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Clinical Pediatrics

Bacterial Conjunctivitis in Children: 50(1) 7­–13

© The Author(s) 2011
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Antibacterial Treatment Options in
DOI: 10.1177/0009922810379045

an Era of Increasing Drug Resistance

Michael E. Pichichero, MD1

child will be presented in the context of increasing bac-
Conjunctivitis is one of the most frequently seen eye terial resistance.
disorders in the primary care and pediatric setting,1-3
accounting for an estimated 1% to 4% of visits.4 The
etiology can be bacterial, viral, allergic, or chemical, but Diagnosis of Acute
bacterial infections are the most common. Bacterial con- Bacterial Conjunctivitis
junctivitis occurs more often in preschool children than The history for conjunctivitis should include time of
in older children and adults.2 The most common caus- onset of symptoms, precipitating events, progression,
ative organisms in children are Haemophilus influenzae, and duration and severity of symptoms (i.e., acute,
Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, and hyperacute, or chronic).5 Exposure to other children/
Moraxella catarrhalis (Table 1).5 Approximately one adults at home, school, or day care with similar symp-
third of children with bacterial conjunctivitis have con- toms should be noted, as should a history of allergies
current otitis media.6 and whether the conjunctivitis is unilateral or bilateral.
Bacterial conjunctivitis is highly contagious and rapidly The physical exam should include an assessment of
transmitted in day-care centers and classrooms.2,3,7 The the external structural parts of the eye (eyelids, lashes)
condition is typically self-limited, with clinical resolu- as well as the cornea and bulbar palpebral conjunctiva.
tion usually apparent by 7 days without treatment.7 How- The surrounding skin should be examined and
ever, clearance of the infection can take up to 3 weeks.3 enlarged regional lymph nodes should be noted. In addi-
Treatment of acute bacterial conjunctivitis with an anti- tion, patients should be checked for comorbid otitis
infective agent lessens contagion and duration of dis- media.
ease, alleviates patient discomfort, and facilitates earlier Signs and symptoms specific to allergic conjunctivi-
resumption of normal activities.3 A meta-analysis of tis include itching, stringy or ropy discharge, lid edema,
5 double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical studies with chemosis, red, hyperemic conjunctiva, and comorbid
a total of 1034 children and adults concluded that anti- allergic rhinitis. Viral conjunctivitis is characterized by
bacterial agents have their greatest impact on clinical and watery discharge and conjunctival injection. The pres-
microbiological remission if begun within 2 to 5 days of ence of preauricular and/or submandibular lymphade-
symptom onset.8 nopathy can confirm viral conjunctivitis. Children with
As bacterial resistance to anti-infectives continues to viral conjunctivitis may be febrile and/or have associ-
evolve, the selection of an ocular antibacterial has become ated pharyngitis.
a challenge. Bacterial resistance to antibiotic therapy can Acute bacterial conjunctivitis begins abruptly with
result from a number of factors.9 Nationwide surveillance early symptoms of irritation or foreign body sensation
studies such as the Ocular Tracking Resistance in US and tearing. Mucopurulent or purulent discharge,
Today (TRUST) survey and The Surveillance Network
(TSN) have documented emerging resistance among ocu- 1
Rochester General Hospital, Research Institute Rochester, NY, USA
lar pathogens to ocular anti-infectives.10,11
In this review, the differential diagnosis of bacterial Corresponding Author:
Michael E. Pichichero, Center for Infectious Disease and
conjunctivitis in children and the efficacy of currently Immunology, Rochester General Hospital, Research Institute
used and newer topical antibacterial treatments for acute 1425 Portland Avenue, Rochester, NY 14621, USA
bacterial conjunctivitis in the preschool and school-aged Email:
8 Clinical Pediatrics 50(1)

Table 1. Common Pathogens of Bacterial Conjunctivitis5 tissue site.15 To date there has only been one study com-
paring the efficacy of oral treatment with that of topical
<1 week Neisseria gonorrhoeae treatment. Wald et al16 showed that oral cefixime and
1-2 weeks Chlamydia trachomatis topical polymyxin B/bacitracin were equally effective
Haemophilus influenzae in achieving clinical cure in children aged 2 months to
Streptococcus pneumoniae 6 years with acute bacterial conjunctivitis. From this study
Older infants and toddlers (1-5 years) one might infer that an effective oral antibiotic with activ-
Without otitis ity against ocular pathogens should be sufficient therapy
H influenzae
and the addition of an ocular antibiotic unnecessary. when
S pneumoniae
Moraxella catarrhalis both conjunctivitis and otitis media are present.
Staphylococcus aureus Considerations in choosing the appropriate topi-
With otitis cal antibiotic for bacterial conjunctivitis include broad
H influenzae coverage of ocular Gram-positive and Gram-negative
S pneumoniae bacteria,17 rapid kill rate, low bacterial resistance, mini-
School-aged children/adolescents mal toxicity to the eye, patient comfort, and a convenient
S aureus
dosing schedule to encourage patient adherence. Cur-
H influenzae
S pneumoniae rently, the most commonly used topical ophthalmic anti-
infective options are from one of the following classes:
aminoglycosides, polymyxin B combination therapies,
macrolides, or fluoroquinolones.9 Sulfonamides and
chloramphenicol are no longer favored in the United
frequently occurring with morning crusting, swelling, States because of tolerability/safety concerns of severe
and comorbid otitis media are the most common indica- stinging on instillation with sulfonamides and aplastic
tors of acute bacterial conjuctivitis.2,6 anemia with chloramphenicol and are not addressed in
Cultures may be used to confirm or deny the etiology; this review. Table 2 presents a brief summary of the
however, these are rarely obtained, unless the conjunc- currently used topical anti-infectives for bacterial con-
tivitis is recurrent or severe. In children, nontypeable H junctivitis with their dosage regimens. Most of these
influenzae is the predominant organism in acute bacterial antibiotics are approved for children 1 year and older.
conjunctivitis followed by S pneumoniae.3,12 Figure 1
depicts an algorithm for evaluating conjunctivitis based
on the age of the child.5 Aminoglycosides
Treatment of acute bacterial conjunctivitis with a broad- Aminoglycosides (gentamicin, tobramycin, neomycin) are
spectrum, preferably bactericidal, antibacterial is often most active against Gram-negative bacteria, particularly
initiated empirically because the rapid kill of bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa (with the exception of neo-
shortens the time to recovery1,2,13; limits the spread of mycin), and are active against methicillin-sensitive S
disease2; relieves a financial burden by speeding up a aureus (MSSA) but offer little coverage of streptococci
child’s return to day care or school and, consequently, and methicillin-resistant S aureus (MRSA).18 Studies of
the parents’ return to work; and reduces the risk of tobramycin 0.3% and gentamicin 0.3% in patients of all
sight-threatening complications. For acute bacterial ages found clinical cure rates ranging from 46% to 77%
conjunctivitis with otitis media, treatment with an oral and 39% to 70%, respectively.7 One study demonstrated
antibiotic is recommended.14 For uncomplicated acute significantly improved clinical cure rates with tobramy-
bacterial conjunctivitis, topical ophthalmic agents are cin compared with gentamicin (P = .038).19 Results of a
preferred over systemic agents because the concentra- study in children (<20 years) demonstrated bacterial
tion of antibiotic achieved on the eye following topical eradication rates identical to those in patients of all ages
administration is higher than that achieved in the blood with bacterial eradication rates of 85% and 65% for
following oral administration and systemic side effects tobramycin and gentamicin, respectively.20
of orally administered antibiotics are avoided. Also, the
concentration of antibiotic achieved on the surface of
the eye following topical administration is expected Resistance to Aminoglycosides
to exceed both the minimum inhibitory concentration Studies of bacterial conjunctivitis isolates conducted from
(MIC) required to inhibit 90% of tested isolates (MIC90) the late 1990s through the mid-2000s have shown an
and the minimum bactericidal concentration at the target increasing degree of resistance to gentamicin and tobra-
mycin among Gram-positive pathogens. The first annual
Pichichero 9

Child with conjunctivitis

Older infant School-aged child

Toddler Adolescent

Gram stain Otitis Otitis Hyperacute

<24 hours old and culture media media Gram stain Viral Allergic
present absent and culture

Gram-negative Presume H. influenzae Gram- Antihistamines,

Chemical cocci, chlamydia, nontypeable, negative Eye irrigation Decongestants,
N. gonorrhea Oral Oral antibiotics cocci NSAID’ s,
erythromycin H1 receptor
antagonists, Mast
Systemic Systemic
Systemic cell stabilizers
Observation antibiotics, antibiotics,
Eye irrigation Eye irrigation
Eye irritation

Figure 1. Algorithm for evaluating conjunctivitis5

Abbreviation: NSAIDS, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Source: Modified from current citation.

survey of Ocular TRUST, describing data collected from Resistance to Polymyxin B

October 2005 through June 2006 showed 65.3% resis- Combination Therapy
tance among S pneumoniae isolates to tobramycin.10
Tobramycin was active against MSSA, but 63.6% of In 2000, a pediatric surveillance study by Block et al12
MRSA were resistant to tobramycin. Additional analysis showed that polymyxin B was ineffective against both
of archived isolates of S pneumoniae and H influenzae PSSP and PNSP isolates. Although both polymyxin B/
obtained between 1999 and 2006 further showed 59.9% neomycin and polymyxin B/trimethoprim combinations
of penicillin-sensitive S pneumoniae (PSSP) isolates were were more active against S pneumoniae isolates than
resistant to tobramycin compared with 73.1% of peni- polymyxin B, only the combination of polymyxin B/
cillin-nonsusceptible S pneumoniae (PNSP) isolates. Of trimethoprim achieved MIC90 values considered predic-
note, little to no aminoglycoside resistance was seen in tive of clinical efficacy and then only against penicillin-
H influenzae.10 susceptible S pneumoniae.12 In contrast, most strains of
H influenzae remained susceptible to polymyxin B
alone or in combination with neomycin or trimethoprim
Polymyxin B Combination Therapy regardless of β-lactamase status. Ocular TRUST 1 data
Polymyxin B exerts activity against Gram-negative organ- reported 100% resistance among S pneumoniae and
isms only and is, therefore, administered in combination MSSA to polymyxin B, but no resistance by H influenzae.10
with other antibiotics with complementary modes of Trimethoprim was effective against PSSP, but 74% of
action to provide a broader spectrum of coverage. Com- PNSP were resistant to trimethoprim.10
monly used polymyxin B combination products include
polymyxin B/trimethoprim, polymyxin B/bacitracin,
and polymyxin B/neomycin/bacitracin. Trimethoprim Macrolides
has activity against most staphylococci, streptococci, Macrolides are active primarily against Gram-positive
and some Gram-negatives such as Haemophilus. Most cocci with the exception of enterococci and are generally
staphylococci and streptococci are susceptible to bacitra- bacteriostatic. Erythromycin has been used as an ocular
cin. Double-masked, randomized comparisons did not antibiotic for more than 25 years as a 0.5% ointment.
identify any significant differences between the poly- However, resistance among Staphylococcus species and
myxin B combination regimens in clinical resolution poor activity against H influenzae have relegated eryth-
or bacterial eradication rates when tested in patients of romycin to a marginal role in the treatment of bacterial
all ages.12 conjunctivitis.17
10 Clinical Pediatrics 50(1)

Table 2. Summary of Commonly Used Topical Antimicrobial Agents for Bacterial Conjunctivitis

Antimicrobial Agent Dosage Comments

Gentamicin 0.3% solution and Solution: instill 1-2 drops every 2-4 hours Resistance among Gram-positive organisms,
ointment up to 2 drops every hour for severe particularly Streptococci. May cause
Tobramycin 0.5% solution and infections hyperemia or keratopathy
ointment Ointment: instill 0.5-inch ribbon 2-3
times/day to every 3-4 hours
Erythromycin 0.5% ointment Instill 0.5-inch ribbon 2-6 times/day Generally bacteriostatic. Staphylococcus species
Azithromycin 1% suspension Instill 1 drop twice a day for 2 days then have become resistant to erythromycin;
daily for 5 days resistance to both erythromycin and
azithromycin among Haemophilus influenzae.
Azithromycin’s long half-life is a risk factor
for resistance
Polymyxin B combinations
Polymyxin B/trimethoprim Instill 1-2 drops every 4-6 hours Effective against H influenzae and penicillin-
sulfate solution 10 000 U/mL, susceptible Staphylococcus pneumoniae. Not
1 mg/mL reliably bactericidal. Clinical cure may take
as long as a week
Polymyxin B/bacitracin ointment Instill 0.5-inch ribbon every 3-4 hours for Reports of contact dermatitis of the
10 000 U/g, 500 U/g acute infections or 2-3 per day for mild periocular area with bacitracin
to moderate infections for 7-10 days
Polymyxin B/neomycin/ Instill 0.5-inch ribbon every 3-4 hours for Ocular allergic reactions seen with neomycin
bacitracin ointment acute infections or 2-3 per day for mild and contact dermatitis with bacitracin
10 000 U/g, 0.35%, 400 U/g to moderate infections for 7-10 days
Ciprofloxacin 0.3% solution or Solution: instill 1-2 drops every 2 hours Effective against a broad spectrum of
ointment for 2 days, up to 8 times/day, then 4 Gram-negative and Gram-positive
times/day for 5 days (class labeling) organisms. However, resistance has emerged
Ointment: instill 0.5-inch ribbon 3 times/ among S pneumoniae
day for 2 days followed by twice daily Drug precipitates with frequent dosing
for 5 days reported with ciprofloxacin
Ofloxacin 0.3% solution Same as above (class labeling)
Levofloxacin 0.5% solution Same as above (class labeling) Highly effective against a broad spectrum of
Gram-negative and Gram-positive organisms
Gatifloxacin 0.3% solution Same as above (class labeling) Highly effective against a broad spectrum of
Gram-negative and Gram-positive organisms
Moxifloxacin 0.5% solution Instill 3 times/day for 7 days Of the fluoroquinolones, the only one that
does not contain benzalkonium chloride as
a preservative
Besifloxacin 0.6% suspension Instill 3 times/day for 7 days Developed only for topical ophthalmic use;
potent in vitro efficacy against bacterial
strains resistant to other fluoroquinolones,
but clinical relevance not known
Source: Merck Manual 2009-2010 Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. Accessed February 15,
2010. Tasman W, Jaeger AE. In: Duane’s Ophthalmology. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2009. Online edition.

Azithromycin is a newer macrolide topical ophthal- Resistance to Macrolides

mic antibiotic. Abelson et al21 reported rates of clinical
resolution and bacterial eradication of 63.1% and 88.5%, The Ocular TRUST 1 survey (2005-2006) showed a
respectively, at day 6 or 7 following treatment initiation 22.4% resistance rate to azithromycin among S pneu-
with azithromycin 1% in children and adults with bacte- moniae isolates, 45.7% resistance among MSSA isolates,
rial conjunctivitis. and 90.9% resistance among MRSA isolates.10 A study
Pichichero 11

from 32 centers in the United States evaluating conjunc- 2004 to 2006 it was reported that 90% to 92% of MSSA
tival isolates collected in 2006 and 2007 identified isolates, but only 27% to 32% of MRSA isolates,
20% resistance to azithromycin among S pneumoniae were susceptible to the fluoroquinolones tested (cipro-
isolates and 30% resistance among S aureus isolates floxacin, levofloxacin, and moxifloxacin) and a con-
from 625 patients with bacterial conjunctivitis.22 Resis- sistent annual 2.5% increase in MRSA as a cause of
tance to azithromycin among 76% of H influenzae iso- ocular infections was identified.16 Another study
lates was reported. reported an increase in resistance to ciprofloxacin by
S aureus isolates from 13.3% to 36.0% and the preva-
lence of methicillin resistance among these isolates
Fluoroquinolones increased concurrently from 4.4% to 42.9%.17 More
Fluoroquinolones offer broad-spectrum coverage against recently, a study of bacterial conjunctivitis isolates
both Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms.23 The found that 65% of MRSA isolates were resistant to
initial topical ophthalmic fluoroquinolones ofloxacin and ciprofloxacin.29
ciprofloxacin were introduced in the 1990s but have been
largely replaced by the newer fluoroquinolones levo-
floxacin, moxifloxacin, and besifloxacin because of their Safety of Topical Ophthalmic
improved activity against Gram-positive organisms. Antibiotics for Bacterial Conjunctivitis
Several randomized, double-masked, controlled clin- The topical ophthalmic antibiotics for the treatment of
ical trials in children and adults with bacterial conjunc- bacterial conjunctivitis are generally safe and well toler-
tivitis demonstrated rates of clinical cure ranging from ated with few exceptions. Because systemic exposure fol-
approximately 66% to 96% and microbial eradication lowing topical administration is minimal, adverse events
ranging from approximately 84% to 96% for the newer are mostly mild and transient and limited to ocular adverse
fluoroquinolones.24 events. Topical aminoglycosides have been associated
Besifloxacin, the latest topical ophthalmic fluoro- with corneal and conjunctival toxicity, especially when
quinolone, received US Food and Drug Administration used frequently. Superficial punctate lesions have been
approval in May 2009 for the treatment of bacterial con- reported with tobramycin, and ocular allergic reactions
junctivitis. Treatment of children and adults with bacte- have been reported with tobramycin, gentamicin, and
rial conjunctivitis with besifloxacin 0.6% resulted in neomycin.30 Bacitracin has been associated with cases
clinical resolution rates of 45% to 73% and bacterial of contact dermatitis in the periocular area.31 Local
eradication rates of 88% to 91%.25,26 The efficacy and irritation may occur in patients treated with polymyxin
safety of besifloxacin in children and adolescents aged B/trimethoprim sulfate combination regimens, whereas
1 to 17 years (N = 447 with culture confirmed conjunc- allergic sensitization reactions may occur with polymyxin
tivitis) were recently reported in a post hoc analysis B/bacitracin/neomycin combination regimens. Macrolides
and were found to be consistent with the overall study are associated with minor ocular irritations, redness,
population.27 and hypersensitivity reactions. Fluoroquinolone oph-
thalmic solutions have been well tolerated and are asso-
ciated with less toxicity (eg, burning/stinging, chemosis,
Resistance to Fluoroquinolones photophobia, negative effects on corneal epithelium) than
Development of resistance to a fluoroquinolone is often other ophthalmic antibacterial classes.18,32,33
achieved through one or more mutations in the genes
encoding these enzymes. The newer fluoroquinolones
(eg, moxifloxacin and besifloxacin) exhibit balanced Choosing an Appropriate Ophthalmic
dual binding of these enzymes and require multistep Antibiotic for Bacterial Conjunctivitis
mutations, whereas resistance to the older fluoroquino- The ideal topical anti-infective for the treatment of acute
lones (eg, ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin), which typically target bacterial conjunctivitis should be a well-tolerated, broad-
one enzyme in preference to the other, may require only spectrum, highly potent, and a bactericidal agent with a
a single such mutation.10,28 high concentration on the ocular surface and rapid kill
Surveillance data thus far has failed to show resis- time. Although there are many classes of topical antibiotic
tance of S pneumoniae or H influenzae isolates to either treatment options available to primary care physicians, dif-
the older or newer fluoroquinolones.10,12,22 In contrast, ferences among them as well as emerging bacterial resis-
there is documented resistance to both older and newer tance should be considered in selecting the appropriate
ophthalmic fluoroquinolones among S aureus. From antibiotic. In addition, agents with convenient dosing
12 Clinical Pediatrics 50(1)

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