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Summary: Test 2

Job evaluation bases on several contributing factors. However, comparing the profession’
wage with the blue-collar’s is more challenging. Although we concede that the professional
man like a doctor or a teacher should be paid more due to his long-term training. We still
highly value the work of laborers for their physical courage under harsh working condition.
Secondly, social importance of a job is also taken into account, notwithstanding job talents.
For instance, apparently, a nurse appears to make less money than those selling second-hand
cars and research chemist, although she has more socially useful tasks. In contrast, it is
indubitable that job pleasure is also a kind of salaries, which is called “psychic wage”. This is
considered a compensation for the drudgery of those whose jobs are tedious and repetitive.
Significantly, the vocational jobs continue to be poorly-paid while those in the spotlight of
sports and entertainment earn much more owing to social worth.

Line graph :Test 2

The line graph illustrates past and projected future overweight rates in nine particular
countries, the overweight rates do not start in the same year for all countries. Overall, the
graph shows that these rates have upsurged apace and are expected to continue rising in all
the countries shown, though more rapidly in some than in others.

The United States, England and Australia have the highest percentage of overweight people
at well above 60% to even 75% throughout 51 years, and that this proportion is increasing
dramatically than in almost all of other countries. Remarkably, USA’s obesity rates appeared
earliest in 1970 at around 46% and saw a slight downward trend before increasing steadily
since 1980. The rising patterns of England and Australia are quite similar, however, although
England’s rates appeared later, it increased more exponentially than Australia, especially in
the year 1990. Eventually, England’s ended up the second highest while Australia possessed
the third one in 2020.

Canada and Spain are the two countries having apparently same percentage of about 55% in
2020, noted that Canaly appeared even after 1990. These two figures fluctuated but remained
constant at just well 50% in 2005 before rising drastically since then. Furthermore, Austria,
Italy and France are the lowest ones with approximately 48% in 2020. Like Australia, despite
latest appearance, Italy’s figures leveled off until 2010 with about 39% and arose most stably.
Whereas France experienced a considerable fluctuation even till the year 2020.

Korea is the only Asian country shown. The percentage of overweight people is far lower
than in the other countries with well under 30% , but it is rising almost steadily year after
year. By 2020, 35% of Koreans is predicted to be overweight.

Summary: Test 3

British people have taken advantage of landfill to dispose of perishable rubbish since the year
dot. Such are several issues stemmed from this procedure that other substitutes and solution
must be found. First and foremost, the cost of burying refuse is coming on apace as
authorized landfills will decrease radically by 2015. Secondly, natural environment bears the
brunt of the acidity and toxic substances released from this method . Owing to the unevenness
of the rain- a natural catalyst to dilute these chemicals, cropland and animals were marred
considerably. Fortunately, liners within the pits have been put into use by present-day
landfills to treating perilous materials on-site. Lastly, burying refuse create problems for
people residing nearby. People have to suffer from excess noise, dust and unacceptable
smells . Eventually, fatigue and sorehead have been reported by these people by dint of
hazardous emissions.

Esssay: Test 3

Advanced technology has paved the way for people to easily stay informed and enjoy
abounding information through the Internet, however, this may leads to possible
disappearance of physical libraries. Although I concede that online platforms provide instant
and more convenient sources of information, I still believe that libraries are indispensable.

There are several advantages of information provision of online tools. First and foremost,
Internet-based platforms and devices enable people to access to a myriad sources of
information and data immediately. As a matter of fact, libraries can take you several hours
looking up particular historical events by finding relevant books while the Internet takes you
only few seconds searching for them with just a couple of mouse clicks. Another factor
contributing to the increasing use of online platforms is the convenience and cost-
effectiveness of it. With solely internet-connected devices, owners can gain desirable
information regardless of times and locations. They do not need to travel for long to local
libraries, this radically satisfy the quest for knowledge of a large number of people, espcially
those who cannot afford time to do so.

On the other hand, I am convinced that there are still some functions of public libraries that
virtual ones fail to fulfil. The most important function is that libraries help preserve
invaluable knowledge of humankind. Some rare books, archives or special manuscripts are
not likely to be available in digital format whilst traditional libraries are those which possess
these materials. In addition, libraries’authorized books provide people with more
authenticated and reliable information compared to those abouding on the Internet. For
professional scholars and scientifics in various diciplines, they have strict demands of
accurate data, hence libraries and their books are indubitably vital for scientific research and
precise data retrieval. Lastly, libraries are considered locations for diverse purposes. They can
be served for hosting reading festivals, which encourage people to read more, or offering self-
study and working conferences’ locations for both normal readers and professionals.

In short, both online resources and public libraries fulfil functions of providing knowledge
and information for people. Howerver, I am of the opinion that libraries still maintain
fundamental role in modern world.

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