English Exercise

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Lesson 1

A. Give the meaning of each word as used in the lesson. 10601001
Words Meanings
B. Choose the appropriate synonym of the following words:
1. Equitable (Board 2015)10601002 4. firm 10601005
(a) fair (b)just (a)expensive (b)powerful
(c)equal (c) persistent
2. Ancestor 10601003 5. glorious 10601006
(a) antecedent (b)forefather (a) lustrous (b)splendid
(c) predecessor (c) fabulous
3. foe (Board 2015)10601004
(a) relative b)enemy
(c) friend
C. Give the meaning of the following phrasal verbs and use these phrasal verbs in sentences.
Ans. 10601007
Phrasal Verbs Meanings Sentences
Guilty of
Belong to
Exchange for
In accordance with
D. Translate paragraph 1 of the lesson into Urdu. 10601008

Reading Comprehension
Analysis of patterns of text organization
A. Choose the correct option. 10601009
1. In paragraph 1 _____details of the Holy Prophet’s(SAW)characteristics are given.
(a) general (b)specific (c) chronological
2. The key idea of paragraph 2 is that _________________. 10601010
(a)Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was a great orator.
(b) Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was a just head of the state.
(c) Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was just and fair even before his Prophethood.
3. Examples given in paragraphs 3 and 4 show that __________________. 10601011
(a) Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was a just head of the state.
(b) Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was a simple man.
(c) Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was fair in his dealing.
4. Paragraph 5 shows that ______________. 10601012
(a)Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was a just head of the state.
(b)The justice of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was a source of peace and security for the non-
(c)Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was just and fair even before his Prophethood.
5. To whom did the Holy Prophet (SAW) give the following advice? 10601013
“When two men come to you for judgment, never decide in favour of one without hearing the
arguments of the other; it is then most likely that you will know the truth.”
(a) Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique (b)Hazrat Ali
(c)Hazrat Umer Farooq
B. Identify the topic sentence and supporting details in paragraph 3. 10601014
Topic Sentence


Supporting Details

C. Answer the following questions.

Q.1 How can people achieve perfection in Q.4 What standards of justice did the
the moral, spiritual and social areas of Rasool (SAW) practise as head of thestate
life? (Board 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018)10601015 of Medinah? 10601018
Q.2 How did the Rasool (SAW)set high Q.5 What made thenon-Muslims bring
and noble ideals for all mankind? 10601016 their suits to the Rasool (SAW)?
(Board 2015) 10601019
Q.3 How were people of Makkah Q.6 How does the Holy Quran describe
convinced of the Rasool’s(SAW)justice the personality of the Rasool (SAW)?
evenbefore his Prophethood?10601017 (Board 2014, 2017) 10601020
Box / Additional Questions
Q.1 How did the Rasool (SAW)resolve the Q.3 Why did the non-Muslims trust the
issue? (Board 2016) 10601021 Rasool (SAW)?(Board 2014,15, 16) 10601023
Q.2 Why did the Quraish think that the Q.4 What advice did the Rasool (SAW)give
Rasool (SAW)would favour them? to Hazrat Ali ? (Board 2014)10601024
(Board 2018) 10601022 Q.5 What does the word “proclaimed”
mean? 10601025

Grammar (Board 2015, 16)10601026

Concrete Nouns Abstract Nouns
Example Example
The revenge of the father cannot be taken on his son. He decided their cases with equity and
The underlined words are concrete or material justice.
nouns since they refer to concrete things. The underlined words are abstract nouns,
since they refer to ideas, qualities or states.
A. Identify whether each underlined word is a concrete or an abstract noun.
1. She puts in much effort into her studies as she wants to score good marks. 10601027
2. They recommended him for his justice and truthfulness. 10601028
3. Keep the balls in that basket. 10601029
4. The dishonest trader is losing the trust of his customers. 10601030
5. He did not take good care of his pet. 10601031

The adjectives A, An, The are called articles. 10601032
(i) Indefinite Articles 10601033
(ii) Definite Article 10601034
B. Choose whether each sentence needs an indefinite article (a, an), a definite article (the),
or no article.
1. He asked me ___ very hard question. 10601035
2. ___ question that he asked me was easy. 10601036
3. Have you seen __________ my scarf? 10601037
4. Could you please pass me ___ salt? 10601038
5. Is there ___ good restaurant around here? 10601039
6. ___ restaurant that my friend owns is very good. 10601040
7. I have several ____________ good friends. 10601041
8. ___ UAE is a beautiful country. 10601042
9. I’ll see you in ___ week! 10601043
10. I’m on ___________vacation until Monday. 10601044
Noun Phrase: A Noun phrase is a group of words that does the work of a Noun. 10601045
Example: As a young trader, he earned the good reputation of being an honest, fair, and just business
C. Underline the noun phrases in the following sentences.
1. This is an old fashioned hat. 10601046
2. We discovered Fahad’s plans. 10601047
3. A rolling stone gathers no moss. 10601048
4. The recent flood caused heavy damage. 10601049
5. An oral presentation can be interesting. 10601050
D. Fill in each blank with past indefinite or past continuous tense of the verb in brackets.
1. What ________ (you / do) When I__________ (call) you last night? 10601051

2. I _____ (sit) in the café when you ______________ (call) me. 10601052

3. When you __________ (arrive) at the bus stand, who _________ (be) there? 10601053

4. Shamsa _________ (watch) a film when she _________(hear) the noise. 10601054

5. We _________ (Play) tennis when Javed _________ (hurt) his ankle. 10601055

E. Punctuate the following paragraph. 10601056

During the sermon an ansari seeing some men from the tribe of banu tha’lba sitting there
stood up and pointed toward them and said oh messenger of Allah (SAW) their ancestors killed a
member of our family we appeal to you to get one of them hanged in exchange for that the holy
Prophet (SAW) replied the revenge of the father cannot be taken on his son.
F. Which words in the pronunciation key have the same pronunciation as that of the words
given below? Also find the symbol of each underlined sound in your dictionary. 10601057

Words with same Symbols used in your

pronunciation dictionary
life light
family barriers
case forgave
destitute suits
Writing Skills
A. Write a précis of paragraph 5. 10601058
B. Write an essay on “Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)as an Exemplary Judge” (220-250 words)
Objective Type
(I) Choose the word with correct spellings and fill up the bubble sheet. 10601060
Sr. (A) (B) (C) (D)
1 Messenger Messigner Messenjer Massinger
2 Might Maight Mightt Maghit
3 Perfection Parfection Perfaction Pirfection
4 Modle Model Moedl Madel
5 Property Proparty Praperty Propirty
6 Adress Addres Address Addruss
7 Reputation Ropetition Repotation Reputetiion
8 Reveng Ravenge Revange Revenge
9 Folwe Follow Foloowe Folowa
10 Magnetude Magnitude Megnitud Megnitude
11 Able Eble Aeble Abel
12 Transcends Trancends Transends Transends
13 Sermon Sarmon Serman Surman
14 Ancestors Ancastors Ancesters Ancastrs
15 Destitute Dustetite Disttuett Duttisete
16 Dispute Disput Dispuit Dispuite
17 Diecded Decided Desided Disided
18 Acheve Achieve Achive Acheve
19 Exchange Exchenge Excheng Ekscheange
20 Please Pleaze Pleeze Pleze
21 Interceed Intersede Entercede Intercede
22 Gudience Guidance Gudence Gidence
23 Paople Peeple Poeople People
24 Conflict Canflict Cunflect Cenflect

(II) Choose the correct option and fill up the bubble sheet: 10601061

Sr. Questions (A) (B) (C) (D)

The synonym of “foe”
1 Relative Enemy Friend Companion
There was complete
silence. The
2 Partial Half Nothing Full
underlined word
The synonym of
3 Antecedent Forefather Predecessor Siblings
“ancestor” is _______.

4 Might means: Meek Minor Strength Milk

The synonym for the

5 Expensive Powerful Persistent Brave
word firm is:
The synonym for the
6 Lustrous Splendid Glittering Fabulous
word glorious is:
The meaning of the Importance Adherence to
7 Strength Denial
word “Integrity” is___: honesty
He did not take care of
8 his pet. The underlined Concrete Abstract Material Uncountable
word is a ______ noun.

(III) Choose the correct option according to grammar and fill up the bubble sheet:
Sr. Questions (A) (B) (C) (D)
The “father” is
1 Collective Abstract Concrete Countable
He decided their case
with equity and justice. Concrete Collective Abstract
2 Material noun
The underlined word is noun noun noun
a / an ___________:
As a young trader he
earned good Noun Prepositional Adjective
3 Infinitive
reputation. The phrase phrase phrase
underlined part is:
He did not take good
care of his pet. The Personal Relative Reflexive Indefinite
underlined word is a / Pronoun Pronoun Pronoun Pronoun
I’ll see you in _____
week! Fill in the blank
5 One A An The
with correct article in
the blank.
I’m on _____ vacation
till Monday. Fill in the None of
6 A An The
blank with correct these
article in the blank.
An oral presentation
can be interesting. The Adjective
7 Adverb phrase Noun phrase Noun clause
underlined part of phrase
sentence is a/an:
Lesson 2
A. Give the meaning of each word as used in the lesson. 10602001
Words Meanings

B. Form a noun from the given words and use the nouns in sentences. 10602002
Example: Celebrate – Celebration
Words Nouns Sentences

C. Translate the following paragraph into Urdu. 10602003

It is a traditional practice for adults to give children little red envelopes filled with money in
order to symbolize wealth and prosperity for the coming year. It is also common for elders to
present red packets to unmarried members of the family. Envelopes are not to be opened until the
recipient has left the home of the giver.

Reading Comprehension
Analysis of patterns of text organization

A. Choose the correct option.

1. Chinese New Year falls somewhere (c) on the second day of the New Year
__________. 0602004 4. Hanging up signs and posters on doors
(a) on January 21st and windows means_______. 10602007
(b) on February 20th (a) love and sincerity
(c)between January 21st and February 20th (b) care and affection
2. Paragraph 1 gives _______. 10602005 (c) luck and happiness
(a) general details of festivals 5. Envelopes are not to be opened
(b) specific details of the Chinese New Year until______________. 10602008
(c)general details of New Year celebrations (a) the giver has left the home of the recipient
3. It is customary for families to thoroughly (b)the recipient has left the home of the giver
clean their houses ________. 10602006 (c)the giver has gone to sleep
(a) before the first day of the New Year
(b) on the first day of the New Year
B. Answer the following questions.
Q.1 When does Chinese New Year start? Q.4 What do decorations on doors and
(Board 2015, 2016)10602009 windows symbolize? (Board 2015, 2017) 10602012
Q.2 Why do Chinese families do thorough Q.5 What is the significance of New Year’s
cleaning of their houses before New Year’s Eve Dinner? (Board 2014, 15, 16) 10602013
Day? (Board 2014)10602010 Q.6 What do the little red envelopes filled
Q.3 Which colour is not allowed and which with money symbolize?(Board 2015, 2017)10602014
colour is encouraged on Chinese New Year? Q.7 What is the importance of Chinese New
Why? (Board 2018) 10602011 Year for Chinese families? 10602015

Box / Additional Questions

Q.1 Why is Chinese New Year never on Q.3Why does this dinner consist of eight
the same day each year? or nine dishes? 10602018
(Board 2014, 2018) 10602016 Q.4 Is Chinese belief about people having
Q.2What is Chinese belief about cleaning character traits of animals a fact or an
houses before the new year day? 10602017 opinion? 10602019
(Board 2014-2016)

Definition of Collective Noun: 10602020
A collective noun names groups of persons, places or things that sometimes function as a unit e.g.
Noun Collective Noun
Collective Nouns
A. Fill in the blanks with the correct collective nouns.
gang, crowd, committee, class, crew, audience, family
1. It is typical for a Chinese _______to make eight to nine dishes for the New Year’s Eve
Dinner. 10602021
2. The ________ applauded heartily at the end of the concert. 10602022
3. The________ has just had a physics lesson. 10602023
4. The __________ of robbers was arrested by the police. 10602024
5. A_______ of people gathered at the accident sight. 10602025
6. The _________took many important decisions at its monthly meeting. 10602026
7. The ____________of Pakistan Air Force looked smart in their uniform. 10602027
Use of Must/ Mustn’t 10602028
Strong Obligation Must All cleaning must be finished before New Year’s Day.
Strong Prohibition Mustn’t Mother: “You mustn’t play with matches.”
B. Fill in blanks with “must” or “mustn’t”.
1. She ___________ eat so much sugar. 10602029
2. Students ___________ pass an entrance examination to study at this school. 10602030
3. You ___________ watch so much television. 10602031
4. He ___________ take some medicine for that cough. 10602032
5. Visitors ___________ smoke. 10602033
C. Make the present indefinite or present continuous sentences.
1. You (not / like) ___________ chocolate. 10602034
2. She (not / study) ___________ at the moment. 10602035
3. They (not / eat) ___________ rice every day. 10602036
4. We (not / work) ___________ now. 10602037
5. It (rain) ___________ a lot here. 10602038
6. I (go) ___________ on a holiday tomorrow. 10602039
D. Punctuate the following paragraph. 10602040
on the eve of the chinese new year it is customary to visit relatives and partake in a large
dinner where a number of specific foods are served it is typical for a chinese family to make eight
to nine dishes for the new years eve dinner because in Chinese the word eight means prosperity
and the word nine means long-lasting
Writing Skills
A. Summarize the lesson by arranging the celebrations of “Chinese New Year”
chronologically. 10602041

B. Write an essay on “Our Cultural Festivals” (220-250 words) 10602042

Objective Type

(I)Choose the word with correct spellings and fill up the bubble sheet. 10602043

Sr. (A) (B) (C) (D)

1 Practice Prectise Prectis Prectse
2 Ancourge Encorage Encourage Encorge
3 Courge Courage Coarge Coirge
4 Customary Customery Custumary Custmary
5 Sppecific Specific Spceific Spesific
6 Recipient Recepient Ricepient Racipent
7 Diner Dinner Denner Dinir
8 Excellent Excellent Excelent Excillent
9 Bilieve Belive Beleve Believe
10 Accociated Essoceated Associated Essociated
11 Bigening Begining Beginning Begenning
12 Actualy Actuely Actuelly Actually
13 Liboratory Laberatory Laboratory Laboretory
14 Privilege Previlege Prevelege Previllege
15 Coming Comming Comeing Commeing
16 Charaster Charactr Character Sharacter
17 Lunare Lunar Luner Lunir
18 Decline Dacline Dicline Dikline
19 Revigoratien Rinrigeorate Reinvigorate Inrigroavtee
20 Assaciation Association Asoceation Asociation
21 Envalopes Envelopes Envalops Envelops
22 Popular Pupular Popolar Papuler

(II)Choose the correct option and fill up the bubble sheet: 10602044

Sr. Questions (A) (B) (C) (D)

Celebrations can actually last up
1 to a month. The underlined word Infact Urgent Generally Clearly
The giver
recipient The giver The
Envelopes are not to be opened has left the
2 has left the has gone giver did
until_________________. home of the
home of the to sleep not allow
Hanging up signs and posters on
Luck and Love and Care and Sad and
3 doors and windows means
happiness sincerity affection gloomy
He is the recipient of many
4 Purchaser Buyer Receiver Giver

5 The word reinvigorate means: Remind Strengthen Develop Prepare

6 Chinese word ‘fu’ means ______. Luck Comfort Death

(III)Choose the correct option according to grammar and fill up the bubble sheet.
Sr. Questions (A) (B) (C) (D)
The gang of robbers was arrested
Concrete Collective Abstract Material
1 by the police. The underlined
Noun Noun Noun noun
word is a / an:
The class has just had a physics
Concrete Abstract Collective Material
2 lesson. The underlined word is a /
Noun Noun Noun Noun
on ________________.
Students____pass an entrance
examination to study at this
3 Ought Might Must Would
school. Fill in the blank with
appropriate modal verb.
Lesson 3

A. Write meaning of the following words. 10603001
Words Meanings
B. Find synonyms of the following words. 10603002
Words Synonyms
Reading Comprehension
A. Answer the following questions.
Q.1 What is the lesson taught in the first Q.4 How many times should we try and
stanza? 10603003 why? 10603006
Q.2 What can we learn from failure? Q.5 What should we do if we find our task
10603004 hard? (Board 2014) 10603007
Q.3 How is failure not a disgrace? Q.6 Give an example of struggle from
(Board 2016) 10603005
your life. 10603008

Box / Additional Questions

Q.1 What does the word ‘persevere’ Q.2 “If we strive, it is no disgrace,”
mean? (Board2015) 10603009 explain this sentence. 10603010
Q.3 Why is the poet repeating the sentence ‘try again’? (Board 2016) 10603011

A figure of speech in which two apparently unlike things are explicitly compared, usually in a
phrase introduced by like or as.
1) He is as fast as a horse. 2) It’s as cold as ice.
B . Select the choice that explains the meaning of the simile as it is used in the sentences.
1. On the cold winter day, under the (b) The new teacher was big from eating
covers, I kept as snug as a bug in a rug. too much pie.
The simile as snug as a bug in a rug means: (c)The new teacher was rude.
(a) There were bugs in my bed.10603012 3. Their leader was as wise as an owl.
(b) I was cozy in my bed. The simile wise as an owl means:10603014
(c) I was too cold to stay in bed. (a) The leader thought he could fly.
2. The new teacher was as sweet as apple (b) The leader could talk to the owls.
pie. 10603013 (c)The leader knew a lot of things.
The simile as sweet as apple-pie means. 4. The shopping center was like a three-
(a) The new teacher was nice. ring circus the day before Eid. 10603015
The simile like a three-ring circus means:
(a) The shopping center was quiet. (c) Danish was babysitting.
(b) The shopping center was big. 6. Mohsin was as explosive as a volcano
(c) The shopping center was really busy. when he found out his bike had been
5. Danish threw such a temper outburst stolen. 10603017
over such a tiny thing; he was acting The simile as explosive as a volcano means
like a baby. 10603016 (a) Mohsin was happy.
The simile like a baby means: (b) Mohsin was angry.
(a) Danish was mature. (c) Mohsin was calm.
(b) Danish was acting childish.

C. Fill in the blanks to make similes. Use these similes in sentences. 10603018
1. ______as turtle 2. As quiet as _____ 3. As black ________

4. As tall as ________ 5. ________ as a lemon 6. ________ as honey

Similes Sentences
As slow as a turtle
As quiet as a mouse
As black as coal
As tall as a bamboo
As sour as a lemon
As sweet as honey
Alliteration 10603019
D. Read the poem again and find out the example of alliteration.
Personal Pronouns 10603020
Subject Pronouns Object Pronouns Possessive Pronouns
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
First Person I We me us my, mine our, ours
Second Person You You you you your, yours your, yours
Third Person he, she, it it, they him ,her ,it it , them his , her, its its , their,
A. Fill in the blanks with correct pronouns.
1. There is no need to shout. ___ can hear you. 10603021
2. You and I work well together. __ are a good team. 10603022
3. We have got a bit of a problem. Could ___ help __please? 10603023
4. A: This is a good photo, isn’t____? Is Samina in__? 10603024
B: Yes, that’s ___, look ___ is next to Fahad.
5. A:Who did this mowing? 10603025
B:___ did __ this morning.
6. A: Is this Ahmad’s bag? 10603026
B: No, __ didn’t bring one. It cant’t belong to ___
7. A: I’m looking for my shoes. Have ___ seen ___ ? 10603027
B: Yes, ____ are here.
B. Select a personal pronoun that agrees with the subject of each sentence.
Example: The group has____ meeting here. ( its )
1. Anyone can get ______ name in the news. 10603028
2. None of the cheques were cashed; ___ finally expired. 10603029
3. My mother and her sister took ____ vacation together. 10603030
4. All are welcome: ___ just need to call for directions to the party. 10603031
5. Venus and Mars have ___ orbits nearer to Earth than to any other planets. 10603032
6. The band starts ___tour tomorrow night. 10603033
7. Any of the candidates could win; ____ are very much alike. 10603034
8. Everybody has ____ own dreams and goals. 10603035
Degrees of Adjectives 10603036
Positive Comparative Superlative
C. Complete the sentences by supplying the correct degrees of adjectives.
1. My family and I went to visit Murree last summer. Of all the summers I have had, I
would say this was the ______(good) summer ever! 10603037
2. In Murree, we enjoyed the horse ride. I rode a horse that ran ______ (fast) and _______
(fast) on the hills. 10603038
3. We also climbed a tree and when I reached the highest branch I was ______ (tired) than
my sister. 10603039
4. I bought a jacket which was quite______(expensive) and my sister chose a sweater
because she found it much (cheap) ______to buy. 10603040
5. After our trip, I feel I am the ______ (lucky) boy on earth! 10603041

Order of Adjectives
Where a number of adjectives are used together, the order depends on the function of the
adjectives. The usual order is:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
value/opinion size age/temperature shape colour origin material
D. Arrange the adjectives following the correct order.
1. We saw (gray, huge, a) _______ whale in the sea. 10603042
2. Babar uses the (blue, medium, rubber) ____________ball for basketball practice.
3. Mehreen brought (few, a, chocolate, dark, triangular) ______________bars to the
birthday party. 10603044
4. The pyramids of Egypt are made out of (rock, enormous, rectangular) ____ boulders.
5. Shahid can eat (thin-crust, square, five) _____________ pizza slices. 10603046

Adjective Phrase
An Adjective Phrase is a group of words that functions like an Adjective.
Examples:1) The black umbrella is mine. 2) The umbrella with a broken handle is mine.
In example (a) the adjective black, describes the umbrella. In example (b) the adjective phrase
with a broken handle, describes the umbrella. It does the work of an adjective.
E. Pick out the adjective phrase in each sentence.
1. He bore a banner with a strange device. 10603047
2. The principal of this school is on leave. 10603048
3. The decision of the judges is final. 10603049
4. The tops of the mountains were covered with snow. 10603050
5. The runner in the rear did not qualify. Ans. The runner in the rear did not qualify.10603051
Future Indefinite Tense
F. Put in ‘will’ or ‘be going to’ in these sentences.
1. A: We don’t have any bread. 10603052
B: I know. I am going to get some from the shop.
2. A: We don’t have any bread. 10603053
B: Really? I am going to get some from the shop then.
3. A: Why do you need to borrow my suitcase? 10603054
B: I am going to visit my mother in Multan next month.
4. A: I’m really cold. 10603055
B: I am going to turn the heating on.
5. A: Are you going to Jamshed’s wedding tonight? 10603056
B: Yes. Are you going too? I will give you a lift.
6. A: Are you busy today? Would you like to have coffee? 10603057
B: Sorry. I will go to the library. I’ve been planning to study all day.
7. A: Why are you carrying a hammer? 10603058
B: I am going to put up some pictures.
Writing Skills
A. Explain the main idea of the poem. 10603059
B. Paraphrase the stanzas of the poem. (Board 2016)
Stanza 1: ‘Tis a lesson you should heed – you will conquer, never fear, Try again.
(Board 2016, 2017) 10603060
Stanza 2: Once or twice though you should fail - What should you do in that case? Try
(Board 2017) 10603061
Stanza 3: If you find your task is hard – Only keep this rule in view, Try again. 10603062
C. Write summary of the poem “Try Again”. (Board 2014, 2017, 2018) 10603063

Write a paragraph on “Hard work is a key to success”. (125 – 150 words) 10603064

Objective Type 10603065

(I)Choose the word with correct spellings and fill up the bubble sheet:
Sr. (A) (B) (C) (D)
1 Prevail Prevale Preveil Pervail
2 Succes Seccess Success Suceass
3 Effart Effort Affort Effert
4 Attempt Attemmpt Atempt Attmipt
(II)Choose the correct option and fill up the bubble sheet:
Sr. Questions (A) (B) (C) (D)
If we strive, ‘tis no disgrace.
1 Insult Fail Reward Task
The underlined word means.
The synonyms of ‘conquer’ is
2 Win Shame Tough Heed
You and I work well together.
3 They We Their You
______________ are good team.
(III)Choose the correct option according to grammar and fill up the bubble sheet.
Sr. Questions (A) (B) (C) (D)
My family and I went to visit
Murree last summer, of all the
1 summers, I have had, I would Good Very good Best Better
say this was the ________
summer ever!
After our trip, I feel I am the
2 Lucky Very lucky Luckiest Luck
We also climbed a tree and
when I reached the highest More Most
3 Tried Very Tired
branch I was ____________ Tired Tired
than my sister.
Everybody has _________ own
4 Its Their His It
dreams and desires.
Lesson 4

A. Many fields have a specialized vocabulary. Identify specialized vocabulary related to
medical field in the text. 10604001
Specialized Words What I think it means What it means
B. Complete the missing letters in the words below to match the meaning given on the
right. All these words have prefix dis. 10604002

Words Meanings
C. Now use these words in sentences. 10604003
Words Sentences
D. Further reading activity 10604004
Go through the list of idioms in a grammar book and find five idioms which start with ‘to-
infinitive’ Write Urdu equivalents of these idioms also.
Example: To owe is woe.   

1. To take into account
2. To mend one’s ways
3. To be at home
4. To get rid of
5. To break the ice
Reading Comprehension
A. Choose the correct answers.
1. If blood spurts or continues flowing 3. If a ___________ appears, stop using
after continuous pressure, ___. 10604005 the ointment. 10604007
(a)do first aid (a) Infection (b) rash
(b) apply gentle pressure with a clean cloth (c) allergy
(c)seek medical assistance 4. Change the dressing at least. 10604008
2. Thorough cleaning reduces the risk of (a) weekly (b)twice a day (c)daily
___________. 10604006 5. Band aids or sticky plasters are good
(a) Infection and tetanus for dressing small _________. 10604009
(b)allergy (c)rash (a)Wounds (b)Burns
B. Answer the following questions.
Q.1 You should not keep checking if the Q.4 What should you do if you are
bleeding has stopped. Why? allergic to adhesive material used in most
(Board 2014)10604010 bandages? (Board 2015) 10604013
Q.2 Why is it necessary to keep soap Q.5 When do you need to see a doctor?
away from the wound? 10604011 (Board 2016) 10604014
Q.3 How is an antibiotic cream or Q.6 What should your first aid kit
ointment good in healing the wound? consist of? (Board 2015, 2016, 2018) 10604015
(Board 2014)10604012

Box / Additional Questions

Q.1 What is the importance of knowledge Q.2 Which kind of wound usually
of ‘First Aid’ in crisis management?1060416 requires stitches? 10604017

C. Read the First Aid Process of cuts and scrapes. Put the relevant information in the
graphic organizer showing sequence. 10604018

Positions of Adverbs 10604019
Adverb describes how the action happens (manner), where the action happens (place), when
the action happens (times) and to what extent the action happens.
A. Place adverbs at appropriate places.
1. I am happy when it is my birthday (always). 10604020
2. My brother gets up at six o’clock from Monday to Friday as he goes jogging. (often).
3. He went to the market. (last night) 10604022
4. Have you been to Hunza valley? (ever) 10604023
5. The birds were chirping . (beautifully) 10604024
6. I’m waiting for Khalid to arrive. I have been waiting for over twenty minutes. (still)
7. He saw a blind beggar. (in the market). 10604026
Adverb Phrase
It works as the adverb of a verb.
The boy runs very fast

S V (the adverb phrase)

Adverb can be replaced by an equivalent adverb phrase.
She spoke loudly. (adverb) She spoke in a loud manner. (adverb phrase)
B. Find a suitable adverb to replace each adverb phrase in the following sentences.
1. Our teacher wanted that work to be done without delay. 10604027
2. She is without doubt the most caring person I have met. 10604028
3. This plant flowers once every year. 10604029
4. You should complete the work in a while. 10604030
5. The two old friends met each other by accident. 10604031

Gerunds and Infinitives 10604032

Gerund (A Verbal Noun)

Gerund is the (-ing) form of a verb used as noun. Swimming is fun. 10604033
Gerunds have the following functions.
i. Adjective+ Preposition + Gerund

She is fond+of+ cooking.

ii. Verb + Preposition+ Gerund

The man was accused+ of + over speeding.

iii. Noun + Verb+ Pronoun Preposition + Gerund

Teacher + punished + her + for + misbehaving

An Infinitive is a non finite verb form consisting of to + 1st form of verb. 10604034
i. He wants to leave. ii. They came to help us.
C. Complete the following sentences with infinitive or gerund whichever is appropriate.
1. We felt the plane _______ (shake) in the storm. 10604035

2. I’ve always disliked _______ (smoke). 10604036

3. Where did you learn____ (speak) French? 10604037
4. Is the exhibition worth_______ (visit)? 10604038
5. I don’t mind _______ (get up) early. 10604039
6. We’d love _______ (come) with you. 10604040
7. She seems _______ (know) this place. 10604041
D. Identify gerunds and infinitives in the following sentences.
1. Minor cuts and scrapes usually stop bleeding on their own. 10604042
2. To clean the area around the wound, use soap and a washcloth. 10604043
3. Don’t keep checking to see if the bleeding has stopped. 10604044
4. So try to keep it out of the actual wound. 10604045
5. If a rash appears, stop using the ointment. 10604046
6. If dirt or debris remains in the wound after washing, use tweezers cleaned with alcohol
to remove the particles. 10604047
Ans. washing = Gerundto remove = Infinitive
E. Change the following sentences into the passive voice. Subject in the passive sentences
may be skipped.
1. You must put out all smoking materials. 10604048
Ans. All smoking materials must be put out.
2. You must fasten the seat belt. 10604049
Ans. The seat belt must be fastened.
3. They will demonstrate safety precautions. 10604050
Ans. Safety precautions will be demonstrated.
4. You should read the safety instructions. 10604051
Ans. The safety instructions should be read.
5. You can store small packages in the overhead compartment. 10604052
Ans. Small packages can be stored in the overhead compartment.

Writing Skills
A. Write a paragraph on “How to take care of cuts and scrapes” Use transitional devices
e.g. first, next, then, after that, in the end etc. to join sentences within the paragraph.10604053

B. Did you ever get cuts and scrapes? How did you give yourself first Aid? Write a
paragraph in the past tense. First make an outline with the help of mind map given below.
Review 1
A. Choose the correct option.
1. He devised the most equitable plan for 5. Another popular custom is to hang up
the setting of the Black Stone. The signs and posters on doors and
underlined word means. 10604055 windows with the Chinese word fu
(Board 2018) written on them. The underlined
(a) privileged (b)reasonable word means: (Board 2017)10604059
(c) favourite (a) law (b) practice
2. He decided every case brought to him, (c) rule
by friend or foe with justice, without 6. First aid knowledge ranges from taking
fear or favour. The underlined word care of cuts to dealing with an
means. (Board 2014)10604056 unconscious victim. The underlined word
(a) Partner (b) companion means. 10604060
(c) enemy (a) helper
3. Their ancestors killed a member of our (b) suppressor (c) sufferer
family. The underlined word means: 7. The synonym of “persevere” is
(a) relatives (Board 2018) 10604057 _______. (Board 2017) 10604061
(b)forefathers (c) successors (a)persist (b)give up
4. Prior to the first day of the New Year it (c)surrender
is customary for families to thoroughly 8. The synonym of “reward” is_______.
clean their houses. The underlined (a) fine 10604062

word means. 10604058 (b) prize (c) penalty

(a)preceding (b) following 9. The antonym of “mighty” is ________ .
(c)subsequent (a) weak (Board 2015) 10604063
(b)grand (c)strong
10. The antonym of fail is ____________ . (a) with
(a) unsuccessful (Board 2018) 10604064 (b) by
(b)succeed (c) from
(c) flourish 16. Last summer, we ………………..many
11. The accident was due to his places. (Board 2014)10604070
ruthlessness. The underlined word is a (a) visited
an _________noun. 10604065 (b) had visited
(a)collective (b)concrete (c) have visited
(c)abstract 17. All students …………………….. for
12. Our job is to keep the audience happy. prizes. (Board 2014& 2015)10604071
The underlined word is a / an (a) competes
____noun. (b) compete
(a)collective (Board 2017, 18) 10604066 (c) competing
(b)concrete 18. Didn’t you see the sign? You
(c)abstract _____________drive more than 30
13. We have to take the bus __________ miles an hour. 10604072
tomorrow morning. 10604067 (a) must not (b) should not
(a) early (c) may not
(b) earlier (c) earliest 19. You _______find Lubna in the garden,
14. We ____________our bottle, so we but I doubt it. 10604073
could use it again. 10604068 (a) can (b) must
(a)cleaning (c) might
(b)clean 20. Choose the correct spelling. 10604074
(c)cleaned (a) intersede (b) intercede
15. Ali was impressed_____ Sarmad’s (c) entercede
grades. (Board 2015) 10604069
B. Answer the following questions 10604075
Q.1 Hazrat Muhammad(S.A.W.) is a perfect model and example for all mankind. Explain.
Q.2 Write a note on Chinese New Year celebrations. 10604076
Q.3 Why is trying again important in life? 10604077
Q.4 Write the First Aid Process of cuts and scrapes. 10604078
C. Read the passage and answer the questions given below. 10604079

Q.1 What is the first change that internet (b). The quality of being or making things
has brought in our lives? 10604080 easy.
Q.2 How have search engines Q.5 Write a précis of the given passage
revolutionized access to information?10604081 and suggest a suitable title for it. 10604084
Q.3 Internet has brought people closer. (a) Write a paragraph on any ONE of the
How? 10604082 following topics.
Q.4 Find words from the passage that 1. Land Pollution.
mean the same as phrases given below. 2. The subject I like the most in school.
(a) Far greater or higher than is reasonable
Land Pollution 10604085

The Subject I Like Most In School 10604086

(b). Write a general essay on any ONE of the following topics.

1. Traffic Problems of a Big City. 2. Discipline
Traffic Problems In Big Cities 10604087

Discipline 10604088

F. Write a narrative essay on any ONE of the following topics.

1. On a Rainy Day. 2. Most Memorable Trip
On A Rainy Day 10604089

Most Memorable Trip 10604090

G. Paraphrase the following stanza. 10604091

If you find your task is hard.
Try again.
Time will bring you your reward.
Try again;
All that other folk can do
Why with patience should not you?
Only keep this rule in view.
Try again.
Objective Type 10604092
(I)Choose the word with correct spellings and fill up the bubble sheet.
Sr. (A) (B) (C) (D)
1 Axposure Expure Exposure Expusre
2 Excludie Exclude Excluad Exalied
3 Adhasove Adhesive Adhsive Adhasiv
4 Strengar Strangir Stranger Strenger
5 Presure Pressur Prassure Pressure
6 Temparery Tamporery Tamprery Temporary
7 Tewezer Tezwere Tweezers Tewzeer
8 Iquipment Equepment Equipment Equuepment
9 Plsters Pleasters Plasters Plastars
10 Skrapes Skripes Scrapes Screpas
11 Idioms Idiomis Idiems Idiomes
12 Techiqe Techniq Technique Techneque
13 Pastone Pestpane Postpane Postpone
14 Minar Minur Miner Minor
15 Divert Divart Devert Divereet
16 Column Calumn Calunm Colamn
17 Amergency Amragency Emmergency Emergency
18 Bandeges Bendeges Bandages Bendags
19 Surface Surfase Serfase Serface
20 Rines Rinse Renise Risne
21 Enfaction Anfaction Enfecshon Infection
22 Elastic Elastac Alastic Elestic
(II)Choose the correct option and fill up the bubble sheet:
Sr. Questions (A) (B) (C) (D)

1 The word debris means: Rubble Mud Soil Send

2 The synonym of dressing is: Bandage Garments Clothes
If _______________ appears,
3 Infection Rash Allergy Wounds
stop using the ointment:
Thorough cleaning reduces the Infection
4 Allergy Rash Burns
risk of _______________. and tetanus
Lesson 5
A. Give an antonym for each given word and make sentences with both words. 10605001
Rich, top, near, light, bright, noise, lovely.
Words Antonyms
Words Sentences
Denotation Connotation
It is the dictionary and literal meaning It is the emotional / contextual / cultural meaning
of a word. attached to a word; shades and degrees of meaning.
Example: Home, House, Residence, Dwelling
Denotation: All these words mean a place in which someone lives.
Home House Residence Dwelling
The actual Cold, without Primitive
cozy, loving, comfortable, feeling of security
building feeling or basic
B. Read the following sentences. Answer the questions given below. 10605002
a) Adeel was surprised. b) Adeel was amazed. c) Adeel was astonished.
Q.1 What is the general meaning of each of the three sentences about Adeel? Do the words
“surprised,” “amazed” and “astonished” have approximately the same denotation? 10605003
Q.2 Use dictionary to find what additional meanings are suggested by “astonish.” 10605004
Q.3 Would a person be surprised or astonished at seeing a ghost? 10605005

Difference between Positive and Negative Connotation

Stubborn Strong willed (positive connotation), Pig-headed (negative connotation)
C. Which connotation is more positive?
1. Our trip to the Khewra Mines was D. Which connotation is more negative?
_________. 10605007 1. We bought ________ souvenirs at the
(a) fine (b) wonderful amusement park. 10605012
2. _______ people rode on the roller (a) cheap (b)inexpensive
coaster. 10605008 2. I ate a ________ sandwich. 10605013
(a) brave (b)foolhardy (a) soggy (b)moist
3. We saw _________ animals in the zoo. 3. I didn’t like the __________ on the
(a) fascinating (b) weird 10605009 jester’s face 10605014
4. Some of the monkeys made _______ (a) smirk (b)grin
faces. 10605010 4. It made me feel _________. 10605015
(a) hilarious (b)amusing (a) uneasy (b)frightened
5. Everyone had a _________ on his or her
face on the way home.(Board 2014)10605011
(a) smile (b)smirk
E. Give synonyms for the following words. 10605016
Words Synonyms
Reading Comprehension
A. Answer the following questions:
Q.1 What does the poet hear? 10605017 Q.4 How does the sun come out after the
Q.2 What according to the poet is a sweet rain? 10605020
noise? (Board 2016) 10605018 Q.5 How does the light fill the drops?
Q.3 What will happen after the rain stops? (Board 2014)10605021
(Board 2015)10605019 Q.6 What makes the scene lovely?10605022
Box / Additional Questions
Q.1 What do the rich and the poor leaves stand for? (Board 2017) 10605023
Q.2 Do you also like the sun coming out after rain? Why? 10605024

B. Select the choice that explains the meaning of the metaphor as it is used in the sentence.
1. Juniad is an ox. 10605025 (b) Shahid lives in Japan.
The metaphor is an ox means (c) Shahid has a triangle head.
(a) Junaid is deaf. 4. Lubna is the apple of her father’s eye.
(b) Junaid is weak. 10605028

(c) Junaid is strong. The metaphor Lubna is appleof eye means:

2. Waleed is a real couch potato. The (a) Lubna is loved by her father.
metaphor couch potato means 10605026 (b) Lubna’s father is mad at her.
(a) Waleed is always busy with some (c) Lubna has an apple tree in her yard.
activity. 5. Maria was feeling blue after her cat was
(b) Waleed is lazy. hit by a car. 10605029

(c) Waleed likes to go outside and play. The metaphor feeling blue means
3. Shahid is a volcano after hearing his (a) Maria didn’t like cars.
brother borrowed his car without (b) Maria was sad.
permission. 10605027
(c) Maria wore blue frock.
The metaphor Shahid is a volcano means 6. Faraz is a giant in his class, towering a
(a) Shahid is angry. foot over his classmates. 10605030
The metaphor Faraz is a giant means: (b) Faraz is from a fairy tale.
(a) Faraz is short. (c) Faraz is tall.
C. Identify use of metaphor in the poem and answer these questions.
Q.1 What do the rich leaves symbolize? Q.3 What does the sun symbolize?10605033
Q.2 What do the poor leaves stand for?

D. Identify the use of personification in the poem and answer these questions.
Q.1 Which object is being personified in Q.2 Which human traits are given to that
the poem? 10605034 object? 10605035

Transitive and Intransitive Verbs
Transitive verb (Passing Over) 10605036
A transitive verb is a verb that describes an action which passes over from the subject to an
Example: He ate an apple.

Intransitive Verb: 10605037
An intransitive verb is a verb that describes an action which does not pass over to an object:
Example: The boy sleeps.
We can form passive voice sentences only from a transitive verb.
Transitive and Intransitive verbs
A. Pick out the verb in each sentence and state whether it is transitive or intransitive.
1. The sun shines bright. 10605038
2. I hear a noise. 10605039
3. Ali drives the car carefully. 10605040
4. You got angry with your sister. 10605041
5. Sarmad ate lots of sweets. 10605042
6. Everyone tried very hard to win the race. 10605043
7. She knows the secret. 10605044

B. Some verbs can be used both transitively and intransitively.

a. She ____ the painting on the wall.
b. The painting _____ on the wall.
In example a is a transitive verb which passes the action to the noun “painting”, in
example b_____ is an intransitive verb.
B. Make two sentences with each of the given words. Make the first as a transitive verb
and then as an intransitive verb. 10605045
Write, Play, sing, read, plan, move
No. Verbs Sentences
2 Play
Prepositions of Movement and Direction
C. Fill in the blanks with appropriate Prepositions.
1. Sheraz is going ___ the ladder. 10605046
2. The furniture is __ the van. 10605047
3. My friend lives in a flat __ a shop. 10605048
4. The boss is coming __ the corridor. 10605049
5. There’s a garage __ the house. 10605050
6. We walked along the lake. 10605051
7. There’s statue in __ the museum. 10605052
8. Hassan and Ali are walking __ the stadium. 10605053
D. Where did the fly go?
Example: The fly came in through the door.
1 It flew ________________ the chair. 10605054
2 It crawled ______________ the chair leg. 10605055
3 It stopped ______ the desk for a moment. 10605056
4 It went _______________ the telephone. 10605057
5 It flew _______________ the drawer. 10605058
6 It went ______________ the window. 10605059

Active Passive Voice

E. Put in the correct form of the verb to complete the following sentences in passive voice.
1 We ______________ a letter the day before yesterday. (to send – Past Indefinite).10605060
2 This car ______________ . It’s too old (not/ to steal- Past Indefinite) 10605061
3 A new restaurant ____________ last week. ( to open – past continuous) 10605062
4 He ________________ to the party yesterday. (to invite – Past Indefinite) 10605063
5 I ______________ the book by my friend. (to give – past continuous). 10605064

Writing Skills
A. Write the main idea of the poem. 10605065
B. Paraphrase the stanzas of the poem.
Stanza 1:I hear leaves drinking rain – These green leaves drinking near. 10605066
Stanza 2:And when the sun comes out – It will be a lovely sight. (Board 2016) 10605067
C. Write summary of the Poem “ The Rain”(Board 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018) 10605068
D. Write a paragraph on “ The Rainy Day” (125-150 words) 10605069
Objective Type 10605070
(I)Choose the word with correct spellings and fill up the bubble sheet.
Sr. (A) (B) (C) (D)
1 Warndrus Warndrous Wandrous Wondrous
2 Noise Noese Neice Naise
3 Feborite Favourite Favourte Favorte
(II)Choose the correct option and fill up the bubble sheet: 10605071
Sr. Questions (A) (B) (C) (D)
I ate a ____________ sandwich.
1 Which connotation is more Moist Grin Soggy Uneasy
Everyone had a ______ on his or
2 her face on the way home which Grin Smile Smirk Sadness
connotation is more positive.
Some of the monkeys made
3 ______faces. Which connotation Amusing Hilarious Brave
is more positive?
The antonym of “bright” is
4 Brilliant Clear Boring Dark
And when the sun comes out
5 after this rain shall stop. The Passes Spreads Appears Hears
underlined word means:

(III) Choose the correct option according to grammar and fill up the bubble sheet:
Sr. Questions (A) (B) (C) (D)
The synonym of “lovely” is
1 Unattractive Beautiful Ugly Sad
Sarmad ate a lot of sweets.
2 The underlined word is Regular Transitive Intransitive Auxiliary
_________ verb.
Sarmad ate a lot of sweets. None of
3 Present Past Future
This tense is: these
The line “The moon was a
4 misty shadow” contains an Simile Metaphor Personification Alliteration
example of:
The line “The moon was a
5 misty shadow” contains an Simile Metaphor Personification Alliteration
example of:
We walked ___ the lake.
6 Fill in the blank with From Around Into Besides
appropriate preposition.
The sentence, “He was not
7 invited to the party” is an Past Perfect Past Indefinite Negative
example of _____ tense.
They played hockey for an
Transitive Intransitive Present
8 hour. The underlined word Phrasal Verb
Verb Verb Verb
is an example of:
You got angry with your
9 sister. The underlined word Noun Gerund Adjective Verb
is an example of:
She knows the secret. The Transitive Intransitive Regular
10 Phrasal Verb
underlined word is an Verb Verb Verb
example of:
Lesson 6
A. Give the meaning of each word as used in the lesson. 10606001
Words Meanings
B. Form a noun with each of the following words and use the nouns in sentences. 10606002
Words Nouns Sentences
Reading Comprehension
Analysis of patterns of text organization
A. Choose the correct option.
1. In paragraph 1, the topic sentence is (a) gives arguments in favour of
supported through _______. 10606003 television
(a) facts (b) examples (b) gives arguments in favour of newspapers
(c) definitions (c) shows both mediums are equally
2. Paragraph 3 shows that watching news advantageous.
on television is _________. 10606004 5. Television news is like having a fast
(a) not as convenient food meal whereas reading newspapers
(b) trouble free is like having a ten course dinner. This
(c) more convenient than reading news sentence is an example of _____. 10606007
papers (a) metaphor (b) simile
3. The key idea of paragraph 4 is ____. (c) personification.
(a) reading news paper is more 10606005 6. Paragraph 6 concludes that. 10606008
convenient than watching television (a) we should use both mediums of
(b) watching television and reading news information
paper are equally convenient (b) television news should be given
(c) Television viewing is more preference
convenient than reading newspaper. (c) reading newspapers is more important

4. Paragraph 5 _________. 10606006

B. Read the text again and put information from the text into the graphic organizer
showing compare and contrast. 10606009
What is being compared & contrasted?
Television VS Newspapers
Short Questions
C. Answer the following questions.
Q.1 How is a newspaper more convenient Q.5 Why do some people read more than
medium of news? (Board 2015,17) 10606010 one newspapers? (Board 2018) 10606014
Q.2 How does a viewer get restricted Q.6 How can readers give feedback to the
while watching TV news? 10606011 newspaper articles? 10606015
Q.3 In what way viewing news on TV is Q.7 Which medium do you prefer for
easier than reading a newspaper? 10606012 news? Why? (Board 2016,18) 10606016
Q.4 How do newspapers give us more in
depth coverage? (Board 2014) 10606013

Box / Additional Questions

Q.1 What is one good thing about Q.3 Have you ever given your views on
newspapers? (Board 2014, 2015, 2016) 10606017 any article? 10606019
Q.2 How does television make us lazy? Q.4 Which simile has the author used and
(Board 2016) 10606018 why? 10606020

Modal Verb:
Modal verbs express a variety of attitudes or moods towards an action or state. e.g. can, could
may, might, must, have(to) will, shall, should, ought to 10606021

Sr.# Modal Verb Uses

i. Can, Could
ii. May, Might
iii. Must
iv. Shall
v. Will
vi. Should
vii. Used to
Modal Verbs
A. Put appropriate modal verbs in the gaps.
1. We ____to borrow umbrellas; so we didn’t get wet. 10606022
2. I was so far from the stage that I _____see very well. 10606023
3. He sees very badly; he _____ wear glasses all the time. 10606024
4. You _____ drive fast; there is a speed limit here. 10606025
5. We _____ drive fast; we have plenty of time. 10606026

Active Passive Voice

B. Put in the correct form of the verb to complete the following sentences in passive voice.
1. A letter _______________ by Ahsan. (to write- Present Continuous) 10606027
2. The words ___________ by the teacher today. (to explain- Present Indefinite) 10606028
3. This road ______________ because of snow (already/ to close-Present Indefinite) 10606029
4. The dishes ________________by my brother. (not/ to wash- Present Continuous) 10606030
5. I _____________by the principal. (not / called- Present indefinite) 10606031
The First Conditional 10606032
The first conditional sentences are used to speculate about possible situations that can really
happen at present or in future.
Example: If they are busy people, they will miss the news.
Structure: If + present tense + future tense.
C. Put the correct form of the verbs to make first conditional sentences.
1. If you ______ (get) back late, I ______(be) angry. 10606033
2. If we_______ (wait) here, we ______(be) late. 10606034
3. If we ______ (go) on holiday this summer, we ______ (go) to Ziarat. 10606035
4. If the weather ______ (not/ improve), we ______ (not/ have) a picnic. 10606036
5. They ______ (go) to the party if they ______ (be) invited. 10606037
D. Read paragraph 5 and find words that contain silent letters. 10606038

Writing Skills
A. Write précis of paragraph 4. 10606039
B. Write a comparative essay on “The influence of electronic media on print media”.
(220-250 words) 10606040

C. Hassan Raza is writing a letter of complaint to Mr. Haq Nawaz, the Chairman of the
Lahore Development Authority. The information in his letter is correct but the style is
informal. Rewrite the letter in a formal style and include the phrases. 10606041
Objective Type 10606042
(I) Choose the word with correct spellings and fill up the bubble sheet.
Sr. (A) (B) (C) (D)
1 Entertainment Intertainment Entrtanmnet Entiretainment
2 Relevent Relevunt Relevant Relevantt
3 Luxery Luxury Luxary Luxrey
4 Lesiure Liesure Leisure Lerisue
5 Convanience Conevenience Convenience Canveniece
6 Ommit Omit Omitt Oomitt
7 Boardcast Bordcasate Broadcast Bardocast
8 Cirtain Cartain Certain Certein
9 Language Languege Lenguague Linguage
10 Television Talevision Televesion Televiseon
11 Distinct Disstict Indistict Distictin
12 Pronounsed Prononced Pronounced Pronouncd
13 Analysis Anelisis Enelises Anelyses
14 Ideal Aidal Eideal Idael
15 Aspectes Espects Aspects Expacts
16 Article Artecle Artical Artecal
17 Forum Forem Foram Faram
(I) Choose the correct option and fill up the bubble sheet: 10606043

Sr. Questions (A) (B) (C) (D)

Television makes
1 Active Bored Lazy Entertained
Television was
2 primarily invented Communication Information Education Entertainment
On the television you
3 can _____ the news Skip Listen to Not skip Watch
you don’t like:
For reading a
newspaper___ mastery
4 of language is required Less More No Vast
as compared to
watching T.V.
Which senses are at
Visual &
5 work when you use Visual Auditory Tactile
Readers can give
feedback to the articles
6 Writing Reading Listening Publishing
of newspapers by
I was so far from the
7 stage that I ______ see Did not Could not Might not Can not
very well.
Which of the following Having
8 I said no We met him Be quiet
is NOT a sentence: checked the car
‘Television is a fast
food’; this sentence
9 Simile Metaphor Personification Alliteration
contains an example
The antonym of
10 Special Near Common Minor
‘distinct’ is:
Lesson 7

A. Give the meaning of each word as used in the lesson. 10607001
Words Meanings
B. Explain each phrase as used in the lesson.
a. a long bumpy ride 10607002
b. earned first place 10607003
c. a well-rounded student 10607004
d. a long with a group of other students 10607005
e. to look forward to it 10607006
f. made it this far 10607007
C. Translate paragraph 1 of the lesson into Urdu. 10607008
The last couple of years have been a long bumpy ride for me, as they have for everyone of my
age. The experiences might be different but everyone has gone through many of the same
“teenage” circumstances as I have done. All of them have dealt with them in their own way. As a
personal participant in this “game”, we call life, I would say I worked hard for the first place and
earned it. That is just my creative view of things. It is bad, but the fact is that not everyone sees it
in the same way as I do.
Reading Comprehension
A. Choose the correct option.
1. The last couple of years have been a curricular activities
long bumpy ride for me, as they have 3. His summer jobs in the preceding two
for everyone of my age. The years helped him _________. 10607011
underlined phrase means ____. 10607009 (a) gain an understanding of
(a) easy time independence and responsibility
(b) hard and challenging time (b) get financial boost
(c) leisure time (c) make friendships
2. The author thinks he will become a 4. The author has become more ________
well-rounded student by_____. 10607010 because of his job experiences. 10607012
(a) making good grades in academics (a)well-to-do and prosperous
(b) participating in co-curricular activities (b) mature and responsible
(c) partaking both in academic and co- (c) social and well-known
5. This developing positive outlook has given the author the motivation he needs to become
___________ 10607013
(a) famous (b)wealthy (c) successful
B. Answer the following questions.
Q.1 What are some distinctions of the Q.4 How are these experiences helpful to
writer? (Board 2017) 10607014 him in future? 10607017
Q.2 How has the writer spent his summer Q.5 What kind of student is the writer?
vacation? 10607015 Which of his qualities impress you?10607018
Q.3 What has he gained from his summer
jobs experiences? (Board 2014) 10607016

Box / Additional Questions

Q.1 What kind of person is the author? Q.3 How have these job experiences made
(Board 2016) 10607019 the author more mature?(Board 2016)10607021
Q.2 What does the author want to imply Q.4 What has motivated the author to
by mentioning his co-curricular activities? participate so actively?(Board 2018) 10607022

Indefinite Pronoun
A. Underline indefinite pronouns in the following sentences.
Example: The last couple of years have been a long bumpy ride for me, as they have for everyone
of my age.
1. Everybody enjoys a good movie. 10607024
2. Does anybody have the time? 10607025
3. One sang while the other played the guitar. 10607026
4. Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen. 10607027
5. The secret was known by few. 10607028
6. No, the secret was known by many. 10607029
7. Mathematics is too hard for some. 10607030
8. Surely, you recognize somebody. 10607031
9. Is there anything that I can do? 10607032
B. Tick the verb which agrees with the indefinite pronoun.
1. Each of the family members (has, have) one vote. 10607033
2. One of the boys (ear, eats) pizza every week. 10607034
3. Both of the answers (is, are) correct. 10607035
4. A few of the staff (was, were) gone today. 10607036
5. All of the animals (run, runs) when they are scared. 10607037
6. Someone (has, have) his own thoughts. 10607038
7. You know that others (has, have) tried this. 10607039

Present Perfect Tense

C. Fill in the blanks in each sentence with the Present Perfect form of the verb given in
1. How long __________(he / live) in Karachi? 10607040
2. I ______________(Speak) Chinese for twenty years. 10607041
3. ______________(Aliya/ fly) in an airplane before? 10607042
4. Shan __________ (not/go) to lunch yet. 10607043
5. Our class _________ (take) a field trip three times this year. 10607044
6. Where ___________ (they / move) to? 10607045
7. Javeria ___________ (ask) that question four times today. 10607046
Writing Skills
A. Write a précis of paragraph 2. 10607047
B. Write an Essay on “Co-Curricular Activities-Preparing Students for Future” (220-250
words). 10607048

C. Write an application to the Principal to arrange the Sports Week in your school.10607049

D. Write to the Principal of Technology College of your district requesting for information
regarding admission criteria in Associated Degree of Civil Engineering. 10607050

E. Suppose you have qualified for the award of Merit Scholarship. Fill in the following
particulars correctly. 10607051

Objective Type 10607052

(I)Choose the word with correct spellings and fill up the bubble sheet.
Sr. (A) (B) (C) (D)
1 Succesful Successful Sucessful Sucesfull
2 Acadamic Acadmic Academic Acedmic
3 Pozitive Posetive Positive Pasetive
4 Exsellance Excellence Excellance Excallance
5 Coople Cauple Couple Kaulp
6 Career Carare Carier Crare
7 Participant Participent Partecipent Perticipent
8 Preoirty Priority Poroirity Prierity
9 Earned Earnd Earrnd Earneed
10 Contest Cantest Kontest Centest
11 Acadimy Academy Acidamy Accademy
12 Expirience Experience Expereence Expariance
13 Axcel Excel Exael Ixcel
14 Motivotion Motivation Motevotion Motevation
(II)Choose the correct option and fill up the bubble sheet:
Sr. Questions (A) (B) (C) (D)
The developing positive
outlook has given the author
1 Famous Wealthy Successful Winner
the motivation he needs to
become __________.
The last couple of years have
been along bumpy ride for me, Hard and
2 as they have for everyone of the Easy time challenging Leisure time
mage. The underlined phrase time
3 “Motivation” means: Movement Inspiration Invention Affection

(III) Choose the correct option according to grammar and fill up the bubble sheet:
Sr. Questions (A) (B) (C) (D)
How long has he lived in Present Present Present
1 Prefect
Karachi? What tense is it? Indefinite Perfect Continuous
Everybody enjoys a good
movie. The underlined word Definite Reflexive Indefinite Personal
is a / an ____________ pronoun pronoun Pronoun pronoun
Identify the indefinite
3 pronoun in the following Those His Either Somebody
Aliya has not _________ in
4 Fly Flew Flying Flown
an air plane before.
Lesson 8

A. Pick out words from the poem which mean the same as the following.
(a) Extremely noisy 10608001
(b) to be broken violently and noisily into pieces 10608002
(c) to make something level by using a rake 10608003
(d) to make something turn rapidly round and round a central point Ans. 10608004
(e) lasting or existing forever 10608005
(f) To speak or say something quietly, using only one’s breath so that only the people closest
to one can hear 10608006

B. Give synonyms for each of the following words. 10608007

Words Synonyms
C. Which word in each pair below has the more positive connotation to you? Circle your
Thrifty - Penny-pinching 10608008
Pushy - Aggressive 10608009
Politician - Statesman 10608010
Chef - Cook 10608011
Slender - Skinny 10608012

D. Choose the appropriate connotations.

1. Which would you rather be called? 4. Which would you be if you hadn’t eaten
for several days? 10608016
(a)thrifty (b) cheap (a) hungry (b) starving
2. Which is more serious? 10608014
5. Which would you be after a walk in the
(a) problem (b) disaster mud? 10608017
3. Which is more polite? 10608015
(a)filthy (b) dirty
(a)sip a drink (b)gulp it

E. Explain the following idioms and find their Urdu equivalents. 10608018

1 It is no use crying over spilt milk.   


    
2 Do not put off till tomorrow what you can do today. 
3 Out of the frying pan into the fire. 

4 Out of sight, out of mind. 

5 As you sow, so shall you reap. 
Reading Comprehension
A. Answer the following questions:
Q.1 How is wind described in the first Q.4 How does the scene look like when
stanza? 10608019 wind is still? 10608022
Q.2 With what wind is compared in the Q.5 What comparison is made in the
first stanza? 10608020 second stanza? 10608023
Q.3 What is wind doing to all man's work?
Box / Additional Questions
Q.1 Why the wind is compared to a B. Which imagery has the poet used in this
monster of destruction? 10608024 poem? Give examples. 10608026
Q.2 Explain “its center is in truth”.10608025

Kinds of Pronouns
Demonstrative, Reflexive, Interrogative. 10608027
(i) Demonstrative Pronoun 10608028
It points out the object to which it refers to. This, that, these, those.
(ii) Reflexive Pronoun 10608029
Ends in “self ”.When action done by the subject reflects upon the subject. himself; herself.
(iii) Interrogative Pronouns 10608030
These pronouns are used to ask questions. who, whose, who, what, which.
A. Identify demonstrative, reflexive and interrogative pronouns in the following sentences.
Q.1 Hand me that hammer. 10608031
Q.2 I saw myself in the mirror. 10608032
Q.3 Who is there? 10608033
Q.4 He himself will be our new friend. 10608034
Q.5 Is this your teacher's book? 10608035
Q.6 Which is your pen? 10608036
Participle (Verbal Adjective) 10608037
Present Participle 10608038
Past Participle 10608039
Present and Past Participles used as Adjectives 10608040
I was amused by the way she acted in the play.
Do you find this type of humor amusing?
B. Choose appropriate participles.
1. (a) The movie was really (interested / interesting) 10608041
(b) I thought it was a good lecture, but I wasn’t very ( interested / interesting) in the topic.
2. (a) Our town is so (bored/boring). There is nothing to do here. 10608043
(b) Are you __________ (bored/boring) with that game already? 10608044
3. (a) Have you heard her laughing? It’s so (annoyed/ annoying). 10608045
(b)I’m really __________ (annoyed/ annoying) with one of my co-workers. 10608046
4. (a) The city was ___________ (damaged/ damaging) during the storm. 10608047
(b) The information was quite __________ damaged/ damaging) to his reputation.
5. (a) This treatment is really great. It makes me feel so___________ (relaxed/ relaxing).
(b) I didn’t like that movie. I thought it was too __________ (depressed/ depressing).
Gerund Phrase 10608051
Infinitive Phrase 10608052
Prepositional Phrase 10608053
C. Identify gerund phrases, infinitive phrases and propositional phrases in the following
1. Maria fell over the cat. 10608054
(a)Infinitive phrase (b)Gerund phrase (c)Prepositional phrase
2. The strikers held a meeting to discuss the terms of employers. 10608055
(a)Infinitive phrase (b)Gerund phrase (c) Prepositional phrase
3. After learning the parts of speech, the class began studying punctuation. 10608056
(a)Infinitive phrase (b)Gerund phrase (c) Prepositional phrase
4. Will someone be here soon to open the door? 10608057
(a)Infinitive phrase (b)Gerund phrase (c) Prepositional Phrase
5. Talha visited Turkey while studying the history of Turkish art. 10608058
(a)Infinitive phrase (b)Gerund phrase (c) Prepositional Phrase
6. Before putting too much effort into the project, you should get some guidance from your
boss. 10608059
(a)Infinitive phrase (b)Gerund phrase (c)Prepositional Phrase
7. Does the captain want us to lower the sails before we enter the harbor? 10608060
(a)Infinitive phrase (b)Gerund phrase (c)Prepositional Phrase
Writing Skills
A. What is the central idea of this poem? 10608061
B. Paraphrase the stanzas of the poem.
Stanza 1:The wind is now. .........broken flying. 10608062
Stanza 2:But all of that .........and unimportant. 10608063
G. Write a summary of the poem “Peace” (Board 2014,15, 16,17) 10608064

D. Write an account of a natural disaster in 170 to 200 words.

A Natural Disaster 10608065

Review 2
A. Choose the correct option.
1. ‘But the point here is that it is not that my college education. The underlined
convenient’. The underlined word word means: (Board 2014)10608068
means: 10608066 (a) high (b)to do extremely well
(a) easy (b)good (c) exalted
(c) difficult
2. ‘Though both of these mediums cover 4. ‘The last couple of years have been a
the news effectively, there are distinct long bumpy ride for me, as they have
differences in the way they do it” The for everyone of my age’. The
underlined word means:(Board 2014)10608067 underlined phrase means: 10608069
(a) perplexing (b) minor (a) easy time
(c) clear (b)hard and challenging time
3. I am prepared to excel and make it (c) leisure time
much further in the years to come with
5. ‘Everyone had a ___________ on his or 14. ‘A clever trick was played successfully
her face on the way home’. Which by the cat’. The underlined word is an
connotation is more positive? 10608070 adverb of _________: 10608079
(a) grin (b)smile (a)manner (b)place
(c) smirk (c)time
6. The synonym of “lovely” is: _____10608071 15. ‘Our practice usually starts at six o’
(a) unattractive (b)beautiful clock’. The underlined word is an
(c) ugly adverb of ________.(Board 2014)10608080
7. The synonym of “culprit” is ______ . (a) degree (b)manner
(a) innocent (Board 2014)10608072 (c)frequency
(b)offender 16. If he offers me a job I ______it. 10608081
(c) honest (a)will accept (b)would accept
8. The antonym of “abandon” is___ (c) would have accepted
(a) support (Board 2014)10608073 17. Yesterday at 5 o’clock, I ____________
(b)discard apples. 10608082
(c) desert (a) was eating
9. The antonym of “bright” is ____10608074 (b)ate
(a)dark (Board 2014, 15) (c)had eaten.
(b) brilliant (c) clear 18. By the time we got to the cinema the
10. ‘Someone ate my cookies’. The film ________ so we missed the first five
underlined word is a / an ______.10608075 minutes. (Board 2014)10608083
(a) personal pronoun (a) had started
(b) relative pronoun (b) have started
(c)indefinite pronoun (c) started
11. ‘The watchman blew his whistle’. The 19. ‘Flying above the lake at this time of
underlined word is a / an ______: night seems a little dangerous’. The
(a) intransitive verb (Board 2014)10608076 underlined phrase is a / an ________.
(b)transitive verb (a) infinitive phrase 10608084
(c) regular verb (b)gerund phrase
12. ‘I am afraid I cannot afford to spend too (c) prepositional phrase
much money’. The underlined part of 20. ‘They invited us to their home
the sentence is a / an ________: yesterday’. What tense is it? 10608085
(a) gerund (Board 2014)10608077 (a)past indefinite
(b) participle (c)infinitive (b) past perfect
13. ‘Who is the man at the door’? The (c) past perfect continuous
underlined word is a / an ______: 10608078 21. ‘A new computer was bought by them’.
(a) indefinite pronoun Choose the correct active voice.10608086
(b)interrogative pronoun (a) They buy a new computer
(c) relative pronoun (b)They bought a new computer
(c) They have bought a new computer.

B. Answer the following questions.

Q.1 How can we raise the status of our Q.3 What role can media play in bringing
country in the world? 10608087 harmony in society? 10608089
Q.2 What will be the effect of sunshine Q.4 Co-curricular activities prepare stud-
over rain drops? 10608088 ents for future. How? 10608090
C. Read the letter to the editor and answer the questions given below.
Suggestions to deal with Monsoon Season 10608091
I refer to the letter Moon-soon Adequate arrangements on Security arrangements must be
and disaster management (July evacuation of people and put in place to ensure that food
15). I suggest the following livestock must be ensured. supplies to the affected people
precautionary measures to be Sufficient numbers of boats can be ensured as incidents of
adopted before the onset of must also be made available on looting took place in the past.
monsoon. short notice either by federal or No political point scoring be
Disaster management teams provincial governments. allowed by law enforcement
must visit all villages to Sufficient number of water agencies as there must be one
educate the population living pumps must be made available distributing body for food and
in rural areas for compliance of to drain out water in populated other essential items.
standing operation procedures areas. Civic bodies must ask sanitat-
(SOPs) to avert any human and Provincial irrigation departm- ion departments to clean all
livestock loss in case of floods. ents must be made responsible nullahs in populated area so
Disaster management must to ensure strengthening of that a smooth flow of rainy
ensure that affected people’s dykes/ embankments. water can be ensured.
belongings left behind when Disaster management author- Medical teams must also report
they abandoned their homes ities must ensure the availa- to the affected areas with
must be protected from any bility of tents on short notice adequate supplies of medicines
theft etc. as was experienced in so that the affected people can on short notice.
the floods of 2010 and 2011 be provided shelter without
respectively. waiting in the open.
Answer the following Questions
Q.1 What is the main idea of the letter? Q.4 What suggestions does the writer give
10608092 to cope up with the issue? 10608095
Q.2 What is the writer’s opinion on the Q.5 Do you agree with the writer? Give
issues? 10608093 reasons. 10608096
Q.3 What points does the writer make to Q.6 Write a précis of the passage. 10608097
support his opinion? 10608094
D. Write an application on any ONE of the following.
1. Asking Principal to remit your fine. 10608098
2. Asking Principal to arrange a trip to a historical place / Study tour. 10608099
E. Write a comparative essay on any ONE of the following. 10608100
2. Text Messaging to Personal Conversation. 10608101
F. Paraphrase the following stanza. 10608102
I hear leaves drinking rain;
I hear rich leaves on top
Giving the poor beneath
Drop after drop;
‘Tis a sweet noise to hear
These green leaves drinking near.
G. Write a summary of the poem “Peace” 10608103

Objective Type 10608104

(I)Choose the word with correct spellings and fill up the bubble sheet.
Sr. (A) (B) (C) (D)
1 Rooring Roring Raoring Roaring
2 Spinning Spaning Spenning Spining
3 Whaper Whispar Wishper Whisper
(II)Choose the correct option and fill up the bubble sheet:
Sr. Questions (A) (B) (C) (D)
But all of that is not its
1 core. The underlined Centre Strong High Temporary
word means.
The word ‘smashing’ Hitting and
2 Flying Making Moving
means. breaking
Is this your book? The
3 underlined word is Reflexive Possessive Demonstrative Personal
The ‘roaring wind’ is an Visual Auditory
4 Simile Alliteration
example of: imagery imagery
Give me that book. The
underlined word is an
5 Nominative Demonstrative Reflexive Relative
example of _______
Who is standing behind
the door? The
6 underlined word is an Interrogative Demonstrative Reflexive Relative
example of _______
Do not blame yourself
for his misconduct. The
7 underlined word is an Indefinite Demonstrative Reflexive Relative
example of ____
We watched
8 an_________film. Fill Amusing Amused Amuse Amuser
in the blank.
Her laughter is
annoying. The Present
9 Auxiliary Past participle Gerund
underlined word is an participle
example of :
I requested him to open
the door. The
Prepositional Infinitive Gerund
10 underlined part of Adverb phrase
phrase phrase phrase
sentence is an example

Lesson 9
A. Give meaning of each word as used in the lesson. 10609001
Words Meanings
B. Use these words in sentences. 10609002
Words Sentences
C. Identify the difference between these terms after consulting the dictionary.10609003
Degree, Certificate, Diploma, Course.
D. Give a name to each of the following persons.
1. A person who reports for a newspaper. 10609004
2. A person who introduces performers at a concert. 10609005
3. A person who takes charge of a school. 10609006
4. A person who gives evidence in the court. 10609007
5. A person who repairs boots and shoes. 10609008
6. A person who is skilled in the science of plants. 10609009
7. A person who designs buildings. 10609010

Reading Comprehension
A. Answer the following questions.
Q.1 What were some famous careers for the young people in the past?(Board 2014,17)10609011
Q.2 Nowadays non-traditional careers are Q.5 Is there any need of proper career
more appealing to young minds? Why? counseling department? Why? 10609015
10609012 Q.6 How can career counselors help the
Q.3 What is meant by the “right young people?(Board 2015) 10609016
profession”? (Board 2014, 2016,17) 10609013 Q.7 Which career do you want to opt for?
Q.4 Why is it important to consider the Give reasons. (Board 2015)10609017
scope of any field? (Board 2014)10609014
Box / Additional Questions
Q.1 In past, why did people want to Q.3 How do career counselors help you
become a doctor, an engineer or a pilot? choose the right profession?(Board 2015)10609020
(Board 2018) 10609018 Q.4 Which of these professions have
Q.2 Explain the phrase “profitable interested you the most? Why? 10609021
livelihood”. (Board 2018) 10609019

B. Read the text again and put relevant information into the graphic organizer showing
problem and solution. 10609022
Noun Clause
A dependent noun clause functions as a noun and begins with Interrogative Pronouns such
as what, who, whether, that, if etc.
(Dependent Clause doesn’t express a complete thought and cannot stand alone as a sentence).
A. Pick out the noun clause in each sentence.
1. I often wonder how you are getting on. 10609023
2. She replied that she would come. 10609024
3. I went to see what had happened. 10609025
4. He noticed that the clock had stopped. 10609026
5. He could not decide whom he should address first. 10609027
B. Rewrite each sentence, changing the noun clause into a noun phrase introduced by an
Example: I know where I can find it. I know where to find it.
1. They warned him that he should not deceive them. 10609028
2. We discuss how we could improve matters. 10609029
3. She learnt how she should use the machine. 10609030
4. The child did not know how he can reach home. 10609031
5. The class discussed what they should make for the funfair. 10609032

Present Perfect Continuous Tense

C. Use “since” or “for” to complete these sentences.

1. I have been studying _______________three hours. 10609033
2. I have been watching TV _____________7. p.m. 10609034
3. Tahir hasn’t been feeling well ___________ two weeks. 10609035
4. Sarah hasn’t been visiting us _____________March. 10609036
5. He has been playing football _____________ a long time. 10609037
6. He has been living in Peshawar ______________ he left school. 10609038
D. Answer these questions using Present Perfect Continuous tense.
Example: Why are you so tired?
I am so tired because I have been working for hours.
1. Why are you wearing joggers? 10609039
2. Why haven’t you finished your work yet? 10609040
3. Why are you looking pale? 10609041
4. Why hasn’t he seen you for so long? 10609042
5. Why are you yawning so much? 10609043
6. Why are you working so hard? 10609044

Writing Skills
A. Make a list of professions mentioned in the lesson and also write the qualification
required for each profession. 10609045
Profession Qualification
CA (Chartered Accountancy)
Mass Communication
B. Write a précis of paragraph 5. 10609046
C. Write an essay on “My favourite Career” (220-250 words). 10609047

My Favourite Career
D.Complete the following statements by choosing the appropriate words from the box. 10609048

1. ______________ is the place for the writer to handwrite the name. 10609049
2. The recipient’s name, company name, and address are called the _________.10609050
3. The purpose of the letter is included in the _______________. 10609051
4. ‘Sincerely’ is an example of a _______________. 10609052
5. The last line in a business letter is the _____________. 10609053
6. The ________________ shows when the letter is written. 10609054
7. The ________________ is the address of the letter writer. 10609055
8. Dear Mr. Rehman is a _________________. 10609056
E. Identify parts of the formal letter given below.
F. Write an application to the Managing Director of a firm for the post of Manager.
Objective Type 10609058
(I)Choose the word with correct spellings and fill up the bubble sheet.
Sr. (A) (B) (C) (D)
1 Trends Trands Terands Trandes
2 Saparate Siparate Separate Sepirate
3 Daynmec Dymanic Daynmic Dynamic
4 Doat Doiat Doubt Doiet
5 Teehnology Tecknology Technology Tecknology
6 Statistics Stetistics Staticitics Statestics
7 Mentel Mantal Mintal Mental
8 Accountency Acountancy Accutance Accountancy
9 Aptitude Etitude Aptetude Eptitude
10 Brieef Briaf Brief Brieff
11 Fiex Fiexs Fixs Fix
(II)Choose the correct option and fill up the bubble sheet:
Sr. Questions (A) (B) (C) (D)
Develop a Choose the Select the Organize
1 Right profession means to:
tradition career scope the graph
(III) Choose the correct option according to grammar and fill up the bubble sheet:
Sr. Questions (A) (B) (C) (D)
The purpose of the letter is Writer’s
1 Salutation Body Signature
included in the __________. name
I went to see what
Noun Objective Adverb Main
2 hadhappened. The underlined
Clause Clause Clause Clause
clause is a / an ____________.
Lesson 10

A. Explain each phrase as used in the lesson.
(a) Books are bridges 10610001
(b) His face beaming 10610002
(c) Books make us travel at large 10610003
(d) Connects one with humanity 10610004
(e) Nourishment for the mind 10610005
B. Find five idioms in which comparative adjectives are used. 10610006
Example: A bird in hand is better than two in the bush.
Reading Comprehension
A. Answer the following questions.
Q.1 How does a book connect the reader Q.4 Why should people be given more
and the writer?(Board 2016) 10610007 opportunity to read books? 10610010
Q.2 In what way are books better than Q.5 Which book has inspired you the
radio, TV and Internet?(Board 2018) 10610008 most? Why? 10610011
Q.3 “It’s a slow food in a world given
over to fast food” Explain. 10610009

Box / Additional Questions

Q.1 Have you ever experienced the same Q.3 Why does the author use the terms
feelings while reading a book? 10610012 “fast food” and “slow food”? 10610014
Q.2 Can modern technology take the Q.4 What role does a library play to
place of books? (Board 2014,15)10610013 promote the habit of book reading?
(Board 2014, 15)10610015

Relative Pronouns
A. Choose the correct relative pronouns.
1. “Why are you so sad”? “I’ve lost the 4. Fareed said ____________ he needed
pen _______I bought this morning”. most was a long and quiet holiday.
(Board 2015)10610017 10610020
(a)which (b)that (a) that (b) which
(c) what (d) whose (c) what (d) who
2. Have you seen the man _______bought 5. Have you got anything _____________
a book from the shop just now? 10610018 these poor women could take for their
(a) that (b) what (Board 2014) children? (Board 2015)10610021
(c) who (d)which (a)which (b)that
3. The man ______ you were talking to at (c) whom (d)what
the meeting is my cousin. 10610019
(a) that (b) what
(c) who (d) which
Adjective Clause
Adjective Clause (Dependent Clause) 10610022
Example: Women who are not married are called spinsters.
(subject) (relative pronoun) (adjective clause)

B. Pick out the adjective clause in each sentence.

1. A person who acknowledges his 1. He is a person who considers the
mistakes is admirable. 10610023 interests of other people. 10610028
2. People who live in glass houses should 2. Which is the road that leads most
not throw stones. 10610024 quickly to the station? 10610029
3. The books that have been 3. The explanation he gave was not
recommended are all out of stock. 10610025 satisfactory. 10610030
4. The question that she posed was too 4. This is the place where our
difficult to answer. 10610026 forefathers landed. 10610031
5. Everyone who has been invited is 5. The reason why he failed is obvious.
present. 10610027 10610032
C. In the following sentences replace
adjective clauses by adjectives or adjective
The Second Conditional 10610033
D. Put in the correct second conditional verb form.
1. If he ______________(be) younger, he _____________ (travel) more. 10610034
2. If she ____________ (not /be) always so late, she ____________ (be) promoted. 10610035
3. If I ______________ (speak) perfect English, I ____________ (have) a good job.10610036
4. If she ____________ (pass) the exam, she ___________ (be) able to enter the university.
5. We _____________ (buy) a house if we ______________ (decide) to stay here.
E. Form questions in passive voice.
Example: coffee / grown / in South America / is
Is coffee grown in South America?
1. Were/ caught / the thieves 10610039
2. Accepted / will / be / my apology 10610040
3. The workers / by computers will / be replaced 10610041
4. Was / the accident / by the police / yesterday /seen 10610042
5. Where / the first underground railway/ opened/ was 10610043

Writing Skills
A. Read the letter to the editor and answer the questions given below.
Q.1 What is the main idea of the letter? Q.5 Why should libraries be established
10610044 widely? 10610048
Q.2 According to the writer what has the Q.6 What solution does the writer suggest
youth lost by ignoring good books? 10610045 to promote the habit of book reading?
Q.3 What are the factors responsible for (Board 2015) 10610049
diverting people’s attention from books? Q.7 Encircle the transitional devices used
10610046 in the letter. What is their function?
Q.4 What is the responsibility of parents? 10610050
B. Write a letter to the editor about access to the school libraries in the evening. 10610051
C. Write an argumentative essay on “TV is Taking Away the Habit of Reading Books”
(220-250 words). 10610052

Objective Type 10610053

(I)Choose the word with correct spellings and fill up the bubble sheet.
Sr. (A) (B) (C) (D)
1 Magazines Magzines Magezines Magazenes
2 Modern Modrin Madren Modron
3 Truly Truely Troly Truley
4 Posesion Posession Possasion Possession
5 Aspirations Asperations Aspirashon Aspirections
6 Damise Deemise Demise Dimise
7 Loateh Loathe Leatoh Lotaeh
8 Ravelation Revilation Revalation Revelation
9 Dafi Defy Dafy Dufy
10 Custom Costum Costom Custum

(II)Choose the correct option and fill up the bubble sheet:
Sr. Questions (A) (B) (C) (D)
The comforts of books defy Openly
1 time and break borders. The Resist Problem Consider Crucial
underlined word means: something
(III) Choose the correct option according to grammar and fill up the bubble sheet:
Sr. Questions (A) (B) (C) (D)
Have you got anything
_________________ these
1 poor women could take for Which That Whom What
their children? Choose the
correct relative pronoun.
The man ______________ you
were talking to at the meeting
2 That What Who Which
is my cousin; choose the
correct relative pronoun:
Have you seen the man who
bought a book from the shop Personal Relative Indefinite Reflexive
just now. The underlined word Pronoun Pronoun Pronoun Pronoun
is a / an _________________.
Why are you so said? I’ve lost
the pen _______________I
4 Which What That Whose
bought this morning. Fill in the
blank with suitable pronoun.
Lesson 11

A. Explain each phrase as used in the text
(a) a lonely orphan 10611001
(b) brought up by 10611002
(c) wanted by the Police 10611003
(d) to board a ship 10611004
(e) belonged to the government 10611005
(f) fortune that he had been promised. 10611006
B. Make as many words as you can from the given root word. Use these words in sentences.
Root word = Expect 10611007
Words Sentences
Reading Comprehension
A. Answer the following questions.
Q.1 Who looked after Pip after the death Q.5 Why did the prisoner support Pip?
of his parents? (Board 2015,18)10611008 (Board 2018) 10611012
Q.2 Who was Joe? How did he treat Pip? Q.6 What happened to the prisoner’s
(Board 2015)10611009 wealth after his death?(Board 2016)10611013
Q.3 Why did Pip give food and drink to Q.7 Do you know a person who achieved
the prisoner? 10611010 success in life through his hard work?
Q.4 What happened to the prisoner? 10611014
(Board 2016) 10611011

Box / Additional Questions

Q.1 Have you read any novel by Charles Dickens? 10611015
Q.2 What kind of boy was Pip? (Board 2014, 15, 16) 10611016
Q.3 What changed Pip’s life? (Board 2014, 15, 16, 17) 10611017
Q.4 How did Pip become a successful business man? 10611018
B. Analyze elements of the story “Great Expectations” with the help of following story
map. 10611019
C. Read the story and arrange the events from the story into the graphic organizer
showing time sequence. 10611020

Past Perfect Tense
A. Fill in the blanks with Past Perfect tense. In case of questions, use the indicated subject.
1. They __________(eat) before he arrived. 10611021
2. What __________ (you do) that upset him so much? 10611022
3. Ali __________ (not do) the gardening before it started raining. 10611023
4. We ___________ (eat already) so we weren’t hungry. 10611024
5. ______ (Tahira choose) the colour for her room before she was asked to paint it black?
B. Fill in the blanks with the Past Perfect tense or Past Perfect Continuous tense whichever
1. They ____________ (not complete) their homework on time. 10611026
2. I ___________ (read) for hours when my eyes began to hurt. 10611027
3. Samreen ___________ (read) five stories by the end of the week. 10611028
4. They ____________ (try) to contact their parents for days when they finally succeeded.
5. She _________ (look) for a car for months when she found one at a reasonable price.
C. Write a dialogue between the following characters for situations given under each
a. Pip’s sister scolding him. 10611031
b. Joe consoling Pip 10611032
c. Pip giving food to the prisoner. 10611033
d. Pip with a young man in London. 10611034
e. Pip as a successful person. 10611035
D. Change the narration of the following.
1. She said, “My class fellows are visiting me”. 10611036
2. He said, “What is the time?” 10611037
3. He tells his son, “Opportunity knocks but once”. 10611038
4. He asked the servant, “Where did you leave my glasses? 10611039
5. He said, “Keep quiet.” 10611040
6. She said, “Don’t waste your time.” 10611041
7. She explained, “My friends and I are here to help you.” 10611042

Active Passive Voice

E. Change the following into active voice.
1. The novel “Great Expectations” was written by Charles Dickens. 10611043
2. He was brought up by his sister. 10611044
3. The man was recaptured by soldiers and taken away. 10611045
4. He was still wanted by the police in England. 10611046
5. He was caught by the police. 10611047
6. He was sentenced to death by the Judge. 10611048

Writing Skills
A. Write the character sketch of Pip with the help of mind map given below. 10611049
B. Write a review of any story that you have read with the help of the following mind map.
Name of Book: The Old Man and the Sea 10611050

Author’s Name: Earnest Hemingway

Major Characters (and a description of each one):
1- Santiago: An old fisher man
2- Manolin: A young boy, assistant of Santiago, the old man.
3- Marlin: A big fish.

Objective Type 10611051

(I)Choose the word with correct spellings and fill up the bubble sheet.
Sr. (A) (B) (C) (D)
1 Challenge Chellenge Chellange Challinge
2 Education Aiducation Ediucation Aeducation
3 Prasoner Prisoner Presoner Prisonor
4 Prison Perison Prision Preson
5 Rikeptuer Ricapture Recatpure Recapture
6 Inshurans Insureins Insurains Insurance
7 Sentury Century Cantury Cintury
Lesson 12

A. Give meaning of each word as used in the text. 10612001
Words Meanings
B. Make sentences of the following words. 10612002
Words Sentences
C. Complete the following sentences with words beginning with prefix-dis-or un-.
Q.1 My shoe is ____________ (not tied) Q.4 Waheed ______________ his parents.
10612003 (does not obey) 10612006
Q.2 Waqar _________ with Nazish (does Q.5 Our teacher says she does not want
not agree) 10612004 ____ home works handed in. (not
Q.3 Ali is ________________ to beat me in finished). 10612007
the video game. (not able) 10612005

Reading Comprehension
A. Answer the following questions.
Q.1 Which areas are most affected by Q.5 What is the effect of depletion of fossil
incessant growth in population? energy? (Board 2014) 10612012
(Board 2014,15) 10612008 Q.6 What is the limitation of improved
Q.2 Why are the developing countries technology? 10612013
going to suffer more due to over Q.7 How can sufficient food supply be
population? (Board 2018) 10612009 made possible for the future generation?
Q.3 What is the major cause of food 10612014
shortages and malnutrition? Q.8 What strategies should be adopted for
(Board 2016) 10612010 safe future? 10612015
Q.4 How are water resources under great
stress? 10612011

Box / Additional Questions

Q.1 What does the word “depleted” Q.3 How is fossil energy a finite source?
mean? (Board2014) 10612016 (Board 2016) 10612018
Q.2 Do you also face shortage of water in Q.4 What other word you can use to
your locality? Why? 10612017 replace “optimum”? 10612019
B. Read the text and put information and effect. 10612020
into the graphic organizer showing cause
A. Choose the appropriate conjunctions.
1. He couldn’t go home, ____________he 4. He lost his job ____________ he was
had no place to go. 10612021 often late. 10612024
(a)but (b)for (a) while (b) because
(c) though (c) or
2. ________ it was hot, he was wearing a 5. ___________ I had more time, I would
coat. 10612022 help you. 10612025
(a) whom (b) although (a) since (b) when
(c) then (c) if
3. ________ I have no money, I cannot go
for shopping. 10612023
(a)Since (b) before
(c) as
Adverb Clause 10612026
B. Replace each adverb clause by an adverb or adverb phrase.
1. I have not been well since I returned from Murree. 10612027
2. I am glad that he has recovered from his illness. 10612028
3. As soon as I saw the cobra I ran away. 10612029
4. He may go home after his work is finished. 10612030
5. I did not pay her, as I had no money with me. 10612031
Section C (Subordination Conjunctions) 10612032
Time Cause + Effect Condition Place Manner Result Purpose
After Because If Where How That That
Before Since Unless (Wherever) as So so
When As Even if however Especially least
While In order that Only if
Since So
C. Underline the adverb clause in the following sentences and state whether each is an
adverb clause of time, place, reason, purpose, result, manner, comparison, condition or
1. The frightened child ran as fast as he could. 10612033
2. Even if they hurry, they may not get there on time. 10612034
3. The player is out of the match because he has hurt himself. 10612035
4. If she recovers quickly, she will join the team. 10612036
5. The speaker was so absorbed in his speech that he forgot the time. 10612037
6. She switched on the television so that she could listen to the news. 10612038
7. They left before the concert ended. 10612039
8. He acted as if he owned the car. 10612040
9. Where the road bends dangerously, be more careful. 10612041
10. He will get a good job when he graduates. 10612042
C. Math the two clauses and make meaningful sentences. 10612043
1. The rain started a. if you don’t try hard
2. I wrote many books b. because the director did not show up.
3. They had to cancel the meeting c. he went out without an umbrella.
4. You won’t succeed d. while I was driving home.
5. Although it was raining e. before I was awarded the literature prize.

Writing Skills
A. Write precis of paragraph 6. 10612044
B. Write an essay on “Over Population” 10612045

Over Population
Objective Type 10612046
(I)Choose the words with correct spellings and fill up the bubble sheet.
Sr. (A) (B) (C) (D)
1 Alarming Elearming Olarming Alearming
2 Aquifers Auqifers Aiqufers Aquiferrs
3 Entigrity Entegrity Integrity Integrety
4 Efective Effective Effactive Affective
5 Impve Emprove Improve Imrove
6 Pracedant Precadented Precedanted Precedent
7 Compensat Compinsate Compansete Compensate
8 Standard Standerd Standared Stanndared
9 Fascinating Facinating Fasinating Fascenating
10 Prodaction Production Prodoction Pruduction
11 Fosseil Fossel Fossil Fosil
12 Available Avialable Avaleable Avoilable
13 Energy Inergy Enargy Engery
(II)Choose the correct option and fill up the bubble sheet:
Sr. Questions (A) (B) (C) (D)
More than ___________
1 percent of the world’s food 96 98 97 99
supply comes from the land.
2 The word “Critical” means: Reduced Serious Improve Idle
(III) Choose the correct option according to grammar and fill up the bubble sheet:
Sr. Questions (A) (B) (C) (D)
He acted as if he owned a car.
1 Worked Advised Showed Prefer
The underlined word means:
He lost his job _____________
2 While Because Or Due to
he was often late.
Do not Does not Will be
3 Waqar_______ with Nazish. Agree
agree agree agree
_______________ it was hot,
4 he was wearing a coat. Choose When Then Because Although
the appropriate conjunction.
Choose the appropriate
5 conjunction: _____________ it When Although Then Since
was hot, he was wearing a coat.
He couldn’t go home.
______________ he had no
6 But For Though Then
place to go. Choose the
appropriate conjunction.
They had left before the
7 concert ended. The underlined Time Place Reason Manner
is an adverb clause of.
________________ I have no
8 money, I cannot go for Since Before As So
Lesson 13

A. ‘To endanger is a verb from danger. Write down five verbs with the prefix “en” and
use these words in sentences. 10613001
Words Sentences
B(i) Give meaning of the following phrasal verbs and use these phrasal verbs in sentences.
Words Meanings Sentences
With all my strength
To call to account
To hand over
As usual
No sign of
To have its course
B(ii) Give meaning of the following phrasal verbs and use these phrasal verbs in sentences.
Words Meanings Sentences
Take off

Fell through
Bring in
Come about
Write down

C. Use the following words in sentences as verbs and nouns. 10613004

Words Sentences
D. Translate paragraph 5 into Urdu. 10613005
Reading Comprehension
Answer the following questions.
Q.1 What case did the young men bring to Q.4 On what condition was the criminal
Hazrat Umar Farooq ? allowed to leave? 10613009

(Board 2014)10613006 Q.5 Why were Sahabas   

Q.2 Why did the old man hurl a stone at worried? 10613010
the camel? (Board 2017) 10613007 Q.6 Why did the accusers forgive the

 
Q.3 Why did the villager ask Hazrat villager? (Board 2016) 10613011
Umar Farooq to delay the
execution? 10613008

Third Conditional Type, In these sentences, the time is past and situation is contrary to

If clause
If + subject + past perfect

If Hira had worked hard

A. Put in the correct verbs to make third conditional sentences.
1. If you _______________ (not/ be) late, we ____________ (not/ miss) the bus. 10613012
2. If we _______________ (arrive) earlier, we ______________(see) our aunt. 10613013
3. If she ______________ (go) to art school, she ____________ (become) a painter. 10613014
4. If I ________________ (be) born in a different country, I _________ (learn) to speak a
different languages. 10613015
5. They ________________ (be) late if they ______________ (not / take) a taxi. 10613016
6. We _________________(come) if we ________________ (be ) invited. 10613017
B. Combine the following sets of simple sentences to make compound sentences.
1. It rained for three days. The streets in 1. I did not go to the meeting. I was lucky.
my neighborhood flooded. 10613018 10613026
2. Kareem completed his homework. He 2. You may be wrong. I cannot say.
put it in his binder. 10613019 10613027
3. Haris mowed the lawn. He earned 3. He worked hard day and night. He did
hundred rupees. 10613020 not wish to fail. 10613028
4. Neelum doesn’t like seafood. She 4. The examination ended. The students
doesn’t like cabbage. 10613021 went home. 10613029
5. My pencil was broken. I borrowed one 5. Their progress was slow. They were
from Bushra. 10613022 tired. 10613030
6. I like apples, I like pears more. 10613023 6. You should overlook his fault. It would
7. Eight people got into the elevator. It be an act of generosity on your part. 10613031
was crowded. Three people got off. 10613024 7. We found him in the house. He had
8. Sara gathered the pictures. She could formerly lived in that house. 10613032
arrange them in a special album for her 8. The boy gave an explanation of his
family. 10613025 misconduct. The explanation was not
C. Combine the following sets of simple accepted by the headmaster. 10613033
sentences to make complex sentences.
D. Read the following sentences. Circle subordinating conjunctions, underline
independent clauses and put commas after dependent clauses.
Example I hate tea parties, I went to please my mother.
1. While I am attending school I can work part-time so that I can save money. 10613034

2. So that I could go to college my parents worked hard and saved money. 10613035

3. If the motor will not start we will have to find a mechanic as soon as possible. 10613036
4. Although the blue jacket was on sale I did not buy it. 10613037

5. When the school bell rang the children left the classroom. 10613038

6. Since he had no luggage with him it seemed odd for him to be on the road. 10613039

7. Even after the fire was out there was a great deal of cleanup to do. 10613040

E. Change from the direct into the indirect speech. 10613041

“I was leading my beloved camel ……..and I surrendered myself to them”.
F. Rewrite each sentence. Put quotation marks at appropriate places. 10613042
Example: Spring, Sohail said, is my favourite time of year.
“Spring” Sohail said, “is my favorite time of year,”
1. Do you think it’s okay, asked Ali, if I wear this dress to school tomorrow?
2. If you had to guess, said Mr. Tariq, who would you say is my favourite author?
3. I will call you after I get home, Irum said, and we can discuss our science experiment together.
4. We’ll be eating supper in about an hour, said mother, so don’t eat any more snacks.
5. We need to fertilize the lawn today, said father, since it’s supposed to rain tomorrow.

Writing Skills
A. Write the character sketch of the villager. 10613043

Character Sketch of the Villager

B. Summarize the story with the help of mind map given below. 10613044

Review 3
Choose the correct option i.e. a/ b/ c.
1. The scope of any field in terms of market demand should also be considered very
seriously. The underlined word means: 10613045
(a) shortcoming (b) range of activities (c) strong feelings
2. The man had been sent with other convicts to Australia. The underlined word means:
(a) prisoners (b) delegation (c) troupe 10613046
3. The most vulnerable will be population in developing countries. The underlined word
means: 10613047
(a) secure (b) flourishing (c) in danger
4. ‘Maintaining a sound and productive environment all over is essential’. The
underlined word means: (Board 2014)10613048
(a) unnecessary (b) crucial (c) needless
5. ‘The comforts of books defy time, and break borders.’ The underlined word means:
(a) consider as same 10613049
(b) be problem for somebody
(c) openly resist something
6. Which word means “to identify the nature of a problem, especially an illness”?10613050
(a) infection (b) diagnose (c) symptom
7. The synonym of “current” is __________. (Board 2015)10613051
(a) dated (b) old (c) up-to-date
8. The synonym of “solace” is ____________. (Board 2014)10613052
(a) aggravation (b) frustration (c) comfort
9. The antonym of “suffering” is _________ . 10613053
(a) distress (b) pleasure (c) anguish
10. The antonym of “consume” is ___________. 10613054
(a) utilize (b) save (c) use
11. How long ________ you been working in the garden? 10613055
(a) has (b) have (c) will
12. If he _______ more carefully, he would not cause an accident. 10613056
(a) drove (b) drive (c) driven
13. I would have been glad if he _______ me in the hospital. 10613057
(a) visit (b) visited (c) had visited
14. He had all the money in the world ________ he was sad. (Board 2015)10613058
(a) but (b) yet (c) still
15. The man complained that there was no bread. The underlined part of the sentence is
a/an ______ 10613059
(a) dependent clause (b) independent clause (c) relative clause
16. ‘Because he was late, he missed the first period.’ The underlined part of the sentence
is a/an ______ 10613060
(a) dependent clause (b) independent clause (c) relative clause
17. ‘The room was full, so I had no place to sit.’ It is a _________ sentence. (Board 2015)
(a) simple (b) compound (c) complex 10613061
18. ‘Sara sang my favourite song ________ Farah played the guitar for it.
Choose the correct compound sentence’ 10613062
Choose the correct compound sentence.
(a) Sara sang my favourite song and Farah played the guitar for it.
(b) Sara sang my favourite song but Farah played the guitar for it.
(c) Sara sang my favourite song or Farah played the guitar for it.
19. “My friend gave me the book.” Choose the correct passive voice. (Board 2015)10613063
(a) I have been given the book by my friend.
(b) I am given the book by my friend.
(c) I was given the book by my friend.
20. Kashif said to me, “Is the movie interesting or boring?” Choose the correct indirect
speech. 10613064
(a) Kashif asked me whether the movie was interesting or boring.
(b) Kashif said to me whether the movie was interesting or boring.
(c) Kashif told me whether the movie was interesting or boring.
B. Answer the following questions.
Q.1 Choosing a career is one of the most Q.3 What is the effect of population
important decisions in life. What are the growth on world food supplies? 10613067
factors that will influence your choice? Q.4 ‘Faithfulness’ is a characteristic
10613065 much needed in today’s world. Give
Q.2 Reading provides a world where we reasons. 10613068
can experience things which we may never
in real life. Explain. 10613066
C. Read the passages given below.
1. Give suitable title to each of these passages.
Passage 1 10613069
A lot of students have been failing classes. These students wouldn’t be failing classes if they
studied more, asked questions, tried harder, and came in for extra help. Even though a lot of
students fail classes, they have many options if they want to pass.
Passage 2 10613070
When Tim woke up, he didn’t want to go to school. His mom took him anyway. So, he went
to school, but he didn’t do any work. The days passed, and Tim still didn’t do any work.
Mr. Morton called Tim’s house, but Tim still wouldn’t do any work. Finally the report cards came
out, and Tim failed his classes. Tim was sad.
Passage 3 10613071
In recent decades, cities have grown so large that now about 50% of the Earth’s population
lives in urban areas. There are several reasons for this occurrence. First, the increasing
industrialization of the nineteenth century resulted in the creation of many factory jobs, which
tended to be located in cities. These jobs with their promise of a better material life, attracted many
people from rural areas. Second, there were many schools established to educate the children of the
new factory laborers. The promise of a better education persuaded many families to leave farming
communities and move to the cities. Finally, as the cities grew, people established places of
leisure, entertainment, and culture, such as sports stadiums, theaters, and museums. For many
people, these facilities made city life appear more interesting than life on the farm, and therefore
drew them away from rural communities.
Passage 4 10613072
All matter, all things can be changed in two ways: chemically and physically. Both chemical
and physical changes affect the state of matter. Physical changes are those that do not change the
make-up or identity of the matter. For example, clay will bend or flatten if squeezed, but it will still
be clay. Changing the shape of clay is a physical change, and does not change the matter’s identity.
Chemical changes turn the matter into a new kind of matter with different properties. For example,
when paper is burnt, it becomes ash and will never be paper again. The difference between them is
that physical changes are temporary or only last for a little while, and chemical changes are
permanent, which means they last forever. Physical and chemical changes both affect the state of
Title: Physical and chemical changes both affect the state of mind.

2. Put information from the passages into graphic organizers representing the text
structure of each. 10613073

D. Write a letter to the editor on cell phone addiction among teenagers. 10613074

E. Write an argumentative essay on “Smoking should be banned in Public Places”. 10613075

Objective Type 10613076

(I)Choose the word with correct spellings and fill up the bubble sheet.
Sr. (A) (B) (C) (D)
1 Prison Perison Praison Preson
2 Diognose Diagnose Deagnose Diegnose
3 Surety Surty Surrty Shurty
4 Paralel Parralel Parallel Paralel
5 Astonishd Astonised Astonished Ashtonised
6 Aplouded Applauded Aplauded Appleuded
7 Minut Minote Menite Minute
8 Sturdy Stridy Sturedy Stardy
9 Leiear Liar Lier Leear
10 Amaz Amase Amaze Amas

(II)Choose the correct option according to grammar and fill up the bubble sheet.
Sr. Questions (A) (B) (C) (D)
She is not studying at the Compound
1 Compound Complex Simple
moment. This is a ___sentence. complex

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