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Pleural effusions: Evaluation and management

Article  in  Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine · November 2005

DOI: 10.3949/ccjm.72.10.854 · Source: PubMed


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2 authors:

Jose C Yataco Raed A Dweik

Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research Cleveland Clinic


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Department of Pulmonary and Critical Care Director, Pulmonary Vascular Program,
Medicine, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation Department of Pulmonary, Allergy and
Critical Care Medicine, The Cleveland Clinic

Pleural effusions:
Evaluation and management
■ A B S T R AC T can cause pleural effu-
M sions, including diseases
that are local
Pleural effusions are very common, and physicians of all (in the lungs or pleura), extrapulmonic, or sys-
specialties encounter them. A pleural effusion represents temic. In many cases the cause is a chronic
the disruption of the normal mechanisms of formation condition for which the patient is already
and drainage of fluid from the pleural space. A rational receiving treatment; therefore, a patient with
diagnostic workup, emphasizing the most common pleural effusion may present to a pulmonolo-
causes, will reveal the etiology in most cases. gist—or to a general internist, other medical
specialist, or surgeon. In up to 20% of cases
■ KEY POINTS the cause remains unknown despite a diagnos-
tic workup.
Symptoms depend on the amount of fluid accumulated
and the underlying cause of the effusion. Many patients ■ AN IMBALANCE OF FLUID
have no symptoms at the time a pleural effusion is FORMATION AND DRAINAGE
discovered. Possible symptoms include pleuritic chest
pain, dyspnea, and dry nonproductive cough. A pleural effusion—an excessive accumula-
tion of fluid in the pleural space—indicates an
imbalance between pleural fluid formation
A key question in evaluating an effusion is whether the and removal.
excess pleural fluid is transudative or exudative. The normal pleural space contains a rela-
tively small amount of fluid, 0.1 to 0.2 mL/kg
Treatment depends on the severity and the cause. of body weight on each side.1,2
Thoracentesis is done to relieve symptoms. Chest tubes Pleural fluid is formed and removed slow-
provide continuous drainage in cases of pneumothorax, ly, at an equivalent rate, and has a lower pro-
hemothorax, penetrating chest trauma, complicated tein concentration than lung and peripheral
parapneumonic effusion or empyema, or chylothorax. lymph. It can accumulate by one or more of
Pleural sclerosis (pleurodesis) is usually indicated for the following mechanisms1–3:
patients with uncontrolled symptomatic malignant • Increased hydrostatic pressure in the
effusions. microvascular circulation: clinical data
suggest that an elevation in capillary
wedge pressure is the most important
determinant in the development of pleur-
al effusion in congestive heart failure.
• Decreased oncotic pressure in the
microvascular circulation due to hypoal-
buminemia, which increases the tendency
to form pleural interstitial fluid.
• Increased negative pressure in the pleural
space, also increasing the tendency for


pleural fluid formation; this can happen
with a large atelectasis.
• Separation of the pleural surfaces, which
could decrease the movement of fluid in
the pleural space and inhibit pleural lym-
phatic drainage; this can happen with a
trapped lung.
• Increased permeability of the microvascu-
lar circulation due to inflammatory medi-
ators, which would allow more fluid and
protein to leak across the lung and viscer-
al surface into pleural space; this has been
documented with infections such as pneu-
• Impaired lymphatic drainage from the
pleural surface due to blockage by tumor
FIGURE 1. Computed tomographic scan
or fibrosis.
showing cavitating retrocardiac infiltrate
• Movement of ascitic fluid from the peri- (white arrow) with adjacent pleural
toneal space through either diaphragmat- effusion (black arrows).
ic lymphatics or diaphragmatic defects.

■ SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Chest radiography

Standard posteroanterior and lateral chest
Accumulation of pleural fluid produces a radiography remains the most important tech-
restrictive ventilatory defect and decreases nique for the initial diagnosis of pleural effu-
total lung capacity, functional capacity, and sion. Free pleural fluid flows to the most
forced vital capacity.4 It may cause ventila- dependent part of the pleural space. In the
tion-perfusion mismatches due to partially upright position, this is the subpulmonic Chest
atelectatic lungs in dependent areas and, if region, and accumulation of fluid causes radiographs
large enough, may compromise cardiac out- apparent elevation of the hemithorax, lateral
put5 by causing ventricular diastolic col- displacement of the dome of the diaphragm, remain the
lapse. and blunting of the costophrenic angle.6 most important
The symptoms depend on the amount of However, at least 250 mL of fluid must accu-
fluid and the underlying cause. Many patients mulate before it becomes visible in a pos- technique for
have no symptoms at the time a pleural effu- teroanterior radiograph. the initial
sion is discovered. Possible symptoms include Lateral decubitus radiography is extremely diagnosis of
pleuritic chest pain, dyspnea, and dry nonpro- valuable in the evaluation of a subpulmonic
ductive cough. effusion. It is very sensitive, detecting effu- pleural effusion
Physical findings are reduced tactile sions as small as 5 mL in experimental stud-
fremitus, dullness on percussion, and dimin- ies,7,8 and should be a routine test.
ished or absent breath sounds. A pleural rub On supine chest radiography, commonly
may also be heard during late inspiration used in intensive care, moderate to large
when the roughened pleural surfaces come pleural effusions may escape detection because
together. the pleural fluid settles to the back, and no
change in the diaphragm or lateral pleural
■ IMAGING STUDIES edges may be noted. In these cases, a pleural
effusion must be suspected when there is
The evaluation of a pleural effusion begins increased opacity of the hemithorax without
with imaging studies to assess the amount of obscuring of the vascular markings. If an effu-
pleural fluid, its distribution and accessibility, sion is suspected, lateral decubitus radiography
and possible associated intrathoracic abnor- or ultrasonography should be ordered, since
malities. both are more reliable for detecting small



TA B L E 1
Causes of pleural effusions

Common Congestive heart failure Parapneumonic effusion

Nephrotic syndrome Malignancy
Cirrhosis with ascites Pulmonary embolism
Collagen vascular disease
Postcardiac injury syndrome

Less common Peritoneal dialysis Chylothorax

Urinothorax Uremia
Atelectasis Esophageal perforation
Pulmonary embolism Asbestos-related disease
Myxedema Drug-induced reactions
Viral infection
Yellow nail syndrome

pleural effusions in the intensive care setting. effusions, thereby increasing the yield and
Loculated effusions, defined as effusions safety of the procedure. However, it is not
that do not shift freely in the pleural space, practical to recommend ultrasonography for
occur when there are adhesions between the all effusions. Portable ultrasound units can be
visceral and parietal pleura. The lateral decu- brought to the bedside of extremely ill
Even large bitus view helps in differentiating free fluid patients.11
effusions may from loculated fluid. The patient should be
positioned with the affected side down on the Computed tomography
be missed on x-ray table. Computed tomography (CT), with its cross-
supine chest Chest radiographs can also provide impor- sectional images, can be used to evaluate com-
tant clues to the cause of an effusion. Bilateral plex situations in which the anatomy cannot
radiographs effusions accompanied by cardiomegaly are be fully assessed by plain radiography or ultra-
because the usually caused by congestive heart failure. sonography (FIGURE 1). For instance, CT is
pleural fluid Large unilateral effusions without contralateral helpful in distinguishing empyema from lung
mediastinal shift suggest a large atelectasis, abscess, in detecting pleural masses (eg,
settles to the infiltration of the lung with tumor, a mesothe- mesothelioma, plaques), in detecting lung
back lioma, or a fixed mediastinum due to tumor or parenchymal abnormalities “hidden” by an
fibrosis.6 effusion, and in outlining loculated fluid col-
The major advantage of ultrasonography over ■ THORACENTESIS AND LABORATORY
radiography is its ability to differentiate STUDIES
between solid components (eg, tumor or
thickened pleura) and liquid components of a Transudate vs exudate
pleural process. It is useful in detecting abnor- Although the history, physical examination,
malities that are subpulmonic (under the and radiographic studies may provide impor-
lung) or subphrenic (below the diaphragm) tant clues to the cause of a pleural effusion,
and in differentiating them.9–11 almost all cases should be evaluated with diag-
A major use of ultrasonography is to guide nostic thoracentesis.12,13
thoracentesis in small or loculated pleural Possible situations in which thoracentesis



TA B L E 2
Light’s criteria for distinguishing transudative
from exudative pleural fluid

Transudate ≤ 0.5 ≤ 0.6 ≤ 200 U/L*

Exudate† > 0.5 > 0.6 > 200 U/L*

*2/3 upper limit of normal serum level

†A single positive criterion is enough to classify the fluid as an exudate

TA B L E 3
Sensitivity and specificity of tests
to distinguish exudative from transudative effusions
(%) (%)

Light’s criteria 98 83
Pleural-fluid cholesterol level > 60 mg/dL 54 92
Pleural-fluid cholesterol level > 43 mg/dL 75 80
Ratio pleural-fluid cholesterol/serum cholesterol > 0.3 89 81
Serum albumin level minus pleural fluid albumin level ≤ 1.2 g/dL 87 92

should be
evaluated with should not be done are when the effusion is diagnostic tests are required (TABLE 1).
too small to be safely aspirated (< 10 mm thick Several tests of the pleural fluid have been
a diagnostic on ultrasonography or lateral decubitus radi- proposed to differentiate transudates from
thoracentesis ography) or when it can be explained by exudates. Light’s criteria (TABLE 2), originally
underlying congestive heart failure (especially published in 1972 and still the gold standard,
bilateral effusions that improve with diuresis), require simultaneous measurement of the lev-
recent thoracic or abdominal surgery, or post- els of protein and lactate dehydrogenase in the
partum status. However, the procedure may pleural fluid and in the serum.2,12,13 Newer
still be indicated in these situations if the proposed criteria are not much more sensitive
patient’s clinical condition deteriorates. or specific (TABLE 3).14–16
After obtaining a sample of pleural fluid, A particular use for some of the newer cri-
the clinician should determine whether the teria is to differentiate between transudates
effusion is transudative (ie, due to hydrostatic and exudates in some patients with congestive
forces, and with a low protein content) or heart failure who receive diuretics—which
exudative (due to increased permeability of can cause a transient increase in protein con-
the pleural surfaces and blood vessels, with a centration in the pleural fluid due to move-
relatively high protein content). If the fluid is ment of water from the pleural fluid into the
a transudate, the possible causes are relatively blood—and are found to have an exudative
few, and further diagnostic procedures are not effusion by Lights’s criteria. If the clinical
necessary. In contrast, if the fluid is an exu- appearance suggests an uncomplicated tran-
date, there are many possible causes, and more sudative effusion, the albumin levels in the



TA B L E 4 Specific tests of pleural fluid

The glucose level in transudates and most
Newer criteria for classification exudates is similar to that of serum. Few con-
of exudates and transudates ditions can cause very low pleural fluid glu-
LACTATE CHOLESTEROL PROTEIN cose levels (< 25 mg/dL), eg, rheumatoid
DEHYDROGENASE arthritis, tuberculosis, empyema, and malig-
nancies with extensive pleural involvement.
Transudate ≤ 45%* ≤ 45 mg/dL ≤ 2.9 g/dL The clinical presentation usually is helpful in
Exudate > 45%* > 45 mg/dL > 2.9 g/dL identifying the most likely cause.
The pH of the normal pleural fluid is
*Of serum upper limit of normal around 7.64, owing to active transport of
HCO3 into the pleural space. Depending on
the clinical setting, a low pleural fluid pH can
TA B L E 5 be useful in establishing a diagnosis, guiding
therapy, and determining prognosis. In gener-
Definitive diagnosis al, a lower pH is seen in inflammatory and
based on pleural fluid analysis infiltrative processes such as infected para-
pneumonic effusions, empyema, malignan-
DIAGNOSIS CRITERIA cies, collagen vascular disease, tuberculosis,
and esophageal rupture. Urinothorax is the
Urinothorax pH < 7, transudate, only transudative effusion that can present
pleural fluid-to-serum creatinine ratio > 1 with a low pleural fluid pH.
Empyema Pus, positive Gram stains or cultures Measurement of pleural fluid pH is espe-
Malignancy Positive cytologic testing cially important if one suspects that the effu-
Chylothorax Triglycerides > 110 mg/dL, chylomicrons sion is parapneumonic, ie, due to pneumonia.
A pleural fluid pH below 7.2 in this situation
Tuberculosis, Positive stains or cultures indicates the patient is at increased risk for
fungal infection
poor outcome and indicates the need for
Hemothorax Hematocrit > 50% of blood drainage (TABLE 7).18
Esophageal rupture pH < 7, high amylase (salivary) In the case of malignancy, patients with
extensive tumor burden of the pleura have a
Each of these tests should be ordered based on clinical suspicion pleural fluid with a low pH (< 7.28) and low
glucose. In general, these patients have a poor
short-term survival rate, but pleural pH alone
has insufficient accuracy for clinical use in
serum and the pleural fluid should be mea- identifying patients who should not undergo
sured. A difference of 1.2 g/dL or less indicates pleural sclerosis, in view of poor procedure
an exudate, while a difference greater than 1.2 success (see Pleural sclerosis, below).19,20
g/dL indicates a transudate.17 A low concen- Amylase. A high pleural amylase level (>
tration of cholesterol in the pleural fluid may 200 U/dL) usually indicates pancreatitis,
also be more accurate in classifying this fluid malignancy, or esophageal rupture. The clini-
as a transudate. cal setting usually separates these entities, but
If a pleural effusion is likely to be a transu- if needed, additional assay of isoenzymes can
date, initial laboratory tests can be limited to be ordered (salivary vs pancreatic source).21,22
levels of protein, cholesterol, and lactate dehy- In esophageal rupture and up to 10% of non-
drogenase in the pleural fluid (TABLE 4).14,15 pancreatic malignancies, the amylase is of the
These tests could be an alternative to all the salivary type. Esophageal rupture presents
measurements required by Light’s criteria. with an amylase level approximately five
If the effusion is exudative, further studies times higher than the serum level, while in
should be undertaken to establish a diagnosis pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer the amy-
(TABLE 5, TABLE 6). FIGURE 2 provides an initial lase level in the pleural fluid is much higher
diagnostic algorithm for pleural effusions. (10–30 times the serum level).22


Pleural fluid tests
Pleural biopsy
The main conditions that can be established On all effusions
with needle biopsy of the pleura are tubercu- Protein
lous pleuritis and malignancy of the pleura. Lactate dehydrogenase
Needle biopsy is currently recommended Cholesterol
when tuberculous pleuritis is suspected and Cell count and differential
the pleural fluid adenosine deaminase or inter- On exudates*
feron-gamma levels are not definitive (see Cytologic analysis
Tuberculosis, below). A parietal pleural biop- pH†
sy specimen is positive for granulomas in up to Gram stain and culture
80% of cases of tuberculous pleurisy, acid-fast Fungal stain/culture
staining is positive in 26%, and culture is pos- Acid-fast bacteria stain/culture
itive in 56%. At least one of these three tests Other tests
is positive in 91% of cases.23 Glucose
The incidence of granuloma on pleural Amylase
biopsy is comparable in patients with and Adenosine deaminase or gamma-interferon level
without human immunodeficiency virus Antinuclear antibody titer
(HIV) infection (CD4+ counts below Hematocrit
200/mm3). The pleural fluid in HIV patients is
more likely to be smear-positive and culture- Albumin
positive for acid-fast bacilli.
Pleural biopsy is also recommended when
*Fluid can be saved for further analysis based on
malignancy is suspected but cytologic study of initial results, although for practical reasons many
the pleural fluid is negative and thoracoscopy clinicians order all tests at the same time
is not readily available. †pH need be measured in transudates only when
urinothorax is suspected Pleural
Thoracoscopy effusions are
Thoracoscopy (or pleuroscopy) involves pass-
ing an endoscope through the chest wall to The major contraindication to medical or seen in up to
directly view and collect samples from the surgical thoracoscopy is lack of a pleural space 75% of patients
pleura. due to pleural adhesions. Relative contraindi-
The goal of medical thoracoscopy (per- cations include uncontrolled cough, hypox- with lupus
formed by a pulmonologist with the patient emia, coagulopathy, and severe cardiac disease.
under conscious sedation) is to visualize the Complications from medical thora-
entire lung and, when needed, to perform coscopy (eg, persistent air leak, subcutaneous
biopsies of the parietal or visceral pleural sur- emphysema) are minor and infrequent. Death
faces. The main indications include pleural is extremely rare.24,25
effusions of unknown cause, particularly if
mesothelioma, lung cancer, or tuberculosis is ■ PLEURAL EFFUSIONS
suspected. It can also be done to introduce IN SPECIFIC DISEASES
sclerosing agents.
Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery takes It is important to initially evaluate the patient
place in an operating room with the patient for cardiac, renal, intra-abdominal, systemic,
under general anesthesia and with single lung and inflammatory conditions that could elicit
ventilation. Several procedures can be per- a pleural effusion.
formed in this way: stapled lung biopsy, lobec-
tomy, pneumonectomy, resection of pul- Collagen vascular diseases
monary nodules, repair of a bronchopleural fis- Pleural effusions develop in up to 75% of
tula, and evaluation of mediastinal tumors or patients with systemic lupus erythematosus
adenopathy. (SLE) and 5% of patients with rheumatoid



Pleural effusion confirmed radiographically

Symptomatic effusion with significant volume of fluid Very small effusion (< 10 mm thick on lateral decubitus
view) or asymptomatic with obvious cause (eg, congestive
heart failure, postoperative status)

Diagnostic thoracentesis with basic tests: No Yes

Lactate dehydrogenase
Cell count and differential*

Determine if fluid is a transudate or exudate (TABLE 2, No need to perform thoracentesis unless clinical
TABLE 4), consider common causes (TABLE 1) deterioration occurs

*Cytology may be ordered if malignant disease is suspected. If infection is considered in the differential diagnosis, then testing of the pH
and glucose in pleural fluid must be ordered on initial evaluation.

FIGURE 2. Approach to pleural effusions

arthritis during the course of the disease. al effusions in the absence of demonstrable
SLE. The pleural fluid antinuclear anti- pulmonary disease. Rupture of a subpleural
body (ANA) titer may help in separating SLE caseous focus into the pleural space allows
effusions from effusions due to other causes, tuberculous protein to enter the pleural space
In tuberculous even in patients with known SLE. A pleural and to generate a hypersensitivity reaction
pleuritis, fluid ANA titer greater than 1:160 or a pleur- responsible for most of the clinical manifesta-
al fluid-to-serum ANA ratio greater than 1.0 tions.
pleural effusion suggests lupus pleuritis.26 Although these cri- Pleural effusion in tuberculous pleuritis
can mimic teria appear to be highly specific, they are not manifests as an acute illness that can mimic
highly sensitive. acute bacterial pneumonia. It is usually uni-
acute bacterial Rheumatoid arthritis. Pleural effusions in lateral and can be of any size. Coexistence of
pneumonia rheumatoid arthritis are often asymptomatic. parenchymal disease is visible on standard
They may be quite large and often persist for radiographs in 19% of patients.23
many months without change. Rheumatoid The pleural fluid in tuberculosis is invari-
effusions usually occur in patients with high ably an exudate with more than 50% lympho-
serum rheumatoid factor titers and rheuma- cytes in the white cell differential count. It
toid nodules. The fluid typically has a very rarely contains more than 5% mesothelial
low glucose level. Pleural rheumatoid factor cells, which is explained by the extensive
titers are not helpful in diagnosis because they involvement of the pleural surface by the
may be elevated in pneumonia, tuberculosis, inflammatory process.2 A definitive diagnosis
malignancy, and SLE. may be difficult and depends on the demon-
In patients with rheumatoid arthritis stration of acid-fast bacilli in sputum, pleural
being treated with anti-tumor-necrosis factor fluid, or pleural biopsy specimen, or the
therapy, special concern is warranted to demonstration of granulomas in the pleura.
exclude tuberculosis. Pleural fluid analysis and cultures for acid-fast
bacilli are positive in less than 25% of cases.
Tuberculosis Pleural biopsy culture can increase the yield to
In many areas of the world, tuberculosis con- 55%.2,23
tinues to be the most common cause of pleur- Additional measurements that suggest the


TA B L E 7
Suggested approach to classification
and management of parapneumonic effusions*

Very low Minimal free-flowing effusion AND > 7.2 AND Negative or unknown No
(< 10 mm on lateral decubitus)
Low Small to moderate AND ≥ 7.2 AND Negative No‡
free-flowing effusion
(> 10 mm and < 1/2 hemithorax)
Moderate Large free-flowing OR < 7.2 OR Positive Yes
or loculated effusion
(≥ 1/2 hemithorax)
High Pus Yes

*It is not necessary to have a proven bacterial pneumonia: clinical diagnosis is enough
†pH and bacteriologic study results have priority over amount of fluid
‡If clinical condition deteriorates, repeating thoracentesis and drainage should be considered

diagnosis include pleural fluid adenosine deam- after coronary artery bypass grafting
inase, interferon-gamma, and polymerase chain (CABG). 32 The reported prevalence 1
reaction for mycobacterial DNA. Elevations of week after surgery has ranged from 40% to Pleural
pleural adenosine deaminase levels have been 75%. effusions are
observed in tuberculous pleurisy, rheumatoid Most of these effusions are small, unilater-
arthritis, and empyema. Adenosine deaminase al, left-sided, and asymptomatic. In general, common
levels above 40 U/L distinguish tuberculous they gradually resolve over several weeks. immediately
effusions from other lymphocytic pleural effu- Large pleural effusions (> 25% of hemithorax)
sions (ie, malignancies, lymphoma, collagen not explained by any other cause occur in a after CABG
vascular diseases),27,28 as do interferon-gamma small proportion of patients.
levels above 140 pg/mL.29 The fluid is invariably an exudate and
can be classified according to its gross
Urinothorax description.32 Bloody effusions tend to occur
Urinothorax, a rare cause of pleural effusion, is earlier (< 4 weeks after surgery) and are easy
believed to occur when urine moves retroperi- to control with one to three therapeutic tho-
toneally into the pleural space owing to uri- racenteses. Nonbloody effusions tend to
nary obstruction, trauma, a retroperitoneal occur later (> 4 weeks after surgery) and
inflammatory or malignant process, failed have a relatively low lactate dehydrogenase
nephrostomy, or kidney biopsy.2,30 The pleural level and a high percentage of lymphocytes.
fluid is a transudate with the unique feature of Nonbloody effusions are more difficult to
having a pleural fluid-to-serum creatinine control despite repeat thoracentesis and may
ratio greater than 1.0. It also can have a low require anti-inflammatory agents or chemi-
pH (< 7.3) or low glucose level, both of which cal pleurodesis.
are uncommon in transudative effusions.31
Chylous effusion
After coronary artery bypass grafting A true chylous pleural effusion develops when
Pleural effusions are common immediately chyle enters the pleural space owing to disrup-



tion of the thoracic duct by trauma (surgical tion. In one study of clinically documented
or nonsurgical) or by malignancy. Continuous effusions, routine thoracentesis was compli-
drainage of a chylous effusion may result in cated by pneumothorax in only 7% of
malnutrition and immunosuppression due to patients.36 The same study showed that thora-
significant loss of protein, fats, electrolytes, centesis altered the diagnosis in 45% of
and lymphocytes. patients and changed the treatment in 33%.
Initial conservative treatment consists of Use of ultrasound guidance has been shown to
limiting dietary fat to medium-chain triglyc- improve the safety of thoracentesis in
erides that are absorbed through the portal mechanically ventilated patients.37
venous system and not carried by lymph, in an
attempt to decrease the lymph flow rate. If ■ UNEXPLAINED EFFUSIONS
necessary, lymph flow can be further reduced
by using total parenteral nutrition and avoid- The cause of 15% to 20% of all pleural effu-
ing oral intake.33,34 sions will remain unknown despite intensive
Surgical therapy for chylothorax, with diagnostic efforts.38 An unexplained pleural
thoracic duct ligation or pleuroperitoneal effusion has been defined as one without an
shunt implantation, may be necessary before apparent cause despite repeat thoracentesis.
the patient becomes too cachectic to tolerate The clinician should ensure that all the
the intervention.33,34 unusual causes of pleural effusion are consid-
ered and requisite studies are obtained.
Pleural effusions Roughly 50% of these effusions resolve
due to pulmonary embolism spontaneously, and no disease is apparent on
Pleural effusions occur in 30% to 50% of long-term follow-up. Many unresolved pleural
patients with pulmonary emboli. It is possible effusions will turn out to be caused by malig-
that a significant number of undiagnosed effu- nant disease, which is obvious clinically or is
sions are due to pulmonary embolism. incurable in any event. The most common
The fluid may be transudative (24%) or treatable cause of an unexplained effusion is
The cause of exudative, depending on the mechanism. A tuberculosis.39
15% to 20% of transudate occurs when there is right-sided Thus, invasive procedures such as video-
heart failure and increased capillary pressure assisted thoracoscopy or thoracotomy with
all pleural in the parietal pleura. An exudate occurs due direct sampling of the pleura are frequently
effusions will to increased permeability of the capillaries in recommended for these patients.
the lung (caused by ischemia or inflammatory
remain mediators from the platelet-rich thrombi). ■ THERAPY
unknown Standard anticoagulation is the treatment
of choice. Therapeutic thoracentesis
Any pleural effusion large enough to cause
Pleural effusions in the intensive care unit severe respiratory symptoms should be drained
The incidence of pleural effusions in the regardless of the cause and regardless of con-
intensive care unit (ICU) varies according to comitant disease-specific treatment. Relief of
the screening method. One study, using rou- symptoms is the main goal of therapeutic
tine ultrasonography, found pleural effusions drainage in these patients.
in 62% of medical ICU patients, with a pre- The only absolute contraindication to
dominance of transudates.35 On the other thoracentesis is active cutaneous infection at
hand, pleural effusions were detected by phys- the puncture site. Some relative contraindica-
ical examination and opacification of at least tions include severe bleeding diathesis, sys-
one third of the lung field on radiography in temic anticoagulation, and a small volume of
only 8.4% of ICU patients. With the latter fluid.
method, exudates related to infection were Possible complications of the procedure
more common.36 include bleeding (due to accidental puncture
Thoracentesis is not contraindicated in of a vessel or lung parenchyma), pneumotho-
ICU patients receiving mechanical ventila- rax, infections (soft-tissue infection or empye-



chest tube 20 to 24 F is usually adequate,

although small-bore catheters (8–14 F) placed
under fluoroscopic, ultrasound, or CT guid-
ance have also been successful.42,43
Complicated parapneumonic effusions
and frank empyema (FIGURE 3) require drainage
with a large-bore chest tube (28–36 F) to con-
trol the local pleural inflammatory reaction,
which may not otherwise respond to intra-
venous antibiotics.
In multiloculated complicated effusions,
FIGURE 3. Chest computed tomographic image-guided placement of small-bore
scan with a “split pleural sign” (arrow), catheters (10–14 F) should be considered.44–46
seen in empyema. This patient needed If appropriate drainage is not obtained
drainage with tube thoracostomy. despite correct positioning of the tubes (veri-
fied with chest CT), fibrinolytic therapy can
ma), laceration of intra-abdominal organs, be used.47,48 Agents such as streptokinase,
hypotension, and pulmonary edema.2 urokinase, and alteplase can lyse fibrin and
In general, no more than 1,000 to 1,500 improve drainage.
mL of fluid should be removed at one time.
Rapid drainage of fluid may predispose Pleural sclerosis
patients to the rare complication of re- Pleural sclerosis (pleurodesis) is considered for
expansion pulmonary edema in the underly- patients with uncontrolled and recurrent
ing lung or rapid fluid shift from the intravas- symptomatic malignant effusions, and rarely,
cular space to the pleural space (post-thora- in cases of benign effusions after failure of
centesis shock). These complications appear medical treatment. A sclerosing agent is
to be related to the creation of excessive neg- instilled into the pleural cavity via a tube tho-
Any pleural ative pressure in the pleural cavity during racostomy to produce a chemical serositis and
effusion large thoracentesis. Large-volume thoracentesis subsequent fibrosis of the pleura.
can be undertaken with monitoring of the Pleural sclerosis should be attempted only
enough to intrapleural pressure.40,41 if the lung expands fully after fluid removal.
cause severe The visceral and parietal pleura need to be
Tube thoracostomy (chest tube) approximated closely, obliterating the pleural
respiratory Tube thoracostomy allows continuous, large- cavity so that fibrotic healing achieves pleural
symptoms volume drainage of air or liquid from the symphysis.
should be pleural space. The overall success rate with fibrosing
Specific indications for placement of a agents (ie, talc, doxycycline, and tetracycline)
drained chest tube include spontaneous or iatrogenic is 75%, compared with a complete success rate
pneumothorax (especially if large and sympto- of only 44% for antineoplastic agents (ie,
matic), hemothorax, penetrating chest trau- bleomycin).49 Talc is the most effective agent,
ma, complicated parapneumonic effusion or with a complete success rate of 93%.49,50
empyema, chylothorax, and pleurodesis of Pleurodesis failure is usually the result of sub-
symptomatic pleural effusions. optimal technique or inability to approximate
In symptomatic or clinically unstable the pleural surfaces.
patients, there is no absolute contraindication
to chest tube placement. In patients with Surgical therapy
complicated pleural spaces due to multiple Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery is very
loculations or previous pleurodesis, a contrast useful in managing incompletely drained para-
chest CT scan should be obtained to guide the pneumonic effusions. With thoracoscopy, the
placement of the chest tube. loculi in the pleura can be disrupted, the
For drainage and pleurodesis of malignant pleural space can be completely drained, and
pleural effusions, a silicone polymer (Silastic) the chest tube can be optimally placed.51


In cases of empyema with uncontrolled tissue and evacuation of all the pus from the
sepsis or progression to the fibroproliferative pleural space. Decortication in this situation
phase, a full thoracotomy with decortication will eliminate the septic source and allow the
is performed with removal of all the fibrous lung to expand.

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This 405-page book will rivet your drainage. Radiology 1988; 169:5–9.
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48. Sahn SA. Use of fibrinolytic agents in the management
how the founders incorporated the best of complicated parapneumonic effusions and empye-
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Cleveland Clinic’s unique and innovative 49. Walker-Renard PB, Vaughan LM, Sahn SA. Chemical
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adversity helped to shape the Med 1994; 120:56–64.
50. Management of malignant pleural effusions. Am J
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51. Cassina PC, Hauser M, Hillejan L, Greschuchna D,
Spanning most of the 20th century, Stamatis G. Video-assisted thoracoscopy in the treat-
this inspirational story recounts The ment of pleural empyema: stage-based management
Cleveland Clinic’s humble origins, its and outcome. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1999;
survival of the ravages of war, disaster,
and ostracism by the medical
ADDRESS: Raed A. Dweik, MD, Department of Pulmonary,
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stronger than ever, into the 21st century Foundation, 9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44195-5038;
as a thriving and respected health care e-mail
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growth in all areas of activity. Answers to the credit test on page 951
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