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Technology does not always lead to distraction. However, it can be a harmful

distraction relying on the attitude and control of a student. Positively speaking, modern

technology make things easier for students to research their home works and projects.

However, it is right to mention that technologies are also major distraction for students

(Udyong net, 2014). Cellphone is undeniably convenient helpful tool for study. Coughlan

(2015) emphasized that students are always busy sending and receiving messages while

studying. This generation of eager texter might be affected by so many online

distractions. Gadget on students can be the fact that they can become obsessive and

students can forget everything else especially their studies. Technology takes a big role

and takes a big part on today’s generation. Technology makes the student’s studying

much easier but it also has bad effects to the student’s life.


 Most of the respondents use gadgets in a long period of time.

 Majority of the respondents noticed the deterioration of grades upon using


 Most of the respondents cannot handle a day without bringing gadgets in


 Majority of the respondents use their gadgets during class hours.

 The respondents stated that the positive effect of gadgets is for academic

purposes while the negative effects of gadgets are a distraction to the

students’ school life and could lead to addiction.

 Most the respondents stated that the gadgets has a great impact on the

students’ academic performance.


Gadgets plays a vital role in the education field in order to improve their skills and

knowledge. It is very important for students since they need to improve their knowledge

to gain success in the future. But, based on the preceding findings of the researchers

some students in Carcar Academy Technical School Incorporated use gadgets in an

inappropriate way. The researchers concluded that the negative impacts overweighs the

positive impacts on using gadgets to the academic performance of the selected grade ten

students. Students are now losing their sense of imagination because everything that the

students could think of is right before them. Most students nowadays cannot stay away

from their electronic devices for long periods of time because they have become slaves

and attached to interacting through social media. The researchers noticed that many

students of today take these technological opportunities for granted and let it cause

unneeded problems to the student lives. Addiction to these technologies is common

throughout society and causes many different issues to arise. Many students would get

distracted in class because of using gadgets this compels the students to be more

attentive and focused to the gadget and will cultivate the students to not listen to the

teacher. These are the reasons why most of the students of Carcar Academy Technical

School Incorporation notice the deterioration of grades.


Based on the findings, the researchers have come up to these recommendations:

1. An animated video about the proper usage of technology and ways to

lessen the addiction of gadgets.

2. An affirmation poster about the gadgets or technology.

3. An awareness seminar on how to guide the students in using gadgets.


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