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These days, more and more people are going to other countries for significant periods of time, either

to find a job or to study. There are clearly many benefits to doing this, but people who live abroad can
also face some difficulties

Living overseas for an extended period of time has become commonplace in recent days. While staying
in a foreign country can offer a range of opportunities, especially in terms of career progression as well
as gaining unforgettable experience, for some, it might be challenging to deal with culture shock and the
language barrier.

As for downsides, the most significant issue appears to be the culture shock, which means the foreigners
face considerable difficulties in adapting with the new-found culture and customs. Also, this apart them
from mixing with local people, thereby, creating a sense of isolation and ultimately homesickness. In
many cases, this situation is even worsened by the lack of emotional support from friends and family
members in emergency situations, creating an overall unpleasant experience. Another most obvious
drawback for people would be the language barrier which hampers their day-to-day communication
with the people, and makes it difficult to cope with the new environment.

However, this is not the same for everyone, many enjoy the limitless-possibilities of living abroad, and
gain invaluable experience. For instance, they can practice their language skills and can gain
qualifications in their respective field of interests which was by no way possible in their home country.
This added qualifications improve their job prospects and promotion, and leads to a more satisfying life.
What is more, by engaging with the people from various cultural background, they learn to taste a range
of foods and customs, alongside forming lasting relationships. All these life-changing experiences
broaden their horizons, and make them more rounded as a person

In conclusion, clearly, the benefits of living abroad are profound; although there are some cons, such as
language barrier and culture shock, they are outweighed by the advantages of personal growth and
exciting cultural experience.

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