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The oceans are one of the greatest gifts that are valuable ecosystems, brimming with life,
providing things from food security to employment and careers for the millions that would
otherwise be job less. Oceans are like the vital spark of planet earth and humankind. To survive
and prosper, we require, air to breathe, water to drink, food to eat, new medicines, a climate to
live in, beauty, inspiration and recreation which only comes if we have healthy oceans. The
diversity and efficiency of the world's oceans is an essential interest to mankind. Our security,
our economy, our very survival all require aerobicized oceans but these seas that we seem so
dependent on might not be as they appear. Humans have had a huge negative impact on the
ocean, some of it can be summarized as the ocean pollution and habitat destruction. If
something is not done soon to fix the mess humanity has created, it might lead to loss of
facilities and connections that are specifically created by the oceans.

Oceans are providing us more than just a holiday attraction, they give us food and medicine,
means to deliver materials across the world but most importantly, they're connecting different
parts of the world in unique ways. They're connecting continents by global trade which involves
carrying out trade through ships that are the main source of ocean's economy. They're
technically serving as highways for sea-borne international trade. Food security for the rapidly
growing population of the world can be recognized as one of the world's main challenges so to
enhance it and promote sustainable management of natural resources, fisheries and
aquaculture play an important role. Fishing done of high-seas is negligibly playing its part in
ensuring global food security and food industry has also been investing in seafood sector.
Oceans are also bringing the world together by wave power which is the capture of energy of
wind waves to do useful and practical work for humans like generating electricity around
countries, doing water distillation to produce water suitable for human consumption or
pumping water. Most drugs come from flowers and plants on land but the ocean, with its
amazing biodiversity, offers many more organisms for scientists to discover and develop new
medicines that are way more effective and can fight off strong resistant and infectious bacteria.
Compounds from marine sources are being tested as treatments for various malignancies
including cancer which hints that ocean may hold the key for finding cures and new medicines.
It also is an increasingly important source of economic growth for coastal communities but
apart from these visible services, there are tons of invisible services as well for instance, oxygen
production, oceans are an enormous source of oxygen for organisms everywhere and are very
helpful in the processes of both, storing and capturing carbon dioxide. More than half of the
oxygen humans breathe comes from marine photo synthesizers. Oceans are also one of the
most promising places to sequester carbon by currently taking up a third of the carbon emitted
by the human activity which mitigates global warming and avoids dangerous climate changes,
speaking of that, oceans also control a lot of climate regulation by absorbing majority of sun's
radiations and acting as a massive heat-retaining solar panel without which, regional
temperature would be more extra, super-hot at the equator and turgid towards the poles and
much less earth's land would be habitable.

This is why marine conservation is so significant and without the effort of it, ocean's current
quandary would be much worse. Today, oceans are like a site for dumping many chemicals,
trash and much more forms of pollution. Industrial and agricultural waste directly being
discharged into the seas and dumping toxic liquids in it are harming marine life and raising
temperature of the oceans which is thermal pollution. Pollution can enter oceans directly as
well, sewage or polluting substances flow through rivers, lands, or drainages ending up in the
seas. The release of other chemical nutrients into the ocean's ecosystem leads to reductions in
oxygen levels, decay of plant life and a severe decline in the quality of the seawater itself which
is highly affecting all levels of oceanic life, plants and animals. Ship pollution having the most
devastating effects of which is oil spills. Crude oil if once entraps the marine animals, it will
suffocate it to death. Pollution from the atmosphere also has a huge impact on ocean pollution
occurring when objects as natural as sand and dust or man-made objects such as plastic and
trash end up in the seas. Animals can become shagged on plastic or mistake it for food slowly
killing them in the long run. Sewage dredge being dumped can contaminate the sea-food which
can, if taken in by humans, even kill them. global warming is yet another problem for marine
life to face which may have been lead on by humans. Global warming eradicates coral reef,
causes species to extinct and in result, icecaps melt and ocean level rises. Tropical storms might
also be on the rise because of it.

The oceans now may not be able to withstand all these negative impacts but humans by
working together can still protect the oceans, or, at least, reduce the harmfulness of their
results. instead of dumping sludge from sewage treatment into the seas, it can be used as a
fertilizer for farming crops it isn’t contaminated by oils, organic chemicals and metal. Plastic
producers can design plastic packaging in a way which makes it fully reusable and recyclable
and cause less waste or at least tale the duty of keeping their used products away from the
ocean. Anyone can make a program encouraging people to use less plastic in their homes by
reusing water bottles and swapping containers with plastic bags for storing food. There are
plenty of institutions and organizations battling to save the ocean habitat, and marine wildlife.
People can consider giving financial support or volunteer for hands on work or advocacy for
one. Apart from enjoying recreational activities on the water, people can try being eco-friendly
towards the waters surrounding them. life on earth is one way or another, connected to the
oceans and its inhabitants. the more we learn about the issues facing the system, the more
we'd want to ensure its health so passing on knowledge about a serious matter like this one
only will benefit.
The oceans do so much for mankind that life on earth won’t be able to survive in its absence.
They're now almost essential for existence of every creature on earth. The oceans have been
linking and securing life on earth in several ways and there is no excuse for refusing to
acknowledge that. All human beings can walk together as one and still save the oceans because
it might be the last chance that anyone is given to do something about it.

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