused of
having come from countries that were “a complete and total catastrophe,
the worst, the most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world.” And then he Reject Trump’s racism
told them to “go back there … you can’t leave fast enough.” On Monday, he
not only rejected calls to apologize but said condemnation of his remarks President Donald Trump’s weekend tweets provided us all with the final proof that Trump,
“doesn’t concern me because many people agree with me.” In the fashion by his own words, is a racist (“Trump: ‘Why don’t they go back?’ ” July 15).
of a true bully, he then demanded an apology from those whom he attacked. He has told four nonwhite women who are elected members of Congress to go back to where
The “go back where you came from” insult is one of the oldest in the rac- they came from.
ist’s tool kit. It is intended to hurt, to otherize, to elevate the one hurling it We cannot change Trump. What we can try to change are those elected Republican officials
and to demote the recipient to second-class status. It has been employed who, shamelessly, continue to support him. For those who have or might vote Republican, now
regularly by those who are ignorant and is the time to take a stand. Continue to remain silent, or demand that those who represent you
fearful and looking for someone to kick. in government do what’s right and publicly reject Trump.
The “go back This time a U.S. president attacked duly NEIL FAGERHAUGH, Hugo
where you came elected officials, three of whom were •••
born in this country while one, Minneso-
from” message is ta’s Rep. Ilhan Omar, came here as a ref-
The president has called out four new members around the world.
of Congress that they should apologize to him and I have nothing against the Pledge of Allegiance,
especially ignorant, ugee, attained citizenship and then elec- our country for trying to tell us how to run our but I believe our City Council did the right thing
hurtful. tion to Congress. government. How ironic! This president has no by eliminating it from council meetings. It is, in
Trump uses racial slurs to foment hatred, idea how our government works or the jobs of essence, a citizenship pledge, and not all of our
the people in the government that make it run. community members are citizens, and noncitizen
to demonize and dehumanize, to turn Amer-
He doesn’t know the history of this country and residents pay taxes, too. Some may be in the pro-
icans against one another at every opportunity. It shouldn’t matter whether what laws and customs have come about to make cess of seeking citizenship. Others may be here
Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley and Omar this the greatest country well before him. He is a for school and will return to their homeland in
are “from” here or not. They are Americans. They belong here. They owe salesman/dictator who plays to his base only and the future; perhaps she is an engineering student
Trump no apology, and they should be secure in the knowledge that in doesn’t listen to anyone who disagrees with him who will return to her home to build infrastruc-
about people, foreign policy and allies. He only ture for clean drinking water. Still others may have
this country they can voice criticism without fear of retribution from the thinks of himself and his re-election. Letting him broken hearts knowing that they cannot stay here.
nation’s leader. rant and rave about everything only gives him all All of them are members of our community and
This should not be treated as just another Twitter rant by someone who the attention he wants. deserve a seat at our community table where they
has made the demonization of immigrants part of his stock in trade. The Get down to business, Congress, and stand up for are welcomed and comfortable. We don’t know
the government and ideals so many have died for. everyone’s story, and our City Council’s actions
continual barrage of insults and assaults on Trump’s perceived enemies at MARY DOSAN, Eveleth, Minn. showed understanding, recognition and compas-
home and abroad is taking a serious toll. Americans who cherish this coun- ••• sion in regard to that.
try’s values and immigrant history shouldn’t allow him to determine litmus Trump cannot see that the members of Con- Hate, stay out of St. Louis Park!
tests for who qualifies as the right kind of American. gress he criticized are already helping to “fix the MEG McCORMICK, St. Louis Park
totally broken and crime infested places” where
World leaders have put Trump on such notice already, with several issu- three of them were born — the United States. And NUCLEAR WEAPONS
ing statements condemning his words. Asked about Trump’s comments, together they already “show us how it is done.” Here’s Trump’s chance to be great
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said, “That is not how we do things STAN KAUFMAN, New Brighton
in Canada. A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian, and the diversity of our ••• With a president who claims to be the greatest
Why the constant amazement at outrageous deal maker of all time, one could only hope he
country is actually one of our greatest strengths and a source of tremendous
events caused by the president? It’s like Captain would use those negotiating skills in following a
resilience and pride for Canadians. We will continue to defend that.” There Renault in the movie “Casablanca” being shocked legal requirement to combat one of the existential
was a time when U.S. leaders from both parties spoke that way. to learn there is gambling at Rick’s Cafe. Trump threats to human life on this planet.
Criticism from congressional Republicans has been slow, but it’s com- commands the press, and it reports the heinous In 2020, the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of
treatment of immigrants. He wants that. The bor- Nuclear Weapons will be 50 years old. Article VI of
ing. Rep. Mike Turner of Ohio was one of the first to say that Trump’s com-
der concentration camps, and separating children that treaty requires parties to the treaty to “pursue
ments “were racist and he should apologize.” Republican Rep. Will Hurd, of and infants from parents, are designed to discour- negotiations in good faith on effective measures
Texas, called the tweets “racist and xenophobic” and “behavior that’s unbe- age illegal immigration. That’s pretty clear. Just as relating to cessation of the nuclear arms race at
coming of the leader of the free world. He should be talking about things we waterboarded overseas, we are torturing at the an early date and to nuclear disarmament, and on
that unite, not divide us.” southern border. The real tragedy is the willing- a Treaty on general and complete disarmament
ness of a significant group of U.S. voters to endorse under strict and effective international control.”
Disappointingly, none of the condemnations came from any of the these policies, which provides aid and comfort to The five countries with the overwhelming pre-
Republican members of Minnesota’s delegation, even though their col- white supremacists and racists. ponderance of those nuclear weapons — China,
league, Omar, was a specific target of Trump’s ire. The Star Tribune Edi- We have met the enemy, and it is us. France, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United
torial Board contacted Reps. Tom Emmer, Jim Hagedorn and Pete Stauber RICHARD BREITMAN, Minneapolis States — have all ratified that treaty.
••• It’s been nearly half of a century now. Have these
early Monday but had received no comment by the end of the business day. The July 15 Star Tribune headline “Trump: ‘Why countries been negotiating in good faith? If not,
Minnesota should expect better from its congressional representatives. don’t they go back?’” and the summary “His tweet what an opportunity this is for a president who is
Voters entrust these leaders to represent them on issues important to the was about four congresswomen of color” perfectly intent on following the law and who happens to
state, but also to reflect its values. Minnesota has worked hard to welcome gave your readers the strong impression (albeit, possess such remarkable negotiating skills.
false impression) that the president was telling Mr. President: Do your thing, follow the law,
immigrant and refugee communities and has benefited greatly from what these congresswomen to go back to their coun- shame past administrations — both Democratic
those communities have added. We expect our elected representatives, tries because they’re not white. Perfect. and Republican — and create a truly worthy legacy.
whatever their party, to uphold this state’s commitment to those values, But did you really find it necessary to mention CHUCK TURCHICK, Minneapolis
and to stand up to the hate that can spread like contagion through a com- in the bowels of the article that what Trump actu-
ally told them was legitimate advice: “Why don’t C H A R I TA B L E G I V I N G
munity and country.
they go back and fix the totally broken and crime ‘Dirty’ money can be used for good
infested places from which they came. Then come
back and show us how it is done”? In Saturday’s article about Jeffrey Epstein’s
Remember, we never want to miss an oppor- charitable giving (“Epstein’s giving questioned,”
OTHER VIEWS tunity to twist Trump’s words to make him look July 13), three organizations were noted for giving
bad. After all, we are trying to secure the future back the money they received.
R E G U L AT I N G T H E I N T E R N E T out hate speech or harassment. Hawley of our country. I don’t get it. Why take money away from an
Congress must take care in proposes a change: Regulators will cer- DOUG DAGGETT, Minneapolis organization that helps children and young peo-
tify sites as “politically neutral.” Those ple and give it back to someone who has harmed
rewriting liability safeguard that pass muster can keep their protec- ILHAN OMAR them? What is considered acceptable money,
Twenty-six words may be responsi- tion, and those that do not can dress I’m on her side, but I want the truth anyway? Does a murderer, or someone who com-
ble for a system that today serves more up for court. mits domestic assault, have money good to take?
than 4 billion people around the world. But Section 230 was never supposed No, J. Patrick Coolican (“What the Post said How about a convicted drunken driver who wants
Now, some in Congress want to rewrite to be a bargain. In fact, the law exists to about Omar,” July 14): Fiction is not an accepted to donate to Mothers Against Drunk Driving? If
them. encourage companies to moderate con- tool in all national discourse. U.S. Rep. Ilhan people’s past and morals are going to determine
Section 230 of the Communications tent without worrying that exercising Omar’s fuzzy grasp of fact and source is appalling whether their money is good to take, I think funds
Decency Act protects internet com- editorial discretion will get them treated to me, as it is to many other Democrats. While could start drying up quickly. I understand it looks
panies from liability for posts from as editors — to furnish them not only she may be doing some good in Congress, Omar good to be righteous, but if the money is legal ten-
third parties, with few exceptions. It’s with a shield, but also with a sword. By deserves much of the criticism she is receiving der, I say use it and do good with it!
this immunity that allows sites such as casting content moderation as censor- for her toxic and uninformed comments. Being a CHRISTOPHER BRADSHAW, Columbus
Twitter to host hundreds of millions of ship, Hawley’s bill would push sites to Democrat (and, as Coolican put it, a “storyteller”
people’s musings in real time and every discard systems crucial to making the of my “clan”) doesn’t let her off the hook for the
consumer review service or website web a safer place. Twitter would prob- responsibility to be factual and thoughtful in front YOUR VIEWS?
with a comments section to open itself ably have to look a lot more like Gab of her microphone. We welcome your participation in these pages,
up to conversation — all without fear of and Facebook a lot more like 4chan in MARY CUMMINGS, St. Paul whether in letters for the “Readers Write” section or
a flurry of lawsuits. (The Washington order for them to earn the politically commentaries for the “Opinion Exchange” page.
Post, like all major news organizations, neutral designation. Otherwise, they’d PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The best way to contribute is through the
has occasionally cited Section 230 as a lose their immunity and risk being sued St. Louis Park doesn’t need it “Submit a letter or commentary” link on our website,
defense when appropriate in legal cases.) into bankruptcy. Section 230 is not nec- at You can also submit by
To Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., and his essarily sacrosanct. While all are welcome in St. Louis Park, hate e-mail to
compatriots in the conservative cru- But if Congress is going to have any is not. We will not let hate hijack patriotism by Submissions must be exclusive to us in Minnesota.
sade against Silicon Valley’s so-called conversation about reforming it, the bowing to hate-filled agitators who do not even All must include the writer’s real, legal name,
censorship, however, tech companies aim should be sharpening companies’ live here (“Sparks fly over pledge removal,” July address, occupation and phone numbers. Letters and
are not holding up their “end of the bar- sword, not dulling it. Otherwise, those 9). Ours is a diverse, progressive community; that’s rebuttals become the property of the Star Tribune
gain.” Platforms, he says, hide behind 4 billion people will find the internet a why many of us choose to live here. I love my coun- and may be republished in any format. Letters
a shield preventing them from being lot less friendly. try, my city and my community. I believe in our should be brief, up to 250 words. Articles should be
treated like publishers, while acting FROM AN EDITORIAL IN Constitution and our history of welcoming refu- fewer than 700 words. Because of the volume of
like publishers every time they stamp THE WASHINGTON POST gees and acting as a leader in doing what is right submissions, we cannot respond to all writers.
T U E S DAY, J U LY 16, 2019 S TA R T R I B U N E • A7

Opinion Exchange
Commentaries are selected to present a range of perspectives and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Star Tribune Editorial Board.


Trump drops pretense It’s no surprise that

in a racist America Republicans are quiet
Democrats want to manage racism, not face it. Trump takes the mask off us all. The options are speak up about Trump, or keep your job. You can’t have both.

At a Middle Eastern restaurant in south Minneapolis, a young Somali-American man moved By now, it’s not a surprise that congressional Republicans are largely silent as President
to my table, sat down with his plate, started eating and began a conversation in a soft tone: Donald Trump attacks four American congresswomen in language that, outside the GOP, has
“Ahmed Tharwat — you are Ahmed Tharwat.” been widely condemned as racist.
“Yes … I’m …” They’ve learned over the years that they have nothing to gain by speaking out against
“I read your articles at [the] Star Tribune. I’m your Facebook friend, too.” Trump, and plenty to lose — like their jobs.
“Aha. Thanks. Appreciate it — please keep reading.” Let’s go back to one of the first high-profile times that Trump used, in Republicans’ own
“But I’m a Republican.” words, racist language. Trump was the Republican nominee for president and was accusing
“A Republican!?” a judge overseeing a lawsuit about Trump University of being biased because of the judge’s
“I don’t trust [the] DFL anymore. They lie to us.” Hispanic heritage. At the time, House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., called it “the textbook
“Do you trust Republicans?” definition of a racist comment.”
“At least they are more honest. They tell you: We don’t like you, we don’t want you — but What happened to Ryan? Trump won the election, Republicans embraced him, and Ryan
they leave alone. I can deal with that.” retired after two years rather than keep trying to play nice with Trump.
I’m telling you this lunch story because it may explain the latest filth coming from the The next time Trump used language about race that shocked the nation was a year later,
potty-mouth of President Donald Trump. during deadly protests led by white supremacists in Charlottesville, Va. A neo-Nazi supporter
“So interesting to see ‘Progressive’ Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from was recently convicted of murder for ramming a car into a group of peaceful protesters. Yet
countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt at the time of the attack, Trump said, “I think there is blame on both sides.”
and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now Ryan said language like that was wrong, but maintained he wasn’t going to do anything
loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful about it.
Nation on earth, how our government is to be run,” Trump wrote Sunday morning on Twit- Former Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee tried to. Once on a shortlist for a Trump Cabinet
ter, adding that they should “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places post, Corker decided to use his leverage as a known Trump ally to say this: “The president
from which they came,” which, in three of the four examples, is the United States. has not yet been able to demonstrate the stability nor some of the competence that he needs
His comments about the four progressive Democrats — who are women of color! — trig- to demonstrate in order to be successful.”
gered a knee-jerk avalanche of media reaction. Acting surprised is the way the media and Corker saw his popularity in Tennessee plummet. He is now retired.
closet racists deal with Trump’s oratory outbursts. But the outspoken racist has taken the Fast-forward to the 2018 midterm elections. It’s primary season, and some of the House’s
mask off us all. He is putting an ugly face on ugly America, millions of whose citizens voted most conservative Republicans are in danger of not even winning their primaries. Why?
for him despite knowing what kind of person he is. (When asked Monday about reactions to In the case of Rep. Martha Roby in Alabama, voters there remembered how she said she
his tweet, he replied: “It doesn’t concern me because many people agree with me.”) wouldn’t vote for Trump because of the way he bragged about sexually assaulting women
As the Atlantic reported in June, in an article titled “The Oral History of Trump’s Bigotry,” in an “Access Hollywood” tape released in the final weeks of the presidential campaign.
Trump has assembled a long record of comment on issues involving African-Americans, as She eventually won her primary. But another outspoken Republican critic of Trump
well as Mexicans, Hispanics more broadly, Native Americans, Muslims, Jews, immigrants, wasn’t so lucky. Trump tweeted the day of South Carolina’s primary for Republican voters
women, and people with disabilities. His statements have been reflected in his behavior — from to knock out sitting congressman Mark Sanford. And they did.
public acts (placing ads calling for the execution of five young black and Latino men accused “We’re playing with real fire in a reason-based republic,” Sanford told me shortly after
of rape, who were later shown to be innocent) to private preferences. (“When Donald and losing his primary.
Ivanka came to the casino, the bosses would order all the black people off the floor,” a former Mia Love, the lone black Republican in the House, lost her re-election in Utah in Novem-
employee of Trump’s Castle, in Atlantic City, New Jersey, told a writer for the New Yorker.) ber after she criticized Trump for calling Haiti, where her family is from, one of several
The racist never hides his racist DNA. As a news analysis in the New York Times explained: “shithole countries.”
“When it comes to race, Mr. Trump plays with fire like no other president in a century. While “Mia gave me no love,” Trump said, “and she lost.”
others who occupied the White House at times skirted close to or even over the line, finding Seeing a theme here? Republicans who have spoken out forcefully and memorably about
ways to appeal to the resentments of white Americans with subtle and not-so-subtle appeals, Trump are no longer Republican officeholders. It is overly simplistic to say these Republi-
none of them in modern times fanned cans retired because of their battles
the flames as overtly, relentlessly and with Trump — though in Ryan’s case,
even eagerly as Mr. Trump.” STEVE SACK STAR TRIBUNE a new book suggests that might be
America has never come to terms true. But all of them saw the writing
with its ugly past. Its aim is not to face on the wall: I can either speak out
white nationalism head-on but rather to about Trump, or keep my job. In this
manage it. Trump’s racism is condoned Republican Party, you can’t do both.
by a Republican Party and supported One Republican member of Con-
by millions of Americans. Democratic gress is kind of testing that theory.
bosses, from Presidents Bill Clinton and On Sunday, Rep. Chip Roy of Texas
Barack Obama to, now, House Speaker became the lone Republican law-
Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader maker to quickly condemn Trump’s
Chuck Schumer and presidential can- remarks, tweeting that Trump “was
didate Joe Biden, like to manage ugly wrong to say any American citizen,
America from the center. While Trump whether in Congress or not, has any
puts an ugly face on the ugly things, ‘home’ besides the U.S.” Though in
they try to put a smiley face on them. that same tweet he made sure to qual-
Obama, the Nobel Peace Prize win- ify how supportive he is of Trump’s
ner, dropped bombs on people of color immigration policies.
overseas, deported refugees and shifted Self-preservation is the default
wealth to the 1%. Trump took off the mode of any politician. Most of the
mask — no pretense — exposing every- congressional survivors of Trump’s
one, politicians and system. If Trump takeover of the Republican Party
puts refugees in concentration camps, went into that mode when Trump
Pelosi wants not to end the practice; she attacked a federal judge, and again
just wants it to be more manageable. when he didn’t forcefully stand up
In the 2020 election, we won’t have for peaceful people protesting white
Russian collusion. I’m afraid this time supremacy. So when Trump attacks
the collusion will be with American Democratic lawmakers, who are reg-
racists. ular boogeymen on Fox News any-
way, there’s no political incentive for
Ahmed Tharwat is host of the Arab-American TV Republicans to say anything about it.
show BelAhdan. He grew up in a small village in That’s the way Trump has engi-
Egypt. He blogs at Notes From America (www. neered the Republican Party, to be and is working on a documentary, able to get away with whatever he
“The Coptic Grave.” On Twitter: @ahmediaTV. wants to say. And it’s working.


How a St. Paul backer through and through soured on that city
Minneapolis is now the place needed Minneapolis when you had the food, the parks and the people. It my sandwich bag — and good luck there are people there on nights and
for me, even though I work in Tea Garden (now Sencha), Blue was amazing, open and warm. finding a public recycling receptacle. weekends, but the city has a long way
Door, the Nook, Groveland Tap, and After passing the bar, I landed a gig With its limited areas for lounging to go. Encourage business owners
downtown St. Paul. more? Not this girl, until I was given in downtown Minneapolis. When outside, which often smell in any to share their open spaces — sub-
a 60-day notice to move out of my I went to buy a house, I passed on case, and park benches already filled sidies or tax breaks are a great way
By SARA GREETHURST month-to-month lease. I scrambled Highland Park homes in St. Paul that with individuals who will be parked to offer this. Put out more benches.
to find a roommate because I was I had once dreamed of owning, and there all day, the city discourages its Spark a sense of community between
On an 82-degree day, I parked broke in law school. I ended up turn- instead focused on being as close as downtown workers from enjoying the corporate 9-to-5 individuals
myself in the shade of one of the ing to Craigslist and found an amaz- possible to the Kingfield neighbor- fresh air and the built landscape. The and those not working during the
few grassy areas in St. Paul to munch ing woman. The catch: She wanted hood of southwest Minneapolis — moment a person steps into unoc- day. Add additional trash cans, and
down a sandwich while listening to to live in Minneapolis, specifically home to Five Watt and Hola Arepa, cupied grass, that person is asked maybe even a recycling or compost
an audio book. Shortly thereafter, a near the lakes. among other fantastic gems. to leave. I was likely given more bin.
security guard appeared in front of I, like many other college stu- But after I had begun settling courtesy due to my business-casual As of now, St. Paul is a job. I’m still
me, chatting. dents, had my fair share of nights into a permanent Minneapolis life, appearance. a Minneapolis girl.
“Excuse me?” I said, pulling out out in Uptown. I had just recently a dream opportunity opened up at St. Paul is currently looking to
my headphones to hear him. bought a paddleboard and explored Securian Financial in downtown St. revitalize its downtown area. Sure, Sara Greethurst is a compliance analyst.
“Hi, ma’am. I just wanted to let the lakes with it a couple times. With Paul, and I jumped. It was a down-
you know that the owner has a strict the trails and water in Minneapolis, town environment in a town I used
‘No Loitering’ policy on this lawn. I was willing to get over myself and to love. How different could it be?
You can stay for 5 to 10 minutes no cross the river from St. Paul. After Very.
problem, but then you have to move all, I was desperate. But for the first In Minneapolis, there are numer-
on.” six months, and when I was not at ous parks and places for you to
This is the problem with St. Paul. my downtown Minneapolis campus, lounge. Trash and recycling cans
This Minneapolis girl previously I went back to St. Paul for everything are found about every 20 feet. Sure,
was a St. Paul gal. I attended the but groceries and paddleboarding. there are beggars and loiterers, but
University of St. Thomas — the St. When my roommate gave me flak for people seem happy to enjoy the com-
Paul campus for undergrad and the not visiting the area around our new munity. St. Paul, on the other hand,
Minneapolis campus for law school. West Calhoun place more, I caved. I smells of fried food. The only people
I lived in St. Paul neighborhoods dur- tried Wakame down the street and you ever see outside in the few parks
ing six of my seven years in school. soon the Harriet Brassiere. I then are beggars, cat-callers and loiterers.
Like any good St. Paul team mem- discovered my greatest love, Five Trash cans are nearly impossible to ANTHONY SOUFFLÉ •
ber, I hardly crossed the river. Who Watt. Minneapolis hooked me with find — I walked two blocks holding Downtown St. Paul, as seen from Harriet Island Park.
A8 • S TA R T R I B U N E T U E S DAY, J U LY 16, 2019

Omar reports raising more than $600,000 for her 2020 bid
By TOREY VAN OOT reflects her high media pro- nesota campaign finance law is expected to be home to a Jason Lewis, are also consid- Rep. Tom Emmer, chair- file as she continues to clash as a state legislator renewed number of competitive con- ering a run. man of the National Repub-
with Trump and sometimes lingering questions about her tests in 2020, with a U.S. Senate Republican Rep. Jim Hage- lican Congressional Commit-
Rep. Ilhan Omar, in the even leaders of her own party. marital history and tax filings. race and a handful of targeted dorn, whose southern Min- tee, raised more than $375,000
vortex of President Donald Her history-making elec- Those controversies have House seats on the ballot. nesota district is expected to and ended the quarter with
Trump’s Twitter attack on four tion as the first Somali-Amer- helped fuel frequent political Democratic Sen. Tina Smith, be a top target for Democrats $544,000 cash on hand. Rep.
Democratic congresswomen ican and one of the first Mus- attacks from leading Republi- running for a full six years in in 2020, took in just shy of Betty McCollum took in
of color, raised more than lim women elected to Con- cans, including Trump. the Senate after winning last $197,000. The freshman repre- $118,000. The D emocratic
$600,000 for her re-election gress catapulted her into the The latest fundraising totals year’s special election to fill sentative has about $320,000 incumbent reported $225,000
bid between April and June, national spotlight and won suggest the attention and the remainder of former Sen. cash on hand heading into the in campaign reserves.
ending the second quarter praise from those who saw attacks continue to energize Al Franken’s term, raised more second half of the year. Long- D emocratic Reps. Angie
with nearly $1 million in her her win as a sign of progress Omar’s supporters. The former than $1.5 million in the second time Democratic Rep. Collin Craig and Dean Phillips, GOP
campaign account. toward more inclusivity and state legislator won the Minne- quarter. Peterson reported raising just Rep. Pete Stauber — all fresh-
Omar, a Democrat from Min- diversity in politics. But Omar apolis-based Fifth Congressio- The former lieutenant gov- $160,000, but ended the quarter men who won competitive
neapolis, reported the fundrais- also faced rebuke over a series nal District with 78% of the vote ernor reported about $2 million with more than $830,000 in the races in 2018 — and U.S. Sen.
ing haul Monday morning in a of comments about the politi- in 2018 and is not currently fac- in the bank. bank. Peterson won re-election Amy Klobuchar, running for
campaign finance filing with the cal influence of the pro-Israel ing a primary challenge. Her only declared GOP in a vast western Minnesota president, were expected to
Federal Election Commission. lobby, words that were con- Political handicappers view challenger so far, composer district that Trump swept by 30 submit their full reports to the
Omar’s fundraising rep- demned by lawmakers from the quarterly campaign finance Robert Barrett, reported rais- percentage points in 2016. He FEC late Monday. They faced
resents a bounty of cash for both parties for conjuring anti- reports, due Monday, as one ing just over $10,000. Several recently told the Star Tribune a midnight deadline.
a freshman running in a safe Semitic stereotypes. A probe measure of strength of candi- high-profile Republicans, that he will announce his plans
Democratic seat, but it also that found she violated Min- dates on the ballot. Minnesota including former GOP Rep. for 2020 early next year. Torey Van Oot • 651-925-5049

Omar, allies decry Trump’s attacks as divisive

ø OMAR from A1 Pelosi, who last week faced None responded to requests
to pit us against one another,” blowback for critical com- for comment.
Omar said. ments about the four congress- Several GOP leaders in
Pressley voiced gratitude women, turned her attention to Washington spoke out, while
for the support the four have Trump over the weekend. His also taking a swipe at the four
received in light of the “most attack on the four congress- lawmakers.
recent xenophobic, bigoted women “reaffirms his plan to “I disagree strongly with
remarks from the occupant of ‘Make America Great Again’ many of the views and com-
our White House.” has always been about mak- ments of some of the far-left
“I encourage the American ing America white again,” she members of the House Dem-
people and all of us — in this tweeted on Sunday. ocratic Caucus — especially
room and beyond — to not take Pelosi announced on Mon- when it comes to their views
the bait,” Pressley said. day that Democratic leaders on socialism, their anti-Semitic
Addressing the nation’s chil- were preparing a vote on a rhetoric, and their negative
dren, Ocasio-Cortez rejected House resolution condemning comments about law enforce-
Trump’s words and said that what she called “disgraceful” ment — but the President’s
they were the opposite of what and “xenophobic language” in tweet that some Members of
America stands for. “No mat- Trump’s weekend tweets. Congress should go back to the
ter what the president says, this Trump was asked at the ‘places from which they came’
country belongs to you. And it White House ceremony was way over the line, and he
belongs to everyone. … This whether it concerned him that should take that down,” Sen.
weekend, that very notion was many people found his tweets Susan Collins, R-Maine, said
challenged,” she said. to be racist, given that they in a statement.
Meanwhile Trump, speak- specifically singled out four And Sen. Mitt Romney,
ing at a White House event on women of color. R-Utah, said Trump “failed
Monday to honor American “It doesn’t concern me ANDREW HARNIK • Associated Press very badly yesterday and
manufacturers, including Min- because many people agree While condemnation of his tweets came from world leaders, President Trump held an event today”; he called the president’s
nesota-based 3M, renewed his with me,” Trump said. Of the showcasing products made in the U.S. on the South Lawn of the White House on Monday. comments “destructive and
assault on Omar during a for- four women, he said: “They demeaning and in some ways

From Britain to the West Bank,

mal presentation before dozens hate our country. They hate it, dangerous.”
of business owners gathered on I think, with a passion.” Some rank-and-file House
the South Lawn to celebrate While Trump’s attack members also voiced criticism,

leaders express shock, disgust

American entrepreneurship. appeared designed to divide including Texas congressmen
Trump mounted a lengthy Democrats, many rallied Will Hurd, Pete Olson and Chip
attack on Omar, accusing her around the four freshm en Roy. Hurd represents a heavily
of saying “how great al-Qaida congresswomen, who have Latino border district; Olson
is” and claiming she “hates recently clashed with Pelosi ø TRUMP from A1 German news outlet Der Spiegel echoed represents a suburban Hous-
Jews.” Omar has never made a and other Democratic leaders. completely unacceptable,” a Downing Street those comments. In a commentary on its ton district with a large immi-
comment suggesting al-Qaida Among those condemning spokesman said. website, the publication said Trump is now grant population; and Roy was
is “great,” nor has she ever said Trump’s attack was U.S. Sen. Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt called relying on an “even more overt and blunt a top aide to Texas U.S. Sen. Ted
she hates Jews. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., a the tweets “totally offensive.” Former Lon- racism” than ahead of the 2016 U.S. elections. Cruz, once a top GOP rival of
Trump’s comments fol- presidential candidate. “This don Mayor and former Foreign Secretary In the West Bank, where Tlaib has rela- Trump.
lowed a series of presiden- is reprehensible, racist, and Boris Johnson said Trump’s comments were tives and is considered a hometown hero Omar was the only one of
tial tweets over the weekend xenophobic,” she tweeted Sun- “unacceptable.” One of the two men will be despite having never lived there, many saw the four that Trump mentioned
directed at Omar and her three day. “It is unacceptable for the selected prime minister next week. Trump’s tweets as a confirmation of what by name on Monday. He called
liberal colleagues, all women of President of the United States The condemnations come after a tense they view as a pro-Israel bias — and an insult Somalia a “failed government
color. The Republican presi- to tweet something like this. week between Britain and the United States to values America purports to uphold. and failed state.”
dent said the four, whom he Period.” with the special (or not-so-special) rela- Bassam Tlaib, one of the congresswom- Omar faced criticism earlier
did not name, should “go back Gov. Tim Walz also tionship at a new low. “The President of the an’s uncles in the West Bank, told the Associ- this year after a tweet and a sub-
and help fix the totally broken defended Omar and the other United States telling elected politicians — or ated Press that Trump’s tweets were “a racist sequent public comment that
and crime-infested places from three congresswomen. “The any other Americans for that matter — to ‘go statement meant to target Rashida because even many fellow Democrats
which they came.” four members of Congress are back’ to other countries is not OK, and dip- she has Palestinian roots. … This statement said played on anti-Semitic
Of the four, only Omar was American citizens. They’re U.S. lomatic politeness should not stop us saying proves that Trump is anti-Palestinian, anti- tropes.
not born in the United States. representatives,” he said Mon- so, loudly and clearly,” tweeted First Minister Islam and completely biased toward Israel.” Omar’s February tweet that
She was born in Somalia and day. “The place they go back to of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon. The Palestinian Authority, which has cut American political support
immigrated with her family to is the United States. Dividing Sadiq Khan, London’s first Muslim mayor, off ties with the White House over a suc- for Israel was “all about the
the U.S. as a child. She is the first this country along racial lines who was born and raised in the city and has cession of Trump policies that have favored Benjamins,” and in a speech
Somali-American member of is unacceptable.” frequently clashed with Trump, told a British Israel, called Trump’s statement an “insult” three weeks later on U.S. pol-
Congress. Local minority and immigra- radio station that this is the type of language to the concept of American rule of law, icy toward Israel, drew broad
Omar also ran through tion activists also denounced he has heard for much of his life — though according to the AP. condemnation.
some of the most infamous the president’s tweets, which to never from such a source. “It’s an insult to the Statue of Liberty, Trump also referred back to
statements from Trump’s past some had a familiar ring. “ ‘Go “I’ve heard it from racists and fascists. America’s most famous symbol, an insult to coverage in conservative media
and said it’s ironic that Trump back to where you came from’ Never from a mainstream politician,” he said. the American values where migrants from all of comments Omar previously
would condemn politicians is a classic phrase from overt “Here you have the president of the U.S.A. over the world are united as one nation under made about al-Qaida and the
who criticize government racists directed towards black using that same sort of language.” one law,” said Ibrahim Milhim, a spokesman terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
policies given the theme of his and brown people,” tweeted The outrage came from outside Britain for the Palestinian Authority. In a 2013 interview, before run-
2016 campaign. “When this Ron Harris, the city of Minne- as well. “Trump’s racism is sickening. Any In Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau ning for office, Omar discussed
president ran and until today, apolis’ chief resilience officer European politician who fails to condemn denounced the tweets when asked whether how people change their tone
he talked about everything that and a member of the Demo- this has questions to answer & should be he considered them racist during a joint of voice when talking about
was wrong in this country and cratic National Committee. ashamed of themselves,” wrote Belgian poli- news conference with NATO Secretary Gen- al-Qaida. And earlier this year,
how he was going to make it “Your president uttering these tician Guy Verhofstadt. eral Jens Stoltenberg on Monday. she described the 2001 attacks
great,” Omar said. “And so for words is no exception to this In Germany, commentators condemned “That is not how we do things in Can- with the term, “some people
him to condemn us and to say rule. At this point, to deny his Trump’s remarks on Monday. To rely on ada,” he said at a military base in Petawawa, did something.” Republicans
we are un-American for want- racism is an unequivocal state- “ugly sentiments,” wrote the Süddeutsche Ontario. “A Canadian is a Canadian is a criticized the comment as dis-
ing to work hard to make this ment about your own.” Zeitung daily newspaper, has “long become Canadian, and the diversity of our country missive.
country be the country we all Republican Party officials part of his strategy.” is actually one of our greatest strengths and The Washington Post contributed to
deserve to live in? Complete in Minnesota remained silent, Trump’s tweets, the paper wrote, were so a source of tremendous resilience and pride this report.
hypocrisy.” as did the state’s three Repub- “clearly racist, that a debate over their con- for Canadians. We will continue to defend Jim Spencer • 202-662-7432
House Speaker Nancy lican members of Congress. tent is a waste of time.” that.” Patrick Condon • 202-662-7452

Klobuchar faces Aug. 28 deadline on fundraising and polling

ø KLOBUCHAR from A1 Sen. Amy March 31, when she reported raised. Former Vice President Another important measure Q2 FUNDRAISING
Facing a midnight reporting Klobuchar said raising $5.2 million since the Joe Biden raised $21.5 million is the number of individual LEADERS
deadline, Klobuchar waited “I am going to start of her campaign for presi- in that same period. Sen. Eliza- donors needed to keep candi- Mayor Pete Buttigieg
until after business hours Mon- have enough dent on Feb. 10 in Minneapolis. beth Warren raised $19.1 mil- dates in the debates. $24.8 million, highest
day to release her latest Federal money to She transferred another lion, Sen. Bernie Sanders raised On Monday Klobuchar second-quarter tally
Election Commission report, win.” $3.6 million from her existing $18 million and Sen. Kamala reported that her average con-
typically a tactic to minimize U.S. Senate campaign account. Harris raised $12 million. tribution was $47.49, and that Former Vice President
media coverage of anemic fund- to win,” Klobuchar said in the At the end of March, she had Those five candidates have about 85% of contributions Joe Biden
raising figures. interview. “… we’ve continued just short of $7 million on hand also led in recent polling. came from grass-roots donors $21.5 million
All but a handful of the other to be smart about how we’re for her presidential bid. Her Klobuchar, who has generally giving less than $100. Her cam- Sen. Elizabeth Warren
campaigns had disclosed their spending our money.” current cash-on-hand total registered 1% to 2% in national paign is averaging more than $19.1 million
numbers earlier. In a statement, campaign stands at $6.7 million. and early-state polls, is one of 1,000 unique donors a day, Sen. Bernie Sanders
In an interview Sunday on manager Justin Buoen cited “a Fundraising by Klobu- several candidates who com- including one weekend where $18 million
ABC News, Klobuchar declined surge in support” after Klobu- char and many of her rivals pose something of a second tier. she added 4,000 new donors.
to talk in specifics about her char’s performance in the first has lagged behind the five That group includes Booker She will need to maintain that Sen. Kamala Harris
second-quarter totals, which Democratic debate on June 26. Democratic candidates who and O’Rourke. rate to comfortably qualify for $12 million
cover the three-month period Klobuchar’s $3.87 million in have emerged as the contest’s The total amount raised is the debate in September.
that ended June 30. fundraising, however, appears leaders. Mayor Pete Buttigieg vitally important to building
“I can just tell you that I am to have slowed after the first posted the highest second- and sustaining a presiden- Patrick Condon • 202-662-7452
going to have enough money fundraising quarter that ended quarter tally with $24.8 million tial campaign organization. Judy Keen • 612-673-4234
Storms dump heavy rain, Norm Coleman has lung
cause delays at MSP. B3 Grand Prize, Public Service surgery at Mayo Clinic. B3
Awarded by Associated Press Media Editors (2018)

T U E S DAY, J U LY 16, 2019 S TA R T R I B U N E . C O M / L O C A L • S E C T I O N B


Schools Crave on notice after rooftop shootings

ready to Minneapolis cited the owner with two and how staff can work bet-

ask voters
ter with police in case of an
code violations, wants stricter security. emergency. The plan must be
submitted to the downtown
By ANDY MANNIX The city sent a letter to police precinct by July 23.

for funds Crave owner Keyvan Talebi The city also cited Crave,
on Monday citing two code at 825 Hennepin Av. S., for
In the wake of a brazen violations related to the early an employee who twice
double-shooting at a down- Saturday shooting, including attempted to get back inside
Amid cuts, districts plan town Minneapolis restaurant, failing to provide adequate the building less than an hour
to put referendums on the the city’s licensing division security to prevent criminal after the shooting, as police
wants the owners of Crave activity. The letter asks Talebi were securing the scene. On
ballot in November. American Kitchen & Sushi to provide an updated secu- the second try, the employee
Bar to establish stricter secu- rity plan for staff training, became “verbally and physi-
By ERIN GOLDEN rity protocols to protect its how management will stop cally resistant to officers,” Star Tribune file patrons. people from bringing in guns See CRAVE on B2 Ø Two people were shot on Crave’s rooftop patio in Minneapolis.

Two metro school districts

are preparing to send levy
referendums to the ballot this
fall, asking local voters to help “It’s not going to be left there like it is, which is the concern ...
stave off millions of dollars
in budget cuts in upcoming
that the community might have.” Damaris Hollingsworth, project architect
school years.
In the Rosemount-Apple
Va l l e y - E a g a n d i s t r i c t ,
school board members have
expressed support for putting
a $19 million levy increase on
the November ballot and are
expected to approve the move
on July 22.
Elk River board members,
meanwhile, recently voted to
send two questions to voters:
One would increase the local
operating levy by $11 million
annually, and a second would
allow for $113 million in bond-
ing to pay for a new middle
school as well as building
upgrades and maintenance
to accommodate the district’s
growing enrollment.
Both districts ended the
last school year facing major
budget shortfalls and have
already made cuts for the
upcoming year.
Tony Taschner, spokes-
man for the Rosemount-Apple
Valley-Eagan district, said a
“yes” vote on the referendum
will come too late to avoid the
reductions already in place for
this year, including the loss of
more than 30 teaching positions.


Rosemount-Apple Valley-
Eagan school board members LEILA NAVIDI •
support a $19M levy increase. The site at Park and Franklin avenues has sat untouched for more than two months. Co-developer McGlynn Partners hasn’t said when construction might restart.


Company’s collapse leaves

Elk River board members
want to increase the levy by
$11M annually and ask for
$113M in bonding.

Driver gets
5 months in
large hole in Minneapolis
Partner Thor able future, another consequence of the company’s

fatal crash On a busy corner just south of downtown Min-

neapolis, a construction zone has sat idle for months. Construction
abrupt demise.
Once the state’s largest minority-owned company,
Thor has been removed as a partner in the city of Min-
Her sentence includes
20 cautionary speeches.
Not far from a soggy hole in the ground lies a white
sign bearing the name Thor Construction. abruptly shut neapolis’ massive Upper Harbor Terminal project.
The apartment project at 1935 Park Av., a collabo-

Work on a four-story apartment building on
the lot at Park and Franklin avenues was suddenly down during work ration between Thor and developer McGlynn Part-
ners, needs a new contractor, project leaders said. halted earlier this year when Thor Cos., a prominent
builder in the Twin Cities, shut down its construc- on apartment They did not say when construction would restart
or when the apartments would open.
A Medina woman was sen-
tenced to five months in cus-
tion operation amid financial troubles and lawsuits.
The site has been untouched for more than two complex Damaris Hollingsworth, who previously worked
for Thor and is the project’s architect, said she began
tody for driving drunk and months and could stay that way for the foresee- See THOR on B6 Ø
fatally striking a Plymouth
resident on a walk with her
elderly mother more than two
years ago.
Before Luann M. Johnson,
58, was sentenced, the wid-
ower of 56-year-old Mary C.
Singleton gave a tearful and
State says: If you did the work, you deserve to get paid
brief victim-impact statement. Gov. Tim Walz signs bill resources to enforce compli- “This is the same thing as
Joe Singleton said he and his making wage theft a ance emerged as a key prior- if they walked in and took the
late wife were married for 31 ity for House Democrats last money from you,” Walz told
years and that she was the felony in Minnesota. legislative session. DFL Gov. reporters after the signing.
kindest, most caring person Tim Walz meanwhile lauded “It’s insidious in that it under-
who was a daughter, sister, By STEPHEN MONTEMAYOR Senate Republican leader- mines our faith in the system.”
mother, and “for two months ship’s help forging the new Labor Commissioner
she was a very happy grand- law that he signed in a Capitol Nancy Leppink said her
mother.” Minnesota lawmakers and ceremony Monday. agency will be able to add as
Singleton said he and his top government officials took The law doubles the num- many as eight new investi-
wife planned to retire and a rare bipartisan victory lap ber of state investigators who gators. She described it as a
travel. “All that’s gone,” he said, Monday to usher in what they will probe wage-theft viola- good “down payment” toward
calling the loss “senseless.” called the nation’s strongest tions and conduct site vis- improving the state’s response
Johnson’s sentence was not set of protections against its while making it a felony to wage theft. Leppink said
a surprise; she entered a guilty wage theft, which has become to withhold workers’ pay in investigators will zero in on
plea last May in Singleton’s a multimillion-dollar prob- certain cases. The state has industries and sectors known
June 2017 death. As part of the lem around the state. estimated that some 39,000 for higher rates of wage-theft
plea, which came on the eve Making it a crime to Minnesotans miss out on claims — generally, labor- LEILA NAVIDI •
of trial, the sentence had been hold back workers’ wages nearly $12 million in unpaid intensive occupations such as Attorney General Keith Ellison has opened a wage unit in his
See DWI on B6 Ø while boosting the state’s wages each year. See WAGE on B2 Ø office to target the practice of cheating employees out of pay.
B2 • S TA R T R I B U N E M I N N E S O TA T U E S DAY, J U LY 16, 2019

Charges: Truck
driver watching
porn before crash
The semi was going Tate Doom
72 mph in a construction was charged
with criminal
zone, killing worker. vehicular
homicide in
By PAUL WALSH worker’s death.
of 70 mph, and the pickup was
A semitrailer truck driver going 50 mph.
was watching a string of por- Troopers seized two cell-
nographic videos — more than phones from Doom’s semi for
a dozen in all — in the minutes forensic examination, which
leading up to him speeding show he deleted 14 video files
through a construction zone from
and fatally striking a highway Authorities recovered the
worker standing along a Twin files and show that he began CARLOS GONZALEZ •
Cities area interstate, accord- playing them at 1:40:53 p.m. From the left, Brendan Benson, Patrick Keeler, Jack White and Jack Lawrence of the Raconteurs performed Monday at the Armory.
ing to charges. His last of the 14 videos,
Tate R. Doom, 47, of St. which has a running time

White shreds Armory again

Paul Park, was charged Friday of 5 minutes and 14 seconds,
in Hennepin County District started at 2:07:41 p.m., less than
Court with criminal vehicular 90 seconds before Doom’s
homicide and criminal vehic- semi struck the pickup and
ular operation in connection trailer.
with the crash on Interstate “It appears, based on the
94 in Rogers last fall that killed investigation, that he was Monday’s Raconteurs gig had the trademarks of a After hitting the stage Child.”
Vernon C. Hedquist, 59, of Pil- watching pornography at was the White Stripes White affair, though: It was with a wall of Stooges-like Mostly, though, the two
lager, Minn. the time of [impact],” Chuck sold-out, extra loud and free manic noise, the two long- frontmen maintained a work-
Doom was booked into jail Laszewski, spokesman for the leader’s second gig there of cellphones, which fans had time pals cohesively slid out-like pace on dueling elec-
Friday night and remained in County Attorney’s Office, said in just over one year. to seal up in locked contain- straight into trading verses tric guitars.
custody in lieu of $30,000 bail Monday. ers upon entry. in the high-adrenaline open- They especially tore it up
before an Aug. 12 hearing. Court Doom denied using his cell- By CHRIS RIEMENSCHNEIDER If they could have filmed ing numbers “Salute Your together in the very White
records do not show him hav- phone at the time of the col- it, concertgoers may have Solution” and “Bored and Stripes-ian “Top Yourself ”
ing secured legal counsel yet. lision and contended he was shot as much footage of Razed.” and the chunky, new, Queens
This case comes as Min- traveling at 50 mph. The rock star who made White’s fellow Detroit The spazzy start set up of the Stone Age-like epic
nesota’s law prohibiting Hedquist, a Sunday school “Seven Nation Army” a music scene vet Brendan one of the brawniest and “Don’t Bother Me,” looking
motorists from holding their teacher who was looking for- modern classic might have a Benson , who co-helms the most bruising highlights of like they were having the time
phones while driving takes ward to deer hunting season thing for the former military Raconteurs and is espe- the night, “Level,” played of their lives in each case.
effect on Aug. 1. and his 60th birthday the fol- storehouse that’s now a Twin cially impressive on the new even faster and wilder than The encore — which came
According to the criminal lowing month, had worked for Cities concert venue. record, “Help Us Stranger.” on the band’s 2006 debut — nine songs in — was more
complaint: WSB since 2014 and was a long- For the second time in as Benson is more conven- and a mighty showcase for like a mid-show break. Six
The contracted road crew time Minnesota Department many summers, Jack White tional and average-joe-look- the other two co-founding more tunes followed, start-
was working on the afternoon of Transportation employee of White Stripes fame per- ing — in fact, he was a spit- Raconteurs, drummer Pat- ing with the snide-sounding
of Oct. 2 on the closed right before that. formed at the Armory in Min- ting image of Minneapolis’ rick Keeler and bassist Jack gem “Consoler of the Lonely”
lane of I-94 near County Road “He absolutely was very neapolis on Monday night, Paul Westerberg in this case Lawrence. (Monday’s live and the new single “Now That
81. Doom’s semi rear-ended a concerned about his safety the first rocker to twice head- — but he still came off like lineup also featured key- You’re Gone.”
pickup truck and trailer merg- on the job,” Hedquist’s wife, line the 8,300-capacity mega- White’s most simpatico col- boardist Dean Fertita, who After cooling off through
ing to the left. Cindy, said a little more than club since its $6-million-plus laborator since his ex-White plays with Lawrence and “Only Child” and the new
The trailer separated 24 hours after losing her hus- makeover. Stripes mate Meg White. White in yet another band, album’s title track, White
from the pickup and struck band of 34 years. And that’s after he pre- Musically, the 90-minute the Dead Weather.) & Co. went full-tilt for an
Hedquist, while flying debris Co-worker Thomas J. Wood, viously went eight years set was also more conven- There were a few sonic extended-jam finale of the
hit a co-worker. Both were 64, of Maple Grove, was struck between Minnesota gigs. tional and orthodox but still variations here and there. best-known Raconteurs tune,
standing on the shoulder as by vehicle debris and survived While last year’s Armory as frenzied as White’s more White switched over to piano “Steady, As She Goes.”
part of crew working on a his injuries. show was a solo affair, this experimental, outlandish in the Queen/Bowie-flavored It’s not as large a hit as
drilling project in prepara- Doom was driving at the time the looming, 6-foot-2 gig last July. “You Don’t Understand Me.” “Seven Nation Army,” but
tion for road work starting time for Vermeer of Minne- singer/guitarist was one of This was a straight-up, Benson pulled out an acous- it felt like an enormous end
months later. sota in Burnsville, which sells two frontmen leading the unadulterated rock show tic guitar for a couple of his to an already meaty, big and
State Patrol investigators heavy equipment for recycling charge with his revived side for whiskey drinkers and more paisley-poppy, melodic bouncy performance.
determined that Doom’s and forestry needs. band the Raconteurs, who Cerwin-Vega speaker own- numbers, including the new
semi was traveling 72 mph, just issued their first album ers, not kombucha sippers charmer “Some Days (I Don’t Chris Riemenschneider • 612-673-4658
slightly above the posted limit Paul Walsh • 612-673-4482 in 11 years. The concert still and Alexa streamers. Feel Like Trying)” and “Only Twitter: @ChrisRstrib

Funding questions Crave cited after rooftop shootings

could go on ballots ø CRAVE from B1
according to the letter, and
police arrested him.
Minneapolis police spokes-
man John Elder.
Linda Roberts, interim
and visitors of Minneapolis,”
Roberts said.
Talebi did not immediately
area, has been a proponent
of a strategy that emphasizes
better lighting and more late-
ø SCHOOLS from B1 In the Elk River district, Police were summoned manager of business licens- respond to requests for com- night activity, as opposed to
But it could determine leaders say resources are to a report of shootings at ing for Minneapolis, said the ment Monday. heavier enforcement alone.
whether more cuts are needed being stretched thin by rapid Crave’s rooftop bar just after letter is “standard practice” Downtown safety is a Last year, Aqua Nightclub
in the next two years, when growth in the district and state 2 a.m. on Saturday. The two for a serious incident, and perennial political topic in and Lounge, also downtown,
officials expect an $18 million funding that has lagged behind victims were taken to the hos- Crave has no history of secu- Minneapolis, one that’s gen- closed after a triple shooting
shortfall. inflation. Officials project that pital with noncritical injuries. rity violations. erated calls for more officers and years of conflict with the
In both districts — and in enrollment will grow by more Investigators are still inter- “It’s a way for us to have in recent years. City Coun- city over security.
others facing difficult bud- than 2,000 students in the next viewing witnesses and don’t lessons learned and to ensure cil Member Steve Fletcher,
get situations — school lead- five to eight years. have a suspect in custody, said the safety of the residents who represents much of the Andy Mannix • 612-673-4036
ers have placed the blame The district’s proposed
on swelling costs, in areas operating levy referendum
ranging from special educa- would increase local funding

Gov. Walz signs bill against wage theft

tion to mental health, and by $750 per student, money
stagnant support from the that would be used to lower
state. Lawmakers voted this class sizes, update instruc-
year to boost the state’s per- tional materials and provide
pupil funding formula by 2% help for struggling students.
in each of the next two years The bond referendum — ø WAGE from B1
and added more money for which can only pass if the construction and hospitality.
special education. operating referendum is also Leppink said wage theft
Taschner said that wasn’t successful — would help pay occurs, for example, when
enough for his district, where for new and existing facilities. employers don’t pay over-
the gap between the cost of The district estimates that time, hold back entire pay-
special education and the taxpayers who own a $250,000 checks or misclassify work-
amount covered by the state home would pay an additional ers as independent contrac-
and federal government adds $32 per month if both ballot tors.
up to $29 million each year. questions are approved. Attorney General Keith
“If that wasn’t the case, School boards in other Ellison, who attended Mon-
and if we had been receiving districts have until August to day’s bill signing, is also tar-
consistent increases to the determine if they’ll send their geting the practice through
general education formula, own funding requests to vot- a newly opened wage unit
inflationary increases for the ers this fall. in his office. Ellison tapped
last 15 years, we wouldn’t be Discussions are underway Assistant Attorney General
in this position,” he said. in Burnsville, where board Jonathan Moler, previously
If Rosemount-Apple Val- members will take up the a private workers’ rights
ley-Eagan voters approve issue — but not yet make a attorney, to lead economic
the levy referendum, it would final decision — at a July 15 and social justice issues.
increase local funding by $627 work session. The office also added Ana
per student. In the North Branch district, Vergara, formerly a refugee
The district estimates that where schools have faced a campaigner for Amnesty
the tax impact on someone string of budget cuts over the International, as an investi-
who owns a $286,500 home last decade, board members gator focused on wage theft.
— the average home value in recently decided not to ask State Rep. Tim Mahoney, LEILA NAVIDI •
the district — would be about voters for help. DFL-St. Paul, singled out Nancy Leppink, center, commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry,
$25 per month or $300 per year. That move came after the the new wage-theft protec- spoke during a news conference Monday with Attorney General Keith Ellison, from left, Rep.
The last time voters school board heard the results tions as one of this year’s Tim Mahoney, DFL-St. Paul, and Sen. Eric Pratt, R-Prior Lake.
approved an operating ref- of a community survey com- most personally memo-
erendum was 2013, after a missioned by the district, in rable legislative achieve- differences. deter wage theft in the somebody’s wages, if you’re
period in which the district which fewer than a third of ments. His Senate counter- Pratt left open the pos- first place. attempting to defraud some-
made tens of millions of dol- would-be voters surveyed said part, Eric Pratt, a Prior Lake sibility of agreeing to more “We agreed on a core body, you should pay a pen-
lars in cuts. Taschner said they’d support a tax increase Republican, hailed their money for investigators to value: If you earn a wage alty.”
board members want to for schools. agreement as a bipartisan go after perpetrators in the you should be paid a wage.
avoid future cuts and begin to effort to put working Min- future, but he added that he It’s that simple,” Pratt said. Stephen Montemayor • 612-673-1755
restore some of those losses. Erin Golden • 612-673-4790 nesotans ahead of political hoped the new law would “And if you’re stealing Twitter: @smontemayor
T U E S DAY, J U LY 16, 2019 M I N N E S O TA S TA R T R I B U N E • B3


Demolition of former St. Paul Heavy rains cause

flooding, outages
church on hold – with a catch More than 35,000 people
were without power Mon-
reports of localized flooding
from Maple Grove, which had
By JAMES WALSH Julie Alkatout, chairwoman day night after a strong storm more than 4 inches of rain. of the school’s board of direc- surged through the Twin Cit- Bloomington Fire was
tors, said the ruling attempts ies, flooding streets, downing responding to several incidents
Neighbors fighting to save to strike a balance in the long, trees and delaying flights. because of the severe storms,
a former Como Park church costly and emotional fight. Dozens of flights were including crashes on Interstate
from the wrecking ball have “We are disappointed that we delayed by an hour or more. 35W. Goodhue and Rice coun-
been granted a reprieve. were unable to persuade the Several tornado warnings were ties reported 60-mph winds
But there’s a catch. court on this initial record that issued during the evening and and quarter-sized hail. Parts
A Ramsey County judge a preservation order would wind damage was reported in of Plymouth had more than 5
has issued a temporary impermissibly undermine Belle Plaine. Forecaster Tyler inches of rain.
restraining order preventing educating schoolchildren in Hasenstein with the National Tree damage was scattered
the demolition. a proper setting,” she said in Weather Service in Chanhassen throughout the Twin Cities.
However, Judge Jennifer a statement. said nothing indicates a tornado About 36,000 people were
Frisch is requiring preserva- “We appreciate that the was the cause of the damage. without power in the metro,
tionists to provide a $1.9 mil- court recognized the substan- Severe thunderstorm mainly in the eastern cities,
lion bond to the Twin Cities tial harm the school will suf- watches were issued for 15 according to Xcel Energy.
German Immersion School fer if the project is delayed, and counties across Minnesota. They had more than 125 work-
by July 22, or the restraining AARON LAVINSKY • we will await July 22 to see if Hasenstein said the storm activ- ers working on the outages.
order is off. Preservationists want to save the former St. Andrew’s Catholic the Friends of Warrendale will ity was over for the Twin Cities More storms are likely
In June, a group of neigh- Church in Como Park, built in 1927. The Twin Cities German post a bond in the amount nec- by mid-evening. Tuesday, but heavy rainfall is
bors and preservation- Immersion School says it has outgrown the building. essary to repay increased costs Up to 5 inches of rain in not expected, said Hasenstein.
ists called Save Historic to the school,” Alkatout said. short periods of time triggered “It will be more like the
St. Andrew’s-Friends of Environmental Rights Act. teria and performance space, If bond is posted, the flash flood warnings in St. garden-variety storms from
Warrendale filed the lawsuit School officials want to and replace it with a $5.1 mil- school is prepared to appeal Paul, Minneapolis, Coon Rap- hot and humid weather, not
in Ramsey County District raze the 92-year-old former lion addition they say will bet- the decision. ids, Brooklyn Park, Plymouth like the line along a front like
Court, seeking to save the church, which has been repur- ter meet the needs of their 580 and Maple Grove. Hasenstein we had Monday,” he said.
church under the Minnesota posed as a gymnasium, cafe- students. James Walsh • 612-673-7428 said they received the most DAVID CHANEN

Former Sen. Norm Coleman is

being treated for cancer.

has lung
Former U.S. Sen. Norm Cole-
man underwent surgery Mon-
day at Mayo Clinic to remove
the cancerous part of a lung. JERRY HOLT •
Last August, Coleman
learned that the throat and
neck cancer he began battling
in 2015 had spread to his lungs
and was at the most advanced
stage. After heavy doses of
Lights, camera, nestin’
chemotherapy, Coleman said
the tumor was gone. An osprey built its nest atop an array of lights at Sunny Acres Park in Anoka. Two chicks inhabit this nest, typically built of sticks
Still, his doctors had him and lined with bark and grasses. Once a nest has been added to year after year, it can end up big enough for a person to sit in.
undergo a program of inten-
sive radiation for five weeks in
hopes of crushing the disease.
“But cancer is unrelenting,”
Coleman wrote in a Facebook
post this month, explaining
that a follow-up PET scan
showed a spot on his lungs Minnesotans vow
to carry on legacy
that doctors thought could be
either “radiation irritation” or
a recurrence of the disease.
Another scan five weeks later

of slain journalist
showed the spot had grown
and a biopsy determined that
the cancer had returned.
Coleman said Monday’s
surgery would remove about
a quarter of his lung and cut
his lung capacity by 15 to 20%. Somali-Canadian activist thing: … that is not going to
“As I joked with a friend this went back to broadcast stop us.”
afternoon, it simply means that She was one of several
if I were to run a marathon that “the other side of Somalia.” dozen people gathered at
at Mile 20 I would start to get Safari Restaurant in Minne-
winded,” he wrote. “I will leave By MAYA RAO apolis to honor the memory
the marathons to others.” of Nalayeh, who drew a large
Amid the humor, Coleman following in Minnesota and
spoke of gratitude for his doc- Fadumo Ali believed that elsewhere for conveying the
tors, the Mayo Clinic, his fam- Somali-Canadian journalist positive side of Somalia and
ily and his friends. But he also and activist Hodan Nalayeh presenting stories that went
gave an unvarnished glimpse had a message of hope and beyond the usual headlines of
of cancer’s toll. empowerment for women. war and terrorism.
“Cancer sucks,” he wrote. She had followed all of “She was a shining star for
“There’s other words that Nalayeh’s dispatches about our community,” said Salma
have been used to demon- Somalia on TV and social Barkad, a Minneapolis resi-
strate defiance against the media, and drew inspiration dent who said she was in her MARK VANCLEAVE • Star Tribune
beast of cancer that I can’t from her frequent hashtag late 20s. “She was a brave Munira Mohmed, center, and Habiba Mohamed, right, listened at the Safari restaurant in Min-
repeat here but I know I have NaagIskaDhig (“be a strong woman and we were her neapolis as speakers shared memories of activist and journalist Hodan Nalayeh and her work.
used — as have others around woman”). audience.” Mohmed remembered Nalayeh’s ability to inspire the Somali diaspora.
me who love and support me After Nalayeh was one of Her generation, Barkad
every single day.” 26 people killed Friday in a said, left Somalia when they apolis Board of Education. dent several years ago when He added: “For people like
Coleman said he will not let terrorist attack by the extrem- were young and remembered “She was doing the opposite Nalayeh attended a Shark myself or other young people
cancer determine how he lives ist group al- Shabab, Ali is war and famine. Nalayeh of that … she was very much Tank-style Somali startup that haven’t seen Somalia in a
his life. He said he remains among many Somali-Ameri- “took that initiative to go reporting the social life of pitch competition — she very long time or have never
active, including traveling the cans in the Twin Cities who home and broadcast the other the people.” was a media partner through seen it, she was a lens for them
globe for work as well as fish- are determined to carry on side of Somalia. That’s what He also noted the signifi- Integration TV, a platform to see Somalia.”
ing and spending time at his Nalayeh’s legacy. connected me personally cance of her reports being she started that drew a siz- Ali said that al-Shabab’s
northern Minnesota cabin. “People like her give us with her.” in English, given that many able following on YouTube. attack would not discourage
Late last month, he and others hope that we want to go back Siad Ali, Nalayeh’s cousin, young people in the Somali “It’s incredibly sad that the community.
escaped injury when his boat home and … develop our said she was a role model. diaspora are not proficient in the people that are really the “We are going to continue
was broadsided on Lake Ada. country, but always when we “ T h e m e d i a a lways their parents’ language. light of the Somali commu- her legacy. … We are not afraid
have that dream, [terrorists] reports negative stuff from Yahya Mohamed recalled nity are being taken from us,” of death,” she said.
The Associated Press and Mary Lynn shatter it,” said Ali, 37, of St. Africa, unfortunately,” said meeting Nalayeh as a Uni- said Mohamed, a 22 year-old
Smith contributed to this report. Paul. “I want to tell them one Ali, director of the Minne- versity of Minnesota stu- Minneapolis resident. Maya Rao • 612-673-4210
B4 • S TA R T R I B U N E M I N N E S O TA T U E S DAY, J U LY 16, 2019

612-673-4130 or 1-800-927-9133 RESURRECTION CEMETERY Mendota
Email to:
John Hetterick World traveler, disability rights advocate Heights, 2 body gravesite. Retail
$2666, asking $2000/bo 612-722-5094
Information to include:

A corporate executive, he later

Billing Name, Address, Phone.
Preferred publication dates. Helpful Telephone Numbers
Name and phone number of
funeral home, crematorium, Social Security Admin.
or bequest program to verify 1-800-772-1213
death prior to publication. Service available from 7 a.m.

embraced many social causes

Obituary wording and photos. to 7 p.m. on business days.
Call to provide notification of
death or to inquire about sur-
PAID NOTICES vivor benefits.
Bergeron, Georgene............... Andover U.S. Dept. Of Veterans Affairs
Bjerke, Howard....................... Richfield (VA)
Campbell, Marjorie................. Hopkins 1-800-827-1000
Carlson, Bruce............ Rock Creek, MN Call for survivor benefits, buri-
Chapman, Gregory........... Eden Prairie al benefits or to provide notifi-
Chisler, William....... Mendota Heights
Fishhaut, Erna................... Lincoln, MA By JOE CARLSON • Minnesota-founded company that eventually came to have cation of death.
United Way 2-1-1
Kottke, Dale...................... Maple Grove international owners, Hetterick was CEO for six years dur- Metro: 2-1-1
Lausen, Evelyn.............................. Mpls
Magnuson, Laverne............. Ortonville It was a baby shower unlike any ing the mid-’90s, when the company expanded from less or (651) 291-0211
Free, confidential, multi-
Mogilner, Neil.................... Minnetonka other. than $100 million in revenue to more than $400 million. lingual information is offered
Queenan, Ronald....................... Crystal
Spencer, Joyce.................... Alexandria Late last month, guests bearing In his later years, especially after retirement, Hetterick 24 hours every day. United
Way 2-1-1 is a unique com-
Wilde, Tammy................... Maplewood baby gifts arrived at the Plymouth was known for his advocacy for people affected by dis- munity information and refer-
home of John and Kathe Hetterick, abilities and social disparities. ral service. Call if you need to
know where to turn for help.
Bergeron, Georgene M. whose pregnant granddaughter was After spearheading a novel housing development in
Age 74 of Andover, passed away being celebrated. But John F. Hetter- Robbinsdale that combined Section 8 housing with owner-
July 11, 2019. Preceded in death by ick — the former CEO of Rollerblade occupied condos, Hetterick got involved with a variety of
parents and great granddaughter
Jordan. Survived by daughters Lisa and a noted disability rights advo- disability-rights organizations and helped spur the creation IN MEMORIAMS
(Mark), Lori (Darrin), Diane (Chris); are a personal message
sister Cindy; special friend Jay; 6
cate — suddenly and unexpectedly of the Able Act, a federal law that allows parents of children meant to honor & remember
grandchildren, 9 great grandchil- died from cardiac arrest, in a back bedroom, less than two with disabilities to set aside money tax-free for their future a loved one that has passed.
dren; many nieces and nephews; hours before the event. He was 74. needs. The idea for the program came to Hetterick while PLACE A NOTICE
special cousins; and friends. Memo- 612-673-4130 or 1-800-927-9133
rial Service will be Wednesday, With more than 70 guests on their way, the family he was working in Washington, as a 2004 recipient of the Email to:
11:00 am July 17th at Washburn- decided to hold the June 22 shower as planned — as Het- Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. Foundation’s Public Policy Fellowship.
McReavy Coon Rapids Chapel, 1827
Coon Rapids Blvd. NW. Visitation 1 terick would have wanted, his wife said. President Barack Obama signed the Able Act into law in 2014.
hr before service. Lunch will be pro- “I said, we are not canceling this, because we want to Hetterick co-founded the not-for-profit No Place Like
vided following service. IN MEMORIAM
celebrate this new little life who is coming, and John never Home Communities Inc. and served on the boards of chari-
Bjerke, Howard W. would have wanted us to cancel,” Kathe said. “He was very ties including Opportunity Partners in Minnetonka, Min- David
12-29-45 to 7-6-19 excited. The day before, he’d been blowing up balloons to neapolis’ Project for Pride in Living, the National Disability J.W.
Age 73.
decorate. New life was exciting. John left us very unexpect- Institute in Washington and the ARC Greater Twin Cities.
Raised in Rug- Tillery
by, N.D. and edly, but we’ll have a new little baby boy in September, and His advocacy was motivated partly by personal experi-
following his
time in the we just have to celebrate that circle of life.” ence. He and Kathe are parents to two adopted kids from 8/10/78 -
military he Born in Illinois, John Hetterick was a world traveler Colombia, a daughter who has a learning disability and 7/16/02
married Ma-
bel Budrow of and corporate executive — the kind of guy who had his a son who works with people transitioning out of home-
Baudette, MN own executive profile posted on Bloomberg and who was lessness.
on 7-11-70 Remembering and missing our dear
and settled in sought out by other companies for his ability to reliably “In a way, he was almost following in his son’s footsteps,” son. Watch over us Punkin, until we
the Twin Cities metro area. Howard grow a business. Kathe said. “And [he] got so much back, felt so enriched, are together again.
passed just shy of their 49th wed- Love, Mom & Dad
ding anniversary. Mabel & Howard He held marketing and then executive jobs at PepsiCo much more so than having a new car or a new house or
have been 43-year residents of Rich- International, Tonka International, General Mills, Roller- anything like that. … We live nicely, but we don’t have a lot
field, MN.
blade and elsewhere over the years. He once declined of toys or anything. That’s never appealed to us.” FUNERAL HOMES
Howard was a welder & machinist an invitation to discuss a high-ranking job opportunity Hetterick is survived by his wife, Kathe; a sister, Mary
by trade, retiring from Toro in
Shakopee. Proudly served the U.S. with tobacco giant Philip Morris (though he loved a good Ann Cappo; children Juan Zabala and Sara Cruz, and four
Army in Vietnam & passed away cigar). grandchildren. A celebration of life will be held at 6 p.m.
peacefully at home surrounded by
family after a 5-month battle with At PepsiCo, he worked his way through several marketing Oct. 11 at the Theodore Wirth Pavilion in Minneapolis.
brain cancer, likely related to his roles in Latin America and eventually became vice presi-
dent for international marketing in 1986. At Rollerblade, a Joe Carlson • 612-673-4779
Survived by wife Mabel, daughter
Bridget (Roger) McCort & son Kevin
Bjerke, Grandchildren Melanie
(David) Grey, Heather (Jude) St-
“We just have to celebrate that circle of life.”
Aime, Alaric & Tamasin McCort, – Kathe Hetterick, his wife
Great-Grandchildren Makenzie,
Haylee, Brooklynn, Micah & Aiden
as well as many nieces, nephews,
cousins and friends. Predeceased
by paremts Helen (Anderson) &
Henry Bjerke, sisters Sharon Bjerke Fishhaut, Lausen (nee Fisch), Mogilner, Neil Spencer, Joyce Ann
& Betty Hoffart and brothers Garry age 83, of age 67, died on Saturday, July 13, at
& Robert Bjerke. Erna (Hamlish) Evelyn Dorothy Minnetonka, home in Alexandria, MN. She was
of Lincoln, MA, formerly of passed away born on July 12, 1952 in Alexandria,
Service Wednesday, July 17, 2019 at Minneapolis, MN, on Monday, July 8, Age 88, of July 14, 2019. MN to Herb and Gen Krebs, joining
Fort Snelling National Cemetery, 2019. Beloved wife of the late Lester M inneapolis Preceded in older brother Jerry. The family
7601 34th Ave S, Minneapolis at Fishhaut. Loving mother of Sharla passed away death by moved to Northeast Minneapolis,
10:15 AM - Line up at staging area 5 Levine of Lincoln and Eric & Tina peacefully on parents where she grew up, before her
well in advance, reception to follow Fishhaut of TX. Adored grand- July 14, 2019. Emanuel and second birthday. Joyce attended
at Eagles Aerie 3208, 9152 Old Cedar mother of Naomi Levine and Sasha Preceded in Beatrice Edison High School and met the
Ave S, Bloomington. Turk. Dear sister of Richard & Lois death by her Mogilner, and love of her life, Randy Spencer. She
Hamlish of CA and the late Florence parents, John son, Todd graduated in 1970. Joyce and Randy
Hamlish Levinsohn. Loved by six and Lucy
Campbell, Marjorie nieces and 14 great nieces and Fisch; broth-
Mogilner. Survived by loving wife of
60 years, Saralee; daughters, Julie
married in 1972 and had three
children, Ryan, Shane and Carly.
"Marge" nephews. Memorial observances in
Lincoln this week and also in MN at
er, Ferdinand; sister, Adelaide Bow-
ers. Survived by her husband and
Jonas and Lisa (Steve) Greer, grand- The couple was later blessed with
age 86 formerly of Hopkins, passed children, Sam Jonas, Sarah Jonas, nine grandchildren, RJ, Megan,
away peacefully July 14, 2019. a later date. In lieu of flowers, best friend of nearly 68 years, Jack Greer and Charlie Greer; and Calvin (Ryan and Heather) Jake, Wil
Marge will be remembered as being donations may be made to BOND James; daughters, Catherine (Ron) sister, Barbara (David) Betten. Neil (Shane and Jennie) Cole, Allie,
very devoted to her chuch and her (a 501(c)(3) nonprofit), earmarked Nervick, Laurie (Paul) Raap; cher- built his career in garment manu- Brady and Dani (Jon and Carly).
faith, as a friend to all, and as a life- for the Erna Fishhaut Early ished grandson, Nicholas Raap; also facturing. Rather than retiring, he After high school Joyce went on to
long volunteer. She was preceded Childhood Education Fund, which survived by other relatives and switched careers and went on to become a RN and worked most of
in death by her husbands, Earl Red- supports projects in the Twin Cities friends. start his own insurance agency. her life at the University of Minne-
mond and Jim Campbell; daughter, to help young children and their Evie was a kind and generous wom- Neil’s sense of humor was infec- sota Hospital and Clinics. In 2010
Connie Redmond; and grandson, parents prepare for kindergarten. an, who touched the hearts of ev- tious, and his laugh was legendary. Joyce and Randy returned to Alex-
Joe Corkins. She will be deeply Checks payable to BOND, c/o BOND eryone she met. As a polio survivor When Neil laughed, the whole room andria and retired. A celebration of
missed by her children, Deb, Kim, ECE Fund, 815 Heinel Drive, of 77 years, she met the challenges laughed. Funeral service 2 PM Wed- Joyce’s life will be held on Friday,
Kelle (Rick), and Tom (Rea); 7 Roseville, MN 55113. of everyday life with strength, nesday, July 17, at Temple Israel, July 19 at Lake Community Church
grandchildren; 3 great-grandchil- Levine Chapels, Brookline humility, and grace. 2323 Fremont Ave. S., Mpls. Memori- (490 Voyager Drive, Alexandria, MN,
dren; and her (older) twin sister, 617-277-8300 Mass of Christian Burial 11 AM als preferred to the American Can- 56308) with a visitation at 10:00 AM,
Marilyn (Butch). Memorial service Friday, July 19 at the Church of St. cer Association funeral service at 11:00 AM and
Saturday, July 20, 2019 at 11 AM Bridget, 3811 Emerson Ave. N., SHIVA Wednesday and Thursday, lunch afterwards.
with a visitation at 10 AM at Gethse- Mpls., with visitation one hour prior 7 PM at Temple Israel.
mane Lutheran Church, 715 Kottke, Dale B. to the Mass. Interment Gethsemane Hodroff-Epstein 612-871-1234
Minnetonka Mills Rd., Hopkins. Age 81 of Cemetery, New Hope. Wilde, Tammy
Donations to the Make-a-Wish Maple Grove In lieu of flowers memorials prefer- Age 52,
red to Jones-Harrison Residence,
Foundation or Lake Minnetonka passed away
July 13, 2019. 3700 Cedar Lake Ave., Mpls., MN Queenan, Ronald J. Beloved Wife
and Mom;
Shores Health Care Center, 4527 age 80 of
Shoreline Dr., Spring Park MN. Survived by 55416 or Grace Hospice, 1015 4th Heart of Our
Ave., Suite 206, Mpls., MN 55405, Crystal, Family. On
Strobeck Johnson 952-938-9020
wife, Marion;
children, Attn: Sarah Van Winkle. passed away Sunday, July
May the road
Gearty-Delmore 763-537-4511 peacefully on 14, Tammy
Cheryl Wilson July 13th,
Carlson, Bruce (Eric),
2019. Preced-
Wilde (nee
rise to meet you.
age 63 of ed in death joined with
Rock Creek. (David Leclerc), Carrie Magnuson, by sister,
Mary Billiet.
the spirit of
Wife-Karen, Seiffert (Daniel), Marla light and love that she exemplified
Children Miller (Daniel), Douglas Laverne “Kitty” L. Survived by throughout her life. She passed
wife of 57
Jessica (Ter- Kottke; grandchildren, Age 90
years, Kaye; children, Ron (Shelley),
peacefully and with a heart of grati- May the wind be
ry) Clement Hannah, Loewen (Steve), Peter, of Ortonville tude, while surrounded by her im-
son, Gary (Jes- passed away Michele (Dan Pridon), Dan (Maria); mediate family. Tammy was born
Madeline and Luke Wilson, Katlyn
sica) Carlson, and Natalie Seiffert, Greta, Erik and July 14, 2019. 9 grandchildren; and 3 great-grand-
children; brother, Jim (Rosalie); and
on June 2, 1967 in Eveleth, MN. Pre- always at your back.
Nicholas Carl- Elin Miller, Joseph, Annabella, She was ceded in death by mother-in-law,
son all of preceded in many friends, nieces and nephews. Mary Wilde. Survived by loving hus-
Lauren and Juliet Kottke; sisters,
Pine City; 9 death by her Memorial service will be held on band, Mike; sons, Joe (fiancée Jac-
Barbara Leete, Sandy Lescay,
grand, 1 great grand; Sisters Col- husband Thursday, July 18th at 11AM with queline), Max, and Cal; parents, Pat
Sharon Bair and Karen Mathias;
leen Stennett, Joyce (Wayne) Clarence and visitation one hour prior, all at: & Kathy Bastianelli; sister, Tina
aunt, Darlene Melquist; other rela-
Godlewski all of Blaine, Leanne daughter (Tom) Shear; brother, Tony (Jen)
tives and friends. Preceded in death
(Jasen) Gageby of Cottage Grove, Sandee. Sur- Glen Haven Chapel 763-533-8643 Bastianelli; along with her loving
by parents, Coates and Marie
Brothers James (Janet) of Fridley, vived by and will be lovingly missed 5125 W. Broadway, Crystal niece, nephews, cousins, and
Mutchler; sister, Mary Nelson and
Douglas (Janet) of Dalbo, Brian (An- infant twins, Douglas and Donald. by her three children: Donna, Jim friends. She was an excellent moth-
nette) of Coon Rapids. Service: 3:30 Memorial service 11 AM Monday at (Jeri), and Mike (Paula); along with er and loved her family uncondi-
PM TOMORROW with visitation 1 hr Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, many grandchildren and great tionally. Her smile and service to
prior at Zion Lutheran Church, 410 5005 Northwest Blvd., Plymouth grandchildren. Funeral services will others brought light and love to all.
S., Main St., Pine City. with visitation 1 hour prior. Inter- be held 5 PM Wednesday July 17 at Tammy will be missed by all who
Swanson Chapel 320-629-3120 ment Fort Snelling. Memorials pre- Gearhart Funeral Home, 552 East GENEROSITY OF knew her. A Mass of Christian Burial

spirit ferred to Bridging or Feed My Starv- River Road, Anoka with visitation will be held at 10:00 AM Friday, July
ing Children. beginning at 3pm. Burial will be 19 at THE CHURCH OF THE ASSUMP-
Chapman, Gregory J., II Isaiah 41:10
So do not fear, for I am with you;
held 1 PM Thursday in Mound Cem-
etery, Ortonville.
TION, 51 W. Seventh St., St. Paul.
Visitation 4-8 PM Thursday at MU-
age 68 of Eden Prairie, MN. Preced- Gearhart Funeral Home
do not be dismayed, for I am your ELLER-BIES FUNERAL HOME-ROSE-
ed in death by Parents Greg, Diane 763-421-4347
God. VILLE, 2130 N. Dale St. at Co Rd B,
and Roger; 2 Brothers and 1 Sister.
I will strengthen you and help you; and from 9-10 AM Friday at church.
Survived by Wife Gwen; Children
I will uphold you with my right- MUELLER-BIES 651-487-2550
Greg III, Gordy (Christina) and
eous right hand.
Stephany; Brother John. Funeral
service Thursday, July 18th, 12:00 Gearty-Delmore 763-553-1411
PM @ Lakewood Chapel, 3600 May the sun shine
Hennepin Avenue South, Minneapo-
lis, MN with visitation 1/2 hour prior
to service @ Lakewood and on Wed- warm upon your face,
nesday, July 17th from 5:00 PM to
7:30 PM at:
INTRODUCING our new enhanced online obituary,
Eden Prairie Chapel 952-975-0400
7625 Mitchell Rd. (1 blk. N. of Hwy 5)
Create a lasting tribute ALWAYS REMEMBERING
And the rains fall soft

upon your fields.

Chisler Jr., William E.
age 76 of Mendota Hts. Full notice
Willwerscheid Funeral Home
651-228-1006 Until we meet again.
» Expanded storytelling
» Photo gallery of up to 25 pictures
» Up to five pages of text —UNKNOWN
Stanley P. Tabe
» Links to charitable organizations

Sign the Age 75, of

Mpls., passe
d away
Preceded in
Feb. 25, 2014. one brother.

Guest Book
by parents ; daughters
wife, Evelyn
Survived by Anderson and
Kimberly (John) Froiland; son Peter
Theresa (Mike) grandchildren; Paul,


Call 612-673-4130 and let us assist you.

(Heidi Tabers
Josh and Katie.
T U E S DAY, J U LY 16, 2019 M I N N E S O TA S TA R T R I B U N E • B5

Victim dies a day Woman, 20,
injured at
after being shot Gooseberry
A man who police say was
shot on a north Minneapolis
street over the weekend has
Officers responded to a
ShotSpotter activation in the
area around 1:43 a.m. Sunday,
Falls Park
died of his injuries, and the according to a police news A 20-year-old woman was
case has been turned over to release. Minutes later, they injured over the weekend
homicide investigators. received information that a in a fall at Gooseberry Falls
Detectives on Monday man suffering from a gunshot State Park.
were seeking a motive for wound had been spotted a Police received a report
the shooting, which shat- few blocks east, across Inter- Saturday about 7:15 p.m. that
tered the early morning state 94, in the 2000 block of the woman had fallen about
calm Sunday along the 2200 N. Washington Avenue. 30 feet from the lower falls
block of N. 6th Street, in the The man was later taken to at the park, a popular attrac-
Hawthorne neighborhood, North Memorial Health Hos- tion on U.S. Hwy. 61 some
police said. pital in critical condition; he 13 miles northeast of Two
Authorities so far haven’t died of his injuries sometime Harbors, Minn.
identified the 25-year-old Monday morning, Elder said. According to the Lake
man, who was shot in the A police news release said County Sheriff ’s Office, the
arm and hip. that officers and investiga- woman was flown by Life Link
An autopsy is planned for tors spent the hours follow- to Essentia Health in Duluth.
later this week. ing the shooting canvassing Police said they had no
JIM WILSON • New York Times As of Monday morning, no the areas around 6th Street information on her current
Elka Gilmore, left, with her fellow chef Traci Des Jardins in the kitchen of her San Francisco arrests had been made in the and Washington Avenue condition or the extent of her
restaurant Elka’s on Jan. 7, 1993. Gilmore died on July 6 in San Francisco at age 59. case — the city’s 16th homi- “speaking with people who injuries. Further details on
cide of the year — according may have heard or seen the incident have not been
to department spokesman something.” released.

Innovative West Coast chef John Elder. LIBOR JANY JOHN REINAN

helped redefine fusion cuisine Two charged with maltreatment of horses

Two people have been with multiple counts of felony treated. Investigators found
Elka Gilmore, 59, an inno- Former Historian charged with animal abuse animal mistreatment, Hub- four dead horses on the prop-
vative West Coast chef who Argentine Colin Palmer after horses were found eating bard County Sheriff Cory erty and five other starving
helped redefine fusion cui- President died June 20 trees and fence posts because Aukes said in a news release horses that had been eating
sine in the 1990s, died on July Fernando de in Kingston, they did not have food. Four Monday. trees and fence posts that
6 in San Francisco. la Rua died Jamaica, his of the horses died. The animals were discov- were accessible to them, said
Gilmore had been in fail- July 9. native country. The horse’s owners, Johna- ered on the couple’s prop- Aukes.
ing health for years after than Johnson, 32, and Steph- erty after the Sheriff’s Office The horses were seized and
work injuries (one of which Fernando De la Rúa, 81, Colin A. Palmer, 75, a his- anie Johnson, 27, both of received a complaint in April taken to a safe place, he said.
required spinal fusion), breast who resigned as president torian who broadened the Laporte, Minn., were charged that horses were being mis- DAVID CHANEN
cancer and complications of of Argentina after two years understanding of the Afri-
surgery, friends said. in 2001 amid one of the most can diaspora, showing that
In 1993, Gilmore was spectacular economic col- the American slave trade
described as “the enfant ter- lapses in modern history, died was only one part of a phe-
rible of the modern Califor- July 9 at a hospital in Belén de nomenon that spanned cen- Follow @StribOpinion
nia kitchen” by the New York Escobar. turies and influenced cultures
Times Magazine. That was The cause was renal and worldwide, died on June 20 in
two years after the opening of heart failure. Kingston, Jamaica.
Elka’s, her highly praised res- A longtime public servant, His family announced the
taurant at the Miyako Hotel in De la Rúa will probably be death but did not specify the
the Japantown neighborhood remembered most for taking cause. Palmer, who lived in
of San Francisco.
What she learned from
off in a helicopter from the
terrace of the presidential
Yonkers, N.Y., had traveled
to Kingston to begin work CLASSIFIEDS + PUBLIC NOTICES
both French and Japanese palace on Dec. 20, 2001, half- on an interpretive history of
chefs and dishes, she told the way into his four-year term, Jamaica, his native country. STARTRIBUNE.COM/CLASSIFIEDS • 612.673.7000 • 800.927.9233
Times two years later, was an moments after presenting his Palmer published his first
appreciation of raw ingredi- formal resignation. of many books in 1976, at a
ents and flavor relationships. That departure became the time when the black power Mortgage Foreclosures Mortgage Foreclosures Mortgage Foreclosures
Adding a supposedly exotic symbol of a failed presidency. movement and issues of black
19-111555 19-111541 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORE-
ingredient just for effect De la Rúa had been unable to identity were prominent in NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORE- NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORE- CLOSURE SALE
made no sense to her. cool down a social and eco- the U.S. But it wasn’t about CLOSURE SALE CLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF
“I don’t really know what nomic crisis that engulfed the Civil War-era slave trade; THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE
‘fusion’ means,” she said, “but the country, leading to vio- it was called “Slaves of the TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION.
I do know that you can’t just lent street protests, a state of White God: Blacks in Mex- AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION.
fault has occurred in the conditions
throw some ginger or seaweed siege and a crackdown that ico, 1570-1650,” chronicling a fault has occurred in the conditions fault has occurred in the conditions of the following described mort-
of the following described mort- of the following described mort- gage:
into a dish without a good rea- killed dozens. period when the colonies that gage: gage: Mortgagor:Ronald L Miller and De-
son in terms of how the flavors De la Rúa’s resignation would become the United DATE OF MORTGAGE: April 23,
bra J Miller, husband & wife
Mortgagee: M&I Bank FSB
and textures work.” ended his political career, and States were still in their for- ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF Dated: 10/26/2007
MORTGAGE: $193,431.00 MORTGAGE: $213,069.00 Filed: 11/19/2007
Articles about her were he spent his remaining years mative stages. The book set MORTGAGOR(S): Heather Hodge, a MORTGAGOR(S): Dixie Miller and Anoka Registrar of Titles Document
No. 493464.001 Against Certificate
often accompanied by reci- largely out of the limelight. In him on a career-long path. married woman
MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic
Jared Miller, wife and husband
MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic of Title No.: 59892
pes — for the likes of soba interviews, he characterized “Palmer definitely brought Registration Systems, Inc. Registration Systems, Inc. Transaction Agent: N/A
TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage Transaction Agent Mortgage Identi-
noodles tossed with ginger himself as a victim of domes- about a deeper, more nuanced Electronic Registration Systems, Electronic Registration Systems, fication Number: N/A
Inc. Inc. Lender or Broker: M&I Bank FSB
and caviar; striped bass with tic coup plotters and “harass- understanding of the African MIN#: 1006166-0004061839-0 MIN#: 1006166-0004062442-2 Residential Mortgage Servicer: BMO
roasted shallot and garlic ment” from the International diaspora, one that extended LENDER OR BROKER AND MORT- LENDER OR BROKER AND MORT- Harris Bank, N.A.
Mortgage Originator: M&I Bank FSB
purée; or sturgeon and cala- Monetary Fund. But he also well beyond African-Ameri- THE MORTGAGE: Bay Equity LLC THE MORTGAGE: Bay Equity LLC LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPER-
SERVICER: Cenlar FSB SERVICER: Cenlar FSB TY: Lot 6, Block 1, Round Lake Es-
mari roasted with fava beans, acknowledged that he regret- can history or the history of DATE AND PLACE OF FILING: Filed DATE AND PLACE OF FILING: Filed tates, Anoka County, Minnesota.
ginger butter and a preserved ted leaving his post. the slave trade,” said James April 27, 2018, Wright County Re-
corder, as Document Number
May 23, 2018, Sherburne County
Recorder, as Document Number
This is Registered Property.
TAX PARCEL NO.: 32-32-24-34-
plum vinaigrette. De la Rúa easily won the Sweet, who as a graduate A1368942 856443 0012
A founder of the organi- presidential election on Oct. student worked with Palmer. Assigned to: Lakeview Loan Servic- Assigned to: Lakeview Loan Servic- 1509 Roosevelt St
zation Women Chefs and 24, 1999, as part of a center- Palmer did more than just ing, LLC
ing, LLC
Anoka, MN 55303
Restaurateurs, she never left coalition, the Alianza. He show that the African dias- TY: Lot 27, Block 2, Pheasant Ridge TY: Lot 2, Block 1, Mitchell Farms LOCATED: Anoka
8th Addition, CIC No. 51 Third Addition ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF
attended culinary school. promised to end a decade pora was not a single event; he PROPERTY ADDRESS: 15276 76th PROPERTY ADDRESS: 5056 Mitch- MORTGAGE: $263,000.00
St NE, Otsego, MN 55330 ell Rd, Big Lake, MN 55309 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO
Elka Ruth Gilmore was of neoliberal policies under examined the various strands PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION NUM- PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION NUM- BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE:
born on March 17, 1960, in Carlos Menem that had been of it for differences and simi- BER: 118-185-002270 BER: 65-490-0110 $235,458.55
San Antonio, the only child marked by corruption scan- larities. LOCATED: Wright LOCATED: Sherburne this mortgage foreclosure proceed-
of Russell Stanley Gilmore, a dals and high unemploy- “He argued that the mil- ON THE MORTGAGE ON THE DATE ON THE MORTGAGE ON THE DATE Mortgagee complied with all notice
college professor, and Linda ment. During the campaign, lions of African-descended OF THE NOTICE: $200,087.93
THAT all pre-foreclosure require-
OF THE NOTICE: $219,181.47
THAT all pre-foreclosure require-
requirements as required by statute;
that no action or proceeding has
(Prinz) Gilmore. he acknowledged that he had peoples were united by a ments have been complied with; ments have been complied with; been instituted at law or otherwise
that no action or proceeding has that no action or proceeding has to recover the debt secured by said
When Elka was around 12, a boring personality, but he past based significantly on been instituted at law or otherwise been instituted at law or otherwise mortgage, or any part thereof;
she took her first restaurant maintained that it was an asset. the struggles against racial to recover the debt secured by said
mortgage, or any part thereof;
to recover the debt secured by said
mortgage, or any part thereof;
PURSUANT to the power of sale
contained in said mortgage, the
job, as a dishwasher, at Café Yet it did not take long for oppression,” Sweet said, “and PURSUANT, to the power of sale PURSUANT, to the power of sale above described property will be
contained in said mortgage, the contained in said mortgage, the sold by the Sheriff of said county as
Camille in Austin, Texas. At his presidency to begin unrav- despite their cultural and above described property will be above described property will be follows:
16, she ran away from home, eling. He became mired in his political variations, diaspora sold by the Sheriff of said county as
sold by the Sheriff of said county as
follows: 2019, 10:00 AM
moving in with her grand- own corruption scandal, with peoples faced broadly similar DATE AND TIME OF SALE: August DATE AND TIME OF SALE: August PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff‘s Office,
20, 2019, 10:00am 20, 2019, 10:00am 13301 Hanson Boulevard NW, And-
mother in Wisconsin and his government accused of historical challenges in real- PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff’s Main Of- PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff’s Main Of- over, MN to pay the debt then se-
fice, 3800 Braddock Avenue NE, fice, 13880 Highway 10, Elk River, cured by said Mortgage, and taxes,
cooking wherever she could. bribing senators to approve izing themselves.” Buffalo, MN 55313 to pay the debt MN 55330 to pay the debt secured if any, on said premises, and the
She was employed as a prep a controversial labor reform Palmer urged students and secured by said mortgage and tax- by said mortgage and taxes, if any, costs and disbursements, including
attorneys’ fees allowed by law sub-
es, if any, on said premises and the on said premises and the costs and
cook at L’Étoile in Madison law. That scandal led to the fellow scholars to consider costs and disbursements, including disbursements, including attorneys ject to redemption within 6 Months
attorneys fees allowed by law, sub- fees allowed by law, subject to re- from the date of said sale by the
when the chef quit; Gilmore, resignation of his vice presi- whether the term “African ject to redemption within 6 months demption within 6 months from the mortgagor(s), their personal repre-
still a teenager, was promptly dent, Carlos Álvarez, weaken- diaspora” was even appro- from the date of said sale by the
mortgagor(s) the personal represen-
date of said sale by
mortgagor(s) the personal represen-
the sentatives or assigns.
promoted to chef. ing the De la Rúa government. priate, given the cultural and tatives or assigns. tatives or assigns. date on or before which the mortga-
TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROP- TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROP- gor must vacate the property if the
At 18, she decided it was De la Rúa also faced a linguistic diversity within ERTY: If the real estate is an owner- ERTY: If the real estate is an owner- mortgage is not reinstated under
time to travel and learn. So growing economic crisis. A the African continent, and to occupied, single-family dwelling,
unless otherwise provided by law,
occupied, single-family dwelling,
unless otherwise provided by law,
Minnesota Statutes section 580.30
or the property redeemed under
she headed for Boston, New program he inherited that make sure that any examina- the date on or before which the the date on or before which the Minnesota Statutes section 580.23
mortgagor(s) must vacate the prop- mortgagor(s) must vacate the prop- is January 23, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. If
York and ultimately the pegged the local currency tion of diaspora began with a erty, if the mortgage is not reinstat- erty, if the mortgage is not reinstat- the foregoing date is a Saturday,
Sunday or legal holiday, then the
South of France, where she to the U.S. dollar became study of Africa itself. ed under section 580.30 or the
property is not redeemed under sec-
ed under section 580.30 or the
property is not redeemed under sec- date to vacate is the next business
worked at the world-famous increasingly unsustainable, “Africa, in all of its cul- tion 580.23, is 11:59 p.m. on Febru- tion 580.23, is 11:59 p.m. on Febru- day at 11:59 p.m.
ary 20, 2020, or the next business ary 20, 2020, or the next business MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM
La Colombe d’Or. Returning leading to a surge in the coun- tural richness and diversity, day if February 20, 2020 falls on a day if February 20, 2020 falls on a FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ON MORT-
Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. GAGE: NONE
to the U.S. in 1982, she settled try’s fiscal deficit. His govern- remained very much alive in "THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR "THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR
in Los Angeles, where she ment eventually imposed lim- the receiving societies as the REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGA- REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGA- REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGA-
spent time at the restaurants its on how much cash Argen- various ethnic groups cre- SONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR AS- SONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR AS- SONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR AS-
Tumbleweed and Checkers. tines could withdraw from ated new cultures and recre- WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS
After the success of Elka’s, their accounts. The move ated their old ways as circum- ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA
her next San Francisco project helped spark mass protests. stances allowed,” he wrote in TERMINING, AMONG OTHER TERMINING, AMONG OTHER TERMINING, AMONG OTHER
— Liberté, a French-Ameri- The social unrest boiled an article for Perspectives PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A
can restaurant — lasted only over in December 2001. Super- on History magazine in 1998. RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS
a few months in 1995. But that markets were looted and pro- “Consequently, the study of TY USED FOR AGRICULTURAL TY USED FOR AGRICULTURAL ERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL
same year she won the James tests became a common sight. the modern African dias- DONED. DONED. DONED.
Dated: June 7, 2019
Beard Foundation’s award for In resigning, De la Rúa said he pora, particularly the aspect Dated: June 25, 2019
Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC
Dated: June 25, 2019
Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC BMO Harris Bank N.A., as succes-
best California chef, and the was hoping to “contribute to of it that is associated with the Assignee of Mortgagee Assignee of Mortgagee sor to M & I Bank FSB, Mortgagee
East Coast called. pacify the country.” Atlantic slave trade, cannot be BY Lawrence P. Zielke - 152559 BY Lawrence P. Zielke - 152559 SOCIATION
Melissa L. B. Porter - 0337778 Melissa L. B. Porter - 0337778 Attorneys for:
The Omni Berkshire Place Argentina proceeded to justifiably separated from the Randolph W. Dawdy - 2160X Randolph W. Dawdy - 2160X BMO Harris Bank N.A., as succes-
Hotel lured her to New York fall deeper into crisis. The study of the home continent.” Gary J. Evers - 0134764 Gary J. Evers - 0134764 sor to M & I Bank FSB, Mortgagee
55 East Fifth Street, Suite 800
Tracy J. Halliday - 034610X Tracy J. Halliday - 034610X
to create and run Kokachin, country had four presidents Palmer also wrote well- Attorneys for Mortgagee Attorneys for Mortgagee St. Paul, MN 55101-1718
Shapiro & Zielke, LLP Shapiro & Zielke, LLP 651-291-8955
a lobby-level seafood restau- in two weeks and defaulted regarded articles and books 12550 West Frontage Road, Suite 12550 West Frontage Road, Suite 651-228-1753 (fax)
rant. Gilmore soon returned on almost $100 billion of debt. on the Caribbean countries. 200 Burnsville, MN 55337
(952) 831-4060
200 Burnsville, MN 55337
(952) 831-4060
to San Francisco, where in Fernando De la Rúa was Colin Alphonsous Palmer THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFOR-
1998 she opened her last res- born in Córdoba, the capital was born on March 23, 1944, 7/2, 7/9, 7/16, 7/23. 7/30, 8/6/19 7/2, 7/9, 7/16, 7/23. 7/30, 8/6/19 FOR THAT PURPOSE.
taurant, Oodles, a bistro on of Córdoba province, on Sept. in Lambs River, Jamaica. Star Tribune Star Tribune 16327-19-00133-1
6/11, 6/18, 6/25, 7/2, 7/9,
Mission Street. 15, 1937. NEW YORK TIMES 7/16/19 Star Tribune
B6 • S TA R T R I B U N E M I N N E S O TA T U E S DAY, J U LY 16, 2019

TWIN CITIES TODAY WED • 7/17 THU • 7/18 FRI • 7/19 SAT • 7/20 SUN • 7/21 MON • 7/22
T-storms, some heavy T-storms linger, locally Steamy sun, isolated Free sauna lingers. Cooler, more numerous Sunnier, less humid.
Sunnier and hotter again
7a: 74° • noon: 83° • 5p: 85° heavy rain t-storm T-storms up north t-storms Breathing easier

87° 73° 91° 73° 90° 74° 92° 73° 85° 68° 86° 66°
high low*
Precip: 80% • Wind: SW 5-10 Precip: 80% • Wind: S 5-10 Precip: 20% • Wind: W 8-13 Precip: 30% • Wind: E 7-12 Precip: 30% • Wind: E 7-12 Precip: 60% • Wind: NW 8-13 Precip: 20% • Wind: NW 10-15

*Overnight low: Lowest temperature between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. the next day

N AT I O N A L O U T L O O K Yesterday’s high / low: 117 in Thermal, CA / 33 in Mammoth Lakes, CA

International Falls

WEATHER Thief River Falls


with Paul Douglas Detroit Bemidji

Grand Marais
Lakes 72/57
Video forecasts: 82/65 81/61
Paul’s blog:
Paul on WCCO Radio: 3-6 p.m. weekdays Brainerd Duluth

Thunderstorms add jolt

87/69 87/67

St. Cloud

to fading stretch of heat

BARRY Redwood 86/67
Falls Twin Cities
84/67 86/73
It may be politically expedient to complain about Worthington 83/70
heat and humidity, but count me out of that rant-fest. 82/67 Rochester
We spend — what — half the year shivering, so I’m not
about to complain about a few hot fronts in mid-July in Min-
nesota. Says a guy who can retreat into air-conditioned com-
fort when the going gets really sticky. A R O U N D M I N N E S O TA
I suspect this will be the hottest week of summer, with at CITY MON TODAY WED
least three more days of 90-degree fun (Thursday into Satur- Albert Lea 87/73/s 84/68/pc 87/72/t
Alexandria 93/74/t 87/69/pc 82/69/t
day) and a heat index that may leave you reaching for moist Bemidji 90/64/s 81/61/pc 79/63/t
©2019; forecasts and
Temperature forecasts are the highs for the day; towelettes. Brainerd 90/67/t 87/67/pc 82/68/t
weather patterns are for conditions at noon.
graphics provided by “Paul, you have Doppler radar. Why can’t you tell me, days Detroit Lakes 88/70/t 82/65/pc 79/65/t
Duluth 89/61/t 87/61/pc 75/63/t
U.S. & WORLD CITIES • s-sunny • pc-partly cloudy • c-cloudy • sh-showers • t-thunderstorms • r-rain • sf-snow flurries • sn-snow • i-ice in advance, when it’s going to rain on me?” Fair question. Fergus Falls 90/73/t 82/66/pc 80/65/t
U.S. MON TODAY WED U.S. MON TODAY WED WORLD MON TODAY WED Thunderstorms are usually 5-10 miles in diameter — all we Grand Marais 81/63/pc 72/57/pc 65/56/t
Albuquerque 95/71/pc 95/71/pc 97/71/pc Orlando 94/78/r 95/78/t 94/77/t Havana 91/77/pc 91/75/pc 91/75/pc
Anchorage 68/59/sh 69/56/c 69/57/c Philadelphia 87/70/pc 92/75/pc 95/76/t Helsinki 68/50/sh 66/51/sh 71/52/t can do is tell when conditions are ripe for storms. Models Hibbing 86/56/t 83/54/pc 76/56/t
I’ntl Falls 84/62/t 81/57/pc 77/58/t
Atlanta 93/75/pc 93/75/pc 92/75/t Phoenix 112/89/s 114/89/s 109/86/pc Hong Kong 92/79/sh 91/79/pc 93/82/pc print out 1-2 inches of rain for the metro by Thursday morn- Mankato 88/73/pc 83/70/pc 84/72/t
Austin 95/74/pc 97/77/s 96/76/s Pittsburgh 85/60/s 85/70/t 81/70/t Jerusalem 84/64/s 85/71/s 96/71/s
Baltimore 90/66/pc 93/73/pc 96/74/t Portland, ME 82/60/s 81/68/s 80/63/t Johannesburg 68/47/s 67/41/s 66/41/s ing, as a frontal boundary stalls nearby, acting as a meteoro- Moorhead 90/73/s 82/67/pc 80/64/t
Billings 86/63/t 80/59/pc 84/60/pc Portland, OR 75/64/sh 79/62/sh 77/63/c Kabul 103/63/s 100/64/s 100/65/s logical magnet for stormy redevelopment. I wouldn’t be sur- Redwood Falls 91/74/t 84/67/pc 82/68/t
Birmingham 87/73/c 93/76/pc 89/76/t Raleigh 94/70/pc 96/76/t 97/77/pc Kingston 90/81/pc 89/80/s 89/79/s
Bismarck 92/67/pc 82/65/t 80/62/t Rapid City, SD 85/62/s 82/61/t 76/60/c Kuwait City 111/88/s 116/88/s 112/89/s
prised to see some localized flash flooding. Rochester
St Cloud
87/71/pc 83/67/pc 84/71/t
91/68/t 86/67/pc 81/68/t
Boise 91/61/s 85/58/s 90/59/pc Sacramento 94/63/s 93/60/s 93/62/pc Lima 65/54/pc 65/60/s 65/61/pc A push of cooler, comfortable air returns early next week. Worthington 90/73/pc 82/67/pc 83/67/t
Boston 86/71/pc 86/76/s 87/71/t St. Louis 78/71/r 84/74/t 95/81/s London 73/55/pc 78/58/pc 78/59/pc
Brownsville 96/81/pc 95/81/s 96/80/s Salt Lake City 97/70/s 96/65/s 91/73/s Madrid 97/66/s 98/70/s 95/69/s
Buffalo 81/60/pc 85/72/t 80/70/t San Antonio 95/76/pc 95/77/s 95/76/s Manila 86/76/t 84/78/t 83/78/r TWIN CITIES TEMPS Average Record Actual Forecast
Cedar Rapids 87/71/s 86/71/pc 92/76/t San Diego 76/65/pc 76/64/pc 74/64/pc Mazatlan 91/77/pc 89/78/t 91/78/pc Today’s air quality:
Charleston, SC 94/75/t 94/74/pc 93/74/pc San Francisco 76/58/s 71/56/pc 72/56/pc Mexico City 79/59/t 76/56/t 74/56/t Good
Charlotte 95/73/t 96/73/pc 96/75/pc San Juan 90/81/pc 91/76/s 88/78/pc Mogadishu 94/74/pc 83/76/t 82/76/pc 120°
Cheyenne 81/60/t 85/57/t 87/57/s Seattle 68/62/sh 76/59/sh 69/59/c Montreal 81/61/pc 80/71/t 80/64/t 0 50 100 150 200 300

Chicago 91/74/pc 86/73/t 90/76/pc Sioux City 90/73/s 88/70/t 93/70/t Moscow 68/53/pc 69/58/c 67/57/sh 43: Satisfactory; air pollution poses little
Cincinnati 90/69/t 88/71/c 86/70/t Spokane 71/58/sh 78/59/pc 77/57/c Mumbai 88/83/pc 89/80/sh 88/78/t or no risk
Cleveland 91/61/pc 86/74/c 84/72/t Tampa 92/80/t 92/79/t 90/78/t Nairobi 73/57/pc 73/54/pc 71/53/pc 100°
Dallas 94/73/pc 99/79/s 97/78/s Tucson 106/78/pc 107/79/s 101/76/t Nassau 88/81/pc 89/78/pc 89/79/sh UV index: Moderate
Denver 92/62/pc 94/64/s 97/64/s Wash., DC 90/72/pc 92/77/pc 96/78/t New Delhi 99/77/t 88/79/pc 90/79/pc
Des Moines 89/74/pc 89/74/pc 95/80/t Oslo 66/54/pc 70/51/pc 70/53/pc
80° 0-2 3-5 6-7 8-10 11+
Detroit 88/65/pc 81/72/pc 86/71/t WORLD MON TODAY WED Ottawa 82/55/pc 83/70/c 83/62/t
Eau Claire 88/67/t 85/67/pc 83/71/t Paris 77/55/s 78/58/pc 83/62/pc 5: Moderate risk; cover up, stay in shade
Acapulco 97/76/t 90/76/t 91/78/t near midday
Fairbanks 76/53/pc 74/57/pc 72/57/c Addis Ababa 70/54/sh 70/55/t 68/55/t Prague 72/54/pc 71/53/s 73/54/pc
Fargo 91/73/s 83/68/pc 80/65/t Amsterdam 63/54/r 66/53/c 73/58/pc Quebec City 81/55/pc 81/66/t 81/56/t 60°
Fort Myers 94/77/pc 92/76/t 92/76/t Athens 86/70/c 85/68/t 84/69/pc Quito 67/45/r 72/51/pc 73/51/pc
Allergy index overall: Low
Galveston 90/81/pc 91/83/pc 91/83/pc Auckland 59/48/pc 59/49/sh 59/51/sh Reykjavik 63/55/r 60/52/sh 59/51/sh
Green Bay 88/68/pc 87/67/pc 83/69/pc Baghdad 111/74/s 107/80/s 106/81/s Rio de Janeiro 81/70/s 77/64/sh 73/64/r
Honolulu 89/77/pc 90/78/pc 89/77/pc Bangkok 93/79/pc 95/81/pc 94/79/t Riyadh 106/80/s 110/81/s 109/80/s 40° Grass: Trees: Weeds: Mold:
Houston 92/79/pc 94/78/pc 94/77/pc Barbados 87/80/pc 87/79/pc 87/81/sh Rome 82/72/sh 87/62/pc 84/65/s Low Low Low Low
Indianapolis 90/73/pc 84/71/t 87/74/t Santiago 70/28/s 68/43/s 65/41/pc Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu National Allergy Bureau
Beijing 95/73/pc 91/75/pc 88/73/t
Jacksonville 97/74/pc 98/75/pc 95/74/t Belgrade 77/57/pc 80/56/pc 81/59/s San Jose 82/66/t 81/65/t 82/67/t
Kansas City 84/67/pc 88/75/pc 95/78/s Berlin 64/55/c 70/54/pc 73/56/pc Seoul 82/68/t 83/70/t 86/72/pc Yesterday High Low Precipitation S U N A N D M O O N T O D AY
Las Cruces 101/67/s 101/73/pc 99/72/c Bermuda 86/79/pc 85/78/t 84/79/t Shanghai 87/71/pc 85/78/c 88/78/t Total daylight: 15 hours, 15 minutes
Monday, Jul. 15 92° 71° 24 hours-6 p.m. yesterday 0.01”
Las Vegas 109/87/s 109/83/s 106/82/s Brussels 63/50/c 69/52/pc 75/57/pc Singapore 84/78/t 87/79/pc 88/80/pc
Los Angeles 82/63/s 86/65/s 81/63/pc Stockholm 59/48/t 60/48/sh 65/47/sh Average 84° 65° Yesterday’s record 1.87” in 1907
Buenos Aires 61/43/s 58/42/s 61/44/pc
Louisville 89/75/c 89/75/t 88/77/t Cairo 97/76/s 107/89/s 109/81/s Sydney 65/50/s 69/49/s 67/49/s Record 1988: 102° 1912: 49° Month to yesterday 3.23”
Full Last
Madison 87/74/pc 87/69/pc 88/74/pc Calgary 70/50/sh 65/47/t 71/47/pc Tehran 104/81/s 106/87/s 107/86/s This day last year 89° 71° Month record 17.90” in 1987 Jul 16 Jul 24
Memphis 81/72/r 80/71/t 89/74/t Cancun 91/79/pc 90/79/pc 89/78/pc Tel Aviv 86/74/s 88/78/s 97/80/s Above / below average +1.30”
Miami 93/83/t 91/81/pc 91/80/s Caracas 80/68/t 72/64/t 71/65/t Tokyo 74/67/c 75/70/r 81/73/pc Yesterday’s snapshot (*estimate)
Year to yesterday 21.56”
Milwaukee 92/71/pc 85/70/pc 83/72/c Copenhagen 64/57/pc 69/58/pc 71/58/pc Toronto 79/61/pc 87/70/t 81/69/t 12 am 72 6 am 74 Noon 88 6 pm 89
Nashville 85/73/r 89/73/t 87/75/t Vancouver 75/59/pc 73/59/pc 68/57/sh
Above / below average +5.80” New First
Dublin 74/46/pc 70/56/sh 66/52/sh 3 am 72 9 am 82 3 pm 91 9 pm* 81
New Orleans 88/82/r 92/78/pc 92/79/pc Vienna 77/55/pc 78/55/pc 80/58/pc
Jul 31 Aug 7
Edmonton 73/50/pc 68/46/t 73/51/t
New York 85/68/s 89/77/pc 91/75/t Frankfurt 73/57/c 78/56/s 78/57/pc Vientiane 93/76/pc 93/77/pc 94/79/pc Cooling degree days 2019 2018 Avg. Dew points
Okla. City 91/70/pc 98/76/pc 97/77/s Geneva 73/58/pc 81/58/s 85/60/pc Warsaw 77/52/pc 69/54/t 73/51/t 24 hrs to 6 p.m. yest. 17 15 9 High 74° 2 p.m. Sunrise: 5:42 am Sunset: 8:56 pm
Omaha 89/77/s 91/76/pc 98/79/pc Guadalajara 82/62/t 83/61/t 83/62/t Winnipeg 82/68/t 79/60/c 78/60/t Seasonal 358 593 330 Moonrise: 9:02 pm Moonset: 5:19 am
Low 67° 2 a.m.

Company’s collapse
leaves hole in Mpls.
ø THOR from B1 to be faster and more environ- interview process.”
receiving calls when con- mentally friendly than on-site McGlynn said he has kept
struction stopped from peo- construction. She said she is the Ventura Village Neigh-
ple wondering whether the unsure whether the project borhood Organization up
apartment complex would be would still be built this way, to date on the project. The
finished. something that would depend association did not respond
“We’re still going to build on when construction picks to requests for comment.
it. It’s not abandoned,” Hol- back up. Countless cars and pedes-
lingsworth, who now has her People in the neighborhood trians streamed through the
own firm, said last week. “It’s were paying attention to the Park and Franklin intersec-
not going to be left there like it project because they wanted tion on an rainy weekday in
is, which is the concern ... that the rents to remain within July. The 15,600-square-feet
the community might have.” reach for them, she said. corner lot remained closed
The apartment complex The city’s planning depart- off by chain-link fencing.
was the only Thor project ment had not received any In the center of the site
with active building permits updates from Thor about was a hole divided by con-
after the company announced the project, city spokesman crete walls into sections and
JERRY HOLT • it was shutting down in late John Louis said last week. bordered by planks and hay
April, according to city McGlynn Partners is now the bales. Excavated dirt and
spokesman Casper Hill. sole developer. black tarps surrounded the
Suddenly, January isn’t looking so bad … Plans approved last year
depicted a building with 44
“We just put the site, essen-
tially, to bed, and have been
hole, and more planks, tarps
and plastic pipes were strewn
units. Hollingsworth said the working to get a new contrac- at the far end of the site. Four
Braxton Millay, 2, appeared not the least bit amused Monday while mom Amanda team was looking to build tor,” said Patrick McGlynn of bare concrete walls projected
Madson applied sunscreen as he waited get a freeze pop at Sunny Acres Park in with prefabricated “modules” McGlynn Partners. He did from the ground.
that are installed on the foun- not go into detail about the
Anoka. The cool treats were provided by Anoka police officers. dation, a method considered search, saying it was “just an Miguel Otárola • 612-673-4753

Drunken driver gets 5 months in crash that killed Plymouth pedestrian

ø DWI from B1 Luann M. Johnson pleaded guilty to to police at the scene, saying to prison for four years. tinued to drive. Nord and his
agreed upon by Singleton’s Johnson fatally one count of criminal vehic- that a tire had malfunctioned. Right before Johnson was defense attorney, however,
family, Assistant County struck 56-year- ular homicide with a blood The State Patrol found noth- sentenced, Quam gave proba- said he is in treatment and will
Attorney Darren Borg said old Mary C. alcohol content over the legal ing wrong with her tires. tion to a former professional be in assisted-living facilities
in court. Singleton two limit of 0.08. Quam said the case is one wrestler, John Nord, who has for the rest of his life.
Assuming good behavior, years ago. Two other counts of crimi- of the most tragic that anyone been arrested seven times for Quam said the sentencing
Johnson will serve the first nal vehicular homicide were would have to face, causing a driving under the influence of decision was difficult. “Life
150 days in the Hennepin statement to the court before dismissed. According to the death by turning a car into a drugs — mostly painkillers. has handed you a lot of spe-
County workhouse. her sentence, turning to look at criminal complaint against “3,000-pound drunken bullet.” Nord, 59, wrestled under the cial things,” he told Nord. “On
Then she will serve the Singleton’s family in the front her: Johnson was seen “driv- He noted that probably name the “Nord the Barbarian” the other hand, it’s taken away
remaining 90 on electronic row several times. “I can’t ing aggressively” on I-394/ hundreds of people made the in the heyday of Twin Cities a lot of what makes you you.”
home monitoring. She will begin to tell you how sorry I Hwy. 12 after leaving a fund- same mistake last weekend. wrestling. The judge put Nord on five
be allowed out to work. She am for the accident that caused raiser at an Eden Prairie golf By requiring Johnson to tell In recent years, he has years of probation under the
will also be on probation for the death of Mary,” she said. club. her story, Quam told her he’s become a frequent abuser of condition he stay in restric-
four years during which she Johnson recalled the day She turned north on Hwy. hoping she can prevent just painkillers to cope with the tive housing and do “no driv-
is not allowed to drink any she entered her plea, saying 101 and “suddenly swerved” one accident like hers. “It’s damage to his body and brain. ing whatsoever.”
alcohol or drive. she had been filled with grati- across the southbound lanes. not easy to go around telling He now uses a wheelchair and He told Nord to come back
Hennepin County District tude that she was finally able Her vehicle jumped the curb people what you did, you killed has ALS. to his courtroom in three
Judge Jay Quam added a con- to express to Singleton’s fam- and struck Singleton, who was somebody,” he said. The prosecutor on his case months to give an update on
dition of his own, requiring ily how sorry she was. When walking on the sidewalk with Johnson said she would argued that Quam should send how he’s faring. Quam said he
Johnson to give 20 caution- Joe Singleton and Mary’s sister her mother a block from her be “honored” to give those Nord to prison for more than wants to see him doing well.
ary speeches about drunken hugged her that day, Johnson home about 5:45 p.m. in the speeches. four years because he rep-
driving. said she experienced “a spiri- 700 block of County Road If she violates the conditions resents a significant public Rochelle Olson • 612-673-1747
Johnson also gave a tearful tual healing.” 101. Charges said Johnson lied of her probation, she could go safety threat as he has con- Twitter: @rochelleolson
Sims, Fowles make WNBA Wolves fall just short in
All-Star team for Lynx. C2
Winner, Top 10 Sports section in the nation Summer League final. C3
Awarded by the Associated Press Sports Editors (2019)

T U E S DAY, J U LY 16, 2019 S TA R T R I B U N E . C O M / S P O R T S • S E C T I O N C

Opener: 7:10 p.m. Tuesday vs. N.Y. Mets (FSN) Hear it?
in July

weird hap-
pened over
the weekend. I
Googled play-
off odds for
Major League
Baseball, while scanning the
remaining schedules for the
Twins and Cleveland Indians
to compare their respec-
tive paths, while pondering
which prospects the Twins
front office should be will-
ing to give up in a trade for
bullpen help, while wonder-
ing why Trevor May threw
a curveball instead of a 98
miles-per-hour fastball on
an 0-2 pitch.
So this is what a pennant
race feels like.
This is what meaningful
baseball in mid-July does to a
person, to a community.
ANTHONY SOUFFLÈ • Usually, we’re knee-deep
Twins pitcher Michael Pineda will make his 18th start of the season on Tuesday night. He’s second on the team with eight quality starts. into projecting the Vikings’
two-deep by now. Psst, they
open training camp next

week, by the way.
The Vikings still will com-
mand our attention as the
top draw, but for a change
— a very nice change — the
Twins have become appoint-
ment viewing in summer
and likely fall, according to
Pitchers coming off Tommy
John elbow ligament replacement As far as Twins pitcher Michael his past five starts. He has walked
only 16 batters in 92 ⅔ innings for
various playoff odds track-
ers, which forecast the Twins
surgery usually are handled very
carefully in their first season back Pineda is concerned, his Tommy the season. In fact, his 1.55 walks
per nine innings are the seventh-
as a virtual lock to make the
on the mound. The Twins, how-
ever, are not taking that approach John surgery is ancient history. lowest in Major League Baseball
and second-lowest in the AL, as
This, of course, causes
panic. Calling anything Min-
with righthander Michael Pineda. well his lowest rate since 2015 nesota sports-related a lock
The plan is to let Pineda’s pitch- when he was with the Yankees. makes people fill buckets
ing, not his workload, determine Do those numbers reflect with nervous sweat. Souls
how long he remains in games. someone coming back from elbow have been calloused by
That’s a good development for a surgery? Lacking command and a heartbreak and worst-case
team building momentum toward Twins open a nine-game home- way I have been throwing the ball,” feel for pitches are hurdles pitch- scenarios have come true.
its first AL Central title since 2010. stand Tuesday with the first of two he said. “I’m coming from Tommy ers deal with as they work back Nothing ever, ever, ever can
Along with lefthander Martin games against the Mets. John, but I feel good for the oppor- from such a procedure. The only be taken for granted.
Perez, Pineda has helped stabilize At the moment, Pineda might be tunity the Twins have given to problem for Pineda has been get- May told reporters Sunday
the back end of the Twins’ starting the Twins’ most effective starter, me. So I try to be ready every five ting his nasty slider back. He occa- that he was “annoyed” by
rotation. Kyle Gibson, Jake Odor- with a 2.83 ERA over his past five days and throw everything on the sionally will throw one the way he a pessimistic tone in social
izzi and Jose Berrios just drew the starts. He is 6-4 with a 4.56 ERA mound.” wants to, but he can’t do it consis- media interactions over the
starts for a key series in Cleveland, for the season. Pineda has walked just five tently yet. Twins’ division lead shrink-
and now it’s Pineda’s turn as the “We feel pretty good about the batters while striking out 31 over See TWINS on C6 Ø ing before the All-Star break.
Sorry, Trevor. That’s the
nature of fandom, especially
within Minnesota’s borders.
THE LOCAL NINE No one needs a history les-
In their first extended homestand in nearly a month, the Twins will play nine games in nine days against three different teams at Target Field: son to explain why.
This is fun, though. All of
V S . N .Y. M E T S ( 4 2 - 5 1 ) V S . O A K L A N D AT H L E T I C S ( 5 3 - 4 1 ) V S . N .Y. YA N K E E S ( 5 9 - 3 3 ) it. The swings of emotion
Two games: Tuesday and Wednesday Four games: Thursday through Sunday Three games: Monday through July 24 from game to game. The
overanalyzation of every
The Mets can hit, Owners of an The best record in game, every mistake, every
but they haven’t AL wild-card the American League missed opportunity at the
won regularly all spot at the mo- belongs to the Yanks, plate. Is it a bit excessive?
season and are ment, the A’s who play host to the Maybe. But so what? Fans
clinging to are 8-2 in their Rays and Rockies endured far too many sum-
wild-card hopes. past 10 games. before coming mers of bad, boring baseball
to Minnesota. in order to finally experience
this beautiful side.
Mets first baseman A’s third baseman Yankees shortstop The Twins own MLB’s
Pete Alonso has 30 Matt Chapman has 21 Gleyber Torres has 19 third-best record at 58-34.
home runs, 69 RBI home runs, 54 RBI home runs, 50 RBI and a They won two of three games
and a .275 average. and a .274 average. .292 average. in what felt like a statement
series at Cleveland over the
weekend, extending their divi-

Mankato adopts Aussies

Town goes extra mile to serve as home for national fastpitch team.
By RACHEL BLOUNT told us where to order one.” The Aussies’ national anthem This summer, one of those — “Advance Australia Fair” —
flags is flying over the conces- was played before “The Star-
NORTH MANKATO, MINN. – sion stand at Caswell Park, in Spangled Banner.”
Before their home opener in honor of a surprising summer The beer truck sold cans
June, the staff of Mankato’s guest: the Australian national of Foster’s, a favorite Aussie
new professional softball team women’s softball team. From brew. Another famous export,
began assembling supplies for June through mid-August, about the song “Down Under” by
the upcoming season. The balls 30 players are living in student Men At Work, entertained fans
and water coolers were easy housing at Bethany Lutheran between innings. To infielder
enough to find, but another College, playing home games Stacey Porter, it felt much like
item took a little more work. at Caswell Park and taking on a game in Australia, save for
“We needed two Australian a second identity as the Aussie one difference: the announced
flags,” said Mike Brielmaier, Peppers of Minnesota in the crowd of 669 fans crammed
operations manager for the National Pro Fastpitch league. into the metal bleachers.
Aussie Peppers of Minnesota. At a 6-5 victory over the “Softball back home doesn’t
“It wasn’t something we were Canadian Wild this month, the get this kind of support,” said
going to find around here, but second flag was carried onto Porter, a two-time Olympic RENÉE JONES SCHNEIDER •
a guy with the color guard at the field by a Peppers player medalist. “This is massive. The Australian and American stars and stripes waved before the Aussie Peppers and Canadian
the local American Legion alongside the color guard. See PEPPERS on C3 Ø Wild met in fastpitch softball earlier this month in North Mankato.
C2 • S TA R T R I B U N E SPORTS T U E S DAY, J U LY 16, 2019


of Wolves is
In terms of results, the Tim-
berwolves’ success in this year’s
NBA Summer League is about as
important as winning the fourth
preseason game in the NFL.
But there was a lot to like about
what the Wolves did in Summer
League. It’s not a perfect snapshot,
but it is at least a glimpse of some of
the things they will prioritize under
new President Gersson Rosas and
head coach Ryan Saunders.
One big thing: Offensive effi-
ciency. Per Alan Horton from
Wolves radio, Minnesota has all
but eliminated long two-point
attempts from its arsenal. He
tweeted that through four games,
81% of their field goal attempts
were either at the rim or from
three-point range.
Last year the Rockets led the
NBA with 78% of their attempts
from one of those two sweet spots,
followed by the Bucks at 76%. Both
were among the NBA’s top teams.
The Wolves, on the other hand,
were at a dismal 60%.

The key to falling: Getting up

Read Michael Rand’s blog at


GOPH ERS BASKETBALL By MICHAEL RAND some time to try to figure this out. fortable one. turnaround point, and I’m running What happened? About five years ago, when I back toward the scene of the crime.
Interest grows There are few things more hum-
“Maybe it was a consequence of
my decision” is the first possible
was given a diagnosis of multiple
sclerosis, I naturally read, read and
Maybe I was just distracted?
I carry my phone with me pretty
in Walton after bling than falling down.
Figuratively? Sure. But I’m talk-
conclusion reached by my busy
brain. Less than 30 seconds before
then read some more about what
might happen to my body.
much wherever I run because I
don’t have a Fitbit, so my phone

strong showing ing about literally falling down. I’m

specifically talking about a grown
my epic tumble, I had paused at a
red stoplight at the intersection of
Generally I feel good. I feel
better now than I did four or five
counts my daily steps/mileage,
and if they aren’t counted did they
man, 42 years old, going rear over Cleveland and St. Clair in St. Paul, years ago when the diagnosis was really happen? (Awful logic, but
Hopkins guard Kerwin Walton teakettle while doing something contemplating whether to keep fresh. That makes it more possible, 2019 logic). It’s entirely possible,
wants to be known for being more he’s done a thousand times: Run- going straight on Cleveland or turn I suppose, to contain it to the back- I decide, that I had looked down
than just a shooter, but his deadly ning down a sidewalk. onto St. Clair. Big decision, I know. ground. at my phone.
stroke was all coaches were talk- How do I explain running down My original plan had been to run But exercise: If I go running on And maybe there was a crack
ing about after his 10 a normal sidewalk on a cloudless down Cleveland all the way, just an a hot and humid day, it’s likely my or raised part of the sidewalk? As I
three-pointers in a morning, and next thing I know out-and-back, but isn’t that kind of legs because of MS will feel sort of run back past the approximate area
game during the start I’m tumbling, scraping the side- boring? I could make a rectangle, “heavy.” The best way to explain where I fell, I slow down and look
of the July evaluation walk and rolling into the grass take St. Clair to Fairview, then head it is to imagine you are running VERY carefully at every imper-
period last week. for a softer landing? How after a back south … with very small but noticeable fection. A-ha! It could have been
The 6-5 Hop- stunned second or two I’m trying The light changed, and I kept ankle weights — not enough to there, where the lip is raised a good
kins senior scored to spring back to action, checking running straight on Cleveland, stop you or even slow you down inch. I probably wasn’t watching
Walton 30 points on 10-for- for damage, and fielding a ques- as planned. Left, right, left, right, much, but still a deviation from where I was going, caught that spot
13 shooting from tion from a concerned motorist decent pace, sunny day … bam. optimal or normal. and down I went.
beyond the arc in D1 Minnesota’s who clearly saw the whole thing. Scrapes, concern, resumption, and Friday wasn’t the hottest or I still don’t know for sure why I
victory over Team Loaded (N.C.) “Are you OK?” she shouts from a the thought: If I had only turned most humid day in which I’ve run fell. Maybe it one of my big brain
at the Adidas Summer Champion- rolled down window. “I’m fine!” right, this probably wouldn’t have in the past five years, but it was in guesses. Maybe it was a little bit of
ships in Birmingham, Ala. I shout back, and begin jogging happened. the upper 70s and climbing, with everything. Or maybe it was none
Walton, one of six Class of 2020 again immediately as if to prove it. Or maybe trying to control plenty of stickiness. Maybe those of those things that made me fall.
standouts with Gophers scholarship Am I OK? My goodness, how what’s coming is an impossible heavy legs weren’t lifting high Maybe the universe just wanted
offers, combined to hit 15 threes in bad did it look? Well, I did just fall errand and a giant waste of energy enough off the ground, and as a to knock me down — didn’t want to
two games Saturday. D1 Minnesota down in the middle of a sidewalk. when all we can only hope to do is result I tripped and down I went? hurt me too bad, at least not enough
was without five-star Prior Lake I’m in no position to judge the react in the moment? It’s possible, I decide, though so that my 5-year-old couldn’t tell
senior forward Dawson Garcia, who judgment or concern. Mostly I’m Or maybe there was a chance I also know this: Not in the past me later (as she did) “I still have
was out because of an illness. just stunned. it would have happened anyway, five years, or even in the past 15 for way more scrapes than you — to
Previously, Walton was hear- I’m less than halfway into the regardless of my direction? that matter, have I ever just biffed it remind me how important it is to
ing mostly from Denver, South run at this point, about two miles That’s the next route for my while running — heavy legs or not. think, how good it is to feel, and how
Dakota, Creighton and Minnesota. from my destination, so I have busy brain, and it’s the least com- By this point, I’ve reached the nice it is to get back up again.
After the last Adidas circuit, he
picked up scholarship offers from
Virginia Tech, Miami (Fla.), Iowa TIPSHEET
and Iowa State. His offer list will
keep adding high majors after last K N O W T H I S : Cleveland is in the strange position of perhaps WAT C H T H I S : What’s thicker — the tension of a pennant
weekend’s shooting display. being a seller heading into the trade deadline despite being in race or the midsummer Twin Cities air? Compare them directly
MARCUS FULLER playoff contention. Could the Indians move Trevor Bauer? at Target Field with Mets at Twins (7 p.m., FSN).


All-Star Sims answers the call

Six-year veteran has done Old hat for one, a first for other that she expected her to play
everything asked of her as Two Lynx players were among the 12 WNBA All-Star reserves a leading role.
(as chosen by league coaches). The 16th WNBA All-Star Game Sims remembers trying
Lynx’s new point guard. is July 27 in Las Vegas. Elena Delle Donne and A’ja Wilson will to fit in, making sure to pass
serve as team captains and draft teams. Complete rosters, C5 the ball, get people involved,
By KENT YOUNGBLOOD Sylvia Fowles, center: Sixth All-Star selection and third in a ease her way onto a new team. row. Averaging 14.2 points, 10.1 rebounds (second in league). Reeve was having none of it.
Odyssey Sims, guard: First All-Star selection. Only WNBA She told Sims to look for her
Odyssey Sims is confident. player ranked in the top 10 in scoring (15.7) and assists (5.4). shot and take it. To work on
Watch her play, invade the her jumper and take it. Sims
lane, attack the rim and you was brought to Minnesota to
can see it. facing even more defensive arrested on a drunken driv- score.
Monday the WNBA pressure in the post, Fowles ing charge, a case that has yet “We always ask a player,
announced the All Star Game is averaging 14.2 points and to be resolved. Her first court ‘What are you being paid to
reserves, and the Lynx — 10-7 10.1 rebounds and shoot- appearance is slated for Tues- do?’ ” Reeve said. “She had
and fourth in the league — ing 58.9%. She recorded her day. been on an L.A. team that
will send Sims and center WNBA-record 158th double- In her next game she scored was loaded. It really wasn’t
Sylvia Fowles to the game in double in Sunday’s victory 23 points and began a streak her team. So she was a little
Las Vegas July 27. over Phoenix. of three straight games with more limited. That happens
For Sims, 27, it is a first. “It is a surreal moment for eight assists. The Lynx have on every team. I told her,
So, Monday, she was asked if me,” said Sims, who got the won six of their past eight ‘I’m not going to pull you
the honor was overdue. Her word from the league on Sat- games. for a bad shot, for things you
answer showed both confi- urday, her birthday. “To come “I have a great support maybe were pulled for before.’
dence and restraint. to Minnesota? I was excited system,” Sims said. “My We gave her the keys to our
“I wouldn’t say it was over- to come here. I love playing teammates check on me. The offense. It would be about her
due,” she said. “But I would with all my teammates. It’s trainers. Cheryl. That helps and Syl. Her eyes got big and
say this time was coming.” family here. I’m glad [Lynx me focus more.” she said, ‘OK.’ ”
Sims leads the team in scor- coach and general manager Reeve got Sims from Los Over the past 10 games,
ing (15.7) and assists (5.4) and Cheryl Reeve] made some Angeles in exchange for Sims has averaged 18.0 points
is second with 21 steals and calls and got me here. That Alexis Jones in an offseason and 5.7 assists.
is third in rebounding (3.8). means a lot.” trade. With the Sparks, she It’s all about opportunity.
Among WNBA guards she Sims has been able to keep had been pushed into a sup- “I’m in my sixth year,” she JERRY HOLT •
is fourth in scoring, 11th in focused on the court despite porting role. Shortly after said. “To come here, be wel- Odyssey Sims, acquired in the offseason from the Los Angeles
rebounds and fifth in assists. an off-court incident. On June Lynx began camp this spring, comed with open arms? I just Sparks, has scored in double figures in 15 of her first 17 games
On a team in transition, 26 news broke she had been Reeve made it clear to Sims like coming to work.” with the Lynx. She also averages 5.7 assists per game.
T U E S DAY, J U LY 16, 2019 SPORTS S TA R T R I B U N E • C3


M E M P H I S 95, WO LV E S 92

fall short
of Vegas
They fell behind early
and couldn’t climb back.

LAS VEGAS – An impres-

sive second half wasn’t quite
enough for the Timber-
wolves in their bid to win
the Vegas NBA Summer
League championship.
Summer League MVP
Brandon Clarke had 15
points and 16 rebounds, and
the Memphis Grizzlies beat
the Wolves 95-92 to win
the title on Monday night
at Thomas & Mack Center.
Bruno Caboclo and
Dusty Hannahs also each
Photos by RENÉE JONES SCHNEIDER • had 15 points for the Griz-
The Aussie Peppers’ Stacey McManus jumped to high-five teammate Amelia Cudicio during player introductions before facing the Canadian Wild at Caswell Park. zlies (6-1), who were guided
by their new coach, Taylor

Aussies at home in Mankato

Jenkins. New Wolves assis-
tant Pablo Prigioni served
as their summer coach, with
head coach Ryan Saunders
watching from the stands.
“I’m really proud of
this group from players to
ø PEPPERS from C1 friends and offer them a stake coaches to staff, with every-
The whole community has in it,” Mangulis said. “We body continuing to advance
gotten behind it.” didn’t want this to just be for our identity in a short
General Manager Matt Mankato. We wanted this to be period of time,” said Saun-
Mangulis didn’t know what Minnesota’s team.” ders, who was in Las Vegas
to expect when he said yes to for the entirety of Summer
National Pro Fastpitch Com- Comforts of home League play. “Tonight was
missioner Cheri Kempf, who The Aussie Peppers entered a tough one, and that was
approached him about host- Monday in last place in NPF, a tough team. We feel good
ing a league franchise this with an 8-22 record. Still, about how we competed.”
summer. That led to a meet- they’ve been a local hit. Kelan Martin led the
ing with representatives of Coach Laing Harrow said Wolves with 19 points, while
Softball Australia, which was a Dunkin’ shop has created a former Gophers forward
looking for a place to prepare doughnut to honor the team. Jordan Murphy had 14 points
its national team to qualify for Brielmaier introduced them to and eight rebounds in less
the 2020 Olympics. cheese curds; they introduced than 15 minutes of action.
The prospective partners him to Vegemite sandwiches. Mitchell Creek scored 13
clicked right away, leading to The players frequent the area’s points, Barry Brown Jr. had
an unlikely summer romance coffeehouses — “Australians 12 and Keita Bates Diop 10.
between a team and a town. are very big coffee drinkers,” The Wolves (6-1) — again
At the season opener in June, said catcher Carmie Sorensen playing without 2018 first-
Mangulis counted 703 people, — and Porter noted “there are round pick Josh Okogie,
about three times more than signs everywhere” welcoming who injured his left ankle
he expected. Since then, he has the team. and shin Saturday, and 2019
had to bring in portable bleach- That’s been important to a first-round pick Jarrett Cul-
ers and replenish the supply of group of women who upended ver, who didn’t play at all in
team merchandise that sold their lives to play softball 9,500 Las Vegas — fell behind
out during the first series. miles away from home. Some 29-13 early but pulled within
“We wanted to bring this players quit their jobs or took 72-70 after three quarters.
team here so girls in south- leaves of absence to be part of Murphy had seven points
ern Minnesota and the region the team, Gray said. Three are and four rebounds in the
could see high-performance college students who recently fourth quarter, matching his
softball, to know there can be took exams online. totals through three quar-
more after college,” said Man- “People have made a huge ters, but the Wolves never
gulis, vice president of the effort to make us feel like a part could quite pull even or take
Mankato Area Girls Fastpitch of the community,” Sorensen the lead.
Association, whose teams are said. “We couldn’t be happier, Memphis used a 9-0 run
known as the Peppers. “This is and we’re very, very thankful.” to go ahead 93-83, but the
as good as it gets. Mangulis is grateful, too. Wolves responded with a
“We leapt at the opportu- The Aussie Peppers have 9-0 run of their own, with
nity. When else would we have become the role models he Bates-Diop hitting a three
a chance to bring world-class envisioned; they hold clinics to get his team within 93-92.
softball to Minnesota?” A late-inning run brought the Aussie Peppers bench to its feet, top, against the Canadian and lessons for young players, With 10.4 seconds left,
Wild. The team has won over fans like Jimmy Brandt and Matt Bauer, above. and after each game, they meet Memphis’ Keenan Evans
Olympic boost fans along the outfield fence made two free throws.
National Pro Fastpitch for autographs. Kempf said Martin missed a long three,
includes six teams this sum- ABOUT THE PEPPERS Caswell Park has created “an but the ball went out of
mer, playing a 45-game sched- The Aussie Peppers of Minnesota are on the road until early August, when they conclude atmosphere like no other in bounds off Memphis with
ule capped by a championship the regular-season schedule in the National Pro Fastpitch league with a home series the league,” with food trucks, 0.8 seconds left. The Griz-
series. Three of those — the against the USSSA Pride. a rooftop viewing area and the zlies’ Grayson Allen then
Aussie Peppers of Minnesota, When: Aug. 5 and 7 (7:05 p.m.); Aug. 6 (doubleheader, first game 5:05 p.m.) occasional live band. deflected the final pass to
the Canadian Wild of South- Where: Caswell Park, North Mankato In August, the Australians Bates-Diop as time expired.
ern Illinois and China’s Beijing Tickets: $12 single game, $14 doubleheader; available at, at the gate will go back to the other side
Shougang Eagles — are national or by phone at 507-339-5040 of the world for more serious Star Tribune staff writer Michael
teams hoping to make the six- Livestream: All Aussie Peppers games can be viewed live on the web. work. They are among eight Rand contributed to this report.
team field for the 2020 Tokyo Go to for details. teams in the Asia/Oceania
Olympics. Another franchise, Players to watch: Most of the Aussie Peppers are players in Australia’s national team pool, Olympic qualifier Sept. 24-28
Cleveland, has several players players who are vying to make the roster that will play in September’s Asia/Oceania Olym- in Shanghai, with only the
from Mexico’s national team. pic qualifier. Infielder Stacey Porter is a two-time Olympic medalist and one of only two tournament winner advanc-
Chet Gray, chief operating Aussies to play more than 400 games with the national team. First baseman Chelsea Forkin ing to the Tokyo Games.
officer of Softball Australia, has two world championships medals, and pitcher Justine Smethurst helped Australia to It isn’t certain whether they
said his national program was Olympic bronze in 2008. will return to Minnesota. Gray
among many that lost funding The Aussie Peppers also have a few Americans on the roster for the summer season, includ- said Softball Australia hopes
when the sport was removed ing hometown pitcher Coley Ries. Ries starred in high school at Mankato East before lead- to have “a long-term relation-
from the Olympics in 2010. ing Minnesota State Mankato to the NCAA Division II championship in 2017. ship” with Mankato if it is
Six years later, when it was RACHEL BLOUNT financially viable, and Man-
announced that softball would gulis feels the same way.
return to the Summer Games Whatever happens, Porter
in 2020, the Aussies were look- While the Australians So did the Aussies. When softball organization. Shares said, the players always will
ing for a way to jump-start a spent the summer in St. logistical challenges in Missouri cost 25 cents each and were have the memories of their
program that was once among Joseph, Mo., Mankato dipped led them to seek a new home snapped up by youth softball first Minnesota summer.
the world’s best. its toes into NPF waters by for 2019, they came for a tour associations in towns such as “We’ve really enjoyed it,”
“We needed to re-establish hosting a series between of Mankato — in December, St. James, Fairmont and Prior she said. “We’re obviously JOHN LOCHER • Associated Press
our high-performance pro- Beijing and Chicago. Mangu- no less — and were charmed. Lake. a long way from Australia. The Wolves’ Mitchell Creek
gram, and one of our biggest lis set it up to give Chicago Mangulis said it took “two “Our business model But we’ve felt nothing but was fouled by Memphis’
challenges is game time,” Gray pitcher Coley Ries, a former texts and a phone call” to was, let’s reach out to all our warmth.” Grayson Allen on Monday.
said. “By the time the girls here star at Mankato East and arrange housing at Bethany
get to high school and univer- Minnesota State Mankato, Lutheran, where the Aus-
sity, they might play only 20 a chance to play a pro game sie Peppers also have access The
games a year. We had to come in her hometown. Kempf to athletic training facilities. hunt
up with an idea that would saw potential for something While Softball Australia would begins...
have a major impact.” larger. fund about 80 percent of the
He found an eager partner
in Kempf, who welcomed the
opportunity to expand her
“It was livestreamed, and I
watched every game,” she said.
“They packed the city park.
team’s budget, which Mangu-
lis estimated at $700,000, he
would need to raise money
Aug. 9, 10, 11 & 16, 17, 18
league’s international ties. The fans understand softball, for operating costs.
After a handful of Australians and they cheer for their team. He set up a public benefit
played in NPF as a trial run in And they had a high-quality, corporation, with a mission
2017, Softball Australia received driven group of individuals to advance women’s and girls’
funding to send a full team to who supported this. We loved softball by adding a pro team
the United States last season. the folks in Mankato.” to the Mankato Peppers girls’ Held at the Armstrong Ranch, Anoka
C4 • S TA R T R I B U N E SPORTS T U E S DAY, J U LY 16, 2019


Crawford hits
Twins 58 34 .630 — — 5-5 L-1 28-15 30-19 A M E R I C A N L E AG U E S.F. 19, COLORADO 2 (GAME 1)
Cleveland 52 40 .565 6 — 8-2 W-2 27-20 25-20 SAN FRAN. AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Chicago 42 48 .467 15 9 4-6 L-4 25-20 17-28 CLEVELAND 8, DETROIT 6 Belt 1b 3 2 2 1 1 1 .244
Kansas City 33 62 .347 26½ 20½ 4-6 W-1 19-29 14-33 DETROIT AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Austin ph-1b 2 0 0 0 0 0 .192

new high with

Detroit 29 60 .326 27½ 21½ 2-8 L-1 12-32 17-28 Reyes cf 5 0 2 0 0 1 .273 Posey c 5 3 2 2 0 0 .259
Castro 2b 4 0 2 1 0 0 .322 Sandoval 3b 3 1 0 0 0 1 .270
EAST W L PCT GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Cabrera dh 5 0 0 0 0 2 .293 Solano 3b 1 1 1 0 1 0 .315
New York 59 33 .641 — — 5-5 L-1 33-16 26-17 Castellanos rf 3 1 1 0 2 1 .280 Dickerson lf 5 3 3 1 1 0 .311
Candelario 3b 4 1 1 1 0 0 .217

eight-RBI day
Tampa Bay 56 40 .583 5 — 6-4 W-3 26-22 30-18 Crawford ss 6 3 5 8 0 0 .239
Boston 51 43 .543 9 2 7-3 W-1 22-24 29-19 Stewart lf 2 1 1 2 2 0 .240 Yastrzemski rf-cf 6 4 4 3 0 0 .246
Toronto 35 60 .368 25½ 18½ 3-7 L-2 18-30 17-30 Goodrum 1b 4 0 1 0 0 1 .242 Pillar cf 5 1 2 2 0 0 .249
Hicks c 4 0 0 0 0 0 .200 Vogt ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .257
Baltimore 28 65 .301 31½ 24½ 4-6 L-2 12-34 16-31
Mercer ss 4 3 3 2 0 1 .213
Panik 2b 5 1 2 2 0 0 .230
Samardzija p 3 0 0 0 0 3 .107
Houston 59 36 .621 — — 7-3 L-1 33-14 26-22 CLEVELAND AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Slater ph-rf 1 0 0 0 0 0 .375
Oakland 53 41 .564 5½ — 8-2 W-4 29-20 24-21 Lindor ss 5 0 2 0 0 1 .289 TOTALS 46 19 21 19 3 5
Texas 50 44 .532 8½ 3 4-6 L-2 31-19 19-25 Mercado cf 5 2 3 2 0 0 .284 ASSOCIATED PRESS
Santana 1b 5 1 1 0 0 3 .293 COLORADO AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Los Angeles 49 46 .516 10 4½ 6-4 W-4 26-21 23-25 Blackmon rf 3 0 0 0 0 0 .324
Luplow lf 4 1 1 0 0 2 .250
Seattle 39 58 .402 21 15½ 2-8 L-4 19-29 20-29
Twins a year ago: 43-49, 7½ GB
Ramirez 3b 4 0 2 2 0 0 .225 Murphy 2b-1b
Story ss
0 0 0 .297
0 0 1 .287
Brandon Crawford went 5-for-6 with
Bradley dh 4 0 0 0 0 1 .178
R.Perez c 2 2 1 0 2 0 .259 Tapia ph-lf 2 1 2 1 0 0 .271 two homers and tied a San Francisco team
Naquin rf
2 2
0 2
2 0 1 .284
2 0 2 .278
Dahl lf-rf
Arenado 3b
0 0 2 .305
0 0 0 .310
record with eight RBI, and the Giants
TOTALS 37 8 14 8 2 10 Associated Press Hampson 2b-ss 1 0 0 0 1 1 .207 scored a season high in runs in a 19-2 rout
Desmond cf 4 0 0 0 0 4 .270
Chicago 50 44 .532 — — 5-5 L-1 32-17 18-27 Detroit
001 211 001 — 6 11 0
020 012 30x — 8 14 0
Brandon Crawford’s McMahon 2b-3b 3 1 1 1 1 1 .265
of the Colorado Rockies on Monday in
St. Louis 47 45 .511 2 — 6-4 W-3 27-19 20-26
Milwaukee 48 47 .505 2½ ½ 2-8 L-2 28-21 20-26 LOB—Detroit 7, Cleveland 7. 2B—Cas- eight-RBI game in a Game Reynolds 1b-p 3 0 2 0 1 1 .178 the first game of a split doubleheader in
Wolters c-2b 4 0 0 0 0 1 .289
Cincinnati 43 48 .473 5½ 3½ 5-5 W-1 24-21 19-27 tro (5), Mercer (7), Ramirez (17), Naquin
(14). HR—Stewart (7), off Plutko; Mercer
1 victory over Colorado Tinoco p 1 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Denver. Crawford hit another homer in
Pittsburgh 44 49 .473 5½ 3½ 4-6 L-4 22-21 22-28
(2), off Plutko; Candelario (7), off Plut- included a two-run homer Almonte p 2 0 0 0 0 1 .000 the nightcap, which the Giants won 2-1.
ko; Mercer (3), off Hand; Freeman (3), off Iannetta c 1 0 0 0 0 0 .241
Norris; Mercado (5), off Norris; Mercado off reliever Jesus Tinoco. TOTALS 33 2 6 2 3 13 “I never expect a five-hit game to come
Atlanta 58 37 .611 — — 8-2 W-5 28-19 30-18
Washington 49 43 .533 7½ — 8-2 L-1 26-20 23-23
(6), off Alcantara. RBI—Castro (13), Can-
delario (21), Stewart 2 (32), Mercer 2 (5),
San Francisco 507 103 012 —19 21 0 along, but yeah, I have been feeling a lot
Colorado 000 001 100 — 2 6 1
New York

— 4-6
5½ 5-5
Mercado 2 (19), Ramirez 2 (39), Freeman 2 N AT I O N A L L E A G U E better at the plate,” Crawford said. “There
(12), Naquin 2 (26). SB—Mercado (7). SF— E—Hampson (2). LOB—San Francisco 6,
Miami 34 57 .374 22 12½ 2-8 L-2 16-31 18-26 Castro. DP—Cleveland 1. ATLANTA 4, MILWAUKEE 2 Colorado 7. 2B—Dickerson 2 (6), Yastr- were a couple of at-bats in Milwaukee
Crawford (7), off Marquez; Yastrzems-
where I was having good at-bats, kind
Acuna Jr. cf 4 1 1 0 1 0 .290
Los Angeles 63 33 .656 — — 6-4 W-3 37-12 26-21
5 5 2 8
0 0 0 0
89 5.14
3 4.56 Swanson ss 5 1 1 0 0 2 .272 ki (6), off Marquez; Posey (5), off Tino- of battling and getting deep into counts.
Arizona 47 47 .500 15 1 5-5 L-2 20-22 27-25
Colorado 46 48 .489 16 2 2-8 L-2 26-22 20-26
Alcntra, L, 3-2 ⅓ 4 3 3 0 0 10 5.30 Freeman 1b 3 1 1 3 1 0 .302 co; Crawford (8), off Tinoco; Tapia (7), off
Samardzija; McMahon (8), off Samardzi-
Even drawing walks kind of helps your
Cisnero 1 0 0 0 0 0 14 3.27 Donaldson 3b 4 0 1 0 0 2 .255
San Diego 45 48 .484 16½ 2½ 3-7 L-3 23-27 22-21 Rosenthal 1 1 0 0 0 2 1619.64 Markakis rf 4 0 0 0 0 0 .285 ja. RBI—Belt (35), Posey 2 (28), Dickerson confidence.”
San Francisco 45 49 .479 17 3 8-2 W-3 20-26 25-23 (18), Crawford 8 (38), Yastrzemski 3 (21),
CLEVELAND IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Albies 2b 4 1 3 0 0 0 .293
Pillar 2 (51), Panik 2 (24), McMahon (40),
Cincinnati 6, Chicago 3: Jesse Winker
Plutko 5⅓ 7 5 5 1 1 77 5.40 McCann c 4 0 1 0 0 1 .257
MONDAY SUNDAY WEDNESDAY Olson 0 1 0 0 1 0 7 3.96 Riley lf 3 0 1 1 1 1 .254 Tapia (29). SB—Reynolds (2). S—Sando- scored an unearned go-ahead run to cap
val, Samardzija. DP—Colorado 1.
American League American League Interleague

0 0 0 2
0 0 1 1
Fried p
Joyce ph
0 0 0 .152
a two-run seventh inning, and Eugenio
Boston 10, Toronto 8
Cleveland 8, Detroit 6
Cleveland 4, Twins 3
Detroit 12, Kansas City 8
N.Y. Mets at Twins, 12:10 pm
Wash. at Balt., 6:05 pm
Wtgrn, W, 4-0 1⅓ 0 0 0 1 0 16 3.09 Culberson ph-lf 1 0 0 0 0 1 .303 Smdzja, W, 7-7 6⅔ 4 2 2 1 9 92 3.93 Suarez and Yasiel Puig each hit his 22nd
Hand, S, 25 1 2 1 1 0 2 15 2.29
Kansas City 5, Chicago 2 Houston 12, Texas 4 Arizona at Texas, 7:05 pm
Inherited runners-scored—Stumpf 2-2,
TOTALS 35 4 9 4 3 7 Gott

0 0 0 0
0 0 1 3
home run for the Reds in Chicago. After
Los Angeles 9, Houston 6 Los Angeles 6, Seattle 3 American League MILWAUKEE AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Tampa Bay 5, New York 4 New York 4, Toronto 2 Seattle at Oak., 2:37 pm Alcantara 1-0, Cisnero 1-0, Cole 2-0, Cain cf 3 0 0 0 1 0 .250 Coonrod 1 0 0 0 1 1 15 2.25 the game, the Cubs acquired catcher
Goody 1-0. WP—Rosenthal. Umpires—
National League Oakland 3, Chicago 2 T.B. at New York, 6:05 pm
Home, Laz Diaz; First, Tony Randazzo;
Yelich rf 4 0 2 0 0 1 .332 COLORADO IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Martin Maldonado from the Royals
Atlanta 4, Milwaukee 2 Tampa Bay 4, Baltimore 1 Detroit at Clev., 6:10 pm Braun lf 4 1 1 1 0 1 .270 Mrquez, L, 8-5 2⅔ 11 11 11 0 3 83 5.12
Cincinnati 6, Chicago 3 National League Tor. at Boston, 6:10 pm
Second, Ben May; Third, Cory Blaser.
Grandal c 2 0 0 0 1 2 .251 Tinoco 2⅔ 6 5 4 1 1 52 5.54 for pitcher Mike Montgomery, and put
T—2:55. A—15,735 (35,225).
L.A. 16, Philadelphia 2 Atlanta 4, San Diego 1 Chicago at K.C., 7:15 pm Pina c 1 0 0 0 0 0 .169 Almonte 2⅔ 2 1 1 1 1 43 2.63 catcher Wilson Contreras on the injured
S.F. 19-2, Colorado 2-1 Chicago 8, Pittsburgh 3 Houston at L.A., 9:07 pm KANSAS CITY 5, CHICAGO 2 Moustakas 3b 4 1 1 0 0 0 .265 Reynolds 1 2 2 2 1 0 2118.00
St. Louis 7, Pittsburgh 0 Colorado 10, Cincinnati 9 National League CHICAGO AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Aguilar 1b 4 0 0 0 0 0 .231 Inherited runners-scored—Gott 1-0, Ti- list because of a strained arch.
New York 6, Miami 2
Philadelphia 4, Wash. 3
Pitt. at St. Louis, 12:15 pm
Atlanta at Milw., 1:10 pm
Garcia ss 2 0 0 0 3 1 .291 Hiura 2b
Arcia ss
4 0 3 1 0 1 .299
3 0 0 0 0 0 .230
noco 1-1, Almonte 1-0. HBP—Reynolds Los Angeles 16, Philadelphia 2: Cody Bell-
Moncada 3b 4 1 1 0 1 2 .305 (Posey). Umpires—Home, Dave Rack-
St. Louis 5, Arizona 2 Cin. at Chicago, 1:20 pm Abreu 1b 5 0 1 0 0 0 .271 Gamel ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .251 ley; First, Ramon De Jesus; Second, Chad inger hit his major league-leading 32nd
Houser p 2 0 0 0 0 2 .000
San Fran. 8, Milwaukee 3
S.F. at Colo., 2:10 pm
L.A. at Phil., 6:05 pm
McCann c
Jay rf
4 1 1 1 0 3 .310
4 0 4 0 0 0 .353 Saladino ss 1 0 0 0 0 0 .086
Whitson; Third, Larry Vanover. T—3:15. and 33rd homers, and the league-leading
A—26,434 (50,398).
Dodgers 7, Bos. 4, 12 inn. S.D. at Miami, 6:10 pm Jimenez lf 4 0 1 0 0 0 .244 Thames ph 1 0 0 0 0 1 .270 Dodgers routed the host Phillies.
Reed dh 3 0 0 0 0 3 .100 TOTALS 34 2 7 2 2 8 S.F. 2, COLORADO 1 (GAME 2)
Rondon ph-dh 0 0 0 0 1 0 .203 Atlanta 000 300 100 — 4 9 0
Atlanta 4, Milwaukee 2: Freddie Free-
Sanchez 2b 4 0 0 0 0 3 .246 Milwaukee 000 002 000 — 2 7 1 Belt 1b 3 0 0 0 1 0 .241 man’s 25th home run helped the visiting
Tilson cf 4 0 0 0 0 1 .234
A L T O D AY ’ S P I T C H I N G M AT C H U P S TOTALS 34 2 8 1 5 13 E—Aguilar (4). LOB—Atlanta 7, Milwau- Slater rf
Sandoval 3b
3 0 0 0 1 1 .333
4 0 1 0 0 2 .269
Braves move 21 games over .500.
kee 7. 2B—Albies (22), Hiura (4). 3B—Hi-
Away 2019 record Record past 3 starts TV KANSAS CITY AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
ura (1). HR—Freeman (25), off Houser; Vogt c 4 1 2 1 0 0 .265 St. Louis 7, Pittsburgh 0: Miles Mikolas
Home Pitcher W-L ERA W-L IP ERA Time Merrifield rf 5 0 1 0 0 0 .307
NYM Matz (L) 5-6 4.89 0-2 11.1 11.12 FSN Mondesi ss 4 0 0 0 0 2 .264 Braun (13), off Tomlin. RBI—Freeman 3 Crawford ss
Yastrzemski lf
3 1 1 1 1 1 .240
4 0 0 0 0 2 .239
pitched an eight-hitter, the host Cardi-
(74), Riley (43), Braun (43), Hiura (16).
Twins Pineda (R) 6-4 4.56 2-1 17.0 3.71 7:10 pm
Gordon lf
Dozier 3b
4 1 1 1 0 0 .274
4 2 2 1 0 1 .281 SB—Yelich (22), Hiura (5). DP—Milw. 1. Pillar cf 4 0 0 0 0 0 .246 nals’ first complete game this season, and
Solano 2b 4 0 1 0 0 2 .312
TB TBA — — — — — Soler dh 2 1 0 0 2 1 .246 ATLANTA IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Rodriguez p 2 0 1 0 0 1 .211
Tyler O’Neill hit two two-run homers.
NY Sabathia (L) 5-4 4.03 2-0 19.0 2.84 6:05 pm Cuthbert 1b 4 0 2 1 0 0 .290 Fried, W, 10-4 5 3 0 0 2 5 78 4.08
Lopez 2b 4 0 2 2 0 0 .240 Panik ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .229
Tor Waguespack (R) 1-0 5.00 0-0 0.0 0.00 Tomlin 1 3 2 2 0 1 25 4.04
Bos Cashner (R) 9-3 3.83 3-0 20.0 1.35 6:10 pm Maldonado c 1 0 1 0 0 0 .227
Gallagher ph-c 1 0 0 0 1 0 .209
Sobotka 1 1 0 0 0 0 15 5.40
32 2 6 2 3 9
American League
Swarzak 1 0 0 0 0 0 20 2.45
Det TBA — — — — — Hamilton cf 4 1 1 0 0 2 .217 L.Jackson, S, 17 1 0 0 0 0 2 12 2.87 Blackmon rf 4 0 0 0 0 2 .320 Cleveland 8, Detroit 6: Oscar Mercado hit
Cle Plesac (R) 3-3 4.00 1-1 13.1 7.43 6:10 pm TOTALS 33 5 10 5 3 6
Chi Cease (R) 1-0 5.40 1-0 5.0 5.40 Chicago 000 001 010 — 2 8 1
Story ss
Dahl cf
0 1 2 .284
0 0 1 .304
a tiebreaking homer and Jose Ramirez
KC Sparkman (R) 2-5 5.18 0-2 14.2 10.43 7:15 pm Kansas City 000 201 11x — 5 10 2
Houser, L, 2-4
4 4 1 3
0 0 0 1
Arenado 3b 4 0 1 0 0 0 .309 added a two-run double in the host Indi-
Murphy 1b 3 0 0 0 1 1 .294
Sea Gonzales (L) 10-7 4.24 2-1 18.0 3.50 E—Abreu (4), Mondesi (6), Dozier (4).
LOB—Chicago 10, Kansas City 8. 2B—
Smith 1 1 0 0 2 3 31 6.23
Tapia lf 3 1 2 0 0 0 .275
ans’ decisive three-run seventh.
Oak Mengden (R) 4-1 4.73 3-0 17.0 4.24 9:07 pm
Hou TBA — — — — —
Jay 2 (5), Gordon (24), Dozier (17), Lo- Inherited runners-scored—Guerra 2-0. Um- Iannetta c 3 0 0 0 0 0 .234 Boston 10, Toronto 8: Rookie Michael
pez (11), Maldonado (15). HR—McCann pires—Home, Jordan Baker; First, Marvin Hampson 2b 3 0 1 1 0 1 .210
LA Heaney (L) 1-3 5.18 1-2 16.1 4.41 9:07 pm (10), off Junis. RBI—McCann (31), Gor- Hudson; Second, Nic Lentz; Third, Vic Car- Gonzalez p 2 0 0 0 0 2 .000 Chavis hit a grand slam, Xander Bogaerts
don (57), Dozier (47), Cuthbert (21), Lo- apazza. T—3:02. A—31,850 (41,900). McMahon ph 1 0 0 0 0 1 .264 had three hits and Andrew Benintendi
N L T O D AY ’ S P I T C H I N G M AT C H U P S pez 2 (11). S—Maldonado. DP—Chicago TOTALS 30 1 5 1 2 10
Away 2019 record Record past 3 starts TV
1; Kansas City 1. L.A. 16, PHILADELPHIA 2
San Francisco 000 200 000 — 2 6 2
had three RBI for the host Red Sox.
Pederson lf 6 1 2
2 0 1 .240
Colorado 000 010 000 — 1 5 0 Kansas City 5, Chicago 2: Jakob Junis
Giolito, L, 11-4 6 7 3 3 1 5 94 3.23
LA Buehler (R) 8-1 3.46 1-0 21.2 4.98 MLBN
Osich 1 2 1 1 0 1 17 4.96 Verdugo cf 6 3 3 2 0 2 .311 E—Belt (4), Slater (1). LOB—San Fran- struck out a 10 and Nicky Lopez drove in
Phil Velasquez (R) 2-5 4.63 0-1 14.1 4.40 6:05 pm Turner 3b 5 2 1 1 0 0 .294 cisco 6, Colorado 4. 2B—Vogt (13), Tapia
SD Allen (L) 2-1 4.50 2-1 17.0 4.24
Ruiz 1 1 1 1 2 0 21 6.38
Bellinger rf 6 4 4 2 0 1 .341 (19), Hampson (5). HR—Vogt (3), off Gon- two runs as the host Royals spoiled Lucas
Mia Yamamoto (R) 3-0 1.86 1-0 15.0 3.60 6:10 pm Junis, W, 5-8 7 5 1 1 2 10 107 5.08 Muncy 1b 4 2 2 2 0 0 .267 zalez; Crawford (9), off Gonzalez. RBI—
Vogt (16), Crawford (39), Hampson (9).
Giolito’s bid for a 12th victory.
Y.Garcia p 1 0 0 0 0 1 .000
Cin DeSclafani (R) 5-4 4.26 1-1 16.1 4.41 Barlow

1 1 1 1 14
0 0 1 1 14
4.97 Sadler p 1 0 0 0 0 1 .000 DP—San Francisco 2; Colorado 1. Los Angeles 9, Houston 6: Albert Pujols
Chi Mills (R) 0-0 0.00 0-0 0.0 0.00 7:05 pm
Atl Wilson (R) 1-0 6.14 1-0 13.2 6.59
Kennedy, S, 14 1 1 0 0 1 1 23 3.32 Seager ss 4 1 2 1 2 0 .270 SAN FRAN. IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA and Kevan Smith knocked in three runs
K.Hernandez 2b 4 1 2 3 2 1 .225 Rdrigz, W, 4-5 5 4 1 1 0 6 66 4.99
Mil Woodruff (R) 10-3 3.67 2-1 20.2 2.18 7:10 pm Inherited runners-scored—Diekman 2-1.
WP—Giolito, Junis, Ruiz. Umpires—Home, Barnes c 5 1 2 2 0 0 .209 Moronta 1 1 0 0 0 1 13 2.76 each and Andrelton Simmons two as the
Pitt Agrazal (R) 2-0 2.81 2-0 16.0 2.81 Todd Tichenor; First, Tom Hallion; Sec- Kershaw p 1 0 0 0 0 0 .071 Watson 1 0 0 0 1 0 11 3.11 host Angels beat the Astros.
StL Flaherty (R) 4-6 4.64 0-2 16.1 6.61 7:15 pm ond, John Libka; Third, Adam Hamari. Beaty 1b 1 1 1 0 1 0 .284 Dyson 1 0 0 0 0 3 13 2.80
SF Pomeranz (L) 2-9 6.42 0-2 14.0 3.86 T—3:04. A—16,006 (37,903). TOTALS 44 16 19 15 5 7 Smith, S, 24 1 0 0 0 1 0 17 2.11
Col Lambert (R) 2-1 6.67 0-1 14.2 7.36 7:40 pm
Kingery cf 5 1 2 1 0 2 .284 Gnzlez, L, 0-2 5 5 2 2 3 4 91 5.14
TORONTO AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Segura ss 5 0 0 0 0 1 .271 Estevez 2 1 0 0 0 2 33 3.89
• The Dodgers’ Chris Taylor, who suf-
Away 2019 record Record past 3 starts TV
Sogard dh
Galvis ss
1 3
1 2
0 0 0 .302
2 0 0 .269
Harper rf 4 0 2 0 0 1 .254 Shaw 1 0 0 0 0 2 12 4.59 fered a broken left forearm when he was
Quinn p 1 0 0 0 0 1 .098 Diaz 1 0 0 0 0 1 9 5.04
Home Pitcher W-L ERA W-L IP ERA Time Gurriel Jr. lf 5 0 0 0 0 0 .288 Hoskins 1b 2 1 2 0 1 0 .267 Inherited runners-scored—Estevez 2-0.
hit by a pitch in the 11th inning Sunday
Biggio 2b 5 1 1 0 0 0 .227
Was Voth (R) 0-0 5.52 0-0 14.2 5.52
Grichuk cf 4 0 2 1 0 0 .238
Realmuto c 2 0 0 0 1 0 .274 Umpires—Home, Dan Bellino; First, Chad at Boston, was placed on the injured list.
Bal Wojciechowski (R) 0-2 6.10 0-2 9.2 6.52 6:05 pm Bruce lf 3 0 0 0 0 2 .232
Ariz Young (L) 2-0 0.68 2-0 11.0 0.82
Smoak 1b
Jansen c
1 1
2 1
1 0 1 .211
1 0 1 .219
Miller lf 1 0 0 0 0 1 .258
Whitson; Second, Larry Vanover; Third,
Ramon De Jesus. T—2:42. A—34,424
• Boston designated infielder Edu-
Tex Lynn (R) 12-4 3.69 3-0 22.0 0.82 7:05 pm McKinney rf 4 2 2 2 0 0 .222
Franco 3b 3
C.Hernandez 2b 4
1 0 1 .238
0 0 1 .283
(50,398). ardo Nunez, a former Twins All-Star, for
Drury 3b 3 0 1 1 0 0 .219
TOTALS 40 8 13 8 0 2 Eflin p 2 0 0 0 0 0 .129 CINCINNATI 6, CHICAGO 3 assignment.
Haseley ph-rf 2 0 1 0 0 0 .250
TOTALS 34 2 7 2 2 10
Betts rf 4 2 2 0 1 1 .277 Senzel cf 5 0 1 0 0 0 .266
AL LEADERS Devers 3b 5 1 2 2 0 0 .326 Los Angeles 000 610 252 —16 19 2 Votto 1b 4 0 0 0 1 0 .261
(Through Sunday) Bogaerts ss 4 2 3 1 1 1 .307 Philadelphia 001 000 010 — 2 7 1 Suarez 3b 4 1 1 1 1 1 .246
BATTING G AB R H BA ERA Martinez dh 3 1 0 0 2 1 .294 E—Seager (8), Barnes (4), Eflin (1). LOB— Puig rf 5 1 2 1 0 0 .263
LeMahieu, NY ..................... 84 349 65 115 .330 Morton, TB ................ 2.35 Benintendi lf 5 1 2 3 0 1 .268 Los Angeles 10, Philadelphia 10. 2B— Dietrich lf 2 0 0 0 0 1 .216
Devers, Bos ........................ 90 357 71 116 .325 Minor, Tex ................. 2.73 Chavis 1b 3 1 1 4 2 1 .259 Pederson (8), Turner (18), Seager (22), Ervin ph-lf 2 1 1 0 0 1 .361
Brantley, Hou ..................... 88 349 49 113 .324 Verlander, Hou.......... 2.98 Bradley Jr. cf 4 0 1 0 1 2 .232 K.Hernandez (11), Beaty (9), Harper (25), Gennett 2b 4 0 0 0 0 1 .143
Anderson, Chi .................... 70 271 39 86 .317 Odorizzi, Twins ......... 3.06 Leon c 4 1 0 0 1 1 .186
Haseley (2). 3B—Hoskins (3). HR—Bell- J.Iglesias ss 4 0 1 0 0 0 .282
Polanco, Twins ................... 88 370 58 115 .311 Berrios, Twins ........... 3.10 Holt 2b 4 1 2 0 0 0 .330
inger (32), off Eflin; Bellinger (33), off Ra- Casali c 3 1 1 1 0 1 .253
Merrifield, KC ..................... 94 392 66 121 .309 Chirinos, TB............... 3.11 TOTALS 36 10 13 10 8 8
mos; Muncy (24), off Ramos; Verdugo Farmer ph-c 1 1 1 1 0 0 .245
Moncada, Chi ..................... 82 317 49 97 .306 Toronto 022 000 040 — 8 13 0 (11), off Rios; Kingery (12), off Kershaw. Castillo p 2 0 0 0 0 2 .083
Trout, LA ............................. 90 311 74 95 .305 WON-LOST Boston 505 000 00x —10 13 2 RBI—Pederson 2 (44), Verdugo 2 (43), Winker ph 1 1 1 0 0 0 .253
Alberto, Bal ........................ 77 287 24 87 .303 Lynn, Tex .................... 12-4
E—Devers 2 (14). LOB—Toronto 7, Bos- Turner (37), Bellinger 2 (75), Muncy 2 (64), Lorenzen p 1 0 1 1 0 0 .273
Bogaerts, Bos..................... 89 345 71 104 .301 German, NY ............... 11-2 ton 10. 2B—Sogard (13), Grichuk (14), Seager (39), K.Hernandez 3 (46), Barnes 2 TOTALS 38 6 10 5 2 7
Morton, TB ................ 11-2 Smoak (8), Betts (23), Devers (27), Benin- (21), Kingery (28), Franco (45). SB—Ped- CHICAGO AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
HOME RUNS ON-BASE PERCENTAGE Giolito, Chi................. 11-3 tendi (22), Bradley Jr. (19), Holt (6). HR— erson (1), Barnes (3). SF—Barnes, Franco. Schwarber lf 5 1 2 1 0 1 .232
Trout, LA ....................... 30 Trout, LA .................... .455 Odorizzi, Twins ......... 11-4 McKinney (5), off Porcello; Chavis (16), S—Kershaw 2. Baez ss 5 0 0 0 0 2 .285
Encarnacion, NY .......... 25 Santana, Cle .............. .415 Verlander, Hou.......... 11-4 off Thornton. RBI—Galvis 2 (46), Grichuk
Soler, KC ....................... 25 Bregman, Hou ........... .397 (42), Smoak (38), Jansen (28), McKin- LOS ANGELES IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Bryant rf 3 1 0 0 2 2 .293
Bregman, Hou .............. 24 Voit, NY ...................... .394 GAMES PITCHED ney 2 (13), Drury (23), Devers 2 (66), Bo- Kershaw, W, 8-2 6 4 1 1 2 7 101 3.00 Rizzo 1b 3 1 2 0 0 1 .281
Sanchez, NY ................. 24 Petit, Oak...................... 47 gaerts (72), Benintendi 3 (42), Chavis 4 Y.Garcia 1 1 0 0 0 1 14 3.96 Caratini c 4 0 0 0 0 2 .289
Kepler, Twins ............... 23 RUNS Kolarek, TB ................... 46 (52). SF—Drury. Sadler 2 2 1 1 0 2 28 2.11 Heyward cf 4 0 2 1 0 1 .278
Betts, Bos ..................... 80 PHIL. IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Russell 2b 2 0 1 0 2 1 .246
RBI Trout, LA ....................... 74 SAVES Thrntn, L, 3-7 1⅓ 5 5 5 3 0 48 5.25 Eflin, L, 7-9 6 9 7 7 1 5 102 4.16 Bote 3b 4 0 2 0 0 2 .253
Trout, LA ....................... 75 Bogaerts, Bos............... 71 Chapman, NY ............... 25 Gaviglio 1⅓ 3 5 5 3 1 38 4.69 Ramos 1 2 2 2 1 0 25 5.14 Hendricks p 2 0 0 0 0 1 .179
Bogaerts, Bos............... 71 Devers, Bos .................. 71 Hand, Cle ...................... 24 Biagini 1⅓ 2 0 0 0 2 16 3.89 Rios 0 3 4 4 0 0 1113.50 Garcia ph 1 0 0 0 0 1 .316
Abreu, Chi..................... 66 Greene, Det .................. 22 Jackson 3 3 0 0 1 2 4111.12 E.Garcia ⅔ 1 1 1 3 1 25 6.04 Almora Jr. ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .249
Devers, Bos .................. 64 HITS Law 1 0 0 0 1 3 18 6.90 Quinn 1⅓ 4 2 2 0 1 2613.50 TOTALS 34 3 9 2 4 14
LeMahieu, NY ............... 64 Merrifield, KC ............. 121 INNINGS PITCHED BOSTON IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Cincinnati 100 001 220 — 6 10 0
Inherited runners-scored—E.Garcia 1-1,
Santana, Sea ................ 64 Devers, Bos ................ 116 Bauer, Cle ................ 138.0 Porcello, W, 7-7 6 8 4 4 0 2 112 5.37 Chicago 001 200 000 — 3 9 2
Quinn 3-0. HBP—Rios (Turner), Sadler
Soler, KC ....................... 64 LeMahieu, NY ............. 115 Verlander, Hou........ 132.2 Walden 1 0 0 0 0 0 12 3.80 (Knapp). WP—Kershaw 2. PB—Realmu- E—Baez (12), Bote (11). LOB—Cincinna-
Polanco, Twins ........... 115 Cole, Hou ................. 122.2 Brasier ⅔ 4 4 3 0 0 15 4.24 to (7). Umpires—Home, Doug Eddings; ti 8, Chicago 9. 2B—J.Iglesias (12), Farm-
STOLEN BASES Berrios, Twins ......... 122.0 Barnes ⅓ 1 0 0 0 0 7 4.46
First, Chris Conroy; Second, Jansen Vis- er (4), Schwarber (16), Rizzo 2 (19). HR—
Mondesi, KC ................. 30 DOUBLES Lynn, Tex .................. 122.0 Workman, S, 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 14 1.70
Smith, Sea .................... 25 Castellanos, Det .......... 31 Minor, Tex ............... 122.0
conti; Third, Bill Miller. T—3:25. A—30,025 Suarez (22), off Hendricks; Puig (22), KATHY WILLENS • Associated Press
Inherited runners-scored—Gaviglio 2-0, (43,647). off Hendricks; Casali (6), off Cishek;
Andrus, Tex .................. 21 Bogaerts, Bos............... 29 Biagini 3-2, Barnes 2-2. HBP—Porcello Schwarber (20), off Castillo. RBI—Suarez Tampa Bay’s Ji-Man Choi, left, congratu-
Devers, Bos .................. 26 STRIKEOUTS (Grichuk). PB—Leon (3). Umpires—Home, ST. LOUIS 7, PITTSBURGH 0
SLUGGING PERCENTAGE Merrifield, KC ............... 26 Cole, Hou .................... 183 Roberto Ortiz; First, Dan Iassogna; Sec-
(57), Puig (56), Casali (24), Lorenzen (2), lated Travis d’Arnaud, whose three home
PITTSBURGH AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Farmer (22), Schwarber (45), Heyward
Trout, LA .................... .666
Bogaerts, Bos............ .559 TRIPLES
Bauer, Cle ................... 160
Sale, Bos ..................... 160
ond, Lance Barrett; Third, Chris Guccione.
Frazier 2b 4 0 1 0 0 0 .283 (41). DP—Cincinnati 2; Chicago 1. runs put away the Yankees.
T—3:28. A—35,616 (37,731).
Devers, Bos ............... .552 Mondesi, KC ................... 9 Verlander, Hou........... 160 Reynolds rf 4 0 3 0 0 0 .343 CINCINNATI IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Sanchez, NY .............. .551 Merrifield, KC ................. 8 Boyd, Det .................... 152 TAMPA BAY 5, NEW YORK 4 Marte cf 4 0 0 0 0 0 .275 Castillo, W, 9-3 6 7 3 3 3 10 105 2.41

Yankees lose on
TAMPA BAY AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Bell 1b 4 0 0 0 0 2 .295 Lorenzen 1⅓ 2 0 0 1 2 34 3.54
d’Arnaud c 3 3 3 5 2 0 .252 Moran 3b 4 0 1 0 0 0 .294 Iglesias, S, 17 1⅔ 0 0 0 0 2 20 3.79
Pham lf 5 0 1 0 0 1 .281 Dickerson lf 3 0 1 0 0 0 .271
Brosseau 3b 4 0 0 0 0 2 .357 Newman ss 3 0 1 0 0 0 .326

d’Arnaud’s 3rd HR
Hendricks 6 4 2 2 2 5 94 3.46
Diaz 1b 4 0 1 0 0 0 .277 Stallings c 2 0 0 0 0 0 .333
NL LEADERS Kang ss 1 0 1 0 0 0 .187
Cishek, L, 2-5 1 2 2 1 0 0 16 2.83
(Through Sunday) Garcia dh 3 0 1 0 1 1 .280 Rosario ⅓ 1 1 1 0 0 6 5.91
Kiermaier cf 4 1 2 0 0 2 .254 Musgrove p 1 0 0 0 0 0 .133
BATTING G AB R H BA ERA Brach ⅔ 2 1 1 0 0 24 6.25
Heredia rf 4 1 1 0 0 0 .227 Diaz c 2 0 0 0 0 1 .261
McNeil, NY.......................... 79 301 44 105 .349 Ryu, LA....................... 1.78 Strop 1 1 0 0 0 2 20 4.84
Adames ss 4 0 2 0 0 1 .239 TOTALS 32 0 8 0 0 3
Bellinger, LA....................... 91 329 72 110 .334 Soroka, Atl ................. 2.24
Yelich, Mil ........................... 85 318 68 105 .330 Castillo, Cin ............... 2.29
Wendle 2b 4 0 0 0 0 2 .185
Inherited runners-scored—R.Iglesias 2-0, NEW YORK – Travis d’Arnaud hit three
TOTALS 35 5 11 5 3 9 Brach 1-1. HBP—Hendricks (Dietrich), Lo-
Blackmon, Col .................... 75 324 69 106 .327 Scherzer, Was ........... 2.30
Carpenter 3b
Edman ph-3b
0 0 2 .215
0 0 0 .254
renzen (Rizzo). WP—Castillo, Rosario. home runs, including a startling three-run
Arenado, Col ...................... 91 350 62 109 .311 Davies, Mil ................. 2.89
Marte, Ari ........................... 90 364 59 113 .310 Greinke, Ari ............... 2.95
LeMahieu 2b 4 0 2 0 1 0 .331 DeJong ss 4 1 1 0 0 1 .254
Umpires—Home, Sam Holbrook; First,
Manny Gonzalez; Second, Jim Wolf; Third,
shot with two outs in the ninth inning off
Judge rf 3 0 0 0 2 1 .295
Rendon, Was ...................... 78
Dahl, Col ............................. 83
Voit dh 5 0 0 0 0 3 .275
Goldschmidt 1b 2
O’Neill lf 4
1 2 1 .253
4 0 0 .295
Sean Barber. T—3:17. A—36,935 (41,649). Aroldis Chapman, and the Tampa Bay
Verdugo, LA........................ 89 283 35 87 .307 Strasburg, Was ......... 11-4
Sanchez c
Hicks cf
0 0 2 .240
0 0 1 .242
Fowler rf 2 0 1 1 1 1 .257 Rays overcame their Yankee Stadium
Wong 2b 3 0 0 0 0 0 .247
Freeman, Atl ....................... 93 368 71 111 .302 Soroka, Atl ................. 10-1
Ryu, LA....................... 10-2
Encarnacion 1b 4 2 2 3 0 1 .221
Wieters c 4 0 0 0 0 1 .228
T O D AY I N B A S E B A L L woes to win 5-4 on Monday night.
Torres ss 3 0 1 0 1 1 .292
HOME RUNS ON-BASE PERCENTAGE Woodruff, Mil ............ 10-3 Urshela 3b 4 1 1 1 0 1 .301 Bader cf 3 0 0 0 1 1 .202 JULY 16 D’Arnaud went the other way on a full-
Yelich, Mil ..................... 32 Bellinger, LA.............. .431 Greinke, Ari ............... 10-4 Mikolas p 4 0 1 0 0 3 .156
Bellinger, LA................. 31 Yelich, Mil .................. .430
Gardner lf
0 1 0 .250
4 5 10 TOTALS 30 7 8 6 4 10
1897: Chicago’s Cap Anson became the count breaking ball, lofting a go-ahead
first major leaguer to reach 3,000 hits
Alonso, NY .................... 30 McNeil, NY................. .410 GAMES PITCHED Tampa Bay 101 000 003 — 5 11 0 Pittsburgh 000 000 000 — 0 8 1 when he singled off Baltimore’s George drive that sailed over the leap of Yankees
Bell, Pit ......................... 27 Claudio, Mil .................. 52
Renfroe, SD .................. 27 RUNS Chafin, Ari .................... 46
New York 000 100 120 — 4 8 0 St. Louis 102 020 20x — 7 8 1 Blackburn. right fielder Aaron Judge while a crowd
LOB—Tampa Bay 6, New York 8. HR— E—Dickerson (1), O’Neill (3). LOB—Pitts- 1902: John McGraw was named manag-
Moustakas, Mil ............ 25 Bellinger, LA................. 72 Shaw, Col ...................... 45
d’Arnaud (7), off Paxton; d’Arnaud (8), off burgh 5, St. Louis 6. 2B—Reynolds (19), er of the New York Giants, a post he held of 43,173 fell silent.
Reyes, SD ...................... 25 Acuna Jr., Atl ................ 71 Stammen, SD ............... 45
Freeman, Atl ................. 71
Paxton; d’Arnaud (9), off Chapman; En-
carnacion (26), off Snell; Urshela (8), off
Moran (16), Goldschmidt (10). HR— for 30 years. The catcher tied a Tampa Ray record
O’Neill (3), off Musgrove; O’Neill (4), off 1909: Ed Summers of the Detroit Tigers
Bell, Pit ......................... 84
Bryant, Chi ................... 70
Story, Col ...................... 70
Yates, SD ...................... 30
Pagan; Encarnacion (27), off Kittredge. Crick. RBI—Goldschmidt (40), O’Neill 4 allowed only seven hits and pitched all for homers in a game. “Coolest night
RBI—d’Arnaud 5 (28), Encarnacion 3 (62),
Bellinger, LA................. 73 Jansen, LA .................... 23 Urshela (42). SB—Pham (10), Adames (4).
(13), Fowler (33). SF—Fowler. DP—Pitts-
burgh 1; St. Louis 2.
18 innings of a 0-0 tie with the Washing- ever,” d’Arnaud said.
ton Senators, the longest scoreless game
Freeman, Atl ................. 71
Arenado, Col ................ 70
Marte, Ari ................... 113
Smith, SF ...................... 23
4 tied ............................. 20
DP—Tampa Bay 1; New York 1.
PITTSBURGH IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA in AL history. The Yankees had been 49-0 this season
Alonso, NY .................... 69 Freeman, Atl ............... 111
Snell 5
1 1 2 4
Diaz 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 1920: Babe Ruth broke his own season when leading after eight innings.
Bellinger, LA............... 110 INNINGS PITCHED Msgrve, L, 6-8 4⅔ 5 5 4 3 7 104 4.31 record of 29 homers with his 30th as
STOLEN BASES Acuna Jr., Atl .............. 109 Scherzer, Was ......... 129.1
Castillo 1⅔ 0 0 0 1 2 31 3.68
Feliz 1⅓ 0 0 0 0 2 18 4.67 the New York Yankees beat the St. Lou- Andrew Kittredge got the win despite
Pagan ⅓ 2 1 1 1 1 17 1.91
Yelich, Mil ..................... 21 Arenado, Col .............. 109 Greinke, Ari ............. 128.0 Kttrdge, W, 1-0 1⅔ 3 2 2 1 2 39 1.98
Crick ⅔ 2 2 2 1 1 24 3.90 is Browns, 5-2. Ruth finished the season allowing Edwin Encarnacion’s second
Dyson, Ari ..................... 20 Marquez, Col ........... 127.1 Escobar 1⅓ 1 0 0 0 0 17 0.00 with 54 homers.
Turner, Was .................. 17 DOUBLES Strasburg, Was ....... 122.1
Drake, S, 1 ⅓ 0 0 0 0 1 7 3.80
ST. LOUIS IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA 1933: Red Lucas of the Cincinnati Reds
homer of the game, a two-run shot in the
Bell, Pit ......................... 31
Paxton 6 7 2 2 2 7 107 3.94 Mikolas, W, 6-9 9 8 0 0 0 3 100 4.15 pitched a 15-inning 1-0 win over Roy Par- eighth that put the Yankees up 4-2.
SLUGGING PERCENTAGE Bryant, Chi ................... 28 STRIKEOUTS melee and the New York Giants in the
Yelich, Mil .................. .708 Freeman, Atl ................. 25 Scherzer, Was ............ 181
Chpmn, L, 2-2
0 0 1 0 28
3 3 0 2 27
Inherited runners-scored—Feliz 1-0, Es-
cobar 1-0. HBP—Musgrove (Carpenter), opener of a doubleheader.
D’Arnaud led off the game with a
Bellinger, LA.............. .687
Bell, Pit ...................... .636 TRIPLES
Ray, Ari ....................... 145
Strasburg, Was .......... 144
Inherited runners-scored—Drake 1-0. Escobar (Wong). Umpires—Home, Gary 1941: Joe DiMaggio extended his hitting homer to right field. In the third, he con-
streak to 56 games with a 3-for-4 day as
Blackmon, Col ........... .620 Blackmon, Col ................ 7 deGrom, NY ................ 144
Umpires—Home, Gerry Davis; First, Phil
Cuzzi; Second, Brennan Miller; Third, Pat
Cederstrom; First, Bruce Dreckman; Sec-
ond, Adrian Johnson; Third, Quinn Wol- the New York Yankees beat the Cleveland
nected again.
Alonso, NY ................. .618 Escobar, Ari .................... 6 Corbin, Was ................ 139
Hoberg. T—3:42. A—43,173 (47,309). cott. T—3:00. A—41,965 (45,538). Indians 10-3. ASSOCIATED PRESS
T U E S DAY, J U LY 16, 2019 SPORTS S TA R T R I B U N E • C5


(Through Monday)
BATTERS AVG AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
McNeil .349 301 44 105 24 1 8 38
Smith .295 146 31 43 10 0 8 14
J.Davis .276 203 29 56 9 1 9 25
Alonso .275 335 57 92 21 2 30 69 TWINS • 800-338-9467
Ramos .272 257 35 70 7 0 9 43 N.Y.
Rosario .265 340 39 90 17 4 9 42 N.Y. METS N.Y. METS OAKLAND OAKLAND OAKLAND OAKLAND
Frazier .251 231 30 58 6 1 12 36 7:10 pm 12:10 pm 7:10 pm 7:10 pm 6:10 pm 1:10 pm
7:10 pm
Cano .251 255 23 64 18 0 6 21 FSN FSN FSN FSN FSN FSN
Nido .244 86 5 21 2 0 3 12
Conforto .241 299 48 72 17 0 17 47 LYNX • 612-673-8400
He’varria .235 102 17 24 4 0 5 17
Nimmo .200 130 20 26 7 0 3 14 SEATTLE at
Guillorme .182 22 4 4 0 0 0 0 7 pm Las Vegas
Lagares .175 143 19 25 5 0 2 15 FSN, 5 pm
Totals .254 3211 434 816 156 9 131 422 NBATV No TV
Mazza 0-0 3.18 5.2 6 2 1 4 LOONS • 763-331-8777
deGrom 5-7 3.21 115.0 101 41 28 144
Lugo 4-2 3.22 44.2 38 16 13 59 ASTON at Real
Wilson 1-1 3.86 11.2 10 5 4 10 VILLA Salt Lake
Vargas 3-5 4.23 76.2 69 36 31 64 7 pm 9 pm
S’dergaard 7-4 4.55 112.2 110 57 30 110 No TV FSN PLUS
Wheeler 6-6 4.69 119.0 118 62 34 130
SAINTS • 651-644-6659
Matz 5-6 4.89 81.0 91 44 29 78
Gsellman 1-1 5.14 49.0 54 28 17 50
Diaz 1-6 5.35 35.1 40 21 11 57 KANSAS KANSAS KANSAS at Fargo- at Fargo- at Fargo-
Familia 2-1 7.42 30.1 34 25 24 32 CITY CITY CITY Moorhead Moorhead Moorhead
Avilan 1-0 8.74 11.1 17 11 5 11 7:05 pm 1:05 pm 7:05 pm 7 pm 6 pm 1 pm
Totals 42-51 4.86 827.2 836 447 306 852
CANTERBURY PARK • 952-445-7224
Rochester 11, Norfolk (Orioles) 4 racing:
Rochester ......... 000 305 003 — 11 13 2 July 25-28
Norfolk .............. 000 001 201 — 4 10 1
W: Smeltzer (1-2, 2.59). L: Akin (4-3,
SCOTT SADY • Virginian Pilot/TNS 4.50). HR: Rochester, Wiel 2 (17), Maggi
Pernell “Sweet Pea” Whitaker won championships in four different weight classes. (8), Davis (11); Norfolk, Hays (3). High- OTHER SPORTS

Whitaker one of greatest

lights: Jaylin Davis went 3-for-4 with
a three-run homer, four RBI and three HARNESS RACING
runs scored, Zander Wiel hit two two- Running Aces Track: Tuesday 7 p.m. Saturday 6 p.m. Sunday 6 p.m.
run homers and Devin Smeltzer struck
out eight and allowed one run on three
hits over six innings as the Red Wings
(46-48) routed Norfolk. ON THE AIR TUESDAY

defensive fighters ever

Montgomery (Rays) 6, Pensacola 2 NL: Los Angeles at Philadelphia 6 p.m. MLBN
Montgomery ...... 000 033 000 — 6 10 0
Interleague: N.Y. Mets at Twins 7 p.m. FSN 830-AM
Pensacola ........... 100 000 010 — 2 8 0
W: Garcia (2-0, 2.45). L: Jax (3-3, 2.53). American Assn.: Kansas City at Saints 7 p.m. 96.7-FM
HR: Pensacola, Diaz (3). Highlights: Grif-
fin Jax allowed five runs on nine hits and BOWLING
a walk over five innings as the Blue Wa- PBA: Summer League quarterfinals 6 p.m. FS1
hoos (49-46) fell to Montgomery. Alex
‘‘Sweet Pea’’ dies at age 55 A S O N O LY M P I A N tics showed Whitaker landing 311 Kirilloff went 2-for-4 with a run scored.
PBA: Summer League quarterfinals 8 p.m. FS1

after being hit by car. Pernell Whitaker was a gold punches to 220 for Chavez, while SOCCER
medalist at the 1984 Games throwing 153 more punches. Fort Myers was idle. Int’l Champions: Fiorentina vs. Guadalajara 8 p.m. ESPN2
By TIM DAHLBERG in Los Angeles. But when the decision came CEDAR RAPIDS KERNELS (CLASS A)
Associated Press down, it was a draw that was Cedar Rapids 14, Lansing (Blue Jays) 7
Lansing ............. 000 420 010 — 7 14 0
AS A PRO roundly criticized. Cedar Rapids ... 120 800 03x — 14 16 1
Pernell Whitaker, an Olympic Was a champion in four “He would stand in the pocket W: Hadley (1-0, 0.00). L: Miller (3-4, 5.05).
HR: Lansing, Aiello (3), Conine (12), Lo- TOUR DE FRANCE BASEBALL
gold medalist and four-division weight classes in a career and make everybody miss and pez (4); Cedar Rapids, Steer (1), Isola
champion who was regarded as that spanned 17 years. He frustrate the hell out of them,” (1), Javier 2 (4), Webb (1), Snyder (9).
Highlights: Wander Javier finished 4-for- 135.1 miles • Saint-Flour to Albi Boston: Designated INF Eduardo Nunez
one of the greatest defensive fight- finished with a record of Duva said. “He said it was the most 6 and hit a grand slam in the fourth and • 1. Wout Van Aert, Belgium, Jumbo-Vis-
ma, 4:49:39.
for assignment. Optioned RHP Hector
added a two-run homer in the eighth to Velazquez to Pawtucket (IL). Recalled
ers ever, died after being hit by a 40-4-1 and was a first-ballot beautiful feeling in the world, to lead the Kernels (53-41) past Lansing.
• 2. Elia Viviani, Italy, Deceuninck-Quick-
RHP Ryan Weber and 1B/OF Sam Tra-
Step, same time.
car in Virginia. He was 55. selection into the Interna- hit the other guy and not get hit.” Spencer Steer went 3-for-4 with a so-
• 3. Caleb Ewan, Australia, Lotto Sou-
vis from Pawtucket. Named Colm Ly-
lo homer, two RBI and two runs scored. don director of security and emergen-
Police in Virginia Beach said tional Boxing Hall of Fame. Whitaker would go on to lose dal, same time.
• 4. Michael Matthews, Australia, Sun- cy services.
the former fighter was hit by a car Two controversial decisions his next mega fight against De ELIZABETHTON TWINS (ROOKIE)
John. City (Cardinals) 9, Elizabethton 5
web, same time. Cleveland: Sent RHP Dan Otero to Ma-
• 5. Peter Sagan, Slovakia, Bora-Hans- honing Valley (NYP) for a rehab assign-
Sunday night. The driver of the car — a draw against Julio Cesar La Hoya, despite bloodying his Johnson City ...... 001 150 002 — 9 12 0
grohe, same time. ment.
Elizabethton ....... 000 000 302 — 5 5 1
remained on the scene, and police Chavez in 1993 and a loss to opponent and seemingly outbox- W: Puello (2-1, 5.00). L: Widell (0-4, 8.83).
• 6. Jasper Philipsen, Belgium, UAE Team Detroit: Optioned LHP Gregory Soto to
Emirates, same time. Toledo (IL). Selected the contract of RHP
said they were investigating the Oscar De La Hoya in 1997 — ing him over 12 rounds in their HR: Johnson City, Ozuna (1), Torres (3), • 7. Sonny Colbrelli, Italy, Bahrain-Meri- Trevor Rosenthal from Toledo.
Nunez (1); Elizabethton, Weiss (9). High-
circumstances of the death. may have defined his career welterweight title fight. A poll lights: Albee Weiss went 2-for-4 with
da, same time.
• 8. Matteo Trentin, Italy, Mitchelton-
Houston: Assigned SS Carlos Correa and
INF Aledmys Diaz to Round Rock (PCL)
Sweet Pea was Whitaker’s nick- more than anything. of ringside writers showed the a three-run homer, four RBI and two
runs scored but the Twins (15-11) fell to
Scott, same time. on injury rehab assignments.
• 9. Oliver Naesen, Belgium, AG2R La
name, and it fit perfectly. He was majority thought Whitaker won, Johnson City. Mondiale, same time.
Los Angeles: Recalled OF Michael Her-
mosillo from Salt Lake (PCL). Optioned
a master of hitting and not getting and he thought so, too. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION • 10. Greg Van Avermaet, Belgium, CCC,
same time.
LHP Jose Suarez to Salt Lake.
hit back, a southpaw who slipped est boxing robberies in history they “Of course [I won] but that NORTH W L PCT. GB Others: Seattle: Optioned RHPs Parker Markel
and David McKay to Tacoma (PCL). Re-
Fargo-Moorhead 37 18 .673 — • 63. Ben King, United States, Dimension
in and out of the pocket and rarely were both No. 1 and No. 2 on the really doesn’t matter,” Whitaker Saints 35 20 .636 2 Data, 2:14 behind. instated RHP Sam Tuivailala from the
gave an opponent an opportunity list,” said Kathy Duva, his longtime said. “As long as the world saw it, Chicago
23 .574
25 .537

• 98. Joey Rosskopf, United States, CCC, 60-day IL.
Toronto: Recalled OF Billy McKinney
to land a clean shot. promoter. “And every list of top 10 then the people can say who won Gary 22 32 .407 14½ • 127. Chad Haga, United States, Sun- from Buffalo (IL).
Milwaukee 22 32 .407 14½
Whitaker won a gold medal at fighters of all time he was on, too.” the fight. I should have gotten 10 SOUTH W L PCT. GB
web, same time.
Overall standings
Atlanta: Placed RHP Jacob Webb on the
the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles Whitaker’s style was unique out of 12 rounds. It was a shutout. Cleburne 30 24 .556 — (After 10 stages) 10-day IL, retroactive to July 13. Recalled
Kansas City 28 25 .528 1½ • 1. Julian Alaphilippe, France, Deceun-
— one of nine U.S. boxing champi- and effective, a hit-and-don’t-be- For 12 rounds, he took punishment, Sioux City 28 27 .509 2½ inck-QuickStep, 43:27:15.
RHP Huascar Ynoa from Gwinnett (IL).
Chicago: Sent LHP Xavier Cedeno to Io-
ons that year — and made his pro hit strategy that was later adopted he took a beating. He can have the Sioux Falls
27 .500
29 .463
• 2. Geraint Thomas, Britain, Ineos, 1:12.
• 3. Egan Bernal, Colombia, Ineos, 1:16.
wa (PCL) for a rehab assignment.
debut on national television. He by a rising young fighter named title, but we know who the best Texas 11 43 .204 19 • 4. Steven Kruijswijk, Netherlands, Jum-
Colorado: Recalled RHP Yency Almon-
te and RHP Chi Chi Gonzalez from Albu-
RESULTS MONDAY bo-Visma, 1:27.
advanced quickly, and was fighting Floyd Mayweather Jr. fighter is.” Fargo-Moorhead 5, Gary 3 • 5. Emanuel Buchmann, Germany, Bora- querque (PCL). Optioned RHP RHP Jesus
Tinoco to Albuquerque.
for a major title by his 17th fight, a Still, it was two controversial Whitaker’s last big fight came Sioux City 12, Chicago 4 Hansgrohe, 1:45.
Los Angeles: Recalled RHP Casey Sadler
GAMES TUESDAY • 6. Enric Mas, Spain, Deceuninck-Quick-
loss to Jose Luis Ramirez that he decisions — one a draw, the other near the end of his career, when Kansas City at Saints, 7:05 pm Step, 1:46. and OF Matt Beaty from Oklahoma City
(PCL). Designated LHP Zac Rosscup for
avenged the next year. a loss — that may have defined his Felix Trinidad scored a unanimous Fargo-Moorhead at Gary, 12:10 pm
Sioux Falls at Winnipeg, 7 pm
• 7. Adam Yates, Britain, Mitchelton-
Scott, 1:47. assignment. Placed INF Chris Taylor on
But Whitaker was also known career more than anything. decision in their welterweight title Milwaukee at Texas, 7:05 pm • 8. Nairo Quintana, Colombia, Movi- the 10-day IL.
Lincoln at Cleburne, 7:06 pm star, 2:04. New York: Placed RHP Zack Wheeler
as the victim of one of the worst The first came against Chavez, fight at Madison Square Garden. Chicago at Sioux City, 7:12 pm • 9. Daniel Martin, Ireland, UAE Team on the 10-day IL, retroactive to July 12.
decisions in boxing, a draw that the Mexican great who was In recent years, with the mil- NORTHWOODS LEAGUE
Emirates, 2:09.
• 10. Giulio Ciccone, Italy, Trek-Segafre-
San Francisco: Placed INF Evan Longo-
ria on the 10-day IL. Recalled RHPs Sam
allowed Julio Cesar Chavez to unbeaten in 87 fights when he and lions he had earned largely gone, RESULTS MONDAY do, 2:32.
Coonrod, Dereck Rodriguez and Ray
remain unbeaten in their welter- Whitaker met in a highly antici- Whitaker trained fighters, includ- No games scheduled
• 83. Rosskopf, 57:32.
Black from Sacramento (PCL); and op-
GAME TUESDAY tioned Black back to Sacramento.
weight showdown before a crowd pated fight in San Antonio. ing Zab Judah, who won the IBF All-Star game at Davenport, Ia., 7:05 pm • 91. King, 1:03:46.
• 169. Haga, 1:43:09.
of more than 60,000 at the Alamo- Whitaker came out in his trade- world super lightweight title under GAMES WEDNESDAY
No games scheduled
Fargo-Moorhead: Released INF Max

dome in San Antonio in 1993. mark style, confusing Chavez. Whitaker’s tutelage. He earned SOCCER Casper.
Gary: Signed OF Alex Boxwell and RHP
Four years later, Whitaker was Chavez stalked Whitaker through- money at autograph shows as well. MLS Colby Morris.
WNBA WESTERN W L T Pts GF GA Sioux Falls: Released LHP George Faue.
on the losing end of another diffi- out the fight, but Whitaker wasn’t His survivors include his sons, Los Angeles FC 14 2 4 46 53 17 Winnipeg: Released LHP Ryan Johnson.
cult decision against Oscar De La there to be found for the most part, Devon, Dominique and Dantavi- Las Vegas 11 5 .688 —
LA Galaxy 11 8 1 34 27 25
Seattle 10 5 5 35 31 26
Hoya in Las Vegas, a fight many and when he traded punches with ous, and his daughter, Tiara. His Lynx
Los Angeles

ringsiders thought he had won. Chavez he seemed to get the bet- son Pernell Jr. died in 2015. His Seattle 10 8 .556 2
San Jose
Real Salt Lake
9 7 4 31 33 31
9 9 2 29 29 29
Cleveland: Waived G J.R. Smith.
Phoenix 7 8 .467 3½ New Orleans: Waived C Christian Woo
“When you see the list of great- ter of the Mexican. Ringside statis- marriage ended in divorce. Dallas 5 11 .312 6
FC Dallas 8 8 5 29 29 26
Houston 8 8 3 27 29 28 FOOTBALL
Sporting K.C. 6 7 7 25 32 34
Connecticut 11 6 .647 — NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE
Portland 7 8 3 24 28 30
Washington 9 6 .600 1 Colorado 5 10 5 20 31 40 Atlanta: Agree to terms with DT Grady
Chicago 9 8 .529 2 Vancouver 4 9 8 20 22 34 Jarrett on a four-year contract.
New York 7 10 .412 4 EASTERN W L T Pts GF GA Cincinnati: G Clint Boling announced
Indiana 6 12 .333 5½ Philadelphia 10 6 6 36 39 32 his retirement.
5 11 .312 5½ D.C. United
New York
8 5 8 32 27 23
9 7 4 31 35 28
New York Giants: Suspended S Kam
Moore after an alleged domestic vio-

Sixers’ Simmons will get $170M

No games scheduled Atlanta 9 8 3 30 28 25 lence-related incident.
GAMES TUESDAY Montreal 9 10 3 30 26 36 Oakland: Signed G Jonathan Cooper.
No games scheduled New York City FC 7 3 8 29 31 22 Waived WR Montay Crockett.
Toronto FC 7 8 5 26 32 33 Tennessee: DL Derrick Morgan an-
WNBA ALL-STAR ROSTER Orlando 7 9 4 25 28 27 nounced his retirement.
At Mandalay Bay Events Center New England 6 8 6 24 24 38
Las Vegas Chicago 5 9 7 22 32 31 HOCKEY
Saturday, July 27 Cincinnati 5 13 2 17 20 45
Ben Simmons is about to get and avoid paying luxury taxes. The club posted that he has been Note: Team draft held July 25; x-first- Columbus 5 14 2 17 17 31
Anaheim: Named Kevin Dineen coach of
time All-Star selection Note: Three points for win, one for tie.
paid. The 76ers point guard and Smith’s days were numbered dealing with a blood clot. ... Ten- STARTERS GAMES WEDNESDAY San Diego (AHL).
the team agreed to a five-year, $170 when he agreed to leave the club nessee defensive lineman Derrick Liz Cambage, Las Vegas, F Houston at Atlanta, 6 pm Arizona: Signed D Dysin Mayo to a one-
year, two-way contract.
Chelsea Gray, Los Angeles, G Vancouver at New England, 6 pm
million contract extension Mon- in November after 11 games. The Morgan says he’s retiring after Brittney Griner, Phoenix, F Columbus at Chicago, 7 pm Buffalo: Signed F Dylan Cozens to a
day, according to a league source. 33-year-old has averaged 12.5 playing nine NFL seasons. Elena Delle Donne, Washington, F
x-Natasha Howard, Seattle, F
New York at Toronto FC, 7 pm three-year, entry-level contract.
New Jersey: Re-signed F Brandon Bad-
This comes as no surprise as points on 42% shooting (37% from Jonquel Jones, Connecticut, F TENNIS dock and D Josh Jacobs to one-year,
Jewell Loyd, Seattle, G
the team and Simmons’ agent, three-point range) and could play C YC L I N G Kayla McBride, Las Vegas, G PRO • MEN
two-way contracts.
Ottawa: Signed F Michael Carcone to a
Rich Paul, have been working strong defense when motivated
Rookie takes stage
x-Kia Nurse, New York, G CROATIA OPEN two-year, two-way contract and D Las-
A’ja Wilson, Las Vegas, F First round • Umag, Croatia si Thomson to a three-year, entry-lev-
out details since July 2. The max over his 15-year career. RESERVES • Jiri Vesely def. el contract.
extension was orig- Tour de France rookie Wout Van DeWanna Bonner, Phoenix, F
Tina Charles, New York, F
Cedrik-Marcel Stebe, 7-6 (5), 3-6, 7-6 (2).
• Aljaz Bedene def.
Washington: Re-signed D Colby Wil-
liams to a one-year, two-way contract.
inally believed to NFL Aert won Stage 10 after a sprint to x-Diamond DeShields, Chicago, G Marco Cecchinato (5), 6-3, 6-2.
Winnipeg: Signed D Ville Heinola on a
Candice Dupree, Indiana, F • Jannik Sinner def.
be $168.2 million. the line Monday, while Julian Ala-
However, it’s actu- Giants suspend Moore philippe kept the race leader’s yel-
Sylvia Fowles, Lynx, F
Nneka Ogwumike, Los Angeles, F
Pedro Sousa, 1-6, 6-3, 6-4.
three-year, entry-level contract.
Reading: Agreed to terms with F Olivier
Allie Quigley, Chicago, G First round • Newport, R.I.
ally higher than $170 The New York Giants sus- low jersey ahead of a rest day. x-Odyssey Sims, Lynx, G • Ilya Ivashka def. Labelle on a one-year contract.
Bernard Tomic, 6-2, 7-6 (5).
million because of pended backup safety Kam Crosswinds caused the peloton Alyssa Thomas, Connecticut, F
Kristi Toliver, Washington, G • Marcel Granollers def. SOCCER
the new salary cap Moore amid charges he punched to stretch and break into several Courtney Vandersloot, Chicago, G Prajnesh Gunneswaran, 6-2, 6-2. MAJOR LEAGUE SOCCER
x-Erica Wheeler, Indiana, G • Guido Andreozzi def. San Jose: Loaned D Jimmy Ockford to
Simmons projections. a woman, stepped on her neck and groups during the last 35 kilome- Ivo Karlovic (6), 7-6 (6), 7-6 (7). Nashville (USLC).
The extension, rendered her unconscious. ters of the 217.5-kilometer trek NBA SUMMER LEAGUE • Kamil Majchrzak def. NATIONAL WOMEN’S LEAGUE
CHAMPIONSHIP • MONDAY Alastair Gray, 6-3, 6-4. Washington: Traded G Sammy Jo Prud-
which begins during the 2020-21 The alleged incident took place from Saint-Flour to Albi. Defend- • Tennys Sandgren def.
homme to Reign FC for D/M Elise Kel-
MEMPHIS 95, TIMBERWOLVES 92 Denis Istomin, 6-4, 5-7, 6-4.
season, is the richest contract ever last Thursday. Moore appeared in ing champion Geraint Thomas SWEDISH OPEN
Memphis......................31 25 16 23 — 95
for an Australian. Simmons could Union County Superior Court on reached the finish line in the main Timberwolves .............19 21 30 22 — 92
First round • Bastad, Sweden
• Roberto Carballes Baena def.
receive over $200 million if he Monday to face charges of third- pack, but several favorites, includ- Memphis: Cabocio 6-12 0-0 15, Evans
2-10 3-4 8, Harvey 5-12 0-0 12, Clarke 4-9
Jaume Munar, 6-4, 3-6, 6-3. Cumberland (Tenn.): Named Atsu Nya-
• Mikael Ymer def. madi assistant track and field coach.
makes an All-NBA team this season. degree aggravated assault. ing Frenchman Thibaut Pinot, were 6-7 15, Allen 6-13 5-5 17, Buchanan 1-1
Alejandro Davidovich Fokina, 4-6, 7-5, 6-0. Michigan: Named Jay Smith director of
0-0 2, Hannahs 5-8 2-2 15, Aldridge 0-2
The 22-year-old averaged 16.9 Moore could be subject to a six- caught off guard and lost ground. 0-0 0, Lee 3-9 0-1 6, Rabb 2-4 1-2 5. To- PRO • WOMEN
player personnel and development for
men’s basketball.
points, 8.8 rebounds and 7.7 assists game suspension for a first-time tals: 34-80 17-21 95.
BUCHAREST OPEN Rice: Named Michael Whitehead assis-
Timberwolves: Reid 3-13 2-3 8, Terrell 2-3
last season. He had 10 triple-dou- offense. M I N N E S O TA S C E N E 0-0 6, Bates-Diop 4-9 1-3 10, McLaugh-
First round • Bucharest, Romania
• Viktoria Kuzmova (2) def.
tant golf coach.

bles last year and has 22 for his ... Kicker Robbie Gould agreed • Defending champion Van lin 2-11 0-2 4, Creek 4-5 4-5 13, Murphy
4-8 5-7 14, Barry 3-4 0-0 6, Martin 6-14
Dalila Jakupovic, 6-2, 6-2. T O D AY ’ S L I N E
• Aliona Bolsova (7) def.
career. He joins Hall of Famer to a two-year, $10.5 million deal Holmgren of Baker National shot 4-4 19, Brown Jr. 4-7 2-2 12. Totals: 32- Varvara Flink, 6-3, 6-2. MLB
74 18-26 92.
Oscar Robertson as the only NBA with the 49ers hours ahead of a 4-under-par 68 and took the first- Three-pointers: Memphis 10-29 (Han-
• Laura Siegemund (6) def.
FAVORITE .............LINE.......... UNDERDOG
Anhelina Kalinina, 4-6, 6-3, 6-4.
players with at least 10 triple- the deadline for franchise-tagged day lead at the three-day MGA nahs 3-4, Cabocio (3-8); Timberwolves • Elena Rybakina def. TUESDAY
10-30 (Martin 3-7). Rebounds: Memphis Interleague
doubles in each of their first two players to do so. Had Gould not State Amateur championship at 43 (Clarke 16); Timberwolves 39 (Reid
Paula Badosa, 7-5, 7-6 (4).
• Ysaline Bonaventure def. TWINS .............-135/+125 .......... NY Mets
seasons. come to terms, he would have Somerby Golf Club. Jesse Larson 10). Assists: Memphis 21 (Evans 8); Tim-
berwolves 14 (McLaughlin 3). Steals:
Tereza Mrdeza, 6-3, 7-5. Washington ....-190/+175 .....BALTIMORE
TEXAS .............-164/+154 ............Arizona
played this year for a $4.97 million. of LeSueur Country Club was two Memphis 6 (Evans 2, Rabb 2); Timber- First round • Lausanne, Switzerland American League
wolves 5 (McLaughlin) 3. Blocks: Mem-
Cavaliers waive J.R. Smith ... Washington Redskins quar- shots back after a 70, and four golf- phis 9 (Clarke 3, Rabb 3); Timberwolves
• Jasmine Paolini def.
Tess Sugnaux, 6-3, 6-3.
NEW YORK........... OFF ........... Tampa Bay
BOSTON ..........-190/+175 ............Toronto
The Cavaliers waived colorful terback Alex Smith has finally ers were tied at 1 under. The field 5 (Murphy 2). Turnovers: Memphis 8, • Daria Gavrilova (7) def. CLEVELAND ......... OFF .................. Detroit
Timberwolves 10. Total fouls: Memphis Ylena In-Albon, 7-5, 4-6, 6-3.
shooting guard J.R. Smith, ending shed the massive brace on his right will be cut to top-60 plus ties after 19, Timberwolves 22. • Bernarda Pera def.
Chicago ..........-116/+106 ..KANSAS CITY
OAKLAND........-170/+158 .............Seattle
his eventful tenure with the team. leg eight months after breaking his Tuesday’s second round. ALL TOURNAMENT TEAM
Giulia Gatto-Monticone, 6-0, 6-3.
• Fiona Ferro def.
LA ANGELS .......... OFF ............... Houston
Cleveland had been trying to tibia and fibula in gruesome fash- • St. Paul Saints infielder Josh First team: Brandon Clarke, Memphis; Mona Barthel, 7-6 (3), 6-2.
National League
LA Dodgers.....-179/+167 .PHILADELPHIA
Nickeil Alexander-Walker, New Orleans;
trade Smith, who had one year ion. Smith hopes to return for the Allen was named the American Jarrett Allen, Brooklyn; Kendrick Nunn,
• Anastasia Potapova def.
Kristina Kucova, 6-3, 6-1. San Diego .......-125/+115 ..............MIAMI
left on his contract for $15.6 mil- 2020 season. Association Player of the Week. Miami; Mitchell Robinson, New York. • Han Xinyun def. CHICAGO ........-127/+117 ....... Cincinnati
MILWAUKEE....-165/+155 ............ Atlanta
Second team: Rui Hahimura, Washing- Varvara Gracheva, 6-4, 7-6 (3).
lion, but the team couldn’t find the ... Bengals left guard Clint Bol- Allen went 13-for-27 (.482) with ton; Chris Boucher, Toronto; Jaxson • Caroline Garcia (2) def. ST. LOUIS ........-169/+159 .......Pittsburgh
right package and released him to ing retired after eight seasons in three home runs and six RBI in Hayes, New Orleans; Anfernee Simons,
Portland; Lonnie Walker IV, San Antonio.
Antonia Lottner, 6-2, 6-3.
• Tamara Korpatsch def.
COLORADO .....-131/+121 . San Francisco

make space under the salary cap the NFL, citing medical concerns. seven games. Most Valuable Player: Clarke. Eugenie Bouchard (8), 2-6, 6-4, 7-5. Note: Home team in CAPS.
C6 • S TA R T R I B U N E SPORTS T U E S DAY, J U LY 16, 2019


Struggling Mets visit

Both games on FSN and 830-AM
Tuesday, 7:10 p.m.: RHP Michael Pineda (6-4, 4.56 ERA)
vs. LHP Steven Matz (5-6, 4.89)
Wednesday 12:10 p.m.: LHP Martin Perez (8-3, 4.26)
vs. LHP Jason Vargas (3-5, 4.23)

Steven Matz Jason Vargas Miguel Sano

The Twins (58-34) split two games against the Mets (42-51)
in New York on April 9 and 10. … Miguel Sano is batting .368
during his 11-game hitting streak. … Perez ended a six-start
winless streak July 5 when he beat the Rangers, but he still
has a 6.32 ERA over his past seven starts. … The Twins are 3-4
in interleague play this season.

Matz’s turn in the rotation was moved up one day after RHP
Zack Wheeler went on the injured list because of shoulder fatigue.
Matz has never faced the Twins, and the injured C.J. Cron is the
only current Twins player he has faced. … Vargas, 8-4 with a
3.80 ERA in 20 games vs. the Twins, gave up a season-high six
earned runs Friday in a loss to the Marlins. Vargas was drafted
by the Twins in the 43rd round in 2001 but did not sign.

(Through Monday)
Note: * - Player on injured list. Totals include players no longer on team.
Arraez .385 96 16 37 6 0 2 7
Polanco .311 370 58 115 24 5 13 44
Garver .288 163 35 47 8 1 14 36
Adrianza .282 124 23 35 2 1 4 15
Rosario * .282 308 51 87 14 1 20 60
Cruz .275 244 38 67 16 0 17 47
Cron * .266 301 36 80 18 0 17 54
ANTHONY SOUFFLÉ • Kepler .263 338 58 89 21 0 23 59
Twins pitcher Michael Pineda has developed a quality third pitch in his changeup. Astudillo * .263 133 19 35 7 0 3 13
Gonzalez .260 265 33 69 13 0 10 31
Schoop .256 297 45 76 18 0 14 39
Castro .252 143 27 36 8 0 10 24

Buxton .249 245 43 61 24 4 9 42
Sano .237 156 29 37 10 1 13 24
Cave .190 79 9 15 3 0 2 8
Wade Jr.* .000 2 1 0 0 0 0 0
Totals .271 3274 523 887 193 13 171 503
Stolen bases (24): Buxton 13, Polanco 4, Rosario 3, Arraez, Gonzalez, Kepler, Schoop.

Errors (58): Polanco 9, Sano 8, Cron 7, Schoop 7, Adrianza 6, Garver 4, Gonzalez 4, Astudillo
3, Buxton 2, Arraez, Castro, Duffey, Gibson, May, Morin, Rosario.
Rogers 2-1 1.69 42.2 33 8 7 55
Harper 3-1 2.79 38.2 31 12 8 40
Odorizzi 11-4 3.06 94.0 72 32 32 98
Berrios 8-5 3.10 122.0 113 42 26 110
May 3-2 3.12 34.2 26 12 17 40
Morin 0-0 3.18 22.2 20 8 2 11
Duffey 1-1 3.60 30.0 30 12 6 36
ø TWINS from C1 While Pineda fell short of his goal Parker 1-2 3.62 32.1 28 13 13 31
“You’ll see guys struggle with of pitching in the majors by the end Gibson 8-4 4.03 98.1 95 44 29 99
command, but they may still have of last season, he spent the offseason Perez 8-3 4.26 95.0 90 45 40 85
their stuff,” Twins pitching coach on a normal throwing program. He Pineda 6-4 4.56 92.2 93 47 16 84

Wes Johnson said. “Mike is kind of reported to spring training not hav- Magill 2-0 4.67 27.0 26 14 14 33
Littell 2-0 4.70 15.1 17 8 6 12
that outlier where he has been able to ing pitched in a major league game Totals 58-34 3.92 833.0 776 363 262 807
get his fastball command really good in 18 months. Plus, he’s 30, not some Saves (27): Rogers 13, Parker 10, Harper, May, Morin.
and his slider is just not there yet.” young pitcher who doesn’t have a Home attendance (43 dates)
Fortunately for Pineda, his work foundation of major league experi- Year
to establish a changeup has paid off. ence. 2018 1,001,024 23,279
Before he suffered a torn ulnar col- “I’m a man,” Pineda said.
lateral ligament in 2017, he was trying So the Twins have not placed any
to develop a quality changeup as a innings restrictions on Pineda and
third pitch. don’t plan to. He’s made 17 starts and
“The last two to three years of
my career I tried to focus on my
JEFF HAYNES • Associated Press averaged about 5 ⅓ innings per out-
ing. He’s scheduled to make 14 more Those sounds you hear?
2.83 Baseball chatter in July
changeup,” he said, “because they starts before season’s end, so he’s on
knew I had a good slider.” pace to throw 165 innings. The Twins
Then came surgery, performed are fine with that.
by Cincinnati Reds team physi- “Mike’s an outlier in many cases,”
cian — and top elbow surgeon — Michael Pineda’s ERA over his Johnson said. “That’s why we feel ø SCOGGINS from C1 deserves it.
Dr. Timothy Kremchek on July 18, past five starts. He has 31 strikeouts comfortable letting him go.” sion lead to 6 ½ games while Not a tweak to the bull-
2017. The Twins signed Pineda to a and just five walks in that stretch. The Twins will monitor Pineda, halting the Indians’ momen- pen. Not a minor move
creative contract the following off- however, for any signs that a break- tum. A series victory on the involving a so-so reliever.
season. They paid him $2 million in down is approaching. His form will road without two of their Something major that
2018 to complete his rehabilitation .296 off his slider. In 2017, the year be put to the test in the coming best hitters, Eddie Rosario instantly makes the team
and pitch in a few games late in the he broke down, opponents batted weeks; he’s in line to face the Ath- and C.J. Cron, reinforced stronger. The bullpen hasn’t
season, then bumped his salary to .196 off his slider and .292 off his letics, Braves and Indians — teams belief that the Twins should been a disaster, but the bar
$8 million this season. Pineda was changeup. all in the playoff picture. be viewed as legitimate con- must be higher than that
on track to pitch for the Twins last So Pineda adapted. He threw “Big Mike wants to pitch like all tenders. because expectations have
September before a sore right knee his slider 37.6% of the time in 2017. of our guys want to pitch, and he If that series felt espe- changed. This is about what
forced him off the mound. This year, it’s down to 29.2%. His wants to be out there,” Twins man- cially important, it’s only the makes most sense for Octo-
The Twins spent the offseason changeup usage has increased from ager Rocco Baldelli said. “Those are beginning. The Twins open ber.
stating that Pineda would start the 13.6% to 15.5%, and his fastball usage challenging discussions and situa- a nine-game homestand on A trade of that nature
season in the rotation, and that’s has jumped from 48.8% to 55.2%. tions because we’re playing well, Tuesday against the New assuredly would cost a pros-
what happened. While his slider “Mike’s changeup has allowed he’s pitching well, everyone is doing York Mets. This next stretch pect that the organization
comes and goes, his changeup has him to do some different things their job, he wants to do his job. But also includes four games would prefer not to lose.
been solid. Opponents are batting with his fastball in the strike zone,” it’s something we will not ignore against the Oakland Athlet- I’ve waffled on the risk-
.204 off the pitch, as opposed to Johnson said. going forward.” ics, one of the best teams in reward of giving up a top
the American League, fol- prospect, and the answer
lowed by three against the is not clear-cut, even if you
Yankees, owners of the AL’s don’t have skin in the game.
best record. Waiting on prospects
Those are big series. offers no guarantees either.

One slice Mets, one slice Yanks, A’s in middle Then the Atlanta Braves
come to town in early
August. That will be a big
Teams can talk themselves
in circles debating what
to do, but this feels like a
series. Then Cleveland moment to go for it. Imag-
The Twins have com- Cleveland’s momentum make a diving catch of a sink- importance later in the week, visits Target Field for four ine the message it would
pleted one test and now pre- while providing the Twins ing fly ball. The Twins plan to as the Twins get a rematch games. That will be a big send if the front office
pare for another. some momentum for the have an update on his condi- with the Athletics, who took series. trades for a proven closer.
After winning two of homestand, tion Tuesday. The Twins are two of three games from Buckle up. This season has
three games in Cleveland, “It was a good series against 6-11 when he doesn’t play. the Twins two weeks ago The Twins provided a reminded us how different
the Twins will start a two- a very good team,” Twins Eddie Rosario, on the in Oakland. The second of whiff of this intensity in summer feels with a cred-
game series with the New manager Rocco Baldelli said injured list because of a four Joe Mauer bobblehead 2017 when they earned a ible baseball team. When
York Mets on Tuesday, open- after Sunday’s 4-3 loss to the sprained left ankle, ran the giveaways is Friday, this one one-game wild-card berth. you care enough to invest
ing a nine-game homestand Indians, “and if we play like bases before Sunday’s game from his major league debut This feels nothing like that time, energy, emotion and
that also includes four games this going forward, I think and could be activated for in 2004. reward for overachieving. criticism. Every series the
against the Oakland Athlet- we’re going to be OK.” Tuesday’s game. First base- Then come the Yankees, This season feels far more rest of the way will carry
ics and three against the New It would be better if the man C.J. Cron, idled because who took two of three games legitimate for obvious rea- a distinctive tone. Every-
York Yankees. All three oppo- Twins knew if they had of right thumb inflammation, from the Twins in New York sons. thing feels magnified right
nents are making their only Byron Buxton and Eddie ran the bases with Rosario in May. The Twins and Yan- That’s why the Twins now. And that’s a fun place
appearance at Target Field Rosario back in the lineup. and took grounders at first kees entered Monday with brain trust of Derek Falvey to be.
this season. Buxton was injured on Sat- base. He also is eligible to be the two best records in the and Thad Levine need to
Winning the Indians urday when his face hit the activated Tuesday. American League. do something bold at the Chip Scoggins
series helped slow down ground after running in to Health will take on greater La VELLE E. NEAL III trade deadline. Their team
Tariffs taking a toll on Retailers race to get what
China’s giant economy. D3 Winner, Best Business Columnist, Lee Schafer you want to you faster. D6
Awarded by the Society of American Business Editors and Writers (2018)

T U E S DAY, J U LY 16, 2019 S TA R T R I B U N E . C O M / B U S I N E S S • S E C T I O N D

for Edina Blue Cross policies questioned
The insurer defended rules that the Minnesota Hospital Association said may violate state law.
services in hospitals.
The hospital trade group is
Cross to discriminate against
in-network providers as it
of health care costs. In some
cases, hospitals have been
than 90% of every dollar we
collect in premiums goes

company The Minnesota Hospital

Association said the state’s
largest not-for-profit health
asking state officials to inves-
tigate the practices of the state
Blue Cross plan and stop the
insurer from imposing new
intends to, and that the health
plan’s policies may violate
laws on unfair and deceptive
trade practices, among other
given the chance to lower
their prices in order to gain
coverage of a particular ser-
vice, and some have done so.
directly to pay for care for
our members,” Blue Cross
said in a statement Monday.
“We believe it’s important to
British firm National Grid insurer, Blue Cross Blue policies that the hospitals legal issues. A spokesman said the insurer take action that can help keep
also buying a 51% stake in Shield of Minnesota, is prob- said make it more difficult and But the insurer said health is confident that the plan care and coverage affordable.
ably breaking the law by expensive for Minnesotans care costs continue to rise to changes are legal. Minnesota Hospital Asso-
a joint venture for wind imposing a slate of new poli- to access routine and lifesav- unprecedented levels, and “It’s important to under- ciation CEO Lawrence Massa
and solar generation. cies designed to deny or delay ing health care services. The hospitals must work with stand that health care pre- sent a 27-page letter to the
access to routine colonosco- hospital group said state law payers and plan sponsors to miums reflect the costs and state attorney general and
By MIKE HUGHLETT pies and hundreds of other doesn’t appear to allow Blue improve the sustainability claims they cover, and more See BLUE CROSS on D3 Ø

Geronimo Energy, one of

Minnesota’s most prominent
renewable-energy developers,
has been sold to a large Brit- “There were managers, supervisors and police ... at the gates and front doors, so they’re scared.”
ish utility company for $100 Mohamed Hassan, worker at Amazon’s Shakopee warehouse
In conjunction with the deal
completed Monday, National
Grid is also paying $125 million
for a 51% stake in a joint ven-
ture that owns wind and solar
projects being developed by a
Geronimo affiliate. The other
49% is owned by the Washing-
ton State Investment Board.
Edina-based Geronimo will
continue to be headquartered
in the Twin Cities, where it
employs about 60 people, said
Blake Nixon, the company’s
chief executive. Geronimo
employees another 25 people
in several field offices, and
has done projects in 16 states.
Nixon will continue to lead
The deal should bolster
Geronimo’s efforts to expand
both on its traditional turf —
the Midwest — and nationally,
Nixon said.
“It clearly brings additional
capital to grow the business,
and a name brand that is well
respected in the energy indus-
try,” he said.
National Grid is known in
this country for its regulated
electricity and natural gas utili-
ties in the northeastern United
States. But the company is try-
ing to extend its nonregulated
business through its National Photos by GLEN STUBBE •
Grid Ventures arm, of which A crowd of supporters, activists and some workers picketed outside the Amazon fulfillment center in Shakopee on a busy Prime Day afternoon.
Geronimo is now a part.

A few workers strike on Prime Day

The Geronimo deal marks
National Grid’s entry into
U.S. wind- and solar-energy
development. “Geronimo
was acquired to be our plat-
form in U.S. renewables,” said
Daniel Westerman, president
Organizers say pace at Shakopee plant is too fast and employees are getting hurt
By KAVITA KUMAR “We were expecting a lot of workers to come out today,” he said at a rally, speaking

Profit falls A handful of Amazon workers in Shako-

through an interpreter. “There were manag-
ers, supervisors and police that are standing

sharply for
pee, far fewer than the 100-plus organizers had at the gates and front doors, so they’re scared
expected, walked off the job in the middle of because of that. That’s the reason they couldn’t
their shifts to protest work conditions at the come out, and I’m sad for that.”

co-op CHS sprawling fulfillment center on Monday.

The strike was timed to coincide with the
first day of the two-day Prime Day sale, which
He said later that the workload is too
demanding and that he has injured his wrists
from moving heavy boxes.
International uncertainty, has become one of Amazon’s biggest shop- The protest is one of the latest actions orga-
poor weather are blamed. ping events of the year. The protest has drawn nized by the Awood Center, a Minneapolis-
national attention in recent days since this was based group that advocates for the workers.
By ADAM BELZ one of the first time workers in the U.S. have One of the workers’ principal complaints is challenged Amazon — which disputes their that they are asked to work too fast, some-
complaints — through a work stoppage. times getting hurt, in order to make Ama-
Profit and sales fell sharply Mohamed Hassan, a packer in the fulfill- zon’s industry-leading quick deliveries pos-
this spring for CHS Inc. as the ment center, walked out into the blazing sun sible. The workers are also asking for the right
farmer-owned co-op grappled The strike was timed to coincide with the first day of and a crowd of supporters waiting on the side- to organize as well as better advancement
with the trade war and adverse the two-day Prime Day sale, which has become one of walk Monday afternoon a few hours before opportunities and quicker transitions from
weather. Amazon’s biggest shopping events of the year. his shift was over. See STRIKES on D3 Ø
The Inver Groves Heights-
based co-op, a global grain,
energy and food company, said
Monday its profit for the quar-

International exports from Minn. fall during first part of year

ter that ended May 31 was $54.6
million, down from to $181.8
million in the same period a
year ago.
The comparison was made Cause behind the tumble is unknown, but it is happening around the Midwest.
more difficult because CHS
had a one-time gain of about By EVAN RAMSTAD ing China, Canada, Mexico and just a 1% drop.
$124 million in the year-ago the European Union. Fed researchers said it’s
period. The state was one of three difficult to show cause and
Revenue fell to $8.5 billion Minnesota exports to other among the six in which the effect but they note that
from $9.1 billion a year ago. countries fell in the first four Minneapolis Fed oversees the countries that have
CHS blamed international months of this year as they did banking and monitors eco- imposed retaliatory tariffs
trade uncertainty — the trade across the Upper Midwest, nomic performance to have on the U.S. are some of the
war with China is now more new data from the Federal exports rise last year. But biggest markets for Mid-
than a year old — and weather Reserve Bank of Minneapolis exports fell in all six states western states. In compari-
for the decline. show. during the first four months son, declines also occurred
“The uncertainty of the Minnesota set a record in of 2019, the regional bank said in the early months of 2018
international trade markets exports last year even as a in a roundup of new data. before President Donald
continues to create difficult trade war broke out between North Dakota and South Trump last May imposed
circumstances for all who the U.S. and some of its big- Dakota were hit hardest. Min- the tariffs on steel and other AARON LAVINSKY •
See CHS on D3 Ø gest trading partners, includ- nesota was hit the least, with See EXPORTS on D3 Ø Many of Minnesota’s exports move through the Duluth Harbor.

DOW 27,359.16 s 27.13 S&P 500 3,014.30 s 0.53 NASDAQ 8,258.18 s 14.04 10-YR T-NOTE 2.09% t 0.01 GOLD $1,411.40 s 1.50 OIL $59.58 t 0.63 EURO in dollars 1.1259 t -.0012
D2 • S TA R T R I B U N E BUSINESS T U E S DAY, J U LY 16, 2019

Pie in the sky Bank on it Housing outlook
DPZ $269.92 JPM $113.90
Domino’s Pizza is $300 Wall Street titan $120 Rising U.S. home prices and a shortage of properties have
expected to report JPMorgan Chase is made homes less affordable for would-be buyers, even after
higher earnings and expected to report the fall in mortgage
250 100
sales in its fiscal second $281.40 higher profit and sales $106.36 rates over recent
quarter than a year ago. in the second quarter weeks. The
’18 ’19 ’18 ’19
The Ann Arbor, 200 compared to a year 80 National Associa-
Michigan-based chain’s earlier. The bank est. tion of Home
Operating est. Operating $2.50
shares have yo-yoed $1.84 $2.02 benefited from higher $2.29 Builders/Wells
along with the wider EPS interest rates in the EPS Fargo housing
Q2 ’18 Q2 ’19 Q2 ’18 Q2 ’19
market in recent months. first quarter, when it market index offers
Price-earnings ratio: 32 Price-earnings ratio: 12
It plans to begin testing based on past 12-month results
made $2.65 a share. based on past 12-month results
a gauge of home
delivery using autono- Analysts forecast it builders’ sentiment
mous vehicles in the Dividend: $2.60 Div yield: 1.0% made $2.51 in the Dividend: $3.60 Div yield: 3.2% on the market’s
autumn. Source: FactSet second quarter. Source: FactSet direction.

27,400 Dow Jones industrials 3,040 S&P 500 NAME CLOSE CHG %CHG NAME CLOSE CHG %CHG
27,000 Close: 27,359.16 Close: 3,014.30
2,980 Capricor rs 6.23 +3.01 +93.5 SCWorx rs 3.65 -.83 -18.5
Change: 27.13 (0.1%) Change: 0.53 (flat) CarolTrBk 10.13 +2.47 +32.2 TechCom lf 2.74 -.61 -18.2
26,600 10 DAYS ChkSoup n 8.40 +1.38 +19.7 CallonPet 5.38 -1.02 -15.9
2,920 10 DAYS CannTrHl n 3.06 +.48 +18.6 XeneticB rs 10.69 -2.01 -15.8
28,000 RekorSys 2.37 +.37 +18.5 Eton Ph n 7.00 -1.30 -15.7
3,100 AvroBio n 16.42 +2.14 +15.0 NeuBase 4.55 -.84 -15.6
PerionNwk rs 4.00 +.49 +14.0 SyrosPhar n 7.52 -1.23 -14.1
27,000 3,000 MMTec n 12.48 +1.47 +13.4 VeronaPh n 4.25 -.69 -13.9
AquaB Tc n 3.93 +.45 +12.9 Soliton n 16.05 -2.50 -13.5
2,900 EnlivexTh 25.96 +2.96 +12.9 Circor 36.97 -5.35 -12.6
26,000 ChampO hrs 8.99 +1.03 +12.9 IMV Inc n 3.36 -.46 -12.0
2,800 Caladriu rs 2.94 +.31 +11.8 JaguarHl rs 2.82 -.38 -11.9
25,000 Workhrs rs 3.89 +.40 +11.5 OrganognH 6.82 -.92 -11.9
2,700 B&N Ed n 3.96 +.40 +11.2 Vuzix 2.55 -.33 -11.5
XcelBrnds 3.50 +.35 +11.1 Symantec 22.84 -2.73 -10.7
24,000 2,600
Ever-Glory 3.29 +.32 +10.6 YintechIn n 4.40 -.52 -10.6
Zovio 4.02 +.38 +10.4 Hi-Crush 2.09 -.24 -10.3
Curis rs 2.46 +.21 +9.3 Five9 48.04 -5.47 -10.2
23,000 2,500 PeckCo h 6.60 +.56 +9.3 PartyCity n 6.39 -.72 -10.1
J F M A M J J J F M A M J J CreatReal n 2.38 +.20 +9.2 Zynex n 7.70 -.86 -10.0

DOW 27364.69 27294.17 27359.16 +27.13 +0.10% s s s +17.28% Buenos Aires Merval 42881.72 41233.56 41256.60 -1403.93 -3.29% t s s +36.19%
NYSE NASD DOW Trans. 10655.44 10572.97 10601.03 -36.28 -0.34% s s t +15.60% Frankfurt DAX 12434.14 12301.08 12387.34 +64.02 +0.52% t s s +17.32%
DOW Util. 827.68 820.29 826.25 +1.95 +0.24% s s s +15.90% London FTSE 100 7548.33 7487.44 7531.72 +25.75 +0.34% t s s +11.94%
Vol. (in mil.) 2,792 1,751 NYSE Comp. 13255.13 13220.23 13233.39 -1.37 -0.01% s s s +16.34% Hong Kong Hang Seng 28567.25 28071.19 28554.88 +83.26 +0.29% s s s +10.60%
Pvs. Volume 2,876 1,789 NASDAQ 8264.78 8236.27 8258.18 +14.04 +0.17% s s s +24.46% Paris CAC-40 5606.48 5550.86 5578.21 +5.35 +0.10% t s s +17.92%
Advanced 1299 1402 S&P 500 3017.80 3008.77 3014.30 +0.53 +0.02% s s s +20.24% Tokyo Nikkei 225 21720.14 21589.83 21685.90 +42.37 +0.20% s s s +8.35%
Declined 1396 1500 S&P 400 1965.15 1947.39 1951.36 -9.13 -0.47% s s t +17.34% Seoul Composite 2088.34 2073.10 2082.48 -4.18 -0.20% s t t +2.03%
New Highs 177 127 Wilshire 5000 31013.48 30921.60 30978.35 -6.58 -0.02% s s s +20.31% Sydney All Ordinaries 6787.30 6734.00 6746.20 -42.60 -0.63% t s s +18.16%
New Lows 35 60 Russell 2000 1573.88 1558.78 1561.82 -8.18 -0.52% s s t +15.81% Toronto TSE300 16524.51 16474.86 16510.82 +22.70 +0.14% s s s +15.28%


Crude Oil (bbl) 59.58 60.21 -1.05 +31.2 NAME CLOSE CHG %CHG NAME CLOSE CHG %CHG
against the eu- USD per British Pound 1.2520 -.0052 -.42% 1.3228 prices fell 1%
ro, Japanese Ethanol (gal) 1.56 1.59 -2.26 +23.3 NVE Corp 71.30 +3.80 +5.6 NthnO&G 1.84 -.11 -5.6
Canadian Dollar 1.3046 +.0014 +.11% 1.3162 and natural gas Heating Oil (gal) 1.95 1.98 -1.44 +15.7 CardiovSys 45.89 +1.76 +4.0 ProtoLabs 105.31 -3.82 -3.5
yen and the USD per Euro 1.1259 -.0012 -.11% 1.1677
Japanese Yen 107.90 +.09 +.08% 112.30 prices fell nearly Natural Gas (mm btu) 2.41 2.45 -1.83 -18.1 GWG Hldgs 7.95 +.30 +3.9 TCF Fncl 20.66 -.48 -2.3
British pound. 2%. Wholesale Unleaded Gas (gal) 1.93 1.98 -2.36 +46.1 InsprMed n 68.88 +1.73 +2.6 CybrOpt 11.97 -.22 -1.8
Mexican Peso 18.9699 -.0292 -.15% 18.9502
The dollar also Tennant 65.47 +1.32 +2.1 NthnTech s 11.40 -.20 -1.7
rose against the EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLE EAST gasoline prices METALS CLOSE PVS %CHG %YTD
CantbryPk 12.40 +.23 +1.9 ApogeeE 42.27 -.64 -1.5
fell more than Gold (oz) 1411.40 1409.90 +0.11 +10.4
Canadian dollar Israeli Shekel 3.5391 -.0162 -.46% 3.6431
Silver (oz) 15.29 15.16 +0.85 -0.9 Electrmed 5.28 +.10 +1.9 NorSys 3.85 -.06 -1.5
but fell against Norwegian Krone 8.5386 -.0020 -.02% 8.1228 2%. Gold prices Platinum (oz) 839.50 828.40 +1.34 +5.5 Regis Cp 18.12 +.34 +1.9 FDaves 4.87 -.07 -1.4
South African Rand 13.9044 -.0555 -.40% 13.2829
were barely IntriCon 21.18 +.34 +1.6 WellsFargo 46.71 -.65 -1.4
the Mexican pe- Swedish Krona 9.3537 -.0197 -.21% 8.8928
Copper (lb) 2.71 2.69 +0.59 +3.0
Mosaic 23.37 +.37 +1.6 HonwllIntl 175.01 -2.13 -1.2
so. Swiss Franc .9848 +.0003 +.03% 1.0021 higher and silver AGRICULTURE CLOSE PVS %CHG %YTD BestBuy 75.50 +.73 +1.0 Qumu Cp 4.25 -.05 -1.2
prices rose Cattle (lb) 1.09 1.08 +0.03 -13.1 ElectroSen 3.25 +.03 +0.9 Graco s 50.50 -.55 -1.1
ASIA/PACIFIC Travelers 154.83 +1.44 +0.9 CommSys 3.11 -.03 -1.0
nearly 1%. Coffee (lb) 1.09 1.07 +3.38 +6.8
Australian Dollar 1.4211 -.0026 -.18% 1.3488 Corn (bu) 4.41 4.50 -2.95 +17.6 Winmark 174.60 +1.59 +0.9 Insignia s 1.02 -.01 -1.0
Chinese Yuan 6.8778 -.0031 -.05% 6.6932 Cotton (lb) 0.64 0.63 +2.03 -11.4 BioTechne 210.56 +1.25 +0.6 Fastenal s 30.68 -.27 -0.9
Hong Kong Dollar 7.8263 -.0000 -.00% 7.8490 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 360.00 360.00 ... +8.6 Hormel s 41.24 +.23 +0.6 US Bancrp 53.12 -.48 -0.9
Indian Rupee 68.538 -.054 -.08% 68.479 Orange Juice (lb) 1.01 1.03 -2.08 -19.1 Medtrnic 99.82 +.57 +0.6 Clearfield 13.07 -.10 -0.8
Singapore Dollar 1.3564 -.0015 -.11% 1.3662 Soybeans (bu) 9.02 9.03 -1.27 +2.2 Patterson 21.55 +.13 +0.6 Target 86.80 -.73 -0.8
South Korean Won 1180.89 +3.42 +.29% 1129.85 Wheat (bu) 5.08 5.36 -2.84 +0.9 XcelEngy 61.18 +.38 +0.6 ANI Ph h 80.80 -.56 -0.7
Taiwan Dollar 31.06 -.00 -.00% 30.59 Deluxe 41.30 +.19 +0.5 GenMills 53.12 -.32 -0.6
(Previous and change figures reflect current contract.)


Name PE Vol. Last Chg. Name PE Vol. Last Chg. Name PE Vol. Last Chg. Name PE Vol. Last Chg. Name PE Vol. Last Chg. Name PE Vol. Last Chg. Name PE Vol. Last Chg.

A-B-C Baxter s 39 17327 82.01 +.36 Copart s 34 7346 u77.50 +.17 FullerHB 19 2804 47.07 +.05 Lyft Inc n ... 19201 64.79 +.54 PhilipMor 16 53252 81.47 -.42 TAL Educ s 55 27494 37.20 +1.30
BectDck cc 6743 253.24 +.36 Corning 14 24216 33.37 +.36 LyonBas A 8 35886 85.88 -.17 PhilipsNV ... 4099 44.32 +.23 TCF Fncl 11 7457 20.66 -.48
ABB Ltd ... 12058 18.98 +.07
BerkHa A 26 z143 320300 -793 Corteva n ... 34430 28.08 +.48 G-H-I Phillips66 8 30895 101.01 +.68 TD Ameritr 20 20046 50.54 -.43
AFLAC s 18 30265 u56.57 -.32
BerkH B 29 27151 213.54 -.56 Costco 42 15673 u280.58 +1.14 Gallaghr 35 11251 u92.22 +.39 M-N-O Pinduoduo n... 41977 19.35 +.21 TE Connect 11 10123 93.52 -.92
ANI Ph h 70 1026 80.80 -.56 Garmin 22 10598 79.83 +.04 M&T Bk 12 6833 172.33 -1.74
ASML Hld 42 6812 206.76 -1.42 BestBuy 23 20308 75.50 +.73 CousPrp rs 14 18119 37.34 -.37 PioNtrl cc 10612 140.69 -3.60 TJX 19 41080 56.47 -.22
Credicp ... 3794 233.30 -2.56 GenDynam 20 12152 186.40 +.56 MGM Rsts 8 38190 29.38 +.36 PiperJaf dd 1481 76.83 -.03
ASV Hld n ... 250 6.96 +.01 Bio-Techne 67 1137 210.56 +1.25 TactSys n cc 1130 54.84 -.15
CredSuiss ... 17701 12.27 -.04 GenElec dd 420790 10.27 -.10 MPLX LP 17 12091 32.27 -.15 PlainsAAP 39 17237 24.62 -.02
AT&T Inc 7 202510 33.71 +.06 Biogen 13 10282 233.62 +2.20 TaiwSemi ... 57826 41.82 +.59
CrwnCstle 99 16604 133.19 +.67 GenMills 18 37920 53.12 -.32 MSCI Inc 38 1978 245.20 +.08 Polaris 20 4705 86.40 -.03
AbbottLab 51 51776 83.81 -.11 BlkHillsCp 24 1974 79.77 -.20 TakedaPh n ... 17549 17.99 +.20 s 53 23392 37.35 +.10 GenMotors dd 54480 39.36 +.15 MTS 11 795 56.07 -.15 PriceTR 20 9685 110.38 -.23
AbbVie 12 102531 70.27 -.01 BlackRock 18 4164 481.70 -.76 Target 14 31718 86.80 -.73
Cummins 48 6505 171.12 +.03 GMot wtB ... 25.44 Manulife g ... 10625 18.45 +.02 PrinFncl 12 5607 58.69 -.43
Accenture 30 12669 u195.32 -.89 Blackstone 18 44.42 Teleflex 41 1537 334.96 +.69
CybrOpt 27 272 11.97 -.22 GileadSci 11 74933 68.07 +1.81 MarathPt s 8 57640 54.83 -.65 ProLogis 28 29491 79.94 -.09
ActivsBliz 21 43606 47.66 +.46 Boeing 34 48133 361.61 -3.72
GlaxoSKln ... 27537 40.90 +.48 Markel 63 196 1114.46 +.70 ProctGam 27 62407 u115.48 +.49 TelefBrasil 17 21113 u14.20 +.23
AdobeInc 64 11615 u308.76 -.66 BookingHl 26 2842 1881.91 -.57 D-E-F GlobPay s 56 11130 u165.94 +1.72 MarIntA 32 16560 142.78 +.23 ProgsvCp 34 21588 u83.97 -.42 Telus gs ... 1478 37.41 -.02
AMD cc 653737 u34.39 +1.18 BostProp 41 3530 132.10 -.20 DR Horton 11 25632 45.22 -.27 GoldenEnt 92 1553 14.75 +.09 MarshM 29 9862 u103.02 +.21 ProtoLabs 48 3002 105.31 -3.82 Tenaris ... 10463 27.00 -.38
Agilent 72 39552 70.55 -1.10 BostonSci 33 44660 42.45 +.20 DTE 23 11495 129.99 -.41 GoldmanS 9 25784 211.58 -2.36 MarvellTch 39 93898 u26.01 +.61 Prudentl 11 12915 101.89 -.62 Tennant cc 849 65.47 +1.32
AirProd 32 7019 227.66 +.50 BridgBcs n ... 245 11.55 -.12 DTE En un ... 6080 57.01 -.09 Graco s 26 5006 50.50 -.55 MasterCrd 65 33475 u279.37 -.17 Prud UK ... 1417 43.94 +.04 Tesla Inc dd 109625 253.50 +8.42
Alcon n ... 5239 61.02 -.39 BrMySq 15 88827 44.19 -.08 Danaher 42 24341 141.11 +1.08 HCA Hldg 21 11042 140.92 -.59 MaximIntg 28 8594 62.25 +.21 PSEG 21 25309 61.05 +.50 TexInst 21 40143 u119.84 +1.52
AlexREE 32 5797 145.33 -.37 BritATob s ... 14361 36.65 +.36 Deere 16 19837 166.00 +.63 HCP Inc 18 19719 32.31 -.26 McCorm 23 9488 159.88 +1.37 PubStrg 27 5688 u249.63 +.95 ThermoFis 36 16289 288.83 -2.11
Alexion lf 28 9289 123.04 +2.22 BroadcInc ... 30332 288.34 +2.95 DeltaAir 9 58885 u61.70 +.05 HDFC Bk ... 5229 125.93 -.02 McDnlds 32 24082 214.21 +1.22 Qualcom dd 88975 75.43 +.53 ThomsonR 29 3275 u67.90 +.52
Alibaba 41 221843 173.50 +4.43 BrkfdAs g s 17 12191 u49.15 -.02 Deluxe 9 1864 41.30 +.19 HMN Fn 18 21 20.47 -.05 McKesson 12 13296 142.72 -1.88 Qumu Cp dd 68 4.25 -.05 3M Co 24 21875 172.84 -.50
AlignTech 63 4902 284.30 +.39 BrownFB s 35 14088 55.83 -.22 DeutschBk ... 54848 7.77 +.10 HP Inc 7 84189 21.35 +.12 Medtrnic 60 30757 99.82 +.57 RELX plc s ... 3397 24.83 +.29 TileShop 23 2439 4.22 -.12
Allergan 25 63270 166.08 +.23 CBRE Grp 20 8701 52.69 -.11 Diageo ... 3259 170.85 +.59 HSBC ... 10364 41.70 +.07 MercadoL dd 6366 645.11 +.32 Raytheon 26 15600 178.13 -1.01
Allete 26 1527 86.88 +.02 CBS B 12 13761 53.37 +.19 DiambkEn 16 10743 106.41 -4.42 Toro Co s 27 2116 67.56 +.19
HSBC prA ... 232 26.40 -.04 Merck 30 104212 80.96 +1.23 RltyInco 40 10577 70.39 -.34
Allstate 15 12638 104.39 +.48 CDW Corp 40 9858 u115.92 -.30 DigiIntl 32 1188 12.83 -.06 TorDBk gs 10 8866 58.65 -.07
Hallibrtn 12 131120 23.46 -.29 MetLife 11 32850 u50.78 -.14 RedHat 76 187.71
Alphabet C 29 9028 1150.34 +5.44 CGI g ... 66.01 DigitalRlt 57 5565 119.64 -.43 Total SA ... 26825 56.58 +.13
HartfdFn 20 14647 u57.72 +.23 MettlerT 57 2080 825.22 -10.22 Regenrn 14 8759 298.20 +5.64
Alphabet A 35 10580 1150.51 +5.17 CH Robins 19 7686 84.51 -.55 Discover 10 11106 81.03 -.26 TotalSys 34 6505 133.48 +1.38
Hawkins 22 251 42.65 +.11 Microchp 50 15034 92.60 +.89 Regis Cp 19 2236 18.12 +.34
Altaba cc 28823 70.27 +.50 CME Grp 45 12218 206.02 -1.45 Disney 19 52847 145.06 +.18 Toyota ... 1159 127.63 -.08
Hershey 30 10709 138.37 +1.20 MicronT 5 266033 44.40 -.11 RepubSvc 40 7897 87.30 +.33
Altria 16 46157 49.54 +.04 CMS Eng 36 13483 58.62 +.04 DollarGen 21 13223 u142.26 +.74 TrCda g 17 46.27
Hess dd 21635 62.17 -.96 Microsoft 31 166461 u138.90 ResMed 39 5365 123.75 -.64
Amazon 98 29745 2020.99 +9.99 CNOOC ... 643 171.67 +.34 DollarTree 15 11949 111.75 -.68 TransDigm 33 2437 498.37 +.31
HP Ent n 36 46558 14.96 +.05 Mondelez 14 42112 54.70 +.16 RestBrnds 23 13059 u72.19 -.43
Ambev 7 290213 4.83 -.01 CRH ... 10078 33.41 +.11 DomEngy 16 26957 78.09 +.59 Travelers 17 9234 u154.83 +1.44
Hilton 50 19755 99.20 -.34 MoneyGrm dd 15242 2.16 -.06 RioTinto ... 22187 61.51 +.80
Amcor n ... 30251 11.08 -.07 CSX 20 34325 78.50 -.08 Donaldson 23 3363 48.52 -.04 Twilio n ... 26054 145.40 +3.25
HomeDp 22 31374 u218.70 +.47 MonstrBv s 35 13736 65.26 +.26 RockwlAut 24 9038 159.29 -1.07
Ameren 27 6576 76.29 +.13 CVS Health 10 58816 57.44 -.11 Dow Inc n ... 49235 50.93 +1.22 Twitter 99 127271 38.68 +.84
Honda ... 11363 26.54 +.06 EclpseRs 17 263.25 RogCm gs 13 2444 54.28 +.29
AMovilL 22 27592 14.99 +.37 Cadence 64 14838 75.20 +.18 Dupont rs 8 25967 71.94 +.42 HonwllIntl 19 16674 175.01 -2.13 Moodys 30 3987 u205.00 -.31 Roper 36 3747 u381.37 -3.08 Tyson 15 13680 81.75 +.37
AmMovl A ... 77 14.79 +.22 Calyxt n ... 320 10.20 -.25 DukeEngy 22 18476 89.38 +.68 Hormel s 22 10781 41.24 +.23 MorgStan 9 78676 44.43 -.44 RossStrs s 26 24484 u106.35 +.33 UBS Grp ... 30813 12.15 -.07
AEP 23 19018 91.19 +.94 CIBC g 6 2404 78.86 -.28 eBay s 9 56589 40.27 +.21 Humana 24 13171 285.32 -5.93 Mosaic 37 34988 23.37 +.37 RBCda pfT ... 5 31.48 +1.16 Uber Tch n ... 58040 44.53 +.54
AmExp 17 23556 u128.57 +.61 CdnNR gs ... 5109 93.56 -.14 ENI dd 2483 33.08 -.32 HuntBcs pf ... 183 26.34 +.12 MotrlaSolu 32 6550 u172.80 +.52 RoyalBk g ... 6525 79.89 -.15 UltaBeauty 35 7406 355.68 -.71
AmIntlGrp dd 29006 u56.24 -.03 CdnNRs gs ... 17075 27.54 -.17 EOG Rescs dd 34324 88.75 -2.15 IAC Inter 51 2008 234.16 +2.03 NRG Egy 57 27004 35.64 -.35 RBScotlnd ... 8776 5.82 -.05 UnilevNV ... 4974 60.70 +.16
AmTower 79 16402 210.70 +1.72 CP Rwy g 17 4535 236.97 -2.13 Eaton 18 19883 80.69 -.52 ICICI Bk ... 45345 12.24 -.08 NVE Corp 27 363 71.30 +3.80 RylCarb 15 35942 112.85 +2.71 Unilever ... 4038 62.84 +.16
AmWtrWks 50 11676 115.98 -.65 Canon ... 1176 29.75 -.02 Ecolab 42 6565 198.93 -.87 IdexxLab s 68 2867 284.08 -.16 nVent El n ... 8266 24.84 +.12 RoyDShllB 98 11152 64.70 -.75 UnionPac 22 19944 172.69 -1.36
Ameriprise 12 5124 150.29 -.85 CantbryPk 18 158 12.40 +.23 Ecopetrol ... 6424 19.00 -.14 IHS Mark 38 64.61 NXP Semi 15 32663 99.16 +2.17 RoyDShllA 98 16260 64.50 -.56 UtdAirlHl 11 23835 91.32 +.09
AmeriBrgn 11 8100 89.93 +.08 CapOne 8 21047 89.75 -1.32 EdisonInt 15 27443 70.56 -.08 ING ... 14907 11.65 -.01 Nasdaq 25 5206 104.22 -.06 UPS B 18 22882 105.79 -.12
Ametek 38 10054 90.98 -.02 CardiovSys cc 5465 u45.89 +1.76 EdwLfSci s 64 9982 190.89 -.56 IQVIA Hldg 22 5860 158.40 +1.04 NatGrid ... 3692 52.54 -.11 S-T-U
Amgen 15 32565 176.12 +1.19 Carnival 11 38753 46.95 +.69 ElectroSen 18 61 3.25 +.03 S&P Glbl 37 5651 u240.89 -.37 US Bancrp 13 44845 53.12 -.48
Ikonics ... 7.29 NetEase 32 4063 256.24 -3.63
Amphenol 26 6168 99.01 -.04 CarnUK ... 2740 45.58 +.61 Electrmed 21 15 5.28 +.10 SAP SE ... 3839 137.13 +.36 UtdTech 20 23786 133.23 -.49
ITW 28 8697 151.26 -.22 Netflix s cc 79328 366.60 -6.65
Anadarko 26 71696 73.12 +.01 Caterpillar 13 44980 139.64 +1.28 ElectArts 20 28168 92.22 -.60 SBA Com cc 5388 235.27 +1.30 UtdhlthGp 21 26108 265.96 +.06
Illumina 58 35220 302.29 -2.76 NewmtM 29 42647 39.17 -.25
AnalogDev 29 12282 117.02 +.82 Celcuity n ... 72 23.50 +.20 EliLilly dd 44051 108.47 +.18 SK Tlcm ... 2248 24.41 +.10
ABInBev 22 25530 88.56 +1.62 Celgene 16 26302 91.76 -.17 EmersonEl 21 14178 65.69
ImageSens 60 53 4.80 NextEraEn 15 21784 208.85 +.12
SPS Cmce 81 812 103.79 -.09
ImpOil g 11 3071 28.55 -.02 NikeB s 68 37509 89.48 +.36 VF Corp 26 11764 88.44 -.44
Ansys 43 4692 u210.92 -1.36 Centene s 15 41405 54.06 -.45 Enbridge 24 14083 36.31 -.20 STMicro 13 13554 17.80 -.06
Incyte 77 11155 81.39 +1.29 NokiaCp ... 186789 5.10 ValeroE 22 25135 84.32 -.43
Anthem 20 17801 306.85 -3.63 CntryLink 5 68541 12.26 +.06 EgyTrnsfr 18 63616 14.91 +.09 Salesforce cc 36012 159.65 +1.57
IndoTel s ... 4604 u30.25 +.44 NorflkSo 21 13096 204.11 -1.79 VeevaSys cc 6628 174.33 -.76
Aon plc 40 6744 197.53 +.06 CerdHCM n cc 6433 49.93 -.22 Entegris 27 10744 36.59 -.06 Sanofi ... 26106 41.65 +.37
IngerRd 29 9139 127.17 +.55 NorSys cc 29 3.85 -.06 Ventas 61 14515 68.60 -.52
Apache 17 31409 26.35 -.56 Cerner 39 12813 75.83 -.29 Entergy 46 16121 104.84 +.97 Schlmbrg 24 69036 40.47 -.34
Insignia s 8 215 1.02 -.01 NthnO&G 23 41210 1.84 -.11 Verisign 46 6358 u221.04 +1.39
ApogeeE 27 x3948 42.27 -.64 ChartCm n 82 11427 u414.63 +.32 EntProdPt 22 35052 30.31 -.26 Schwab 16 86476 40.30 +.17
InsprMed n ... 3833 68.88 +1.73 NthnTech s 9 98 11.40 -.20 Verisk 47 6462 u152.25 +.42
Apple Inc 20 169349 205.21 +1.91 ChkPoint 22 11646 117.63 -1.17 Equifax 24 6232 137.21 -.45 Sea Ltd n ... 13519 35.17
Intel 17 143441 50.12 +.20 NorTrst 15 14229 89.73 -1.61 VerizonCm 7 117341 57.58 +.39
ApplRecyc dd .65 CheniereEn dd 12569 68.48 -1.02 Equinix cc 1814 516.99 -1.02 SempraEn 22 9290 139.99 +.10
IntcntlExc s 21 12911 u91.89 +.34 NorthropG 34 6246 u325.27 -4.26
ApldMatl 14 67224 46.28 -.23 Chevron 17 37389 125.72 -.26 Equinor n 7 13465 19.89 -.25 ServcNow dd 7297 301.10 -.03 VertxPh 27 10553 176.37 +.58
IBM 14 23682 143.32 +.58 Novartis 18 30545 89.27 +1.08
Aptiv 16 12949 80.78 +.58 ChinaLife s ... 2663 12.95 +.02 EqtyRsd 50 7943 79.13 +.28 Sherwin 36 2946 473.87 +4.14 Visa s 60 44901 180.57 +.24
IntFlav 40 4321 144.74 +1.48 NovoNord ... 16271 47.65 +.11
ArcelorM rs 4 11840 16.99 +.23 ChinaMble ... 11360 45.24 +.59 Ericsson dd 43345 9.62 ShinhanFn ... 728 37.79 +.16 VistaOutd ndd 2748 8.47 -.11
IntPap 14 38007 41.98 -.79 Nucor 11 14780 55.23 +.06
ArchCap s 15 14883 38.42 +.13 ChinaPet ... 1580 66.46 +.10 EssexPT 54 1779 304.87 +.92 Shire 61 179.20 VMware 48 10924 172.21 +2.51
IntriCon 29 1280 21.18 +.34 Nutrien n ... 32803 50.23 +.29
ArchDan 13 32144 41.74 -.18 ChinaTel ... 265 47.74 -.09 EsteeLdr 62 9386 u187.29 +.48 Shopify n dd 18391 324.02 +14.00 Vodafone ... 35864 16.31 -.18
Intuit 51 9907 u282.55 +.90 Nvidia 39 72265 167.27 -.34
AristaNetw 27 6407 277.64 +3.38 ChinaUni ... 2566 10.57 +.03 EversrceE 25 12580 77.75 +.21 SimonProp 22 10197 162.60 +.34 VulcanM 29 11856 134.77 -1.02
IntSurg s 76 4254 527.75 +1.50 OReillyAu 27 3395 403.23 +1.40
AstraZen s ... 20026 40.22 +.01 Chipotle cc 4639 u759.87 +9.02 EvineLve h ... 1934 .43 -.01 SiriusXM 30 230709 6.04 -.03 WEC Engy 28 14537 86.35 +.88
InvRlEst rs 6 180 59.91 -.40 OcciPet 40 101304 51.63 -.09
Autodesk dd 8124 173.71 -.48 ChubbLtd 18 12409 151.36 +1.99 Exelon 20 49459 48.88 -.18 SleepNmbr 29 3326 41.32 -.06 WalMart 66 33459 u114.98 +.38
Omnicom 17 41603 83.99 -.70
AutoData 44 20644 165.01 -.12 ChungTel ... 767 36.47 -.19 Expedia 62 14725 134.74 +.16 J-K-L ONEOK 52 15422 u70.98 -.32 Smith&N 77 5434 44.07 +.62 WalgBoots 10 35803 55.89 +.15
AutoZone 21 1691u1178.38 +13.67 ChurchDwt s... 8226 75.28 -.01 ExxonMbl 18 71154 77.08 -.55 56 71043 31.03 -.05 SnapInc A ndd 168828 15.50 -.11 WasteCon s35 3041 96.97 +.09
Oracle 61 107215 59.53 -.28
AvalonBay 35 4092 211.29 +.81 Cigna 17 18063 177.03 -2.18 Facebook 38 160147 203.91 -.96 JPMorgCh 12 129192 113.90 -1.40 SonyCp ... 9157 55.77
Orange ... 14605 14.98 -.05 WsteMInc 25 12359 u118.03 +.12
BB&T Cp 13 51971 49.97 -.48 CinnFin 12 5692 107.82 +.14 FairIsaac 68 3022 344.64 +.21 JohnJn 22 100295 134.71 +.41 SouthnCo 26 40053 56.11 +.44
Orix ... 131 76.42 -.29 WellsFargo 10 213309 46.71 -.65
BCE g ... 5452 46.34 +.05 Cintas 37 3665 u243.26 +.82 FDaves dd 229 4.87 -.07 JohnContl n 28 41849 41.82 +.28 SthnCopper22 7817 37.40 +.53
OtterTail 25 666 52.07 -.15 Welltower 19 17280 84.41 -.34
BHP BillLt ... 7086 57.85 +.61 Cisco 24 88078 u58.05 +.10 Fastenal s 23 34082 30.68 -.27 KLA Tnc 16 8545 123.54 +.62 SwstAirl 12 29163 52.26 -.25
BHPBil plc ... 5085 50.41 +.47 Citigroup 10 233572 71.71 -.06 FedExCp 91 20216 167.90 +.43 Kellogg 13 19389 55.00 +.45 P-Q-R Splunk dd 14062 138.49 +1.67 WDigital 20 54170 54.64 -.66
BP PLC 12 59321 40.69 -.52 Citigrp pfS ... 586 26.51 +.01 Ferrari n ... 3460 168.47 +1.96 KeurDrPep 6 26356 28.50 -.23 PNC 13 25348 140.20 -1.99 Spotify n dd 5482 154.27 +1.97 WestpacBk ... 1046 19.61 -.04
BT Grp s ... 12226 d12.11 -.21 CitizFincl 10 48176 35.08 -.67 FiatChrys ... 25995 14.18 +.05 Keycorp 10 84730 17.59 -.28 POSCO ... 3050 51.18 +.40 Sprint 4 144444 7.11 +.01 Weyerhsr 19 22654 25.54
Baidu 2 23945 115.63 +.73 Clearfield 23 186 13.07 -.10 FidNatInfo 24 25341 u130.36 +1.00 Keysight 95 7720 91.01 -.36 PPG s 21 10703 117.71 +.67 Square n ... 64242 82.17 -.11 WmsCos 11 51326 28.80 -.05
BallCorp s 36 18800 69.29 -.71 Clorox 26 10724 158.53 +.47 FifthThird 9 58233 27.81 -.39 KimbClk 35 9752 u139.25 +.49 PPL Corp 13 40984 30.51 +.25 StanBlkDk 32 8639 146.66 -.49 WillisTwW 41 3459 u197.67 +1.25
BcBilVArg ... 86180 5.56 +.05 CoStar 79 1219 585.00 -2.14 FstData n 15 83615 u28.18 +.16 KindMorg 21 106023 21.24 -.05 Paccar 11 16587 71.50 -.63 Starbucks s 40 60594 u90.16 +.39 Winmark 26 36 174.60 +1.59
BcoBrades s... 884 8.90 -.18 CocaCola 98 58759 52.13 +.01 FirstEngy 9 35251 43.86 +.45 KraftHnz n 9 45715 30.68 -.12 PaloAltNet dd 11416 219.66 +2.72 StateStr 9 49183 55.45 +.26 Winnbgo 11 2198 39.15 +.14
BcoBrad s ... 88270 10.03 -.16 CocaCEur n ... 8706 57.58 +.42 Fiserv s 41 23983 u94.75 +.24 Kroger s 11 68009 22.08 +.19 ParkerHan 21 7567 167.76 -1.31 Stratasys dd 4031 29.29 +.03 Workday dd 18635 218.00 -4.17
BcoSantSA ... 84210 4.64 -.03 CognizTch 19 31705 65.82 -.04 Fleetcor 36 8130 292.53 +.37 L3Harris 34 14410 191.55 -4.17 Patterson 16 10328 21.55 +.13 Stryker 35 12545 205.49 -.91 Worldpay cc 21820 u131.80 +1.04
BcoSBrasil 14 4367 12.22 -.15 ColgPalm 28 24876 u74.00 -.38 FEMSA ... 3059 98.13 +.71 LabCp 21 5274 174.60 -.85 Paychex 33 15256 85.73 +.01 SumitMitsu ... 10150 7.03 +.01
BkofAm 11 464202 29.22 -.23 Comcast s 21 159607 44.72 +.08 FordM 8 337434 10.42 -.07 LamResrch 20 10091 192.75 +1.51 PayPal n 78 37206 u120.90 +.78 SunLfFn g ... 4737 42.14 +.20 X-Y-Z
BkAm pfC ... 299 26.34 +.03 CommSys dd 48 3.11 -.03 FordM59 n ... 2057 26.38 -.02 LVSands 16 24593 63.96 +.73 Pembina g 28 2552 38.16 -.11 Suncor g ... 16532 32.18 -.10 XcelEngy 26 21981 61.18 +.38
BkAML pfL ... 188 21.73 -.07 ConAgra 15 43722 27.52 -.09 Fortis n ... 3544 39.78 -.18 LibBrdbdC dd 6315 108.02 -.47 Pentair 12 10010 38.05 +.09 SunTrst 11 39539 64.22 -.59 Xilinx 62 14061 121.66 +1.34
BkMont g 8 3006 76.13 -.57 ConchoRes 15 11247 99.07 -3.12 Fortive n ... 7688 80.75 -.56 Linde 40 8690 u204.07 +.09 PepsiCo 15 30767 134.15 +.87 Surmodic dd 745 40.23 -.11 YumBrnds 40 11642 u111.93 +.88
BkNYMel 11 49587 43.15 -.41 ConocoPhil 11 50509 60.65 -1.11 FrancoN g 80 2561 85.90 +.11 LockhdM 45 10106 367.69 -1.76 PetChina ... 726 54.50 -.37 Synchrony 10 34608 35.84 -.12 Yum China ... 17853 44.18 +.48
BkNYM pfC ... 195 25.38 +.04 ConEd 18 14018 88.55 -.41 FrankRes 11 19008 35.19 Loews 16 6434 55.18 -.20 PetrbrsA ... 37059 15.00 -.33 Synopsys 46 6719 137.46 +.05 ZTO Exp n ... 16032 19.86 +.04
BkNova g 8 4517 53.24 -.28 ConstellA 16 8123 198.59 -1.01 FrptMcM 7 144789 11.14 +.12 Lowes 24 44921 107.97 +.57 Petrobras ... 123303 16.49 -.34 Sysco 29 16190 72.84 +.25 ZimmerBio 23 11881 121.90 +1.30
BarrickGld 16 113182 16.34 -.17 CooperCo cc 3217 331.94 +1.00 FresenMd ... 1128 39.75 +.43 lululemn gs 76 18153 u189.17 -.35 Pfizer 17 193183 42.75 +.35 T-MobileUS 13 60724 79.31 -.14 Zoetis 52 12551 113.57 +.26
Stock Footnotes: cld - Issue has been called for redemption by company. d - New 52-week low. ec - Company formerly listed on the American Exchange’s Emerging Company Marketplace. g - Dividends and earnings in Canadian dollars. h - Does not meet continued-listing standards. lf - Late filing with SEC. n - Stock was a
new issue in the last year. The 52-week high and low figures date only from the beginning of trading. pf - Preferred stock issue. pr - Preferences. pp - Holder owes installments of purchase price. rt - Right to buy security at a specified price. rs - Stock has undergone a reverse stock split of at least 50% within the past year.
s - Stock has split by at least 20 percent within the last year. wi - Trades will be settled when the stock is issued. wd - When distributed. wt - Warrant, allowing a purchase of a stock. u - New 52-week high. un - Unit,, including more than one security. vj - Company in bankruptcy or receivership, or being reorganized under
the bankruptcy law. Appears in front of the name. PE Footnotes: q - Stock is a closed-end fund - no P/E ratio shown. cc - P/E exceeds 99. dd - Loss in last 12 months. Volume Footnotes: x - ex-dividend - yesterday was the first day that the stock traded without the right to receive a dividend and the price change is adjusted
to reflect that fact. z - sales are in total shares. Fund Footnotes: b - Fee covering market costs is paid from fund assets. d - Deferred sales charge, or redemption fee. f - front load (sales charges). m - Multiple fees are charged, usually a marketing fee and either a sales or redemption fee. NA - not available. p - previous day’s
net asset value. s - fund split shares during the week. x - fund paid a distribution during the week. Souce: The Associated Press and Morningstar.

Fund NAV Chg. ret. Fund NAV Chg. ret. Fund NAV Chg. ret. Fund NAV Chg. ret. Fund NAV Chg. ret. Fund NAV Chg. ret. Fund NAV Chg. ret. Fund NAV Chg. ret.
American Funds EmMktsValInstl 28.73 +.01 +7.2 Contrafund 13.63 +.01 +24.9 Harbor IncI2 12.13 +5.7 BalIdxAdmrl 37.56 +.02 +15.2 LtdTrmTEAdmrl 11.07 +3.0 TtBMIdxInsPlus 10.89 +.01 +5.9
AMCpA m 32.78 -.04 +18.2 FvYrGlbFIIns 10.88 +.01 +3.1 ContrafundK 13.64 +.01 +25.0 CptlApprecInstl 77.36 +.20 +24.9 IncInstl 12.13 +5.8 CptlOppAdmrl 152.12 +.47 +15.2 MdCpIdxAdmrl 211.39 -.17 +24.4 TtInBIdxAdmrl 22.94 +.05 +6.4
AmrcnBalA m 27.74 +12.6 IntlCorEqIns 12.99 +.01 +12.9 EmergMketsOpps19.21 +.07 +17.0 INVESCO TtlRetIns 10.32 +.01 +5.9 DevMIdxAdmrl 13.42 +.01 +13.9 MdCpIdxIns 46.70 -.04 +24.5 TtInBIdxIns 34.42 +.07 +6.4
AmrcnMutA m 42.43 +.04 +14.2 USCorEq1Instl 24.57 -.03 +20.5 ExMktIdxInPr 63.31 -.16 +21.1 DevMktsY 43.79 +.20 +16.0 Schwab DivGrInv 30.09 +.02 +24.0 PrmCpAdmrl 139.50 +.26 +15.3 TtInBIdxInv 11.47 +.02 +6.3
BdfAmrcA m 13.12 +.02 +5.7 USCorEqIIInstl 22.52 -.04 +19.6 GroCo 20.27 +.07 +26.5 JPMorgan SP500Idx 46.56 +.01 +21.5 EqIncAdmrl 76.55 +.07 +16.8 RlEstIdxAdmrl 126.74 +.01 +21.9 TtInSIdxAdmrl 28.43 +.04 +13.7
CptWldGrIncA m 49.65 +.04 +17.3 USLgCpValInstl 36.94 -.10 +16.2 GroCoK 20.29 +.06 +26.6 CoreBondR6 11.77 +.02 +5.9 T. Rowe Price ExtMktIdxAdmrl 91.20 -.22 +21.1 STBdIdxAdmrl 10.53 +.01 +3.4
Lord Abbett BCGr 120.47 +.13 +25.5 ExtMktIdxIns 91.19 -.23 +21.1 STInvmGrdAdmrl 10.70 +.01 +4.2 TtInSIdxIns 113.68 +.16 +13.7
CptlIncBldrA m 61.60 +.07 +11.2 USSmCpInstl 33.75 -.21 +14.0 IntlGr 16.39 +.05 +22.3
EuroPacGrA m 53.55 +.18 +18.9 Dodge & Cox ShrtDurIncF b 4.21 +3.8 CptlAprc 31.51 -.01 +18.8 GNMAAdmrl 10.47 -.01 +3.9 STTEAdmrl 15.85 +.01 +1.7 TtInSIdxInsPlus 113.70 +.15 +13.7
IntlIdxInstlPrm 41.47 +.03 +14.4 TtInSIdxInv 16.99 +.02 +13.6
FdmtlInvsA m 60.61 +.01 +17.7 Bal 100.58 -.04 +11.8 IntlVal 9.67 +12.4 MFS EqIdx500 80.32 +.01 +21.4 GrIdxAdmrl 87.07 +.10 +26.7 SmCpIdxAdmrl 75.68 -.26 +20.5
GrfAmrcA m 51.55 -.06 +20.6 Inc 13.91 +.02 +6.6 ValI 42.32 -.03 +20.6 EqInc 31.73 -.01 +17.5 GrIdxIns 87.08 +.11 +26.7 SmCpIdxIns 75.67 -.27 +20.5 TtlSMIdxAdmrl 74.75 -.02 +21.5
InvmGradeBd 11.40 +.01 +6.6
IncAmrcA m 22.70 +.02 +11.7 IntlStk 41.72 -.02 +13.0 Metropolitan West GrStk 71.34 +.03 +24.9 HCAdmrl 82.30 +.19 +7.1 StarInv 27.02 +.03 +14.7 TtlSMIdxIns 74.76 -.03 +21.5
LowPrStk 49.43 -.03 +13.9 TtlRetBdI 10.86 +.01 +6.2 InsLgCpGr 43.67 +.04 +22.3 HYCorpAdmrl 5.86 +11.2 TrgtRtr2015Inv 15.29 +.01 +10.3
InvCAmrcA m 38.94 -.01 +16.2 Stk 190.26 -.26 +15.1 TtlSMIdxInv 74.72 -.03 +21.4
DoubleLine Magellan 11.06 +.01 +24.6 TtlRetBdPlan 10.22 +.01 +6.2 MdCpGr 96.19 -.14 +25.9 InTrBdIdxAdmrl 11.65 +.02 +7.4 TrgtRtr2020Inv 32.11 +.02 +12.2
NwPrspctvA m 45.55 +.09 +20.9 USGrAdmrl 110.46 +.22 +27.1
SmCpWldA m 57.11 -.01 +21.8 TtlRetBdI 10.66 +.01 +4.2 Puritan 22.41 +.01 +15.2 Oakmark NewHorizons 64.71 +.15 +34.3 InTrInGdAdm 9.91 +.01 +7.4 TrgtRtr2025Inv 19.31 +.02 +13.5
TtlMktIdxInsPrm 85.37 -.02 +21.5 ValIdxAdmrl 44.06 -.03 +17.0
WAMtInvsA m 46.81 -.04 +17.3 Edgewood IntlInv 22.99 +.04 +12.4 NewInc 9.58 +.01 +6.4 InTrTEAdmrl 14.41 +5.2 TrgtRtr2030Inv 35.27 +.02 +14.4 WlngtnAdmrl 72.31 +.08 +14.3
Baird GrInstl 36.18 -.01 +25.7 USBdIdxInsPrm 11.75 +.01 +5.8 Old Westbury Rtr2020 22.19 +.02 +13.6 InsIdxIns 273.09 +.04 +21.6 TrgtRtr2035Inv 21.70 +.01 +15.3
Fidelity Advisor WlngtnInv 41.87 +.04 +14.3
AggrgateBdInstl 11.05 +.01 +6.4 FPA LgCpStrats 15.00 +.02 +18.6 Rtr2025 17.72 +.02 +14.8 InsIdxInsPlus 273.11 +.05 +21.6 TrgtRtr2040Inv 37.57 +.02 +16.3
CorPlusBdInstl 11.39 +.01 +6.9 Crescent d 33.61 +15.9 NewInsI 33.76 -.01 +25.1 PGIM Investments Rtr2030 25.87 +.02 +16.0 InsTrgRt2020Ins 23.59 +.02 +12.2 TrgtRtr2045Inv 23.64 +.01 +17.0 WlslyIncAdmrl 64.84 +.13 +11.2
BlackRock Fidelity Franklin Templeton TtlRetBdZ 14.67 +7.4 Val 36.64 -.03 +19.9 InsTtlSMIInPls 64.95 -.02 +21.5 TrgtRtr2050Inv 38.04 +.01 +17.0 WndsrAdmrl 71.42 -.22 +17.6
StrIncOpIns 9.92 +.01 +5.3 500IdxInsPrm 104.80 +.02 +21.6 GlbBdAdv x 11.34 -.08 +4.4 PIMCO Vanguard IntlGrAdmrl 94.22 +.42 +18.9 TrgtRtrIncInv 13.78 +.01 +9.1 WndsrIIAdmrl 64.77 -.07 +18.7
DFA BCGrowth 104.70 +.37 +24.6 IncA1 m 2.32 +11.8 AlAstInstl 11.76 +.02 +8.6 500IdxAdmrl 278.31 +.05 +21.5 LfStrGrInv 34.43 +.01 +15.7 TtBMIdxAdmrl 10.89 +.01 +5.8 Western Asset
EMktCorEqI 21.03 +.05 +10.1 Balanced 23.83 +.01 +16.4 IncC m 2.35 +11.3 IncA m 12.13 +5.6 500IdxInv 278.32 +.05 +21.5 LfStrModGrInv 27.80 +.02 +13.3 TtBMIdxIns 10.89 +.01 +5.9 CorPlusBdI 11.88 +8.1
T U E S DAY, J U LY 16, 2019 BUSINESS S TA R T R I B U N E • D3


3M takes part in Made in America showcase Trade group calls for

U.S. product celebration is
part of Trump’s “America
probe of Blue Cross
First” movement. ø BLUE CROSS from D1 tory surgery center within
the state commissioners of 25 miles, the association said.
By JIM SPENCER health and commerce Mon- The state Health Depart- day asking their offices to ment recently spent $500,000
investigate Blue Cross and on a public campaign urging
WASHINGTON – Dozens of Blue Shield of Minnesota, residents to get screened for
3M goods displayed at Monday’s and block any policies that colorectal cancer, the hospi-
White House Made in America break the law, harm plan tal group noted. “Limiting
Product Showcase stood out in subscribers or “negate” BCBS subscribers’ access,
contrast to a room that included Minnesota Blue Cross’ legal making it more difficult for
a rowing-machine maker from obligations to Minnesota them to get these medically
Rhode Island, a bicycle manu- hospitals. necessary treatments and
facturer from Utah and an Ore- “Blue Cross ... wants to diagnostic services, and
gon winery. save itself money,” said increasing patients’ delays
The Maplewood-based Matthew Anderson, senior and travel distances to have
multinational laid out every- vice president of policy at these procedures run coun-
thing from Post-it notes to the MHA. “You still need ter to the state’s underlying
respirators, showing the to meet provider network- interest in public health and
range you would expect from sufficiency standards under the general welfare of our
a 117-year-old company with JIM SPENCER • Star Trbune the law. You still need to residents,” the hospital asso-
$32.8 billion in sales in 2018 Michelle Woodard, left, and Reilly Goodwin of 3M helped to display dozens of American-made deal with your subscribers ciation letter said.
across multiple product lines. 3M products from office supplies to wound treatments at the White House on Monday. up front, and fairly and hon- Blue Cross said its policy
The company was among estly. You still need to honor for services like endoscopies
the largest of the 50 businesses “But we are in a lot of things.” Donald Trump’s “America goods to be made with 75% your contract with providers, is identical to rules recently
displaying wares. 3M said it is committed to First” movement. The president American parts in order to where you have contracted to implemented by the federal
“It’s an honor to be here to manufacturing products in the wants everyone to “buy Ameri- qualify as American made. pay them a given amount for government for Medicare
represent 3M and our innova- U.S. and is a net exporter of $3.5 can” and “hire American.” That is up from 50%. For iron a given service. ... And you beneficiaries.
tion and manufacturing,” said billion worth of products. But 3M employed 20,000 in U.S. and steel, the threshold is now still have to pay providers “When certain procedures
Reilly Goodwin, a customer the company also has a busi- manufacturing jobs in 2018, a 95% to be considered Ameri- when they deliver a service cost less at a specialty outpa-
and stakeholder engagement ness strategy of “serving cus- company spokeswoman said. can made. that was medically necessary tient clinic than it does in a
manager in 3M’s sustainability tomers where they are,” so 3M She could not say if that was It is unclear how the new to a person that you insure. hospital setting — and the
division. “You have products does half of its manufacturing more or less than when Trump executive order will affect You can’t just say you’re not quality of care is as good
ranging from our health care outside the U.S. took office. those who exhibited at the going to pay them.” or better — it is our job to
business to transportation and The company employs In hopes of creating U.S. White House Monday. Critics Attorney General Keith make sure our members are
electronics, industrial safety 37,412 people in the U.S., said manufacturing jobs, the presi- say Trump’s tariffs hurt Ameri- Ellison said his office plans being guided to that clinic,”
and consumer products.” Michelle Woodard, the com- dent has adopted a trade policy can businesses and consumers to investigate the hospitals’ the insurer said in a state-
Asthma inhalers and film to pany’s innovation manager. that places protective tariffs as well as the Chinese by add- concerns. ment. “Hospitals also have
protect wounds shared space The company employs 93,516 on some foreign-made goods ing to acquisition costs that, in “It will take a while to dig the option of meeting outpa-
with a shingle, Scotch tape worldwide. imported by American busi- turn, lead to price increases. into all the concerns MHA tient clinic pricing to allow
and a thermal imaging cam- 3M also contributes parts to nesses, especially Chinese- 3M declined to discuss the raised, but we take them their patients to have the pro-
era mounted on a mannequin. other U.S. manufacturers. made goods. president’s trade policy. seriously and will look into cedure within their hospital.
“3M is known for its con- The annual U.S. product On Monday, he signed an them seriously,” Ellison said Many hospitals have elected
sumer products,” Goodwin said. celebration is part of President executive order requiring Jim Spencer • 202-662-7432 in an e-mail from a spokes- this option.”
man Monday. The insurer said the 2018
The association, repre- Minnesota Health Care Cost
senting 141 Minnesota hospi- & Utilization Report recently
tals, is protesting two types of found that imaging services

Few strike at Shakopee warehouse Profit falls coverage restrictions.

First, the hospitals said
the insurer is imposing new
in outpatient hospital set-
tings were 45% more expen-
sive than the same services at

ø STRIKES from D1 ers arriving for the second sharply for requirements that patients
obtain prior authorization
a specialty clinic.
Regarding its new policies

co-op CHS
temporary to full-time status. shift of Prime Day with high- for services, making it more on prior authorization of ser-
As they waited for workers fives along an orange carpet difficult and time-consuming vices, Blue Cross said it’s part
to walk out, a group of support- while pop tunes blared over for patients to obtain cover- of a contractual requirement
ers carrying signs marched the speakers. age for more than 250 differ- first established in 2015, and
and chanted: “Together, we But outside, and around ø CHS from D1 ent services, even though the insurer started holding
can make history in every the nation, many eyes were work in agribusiness,” Jay the requests are ultimately informational meetings with
warehouse, in every city.” focused on the protest, which Debertin, the company’s approved. providers about it more than
Some wore shirts that said was mostly made up of sup- chief executive, said in a The hospital association a year ago.
“We’re humans, not robots.” porters. statement. “Weather chal- also said the insurer is declar- “Similar prior authori-
Among those carrying a sign GLEN STUBBE • Star Tribune Among those expressing lenges led to late planting ing some services won’t be zation practices are imple-
was Zach Ali, 22, of Shakopee. Some workers, supporters and support for the Amazon work- that has hurt our owners.” covered even when pro- mented by other payers in
He has been working at Amazon activists picketed outside the ers’ strike on Monday was It’s been a tough stretch vided to an eligible patient Minnesota and across the
for a year as a restocker. Mon- Amazon culfillment center in Democratic presidential can- for agribusiness giants. at an in-network hospital. For nation to ensure patients
day was his day off, so he didn’t Shakopee on Monday. didate Elizabeth Warren, who Cargill’s prof it in the example, endoscopy services receive care that is medically
have to walk off his shift, but he tweeted: “Their fight for safe most-recent quarter fell including routine colonosco- necessary and evidence-
wanted to show up anyway to to try to elevate the awareness and reliable jobs is another by 67%, the company said pies to check for colon cancer based,” the insurer’s state-
voice his concerns. of their cause to try to poten- reminder that we must come last week, citing the same wouldn’t be covered at an in- ment said.
“It’s very tough,” he said of tially gain membership and to together to hold big corpora- challenges. network community hospital
working at Amazon. “To have get people to pay union dues.” tions accountable.” The energy division at if there’s a cheaper ambula- Joe Carlson • 612-673-4779
only two breaks of 30 minutes She added that Amazon Three tech workers from CHS earned $92.7 million
in a 10-hour shift is absurd. If you already provides a lot of things Amazon’s Seattle headquar- less than a year earlier, in The Minne-
ask me, it’s modern-day slavery.” the protesters are asking for. ters flew down to Minnesota part thanks to scheduled sota Hospital
Brenda Alfred, an Amazon About 90% of Amazon to show their solidarity with maintenance on a refinery Association is
spokeswoman, said about 20 workers in Shakopee are full- workers. They are part of an in Kansas. asking for an
workers clocked out in the time, and more than 100 tem- employee group, Amazon Agriculture profits fell investigation
middle of their shifts during porary workers have been con- Employees for Climate Justice, by $39 million due to lower of Blue Cross
the day on Monday, but it was verted to full-time positions that has been pushing the com- margins and volumes for Blue Shield of
hard to know how many of so far this year, with 30 more pany to reduce its reliance on grain and oilseed, heavy Minnesota.
them were leaving to strike offered such roles in the past fossil fuels. snow and rainfall that
or for other reasons. Some week, Alfred said. Capt. Michael Russo of the not only delayed planting
workers also were expected Teamsters Local 1224, who but made shipping on the
to walk out during the eve- Second shift gets high-fives represents pilots who make nation’s waterways more
ning shift. She added that worker per- deliveries for Amazon Air, also difficult and expensive, and
She said that police and formance is measured and spoke at the rally, along with “continuing global trade
other personnel were stand-
ing near the entrance to ensure
the safety of workers, given the
evaluated over a “long period
of time, as we know that a vari-
ety of things could impact the
elected officials. Those pilots,
who work for contractors
Atlas Air, Southern Air and
tensions,” the cooperative
“We traveled through-
International exports
protest, and not to intimidate
Amazon’s 885,000-square-
ability to meet expectations in
any given day or hour.” Ama-
zon’s policy is that more than
ABX Air, have also been rais-
ing their voices about being
overworked and underpaid
out our trade territory this
spring to meet with our
owners, and every location
fall in first four months
foot Shakopee fulfillment 75% of workers should exceed and have been asking Ama- we visited was impacted by ø EXPORTS from D1 growth reported by state eco-
center is one of about 110 Ama- rate expectations before zon to intervene as they try to heavy spring rains and late metals that led to retaliation nomic-development officials
zon has around the country. It changes are considered, and negotiate new contracts. planting,” Debertin said. from other countries. earlier this year. For the first
employs about 1,500 workers. those who are not performing In Germany, Amazon work- Profits over the first nine “In each market embroiled four months of this year, Min-
“Many people know that at that level are given dedi- ers, who have been agitating months of the cooperative’s in a trade war, exports tar- nesota’s exports fell 1%, the
Prime Day is an exciting day cated coaching to help them for better pay and working fiscal year were higher, geted by retaliatory tar- Commerce data showed.
and it draws a lot of attention,” improve, she said. conditions, also went on strike however. iffs generally saw big- State officials will give
Alfred said. “There are certain Inside the fulfillment cen- Monday. ger decreases than other their first report on 2019
outside organizations that are ter, a row of managers and Adam Belz • 612-673-4405 exports,” Tu-uyen Tran, an exports in September, when
taking the opportunity today supervisors welcomed work- Kavita Kumar • 612-673-4113 Twitter: @adambelz economic researcher at the they report six-month perfor-
Minneapolis Fed, wrote in mance.
a report for the bank’s Fed Among the other states in
Gazette publication. the Minneapolis Fed region,
Tran noted several flaws in North Dakota saw the big-

British company buys Edina energy firm for $100M the data used in the report,
which came from the U.S.
Commerce Department.
gest reversal in shipments.
Its exports rose 7% in 2018
but were off 14% during the
ø GERONIMO from D1 ernment permits and finds Geronimo has developed — developing Blazing Star, a Agricultural products, for first four months of this year.
of renewables and distributed buyers for a wind or solar or is in the process of develop- particularly large wind proj- instance, are intermixed at In South Dakota, exports
energy for National Grid. farm’s electricity. The com- ing — a total of 2,200 mega- ect in southern Minnesota storage facilities before being rose 3% in 2018 but were
National Grid, based in Lon- pany was founded in 2005 by watts of wind and solar power, for Minneapolis-based Xcel put on cargo ships and offi- down 12% at the start of this
don, is one of the world’s larg- Noel Rahn, a retired Twin Cit- which includes several proj- Energy. Xcel has worked cials typically list the export year. In Wisconsin, exports
est investor-owned utilities ies money manager, who built ects in Minnesota. A mega- with Geronimo on several site as the port rather than fell 1% last year and were
with about $19 billion in sales a wind farm on his own farm in watt is 1 million watts, and projects. the state from which prod- down 4% in early 2019.
last year, its business spread southwestern Minnesota. 2,200 megawatts is the equiv- Geronimo also developed ucts came. In Montana and Michigan,
roughly evenly between Great To run the wind project, alent production capacity of the Aurora solar project in Min- There’s no way to get export declines were slower
Britain and the United States. Rahn selected Nixon, a former three to four coal or nuclear nesota, and has been a major a complete picture on ag at the start of this year than
The company serves about 20 financial-industry colleague. power plants — though wind force in Minnesota’s Commu- products from the data, as a in 2018.
million people in New York, Geronimo has grown with and solar farms can’t operate nity Solar Garden program, result. But the data collection In Montana, exports were
Massachusetts and Rhode Nixon at the helm and Rahn as constantly. accounting for over one third remains consistent, meaning down 4% in 2018 and 3% in
Island. chairman. Rahn, Geronimo’s Those megawatts translate of its production capacity. the year-to-year compari- the first four months of this
The Geronimo deal was largest shareholder, will now into about a dozen large wind The program accounts for the sons have some value. year. In Michigan, the decline
originally announced in early serve as a consultant. Nixon and solar projects for utilities, majority of solar energy pro- Minnesota’s exports was 5% last year and 4% at the
March. said he and several other including the Odell and Prairie duced in Minnesota. grew 7% in 2018, according start of this year.
As a developer, Geronimo employees have been signifi- Rose wind farms in Minnesota. to the Commerce data. That
purchases land, wrangles gov- cant Geronimo shareholders. Geronimo is currently Mike Hughlett • 612-673-7003 is slightly less than the 10% Evan Ramstad • 612-673-4241
D4 • S TA R T R I B U N E BUSINESS T U E S DAY, J U LY 16, 2019

Mortgage Foreclosures

Tariffs take big toll on China’s economy N AT I O N + W O R L D


Weaker activity in the exports to China, according to Small gains made as ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE

country has repercussions United Nations data cited in earnings reports start NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that de-
fault has occurred in the conditions
the McKinsey report. In addi- of the following described mort-
around the world. tion, emerging market coun- A wobbly day of trading
DATE OF MORTGAGE: February 15,
tries are increasingly depen- ended with meager gains for ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF
By JOE McDONALD dent on Chinese investment. U.S. stock indexes on Monday, MORTGAGE: $184,400.00
and PAUL WISEMAN Among major econo- enough to nudge them further Phengmany, and Manola
Associated Press mies, Australia sent 35% of into record territory, as the cur- Phengmany, husband and wife
MORTGAGEE: Bank of America,
its exports to China in April, tain rose on what is expected N.A.
BEIJING – China’s economic Brazil 30% and South Korea to be the weakest earnings- GAGE ORIGINATOR STATED ON
THE MORTGAGE: Bank of America,
growth sank to its lowest level 24%, according to the Peter- reporting season in years. The N.A.
in at least 26 years in the quar- son Institute for International S&P 500 rose 0.53 points, or SERVICER: Bank of America, N.A.
ter ending in June, adding to Economics. less than 0.1%, to 3,014.30 after March 10, 2014, Hennepin County
Recorder, as Document Number
pressure on Chinese leaders Besides hurting countries drifting between a gain of 0.1% A10060595
as they fight a tariff war with that export raw materials to and a loss of 0.2% earlier in the TY: Lot 6, Block 5, Sunnyside Es-
Washington. Beijing, the Chinese slow- day. The Dow Jones industrial tates 4th Addition
The world’s second-largest down could come back to average gained 27.13, or 0.1%, to Dr, Rogers, MN 55374
economy grew 6.2% over a squeeze American companies NG HAN GUAN • Associated Press 27,359.16, and the Nasdaq com- BER: 15-120-23-11-0031
year ago, down from the pre- like Procter & Gamble and Delivery men pushed cartons of beverages past a Chinese posite added 14.04, or 0.2%, to COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS
LOCATED: Hennepin
vious quarter’s 6.4%, govern- General Motors that sell into clothing store in Beijing. China’s economic growth slowed to 8,258.19. Benchmark U.S. crude THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO BE DUE
ment data showed Monday. the vast Chinese consumer its lowest level in a decade in the quarter ending in June. fell 63 cents to settle at $59.58 OF THE NOTICE: $141,483.24
Hopes for an early growth market. Slowing demand in per barrel. THAT all pre-foreclosure require-
ments have been complied with;
rebound faded after President China could depress their rev- ing partners — are crimping this year’s official target range that no action or proceeding has
been instituted at law or otherwise
Donald Trump raised tariffs enue, earnings and stock mar- world trade and investment. of 6% to 6.5% and avert polit- ENVIRONMENT to recover the debt secured by said
on Chinese imports in May ket value, said Mary Lovely, a Manufacturers worldwide ically dangerous job losses.
Spill in North Dakota
mortgage, or any part thereof;
PURSUANT, to the power of sale
to turn up pressure on Beijing Syracuse University econo- are also sitting on unsold But they face an avalanche contained in said mortgage, the
above described property will be
over the aggressive tactics it’s mist who studies trade. stockpiles of goods, and of unexpectedly bad news Cleanup is underway after sold by the Sheriff of said county as
using to challenge American Eventually, weaker stock growth will likely slow as they including plunging auto sales. 21,000 gallons of brine oil-field DATE AND TIME OF SALE: Septem-
technological dominance. prices could undermine U.S. pare their inventories, John- In the second half of the wastewater leaked from an ber 6, 2019, 10:00am
PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff’s Main Of-
Now, economists believe the consumer confidence and the son said. year, “the external environ- underground pipeline in west- fice, Civil Division, Room 30, Court-
house, 350 South Fifth St., Minne-
slowdown might extend into American economy, she said. Trump and President Xi ment may still be more com- ern North Dakota and into an apolis, MN 55487 to pay the debt
next year. “President Trump is prob- Jinping agreed last month to plicated,” said a government unnamed tributary of the Mis- secured by said mortgage and tax-
es, if any, on said premises and the
Weaker Chinese activity ably happy that he’s starting resume negotiations in a fight spokesman, Mao Shengyong, souri River, the state Health costs and disbursements, including
attorneys fees allowed by law, sub-
carries global repercussions. to tank the Chinese economy,” that has battered both Amer- at a news conference. Department said Monday. State ject to redemption within 6 months
China is the world’s second- Lovely said. “But it’s a case ican and Chinese exporters. Quarterly growth was the environmental scientist Bill from the date of said sale by the
mortgagor(s) the personal represen-
biggest export market behind of ‘be careful what you wish But economists warn their lowest since China began Suess said the pipeline opera- tatives or assigns.
the United States. Countries for.’ ” truce is fragile because they reporting such data in 1993, tor, Polar Midstream LLC, on ERTY: If the real estate is an owner-
that feed raw materials to Chi- IHS Markit foresees world still face the same array of according to an employee Sunday reported the spill of occupied, single-family dwelling,
unless otherwise provided by law,
nese factories — from Chilean economic growth slowing disputes that caused talks to of the press office of the produced water, a byproduct the date on or before which the
mortgagor(s) must vacate the prop-
copper to Indonesian coal — this year to 2.8% from 3.2% break down in May. National Bureau of Statistics, of oil production that contains erty, if the mortgage is not reinstat-
ed under section 580.30 or the
are especially vulnerable to in 2018. “The trade war is having a Dong Hui. saltwater and oil, and some- property is not redeemed under sec-
decelerating growth in China. A decelerating “China is huge impact on the Chinese In 2009, the NBS reported times chemicals from hydraulic tion 580.23, is 11:59 p.m. on March
6, 2020, or the next business day if
The proportion of South certainly part of that,” said economy,” Edward Moya of growth of 6.1% for the first fracturing operations. The spill March 6, 2020 falls on a Saturday,
Sunday or legal holiday.
African output going to Sara Johnson, IHS’ executive OANDA said in a report. “As three months of that year. occurred about 20 miles east "THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR
China, for instance, has shot director for global economics. trade negotiations struggle However, Dong said that later of Williston and about a mile REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGA-
up from 2% in the mid-2000s But the world faces other for meaningful progress, we was revised up to 6.4%. from Lake Sakakawea, the larg- SONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR AS-
to 15% now, according to a problems, too. For one thing, are probably not near the bot- Jittery consumers are put- est reservoir on the river. Suess WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS
study by the McKinsey Global Trump’s tariffs on imports tom for China’s economy.” ting off major purchases, said Monday it did not appear ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA
Institute. Then there’s the from a host of countries — Chinese leaders have depressing demand for autos, the spill reached the lake. TERMINING, AMONG OTHER
Democratic Republic of the and the retaliation they have stepped up spending and bank home appliances and other PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A
Congo, which sends 45% of its drawn from America’s trad- lending to keep growth within goods. NEWS SERVICES RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS


Dated: July 9, 2019
Bank of America, N.A.
BY Lawrence P. Zielke - 152559
Melissa L. B. Porter - 0337778
Randolph W. Dawdy - 2160X
STARTRIBUNE.COM/CLASSIFIEDS • 612.673.7000 • 800.927.9233 Gary J. Evers - 0134764
Tracy J. Halliday - 034610X
Attorneys for Mortgagee
Shapiro & Zielke, LLP
12550 West Frontage Road, Suite
200 Burnsville, MN 55337
Mortgage Foreclosures Mortgage Foreclosures Mortgage Foreclosures Mortgage Foreclosures Mortgage Foreclosures (952) 831-4060
18-109937 17-106152 19-111383 19-111421 17-107166 A DEBT COLLECTOR
fault has occurred in the conditions fault has occurred in the conditions fault has occurred in the conditions fault has occurred in the conditions fault has occurred in the conditions THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE
of the following described mort- of the following described mort- of the following described mort- of the following described mort- of the following described mort- ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE
gage: gage: gage: gage: gage: TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT
2015 13, 2015 2013 17, 2001 2014 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that de-
MORTGAGE: $265,000.00 MORTGAGE: $120,512.00 MORTGAGE: $102,116.00 MORTGAGE: $112,000.00 MORTGAGE: $134,513.00 of the following described mort-
MORTGAGOR(S): Patrick B Patrias MORTGAGOR(S): D’Arcy E. Holm- MORTGAGOR(S): William M Herron, MORTGAGOR(S): Bradley E. Bau- MORTGAGOR(S): Mikhail Obrant gage:
and Risa A Patrias, spouses married Bourdon a married woman joined by a married man wens and Jean M. Bauwens, hus- and Kisha Patterson, husband and DATE OF MORTGAGE: October 15,
to each other her husband Robert Guy Bourdon MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic band and wife wife 1993
MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. MORTGAGEE: Wells Fargo Home MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF
Registration Systems, Inc Registration Systems, Inc. TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage Mortgage, Inc. Registration Systems, Inc. MORTGAGE: $65,200.00
TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, LENDER OR BROKER AND MORT- TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage MORTGAGOR(S): Kristine A. Martin,
Electronic Registration Systems, Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. GAGE ORIGINATOR STATED ON Electronic Registration Systems, a single person
Inc. Inc. MIN#: 1000312-0001174701-8 THE MORTGAGE: Wells Fargo Inc. MORTGAGEE: Metropolitan Federal
MIN#: 1010104-0059257104-2 MIN#: 100397204037856371 LENDER OR BROKER AND MORT- Home Mortgage, Inc. MIN#: 100397204000563053 Bank, FSB
THE MORTGAGE: Bell State Bank & THE MORTGAGE: Nationstar Mort- gage, a division of Barrington Bank DATE AND PLACE OF FILING: Filed THE MORTGAGE: Nationstar Mort- THE MORTGAGE: Metropolitan Fed-
Trust gage LLC and Trust Co., N.A. February 12, 2002, Hennepin Coun- gage LLC, DBA Greenlight Loans eral Bank, FSB
SERVICER: PennyMac Loan Serv- SERVICER: Nationstar Mortgage SERVICER: Nationstar Mortgage ty Registrar of Titles, as Document SERVICER: Nationstar Mortgage SERVICER: Nationstar Mortgage
ices, LLC LLC d/b/a Mr. Cooper LLC d/b/a Mr. Cooper Number 3500608 LLC d/b/a Mr. Cooper LLC d/b/a Mr. Cooper
August 3, 2015, Scott County Re- January 7, 2016, Wright County Re- September 5, 2013, Hennepin Assigned to: Specialized Loan Serv- July 22, 2014, Scott County Re- November 10, 1993, Hennepin
corder, as Document Number corder, as Document Number County Recorder, as Document icing LLC; Dated: January 29, 2019 corder, as Document Number County Registrar of Titles, as Docu-
A985059, thereafter modified by A1305681 Number A10002428 filed: January 29, 2019, recorded as A961990 ment Number 2441016, As modified
Loan Modification Agreement re- ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: document number T05591629 ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: by loan modification agreement dat-
corded September 19, 2017 as Assigned to: Nationstar Mortgage, Assigned to: Nationstar Mortgage LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPER- Assigned to: Nationstar Mortgage, ed February 11, 2009 which extend-
document number A1033577 LLC LLC d/b/a Mr. Cooper TY: LLC ed the maturity date to November 1,
Assigned to: PennyMac Loan Serv- TY: Lot 3, Block 6, Groveland 2nd TY: Lot 13, Block 7, Nimmons and REGISTERED PROPERTY TY: Unit No. 187, Common Interest LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPER-
ices, LLC Addition Pratt’s Addition to Minneapolis PROPERTY ADDRESS: 5217 44th Community No. 1129, Ridgewood TY: Lot 12, Block 3, Prairie East
LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPER- PROPERTY ADDRESS: 10028 Som- PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3422 Logan Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55417 Condominiums, a Condominium Fifth Addition
TY: Lot 3, Block 5, Orchard Park erset Ln, Monticello, MN 55362 Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55412 PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION NUM- PROPERTY ADDRESS: 7539 REGISTERED PROPERTY
West P.U.D. 1st Addition PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION NUM- PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION NUM- BER: 18-028-23-44-0146 COT# Parkridge Way, Savage, MN 55378 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 10346 Bal-
PROPERTY ADDRESS: 728 Harvest BER: 155.132.006030 BER: 09-029-24-21-0197 1109474 PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION NUM- sam Ln, Eden Prairie, MN 55347
THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO BE DUE THAT all pre-foreclosure require- THAT all pre-foreclosure require- THAT all pre-foreclosure require- OF THE NOTICE: $126,294.52 THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO BE DUE
ON THE MORTGAGE ON THE DATE ments have been complied with; ments have been complied with; ments have been complied with; THAT all pre-foreclosure require- ON THE MORTGAGE ON THE DATE
OF THE NOTICE: $260,800.02 that no action or proceeding has that no action or proceeding has that no action or proceeding has ments have been complied with; OF THE NOTICE: $43,706.91
THAT all pre-foreclosure require- been instituted at law or otherwise been instituted at law or otherwise been instituted at law or otherwise that no action or proceeding has THAT all pre-foreclosure require-
ments have been complied with; to recover the debt secured by said to recover the debt secured by said to recover the debt secured by said been instituted at law or otherwise ments have been complied with;
that no action or proceeding has mortgage, or any part thereof; mortgage, or any part thereof; mortgage, or any part thereof; to recover the debt secured by said that no action or proceeding has
been instituted at law or otherwise PURSUANT, to the power of sale PURSUANT, to the power of sale PURSUANT, to the power of sale mortgage, or any part thereof; been instituted at law or otherwise
to recover the debt secured by said contained in said mortgage, the contained in said mortgage, the contained in said mortgage, the PURSUANT, to the power of sale to recover the debt secured by said
mortgage, or any part thereof; above described property will be above described property will be above described property will be contained in said mortgage, the mortgage, or any part thereof;
PURSUANT, to the power of sale sold by the Sheriff of said county as sold by the Sheriff of said county as sold by the Sheriff of said county as above described property will be PURSUANT, to the power of sale
contained in said mortgage, the follows: follows: follows: sold by the Sheriff of said county as contained in said mortgage, the
above described property will be DATE AND TIME OF SALE: Septem- DATE AND TIME OF SALE: July 30, DATE AND TIME OF SALE: August follows: above described property will be
sold by the Sheriff of said county as ber 3, 2019, 10:00am 2019, 10:00am 13, 2019, 10:00am DATE AND TIME OF SALE: August sold by the Sheriff of said county as
follows: PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff’s Main Of- PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff’s Main Of- PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff’s Main Of- 27, 2019, 10:00am follows:
DATE AND TIME OF SALE: August fice, 3800 Braddock Avenue NE, fice, Civil Division, Room 30, Court- fice, Civil Division, Room 30, Court- PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff’s Main Of- DATE AND TIME OF SALE: August
6, 2019, 10:00am Buffalo, MN 55313 to pay the debt house, 350 South Fifth St., Minne- house, 350 South Fifth St., Minne- fice, Scott County Law Enforcement 20, 2019, 10:00am
PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff’s Main Of- secured by said mortgage and tax- apolis, MN 55487 to pay the debt apolis, MN 55487 Center, Civil Office, 301 Fuller St. PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff’s Main Of-
fice, Scott County Law Enforcement es, if any, on said premises and the secured by said mortgage and tax- to pay the debt secured by said South, Shakopee, MN 55379 to pay fice, Civil Division, Room 30, Court-
Center, Civil Office, 301 Fuller St. costs and disbursements, including es, if any, on said premises and the mortgage and taxes, if any, on said the debt secured by said mortgage house, 350 South Fifth St., Minne-
South, Shakopee, MN 55379 to pay attorneys fees allowed by law, sub- costs and disbursements, including premises and the costs and dis- and taxes, if any, on said premises apolis, MN 55487 to pay the debt
the debt secured by said mortgage ject to redemption within 6 months attorneys fees allowed by law, sub- bursements, including attorneys and the costs and disbursements, secured by said mortgage and tax-
and taxes, if any, on said premises from the date of said sale by the ject to redemption within 6 months fees allowed by law, subject to re- including attorneys fees allowed by es, if any, on said premises and the
and the costs and disbursements, mortgagor(s) the personal represen- from the date of said sale by the demption within 6 months from the law, subject to redemption within 6 costs and disbursements, including
including attorneys fees allowed by tatives or assigns. mortgagor(s) the personal represen- date of said sale by the months from the date of said sale attorneys fees allowed by law, sub-
law, subject to redemption within 6 TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROP- tatives or assigns. mortgagor(s) the personal represen- by the mortgagor(s) the personal ject to redemption within 12 months
months from the date of said sale ERTY: If the real estate is an owner- TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROP- tatives or assigns. representatives or assigns. from the date of said sale by the
by the mortgagor(s) the personal occupied, single-family dwelling, ERTY: If the real estate is an owner- TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROP- TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROP- mortgagor(s) the personal represen-
representatives or assigns. unless otherwise provided by law, occupied, single-family dwelling, ERTY: If the real estate is an ERTY: If the real estate is an owner- tatives or assigns.
TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROP- the date on or before which the unless otherwise provided by law, owner-occupied, single-family occupied, single-family dwelling, TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROP-
ERTY: If the real estate is an owner- mortgagor(s) must vacate the prop- the date on or before which the dwelling, unless otherwise provided unless otherwise provided by law, ERTY: If the real estate is an owner-
occupied, single-family dwelling, erty, if the mortgage is not reinstat- mortgagor(s) must vacate the prop- by law, the date on or before which the date on or before which the occupied, single-family dwelling,
unless otherwise provided by law, ed under section 580.30 or the erty, if the mortgage is not reinstat- the mortgagor(s) must vacate the mortgagor(s) must vacate the prop- unless otherwise provided by law,
the date on or before which the property is not redeemed under sec- ed under section 580.30 or the property, if the mortgage is not rein- erty, if the mortgage is not reinstat- the date on or before which the
mortgagor(s) must vacate the prop- tion 580.23, is 11:59 p.m. on March property is not redeemed under sec- stated under section 580.30 or the ed under section 580.30 or the mortgagor(s) must vacate the prop-
erty, if the mortgage is not reinstat- 3, 2020, or the next business day if tion 580.23, is 11:59 p.m. on Janu- property is not redeemed under sec- property is not redeemed under sec- erty, if the mortgage is not reinstat-
ed under section 580.30 or the March 3, 2020 falls on a Saturday, ary 30, 2020, or the next business tion 580.23, is 11:59 p.m. on Febru- tion 580.23, is 11:59 p.m. on Febru- ed under section 580.30 or the
property is not redeemed under sec- Sunday or legal holiday. day if January 30, 2020 falls on a ary 13, 2020, or the next business ary 27, 2020, or the next business property is not redeemed under sec-
tion 580.23, is 11:59 p.m. on Febru- "THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. day if February 13, 2020 falls on a day if February 27, 2020 falls on a tion 580.23, is 11:59 p.m. on Au-
ary 6, 2020, or the next business REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGA- "THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. gust 20, 2020, or the next business
day if February 6, 2020 falls on a GOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PER- REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGA- "THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR "THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR day if August 20, 2020 falls on a
PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABAN- Cooper Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a Mr. Dated: June 18, 2019 Dated: July 1, 2019 PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABAN-
DONED. Assignee of Mortgagee Cooper Specialized Loan Servicing LLC Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a Mr. DONED.
Dated: June 11, 2019 SHAPIRO & ZIELKE, LLP Assignee of Mortgagee Assignee of Mortgagee Cooper Dated: June 25, 2019
PennyMac Loan Services, LLC BY Lawrence P. Zielke - 152559 SHAPIRO & ZIELKE, LLP SHAPIRO & ZIELKE, LLP Assignee of Mortgagee U.S. Bank National Association
Assignee of Mortgagee Melissa L. B. Porter - 0337778 BY Lawrence P. Zielke - 152559 BY Lawrence P. Zielke - 152559 SHAPIRO & ZIELKE, LLP Mortgagee
SHAPIRO & ZIELKE, LLP Randolph W. Dawdy - 2160X Melissa L. B. Porter - 0337778 Melissa L. B. Porter - 0337778 BY Lawrence P. Zielke - 152559 SHAPIRO & ZIELKE, LLP
BY Lawrence P. Zielke - 152559 Gary J. Evers - 0134764 Randolph W. Dawdy - 2160X Randolph W. Dawdy - 2160X Melissa L. B. Porter - 0337778 BY Lawrence P. Zielke - 152559
Melissa L. B. Porter - 0337778 Tracy J. Halliday - 034610X Gary J. Evers - 0134764 Gary J. Evers - 0134764 Randolph W. Dawdy - 2160X Melissa L. B. Porter - 0337778
Randolph W. Dawdy - 2160X Attorneys for Mortgagee Tracy J. Halliday - 034610X Tracy J. Halliday - 034610X Gary J. Evers - 0134764 Randolph W. Dawdy - 2160X
Gary J. Evers - 0134764 Shapiro & Zielke, LLP Attorneys for Mortgagee Attorneys for Mortgagee Tracy J. Halliday - 034610X Gary J. Evers - 0134764
Tracy J. Halliday - 034610X 12550 West Frontage Road, Suite Shapiro & Zielke, LLP Shapiro & Zielke, LLP Attorneys for Mortgagee Tracy J. Halliday - 034610X
Attorneys for Mortgagee 200 Burnsville, MN 55337 12550 West Frontage Road, Suite 12550 West Frontage Rd, Suite 200 Shapiro & Zielke, LLP Attorneys for Mortgagee
Shapiro & Zielke, LLP (952) 831-4060 200 Burnsville, MN 55337 Burnsville, MN 55337 12550 West Frontage Road, Suite Shapiro & Zielke, LLP
12550 West Frontage Road, Suite THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM (952) 831-4060 (952) 831-4060 200 Burnsville, MN 55337 12550 West Frontage Road, Suite
200 Burnsville, MN 55337 A DEBT COLLECTOR THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM (952) 831-4060 200 Burnsville, MN 55337
(952) 831-4060 7/16, 7/23. 7/30, 8/6, 8/13, A DEBT COLLECTOR A DEBT COLLECTOR THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM (952) 831-4060
THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM 8/20/19 Star Tribune 6/11, 6/18, 6/25, 7/2, 7/9, 7/16/19 6/25, 7/2, 7/9, 7/16, 7/23. 7/30/19 A DEBT COLLECTOR THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM
A DEBT COLLECTOR Star Tribune Star Tribune 7/9, 7/16, 7/23. 7/30, 8/6, 8/13/19 A DEBT COLLECTOR
6/18, 6/25, 7/2, 7/9, 7/16, 7/23/19 Star Tribune 7/2, 7/9, 7/16, 7/23. 7/30, 8/6/19
Star Tribune Star Tribune


STARTRIBUNE.COM/CLASSIFIEDS • 612.673.7000 • 800.927.9233

Proposals for Bids 340 Misc. Equipment & Supplies 404 Dogs 404 Dogs 404 Dogs 430 Vacation Guide
For Sale – MnDOT owned vacant SKID STEER ATTACHMENTS Snow FRENCH BULLDOG AKC PUPS Vet Golden Retriever AKC Beautiful Pomeranian Puppies vet checked, PELICAN LAKE CABIN 2BR furnished.
land, located at the SE Quad of plow, grapple bucket, brush clamp, chkd, wormed, shots, dews. Rdy now. pups! 5F 3M The sire is of Champion ready to go, $600. call or text Avail weeks of 8/24-8/31 & 8/31-9/7.
TH610 and TH169, Brooklyn Park, grading planer, hoe arm, buckthorn Price reduced - $2400. 605.376.0595 bloodlines. Dam is incredibly athlet- 320-815-6328 Perfect sand beach. N/S. Max of 5.
Hennepin County. Approximately puller, pallet fork. 651-269-5688 ic and sweet! 715-595-3027 $730/wk. Call Mary 218-765-3305
French Bulldogs AKC CH. sired, Pomeranian Puppy, Parti, 1M/2F,
10.47 acres to be sold by sealed brindle, 8 wk F’s, 2 adults also, loving Golden Retriever AKC Puppies Light- dewrmd, 1st shots, fam rsd. $700
bid on 7/23/2019 at 2:00 at Waters
Edge, 1500 C.R. B2, Roseville, MN
companion homes only. No breeders colored males with Grand Champion cash, 320-360-0556 626
please! $1000-$2500. 612-636-1124 bloodlines ready to go to good
55113. Bid Form, homes. $800. 715-829-6879 POODLE AKC STANDARD . Silver,
brown, cream and sable. Non-shed. SENIOR LIVING
Info "Fabulous Jewlery Auction" German Shepherd AKC Bred for temp/
beauty. Pups & older dogs avl. 320-221- Golden Retriever Pups Beautiful
blocky headed males and females
Trained. $1500-$2000. 507-273-3652
Sun, July 28, 11am @ Shakopee KC 3090 Pug Puppies AKC 2 Black Males
German Shepherd AKC Puppies
available July 13th. light and medi-
um. All pups come with full AKC reg- $900, 2 Brindle Males $1200. 1st **BLOOMINGTON**
Therapeutic Massage Lic # 2718040
shots, vet health checked, both par- istration. These pups are bred for Shots, Will Deliver. 701-320-5962 Senior 1BR $950
ents on site. Black & black/silver beauty, health and an extra mild Puppies Mini Schnauzers, also AVAILABLE SEP 15
available. $900. 320-333-4899 Beautiful senior apt with oak cab-
Therapeutic Thai Yoga or Hot Oil
Massage In-house or travel to you. 395 Misc. For Sale & Wanted GERMAN SHEPHERD AKC PUPS
temperament. $1,800. 763-245-7995 Cairns, AKC ready now. will meet,
call 4 info. mn195897. 218-371-8232 inets, ceramic tile, dishwasher,
Lab Half, Quarter Heeler and Quar- microwave, balcony, heat incl. in
July Doldrums Sale! 763-310-4374 Black & tan, family rsd, vet chkd. ter Terrier. 1F/3M. Fam raised, avail- ROTTWEILERS, REGISTERED, M/F rent. Underground heated park-
I BUY (working or not) lawn tractors, Ready 7/13. $1000. 641-229-5815 able now, $350. 612-295-5120 Vet checked, shots, dewormed. ing, elevator, on bus line. No
old motorcycles, scooters, trailers, German Shepherd Puppies $600. 218-536-1613. MN103286 pets. This is a must-see!
Lab Pups AKC Black & Silver. Dew
ATVs, snowblowers. 612-423-3003 White, AKC Certified, 1M/4F. Ready
claws, wormed, vet chk. Rdy now. ROTTWEILLER / LAB MIX. D e w s ,
July 18, $750. 651-408-4302 $600. 218-940-4429 wormed, tails, docked. Great fam
"Coin & Currency Auction" R12 R500 R11. Convenient. Certified
GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS Labradoodle Puppies! 8 wks old, dog, avail now, $450. 612-295-5120
Sun, July 28, 11am @ Shakopee KC
professionals. 312-291-9169 AKC. Exc temp. Genetic guar antee.
ready now! $800, unique markings,
UTD shots, 712-461-0670 call/text
Ready now. Adorable, shots & wormed.
Lic # 2718040 404
507-829-8234 507-629-8052 APTS & CONDOS
Dogs German Shepherds, M & F AKC GOODLENDOODLE Shih Tzu & Shih Tzu/Bichon Male
shots, wrmed, vet ck, parents on- Puppies Family raised puppies, 1st
COIN SHOW SUNDAY 7/21, 9-4 site. Can meet. $500. 507-360-6739
Bernedoodle, Mini Ready Aug 1st, 320-250-2464 shots & wormed. $600. 507-254-2868
Former South St Paul VFW (1 mi N of Plymouth Huge 2BR. DW, sec, walk-
494 on Concord). Dave 651-269-5846 7M, 3M, start at $3,500. 952-737-8811 German Shepherd/ Wolf Hybrid L a b r a d o r Pups AKC. Silver. M & F. Siberian Husky Puppies Vet checked in closet, new carpet, Wayzata BLK/BRN/WHT, shots, fam rsd $1200. Dep. required. Shots, wormed, Ready to go, $700. Call or text schools. Avail 8/1. Was $1295, now
MINNESOTA STAMP EXPO $450 lve msg 507-220-0707 dews. Ready 8/17. Call 218-838-2021 320-815-6328 $1,195. Heat pd. 612.670.1104
July 19-21: Fri 10-6 Sat 10-5 Sun 10-4 BULLDOGGE OLDE ENGLISH PUPS
Vet checked. $1000+ 612-290-9381 GERMAN SHORTHAIR AKC PUPS: LABS AKC Pups and started pups. Siberian Husky puppies AKC, 4F 3M.
Daily stamp drawing Black & white, liver & white. Born Shots and d/w. Black and yellow. Great pets, love to pull. 10 yrs of
Crystal Community Center 6/10. M/F $650. Call 320-808-7471 $550 obo. 612-383-7103 breeding. $1,000. Ready July 29. VEHICLES WANTED
4800 Douglas Dr N 952-431-3273 CAVALIER KING CHARLES PUPS Text/Call Mike (218) 235-7190 Goldendoodle Puppies! Beautiful Olde English Bulldogge Pups 5 F, 4 M.
Born 5/15. Blenheim, UTD shots, pups - ready now! Vet checked & Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier $800/ $$$$$ CASH FOR CARS $$$$$
Born 6/23 - ready 8/18. Beautiful mark-
vet chkd, family rsd. 641-229-5815 UTD. $700 715-456-7815 $850, M/F, Avail 7/19, Don’t shed, Repairables or Junkers 612.414.4924
WE BUY IT ALL! Paying Cash - not ings & pedigree, 1 yr hlth guar, UTD
check. WCCO TVs #1 Appraiser/ DOBERMAN PUPPIES AKC, blacks/ shots,chipped $1500-$2500 651-815-5885 Charles City, IA. 641-210-9006
Gemologist. House/Bank calls with-
in 90 miles TC. Silver coins/flatwr,
reds, M/F, health guaranteed,
Ready Now. $600. 507-460-2668
cellent temperament & smaller size.
Dews, wormed, shots. Cream & tan
Exc bloodlines, incl gargoyle & dog
$800. Facebook: Villard Vizslas
$150 to $800 for most junkers
gold, dental gold, estate jewelry, and repairables. 612-781-1804
avail. $700. 320-266-6878 faces. $1100/bo. 641-590-3596 Call 320-554-2063
QVC/costume, diamonds, comics, English Goldendoodles wonderful
baseball cards, militaria, much temperament. low to no shedding Goldendoodles Family raised, vet Pembroke Welsh Corgis AKC , Ready YORKIE PUPS parti color, born 3/1,
more. Call for free advice. 41 yrs in $1,500
work done, very socialized. $500
now! Sable, 1st shots, wrmd, 3M 2 males, AKA certifiable. $1200. Call Place a classified ad today.
biz. BBB A+ rating. Mark 612-802-9686 $850 612-221-6531 for details: 612-597-0897

Mortgage Foreclosures Mortgage Foreclosures Mortgage Foreclosures Mortgage Foreclosures Mortgage Foreclosures Storage Facilities
NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORE- Assigned To: Town and Country this mortgage foreclosure proceed- day if January 30, 2020 falls on a 15-100760 10:00 AM
CLOSURE SALE Banc Mortgage Services, Inc. ing Mortgagee/Assignee of Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORE- Cristine Adams, Home goods
THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Dated: 06/13/2019 Mortgagee complied with all notice "THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR CLOSURE SALE Facility 6: #8646 St. Louis Park -
THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE Recorded: 06/19/2019 requirements as required by statute; REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGA- THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF 5051 Highway 7, St. Louis
ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE Ramsey County Recorder Document that no action or proceeding has GOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PER- THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE Park, Minnesota, 55416 July
TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT No. 04760641 been instituted at law or otherwise SONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR AS- ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE 24th 2019 at 12:00 PM
AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. Transaction Agent: Mortgage Elec- to recover the debt secured by said SIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT Patricia Kampmeyer, Household
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That de- tronic Registration Systems, Inc. mortgage, or any part thereof; WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. goods; Holly Legros, Clothes and
fault has occurred in the conditions Transaction Agent Mortgage Identi- PURSUANT to the power of sale ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that de- papers; Nanette Vogel, Home
of the following described mort- fication Number: 1008896- contained in said mortgage, the STATUTES SECTION 582.032 DE- fault has occurred in the conditions goods; Dawn Nowak, Household
gage: 0212979730-1 above described property will be TERMINING, AMONG OTHER of the following described mort- items; Teresa Rassman, half of
DATE OF MORTGAGE: May 20, Lender or Broker: Town and Country sold by the Sheriff of said county as THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED gage: house and standard house hold
2016 Banc Mortgage Services, Inc. follows: PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A DATE OF MORTGAGE: June 30, items and bed
ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF Residential Mortgage Servicer: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: August RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS 2006 Facility 7: #8791-5305
MORTGAGE: $284,747.00 Town and Country Bank 13, 2019, 09:00 AM THAN 5 UNITS, ARE NOT PROPER- ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF Parkdale Dr. St. Louis
MORTGAGOR(S): Zachariah Pier- Mortgage Originator: Town and PLACE OF SALE: Hennepin County TY USED FOR AGRICULTURAL MORTGAGE: $351,920.00 Park, MN 55416- July 24th
son, an unmarried person Country Banc Mortgage Services, Sheriff‘s Office, Civil Unit, 350 PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABAN- MORTGAGOR(S): Debra J. Macken- 2019 at 1:00 pm
MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Inc. South Fifth Street, Room 30, Minne- DONED. zie, a single woman Ivan Johnson,boxes,bins,totes; Ke-
Registration Systems, Inc., as nomi- LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPER- apolis, MN to pay the debt then se- Dated: June 4, 2019 MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic vin Nyabuto,couple couches,2 twin
nee for TCF National Bank TY: Lot 14, Block 1, Smedley‘s Ad- cured by said Mortgage, and taxes, HSBC Bank USA, National Associa- Registration Systems, Inc. beds,2 dressers,2 freezers,couple
DATE AND PLACE OF FILING: Re- dition to St. Paul, Ramsey County, if any, on said premises, and the tion as Trustee for Structured Ad- TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage boxes; Katherine Harper,general
corded on May 24, 2016 as Docu- Minnesota costs and disbursements, including justable Rate Mortgage Loan Trust, Electronic Registration Systems, household goods; Bonnie
ment Number 820661 in the Office This is Abstract Property. attorneys’ fees allowed by law sub- Mortgage Pass-Through Certifi- Inc. Fleming,general household goods;
of the County Recorder of TAX PARCEL NO.: 082822420188 ject to redemption within 6 Months cates, Series 2005-21 MIN#: 1000157-0007021677-1 Bonnie Fleming,general household
Sherburne County, Minnesota. ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: from the date of said sale by the Assignee of Mortgagee LENDER OR BROKER AND MORT- goods; Laura
ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: 349 CURTICE ST E mortgagor(s), their personal repre- SHAPIRO & ZIELKE, LLP GAGE ORIGINATOR STATED ON Carpenter,books,general household
Assigned to: Freedom Mortgage SAINT PAUL, MN 55107 sentatives or assigns. BY Lawrence P. Zielke - 152559 THE MORTGAGE: America’s Whole- goods; Keanna Jackson, general
Corporation by assignment record- COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: The Melissa L. B. Porter - 0337778 sale Lender household goods; Alchemical
ed on June 10, 2019 as Document LOCATED: Ramsey date on or before which the mortga- Randolph W. Dawdy - 2160X SERVICER: Nationstar Mortgage Construction,tools; Lindsey
Number 873175 in the Office of the ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF gor must vacate the property if the Gary J. Evers - 0134764 LLC d/b/a Mr. Cooper Patterson,furniture
County Recorder of Sherburne MORTGAGE: $154,846.00 mortgage is not reinstated under Tracy J. Halliday - 034610X DATE AND PLACE OF FILING: Filed Facility 8: #7060- 1227 E
County, Minnesota. AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO Minnesota Statutes section 580.30 Attorneys for Mortgagee July 14, 2006, Scott County Re- Hennepin Ave, Minneapolis,
LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPER- BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE: or the property redeemed under Shapiro & Zielke, LLP corder, as Document Number A MN, 55414 on July 24th, 2019
TY: That part of the East Half of the $161,458.33 Minnesota Statutes section 580.23 12550 West Frontage Road, Suite 744961 at 9:30am
Southeast Quarter of the Southwest That prior to the commencement of is February 13, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. 200 Burnsville, MN 55337 ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Tivon Bandy, Household goods;
Quarter (E 1/2 SE 1/4 SW 1/4) and this mortgage foreclosure proceed- If the foregoing date is a Saturday, (952) 831-4060 Assigned to: Deutsche Bank Nation- Garry Freeman, Few boxes and
that part of Government Lot 4, Sec- ing Mortgagee/Assignee of Sunday or legal holiday, then the THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM al Trust Company, as Trustee for clothes, other household goods;
tion 28, Township 35, Range 29, Mortgagee complied with all notice date to vacate is the next business A DEBT COLLECTOR Holders of the GSR Mortgage Loan Kennan Shaw, Clothes, suitcase
Sherburne County, Minnesota lying requirements as required by statute; day at 11:59 p.m. 6/11, 6/18, 6/25, 7/2, 7/9, 7/16/19 Trust 2006-OA1 Facility 9: #1874 - 8570 As-
southeasterly of the Bayou leading that no action or proceeding has MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM Star Tribune LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPER- pen Lane N Brooklyn Park,
from Briggs lake to Elk Lake and been instituted at law or otherwise FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ON MORT- TY: Lot 8, Block 1, Boudins Classic MN 55445: on July 24th 2019
to recover the debt secured by said GAGE: NONE 19-111403 at 10:30am
southwesterly of the following de- NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORE- PROPERTY ADDRESS: 7046 147th
scribed line: Commencing at the mortgage, or any part thereof; THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR St W, Savage, MN 55378 Christopher Mabry, queen bed 2
PURSUANT to the power of sale REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGA- CLOSURE SALE tvs; Phyllis O’Hara, Clothing, House-
thence West (assumed bearing of contained in said mortgage, the GOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PER- BER: 263840080 hold Goods; Fati Hassan, Cloths;
above described property will be SONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR AS- THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE Beatrice Robison, Household, furni-
seconds West) along the South line sold by the Sheriff of said county as SIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE LOCATED: Scott ture, boxes; Margaret Bankhead,
follows: WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT bunk bed and sofa table and some
of said Section 28 for 2241.91 feet AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO BE DUE
to the point of beginning of the line DATE AND TIME OF SALE: August ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA ON THE MORTGAGE ON THE DATE totes
6, 2019, 10:00 AM STATUTES SECTION 582.032, DE- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that de- Facility 10: #7170 – 289 W.
to be described; thence North 1 de- fault has occurred in the conditions OF THE NOTICE: $520,115.79
gree 16 minutes 25 seconds West PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff‘s Office, TERMINING, AMONG OTHER THAT all pre-foreclosure require- Lafayette Frontage Rd, St.
Civil Process Unit, 25 W. 4th Street, THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED of the following described mort- Paul, MN 55107 on July 24th
for 191.27 feet; thence North 56 de- gage: ments have been complied with;
grees 36 minutes 05 seconds West Suite 150, St. Paul, MN to pay the PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A that no action or proceeding has 2019at 2:30pm
debt then secured by said Mort- RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS DATE OF MORTGAGE: July 20, Tammy Amin, clothes, dishes,
for 566 feet more or less to said 2005 been instituted at law or otherwise
Bayou and there terminating, gage, and taxes, if any, on said THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROP- to recover the debt secured by said queen mattress, bins tvs; Jason
premises, and the costs and dis- ERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF Hawley, supplies inventory; Renaldo
Sherburne County, Minnesota. MORTGAGE: $158,000.00 mortgage, or any part thereof;
STREET ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: bursements, including attorneys’ PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABAN- PURSUANT, to the power of sale Warnes-Ledesma, din tbl, 3 couchs
fees allowed by law subject to re- DONED. MORTGAGOR(S): Gary R. Gustaf- ,misc boxes; Kelly Lund, kitchen
10000 57TH ST SE, CLEAR LAKE, son, single contained in said mortgage, the
MN 55319 demption within 6 Months from the Dated: June 28, 2019 above described property will be supplies, household furniture,boxes;
date of said sale by the BMO Harris Bank N.A., as succes- MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic John Farmer, 2 bedroom apartment
COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS Registration Systems, Inc. sold by the Sheriff of said county as
LOCATED: Sherburne County, Min- mortgagor(s), their personal repre- sor to M & I Bank FSB, Assignee of follows: house hold items
sentatives or assigns. Mortgagee TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage Facility 11: #7225 - 9601
nesota. Electronic Registration Systems, DATE AND TIME OF SALE: August
date on or before which the mortga- SOCIATION Inc. MN, 55431 on July 24th, 2019
ON THE MORTGAGE ON THE DATE MIN#: 1000157-0004887162-4 PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff’s Main Of-
OF THE NOTICE: $276,522.36 gor must vacate the property if the Attorneys for: fice, Scott County Law Enforcement at 1:30PM
mortgage is not reinstated under BMO Harris Bank N.A., as succes- LENDER OR BROKER AND MORT- Latrice Franklin- Household Items
TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage GAGE ORIGINATOR STATED ON Center, Civil Office, 301 Fuller St.
Electronic Registration Systems, Minnesota Statutes section 580.30 sor to M & I Bank FSB, Assignee of South, Shakopee, MN 55379 to pay Facility 12: #7090 – 1717
or the property redeemed under Mortgagee THE MORTGAGE: Countrywide West River Rd, Minneapolis,
Inc. Home Loans, Inc. the debt secured by said mortgage
NAME OF MORTGAGE ORIGINA- Minnesota Statutes section 580.23 55 East Fifth Street, Suite 800 and taxes, if any, on said premises MN, 55411 On July 24th, 2019
is February 5, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. If St. Paul, MN 55101-1718 SERVICER: Carrington Mortgage at 12:30pm
TOR: TCF National Bank Services, LLC and the costs and disbursements,
RESIDENTIAL SERVICER: Freedom the foregoing date is a Saturday, 651-291-8955 including attorneys fees allowed by Zachary Fisher, beds bags totes
Sunday or legal holiday, then the 651-228-1753 (fax) DATE AND PLACE OF FILING: Filed general household goods
Mortgage Corporation August 30, 2005, Hennepin County law, subject to redemption within 6
TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION date to vacate is the next business THIS COMMUNICATION IS FROM A months from the date of said sale The auction will be listed and adver-
day at 11:59 p.m. DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING Recorder, as Document Number tised on www.storagetreasures.
NUMBER: 40-028-3420 8643650 by the mortgagor(s) the personal
TRANSACTION AGENT’S MORT- MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFOR- representatives or assigns. com. Purchases must be made with
100073000943963223 GAGE: NONE FOR THAT PURPOSE. ERTY: If the real estate is an owner- erenced facility in order to complete
THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR 16327-19-00168-1 Mellon FKA The Bank of New York the transaction. Extra Space Stor-
THAT no action or proceeding has as Trustee for the Certificateholders occupied, single-family dwelling,
been instituted at law to recover the REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGA- 7/2, 7/9, 7/16, 7/23, 7/30, 8/6/19 unless otherwise provided by law, age may refuse any bid and may re-
GOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PER- Star Tribune of the CWABS, Inc., Asset-Backed scind any purchase up until the
debt then remaining secured by Certificates, Series 2005-9 the date on or before which the
such mortgage, or any part thereof, SONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR AS- mortgagor(s) must vacate the prop- winning bidder takes possession of
or, if the action or proceeding has SIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE erty, if the mortgage is not reinstat- the personal property.
NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORE- TY: East 41.37 feet of Lots 6 and 7,
been instituted, that the same has WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ed under section 580.30 or the
CLOSURE SALE Block 64, Remington’s 3rd Addition
been discontinued, or that an exe- ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF property is not redeemed under sec-
STATUTES SECTION 582.032, DE- to Minneapolis
cution upon the judgment rendered THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE PROPERTY ADDRESS: 700 W 46Th tion 580.23, is 11:59 p.m. on Febru-
therein has been returned unsatis- TERMINING, AMONG OTHER ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE ary 20, 2020, or the next business
THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED St, Minneapolis, MN 55419
fied, in whole or in part. TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION NUM- day if February 20, 2020 falls on a
PURSUANT, to the power of sale PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday.
above described property will be THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROP- fault has occurred in the conditions REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGA-
sold by the Sheriff of said county as of the following described mort- THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO BE DUE GOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PER-

Dated: June 21, 2019 OF THE NOTICE: $130,767.09
15, 2019 at 10:00 AM. 2005 THAT all pre-foreclosure require- WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS
Services, Inc., Assignee of ments have been complied with;
Sheriff’s Office, 13880 Highway 10, MORTGAGE: $251,920.00 that no action or proceeding has STATUTES SECTION 582.032 DE-
Elk River, Minnesota. to pay the Mortgagee MORTGAGOR(S): Matthew B. Dud- been instituted at law or otherwise TERMINING, AMONG OTHER
tim the
debt then secured by said mortgage By: PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL AS- ley and Vickey S. Dudley, husband THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED
SOCIATION to recover the debt secured by said
and taxes, if any actually paid by and wife mortgage, or any part thereof; PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A
the mortgagee, on the premises and Attorneys for: MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS
Town and Country Banc Mortgage PURSUANT, to the power of sale
the costs and disbursements al- Registration Systems, Inc. contained in said mortgage, the THAN 5 UNITS, ARE NOT PROPER-
lowed by law. The time allowed by Services, Inc., Assignee of TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage TY USED FOR AGRICULTURAL
Mortgagee above described property will be
law for redemption by said Electronic Registration Systems, sold by the Sheriff of said county as PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABAN-
mortgagor(s), their personal repre-
sentatives or assigns is six (6)
55 East Fifth Street, Suite 800
St. Paul, MN 55101-1718
Inc. follows: DONED.
Dated: June 28, 2019
Turn to Weekend at
MIN#: 100103210000109719 DATE AND TIME OF SALE: July 30,
months from the date of sale.
651-228-1753 (fax)
LENDER OR BROKER AND MORT- 2019, 10:00am Deutsche Bank National Trust Com-
pany, as Trustee for GSR Mortgage
Home featuring a
ERTY: Unless said mortgage is rein-
stated or the property redeemed, or
THE MORTGAGE: Prime Mortgage fice, Civil Division, Room 30, Court- Loan Trust 2006-OA1 Mortgage
Pass-Through Certificates, Series
calendar of fun family
Corporation house, 350 South Fifth St., Minne-
unless the time for redemption is re-
duced by judicial order, you must
SERVICER: Nationstar Mortgage apolis, MN 55487 to pay the debt 2006-OA1
Assignee of Mortgagee
events, activities
LLC d/b/a Mr. Cooper secured by said mortgage and tax-
vacate the premises by 11:59 p.m.
on February 18, 2020.
DATE AND PLACE OF FILING: Filed es, if any, on said premises and the SHAPIRO & ZIELKE, LLP
BY Lawrence P. Zielke - 152559
and the latest
August 9, 2005, Ramsey County costs and disbursements, including
6/25, 7/2, 7/9, 7/16, 7/23, 7/30/19
Star Tribune
Recorder, as Document Number attorneys fees allowed by law, sub- Melissa L. B. Porter - 0337778 decorating tips.
3878206 ject to redemption within 6 months Randolph W. Dawdy - 2160X
NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORE- ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: from the date of said sale by the Gary J. Evers - 0134764 Every Saturday in
CLOSURE SALE Assigned to: HSBC Bank USA, Na- mortgagor(s) the personal represen- Tracy J. Halliday - 034610X
THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF tional Association as Trustee for tatives or assigns. Attorneys for Mortgagee VARIETY.
THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE Structured Adjustable Rate Mort- TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROP- Shapiro & Zielke, LLP
ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE gage Loan Trust, Mortgage Pass- ERTY: If the real estate is an owner- 12550 West Frontage Road, Suite
STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DE- TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT Through Certificates, Series 2005- occupied, single-family dwelling, 200 Burnsville, MN 55337
TERMINING, AMONG OTHER AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. 21 unless otherwise provided by law, (952) 831-4060
PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A fault has occurred in the conditions TY: Lot 7, Block 3, Sargent’s Addi- mortgagor(s) must vacate the prop- A DEBT COLLECTO
RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS of the following described mort- tion erty, if the mortgage is not reinstat- 7/2, 7/9, 7/16, 7/23. 7/30, 8/6/19
THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROP- gage: PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1424 ed under section 580.30 or the Star Tribune
ERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL Mortgagor:Thomas L DeLuney and Sargent Ave, Saint Paul, MN 55105 property is not redeemed under sec-
Karolyn K DeLuney husband and
tion 580.23, is 11:59 p.m. on Janu-
ary 30, 2020, or the next business
Storage Facilities
MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM Mortgagee: GB Home Equity, LLC COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS day if January 30, 2020 falls on a
FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ON MORT- Dated: 08/27/2003 LOCATED: Ramsey Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. Extra Space Storage will hold
GAGE: None Recorded: 10/03/2003 THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO BE DUE "THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR a public auction to sell personal
Dated: June 21, 2019 Hennepin County Recorder Docu- ON THE MORTGAGE ON THE DATE REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGA- property described below belonging
FREEDOM MORTGAGE CORPORA- ment No. 8183884 OF THE NOTICE: $213,231.42 GOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PER- to those individuals listed below at
TION Assigned To: M&I Bank FSB THAT all pre-foreclosure require- SONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR AS- the location indicated:
Mortgagee Dated: 05/04/2004 ments have been complied with; SIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Facility 1: #8792 – 2845 Har-
TROTT LAW, P.C. Recorded: 09/09/2004 that no action or proceeding has WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS riet Ave, Minneapolis MN
By: /s/ Hennepin County Recorder Docu- been instituted at law or otherwise ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA 55408 on July 24th, 2019 at
*N. Kibongni Fondungallah, Esq.* ment No. 8435434 to recover the debt secured by said STATUTES SECTION 582.032 DE- 2:00PM
Samuel R. Coleman, Esq. Transaction Agent: N/A mortgage, or any part thereof; TERMINING, AMONG OTHER Amy Guinn, boxes, bags, bike, hous
Attorneys for Mortgagee Transaction Agent Mortgage Identi- PURSUANT, to the power of sale THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED ehold/personal goods; Bernetta
25 Dale Street North fication Number: N/A contained in said mortgage, the PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A Sellers, house hold goods; Bernetta
St. Paul, MN 55102 Lender or Broker: GB Home Equity, above described property will be RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS Sellers, household goods; Scott
(651) 209-9760 LLC sold by the Sheriff of said county as THAN 5 UNITS, ARE NOT PROPER- Dexter, house hold goods; Corinne
(19-0641-FC01) Zuspann, 2 dressers, bags; Lisa
Residential Mortgage Servicer: BMO
Harris Bank, N.A.
PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABAN- Regan, Household goods Add Saturday at
6/25, 7/2, 7/9, 7/16, 7/23, 7/30/19
Mortgage Originator: GB Home 2019, 10:00am DONED. Facility 2: #8793 – 7160 W.
Point Douglas Rd. S. Cot-
Equity, LLC PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff’s Main Of- Dated: June 4, 2019
Star Tribune LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPER- fice, The Lowry Building/City Hall The Bank of New York Mellon, F/ tage Grove, MN 55016 on Ju-
TY: Lying and being located in the Annex, 25 West 4th St., Suite 150, K/A The Bank of New York as trust- ly 24th, 2019 at 3:00 pm
NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORE- Ken Fritz, cabinets and doors; Ve-
CLOSURE SALE City of Minneapolis, County of St. Paul, MN 55102 to pay the debt ee for registered Holders of CWABS,
Hennepin, State of Minnesota; all secured by said mortgage and tax- Inc., Asset-Backed Certificates, Ser- natius Ntse, General Household
THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Items; Patrick Murray, clothes,
THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE that certain parcel or tract of land es, if any, on said premises and the ies 2005-9
known as: Lot 1, Block 7, Hatcher costs and disbursements, including Assignee of Mortgagee blankets, misc.; James Classen,
ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE tools, speakers, table, possibly a
Point of Sale
TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT and Hughes addition to Minneapo- attorneys fees allowed by law, sub- SHAPIRO & ZIELKE, LLP
lis. ject to redemption within 6 months BY Lawrence P. Zielke - 152559 couch, half drum set; Lauren Wil-
AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. liams, homegoods
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that de- This is Abstract Property. from the date of said sale by the Melissa L. B. Porter - 0337778
TAX PARCEL NO.: 06-028-23-34- mortgagor(s) the personal represen- Randolph W. Dawdy - 2160X Facility 3: #1865 - 6150 Bak-
fault has occurred in the conditions er Road Minnetonka, MN
of the following described mort-
tatives or assigns.
Gary J. Evers - 0134764
Tracy J. Halliday - 034610X 55345 on July 24th 2019 at
4:00 PM
Mortgagor:Andrew Bravo, an un- 3600 36th Ave S ERTY: If the real estate is an owner- Attorneys for Mortgagee
Minneapolis, MN 55406 occupied, single-family dwelling, Shapiro & Zielke, LLP Clayton Carlson, Furniture
married person, individually Facility 4: #1842 – 2960 Em-
Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS unless otherwise provided by law, 12550 West Frontage Road, Suite
LOCATED: Hennepin the date on or before which the 200 Burnsville, MN 55337 pire Lane Plymouth, Minne-
Registration Systems, Inc. as nomi- sota 55447 – July 24th at
nee for Town and Country Banc ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF mortgagor(s) must vacate the prop- (952) 831-4060
MORTGAGE: $40,000.00 erty, if the mortgage is not reinstat- THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM 11:00 am
Mortgage Services, Inc. Jeremy Bernhardt, General House-
Dated: 04/01/2016 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO ed under section 580.30 or the A DEBT COLLECTOR
BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE: property is not redeemed under sec- 6/11, 6/18, 6/25, 7/2, 7/9, 7/16/19 hold items
Recorded: 04/22/2016 Facility 5: #8862 - 2701 Ne-
Ramsey County Recorder Document $65,728.94 tion 580.23, is 11:59 p.m. on Janu- Star Tribune
That prior to the commencement of ary 30, 2020, or the next business vada Ave N New Hope MN
No. A04603660 55427 on July 24th 2019 at
Assigned To: Town and Country this mortgage foreclosure proceed- day if January 30, 2020 falls
D6 • S TA R T R I B U N E BUSINESS T U E S DAY, J U LY 16, 2019


Deutsche Bank wipes out 18,000 jobs

Deutsche Bank revealed
details of a long-awaited $8.3
billion restructuring plan.
Its investment-banking divi-
sion will bear the brunt. The
troubled lender will close
its global equity-trading
unit and cut 18,000 people
from its 91,500 workforce. It JEENAH MOON • NYT
will also create a “bad bank” Deutsche Bank
to house unwanted assets. will close its global
Christian Sewing, Deutsche equity-trading unit.
Bank’s chief executive, hopes
the move will cut costs by almost $7 billion a year.
Analysts responded to the restructuring by saying it
was long overdue.

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan sacked

Murat Cetinkaya, the governor of the country’s cen-
tral bank, and suggested that the institution needs
an overhaul. Cetinkaya was apparently ousted for
refusing the president’s request to lower interest
rates. Erdogan seemingly wants greater control of
monetary policy, a stance that has previously con-
tributed to runs on the Turkish lira.

Britain’s Information Commissioner’s Office, a data-

privacy regulator, said it would fine British Airways
$230 million over a data breach last summer. In June
DAVID J. PHILLIP • Associated Press 2018 criminals hacked into BA’s website and stole per-
A Bossa Nova robot scanned shelves to help provide associates with real-time inventory data at a Walmart Supercenter in Houston. sonal data, including the names, addresses and credit-
card details of around 500,000 customers. It was the

Giant retailers race to get

first fine Britain handed out under the E.U.’s new
General Data Protection Regulation, which greatly
increased the size of potential penalties.

Stock markets in the U.S. soared after Jerome Pow-

you what you want faster

ell, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, hinted that
the central bank is looking to cut interest rates this
month. Investors piled into shares after Powell cited
concerns that the trade war with China and a global
slowdown could hurt growth in the U.S.

Virgin Galactic said that it was planning an initial

Walmart, Amazon and Alibaba use which it went from laggard to world-beater. public offering. The firm, which hopes to take its
innovation and technology for speed. The robots come out after dark in Hang- first paying passengers into space early next year,
zhou. Seven hundred of them are moving may be valued at $1.5 billion. Negotiations over a $1
ECONOMIST around in a large distribution center run billion investment from Saudi Arabia’s sovereign-
by China Post, the state-run postal carrier. wealth fund ended last year after the murder of
Greg Smith is obsessed with the fresh- These flat yellow workhorses made by Lib- Jamal Khashoggi, a journalist, by Saudi operatives
ness of strawberries. iao, a local startup, work through the night in Istanbul.
Walmart’s top U.S. supply-chain execu- sorting packages for delivery across China.
tive is overhauling the retail giant’s distri- Workers scan packages and place them on The United States began an investigation into
bution system, and in his mind speed is the devices. The robots make their way to France’s planned digital-services tax. The Trump
paramount. the chute for the destination city among administration says the 3% levy on the French rev-
Strawberries have only 12.2 days of life scores of openings and drop the packages enue of big internet firms unfairly targets U.S. com-
after picking, he reckons, and the firm did in. On the floor below the packages are panies like Google and Amazon. Its probe could
not always get them to stores fast enough. whisked from the chutes to waiting lorries. result in the U.S. imposing tariffs or other trade
The radical changes he is introducing can restrictions. Several European countries are mull-
sometimes cut three to four days out of their China blends cutting edge, affordability ing digital taxes, though all say they would prefer
journey to the store. JULIO CORTEZ • Associated Press Amazon leads in the use of robots in a global deal — which the OECD, a club of rich
In the past, Walmart had a one-size-fits- Amazon has invested in fulfillment logistics, but China’s entrepreneurs have countries, is trying to broker.
all approach to its supply chain, he said, centers and automation to support its the edge in speed. Mainland innovators
but now it is fast-tracking certain perish- “low cost, always in stock” idea. are capable of cutting-edge inventions, for A profit warning from BASF, the world’s largest
able and quick-selling goods. It used to keep example in facial-recognition software. maker of chemicals, weighed heavily on the German
inventories stored at warehouses, but now it However, they are also good at frugal engi- stock market. The company slashed its forecast for
is “flowing” priority goods directly to retail- neering, throwing together cheap solutions full-year earnings by 30%. In response its share price
ers. When trucks get to stores, fresh items that can get to market faster than the gold- slid by 5%. The company blamed a global economic
are sent directly to shelves. plated ones favored by Western innovators. slowdown, caused by the trade war between the U.S.
To gauge progress, visit a Walmart outlet Xia Huiling, who co-founded Libiao with and China, as well as a “particularly strong” downturn
near the company’s headquarters in Ben- her husband, eschewed complex artificial in car manufacturing, for the downgrade.
tonville, Ark. A robot made by Bossa Nova, intelligence and navigation systems that
a Californian startup, roams the isles scan- would have made each robot autonomous, A Brazilian judge ordered Vale, a mining giant, to pay
ning every shelf for out-of-stock items. The in order to keep the system affordable. Her full compensation for damage caused when one of
back of the store houses a semi-automated dumb robots merely follow trajectories its dams in the north of the country broke in Janu-
system for unloading trucks. The stock- calculated centrally. Through Tompkins, ary, killing at least 248 people. Vale must pay for all
room is surprisingly bare. An inspection of a U.S. supply-chain firm, Libiao is trying the effects of the disaster, including the cost of the
the produce aisles confirms that the straw- an inventive business model too. Retailers economic hit to the region. The judge said it was still
berries are, indeed, delectably fresh. facing seasonal demand spikes can lease not possible to calculate a final figure for the total
The story of the speedy strawberry illus- a handful of robots for as long as needed. amount Vale will have to pay.
trates a broader transformation. “Retail “They are plug and play,” Xia said.
before Walmart was slow, lumbering and NG HAN GUAN • Associated Press Libiao is one of the promising startups GLOBAL POLITICS FROM THE ECONOMIST
inefficient,” said an industry veteran. in which GLP, a privately held Singapore
The firm revolutionized supply chains
A staff member celebrated Alibaba’s
Singles Day after it set a record of logistics investment firm, has a stake. Victor HK’s Lam says extradition bill ‘dead’
once, before the arrival of the internet, by more than $30 billion. Mok, GLP’s China co-president, is introduc- Carrie Lam, Hong Kong’s chief execu-
stripping out inefficiencies in logistics and ing logistics parks with smart gates and load- tive, declared that a controversial extra-
telling the world’s biggest brands that it ing docks for expedited clearing of lorries dition bill was “dead.” Protesters were
would manage their product flow through its year each with the firm, more than double as well as automation inside warehouses. not satisfied. They have demanded the
superior supply chain. Now it wants to repeat the amount spent by non-Prime shoppers. Through its investment in startup Incep- formal withdrawal of the bill, which
the trick for a more digitized age. Smith said The firm operates dozens of fulfillment tio, it is developing autonomous trucks, too. would allow Hong Kongers suspected
Walmart is replacing all its supply-chain sys- centers and has splashed out on automation. Not far from the China Post warehouse of crimes in mainland China to be sent Lam
tems, physical and digital, to shift from batch With the aid of machine-learning algorithms, is the headquarters of Alibaba, the world’s there to stand trial. The bill was the initial
processing to continuous replenishment. robots work in tandem with humans to pick biggest e-commerce firm by transaction spark for weeks of massive demonstrations, which
Upstream, the firm is investing in tech- and pack items speedily. By one estimate, volume. On its campus is an outlet of Hema now appear certain to continue.
nologies that he hopes will allow it to track Amazon can usually ship a parcel hours after Xiansheng, a chain in which it has a stake.
individual stock-keeping units (SKUs) an online purchase despite operating with It looks like a conventional supermarket, Mexico’s finance minister, Carlos Urzúa, resigned
through the supply chain. Its warehouses are a third less inventory than typical retailers. albeit with an unusually large selection of after claiming that the administration of Presi-
introducing automatic storage and retrieval By employing predictive models, the firm Maine lobsters. On closer inspection, many dent Andrés Manuel López Obrador had made his
systems and autonomous vehicles (AVs). works out where orders are likely to come shoppers appear to be leaving without prof- job impossible and had forced his ministry to hire
This month, the firm will open an automated from. It then uses its knowledge of consum- fering payment. Bags of groceries whiz by unqualified people. Urzúa, a social democrat, was
facility in California that will handle three ers to manage capacity, place products closer on an overhead conveyor system. a voice of prudence in the cabinet of the populist
times the volume of ordinary ones. to them and determine delivery routes. Its Hema has invested in the technologies leftist president.
Walmart is moving faster downstream, integrated model gives it a massive data needed to combine online and offline shop-
too. It is working with Alert Innovation, an advantage over rivals that allows it “to have ping. In-store shoppers can pay using facial- The ambassadors of 22 countries on the U.N. Human
automation startup, to develop a robot that visibility through the entire supply chain,” recognition. The flying groceries go to wait- Rights Council have signed a letter criticizing China’s
can fill online grocery orders more quickly. said Udit Madan, its last-mile-delivery guru. ing couriers, who deliver online orders free mass internment of Uighurs in camps.
It is crowdsourcing the last-mile delivery within a 2-mile radius within 30 minutes.
of orders through a service called Spark The competition heats up Cainiao, Alibaba’s logistics platform, is Japan accused South Korea of failing to fully enforce
Delivery. All this is producing results. Pro- Now the race is heating up. In April, Ama- investing $14.5 billion upgrading logistics international sanctions against North Korea.
ductivity at distribution centers, measured zon announced plans to spend $800 million to ensure next-day delivery in China and
in cases per hour, went up 13% in 18 months. upgrading its supply-chain infrastructure in three-day delivery worldwide. “Our ware- At least 20 people were killed in tribal violence in a
Billions of dollars have been stripped out of the second quarter to speed up free delivery house system is the most heavily used in the remote area in the highlands of Papua New Guinea.
inventory. In the most recent quarter, same- worldwide, from two days to one. In May, world,” said Ben Wang of Cainiao. Pregnant women and children were among the vic-
store U.S. sales were up 3.4% on the previous Walmart fired back. It unveiled free one-day Last year, on Nov. 11, a shopping extrava- tims.
year and e-commerce sales up 37%. delivery on more than 200,000 items in its ganza known as Singles Day, the firm sold
On May 1, Walmart implemented a new online store for orders over $35. It expects $30 billion-worth of goods. Shoppers wear- Kyriakos Mitsotakis, leader of Greece’s center-right
policy under which suppliers must meet the service, which requires no membership, ing virtual-reality goggles could buy stuff New Democracy party, won an overall majority at a
tougher “On Time, In Full” targets for deliv- to be available in most of the United States with a flick of the head. Cainiao delivered general election, thanks to a 50-seat top-up that is
eries of stock or else suffer hefty fines. On by the end of this year. It will spend over the first 100 million parcels (of 1 billion given to the party that wins the most seats.
June 7, it unveiled a new service that allows $200 million on infrastructure. orders) within 2.6 days, better than 2.8 days
customers who order groceries online to Complexity and variability in the a year earlier. A Nigerian court ordered the seizure of $40 million
have them delivered directly into their fridge. messy megalopolises of emerging markets Amazon is looking at drones and autono- in jewelry from a former oil minister, Diezani Alison-
Said one Walmart executive: “A competi- (because of the lack of formal addresses, mous robots for the last mile, which it con- Madueke. Muhammadu Buhari, who won a second
tor who will remain nameless … is forcing say, and standstill traffic) spur innovation. siders the choke point for fast delivery. term as Nigeria’s president earlier this year, cam-
all of us to think differently, and we should.” In such markets, his drivers carry handheld Ask Amazon’s Madan to look five years paigned on a promise to reduce corruption.
Amazon’s introduction of the idea of “low devices that allow the cancellation of orders ahead and he predicts that product selec-
cost, always in stock” is turbocharging inno- up to a minute before delivery. tion will grow and delivery will get even A U.N. report accused Venezuela’s security forces of
vation. The new front-line is next-day deliv- The rich-world giants are right to look faster. “Thirty minutes,” he said. “Maybe 15.” killing almost 7,000 people between January 2018 and
ery. More than half of Amazon’s U.S. custom- to the developing world for inspiration. How can the rest of the industry keep May this year.
ers — some 100 million people — are Prime China is leapfrogging from ropy logistics pace with supercharged superstars like
members who pay an annual fee to get free to supercharged supply chains, just as it did Amazon and Alibaba? The only hope is for João Gilberto, the man who sang “The Girl from
two-day shipping. They spend about $1,400 a with e-commerce and mobile payments, in them to make their supply chains smarter. Ipanema,” died at age 88 in Rio de Janeiro.
Superman flies back Ask Amy: How to handle
to Year One. E6 Star Tribune Features: Ranked 2nd in nation a drama machine. E7
Awarded by the national Society for Features Journalism (2017)

T U E S DAY, J U LY 16, 2019 S TA R T R I B U N E . C O M / VA R I E T Y • S E C T I O N E

More parents are embracing
the idea of the only child.

STAR TRIBUNE illustration • iStock

Their one and only

By CAITLIN GIBSON •Washington Post but the various alternatives — “singletons,” oritize personal and career goals, as couples

“onelings,” “one-offspring” — never stuck. So marry and start their families later in life, more
hey rush up to him sometimes after a we are left to ponder the only child. parents find themselves mulling the logisti-
poetry reading, wanting to talk — not More American parents are doing that, cal, financial and philosophical possibilities
just because Billy Collins is a beloved because more American parents are rais- of a smaller family: What would it mean for
former U.S. poet laureate, but because ing them: The proportion of mothers who them if they had only one child? What would
he is a poet who began his autobiographical had one child at the end of their childbear- it mean for their offspring?
poem “Only Child” with the simple declara- ing years doubled from 11% in 1976 to 22% in When they ask Collins, he assures them
tion: “I never wished for a sibling, boy or girl.” 2015, according to Pew Research Center, and that he found his circumstances, growing up
“I come across a lot of people who say, ‘Oh, census data show the trend continuing to tick in New York City in the 1950s, ideal.
I was an only child,’ or, ‘I have an only child,’ steadily upward. “On weekends, I’d run around with this rag-
and they’re concerned about this,” Collins Only-child families — the fastest-growing amuffin gang of friends, but at a certain point
said. “There are certain anxieties that parents family unit in the United States — are in the in the day I would break off and go and hide
have about the only child being deprived of midst of a sea change. Families are shrinking, somewhere. I really enjoyed just being alone,”
social abilities.” and improvements in gender equality have he said. “What’s wrong with being alone?”
Even the term feels tinged with melancholy, made childbearing more of a question than a At a child’s birthday party in Madison, Wis.,
some undercurrent of not-quite-enoughness, given. As Gen X and millennial women pri- See ONLY CHILD on E3 Ø

“The smaller family is definitely here to stay. One child is a family.”

Susan Newman, social psychologist

The hazards of opera-going al fresco T U E S D AY R E A D

REVIEW: Dodgy weather

Noir meditation on
marred an intriguing update
of “Così fan Tutte” at Mill City. race, class, murder
By TERRY BLAIN F I C T I O N : Set in Italy, “The Color Inside a Melon”
Special to the Star Tribune
explores the violent death of a Somali immigrant.
Strange things can happen when By MARK ATHITAKIS • Washington Post
you go to an outdoor opera perfor-
mance. Halfway through Act One of John Domini’s sagely genre-tweaking fourth novel, “The
Mozart’s “Così fan Tutte” at the Mill Color Inside a Melon,” is in some ways an old-fashioned
City Museum ruins in downtown noir. It’s set in Naples, a city with a seedy underbelly.
Minneapolis on Sunday evening, a There’s a corpse, of course — in this case that of a Somali
public address announcement cut migrant. There’s a crime that speaks to the darker recesses
into the music and called all the of humanity — rumors of a snuff film, filmed at a dance
actors and musicians offstage. party. And most essentially, there’s a would-be detective
A few spots of rain threatened, but who’s out of his depth but can’t leave well enough alone.
a shower failed to develop. Twenty The ersatz gumshoe would be Aristofano, aka Risto,
minutes later the show restarted, another Somali refugee who’s planted roots in Italy after
without the orchestra, only to shut escaping his homeland’s violence 15 years earlier. That’s
down again when some real rain fell. long enough to establish himself as the owner of a promi-
In the hourlong interval that fol- nent gallery bearing the evocative, biblical name of Wind &
lowed, the singers moved indoors Confusion. But he’s also been around long enough to know
to the museum lobby, where they DAN NORMAN his existence there will always be suspect and provisional.
See OPERA on E3 Ø Sarah Larsen, Heather Johnson and Karin Wolverton in Mill City’s “Così fan Tutte.” See TUESDAY READ on E3 Ø
E2 • S TA R T R I B U N E VA R I E T Y T U E S DAY, J U LY 16, 2019



2906 Hennepin Ave., 612-823-3005 ROCHESTER ST. LOUIS PARK
MAIDEN (PG) (DVS,CC) (1:00, 3:10, 5:20), 7:30, PARAGON CHATEAU (CMX) SHOWPLACE ICON 14
RWC = REAR WINDOW CAPTIONING 18635 Ulysses St. NE, 763-434-7256 Hwy. 52 at Upper 55th St., . 9:35 Descriptive Video Services; Handicap 3450 East Circle Drive NE, 507-282-2020 16th St. & West End Blvd., in The Shops at West End
CC = CLOSED CAPTIONED • CRAWL (R) (CC) 11:05, 1:10, 3:15, 5:20, 7:25, 9:30
2D; CC; HI; No Passes; Recliner; Reserved Accessible; Hard of Hearing; Reserved Seating , 612-568-0375
Seating; VIN CRAWL (R) 11:00, 12:25, 1:10, 2:35, 3:20, 4:45, 5:30,
OC = OPEN CAPTIONED (3-D,DVS,CC) 12:30, 1:30, 3:00, 4:30, 6:00, 7:30, 9:00 6:55, 7:40, 9:05, 9:50 Assisted Listening; Recliner
• FIRECRACKERS (NR) (CC) 11:00, 7:35 WALKER ART CENTER (IND.) • CRAWL (R) (DVS,CC) (12:40, 3:10, 5:20), 7:40, 9:50
OCDA = OPEN CAPTIONED & DESCRIPTIVE AUDIO RealD 3D; Recliners; Reserved Seating 1750 Hennepin Ave., 612-375-7600 STUBER (R) 11:30, 12:15, 1:50, 2:35, 4:10, 4:55, 6:30,
2D; CC; HI; No Passes; Recliner; Reserved
DP = DIGITAL PROJECTION Seating; VIN CRAWL (R) (DVS,CC) 12:40, 3:10, 5:15, 8:00, 10:30 7:20, 8:50, 9:40 Assisted Listening; Recliner DVS-Descriptive Video
VIN = VISUALLY IMPAIRED NARRATIVE • STUBER (R) (CC) 10:15, 12:30, 2:45, 4:55, 7:15, Recliners; Reserved Seating MIDSOMMAR (R) 1:00, 4:05, 7:10, 10:15 Assisted • CRAWL (R) (DVS,CC) 11:00 PM DVS-Descriptive
9:45 2D; CC; HI; No Passes; Recliner; Reserved STUBER (R) (DVS,CC) 1:50, 4:20, 7:45, 10:10 Listening; Recliner Video; ICON-X
• MIDSOMMAR (R) (CC) 12:00, 5:50
Recliners; Reserved Seating
12:00, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00, 5:00, 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00,
Video; ICON-X; VIP
ANDOVER CINEMA (CEC) 2D; CC; HI; No Passes; Recliner; Reserved 4:00, 7:40, 10:30 AMC Independent; English
Seating; VIN EMAGINE MONTICELLO 10:00 Assisted Listening; Recliner • STUBER (R) (DVS,CC) (1:50, 4:20), 6:50, 9:20, 10:20
1836 NW Bunker Lake Blvd., 763-754-3000 Subtitles; Recliners; Reserved Seating 9375 Deegan Avenue, 763-295-5007 YESTERDAY (PG13) 11:05, 1:45, 4:25, 7:05, 9:45 • SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13) (CC) MIDSOMMAR (R) (DVS,CC) 12:20, 3:15, 6:50, DVS-Descriptive Video
10:30, 11:30, 12:20, 1:20, 2:00, 2:30, 3:20, 4:10, 4:40, • CRAWL (R) (CC) 11:20, 1:50, 4:30, 7:10, 9:30 Assisted Listening; Recliner
CRAWL (R) 10:45, 12:45, 2:45, 4:45, 7:10, 9:15 10:10 AMC Independent; Recliners; Reserved 2D; CC; HI; No Passes; Reserved Seating; VIN • MIDSOMMAR (R) (DVS,CC) (1:40, 4:45), 7:50,
Reserved 5:35, 6:10, 7:00, 8:25, 9:00, 9:50 2D; CC; HI; No ANNABELLE COMES HOME (R) 7:50, 10:20 10:55 DVS-Descriptive Video
Seating • STUBER (R) (CC) 12:30, 2:50, 5:10, 7:30, 9:50
STUBER (R) 9:45, 12:15, 2:40, 5:00, 7:20, 9:45 Passes; Recliner; Reserved Seating; VIN Assisted Listening; Recliner
• YESTERDAY (PG13) (CC) 10:00, 12:50, 3:40, 6:30, SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13) 2D; CC; HI; No Passes; Reserved Seating; VIN SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13)
Reserved • MIDSOMMAR (R) (CC) 8:50 2D; CC; HI; No TOY STORY 4 (G) 11:15, 12:00, 1:40, 2:25, 4:05, 4:50,
9:20 2D; CC; HI; No Passes; Recliner; Reserved (DVS,CC) 12:00, 1:00, 2:00, 4:00, 5:00, 7:00, 8:00, (DVS,CC) (1:30) 3D; DVS-Descriptive Video
MIDSOMMAR (R) 6:40, 9:40 Reserved 10:00 Recliners; Reserved Seating Passes; Reserved Seating; VIN 6:30, 7:10, 9:00, 9:30 Assisted Listening; Recliner
• ANNABELLE COMES HOME (R) (CC) 2:55, 8:50 YESTERDAY (PG13) (DVS,CC) 1:10, 4:05, 7:05, • SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13) (CC)
9:45, 12:30, 12:45, 3:30, 3:40, 6:30, 6:45, 7:20, 9:30, 10:00, 10:30, 1:00, 1:30, 4:00, 5:00, 7:00, 8:00, 10:00 5:40 Assisted Listening; Recliner (DVS,CC) (12:00, 3:00, 4:30), 6:00, 7:30, 9:00, 10:40
9:40 No Complimentary Passes; Reserved 2D; CC; HI; No Passes; Recliner; Reserved 10:05 Recliners; Reserved Seating
Seating; VIN ANNABELLE COMES HOME (R) (DVS,CC) 2:10, 2D; CC; HI; No Passes; Reserved Seating; VIN ROCKETMAN (R) 11:00, 1:45, 4:30, 7:15, 10:00 DVS-Descriptive Video
YESTERDAY (PG13) 10:30, 1:30, 4:15, 7:00, 9:45 • SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13) (CC) Assisted Listening; Recliner SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13)
Reserved • TOY STORY 4 (G) (CC) 10:40, 1:00, 3:50, 6:30, 4:50, 7:45, 10:20 Recliners; Reserved Seating
8:50 2D; CC; HI; No Passes; Recliner; Reserved 11:00, 2:30, 6:00, 9:00 ALADDIN (PG) 12:15, 3:15, 6:15, 9:15 Assisted (DVS,CC) (1:00, 4:00), 7:00, 10:00 DVS-Descriptive
ANNABELLE COMES HOME (R) 9:40, 12:00, CHILD’S PLAY (R) (DVS,CC) 10:25 PM CC; HI; MONSTER; Monster; No
Seating; VIN Recliners; Reserved Seating Listening; Recliner Video; Dolby Atmos; ICON-X
2:30, 5:00, 7:20, 9:40 Reserved • THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS 2 (PG) (CC) 11:10, Passes; Reserved Seating; VIN
TOY STORY 4 (G) 9:30, 10:15, 12:00, 12:30, 2:15, TOY STORY 4 (G) (DVS,CC) 12:15, 1:45, 2:45, • YESTERDAY (PG13) (CC) 11:30, 3:00, 6:30, 9:10 SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13)
2:40, 4:30, 4:50, 6:40, 8:50 Reserved Passes; Recliner; Reserved Seating; VIN 4:45, 5:30, 6:45, 7:40, 9:15, 10:15 2D; CC; HI; No Passes; Reserved Seating; VIN (DVS,CC) (1:00, 4:00), 7:00, 10:00 DVS-Descriptive
THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS 2 (PG) 10:00, 12:15, Recliners; Reserved Seating • ANNABELLE COMES HOME (R) (CC) 10:50, 12
Video; Dolby Atmos; ICON-X; VIP
2:30, 4:30 Reserved MEN IN BLACK: INTERNATIONAL (PG13) 1:20, 3:50, 6:20, 9:20 2D; CC; HI; No 2171 Superior Drive N.W., 507-206-5500
ALADDIN (PG) 10:20, 1:15, 4:00, 6:50, 9:30 EDEN PRAIRIE (DVS,CC) 3:30, 10:15 Recliners; Reserved Seating Passes; Reserved Seating; VIN • CRAWL (R) 11:20, 1:20, 3:20, 5:20, 7:20, 9:20 No SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13)
Reserved THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS 2 (PG) (DVS) 12:10, • TOY STORY 4 (G) (CC) 10:40, 12:20, 1:40, 3:20, Passes (DVS,CC) (2:00, 5:00), 8:00 DVS-Descriptive
AMC EDEN PRAIRIE MALL 18 2:30, 5:05 Recliners; Reserved Seating 4:20, 5:40, 6:40, 8:40, 9:40 2D; CC; HI; No • STUBER (R) 10:50, 1:00, 3:10, 5:20, 7:30, 9:40 No Video; ICON-X
8251 Flying Cloud Drive - Suite 4000, .
ROCKETMAN (R) (DVS,CC) 6:40 Passes; Reserved Seating; VIN
SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME 3D (PG13) Recliners; Reserved Seating MIDSOMMAR (R) 12:50, 3:50, 6:50, 9:45 (DVS,CC) (2:00, 5:00), 8:00 DVS-Descriptive
AMC CLASSIC APPLE VALLEY 15 ALADDIN (PG) (DVS,CC) 1:15, 4:15, 7:15, 10:20 2:00, 9:30 2D; CC; HI; No Passes; Reserved • SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13) 10:50,
(3-D,DVS,CC) 2:15, 3:30, 5:15, 6:30, 8:15 RealD Seating; VIN Video; ICON-X; VIP
15630 Cedar Ave. S., . 3D; Recliners; Reserved Seating Recliners; Reserved Seating 1:40, 4:30, 7:30 No Passes YESTERDAY (PG13) (DVS,CC) (1:45, 4:40), 7:20, • THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS 2 (PG) (CC) 10:20,
BETHANY HAMILTON: UNSTOPPABLE (PG) JOHN WICK: CHAPTER 3 - PARABELLUM (R) 12:40, 2:40, 4:50, 6:50 2D; CC; HI; No • SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13) 10:00, 10:15 DVS-Descriptive Video
CRAWL (R) (DVS,CC) 5:30, 8:00 (DVS,CC) 1:45, 4:15, 6:45, 9:15 AMC (DVS) 7:20, 10:25 Recliners; Reserved Seating 12:50, 3:50, 6:50, 9:45 No Passes; Super Screen
STUBER (R) (DVS,CC) 4:45, 7:15 Passes; Reserved Seating; VIN TOY STORY 4 (G) (DVS,CC) (12:50, 2:30, 3:40,
Independent; Recliners; Reserved Seating AVENGERS: ENDGAME (PG13) (DVS,CC) 12:00, • ALADDIN (PG) (CC) 11:40, 2:20, 5:50, 8:30 • ANNABELLE COMES HOME (R) 10:45, 1:15, 4:15,
SUPER 30 (NR) 6:45 AMC Independent; English CRAWL (R) (DVS,CC) 12:30, 3:00, 5:30, 7:45, 10:00 3:40, 6:30, 9:30 Recliners; Reserved Seating 5:10), 6:30, 7:45, 9:10 DVS-Descriptive Video
2D; CC; HI; No Passes; Reserved Seating; VIN 7:00, 9:25 No Passes
Subtitles Recliners; Reserved Seating LATE NIGHT (R) (DVS,CC) (12:05, 5:40), 8:15, 10:45
MIDSOMMAR (R) (DVS,CC) 4:10 AMC • AVENGERS: ENDGAME (PG13) (CC) 10:10, 5:35 TOY STORY 4 (G) 10:30, 12:50, 3:50, 6:50, 9:20
STUBER (R) (DVS,CC) 12:55, 2:15, 4:45, 7:15, 9:45 DVS-Descriptive Video
Independent Recliners; Reserved Seating LAKEVILLE 2D; CC; HI; No Passes; Reserved Seating; VIN THE DEAD DON’T DIE (R) 9:35 PM
• MEN IN BLACK: INTERNATIONAL (PG13) 10:40, PAVAROTTI (PG13) (DVS,CC) (12:10, 2:50, 5:30),
SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13) SUPER 30 (NR) 2:55, 6:20, 9:50 AMC
(DVS,CC) 4:15, 5:00, 6:45, 7:30, 8:00 Independent; English EMAGINE LAKEVILLE 21 MOUNDS VIEW 1:20, 4:20, 7:00, 9:30 No Passes 8:10 DVS-Descriptive Video
ANNABELLE COMES HOME (R) (DVS,CC) 7:40 Subtitles; Recliners; Reserved Seating 20653 Keokuk Ave, 952-985-5324 LATE NIGHT (R) 11:15, 1:30, 4:30, 7:15, 9:30 ROCKETMAN (R) (DVS,CC) (1:20, 4:15), 7:15, 10:10
CHILD’S PLAY (R) (DVS,CC) 7:50 MIDSOMMAR (R) (DVS,CC) 12:00, 3:15, 6:35, • ARMSTRONG 10:40, 3:40 2D; No MOUNDS VIEW 15 (NEW VISION) THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS 2 (PG) 10:50, 1:00, 3:05, DVS-Descriptive Video
KABIR SINGH (NR) 6:00 AMC 9:55 AMC Independent; Recliners; Reserved Passes; Retro; Retro Theatre 2430 Hwy.10, . 5:10, 7:25 ALADDIN (PG) (DVS,CC) (1:10, 4:10), 7:10, 10:05
Independent; English Subtitles Seating • BETHANY HAMILTON: UNSTOPPABLE (PG) ALADDIN (PG) 10:30, 1:15, 4:00, 7:00, 9:45
TOY STORY 4 (G) (DVS,CC) 5:00, 7:30 SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME: THE IMAX CRAWL (R) 1:20, 3:30, 5:40, 7:50, 10:00 2D DVS-Descriptive Video
10:25, 11:50, 1:15, 2:20, 3:20, 4:45, 7:15, 9:40 2D; No AVENGERS: ENDGAME (PG13) 12:00, 3:45, 7:30 BOOKSMART (R) (DVS,CC) (2:40), 10:50 DVS-
MEN IN BLACK: INTERNATIONAL (PG13) 2D EXPERIENCE (PG13) (DVS,CC) 1:00, 4:00, STUBER (R) 1:00, 3:15, 5:30, 7:45, 10:00 2D
(DVS,CC) 4:20 7:00, 10:00 Reserved Seating Passes; Recliner; Reserved Seating SUPER 30 (NR) 2:30, 5:45, 9:00 2D; Cinema Event Descriptive Video
6:20 2D; No Passes; Retro
MIDSOMMAR (R) 2:15, 6:25, 9:30 2D ROGERS
5:15 (DVS,CC) 1:45, 4:45, 7:45 AMC SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13) 1:00,
ROCKETMAN (R) (DVS,CC) 4:00, 6:50 Prime; Recliners; Reserved Seating • CRAWL (R) 10:20, 12:35, 2:50, 5:05, 6:25, 7:20, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00, 5:00, 5:55, 7:00, 8:00, 8:50, 9:55 2D EMAGINE ROGERS THEATRE ST. MICHAEL
ALADDIN (PG) (DVS,CC) 4:30, 7:45 SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13) 8:55, 9:50, 10:10 2D; No YESTERDAY (PG13) 1:10, 3:50, 6:30, 9:15 2D 13692 Rogers Drive, 763-428-3846
JOHN WICK: CHAPTER 3 - PARABELLUM (R) (DVS,CC) 12:15, 3:00, 6:00, 8:45, 9:00, 9:30 Passes; Recliner; Reserved Seating ANNABELLE COMES HOME (R) 1:30, 4:20, 7:05, • CRAWL (R) (CC) 9:40, 11:50, 2:20, 4:50, 7:20, 9:10, ST. MICHAEL CINEMA
(DVS,CC) 7:10 Recliners; Reserved Seating • LYING AND STEALING (R) 1:10 2D; No 9:40 2D 4300 O’Day Avenue NE, 763-400-8006
AVENGERS: ENDGAME (PG13) (DVS,CC) 7:00 9:50 2D; CC; HI; No Passes; Recliner; Reserved
YESTERDAY (PG13) (DVS,CC) 1:10, 3:55, 6:40, Passes; Retro; Retro Theatre TOY STORY 4 (G) 1:00, 1:45, 2:25, 3:25, 4:10, 4:50,
DESOLATE 4:40, 7:20 9:25 Recliners; Reserved Seating Seating; VIN
• NINNU VEEDANI NEEDANU NENE (NR) 5:50, 6:35, 7:15, 8:15, 9:00, 9:40 2D
TOY STORY 4 (G) (DVS,CC) 1:15, 2:00, 3:45, 4:35, THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS 2 (PG) 1:40, 4:00 2D • STUBER (R) (CC) 9:10, 11:40, 2:10, 4:40, 7:10, 8:30, • CRAWL (R) 11:55, 1:50, 3:45, 5:45, 7:45, 9:45
12:20, 3:15, 6:10, 9:05 2D; No
GREAT CLIPS IMAX THEATRE (IND.) 6:15, 7:10, 9:05, 9:55 Recliners; Reserved Seating ROCKETMAN (R) 6:55, 9:45 2D 9:40 2D; CC; HI; No Passes; Recliner; Reserved • STUBER (R) 10:35, 12:45, 2:55, 5:05, 7:15, 9:25
Passes; Recliner; Reserved Seating
At entrance of Minnesota Zoo, 952-431-IMAX MEN IN BLACK: INTERNATIONAL (PG13) ALADDIN (PG) 1:05, 3:55, 6:45, 9:35 2D Seating; VIN • MIDSOMMAR (R) 10:00, 12:55, 3:50, 6:45, 9:40
(DVS,CC) 5:55 Recliners; Reserved Seating • STUBER (R) 11:30, 2:00, 3:45, 4:30, 7:00, 9:00, 9:30, AVENGERS: ENDGAME (PG13) 1:05, 4:50, 8:35 • MIDSOMMAR (R) (CC) 9:00, 12:10, 3:20, 6:30, 9:40 SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13) 10:15,
THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS 2 (PG) (DVS,CC) 10:15 2D; No Passes; Recliner; Reserved Seating
2D 2D; CC; HI; No Passes; Recliner; Reserved
12:00, 3:40 Recliners; Reserved Seating • MIDSOMMAR (R) 11:45, 2:55, 6:05, 9:10 2D; No 11:15, 1:00, 2:00, 3:45, 4:45, 5:15, 7:30, 8:00, 9:15
Seating; VIN
ROCKETMAN (R) (DVS,CC) 12:40, 3:50, 6:55, 9:45 Passes; Retro; Retro Theatre SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13) 10:45,
1:30, 4:15, 7:00, 9:40 Eiffel Screen (70 foot screen-
ALADDIN (PG) (DVS,CC) 12:05, 3:05, 6:05, 9:20 11:00, 12:00, 12:30, 1:30, 2:00, 3:00, 3:30, 4:25, 5:00, 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, 12:30, 1:00, 1:30, 2:00, 2:30, 4:00,
PARAGON ODYSSEY (CMX) NEW HOPE CINEMA GRILL 4:30, 5:00, 5:30, 6:00, 7:30, 8:00, 9:00 2D; CC; HI; No 4K resolution)
Recliners; Reserved Seating 6:00, 6:30, 7:30, 8:00, 9:00, 9:25 2D; No
14401 Burnhaven Drive, 952-892-3456 JOHN WICK: CHAPTER 3 - PARABELLUM (R) 2749 Winnetka Avenue North, 763-417-0017 Passes; Recliner; Reserved Seating; VIN SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME 3D (PG13)
Passes; Recliner; Reserved Seating 12:20, 3:25, 6:35, 9:40 Recliners; Reserved Seating • SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13) (CC) • SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13) (CC) 10:30, 1:15, 4:00, 6:45, 9:30
CRAWL (R) 10:05, 10:50, 12:20, 1:20, 2:40, 3:40, AVENGERS: ENDGAME (PG13) (DVS,CC) 1:05 A DOG’S JOURNEY (PG) 2:45 9:00, 12:00, 3:30, 7:00, 10:00 YESTERDAY (PG13) 11:35, 2:10, 4:45, 7:15, 9:50
10:00, 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 10:00 POKÈMON DETECTIVE PIKACHU (PG) 2:15,
5:10, 6:10, 7:30, 8:30, 9:45, 10:15 Assisted Recliners; Reserved Seating CC; HI; MONSTER; Monster; No ANNABELLE COMES HOME (R) 10:00, 12:15, 2:35,
Listening; Recliner CC; HI; MONSTER; Monster; No 6:30
Passes; Recliner; Reserved Seating; VIN Passes; Recliner; Reserved Seating; VIN 4:55, 7:15, 9:35
STUBER (R) 10:40, 11:40, 12:55, 2:10, 3:10, 4:40, AVENGERS: ENDGAME (PG13) 12:00, 3:30, 7:00
5:40, 7:00, 8:00, 9:15, 10:15 Assisted EDINA • YESTERDAY (PG13) 10:35, 1:20, 4:05, 6:50, 9:35 SHAZAM! (PG13) 8:30
• YESTERDAY (PG13) (CC) 9:50, 12:40, 3:50, 6:40, TOY STORY 4 (G) 10:30, 11:00, 11:30, 1:45, 4:00,
Listening; Recliner 2D; No Passes; Recliner; Reserved Seating DUMBO (PG) 12:20, 6:00 9:30 2D; CC; HI; No Passes; Recliner; Reserved
6:15, 8:30
MIDSOMMAR (R) 12:25, 3:30, 6:35, 9:40 Assisted AMC SOUTHDALE 16 • ANNABELLE COMES HOME (R) 4:15, 9:55 US (R) 8:45 Seating; VIN
69th St. & France Ave., . • ANNABELLE COMES HOME (R) (CC) 10:00 PM THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS 2 (PG) 10:45, 12:45,
Listening; Recliner 2D; No Passes; Retro; Retro Theatre HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON: THE HIDDEN WORLD (PG) 12:00 PM 2D; CC; HI; No Passes; Recliner; Reserved 2:45, 4:45, 6:45
SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME: THE IMAX • TOY STORY 4 (G) 10:15, 11:15, 12:15, 1:00, 1:45,
2D EXPERIENCE (PG13) 11:00, 1:55, 4:50, 7:45 SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME 3D (PG13) 2:45, 3:45, 4:40, 5:15, 5:45, 7:05, 7:45, 9:45 2D; No Seating; VIN ROCKETMAN (R) 12:45, 3:20, 5:55, 8:30
(3-D,DVS,CC) 4:45 RealD 3D; Recliners; Reserved ALADDIN (PG) 10:15, 12:55, 3:35, 6:20, 9:05
Assisted Listening; Recliner
SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13) 10:00, Seating Passes; Recliner; Reserved Seating
• TOY STORY 4 (G) 8:50 2D; No
5:40, 8:20 2D; CC; HI; No Passes; Retro; Retro AVENGERS: ENDGAME (PG13) 1:20, 8:45
12:55, 1:25, 3:50, 4:20, 6:45, 7:15, 9:40 Assisted BETHANY HAMILTON: UNSTOPPABLE (PG)
(DVS,CC) 1:45, 4:30, 7:15, 10:10 AMC Passes; Retro; Retro Theatre MARCUS OAKDALE CINEMA Theatre; VIN
Listening; Recliner • TOY STORY 4 (G) (CC) 10:30 AM
SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME 3D (PG13) Independent; Recliners; Reserved Seating
CRAWL (R) (DVS,CC) 12:15, 2:45, 5:30, 8:10, 10:30
10:50, 1:40, 6:55 2D; No Passes; Retro; Retro
5677 Hadley Avenue North, 651-770-4994 2D; AFF; Autism Friendly; CC; HI; No
11:30, 2:25, 5:20, 8:15 Assisted Listening; Recliner
Recliners; Reserved Seating Theatre SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13) Passes; Recliner; Reserved Seating; VIN
YESTERDAY (PG13) 10:55, 1:40, 4:25, 7:10, 10:00 STUBER (R) (DVS,CC) 2:15, 5:00, 7:45, 10:15 (Ultrascreen) 10:15, 1:20, 4:25, 7:30, 10:35 GRANDVIEW 1 & 2 (MANN)
Assisted Listening; Recliner • THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS 2 (PG) 10:10, 12:25, • TOY STORY 4 (G) (CC) 9:20, 10:10, 11:10, 11:50,
Recliners; Reserved Seating 2:40, 4:50, 7:05, 9:15 2D; No Passes; Retro; Retro 2D; DLounge; Reserved Seating; Ultra 1:40, 2:40, 4:20, 5:10, 6:50, 7:40, 9:20 2D; CC; HI; No 1830 Grand Ave., 651-698-3344
ANNABELLE COMES HOME (R) 10:00, 12:30, MIDSOMMAR (R) (DVS,CC) 3:00, 6:15, 9:50 AMC CRAWL (R) 8:00, 10:50 2D; Big Screen Bistro
3:00, 5:30, 8:05 Assisted Listening; Recliner Theatre Passes; Recliner; Reserved Seating; VIN
Independent; Recliners; Reserved Seating • ROCKETMAN (R) 10:45, 1:35, 4:20, 7:10, 10:05 Expres; DLounge; Reserved Seating • MEN IN BLACK: INTERNATIONAL (PG13) (CC) SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13) (12:45,
TOY STORY 4 (G) 10:10, 11:20, 1:45, 4:10, 6:35, SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME: THE IMAX CRAWL (R) 9:45, 12:05, 2:30, 4:50, 7:15, 9:30, 11:40
9:00 Assisted Listening; Recliner 2D EXPERIENCE (PG13) (DVS,CC) 12:00, 3:15, 2D; No Passes; Recliner; Reserved Seating 10:40, 1:20, 4:10, 7:15, 10:00 2D; CC; HI; No 3:45), 6:45, 9:30
2D; DLounge; Reserved Seating
THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS 2 (PG) 10:20, 1:05 6:30, 9:45 Reserved Seating • ALADDIN (PG) 9:55, 12:55, 3:50, 6:40, 9:35 STUBER (R) 9:30, 11:55, 2:20, 4:50, 7:10, 8:35, 9:30, Passes; Retro; Retro Theatre; VIN YESTERDAY (PG13) (12:10, 2:35, 4:55), 7:15, 9:40
Assisted Listening; Recliner SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13) 2D; No Passes; Recliner; Reserved Seating 11:00, 11:50 2D; DLounge; Reserved Seating • THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS 2 (PG) (CC) 9:20,
ROCKETMAN (R) 4:00, 6:55, 9:55 Assisted (DVS,CC) 12:30, 3:45, 7:00, 10:10 Dolby Cinema at • AVENGERS: ENDGAME (PG13) 11:05, 8:30 MIDSOMMAR (R) 9:40, 1:00, 4:20, 7:40, 10:55 10:50, 1:10, 3:40, 5:50, 8:10 2D; CC; HI; No
Listening; Recliner HIGHLAND 1 & 2 (MANN)
AMC Prime; Recliners; Reserved Seating 2D; No Passes; Recliner; Reserved Seating 2D; DLounge; Reserved Seating Passes; Retro; Retro Theatre; VIN
ALADDIN (PG) 12:10, 3:20, 6:30, 9:30 Assisted 760 Cleveland Ave. S., 651-698-3085
SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13) • WE CHOSE TO GO TO THE MOON 6:30 SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13) 6:50, • ROCKETMAN (R) (CC) 9:15, 12:15, 3:00, 6:10, 8:50
Listening; Recliner (DVS,CC) 1:00, 1:30, 4:15, 7:30, 8:00 2D; No Passes; Recliner; Reserved Seating 10:05 2D; Big Screen Bistro
AVENGERS: ENDGAME (PG13) 12:35, 4:35, 8:35 2D; CC; HI; No Passes; Retro; Retro Theatre; VIN
Recliners; Reserved Seating Expres; DLounge; Reserved Seating TOY STORY 4 (G) (12:15, 2:30, 4:55), 7:15, 9:30
Assisted Listening; Bonus Content; Recliner • ALADDIN (PG) (CC) 9:10, 12:20, 3:10, 6:20, 9:20
YESTERDAY (PG13) (DVS,CC) 12:00, 3:15, 6:15, SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13) 11:30, ROCKETMAN (R) (12:00, 2:20, 4:40), 7:25, 9:50
9:30 Recliners; Reserved Seating MAPLE GROVE 2:45, 6:00, 9:15 2D; Big Screen Bistro
2D; CC; HI; No Passes; Recliner; Reserved
Seating; VIN
12:45, 3:30, 6:45, 9:40 Recliners; Reserved Seating AMC ARBOR LAKES 16
Expres; DLounge; Reserved Seating; Super
TOY STORY 4 (G) (DVS,CC) 12:00, 12:45, 2:30, 12575 Elm Creek Boulevard North, . 10:55, 11:40, 11:55, 2:05, 2:35, 2:55, 5:05, 5:35, 5:50, 4:45, 8:40 2D; CC; HI; No 1029 Hudson Road, 651-772-2253
Hwy. 169 & 117th, 763-712-9955 3:45, 5:00, 6:45, 7:45, 9:30, 10:30 8:10, 8:45, 11:05, 11:30, 11:40 Passes; Recliner; Reserved Seating; VIN Recliners; Reserved Seating SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME 3D (PG13) 2D; DLounge; Reserved Seating
WILD ROSE (R) (DVS,CC) 1:45, 4:30, 7:15, 10:00 SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13) 9:45,
TOY STORY 4 (G) (10:15, 10:25, 12:25, 12:35,
2:35, 2:45, 4:50, 4:55), 7:05, 7:20, 9:15, 9:25 AMC Independent; Recliners; Reserved Seating
(3-D,DVS,CC) 2:30, 3:15, 6:30 RealD 3D; Reserved
Seating 12:50, 3:55, 7:00, 9:55 2D; DLounge; Reserved ROSEMOUNT
(DVS,CC) 12:15 PM Recliners; Reserved Seating YESTERDAY (PG13) 10:40, 1:25, 4:15, 7:05, 9:50 MARCUS ROSEMOUNT CINEMA 120 W. Kellogg Blvd., 651-221-9444, TDD 651-221-4585
THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS 2 (PG) (10:15, 12:15, (DVS,CC) 1:30, 4:15, 7:00 AMC
2:15, 4:15), 6:15, 8:15 Reserved THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS 2 (PG) (DVS,CC) 2D; DLounge; Reserved Seating 15280 Carrousel Way, 651-322-4600
1:30, 4:00 Recliners; Reserved Seating Independent; Reserved Seating
SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13) (9:15, CRAWL (R) (DVS,CC) 1:15, 3:30, 6:00, 8:45 ANNABELLE COMES HOME (R) 9:15, 12:00, 2:35, • CUBA : JOURNEY TO THE HEART OF THE
9:30, 12:15, 12:30, 3:30, 4:30), 6:30, 7:10, 9:30, 9:50 ROCKETMAN (R) (DVS,CC) 3:00, 10:00 5:15, 7:50, 10:25 2D; DLounge; Reserved Seating SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13)
Recliners; Reserved Seating Reserved Seating CARIBBEAN 2:00
Reserved TOY STORY 4 (G) 9:10, 10:20, 12:30, 1:30, 4:00, (Ultrascreen) (9:15, 9:45, 12:30, 1:00, 3:45, 4:15), 7:00,
ALADDIN (PG) (DVS,CC) 2:45, 6:00, 9:20 SAVING ZOÎ (R) 1:00, 3:30 Reserved Seating 5:00 2D; Big Screen Bistro
ALADDIN (PG) (9:30, 12:15, 4:00), 6:45, 9:35 7:30, 10:15, 10:45 2D; DLounge; Reserved
Reserved Recliners; Reserved Seating
STUBER (R) (DVS,CC) 1:00, 3:30, 6:00, 8:30
Reserved Seating
Expres; DLounge; Reserved Seating Seating; Ultra WACONIA
STUBER (R) (10:20, 10:40, 12:20, 12:40, 2:30, 2:40, TOY STORY 4 (G) 8:50, 9:55, 11:15, 12:20, 1:40, CRAWL (R) (9:15, 11:45, 2:15, 4:45), 7:15, 9:45
(DVS,CC) 6:30, 9:50 Recliners; Reserved Seating MIDSOMMAR (R) (DVS,CC) 6:00 AMC 2:45, 4:10, 5:10, 6:40, 7:35, 9:05, 10:00
4:25, 4:35), 7:15, 7:25, 9:30, 9:40 Reserved AVENGERS: ENDGAME (PG13) (DVS,CC) 6:00 2D; DLounge; Reserved Seating EMAGINE WACONIA
CRAWL (R) (10:10, 10:25, 12:10, 12:25, 2:20, 2:25, Independent; Reserved Seating 2D; DLounge; Reserved Seating
Recliners; Reserved Seating SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME: THE IMAX MEN IN BLACK: INTERNATIONAL (PG13) 8:55 STUBER (R) (9:30, 12:00, 2:35, 5:10), 7:45, 10:20 101 West 1st Street, 952-442-5885
4:45, 4:55), 7:30, 7:40, 9:25, 9:35 Reserved
2D EXPERIENCE (PG13) (DVS,CC) 1:00, 4:15, 7:30 2D; DLounge; Reserved Seating 2D; DLounge; Reserved Seating For the most accurate showtimes please visit
YESTERDAY (PG13) (9:35, 12:05, 2:25, 4:45), 7:30,
9:50 Reserved EDINA THEATRE (LANDMARK) Reserved Seating THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS 2 (PG) 9:20, 11:35, MIDSOMMAR (R) (1:15, 4:30), 7:45, 10:55
MIDSOMMAR (R) (10:00, 1:00, 4:00), 7:00, 9:50 50th St. & France Ave. S., 952-920-8796 SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13) 1:50, 4:05 2D; DLounge; Reserved Seating 2D; DLounge; Reserved Seating • STUBER (R) (CC) 10:35, 1:15, 3:55, 6:35, 9:15
Reserved ALADDIN (PG) 9:50, 12:45, 3:50, 6:45, 9:50 SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13) (10:00,
TONI MORRISON: THE PIECES I AM (PG13) (DVS,CC) 1:45, 5:00, 5:45, 8:15, 9:00 Reserved 2D; CC; HI; No Passes; Recliner; Reserved
ANNABELLE COMES HOME (R) (9:50, 12:05, Seating 2D; DLounge; Reserved Seating 10:30, 1:35, 4:50), 8:00, 11:00 2D; DLounge; Reserved
(CC) (1:30, 4:15), 7:00, 9:40 Handicap JOHN WICK: CHAPTER 3 - PARABELLUM (R) Seating; VIN
2:20, 4:40), 7:25, 9:45 Reserved YESTERDAY (PG13) (DVS,CC) 1:45, 4:45, 7:45 Seating
SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13) (9:45, Accessible; Hard of Hearing 10:15 PM 2D; DLounge; Reserved Seating • SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13) (CC)
LATE NIGHT (R) (DVS,CC) (2:10, 4:30), 6:50, 9:20 Reserved Seating YESTERDAY (PG13) (10:15, 1:20, 4:25), 7:35, 10:35
12:45, 3:45), 6:45, 9:45 Reserved; in XDX AVENGERS: ENDGAME (PG13) 6:20 2D; DLounge; Reserved Seating 10:00, 11:30, 1:05, 2:30, 4:10, 5:30, 7:15, 8:30
Descriptive Video Services; Handicap ANNABELLE COMES HOME (R) (DVS,CC) 1:15, 2D; DLounge; Reserved Seating
Accessible; Hard of Hearing 3:45, 6:15 Reserved Seating ANNABELLE COMES HOME (R) 6:25, 9:15 2D; CC; HI; No Passes; Recliner; Reserved
2D; DLounge; Reserved Seating Seating; VIN
4:00), 7:15, 9:30 Handicap Accessible; Hard of Seating Exit 57 at I-694, . TOY STORY 4 (G) (9:20, 11:55, 2:35, 5:10), 7:45, • YESTERDAY (PG13) (CC) 10:00, 12:45, 3:30, 6:15,
CHANHASSEN CINEMA (FIVE STAR CINEMAS) Hearing TOY STORY 4 (G) (DVS,CC) 1:30, 2:45, 4:00, 5:15, 10:20 2D; DLounge; Reserved Seating 9:00 2D; CC; HI; No Passes; Recliner; Reserved
570 Market St., 952-697-0866 THE SPY BEHIND HOME PLATE (NR) (CC) 6:45, 7:45 Reserved Seating CRAWL (R) 11:20, 1:40, 4:05, 6:30, 7:30, 9:00, 9:45 THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS 2 (PG) (9:05, 11:25, Seating; VIN (2:00, 4:45), 7:25, 9:45 Handicap Accessible; Hard 1:45, 4:05) 2D; DLounge; Reserved Seating
CRAWL (R) (12:00, 2:25, 4:40), 6:55, 9:30 (DVS,CC) 5:15 Reserved Seating STUBER (R) 11:45, 12:20, 2:00, 3:10, 4:45, 5:40, 7:10, ALADDIN (PG) (9:00, 12:10, 3:20), 6:30, 9:40
STUBER (R) (11:25, 1:55, 4:15), 6:45, 9:10 2D; CC; HI; No Passes; Recliner; Reserved
THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS 2 (PG) (DVS,CC) 7:50, 9:20, 10:00 2D 2D; DLounge; Reserved Seating
(10:45, 1:35, 4:35), 6:30, 7:30, 9:25
ELK RIVER 2:30, 4:45 Reserved Seating MIDSOMMAR (R) 12:25, 3:30, 6:35, 9:40 2D Seating; VIN
SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13) 11:00, • TOY STORY 4 (G) (CC) 10:45, 1:20, 3:55, 6:30,
YESTERDAY (PG13) (11:30, 2:00, 4:35), 7:10, 9:45 MARCUS ELK RIVER CINEMA
ROCKETMAN (R) (DVS,CC) 2:15, 8:15 Reserved
Seating 11:30, 12:45, 1:45, 2:15, 3:30, 4:30, 5:00, 6:15, 7:15, ROSEVILLE 9:05 2D; CC; HI; No Passes; Recliner; Reserved
TOY STORY 4 (G) (11:00, 1:30, 4:00), 6:30, 9:05 570 Freeport - Elk River Mall, 763-441-1234 7:45, 10:00 2D
THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS 2 (PG) (11:50, 2:15, ALADDIN (PG) (DVS,CC) 2:00, 5:00, 8:00 Seating; VIN SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME 3D (PG13) AMC ROSEDALE 14
4:20) Reserved Seating 9:00 PM 3D • THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS 2 (PG) (CC) 10:30,
CRAWL (R) 10:50, 11:50, 1:15, 2:15, 3:40, 4:40, 6:10, 1595 Highway 36 W - Space #1000, .
ROCKETMAN (R) (1:00, 3:50), 6:40, 9:25 7:10, 8:30, 9:30, 10:35 2D; Reserved JOHN WICK: CHAPTER 3 - PARABELLUM (R) ANNABELLE COMES HOME (R) 12:10, 2:35, 5:00, 12:50, 3:10, 5:45 2D; CC; HI; No
ALADDIN (PG) (12:20, 3:20), 6:20, 9:10 Seating; Stadium (DVS,CC) 7:15 Reserved Seating 7:25, 9:50 2D Passes; Recliner; Reserved Seating; VIN
STUBER (R) 10:40, 11:40, 1:10, 2:10, 3:45, 4:45, 6:25, AVENGERS: ENDGAME (PG13) (DVS,CC) 6:00 TOY STORY 4 (G) 11:00, 11:30, 12:45, 1:30, 2:00, D,DVS,CC) 3:20, 6:30, 9:40 RealD 3D; Reserved
COLUMBIA HEIGHTS 7:25, 8:55, 9:55 2D; Reserved Seating; Stadium
MIDSOMMAR (R) 9:50, 1:05, 4:20, 7:35, 10:40
Reserved Seating
MISS ARIZONA (2018) (NR) 1:00, 3:30
3:15, 4:00, 4:30, 5:45, 7:00, 7:30, 8:00, 9:30, 10:00 2D
DARK PHOENIX (PG13) 11:30, 2:00, 4:30 2D
2D; Reserved Seating; Stadium Reserved Seating THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS 2 (PG) 11:15, 1:30, CRAWL (R) (DVS,CC) 1:40, 4:10, 6:40, 10:20
HEIGHTS THEATER (IND.) Reserved Seating
40th & Central Av. NE., 763-788-9079 SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13) 10:00, 4:15 2D EMAGINE WHITE BEAR
10:45, 11:35, 1:00, 1:50, 2:40, 4:00, 4:50, 5:40, 7:00, GODZILLA: KING OF THE MONSTERS (PG13) STUBER (R) (DVS,CC) 12:10, 2:30, 5:00, 8:00, 10:20
ROCKETMAN (R) 4:15, 7:10 7:50, 10:00, 10:35 2D; Reserved Seating; Stadium MAPLEWOOD 7:00, 9:50 2D Reserved Seating
1180 County Road J, 651-653-3243
• CRAWL (R) (CC) 11:40, 2:10, 4:40, 7:10, 9:40
YESTERDAY (PG13) 10:35, 1:20, 4:10, 6:55, 9:40 ALADDIN (PG) 11:00, 1:45, 4:30, 7:15, 10:00 2D MIDSOMMAR (R) (DVS,CC) 12:20, 3:35, 6:50, 9:10
2D; Reserved Seating; Stadium THE PLAZA THEATRE AVENGERS: ENDGAME (PG13) 1:00, 5:00, 9:00 AMC Independent; Reserved Seating 2D; CC; HI; No Passes; Recliner; Reserved
COON RAPIDS ANNABELLE COMES HOME (R) 11:45, 2:20, 1847 East Larpenteur, (651)287-2700 2D SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME: THE IMAX Seating; VIN
4:55, 7:30, 10:05 2D; Reserved Seating; Stadium 2D EXPERIENCE (PG13) (DVS,CC) 12:00, 3:00, 6:00, • STUBER (R) (CC) 11:50, 2:20, 4:50, 7:20, 9:50
AMC SHOWPLACE COON RAPIDS 16 TOY STORY 4 (G) 9:55, 10:55, 12:25, 1:25, 2:55,
Hwy. 10 at Foley Blvd., . 3:55, 5:25, 6:30, 7:55, 9:00, 10:25 2D; Reserved
A DOG’S JOURNEY (PG) 6:00 A dog finds the
meaning of his own existence through the lives
PLYMOUTH 9:00 Reserved Seating 2D; CC; HI; No Passes; Recliner; Reserved Seating; Stadium SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13) Seating; VIN
of the humans he meets! PLYMOUTH GRAND 15 (MANN) (DVS,CC) 12:30, 4:00, 7:00, 10:00 Dolby Cinema at • MIDSOMMAR (R) (CC) 10:45, 2:15, 5:45, 9:05
(3-D,DVS,CC) 12:15, 2:00, 2:45, 3:15, 5:00, 6:00, 6:45, 2:35, 4:55, 7:05, 9:20 2D; Reserved 3400 Vicksburg Lane, 763-551-0000 AMC Prime; Recliners; Reserved Seating 2D; CC; HI; No Passes; Recliner; Reserved
Seating; Stadium Documentary about a couple working to SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13)
8:00, 10:00 RealD 3D; Recliners; Reserved Seating; VIN
Seating GODZILLA: KING OF THE MONSTERS (PG13) develop a sustainable farm outside of Los All Luxury Loungers (DVS,CC) 1:00, 4:20, 7:20, 9:20 Reserved Seating
9:50, 12:50, 3:50, 6:50, 9:50 2D; Reserved Angeles! JOHN WICK: CHAPTER 3 - PARABELLUM (R) • SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13) (CC)
CRAWL (R) (DVS,CC) 12:00, 2:40, 5:15, 7:45, 10:00 YESTERDAY (PG13) (DVS,CC) 1:50, 4:40, 7:30, 10:15
Recliners; Reserved Seating Seating; Stadium THE HUSTLE (PG13) 8:15 Crime comedy starring (9:45, 12:45, 3:45), 9:30 Reserved; Reserved 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, 11:30, 12:00, 12:30, 1:00, 2:00, 2:30,
Seating Reserved Seating
STUBER (R) (DVS,CC) 1:45, 4:15, 6:45, 9:15 ROCKETMAN (R) 10:15, 1:30, 4:20, 7:20, 10:10 Anne Hathaway and Rebel Wilson! 3:00, 3:30, 4:00, 5:00, 5:35, 6:00, 6:30, 7:00, 8:00, 8:35,
TOY STORY 4 (G) (9:30, 10:00, 11:45, 12:15, 2:00, ANNABELLE COMES HOME (R) (DVS,CC) 1:30,
Recliners; Reserved Seating 2D; Reserved Seating; Stadium POKÈMON DETECTIVE PIKACHU (PG) 1:15, 9:00, 9:30, 10:00 2D; CC; HI; No
ALADDIN (PG) 10:10, 1:05, 4:05, 7:15, 10:15 2:30, 4:15, 5:00), 6:30, 7:15, 8:45 4:30, 7:05, 9:50 Reserved Seating
MIDSOMMAR (R) (DVS,CC) 3:05, 6:25, 9:40 7:00 A boy comes across an intelligent Pikachu Passes; Recliner; Reserved Seating; VIN
2D; Reserved Seating; Stadium Reserved; Reserved Seating TOY STORY 4 (G) (DVS,CC) 12:45, 2:00, 4:30, 7:10,
AMC Independent; Recliners; Reserved Seating who seeks to be a detective!
JOHN WICK: CHAPTER 3 - PARABELLUM (R) ROCKETMAN (R) 9:25 PM Reserved; Reserved 9:40 Reserved Seating • YESTERDAY (PG13) (CC) 10:10, 1:10, 4:10, 7:15,
SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13) POMS (PG13) 2:30 Comedy about a cheer
(DVS,CC) 12:15, 1:15, 3:30, 4:30, 6:30, 7:45, 9:30 8:40 2D; Reserved Seating; Stadium Seating WILD ROSE (R) (DVS,CC) 1:10, 3:50, 6:20, 10:10 10:10 2D; CC; HI; No Passes; Recliner; Reserved
leading squad in a retirement community! THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS 2 (PG) (9:15, 11:15,
Recliners; Reserved Seating AVENGERS: ENDGAME (PG13) 10:30, 2:25, 6:20, AMC Independent; Reserved Seating Seating; VIN
10:05 2D; Reserved Seating; Stadium UGLYDOLLS (PG) 12:30 PM The dolls confront 1:15, 3:15, 5:15), 7:15, 7:25, 9:30
YESTERDAY (PG13) (DVS,CC) 1:10, 4:10, 7:00, what it means to be different! GODZILLA: KING OF THE MONSTERS (PG13) • ANNABELLE COMES HOME (R) (CC) 12:50, 3:50,
9:55 Recliners; Reserved Seating Reserved; Reserved Seating (DVS,CC) 5:10 Reserved Seating
SHAZAM! (PG13) 4:25 Superhero action AVENGERS: ENDGAME (PG13) (10:30, 2:30), 6:15 6:50, 9:55 2D; CC; HI; No
3:40, 6:15, 9:00 Recliners; Reserved Seating
EXCELSIOR adventure comedy starring Zachary Levi! Bonus Footage; Reserved; Reserved Seating
ROCKETMAN (R) (DVS,CC) 2:00, 8:15 Reserved Passes; Recliner; Reserved Seating; VIN
DORASANI (NR) 9:55 PM Reserved; Reserved Seating
CHILD’S PLAY (R) (DVS,CC) 10:00 PM EXCELSIOR DOCK (FIVE STAR CINEMAS) • TOY STORY 4 (G) (CC) 10:00, 10:40, 12:20, 1:35,
ALADDIN (PG) (DVS,CC) 12:30, 3:50, 6:50, 9:50
Recliners; Reserved Seating 26 Water Street, 952-697-0868 MINNEAPOLIS Seating
ALADDIN (PG) (9:45, 12:45, 3:45), 7:00, 10:00 Reserved Seating 3:10, 4:05, 5:55, 6:40, 8:25, 9:10 2D; CC; HI; No
TOY STORY 4 (G) (DVS,CC) 1:30, 2:15, 4:15, Passes; Recliner; Reserved Seating; VIN
4:45, 6:45, 7:15, 9:15, 9:45 Recliners; Reserved Reserved; Reserved Seating JOHN WICK: CHAPTER 3 - PARABELLUM (R)
Seating (11:15, 1:45, 4:15), 6:50, 9:20 1320 Lagoon Ave., 612-823-3020
THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS 2 (PG) (DVS,CC) 10:15, 12:30, 1:15, 3:30, 4:15), 6:30, 9:30 AVENGERS: ENDGAME (PG13) (DVS,CC) 1:20, 1:20, 7:05 2D; CC; HI; No
TOY STORY 4 (G) (11:00, 1:10, 3:15), 5:30, 7:35, Reserved; Reserved Seating
12:05, 2:25, 4:40 Recliners; Reserved Seating 9:45 8:30 Reserved Seating Passes; Recliner; Reserved Seating; VIN
No Texting Allowed STUBER (R) (9:15, 9:30, 11:15, 11:30, 1:15, 1:30, 3:15,
GODZILLA: KING OF THE MONSTERS (PG13) ROCKETMAN (R) (11:00, 1:35, 4:10), 6:45, 9:20 • LATE NIGHT (R) (CC) 10:20, 4:20, 10:05
MIDSOMMAR (R) (DVS,CC) (2:00, 5:00), 8:00 3:30, 5:15, 5:30), 7:15, 7:30, 9:30
(DVS,CC) 1:05, 7:00 Recliners; Reserved Seating
ROCKETMAN (R) (DVS,CC) 6:55, 9:50 Descriptive Video Services; Handicap Reserved; Reserved Seating SHAKOPEE 2D; CC; HI; No Passes; Recliner; Reserved
Recliners; Reserved Seating HASTINGS Accessible; Hard of Hearing YESTERDAY (PG13) (9:25, 12:00, 2:25, 4:45), 7:25, Seating; VIN
ALADDIN (PG) (DVS,CC) 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 9:45 TOY STORY 4 (G) (DVS,CC) (2:40, 5:10), 7:25, 9:50 Reserved; Reserved Seating MARCUS SHAKOPEE CINEMA • THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS 2 (PG) (CC) 10:05,
Recliners; Reserved Seating MARCUS HASTINGS CINEMA 9:40 Descriptive Video Services; Handicap CRAWL (R) (9:00, 11:00, 1:00, 3:00, 5:00), 7:00, 7:15, Shakopee Town Square Mall, 952-445-5300 10:35, 1:05, 3:40, 6:20, 8:55 2D; CC; HI; No
JOHN WICK: CHAPTER 3 - PARABELLUM (R) 1325 South Frontage Road, 651-438-9700 Accessible; Hard of Hearing 9:00, 9:30 Reserved; Reserved Seating
MIDSOMMAR (R) (9:30, 12:30, 3:30), 6:30, 9:30 Passes; Recliner; Reserved Seating; VIN
(DVS,CC) 4:05, 10:00 Recliners; Reserved WILD ROSE (R) (CC) (2:20, 4:40), 7:00, 9:20 CRAWL (R) 1:05, 3:20, 5:30, 7:45, 9:55 2D; Reserved
CRAWL (R) (10:00, 12:20, 2:40, 5:00), 7:20, 8:30, Reserved; Reserved Seating • ROCKETMAN (R) (CC) 11:35, 2:40, 5:40, 8:40
Seating Handicap Accessible; Hard of Hearing Seating; Stadium
AVENGERS: ENDGAME (PG13) (DVS,CC) 1:55, 9:50, 10:30 2D; Reserved Seating; Stadium ANNABELLE COMES HOME (R) (11:15, 1:45, 2D; CC; HI; No Passes; Recliner; Reserved
THE DEAD DON’T DIE (R) (DVS,CC) (2:25, 4:50), 4:15), 6:45, 9:30 Reserved; Reserved Seating DORASANI (NR) 3:50, 9:40 -IND; -
6:00, 9:00 Recliners; Reserved Seating STUBER (R) (9:55, 12:20, 2:45, 5:10), 7:30, 10:05 Seating; VIN
2D; Reserved Seating; Stadium 7:30, 10:00 Descriptive Video Services; Handicap SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13) (9:45, Telugu; 2D; Reserved Seating; Stadium
Accessible; Hard of Hearing STUBER (R) 12:55, 3:15, 5:35, 7:55, 10:10 • ALADDIN (PG) (CC) 11:20, 2:25, 6:10, 9:15
MIDSOMMAR (R) (9:40, 12:50, 4:00), 7:05, 9:35 12:45, 3:45), 6:45, 9:45 Reserved; Reserved
DELANO 2D; Reserved Seating; Stadium THE LAST BLACK MAN IN SAN Seating; in XDX 2D; Reserved Seating; Stadium 2D; CC; HI; No Passes; Recliner; Reserved
SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13) (9:40, FRANCISCO (R) (DVS,CC) (2:05, 4:45), 7:15, 9:55 SUPER 30 (NR) 12:50, 4:20, 6:20, 9:45 -Hindi; - Seating; VIN
EMAGINE DELANO 5 10:30, 12:25, 1:25, 3:20, 4:20), 6:15, 7:15, 9:00, 10:00 Descriptive Video Services; Handicap EMAGINE WILLOW CREEK IND; 2D; Reserved Seating; Stadium • AVENGERS: ENDGAME (PG13) (CC) 3:20, 7:30
4423 US Highway 12, 763-972-3587 2D; Reserved Seating; Stadium Accessible; Hard of Hearing 9900 Shelard Parkway, 763-591-5921 OH BABY (TELUGU) (NR) 12:40, 3:55, 6:30, 9:40 - 2D; CC; HI; No Passes; Recliner; Reserved
• CRAWL (R) (CC) 11:10, 1:30, 4:00, 6:30, 9:00 YESTERDAY (PG13) (10:45, 1:30, 4:20), 7:10, 10:00 • CRAWL (R) (CC) 12:10, 2:30, 4:50, 7:10, 9:30 IND; -Telugu; 2D; Reserved Seating; Stadium
2D; Reserved Seating; Stadium Seating; VIN
2D; CC; HI; No Passes; Recliner; Reserved PARKWAY THEATER (IND.) 2D; CC; HI; No Passes; Recliner; Reserved MIDSOMMAR (R) 12:35, 3:45, 6:55, 10:05
Seating; VIN TOY STORY 4 (G) (9:45, 10:45, 12:10, 1:10, 2:35, 4814 Chicago Ave. S.,, 612-822-3030 Seating; VIN 2D; Reserved Seating; Stadium
11:00, 12:30, 2:10, 3:40, 5:15, 6:45, 8:20, 9:50
3:35, 5:00), 6:00, 7:25, 9:55 2D; Reserved
Seating; Stadium • STUBER (R) (CC) 11:20, 2:00, 4:40, 7:20, 10:10 SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13) 1:00, WOODBURY
2D; CC; HI; No Passes; Recliner; Reserved
2D; CC; HI; No Passes; Recliner; Reserved ALADDIN (PG) (10:15, 1:10, 4:05), 7:00, 9:50 Seating; VIN 4:00, 7:00, 10:05 2D; Reserved Seating; Stadium
Seating; VIN 2D; Reserved Seating; Stadium ANNABELLE COMES HOME (R) 12:55, 3:35, 7:50, WOODBURY 10 THEATRE (IND.)
• MIDSOMMAR (R) (CC) 11:50, 3:10, 6:30, 9:50
• ANNABELLE COMES HOME (R) (CC) 7:20, RIVERVIEW THEATER (IND.) 2D; CC; HI; No Passes; Recliner; Reserved 10:15 2D; Reserved Seating; Stadium 1470 Queens Dr., 651-731-0606
3800 42nd Ave. S., 612-729-7369
9:55 2D; CC; HI; No Passes; Recliner; Reserved
Seating; VIN
Seating; VIN
TOY STORY 4 (G) 12:30, 2:50, 5:15, 7:40, 10:00
2D; Reserved Seating; Stadium
CRAWL (R) 11:05, 1:15, 3:25, 5:35, 7:45, 9:55
• TOY STORY 4 (G) (CC) 11:20, 1:45, 4:25, 7:00, HOPKINS CINEMA 6 (MANN - DISCOUNT) UGLYDOLLS (PG) (DVS,CC) 11:15 AM (CC-DVS) 10:10, 11:00, 11:40, 12:30, 1:20, 2:10, 2:50, 3:40, 4:30, THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS 2 (PG) 12:45, 2:55, 5:05, STUBER (R) 10:45, 12:55, 3:10, 5:20, 7:30, 9:45
9:35 2D; CC; HI; No Passes; Recliner; Reserved 1118 Main St., 952-931-7992 POKÈMON DETECTIVE PIKACHU (PG) 5:20, 6:00, 6:50, 7:40, 8:30, 9:10, 10:00 2D; CC; HI; No 7:15, 9:30 2D; Reserved Seating; Stadium
Seating; VIN Passes; Recliner; Reserved Seating; VIN SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13) 11:00, (DVS,CC) 1:00 (CC-DVS) GODZILLA: KING OF THE MONSTERS (PG13)
• THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS 2 (PG) (CC) 12:00, RED JOAN (R) (DVS,CC) 2:50 (CC-DVS) YESTERDAY (PG13) (CC) 10:00, 12:50, 4:10, 7:00, 1:00, 2:00, 4:00, 5:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:15
GODZILLA: KING OF THE MONSTERS (PG13) 12:50, 6:45 2D; Reserved Seating; Stadium
2:25, 4:40 2D; CC; HI; No 12:30, 4:00, 7:00, 9:40 A DOG’S JOURNEY (PG) (DVS,CC) 4:40 (CC- 9:45 2D; CC; HI; Recliner; Reserved Seating; VIN YESTERDAY (PG13) 10:55, 1:40, 4:15, 6:50, 9:25
Passes; Recliner; Reserved Seating; VIN ANNABELLE COMES HOME (R) (CC) 10:05 PM ALADDIN (PG) 12:40, 3:30, 7:10, 9:55 2D; Reserved
SHAFT (R) 12:10, 2:30, 4:50, 7:30, 9:40 DVS) Seating; Stadium ANNABELLE COMES HOME (R) 11:55, 2:25, 4:55,
POKÈMON DETECTIVE PIKACHU (PG) 12:15, BOOKSMART (R) (DVS,CC) 8:30 (CC-DVS) 2D; CC; HI; Recliner; Reserved Seating; VIN 7:25, 9:50
DUNDAS 2:20, 4:35 THE BIGGEST LITTLE FARM (PG) 6:45 TOY STORY 4 (G) (CC) 10:30, 1:00, 3:50, 6:20,
BOOKSMART (R) 12:15, 2:30, 4:45, 7:15, 9:45
ANNA (R) 12:05, 2:25, 4:55, 7:25, 9:45 LATE NIGHT (R) (CC) 7:30 8380 Hansen Avenue, 952-445-5300 TOY STORY 4 (G) 10:40, 11:25, 1:10, 1:55, 3:40, 4:25,
CANNON VALLEY CINEMA 10 ST. ANTHONY MAIN (IND.) 2D; CC; HI; Recliner; Reserved Seating; VIN 6:05, 6:55, 9:50
404 Schilling Drive, 507-366-3456 MA (R) 7:05, 9:35
115 Main St. S.E., 612-331-4723 • PAVAROTTI (PG13) (CC) 12:00, 3:20, 6:10, 9:00 SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13) THE DEAD DON’T DIE (R) 8:30 2D; CC; HI; No Passes; Recliner; Reserved
CRAWL (R) (DVS,CC) 11:00, 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 7:00,
7:45, 9:00, 9:35 CC/DVS-Closed; Luxury
HUDSON CRAWL (R) (1:05, 4:05), 7:05, 9:55 Seating; VIN
(Ultrascreen) 9:50, 10:40, 12:45, 1:35, 3:40, 4:30, 7:00,
7:30, 9:55, 10:25 2D; DLounge; Reserved
THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS 2 (PG) 11:20, 1:45, 3:55,
SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13) (1:00, ROCKETMAN (R) (CC) 12:20, 3:30, 6:40, 9:40 6:10
Recliners; Reserved Seating HUDSON 12 THEATRE (CEC) 2D; CC; HI; Recliner; Reserved Seating; VIN Seating; Ultra • ALADDIN (PG) 10:40, 1:25, 4:20, 7:15
STUBER (R) (DVS,CC) 10:45, 12:50, 2:55, 5:00, 4:00), 7:00, 10:00
520 Stageline Rd., (715)386-9697 ALADDIN (PG) (CC) 10:20, 1:10, 4:20 CRAWL (R) 9:10, 11:30, 2:05, 4:45, 7:50, 10:05 AVENGERS: ENDGAME (PG13) 8:15
7:00, 7:30, 9:00, 9:30 CC/DVS-Closed; Luxury YESTERDAY (PG13) (1:10, 4:10), 7:10, 9:50 2D; CC; HI; Recliner; Reserved Seating; VIN 2D; DLounge; Reserved Seating
Recliners; Reserved Seating CRAWL (R) 12:25, 2:35, 4:05, 4:45, 7:10, 8:50, 9:40 TOY STORY 4 (G) (1:15, 4:15), 7:15, 9:45
STUBER (R) 9:20, 11:40, 2:25, 5:00, 8:00, 10:20
MIDSOMMAR (R) (DVS,CC) 6:30, 9:15 CC/DVS-
Closed; Luxury Recliners; Reserved Seating
STUBER (R) 12:15, 1:20, 2:25, 4:35, 6:35, 7:15, 9:20 MIDSOMMAR (R) 10:00 PM
11:15, 11:45, 1:25, 1:55, 2:25, 4:05, 4:35, 5:05, 6:45, RED WING CINEMA 8 2D; DLounge; Reserved Seating STARLITE DRIVE-IN
MIDSOMMAR (R) 1:00, 3:50, 6:40, 9:30 Reserved 115 Main Street SE, 612-331-3134
7:15, 9:25 SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13) 1:00, 160 Tyler Road North, 651-385-8855 SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13) 9:00, 28264 Mn Hwy 22, 320-693-6990
YESTERDAY (PG13) (DVS,CC) 11:10, 1:35, 4:00, 1:30, 3:45, 4:15, 6:30, 7:00, 7:30, 9:15, 9:45 No 11:50, 2:45, 5:40, 6:20, 8:35, 9:20
OPHELIA (PG13) (1:00), 9:45 A retelling of
6:30, 9:00 CC/DVS-Closed; Luxury Complimentary Passes; Reserved Shakespeare’s HAMLET from the perspective of CRAWL (R) 12:30, 2:35, 4:20, 6:40, 9:20 2D; DLounge; Reserved Seating
Recliners; Reserved Seating YESTERDAY (PG13) 11:50, 2:20, 4:50, 7:20, 9:50 Ophelia stars Daisy Ridley & Naomi Watts STUBER (R) 12:10, 2:20, 4:35, 6:50, 9:00 YESTERDAY (PG13) 9:30, 1:10, 4:15, 7:15, 10:15
ANNABELLE COMES HOME (R) (DVS,CC) Reserved MIDSOMMAR (R) 6:35, 9:10 2D; DLounge; Reserved Seating
Captions & Descript; Luxury Recliners 4:30, 7:25, 9:45 Reserved HENRI PICK) (NR) 7:15 2019 LumiËres 12:25, 2:05, 3:00, 4:35, 6:35, 7:05, 9:10, 9:35 11260 Hudson Boulevard, 651-436-7464
FranÁaises Film Festival! The 4th annual series 2D; DLounge; Reserved Seating
TOY STORY 4 (G) (DVS,CC) 10:30, 11:00, 12:35, TOY STORY 4 (G) 11:45, 12:30, 2:00, 2:45, 4:15, YESTERDAY (PG13) 12:25, 2:40, 4:50, 7:05, 9:20 TOY STORY 4 (G) 8:50, 10:00, 10:20, 11:05, 12:25,
1:05, 2:40, 3:10, 4:45, 5:15, 6:50, 8:55 CC/DVS- 5:00, 6:40, 8:50 Reserved celebrating new French cinema. ANNABELLE COMES HOME (R) 7:00, 9:05 SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (PG13) Show
Closed; Luxury Recliners; Reserved Seating NAKED NORMANDY (NORMANDIE NUE) TOY STORY 4 (G) 12:00, 12:30, 2:15, 2:55, 4:20, 1:00, 1:25, 2:55, 3:20, 3:55, 5:20, 6:30, 9:00
THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS 2 (PG) 12:00, 2:00, Starts at Dusk
THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS 2 (PG) (DVS,CC) 4:00 Reserved 5:00 2019 LumiËres FranÁaises Film Festival! 4:55, 7:00, 9:00 2D; DLounge; Reserved Seating
10:55, 12:50, 2:45, 4:40 CC/DVS-Closed Captions ROCKETMAN (R) 6:50, 9:35 Reserved The 4th annual series celebrating new French THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS 2 (PG) 11:55, 1:35, ALADDIN (PG) 9:40, 12:35, 3:30, 6:50, 9:40 MEN IN BLACK: INTERNATIONAL (PG13)
& Descriptive Video Serv; NP ALADDIN (PG) 12:40, 3:40, 6:40, 9:20 Reserved cinema. 3:15, 5:00 2D; DLounge; Reserved Seating THE INTRUDER (PG13)
T U E S DAY, J U LY 16, 2019 VA R I E T Y S TA R T R I B U N E • E3

A noir tale
of race,
class and
“What did the police care about
a brother cut to ribbons?” he thinks.
If he wants the case of a dead black
man solved, he’ll have to do some
of the legwork himself.
The cross-cultural vibe is just
one way in which Domini’s novel
isn’t so old-fashioned. The nar-
rative has its requisite share of
mobsters, cops and bloodshed,
but for Domini these are mainly
pegs upon which to explore Risto’s
sense of displacement and belong-
Anti-immigrant blogs agitate
against African refugees as “the
virus that could bring down all of
Europe,” and anybody who wants
to stay in the country faces, if not
outright violence, at least casual
bigotry and mountains of paper-
work. (Risto escaped the problem,
at least somewhat, by marrying an
Italian woman.)
So “Melon” functions as much
as an assimilation novel as it does
a noir. But it’s rhetorically offbeat,
as well. Domini is an enthusiast
for experimental and postmod-
ern eminences such as John Barth
and Steve Erickson, writers whose
every sentence was microscopi-
cally tweaked for meaning and
resonance. In the wrong hands,
postmodern paragraphs can read
as if they require a pickax to pen-
etrate, and the plot in “Melon” can
STAR TRIBUNE illustration • iStock
get dense, as Risto experiences

Their one and only

hallucinatory visions that put
halos around the heads of people
in photos, a “mystic Photoshop” he
often noodles over.
But as postmodern crime yarns
go, this one is pretty spry, and
especially well-turned when it
comes to Risto’s struggle to rec-
ø ONLY CHILD from E1 selfish, they’re lonely, they have more gled to build their careers and to might feel a bit unsettled at first by the oncile the crime he’s solving with
a few months ago, Carrie Kilman imaginary friends than other children confront soaring costs of living. For prospect of raising one child. the violence he witnessed in his
found herself chatting with a man — which is absolutely not true.” those who live and work in cities or “I was a little worried about her youth. The “thug economics”of
who’d brought his two kids to the cel- Hall’s theories ultimately were wish to preserve the freedom and being an only child,” Wilson said of contemporary Naples evokes
ebration. He nodded toward Kilman’s debunked by an onslaught of credible flexibility they’ve enjoyed well into her daughter, who happily bounces the worst of Mogadishu, where
3-year-old daughter and asked: Did research in the decades that followed. their 30s, having just one child can from swimming lessons to gymnas- “Risto got to see what a skull
she have siblings? Studies going back as far as 1925 have be an appealing solution. tics lessons to quiet time at home, looked like several days after the
“I said, ‘We’re happily a family of concluded that only children are vir- “Purely from a financial stand- where she likes to paint. “But my machete split it.” The novel’s title
three,’ ” Kilman said. tually indistinguishable from other point, we live in New York City, in brother-in-law is an only child, and is a deliberately queasy evocation
“And he gave me this really know- children in terms of personality. a two-bedroom apartment where he has lots of friends, and he did just of the image, a violent take on the
ing look that was more than a little While having brothers or sisters my son’s bedroom is the size of a fine. I just want to make sure she has romantic idea that we’re all the
patronizing, and he literally just said: can yield benefits — close, healthy teapot,” Rachel Nobel Fields said of enough friends that become close same on the inside.
‘Trust me, you’ll change your mind. relationships between siblings have her 6-year-old son. Sometimes, she enough to be like family to her.” Such Pollyannaish notions are
As she grows up, you’re going to want been tied to happiness well into old admitted, she and her husband strug- worth attacking, Risto figures,
to give her a sibling.’ ” age — the innumerable variables gle to keep up with just one child’s ‘It just never really came up’ because if we’re all the same on
Kilman sighed. “I’ve gotten this that shape any individual childhood activities, to say nothing of adding Sometimes an only child isn’t a the inside, our insides could use
before, several times. It usually comes make it especially difficult to draw more to the mix. question at all. some improving — especially
from men.” clear conclusions about siblings vs. “Logistically, just to try to get to all “It wasn’t so much a conscious when it comes to migrants. Naples
singletons as a whole. Overall, New- of his end-of-the-year performances, decision to not have two children as is “a city that gets older but never
A survey from 1896 man, said, the existing research sim- it’s a lot,” she said. it just never really came up,” said Beth gets anywhere,” he tells his wife
Experts generally agree that we can ply doesn’t show that only children Sometimes, one child is the result Carter, who lives in Tacoma, Wash., at one point. “Everybody stays in
trace the so-called “Only Child Syn- are at any measurable disadvantage. of both choice and chance, a result of with her husband and 7-year-old son. the piazza. Everybody sits around
drome” to Granville Stanley Hall, a And yet. a narrowing fertility window as par- “It just was never something that we the fire telling the old stories.”
pre-eminent child psychology expert “Hall’s ideas just stuck,” Newman ents wait longer to start their families. felt like we needed to do; I just did Domini’s novel is determined to
who was appointed the first president said. “As a culture, we became so “If I was younger, we probably not have the desire. The question is push the noir — and us — out of
of the American Psychological Asso- mired in the stereotype, and it’s very would have had two. But being older, so often framed as a decision not to well-worn ruts.
ciation in 1892. It was Hall’s decidedly hard to change our thinking.” and then with the expense of a child, have a second instead of a decision
unscientific 1896 survey of “peculiar But Newman believes its grip we are comfortable with one,” said to have a second, and I think that’s Mark Athitakis is a critic in Phoenix and
and exceptional children” that led on our collective consciousness Melissa Wilson, who lives with her so interesting, as if that is the default author of “The New Midwest.” He writes
him to famously declare that “being is finally loosening. “It’s changing husband and 4-year-old daughter in — that you’ll have another.” frequently for the Star Tribune.
an only child is a disease in itself.” because there are more and more Minneapolis. “We can have fun, we Still, she and her husband felt
“His study was done in an era only children, and people are seeing can give her what she needs, we don’t pressure to provide their son with a
where children were quite isolated, for themselves that only children are need to worry about it as much as if sibling — until they asked him if he The Color
they lived on farms with great dis- not lonely, they’re not odd, they’re not we had two.” wanted one. Inside a Melon
tances between them, they had great selfish.” People are often drawn to the idea He offered “a resounding no,” she By: John Domini.
workloads, and they didn’t interact of replicating a childhood model they said. Publisher: Dzanc,
with other children the way chil- Choice and chance enjoyed — or avoiding one they He isn’t the only one who feels that 340 pages, $16.95.
dren do today,” said Susan Newman, The children might not have didn’t. Which means that people who way. It’s an attitude that’s growing. Coming Sunday:
a social psychologist and author who changed over the decades, but their are close to their own siblings — such “The smaller family is definitely A review of “The
has researched only children. “He parents have. Prospective parents — as Wilson, who moved to Minnesota here to stay,” Newman said, adding, Lager Queen of
concluded that only children are both now employed — have strug- in part to be nearer to her sister — emphatically: “One child is a family.” Minnesota,” by J. Ryan Stradal.

Rain-marred Mozart shows the hazards of opera al fresco

ø OPERA from E1 Così fan Tutte sional frivolity of the characters with
skipped the first-act finale and Who: By Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. their deeper emotional complexities.
performed Act Two with a selection Produced by Mill City Summer Manich’s astute take on “Così’s”
of props and a keyboard. Opera. characters extended to Ferrando
It was a hugely frustrating evening When: 7:30 p.m. today, Thu., Sat., (Javier Abreu) and Guglielmo (Sid-
for the Mill City Summer Opera sing- Mon. and July 24. ney Outlaw), who emerged as des-
ers, who coped gallantly with the con- Where: Mill City Museum, 704 S. 2nd perately immature and short of life
stant interruptions. The 40 minutes St., Mpls. experience, not deliberately cruel
of fully staged action in Act One had Tickets: $50-$125. 612-875-5544, and unlikable.
developed an intriguing momentum Before the orchestra packed up,
before the elements turned murky. conductor Brian DeMaris drew some
This “Così” was the inaugural pro- fidelity in a thoughtlessly laid wager. warmly expressive playing at relaxed
duction of Mill City Summer Opera’s Manich turns Don Alfonso into a tempos, which gave welcome scope
new artistic director, Crystal Manich, disheveled ex-general with a drink- for the subtle nuancing of Mozart’s
who updated the opera from the 18th ing habit, who concocts the grubby scoring to register.
century to 1940s Italy. scheme more out of boredom than “Così fan Tutte” is the last show
In her reframing, the young blades any sense of malice. Baritone Andrew Mill City Summer Opera will be
Ferrando and Guglielmo are recently Wilkowske made an unusually sym- staging at Mill City Museum before
discharged soldiers returning to a pathetic impression as Alfonso, crossing town to Paikka, a renovated
town where bomb damage is evident somehow managing to suggest that industrial space in St. Paul’s Midway
and the inhabitants exude a zoned- for all his cynical maneuvering of district, for its 2020 season.
out, post-traumatic languor. the callow youthful lovers he is ulti- There, a roof is promised, with air
Their sweethearts Fiordiligi and mately doing them a favor. He sang conditioning for hot weather. Sunday
Dorabella have an edgy appetite for splendidly, and managed to survive evening’s doughty cast of performers
the amorous excitements denied the sweltering humidity in a dis- could have done with both, as could
them during war, and are cruelly tinctly unseasonal military uniform. the patient audience.
disappointed when their fiancés are Soprano Karin Wolverton and
apparently recalled to front-line duty. mezzo-soprano Sarah Larsen made Terry Blain is a freelance classical music critic DAN NORMAN
It’s all a grisly ruse, designed by Don a strong impression as Fiordiligi and for the Star Tribune. Reach him at artsblain@ Sidney Outlaw, left, and Javier Abreu are soldiers and Karin Wolverton and
Alfonso and the boys to test the girls’ Dorabella, deftly balancing the occa- Sarah Larsen their sweethearts in “Cosi fan Tutte.”
E4 • S TA R T R I B U N E VA R I E T Y T U E S DAY, J U LY 16, 2019









GET FUZZY DARBY CONLEY Darby Conley is on vacation. These strips have previously run.









T U E S DAY, J U LY 16, 2019 VA R I E T Y S TA R T R I B U N E • E5


Your birthday today: It will fill you with CANCER (June 22-July 22). Whatever SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
pride to realize that you’ve done the you’re avoiding, it’s exactly the thing Unrealistic deadlines turn up the stress
work necessary to arrive at a destina- that’s going to make you stronger and to a level that’s neither productive nor
tion you hoped for many years ago. more capable. Face it and handle it. healthy. Whatever it is you’re trying to
Next, you’ll help loved ones with their There’s no promise it will be easy, but do, give yourself more time and fatter
plans and further advance your own. you’ll be better for it, guaranteed. margins for error.
Also in the works: passions ignited on a LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Just as it is CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Angry
far-flung adventure. Libra and Scorpio human to fear what is different and be feelings are the emotional body’s at-
adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 9, 10, drawn to the safety of what is similar, it tempt at feeling powerful. Unfortunately,
4, 48 and 16. is also human (and very you) to get curi- the same anger that makes a person
ARIES (March 21-April 19). To provide ous and do the complete opposite today. feel powerful can prevent them from
ARLO ’N’ JANIS JIMMY JOHNSON yourself with comfort is more important VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). The dilem- actually being powerful.
than you’re making it, and not quite as ma you face today warrants discussion. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). There’s
easy as it would seem. This will involve Bring a few people in on it, like a think room for differing opinions. More than
some trial and error. Commit to the tank. It just so happens that the more one can be right. Also, it’s really OK to
work. When you’re comfortable, you points of view you get, the more clarity have some conflict over matters. If you
shine. you’ll have. deny conflict, it remains. Accept and
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). The reason LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Even though resolve it.
blame is so toxic is that it renders the you want to adhere to some new PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Just as IQ
blamer helpless. If the problem is some- behavioral standards, you’re already can ebb and flow, emotional IQ changes
one else’s fault, then that’s the person pretty awesome. You model values that with environmental factors, experience
who has the power to fix it. Those who you don’t even realize you’re modeling. and education. Some are born with
claim responsibility also claim power. You’ve held them so long that they’re a an impressive capacity to understand
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Align part of who you are. feelings, but emotional intelligence still
yourself with people who get measure- SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). What is takes work.
able results and be one of them yourself. the cost of inaction? Look at that closely
Feelings are fickle. Chasing them around because it’s higher than you think. When If you would like to write to Holiday
MARK TRAIL JAMES ALLEN will be tiring, confusing and pointless. you tally up all that’s lost by not making Mathis, please go to
Focus instead on improvements you can a move, you’ll find it to be a terrible and and click on “Write the Author” on the
track. needless expense. Holiday Mathis page.

1. 2.

Each Wuzzle is a rebus — a word riddle created

from combinations of words, letters, syllables,
figures or symbols, positioned to create disguised
words, phrases, names, places, sayings, etc.


Print your answers here:

Today’s answers:
1. Fatigue 2. Hot through the week


Each letter stands for

for example, it would equal
O throughout the puzzle.
Today’s cryptoquip clue:
O equals G U Z ’L L C W C V B - U Z K M B Z E .
Monday’s answer: Celebrated Romantic-era English poet who was famous for being easily
tempted: Lured Byron.



DOONESBURY GARRY TRUDEAU Garry Trudeau is on hiatus. These strips have previously run.




“My memory isn’t as good as my forgettery.”


“I’ll race you to the other “Hooray! You won!

side of the playground!” See ya tomorrow.”



E6 • S TA R T R I B U N E VA R I E T Y T U E S DAY, J U LY 16, 2019



Superman Lost in space

Sci-fi TV has an impres-
sive history of tackling the
Di classic. Still, if you’re
eager to get a preview of
the should-be blockbuster,

flies back to
kinds of social issues that this is the place to be.
Earthbound humans are 7 p.m., KSTP, Ch. 5
too chicken to face. The new
Short-order cooks

Year One
series “Pandora” clearly wantsts
to join the federation, throw- The eighth annual PBS
ing together a group of space cadets Online Film Festival was tailor-made
who learn about the upside of tol- for a generation with short attention
erance. But the ridiculous dialogue spans who still want to learn a thing
New three-issue miniseries by superstar and cheesy acting make this whole or two. This year’s slate includes
team offers coming-of-age story. adventure feel light years behind. “All Square: Justice Served in a
7 p.m., WUCW, Ch. 23 Sandwich,” a peek inside the grilled-
By DAVID BETANCOURT • Washington Post cheese diner in south Minneapolis
The jungle book operated by ex-cons. Viewers who
You could forgive comic-book readers for “The Lion King: Can You Feel the stream these documentaries can vote
thinking Frank Miller favored Batman over Love Tonight With Robin Roberts” on their favorites for a special award. GLEN STUBBE •
Superman. Miller wrote two of the Dark looks like an advertorial for direc- Now streaming on “All Square: Justice Served in a Sandwich” on features a
Knight’s most definitive tales of the ’80s: tor Jon Favreau’s new remake of the NEAL JUSTIN look at the south Minneapolis grilled cheese sandwich spot.
1986’s “The Dark Knight Returns” about a
battle-worn, older Batman, and 1987’s “Bat-
man: Year One,” which was a look at Bruce
Wayne’s rookie year under the cowl. Tuesday July 16, 2019
In “The Dark Knight Returns,” Miller’s Morning 6:00am 6:30am 7:00am 7:30am 8:00am 8:30am 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am
aged and armored Caped Crusader delivers TPT 2 Peg Arthur Jet Cat Kratts Molly (N) George Luna! Daniel Daniel Sesame Peterrific
TPTMN 2.2 Sportsman Mosaic MN Original Table Nonpartisan League Truth Planting Stories Why Transit? How Can I
bloody blows with his fists and spiked boots
TPTLIFE 2.3 (:15) Priscilla’ Yoga tasteMAKER View Quilt (N) Cook Rallo Pati’ Food Over Julia Chef Yetman (N) West: Japan.
to the jaw of a Superman serving as a by-the- WCCO 4 News Morning news. CBS This Morning Peggy Whitson. (N) WCCO Mid-Morning (N) The Price Is Right Young and the Restless (N)
book antagonist. KSTP 5 5 Eyewitness News (N) Good Morning America Eddie Hall. (N) LIVE with Kelly and Ryan The View Joel McHale. (N) 5 Eyewitness News (N)
Miller says it was KSTC 5.2 5 Eyewitness News (N) 45 News Morning News. 45 News Morning News. Paid Paid Paid Paid Face Truth Face Truth
MeTV 5.3 Hllbillies Sons Beaver Beaver Perry Mason Identity. Matlock College friends. Diag Mrdr Schizophrenic. In the Heat of Night
a fight he enjoyed Antenna 5.4 Bishop Bishop McHale’s McHale’s Father Father Dennis Dennis Hazel Hazel Partridge Partridge
crafting. ThisTV 5.6 The Avengers: Bullseye. Heat Night Gillespie. Heat Night Falsely accuse. The Saint Philanthropist. The Saint Stolen money. Interiors (‘78) K. Griffith.
But Miller also KMSP 9 FOX 9 Morning @ 6AM (N) FOX 9 Morning @ 7AM (N) FOX 9 Morning @ 8AM (N) FOX 9 Buzz Celebrity news. The Jason Show (N) FOX 9 News at 11 (N)
says the Super- WFTC 9.2 The Real Designer bag. Paid Wommack STEVE Shan Boodram. The Wendy Williams Show Access Live (N) Divorce Divorce
KARE 11 KARE 11 News Sunrise (N) Today (N) Today 3rd Hour (N) Today with Hoda & Jenna News (N) Jeopardy!
man in “Dark WUCW 23 The Doctors Diet. Paid Paid Paid Paid True Crime Case closed. The Doctors Epidemic. Paternity Couples
Knight Returns” KPXM 41 Law & Order CI: Tomorrow. Law & Order CI: Pilgrim. Law & Order CI: Shandeh. Law & Order CI: Con-Text. Minds Abducted children. Criminal Minds: Epilogue.
was the one he
needed for that Afternoon 12:00pm 12:30pm 1:00pm 1:30pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm
TPT 2 Dino Cat Sesame Splash Peterrific Luna! Cat Kratts Molly Arthur Squad Squad
story, and never TPTMN 2.2 Sportsman Mosaic MN Original Table Nonpartisan League Truth Planting Stories Why Transit? How Can I
represented how TPTLIFE 2.3 Amanpour and Company Newsline Europe Chef’s Pépin Woman Investigates. Yetman West: Japan. News Report (N)
he felt about the WCCO 4 News (N) Beautiful (N) The Talk Jenna Elfman. (N) Let’s Make a Deal Dr. Phil Accusations. The Ellen DeGeneres Show News (N) CBS News
KSTP 5 Strahan & Sara (N) General Hospital (N) A Millionaire A Millionaire Twin Cities Live Trends. News (N) News (N) News (N) News (N)
DC Entertainment DC icon overall.
KSTC 5.2 Live PD Live PD Seinfeld Seinfeld Queens Queens black-ish black-ish Mike Mike Rules Rules
Far from it. As MeTV 5.3 Gunsmoke Accused. Bonanza Performers. Rifleman Wagon Train Unhappy marriage. Angels Italian terrorists. Mama Jeffersons
Miller, 62, puts it, Superman was a childhood Antenna 5.4 Jeannie Jeannie Bewitched Bewitched Welcome Happening Benson 227 227 Gimme Maude Maude
favorite and the reason he got into comics ThisTV 5.6 Interiors (‘78) K. Griffith. At First Sight (‘99, Drama) aac Blind masseur sees. The Package (‘89, Thriller) aac Gene Hackman. Taking Pelham 1 2 3 (‘74)
KMSP 9 Wendy Williams Show (N) The Real Designer bag. TMZ Live (N) Dr. Oz Show A. Wuornos. Judge Judy Judge Judy News (N) News (N)
in the first place. So when DC Comics co- WFTC 9.2 Caught Caught Bench Bench Dateline Home robbery. The Jason Show TMZ Live (N) Judge Judy Judge Judy
publisher Dan DiDio told Miller he wanted KARE 11 Days of Our Lives (N) Rachael Dr. Ian Smith; Phill Daily (N) Daily (N) Inside (N) ET Beyoncé. News (N) Jeopardy! News (N) News (N)
him to write a new “Year One” coming-of-age WUCW 23 Judge Mathis Court Child support. Steve Wilkos Infidelity. Jerry Springer: Your Face. Maury Cheating fears. DailyMail (N) Family Feud
story for DC’s new Black Label imprint featur- KPXM 41 Minds Tornado murders. Criminal Minds Friend. Criminal Minds Suicide. Minds Bludgeoning deaths. Criminal Minds: Genius. Criminal Minds Rapist.
ing the Man of Steel, Miller couldn’t wait to Evening 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm 11:30pm
get started. TPT 2 The PBS NewsHour (N) American Experience: Chasing the Moon. The U.S. NOVA: Back to the Moon. Breakthrough: The Ideas Secrets of the Dead Leo-
“I was just jumping up and down saying, ‘I struggled to catch up with the Soviet Union during the Scientists intend to return That Changed the World nardo da Vinci.
space race. to the moon. Evolution of robots.
thought you’d never ask,’ ” he said. TPTMN 2.2 Sportsman Mosaic Minnesota Table The Rise and Fall of the Trust in Ad- Artists, Place Transit Sto- Why Transit? How Can I: Managing Finan-
“Superman: Year One,” written by Miller Original Nonpartisan League vertising & Transit ries Light rail. cial Risks in Retirement.
and illustrated by his longtime collaborator TPTLIFE 2.3 Chef’s: Pépin: Simple Foyle’s War: Killing Time, Extreme Railways: Desti- Penelope Keith at Her Maj- BBC World Amanpour and Company Business Re-
Chicken. Savers. Part 1. An ex-POW. nation Timbuktu. esty’s Service: Windsor. News (N) port
John Romita Jr., is a three-issue miniseries that WCCO 4 WCCO 4 Wheel Love Island (N) Blood & Treasure: The CBS News Special: Man on WCCO 4 (:35) The Late Show with Ste- (:37) The Late
the duo uses to explore Clark Kent’s journey News at Six Wages of Vengeance. Re- the Moon Anniversary of his- News at Ten phen Colbert Awkwafina. (N) Late Show
(N) cruit Hardwick. (N) toric moon landing. (N) (N) Lucy Liu.
from alien baby to the world’s greatest super-
KSTP 5 5 Eyewitness 5 Eyewitness The Lion King: Can You Modern Fam- The Gold- Modern Fam- black-ish 5 Eyewitness (:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live (N) (:37) Nightline
hero. News at 6pm News at Feel The Love Tonight with ily A cycling bergs Music ily New apart- Community News at 10pm News of the
“In [‘Batman: Year One’], I felt like I was (N) 6:30pm (N) Robin Roberts (N) tour. documentary. ment. fears. (N) day. (N)
filling in a large empty space that was only KSTC 5.2 Goldbergs Goldbergs Man Wedding Man Mandy’s Friends Friends 45 News at 9 Local news. Girls Girls: And the Mom Jill’s Mom Helicop-
anxiety. internship. Tip Slip. sobriety. ter mom.
covered by a couple of panels in the [original] MeTV 5.3 M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Andy Ellie the Andy Opie’s Gomer Pyle Acres Hogan Ger- Hogan Carol Burnett Perry Mason Husband’s Twilght Zn
origin story. In [this] one, [it] is really quite the hunter. new friend. Con man. man trail. Rocket. will.
opposite. It’s like … sorting out the stuff that’s Antenna 5.4 Bunker’s Bunker’s Alice Uncer- Alice Ghostly Miller: Escape Barney Miller Johnny Carson Barry Three Larry Three Terri’s Coach Too old Murphy
tain future. visitor. Artist. New job. Sobel; Mark Harmon. sings. killer date. to play. Brown
actually relevant and turning it into a study of ThisTV 5.6 (5:00) The Taking of Pelham Leaving Las Vegas (‘96, Drama) aaac Nicolas Cage. Rush (‘92, Drama) Jason Patric. Police officers attempt The Mighty Quinn (‘89,
who [Superman] is,” Miller said of the project, One Two Three (‘74) An alcoholic goes on one last bender. to gain the trust of drug dealers by becoming junkies. Thriller) Denzel Washington.
which debuted last month. “Batman is a guy KMSP 9 FOX 9 at 6 FOX 9 at 6:30 Spin the Wheel: Latham 9-1-1: Hen Begins. Hen re- FOX 9 at 9 The latest in FOX 9: 10 @ (:35) Modern (:05) TMZ (N) (:35) Access
News and (N) Family. flects on professional news and weather. (N) 10 News and Family Rude Emmy nomi-
you can sum up really quickly, but Superman’s weather. (N) progress. weather. parent. nations. (N)
more complex.” WFTC 9.2 Bang Leon- Family FOX 9+ News News (N) Punchline Page Six TV Bang Bang Awk- Chicago P.D.: Reform. A Chicago P.D. Officer’s a
ard’s nose. at 7 (N) (N) ward hookup. gun deal. suspect.
The first issue of “Superman: Year One” KARE 11 KARE 11 Breaking the America’s Got Talent: Judge Cuts 1. Country music su- (:01) Bring the Funny: The KARE 11 (:35) The Tonight Show Star- Late Night
sees a young Clark juggling the social caste News at 6 News (N) perstar Brad Paisley gets to send an act to the live Open Mic 2. The “Open Mic” News at 10 ring Jimmy Fallon Chance the with Seth
(N) shows. (N) round continues. (N) (N) Rapper. (N) Meyers (N)
systems of high school and dodging bullies
WUCW 23 Family Feud Family Feud Pandora: Shelter from the The 100: Matryoshka. Rus- Family Feud Men Men Charlie Extra (N) Funny You DailyMailTV
without revealing his super-strength. But Storm. Defend the galaxy. sell seeks justice. (N) crushed. Should Ask (N)
Miller says this Superman adventure isn’t KPXM 41 Criminal Minds: Snake Criminal Minds: Closing Criminal Minds: A Thin Private Eyes: Mise En Private Eyes: The Money Private Eyes: The Devil’s
meant to start off as pure teen drama. It’s Eyes. Atlantic City. Time. Beach murders. Line. Home invasions. Place. Friend finds body. Shot. Missing racehorse. Playground.
A&E Farrah Fawcett Forever Fawcett remembered. JFK Jr: The Final Year JFK Jr. in 1999. (N) (:04) Farrah Fawcett Forever Fawcett remembered.
the story of an outsider becoming one with AMC (4:30) Colombiana (‘11) aac Moneyball (‘11, Drama) aaa Brad Pitt. Manager changes how he assembles team. War Dogs (‘16, Comedy) Miles Teller. Over their heads.
a world he was never intended to be a part of. Animal Pl. Lone Star Lone Star An investigation. Lone Owl is rescued. (N) Lone Star Oyster hunters. Lone Star Lone Owl is rescued.
“I want to portray Superman as the ultimate BBC Am. Trek: TNG Star Trek: Generations (‘94, Science Fiction) aaa Patrick Stewart. Star Trek: Generations (‘94, Science Fiction) aaa Patrick Stewart.
immigrant,” he said. “That’s part of why he’s so BET (5:05) Tyler Perry’s I Can Do Bad All By Myself (‘09) ac Tales: My Life. (N) Big Thing (N) Tales: My Life. Big Thing
much part of the American dream. He travels Bravo Housewives Housewives Housewives (N) Housewives Watch What Housewives Housewives
Cartoon Gumball Gumball Dad Dad Burgers Burgers Family Guy: Tea Peter. Rick Morty (:45) Robot Lazor Wulf Check It
like Moses from outer space, and he goes up CNBC Shark Tank Shark Tank The Profit Sign company owner. (N) The Profit Sign company owner. The Profit
and down and falls in love with the right things CNN Erin Burnett OutFront (N) Anderson Cooper 360° (N) Cuomo Prime Time (N) CNN Tonight with Don (N) CNN Tonight with Don (N) Anderson Cooper 360°
about America because they are new to him. Comedy (5:50) Office (:25) Office Office Office Office Office Drunk Hist Arturo C. Daily (N) Drunk Hist Drunk Hist Drunk Hist
And he’s a representation of that.” CSPAN U.S. House of Representatives U.S. House debates. Politics & Public Policy Today Major political activity around the U.S. Politics & Public Policy
Part of the book that stands out from many Discovery Dead. Ctch Dead. Ctch Off the rails. Dead. Ctch: Devil’s Cut. Mysteries of the Abandoned Ghost towns. Dead. Ctch: Devil’s Cut.
Disney Raven Sydney Sydney (N) Sydney (N) Coop & Cam Sydney Amphibia Big City Sydney Andi Mack BUNK’D BUNK’D
other iterations of Superman’s origin story is E! E! News (N) Relatively Nat: One of Us. Bride Wars (‘09, Comedy) aa Kate Hudson. Something Borrowed (‘11, Comedy) Ginnifer Goodwin.
Clark’s decision to join the Navy and train with ESPN ESPN Films ESPN Films: Unguarded. 2019 World Series of Poker: Main Event. (Live) SportsCenter SportsCenter
the Navy SEALs. Clark learns “that he could ESPN2 NFL Live ESPN FC International Champ. Cup (Live) Martial (Taped) ESPN Films: Unguarded.
be a killing machine,” Miller said. “The com- Food Chopped Chopped Jr (N) Chopped A state fair treat. Chopped: Greater Tater. Chopped Rare hot dog. Chopped A state fair treat.
bination of all of the military training and the Fox Bus. Lou Dobbs Tonight (N) Trish Regan Primetime (N) Kennedy Live (N) Lou Dobbs Tonight Trish Regan Primetime Kennedy Live
Fox News The Story (N) Tucker Carlson Tonight (N) Hannity (N) The Ingraham Angle (N) News @ Night (N) Tucker Carlson Tonight
lessons from his parents and his upbringing
Fox Sports Town Ball Twins Live MLB Baseball: New York Mets at Minnesota Twins from Target Field (Live) Twins Live Town Ball Nick’s Twins Live
brings on his conviction that he is not a killer.” Freeform (4:00) Twilight Saga (‘09) aa Good A networking mixer. (:01) 17 Again (‘09, Comedy) aac Zac Efron. The 700 Club When Harry Met Sally ...
DiDio says publishing “Superman: Year FX Covenant Passengers (‘16, Adventure) Jennifer Lawrence. Two must save ship. Pose Madonna’s tour. (N) (:01) Pose Madonna’s tour. Pose Member is attacked.
One” under Black Label, which at times FXX Simpsons Simpsons Simpsons Simpsons Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy Archer Archer (:01) Archer (:32) Archer
includes large-page formats and longer stories Hallmark A December Bride (‘16) Christmas at Holly Lodge (‘17) Alison Sweeney. Christmas Next Door (‘17, Holiday) aaa J. Metcalfe. Christmas at the Palace
Hall. Mov. psych Gifted school. psych Top secret agents. Ruby Herring Mysteries: Silent Witness (‘19) Mrdr Wrote An old friend. Mrdr Wrote
(the first issue is 64 pages, compared with the
HGTV Fixer Uppr Fixer Uppr Good Bones (N) Hunters (N) Hunters (N) Hunters Hunters Good Bones
standard 22), allows star talent such as Miller History Am. Picker Am. Picker Surf museum. Am. Picker Cool items. (N) Am. Picker: Corvette King. (:05) Am. Picker Test drive. Am. Picker Cool items.
and Romita to tell stories featuring classic IFC (4:30) The Terminator (‘84) Moneyball (‘11, Drama) aaa Brad Pitt. Manager changes how he assembles team. Moneyball (‘11, Drama) Brad Pitt. Changing baseball.
characters and push boundaries without being Invest. Disc. Diabolical: A Life of Lies. Diabolical Hospice facility. Diabolical Shaunna Dodd. Til Death (N) Diabolical Cindy McKay. Diabolical Shaunna Dodd.
weighed down by continuity. Lifetime Dance Moms Dance Moms Dance Moms (N) Dance Moms (N) Marrying Girl tries fit in. Dance Moms Lily’s choice. (:01) Dance Moms
Life. Mov. (5:00) My Killer Client (‘19) Hometown Killer (‘19, Mystery) Kaitlyn Black. Seduced by a Killer (‘19, Thriller) Clare Kramer. Hometown Killer (‘19)
“What Frank did was find a different lens to
MSNBC Hardball with Chris (N) All in with Chris Hayes (N) Rachel Maddow (N) Lawrence O’Donnell (N) The 11th Hour (N) Rachel Maddow
tell [Superman’s story] through,” DiDio said. MTV Jersey Shore A black eye. Beach: Love, Next Love. Beach: Love, Next Love. Jersey Mike’s sentencing. Jersey Shore A black eye. Beach: Love, Next Love.
Artistically, “I think this is some of the best Nat. Geo. Sharks Shark attacks. Sharks Sharks in Brazil. Sharks Sharks in Florida. Whale Ate Jaws (N) Sharks Sharks in Brazil. Sharks Sharks in Florida.
work John Romita Jr. has done here at DC.” Nick. SpongeBob SpongeBob Alvin and the Chipmunks (‘07, Comedy) aa Jason Lee. Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends
Nick. Jr. PAW PAW Dora Dora Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Hatcher Hatcher Butterbean Butterbean Corn & Peg Corn & Peg
OWN Extreme Weight: Ryan. Ambitions Repay Amara. Ambitions Ambitions (N) Ambitions Repay Amara. Ambitions
Paramount Mom Coming to America (‘88) Eddie Murphy. Ink Master Blind critique. Ink Master: Art of War. (N) Coming to America (‘88, Comedy) aaa Eddie Murphy.
Reelz John F. Kennedy Jr’s (N) Air Crash (N) Air Crash: Flying Blind. (N) John F. Kennedy Jr’s Air Crash Air Crash: Flying Blind.
Sundance (4:30) Groundhog Day (‘93) Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (‘86, Comedy) aaac Matthew Broderick. Weird Science (‘85, Comedy) aac A. Michael Hall. House (‘78)
TALK SHOW HIGHLIGHTS Syfy Twister (‘96) (:45) Volcano (‘97, Drama) aa Tommy Lee Jones. Lava flows in L.A. Jurassic Park (‘93, Science Fiction) Sam Neill. Living dinosaurs escape captivity.
TBS Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Detour (N) Conan Detour Seinfeld Conan
MORNING TCM The Wings of Eagles (‘57) Destination Moon (‘50) Warner Anderson. Space race. For All Mankind (‘89) Apollo moon flight. Countdown (‘68) aac James Caan.
TLC Daughtered Daughtered Holiday plans. Daughtered (N) Sweet Home Kids run wild. Little Hurricane Irma. Daughtered Holiday plans.
9 A.M. TNT Kong: Skull Island (‘17, Adventure) aaa T. Hiddleston. Animal Kingdom: Ambo. Animal Kingdom: Ambo. Tomorrowland (‘15, Science Fiction) George Clooney.
Live With Kelly and Ryan Emily Deschanel, Ally Brooke. Travel Exp Unknwn Expedition Unknown Nazis in Argentina. Unearthed Mummies (N) Unearthed
(KSTP, Ch. 5) TruTV Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers (N) Paid Off Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers
TV Land Andy (:35) Andy Loves Ray. Loves Ray. (:20) Loves Ray. (:55) Men Men Queens Queens Queens Queens
Univision Amor eterno La reina soy yo (N) La rosa de Guadalupe Por amar sin ley Primer (N) Noticiero Contacto deportivo
USA Family Family WWE SmackDown (Live) Chrisley (N) Growing Up (:01) Family (:31) Family (:01) Family (:31) Family
10:35 P.M. WGN Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Disappearance: The Tree. Cops Cops Married Married
Cinemax (5:25) Pitch Perfect 3 (‘17) There’s Something About Mary (‘98) aaa C. Diaz. Phat Girlz (‘06, Comedy) a Mo’Nique. (:40) Jett Bennie cleans up. Runner (‘17)
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Musician Chance
HBO Espookys Tonight (N) Doors Murdered teen. (N) Halloween (‘18, Horror) J. Lee Curtis. Masked killer. Big Little: The Bad Mother. Divorce Sermon
the Rapper, singer David Crosby, director Cameron Crowe.
(KARE, Ch. 11)
Showtime Basic (‘03) (:25) Mile 22 (‘18, Action) Mark Wahlberg. City Hill Weapon search. The Loudest Voice: 2008. City Hill Weapon search. DESUS & Cartoon
TMC (5:00) Pirates Somalia (‘17) The English Patient (‘96, Drama) Ralph Fiennes. Burn victim’s tale. (:45) Mary Shelley (‘18, Drama) aac Elle Fanning. Outcasts in love.

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How to handle Complete the

Monday’s Answer ACROSS
1 Simba’s mate
in 23-Down
43 Radio band
44 Repeated
Monday’s Answer

a drama machine
grid below so 5 Snoozefest “Survivor”
that every row, 9 Not fully open setting
column and 3x3 13 First mate? 45 Globes
14 “Runnin’” 47 QB tackle
box contains college team 49 Slip-___
every digit from 15 “Call me the (shoes)
Dear Amy: How do I keep responding. When you do, 1 to 9 inclusively. greatest!” 50 Dominate
a relationship casual with a resort to something noncom- For help, go to 16 56-Across, 52 Dug in, in a
friend whose hobby is creat- mittal like, “Umm, interesting roughly way translated 54 Enthusiastic
ing drama? question; I don’t really have wiki/Sudoku. 18 Where to have 56 Song from
“Emma” and I are mem- anything to add.” If she wants your hair done 23-Down
bers of an informal social to get together, claim to be 19 Song that 60 Getting long
opens and in the tooth
group which communicates busy or tired. You should not closes 23- 61 23-Down
a few times a week. We also gossip about or offer any opin- Down and setting
attend group events. ions about her to the group. whose title is 65 Gentrification
literally de- raises them
The group has an ongoing In short, back away slowly, scribed in this 66 Spill the beans
online chat, and Emma is the and then keep your distance. 9 ___ Sea 37 British singer
puzzle’s center 67 The “E” in (almost Lewis with
most vocal contributor. She 21 Fully HOMES dried-up body) the 2008 #1
often overshares about her Call for transparency 24 West Coast air 68 Best Picture 10 Director of album “Spirit”
hub, for short winner based 23-Down on 38 It’s worthless
life, or just generally com- Dear Amy: My husband and 25 Bastille Day on events of Broadway 40 Dreaded one?
plains. She and I had a casual I have been married for eight season 1979-1980 11 Overhead 44 Need for doing
friendship for years until she years. We have three kids. 26 “Can’t be” 69 College that 12 Fleming at toe loops
27 “Put a tiger awarded the the Met 46 Forehead
started dating another mem- Recently, he left his in your tank” first Ph.D. in 15 Supports covering
ber of the group — in secret. social media account open. gas brand the U.S. 17 Bar mitzvahs 48 Baby rocker
After soliciting the views I snooped (and know it was 30 Greek group 70 23-Down villain and the like 50 2015 Tony
that’s not in 20 Job seeker’s winner Kelli ___
of me and two other mem- wrong). I learned that he is Greece DOWN success 51 Bet
bers of the group, she sent trying to reconnect with for- 32 Tries to lose 1 One of the 21 Neighbor of 53 Evacuate
an e-mail basically telling us mer high school girlfriends some pounds Bobbseys, Nepal 55 Long-eared
reasons why our advice was by inviting them to lunch/ 34 Actress in children’s 22 Tough as ___ lagomorphs
Fanning literature 23 Disney movie 57 “Do ___ others
wrong and how we can’t judge dinner. He was not going to 36 Seasoning 2 Big fuss released in as ...”
the nature of her relationship, tell me about this. that can lead 3 Martial ___ June 1994 58 Word after
even though that was the It has been more than 20 to high blood 4 1998 BP 28 Appear to be Bay or gray
7/16 DIFFICULTY RATING: HHIII pressure purchase 29 Five Norwegian 59 Part of a cash
advice she sought. years since these friendships 39 Misfortunes 5 Pack animals kings register
She further told us that have had any merit, and in my ISAAC ASIMOV’S SUPER QUIZ 40 Show again 6 Suffix with 31 Not at the 62 Tolkien
we were wrong because we opinion, I do not see the point. 41 One who’s hypn- dock, say monster
looking 7 List quickly, 33 Russian 63 Org. behind the
wouldn’t reinforce her deci- In fact, with as much public Score 1 point for each correct answer on the 42 Only continent with “off” Revolution Bay of Pigs
sion to disregard advice from social media postings we all Freshman Level, 2 points on the Graduate Level larger than 8 Valuable target invasion
her therapist. see, I feel that he has already and 3 points on the Ph.D. Level. Africa Scrabble tiles 35 Bean type 64 Lead-in to plop
I am worried that anything caught up with their lives. S U B J E C T: N O B E L P R I Z E S
of substance I tell her might What are your thoughts (e.g., The Nobel Prizes are awarded annually in
become fodder for her drama on this? Should he reconnect this country. Answer: Sweden.)
machine. I have tried to avoid with the old friends?
getting into serious topics, Amy says: Yes, your hus- Freshman level
1. Which president won the Nobel Peace Prize
but she keeps asking to get band should reconnect with in 2009?
together one-on-one. old friends, if he wants to. You 2. Which scientist won the Nobel Prize in physics
She really wants to have should, too! But these recon- in 1921?
a “deeper” friendship, but I nections should be conducted 3. Pearl S. _____ was the first American woman to
don’t feel safe doing that. How in full view of the family. win the prize in literature.
do I set a boundary to keep I infer from your question
Graduate level
the relationship casual with- that your husband is private- 4. This author of “Caesar and Cleopatra” won the
out causing a rift in the group? messaging various people literary prize in 1925.
Amy says: Your instincts (only women, it seems) and 5. F.W. de Klerk shared the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize
are sound. Follow them. You inviting them to private get- with this man.
should assume that anything togethers. That’s not cool. 6. In 1983, Lech ____ was awarded the Nobel
you say can (and will) be used Transparency is impor- Peace Prize.
against you. Drama addicts tant in marriage, if for no Ph.D. level
need fuel to accelerate and other reason than to avoid 7. Alfred _____ is credited with inventing
sustain their narrative and this sort of dust-up. You two dynamite.
when they lack story elements, should talk about this. You 8. Linus ____ was the first person to win two
they’ll instinctively turn to oth- can start by copping to view- individual Nobel Prizes.
ers to fortify their supply. ing his private messages. He 9. Sinclair ____ was the first American to win the
Unfortunately, honesty may try to make the whole prize in literature.
(“You’re indiscreet so I want conversation about that. If
to keep our relationship you stay calm and don’t get 8. Pauling. 9. Lewis.
casual”) will be conflated by defensive, he will have his say, Bernard Shaw. 5. Nelson Mandela. 6. Walesa. 7. Nobel.
1. Barack Obama. 2. Albert Einstein. 3. Buck. 4. George
her into a feud of some kind, and then you can have yours.
and so the best technique is Puzzle by David J. Kahn No. 0611 07/16/19
to deflect, and/or ghost. Send questions to Amy
18 points: congratulations, doctor
When “Emma” appeals to Dickinson at askamy@
15 to 17 points: honors graduate
you or solicits anything per- 10 to 14 points: you’re plenty smart, but no grind UNIVERSAL CROSSWORD
sonal, don’t respond, or delay Twitter: @askingamy 4 to 9 points: you should hit the books harder
1 to 3 points: enroll in remedial courses immediately
ACROSS 45 Young ___ Monday’s Answer
1 Embraced (tots)
0 points: who reads the questions to you? 7 Monticello 46 Tax-
roof feature advantaged
11 Wagner’s investment
“___ Rheingold” letters
MISS MANNERS DAILY BRIDGE CLUB 14 False front? 47 You love,

Eloping without
By FRANK STEWART 15 Puddle former in Latin
16 Subj. of many 48 Microwaves
South dealer a night class 51 Daisy lead-in
North-South vulnerable 17 Becomes 52 Fate for a
apparent wicked

hurting feelings
NORTH 18 Online crafts Galapagos
♠K 5 3 source animal?
♥K 9 19 “Elementary” 56 “___ a pity”
♦K 7 4 3 actress Lucy 57 Hoppy brews,
♣J 8 6 5 20 What a call briefly
Dear Miss Manners: I am Gentle Reader: Wait a from Bo Peep 58 Remove (from)
WEST EAST depends on? 61 Notable period
a girl who has fallen head- minute. Did you just reveal ♠ J 10 6 2 ♠A Q 9 8 7 4 23 Shade of 62 Dimwit
over-heels in love with a ambiguity about the mar- ♥Q 6 4 2 ♥5 63 “NCIS” figures 11 Biblical clipper? 37 Distribute
Dorothy’s 12 Ludicrous unevenly
man twice her age. As might riage itself ? Miss Manners ♦952 ♦ 10 6 slippers 64 Like a prof.
♣9 3 ♣A 10 4 2 emerita 13 Socked 38 Tall wardrobe
be expected, my enormous, is not your therapist, but she 25 Allegiance of 21 Competes in 39 Attacks,
“The Ameri- 65 Fix, in a way
religious, rather stuffy fam- knows enough to say that the SOUTH 66 Melancholy tug of war wolverine-
♠ None cans” on TV, 22 They might style
ily finds him objectionable. answer to that is: Then don’t. ironically compositions
reflect good 41 “Gunga Din”
♥A J 10 8 7 3
I understand this sentiment Not unless you are sure. ♦A Q J 8
26 Sacha business author
and harbor no ill will, but I However, she is your Baron Cohen DOWN 23 Nicki Minaj 42 Collectors’ org.
♣K Q 7 persona
have been living with him for etiquette adviser, and will 1 Certain printers genre 43 “Uh-uh,” on
South West North East 27 Name hidden 2 Avail oneself of 24 One: Prefix the Hill
two years and am consider- address the question of how 1♥ Pass 1 NT 2♠ in “Danielle” 3 Becomes 28 Epee or foil 48 Close, as
ing marriage. to elope tactfully. 3♦ 3♠ 3 NT 4♠ 28 Khan Acad- really buff 29 What snobs some clothes
Without the support of my Elopements are character- 5♥ All Pass emy’s Khan 4 Effusive to might put on 49 Yoga position
Opening lead — ♠ J 30 Steak style excess 30 Some luxury 50 Annoying
family, I am not in a position to ized by secrecy and defiance 31 Proof of 5 Falco of handbags 51 Stomach
afford a wedding, nor do I have of restraints, and you have Unlucky Louie has been married to his Wilbur’s “Nurse Jackie” 32 Most like a problem
enough people in my life with- both elements. But they also bequest to 6 “Look what shrinking 53 Acrylics’
wife, Esther, for 31 years. Their union has Charlotte? you’ve ___!” violet relatives
out them for a proper wed- suggest a passionate aban- been prolific if not always peaceful. 34 Hoped (for) 7 Word after 33 Guided 54 Lettuce
ding party. I am considering donment of expectations, “I’ll admit I’ve wondered about having an 35 Gardening tool “evening” or 34 “___ in the purchase
elopement, but I want to do it whether it is by lovers desper- affair,” Louie said in the lounge. in a stable? “wedding” course of 55 V.A. patron
in the most gracious way pos- ate to be married, or by a wife 37 Pursuers of 8 Pledges human 59 Genevieve,
“Would you have had it catered?” Cy the nymphs 9 Extreme events ...” par exemple:
sible, and maybe invite a few equally desperate to exchange Cynic snorted. 40 Elk, e.g.? penny-pincher 36 Oobleck Abbr.
close friends. I don’t imagine her husband for her lover. In a penny game, Cy was declarer at 44 2015 “Rocky” 10 Noted Irish creator of 60 Approach to
my family would bring me joy What you have suggested today’s five hearts. He ruffed the first spade,
sequel singer kiddie lit the tee?
on this day, and I don’t know if instead would be merely a led a trump to dummy’s king and returned a
I want to invite them. Besides, very small wedding, with trump. When East discarded, Cy played the
I could not afford a wedding friends, but no relatives. So jack. West won and led another spade, and
large enough to accommo- yes, the relatives would be the Cynic ruffed and drew trumps, leaving
date all of them. And I’m no bound to feel the insult of him with none. He cashed four diamonds
longer religious, which may being excluded on top of the and lost the rest: down two.
offend some. injury of having their disap- Cy had to cater to a bad trump break. At
What would your advice proval defied. Trick Two he leads low to dummy’s nine.
be on dealing with the inevi- Instead, why don’t you run He can then take the king, lead a club to his
table hurt feelings that would to City Hall or whatever, with hand, take the ace of trumps and force out
arise from excluding my fam- only one or two close friends, the ace of clubs. He keeps control and loses
ily from my wedding? Should if any? Afterward, confess to only a trump and a club.
I forgo the elopement, suck it your family that you and Clar- If East had the queen of trumps, Cy would
up and have a wedding with ence just couldn’t bear not to still be safe. East couldn’t effectively con-
my family? be married and couldn’t wait. tinue spades, and Cy would lose only two
And how ought I alert my Ardent love stories tend to tricks in all.
extended family about the soften hearts. Daily question
marriage if I elope? Is it even And save the celebration You hold: ♠ None ♥ A J 10 8 7 3 ♦ A Q J 8
possible to politely state: “I for later, when you can invite ♣ K Q 7. You open one heart, and your part-
am now married, you were everyone and they have come ner bids one spade. The opponents pass.
only excluded for budgetary to realize that objections are What do you say?
reasons, and I don’t want a now futile. Answer: This is an uneasy problem in
gift from you; here is a nice “Standard” methods. A jump to three dia-
picture of us”? “Miss Manners” monds would force to game, and partner
I’m still not even sure if I’m is Judith Martin of might have only six points. A jump to three
married to the idea of tying the Washington hearts would strongly invite him to bid again,
the knot. All the potential for Post. Send questions to her but hearts might not be the best trump suit.
hurt feelings seems like more website, or to Bid two diamonds. Animalistic by Jeffrey Wechsler . Edited by David Steinberg 7/16
trouble than it might be worth.
E8 • S TA R T R I B U N E VA R I E T Y T U E S DAY, J U LY 16, 2019




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