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Assessment Directions: You will complete a two-part final project to demonstrate your mastery
of the topics we have investigated in this unit: an essay examining the novel you have studied in
your book club, and a multimedia presentation exploring the essential questions and themes of the
unit. Instructions for these projects are as follows:

Essay: Write an essay response to the following prompt:

Identify a theme explored in the novel. What message about this theme does the author express?
How does the author use literary devices to convey this message?

Refer to the graphic organizers you completed during your reading to assist you in formulating
your response. Your essay must be five pages, typed, and double-spaced. At least five relevant
supporting details from the text must be used to support your argument. Please review the below
rubric for detailed grading criteria.

Multimedia Presentation: Choose a current social issue that you are passionate about. Research
background information and current news articles about your topic. Once you have identified and
researched your topic, you will prepare a website or blog about your topic using Weebly or
Edublog. Your website or blog should have three components:

 A page educating readers of your site about the topic. Use the sources you
discovered in your research and be sure they are properly cited. At least one source
should be a current news article.
 A page proposing an “action item.” Think about the various ways we have
discussed to advocate for a cause and choose one that you think is best suited to
getting the desired outcome you would like to see for this issue. Some options might
be to suggest a letter writing campaign, a protest, or a phone bank.
 A creative element. This must be created using technology and hosted on your
website. You might choose to write an original song and use YouTube to upload a
performance of it, create a digital poster on Glogster advertising your action item,
a mind map using Popplet illustrating causes and solutions of this issue, or anything
else you choose. Get creative!

You will then prepare a brief presentation of your website to share with the class, educating them
about your topic and advocating for your proposed solution. This is an excellent opportunity to
incorporate some of the literary and rhetorical devices we have studied to make your arguments
more meaningful and evocative.

Assessment Tool/Means of Grading: Final essays and multimedia projects/presentations will be

graded according to the below rubrics.

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