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Int .I ]l~drogetl Em'tNx. Vcd 13. No IlL pp q~l~-hll4. It)SS. 03hll 31t)tl/NS $3(RF + D Ill!

Printed in Great Britain. I*crgallll~n J>rc~,s lilt'.

~'3 It)g,S Inlcrn:tli~lml Annot'tali¢~tl lot Ilvthtlgcn [(nclg}


II'AMAR WILLNER and B I I . t t A S T E I N I , I F R G I : . R - W I I . I . N I - Z R

Department of Organic Chemistry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 91904, Israel

( Received forpublication 18 May 1988)

Abstract--H, evolution by photochemical transformation that uses solar light is accomplished by pholobiologicul
systems, photochemical assemblies and photoelcctrochemical ceils. Semiconductor particles providc
microphotoetcctrochemical cells for walcr photolysis. Hybrid systems can be designed where dye compounds and
semiconductor particles act cooperatively in He evolution. Photoreduction of CO2 to formate allows the production
of hydrogen storage products.

INTRODUCTION evolution through photoredox transformations (Scheme

I). The first involves photobiological systems that apply
The production of hydrogen from cheap raw materials
thylakoid membranes as light harvesting units and
like water is a challenging project that could provide
H2-evolution enzymes as catalysts for photolysis of
future energy needs. Among the different approaches
water. The second approach employs synthetic molecu-
are electrolysis, plasmolysis, magnetolysis and mag-
lar assemblies as the photoactive sites that effect elec-
malysis. Photochemical means that utilize solar light for
tron transfer processes. Proper design of organized
photolysis of water to hydrogen fuel are an important
microenvironments that couple the redox photopro-
option for the world's future fuel needs [1]. Research
ducts with artificial catalysts results in the cyclic cleavage
activities in the area of photochemical conversion and
of water. The third approach bridges the photocatalytic
storage of solar energy with specific efforts towards
activity of semiconductor materials withphotoconver-
water photolysissystems have grown extensively in recent
sion and storage systems. The electron-hole pair formed
years [2-5]. The subject has turned into an interdisciplin-
upon the excitation of the semiconductor material
ary area that involves photochemistry, electrochemis-
provides the basic redox configuration for the photolysis
try, catalysis, biochemistry and photobiology.
of water through photoelectrochemically based cells.
Plant photosynthesis provides a system for the conver-
These materials could be used either as bulk electrodes
sion of solar light energy into fuel products (carbohy-
or in suspended particulate forms. The objectives of this
drates). The primary events of the natural device involve
review article are to evaluate the three approaches in
photoredox reactions where visible light induces redox
conjunction with water photodecomposition, to high-
reactions. The intermediate redox photoproducts ulti-
light the present accomplishments and to discuss existing
mately yield net useful fuel products.
difficulties. Special emphasis will be given to hybrid
Photolysis of water to H_, fuel could be envisaged by
systems where counterparts of the three different
the use of artificially designed systems that duplicate approaches are united into assemblies that effect water
functions of the natural process. This concept is outlined
in Fig. 1, where a light harvesting compound S induces
an electron transfer reaction upon absorbence of visible LIMITING EFFICIENCIES OF SOLAR
light. The redox products could then mediate, in the PHOTOLYSIS OF WATER
presence of proper catalysts, H2 and 02 evolution, thus
The solar spectrum is rather diffuse and covers a
establishing cyclic water photolysis systems. Three diffe-
broad range of wavelengths, 350-1400 nm. This implies
rent approaches are presently examined to effect H~
that in photochemical transformations that use visible
light (350-700 nm) a substantial amount of the incident
t ~r,=r=r.~=ex Tr=ns~er..--.=:iCnS I solar radiation is lost (=52%). The photoredox trans-
formations are also thermodynamically controlled by

Sys:e,-,.s ~----~ Sys~.,,ms , 5ysT; m~.

I I I _.. f 0 + . . , F s -%.._
. . . . L yC_,o,ys,
[ I.- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J i ~20Z+211 +'4~" ~" D ~ ~S ÷'~" "~P"A - ~ ~ 211+
1- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...a

Scheme 1. Approaches for x~ater photolysis through photo- Fig. 1. Scheme for photolysis of water by a sensitizer-acceptor
redox transformations. donor and catalysts assembly.
the endoergenicity of the specific process [6-8]. For
photolysis of water (equation 1) by a single photon, a
threshold photon energy of kg~<611 nm is required. If N~
(k) is the incident solar photon flux at wavelength k and
e(X) is the absorption coefficient of the light absorbent,
the absorbed flux,.Je, in the threshold region is given by
equation (2):
g 5o

~z0~ / A-,,.
H20-'+ He + 1/2 O2 AG°=l.23V, (1)
Je = ~.fkg N~(J.) ~(X)dk (2)

The available solar power E Wm -2 is given by :~0 ~ ICO0 14C0

equation (3) and the fraction of incident solar power, ~,g (nm)
~/E, that could initiate the photoconversion process is
given by equation (4): Fig. 2. Plots of conversion efficicnccs as a function of threshold
active wavelength (k,.). (a) Plot of ~h.. (b) Plot of ~/<,,~laS~ltlllitlg
hc gin energy loss of 0.8 cV.
E = & -- (3)

tie -oj~E(;k)dX,
Photobiological processes that produce hydrogen can
where be designed by the separation of chloroplasts from
plants and exclusion of the enzymes involved in CO,
,, J'~° E(X)dL
fixation. These isolated chloroplasts contain the natural
represents the total solar incident power. Figure 2 shows light harvesting unit of chlorophyll centers and are
the calculated curve of photoconversion efficiency, r IE. capable of inducing the photosensitized electron trans-
as a function of irradiance wavelength and implies a fer (Fig. 3) [9]. Addition of bacterial extracts that
maximum efficiency of 47% at ~ 1000 nm. This ideal contain the hydrogen-activating enzyme, hydrogenase.
conversion efficiency is controlled by thermodynamic can utilize the electrons tunnelled by the photoredox
and kinetic drops that have been estimated by Ross, process and effect H2 evolution. Chloroplasts isolated
Bolton and others, to be in the range of 0.6-1.0 eV per from spinach when irradiated in the presence of hyd-
absorbed photon. These energy drops reduce the max- rogenase isolated from Clostridium bacterium and an
imum conversion efficiency to =21% at a threshhold artificial electron carrier such as N,N'-dimethvl-4,4'-
energy of 750 nm. In practice, the overall solar energy bipyridinium, methylviologen, MV 2+, generate hyd-
storage efficiency, 'llstorage, is governed by several rogen [10]. The artificial electron carrier mediates the
efficiency factors (equation 5): transfer of electrons from chloroplasts to the enzyme
hydrogen evolution active site. Although significant
'l]storag e = lqahs 'l](p ]]E lqchem 'l]coll.
(5) progress has been made in developing this system, the
instability of chloroplasts towards continuous illumina-
r/er/~i,~,m is the thermodynamically and kinetically li- tion and towards oxygen limits the system for H~
mited photoconversion efficiency (=0.21): ~/:a,~corres- production.
ponds to the fraction of solar photons absorbed beyond Photobiological H2 production can be cffected bv
the threshold energy (),~;tg); rl,,., the quantum yield of intact organisms [!1]. Both, blue-green algae [12],
the photoreaction process, and r/c,,u is the fraction of cyanobacteria and eucaryotic green algae [13] possess
separated products that can be stored. Using optimal two photosystems analogous to those in green plants, as
wdues for the latter efficiency factors (=0.9), the well as the He-evolution enzyme, hydrogenase. The
maximum solar energy storage efficiency is envisaged to great advantage of using cyanobacteria for biosolar H~
be in the range of 12-15%. production is their adaption to aerobic environment

light electron

2H" ÷ t/202 -qK.,

H20 ~ "-2""

Fig. 3. Photolysis of water by chloroplasts in the presence of hydrogcml~c.

conditions and protection of the oxygen labile hyd- kd kei
rogenase enzyme. Various blue-green algae species S* + A k-d (S'.-. A) ~ (S+.,.A -)
have been immobilized on solid matrices such as alginate k-et
gel beads, polyurethane and polyvinyl foams [14, 15],
and continuous H2 evolution has been accomplished
upon illumination. Yet, the approach of whole cell
application for H2 production is not free of limitations.
The H2-production process competes with other phy- S +A S++A -
siological cellular reactions such as nitrogen fixation. Scheme I I. Kinetic scheme of photosensilizcd electron transfer
Methods that ignore cellular H, evolution include reactions.
modification of microorganism growth conditions, reg-
ulation of the formation of the competitive enzyme rcvicwed [17-23]. The aims of this chapter are to
nitrogenase, and nitrogen starvation of cells prior to highlight some of the accomplishments and to dclnons-
illumination [16]. Other approaches such as isolation of tralc that various disciplines connect into the organiza-
new strains and design of selected mutants merit future lion of such molecular assemblies for solar H2 produc-
exploitation. tion.
The overall photosensitized electron transfer process
comprises of the sequence of steps outlined in Scheme
II. it involves the formation of the excited sensitizer-
S Y N T H E T I C M O L E C U L A R A S S E M B L I E S FOR relay complex, electron transfer and formation of an
WATER PHOTOLYSIS encounter complex of photoproducts and either recom-
bination or separation of this labile cage structure of
Design of artificial molecular assemblies for photo-
photoproducts. Kinetic analysis of this scheme [24]
lvsis of water to hydrogen and oxygen gained substantial
yields the observed rate constant for product formation
research activities in recent years [2-51. A simplified
given in equation (8).
scheme of a molecular asseml~ly for water photolysis is
displayed in Fig. 1 and includes a light absorbent, S, an kd
electron relay compound, A, and an electron donor, D. kohs --
The excited photosensitizer effects the electron transfer kb k-d (1 + k_~, + kh ) (81
1 + ~ + ~ k~ k,
process to the relay and generates the redox photopro-
ducts S + and A - . The added electron donor recycles the
Numerous theoretical and experimental studies have
light harvesting compound and completes the trans-
attempted to relate the free energy of activation ~ G '~:to
formation of visible light energy into redox potential.
the change of free energy, AG", associated with the
Selection of components that exhibit the proper thermo-
electron transfer reaction. The relationship given in
dynamic redox potentials for the reduction and oxida-
equation (9):
tion of water to H2 and O2 could establish a cyclic water
photolysis system. AG °
The organization of such assemblies for generation of AG* z = A G * ( 0 ) (1 + 4AG,:z(0 ) ) (9)
solar hydrogen involves various aspects. For effective
conversion and storage of solar light energy to a fuel, the where AG*(0) is the free energy of reorganization when
formation of redox products from the excited species A G = 0 . describes the process well. It implies that the
should be efficient. Thus, it is essential to define suitable electron transfer rate constant, k~,, is close to diffusion
sensitizer-relay systems. Yet, the thermodynamic redox controlled at small negative A G ° values, while the rate
properties of the redox products (Fig. 4) imply that constant decreases when AG~>0 or when A G ° exhibits
spontaneous back electron transfer should occur (equa- large negative values.
tions 6 and 7), a process that degrades the energy storage
process. Slondord
S+ + A - ~ S + A (6)
EO(S*/S+) -
E°( A IAm ) --

D++A ---~ D + A (7) Eo(211t/Hz) - /


It is therefore essential to develop means that stabilize /

the photoproducts against these degradative pathways. hv /

/ Recombinolion
Finally photolysis of water by redox products that meet / / of Pholop~oducls
E°(Oz/1120) - /
the proper thernlodvnamic potentials turn out to be
kincticalh sluggish reactions. Thus. development of E°(D~ID) -
Eo(s+IS) ~/S+A
catalysts capable of the utilization of the photoproducts
in the rcdticIioll and oxidation of water is Cl-ticlal.
Substantial cfforts to rcsolxc the various aspects have Fig. 4. Thermodynamic redox properties of photoproducts for
bccn made cind each of the stlb CCtShas been cxtensi\'elv water photolysis.

( ~ - ' ~ N _ _ _Ru/__ _ N / ' - ' ~ t R R R =

k=/-- ,", ,


N N m ( C H s ) z N ~ N ( C H 3 ) 2
R = S03


A wide variety of photosensitizers that are capable of for H, evolution from water, the introduction of
inducing electron transfer reactions has been characte- catalysts to effect the process is mandatory.
rized. These include organometallic complexes amongst Metals such as Pt, Ag, Rh, Os and Ib,u, or metal
which Ru(II)-tris-bipyridine [25], Ru(bpy)~ + (1), metal- oxides, i.e. PrO2 or IrO2, have been widely applied as
[oporphyrins [26,. 27], such as Zn(II)-meso- redox catalysts for H~ evolution. In order to obtain
tetramethylpyridinium porphyrin, Zn-TMPyP 4+ (2), maximum rates of electron carrier mass transfer to the
Zn(ll)-phthalocyanine tetrasulfonate, Zn-PcTS 4 (3), electrode surface, it is important to design metal
organic dyes [28] such as acridine orange (4) or proflavin catalysts with high surface areas. Colloidal metal parti-
(5) are noteworthy examples. cles that exhibit high surface areas have been prepared
Electron relay compounds that have been widely by various means. For such colloidal particles the rate
examined in photoinduced H2 evolution include N,N'- constant for interaction bctwccn the reduced relay and
dialky[-4,4'-bipyridinium salts such as methylviologen the metal particles is given by equation (lfl), where r is
(6) [29, 30], N , N - d ' a l k y l - 2 , 2 ' - b p y r i d ' n i u m salts [31], the particle radius, D is the diffusion coefficient of the
i.e. (7), organometallic complexes such as Rh(IIl)-tris- electron carrier and N the density number of colloid
bipyridine, Rh(bpy)) ~ [32] or Co:(lll)-scpulchurate (8) particles.
Co(sepul) 3+ [33, 34], and metal ions such as Eu ~+, or
V 3+ [35]. Although the reduced forms of these relay kob ~ = 4 ~ N D r (1(I)
systems exhibit the suitable thermodynamic potential Photosensitized H, evolution has been extensively


N\ t,.N--
CIIj + N ~ - ~ N +-"'~Ctt 3


Table 1. Hydrogen evolving photosystcms*

Photosensitizer Electron Electron Quantum

(S) relay (A) donor (D) efficiency ("H2)

Ru(bpy)3 + methyl viologen EDTA 0.26

acridine yellow methyl viologen EDTA 0.32
Zn-TMPvP 4+ methyl viologen EDTA 0.60
Zn-TPPS "~ methyl viologen EDTA 0.I)2

*In all systems Pt colloids are used as catalysts.

Table 2. Oxygen evolving photosystems

Photosensitizer Electron Relay Catalyst Quantum efficiency

(S) (A) (q>V202)

Ru(bpy)~ + Co(NH3)sCI 2+ RuO~ colloid 0.2

Ru(bpy)~ + Co(NH3)sCI 2+ RuO2-TiO2 O. 12
Ru(bpy)3 + S_-O~ RuO2-TiO2 0.24
Ru(bpy)~ + S,O~- lrO~ 0.14

examined in sacrificial systems that include a degradable efficiencies of several oxygen evolving photosystems
electron donor that recycles the light active compound. that have been observed with various sacrificial electron
Figure 5 represents schematically such sacrificial systems relays.
where methyl viologen acts as electron relay that The various catalysts that were developed for the
mediates H2 evolution in the presence of colloidal Pt separated processes (H 2 evolution and O2 evolution)
that acts as catalyst. Sacrificial electron donors common- exhibit effective redox catalysis properties and could be
Iv applied for the regeneration of the photosensitizer combined into a single unit that effects cyclic light
include ethvlenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), induced cleavage of water. This concept is exemplified in
triethanolamine, (TEOA), ascorbic acid and thiols, i.e. Fig. 6 where the compounds of highest activity in the
cvsteine. Numerous investigations have examined the separated H 2 and O2 photosystems are united: a TiO2
effects of various sensitizers, structural modifications of colloid is used as the carrier for the redox catalysts and is
the electron relay, different electron donors and various loaded with RuO2 and Pt as 02 and H 2 evolution
metal colloids on the quantum efficiencies of H2 evolu- catalysts respectively. The photosensitizer, Ru(bpy) 2*,
tion (qHz). Table 1 summarizes the quantum efficien- and methyl viologen, MV 2+, acting as charge relay are
cies of some of these photosensitized H2-generation included as the light harvesting compound and the
systems. electron carrier substrate respectively. The interaction
For cyclic photolysis of water, O,-evolution catalysts of the redox photoproducts with the proper catalysts is
must be developed. A similar approach to that described anticipated to result in the cyclic cleavage of water and
for H2-evolution catalysts has been successfully applied the regeneration of the photosensitizer and electron
to the development of oxygen evolving photosystems.
This approach involves the application of sacrificial Ru(bpy)~÷+MVZ+ hu • Myt ÷Ru(bpyl;+
electron relays that allows the selective characterization
of O,-evolution catalysts. It has been found that metal 1 . 1 2 ~ 21+ l / i 120

oxides such as RuO2 or IrO2 act as effective O2-
evolution catalysts [36, 37]. Recently, homogeneous
[Ru(ll) and Mn(IIl) complexes, i.e. [(NH3)sRu-O-
Ru(NH3)5] 4.. have been applied as water oxidation
catalysts [38, 39]. Table 2 summarizes the quantum

21| 2
2:'1"+9zOz~ -

o~ ~s*~." "~c,@~_c.3J "~.*

Fig. 6. Cyclic photo-decomposition of water by a
Fig. 5. H)drogen c'olution through photoredox transforma- photosensitizer-electron acceptor assembly in the presence of a
tion using sacrificial electron donors. heterogeneous TiO2 bifunctional cata]yst.

relay compound. Primary attempts to follow this scheme Substantial progress has been accomplished in recent
have been reported by Gr~tzel and colleagues to lead to ,,,,ears in the organization of microheterogeneous en-
the cyclic photolysis of water, although at low quantum vironments that are capable of controlling photoinduced
efficiencies. Later studies have controversed these re- electron transfer reactions and effecting the stabilization
sults and have implied limitations of such catalysts of the photoproducts against recombination processes.
configurations. Organized microenvironments composed of micelles
The problems in designing photosystems that simul- [40], microemulsions [41], charged colloids [42. 43 I,
taneously evolve H, and O: originate from poor selecti- vesicles [44.45] or molecular cvclodextrin receptors [40]
vities of the catalysts towards the specific processes, provide means to retard the back electron transfer
poor kinetic properties and non-adequate configuration reactions. In these organized microenvironments spe-
that results in degradative recombination of the desired cific electrical repulsion and attraction of the photo-
products: generated products from charged microheterogeneous
interfaces, or the selective association of one of the
(i) The oxygen evolution catalyst, RuO2, is not a reactive photoproducts to a micro-hydrophobic phase
selective O2-evolving catalyst, and acts also as present in the continuous aqueous phase, result in the
catalyst for H 2 evolution. Consequently, recom- separation of products and their subsequent stabiliza-
bination of hydrogen and oxygen occurs on the tion against recombination processes. For example, the
metal oxide• Similarly, immobilization of the H,- photosensitized reduction of N,N'-dipropvlsulfonato-
• . '~+

and O.-evolution catalysts on the same carrier 2,2'-bipyridimum (9), DQS, using Ru(bpy)~ as photo-
results in a destructive effect as a result of rapid sensitizer and T E O A as sacrificial electron acceptor has
recombination of H? and O2 bound to the carrier been examined in a microheterogeneous system that
surface. Thus, efforts should be directed towards includes SiO2 colloids (Fig. 7) [47]. In the absence of
the development of specific O, evolution catalysts SiO, particles, no net photoreduction of DQS occurs
and towards the design of compartmentalized sys- due to rapid recombination of the photoproducts. In the
tems where the catalysts are separated but transport presence of SiO2-co[loid, however, effective photore-
of the electron carriers is still available. duction of DQS proceeds and the electron carrier
(ii) The sacrificial systems omit the kinetic behaviour of mediates H2-evolution in the presence of colloidal Pt.
the redox catalyst since one of the photoproducts is Detailed analysis has revealed that the negatively
irreversibly decomposed. Consequently, high quan- charged SiO: colloid selectively associates, as a result of
tum efficiencies are possible even with poor kinetics electrostatic attraction, the photosensitizer and the
of the redox catalyst. In cyclic water phototysis oxidized photoproduet. The stabilization of the reduced
systems the thermodynamically favoured back elec- photoproduct allows subsequent electron transport to
tron transfer reaction of the intermediate photopro- the Pt-catalyst and H, evolution takes place.
ducts (equations 6 and 7 and Scheme II) is dominant A related noteworthy system that applies electrostatic
and is close to a diffusion controlled process. Thus, and hydrophobic interactions as a means to retard back
the activities of the redox catalysts should be electron transfer reactions of the intermediate photo-
sufficiently high to intercept kinetically with the products and enhance subsequent H~ evolution, has
recombination processes. This implies that the H,- been exemplified by Grfitzel and his colleagues [20].
and O~-evolution catalysts must be active in the Photoreduction of N-dodecadecyI-N'-met hyl-4,4'-
microsecond time domain. An alternative approach bipyridinium ClaMV 2'+, (10), acting as charge relay, has
might involve the design of organized photosystems been exam ned in aqueous media using Ru(bpy)5 ~- as
where the photoproducts are stabilized against photosensitizer and a sacrificial electron donor, The
recombination reactions as a result of system- charge relay, Cl4MV 2+ is bydrophilic in character and
environmental effects. does not interact with micellar aggregates. Yet, its

producls hv

Ru(bpy)1 <',~,'/ ~ P,-DQ S~ . / ~2H*



Fig. 7. Control of photosensitized transformations and subsequent tt,-evolution by means of charged


Ru( bpy~Z+ + Cl4MV2L,.__~..Ru(bpy):~'+CI4MV +. o)


Ha0 2H
~'tr 1' c,,~",c,,, ~ c , , ~ , , c,,, n-lype [
photoonode [
Fig. 8. Scheme for specific interactions of Cj.~MV* with a
polysoap Pt-catalyst resulting in He-evolution.
reduction product. C.4MV + . exhibits amphyphitic C.B. - H2
properties and is associated with hydrophobic micellar
microenvironments and specifically with positively + ZH++u20
charged micelles. Consequently, photoinduced electron ~B.
• . hae
.I I "2H
transfer to the relay substrate, CI4MV 2÷ , (equation 11)
in the presence of positively charged micelles results in
association of CI4MV + and in electrostatic repulsion of
the oxidized photoproduct Ru(bpy).~ +. C.B,

Ru(bpy)3 + + Cj~MV 2+ h--orRu (bpy).~ + + C l a M V +. C)

(11) F V.B

These selective associative and repulsive interactions

retard the degradative recombination of the photopro-
ducts. These concepts and properties of CI4MV + couple
have been utilized in relay and a Pt-colloid stabilized on
the polysoap poiyvinylpyridinium with Cu, pendent
groups, PCP-Cj6 (Fig. 8). In the absence of the polysoap r;:zo":oo. ::ZO:o
the primary photoproducts recombine with a diffusion
controlled rate constant, kb = 4 × l0 9 M - I S -~. In the
presence of the polysoap and exclusion of the Pt-colloid Fig. 9. Schematic configurations of photoeleetrochemical semi-
the recombination rate is retarded due to the selective conductor based cells. (a) n-type semiconductor photoanode
cell. (b) p-type semiconductor cell. (c) Photodiode cell com-
association of C14MV + to the hydrophobic polysoap posed of n- and p-type semiconductor electrodes.
core and concomitant repulsion of Ru(bpy)~ +, kb = 8 ×
l0 s M - ~ S -I. This stabilization of the photoproducts
results in effective subsequent He-evolution in the than the band gap, results in an electron-hole pair in the
presence of the Pt catalysts sites. conduction band (C.B.) and valence band (V.B.) re-
spectively. While electrons are tunnelled to the counter-
electrode where H2 evolution occurs, oxidation of water
PHOTOELECTROCHEMICAL H,-EVOLUTION at the S.C. electrode takes place. In Fig. 9(b) an
SYSTEMS T H R O U G H W A T E R PHOTOLYSIS alternative configuration is shown and the p-type S,C.
Electrode based H_,-evolution systems electrode acts as photocathode. Photoexcitation of the
S.C. results in the reduction of protons to H2 while the
Photolvsis of water by photoelectrochemical systems holes are carried to the counter electrode where oxida-,
has evoked extensive research activities since 1972, tion of water to oxygen proceeds. The third configura-
when it was shown that substitution of the anode in a tion, Fig. 9(c), represents a combined system composed
water electrolysis cell by an illuminated semiconductor of two S.C. photoactive electrodes. The n-type S.C.
type TiO: electrode could substantially reduce the photoanode effects the oxidation of water while the
electrical energy, for water electrolysis [48]. As the p-type S.C. acts as the He evoluton photocathode and
subject has been extensively reviewed [49-53], only the circuit is completed by electrons carried from the
fundamental aspects of photoelectrochemical H:- photoanode to V.B. holes of the photocathode.
evolution systems will be considered here with specific The solar energy conversion efficiency (rl) of a
emphasis to correlate these systems to the other photoelectrochemical cell is given by:
approaches discussed in this paper.
Figure 9 represents three schematic configurations of Vma× imax
photoelectrochemical cells, where semiconductor q = , , f ~E(k)d)~
(S.C.) electrodes are used. Figure 9(a) represents a cell
where the S.C. electrode acts as photoanode. Photoex- where Vm.× and im~,xare the photogenerated maximum
citation of the semiconductor with light energy greater cell potential and the photocurrent density respectively,

effective in the light driven process. Consequently, the

solar energy conversion efficiency is low. = 1%.
-i.0 -J Often, deposition of catalysts on the S.C. electrodes
assist the reduction or oxidation reactions occurring at
H÷/H2 these electrodes. An example where a catalyst effected
0 ~,,,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
efficient H2 production was demonstrated in a photo-
electrochemical cell that applied p-type lnP as photo-
02/0H" cathode is given in Fig. 9(b) [55, 56]. InP has an ideal
band gap for solar energy conversion (EBo = 1.34 eV).
Deposition of metals such as Pt or Rh on the photo-
cathode catalyses the H2-evolution process and the
o quantum efficiencies were drastically increased. Such
photoelectrochemical cells operate at a rather high solar
to fuel conversion efficiency that corresponds to ~] =
÷4.0~ (~ C~ 13.3%. The structure of the S.C. immobilized catalyst

l affects substantially the effectiveness of the photoelec-

trochemical cells. For example, a uniform 50 ,~,-thick
layer of Pt on InP reflects and absorbs ca 50% of the
Fig. 10. Relative band edge potentials of some metal-oxide useful photons of the solar spectrum. To avoid this loss,
semiconductor materials. Standard potentials for H, and 02 the catalyst must be deposited in the form of islands with
evolution are also indicated on this scale. diameters smaller than the useful wavelengths of the
solar spectrum.
A photo-diode electrochemical assembly (Fig. 9c)
while the denominator is the solar incident power. that effects the photolysis of water has been demon-
Numerous materials show S.C. photoactivities. These strated by Somorjai and his colleagues [51]. In this
include metal oxides such as TiO2, Fe203, SnO2, WO3 or configuration a Si-doped Fe203 electrode acts as photo-
SrTiO3, sulphides (dichalcogenides) such as CdS, MoS~ anode and a Mg-doped Fe203 electrode acts as photo-
or WSe2, and phosphides such as lnP or GaP p-type cathode. Upon illumination of the two electrodes O:-
photocathodes. Figure 10 shows the valence and con- evolution occurs at the photoanode while H2-evolution
duction band edge potentials of some transition metal proceeds at the photocathode and the circuit is com-
oxides. It is evident that valence band holes are thermo- pleted by electrons carried from the photoanode to
dynamically capable of oxidizing water to oxygen while vacant V.B. holes in the photocathode. The efficiency of
only SrTiO3 and TiO2 in this series exhibit a C.B. the iron oxide p/n assembly is low, c a 0.1%, but it
potential that allows H2-evolution. operates in the visible light region of the solar spectrum.
For example, n-type SrTiO3 based photoelectroche- Table 3 summarizes the band gaps, Eg, and the solar
mical cells drive the photoinduced splitting of water to energy conversion efficiencies, ~1, for water photoelec-
H2 and 02 [54]. The SrTiO3 electrode acts as a photo- trolysis using various representative semiconductor
anode where oxidation of water occurs while C.B. electrode materials.
electrons are driven to the counter Pt-electrode where Several limitations are encountered in the operation
He evolution proceeds (Fig. 9a). This cell results in of photoelectrochemical cells. The quantum efficiency
efficiencies of 25-30%. However, since the band gap of of these units is maximum when all incident photons that
SrTiO3 corresponds to 3.2 eV, only near U.V. light is exceed in their energy the band gap energy produce

Table 3. Solar conversion efficiencies in the photoelectrolysis of water

with representative semiconductor electrode materials

Semiconductor Eg (eV) q("/o)

SrTiO3 3.2 1(20)*

KTaO3 3.5 >0. l('4~)t
n-TiO2 3.0 [).4~:
Si-Fe203/Mg-Fe20~ 2.2 0. I
InP 1.34 13.3
MoSe2 1.4 4-5§

*In brackets conversion efficiency in the region of maximum electrode

+Ref. [85].
~:Ref. IS61.
§Photocurrent efficiency, i.e. Ref. [87].

electron-hole pairs that lead to the desired anodic and groups, rather than oxygen evolution. Although subse-
cathodic products. It is common to all photoelectroche- quent O2-evolution by proper treatment of the Ti-
mical cells that losses due to recombination of photo- OH oxidation products might be advantageous in re-
generated electron-hole pairs, leakage of the 'wrong' spect to separation of H2 and O2 it introduces further
carrier across the barrier, reflection of photons from the complications in the photoprocess.
S.C.-solution interface and absorption and reflection of The use of suspended inorganic S.C. powders is
photons by S.C. immobilized catalysts, reduce the certainly attractive in view of the high-surface area
quantum efficiencies and conversion yields. Yet, the active in the photoprocess and the simplicity of the
most severe limitation of photoelectrochemical cells systems. Yet, low efficiencies due to light reflection,
relates to the deterioration of the S.C. electrodes. recombination of photogenerated electron-hole pairs
Photoanodes are generally susceptible to photodegrada- and utilization of wide band gap S.C. that are only active
tion of the electrode surface by oxidation of the S.C. by in the near U.V. region are serious disadvantages. The
holes (equations 13 and 14). Photocathodes exhibit average transport time (x) for a carrier from the interior
inherent superior stability towards reductive degrada- part of a spherical particle to its surface is given by
tion. Although reduction of the S.C. surface by C.B. equation (16), where ro is the spherical aggregate radius
electrons is thermodynamically feasible by a reaction and D is the diffusion coefficient for electron or hole in
such as equation (15), such processes have not been the S.C.
observed. fo 2
n-GaAs + 6h + + 10 O H - ~ GaO 2- 4- AsO 3- 4- 5H20 .~ = (16)
(13) ~D

n-CdS + 2h + ~ Cd 2÷ 4- S (14) Thus, the time of charge transport to the surface is

shorter as the particle radius decreases. This suggests
that appliction of colloidal S.C. aggregates might elimin-
p-InP + 3e- + 3H ÷ ~ In + PH3 (15) ate light scattering phenomena and enhance the efficien-
cies of the photoprocesses by improving charge trans-
port to the surface, where the redox reactions occur.
Powder and colloidal semiconductor systems Various methods for the preparation of S.C. colloids
Suspended S.C. particles in solution constitute a were developed in recent years. These include stabiliza-
collection of microphotoelectrochemical cells. Illumina- tion of colloid aggregates by polymers [65], vesicles [66],
tion of such S.C. particles results in the formation of a and recently, molecular cyclodextrin receptors [67].
cathode and anode sites on the particle assembly (Fig. H2 evolution has been accomplished upon illumina-
11). tion of Pt-loaded TiO2 colloids [68, 69] and cyclic
Immobilization of proper 02- and H2-evolution photolysis of water using n-CdS colloids that contain
catalysts could provide a route to the cyclic photodecom- immobilized Pt and RuO2 catalysts have been reported
position of water. Several n-type suspended semicon- to proceed with a quantum efficiency of 0.2% [70].
ductors such as TiO2 [57-60], SrTiO3 [61, 62] and CdS
[63, 64] have been examined as microcells to accomplish H Y B R I D H2-EVOLUTION SYSTEMS
water photolysis. Illumination of wide band gap semi-
conductor powders such as n-TiO2, n-SrTiO3 and n-CdS The three different approaches discussed in this
in aqueous media results in the evolution of hydrogen. article to accomplish the photolysis of water describe
Immobilization of SrTiO3 (EBG = 3.2 eV) with H2- and efforts of various disciplines to develop systems for the
O~_-evolution catalysts, i.e. Pt and RuOz, forms a conversion of solar energy to fuel products. Accomplish-
photocatalytic assembly that decomposes water upon ments achieved in the various disciplines allow us to
illumination [63]. With platinized n-TiO2 effective H2 design hybrid systems, where principles of the three
evolution occurs but the complementary oxidation pro- approaches are united to He-evolution systems.
cess leads to the oxidation of surface bound Ti-OH An approach to switch the activity of wide band gap
S.C. into the visible absorption region involves the
photosensitization of semiconductors by dye molecules
[71, 72]. The concept is outlined in Fig. 12, where the
S.C. particle is loaded with the H2-evolution catalyst
(Pt). Excitation of the photosensitizer (dye), S, results in
electron injection into the S.C. conduction band and the
v o--h+ t- / oxidized dye in solution. Electrons carried through the
C.B. effect H2-evolution while the oxidized dye could
mediate the oxidation of water in the presence of proper
H20 catalysts, i.e. RuO2. Various dye compounds such as
rhodamine B, Methylene Blue and Erythrosine [73--75],
Fig. 11 Photoelectrolysis of water by suspended S.C.--catalysts or organometaltic complexes such as phthalocyanines,
assembly. the hydrophobic complex Ru(II)-(b/s-pyridine)

been reported from isolated chloroplasts in the presence

of heterogeneous Pt-colloids in the presence of bipyridi-
nium charge relays acting as electron carriers [81].
P H O T O P R O D U C T I O N OF F O R M A T E - - A N
H20 The concomitant production of hydrogen and oxygen
through direct photolysis of water suffers from the basic
Fig. 12. Scheme for water photolysis through dye sensitization disadvantage that photoproducts recombine on the
of S.C.-catalysts assemblies. common heterogeneous catalyst applied in these sys-
tems. This limitation will certainly effect the efficiencies
of cyclic water photolysis devices. Also transportation
and storage of H2 might introduce constraints. Thus,
(4,4'tridecyl-2,2'-bipyridine) or Pt(II) and Ir(III)-8- photoproduction of a non-volatile low molecular weight
hydroxyquinoline complexes [76, 66] have been re- substrate that is inert towards oxygen, and capable of H
ported to photosensitize wide band gap S.C. such as evolution in a subsequent controlled reaction, might be
ZnO, TiO2 or SrTiO3 and subsequently yield H2 evolu- advantageous. Formate, HCO2-, meets these criteria,
tion. and in the presence of heterogeneous Pd based catalysts
Most of the studied Hz-evolution systems through is decomposed in a dark process to hydrogen (equation
charge injection involve sacrificial electron donors for 17). Thus, photoreduction of CO2 to formate in aqueous
the regeneration of the dye. For example, using E D T A media (equation 18) might be a source for hydrogen and
as electron donor and Ru(bpy)z(4,4'-tridecyl-2,2'- a model system for natural photosynthesis to utilize the
bpy) 2+ as photosensitizer Hz-evolution occurs in the same reactants for solar conversion.
presence of Pt loaded TiO; at a rate of 0.8 m1-1 upon
illumination with visible light (L>435 nm) [77]. Pal-catalyst
HCO2H ' H~ + CO,_ (17)
Hz-evolution has been reported from systems where
the natural enzyme hydrogenase is included as catalyst CO2 + H20 h v HCO, H + 1/2 02 (18)
in artificially designed photosensitizer assemblies [78--
80]. Using various sacrificial electron donors such as Photochemical assemblies composed of Ru(bpy)~ ÷ as
triethanolamine or thiols, the photosensitized reduction sensitizer, one of the electron relays, N,N'-dimethyl-
of N,N'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium, MV 2+, (6), has 4,4'bipyridinium, MV -~+, (6), or N,N'-trimethylene-
been derived with Ru(bpy) 2÷ or Zn(II)-porphyrins 2,2'-biyridinium, DT 2+, (11), and cysteine as sacrificial
acting as photosensitizers. The reduced photoproduct, electron donor, yield, upon illumination, formate in the
MV +, mediates H 2 evolution in the presence of the presence of the enzyme formate dehydrogenase (FDR)
enyme hydrogenase rather than with heterogeneous [82]. This photosensitized transformation, schematically
metal catalysts. Similarly, photoproduction of He has presented in Fig. 13(a), proceeds with a quantum


Cysleine~ ~ Ru(bpy)~'.~.-/ "~-t,.DTT~ ~CO2+2H'oN..~

DT2*: -l~J-

CO2HJ" MdRFI+'W~" "i" MVt ~J" ~HCO~ ~N,


CO2H dRFI: N ~ ~ NN

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