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e|ld aSlnOl PU€ a/v\Ol UESnS
sJo}!pa salJas
slıils uoı}E)lunuuo3 ssaulsnE Vll]G
DELI\ Publishing
Quince Cottage
Htıe [-arre
Surrel,GU5 9SW

e DH-TA Publishing 2005

All rights reserved. No reproduction, copy or

transmission of this publication may be made
without written permission from the publishers
or in accordance with the provisions of the
Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1 9 8 8,
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Agency, 90 Tottenham Court Road,
London WlP 9}IE.

Pages 46-52 may be photocopied for
use in class but may not be soid or
distributed separately or included in any
other publication for sale or distribution.

|'irsı published 20O 5

Critically read by Sarah Baldy-Kühnapfel

Edited by Catriona Watson-Brown
Designed by Caroline Johnston
Illustration by Phill Burrows
Cover design by Peter Bushell
Picture research by Suzanne Williams
Printed by Halstan and Co., Amersham, Bucks

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ISBN 1-900783-94-0
Es sı(a1 Ja/v\sup puu sldlı)su€4
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s slsı(leuu spaoN
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DF|I,TA BrısjııessCotıımunicatioıı Skills is a ner,ıı series ivhi;lı ,.j:: .: -ı-.:ı]];]-_:]]_|ı j
approach to develop key communication and laırglıage .ki__s es.::::_ı_ : - : cı1, -
international business environment. The series is desigııe.i 1ır ]:a::ıe:s .ıl b,ıs_iı.,s:
English at pı:e-intermediatc and intermediate level. eit}-ıer pre-serr-ice cır iıı-sı,rı,ıcç,. aııd it
can be used either in the classroom or for self-stı-ıdı:
Fcatures of the series include:
ı Individua.l Needs analysis and Learning o Helpliıl sı_rggesticıns lor laırguage stı-rd1,
journal l Regular language reference and rer-ieiı,
a Awareness-raising activities sections
o Extensive personalized exercises ı Photocopiable resourccs
o Tips for effective performance in ı An integrated audio CD
busincss o Full transcripts and answer keys
Socialisiırg aims to develop thc skills and language needed to cope effectively in English in
a range of typical social situations that business people might encountcr. using a r,arietlı
of means of communication. There are six core units, each containing:
o Context to raise awareness of the skills and issues (including cu]tural aspects )

involved in the varirıus activities of socialising, and to introduce clifferent strategies lbr
developing these skills
a Presentation and Practice - of core language (vocabulary, functional plrrases and
pronunciation) linked to thesc skills
ı Tips (cultural or language reiatcd) on how to be more effective in socia] sitı-ıations
ı Consolidation - to allow learners to apply what they have learned to their orvn rt,ork
o Reference - useful phrases and vocabulary related to each unit
o Review - study suggestions and further practice (ideai for homer,r,ork/self-studlz)
The book also contains:
ı Needs analysis. This encourages you to consider what you need 1o focı-ıs on in order
to get the most out of the book and your learning.
ı Learning journal. This provides the opportunity to reflect and personalize rt hat you
have studied in thc book.
a Resources section. This provides additional matcrial such as photocopiable
liamer,r.orks and cards.
a Answer key. This is designed to enable you to work either alone or with a teacher.
a Transcripts. These detail the content of the accompanying CD.

ğ-{oını üeı u§e tl,ıl§ hooiç Step l Step 2

It is recommended that you start by You should then familiarize yoursclf with
working through the Needs analysis the Learning journal (page 6), to which
(page 5). This will help you to: you are asked to ref'er at the end of cvcry
ı think about ytıur strcngths and core unit.
weaknesses in socialising in English;
ı identify and prioritize your immediate Step 3
and future needs lbr socialising; You should worlr through thc units in the
o determine the order in which you work orcler they 1'eel most appropriate to vour
through the core units of this book. needs and interests.

I hope you enjoy using this book.

David l(ing

ığ.boı.ıt tİıe aııthor David l(ing has extensive gcneral and Business Eııgiis}: ;:.i:i:_]:. a]]: :..:.h.r traiııiııg
experience. He has rvrilten aııd edilcd il raJ]gc ıı1 1,::::' ,..-.' ::-......,:,.. j... -:]JL]agc-
lcarning materials.

sıs{|eu€ spaaN
,l pLte 9 se8ed uo IEuJno[8uıuıee1 eq] ]ır >IooI dlııolıd
dcı1 ınod srr po]sll no{ euo aL{1 Ll1I./r\ 8uılıels - sJlun aq1 q8no"ıq] 8uı>l,ıoı,t ]JEJs no;( a-Io]cg
EaJP sn)oJ pue Jaqlunu }lun ı§l.ıol,ı;
,noı( oı aıuul.ıodıu! }soı.u
Jo {|ıuaJJn) s! l,{)!ı{,1^
.ro'1sa4eaıı aJE no{ 1aa; noı( t{)lıl/tl u! €aJp aqı Jo s(uJaı u1 - noı( .ıo; ,§l,ıol.ıd
,paau ı(l1ea.ı noı(
Jo JapJo u1 q3no,ıq1 »|Jo^^ o} pua}u! nor( sl;un eı,|} u/t^op aıoN
s|ı!4s asoı,|} 8ulıo.ıdı"u; uo sn)oJ oı noı( ı|!/y\ Je}}aq op p|no) noı( 1eqıı
^^oııE ,do;eıaP ol paau
PuE ı|a/v\ op ,(pea.ıle noı( 1eqıı;o ssauaJP^,\P .ınor( 3uldolaıe6
nor( see.ıe q)!q/ı^ }noqe luıt{} pu€ 9- ı sl!un ;o 3uluul8aq aı{} ıE saıJeı,uLuns
aqı qSno,ıqı )oo-1 ,EaJp ıuaJaJJlp E uo sasn)oJ ıooq slqı Jo 1!un ı{fp:I z
tr s]uoAe 1eııos7saılıed >IJo^\ ]e a tr sıaulır:d 1ca[oıd -
s3uılaatu ]EuJa]uI le a san3ea1loı
tr tr
sulEe] >IJoi!\ ul a S}ueJIJ
tr tr
s"ıcılddns - :3uıruoıla^,ın ueqm a
E sıeulıed 1ca[oıd - ,.1nlrorse lpuolsseJo.rd 3uılaauı ueq^\ a
tr 1.]
san3ea1loı - s3rıılaaru ssaulsnq JaTE a
tr tr
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tr tr
:3uılısıı ueq.\\ o SeJueJeJLIoJ Je a
:qsl] 3ug uı eldoad q]l.,\r\ esIIIrIJos pLIp ]eau T 'üIJo^t ]V
tr sıaıTddns a tr se]plJosse pue sıa3eueru snlels-q3ıq ı
tr sıaul.ıed 1ca[oıd o tr san8ea1loı o
oIII JoJ 8uı>lıo,r,r eJu oq^A eldoad o S]ueIIJ a
tr tr ,>IJo^\
:qlpı 8ulslplJos pue 3uılaaui uaqı,r qsıPug >1eads o1 paeu I ]V
,no,( .ıo; anJ} aJp q)ıq/,^ şulod aqü (/1) 4)!t l
/,suoIJl]nJIs esor{l
uı aıe nod >1ulq1 nod op e^I]JaJJe /uoq pue '>IJo^A ]I] uı .11asınod puIJ nod op suolJr]n]Is
,sseulsnq ıo; qsq8ug u] q]I^[ esIII?IJos ol paau nod oqıı
]elJos ]ı?I{M ]sJu JeplsuoJ
;8uıslleııos ;o cıdo1 eqı 3ulqJeoJdde uaq,u saılııoı.ıd;ınoı( aıe 1eq1,1 ;nod ]noqe ]eq^\ 'oS
,uol]ounJ Sseulsnq e
le {es o] 3ulq1 1q3lı aq] 3upıou1 rı 1son3 E aluoclam e./tA |{oı\A uo puedep ueJ ]Eap
sseulsnq u Jo ssoJ]ns aqJ ,ssJulsnq 3uıop uı ıoferu e ,,ield 8uısııel)os Jo sJIlI^I]Je aq]
's]q] Jo esneJeg ,Jaq]o qJlra Q]Iıııı ucı ]a3 e.{i\ ıtoq puu eldoad 1noqe ,{1ııeuıi.rd sr sseuısng
sls{ıPuP sPaaN
Learning İournal
DU rİng the COu rSe As you work through each unit, make a note of useful phrases and vocabu]a_r}, }-ou
might use in real life. An example is given, but what you note down wi]l depend on your
own learning pattern.


Useful languageı
You must be (Marcella).
You're based ln ..,,aren'tyou?
5ounds interesting
Useful tips:
Repeat a new name and use it in my

Your Learning journal

Unit:1 Unit:.2
Useful language: Useful language:

Useful tips: Useful tips:

Unit:3 UniE 4
Useful language: Useful language:

Useful tips: Useful tips:

Unit:5 Unit:6
Useful language: Useful language;

Useful tips: Useful tips:

tr Learningjournal
|tuınol 8ulu,ıea]
isalou Jnod o1 8uıppe de»1 pue 'o] peeu nod.ıeıauaq,r,t ]I o1 >Iceq
JeJeJ pue no.{ q1]^[ 1ı dee4 os 'esJnoJ E JaTE pue 8uıınp pasn eq o1 pau3ısep sI {ooq sIrIJ
:o} pue}ul I 'JeDeq slql op oJ
:ol paeu J
:EaİE snJoİ
ıauuold ınotr
,(eUnr) uol)sJ66ns ,(pn15 aql ul sP >|loM
uol}Puo}uI JJIlynJ oP llü.M PuP, )sl]j)x] e]l}]eld uI sP sIlü>|s uoı;Pı:unuo;d
Pue uol]Puo}ui',{cu dolanap oJ PaJu osle ; ,(ery;o Pu) Aq - ç7 pue
Lsas]]lex]) a]l}]ejd 2+!uA uı se saseıqd lry,,,.ffİiKffffi#:i],:'#;;
,uoı}pf ıuntı.-ı L|o)
)o supJLu "]no se qsıl6u3
§uısn s.ıauyed pa oıd !}ıru J sdı q suo,+el rr'6r,r1, o* rn,lJrg, u ı e}u ı p.!
yoddeı 6uıplıng :EaJe snJod
,nod dlaq o1 uenı3 sı eldruexa uy
,^\oleq euo eq} q[ >IJo^\aIIIE4 e 8uısn eldruexa JoJ 'sllpls ınod 8uldole^ep uo sa]ou elery
iseuI]pEap cpsIIeeJ ;1as.rnod
o1 p;dlaq
aıf sI ]I
,eceldlJom arll uI peuJeal eıeq nod
]eql eloş 1eq,ın asılce.rd 1ıı,r
no.,( a,roq Jo op 11ı^\nod sasrc.raxa uolslıaJ/uollepllosuoc qclq^^ ,3,a 'qluls ,ınod dolaıep
o} enuuuoc 11iı,r nod aplcap ppoqs nod '1ıun qcee paleldruo, a^Eq no,{ ıeşy ,>1;ıoaı
1ğ spJe^\JaTe puğ esJnoc.ınod 8uıınp q]oq '8ulu.rea1 .ınod eJEpllosuoc o1 1uelıodrıı sı 11 asJno) eq} leryşr
Opening a conversation
l introducing yourself and other people and starting a conversation
l talking about jobs, products and companies
l welcoming people
I checking and clarifying what people say

Çorltext l ln what situations might you have to use English to introduce yourself and
your company?

When meeting new people and starting a conversation in English, what do

you find most difficult?
a I(nowing the correct language to use
a I(nowing how to greet someone suitably: rtıhcther to sIıake haı:is. i,.,",-, er. iıaııpe
business cards. etc.
ı l(nor,r,ing how to addrcss them after the introc]ucticııı. l'iır cr;.ı:ı:-. _-,, . :>, ]-..1]ıı. or
ı I(nowing wha1 to say to make the other pcrsoll fct-l ctlıll-,.,l_,,_^ .. : _.. ]].]]: ]]J: at

a Understaııding what thc other person savs

a Responding to thc other person in the rigiıt ıı,a1

E l Openingaconversation
uoı}EsJaıuo) e 8uluadg 1
tr a]l SI ()t
tr aalu JoJ leq] leedal nod plnoJ 6
tr auIE8e ]Pq] SE^l lEll]u .{JJOS tJ
tr ldes nod plp ", l
,]eü{] ,{JloS
tr ta8 e}lnb ],uplp l 9
tr ano,{
],ueJE ' ", s
tr aduPdtuoJ qJlrl,\4, ", uIo4 aJ no^ b
i uopJl]d C
tr ,euIPu Jnod qJ]e3
tr ],uplp J dJJoS T
tr aule8e 1eq1 des no,( plno3 I
,uo!}PsJa^uo) aı,|ı u! JPaı{ no{ q)lı{,t\ 3ulıll.ıelı
pue 3uı4ıaq) Jo s/fu^/\ 3ulııo11o; aq} Jo ,(ue 1ı11 pue ulu8e uaıs!,l , , , 8uıAtııolı puo Bul4ıaqa
ǧ 2
1ıo3 8uqoo1 no.ı{ 3uıq1 Jo uos ]eq1,1 l
1q8no.ıq 1snI nod aJe^tlJos slq] pue ", 9
,u,ııop 3uılla3 s,arueu,rno1
l uoı+DsJz^uo?
(]] ],USl 'UIOüPIJOIö^ UI PeSEq a-I,nO^ i!\OU>l I h |l or,uado ıno6 u! l!
dı]p eq] 3uızıue3.ıo o1 o1qısuodseJ s,oq^\ ", € 29n puD 1ı 1oada,ı
sl au,lDu D zzıJoujzul
", ]-IE^\e]S esı1 on8eoloı dru sı aJeq pue ", eıroH uEaS III,J T
".; V dıt
]ıı 6oıvı poo6
IIJuOH ", uesJepadPf T
,a>1e}s!Ltı q)Ea })oJJoı pue ule8e ua}s!-l ,uoı}EsJoıuof, eql
1o tuıuado oq} ıuo4 s}f,EJlxa asau1ı Jo q)Ea u! eıE}s!ı,u auo s! aJaql u,, §,*r§
,uıalsds ıadııaıl;ı
1 .ıalsnJ'e ıo3 8uqoo1 sI Jeulo:}snJ eqJ tJ
,,ıafinq ı ,ıaauıOtıa ilı, sE s>]JoA\ Jauo]sn] eqJ
1 l
)Jl)t|11..[0S 1 d.nı1ıııın[ a ıdlo sacnpo"ıd srua1sdspaeds 9
,eJo.Jeq srualsdspcods p-OJaLl 1,LıpDLl Jalilo]snJ eqJ
]noqe l p,ıLldül lruL1 !
,eJo.Jeq S uot:} p JD J L eSIr
nlos Qd lo l 1 |LüpDLl / p JwIl llDq I b
{1]caııoı pJEaL[ seq eqs >IceqJ oJ aLuDu s,{iuııdttıo:ı all] l aLuDıl s,-ıaulo;stlJ aı11 sıeadaı esl1 € ll 2|}ı+ qo|
ouD autDu 11n}
ııaql VllM
,pJEJ sseulsnq SIq uaql J,usaop 7 saıı, "ıeuolsnJ aqJ Z
t;"+;;; hı,oalc aldoad
'lJLUolSnJ Jql ol ltlrJ.s sJ,),llro.ü lltI l,s,J / lı§rl SJJ,iDarlJlll tt],Jç I ""r],io rrnpor+u1 dıl
})eJJo) aı{ı au!ıJapun,{uedı,uoı Jeqloup tuo4 JaLuo}snf,
1elluelod E q}!/t^
uo!}EsJaıuoı e 8ulyels ueas pup Es!-l ot uaıs!-l |,! |LJ suo|ı)nPoJ}u,
,€ JeJsI]uıcJIoLIJ pe1leJ 'a8ue;ı
s,{ur]druoJ oq] e]ouro.rd o1 qıune1
1ınpoıd E lE eJE daq;,1o1sı"ıg ur peseq
'sruals.{spaedö^ pal]EJ duedtuoc )In e JoJ
>IJO^\ e^r\OH UeOS PUE Ue^\e]S eSIT
Storting conyersotion, 4n 1,2 Here are some more examples of opening conversations.
Listen and complete each response.

1r Hello, I'm Mr Cheng from Shanghai.

+ Good morning, we've r-ıiten , but it's grea1 to meet y6ç

r Yes, I feel we pretty well already.

2r I don't believe we've

+ I'mJill Anderson, Chief Buyer for Mayfleld Productions. And you are ... ı
r Paola Cilento. from Gianni e Donna, Milan.
+ Sorry, l your first name Paola.
r Yes, Paola, Paola Cilento.
+ Very pleased to meet you.

3ı I'm so glad We've heard so many good things about you.

+ It's a real pleasure to be here.

4r Good morning, Mr Nakita. I'm delighted you could come.

Michael Evans.
+ How do you do ... and what's your role in the project?

5r I'm terribly sorry, I'm sure we 've met before, but

+ I(ate Price from Watership Publishing. We met at last year's conference in Madrid.

r Of course, nice to see you again.

Pı'açüİçe l Put these words into the correct order to make complete sentences.
1 Hello, / pleased to / }ill Davis / meet you. / my name 's / and I'm really
2 Guy Cartier, / This is / Paris office. / in our / who works
3 our / introduce / Jean Paul Lemond, / Sales Manager. / Let me
4 you represent? / do / How do / What company / you do?
5 can't quite / I'm sure / before, l place you. / we've met / but I

6 welcomc / I'd / you / like to / here today.

7 ıiııhtrt / I didn't / you said. / quite catch / Sorr1..

8 you could / so pleased / I'm / come.

9 for me? / but / Sorry, / repeat that / could you
1O you. / so pleased / to have / I'm / finally met

2 Add a negative tag to the end of these sentences to make them into
Example You're rcpresenting Clayman Jnc, a ren t Yo_u ?

l Your company is based in Toulouse ,

2 You work with Michael Freeman,

3 You've got a copy of our brochure,
4 You're updating your product line,
5 I believe you've already met Teresa Bellisario, ?

6 You came to the conference last year,

7 She works in the Milan oflice,
8 I'm sure you'd lilre a coffee,

m l Openingaconversation
uo!ı€sJaıuo) e 3uıuadg 1
rlNn SlHt No S]loN ])Vl^ CNV lVNEno[ 3NlNEV:l Eno^ o_L NEılMoN ç
ıatuı} lxau
,(1ıua.ıag;p op nor( pınorv\ tEtl/v\ ,}ua^\ }! ,y\oq }noqp )u!ı{ı'spJE/tJaıJV
,seapı .ınoı( 1no ıLı1
'aıu11 1s.ı11 eqt JoJ euoaLuos ıaatu }xau nor( uaqltr 6
,slınpo.ıd s}! pue r(uBdı,uoı .ınoı(
'qo[ .ınor( aqıJ)sap o} pue !1as.ınoı( af,npoJıu! o1 a.ıeda.ı4 ,ı,{)unp| 1ınpo.ıd .ıo
a)uaJaJuoı tle1 ape.ı1 e 1e ı(uedıuoı .ıno{ 3ulıuasa.ıda,ı a.ıe nor( ıeqı aulSeı"u1 1
ialdoad ııau 3u;laaı,u uaqıı
ınldlaq aq SPJE) 8uı8ueqıxa uP) ;r(lınle.ıeı spJEf, ssaulsnq auıtuExa
ı(l1eı,u.ıou aldoad oG ıpJp) ssauısnq Jno{ uo s! uo!}Eı,uJoJu! }EqAA
ıaJn}ınf, ssaulsnq .ıno,( u1 spJE) ssaulsnq 3ul8ueqıxa s! }uElJodu1 ııo11 ı Lİüı!şğpıı{ı§uÖ3
,suo!tun}!s ssaulsnq asoı|t uı auoaluos 3ullaau
uaqıır ı(es plnoı nor( }pq^^ asıı)EJd .uoıl)es se)Jnosau aqı Jo gy eBed ıp {oo-1 9
,8tıol3uo;1 uı {elap
uoLis E ıo31daıxo'slupq]'auu'sa1 v
i--- |
;{auınot poo8 e a,req nod pıq 1op no.,{ op nıoH + İ op İ
1opnodop/^oH v İ_ _________j aldıııuxg
,anSolu;p }Joqs E dn eleıu lauı,ıed e qı!/tl 8u;l,ıoın a.r,no;( .uol1sanb
Jo a)ua}uas e uı (s)p.ıoı* aı{ı asn pue pJE) qıea dn 4)ld ,aıqe} aql uo u/v\op
aıe1 alıd E uı ı.!aı.|} }nd ,uoıı)as sa)Jnosou aı{ı Jo 97 ated uo spJef aq} asn s
,uaqı lpada,ı puu (sl.ıed
.ıalluı,us) .s)unı{), otu! urr\op uaıoJq sasu.ıqd aules aı|} o} ua}s!-l b.ı
Çp ,
depo1 a;ıaq nod aruoılaır o] a>I[ p,I 9
,1aru dleug eı,aı,r paseald dleeı ru,1
,eluoJ pinoJ nod peP os ILIıI
,aıueu qJleJ },upıp d"ı"ıo5
"ınod 1 E
;op nod op Z
,nod paseeld
1aeuı o} T
,spJo/ı\;o syed Jo spJo/y\ passaJ}sun aqı ,(ps a,vı ı(;4ıınb /y\oq a)!}oN
,sassaJ}s ulpu aqı eu!ıJapun pue sSullea.ı8 asaqı oı ua}s!-l ["ı €
Refeı"ence Useful phroses Yocabulary

lntroductions Tolkjng about people

I'm / This is ... buyer
How do you do? chief buyer
Pleased/Delighted/Nice/Glad to meet colleague
you. customer
Let me introduce ... engineer
You must be ...
sales manager

Che cki n g a nd cl o rifyi ng Tolking obout your compony

Could you say that again? to be based in
Sorry, I didn't catch your name. corporate training
Pardon? office furniture
You're from... which company? software
Sorry, I didn't quite get that.
Tolking obout your product
Sorry, (Peterson), did you say?
Sorry, what was that again?
Could you repeat that for me?
to bring out

to come out

to get around
to speed up


Studysuggestion Build up a bank of commonly used verb + preposition patterns.You can record these
with a definition and an example:
ı by verb
to get
to get oround = to sqreod:Your nome's getting oround.
to get by = to suryiye; We got by with very little extra expenditure lost month.
ı by preposition
to bring out = to produce something new:Toyoto hove just brought out o new electric cor.
to come out = to be lounched:Toyoto's new cor is coming out in the spring.

E l Openingaconversation
uo!}€sJaıuo)e3uıuad6 1
,ı)aı{) pue ualsı1 5,:
Q Fz
1se1 JIeJ epeJ] plJper{ eq] ]e ]oru aı,r aqde1 JJ,!\ JAeH +
,nod aceld elınb
1,ueı ] ]nq 'aJoJaq ]etu aı,e^\ eJns uI,I V
,aJolu alu
1a1 ;nod aJE 'qo +
1xau edoıng uJa]sEE o1uı puedxe o1 8uıdoq aı,a41 V
nod 1aeru o1 pasee]d ,1q3ı"ı s,leq1 'sa1 +
,ruıqceof eq
a}q8IJ I rue ]snu nod 'o1ag V
( lELll sPM uJLlM jJM J^nLl '|,io +
,1ca[o.ıd aIIIEs eq] uI paA]oAuI uaaq dlqeqo;d aı aıt >IuIq} I V
dllenl.ıu l.uJ^eLl l ,o\ +
,,nod 1,ua,req ,e]Isqaıt\ Jno Jo sse]ppp aq1 ]o3 dpee.ıp aı,nod {ulq1 I V
jaJuJo qJIqM 2dllueı'qg +
,IEuolll]uJelul pJoJxo Jo] }iJo^\ I Y
'uo!}Euoıu! PuE ssaJ}s ı)oJJo) aı{} ı{ı!/t^ suoı}EsJa^uo) aq} pEou
,(ır) sı|pJ pup sasıJ Jo (ı) sııeı'(,ı) sas;.ı uo!ıEuo}uı eql Jaq}aq^r\
pue pessaJls aJe ıu!t|} no;( sp,ıoıı aı{ı ıJpı^l ,san3o1elp eseqt }E »1oo-1 | uoıtDDunuoJd
,3uı.rds aqı u1 eIuEJ euII 1cnpoıd Jno 8
3uıyla3 s,euleu .rnod - umou>I-Ile^\ ,{ıaı 8uıruoıaq aJ,no^ l
asalul],{ıenılap ınod paads dlqıssod nod ue3 9
,qJIunl§ peseq aı,deq] aı\eJ[aQ (
,eJoJeq duedruoc ınod pJEeI{ a^,T ,
,sen8ea1loı-xe .rnod ruoı1 nod
1oI E pJeeq e^,aM €
,SJnoq o] arul] uJn} Jno aJnpeJ (]1 SI uIIe Jno
8, T
1xau eJEMJJos etl] Jo uoIsJaA A\eu E 3uı3uı.ıq aı,er1,1 I
dn ınoqE uı }no ıno PunoJP punoJE Jo
,xoq aı,|} ıuo4 uo!ıısode.ıd e ı,|ı!rı\ o)uo}uas q)ta alaldıuo3 lıopqoıo11
,]sel pJPaq O^lI 9
]e nod 1acru J
,nod JIu
1noqe 1o1 e a }Jf s
nod p ,TJl JoJ
1op >IJo^^ no^ L
", en3ea1loı .,{ru acnpoıluı J o1palq8ılag g
1nod 1 uop q 'SIJed uI pesEq eJlno^ Z
;nod 1,ua,re E op l
t|}!/t^ (9-1) s8uıuuıtaq aıualuas aq} q)ıpı^l
,(ı-B) s8uıpua aı{ı saso.ıqd 1nJasn
2s.{es uosıad Jeq]o eql 1eq,,ı,t d.lı.relc pue >Iceqc ol Z
/Jauueul 3uıtuoclaır pue IuJE^\ e u1 uos.ıad aq1 1aa"ı3 oı T
:ı(es no{ uuı s8ulq1 10 ıJos 1eqıı'aı.u11 }sJı, aı{} JoJ auoaLuos }aaı.! noı( uaq11 srlrys
Ni a$çi rı § A§ §}w* rsmü§ §} ffi


§ keeping a conversation going
§ showing interest and responding in a positive way to another person
§ turn-taking: making sure each person has an equal share ofthe conversation
§ talking about job roles, company plans and the business situation

Coı'ttext l fi 2" § Listen to these six dialogues. What are they about?
Write the number of each dialogue next to one of these topics.
iob roles
company plans
a project

the general business situation

? ğ ğ Z. l rlıe following descriptions match the dialogues. Listen again and

write the number of each dialogue next to the correct description.

tr a company's plans 1br future growth

tr a person's role in a projcct

tr a person's arear ol' expertise

tr checking the details o1' a project

tr forecasting thc I'uture

tr a compan1,'s location plans

? Maltino ronvprçıfinn
uo!ı€sJa^uo) 3uı>le;,^1 7
iS}Se] ]] a!rl^\ ]I Jo ]Soru aq] Ir s,üal ,]IeM ienJl S,leqJ :JeureM
,dn saleJ:}SeJe]LrI
nE r{ll.4{ ' ı/tou>| 1,uop 1 'nod
6 II,puaJ} pJE^^dn SIql 8uo]
,aıuarıadxe umo Jno ^\or{
, / ]]e,\,\ d]]eJd ]er{] 'sa^ :opJg)lH
i nod ]noqE
,JI]sIuI]do .{[SnoIlnEJ aJ,eA\
y I 'Ipıa,to
puır 'rl8noq] 'ueq] aJuIS .ı(lıpeals c uaaq o^Eq SJepJo
,SJua^e p]Jo^\ ua^I8
ü Jq oü ,{|uo s.leqü ssJn8 | 1nq ,JeJ,(
1se] Jo puo aq] spJe^\o1 qsı88nls 1ıq e , s3uıq;,poo8 dlla.ı4 :JauJeM
: lUJulot],l )t{l le no,{ o1
8uılıld pultu 4ool 3uldaa,ıı sJoJJıuI
spunos a4elu pel)adxe asoddns aJa^^ }sEl
,ınoı( 1ıaqı oı ua}sı| uaql,an8o1eıp aq} u; aıuld })aJJo) aq} u! xoq aqı
uoıuıdo s.JauJaA\tu;>1su r(q uo!1esJaıuo) aq} senuı}uo) opJe)lu t,z L J t aqı Buınuıluo2
",a,rılısod 6
",puodsaı o1 dpeaı eJoul qJnul 8
ul;dlleeı q6 l
d8o1ouqıa1 ıtau ul 1uauılseıuı 3ıq e 9
a 'dno.r8 ıa3ıe1 e 3o 1ıed eJ,no1 Ç
,adoıng JeAo
lle saı1l1ıqıssod ıtau o]ul >Iool 1
s,lEq] d{qprunsa;ıd oş ,aes 1 c
,.uou s-ıuı,{ ()[ lJ^o lol a
;;(uedruoı ınod o1 punoı8>iıeq aJolu JIq E no,{ uej 1
,saseıqd 3ulssluu
aq1 ala;druo3 ,u;e8e uoı}EsJaıuo) aqı Jo 8uluado eqt o} uaıs!,l z,z z
t §
,pauoqseJ-plo ool sI duedruoo sıq şIuIq} JeuJaM
tr tr 9 ,uol+D9J2^uof
,SJeed o^\l aq] uı pa8ueqı seq duedruoc s JauJaM ç
tr ]SEI
u'';,'} 1H'3
,xnpou sı duedruoı s,JouJeM ::: T,-,1',*"
tr 3o t 6poq ınon
ttr ,slınpo"ıd 8uılsıxe s duedruoJ eI{] 11as o1 sı qot s.JauJaM € ouo a6on6uo1
tr tr lDt{+ J2q\r]"\rızd o!I
tr tr Io a8uğJ s]ı pue]xa o] s]ueıt\ duedruoı s,ıeuJe^^ Z
,sıead uaal.nq1 dpo.ro3 pe]slxe seq duedruoo s.JeuJaM
tr tr T
iI J
,ıualuaıEls ı,|)pa JoJ (asle;) 1 .ıo (an.ı1)
lı)!J_ saryodıuoı puo
,uollesJaıuo) s.JauJa/v\pue opJp)lu sgol ınoqo 3uı41o1
1o yed }sJ!J aı.{} o} uats!] z,z 1, ,t l
duedruoı puu qot slq ]noqp
JeuJeM S>ISe opJeJ{u ,Ie]oq SIq
o] tuFI 8uı,u.ıp sı pue 1ıod"ııe
ueIItrN ]E uuerusuII)I JauJaM
1arrı 1snI sEq ll1a]seJ opJeJIu ı.§Aışeşrjş§şJd
Sounding interested 4Ö ?-4 Listen to these phrases and say in which version -A or B - the
speaker sounds more interested and positive.

lA tr B
tr .5Atr B
l;t,lli.l'}ln ruoııgz, 2A tr B
tr 6A tr B
os uou
interested thon
3A tr B
tr 7A tr B
Oh reallg?'", 4A tr B
tr 8A tr ]]

§} Listen to these questions from Ricardo and Werner's conversation.
Does '"*
the intonation go up (r) or down (\) at the end? Mark the correct

1 Can you flll mc in with some background to your company?

2 So, what's your position in thc project?

3 Are Jıou aiming to stajı in 5ı9ç1 present premises?

4 You're part of a larger group, aren't youi
.5 Is that in line with your plans?
5 And how does the market look to you at the moment?
7 How do you see things panning out in the near future?

etc.) to encouroge
2 § } 2.6 Listen again and repeat each ofthe above sentences, concentrating
the other Person on phrasing and intonation.
more detoils,

3 What could you say in the following situations?

1A client has been asking you a lot of questions about your iob. You feel 1,oı_ı ]ıaı,e been
talking too much and not learning enough about your client. Ytıu \\,a111 to eııcoLırage
him/her to talk about his/her job.
Tip Trg to keep the
.onversotion equollu .__ 2 You want to encourage a clicnt to tell you more about the historlı o1' his lıer coıılpat]\,.
you con ınvı ı,
bolonced, ) A client has told you a bit about his/hcr job, but you don't really understand ıt]ıat
rŞ,*f!;i;ii-:ii:y", he/she actually does or ııııhat the job involves.
4 you r,ııant to encouragc a client to talk about his/her company's plans fcır ll-ıe [ı-ııııre.

Of!İn* 5 You'd like to know a clieııt's opinion about the business climate ltır the ı-ıexı tıı elr e
gour experience
as well?
Is that true for You .ı,t
ant to cstal-ılish if your ideas about the deadlines for a project are the saıııe as
your client's.

4 Complete the sentences using the verbs from the box in the present

t Thc company iııl«,ı ncrtı ınarl<ets in tlıe Far East ıreıı

Tip The present 2 We out updtıtcd vcrsions of all our main softıçare .ı:
ilJHil,,]llxİT.." 3 A completely redesigned product range out iıı :]]J :,.
İ/e're looking
at 1 I over as Scnior Project Manager shortl1.
possible sites
5 At the moment, r,ııe on an assignment ior ::--. -
6 Sales of this product riıpidly.
İ;:İ,:x:::J]?;::" ı 7 We into new possibilities in Scıı-ıtlı -,\ı-i:.,:- _

8 We . for a gror,rıth rate of 5% or,er tl,ıe ::.- ,. .

rc 2 Mal<ing conversation
uo!}psJa^uo) 3u1>1e1 7
-LlNn SlH] No S]loN :>VX CNV lVNEnC[ 3NıNlV]l lno^ or NlnlMoN ç
ıaıu]} lxau
,(11ua.ıaglp op nor( pıno^^ ıptl/v\ ,}ua/v\ }ı }noqE ıu!11ı'spJE/,^JaıJV ,suap!
Jno{ }no ı(.ı1 'uol1es.ıaıuo) 3u!)ptu Jo uoı}En}!s E u! ıxau a,ıe nor( uaq/vç
auoI]EsJaAuoJ eql puaEe o] o
aesEa ]Ir Jeq/ruq 1nd o1 ı
1duedruoo7a1o"ı7qo[ ıaq7sıq ]noqE eJolu ]no pug o:l a
:4se no{ 111ıı
suo;1sanb }eqlt,an8eeıloı E Jo }uaıı) P q}!/ı^ uol}€sJa^uoı 3uıuado us uPıd €
1a8ueq:ıxa o] paeu
no{ l[I.M, uoIJEIIIJoJur Jo puH ]eq,14 (]noqe >[[E1 o] paau nod 1pı,r 8ulq] Jo pulüI 1eq^^
,Jle uo sJIp.J apEJ} -Io
as]Isl^ 7 s8uılaarrı IEIilJoJ uI /
SeJueJeJuoc 1e 7 aıeld>l;ıoM er{] uI 1aıeld a>le1 o1 dle>lıı Suol]EsJa^uo] 3saq] aJE aJoqlv\
,san8ea1loı Jo s}ua!|) ql;ıı qs1l3u3
uı suoılesJeıuo) }JE}s oı a^pı{ {eıu noı( q)!qrv\ uı suo!}pnııs 1noqe luııll z
,aJn}|n) uıtto,ınoı( u!
.saınJ,Jaqlo r(uuJo }sll E a)|Pı^|
,1sJU spJı?J ssaursnq a8ueqoxa s.ı{eııle a14
,peq dıaı sI uol]t]sJeıuoJ e uI eJua]I;^ o
,ssaulsnq 8uqle1 eJoJeq Jo pooJ auoeulos ıa;;o s,{eııle pInom eM a
,1uallı ınrıd
}noqe qJnlu oo] {sE o1 alılod paJepTsuoJ ]ou sI ]] a
,sn]els ıeq8ıq eM a
e Jo euoelllos q1l,rn aa"ı8eslp Jeıeu p[noj\\
,aJn]nJ aq]
]noqE 8uqie1 a{tl ],uop
oM .
;1as"ınod ]noqır lpl o1 a111od paJaplsuoJ ]ou sI ]I a
,]ueılJ e oM a
1dnııaluı Jaıou plno^\
ıaJn}ın) ,ınoı( .ıo1 enJ} uaq} Jo ı(ue a,ıy
snoıJEA u! }s!xa }pq} .saınJrJo salduuexe aLuos eJE aJaH ıuo!}EsJaıuo]
ueı'a.ınllnı pue ı(;lunoı .ınoı( u1
8u;»leı,u JoJ .sa|nJ, r(ue;o >1ulq1 nor( ı uöışğpş§ü}§L!ü}3
,suo!}En}!s ssaulsnq asaq}
u; ı(es plnoı noı( 1eqıı as!})EJd,uo!})as se)Jnosau eq}Jo 1y aBed }E 4oo-1 9
", uI sle}1JeuI ıl\eu JoJ 8uuioo1 dllua;ını eJE pue dlpıdeı papuedxa eı,a,11
,o8e sıead ua] peqsllql]]so ,{uedruoı cıueudp '8unod,{-ıa;ı e aı,aı,ı 'IIaM
ınod o1 punoı8lıeq aJolu erlios qtl\\ ul ctu 11u ncıd ueı 'eue8e; JW 'oS V
I uo!}en}ls alrltııııxg
,SPJE) ı{}oq JoJ ,(es 1q3;ru no,ı( 1eqıı
aul8eı,u; 'auole 3u14.ıoıı a.ıe no{;1 ,}ıun oq} u; pas;ııe.ıd arreq no,ı( e3en3ue1
aı,|l pue pJE) aq} uo uoı}ELuJoJu! aq} 8ulsn an3o1elp e dn a)phl ,g pJp) se»1e}
Jeı,|}o aq} pup V pJE) salet uos.ıad auo '(9- 1) uol1enı;s t1)pa JoJ uau}.ıBd
u ı{}!^^
>1.ıoıı'alqlssod ;1 ,uol1ıas sa)Jnosau aq} Jo 2y a8ed uo spJE) aı,lt asn s
Reference Useful phroses Yocabulory

Finding out more Talking obout your compony

I understand you're in advertising. premises
I believe you're in software. revenue
Can you flll me in on some background to site
the project2 spend (norın)
How do you see things panning out over to be stuck in your ways
the next twelve months? *
turnaround time
Are you aiming to expand your business?
What's your forecast for the next
financial year? Tolking obout compony plons
How does the market look to you at the cautiously
to diversify
Turn-toking finalize
How about you? to look into
That's true. to make the most of something
Is that in line with your plans? outlook
Broadly in line, yes. to oversee
That mirrors our own experience. to pan out

to predict

to take over


Tolking obout trends

to creep up

to drop
to even out

to nosedive

to plummet
to rocket



Study suggestion lt is very useful to build a list of words for describing upward and downward trends,
as these are very common in business discussions. Some words are used as verbs, nouns
and/or adjectives and adverbs, so it's helpful to record them in a table with examples:
lncrease sales have
increased. increase in sales. European sales.
Our new range is becoming
increasingly popular.
nosedive The market has They recorded a
nosedived. nosedive in the last

E 2 Making conversation
uoı}EsJa^uo) 3u;le1 7
puE suo!}sanb aı{} u! uo!ıEuoıu! PuE ssaJıs aı.|} uo sn)oJ ,sı(ss uosJad aı{t }PqlY\
leadal pue yed ı,|)Ea aıEl,u'c,Be rz olpnp u] santolelp aq} oı ua}s!-l ,,a uoltDlrunuoJd
,1ueuroru aq1
1e 1uedonq Jq o] srueas aJuapuuoJ sseulsng a1duıaxg
eJuapguoc Sseulsnq o SeJeJ JSeJeluI a
8uı,r,roı.roq o seles O ]eIJEu eqt a
:}noqP »||EI
,sa)ueıuas u! ı as!)Jaxf ıuo4 suoıssa.ıdxa pup spJo^\ aq1 tulsn asıppJd z
o ıı7sııuıssad
. Iv.l}nau
. IDJJnau
. IDJ]nau
a ı ıılsııuıydo Euporu 1oş
dplcınb u^^op Eulog o
o o
a a
o o dn 3u1o9
u^^op Eulog ı .dplılnb dn 3u1o9
1uuı(onq aq asPaJ)aP asEeJ)uı a^ıPasou
dn daa;ı 1auunld ıa>1)oJ qs;3tnls aq }no uoıa
aq do.ıp ı(peals aq dn >1ı;d ııEJ aslJ
ı(ıo8eleı })aJJof, aı{} u! spuaJı aJnınJ alq;ssod
pue aıpLu!ıf, ssaulsnq aq} }noqp 3u;»llu1 JoJ suoıssaJdxe pue sqJa^ aı{} ınd ı Aıolnqoıo11
alueruolu aq} le ]eıJelu aq} aas no,{ op eJeq,l^ 'oS l
;seepı ınod Jo au[ eql uo teq] sI 9
;ıead slq1 dn 8uluued s8ulqü aas nod op 'oS s
aeJeqs ]a>IJEIu;ınod dn o3 o1 3uıruıe no.,{ eıy p
;nod op '"ıead 1se1 DCJ qll,\\ pa3ıaur no1 €
.sI aIoJ.ınod dllıexe 1eq^\oS Z
11ca[o.ıd aq] o] punoJ8ıJEq arl] 1noqe dn aru 1u nod uEJ I
3uıo3 uoııosJetuo, D
,3uıııo11o1 aı{ı u! solpıs!ı,u aqı })aJJo) Buldaa4.,saso.ıqd pJasn
,eloı-qot s,uosıad Jeqlo eq]
Jo sIIEtep aI{J tr
slınpoıd duedruoc s,uos.ıad Jaq1o eqJ tr
duedruoc aq1 Jo aJnlnJ eql JoJ ]sEJeJoJ aI{J tr
.,{uedruoc s,uosıad Jarllo aI{J
a]euIIJ sseulsnq p.ıeua8 aq; tr
iuo!}€sJaıuoı 3ul4eı,u uaqıı sııdo1 asaq1
a)npoJıu! no{ 1q3;ıu JopJo teı,|,v\ uı
,suo!ıpnıls sseulsnq 1eıld§ ınoqp {u!q1 z
ıuo!ıEsJaıuoı 8u;leru 1o {zn poot z {eq1 a.ıe ı(q11
'no11'uaqtr1l'ıDq/A,3,a'p.ıoıvr uo;1sanb E q}!/t^ u;3aq ,(;1ensn suo;1sanb uedg 1 srrrys
Bulldlng rapport
l building a conversation
I asking about family and interests
l talking about other personal topics
l dealing with misunderstandings

l Look at this list of conversation topics.

o Asking about family: rclationship/partner/spouse/children/parents
ı Talking about interests: hobbies/music/sports/leisure activities
ı Aslıing about rııüere a person lives: house/apartment, etc.
ı Asking about whcre a person lives: country/cit]ı/tor,rın, etc.
ı Complimenting someone on their clothes/hair/jewellery, etc.
ı Talking about your salary
ı Talking about relationships at r,t ork
ı Talking about travel and holidays

a Which of these topics do you think you might use with the following
people? Rate the topics on a scale of l to 5, where l is'safe' and 5 is'risky'.
a ar clicnL c asuperior e aprojectpartner
b a colleaguc d a subordinate f someone of the opposite gender

b ln what circumstances might you talk about each topic?

2 Think about the following questions.

l In your country and place of work, which of thc topics above is it normal to talk
2 Are there any topics which 1,çç r,r.ould ner,er discuss?
.) Developing a working relationship often involvcs sharing soıne personal information.
What questions might you use to open a ciınversation on any of the abovc topics?

W 3 Bui|ding rapport
}JoddpJ 8uıpllng 6
", ]uEaIII nod ,sn .lo oı!\] eq] pnrs no{ uaq^i\ 'ıtou>I no{ '1q8noql 1 ı(ııos 'aas ] 'qO €
,suII]JJp ,(ıu auo s,]r ,.!\oLIı no^.,aJaq] J]\II o] a>IIl
.1o p,]. ples I Z
.ILIELIEJI) ,ııorı1 no,i op .\\or{ ]uueul I 'ou 'qO T
,PassoJls aJE }Et{} spJo^^ aq} au!ıJaPun
puu ulu8u sı)tJ}xa aqı ot ua}s!] ,{es oı }uPaLu aı{ }P|,|^\ .ıealı 3uı»luuu
ı(q uoıles.ıa^uo) aq} sJaAo)aJ ıuEJJ ,JaL|}o ı,|)ea puu}sJepuns!Lu aı|aı{)!N s8ulpuoıs.ıapunsluı
puE 4uEJJ uaq^,\ suoısuf,)o aaJql aJp aJaq}'uolıus.raıuo) aqt uı ğ,i Llı!/^8uıloaq
L ,p v
apuo ue oJ uoI]ESJe^LIoc eq] 8l]uq {ueJd saop 9 ,uztl]oM uaawIaq
luol]esJe^uoJ erIJ JeAoJeJ {ueJc Seop,\\oH s
auol]senb aqi} o] puodsal e{IaqJII{ saop , ;::l,:x,:i :l;İlxl}l;
^^oH ,,t*l;l;Hi;İ:,
aIeuosıad oo1 dlqeqoıd sı rrorlsanb qJlqg €
'#Jo ,"ul uo uosıad
ae{Iaqclw lnoqe Je^oJSIp eq saop uoI]PIIIJoJur ]eq^^ Z
' ,rr*o" 6uı+uaıılldııo2
ae]leqJlry ]noqe eJolu ]no puu o] >IsE ıueJc scop suolJsenb ıeq1,1 I iln+zJD?
a€ dıı
,suol1sanb asaı{ı Ja/\Asuv
,uoııEsJaıuo) s.)uEJJ puE aııaq)ıı^|
Jo ısal aq} oı uaıs!,l u,I scldol pJaznyü^v
i___}F €
,p|Joı\ , pue LuEqeJ[] ,qEeA
lQa lJI]tuS ] l
arueqelD;\[ou) no.{ op ı\ot{ 'ou 'qO 9
,puel4 plo uü] s,eLI - 11aır d.raı 'sa1 t
,uosqoH uIEqeJ:) oş, 1dlpaı q6 1
,3uo1 eıg;o sl ]I
a{LIEJc {Jo[ ıAo§ or]} lllııı 'saA t
,ruea1 o] sıu pue '1ı:aı3 'ru111 7
1ıa[cııd eq] Jo ]sc"I oq] ]ccu
a]I ],useop ' Spunos 1I I
,sa)ualuas aqı alaldıuo3,ule8e uoı}EsJaıuo) aq} o} uaıs!-l
i,ç a J z
]-ıolls 7 aılolu, JoJ uerJeJD u.&\oLII sprl )uE-Id 9
1o uoıuıdo ,ıııı1 1 ılaııl E sırr{ c[oqJIW ç
'JePBeI lrıEel S,uII]qEJ[) ]_Llsi?ı!t Sl'(!\ ellJtIJIl\I
/ t
,LlopLl]I ülıJlV ur uosqoH rueLleJD ,li\eu>I
/ {.üo^ IuEJc €
pa4]0ıy\ sırll
,sıuad oıı1 ueq] aJolu ıo3 dueduıoı er{l JoJ
}ra{JOııı ] Lsırı7 l lueJc Z
'IJOA^\eN UI {.l0.1l ] USaOP / 5',).{Oıl1 {UeJC I
?a/v\suz ı)aJJo) aqı auııJapun'sluauualeıs osaı,|}
Jo q)ea uı
,ıuEJJ pup a||aqf,ıı^| uaa^,uaq uoı}psJaıuo) eı,|} oı uaıs!-l ğ,ğ srlDıap puosJad
L ,§ ı
,{eeJq aaJJoJ e 8uı;ınp
8uı>lru1 aıı: dcq1 ,1ıefoıd
aL{] J(T uolssas
uoIJJnpuI ue 3uıpualle
r{]oq aJE pue 1ıato;ıd
arues eq} uo 8uı>lıoı,r
aq o1 3uıo3 a.ıe daq;
duedruoı atues aq] ,Io
Sar{JuEJq luaJal}p o^\J uI
IJoı\ IuEJc puE e[[eqcIW tlğ3ış,ğşüş§ş"şd
Smoll talk 5 n 3.4 Listen to these six dialogues. What are they about? Write the
number of each conversation next to a topic. Write any words which give
you a clue about the topic area.

tr }eisure activities

tr complimenting

tr home

tr holidays and travel

tr interests

tr iamily

pronunciation 6 { h 3.4 Listen to the dialogues again. Underline the words you think are
stressed in the opening questions. Do the questions 8o up or down at the
1 Did you get them over here?
2 Do you play, Stanislav?
3 So, have you got any family, Pablo?

4 Have you been able to get away for a break this year, I(urt?
5 How do you normally spend your wcekcnds, I(ate?
6 Whereabouts in Zurich do you live, Rolf ?

Pl'aetİce l Read these dialogues. Write the fuIl sentence or question using the correct
form of the words given.
Example r When/ you/ join/ company l Franz?
When did you ioin the com?any, Franz|
+ Three years ago in July.
1 ı, How l yoı l usually / spend / weekend?

+ I lilre to play a round of golf vııhen I can.

2ı Whereabouts/you/base/ Georges?
+ I'm living and working in Munich at the moment.

1 ı Iladmire /yourtie /Ricardo.

+ Oh, do you like it? I thought I'd wear something bright today!

4r Do you know Milan, Sally?

+ No / b:ot l I l really / like / go / there / some day.
5r you l able l get away / holiday / this year / Andrea?

+ Yes, we went to Barbados for a couple of rıııeeks in the spring.

6r And are you still in New York, Michae]?

+ No /I/ mean lI lbe / there / lastyear / notthis year.
7 ı Howl you / know/ PetraJacobson?
+ Oh, we worked together a couple of years back.

tr 3 Building rapport
}JoddEJ 3ulpl;ng 6
tlNn SlHl No S]loN ])VX CNV lVNEnoI DNlNEV:l Eno^ ol NlarMoN e
ıatu!} ıXau ı(l1ua.ıaglp op no{ pıno/v\ ıPıl^[,}ua/t^ }l /v\oq /v\a!^aJ'sp.ıuıı.ıa}Jşı
,seap1 .ınoı(
1no {.ı1 '1.ıodde,ı 3u;plınq Jo uo!}"nıls E uı lxau aJP no{ uaq^[ ,
a OJES, uol]ESJaAuoJ eql dee>I nod plnoır./\\oH €
i ]|os-Inou( ]noqe des o1 a>lıI nod plno^\ ]eqM Z
;sııdo1 1euosıad aJoIII oJ sııdo1 peseq->IJo^\ Iuo{ e,rou nod p]no^\ ,troH I
ıP uo!}PsJa^uoı 3ulz;luuosJad E uEıd €
alunocJe olul a{E] oJ Suol]eJeplsuoc IeJn]InJ Jo Jepua8 due aq aJeq} ppOM €
as]ualc ıo s.rc8eueıu auil 'se:}eulpJoqns 'sen8EeIIoJ q1],\\ aq daqı plnog Z
;aceld e>le1 o1 dla111 suol]esJeıuoJ esaq] aJE uaqı\ pue eJeqg t
|EuosJad a.ıoı.u u uo qs1l3u3 u;
ıl€ı oı paau ı(eıu no;( uaqıı 4Jo^\ ı,{ı!/y\ paı)auuo) suo!ıEn}!s aqt ınoqe 4uıtll z
auoIJesJe^uoc e 3uızlleuos;ıad
ueq,,!\ uol]pJeplsuoJ o]ul o{el 01 peeu nod op.rapua3 pue eJn]Inc 1o slcadse ]EqM €
asJeq]o uuq] JaJes.,fipılualod a"re sııdo1 I{JII{M Z
l]ua[J Ir q]]^^ ]noqe >IIEI no,{ 1q3ıru uoıJEsJoAuoJ .1o sıido1 ,1euosıcd, ]ı]qM I
.suolısanb tu;ıno1;o; aq} ınoqe
lult{I l ı,ıöışğpııo§&.!ö3
ilaa; nor( ıq8lıu ,v\oı| PuE {es nor( ıq8!tu ıEt{^^,uoı})as
sa)Jnosau eq}Jo gg a8ed uo suoı}En}ls eqt }E )oo| pue;aul.ıud E q}!^,\ )Jo A ,
,İ5EtI3upI53 aq
\ "Ia]]c-q p,e,ı,r §§5iT31 l
ı? a6Ttr elll ]ueruTJEdE ue 1o3 no.,( 5IEq puv 9
.aq .qea^
lsnru- 1l ssanB I s
;ROİ ünııqu Tilq]r pUY t
aEETlJ 'uosqoE rueqeJ[J }Snru nD[ o5 €
İ aüIueJc- 'EEo] aıg]t] >1ıo1- m5N aq] q]I^\ Ti56q nod e.leg T,
a]I ].useop- '3uılıcxo SPEEOS u t
,uoı}Eı)unuo.ıd aq1 3ulı(doı'auo qıua ıeada; pue ulaq} oı uats!] ,suol1sanb
pue safuo}uas asai,|}Jo su.ıo}ıBd uoııEuo}uı pup ssoJls aqı }E »loo,1 §,ğ t
,,, ",*,;§i,i,ış-t,ixşıi'i,.iı,
depııoq ııaq] padotua serl ]ue]IJ ınod >iulq] no^ 9 .auı+
}o +ol.D
,uos-ıad Joq]oue ıo1 nod ua>ie]sllu seq euoaruos 'ecueJeJuoJ E
]V § '& ,rrr, "^Dl,_+snu r+.Jo,daJA
]{ncg]1p uceq seq uol}en]Is slq lutq] no.{ an;ea1loc E IIa] no1 , ,r:r:;_:)İ;';::;
§ ,+sod
dlluıe-; Jaq sassıru 1ueılı ,rnod ]eq1 .{es o] lueı\ noA
€ § ,rn ,* 'qr::j
,pazıue3ıo nol
11a,rı dıeı sI eqs Iu]rI] nod an;ea1loJ e [[e] z
,p.,ı-ıı1,{;ıı S)lool JH ,lıod-ıııı Jq] }n 1UJI|,) E § ,nr, ,rrr7;il:Zz:o
IJJIU no^ , ,oqorg lvlou\ +'nw
,u)q},uos|JıN no^
}J6p]J€ Mou>ı }snlu
§ ::*f;,;:]]}';#;
;o puet{ plo uE 'uosIaIN 1a8piıg smou>] an3ea1loı ınod >1ulq] no1 altlruaxg 'ğ İİr;;;;rn uo'
,suo!ıEnıls 3ulııo11o; aq} JoJ ısn.r., ı{}ı^^ sa)ua}ues a)pı^l z
Refeı^eııee Useful phroses VocobuIory

You must be Bridget Nielson. Talking obout people

you must have had a difflcult time. to be over something
you must be exhausted. to compliment (someone on something)

How do you normally spend your to have good taste

weekend? dir,orced
Have you been able to get away this year? embarrassment
Have you been with the London offlce gender
grown up
How long have you lived in Boston?
Whereabouts are you based?
Have you got any family?
whereabouts in Milan do vou live?
What about you?
So (do) I.
I've been admiring your tie. Tolking about places

I guess we'd better be getting back. civilized

It's a small world. to get away


pretty (atlverb)
a round of golf
to take leave

to owe

Study suggestion You can use the transcripts to focus on stress and intonation in connected speech.
English is a stress-timed language.This means that we speal< with a regular rhythm and
we use stress and intonation to convey special meaning. Practise listening and marl<ing
the transcripts with the stressed words and the intonation, up or down, e.g.
ı l've been admiring your earrings. \ Did you g€! them over herel
Oh, do you like them| r' No, actually they were a present from my parlner. \
r Mm, he must have good taste. ı
+ Well, they were my choice, actually. \

3 Building rapport
tJoddpJ 3ulpl;ng g
PuP ssaJls o} uo!ıue}ıE ıP!)ads {e4 uaulıed E ı{}!/t^ san8o1e;p aı{} aslpEJd
pue 1s a8ed uo 1d;.ıısue.ı1 aı{} }p 4oo1 ,upte ,,€ olpnp o} uaıs!-l ,,€ uo!ıpn.unuoJd
euoaluos ]noqe erlu 8ulqleruos des q e}eulpJoqns 8
.ro; alqısuodsal aJe nof euoeulos 3 O]EIIII?uI l
eJes lou J ıepue8 9
aIeIuaJ Jo elelu e SuDISlno s
elınb p &1sı.ı 7
dlıc ıo u14,^o} e ;o sa8pa c pesseJJeque €
1euos.rad dıen q 1uaruqdruoı 7
pıes 3ulqleuos lnoqe elqeuoJluocun 3uuaa; e dpe;ıd 1
,(q-B) suo!}!u!Jap J!oq} t|ıı/t^ (g-1) sp,ıoıı aqt q)ı€X Aıolnqo>o11
o} a>IIT t,useop Jo seop aqs 8ulqfue s,eJeq} I }ue{c e >IsV 6
,clsnru uI sa}sel s]q
?noqe en8ea1loc E >IsV 8
Jo ecloqc sıq uo an8ea1loc e 1ueruqdruoJ l
deploq tsel Jeq JoJ plp eqs }eq^\ ]uellc E >IsV 9
,aıull eJnsIeI ,raq spuads dlleru.rou eqs n^oq
tueIIJ E >IsV t
dlpue; due seq eq ;ı an8ea1o, e ısV L
,s.,(ofua eq slıods leq^\ pue slıods sdofua aq JI lueIIJ E {sV €
1uasaıd sıq uı 8urııT ueeq seq aq 3uo1 ,vıoq an8ealoc E >IsV Z
duedruoc ınod peuıof eqs ueq^r an8ealoı e >IsV I
,suo!ı€n}!s asaql JoJ s}uauaı€ıs Jo suo!}sanb alepdo.ıddu elu14 sasoııld ;nlas4
lpoo}SJepunsllu uaeq
Jo poo}sJJpunsrru J^eq no,{ azılea-ı no,{ ;ı uoıles-rJ^uoJ Jt-| l ıJnoJJJ no,{ plnoı 9
aq1 o1 nod ruo4 uol}uel]E Jo snJoJ eq1 e8uetlc o1 >1se nod plnoc uollsenb ıeq71,1 s
4sdeploq JIeq} lnoqe uos,red Jeq]oue 3uulse Jo aJeq] e;e sde,rı }ueJaJJIp 1eüIM ü
;sanq uosıad E eJeq^\ tnoqe eJolu tno pug o1 1se nod uec suol}senb ıeq711 t
is}seJa}ul aJnslel JIeq1 tnoqe uos.rad e 1se nod ppoc Z
duedrrroc e
JoJ peıJo^^ eıeq daq] 3uo1 ıınoq euoeluos 3uulse 3o sdeaı ıuaJaJJIp o^^} Jo >Iu]qJ I
,suo;1sanb asaı{ı JaAsuV ı srr!)rs
Ente rtaining
I inviting
l accepting and dec|ining invitations
l recommending and making choices
l asking for help or advice
l expressing preferences
l using humour


l lf you were entertaining a visitor, where would you take your guest?

ı to the theatre or opera

a to a sports event
a to a restaurant
a to an exhibition
a somewhere else

2 When would you invite them?

o before the working day
ı during the rıi,orking daü,

o after the working day

a at the weekend

Have you had experience of entertaining a business visitor or of being

a What was good about the expcrience ?

a What was difficult about the experience?

4 Entertaining
g 3ululeyaluı 7
Pu€ ssaJ}s'uoıleııunuoJd atuEs
aq} qı!r\^ ase.ıı4d qıea 1eadag ,sasEJqd Jo ısll alaldıuoı aqı oı ua}s!-l z.v uoltılrunuoJd
\_} v
,uoıssa.ıdxa ı{fua JoJ (1eu.ıolu171e,ılnau) Jo (1eı,u.ıo1)
ı/N 1
a}ıJl\A'uuınıo) ıstı aqı uı ıaJE suoıssa;dxa asaq1 4u;q1 nor( op ı€tuJoJ q
,1sant aı{} Jo ısoıl
aq}'uoıssaJdxa aq1 asn pıno^^ 1ulq1 noı( oqıı alı.ııı'utunıo) pJıı,|} aq} uı tI
, , ,
l }sJn6 JJq}eJ ?,l 'Puıu 1,uop noA e 3uıssa.rdxg
Jl dlaq
l/N }san6 lFuı^eL{ noz( a.ıE 1Eı]M .ıo;8uqsy
"' uo
J 1san 6 uaa>1 ,taı }ou u],l 7nq'Aııos w,1 3uıullcaq
,}EE..i6 3uqdaccy
l/N 1san 6 aq plnoıı }eq}'sJ^
l P 73uqsa33ns
l/N }sot] )oJ+no o6 o1a>lı1 no,( plno1,4 73uılınu1
ı§;luıu.ıo1 ısan9/ısoH uolssa.ıdxJ uo!ı)unJ
,utunıo) puo)as oı.l} u! .ıuaq noı( }Pt|ı sasuqd
a.ıoıu ı(uB aıu^\ pup uıete uol1esJaıuo) ı{)Ea Jo sl.ıed o1 uaıs!-l ı., z
aıue.ra;eıd e 3uıssa,ıdxg
eolıpe ıo dleq ıo;8uqsy
(3ulullcag) ,uoI1ElIAuI ue ol ,oN, 3uıde5
(8uıldecıy) uoI}p}IAuI uE o} ,se^, 3uıde5
3uı.ıa;;o 73uqsa33ns 73uılııu1
,uoııpsJaıuo) ı.{f,Ea u; ı;do1
auo u€|,|1 aJoul aq ı(eı,u a.ıaql,ıldo1 1ıa.ı.ıof aı.|ı oı }xau uollEsJa^uof aqı Eury1o7ıa7u1
Jo Jaqunu aqı aılJ/vysuo!ıpsJaıuo) JnoJ asaqı Jo ı{)Ea oı ua}s!,l ı,, İ*J ı uoı}"}ueseJd
Humour 5 a We sometlmes use humour to'break the ice' when we are entertaining a
guest.You are going to listen to an amusing story. Before you listen check
that you understand the meaning of the following words and phrases.

a hot-air balloon a balIoonist to float to lower lT

(You) haven't a clue

Tin Be coref ul, Humour

b n 4.3 Now listen to the joke and then tell it to your partner.
depends on the
onj thu situotion
gou c Did you find this story funny?Why (not)? ln what situations would it be
ore in. appropriate to tell this joke?

FraÇtİCe l Complete each sentence/question with a verb from the box in the correct

have wonder care recommend decide suit have be

1 Would you_the flsh?

2 I _if you'd like to go on to a club.
3 I'm sorry, but I _ not very keen on flsh.
4 Yes, a quiet drink in a pub would me very well, thanks.
5 Would you _ for another drink?
6 I'm not sure what to choose, what are you _ ?

7 It's late, so I thinlç I _ better get back to the hotel.

8_ you _ what to drink?

2n 4.4 We often use expressions with would when inviting or talking about
preferences. Listen again to these examples of would and repeat them.
1 Would you recommend it?
2 We were wondering if you'd like to join us for a mea].
3 That'd be great.
4 That'd suit me better.
5 If you don't mind, I'd rather go back to my hotel.
6 Would you lilre some?

tr 4 Entertaining
§ıııu;el.ıaşu3 ş
llNı SlHl No S]lCN ])V^ CNV lVNEıCI DNlNEV]l lno^ 01 NEnl^^oN e
ıau!l }xau ı(lıue.ıag;p
oP no{ pıno/$ }Etllv\ ,}ua/v\ ı! /noq }noqE ıulql 'SPJP^\Ja}JV ,sEap! Jno{ }no
'pauıel.ıalua 3uıaq Jo 3u!uıe}Ja}ua Jo uo!}Enı!s E uı }xau e.ıe noı( uaq/v\ E
UoIlt?SJOAUoJ l] uI aJl aL{:} üleeJq O] Jnounq 8uısn a
eıuo"ıa3a;ıd r] 3ulssaJdxo a eJı^pp JoJ 8ullslr -ro 3uıpuaruruoJeJ o
3uılso33ns prıe 8uılıruı o LtoIlEJIı\uI ue 3uIuITJap -ro 3uıldaııe O
:Jo sa8E}s aq} JoJ ı(es plnoı
noı( 1uqm uo saıou a>lu14 ,an8eo||o) Jo }ua!|) ssaulsnq e ı(q paulp}Ja}ua
aq (q pue 1sen3 e uıEuelue (u 1q3ııu noı( uaqıı uoısef,)o ue aul8eıu1 7
ıoJn}ınf, .ınoı( uı op o1
3uıq1 1euu.ıou E ı! sı ;sa>1o[ 3uıl;a1 pue JnoLunı{ 3uısn 1noqe 1aa; noı( op l ğl{3§şğ§ı§&§ğjü1ş
Jo suoııEnlls o1 3ulpuodsa.ı pue 3uı>lse;o aten8ue1
aq1 asllıeıd o} uoıl)es sa)Jnosau aı{}Jo 97 a3ed uo spJE) aıoJ aq} asn i
eql dnq tl] uJn] ı(tu s,11 { 18uppnd Jo] sıoqg O l
,]IJeuJq Je.Aell
nod 'ırou 8uıqldue dı1 -raıeu no{ .11 l : lULll [] lL\\ s.lJpJo apıs ıtıy 6
,IInJ uI.] ,alu uo Sl SlrIJ 8
d"ı8unq alınb u,1 9 ılllıvı no,{ 1duıa1 1uürJ ]eLlA\ l
]I ltrq^\ eJns ]ou uı 1 q8noq1 ua,ro
's8uuq JaJIE^\ ar{] Je^a]Eq^\ eıreQ ]].| J
.punoJ dru sı sltl] >IuF{] T9
jJ)lIl nO,{ plnoM J ,qsılced ıı 3rıılaa; ı_u,1
lırqM 1ıq E
a>lı .ıı ıo,{u e pI no p
lJJssJp c ,pauıe8 3uıqlorı 'pe-InJLIo^ 3LtIL{ıoN
: 1 \^ t
cı1 eru a>IIJ noıÇ plno1\ J ,1cn1
;sseP ınod dn p1 1od ale1 1sni 11,1 1
,,J]o 'peeJq ııı-re3 'peles ,aldurexo ıo.1 ,aıoru duı:
'1o aleld llt]uts EJ]xe ue J{ıl nof ppo,1,4 q o8eueru ],up]noJ dleoı 1 pIe{E ru,I
.ıo3 8uıdud ru,1 P 1dn no{ do1 1 ue3
,([-e) ıualeıınba;e.ıalı1 aJou s}! oı (0ı-ı) ase.ıqd q)Ee q)}pı^|
,3uıuıel.ıelua uaq^,\ ı(es ,ıo .ıeaq 1q3lıu nor( s8ulqı aJoLu aulos aJp aJaH

Reference Useful phroses Vocobulary

Inviting Menus
How about going to a Chinese hors d'euvres
restaurant? nibbles *

I was wondering if you'd like to go out for

aThai meal.
Would you like to go for a drink?
Do you feel like going out for a meal?
main course
We could go to a French restaurant.
Suggesting ond offering meat
Can I get you something to drink? seafood
Would you care for another drink? vegetarian
What can l tempt you wilh? side orders
Can I top you up? desserts
Responding to invitqtions ond offers sweets
I'm afraid I'm not very hungry. puddings (BrE)
I'm not very keen on Indian food. afters
I really couldn't manage any more to eat.
I'd rather not have any alcohol.

If you don't mind, I'd prefer a salad.

That'd be great.
That'd suit me.
Would you recommend it2
I'd better not ...

Other useful phroses

It's my round.
to feel peckish

to take pot luck

This is on me.


Study suggestion Build your knowledge of colloquial expressions by writing phrases on cards. You can
look at these quickly every day until you are sure of using them correcdy.Write the
function on one side of the card and the example on the other, e.g. Offering lWhot con l
tempt you with?

4 Entertaining
tuıulel.ıalu] p
'uo!ıEuoıu! pu€ ssaJıs o} uoı}ua}}E ıE!)ads ı(e4 ueuyud E qı!/tt suoııEsJaluo)
ıtadau ,sldl.ıısuu.ı1 aı{ı }p 1ooı put up8e 1.i olpnE oı uaıs!-l ı., uo!ıD!ıunuoJd
o H I f u V 3
N c d I ı n s V d
8uıqldueıo; T- trplno149 f ı o ]^| I 3 z €
a-T l^l t f 9 n o o c 3
ınod ppo,14 ç
N ı I f ) ı -t u o
,eul -Tp]no^^ -I b o X N V 3 J- n o
:- ,tr no,{ 1 | ueJ ıeqM f ) o o 9 f V
o l f
;no,{ -E 1 J leqM Z f l u İ V H ı s
,ü u I ı A I u c
1nod -- ]eqM I ^[
sase.ıqd xıs alaldıuo) o} uaq} asn put ı.{)JtaspJo/y\ s!ı{} u! .r;lT.'J[r;;,] Aıolnqoıo11
,8uıu;ıoru nod ee5 ,rualqoıd oN ,asJnoJ Jo +
,arlcepeaq E
Jo ]Iq e 1o3 aı,1 pue
dep 3uo1 E ueeq s,11 ,8uıuaıa sq} lno o3 1ou 'puıru 1,uop nod ;1 V8
iuoouJe]Je sILI1
8upaaru 3uo1 e 1o3 e^,ag ,]ou Jeueq pıi '§Iueqt'oN +
a{ulJp o} esla 8uıqlaruos fl
aul lues SaqJl^lpuEs eIIIos a^eq
plnoJ eır eqdetrry ,epue8e sq} peqsruu a^.e^^ 1111 uo {JJEJ 'T]aM +
JeuJo3 eq]
puno,r 1sn[ 1upJnelseJ eseulqJ poo8 e s,aJeqJ lI{JunI eulos JoJ 8uıddols ]noqe v
;poo; asauede1 aıo1 ]sn[I 'sad q6 +
13uıua,ra siq] }ueJnelseı asauede{ e o1 o3 ;ı 3uı.repuoıı sE^^ ] V s
,a,raq poo8 dıeı
sde,rıle s,ll ,ecIoI{J ]ua[acxe ue 'se1 +
a,Jeeq 1SEOJ aql Y,
iluellaJxe s,euI^\ sıq; +
;dn no.,{ do1 1ue3 V€
,euu elu ,seA
aq]unl JoJ SaqJI^^pueS aAEq e^\ IPqS va
,]eeJ9 +
ieapl ]ualla?xa ue Spunos IEI{J
a{JoA ur aı,no,{ eIIq^\ e ees VI
^\aN ^\oqs
o} e4!ı JaqıEJ aq Jauoos ol aJE) Jo, aJE] }!ns Puaujı,uo)aJ
,xoq aı,|} ıuo4 pJo/\^ e pue p4oıı. tuısn saıua}uas aqı alaldı,uo3 sesDJıld plasn
ıeJI aq] 8uqee.ıq ı
;ecuaıa;a;d e 8uıssaıdxe a auolle}Iıul ue 8uısn;a.r o
aaJI^pE pue dlaq.ro3 8uılse ı i uoI]elIAuI ue8uıldeıce o
a8ulq}erıos 8uıpueruuıoca; o auosJed Jeq}oue 3uılııu1 ı
:JoJ Jo )u!t{ı noı( ueı sı(eıı 1uaıagıp ı(uutu ııog srr!)s
Making arrangements
l making suggestions to meet in different situations
l giving reasons for meeting
I agreeing times and places to meet and offering alternatives
I confirming arrangements, numbers and addresses

Açıntexü ı How do you arrange to meet people for business?

a Do you normally nıake the arrangements yourself ?

a Docs someone e]se, for example your PA or the receptionist, malıe the arrangements
for you?
Do you normally consult your line manager or other colleagues before arranging a
business meeting?
Do you normally make arrangemenls by plrone, e-mail or letter?

2 What do you find difficult about making arrangements in English?

a times aı-ıd dates

ı using the phone
o ne8ol ialing ıhe meeling

ı clarilying the reason for the meeting and thc agcnda

a understanding the other person
o offering alternatir,,e timcs and dates

tr 5 Making arrangements
sıuaula8u€JJE 3u!)|e]^| s
,s.ollnJa JpIS]no'uar{]
'IIa,{^ 3uraq ,uJULIoJ o] ,sü]riprl] ')I()
']q8la ]e no.{ eas l],eıu 11e lnq f]
deıı oq1 ;(q' s.ounJg ]ır ",>IJoIJ.o ]q8le dlptıoısı,roıd -ius s,lJ] ')I() l
e ]ı e{EuI p]noJ a^A pue 'ıeulıed Jno.{ 8uuq o1 a4ı
p,no,( 1 ", )Io 9
deplıg ,]q8lş ,>IJJqJ
l 1snt aru 1a1 s
;nof ıo.1 poo8 aq >Iee^\ lxJu v
a - uel[^\ ,0S ,1ea"ı3 cQ
ueLI^\ 'o5 plnoı\ leelu e 'Se^ 2
,nod qıl-nı 3ull.roır pa{o[ua e,r,1 s,]EtI]'qo T
,1ıe[oıd 3uıla aq] o] pe]ue^^ ] T
,spJo/v\ 3ulsslı,u aqı a}!J/y\ puE uo!ıpsJaıuo) aq} oı ule3e uals!1 l'§ Z
,s,ounJg uI o1 eaı3e deqJ
n tr ]ealu 8
,leerrl eq1 ıo3 dcd ueIuJaH
tr İ ]]Iı\ l
i{upııg uo leelu o1 1uerua3ueıJe c]Iuuap E aIeLLI daqı 9
tr tr ,IEeLu eq1 JoJ ]eou o1 3uıo3 e;ıe aldocd Jnoc q
tr tr ,3uıuaıa.ıiepııg uo eo4 sI ueIilJaH
tr tr t
,,{11eııos 8rıılaaru aıe ,(eq1 g
tr tr ,sı:opı s,oı8;ıo]D ssnrsp o1 8rıılearu a.ıe ,{aq;
tr tr 7
,sEepl s,uEruJaH e>H
tr tr 1,upıp oı3ıoı..t 1
aI J,
,(asle;) ,ıo (an.ı1) }aauJ oı
1 I>1)!} pue sa)ualuas
aq1 peau ,uELuJeH o} sa4eu oı3.ıoı9 11uı auoqd aqı o} ualsı1 1,5
{\,,/İ ı suoılsa88ns Eugoy11
urlq 8uıdlaq ueeq spq LIeruJeH qııqıı '1oakııd 8uıla>lııuru
1uel.ıodrui ue JoJ elqlsuodsaı uaaq seq eq pue ;a3euelç 1oeto.ı6 JoIueS e sı oı3ıoı1_1
{uedruoc aIIIEs aq} Jo seJUJo ]ueJeJJIp ut ıJor\i\ IsIJqeJ oı3ıoı3 pue 1p[urlJb^ uEıuJaH
Agreeingtirnes to meet 3 $f} 5.2 Read these sentences. Choose the correct missing word.Then
listen to the dialogues and check your answers.
1 How are you next wee]<?

a) reserved b) fixed c) taken d) arranged

2 Well.let's it in for now.

a)pen b) ink c)mark d)pencil

3 We can it up later when you're sure.
a)make b)conflrm c)firnr d)deflne
4 Maybe we can take this discussion over lunch.
a) later b) further c) firmer d) more

5 Yes, that would be good. When you?

a) suits b)fits c) likes d) goes for

6 It would be really nice if we could together for a drink or a meal.

a) meet us b) go c) make d) get

7 Unfortunately, I don't seem to have a clear any evening this week.

a) windoııır b) door c) entry d) room

4 r'[ 5.2 Listen again and write the number of the conversation(s) which:
a makes a possible but not definite arrangement.
b asks the other person what's best for him/her.
c tells us the suggested date is not possible.
d makes a suggestion to continue the meeting.
e makes a vague arrangement, but nothing specific.

5 n 5.2 Listen to the conversations again and answer these questions.

1 what two dates does Frederico offer susanna?
2 Why can't Andrea be sure about Thursday?
3 What are the two possible days for dinner?
ıl what does Andrew offer?

5 What time, day and place do they conflrm?

5 What is the reason for meeting?

7 What expression does Brian use to say he can't meet this week?

Pl"actİÇe l Put these phrases in the right order to make sentences and questions about
making arrangements.
1 if / It would / we could / the project. / to discuss / meet / be good
2 next Monday / be good / Would / for you?
3 two o'clock / Could / next Friday? / you make
4 lunch / How about / for / some time / meeting up / soon?
5 we could l take lyou think / this discussion / further / Do / over lunch?
5 next week? / are you / fixed / How
7 need / to get / as soon l We / together / as possible.
B for you? /When / convenient / would be

tr 5 Making arrangements
s}uaua3ueJJ€ 3u!ı€ı^| 9
ı{}!/t^ q
.uo!}P!)unuoJd aLuEs aqı ıuaı{ı ıEadeJ puE uaıs!-l ,.s LF
Ialoq eq] uI depsaupaM uo >]JoIJ,o eeJq] ]E nod aes II I 8
,eJns eJ,nod ueq,l^ Je]eI dn ruıu ueo
]ı eM l
JoJ uı 1ı 1ıcuad s,la1 9
,ue] O^\ sI] uoos se ıaqle8o] 1a3 o1 paeu a.\\ >IuIq] l s
,qJunl Ja^o JequnJ uolssnoslp slq1 o>IE} ueo eıt aqde6 b
a>Iee^A ]xau pexg nod aJE ıtoH t
,uoouJege depuotrry e{Etu ppoc
I e
1no.(.ro1 poo8 aq >Iee^\ Jxeu dep due plnog T
,passaJ}s aJE }Eı{ı salqellr(s pue
spJo/t^ aqı au!|Japun,suo;1sanb pue sa)uaıuas asaq} oı ua}sı-l ı,s Ç e v
.,{1pe,r eq
,uoouJelJe slql se}nuluı E euı a"ıeds plnoc nod ;ı p;ale"ı3 p,] OI
auolsses dep-p ue 3o 8uı>luıq1 nod eJeM 6
plqlssod a9 ı?i:İ#l'
;alep alqıssod ]sJg eq] sp pJt Z aq] depsan;,1sa33ns I plnoJ 8
son 7
,eueld duı q]tec plnoc os JeI]JEe
-üaau ol 6uıdoq
anoh ülns
J ]Iq e 1l ale{u plnoJ a,ı,r 3uıdoq se^\ J l
;1saq nod ]ins plnom erul] ]eq4 9
,op uec oN
o+ a?D} s!,1+ +noqo:,|I:l
;8uılaaru e a{EIu o] aIqE aq no.{ ppo^\ ueqg ,
i, :' :: :',
,peuJeJuoJ III.J se JEJ sE }no S.ıae^^ ?,iJ'i," ;#:;::
]xeN € rı' :a?UD+S|P
,elep alqıssod s,la1
]saITJEe aq] ıe ıaqla8o1 1e3 7 ıo ssaua}ılod +sa66ns
oJ sE^^
,Jauulp JeAo uolssnJslp s]q:} enulluoJ aJe] p,nod ;ı 8uı"rapuo,rı ] J
,uaqı #,:::,jl:}:J:.;-İ:i
asn a^^
ueı.{i^ uo!}pn}!s aq1 uo 8ulpuadap'auo q)ea o} 1xau (1eı,u,ıolu1l1e.ılnaş) ı/N Jo
'(1euıo1) J aı;JAA,sluaı,ua3ueJJt a4ELu a/n uaqry\ pasn saspJt{d asaq1 ppau €
eq] uoJI oJ slurudıııl"red aq} I]E ql].i\\ 8uılaaru E peou eM 8
elep leq] IIIJu uEc ] eJoJaq
slpc auoqd E a>IEIII o] e^Eq I],I tnq 'Jeuulp ıo3 8uıueıa depuo111 1xau des s,laT l
seapı ınod >IIe] ueo eır ]ğq] os eJeJ ot aJEJ leeru o] ]saq aq plno,t\ ]I IuIq] I 9
,qJunl Je^o slq} sSn3SIp ol plnoı a,,ıı
1a3 ;ı 1ea.ı3 eq p1no^\ ]J !
aJISIA Jno JoJ 8uquıq1 nod a"ıa,ı,t dep qcıq14 1
1ssoq dtu q]lı\ pe>IJeqJ e^,I Jal}E "ıele1 nod o1 1e3 1ue3 (
deı{ qıL depuolg uo Or,0I pcued 11,a14 T
}eauı o] eIqE eq nod pponr uaqg I
4)Eq Jo dn .ıeqlato1 dn ıno uı ı,;tno.ıq1
,xoq aqı ıuo4 suo!}lsoda.ıd tulsn saıua}uas aL|} alalduo3 7
5 a There are some differences between British English and American English
in the way dates are said and written. Read these dates and times and
mark BrE (British English) or AmE (American English) next to each one.
1a O612O|O6 b 20106106
2a the second of November b November second

to write 3a quarter after four b a quarter past four

Tip It is bettzr
4a five of seven b five to seven
5a at the weekend b on the weekend
on whıch 5a Monday through Friday b lrom Monday to Friday
deoending ,,
sgstem is being
b n 5.5 Listen and check.

,E E
6 a Look at these times. Write some of the different ways you can say them.

thirty a.m. midday sixteen

a quarter to seven twenty after ten
in the evening at night

b n 5"6 Listen and check.

Tip The 24-hour
nnt used much ın Z
" f}
5.7 Listen and write the phone numbers you hear.
English, Also,

in Amerıcon

o Jolon 3
English (L?:?O) 4

b n 5.7 Read the numbers aloud and listen again to check.

8ü } 5.8 When we make arrangements,we often need to exchange e-mail

addresses and websites. Read the following aloud and then listen to check.
E-mail addresses

E 5 Making arrangements
s}uaLua3uEJJE 3uı)|tN s
llNa SlHl No S]toN ]>VX CNV lVNEnoI DNlNEV]l Eno^ o_L NEıl MoN ç
ıaLuıl }xeu ı(l1ua.ıag;p oP nor( pıno/V\ ıPt{/ı^,}uaf\ }! ^^oı{ ınoqe 4ull,{}
'sp.ıeıı.ıal;y ,suap1 ,ıno,( }no {Jı'luaı,ua3ue,ıJe up 3u!)ELu ıxau eJp no{ uaq/v\ t
,aıoqe aldoad aq1
;o ı(ue
ıaatu o} sluaıua3uu.ıJp aIELu o} a^pq nor( qılqıı u! uo!ıEnııs ıpal EJo {ulqt z
seJuoJaJuoJ pul] sJlP.l le s]JE]uoJ a
s]uallo ]ueuodlul/snlels-q3rq o
sluel]J 3uııpc-ploı o
sıa4ddns7slueIIJ ]vrau a
eJoJeq ]oru a,req nod sıaılddns7sluallı ı
sarur:druoı ıeq]o a
sıaulıed 1ca[oıd ı
q]p\ e]eJoqe1loı nod sen8ea1loc ı
e8euuul nod oqır aldoad
no,{ a8ııueru oqın aldoad o
ıt|ı!/t^ sluauJe3uu.ı.ıe a4etu
oı Poau nor( op aldoad asaı{ıJo tl)!ıl/vilaldoad Jaqıo q}!rü\ sluaı"ua3ue;,ıe
a4eıu o} paau noı( uaqıı qo[ .ınoı( u1 suo!}Enıls ıuaJaJJlp aqt Japısuo) | elö§ryııpııOsuo;ş
aruı1 ınod sc]se^A oq]u uosJad e J?JSDtl.\-}llllJ
auoeuIos ]snJ] ],uop nod uoqır 8uılaa.; e sıır.ııırdsııs
ıalse1 o3 o1 dıı paads o1
ouoeuıos e8eJnoJsIp ıo auodlsod delap o1 [[o aııo,ıtuos 7ııd o1
8ulqleuıos 1as o1 .ı(l1ensn
'auoqd.ı{q dlensn '1uaruluıodde ue tnoq]lm euoatuos ]Je]uoJ ıı1 Dııılluı-p1o,ı
,3uıııo11o; aql
8uıueaıu aqı >1f,aq)'1ıels noı( aJoJeg ,saıoJ q}oq ,ıo1 ıfus pıno/y\ noı( 1eqıı
ap!)ap'auole tu1l.ıoıı no{ Jı .apnJ 3ulaq 1noqllı,r sa;yed qtoq o}
ıLıolıe;sılus s! ı|)!tl^\ auıo)ıno uu alu;1o3au oı ,(,ı} taul;ed p q}!/ı^ 3uı4ıoıı
a.ıu no{;1 ,uo!l)os sa)Jnosau aı1ıJo g5 a8ed uo spJE) a|oJ aı,1}}E)oo-1 0|
,q]ueeunoJ eq] oun{ depsan1
uo oıg-dlıo; a^]a.^iu ]I?
,ueq] ,s.Iuup^ol:)
1e nod aJs II.I ,JuU Jq p,}er{] 'sa1 :a
1aıg-dl.roJ e^Ia^\} des a,r,r
11eq5 'aunf Jo q]uce]JnoJ erl] depsanJ uo s,IuuP^oI3 1e 3uıleeru aJ,a^\ oS :y :a\dtı]axg
,uo!ıELuJoJu! aı{} 3u!LuJ!Juo) pue 3uııfus
aslpeJd'auolu 8u!l.ıo,tr aJP
1o s{eı^ luaJaJJlp nor( Jı ,sl,uJ!Juo) g luaPnts
puu'aıe;d put aull aı{} sısa88ns V }uapn}s taulıed p ı{t!^\ 8ul»l.ıoıı
a.ıe noı(;1 ,uol})as sof,Jnosau aq} Jo 5y a3ed uo uoılEuJJoJu! aı,|} tE ıoo-1
Reference lJsefulphroses Yocobulory

I nviting ond suggesting cold-calling

It would be good if we could meet up promptly
some time. slight
Would Tuesday be good for you? suspicious
Would you be free on Friday2 time-waster x

How are you fixed this week? to firm something up

Maybe we can take this further over to iron something out
to meet up
How about meeting up next week?
to pencil something in
Could you make Monday afternoon?
to put someone in the picture
I'd like to get together to di.scuss the
proposal. to put someone off

I was wondering if we could meet. to speed up

to talk something through
Could I suggest Monday?

Responding to invitations ond

Thanks for getting back to me.
I could make Tuesday.
I don't have a window this week.
Let me just checl< my diary.
When suits youZ
Next weelç is out, I'm afraid.
No can do.
What time would suit you best?
Were you thinking of this weelç?
When would be convenient for you?

Confirming times ond ploces

I'll see you at ... (time) (day/date) (place)
So, that's ... (time) (day/date) (place)


Study suggestion ln normal speech, we join words together and drop letters.This is why non-native
speakers often say they dont understand. lt's good practice to look at a transcript
while you are listening and to mark the words in the sentence that are joined together.
Then you can practise saying the sentence in the same wa» e.8. Would ony doy nex week
be goo,Pjou?

tr 5 Making arrangements
s}uaua8ueJJ€ 8uııph| s

Put ssoJ}s o} uo!ıua}}t 1elıeds ı(u; uaulıed E ı{}!,1^ suo!}€sJa^uo) aqı }Eadau
,u!E8€ uo!ıDlrunuoJd
san3oıplp aql oı uats!ı pue z,s olpnp JoJ sıdlJ)suuJı aqı ıt 4oo-1 a,, 1*_J
Jeuulp q8noJq1 JeqtJnJ slq} a>Ie} ol a{II pıI OT
8ulleatrı eqt JoJ e]ep eq1 dn uı;ıu ueJ I 6
acEJ o] ace; q8noıqı SIqt >IIE] p]noJ e^\ 3ı poo8 eq pFo^\ 1I 8
,aru o1 dq 8uılla8 JoJ s{ueqJ l
,eppeqcs aq] dn 8uıpaads
3o de,ıı due s,aıaq1 J Jepuo^l I 9
,lueruoru er{t JoJ depııg
}xau uI 1ıcuad uec a,1,1 ç
;nod o1 ]ualueıuoJ eq plno^\ uaqg ,
aJequnJ Slq] SsncSIp o] uo ]aeu uEc a,1^ aqdery g
,srualqoıd eq}
Jo eruos ui uoJI o1 3uılaeru e pe8ueı.re a41 7
JJo Jeq 1nd 1 os 'qJunl JoJ Jaq lealu ol ]uE^^ t,uplp JI
.suo;11sode.ıd aqı
})aJJo)'aı;; .ıaq1o oı{} uı ,ueqı (7ı) 4ı;l,paJJo) aJp sa)uo}ues osaq} Jo a^!J Aıolnqoıo11
;depı.rg 1xau {colJ,o ua} eleru t no.{ a.ıe44 91
;1saq nod 1ıns I no.{ e"ıe ,\[oH 5
;8uıuıoru e]EI Jo dlıea ;o 8uD]ulq1 ül eq nod plno6 8
8uıu.roru depsaupar14
uo ]aelu plnoJ eır 3ı 8uı.rapuoı,r no,,i ppo3 2
a>Iee^\ ]xeu pexJJ J 01qII p,I 9
luoos arul] aruos dn 3uılaarı e aq plno^\ uaqM s
i uoouJeTe ee{ p se^\J t
,q8noıq1 3 aı,r aqdery g
]l >Ipl o] nod qlıı,r ıaqla8oü üe3
1nod ıo3 }ueJueluoJ q plno^\ etuu ]EqM Z
aq]unl Ja^o JaI{unJ slq] e>IEl ueJ E ]noqE T
uo;şa83ns ı)aJJo) E a4p[u oı (l-t) 8ulpua ue ı{t!/v\ (oı-ı) tuıuul8aq q)Ea q)}Eı,^| saso.ııld pJasn
;1uauıa3ue" ue o>IEIII oJ snonul}uoc 1sed eq1 ]o IuJoJ e asn nod 1q3ıuı uaqr14 7
2suoılse88ns esaq] Jo qoee asn nod 1q3ıru uaqg I
,laaul o1 uol1sa33ns e 3u1>1eu 1o s{eıı ıuaJaJJıp xıs Jo 4u!ql srrl)s
l saying you have to leave
I summarizingat the end of a meeting
I thanking and expressing appreciation
l making plans to follow up


l Consider when you might have to leave an appointment or meeting. Which

of the following situations might be applicable for you? What would you
normally say and do, e.g. promise to call, shake hands, etc.?
ı At a conference or trade fair
o over drinks at a bar
ı over ]unch or dinner
ı At a c]ub

ı At a sporting event with clients or colleagues

ı Visiting a client
o Hosting a client
o Going out with colleagues
o Meeting to discuss business
ı Meeting prof'essional associates

2 What do you find most difficult about leave-taking? Make a note of some of
the problems you have encountered.

ü,l b ü ü ü ü b b b b ü ü b o ü ü b ü,b

tr 6 Leave-tal<ing
8uı>lel-aıea1 9
a8ul]eau eq] dn ol ea"ı3e deq] op ]\^oH L
(]1 poeu JOq lEedeJ EuuV seop
aa^eel €
;puodsa-r eJnJg sJop ıtoH Z
1uoıleıcaıdde pue s>lueqt ıaq ssa"ıdxa EuuV Seop I
,3uıııo;1o1 oı{ı }noqe
4uıı|ı pue uo!}€sJaıuo) s.a)nJg pup EuuVJo }sal aı{} o} uo}s!-l e"*
fu*P t
,1eeı3 ueaq s,11
, puu dlılelıdsoq ınod eleıoa"ıdde dleo,ı 1 3 ,+5a+Dl
,]Sa]eI ar{] ,Se^ ""'Z:::":o:!I:;i'i:,
IuJIurIJo] oq] r{]I,!\ Jcrtl aA,I JaUE lE Ll]6Z aqı fepı"ıg dq l
,q]uou ,1Ll8]u
s]rl] Jo pua aQJ eJoJaq uoIJJakııd pegıporu;no ecnpoıd 9
,p.ıı-ı3ıı J.\.J \\ ]eq.\\ ,oS
rlulq] I c
jo] paeu aıı 8uıqldıe;ra e^\ e^ELl
,Ju}eJ] uı dn p,I 's.]^ €
1q3neı 1a3 o1 1ue,ır1,uop I -"
a^\ uEJ T
, ]nq ,{-ııos tu,1 I
,spJo^^ 3uıssıı,u aqı alaldı,uo3,ule3u uoılpsJaıuo) eı,|} o} ue}s!-l ,,ç '{ }' z
,J^nJ[ rıl scL{ aLls s,{ns ııuuy
,op o1 paa;ı3e sEq aqs
tr .uoıpaloıd pa!}!PoY
]EL{^\ sozlJeLuruns EuuV o+ buıoo
tr ıno aınpoıd
ssauısnq paqsluuun,{uE s,aJaq] JI s>IsE r]uuv İ ,ı r ,uold D Jo uo!+uz+u!
,op o1 paaı3e seq eq +noqo ılo+ ol
JprIı\ sezrJt]Iuulns aJnJ[I İ uD, " ziv\ dıI
o+ 6uıo6 asn
,aueld,ıaq seqJ]EJ euuv
]eq] uJoJuoJ sıq sassaıdxa puE uol]esJa^uoJ oql pua o1 saaı3e aınıg tr
"ıoq sassa,rdxa pue eJnJg s{uer{] EuuV E
uapJo aqı )f,aq) PuP
uo!ıpsJaıuo) s.a)nJg pue EuuVot uaıs!ı uaql,uaddeı.{ pınoı{s,(aqı »lu;q1 no,(
JapJo aı{} u! sdals aq1 1n6 ,tullaau e 8ulpua u; sdals asaqı }p )oo-1 ş,* L,*§ ,
,6uıo6 +a6 +Snu 1
, u1
6 ı ınc U)r ,6o",, ,1,1od
wJ asn uD? 2^^
,r{Junl 3uıqsıuı1
1snt aıe .{aqtr
,1oa[o-rd r\r\oLI Jo} sluaruo8ueı.ıe
lEIJuEuu SSnJslp ol
aJnJg'JolJaJIp eJuEuu s,;(urzdruoı
-ıoq 8uılısıı ucoq sEI{ pJEJcD ELIuV tİ{3ışğştşğ§ğ"ğd
Pronunciotio, 4 n 6.3 We use a falling intonation to express certainty. Listen to these
phrases and notice how the intonation falls on the final stress. Repeat the
phrases with the same intonation.
1 I ı
really must be gqing.
2 Can we leave it there? \
3 Let's just recap on what we've agreed. ı
4 I'll gg[ that to you by Friday. ı
5 Thanks for everything. ı
6 lt's been great. \
7 I'll be in touch. \

5 trJ 6.4 Here are some more common phrases we use when leave-taking.
Listen to each sentence and write it in the correct column according to its

Saying you Summarizing Expressing thanks Following up

have to leave and appreciation

can we leave it
there {or now?

Practİce l Write full sentences using the foltowing words.

Example Thanks / coming / short notice
Thanks for coming at such shoıt notice.
1 must / going
2 must / tracks
3 leave / there?
4 recap / meeting / so far
5 get l you / end of the week
6 appreciate / done / for me
7 be l toıch / soon as possible

6 Leave-taking
3uı>;el-aıea-1 9
llNn SlHl No S]loN :)VX CNV lVNEno[ ıNlNEV]l Eno^ 01 NEnrMoN e
ıaı,u!ı }xau
,(11ua.ıag;p op nor( p|no^r\ lEtl^[ ,ıua/v\ t! ınoqu 4ulq1 'sp.ıeıı,ıaryy
,seap! ;noı( 1no r(ı1 ^,\oq
'uol1enlls 3ullel-aıea| E u! ıxau a.ıB nor( uaq^[ z
dn-,r,ıo11o3 o1 sueld 8uqery ı
queq1 pue uol]ElJeıdde 8uıssaıdxg ı
8uızı;erurun5 o
e^Ea] o} aıeq nod 3uıde5 ı
eq} ot alqeı;ldde eq pıno^^ ıp paıoo| aı€q a^/\ 1eq1 8u;4el-aıEa| Jo sa8els ;no1
aq} Jo q)ııl/v\ }noqE )|uıı{l,uo!}Pn}!s aqı u; ,fus 1q3;ıu no{ 1eı,lıı a,ıede.ı4 ,aAPa|
.lno{ a4e1 o1 aAEq }{3;ı.u noı( ueqıı }ue!|) ssoulsnq E q}!/t^ uo!1un}!s p Jo )ulql ı uoı}cpıİo§uo3
E t|ı!/v\ )JoAA,uo!ı)as sa)Jnoseu aqt u! 79 a8ed uo SPJE) a|oJ aqı ıE 4oo-1 s
İa}oJi^ noı( suap! aq} sE atuPs aı,|} {aq1 a,ıy
,s3ulpue aıqp}ıns a4uu oı spJE) pal aqı q}!/ı^ spJE) anıq aq} q)}Eır,t
,asu.ıqd,3u;>1el-eıea;, e 3ulsn a)ua}uos q)Ee
o1 3uıpua })aJJo) p a};JAA,tu1>1el-eıeaı JoJ sa)ua}ues alel.ıdo.ıdde tulleıu
asılıe.ıd pup uoı})as so)Jnosou aq}ro 19 a3ed uo spJp) pal aı,|}}p)oo-1 pv
,.ıeqla8o1 8u»lıo,ı,r o] pJE^^JoJ 8uqoo1 dllea"ı ru,1 ,InJesn uaaq s,]ı pu13 ru,1
J tr
,]q8IU Jnod sslru
l.u]snuı no1,esJno, Jo 's3^ e tr
,rualqo"ıd oş p
1aınseeld IeeJ E ueeq s,11 tr
,Jaqlunu apqoru dru
1o3 aı.no1,eru ]xe] uec nod Jo ", sa^ J tr
,^^oJJoIuoJ q8noJql rueq1 xp.J pue uıe8e saın8u esoq] >IJeq] lI,I pue ", ]eaJD q tr
", s,reılddns Jno ]Iec o1
3uıo3 uı,I 'oS ,decaı 1snf s,}al 'sc1 e tr
,/v\oıaq asuodse.ı
aı{} aplsaq Joqlunu aı{} aı!J^\ pue sıfus uos.ıad ı,|)Ea }Eqru oı uatsı-l 5,9
LF r
1a3 7 / ]snru / se / se 7 3uıo3 /uoos /| l
11,] i o1 l ]ues l 7 sa.ın8g eql / ]e3 9
dn7,nod/]JeJ]uoJE /I],eM/]a3 / u^AEJp l JoJ S
I].I / lI lueI]M 7 auoqd l]?3 / r.o[, +
}Eq}/aq] lJo leqtl,>Iae^\ 1fqlp3 /pue /euop/11,I €
qcno] / depuory / LI l u\ 1 uo 1 pB 7
]Eq] / dq l[,| / oü
ll:B lr.ofi 7 depı;ıg 1
,sa)ualuas asoı{} u! JapJo ı)aJJof,
aq} u! spJo/v\ aq} }nd ,3uı4el-aıeaı uaq/v\ ıaE qılm suoıssa.ıdxa esn uauo oA z
Reference Useful phroses Vocobulory

Ending o meetlng at short notice

can we draw it to a closeZ to collaborate
can we leave it there? collaboration
I'd better get going. deadline
I must be going. to draw up

I must be making tracks. *

to finalize

to get caught up
Let's just recap.
to make tracks
To sum up, ...
Can we go over it once again?
Expressing th onks and oppreciotion
to recap
I really appreciate all you've done for me.
to text
Thanks for being so helpful/co-operative.
Thanks for making us feel so welcome.
It's been really useful.
I've found our time together really

Making plons to follow up

I'll getlbe in touch.
I'll get that to you by ...

I'll get (something done)by...


Study suggestion lt helps to practise what to say you can take one part in the conversation. ln the
dialogues, play the CD part of one person.Then stop the CD and try to say the other
person's Part.Then listen to the CD to compare.You can use the transcript at first, but
try to memorize your part of the dialogue.

@ 6 Leave-taking
3u;lel-aıea1 9
PuE ssaJ}s Jnol
uo 3u;lu.ılua)uo)'.ıaul.ıed p qt!/t^ pnoı€ uo!}tsJaıuo) aqı ppau ,uoııEsJaıuof eqı
o1 uıe8e ua}s!,l ,(79 a3ud) z,9 pue 1,9 sldl.ıısueJı oıpne }E )oo-1 z,9'| ,9 1 ,F uoltopunuoJd
- 8uı>lel-aıeel uI pasn uago pJo^\ V
11,1oM ]alJaS
sluıod uıeu aqt ]e uIe8E >IooI oJ /
slsan8 8uıruoılaır pue JalJp 3uqoo1 9
-ıoqüa8oı )[ıoı,ı oJ !
1ca[oıd e 3o uoılalduoc eql JoJ e]ep puu aqJ ,
(9 ,ç) 3uluıe,u eplu dJe^ q]],^^ €
s]]nsal 'aldruexc JoJ !o uoltJıpaıd y 7
'ç),,JuJpJ] uI o] ,S{JeJ] e>Ielu Je]leq p,I,
k'9 luE1,1,1 ],uop ] I
,pJo^^ Aıopqoıo11
}aJ)as aı{} pulJ pue alzznd aqı u! ılll
ao] ---uenn8uıqld.ıaıa -----euu ---- JoeJoIIIc^^ --EtI'oS 9
-'o3aı,no,{ oJ]aq1 IIE ------ıdde1 g
Joeq]o]1ceq --3] -- uoos -- nod --oqd[,I t
,paa;ı8e --,aır]Eq^t --^oo3 --n[ o] --eueM

,--opa,r,nod -----.{.ra,raJoJ --nuıos - EIIJ Z
,--u3uıo3 --3o] --Eqil,I 4eru,I I
,sase.ıqd asaq1 alaldı,uo3 sasoııld plasn
dn,rıo1o; o1 sueld 3uqu6 p
uoıleıcaıdde 3uıssaıdxa pue 8uqueq; ı
8uıleerrı ı? Jo pua eq} tlı 8uIzIJEruunS q
e^ea[ o] aneq no,{ 3uıde5 e
,ı(ıo3alzı E oı JEaq no,ı( 1uaı,ualels
[])Ea q)ıtı,^| ,3uı»lul-eıeaı u! pa^|o^u1 sal.ıo8aleı JnoJ aJE ,ı^oıag ,8ullaaur p aıpa|
o1 tuı.ıeda.ıd a.ıe ,(aq1 uaqıı {es aldoad s3u;q1 aq} }o aulos o} uaıs!-l 9,ş [ § slrPrs
Note: The material on pages 46-52 may be photocopied for use in class.

Unit I

Making conversotion My
do meet heard about
+---- - -- ------ - ----l--- ---- ----- - -----t

... , aren't
before introduce glad

ntCe colleague Let me

welcome repeat i finally

pleasure i

I'm delighted


Where... role ClüCl you Say/

Come l
(o] ı-oJ

Unit l
What would you soy?
1 You meet someone for the first time after communicating with
him/her on the phone and by e-mail.

2 You meet a long-term customer after he/she has been on holiday.

3 You bump into some colleagues in a restaurant.

4 Someone offers you their business card, but you realize you
haven't got yours with you.

5 You want to ask a client if you can use his/her first name.

5 You realize the other person's English isn't very good and that you
need to speak slower.

!l Resources from Socialising by David King @ »ELTA puBLIsHING 2oo5

sa]Jnosau Sooz 9NüHst,Ig]ıd vITTcI p1 3uı1 pı,ru6 ı(q liı.ııslluı,ıo5 uıo:.1
>lIE} o} peau nod oq^\ puE nod auooluos ueas JsnI
eAPq no^,elelJossE uE ol8uDIIP} uoI}JunJ Sseulsnq e }e eJE no^
,no,( uıof
o} JaAo Seluoc noz( asla euoaluos '8uulpl a,re nod auI{M
,lueIIJ alqıssod ^\oul
e o13uule} pue uoI}JunJ sseulsnQ e ıe eJe no^
,o18uulpl,ıır nod uos;ıad aq]
pauıo[a.r aAEI{ no1 ,11eı auoqd 1ue3ın uE a>Ip} o1de,ı,te peIIEc eJa^^
lnq'euoaluos o13uulpl eJa^^ no1,uollJunJ ssaulsnq E lE aJE no1
,lueIIJ ıno.{ qlı,r,r uolJesJeluoc ;ınod 8uıldn.r.raluı
's8uı.ı auoqd JnoA,euoqd alıqoıu ınod uo 1eı 1uul.rodruı
ue 8uılıadxe eJE nod 1nq'luell, Atau E o18uqlel aJE no1 no( p4oü^ toLl^A
ğ ş!Lın
i\ §lo)
,J}a 'uleueJun uoI}En}IS pIJoM
/ aIqElS Sa}EJ }saJe}ul / S}aIJEIII
IIIo4 }saJelul / sJapJo uI esIJ 7 dn 8uqcıd 7 qsı88nls ueeq sı]q :üIool}no
eJn}nJ pue uollenJls ssaulsnq 1uasa.rd eq} }noqe .reul,red .ınod 1e; gg
,slcadso.rd eJn}nJ pue
uollen}ıs ssaulsnq eq} tnoqu sıuu} aqs/aq }Eqır Jeuued,rnod IsV ys
,seepl u,rno ;nod ppe pue sIIE}ep eJoIII JoJ
eq} Seu]Ilno eqs/eq sE ue}slT ,1cefo.rd e uo q}u^ 8uqJo,ııı
eq ill^^ nod oq,ın I{JuEJq Jeqloue ruoı; an8ealloJ p }aru 1snf eıeq no1 gü
,Jle'sEepl a8ueqcxa
1,nod 'seullpeap 's8uılaaul eJnlnJ :}noqe IIEJ ,seapl JaI{/sIq
JoJ JaI{/ruIq {sE pue 1ca[o.rd eq} eull}no ,1ca[o:ıd e uo qlIM 8uq:ıo,ın
eq IIIıI nod oq,ın qcueJq JeLI}oue ruo-ç an8ealloJ E ]aru 1snI aıeq no^ Vt
uI }seJeJuI Jo s}ol8uılle8 / JJels uo 8uule1 7 sasırua.ıd
^^eu ^^au
:ıa8,rel;ıo;8uqoo1/ s}alJetu ıreu o}uı 8uıpuedxa / {ooq JepJo IInJ
i :duedruoı ,rnod uı sluarudolaıap n^eu 8uılıcxe }noqp .raılddns ,ınod 1a; gg
i- - - - - - - - - -_ _____ ______
s,}uell3 ınod uı slueurdolaıap }salel aq} tnoqe ırou{ 1,uop no1 y€
i ,cla '8uıle.rado
;o spoqlaru
İ ,ı,tau ıo;8uqoo1 7pe{oıd}uauluJelo8,rııau uo 8u»l-ıo,ı,r 7 a1OoeO eıIe^u
i ıo }uarul.ıedap 7
u8ısap Jo ppaq :aloı :ınod }noqe an8ealoc ,ıno.{ 11a1 g7
o}uı 8uııouı / sle>IJeru JoJ 8uqoo1 7 cırueudp 7 8unod
^^eu ^^au
:dueduıoı .rnod 1noqe }uaHJ pılualod ıno,{ 11a; ,1aru 1sn[ dpo an,no1 g1
3uıoE uoııosJe^uo)
o 3uığaay
l S,]uJIlJ ,rnod 1noqe rIJnIu 1,uop nod puE }etu 1sn[ dpo e^rno^ VI
l---------- ^^ou{ z ı!un
Whot would you say? 1 A visiting client is staying in your town for the weekend. You
want to find some common interests so that you can invite
him/her to spend some time with you.

2 You find yourself talking to the boss of your company at an offlce

drinks party. The boss is of the opposite gender to you.

3 You are going to work on a new project with a male colleague

from another country. He visits your office. You haven't met
before. You are talking to him in the coffee break.

4 You try to make conversation about holidays vtrith a visiting


5 A line manager of the opposite gender pays you a compliment on

the way you are dressed.

6 A visiting client tells you he must phone home urgently on a

family matter.

7 You are talking to a female colleague and you find out that her
husband has recently died.

8 A co]league of yours wants to talk about one of his/her managers

whom he/she doesn't like.

\rİlıl" <t

l nviting and responding

İ Al lnvite B to a nightclub. Bl Refuse As invitation, saying you are

İl Use ... ıponderiııg if ... too tired.
i---------- - -_-----!---T -- --_---------l i

İ az asl<Bwhatheishewantstodrink. i 82 Sayyoudon'twantalcohol,you'lljust
' water.


have a glass of İ

.A3 Ask B if he/she's feeling hungry. 83 You're feeling quite hungry, but don't like
Invite him/her for an Indian meal. spicy food. Suggest an alternative.

A4 You are in a bar, and B's glass is empty. 84 Say you think it's your turn to buy the
drinks and ask A what hei she wants.

A5 Say what you prefer to eat. Ask for advice. 85 Listen to what A would prefer to eat.
Recommend something.

i .\6 You need to 'break the ice' with B. i 86 Listen to As joke. Tell A another joke.

I Say something

-V ---------i-

Resources licıı-ır.§ociıı/isiıı,1 l.r l)ar id Kiıı!. :e DELTA I,uBı,IsHI\G 2oo5

sa)Jnosau Scıcız oNıHsır[nd vı,,ıllo (o 8uI) pııeq dq DıısllulJos luo{
,}uaua3uEJJE aql 8uıruıguoc
oJ puE
'aceld pue elep 'erul} lnoqe suoılsa83ns 8u»leru eslloeJd dleıcos
euoeluos 1eau o} 1uarua8ue.ue uE eleru o} e^Eq nod aJaq^^
IJo^\ JE uı ;1asınod puu >Iu]qI 9
dlleryıe 1q3ıru nod uoılenlls E Jo >Iu]rIJ,
,1uarua8uuJJe eq} ruJuuoo dleulg ,uollef,oI eAI}EuJauE
ue aleı1o8au o1d,rl,pooJ esaulqc eIil },uop nod .41aleuruJoJuI]
depıryu5 uo >Iee^^ E u^^ol uı pauado 1snf 1ue.inelseJ asauIIIJ
A\au E o} lno.ıaul;ıed.rnod puu nod a>le1o} sluem ssoq JnoA s
.1uaua8ueJJp eq}
IuJIJuoJ .{1puıg ,qloq nod JoJ lualueıuoD sI I{cIq^^ aceld pue etpp
'arul} aleı1o8aş ,s{ea^^
o^^J 1xau aql JoJ dılunoc al{t Jo ]no aq ilıı\
nod z[laleunuoJull ,1ca[o;ıd 1ueJal e uo >IJoır poo8.ınod.ro3 nod
IuEI{] o} IEeIu e JoJ lno nod ale1 ot e)H plno^\ alelJosse sseulsnq V ü
,1uatua3ueJJe eqJ ruJguoD ,aceld E pue alull E
,sJueJnelseı poo3 due ı.nou>1},usaop aqs/eH ,8uıuaıa sıq1
nod 1aeru ot eüIu plno^^ pue u,l^ol uI sI JueITc penp^ pue u^^oul V €
aceld pue aIuIJ E
ıuJuuoo dleulg ,c}a 'JoJ 3uo1 ı,roq 'uaq^\ 'alull JELI^^ - sIIE}ap eJoul
JoJ Jaq/ruq >IsV ,tI eIEIu uec nod JI eJns lou eJ,no^,>Iea^^ sF{1 Jo
I ,{epı,rg uo >IJo^A Je}JE >IuIJp e
.ro;8uılaaru slsa88ns an8ea1loc JnoA
I z
,1uarua8ueJJe eq} ruJuuoc ,eIuIJ E ,eun{ q171 depsan;
1sa33n5 sluatua3uoııa
uo l{3unl JoJ JuEJne}saJ S.IuuPAoID ]E laelu o} peplJep a^Eq no^ I 3 u ı ıu ı lu o> p u o 3u ı4o11,1
s }!un
Ljııit §
Mlhot woujd you soy? ,\1 At a conference Bl At a conference
You have met a potential You have been talking to A
client for your product. You about his/her products, but
want to develop the contact you don't want to continue
over dinner. Invite B and try the discussion. Refuse the
to persuade him/her to invitation politely, but suggest
ioin you. another time.

.\2 Talking to your boss 82 Talking to your boss

You urgently want half an You are As boss. You are very
hour with B (your boss) to busy and don't want to hear
discuss a problem concerning about As problem.
another member of staff.

.A3 Cold-calling 83 Cold-calling

Your company has a new You're not very interested in
product. You want to arrange As product. Try to put
to visit B to tell him/her himiher off.
about it face to face.

A4 Collaborating on a project i Bıl Collaborating on a project

You are working with B on a you need to talk to A about
new project. You've got some the project, but you've got a
ideas on how to speed up the very busy schedule for the
schedule. you need a two- next two weeks, including a
hour meeting with B. flve-day trip to NewYork.

A5 Old colleagues 85 Old colleagues

You are trying to sell a new you haven't heard from A for
idea, so you are ringing old three years. He/She suddenly
contacts. you haven't been in rings you up, and you are
touch with B for three years. suspicious about his/her
Arrange to meet. reaSonS. I

- -!- --------_----J

86 Support from a

İ eO Sopport from a

i goo"rnment department governmentdepartment


Your company needs You worl< lor a government

department and you are

İ gou..nment support for a

responsible for liaising wiı h

İ newproject. Speakto a
local businesses.You want to

İ member of the government İ

İ d.purtment to try to arrange co-operate with companies,

but you must be careful of

a meeting to discuss the i

project. time-wasters.


Resources froın.Sociııli.siııgı l-ır-l)avid Kiııg e) »ı:LTA ı,uBLrsHlNG 2oo5

sa)Jnosau Sooz oNIHsITsna vııı« 6 8uıy plleo dq filIsrlDlros luo{
l 'ıq8U.{ru ssıuı ", ",
l iaJeII} }I e^EeI
,elu JoJ euop

,S)TJEJ] q_____*___ i
I '§IJEJI8uuleru
I ,| duDTEtU aq ^_",
Jo ;
eı,nod 8uıq$ıaıa.ıo1 ", I
h l
:]: _____i


I ,eJnsEeld
dllplıdsoq Jnod 11E
", IEaJ E ", i
Whot would you soy? A1 You are aware that B needs Bl You've just looked at your
to leave to catch a train. watch and you realize you
However, you want to malre must go now if you are going
sure you have B's contact to catch your train. Say
details before he/she leaves. politely that you have to leave

.A2 You are finding B very boring. l g2 Vou are talking to A about
You want to leave, but you your last project. Tell A about
don't want to be rude. the deadlines, problems,
people you worked with, etc.
Try to make sure you finish
before A leaves.

A3 Belbre you leave, sum up the 83 The meeting has ended. You
meeting. You want to make know A wants the latest
sure B is going to send you the prices of your products, but
latest price details of his/her they haven't been published
products. You're going to yet. However, you want to
put in an order as soon as make sure A makes a flrm
you've got the prices. order.

A4 You have entertained B as a Blt A is an important client. You

visitor to your company for have been entertained as a
the last two days. The visitor to As company for the
restaurant last night was last two days. The hotel was
awful. you know that B must very noisy, and the meal last
go to catch a plane. Say night was awful. Thank A
goodbye. and express your

;; ;;;;;;;;;;;,"ilring to B 85 You have been talking to A

for half an hour in the bar at for half an hour in the bar at
a conference. Now you don't a conference. you think A is
think B is going to be a useful going to be a very useful
contact. Politely, say you contact. Try to keep the
must leave, sum up the meeting going.
meeting and thank B for
buying the drinks.
@r? i--_


Resources lioıı-ı Soı,iılisiıııl b1 Daı,icl King C) »ıı.rı pı]BLrsHıNc 2oo5

s{a)| Ja^^suE pup s}dlJ)suPlI
eql ul eloJ Jno{ S,lü]tJ^\ puE ", op no,ı( op ı:Vto|| *
,JEef laEI{JIW
]SEI 'an3ea1loc dru aınpoılul cru ]eT ,euloJ plnoJ
JIEJ apEJl pIJpIrW arl] lE leru e^\ eqdı]W ie]t\ aAEH +
nod palq8ııap ıu.I ,e]IüIEN JI^l '3uıuJotu pooD v i
,eJaq eq o1 aınsecld
IEaJ E s,]I +
ef,eld e]Inb ],ueJ l ]nq 'eJoJaq ]eul a^,el,V\ eJns Iu,] V 9
,oJour elu 1noqe s8uFI1 poo8 dueul
IlaJ lno,{ eJe 'qo + os pJpoll e^,e1'1 ,laru dlleug aı,a,r,r pe13 os ru,I v €
eJ,{ ,nod
1aaru o1 paseald dJeA +
lxeu adoJnE uJeJse[ o]ul puedxe ot 8uldoll eJ,eM V s ,o]ueltJeloed'eloed'SaA V
le nod ]eeu] o] poSPeId ,1tl3u S,leq] ,Se^ +
a]I sE^^ 'eloed - erueu,lsJU ınof 1a3 ],uplp ] dııo5 +
j}q3l-ı 1rue 'ruıqoeo{ aq ]Snu no,,i 'o11ag v 7 ,LIEIIW 'Euuoc a luuElD tLIo4 'o]ueIIJ uloEd V
l]EQ] SEı\ ueqM ae^\ e^PLl,Llo +
,1ıa[o.rd a
", JJI] nod puy ,suor]JnpoJd
plegdery ıo; ıa.,{ng JaIqJ 'uosıepuy 11f uı,1 +
aruus ar[J uI pa^Io^ul uaaq dlqeqoıd a,t,aiı,r )ulll] l V € ,peJnpoJlul uaeq e^,a^\ a^altoq V
],uop I Z
dlenlce-},ue^Eq I 'oN +
dpeaıp 11aıı,{pa.ıd Jaq]o qJEe eır ]eeJ J 'sa^ v
;nod 1,uaıeq 'allsqa^l
Jno dpecıp aı,nod o]
,uosJed uı no.ıt ^\ou{ s,lı
]eeu] 1r:aı3 1nq
]o SSeJppE 3tI1 ]O3 ıulql I V Z
,Llo 'auoqd eql uo ue>lods ua]Jo aı,e^\ '8uru-roru pooD +
.,J.]UJo tlJıLlM .,,{[[ı],rı +
,ıeq8ueq5 ruoı.1 3ueq3 JW Lu,] 'oIIeH v
,IEuot]euJe]u] pJoJxO JoJ >IJO^/\.
,TeJp 01 JdeJLtoc
depo1 a"ıeq nod aruoıla;ı,r
IIIo4 eulll punoJl]uJn] alqıssod ]seuorls erl1 q suol]do
o] e1tt p,I ", depo1 o-ıeq nod euloo]a^\ o1 ", ,{epo1 eJoH 9
Jo Jeqlunu ır LI]I^^ ]uaITJ e ]uaseJd i\\ou>I nod
", sa8els
8uıuueld IEI1IuI Jno dn paads p]noJ rI)Iq^\ IIIJ]sds
dlleuu a,r.a,ır peseald dleeı ru,1 ", 1aru dleug e^,a1,1 q
e ıo1 3uı>1oo1 tu,J 'Ja8EuEI/t 1ıa[o,r4 JoIueS se 'lIeM :dH
,eluoJ p]noJ no,{ peP
,,ıo;3un1oo1 nod 3uıq1 ;o uos }IrqM 1{1eag :gş
os Lu.I ", euloJ p[noJ no.{ peP os ", auıoJ plnoJ no1 i ,3uılso.ıoluı
d,ıe,r ", 1no 1q8noıq
,aIuEu Jnod rlJ]eJ
],uplp I !fuJos 1snI aı,nod aJE^\JJos ıtou slq] pue oo] nod 1noqe
", euıeu -rnod qıleı l,uplp I ", oLLIeu "ınod qıle3 E ]ol e pJEeI{ JA,aM o] eJIu s,]eqJ a]l s] 'qo :dH
;op nod op ", op nod og 7 ,punoJe 8uılla8 s,euIeu ıno1
^loH 1nod
1aaru o] pasecld ... nod 1ıary 1 1,ua.rı: '3uıuıEJl eleJodJoJ uI oJ,nod 'esJnOJ Jo :HS
+,I auaq] Jo pJeeq a^lno^ 1poo3 dıar1 :411
anod ] ueJe 'rqoq{oo]S uI paseq
depo1 a.raq no,{ auıoılaır ol JüIll p,t 9 aJıno1 i!\ou{ I ", sad qp ;,{es nod plp ,suol]nlos t1c{ :SlI
,]Jtu {IIEuu a,r,a,rı paseold dleoı ru,1
.c ,suol]nlos
dırm oq] dq ,pıec ,{ru s,eıa11 Cd :dH
,atuoJ plnoJ nod peP os ru,J
L ",uro{
2duedruoc qJIqM
,arueu ınod qJ]eJ tlrıo5
],uplp 1 aı,nod pue ", srua]sdspeadş^ o} oruo]le1,1 :]Je^\e]ö^ EsIT
2op nod op Z dep aq] 8uızıue8,ıo JoI elqlsuodseJ s,oq^^
,nod ^^oH
]aeu o] pasecl.I I 'up^\o]S EsIT an8eelloı duı sı slq1 pue ,1ıa[o,ıd slq] uo
ıeu3ısap pı?el eql 'a^\oH uEaS Iu,J ,JJetJ no,{ aes ol eJru
dleaı s,11 ,nod 1aaru o1 pelq8l1ap '{IJuoH 'ol[eH :HS
,uıe3e nod aes o] aJIu 'esJnoJ
Jo V ,uesJeped
{IJueH ", uesJapad S,]] :uesJapad üIIJuaH
,pppew uI JJuJJ+uoJ s,JeJ,{
lsEI ,auruu
-rnod qJ}ı]J ],uplp I .{JJo)- :eMoH tlıres
,3uıqsllqn.1 dıqs"ıeler1,1 luo4 eJIJd alE)I +
]e ]aıu a14
,nod I,I
aJE[d alınb 1,ueı
I ]nc,I 'eJoJeq JeIII al,e^\ eıns tu,J dııos dlqıııa] uı,I v s §ıdlJ)suD{
ı +!uı ı
sı(e>; Ja/nsue pu€ sıdu)sup4
Answer key 4 Thanks. I'm alraid I haven't got my card with me,
but l'll send it to you straightaway. Here's my
email address, by the way.
l 1 Sean introduces Lisa 2 gives 5 Do you mind if I call you (Ana), by the way?
3 the company's name 4 had heard
6 Sorry, I think I'm probably going too fast. Shall I
5 had heard software
6 7a buyer 8 faster
repeat that more slowly?
21 lt's Henrik Pedersen.
2 I'm Sean Howe ... and this is my colleague Lisa Review
Stewart... Usefui phroses
3 ... who's responsible for organizing the day. 1d 2a 3f lb 5c 6e
4 I ]<now. You're based in Stockholm, aren't you? Vacabuiary
5 Your name's getting around. 1 out 2 around 3 about 1 ol 5 in 6 up
6 ... and this new software you've just brought out. 7 around 8 out
7 What sort of thing are you looking for2 Fı"orıunçiııtioıı
3 2,4,5,10 Suggested answers

4 1 spoken on the phone; in person; know each other 1ı I work for Oxford Intcrnational. \
2 been introduced; didn't get; was it? + Oh, rcally? z ı Which ojfice? ı
3 we've finally met 2r I think you've already got the address of our
4 Let me introduce my colleague
website, haven't you2 ı
5 I can't quite place you
+ No, I haven't, actually. ı ıı
3r I think we've probably been involved in the same
Practice Dtoject. ıı
l 1 Hello, my name's ]ill Davis and I'm reall5, + Oh, have we? When was that? \
' ı
pleased to meet you. 4r Hello, you must bc loachim, am I right?
2 This is Guy Cartier, who works in our Paris + Yes, that's right. ı Pleased to meet you at last. \
5r We 're hoping to expaıd into Eastern Europe next
3 Let me introduce Jean-Paul Lemond, our Sales Vear. \
+ oh, are you? u Tell me more. \
4 How do you do? What company do you
6r I'm sure we've met before, but I can'! quite place
you. \
5 I'm sure we've met before, but I can't quite place
+ Have
' Maybe we met at the Madrid trade
fair last year.
6 I'd like to welcome you here today. '\
7 Sorry, I didn't quite catch what you said.
8 l'm so pleased you could come.
9 Sorry, but could you repeat that lbr me?
i-iııit 2
10 I'm so pleased to have linally met you.
2 1 it? 2 don't you? 3 havcn't you?
isn't Transeripts
4 aren't you? 5 haven't you? 6 didn't you?
7 doesn't she? 8 wouldn't you?
31 Pleased to meet you.
1r So Piotr, I understand you're an expert in
2 How do you do?
+ Well, e-learning is my area, but like cveryone else,
3 Sorry, I didn't catch your name. I'm learning new things all the time.
4 I'm so glad you could come. 2r How do you see things panning out in the near
5 I'm really plea§ed we've fina}ly met. future?
6 I'd ]ike to welcome you here toda)ı. + lt's a bit dilficult to predict the next few months,
6 Suggested a]?su/ers but rıı,e're ı,ery confldcnt of continued groııııth
over time.
1 It's really nice to flnally meet you in person.
2 Hello, nice to see you again. Did you have a good
3r Are you aiming to sta_v in 1,6ç1, present premises?
breal<? + For the time being, probabl1,. But rı,e're looking at
possible siıes for expaıısion.
3 Hello. What a surprise to see you here! Are you
enjoying your meal? 4r Our idea is to get phase l finished before the end
ol the year. Is that in liıre ıı.ith your plans?
+ Broadiy in liı-ıe. 1,es, Tholıgh it may not be
possible to finalize ail the details by Christmas.

tr Transcnipts and answer keys

sdaü| Ja^^su. pu, s}diJf§{ıpJi
.uoIJEnlIS OL{] ]noqE slq8noqü ıntı( a;ıe }Eqlt\ puv 9
2"ıee.{ slq1 Jno 8uluuEd s8ug{] aas nod op s
1enı1 dluıelıoJ s,]EtIJ L
1nod 1noqe puy €
,poo3 dleaı^^oI{
spunos Z
1dlea"ı qg 1
V8 fll a9 VS VT, tI€ flZ VI
e{ırul T 8uıdaaıı 91 ]sırl 6
puII{ 8 sJoJJIIII l esoddns 9 3u»iııd g
palıadxa L aJcıt € >IooIZ spunoD, l lI eIIqM ]I Jo ]solu eq] e>IBtu S,]aI 'IIOA\ ienJ] S,:ıeqJ:M
dlpaı spuno5 g ,dn8uldaaJc saJI]-I ]saJa]ul ng qlp\ ']SEI
sde,ır 3o uos ]ErI^\ l ]ueeu s,]I 9 nod ],uaJp s ],uop I 'nod puı11
II,pueJl pıe,ııdn slql 8uol
o1 sı aloı dry tr uI euloJ nod eJaqıu f ^i\oq ^Aouı
,aJuelJedxe uıt.o Jno sJoJJIuı
1a,ır ,{11aıd 1eqt 'se^:u
3uıo3 uaaq a^.ag Z r{]Iır uI euı l]g L z ,JuSILuI]do .{ISnollnEc OJ,OAA
;nod 1noqe
c9 J§ L, ct LZ cI t asoddns I ,IIEJo^o puıı 'q3noqı 'uaq] eouJs dlıpeals
uo!}E}uosaJd dn 8uı>lııd uoaq e^etJ sJapJo ,s]uaıa pl.roı,r uaıı8
'palıadxa aq o1 dluo s,]pql ssan8 11nq '"read ]sel Jo pue
t,Z,b,I'9,S 7 eq] spJe^\o] qsı88nls ]Iq e eJaır s3uıq1 ,poo8 dpaı.1 :44
Z :uoI]EnJIs ssaulsnq pıeue3 aql a]ueluou aq1 1e nod o] >lool
7 :1ıeto.ıd e s '€ :sueld duedruo:ı 9 '1 :saloı qot 1 1a>IJeru eq] saop pue ", aıılısod dleaı spuno5 :ş
}xaıuo) ş,7
,{o>; ıa*ısrıy ", eAI]ISod dlea.ı spunos :g
aaJn]nJ aq1 u1 sc3ueqJ o] puP sJaIIIo]SnJ -ıno o1 puodse-ı
JeeLI aq] uI ]no 8uluuıu d s8ulq] aos nod op / o1 dpeaı oJouI qJnlu sn opeuI s,]I ,setul] punoJeuJnJ
aeJn1nJ Jeeu aq] uı 1no 8ururred 7 ;a.ınln1 Jeeu og] uI Jno pazluol1nlo^eJ seq qJIq^{ 'eJe,tuJos olul auo8
s,dauorı-ı Jo 1ot ,aldruexa JoJ ,slue]sds^^eu
eJgJo Jno :M
a]Lteluolu aq] tE nod o] {ool ]e>IJElu eq] Scop,t\oq V
puY / a]uettloru eq] ]e no;( o] >IooI / i ]ueulolu eL{] ]e isde,nır ;o uos ]pqm u1 ;dlea.r q6 :g
jsuD[dJno,{ qllM ,s3uıq1 op a,ıı deır ari] paIIIJoJsuI]J] s,]L{1pıluassg
eu[ uI lEql s1 7 ;sueld ınod qıl,ı,ı eull LII / .sueld ınod d3o1ouqca1 ul JueuIJsa^ul 3ıq e 1ueauı s 11 ,o3e
(nod ].uaJE ,dno"ı8 "ıo3ııı1 e .io 1ıud sJee{ Jo aldnoc E xnpou ,{q ıaıro LIe>]e] eJoı\A e^\ 'sa1:M
cJ,no^ / anod ].ueJE 'dno;8 ,ro8.re1 e 7 ;nod 1 uaıe 1no.,{ 1,ueıe 'dno.ı8 Ja8Je] e ;o 1.ıed eJ,no1:u
,edoJng Je1\o
1SaSlUlald I[e
1uesa.ıd Jnod uI dels o1 8uıruıe no,{ a;ıy / asasruIaJd saılılıqıssod olut >IooI o:l sı e1o.ı.{11 ,lq8u s,]eqJ:M
1uasaıd "rnod ur dels o1 7 1sasıuıaıd JuaseJd Jnod ,ul euIoJ nod eJaq.\\ s,]eq] dlqerunsaıd o5 ,aes I :ıI
ilıa[o.ıd erl] q uol]lsod ıno.{ s,]eq^^ / ,slı npoıd,!\e u o] uLQısıe.ııp o1 3uı>1oo1 aı, e1,1
;1ıatoıd aq] q
uol]lsod;ınod s,]eq^\ 7 ;1cato"ıd oq] ul ,sduır .rno uı }[Jn]s aJ,er\^ ueoul
],useop ]EL{] 'ıe^e^\oH
;duedruoc ınod o1 punoı8>1ıeq iltoU SJEe;( 0€ Je^o ıo3 3uıo3 ueeq eA,eM ,paqsl]qPlsa
auos q]l^\ ul atu ]ru nod uEJ 7 1duedruoc -11aı,r dıeı eJ,a^^ 'ıtou>I dlqeqo"ıd nod se ,IIoM :JauJaM
ınod o1 punoı8>1ıeq eruos / 1drıedtuoı ınod o1 1 z,dueduoı "rno,{ o1 punoı8>1ıeq eJoru 1ıq
9,7 E tI]I^,\ uI etu [U nod uec 'JauJeA\ 'oS ", eJl] Jo [nJ puE
]ueJQıA.ı(l1eeş dlıc 1r:aı3 e s,uelllt 'qead ", :opJEJlu
JEeu oq] uı 1no 8uıuued s8ulq] aas nod op ,t\oH 7,7
puv ,1q3lı s,leq1 'sa1 +
a]ueruorrı aqü ]lı nod o] {ool ]eIJeuI aq1 seop ırorl 9
ısueld ıno.{ q]lıı,i eull LIl leql s1 s 1e.rnlıpuadxa uaasJJoJun duğ s,aJaql
,JJs V
inod 1,ueıe 'dnoı3 ıa3.re1 e ;rı 1ıed eJ,no1 , J] qüLvr {corJJ o] pecu J^\ Juo ar{] aı.nod oS I
,sasuadxa pue
lsasluloJd lueseJd Jnod uI dıuls o1 8uıruıe nod eJV €
slsoo 8uıcasıolo ]o stLIJa] ui sI Jueluolloıuı d111 +
11ıafoıd eq] q uoI]ISod ınod s,]EqA\ 'oö^ Z
;duedruoo ;1ca[o.rd eql q uoplsod ınod s,]pq^\ 'oS v 9
,SeeJE pe]EleJ Jeqlo o1uı puedxa o1 8uqoo1 osp
Jno,{ o] puno-r8lceq orilos qll^{ uı etu ll[J nod ue3 1
eJ aM ,JıJslrtilldo dıoı eJ,cır pJt]^^JoJ 3uıo3 'sa1 v
!( ,8ul8ı:;ınoıua dıa,r spuno5 igJnul 1ı:q1 z,dlieaş +
(aJn]nJ ,sanuaAaJ pIrP
Jeau ell] uI sa8uEL{J -ıo[eru due 8uıuueid no{ aJV 8 puads q]oq uI csıJ Jo puD[ ]EI{1 1e 3u»1oo1 aı,a1,,1
.Jut JLuoJ nod J]Jri,!\ ]pq] sI l ,ıead e
%OI dq sseuısnq aq1 ııoı3 o] 8uItuIE eJ,eM V s
1l,, 2\ 3, 4, 5, 6\ 7\ Unit 3
3 Suggestedansulers Tronscripts
l So, I understand you're an expert in (human
resources ).
Michelleı It sounds exciting, doesn't it?
2 Can you flll me in with some background to your
company? Frank: Mm. great, and it's good to get a chance to
meet the rest of the project team.
3 So, what exactly is your role?
M: Yes, it is ... have you been with the NewYork offlce
4 What direction do you see your company taking?
long, Frank?
5 How do you see things panning out this year?
F: A couple of years; before that, I was based in
6 Is that in line with your plans? London.
4 1's/isexpanding 2're/arebringing M: Oh really? So, you must know Graham Robson,
3 's/is coming 4 'm/am taking ıhen]
5 'relare working 6 'relare rising
7'relare looking 8 'relare aiming
F: Yes, very rı.ell - he's an old friend. And what about
6 Suggesteda,lswers
Mı I joined at the beginning of iast year.
1 I'm sorry, would you mind if I just take this call?
F: Oh, no, I meant, how do you know Graham?
It's rather urgent.
M: Oh sorry, well, we worked together last year on the
2 Sorry to leave you like that. Now where were wei
Transair project. He was my team leader. He's great -
I thinlç we were talking about ...
really brilliant 1o work with!
3 Oh, hello, (Franz), do you know (Sofla)? Let me
F: Yeah, Graham and I go back a long way. Small
introduce you. We were just talking about ...
world, eh?
4 Excuse me, there's someone I need to see. Would
you mind if I just went over and said hello? 3,2
F: So, I guess you're based in Paris. I'd really like to live
M: Oh, did you, when was that?
1 Because they are 'open' questions which encourage
F: No, I said 'I'd like to live there.'You know it's one of
people to answer with more than just 'yes' or 'no'.
my dreams.
2 Stıggestedansıuer
M: Oh, right! Yes, it's a great city, but oh so expensive.
4, I, 5,2,3
F: Yeerh, I guess it must be ... ]ike NewYork and
{Jseftıi phro§e§ London. And have you got an apartment like me?
1 Can you flll me in on the background to the project? M: A small house, actually. It's big enough for the tvııo
2 So what exactly is your role? of us.
3 You merged with CDG last year, didn't you? F: Right. And what does your husband do?
4 Are you aiming to increase your market share? M: Well, we're divorced actually. I live with my small
5 So, how do you see things panning out this year? daughter.
6 Is that in line with your ideas? F: Oh, I see, sorry. I thought, you know, when you said
'the two of us', you meant ...
7 so. how does the markct look to vou at the
moment? M: No, it's OI(. These things happen. I'm over it now.
Vaeabwiary F: Yeah, still, it's never easy. I just love Paris. It's such a

1 Going up quickly: beautiful and civilized place.

M: Yes, it is. When I travel, I realize how lucky I am to
Going up: risc. picl< up. increasc. crcep up
live there.
Not movingı optimistic: be buoyant
F: Weil, I suppose we'd better be getting back.
ııeutral: be steady, be stable, even out
pessinristic; be sluggish M: Yep, they'll be waiting to start.
Going down: fall, drop, decrease ).)
Going down quickly: nosedive, plummet 1 Oh, no, I meant, how do you know Graham?
Note: iırcızas e, decrease, ııosediııe are often used as 2 No, I said 'I'd like to live therc.'You know it's one of
nouns. e.g. We'ııe seen on iı,ıcrease l a decrease / a my dreams.
nosedive in sa/es.
3 Oh, I see, sorry. I thought, you knoq when you said
the two of us, you meant ...

Transcripts and answer keys

sr(aı Ja^\suu puE s}dıJ)sueJi
H ,ıtıeq- 3uIıF3 Jq JJ}1.)q p.JM
ss5nB 1 / 8uırJa8 eq JeDe-q p,O^\ / ,Ioeq- 3uu]63 l
;5Ei a>111 1uarulİede ue 1o3
nod areq- puy / zaru- a>11 ]uauıJJede ue 1o3 / ieru- e{Ir 9
,aq ,qEeA ,eq
]smn 1ı §§an8I / ]§lm s
1TT0[1noqeryeuv /
alof]noqe L
,uosqoE Iiler{EJD
,etull poo8 E peq a^ErI aueq]
mou{ ]SnLu nod o5 z zueE] 'uosqoH ıueueıD / zEeE1 €
]snu no1 / depuoq Jnod pedo[ue eıeq Jsnlu no1 9
euoeluos Jo] alu ua>IE]SIIII a^erl ]SnuI no^ s eq] ql]n^ üeeq- nod aıe11
aJU.}T 1JoA- 7 ;{tl@l
,nod.ıo; uollen]Is ,3To] acg.}T ^\eN- reN 'ruQ
1InJuJIp p ueaq e^eq lsnru ]I t ljq Oq] / aIuEJc- 7 aiIuuJİI- Z
dpue; Jnod 8uIssILu eq lsnru no1 € :l| l,USJOP
,pazıue8ıo d;a,r '8uılpxa SPEno-S 1J / .]I ],useop-'8ullpxa / a]I 1.usJop- I
eq lsnu no^ Z
,1q3IU Jnod JaUE peJI] eq
}snru no^ I s,€
sJa^lsltupr?saDDnç 7 ,aJeq a>III
;uosqocefe;]ej ı\Aou{ nod op l lou ", pelueJ aJE puelJez]Iıı.5 uı saceld lsoıu 'oN +
ıea.( sıq1 1ou 'ıead lsEI aJar1] seır 1 (1)ueeru I 'oN 9 2ueq1 'aceld u,ı,ıo ınod 1o3 1,uaıeq no,ı{ oş
,]q81ş v
aeeJpuv ',read slq] ,SnopuaJJorl
depıloq uo / e Jo} fe,r,re 1a3 o} alqe uaaq nod a^eH s dllaıd s,luaı eq1 1nq '1ods .!aıo1 p s,ll 'se1 +
dep auıos aıaq1 o3 o1 a>11 dleeı p,I ]nq 'oN L ,eJIu Spunos V
,opJeclu 'aı1 ınod 8uııırupe ueaq a^,] ,e{e{ eq1 3uı>1oo1ıaıo
€ 1uarul,rede ue 1o3 e^,ag +
;sa8ıoe9 'peseq nod aJe slnoqeeJarlM Z aJlou'e^[nodopqJIJnZuı slnoqeaJeqg v 9
aql7ıno.ı( pueds dlpnsn nod op,\AoH ,I
apua>Tae^^ I I leJIJnoAe] "ınod s,oq,1,1 IuE o}-;dleaı q6 v
a)!ı)EJd ,ue; eıado uE
Jo llq E ru,I
,eJleeq] eq] rı1 o3 o1 a>lıı
J 'sseulsnq uo.{e,r,te ıo 8uı>lıo,ıı }ou uI,J JI 'IIaM +
ı9 \s İt ,ıÇ ıZ rI le]e)I
spq ,ıeulıed'ueJpIIL{c'dn u,ııo,r3 dlpuu; :E
'spue>Ieem ınod puads dleruıou nod op ı,rog Vs
ue.1 eıedo 'eJ}EaI{] :s ,aruoq
]E s>Iea^A Jo aldnoc e pueds o1 1sn[ ecıu aq
e^eel '{eaJq e ,{e,r,ı.e 1a3 o1 :tr ,dn paxu 8uıqldue
1o3 1,ua.teq 1 +
il,]I ']sauoq aq o;,
eoeld uıro 1acıu aıaqı,rdue 3uıo3 ", 1r{3lı qg V
']ual '}ueuIuede '1eııI no,{ op ", slnoqeaJeqg :9 ,pa^\o Iu,T
", 3uıııuıpe ueaq e^,I I :
eleel euıos 3uqe1 ru,J q]uou ]xeu }nq ']ad 1oş
Je]snq-sseJls '1o3 1o punoJ :Z ;1ıny,ıea,{
",TrEEItr no.{ 'sn 1o 0m| eq} pIES slql üIeeJq e .ro3 deı,re 1a3 o1 alqe uaaq nod e^EH v t
nod ,,t\ou>I
ueqıı TTöI 'EEnOgT dı;ıO§ 'aas I 'qo
I t .]uauloul eq]
}e SppI
,sTiiE6]p dlu 8uııeq ]noqe {ulq] o1 1InJg.Ip s,1l ]Eq] 8uilaıe,r1
;tlo S,]I 'mEüI no^,,aJarll e^II o] 5{TI p,I, p]ES l 'oN T qJnuI os se^IoAuI qoIfW ,slessnJg uı ıaul,red
.uIEqEfD,,ı,tou>1 nod op mOg'TEeeüu- I 'Ou'qo I+ dru q]p\ e^I] I ,ueJp]Iqc.(urz 1o3 ].ue^Eq I ,oN v
,8uılaaru eq1 o] >Tceq 1e3 o1 paau deq1 8uı.{es dg 9 lEIeIuEC 'nod 1noqe 1eqg rad.ııe1 e se pagıpnb
,slJed 1snI s,l,rı3 aq} pue 'auIJIpeIu 8uıdpnls ,{1ısıaııun
]noqe 3u»le1 ol >Iceq 3uıo3 dg c dry ,ıı.ou dn u,r,ı.oı8 a;ı,daqı 'IIeM
1e s..,(oq +
(aı,roııp eq1) 1I Je^o s,aqs pue )Io s,]] s,{es eqs 7 aolqed dlpue.; due 1o3 nod a,req 'oS v €
,eru JoJ erues eq] saop 8uıuıruı^\s puu 'se1
iop pueqsnq ınod saop 1Eq^ı. puv € ,punoJe
,;ıalq8nep ]Ieq
llerus e qlp\ pecJo^lp s,arls e 8uıpıq pue JIe qse4 erl1 uı 1no Euılla3 'q8noq]
,SIJEd uI asnoq TTEIIIS Ir uI SOAII eqs Z 'Je]snq-sseJls 1eaı3 e s,1I pug I ,enJ] s,]eq] 'se1 v
aop pueqsnq ınod saop }Eq.rl puv ,rualqoıd e sI auIIJ eq1 8ulpug 1nq dlleuoısecJo +
ieru a{l1 1uarul.rede ue 1o3 nod a^Eq puv I € .^eIsIuE]S deld nod
.,(e,,ln 3uo1 e 1ceq o3 1 og dup,ınle5 uo 31o3 Jo punoJ e uı 1a3 o1 adoq 1 v 7
]ueeru I 9 nod 1noqe ]erl]t\ puv 9 dlenlıe 'eJloqf, ,{ıu aıa,ı,t daq1 '1a41 +
1snu no.{ 7 uaaq nod e^Eq € ,alse1 poo8 e^eq
]snu eq 'rury v
ecueqJ e 1a3 o1 poo8 7 8uılııxa 17 ,"ıaul,red .,(uı tuo.r;
3uo19 q8lq s
e eJeA\ daq1 dlenlıe 'oN luaq] a>11 nod op 'qo +
J.uSE,!\ İ uopuoT € pe>IJo^\ SEq Z Sü[Jo1,1^ I I
aeJaq Je^o uleq]
1a3 nod pı6 ,s8uıı"ıea ınod 8uııırupe ueaq a^,I V I
ı(a>1 .ıoıı,ısuy ,,€
Uııiü 4
7 Stıgplestetl ansu/ers Ti"onscripts
1 When did you join ... ? / How long have you been
with... ?

2 How do you normally spend your weekends?

l r Would you like to go out ibr a meal a little later
3 Whereabouts ... ? / What part of ... do you live in? /
+ Well, that's a really nice thought, but if you don't
Have you got an apartment?
mind, I'd rather go back to my hotel. I'm really
4 Have you been able to get away for a brealr? / tired alter our 1ong day and I've got an early start
Going anywhere nice? tomorrorıtı
5 What about you? ı Of course, l quite understand. You must be
6 Apologize and pitk up a preı,iotıs safer topic. exhausted. So, see you tomorrow, then.
2 Suggestedanswers + Yes, see you tomorror,tr
l When did you join ... ? / How long have you been 2 ı. Have you got anything on tonight?
with... ?
+ No, I was just going to go back to the hotel.
2 How long have you been iiving in ... ? / Have you We wcre wondering if you'd like to ioin us lbr a
been there long? meal?
3 How do you like to keep flt? / Do you do any sport? + Oh, right, yes, that would bc great.
4 And have you got any family? r We'd like to take you to this really great Thai
5 Horııı do normally spend your weekends? restaurant we kncıw.
6 Did you go anywhere nice? / How did you spend + Oh, I'm sorry, but I'm not very keen on Thai food,
you iast holiday? I'm afraid. You see. I can't ea1 coconut.
7 I've been admiring your 1ie. r oh, dear, rıi,hat a pity. we could go to the chinese
8 What sort of music do you like? / What sort of in the same street. Would that be OI(?
things do you listen to? + Yes, that would suit me better ... souncls great,
9 Isthere anything you prefer not to eat? / Are you thanks.
vegetarian or anything? 3r So what can I get you?
Vocabuiory + Mm, I'm not really sure nıhat to have. What are
ld 2h 3a 41 5c 6e 7b 8g you having?
r Ithink I'm going to harze a glass of red wine.
Wou]d you like some?
+ Mm, no, I'd better not have any alcohol. I've got a
long afternoon ahead of me, so just a tonic for
r Ice and lemon in that?
+ Yes, please.
4r OI(? Have you decided what to have?
+ Maybe you could help me? There are one or tııtıo
things on the menu I'm not sure of. F'or example,
what's 'lemon sole'?
r It's a white fish ... it's got quite a delicate taste.
+ Sounds nice. Would you recommcnd it?
Ycs, it's a good choicc. I'll havc the same.

Would you like to go out for a meal?
Have you got anything on tonight?
We were wondering if you'd like to ...

We'd like to ttıke you to ...

We could go to the Chinese ...

What can I get you?
Would you like some?
Yes, that rn ould be great.
Sounds great, thanks.

Transcripts and answer keys

sr(a)| Ja^^sue pup s}dıJ)sup4
,IeuIJoJuI aJolu aJE srıoıssaıdxa JsaqJ
I/|J ]Sanq ])]Dq ,rlu UllS PlII0.\\ lDIlf a.ıua-ıala_ıd
" JaIüD,I p 'pulıüü 1,tıop ııoli E 8ulssJJdx3
,4 7san0 ,l 11
1/}J ]Salfi aI puaruwoJal no{i plııo114
1/}J şan0 pw dlaqp1noı nofi aqliııl,ıtr
eJIApE ıo dleq
Duı ııı1 no 11, a ıa ıo1 8u»lsy
I/},1 şan[) 1 1aq 11
I/^J 7Sanq ", a^Dulou Ja]]aqp,l
n 7sanE ", uo u?a4 {iıaj. \ou LuJ nq 'liııos uı,1 3uıulcag
,arru spur1os,
//^I 6aııD *
1/|,1 1san0 x,s>paq}' yva.ıIi spunoç
,yıaıli aq plnoll 'sa4 8uqdaccy
l/N şan0 * ]ı111]
1/lJ ]SoLl i?ruos a4IInotip\nox4
l/lJ 1Sou 1noft p0 1ual ]DLIAI
1/N ?so1.1
", asaulllJ aıü o] 00 plnoJ ElM
, , ,
I/^J 7Soıl o1 no [i a>Iıj] o] E>lq p ,a^|
?Soı.l, :
c ", o] a\llp,noli fr au!ıapuon aıan aA^
I/N ]Soı1 * :ryalull ııo Duıılı|iu» ıoE ııo[i ııuH
_. 73uqse33ns
/ /^!r }SOq i1aaıu ıı .ıo! ]no oa o1 a4ıl noti ppolx 73uılııu1
{ı;leruıo1 ısang/ısoH uo!ssaJdXf uo!ı)unJ
Z :eJueJeJeJd E 8uISSeJdXg .1IIE 1E eru oJ esn ou Jo s,]I }nq'eleJncJe dlecıuqce1
İ '€ :ecIApE Jo dleq JoJ 8uDISV $ euı plo] a,t,no,{ e>Iil 'IIeM,
1eqır JI uı aldoad lsoru
I :8uruIIJeC Z:8uqdaJJV
h'E'T'I :3uuaJJo/3ul]Sa33ns/3ultl^ul ] nod pıp ,Ja{Ie^\-8op eq] pallda,ı
,'1II8IJ s,}EI{] 'se1,
uo!ıP}uasaJd ^\oH,
Aa4 ıansuy eq] pa>Ise ,1;1 uı s.ıalnduoc ql]ıl >1ıo,ı,ı. nod og,
,,aplsd"ılunoı arl] q plag E J^oqE sJJ]aul .(]ua,rıq ]noqe
uoo[eq e uı 8uıleog eJ,no1, ,ıa>lp,rı-8op aq] pIEs ,'so^,
aetuos a{ll nod plnog / aeruos a>IIT
,Ieloq dul o] >IJeq 03 JeqleJ p,I 'puFu ıaIuE I eJatJ^^ eru [a} nod uec os
],uop nod
,Iatoq dru o1 >1ceq o3 .raqleı p,I ,Ia}or{ dru o1 ']SoI ]lq E ru,J ]nq, 'pe]noqs ]Sluooileq eql ,'elu esncxf,,
JI / / 1ceq s ,suoI]JeJIp
JoJ ru]q {sE pue ıe>lp,rı-8op aq1 ;o
Ja]]eq elu lInS p,}EqJ / ]O}]aq alu lInS h
eJuelslp 8uılnoqs u]q"ıI,\{ se,t\ aq 11ı] uoo]F]q aql Je^tol
aq p.]eqJ 1 ,1eaı3 € ol peplJep aq os Molaq pIaU e uı 8op sıq 3uı>l1e,r,t uetu
e eH ,}sol se^\ aq pazI]EeJ eq uerlm aplsdJ}unoc
E JoJ sn uıof o1 e>11 p,nod ;ı 8uı.rapuoı,r eJe^^ eM / aql Je^o 8uıleog 'uooIIEq JlE-toq P uI SE^^ uelu Y
,Ieeıu e .ro3 sn uıo[ o1 a>lıı p,nod ,IEau E JoJ sn ulof
JI / z t,,
all pueuluoJaı nod p]nog / a]I puJIuIIIoJeJ I
,Je]]eq eIrI
]mS ppo^\ lEqJ
", Jet{]IrJ p,I 'pu1u 1,uop no.{ 31
13uıo3 a.r,nod aJaq^l eepl ou dlalnlosqe e^Er{ pue alı puJtI]ıIıoJJJ no{ pInoM
a,raq 1o3 nod ı,roq enIJ e J,ue^Eq 'eJE no,4 eJeq^^
,luauIe8Euelu uı aldoed ^\ou>I 1aru dleq plnoı nod aqde1,1
1,uop no,{ ]soru e{II 'IIaM,
;8uıneq nod e;ıe 1eq,11
no,{ pıp ,ı^oH, ,]sluoo]Ieq aq] palldaı ,'1q3lı s,leq1 'sa1, e^eq }ou Jeueq p,J
", uo uee{,{ıaı 1ou tu,I lnq .{ı.ros uı,1
>IJo^\ nod op
-8op eq] pa>ise ,a]uarua8eueru uI puy ,ecIu spunoS
Practice + OI(, Andrea, well, let's pencil it in lbr now and
1 1 recommend 2 w,as wondering 3 'm 4 suit you can let me know tomorrow.
5 care 5 having 7 'dlhad 8 Have; decided 3r Are you able to let me know yet about dinner on
3 1c 2h 3f 4i 59 6j 7e 8a 9b Tuesday?
tOd + Well, it should be OI( - if not Tuesday, then
delinitely Wednesday.
r Either day is OI( for me. We can firm it up later
)İ(r]rs whcn you're sure.
see the Reference secticırr. 4r lt's been really interesting talking to you. Maybe
Usefııi p&ıroses we can take this discussion further over lunch.
1 Wou]d you like/care to 2 that would suit + That sounds an exccllent idea, Andrew.
3 That would be 4 \ı\,buld you recommend 5r Ah, Piotr, how about meeting up lbr coffee onc
5 you'd care/like to 6 I'd sooner/rather morning soon?
7 Would you care for 8 I'd rather/sooner
+ Yes, that rıı,ould be good. When suits you?
A Tomorrow? Could you makc tomoı:row at elevcn?
1would; like 2 can; get 3 tcmpt; with + Yes, I don't see why not.
4 That; suit 5 recommend it 6 Vou care
r Great, so, that's eleven o'clock tomorrow
dorıi,nstairs in the coffee bar.

Unit § 6r It would be really nice if ııı.e could get together for

a drink or a meal.
+ Yes, wouldn't it? Let's try and make a date.
5.1 7 ı, Hi, Brian. Any chance of us meeting up for a chat
Giorgio: Hi, Herman, it's Giorgio here. over a drinlç?

Herman: Oh, Giorgio. Hi. How are you? + Sure. Let me just check the diary. Mmm,
unfortunately, I don't seem to have a clear
G: I'm fine. Listen, Herman, I wanted to thank you for
window any evening this weelç.
all the great work you've done on the marketing
project. Your ideas have really made a differcnce. I'd 5.3
like to thank you properly over a meal.
1 Would any day next week be good lbr you?
H: Oh. that's very nice of you. I've enjoyed working
2 I could make Monday afternoon.
with you. Yes, a meal would be great. So, when were
you thinking of? 3 How are you flxed next week?
G: Well, would Friday evening next week be good for 4 Maybe we can take this discussion further over
you? lunch.
H: Let me iust check. Right, I could make Friday. 5 I think wc need to get together as soon as we can.
G: Ol( ... I was wondering if you'd like to bring your 6 Let's pencil it in for now.
partner, and we could make it a foursome. 7 We can iirm it up later when you're sure.
H: Well, I'd have to check that she's free, but yes, that 8 see you at three o'clock on Wednesday in thc
would be very nicc. hotel reception.
G: OI(, let's say provisionally eight o'clock at ...
Bruno's. This is on me, by the way.
1 be good for you? / any day next week be good for
H: OI(, thanks. I'll get back to you to confirm, but all
you? / Would any day next week be good for you?
being rıı,ell, we'll see you at eight, then, on Friday
outside Bruno's. 2 Monday afternoon. /I could make Monday
G: Grcat, I'll look forward to it. See you then.
3 next week? / How are you fixed next week?
H: Yeah, thanks for ringing. Bye!
4 further over ]unch. / take this discussion further
5.2 over lunch. / Maybe we can take this discussion
1r Hi, Susanna. I'd like us to mect up sometime furthcr over lunch.
Soon. 5 as soon as we can. / to get togethcr as soon as we
+ That's good news, Frederico. How arc you flxed can. / I think we need to get together as soon as we
next week? Can.

r I could makc wednesdav alternoon or Thursdav 5 for now. / Let's pencil it in for now.
lunch. 7 when you're sure. / later when you're sure. / We can
2r I should be free on Thursday, but I'm not 10O per firm it up later when you're surc.
cent sure. There's a slight possibility l'll have to go
to Milan. I can te]l you tomorrow.

Transcripts and answer keys

§rdş)i Jşnü\§uE pue sldtJlsı.!ğJi
,aınS a;ı,nod uarl^i\ Je]el dn tuıg LteJ aM

S.leql - o.ıaqds lop JqLu le ,e^r\e>Iese|J, JoJ |J
Jo] uı 1i 1ıcu5d s,lc1 9
deı 1op 11 deı s,luqı '3ıo,aıaqdslclru@)eıre>leseN,H €
O^\ (,
,uü,J o;ıl Se uoas sE Jeqte8o] ffi o1 paau >Iqq]- I ,Z-iI-N-n-N Sl Zaunu, pue
q.Tni 'Z-n-V-d sı zeed, ,eseJ ıe,uo[ sı ]seı oql uJrI] 2I 1ulıdeı
Ja^O JaqJJnI uolssnJ-Srp Süq] eİE] uEJ e^^ aqI€n- İ '3 plıdeı 'g plıdeo S.]eq] 'So,IlIoı,zaunu'q)zau,cl,J,fl Z
()JJM lXJu pJx! no,{ JJe I
cuo 11e dıoıı3eru 21 dec .suosıe4, 'y
,uoou;al;e dupEffi J{Etu plno]
I Z deı, aıuuy s,]Eq]'ulo J,dıoıı3ııru'g)suos JEd,eluuy I
1nod ıo; POO8 aq IJJ,\\ ]xart- dep due plno6 I 8,s
cOI I/N6 c8 ,esJnoJ ,apoJ
Jo lEJo[ aq] Jo 0 ]sJu eq]
il I/],J9 I/NS ]/Nt ]/N€ I/NZ dT doıp ncı,{ ueq] pLIE 'eJode8ulb- tuo-r; 3uı3uıı aı,nof
dn l 9 ]no 8 q8noJq] ,ZZtj€
Jl tt OO paeu 11,no.,( ]nq he6l oT0 uo eJ,eM ç
ıaq]e3ol s Jo t {JEq t u] Z dn ü ,8ZTl6S
T8llo SI p-Ieoqr{cllt\S S,lÇuEdluoJ
;nod,ro1 ]ueILteALIoJ aq p]no^a, uaq1,4 8 Jno pue '6tZ uo]Suelxe uo Lu I aJ]Irp ]er{] dn pauııg
,alqıssod se uoos se .reqla8oü
1a3 o1 paau a1,1 1 aı,nod ueq]\^ IJIrq aru 3uıı plnoc no,( >IuIq] no{ oC L
ı{ac^\ ]xau paxg no.{ cJI] ıroH 9
,oTZl6l Z08lO s,}I ", euı1e3 ol eJns
Ja^o Jaqunl aq 11,nod ueq1 'auoqd 1ac dru a^Eq no.,( 1e1 Jelleq p,t E
uoissnJslp SIr{1 a>Ie] p]noJ e^\ >1uıq1 nod ott ,80Z0 S,]Pq] ,opoJ atJ] pulr
.ro3 dn 3uı1oou ]noqe qo ", €IO€ ,l9 s,1I lJaqtunu.,(ru 1o3 nod a,req ,se1 Z
.uoos eulu auos l{Junl t
^\oH ,l9?.9ZT
;depı;ıg ]xau üIJolJ.o o^\] alelu no.{ plno3 5 86110 uo a]Iqoul;(ıu uo JIu qJ]EJ ueJ no^ I
2no.,(.ro; poo8 aq depuo1,1 ]xau p[no14 Z L,s
JQ8lu 1e ua] 1sud Se]nulru.ı(lueıı1
3q} ssnJstp o] ]eeru plnoJ e^\ 1 poo8 eQ p[noıA 1I I I ;{1ue,,ı,t1 oııl-dlua,u1
a)!})EJd ,ru,d,{1uaır1 ua1
]{3lu ]e uo] JaUI] dlua,r,t1 9
3uıue.,ra aqJ ul ua^es JeUe a^gr(]ue^\:ı
8ulua,re due ,r,roprııır ıeelc e e^Eq ol rueas ],uop ] l ,ru,d ua;ros
lsEd e^g-dllle^u
[EeuI E Jo IuIJp Ir el\Eq oJ 9 8ulua,ra eql uI a^g-d]uam] uaıes
,JPq eaJJoJ
o^g-d}ua,u]ueo]olllu s
arJ] uI SJ]E-}Su^\op 'ı\oJJoIuo] '>IJolJ,o ue^elE s ııı; uaalq3ıa
,r{Junl JoAo uoISSnJSIp eq] anul]uoJ oJ 8rrlua,ra aq] uI ualas 3o ıalıenb
' ,uı,d a,iU-{|_ıtıJ xıs
,{ııpsıupı14 -ıo .(npsan1 .c
,uEIlW o1 o3 o1 a,ıeq 1q8lru eqs 8uıua,re eq] ul ue^as o] Jauenb e L
,qJunl u(epsınq; puE uoouJc]]e {epsaupa14 JnoJ ıe]IE ıelJEnb
1 ç ,ru,d
ıno; ]sed Jauenb e
9e tp lJ s,Iq t,Te ü uoOuJa]JP aq] u] ueeIIJ JnoJ
el p9 Es qt J[ pZ qI a LIaaTg uae]Xls €
no,{ o1 >1ıeq le8 lt.l 8 SJnoq peJpLInLI a^le^u
atu uo sI slq,1 l 3uııapuoıı st]^\ I9 ;(eppıuı ıJoI, o JA[oı\]
e{EIu p]noJ c 8uruo,ra depı"ıg ppo^\ t uoou c^la.4i\]
1o 8uplulq] nod a.raır E nod Jo orlu dıaır 7 ;[eppıı_ı_ı e^lalt\] Z
uo euop aı nod 1ıoıı
1eaı3 oq] tIE JoJ nod üIuEtI] I z ,LU,u uJ,\JS _ıalu ,{1.ılqı
ctl il c9 Js JL Jt tT cT I 3uru-ıorrr aq1 uı dl-ııq1 uaıas
,uI,p ua^os
uo!lPluasaJd 1sı:d 1pq
.u,e dl4q1 ucıes
doıtr *aınsuş
'IIIOJ ]op,uoIJE/\IJoLLt, depııg o1 {eprıory tuo{ q depı.ıg q8noJql depuory e 9
pue{ea^\ aql LIo q pue{aa^\ aL{} ]e Es
uaqd,(q, e. s, }ğtl]'uIo J, uol]t]Al]otu-e,,.^^\^\
,ş, UO^aS O] e^U q UCı\aS JO Jı\I| E}
deı pue 1deı '1ç dıu:ı qlıır ]nq 'pJo^\ aLIo l]E
ınoJ 1sed ıalıenb e q JnoJ JeTe JauEnb
SI,SeIeSJnO^,ilclılln1,1. 3ıo,sale5ıno1.,(1dıllnry ııı\^ı
puo]os -Iaquİc^oN q -Icqrue^oN Jo puoJas oq] PZ
a ıılıe.ıdlsaq, aıılı e"ıdlsaq7>1n iro8,ılp ıı,r,uır 9 90/9o/oT q 9oloT/9o P, I
1e sı,
'S-)-J-3-g ]oLI,X-H-g S,]Eq],In,()3,xeq,^\^^A\ c s,s
,rsP) ,uoıldacaı aql uI {EpsaupeM uo üIJolJ,o eeJql
JaMoI IlE ]e]or{
nod aas ,rıoıldacaı
'E]oL\es rı ,s]LIIod ou ,asEJ -ıeı\oI l]E ,I]znosapsJ, 1e [,] 7 laloq eq] uı depsaupalu4
S. ]ELl],-Iq, rtloı,>1tııluado@)EIol1\ES-EznosepsJ
L uo IJo]J,o oo-Irl] ]e 7 laloq aq] u] 8
8 I'l] see you at three o'clock oır \\'ednesday in the
hotel receııtion. Unit ö
ll aAmE bBrE Ti"onscripts
2 a BrE b AmE
3 a AmE b BrE
Annaı I'm sorry, but I really must be going. Can we
4 a AmE b BrE
leave it there?
5 a BrE b AmE
Bruce: Yes, of course. You mustn't ıniss your flight.
6 a AmE b BrE We need to get you to the airport before the rush hour.
61 seven thirty a.m. A: Yes, I'd better get going if I don't want to get caught
half past seven a.ın. up in traftic. So, have we more or less finalized
seven thirty in the morning everything we need to?
thirty aller seven a.m,
B: Mm-hm. l think so. Let's just recap on what we've
twe]ve midday agreed.
twelve noon
A: Right. I'm going to produce our modified projection
trtıelve o'clock midday
before the end of this month.
twelve hundred hours
B: With nerv costings and deadlines2
sixteen fifleen
four fifteen in the afternoon A: Yes, I'll get that to you by lrriday the 29th at the
a quarter past lbur p.m. latcst. after I've met rvith the technica] team.
quarter alter four B: And we're going to revie,ıııı the financing
a quarler to seven in ıhe evening arrangcmcnts in linc with your extra costs.
six forty-five p.m. A: Mmm, that's right. So, thanks for everything. I
quarter of seven in the evening really appreciatc your hospitality and everything
eighteen fbrty-flr,e you'vc donc for me. It's been great.
nineteen twenty-flve
seven twenty-five in the evening
twenty-flve past seven p.m. B: And we're going to review the financing
twenty-five alter seven in the evening arrangements in line with your extra costs.
twenty after ten at night A: That's right. So, thanks for everything. I really
ten twenty p.m. appreciate your hospitality and everything you've done
twenty-two twenty fbı: mc. It's been great.
twenty minutes past ten at night B: Our pleasure, rıı,e're here 1o help if r,ııe can. Thank
7l 07798 426367 you for coming over at such short notice. I'm looking
2 0208 6743oI3 forward to our coilaboration.
3 07802 797240 A: Likewise. Well, I must be making tracks or I'll miss
+ OI782 597228 ext.249 my plane. I'll be in touch as soon as I'm back in thc
5 oo142079243822 offlce.
B: Yes, I'll flrm up the minutes of this meeting and
send them to you. When we've got your modifications,
§kiils l'll gct a draft contract drawn up.
2 See the Tip on page 35. Aı Great. Well, thanks again and I'm sure we'll be
Usefui piıroses meeling up before too long.
1e 2i 3a 49 5b 6c 7] 8d 9f 10h B: Yes, just ask thc waiter to call you a taxi. Have a
Vocobıı}ory good flight back.

7r' A: Thanks, bye.

2 We arranged a meeting to iron out some of the 6.3

1 I really must be going.
3 Maybe we can meet up to discuss this further?
2 Can we ]eave it there?
4 when wouid be convenient for vou?
5r' 4
Let's just recap on what we've agreed.

6r' I'll get that to you by Friday.

.5 Thanks for everything.
7 Thanks for getting back to me. 6 lt's been great.
81/ 7
9r' I'll be in touch.

10 I'd like to take this further over dinner.

Transcripts and answer keys

s,(a>| Jan^sue pue s}dıJ)su€4
1o3 nod
aJoJeq azleug
,nod o1 8uılıı,rı ,eIuocIe,t\ o] paau e^^ eSIe
uı s]q} ]nd 11.I .{1pe.r 1ea3 aru 8ulqldue aJeq] sI
epElu e^,no^ ,eso]c E o1 s8uiqü
,^\oJJouIoJ ,JeJ oS uoIJEnlIS
o] peeu I
Jo pua ar{]
,p;dlaq dlpe.ı eql uo dBceJ ^\eJp
eıo;aq nod ]xe1 II,I ueaq a^lno^ o] paau a,,ıı >[ulQ1 l 3uoleru
eq Jeileq p,I 'IIaM
.se;ın8g aq] ,euop eı,nod
1o3 eı,1 se uoos 1e .ıo3 nod o1 e^,e,t\ lEr[^\ JaAo a^\ou JoJ eJaq]
se tJcno] uı 1a3 1,1 p;ele.r8 dleaı ru,1 , o3 aıı ueı 'o5 e^Eel e^^ ueJ
puP sıu?tlı a^paı oı
dn tuıııo;;o1 3ulssa.ıdxg 3ulzl.ıeuı,un5 aıreu1 no{ 3u;,(u5
,dnu,,ııe.rp lceJluoJ UeJp e 1e3 ]1,I 'suol]eJulpoul
,rlıuq uoos se nod o1 8uılıı,ıı
ınod 1o3 e^ıe^l uetl44 ,nod o] ueq1 pues pue 1a3 J sE uI sFI] ]nd [,I Z
8uılaaur s}q1 Jo salnulul eq] dn uIJg lI,] :aJnJg d]ııe]ıdsoq,ıno.ı{ 1p JoJ qJnIII os s>Iuı]qJ T
aq] u] >IcEq III,I Se uoos se qcno] uI eq ]1,I :EuuV L
a^Eq pJeoq 0q] SE uoos St] uolslJep Jno IIEru-e [1I 9
dru ssıtu [,I Jo s{JEJ] 8uuleru aq }snru I'IlaM €
,eJIJou ;pae.ı3u ueaq s,]eq,t\ ıaıo o3 1sn[ a,r,r uğJ s
}Joqs I{Jns ]E JaAo 8uıruoı ,ro1 nod
,p;dlaq dleaı ıaqla8o]
>IupqJ ,ue, aır J dleq o] aJarJ aJ,e^\ 'eJnseeld.ın9 7
,aru euII] Jno puno] e^,I ,aıile.ıado-oı os 3uıaq JoJ sıuEI]J }
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no^ı( o1 ,1ceq uoos se nod o1
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Jeileq € aJeq] 1] e^ğe]
3uıo3 aq 1snuı dleaı 1 1 7
,L'€ 's 'T'9
L 1o3 nod
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,esolf, E o1 s3uq1 o] poeu I 6
,eul ^\eJp
,1n;dlaq dlleaı uaaq al,no^ 8
JoJ auop aı,nod 8ulqld,ıaıa ıo; pleleı8 dlpa"ı ru,1 g ,A\OJJOIIIOJ
,pepIJep Jo puo erp eJoJeq no^,( rya1 1,1 l
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e^Eq pJPoq eq] Se uoos SP uolslcep Jno ]rcu-e II,I l ,sIJEJ] 8uı>leru aq Je]}eq p,I 'lIeM
']q8lg fru 1noqe s
pauJe]uoJ ]Iq E Lu.I ;1uıod 1eqı ]E ]I aıpel o] )Io ll sI 9 z,paaı3e aA e^\:}eq^\ ıaıo o3 a^\ uEJ 'oS t
,auop aı,nod
1paaı8e uoaq sıleqı^ ıaıo o3 1sn[ aı,t uEJ s 1e ıo; nod o1 p;aleı3 ,{11ee.r u,1 €
,pldleq dlpeı .raqıa8ol ,seın8g eql
1o3 eA,I sp uoos sE I{Jno] uı 1c3 1,1 7
aIIIIJ Jno punoJ a^,I ,aııleıado-oc os 8uıaq JoJ §IuEqJ L a^\ou JoJ eJaq] uPJ T ll eAPeI a^[
,3uıo3 ,1dnııaluı o1 dııos uı,1
1snuı dlea.i 11nq 5 b,9
l 1 I really must be/get going.
2 I (really) must be malring traclçs.
3 Can we leave it there?
4 Let's recap on the meeting so far.
5 I'll get that to you by/before the end of the weelç. /
I'll get baclç to you byibefore the end of the week.
6 I really appreciate everything you've done for me.
7 I'll be in touch as soon as possible.
21 I'l|. get that to you by Friday.
2 I'll get in touch on Monday.
3 I'll get that done by the end of the weelç.
4 I'll phone you when I get baclr.

5 We'll get a contract drawn up for you.

5 I'll get the flgures sent to you.
7 I must get going a§ soon as possible.
3 1b 2d 3e 4f 5a 6c
a Saying you have to leave: 3, 5
b Summarizing at the end of a meeting: 5

c Thanking and expressing appreciation: 1, 4, 8

d Making plansto ficllowup: 2, 7
Useful phroses
1 I'm afraid I'll have to get going now.
2 Thanks so much for everything you've done.
3 We need to just go over what we've agreed.
4 I'll phone you as soon as I get back to the offlce.
5 I appreciate all the trouble you've gone to.
6 So, have we more or less flnalized everything we
need to?
1 get caught up 2 projection 3 short notice
4 deadline 5 cbllaborate 6 hospitality 7 recap
Secret word: goodbye

Transcripts and answer keys


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