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TULSI:- Ocimum tenuiflorum

Scientific Name : Ocimum tenuiflorum

Family: Lamiaceae
Common Name: Ocimum sanctum, Tulasi
Part Used: Leaves

Uses : Tulasi’s extracts are used in ayurvedic remedies for common colds, headaches, stomach disorders, inflammation, heart disease,
various forms of poisoning, and malaria. The dried leaves of Tulasi have been mixed with stored grains to repel insects. Traditionally, tulasi
is taken in many forms: as an herbal tea, dried powder, fresh leaf, or mixed with ghee. Essential oil extracted from Tulsi is mostly used for
medicinal purposes and in herbal cosmetics.Widly used in skin preparations for its anti-bacterial activity.

UTILITY: Tulsi’s extracts are used in ayurvedic remedies for common colds, headaches, stomach disorders, inflammation,
heart disease, various forms of poisoning, and malaria. Traditionally, tulsi is taken in many forms: as herbal tea, dried powder,
fresh leaf, or mixed with ghee. Essential oil extracted from Karpoora Tulsi is mostly used for medicinal purposes and in herbal
cosmetics, and is widely used in skin preparations due to its anti-bacterial activity. For centuries, the dried leaves of Tulsi have
been mixed with stored grains to repel insects.[9]

Tulsi or Tulasi is the most sacred plants for Hindus and they believe that water mixed with Tulasi petals should be given to the
dying in the end to raise their departing souls to heaven.[10]

Recent studies suggest that Tulsi may be a COX-2 inhibitor, like many modern painkillers, due to its high concentration
of eugenol (1-hydroxy-2-methoxy-4-allylbenzene).[11][12] One study showed Tulsi to be an effective treatment for diabetes by
reducing blood glucose levels.[13] The same study showed significant reduction in total cholesterol levels with Tulsi. Another
study showed that Tulsi's beneficial effect on blood glucose levels is due to its antioxidant properties.[14] Tulsi also shows some
promise for protection from radiation poisoning[15] and cataracts.[16]

Some of the main chemical constituents of Tulsi are: Oleanolic acid, Ursolic acid, Rosmarinic
acid, Eugenol, Carvacrol, Linalool, and β-caryophyllene.[6]
Chemical Composition of Tulsi
Tulsi is a member of the family Lamiaceae and is known as Ocimum sanctum or, more recently, Ocimum tenuiflorum. Another member of
this family is Ocimum basilicum or sweet basil which is used as a spice. The leaves and flowers of Basil contain from 0.1 to 0.23 % volatile
oil. It also contains aldehydes (15-25%). Apart from this the Basil plant is a virtual chemical factory with compounds like vitamins A and C,
calcium, zinc, iron, apigenine, carvacrol, cineol, eugenol, glucoronide etc.

Tulsi is identified by botanists primarily as Ocimum sanctum (Rama and Krishna Tulsi varieties) or more recently Ocimum
tenuiflorum, and Ocimum gratissimum (Vana Tulsi variety). Belonging to the Lamiaceae/Labiatae mint family, these and
other closely related species and varieties (e.g., Ocimum canum) are cousins of the familiar sweet basil cooking herb
Ocimum basilicum.

Highly aromatic, different varieties of Tulsi may smell and taste of peppermint, cloves, licorice or lemon, as well as having
distinct characteristics of their own.

The leaves of Tulsi are most commonly used for their health benefits, although all parts of the plant, including the roots,
stems, flowers and seeds, have significant and differing medicinal and religious symbolic properties. Tulsi beads, made
from the woody stalks, are commonly strung in necklaces, bracelets, and meditation malas or rosaries, which are believed
by many to have spiritual as well as physical protection benefits


• rotects against and reduces stress

• Improves stamina and endurance
• Boosts immunity
• Diminishes symptoms of colds, coughs and flu
• Reduces inflammation
• Lessens aging factors

owerful antioxidant


• Antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal properties

• Reduces nausea, vomiting and cramping
• Lowers fevers
• Supports the heart, lungs and liver
• Helps maintain a healthy digestive system
• Useful in blood-glucose management
• Supports oral and periodontal health
• Encourages efficient use of oxygen
• rotects against radiation damage
• Enhances the efficacy of many other therapeutic treatments

Botanical Name : Andrographis paniculata

Action & Uses of Kalmegh :

• Botanical Name : Andrographis Paniculata

• Family Name : Acanthaceae
• Common Name : Creat, Kariyat, Indian Echinacea.
• Part Used : Whole Plant, Leaves
• Habitat : Cultivated throughout india.
• Product offered : Wholeplant, leaves

Uses : Andrographis has been found to be an effective anti-biotic, anti-viral, anti-parasitic and immune system stimulant. It is
used in viral hepatitis, children's bowel complaints, gastric acidity, liver congestion, flatulence. It is being increasingly used as
treatment for colds. Reasonably good evidence tells us that it can reduce the severity of cold symptoms. It may also help prevent
colds. Preliminary evidence suggests that it stimulate immunity, potentially making it useful for general immune support.
Interestingly, the ingredient of Andrographis used for standardization purposes, andrographolide, does not appear to affect the
immune system as much as the whole plant extract. Preliminary studies in animals also suggest that andrographis may offer
benefits for preventing heart disease. In addition, highly preliminary studies suggest that andrographis may help protect the liver
from toxic injury, perhaps more successfully than the more famous liver-protective herb milk thistle. Decoction of the plant is
blood purifier and is used for cure of torbid liver. Tincture of roots is tonic, stimultant and aperient.

Chemical composition /key active constituents

Bitter diterpenoid lactones, especially deoxy-andrographolide, andrographolide and
ncoandrographolide have been isolated from the whole plant and leaves.
Diterpene dimers
Flavonoids available in the roots.
The main active constituents and marker compounds are considered to be the andrographolides
and andrographis extracts are often standardized to these compounds.

• Kalmegh is a blood purifier, so used to cure torbid liver, jaundice, dermatological diseases, dyspepsia,
febrifuge and anthelmintic.
• Kalmegh acts to dispel heat and remove toxins.
• Kalmegh acts as antibacterial. It appears to have beneficial effect in reducing diarrhoea and symptoms
arising from bacterial infections.
• Kalmegh is used in case of diseases like flu, sinusites, upper respiratory tract infection, cough and
• Kalmegh plant acts as anti-typhoid against Salmonella typhae and antifungal against
Helminthosporium sativum.
• Organic Kalmegh has a great reputation in the Tribal folklore, as one of the best remedies for Malaria
even better than Quinine.

Basak Adhatoda vasica,Nees.

This shrub grows on the plains of India and in the lower Himalayans, up to a range of 1000 meters above sea level. This plant is
also cultivated in other tropical areas. It will grow well in low moisture areas and dry soils.

Plant Description:
Adhatoda vasica is a small evergreen plant with broad, lanceolate leaves measuring 10 to 16 centimeters in length and 5
centimeters wide. They become greenish-brown when dried and have a bitter taste. They have a smell similar to strong tea. The
wood of the stem is soft, and makes a great charcoal for gunpowder. The flower has large, attractive, white petals, streaked with
purple on the lower lip. The fruit is a small capsule with 4 seeds.

Adhatoda vasica
Adhatoda vasica is a shrub that grows in tropical areas. It grows up to a range of 1000 meters. It is an evergreen plant that has broad
greenish brown leaves having a length of 10 to 16 cm.
The leaves have bitter taste when it gets dried and have a smell similar to that of tea. The stems are soft and the flowers are attractive, large
and white in color with purple streaks on the lower lip.
The leaves of adhatoda vasica contains 45 to 95 percentage vasicine, vasicinone, deoxyvasicine, oxyvasicinine, maiontone, V-oxides of
vasicine etc. The vasicine is used for developing mucolytic drug bromhexine.
The extract obtained from the leaves is having low toxicity and are considered safe. The flowers consist of kaempferol, queretin, b-sitosterol-
D-glucoside, glycosides of kaempferoland. The roots are rich in vasicol, vasicinolone, hydroxyl oxychalcone, peganine, glucosyl
oxychalcone etc. Adhatoda also contains organic adhatodic acid and odorous volatile principle.
Health Benefits of Adhtoda vasica
Respiratory Disorders
The alkaloids like vascinine and vasicinone present in adhatoda are found to stimulate the reparatory activity. Vasicine in low concentration
helps the tracheal muscles to relax and it also act as a bronchodilator and vasicine in high concentration gives protection against
bronchospasm caused by histamine.
Auto oxidation of vasicine produces vasicinone which in turn cause both in vivo and in vitro bronchodilation. All these properties of adhatoda
makes it useful for treating chronic and acute bronchitis, allergic asthma, emphysema, cough, breathlessness, obstructive airway diseases
Cold and Cough
A decoction made out of the leaves of adhtoda can be used as a herbal remedy for cough and cold. It will ease the irritations in the throat. It
will also help to loosen the deposits of phlegm in the airway and thus gives relief from sore throat.
Adhatoda vasica is found to have good anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial property and hence it can be used to treat the wounds. Make
poultice out of the adhatoda leaves and apply it on the wounds. You can also use this poultice in the joints to get rid of the rheumatic
symptoms and is also an antispasmodic that can relieve cramps muscular spasms etc.
Adhatoda vasica can also control bleeding, both if it is internal or external. It also helps toreduce the blood pressure. Hence it can be used
as a good remedy for bleeding gums, piles, peptic ulcers etc.

Medicinal Use:
• Cures Bronchitis.
• Used For early stages of leprosy.
• Acts as blood purifier.
• Assists in curing Heart trouble.
• Cures Asthma,sore eyes and gonorrhea.
• Useful for curing fever ,vomiting and loss of memory.
• Helps in early stages of leucoderma and jaundice.
• Used for Abortion.
• Useful for taking care of tumors and diseases of the mouth.
• Helps in dysuria ,painful and difficult urination.


Azadirachta indica



Neem touches the daily life of almost every Indian, from the poorest peasant who snaps off a twig to use as a toothbrush,
to wealthier individuals who purchase manufactured neem-based toothpastes, soaps and medicines. Therefore, when
manufacturers in India applied for government approval of a new neem capsule to be used to treat diabetes, it was
granted in under 24 hours. After almost 4,500 years of almost continuous use, even the Indian equivalent of the FDA
apparently believes that "anything from neem has to be good" (Larson, 1993).



Sheryll Zenganeh the publisher of "Empress Press", a national newsletter for people with psoriasis and other serious skin
conditions, has promoted the effectiveness of Neem. Sheryll suffered from Psoriasis for seventeen years before she came
in contact with Neem. She stated in her newsletter that "today, thanks to the Neem tree and the products from NeemAura
Naturals, my psoriasis is virtually gone and I now has soft, supple, youthful, gorgeous skin."

In clinical studies Neem extracts and oil were found to be as effective as coal tar and cortisone in treating psoriasis.
However there were none of the usual side effects accompanying the use of Neem as there was with Coal tar and
cortisone. When applied to the skin, Neem extracts and oil removed the redness and itching while improving the condition
of the skin for the duration of the treatment.


In the case of eczema clinical studies demonstrate that even the application of weaker Neem leaf extracts effectively
cured acute conditions of eczema, what to speak of the fresh cold pressed oil with its high concentration of active
ingredients. Using a Soap or shampoo containing Neem oil can easily relieve the itching and redness of eczema. For
specific areas of intensity on your skin apply Neem cream after bathing and/or shampooing with Neem oil products.


Neem effectively kills the bacteria that cause Acne and studies prove that Neem will reduce inflammation, even the
inflammation produced by Acne.

Skin problems in general:

Dry Skin, Wrinkles, Dandruff, Itchy Scalp, Skin Ulcers and Warts are other conditions that can be effectively resolved by
the use of soaps, lotions, and creams, containing Neem leaf extracts and oil.

Neem's effectiveness against Periodontal Disease

Throughout India and South East Asia hundreds of millions of village people use Neem twigs and leaves to brush their
teeth, and keep their gums free of disease and infection even though they have limited access to modern dental care. The
ancient Ayurvedic practice of using Neem to heal and rejuvenate gum tissue and to prevent cavities and gum disease is
verified in modern clinical studies.

Studies showed that Neem bark is more active then the leaves against certain bacteria and that Neem based tooth pastes
and mouth washes significantly improved Pyorrhea, at various stages, in 70 patients. In another study Neem toothpaste
prevented and even reversed gingivitis.

Neem’s effects on the immune system

I just mentioned how millions of people in India and Southeast Asia maintain excellent oral hygiene standards by brushing
with Neem Twigs on a daily basis, there is however, another reason why these people brush with Neem twigs every
morning. According to the ancient healing system of Ayurveda the bark of the Neem tree will strengthen an individuals
resistance to disease. Modern clinical studies have identified a number of compounds in the Neem tree that effectively
regulate immune system functions.

Neem’s effects on degenerative disease’s


Diabetes is still on the increase but effective management through diet and exercise is fast becoming the first line of
treatment. In the ancient system of Ayurveda when an excess of one taste causes a disease the opposite taste is
introduced into the diet with herbs and food to reduce the imbalance. Diabetes is a disease of excess sweetness so bitter
herbs and foods must be used to counteract the imbalance. Neem being very bitter was often used to treat diabetes in
Ayurveda. Modern clinical studies reveal that Neem has been effective in treating and preventing Diabetes.

Whether drinking a simple cup of tea out of the leaves or taking extracts of the Neem leaf, Neem significantly and
consistently reduced insulin requirements for nonkeytonic, insulin fast, and insulin sensitive forms of Diabetes. Because of
the numerous and successful clinical studies with Neem on Diabetes and it's long history of successful use in Ayurveda for
the same purpose, the Indian equivalent of the FDA has approved the manufacture and sale of Neem tablets, by
Pharmaceutical companies, for the treatment of Diabetes.


Traditionally Ayurveda has recommended the use of Neem leaf, seed, and bark, for reducing arthritic pain and
inflammation and for halting the progression of the disease as well. The use of Neem for these purposes has been
confirmed by modern clinical studies.

The pain, inflammation, and swelling of the joints in arthritis can be greatly reduced by different compounds in Neem. In
numerous clinical studies the polysaccharides and other compounds of Neem leaf extract have produced a reduction in the
inflammation caused by arthritis. One of the major components in Neem seed, which has demonstrated a significant effect
against arthritis, is nimbidin. Other components that possess anti-inflammatory properties are limonoids and catechin.

There are several reasons why the compounds in Neem work so well. It appears that these compounds make a number of
adjustments to various mechanisms in the body, which explains their anti-inflammatory effects. There is an inhibition in
the release of mediators of acute inflammation, an antihistaminic effect, and a modification in the functioning of the
immune system response. This last effect is extremely important. Neem's ability to change the way the immune system
responds to arthritis, by reducing the generation of inflammation producing chemicals, may also be the reason why it
halts the progress of the disease and why it may hold the promise of an actual cure.

In addition to its anti-inflammatory effects there are several leaf compounds like the above mentioned polysaccharides,
catechin, and limonoids, which are clinically proven to be more potent than aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) in decreasing
prostaglandin synthetase and the pain it causes. Rheumatism:

Rheumatism or Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune condition that can cause serious pain and inflammation. Modern
medicine uses strong drugs like phenyl butazone and cortisone to relive the pain and inflammation of Rheumatism,
however these drugs can cause many uncomfortable side effects. Clinical studies have conclusively demonstrated that the
anti-inflammatory activities of various compounds in Neem leaves are equally as effective as phenyl butazone and

In addition to relieving pain and inflammation the active constituents in Neem leaves are clinically proven to inhibit the
prostaglandin mechanism, that causes pain, more effectively than aspirin. In the same study Neem significantly reduced
acute paw edema as well. The consumption of Neem Leaf capsules and the topical application of slightly warmed Neem
cream can help to alleviate the pain and inflammation of this condition.

Chronic Fatigue:

There are two schools of thought on what causes of Chronic Fatigue.

Some are convinced that it is related to the Epstein Barr virus others believe that it is related to the candida albicans
fungus. In either case Neem extracts have been proven clinically effective against both the virus and the fungus that are
the suspected causes of Chronic Fatigue. Because the immune system becomes compromised in Chronic Fatigue Neem’s
ability to enhance the immune response on a cellular level enhances its usefulness for this condition.


For centuries in India and Southeast Asia Ayurvedic practitioners and herbalists have successfully used Neem to reduce
tumors. Clinical research performed in Europe and India using the polysaccharides and limonoids found in Neem bark,
leaves, and seeds demonstrated some remarkable effects against cancers. These compounds not only reduced tumors and
cancers but were also effective against lymphocytic leukemia. An amazing reduction in tumor size was reported when
Neem extracts were injected around the tumors.


Heart Disease:Including high blood pressure, blood clots, cholesterol, and Arrhythmia/rapid heart beat.
Blood Disorders: Including poor circulation, blood poisoning, and kidney problems.
Digestive Disorders: Including heartburn/indigestion, peptic/duodenal ulcers, gastritis, and

• Internal use
o It is one of the most widely used Ayurvedic herbs and is used to detoxify the
body. A new and recent development is to use it for treating diabetes, but some
more studies may need to be done.
o The bark is used for fever, nausea and vomiting.
o It has traditionally been used to treat malaria, tuberculosis, arthritis, intestinal
worms, as well as to treat skin disease.
• External use
o The flowers can be made into a poultice for skin problems and ulcers.
o Neem oil - also known as margosa oil is extracted from the seeds. It is a very
lubricating and penetrating oil and is considered a supremely "healing" oil, useful
for painful joints and muscles.
o It has a very beneficial effect on clearing up scalp conditions and dandruff and
is also used to promote healing of wounds.
o Some cases of dry psoriasis, as well as fungal infections, have shown a good
response when treated with neem oil. It is also helpful in treating hemorrhoids.
o Neem oil is mildly antiseptic when applied externally..

Rosy Periwinkle
Vinca rosea


Botanical Name : VINCA ROSEA



Habitat : Grows throughout India and found as an escape in waste places and sandy tracts.

Uses : Its alkaloids are hypotensive, sedative and have tranquilising properties and are anti cancerous. It helps in relieving muscle pain,
depression of central nervous system and wasps stings.

Cape Periwinkle is an evergreen shrub grows throughout varying land of India. Its domestic name is sadabahar or Rose periwinkle. Its

botanical name is Vinca Rosea and it belongs from Apocynaceae family. Vinca Rosea is from Plantae kingdom and division is

Magnoliophyta which means it is a flowering plant. It is dicotyledons and gentianales in order. The whole plant has medicinal purpose

specially the root, seed and the leaf.

Vinca Rosea is a charming, evergreen shrub, bearing pink or white slaverform flower. It is a native plant of southeastern and eastern

Madagascar. After the invasion of European colonist the plant achieved world recognition because of its ornamental property. It can also

grow in the tropical and subtropical regions. Vinca Rosea has waxed, glossy covering leaves, which is oval or oblong in shape and

oppositely arranged in pairs, with a pale midrib and a short petiole. The flowers usually have five petals like loves.

Vinca Rosea grows very well in infertile and well drained soil but has the chances of dying if the soil is too fertile or healthy. Occasional

pinching of the bud is necessary for full growth and branching. It doesn’t need dead heading as the flower drops off after it completes
blooming. It is very helpful for the treatment of Leukemia occurring in children. It is prone to the infection of Phytoplasmas which reduces the

growth of the leaf.

It is rich with 70 different types of alkaloid specially indole type. Alkaloids like ajamalicine, serpentine and reserpine vinblastine is present in

it which has medicinal importance.

Cape Periwinkle has n number of uses. For example Chinese used it for herbal medicine, which is used in the treatment of diabetes,

Hodgkin’s disease and malaria. The plant is rich in chemical substances like vinblastine and vincristine, which is helpful in the treatment of

Leukemia in children and lymphoma. The group of alkaloid which is present in it can be virtually used in the treatment of cancer. The

alkaloids may have certain side effects on the body. Traditionally the root bark of priwinklen is used for treatment. It has calming effect and it

can also reduce blood pressure and it also contains the alkalois Alstonine.

Some precautionary measure should be taken before its use. Periwinkle is poisonous in nature and restricted for external use like injection

or smoking. It has been poisonous for animals grazed on it. It has unwanted side effects after used for the treatment of cancer by doctors. If

consumed orally it has hallucinating effect. It is harmfull for kidney and may cause nerve problem. Very low dosage of the plant only under

the supervision of doctor is strictly recommended.

• Anti-carcinogenic – The herb has two anti-carcinogenic compounds such as vincristine and vinblastine which have been found to
be effective in the cure of various types of cancers.
• Anti-diabetic – The herb is also effective in the treatment of diabetes as it has the property to lower the blood sugar.
• Hypotensive – Vinca lowers the blood pressure in high blood pressure patients.
• Sedative – The herb has calming properties and also relieves from the depression like symptoms.
• Tranquilizer – Vinca relieves anxiety, thus it has tranquilizing properties.

Vinca rosea also helps in relieving depression of central nervous system, muscle pain and wasps stings. Herbal remedies made with this
herb help relieve toothache, memory loss and blood c


KRSNAJIRAKA / Asteracantha Longifolia Nees

Chemical composition
Alkaloids, Phytosterol, Potassium Salt of Oxalic Acid, Diastase, Protease, Essential Oil
Insomnia, mental depression, anaemia and urinary calculi
Excessive bleeding,
Kidney & Gall Stone,


Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Lamiales
Family: Scrophulariaceae
Genus: Bacopa
Species: B. monnieri
Brahmi is used as a herbal brain tonic, to rejuvenate the body, as a promoter of memory and as a nerve tonic. It
improves memory and helps overcome the negative effects of stress. It is unique in its ability to invigorate mental
processes whilst reducing the effects of stress and nervous anxiety. Brahmi induces a sense of calm and peace.

Brahmi has gain world wide fame as a memory booster and mind alertness promoter. It is widely used as antioxidant and
in improving the brain cell functions. It helps in relieving nervous congestion and strain from them, as it possesses ushan
virya potency; thereby it reduces vata dosha, which is main culprit in causing such problems. Due to presence of tickt
rasa, brahmi easily penetrates into the tissues thus giving soothing feel.

Health Benefits of Brahmi

- It improves intelligence level and mind alertness.

- It helps in maintaining mental calmness and has an appetite for stress.
- It helps in improving mental performance and increasing learning capacity.
- It is helpful in increasing mental concentration level.
- It has good effects on patients suffering from insomnia.
- It helps in relieving them with all their stress and makes them feel good and relaxed.
- Brahmi helps in decreasing anxiety and mental fatigue and promotes freshness in your mind.
- It is also very effective in depression related problems.
- It helps in rejuvenating there lost energies and makes them feel good and relaxed.
- It helps in maintaining lowering blood pressure to the normal level.
- It is very useful in maintaining normal body temperature thus relieving body from hyperthermia and fevers.
- It is also very effective in treating menstrual disorders and painful menses.
- Brahmi also finds its application in cough and cold related problem.
- It is used to attain long life while having energy just like a youth. Brahmi works as an antioxidant and retards aging
thus keep the person young and youthful.

Here is the best collection of brahmi oil and supplement. Our Natural Cure team has put tremendous efforts to provide
you best brahmi herb with lowest prices. Our aim is to help you minimize your searches and save your time. Below are an
exclusive range of brahmi products gathered from all top shopping stores to make your shopping the best deal.

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