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Karnataka Power Corporation Limited

Shivasamudram Run Off The River Power Project

SL No Details Page No
1 Preamble 1
2 Scheme at a Glance 2
3 Synopsis 3-8
4 Clearances / Inputs 9 - 12
5 Energy Scenerio in Karnataka 13 - 17
6 Salient Features 18 - 22
Chapter -I Introduction 23 - 36
Chapter –II Justification of project from power supply angle 37 - 42
Chapter -III Basin Development 43 - 49
Chapter -IV Inter-State / Inter-National Aspects 50 - 57
Chapter -V Survey & Investigation 58 - 63
Chapter -VI Hydrology 64 - 72
Chapter –VII Reservoir 73 - 78
Chapter –VIII Power Potential & Installed Capacity 79 - 85
Chapter –IX Design Of Civil Structures 86 - 100
Chapter –X Electrical And Mechanical Designs 101 - 143
Chapter –XI Transmission of Power and Communication facilities 144 - 146
Chapter –XII Construction Programme & Plant Planning 147 - 150
Chapter –XIII Project Organisation 151
Chapter –XIV Infrastructural Facilities 152 - 155
Chapter –XV Environmental & Ecological Aspects 156 - 157
Chapter –XVI Cost Estimates 158 - 164
Chapter –XVII Allocation Of Cost 165
Chapter Economic Evaluation 166 - 167
Chapter –XIX Future Utilisation Of Buildings 168
Chapter –XX Recommendations 169
Chapter –XXI Clearances / Inputs 170 - 171
SL No Details Page No
Phasing of Expenditure
Financial Analysis
 Karnataka Power Corporation Limited 

1. Karnataka Power Corporation Limited (KPCL), a Karnataka Government
under taking was allotted to develop power at Shivasamudram across Cauvery
river. KPCL has prepared a Detailed Project Report based on the detailed
investigations carried out. It is proposed to generate power at Shivasamudram
site as a run of the river scheme without any storage or consumptive use of
water. The DPR for the proposed project is named as Shivasamudram Run of
the river power project. The proposal consists of diversion of water from
Bharachukki branch of Cauvery river by constructing a small diversion weir to
an underground power house. The water after generating power will be led
back to the river through a tunnel.

2. After studying the flow details across Cauvery river at Shivanasamudram for a
period of 42 years from 1971-72 to 2012-13, the installed capacity has been
fixed at 300 MW (3 units of 100 MW each) as an underground power house.

3. Hence, it is proposed to implement the Shivasamudram run of the river

project in two Phases, in Phase-I 2 x 100 MW capacity underground power
house will be implemented and the balance 1 x 100 MW will be implemented
in Phase-II.

4. The total area required for the revised proposal is estimated as 165 Ha
90 Ha). The total cost of the project including
(Including submersible area of 20
IDC works out to Rs. 893.65 crores. The energy for the 90% dependable year
is 815.09 MU. The Levelised Tariff works out to Rs 2.58 per unit.

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Estimated Cost Amount Rs in Crores

Civil Engineering works : 459.23

Electrical and Electro-Mech Works : 302.61

Cost of the project at HT bus : 761.84

(Excluding escalation and IDC)

Cost of the project at HT bus : 893.65

(Including escalation and IDC)

Installed Capacity

Under Ground Powerhouse : 2 x 100 MW = 200MW

Annual Energy Generation : 815.09 MU

(90 % dependability)

Cost of energy generation

First year tariff : Rs 2.36

(Per unit)

Levellised Tariff : Rs 2.58

(Per Unit)

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1. Hydropower is a renewable, non-polluting and environmentally benign source

of energy. It is perhaps the oldest renewable energy technique known to the
mankind for mechanical energy conversion as well as electricity generation.
Hydropower represents use of water resources towards inflation free energy
due to absence of recurring fuel cost with mature technology characterized by
highest prime moving efficiency and spectacular operational flexibility.
Hydropower contributes around 22% of the World electricity supply
generated from about 7, 50,000 MW of installed capacity and in many
countries, it is the main source of power generation e.g. Norway – 99%, Brazil-
86%, Switzerland – 76% and Sweden – 50%.

2. The world’s Largest Hydro Electric Power Stations are three gauges project in
China on Yang-Yang river having installed capacity of around 18,200 MW and
ITAIPU with installed capacity of 12600 MW and a reliable output of 75,000
MU in a year located at the Border of Brazil and Paraguay.

3. Power generating total installed capacity in India is of the order of 3,02,833

MW, which includes around 42,783 MW (14.1%) from hydro. Despite
hydroelectric projects being recognized as the most economic and renewable
source of electricity, the share of hydropower in India has been declining since
1963. The hydro share declined from 50% in 1963 to about 14% in 2016. For
grid stability the ideal hydro-thermal mix ratio is 40:60. It is therefore,
necessary to correct the hydro-thermal mix to meet the grid requirements and
peak power shortage. The Government of India has announced, in August,
1998 Policy on Hydro Power Development, followed by 50,000 MW hydro-
electric initiatives in May, 2003.

4. India is a country with a dynamic economy growing at over 8% - 9% per

annum. There is going to be a growing demand for energy. To meet the

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demand for energy, the main power resource potential of the country i.e. coal
and hydropower needs to be exploited to the full extent.

5. The electricity sector in India is predominantly controlled by Government of

India's public sector undertakings (PSUs). Major PSUs involved in the
generation of electricity include National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC),
National Hydroelectric Power Corporation (NHPC) and Nuclear Power
Corporation of India (NPCI). Besides PSUs, several state-level corporations,
such as Karnataka Power Corporation Limited (KPCL), are also involved in the
generation of electricity. The transmission and distribution is managed by the
State Transmission Corporations and distribution companies.

6. India is world's 6th largest energy consumer, accounting for 3.4% of global
energy consumption. Due to India's economic rise, the demand for energy has
grown at an average of 3.6% per annum over the past 30 years. More than 50%
of India's commercial energy demand is met through the country's vast coal
reserves. About 76% of the electricity consumed in India is generated by
thermal power plants, 21% by hydroelectric power plants and 4% by nuclear
power plants. The country has also invested heavily in recent years on
renewable sources of energy such as wind energy.

7. As on April 2016, the installed power generation capacity of India stood at

302833 MW while the power consumption stood at 62148 MU. The country's
annual power production increased from about 190 billion kWH in 1986 to
more than 62148 MU in 2010-11. The Indian government has set an ambitious
target to add approximately 78,000 MW of installed generation capacity by
2012. The total demand for electricity in India is expected to cross 950,000
MW by 2030. The power requirement will treble by 2020 to 400,000 MW from
the current 145,000 MW.

8. Despite an ambitious rural electrification programme, some 400 million

Indians still have no access to electricity. While 80 percent of Indian villages

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have at least an electricity line, just 44 percent of rural households have

access to electricity. According to a sample of 97,882 households in 2002,
electricity was the main source of lighting for 53% of rural households
compared to 36% in 1993 Multi Commodity Exchange has sought
permission to offer electricity future markets.

9. The exploitation of non-conventional energy sources like biomass, solar,

wind and hydro has been recognized as a thrust area by the Ministry of Non-
Conventional Energy Sources. The National Electricity Policy, announced by
the Government in February 2005 has identified the hydro generation as a
thrust area for development

10. Hydropower is clean, renewable, economical and environment friendly.

Hence maximum emphasis should be laid on the full development of the
feasible hydro potential in the country. It is the preferred source of power,
particularly in the context of rising fuel costs and environmental concerns of
global warming.

11. Development of hydro potential is not only needed for socio economic
development of the region, where the hydro potential lies but also for overall
development of the nation.

12. The hydro power generation is highly capital-intensive mode of electricity

generation but being renewable source of energy with no consumables
involved; there is very little recurring cost and hence no high long term
expenditure. It is cheaper as compared to electricity generated from coal and
gas fired plants. It also reduces the financial losses due to frequency
fluctuations and it is more reliable as it is inflation free since fossil fuel is not

13. Hydropower projects have certain distinctive advantages over other sources of
electricity generation, as discussed below:

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a) Technical Benefits
Hydropower projects are known to have much longer life and provide
cheaper electricity as there is no fuel cost and as the recurring cost involved
in generation, operation and maintenance is lower than that in case of other
sources of energy.

b) Environmental Benefits
Uses Renewable and pollution free source of Energy i.e water,

Increase in Agriculture Productivity through development of irrigation and

multipurpose schemes, having generation of electricity as one of the
objectives, wherever possible and feasible.

Avoided Green House Gas (GHG) emissions from equivalent thermal and
other fuel based power projects.

Involve large scale afforestation activities under various schemes like

Compensatory Afforestation, Catchment Area Treatment, Green Belt
Development, Voluntary Afforestation etc. which ultimately improves the
environmental quality of the project area.

Flood Mitigation through large storage dams.

Source of Drinking Water

c) Social Benefits

Hydro projects are a boon to the society and the population at and around
the projects. With enhanced employment opportunities, increased earnings,
enriched life style and improved standard of living, the people in these
localities experience an economic and social up-liftment. Reservoir area is
an ideal place for recreation and source of eco-tourism promotion in the
area. The reservoirs are also used for promoting pisciculture. There are
other direct benefits accruing from hydro projects and dams such as
increased water for improved irrigation, and drinking water to villages and
people living in and around the project area.

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Advantages of Hydro Power

 A renewable source of energy - saves scarce fuel reserves.

 Non-polluting and hence environment friendly.
 Long life - The first hydro project completed in 1897 is still in operation
at Darjeeling is still in operation.
 Cost of generation, operation and maintenance is lower than the other
sources of energy.
 Ability to start and stop quickly and instantaneous load
acceptance/rejection makes it suitable to meet peak demand and for
enhancing system reliability and stability.
 Has higher efficiency (over 90%) compared to thermal (35 to40 %) and
gas (around 50%).
 Cost of generation is free from inflationary effects after the initial
 Storage based hydro schemes often provide attendant benefits of
irrigation, flood control, drinking water supply, navigation, recreation,
tourism, pisiculture etc.
 Being located in remote regions leads to development of interior
backward areas (education, medical, road communication,
telecommunication etc.)

14. Hydro projects call for large initial capital investment but once completed
require no further ‘fuel’ costs but only the O&M expenses once the debt has
been serviced.

15. India was one of the pioneering states in establishing hydro-electric power
plants, The power plant at Darjeeling and Shimsa (Shivanasamudra) were
established in 1898 and 1902 respectively and is one of the first in Asia. The
installed capacity as on April 2016 is approximately 42783 MW. The public
sector has a predominant share of 97% in this sector. The hydro power

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potential of India is around 1,48,701 MW and at 60% load factor, it can meet
the demand of around 84,000 MW.

16. The proposed Shivasamudram Seasonal Power Scheme adds 200 MW of

installed capacity with an annual generation of 815.09 MU at 90 %

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1. Karnataka has made outstanding achievements in the field of

information technology and striving hard to achieve similar milestone in
the field of biotechnology. Bangalore, the capital of Karnataka is
considered as Silicon Valley of India. The software exports from
Bangalore alone amounts to more than 50% of the total exports from
India. The government of Karnataka has very ambitious plans to
multiply the software exports from the state in the coming years. Almost
all the major companies in the field of information technology / software
development have their establishments in Bangalore. Therefore, it has
become all the more important for GOK to provide basic infrastructure
facilities for these companies to achieve their goals/trades.

2. The basic infrastructure requirements are, providing good roads,

uninterrupted water and power supply etc. The increase in power
demand due to the accelerated development of Industries,
transportation, water supply and agriculture have resulted in severe
shortage of power, especially peaking power in the state. The
substantial increase in use of electricity for agricultural pump sets over
the years, rural electrification and AT & C line losses have added to
woes of the state in the power sector.

3. The generation of power in the state is not matching with the

accelerated demand for power from the industrial sector. The annual
energy consumption for the previous fifteen years is indicated below.

Year Average energy consumption in MU

2001-2002 29190
2002-2003 29375
2003-2004 31107

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2004-2005 33209
2005-2006 34368
2006-2007 40322
2007-2008 40014
2008-2009 40924
2009-2010 42333
2010-2011 46992
2011-2012 54288
2012-2013 57248
2013-2014 58495
2014-2015 60668
2015-2016 62148

4. The above figures are not indicative of the correct consumption as

these are in spite of unscheduled power cuts, load shedding and
tripping of the stations. The peak power and energy requirements of
the state at the end of 12th Five Year Plan is 13010MW & 78637MU
respectively. Peak demand deficit in the state has increased from 5% in
FY 2005-06 to 19% in FY 2011-12. The peak power & energy
requirement for the next five years as per 18th Electric power survey
report is as indicated below:

Year Peak load requirement
2016-17 13010 78637
2017-18 13964 83917
2018-19 14945 89285
2019-20 16005 95059
2020-21 17159 101309

5. The total installed capacity in Karnataka including firm share from CGS
as on 30.04.2016 is 17324MW. Out of this KPCL contribution accounts
to 8024MW. Share from CGS, IPP & Renewable Energy Sources

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accounts to 2105MW, 2166MW & 5030MW respectively. Number of

generating stations (hydro, coal based etc.) are planned to be
commissioned up to FY 2019. The additional capacity planned for
future available from various sources is summarized below:

Capacity Entitlement in
Source MW
State Owned 3030
Private Sector (UPCL Expansion
Project) 1200
Renewable Energy Sources 5415
State's Share from CGS 1575
Total 11220

Karnataka state is bestowed with rich hydro power potential of about

8250 MW, it has not been possible to harness more than 3667.3 MW
of hydel power till today. This is due to the fact that, though many of
the rivers have large hydro power potential, the projects envisaged on
these rivers are entangled with either environmental problems or
interstate water disputes.

6. As the state do not have other sources of energy like fossil fuels, geo-
thermal etc., the only renewable source of power is through the hydro
power development. Of late, though the impetus is on generation of
thermal power due to short gestation period, in the long run only hydro-
power has to be developed to reduce cost of energy and also to meet
the requirements of peak power. Moreover, hydro-power is eco-

7. The demand and supply gap is going to widen in the years to come,
unless new power projects are not taken up immediately, to meet the
power requirement. Therefore, it is necessary to take up power
projects, which can add to generating capacity.

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8. In this direction, Shivasamudram Seasonal Power Scheme which is a

run-of the river scheme can contribute precious 300 MW of power
during monsoon months, out of which 2x 100 MW will be implemented
in Phase I and the balance 100 MW will be implemented in Phase II.
The advantages of taking up this project are briefly indicated below:
 The entire submersion lies in Karnataka
 The total submersion is around 90 Hectares
 Most of the submersion is confined to the river course (65 Ha.)
 No forest land is going to be submerged
 No village gets submerged and hence R & R issues are minimum
 No temple or any monuments are going to be submerged
 There is no consumptive use of water
 The number of components is bare minimum
 The estimated cost of the project is 893.65 crores including IDC as
per the present rates
 The project can be completed in about 48 months
 This project adds 200 MW to the state grid
 The energy potential from the project is 815.09 MU per annum
(90% dep.)
 The cost of generation is Rs. 2.58 (levelised tariff).

9. The Karnataka State was in a comfortable position as regards its

requirement of power till 1972. However shortage of power availability
in relation to demand arose from 1973 onwards and this shortage has
been increasing steadily due to the growth of demand exceeding
addition to the generation capacity. The shortage of power has
necessitated power cuts on H.T consumers also. Even L.T consumers
are not spared from scheduled and unscheduled power cuts. The
deficit in power availability affects not only individual development but
also the other sections of economy including agriculture and individual
life of common man.

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10. The present energy requirement of Karnataka during FY 2015-16 was

65,479 MU as per the CEA reports with deficit of 3,331MU (5.1%). The
deficit for the financial year 2015-16 was 688MW accounting to 6.7%.

11. Hydro power is a perpetual clean power with least running cost as well
renewable source of energy. Hence development of hydro power
where ever the scope exists gains importance and needs to be
harnessed. In the present conditions the cost of energy at the time of
low frequencies is very high. The monsoon generations from this
project will augment storing waters in the other storage based projects.
This saving of water during monsoon and the small storage
contemplated from this project will augment low cost energy during
peak hours of non-monsoon periods, thus importing of energy at very
high cost can be reduced considerably. This will also help in
maintaining the frequencies during peaking hours by augmentation of
required high installed capacities. Generation in monsoon period will
facilitate taking thermal units for annual maintenance.

12. It is proposed to take up the project in 2 phases. In the Phase I of the

project it is proposed to install the underground power house with an
installed capacity of 200 MW (2x 100 MW) and the balance 100 MW
will be implemented in the Phase II ( 1 x 100 MW UGPH).

13. Shivasamudram Run of the river Power Project is contemplated as a

run of the river Scheme across Cauvery river at Shivasamudram. A
small diversion dam is constructed with an average height of about 9.0
m on the right limb of the river. The intake structure will be on the right
bank of the pickup lake with its level at EL 615.40 m. envisages
diverting waters from the main river. An underground power house with
a tail race tunnel leading in to the water back into the river course has
been proposed.

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Location of the Project

River : Cauvery
Place : Shivasamudram
Taluk : Kollegal
District : Chamarajanagar
State : Karnataka

Proposed Weir across Right Limb of Cauvery River:

Latitude : N12° 16.79'

Longitude : E77° 10.62'

Total Catchment area : 21715 Sq.Km

Independent catchment area : 7010

Average river bed level : EL 607 m
FRL : EL 615.40 m

MDDL : EL 610.00 m

MWL : EL 619.40 m

Top of Dam : EL 620.50 m

Type of weir : Concrete

Height of weir from river bed : 15.5 m (Maximum Height)

i) OF section : 9.0 m (average)

ii) NOF section : 15.5 m

Length of dam at top

i) Over Flow Section : 415.00 m

ii) NOF Section : 112.00 m

Spillway & No of gates : Un-gated spillway.

Sluice arrangement

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Number : 2 numbers

Size : 2 m x 2.3 m

Gross Storage Capacity : 2.80 Mcum

Live Storage capacity : 2.70 Mcum

Design inflow flood : 16990 cumecs

Average Riverbed level : EL 607.00 m

Average annual yield : 6691 Mcum

(1971 -72 to 2007-08)


Length of intake weir : 60 m

Top elevation of intake weir : EL 609.43

Length of intake channel : 120 m

Bed slope of channel : 1 in 6

Type of Intake : Conventional type

Number of Gates : Two

Size of gates : 5.6 m x 7.35 m

Provision for hoisting gates : Rope drum & Hydraulic hoist

Length of pressure shaft : 30.84 m

Dia of Pressure shaft : 6.9m (steel lined)

Length of penstock : 227.3 m

Penstock Dia. at intake : 6.9m (Steel Lined) (of length 227.3 m)

Penstock Dia. at 1stbifuracation : 5.6m (Steel Lined) (of lengths 31.0 m & 7.0m)

Penstock Dia. at 2ndbifuracation: 4.0m (Steel Lined) (of lengths 31.6 m& 9.0m)

3.05m (Steel Lined) (of length 24.0m)


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Latitude : N12° 16.767'

Longitude : E77° 10.976'
Type of turbines : Vertical Francis Turbine
Central Line of Turbine liner : EL 432.24 m
Generator floor level : EL 444.73 m
Tail race invert level : EL 436.00 m
Installed capacity : 2 units of 100 MW each
Rated discharge / unit : 65.19 cumecs
Max.Net head on Turbine : 176.95 m
Min.Net head on Turbine : 176.26 m
Rated Gross head : 173.81 m
Friction loss : 2.45 m
Net rated head : 173.81 m
Type of power house : Under ground
Size of Power House
Length : 68 m
Width : 21 m
Height : 44.75 m
Access Tunnel to PH
Length : 1720 m
Shape : ‘D’ shape
Size :7 m x 7 m
Draft Tube gates
Number : 6 nos.
Type : Plated type
Size : 4.31 m x 1.97 m
Ventilation tunnel to UGPH
Size : 180 m
Shape : Circular
Size : 2 m Dia.
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Size of Cavern
Length : 78 m
Width : 17 m
Height : 15 m
Bus Duct Tunnel
Numbers : Three
Purpose : For carrying Bus Duct & cables from
UGPH to Transform Cavern
Size : 4.5 m x 4.5 m
Length : 23 m
Cable duct tunnel
Length : 225 m
Size : 5 m x 5m


Length of Tailrace tunnel : 4500 m
Length : 4500 m
Type : "D" shaped.
Size :9mx9m
Flow : Free flow by gravity
Bed slope : 1 in 530
Design discharge : 196 cumecs
Type of lining : M20 CC lining of 30cm thick


Forest / Deemed Forest Land (including Approach
90 ha
roads, weir, and Other appurtenant works Etc.,) :

Revenue / Land : 75 ha
Total 165 ha

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Annual Energy : 841.73 MU (90% dependable year)

Design Energy : 815.09 MU

Total basic cost of the Project : Rs 761.84 Crores
Total basic cost of the Project
(including IDC) : Rs 893.65Crores
Tariff - First year : Rs 2.36 / Unit
- Levelised : Rs 2.58 / Unit

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1.1 Type of Project
“Shivasamudram Run of the river Power Project’ is contemplated as
a run of the river Scheme for power generation across Cauvery river
at Shivasamudram. The scheme requires a small diversion weir with
a height of about 7.5 m on the right limb of the river for creating a
small pondage. The intake structure will be on the right bank of the
pickup lake with its level at EL 615.4 m. envisages diverting waters
from the main river. An underground power house with a tail race
tunnel are proposed for generating power.

1.2 Location of the project area:

1.2.1 River Cauvery which is generally an east flowing river runs in a
South – North direction after the Kollegal road bridge for a distance
of 6 to 6.5 Km. Thereafter the river turns east and continues its
onward journey. The area near the proposed project is generally
plain in the river is wide. The Cauvery river immediately on the
downstream of Kollegal bridge bifurcates into two limbs forming an
island extending over an area of 11 sq. Kms. There is one small
village on this island with two temples and a Darga. 340 Ha. of land
on this island is under irrigation. Water for irrigation is drawn from the
right limb of the Cauvery river.

1.2.1 The proposed weir across the right limb of Cauvery river lies near
Shivasamudram village and the proposed surface power house is
near Bhudakatte Doddi village of Chamarajanagara district.

1.2.2 The entire project area proposed is spread over the area from
Kollegal bridge up to the confluence of a small tributary with Cauvery
river extending over Latitudes 120 15’N to 120 20’ N and Longitudes
770 08’ E to 770 15’E. A map indicating the location of the project

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area is enclosed vides Drawing No. SRPP/Civil/03. Also drawing

showing the location of the components of the project is also
enclosed vides Drawing Nos. SRPP/Civil/05 & 06.

1.3 Access to the project:

1.3.1 The components of the proposed project are easily approachable by

road. An asphalted deviation road taking off from the Bangalore –
Dindigul highway (Highway No 209) near Sattegal village leads to
the Island formed by the two limbs of Cauvery river near
Shivasamudram. From this asphalted road a metalled road on the
right bank of the right limb of Cauvery river leads to the weir and
power house locations. Roads of short distances are to be formed to
reach the weir, intake, adit, approach tunnel to power house etc. A
map showing the location of the project area is enclosed vides
drawing No SRRP / Civil / 04. A plan showing the location of
components, existing roads and the alignment of roads required to
reach the various components of the project is enclosed vide
drawing No. SRPP/Civil/ 05, 06 & 7.

1.3.2 The nearest railway station is Maddur on Bangalore – Mysore broad

gauge line. The distance from Maddur station to the project site is 49
Km. Bangalore International Airport is the nearest Airport to the
project. The distance from BIA to the project site is 175 km.

The distances by road from important places to the project site are
as below
 Bangalore 132 km.
 Mysore 79 km.
 Kollegal 19 km.
 Malavalli 26 km
 Maddur 49 km
 Mandya 69 km
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1.4 General Climatic Conditions in the project area:

1.4.1 The project site is situated at an elevation of 600m above sea level.
The general climate is temperate. The temperature varies from 20
deg C to 26 deg C. Diurnal variation in temperature is small.

1.4.2 The rainfall near the project site is scanty and is about 800 mm per
annum. The area receives rainfall both during SW and NE monsoons
from June to November.

1.5 Description of Topography, Physiography and Geology of the

1.5.1 The Shivanasamudram Run-Of- River Power Project envisages
utilization of additional hydraulic head of the River Cauvery near
Shivanasamudram ( Toposheet No. 57-H/3; Latitude : 12 16’ &
Longitude 77 0 10’ ) by diverting the flood waters of the right limb of
the Cauvery River i.e Bharachukki Falls by constructing the
following components
1. Pick up weir
2. Approach channel
3. Intake Structure
4. Pressure Shaft
6 Access Tunnel to UGPH
7. Tailrace Tunnel
8 Intermediate Adit

1.5.2 Topography and Geomorphology:

The project area more or less is a plain land dissected by a deep cliff
carved by the river on the northern side. The drainage pattern of the

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terrain seems to be guided by joint system in the formations and the

region is covered over by thin granitic soil mantle and is devoid of
vegetation. At Shivasamudram the river branches into two. The
western branch is known as Gaganachukki falls (70 m) and eastern
branch is known as Bharachukki falls ( 56 m ). These two branches
then again unite and flow in an easterly direction.

1.5.3 Regional Geology:

The regional geology indicates that this area is situated at the margin
of the Closepet granites. Varying mineral composition has been
observed in the rock formation here. The formation include granite,
granite gneiss, migmatites, pegmatites ,charnockite bands and the
intrusive dykes. It is reported that the occurrence of Charnockite
patches is due to the transformation of gneisses into charnockitic
composition. The trend of foliation in the gneisses is N 150 to 200 W
– S150-250 W with a near vertical dip or steep dips on either side
Amphibolite xenoliths are aligned parallel to the gneissosity. The cliff
faces of the gorge and the river bed all along are exposed with
massive granitic formations. The existence of Gaganachukki and
Bharachukki water falls in the longitudinal profile of the river Cauvery
is a clear manifestation of uplift involving faulting in this area .


1. WEIR SITE - A 515m long and 15.00 m height from the deepest
foundation level is proposed on the right limb of the Cauvery River at
1 .1 km upstream of 56.00 m high Bharachukki falls. The weir
alignment runs in East-West direction. Massive granite gneiss,
pegmatite are exposed all along the alignment, river course as well
as on the right abutment. The foliation trend is N200 W-S200 E dips
near vertical. Amphibolite occurs as xenoliths parallel to the foliation.
2. APPROACH CHANNEL – In order to feed water from the
reservoir to UGPH, a 117 m long Approach Channel is proposed at

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upstream of the weir alignment on the right bank of river. The

channel passes through valley. The channel deepest bed level is RL.
587.00m near Intake point. Exposures of granite gneiss are seen
between ch. 0 & 50.00m at left side of the proposed channel.
Between 0 and 30.00m granite gneiss exposures are seen at right
side of the channel. Rest of the reach is covered by soil.
3. INTAKE STRUCTURE – An intake structure is proposed to
regulate the diverted waters to the powerhouse. The proposed
Intake area is covered by soil. Site conditions indicate that, fresh
rock would be available at RL. 587.00m.
4. INCLINED PRSSURE SHAFT – A 212.00 m long, 7.5 m dia
pressure shaft with an inclination of 510 degree is proposed for
drawing the water from the intake to UGPH. This alignment passes
through a hillock comprising of granite gneiss/migmatites. On both
sides of the proposed alignment at some places, isolated exposures
of hard, fresh and blocky granite /migmatites and amphibolites are
powerhouse is proposed to be located in an area of 140.00 m along
NE-SW direction and 60.00m along NW-SE direction to
accommodate valve chamber, machine hall and transformer hall at
an average RL of 420 m. The powerhouse will be seated in Granite
gneiss rock. The ground surface is covered by a soil mantle with
occasional exposures of granite gneiss.
6. ACCESS TUNNEL TO UGPH - In order to access the UGPH ,
transformer hall and other annexes, 1790m long, D-shape
(dimension of 7 m X 7 m ). Access Tunnel is proposed . Granite
gneiss / migmatite with xenoliths of amphibolites is seen at some
places and soil in the rest of the area. The media of excavation

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would be granite gneiss. The adit passes through Tenginahalla

alignment where fractured/sheared rock is noticed.
7. TAILRACE TUNNEL- A 4.50 km long D-shaped tail race tunnel
having 9X9m size is proposed with its Invert level near the UGPH is
RL. 435.00m and at the end i.e exit point the invert level is RL.
427.00m. The TRT alignment traversing in N 550 E direction. The
alignment passes through four nalas i.e Tenginahalla,
Goravihalla,Basarihalla and Mudukihalla. At some places the
alignment passes through hillocks. Isolated outcrops of granite
gneiss/migmatites and xenoliths of amphibolites are seen at the
proposed alignment particularly along valley and hillocks. The media
of excavation would be granite gneiss. It is anticipated that
fractured/sheared rock may occur at some places because of the
dense joint pattern.
8. INTERMEDIATE ADIT –To facilitate speedy execution of tunnel, a
932.00 m long D-shape with size 5 m x 5m adit is proposed which
intersects TRT at Ch. 3000m. The adit alignment is oriented in
N460W direction. Soil cover and exposures of granite is seen along
1.6 Historical Background of the project:
1.6.1 Power development in Cauvery river from Shivasamudram falls up-to
Mettur reservoir is under consideration of the State for quite some
time. The run of the river power generation at Shivasamudram falls
is part of the proposed development and fits in with the overall

1.6.2 Earlier proposal:

A Detailed Project Report for power generation at Shivasamudram
was first prepared and submitted to CEA for clearance during
October 1987. Central Electricity Authority has returned the Project
report of SSPH during Feb. 1988 with the following remarks. “The

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Scheme involves inter- state aspects mainly due to its location in the
Cauvery basin. The matter has been referred to Department of
Power for resolution and clearance from interstate angle. It is
requested that KPCL may also take up this matter at an appropriate
level. Processing of this scheme for techno economic clearance of
CEA can be done only after the interstate aspects are resolved”

The Cauvery Water Dispute Tribunal given its final decision on 5th
February 2007 (details of the same has been furnished in Chapter
4). In the order, CWDT has stated the following “Nothing in the order
of this Tribunal shall impair the right or power or authority of any
state to regulate within its boundaries the use of water, or to enjoy
the benefit of waters within that State in a manner not inconsistent
with the order of this Tribunal.”

1.6.3 Present proposal:

Now, it is proposed to implement the underground power house in 2
phases. In the Phase I of the project it is proposed to install the
underground power house with an installed capacity of 200 MW (2x
100 MW) and the balance 100 MW will be implemented in the Phase
II ( 1 x 100 MW UGPH).

1.6.4 After studying the flow details across Cauvery river at

Shivasamudram for a period of 42 years from 1971-72 to 2012-13,
the installed capacities have been fixed at 300 MW (3 units of 100
MW each) for underground power house. The ultimate installed
capacity proposed at Shivasamudram is 300 MW.

1.7 Need for the project –options and justifications:

1.7.1 The power scenario in Karnataka has been explained in the
Synopsis. The State was in a comfortable position in the power
sector till 1972. However, shortage from 1973 onwards as the
additional capacity failed to keep pace with the growth in demand

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and this shortage is increasing steadily. This deficit in power

availability affects not only industrial development but also other
sectors of economy including agriculture.

1.7.2 The run of the river generation from the proposed Shivasamudram
project would be substantial during the monsoon months from July to
October. During these months, the thermal units could be taken up
for annual maintenance to absorb the seasonal power. The power
potential in Cauvery river at Shivasamudram could be economically
harnessed and assimilated in the system.

1.8 Alternative studies carried out for various major components

and final choice of parameters:
1.8.1 The Cauvery river is one of the important rivers in Karnataka. In the
state of Karnataka the river flows almost flat and is suitable for
irrigation. There are several irrigation projects in the basin and its
development is explained in elsewhere in the report.

1.8.2 The Cauvery river has two drops along its course in the State
namely Chunchanakatte falls and Shivasamudram falls. The first fall,
the Chuchanakatte falls with a small drop of around 18 m, is located
upstream of KRS dam and its potential has been fully exploited
through an IPP. The drop at Shivasamudram which is of interest in
view of the scope it offers for hydro power generation.

1.8.3 The Cauvery river on the downstream of KRS and Kabini dams, runs
in a South-North direction after the Kollegal road bridge for a
distance of around 6 kms. The river bifurcates into two limbs
immediately after the bridge forming an island. The river then falls
through a height of more than 55 m within a short distance. The falls
from the left limb is called Gaganachukki falls and the falls from the
right limb is called Bharachukki falls. Both the limbs after the falls
unite forming an island between them. The river then turns east and

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continues its journey. There are some more rapids after which the
river flows flat. It is proposed to exploit the head available between
the Kollegal road bridge and the river bed after the two falls for
power generation.

1.8.4 The general layout of the area and the river course from the
downstream of Kollegal road bridge is enclosed vide drawing No.

1.8.5 The first major component is a diversion weir/dam for diverting the
water to the powerhouse for power generation. As the river is taking
a right turn after the two falls, the river diversion will have to be taken
up from the right limb of the river. Further there is an existing weir
across left limb of the river with an FRL of EL 615.40 m. This weir
facilitates diversion of water to Bangalore Water Supply and for
power generation at the existing Shimsha and Shiva power houses.

1.8.6 The river course from Kollegal bridge from where the river splits in to
two limbs and the falls is less than 3 to 4 km. A suitable location for a
diversion weir is available at about 1 km upstream of Bharachukki
falls where the river course is narrow. The deepest river bed at the
site is EL 606 m. Fresh rock is exposed in the river bed. Abutments
have overburden varying from 6 m to 8m.
The crest level of the existing weir on the left limb of the Cauvery
river is at EL 614.15 m. It is proposed to keep the crest level of the
proposed diversion weir across the right limb at EL 614.15 m, same
as the crest level of the existing weir across right limb, to form a
common reservoir.

1.8.7 The flood lift works out to 4m, the MWL being EL 618.15 m. It was
first proposed to extend the weir up to this level on the left bank of
the right wing. The length of the weir was 885 m long. This
necessitates acquiring the agricultural land and plantations in the

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1.8.8 In order to save the agricultural land in the island, it was later
decided to restrict the length of the weir up to the river course and to
have an earthen bund all along the river course on the left bank of
the right limb up to the MWL with necessary free board so that the
lands can be protected during floods from flooding. In the normal
course the submersion is restricted to river course only. The length
of the weir will be only 528 m. (OF length of 415 m and NOF length
of 113 m).
The details of the proposal are indicated in the layout drawing no.
SRRP /Civil/8, 9 & 10.

1.8.9 There is a small valley on the right bank of the river just upstream of
the proposed weir site which is an ideal site for intake channel. The
underground power house is located at a distance of around 300 m
from the weir site. The topography is ideal for locating the above
components and no alternate sites are available for the same.

1.8.10 The underground power house is approximately 225 m horizontally

from the intake. The power house cavern is 68 m long, 21 m wide
and 44.75 m high. The transformer cavern is 78 m long, 17 m wide
and 15 m high.

1.8.11 The tailrace tunnel was first aligned to coincide with a level of EL 440
m near the confluence of Muduki halla with Cauvery river with an exit
level of EL 440 m. Later the alignment was changed and is let out
into a small nala leading in to the river.

1.8.12 A map showing the alternate proposals / alignments studied before

finalizing the present scheme is enclosed vide drawing No. SRPP /
Civil / 08.

1.9 The Natural Resources of the State / Region:

1.9.1 The Karnataka state has enormous hydro potential with a number of
west flowing rivers, which are short in length and ideal for power

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generation. However the state does not have any coal reserves and
the coal is being transported to the existing ‘Raichur Thermal Power
Station’ and ‘Bellary Thermal Power Station’ from Collieries which
are located at a minimum distance of 500 kms from the project.

1.9.2 The rail traffic congestion poses restriction for putting up new coal
power plants at load centers and hence the new coal plants have to
come up at pit heads only. However coastal sites could be
developed with imported coal.
Further Karnataka state has strategic advantage to source the gas in
future through pipeline from either Mangalore (LNG) or Krishna
Godhavari basin (NG) or Dhabol on competitive basis. Opening up
of Krishna-Ghodavari gas sources in a big way by Reliance Gas
Company and Gujarat State Gas Company strengthens the fact that
future energy source could be gas.

1.10 Socio – Economic issues including Tribal, Backward and

Drought areas:

1.10.1 The area is not backward and is not a backward or drought area

1.11 Land required for the project construction:

1.11.1 The land required for the project include the submersion area, land
required for seating the weir, for the proposed bund along the left
bank of the river, for tailrace pond, underground power house etc.
Though several components like main power house, tailrace tunnel,
access tunnel, adit tunnel etc. are underground, the area on the
surface of these components is to be acquired. In addition the
project requires land required for diversion roads, dump yards,
contractor camps, field offices, magazine building etc required for the
construction of the project. The abstract details of land required are
listed below.

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1. Submersion area : 90 Ha.

2. Underground PH
3. Water conductor systems (Pressure shaft,
TRT, Access tunnel, Adit etc.)
4. Outdoor yard (ODY)
5. Intake : 75 Ha.
6. Contractor camps & field office
7. Dump yards
8. Magazine building
9. Roads

1.11.2 The total area of land required is 165 Ha. Out of this 90 Ha comes
under submersion, 66 Ha is required for weir seating, intake, ODY
dump yards, labor camps contractors field office etc, 9 Ha is the land
coming above the underground structures.

1.11.3 A map showing all the land required for the project is prepared and
enclosed vides Drawing No. SRRP / Civil / 7.

1.12 Population affected by the project and occupation of the people

The proposed Shivasamudram Run of the river power is a purely run
of the river project with minimum storage restricted to the river
course. No houses are coming under submersion and no population
is affected. All the components of the project are located in forest

1.13 Environmental Aspects:

1.13.1 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study which includes
identification, prediction and evaluation of potential impacts of the
project on the environmental quality within the study area has been
entrusted to ‘Institute for catchment studies and environmental
management – ICSEM, Bengaluru’. The agency has studied the

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environmental aspects as per the prescribed ‘TOR’ by MOEF. The

EIA report covers the environmental aspects of the project.

1.14 Inter – State Aspects

1.14.1 The inter-state river Cauvery and its valley encompass the State of
Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and the Union Territory of
Pondicherry. Due to the topographical features, historically the
irrigation in the Cauvery basin developed in the low lying areas and
delta region at the mouth of the river then lying in the Madras
Presidency. When utilization of water in Mysore was taken up for
consideration, conflict or dispute erupted between the old users
represented by Madras and new users represented--by Mysore.

1.14.2 Later the conflict went to Supreme Court. After several hearings, the
Supreme Court in its judgment of May 1990 directed the Government
of India to constitute a Tribunal under the provisions of the Inter-State
Water Disputes Act, 1956. Accordingly, the Cauvery Water Disputes
Tribunal (CWDT) was established on 2nd June 1990. The details are
discussed in detail in Chapter IV of this report.

1.15 Defense angle:

There is no defense establishment near the project.

1.16 Cost and Benefits of the scheme

1.16.1 Financial and Economic studies:
The project is estimated to cost 761.84 Crores which includes Rs.
459.23 crores for Civil works, Rs 302.61 crores towards Electrical &
Electro-Mechanical works, Rs131.81 towards escalation and IDC.
The tariff per Kilo-Watt hour of energy generated at power house bus
bar works out to Rs.2.36/unit for the first year. The levelised Tariff
over a period of 35 Years works out to Rs. 2.58/unit. The details of
the financial analysis and various parameters considered is enclosed
in Annexure volume (Volume II) of the report.
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1.16.2 Economic Justification:

The energy generated from Shivasamudram Run of the River
Power Project is proposed to be led to the grid through 220 kv
double circuit transmission line. The tariff at 90% dependable
year works out to Rs. 2.36/unit. for the first year and Rs
2.58/unit is the levelised tariff over a period of 35 years. The cost
of energy is very cheap compared to the present cost of
generation from other sources of energy like Thermal, Diesel,
Gas or other sources. Besides hydel power is pollution free and
eco-friendly compared to Thermal plants. The cost of fuel in case
of Thermal, diesel or gas based plants is escalating continuously
making the hydel source, which is renewable, the cheapest
source of energy.

1.16.3 Energy Contribution:

The energy potential from the project studied for a long period of
42 Years indicates a potential of 841.73 MU in a 90% dependable
year. The average energy potential for the above period is
930.59 MU.

1.17 Construction programme

1.17.1 The total time required for the construction of the project is
estimated as 48 months.

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The primary resources of electric power for generation are water, fossil
fuel(coal, lignite, oil & natural gas) and nuclear energy. Various forms
of renewable energy sources viz Wind, bio mass, solar, etc., will also
contribute in meeting the energy demand. The installed capacity in

Installed Generation Capacity(As on 30.04.2016)

All Nuclear Hydro R.E.S Total
Indi (Renewable) @(MNRE)
a Coal Gas Diesel Total
MW 185992.88 24508.6 918.89 211420.4 5780 42783.42 42849.38 302833.2
% 61.4 8.1 0.3 69.8 1.9 14.1 14.1 100

India as on 30.04.2016 is as follows:

(Source CEA- Monthly report for April 2016)
All India Installed Capacity as on 30.04.2016 is represented in the graph
All India installed Capacity as on 30.04.2016




Coal Gas Diesel Nuclear Hydro RES

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Based on the report of the working group on power (Constituted by

planning commission), a capacity addition of 78700MW was envisaged
in 11th plan comprising 15,627MW of Hydro, 59,693MW of Thermal and
3380MW of nuclear. However, at the end of 11th plan (2007-2012),
54,964MW (around 70% of the original target) was achieved.

For the 12th plan, CEA has identified a capacity addition requirement of
88,537MW comprising of 10,897MW Hydro, 72,340MW Thermal, and
5,300MW Nuclear.

Sector wise target for the 12th plan period is as follows:

Capacity Addition target during 12th Plan

Hydro Thermal Nuclear Total
Central 6004 14878 5300 26182
State 1608 13922 − 15530
Private 3285 43540 − 46825
All India 10897 72340 5300 88537

2.1.3 The following table furnishes the growth in installed capacity since 6th
plan on all India basis under different sectors viz Thermal, Hydro,
Nuclear, etc.

At the end of Thermal Nuclear Hydro RES Total

Sixth Plan (1980-85) 27,030 1,095 14,460 0 42,585
Seventh Plan (1985-90) 43,764 1,565 18,307 0 63,636
Eighth Plan (1992-97) 61,010 2,225 21,658 902 85,795
Ninth Plan (1997-02) 74,429 2,720 26,269 1,628 1,05,046
Tenth Plan (2002-07) 86,015 3,900 34,654 7,760 1,32,329
Eleventh Plan (2007-12) 1,31,603 4,780 38,990 24,504 1,99,877
Twelfth Plan(as on
30.04.2016) 2,11,420 5,780 42,783 42,849 3,02,833

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At the end of 11th plan, it was estimated that the peak deficit gap was
11.1% & energy deficit was 8.5%

Following table furnishes the deficit scenario during March 2016.

Power supply position (April 2015 to March 2016)

Peak Energy Deficit
Region Demand Deficit % requirement %
Northern 544474 -7.1 340488 -4.8
Western 48640 -0.9 346650 -0.02
Southern 40445 -1.4 288004 -1.6
Eastern 18076 -0.6 124608 -0.8
Eastern 2573 -8 14487 -5.2

There is a continuous gap in both peak demand and energy availability

throughout the 12th plan period so far.

2.1.5 Goal of power by 2022:

1) The studies by NIAS suggests capacity addition of 1000MW in

Wind power & 1300MW in solar Power by 2017.
2) As per Green corridor report of PGCIL wind capacity to reach
4800MW & solar power to 2500MW by 2022.
3) NIAS suggests for the implementation of 1000MW Pumped Hydro
Storage by 2022 that could produce 1000MW power for 10 hours
in a day.

The power development scenario beyond 11th plan (2012 -2020) as per
CEA’s report to the ministry of power (2003) reports that “The Indian
power system requirement had been assessed to have a hydro power
and thermal /nuclear power mix in the ratio of 40:60 for flexibility in the
system operation depending on typical load pattern. To achieve this mix
and to accelerate the hydro power development, 50,000MW hydro
electric initiative was launched in 2003.
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For the 12th plan, CEA has identified a capacity addition requirement of
88,537MW comprising of 10,897MW Hydro, 72,340MW Thermal, and
5,300MW Nuclear.


Installed capacity in Southern Region in MW as on 31.03.2016 are as



[As per CEA]
ANDHRA 1758.87 7549.21 3182.65 16.97 10748.83 127.16 2676.30 15311.1
TELANGANA 2135.66 6798.47 1697.75 19.83 8516.05 148.62 605.54 11405.8
KARNATAKA 3599.80 7908.46 0 234.42 8142.88 475.86 5105.52 17324.0
KERALA 1881.5 1038.69 533.58 234.6 1806.87 228.6 255.47 4172.44
TAMIL NADU 2182.20 11275.1 1027.18 411.66 12713.94 986.5 9511.26 25393.9
PUDUCHERRY 0.00 249.32 32.5 0 281.82 52.78 .03 334.63

NLC 0 100.17 0 0 0 0 0 100.17

CENTRAL - 0 1523.08 0 0 1523.08 300.48 0 1823.56

SOUTHERN 11558.0 36442.5 6473.66 917.48 43833.64 2320 18154.12 75865.7

From the above table the ratio of Hydro to thermal mix in Karnataka is 29:71
as against 40:60 as per assessment of CEA.

2.1.7 Requirement VS availability during Feb 2016 (Demand in MW) in

Karnataka as follows:
Requirement Vs Availability
Ex-Bus Demand (MW)

Ex-Bus Peak Demand
a] [Maximum Unrestricted 9998
b] Ex-Bus Peak Met [Actuals] 9397

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Average of daily max

c] -601
d] Shortage in % [c/a] -6
e] Avg. of daily max. shortage -622
Maximum of daily max
f) -639
Source: Progress report for FEB-2016 published by SRPC, CEA

Above table shows shortage of an average of 601MW in peak load.

2.1.8 Requirement versus availability during Feb-2016 (Energy in MU) in

Karnataka is as follows:
Requirement Vs Availability
Ex-Bus Energy (MU)

Unrestricted Energy
a] requirement 5776.12

Actual Energy
b] Supplied 5565.34
c] Surplus +/Deficit/- -210.78
d] Percentage -3.65
Source: Progress report for FEB-2016 published by SRPC, CEA

2.1.9 Load shedding in MU in Karnataka is for the month of February 2016 is

as follows:

Source: Progress report for Feb - 2016 published by SRPC, CEA

The 18th electric power survey also indicates that the all India
compounded annual growth rate for the peak power demand works out
to 9.58% during 2009-10 to 2016-17 & 7.27% and during 2016-17 to
2021-22. The growth rate for energy would be 8.55% during 2009-10 to
2016-17 & 7.05% and during 2016-17 to 2021-22. Further the electrical
energy requirement would increase to about 1904861MU by 2021-22
and the peak demand would reach to about 283470MW.

2.1.11 Justification for the project:

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As indicated above, bulk of the power generation should come from

thermal and hydro power plants. In order to build up a reliable, stable
and effective power generation system, the integrated operation of both
thermal and hydro power stations is considered necessary, with thermal
stations operating as base load and hydro stations meeting the
supplemental and peak power requirements.

From the above tables, it could be seen that peak demand and energy
requirements could not be met even after 11th Plan leading to power
cuts in the state and affecting Industries and general public. In order to
overcome the deficit and supplement the grid, run of the river scheme
proposed could be considered for implementation.

- Need for total approx. 89500MW of generation in the 12th plan in
India and about 8826MW in Karnataka.
- Power supply position during 2007-08, 2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-
11 of 11th plan shows peak deficit ranging from 10 to 17% and
energy deficits ranging from 8 to 11%.
- Run of the river plants are preferred due to renewable feature and
low submergence and environmentally friendly.
- After 2014, there is a total change in the planning for large addition
of capacity mainly in renewable energy sector. But, Power from
renewable energy sector is fluctuating due to its seasonality.
Whereas, hydro power is considered to be most reliable source of
- Even with around 4500MW & 7000MW of capacity addition from
Wind & Solar Power by 2017 & 2022 (As per studies by NIAS) the
peak deficit continues to prevail. Hydro plants are preferable to
operate during peak hours since start up time for hydro plants is very
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3.1 The Course of the river

3.1.1 Cauvery River is one of the important east flowing rivers of

Karnataka. It has its origin near Talakaveri in Kodagu District at an
elevation of 1341m in Brahmagiri Range of hills in the Western
Ghats. The river flows through Kodagu, Mysore and Mandya districts
of Karnataka State and enters Tamilnadu State near Hogenakal and
thereafter flows through the plains of Tamilnadu and joins the Bay of
Bengal. The important tributaries of Cauvery River in Karnataka are
Hemavathy, Harangi, Shimsha and Arkavathi.

3.1.2 The Cauvery lies between East longitudes 750 30’ and 790 45’ and
North latitudes 100 05’ and 130 30’. It is the third largest perennial
river flowing in Southern India. The Cauvery basin is bounded by
Tungabhadra sub-basin of Krishna basin on the Northern side and
Palar basin on the Southern side.The Nilgiris, an offshoot of Western
Ghats, extend Eastwards to the Eastern Ghats and divide the basin
into two natural and political regions i.e, Karnataka plateau in the
North and Tamilnadu plateau in the South.

3.1.3 The total catchment area of the entire Cauvery basin is 81,155 and the total yield is of the order of 22,375 Mcum. Out of the
total catchment of 81,155 sq.kms, 34,273 sq.kms lies in Karnataka,
43868 sq.kms in Tamilnadu, 2866 sq.kms in Kerala and 148
in Pondicherry. The total catchment area of the river up to the
Shivasamudram falls is 21,715 The independent catchment

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area up to Shivasamudram falls (Below KRS and Kabini Dams) is

8955 sq.kms.

3.1.4 Basin Description

The River Cauvery originates at Talakaveri in Coorg District of

Karnataka in Brahmagiri Range of hills in the Western ghats at an
elevation of 1341 m. (above MSL) and drains a total area of 81,155
Sq.Kms. of which 34,273 Sq.Kms lies in Karnataka, 43856 Sq.kms.
in Tamilnadu, 2866 Sq.Kms in Kerala and 160 Sq.Kms in Union
Territory of Pondicherry. The Cauvery basin is bounded by
Tungabhadra sub-basin of Krishna basin on the Northern side and
Palar basin on the Southern side. The Western ghats form the
Western boundary. The Nilgiris, an offshore of Western ghats,
extend Eastwards to the Eastern boundary. The Nilgiris, an offshore
of Western ghats, extend Eastwards to the Eastern ghats and divide
the basin into two natural and political regions i.e., Karnataka plateau
in the North and the Tamilnadu plateau in the South. In Tamilnadu,
the Eastern part of the basin in the elevation range of 0 to 150 m
sloping gently up from the sea.

3.1.5 At Shivasamudram, the river branches off into two parts and falls
through a height of 91 m. in a series of falls and rapids. The falls at
this point is utilized for power generation. The power station at
Shivasamudram was built as early as 1902. The two branches of
the river join after the fall and flow through a wide gorge which is
known as “Mekedatu” (Goats leap) and continues its journey to from
the boundary between Karnataka and Tamilnadu States for a
distance of 64 Kms. At Hogennekkal Falls, it takes southernly
direction and enters the Mettur reservoir which was constructed in
1934. A tributary called Bhavani joins Cauvery on the Right bank
about 45 Kms. Below Mettur reservoir. Thereafter it takes Easterly

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course to enter the plains to Tamilnadu. Two more tributaries Noyil

and Amaravathi join the river. The river then widens with sandy bed
and flows as “Akhanda Cauvery”.

3.1.6 Immediately after crossing Tiruchirapalli district, the river divides into
two parts, the Northern branch being called “ The Coleron” and
Southern branch remains as Cauvery and from here the Cauvery
Delta begins. After flowing for about 16 Kms. The two branches join
again to from ‘Srirangam island”. On the Cauvery branch lies the
“Grand Anicut” said to have been constructed by a Chola King in 1st
Century A.D. Below the Grand Anicut, the Cauvery branch splits into
two, Cauvery and Vennar. These branches divide and sub-divide
into small branches and form a network all over the delta.

3.1.7 The total length of the river from the origin to its outfall into the sea is
800 Kms. of which 320 Kms. is in Karnataka, 416 kmt. In Tamilnadu
and 64 Kms. Forms the common border between the Karnataka ana
Tamilnadu states. The Cauvery basin is fan shaped in Karnataka
and leaf shaped in Tamilnadu. The runoff does not drain off quickly
because of its shape and therefore no fast raising floods occur in the
basin. The basin receives rainfall mainly from the S-W Monsoon and
partially from N-E Monsoon in the Karnataka. The basin in
Tamilnadu receives good flows from the North – East Monsoon.

The river system:

3.1.9 The Cauvery river system consists of 21 principal tributaries each

with Catchment Area exceeding 250 Sq.kms. The largest of all of
them of Catchment Area are Shimsha, lying wholly in Karnataka, the
Amaravathi rising in Kerala but lying mostly in Tamilnadu and the
Kabini rising in both Kerala and Tamilnadu but laying mostly in
Karnataka. The Bhavani is the fourth largest and the second longest.

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It rises in Kerala and Karnataka but lies mostly in Tamilnadu. The

longest tributary, the Hemavathi (245 Kms.) is the fifth largest in
Catchment area and lies wholly in Karnataka.

3.1.10 From the point of view of flow contribution to the system, apart from
the head reach of the Cauvery main, the most important tributaries
i) the Hemavathi,
ii) the Kabini and
iii) the Bhavani

3.2 Power Potential of the river basin and stages of development

3.2.1 The first power plant in India was established in Cauvery basin at
Shivanasamudra during 1902 and is one of the first in Asia. The
installed capacity as of 2015 is 42.0 MW (4 units of 6MW each and 6
units of 3 MW each). The other state owned power house is at Shimsha
with an installed capacity of 17.2 MW (two units of 8.6 MW each).

3.2.2 Apart from the above two state owned power houses, there are number
of small and mini hydro power stations operated by independent power
producers (IPP’s) at irrigation dam toes, canal drops and irrigation
Anicuts. There are about 9 Mini hydro power projects operating in and
around the proposed Shivasamudram project with a total installed
capacity of around 64 MW.

3.2.3 Apart from Shivasamudram, three major power projects have been
proposed on Cauvery basin between Shivasamudram in Karnataka and
Mettur Dam in Tamilnadu. The Shivasamudram & Mekedatu projects lie
entirely in Karnataka state. Rasimanal and Hogenakal projects lie in the
common border of the two states with more submersions in Karnataka.

3.2.4 The location and proposed potentials from all these proposed power
projects is as below.

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Power Projects in Cauvery Basin

Power Projects in Cauvery Basin

I. Projects within Karnataka Boundary

FRL TWL Submersio IC Energy
Name e
EL (m) EL (m) n (Ha) MW MU
m 614.15 440.00 0.10 200 815.09
(Phase I )

Mekedatu 440.00 305.00 5445 43.00 360 524

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Power Projects in Cauvery Basin

II. Projects on common Boundary (As per NHPC Proposals)
FRL TWL Submersio IC Energy
Name e
EL (m) EL (m) n (Ha) MW MU

Rasimanal 305.0 255.0 2580 15.25 200 563.0

Hogenakal 255.0 230.1 292 0.37 120 330.1

3.2.5 The location of the proposed projects are marked on topo sheet and
enclosed in drawing volume (volume IV) of the report.

3.3 Whether trans-basin diversion of waters involved

3.3.1 No trans-basin diversion of water is involved in any of the proposed

power projects in the Cauvery basin.

3.4 Fitment of the scheme in the overall basin development

3.4.1 The proposed Shivasamudram Run of the River Power Project does
not interfere with any of the existing or proposed projects. It is purely
a run of the river project with no storage. This project utilizes only the
flows to be ensured to downstream and also the excess flows, if any.
It will not in any way affect the flows due to downstream.

3.5 Fitment of the scheme in the power potential assessment

studies carried out by CEA

3.5.1 The Shivasamudram scheme had earlier been proposed to be

included in the 12th five year plan with an installed capacity of 270
MW. After detailed studies the power potential is now revised to 200
MW in Phase I and 100 MW in Phase II.

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3.6 Effect of future upstream / downstream developments on the

potential of proposed scheme.

3.6.1 There are no major proposed projects on the upstream of the

proposed Shivasamudram scheme. Any other small irrigation /
power project will have no effect on the proposed Shivasamudram
scheme. Also the releases of water to Tamilnadu as per the Tribunal
award have to pass through Shivasamudram which will ensure water
availability to the scheme.

3.6.2 The Mekedatu scheme is proposed on the downstream of

Shivasamudram with a proposed FRL of EL 440 m and a storage
capacity of around 54 TMC. With the implementation of this project
the existing Shimsha power house gets submerged.

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4.1 State / Countries traversed by the river

4.1.1 Cauvery River is one of the important east flowing rivers of

Karnataka. It has its origin near Talakaveri in Kodagu District at an
elevation of 1341m in Brahmagiri Range of hills in the Western
Ghats. The river flows through Kodagu, Mysore and Mandya districts
of Karnataka State and enters Tamilnadu State near Hogenakal and
thereafter flows through the plains of Tamilnadu and joins the Bay of
Bengal. The important tributaries of Cauvery River in Karnataka are
Hemavathy, Harangi, Kabini, Shimsha and Arkavathi.
4.1.2 The Cauvery lies between East longitudes 750 30’ and 790 45’ and
North latitudes 100 05’ and 130 30’. It is the third largest perennial
river flowing in Southern India. The Cauvery basin is bounded by
Tungabhadra (sub-basin of Krishna basin) on the Northern side and
Palar basin on the Southern side. The Nilgiris, an offshoot of
Western Ghats, extend Eastwards to the Eastern Ghats and divide
the basin into two natural and political regions i.e, Karnataka plateau
in the North and Tamilnadu plateau in the South.

4.2 Distribution of catchment in states and yields from the

catchment of country concerned
4.2.1 The total catchment area of the entire Cauvery basin is 81,155 Out of this, 34,273 sq.kms lies in Karnataka, 43868 sq.kms in
Tamilnadu, 2866 sq.kms in Kerala and 148 in union Territory
of Pondicherry. The total catchment area of the river up to the
Shivasamudram falls is 21,715 The independent catchment
area below KRS and Kabini Dams upto SRRP is 8955 sq.kms.
The maximum length of the river from the origin to its outfall into the
Sea is 802 kms. Of which 381 kms. Is in Karnataka, 357 kms. In

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Tamilnadu and 64 km in common boundary. The Cauvery basin is

fan shaped in Karnataka and leaf shaped in Tamilnadu.

4.2.2 The total yield of Cauvery basin assessed by Cauvery Water

Disputes Tribunal (CWDT) is 740 TMC at 50% dependability.

4.3 Inter-state sharing of water

4.3.1 The inter-state river Cauvery and its valley encompass the States of
Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and the Union Territory of
Pondicherry. Due to the topographical features, historically the
irrigation in the Cauvery basin developed in the low lying areas and
delta region at the mouth of the river then lying in the Madras
Presidency. However, with the growth of high-dam technology in the
later part of 19th century, the utilization of water in the upland
regions then lying in Mysore was taken up for consideration. Hence,
conflict or dispute erupted between the old users represented by
Madras and new users represented--by Mysore. These disputes
were attempted to be addressed by the British Paramount by the
imposition of the unjust and one-sided Agreements of 1892 and
1924 on the Princely State of Mysore. This resulted in further
widening of the gap in irrigation development in the two States.
Madras developed further on its advantages and on the other hand
prevented Mysore even the minimum developments bestowed under
the unjust agreements.
4.3.2 Post-Independence:
After independence, the princely State of Mysore merged into Union
of India and then in 1956, a new reorganized State of Mysore now
called Karnataka emerged. The new State, by about early sixties
started planning construction of various irrigation projects viz.,
Hemavathy, Harangi, Kabini in the Cauvery basin, but Tamil Nadu
protested against the said new projects. The Government of India
failed to give clearance to Karnataka Projects due to the objections
of Tamil Nadu. Between 1960 to 1990, both the States of Karnataka

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and Tamil Nadu were engaged in negotiations under the aegis of the
Central Government to resolve the disputes arising from the
construction of new projects-in-Karnataka and for obtaining the
Clearance to the said projects. The State of Kerala also joined the
issue by proposing to construct several irrigation and power projects
in the Kabini, Bhavani and Amaravathy sub-basins of Cauvery
basin. In this background, the farmers of Tamil Nadu approached
the Supreme Court through a writ petition in November 1983 to
resolve the matter. The Supreme Court in its judgment of May 1990
directed the Government of India to constitute a Tribunal under the
provisions of the Inter-State Water Disputes Act, 1956. Accordingly,
the Cauvery Water Disputes Tribunal (CWDT) was established on
2nd June 1990.
4.3.3 Before the Tribunal, the claim of water by the States of Karnataka,
Kerala, Tamil Nadu Union Territory of Pondicherry are 465 TMC,
99.8 TMC, 573.5 TMC and 9.35 TMC respectively, totaling to about,
1,150 TMC. This demand is very much more than the estimated
yield of the river, which is in the range of 740 to 800 TMC.
4.3.4 Based on the pleadings of the States before it, the Tribunal in
January 1992 framed 50 issues. After the completion of evidence by
all the three States in December2001, the Tribunal classified the 50
issues into three distinct groups(validity and continuance of
agreements, available quantum of water, and equitable allocation) to
enable the States to present their arguments.
. Even before the completion of the Pleadings - on the application of
Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry - the Cauvery Water Disputes Tribunal
passed an interim order on 25.06.1991, directing Karnataka to
"ensure" 205 tmc at Mettur reservoir in Tamil Nadu on a monthly and
weekly schedule, apart from restraining Karnataka from extending
irrigation beyond the then existing 11.2 lakh acres. Subsequently, on
03.04.1992 and 19.12.1995 Tribunal further clarified its earlier order.

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4.3.5 The Interim Order is to "remain operative till the final adjudication of
the dispute referred to the Tribunal".
4.3.6 The Cauvery River Authority (CRA) was constituted in August 1998
with the Hon'ble Prime Minister as the Chairman and with the'
Hon'ble Chief Ministers of the four States as its Members in order to
give effect to the interim-order· of -the -Tribunal-and-its subsequent
orders on the directions of the Supreme Court in OS No 1 of 1992
filed by Tamil Nadu. The Authority has a Monitoring Committee to
assist in its functioning.
4.3.7 Main dispute:
Arguments on all the three Groups of issues relating to the main
dispute commenced before the Tribunal in January 2002 and
completed on 21.04.2006. Thus the Sec 5(2) proceeding before the
Tribunal was spread over 16 years and 8 months.
4.3.8 After the completion of arguments on 21.04.2006, on the basis of
majority orders, Assessors' Reports were made available to the party
States on 10.5.2006. Comments and cross-comments were filed by
the States on the Assessors' Reports.


4.3.9 On 5th February 2007, the Hon'ble Tribunal gave its Report with the
final decision under Section 5(2) of ISWD Act 1956. The relevant
clauses of the Report and final decision are:
“ Clause-IV
The Tribunal hereby determines that the utilizable quantum of waters
of the Cauvery at Lower Coleroon Anicut site on the basis of 50%
dependability to be 740 thousand million cubic feet – TMC (20,954”
“ Clause-V :
The Tribunal hereby orders that the waters of the river Cauvery be
allocated in three States of Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu and

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U.T. of Pondicherry for their beneficial uses as mentioned hereunder

(i) The State of Kerala - 30 TMC
(ii) The State of Karnataka - 270 TMC
(iii) The State of Tamil Nadu - 419 TMC
(iv) U.T. of Pondicherry - 7 TMC .
Total: - 726 TMC
In addition, we reserve some quantity of water for (i)
environmental protection and (ii) inevitable escapages into the sea
as under:-
(i) Quantity reserved for environmental - 10 tmc
(ii) Quantity determined for inevitable
escapages into the sea - 4 TMC .
14 TMC
Total (726+14)- 740 TMC ”
“ Clause-IX :
Since the major shareholders in the Cauvery waters are the States
of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, we order the tentative monthly
deliveries during a normal year to be made available by the State of
Karnataka at the inter-state contact point presently identified as
Billigundulu gauge and discharge station located on common border
as under :-
Month TMC Month TMC
June 10 December 8
July 34 January 3
August 50 February 2.5
September 40 March 2.5
October 22 April 2.5
November 15 May 2.5
192 TMC

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The above quantum of 192 TMC of water comprises of 182 TMC

from the allocated share of Tamil Nadu and 10 TMC of water
allocated for environmental purposes.
The above monthly releases shall be broken in 10 daily intervals by
the Regulatory Authority.
The Authority shall properly monitor the working of monthly schedule
with the help of the concerned States and Central Water
Commission for a period of five years if any modification/adjustment
is needed in the schedule thereafter, it may be worked out in
consultation with the party States and help of Central Water
Commission for future adoption without changing the annual
allocation amongst the parties. ”

“ Clause-XIII:
The States of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu brought to our notice that
a few hydro-power projects in the common reach boundary are being
negotiated with the National Hydro-Power Corporation (NHPC). In
this connection, we have only to observe that whenever any such
hydro-power project is constructed and Cauvery waters are stored in
the reservoir, the pattern of downstream releases should be
consistent with our order so that the irrigation requirements are not

“ Clause XVIII :
Nothing in the order of this Tribunal shall impair the right or power or
authority of any state to regulate within its boundaries the use of
water, or to enjoy the benefit of waters within that State in a manner
not inconsistent with the order of this Tribunal.”

“Clause XIX:
In this order,
(a) “Normal year´shall mean a year in which the total yield of the
Cauvery basin is 740 TMC.

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(b) Use of the water of the river Cauvery by any person or entity of
any nature whatsoever, within the territories of a State shall be
reckoned as use by that State.
(c) The expression “water year” shall mean the year commencing on
1st June and ending on 31st May.
(d) The “irrigation season” shall mean the season commencing on
1st June and ending 31st January of the next year.
(e) The expression “Cauvery river” includes the main stream of the
Cauvery river, all its tributaries and all other streams contributing
water directly or indirectly to the Cauvery river.
(f) The expression “TMC” means thousand million cubic feet of

4.4 Existing riparian use

4.4.1 At present there are around 27 existing and ongoing irrigation projects.
The tribunal has considered 18.85 lakh acres while allocating 270 TMC
of water to Karnataka. This has been contested by Karnataka in
Supreme Court. The total gross storage from all the existing and
ongoing projects is of the order of 140 TMC.
4.4.2 As per the Cauvery Tribunal order the quantity of water to be ensured
by Karnataka at the interstate contact point i.e., CWC gauge site at
Beligundlu in a normal year is 192 TMC.
4.5 Pending Interstate Disputes not an impediment:
4.5.1 The water disputes relating to the sharing of the waters of Cauvery were
referred for adjudication to the Cauvery Water Disputes Tribunal
(Tribunal) constituted by the Central Government vide Notification dated
2nd June 1990 issued under the provisions of Inter-State Water Disputes
Act 1956 (Act of 1956). The Tribunal passed its final report and
decision on 5.2.2007. The party States of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and
Kerala have filed Civil Appeals before the Supreme Court challenging
the said final report and decision. Besides, the party States and Union
of India have also filed application for explanation or guidance before
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the Tribunal under Sec.5(3) of the Act of 1956. These Civil Appeals and
applications are pending consideration. However, no interim orders are
passed in these pending proceedings. Therefore, it emerges that the
interstate water dispute is not fully resolved in view of the pending Civil
Appeals before the Hon’ble Supreme Court. However, without prejudice
to the contention of Karnataka in the Civil Appeals, a flexible project on
the run off the river has been now conceived which can be tailored to
any pattern of flows which the Honb’le Supreme Court may finally
decide. Pending interstate dispute, in these circumstances, is not an
impediment. In this background, as already stated, the Union Ministry
of Power had convened interstate meeting on 8.7.2009 to discuss hydro
power project. During the meeting, as submitted above, the State of
Karnataka highlighted the power potential available at Shivasamudram
and expressed its intention to take up the project. The Secretary of
Power, Government of India supporting the stand of Karnataka said that
the State of Tamil Nadu should not have any objections for such project
provided the State of Karnataka agrees to the joint mechanism for
monitoring the water to Tamil Nadu.

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5.1 Topographical survey

5.1.1 The location of the diversion weir, intake, the power house area,
alignment of tail race tunnel, location of tailrace weir, surface power
house, location of ODY, sites for dumping yards, labour camp, store
yard etc. were first located on the 1:50000 survey of India Topo
sheet. The selected locations were located on the ground by
reconnaissance. The land details and suitability of the land selected
for various purposes were studied and finalized.

5.1.2 Detailed surveys like block level plan at the proposed weir site,
power house site, intake etc. carried out with Total Station
instrument. The bench mark was carried from the GTS bench mark
established at the site through Survey of India.

5.1.3 Detailed surveys were also carried out for the alignments of pressure
shaft, tailrace tunnel, portal at adit, adit alignment, approach tunnel
to power house, etc.

5.1.4 The levels are also carried to establish the FRL/crest level of the
existing Shiva Anicut on the right limb of the Cauvery river. The FRL
of the proposed weir on the right limb of Cauvery river for diverting
water to the proposed power house is matched with the crest level of
Shiva Anicut so that a common reservoir is formed at
Shivasamudram with the existing Anicut on the left limb and the
proposed weir on the right limb.

5.1.5 Detailed contour survey for FRL and MWL for computing the water
spread area and to estimate the land to be acquired for the project
which are coming under the reservoir area are also carried out. The
land requirement is also marked on the ground.

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5.1.6 Approach roads are existing to power house area tailrace exit of
Shivasamudram and portals of adit and approach tunnel to power
house. Surveys have been carried out and the alignments to the
additional roads to be formed have been finalized.

The detailed survey map carried out is enclosed vide drawing No.

5.2 Archeological survey in the reservoir area

5.2.1 The reservoir area is mostly confined to the river course. An earthen
bund is proposed all along the left bank of the right limb of Cauvery
river to protect the irrigated land in the island formed by the river. No
monuments of Archeological importance are found in the reservoir
area. Clearance has been obtained from the Department of
Archeology for the proposed project.

5.3 Mineral surveys in the catchment areas

5.3.1 No minerals commercially viable are found in the vicinity of the

project site

5.4 Right of way surveys for the reservoir

5.4.1 The reservoir formed by the construction of the proposed weir is

confined to the river course. The reservoir is not going to submerge
any approaches or bridges.

5.5 Communication surveys

5.5.1 The project site is approachable by existing roads. Roads of small

stretches are to be formed to reach some of the components like
weir, approach tunnels etc. Detailed surveys have been conducted
for forming the roads.

5.6 Geology and Geo-Technical features

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5.6.1 The area falling in the Cauvery basin mainly comprises of igneous
and Metamorphic rocks of Pre cambrain age, either exposed or
covered by this mantle of residual and transported soils. The main
component rock types are Dharwar Seluists, Granites and granitic
gneissess and charmokites. The Manjrabad area of Hassan district
in Karnataka rests on the border of Western ghats and comprises
some of the most beautiful scenery in the Karnataka State. The hills
forming the western limits of the district extend from the past at the “
bisley Ghat ” to the “ Jenkle Betta’’ and includes peaks like “
Pushpagiri ’’ or “ Subramanya ” close to the South West border rising
to a height of 1715m. Besides Jenkle betta at 1389 m, Devara Betta
rises to a height of 1282 m and Murukanagudda at 1300 m. Also n
Indra betta in Hassan district is 1020 m high and is noted for 52 feet
colossal statue of “ Gommateshwara ’’on its summit. The Melkote
range forms a series of conspicuous hills marked by trignometrical
status (Melukota peak) and these composed of pink to light grey
granite gneisses. Introding all the rocks are several felsite and
porphyry dykes. The porphyry dykes are situate in the
neighbourhood of Mysore city. The delta area in Tamilnadu is
under-lain by formation of Quarternery. Tertiary and Cretaceous
age. In the western parts of the basin there are igneous and
metamorphic rocks of Archalan age.

5.6.2 The Geology at the project components of the proposed

Shivasamudram project are covered in the Geological report of the

5.7 Seismicity
5.7.1 The project now comes under Chamarajanagara district of
Karnataka State. As per the Seismo-tectonic map of India IS 1893-
2002, the Shivasamudram project is placed in Zone-II of the zoning

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5.8 Foundation investigations of components

5.8.1 The details of foundation investigations carried out for various
components of the project are covered in the Geological report of the

5.9 Construction material investigations

5.9.1 Detailed investigations have been carried out for stone quarry, sand
quarry and soil borrow areas. The details are covered in the
Geological report of the project.

5.10 Hydrological and Meteorological investigations

5.10.1 Rainfall:
The basin is under the influence of both the South-West (June to
September) and North-East (October to December) monsoons. The
basin in Karnataka receives rainfall mainly from South-West
monsoon and partially from North-East monsoon. The basin in
Tamilnadu receives rainfall from mainly from North-East monsoon.
There are number of rain gauge stations in the Cauvery basin. The
estimated average annual rainfall in this river basin in Karnataka is
between 600 mm and 800 mm. The rainfall near its origin, ie. In
Kodagu District of Karnataka is of the order of 6000 mm. In
Tamilnadu, the average rainfall is low ranging from 500 mm to 1000
mm. A catchment map showing the Isohyets over the basin is
enclosed in the Annexures volume II of the report.

5.10.2 Climate:

There are four distinct seasons in Cauvery basin. They are i) Cold
Weather, ii) Hot Weather, iii) South-West. monsoon, iv) North-East

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In cold season, the Western Ghat is cooler than the rest of the basin
and climate is generally pleasant. In the Hot Weather season, the
Central, Northen and Eastern regions are hotter than the Western
most parts. The South-West monsoon sets by middle of June and
ends by middle of September. During this season the basin receives
major rainfall. The North-East monsoon is from October to
December and is important particularly to Eastern part of Tamilnadu.

5.10.3 Temperature:
The basin has tropical climate. In the upper reaches and the
variation of temperature is very small. The mean temperature in
Kerala portion of the basin is 200 C and in Karnataka it ranges from
200 C to 260 C. The mean temperature in Tamilnadu varies from 260
C to 300 C.

5.10.4 Evaporation:
As per the evaporation data observed by India Meteorological
Department and Government of Karnataka, the mean annual
evaporation is of the order of 150 cm to 260 cm in Karnataka part of
the basin and is about 250 cm in Tamilnadu part of the basin. The
mean daily evaporation varies from 4 mm to 6 mm increasing from
East to West during January. The mean daily evaporation increasing
from N.W. to S.E. being 8 mm to 9 mm in July and 5 mm to 6 mm in
October. The mean annual evaporation depth is about 250 cm.

5.10.5 Water Quality:

Water quality at different locations of Cauvery river is studied by
C.W.C. From the studies it is seen that the river water is generally fit
for drinking purpose without conventional treatment BUT AFTER
DISINFECTION. The water is considered safe for drinking, culinary
and food processing purposes which comes into ‘A’ class category.

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The qualifying parameters are generally found within the tolerance

limits for drinking. The water is found alkaline in nature. The total
hardness at all the sampling points represent fitness for washing and
drinking purposes.

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6.1 Hydrological inputs for the project planning

6.1.1 The river Cauvery is famous for its traditional sanctity, its picturesque
scenery and its utility for irrigation. It is the third largest Perennial
river flowing in southern India.

6.1.2 The drainage area of river Cauvery in Karnataka state is 34,273

Sq,Kms which is 42.23% of the total drainage area.

6.1.3 The total length of the river Cauvery which raises at an elevation of
1235 M above M.S.L. in Kodagu district is 800 Kms before it falls in
to Bay of Bengal. Out of this 320 Kms. Course is in Karnataka.

6.1.4 The East flowing river has 21 Major and Minor tributaries, and in
Karnataka the major tributaries are as follows:

Name of river Bank Length in Kms Catchment

area in
Joining before
Harangi Left 50 717
Hemavathi Left 245 5410
Lakshmanathirtha Right 131 1690
Kabini Right 230 7040
Joining after
Shimsha Left 221 8469
Arkavathi left 161 4150

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6.1.5 A map showing the entire Cauvery basin, its sub basins and the
location of the existing projects in Karnataka are enclosed as
drawing in volume IV of the report. The details of major irrigation
projects in Karnataka in the Cauvery basin are as follows:

1) Krishna Raja Sagara Project

This is the first major irrigation project constructed across cauvery
river in Karnataka near Mysore. The project was commenced
during the year 1911 and completed during the year 1931. The
full reservoir level is 124.80 m with a gross storage capacity of
49.452 TMC. The catchment area up to the dam site is 10619 sq.
km and the design yield was 189 TMC at 50% dependability.

2) Harangi Reservoir Project:

This is an irrigation project constructed across river Harangi, at
village Hudgur, Somwarpet Tq , Coorg district. The total
catchment at the dam site is 419.58 Sq. Kms. The design yield at
50% dependability is 39.30 Tmc. The storage capacity of the dam
is 8.50 tmc. The Full Reservior Level is EL 2859.00 ft. (871.39 m).

3) Hemavathi Reservior Project:

An irrigation project constructed across river Hemavathi at village

Gorur, Tq. Hassan, District-Hassan. The catchment area at dam
site is 2810 Sq.Kms. The design yield at 50% dependability is
78.687 Tmc. The storage capacity of the dam is 37.103 tmc. The
Full Reservior Level is EL 2922.00 ft. (890.58 m).

4) Kabini Irrigation project:

This is also an irrigation project across river Kabini at village

Bidara Halli-Beechanahalli, Tq. H.D.Kote, District-Mysore. The
catchment area at dam site is 2141.9 Sq.Kms. The design yield at
50% dependability is 97.70 TMC. The storage capacity of the

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dam is 552.70 M cum. The Full Reservior Level is EL 2284.00 ft.

(696.16 m)

5) Nugu Irrigation project :

Irrigation project across river Nugu at village Beerwal, Tq.

H.D.Kote, District-Mysore. The catchment area at dam site is 984
Sq.Kms. The design yield at 50% dependability is 10 TMC. The
storage capacity of the dam is 5.44 TMC. The Full Reservior
Level is EL 2380.00 ft. (725.388 m).

6.1.6 The Central Water Commission is conducting Hydrological

observations at 31 stations spread over the entire basin including
Cauvery Delta in Karaikal region and daily discharge data collected
at all these sites are published annually in the form of Water Year
Book/Discharge Data Book.

6.1.7 The Cauvery river has been gauged at Kollegala on the upstream of
the proposed Shivasamudram project and at Beligundlu in the
Karnataka – Tamilnadu border by Central Water Commission. The
daily discharge data at these two stations has been collected from
Central water collection for the period from 1971-72 to 2006-07.

6.1.8 The average annual flows at Kollegal site for the 42 years data
considered (1971-72 to 2012-13) is 6555.70 M cum(231.51 TMC).
The maximum and minimum observed annual flows are 11595.06 M
cum(409.48 TMC) and 2154.73 M cum (71.76 TMC) respectively.

6.1.9 The daily discharges and monthly & annual abstracts of flows at
Kollegal gauge station collected are enclosed as Annexure in volume
II of the report.

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6.2 Effect of project development on hydrologic regime

6.2.1 The proposed Shivasamudram project is a run of the river scheme.
The contemplated storage is just 0.73 M cum and there is no
consumptive use of water. Hence implementation of this project will
not alter/affect the hydrologic regime. As already stated in para
3.4.1, this project utilizes only the flows to be ensured to downstream
and also the excess flows, if any. It will not in any way affect the
flows due to downstream.

6.3 Hydrological studies

6.3.1 Since the Kollegala gauge station is just upstream of the proposed
Shivasamudram project, the discharge data at Kollegal station is
used for power potential studies for the project. The independent
catchment area between Kollegal gauge station and the proposed
Shivasamudram weir is only 633 and this catchment receives
around 700 mm rainfall per annum. The contribution of yield from
this independent catchment is negligible compared to the flow in the
river from the upstream catchment and hence is neglected.

6.3.2 From the daily flow data 10 day average flows are computed and
enclosed as Annexure in volume II of the report.

6.3.3 Design Flood- Estimation of Inflow Design Flood

Selection of Inflow Design Flood: The design flood, also known as Inflow Design flood is the largest
flood that is selected for design or safety of the structure. In simplest
way design flood may be defined as the flood adopted for design
purpose. IS 11223 classifies dams as large, intermediate and small based on

the storage capacity and hydraulic head. Dams having gross storage
less than 10 million cubic meter or hydraulic head less than 12 meter

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is classified as small dams and recommends 100 year Return Period

Flood to be adopted for designs. The maximum height of the weir proposed for Shivasamudram

project is less than 10 m and the storage capacity is less than 5 M
cum. As per the above classification Shivasamudram weir comes
under the small dam category and 100 RPF can be adopted for
designs. The same code also says that Flood of larger or smaller magnitude
may be used if the hazard involved in eventuality of failure is
particularly high or low. The relevant parameters to be considered in
judging the hazard in addition to the size would be:
a. distance to and location of the human habitations on the d/s after
considering the likely future developments and
b. maximum hydraulic capacity of the d/s channel at a level at which
catastrophic damage is not expected. There is no hazard involved in eventuality of failure as there are no

habitation on the immediate downstream of the proposed weir and
the valley is capable of carrying the maximum floods. Hence floods
of lesser magnitude than the 100 year RPF can also be adopted for
design purpose. CWC in their recommendations for Design Flood Estimation

procedures (Current Design Practices and issues Nov-1999)
recommends that dams should be classified in terms of
consequences of failure. As per the recommended classification of
dams, if the losses due to failure is minimal economic losses
typically limited to owners property with Virtually no potential for
future development of other land uses within the foreseeable future
and when the population at risk is less than 2000 is classified as Low

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consequence category and a return period flood of less than or equal

to 100 years is recommended. IS 6966 recommends SPF or 100 year RP flood for designing free
board and 50-year RP flood for items other than free board for
design of weir and barrages and minor dams. From the above recommendations a 50 to 100 year Return Period

flood can be adopted for designs for the proposed Shivasamudram
project. A 100 year return period storm is adopted for estimating the
design inflow flood for the project.

6.3.4 Derivation of Unit Hydrograph:

i) Clark’s approach Clarks approach to unit hydrograph estimation is a scientific
approach for estimating the Design Inflow Flood as it takes into
account the time of concentration and other physical parameters of
the catchments.

T / Tc given by California formula = 1.0

Where T is the time of concentration to be adopted and
Tc is the value of time of concentration given by California formula

R / R + Tc = 0.45
Where R is the attenuation co-efficient and
Tc is the time of concentration
The Unit Hydrograph for the project is derived using the above
Clarks parameters. The detailed computations are appended as
Annexure in volume II of the report.

6.3.5 Determination of design storm : The independent catchment area for the Shivasamudram weir site is
flat and receives annual average rainfall of around 1800 mm. The

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100 year return period one day storm recommended by CWC in their
report “Flood Estimation Report for Cauvery Basin” for the region is
180 mm. The same is adopted for the studies.
6.3.6 Time Distribution of Storm: For the evaluation of the short period break up of 24 hour storm, the
rain fall percentages recommended by CWC for basins in Western
Ghats is adopted.

6.3.7 Estimation of Inflow Design Flood : The short term computed storm is then convoluted with the Unit
Hydrograph ordinates to arrive at the Design Inflow Flood. An
infiltration loss of 1 mm per 30 minutes is applied for the design
condition. The computed peak intensity of flood from the independent

catchment is 7144 cumecs using Clark’s unit hydrograph.
Considering the flood from upstream reservoirs a peak flood of
16990 Cumecs is adopted for the studies The detailed computation of Inflow Flood is appended as Annexure

in volume II of the report.

6.3.8 Design Inflow Flood for the project: There are several irrigation dams on the upstream of
Shivasamudram project on the main Cauvery river and on its
tributaries. The main reservoirs and the number of gates and their
discharging capacities are listed below. In case these gates are opened fully during heavy floods, the
discharge through the gates will reach the Shivasamudram site in
about 24 hours time. Though the intensity of flood reduces to some
extent due to the distance of travel, the routing studies have not
been done to non availability of flood hydrographs across these

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dams. The full discharging capacities from these reservoirs are as


1) Krishnarajasagara Dam : 3,45,868 cusecs

2) Kabini Dam : 1,94,150 cusecs

3) Nugu Dam : 20,000 cusecs

If all the gates of the above reservoirs are opened, the combined
flood, added peak to peak would be 5,60,018 cusecs. The flood from
the independent catchment assessed is 2,52,288 Cusecs. The flood
from the upper reservoirs have to travel for about 36 hours before
reaching the Shivasamudram project area. Also the total flood from
the above reservoirs of 5,60,018 cusecs is the maximum discharging
capacity of the spillway added peak to peak. Considering all these
factors the design flood adopted for the project is 6,00,000 cusecs
(16990 Cumecs) same as the design flood adopted for Shiva anicut.
This is justifiable since a 50 year return flood is sufficient to be
adopted for the weir and in case of flood there will not be any
damage to any property. Also the maximum flood observed at
Kollegal gauge site which is just on the upstream side during the
period from 1972 to 2006 is of the order of 2,13,000 cusecs. A
statement showing the maximum and minimum discharge observed
at Kollegal gauge site is enclosed as Annexure in volume II of the

6.3.9 Flood lift and Maximum water Levels: The maximum inflow flood adopted for the studies is 16990 Cumecs
(6 lakh cusecs). The length of the over flow section of the proposed
Shivasamudram weir is 415 m. The overflow length available at the
existing Shiva anicut is 682.45 m. The flood lift over the crest level
works out to 4.0m.

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6.3.10 Fixing of top of weir and earthen bund: The maximum length of water spread for the Shivasamudram

reservoir is 2.6 km. As per IS 6512 a wind speed of 118.8 Km/hour is
assumed for computing the fetch. The wave height works out to 1.0
m. A free board of 1.0 m above MWL is adopted for the concrete
weir and the top of weir is fixed at EL 620.5 m. A free board of 1.0 m
above MWL is adopted for the earthen bund and the top of the
earthen bund is fixed at EL 620.5 m. A parapet of height 1.15 m is
also proposed along the earthen bund.

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7.1 Catchment area, annual runoff, submergence etc.

7.1.1 The River Cauvery originates at Talakaveri in Coorg District of

Karnataka in Brahmagiri Range of hills in the Western ghats at an
elevation of 1341 m. (above MSL) and drains a total area of 81,155
Sq.Kms. of which 34,273 Sq.Kms lies in Karnataka, 43868 Sq.kms.
in tamilnadu, 2866 Sq.Kms in Kerala and 148 Sq.Kms in Union
Territory of Pondicherry.

7.1.2 The total catchment area of the basin up to Shivasamudram project

site is 21715 On the upstream of Shivasamudram is the KRS
dam, Kabini dam and Harangi are main dams built for irrigation
purpose. The independent catchment below these dams up to
Shivasamudram is 7010

7.1.3 The Cauvery river is gauged by CWC at Kollegal gauge station at a

distance of 5 km on the upstream of the proposed project site. The
daily flow data has been collected from CWC for a period of 38 years
from 1971-72 to 2006-07. The daily data and the annual abstract are
enclosed as Annexure in volume II of the report. The average and
90% dependable annual discharge are 6691.20 M cum and 3835.89
M cum respectively.

7.2 Sedimentation data and studies:

The independent catchment area of Shivasamudram is 7010
There are large reservoirs on the upstream which checks the
sediment load to Shivasamudram reservoir. The Shiva Anicut on the
left limb of Cauvery river which is built during the year 1900 with
meager storage is not silted up.

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The silt data is being observed at Kollegal gauge site by CWC on the
upstream of Shivasamudram is collected and studied for the years
from 1993-94 to 2007-08. The abstract of monthly & annual silt load
observed is enclosed as Annexure in volume II of the report. The
average sediment load is only 29.84 Tonne / annum.
The average river bed level at the proposed weir site is EL 607 m.
The MDDL is fixed at EL 610.0m. The dead storage is 0.073 M cum.
Two river sluices of size 2m x 2.3m one on the left bank and another
on the right bank are provided to flush out the silt during heavy flows.

7.3 Fixation of storage and reservoir levels

7.3.1 At the proposed weir site there is no possibility of creating large
storage as the terrain is plain and any provision of storage
submerges large area of land. The FRL of the proposed
Shivasamudram weir is fixed at EL 615.40 m to match with the FRL
of existing Shiva anicut on the left limb of Cauvery river to form a
common reservoir. The MDDL is fixed at EL 610.0 m. The
submergence is confined to the river bank and the gross and live
storage for the proposed FRL are 2.766 M cum and 2.693 M cum
respectively. The live storage is just sufficient for full generation for
three hours. The top of the concrete weir is proposed at EL 620.5 m
and the top of the earthen bund is proposed at EL 620.5 m with a
solid parapet of 1.15 m on the reservoir side.

7.4 Life of Reservoir:

7.4.1 The capacity of the proposed reservoir is a very small. The weir is un
gated and the silt load is also less. Provision is made for silt flushing
during heavy flows through two river sluices. Also during floods the
water surpluses over the weir. The Shiva Anicut on the left limb of
the river is not silted and serving since the year 1900. Hence the
proposed weir will serve its purpose.

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7.5 Capacities at MWL, FRL, MDDL, Dead storage level etc.

7.5.1 The capacity of the reservoir at MWL, FRL and MDDL are 4.73M
cum, 2.766 M cum and 0.073 M cum respectively. The dead storage
level is at EL 610 m. As no silting of reservoir is anticipated the
capacities is not expected to change over the years.

7.6 Water tightness of the reservoir:

7.6.1 The Geological formation prevailing in the pickup weir site consists
of granite gneiss rock which is generally hard and fresh but jointed.
The joints are fairly tight and relatively impermeable. Hence, water
seepage through the joints is expected to be negligible.

7.7 Annual losses:

7.7.1 The water spread area of the reservoir at FRL is just 0.92
The annual evaporation rate for the region is around 1.5 m. The
annual evaporation loss is around 4.5 M cum which is insignificant
compared to the inflow and utilizations. Also since the scheme is a
run of the river project, the evaporation loss during monsoon is much
less than 4.5 M cum. Hence evaporation losses are neglected in the

7.8 Flood absorption:

7.8.1 The reservoir capacity is very small for any flood absorption or
regulation. No gates are proposed for the weir. Flood gets
discharged to the downstream over the ogee profile of the weir.

7.9 Effect of sub soil water tables in the adjoining areas upstream
and downstream of the dam:
7.9.1 The reservoir formed by the proposed weir will be mainly confined to
the river course. On the downstream of the river the river bed is
sloping and at a distance of around 1 km there is a water fall. The
right bank of the reservoir is at a higher elevation and the terrain is

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barren. Any agricultural activity is above the FRL of Shivasamudram

reservoir. The area on the left bank of the reservoir is at a lower level
than the FRL and the lands are under cultivation. There is an
earthen bund all along the left bank of the river protecting these
lands from submersion during floods. In order to safeguard
submersion of these lands due to the construction of the weir, a
retaining wall all along the left bank and an earthen bund is also

7.10 Seismic Characteristics and effect due to construction of dam

7.10.1 The project now comes under Chamarajanagara district of
Karnataka State. As per the Seismo-tectonic map of India IS 1893-
2002, the Shivasamudram project is placed in Zone-II of the zoning
gradation. The area is stable as far as seismic activities are
concerned. As the storage is confined to the river banks and the
quantity of storage is very small, there is negligible effect on seismic

7.11 Reservoir rim stability

7.11.1 As the proposed reservoir is confined to the river bank, detailed
studies for reservoir rim stability are not warranted.

7.12 Area of submergence:

7.12.1 The total area of submergence is due to the construction of the weir
is 90 Ha consisting of 65 Ha of river course and 15 Ha of forest and
private land.

7.13 Land acquisition:

7.13.1 The total land required for the project is 165 Ha. The area required
for the project components, roads, buildings, quarry area, soil borrow
area, dump yards, labor camp, site office, store and fabrication yard
etc. have been identified and marked on topo sheets and on field.
Out of the 165 Ha required for the project, 90 Ha of land comes in

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forest and the balance is in river course. The land will be acquired
and compensated as per the forest act and R & R rules.

7.14 Recreation facilities:

7.14.1 The reservoir created by the proposed construction of the weir will
be confined to the river course. Only recreational facility like boating
can be facilitated. The famous Indian game fish ‘Masheer’ can be
bred in the reservoir for fishing game.

7.15 Pisci-Culture:
7.15.1 The Cauvery river water is alkaline in character and free from
pollution but poor in nutrient status. The famous game fish of India –
Masheer –Tor Khudree are well represented in this part of the river
stretch. The reservoir formed by the proposed construction of the
weir offers a good breeding centre for the Masheer fish.

7.16 Other facilities if any:

7.16.1 There is no proposal for creating any other facilities near the project

7.17 Need and recommendations for soil conservation measures in

the catchment:

7.17.1 Shivasamudram Run of the Power Scheme is a run of the river

scheme. Based on the topographic factors, soil type, climate,
landuse/vegetation cover in the catchment area various measures
boyh Engineering and Biological are proposed to be undertaken with
the aim to check soil erosion which in turn check siltation of the
reservoir. The Engineering measures will comprise construction of
number of check dams for gully control stabilization of flood prone
nallahs, landslides, river bank roads etc. The catchment area
treatment plan (CAT) pertains to preparation of a management plan
for treatment of erosion prone area of the catchments through
Biological and Engineering measures. A well designed CAT plan will

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be prepared as a part of EIA & EMP studies which will control the
sedimentation of the reservoir and also provide a life supporting
system to the local population through their active involvement.

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8.1 Type of power plant

8.1.1 The proposed Shivasamudram power project is a run of the river
scheme across Cauvery river. The water required for power
generation is proposed to be diverted to the power house by
constructing a weir across the right limb of Cauvery river near
Shivasamudram. The height of the over flow section from the
average river bed level is 8.4 m. The average river bed level is EL
607 m. The FRL is proposed at EL 615.4 m and the MDDL at EL 610
m. The gross storage and live storage are 1.92 M cum and 0.73 M
cum respectively. The elevation – area and elevation – capacity
curves are enclosed as Annexure vide volume II. The Live storage is
sufficient to generate 300 MW (ultimate capacity) for about one hour.

8.2 Assessment of power potential

8.2.1 Existing projects near the proposed Shivasamudram scheme
The following are the existing projects coming under the vicinity of
1) Shiva anicut.
2) Shiva Power House.
3) Shimsha Power House.
4) Bangalore Water Supply Scheme.

8.2.2 Shiva Anicut:

Cauvery river bifurcate it to two limbs near Shivasamudram. On the
left limb is Gaganachukki falls and on the right limb is Barachukki
falls. A barrage called Shiva Anicut across the left limb is constructed
for drawing water to Bangalore Water supply, shiva and Shimsha
Power Houses. The details of the anicut are as follows:
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A) Bed level of the river at anicut : 604.964 m.

B) Top level of the anicut : 615.400 m.
C) Length of the anicut : 682.450 m
D) Maximum Flood in the river as provided for : 16990 Cumecs
(6.00 lakh cusecs)
E) Maximum Depth of discharge over Anicut : 4.11 m.
F) Storage Capacity : 4.96 Lakh Cum
(0.018 TMC)

Water is drawn directly from Shiva anicut through a channel to Shiva

balancing reservoir and the discharge quantity is 73.60 cumecs.
From the balancing reservoir a portion of water (45.30 Cumecs) will
flow to Shiva power house and remaining water (25.30Cumecs) will
go to Bangalore water supply and Shimsha power house. At present
the quantum of water drawn for Bangalore water supply is 12.74
cumecs throughout the year.

8.2.3 Shiva Power House:

The total installed capacity of the generating station is 42 MW and
the details are as follows:
a) No of machines : 10 Nos.

b) Capacity : 42 MW
(4 units of 6.00MW and 6
units of 3.00 MW).

c) Water usage : 41.57 Cumecs.

d) Annual energy generation(Rated) : 368 MU.

8.2.4 Shimsha Power House:

The water from the Shiva balancing reservoir flows to another small
reservoir called Nettakallappa reservoir. Water is drawn to Bangalore
water supply from this reservoir. The water for the Shimsha
generating station is also drawn from Netkal balancing reservoir. The

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total installed capacity of the generating station is 17.20 MW and the

details are as follows:
a) No of machines : 2 Nos.
b) Capacity : 2 units of 8.6 MW
c ) Water usage : 12.17 Cumecs.
d) Annual energy generation (Rated) : 150 MU.

8.2.5 Bangalore Water Supply Scheme:

The water for the Bangalore water supply is drawn from Netkal
Balancing Reservoir. The quantity of water drawn is 12.74 Cumecs
(450 cusecs). This water is drawn continuously throughout the year.
In order to meet the growing demand of Bangalore, work for drawing
additional water from Cauvery river near Shivasamudram is under
progress. The requirement of water for Bangalore is estimated at 20

8.2.6 Power potential studies:

A weir is proposed across the right limb with its FRL coinciding with
the FRL of the existing weir on the left bank thus forming a common
reservoir. The water is proposed to be drawn from this weir for power
generation. The water passes through the pressure shaft to the
underground power house. The water after power generation at the
underground power house joins the Cauvery river through an trail
race tunnel. The layout of the scheme is presented vide drawing No.
SRRP/Civil/05 & 06. From the flows available at the site in Cauvery river at

Shivasamudram, first priority is given for Bangalore water supply at
the rate of 20 cumecs. The requirement of water for the existing
Shiva and Shimsha power houses is of the order of 53.74 cumecs
for a maximum generation of 59.2 MW. The generating units at the

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above power houses are old and the head under which the units are
operated is also less compared to the head available at the
proposed Shivasamudram scheme. Hence it is proposed to give next
priority for allocation of water to the proposed Shivasamudram
scheme. With this allocation it is possible to generate more power for
the same quantity of water. In order to compute the actual
generation from all the existing and proposed power houses, power
potential studies are done for two cases
1. Total Energy generation from all the power houses by giving
priority in water allocation to the existing Shimsha and Shiva
power houses and
2. Total Energy generation from all the power houses when priority
is given to allocation of water to the proposed Shivasamudram
scheme over the existing power houses. The difference in the energy generation from the above two cases
will indicate the quantity of energy benefit from the proposed priority
in water allocation. The actual energy benefit from the scheme is
computed by deducting the energy loss at the existing power houses
from the energy generation at Shivasamudram with priority in water
allocation to Shivasamudram scheme. The daily discharge data at Kollegal gauge site collected from CWC
gauging site for 42 years from 1971-72 to 2012-13 is used for power
potential studies. Studies are first done for unrestricted installed
capacity for all the years and with 100% machine availability. The
annual energy is then arranged in descending order and
dependability is worked out. The 90% dependable year is then
worked out. The 90% dependable energy corresponds to the year
2002-03. The details are enclosed as Annexure in volume II of the

SRRP ‐ DPR,  Pg-82 
 Karnataka Power Corporation Limited An installed capacity of 200 MW with an annual average (42 years)

energy potential of 930.59 MU with a load factor of 53.11 % is
selected and adopted for the main underground power house of the
project. In order to utilize the lean flows during non monsoon months
it is proposed to adopt 2 units of 100 MW each for the UGPH.

8.2.7 Design Energy: Power potential studies for the selected capacity of 2 x 100 MW for
UGPH and the corresponding potential at the existing Shimsha and
Shiva power houses have been prepared for all the 42 years for
which the daily data is available. The studies have been done for two
cases viz. i) with priority of water allocation to the existing projects
and ii) with priority in water allocation to the proposed
Shivasamudram scheme. The details are enclosed as Annexure in
volume II of the report. An abstract of annual energy potential at all the existing and

proposed power houses and the actual energy benefit from the
proposed scheme for the years from 1971-72 to 2012-13 is prepared
and enclosed as Annexures. The average (42 years) annual energy
potential from the proposed scheme is 930.59 MU with an annual
average load factor of 53.12 %. The power potential studies are done for the proposed installed
capacities of 2 x 100 MW for the 90% dependable year (year 2002-
03) considering machine availability of 95%. The annual energy
benefit from the proposed scheme works out to 815.09 MU and is
considered as the design energy for calculating the tariff. The details
are enclosed as Annexure in volume II of the report.

8.3 Studies for optimization of storage:

8.3.1 The live storage available in the proposed Shivasamudram reservoir
is only 0.73 M cum which is sufficient for a full generation of 300 MW
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(ultimate capacity) for only one hour. The storage is just sufficient for
moderation of flows for drawing water to the power house. The
question of optimization of storage in the reservoir does not arise.

8.4 Month-wise, 10 daily availability of power and energy & peaking

8.4.1 The 10 daily power and energy potential is also prepared and
presented for all the 42 years from 1971-72 to 2012-13 for which
flow data is available. The abstract is enclosed as Annexure. As the
available storage is very less, no peaking facility is available.

8.5 Optimization of installed capacity and unit size studies carried

8.5.1 The power potential studies are worked out for the 90% dependable
year with installed capacity at the main power house (UGPH) varying
from 120 MW to 450 MW in increments of 30 MW to decide the
optimum installed capacity for the project.

8.5.2 The following aspects are considered in the power studies:

 The daily flows at Kollegal gauge site is considered for the
 The evaporation losses are neglected as the water spread area is
very meager.
 The weighted reservoir level between FRL (EL 614.5 m) and
MDDL (EL 610.0 m) is taken as the operating level of the
 The tail water level for the main underground power house is
taken as EL 440 m
 A total head loss of 2.45 m from all the components up to the
underground power house is considered constant for all
 The combined Turbine-Generator efficiency is taken as 91%.
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 The machine availability factor is considered at 100%.

8.5.3 The results of the studies with various installed capacities are as
listed below.
Installed Capacity Annual energy for the Load Factor (%)
(UGPH) 90% dependable year

120.0 MW 583.92 55.54

150.0 MW 693.68 52.79
180.0 MW 786.03 49.84
210.0 MW 865.37 47.04
240.0 MW 923.84 43.94
270.0 MW 94.84 41.08
300.0 MW 1010.57 38.45
330.0 MW 1041.67 36.03
360.0 MW 1069.78 33.92
390.0 MW 1094.92 32.04
420.0 MW 1114.06 30.28
450.0 MW 1130.29 28.67
Phase I
200.0 MW 841.73 48.04

8.5.4 Though the total energy for the 90% dependable year for an installed
capacity of 2 x 100 = 200 MW is 841.73 MU, if the loss in generation
at the existing Shiva power house of 143.99 MU is considered then
the actual energy benefit from the proposed Shivasamudram
scheme works out to 697.73 MU with a load factor of 39.83 %. From
the above studies carried out an installed capacity of 200 MW for the
main underground power house is selected.

8.5.5 In order to utilize the lower discharges in the river, it is proposed to

have 2 units of 100 MW for the underground power house.

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9.1 Structures and layout:

9.1.1 Shivasamudram run of the river power project is proposed across

right limb of the Cauvery river at the upstream of Bharachukki falls.
The scheme envisages the construction of pick up weir, approach
channel, intake structure, pressure shaft and UGPH. Tail race water
will be let in to the Cauvery river through tail race tunnel. The
proposed scheme is explained in the report. The layout plan is
enclosed vide Drawing No. SRRP/Civil/05 & 06.

9.2 General

9.2.1 i) Head works – site and vicinity

It is proposed to construct a weir with a maximum height of 15m
across right limb of Cauvery river on the upstream of Bharachukki
falls. It is also proposed to strengthen the existing Earthen bund on
the left bank of the river from weir up to Tippu bridge. This proposed
earthen bund will provide access road to left bank of the weir site.
The bund will also protect the Existing Island from submersion thus
reducing the area of submersion of cultivated lands. The intake
channel is situated on the right bank of the river at distance of 150m
upstream of the proposed weir site. It is proposed to construct new
roads leading to intake structure and weir on the right bank.

The water from intake channel is led into water conductor system
through intake structure. The intake structure is provided with trash
rack and provisions are made for stop log gate & emergency gate.

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9.2.2 ii) Reason for the choice of the layout

The topography of the area is such that the weir selected for
diversion is an ideal location to draw water for power generation. The
main advantages of the weir location are

a) The reservoir and the flood water level will be confined to the river
course and the area of submergence is limited.
b) On the bed of the proposed weir alignment massive granite
gneiss are found exposed.
c) The weir site is accessible from both the banks.
d) Just 150 m on the upstream of the proposed weir site, there is a
valley ideal for locating the intake.
e) The hillock just after the intake is an ideal for locating the
underground power house
f) The distance to the tailrace exit will be shortest from the proposed
power house location.

9.2.3 iii) Type of structure - Weir

The proposed weir is an 8 m high concrete un-gated Ogee spillway

with flip bucket with provision for energy dissipation. The height of
the non over flow section is 15 m. Two numbers of sluices are
provided for flushing out the silt deposit. On the right bank the non
over flow portion of weir is abutted to the soil mound and on the left
bank the non over flow section of the weir is provided with two
numbers of limbs for stability purpose as no suitable place is
available for abutting the structure. The ends portion of are backfilled
with all-round protection with pitching. The details are shown in
drawing no. SRRP / Civil / 10 to 14.

9.2.4 iv) Layout of structures a. Intake structure:

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Intake channel is provided on the right bank of the river at distance

of 150 meter upstream of the weir. The CC Intake structure is
proposed. It consists of Trash rack arrangements with one stop log
gate which is operable from gantry and one emergency gate which is
operable from hydraulic hoist. The details are shown vide drawing
No. SRRP/Civil/15 & 16. b. Pressure shaft and penstock

The water conductor system consists of one pressure shaft of size
6.90m diameter with steel liner and bifurcates into Three Penstocks
of size 3.05m dia. with CC Lining and permanent supports.
Necessary provisions for Permanent supporting, spacing of Anchor
rods, consolidation grouting, contact grouting and shotcreating
wherever required for different class of rock classifications are made.
As the length from Intake to UGPH is very short, head race tunnel &
surge shaft are not provided. The details are shown vide drawing No.
SRRP/Civil/ 17 to 19. c. Power House

It is proposed to construct an underground power house(UGPH) at a
depth of 160m from the surface. The UGPH is at a distance of 205 m
east of intake structure. In the UGPH complex the following
provisions are made:

 Machine hall & repair bay in PH cavern – The machine hall

accommodates two generating units each of 100 MW capacity.
The power house cavern is 68m long, 21m wide and 44.73m
high with the deepest foundation at EL 420.00 M and crown of
the power house being at EL 464.73m. The generator floor level
is EL 444.73m and the crane beam level is EL 456.73m.
Provision for ventilation to PH cavern is made by means of a 2m

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dia ventilation tunnel. Provision is also made to seat one

additional generating unit of 100 MW capacity.

 Transformer Cavern – The transformer cavern is 78m long, 17m

wide and 15m high, the floor level is EL 444.73m and the crown
level is 459.73m. The transformer caver in connected to the
UGPH cavern by three no’s of bus duct tunnel of size 4.5m x
4.5m, one ‘D’ shaped tunnel of size 9m x 7m and one
emergency tunnel of size 5m x 3m.

The outdoor yard is located on the surface. The HT cable

connecting the transformers to ODY run through an inclined
cable tunnel of size 5m x 5m.

 Tail race collection cavern – The tail race collection chamber is

68m long, 14m wide and 22.33m high with the deepest
foundation at EL 435.5m and the crown being at EL 457.83m.
The water is discharged through D shaped concrete lined tunnel
of size 9m x 9m and length 4500 m.

 Separate niches for Workshop, Air conditioning, HVWS, DG set,

Toilet and security rooms have been proposed.

 All the details are shown vide drawing No. SRRP/Civil/20 to 22.

9.3 Geology, Seismicity and foundations

9.4 Alternative studies
9.4.1 1) Weir:
The Cauvery river from the downstream of Kollegal bridge bifurcates
into two limbs, falls down the Gorge from both the limbs at
Gaganachukki and Bharachukki falls, and after the falls joins to form
a single stream. The Cauvery river which was flowing in north

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direction before the falls turns towards right and starts flowing in east
direction. Hence the diversion structure has been on the right limb of
the river. The stretch of the river from Kollegal bridge to the
Bharachukki falls on the right limb is only 5 Km.

9.4.2 A suitable site has been selected for the weir at a distance of 1 km
on the upstream of the falls. The FRL of the weir is fixed at EL 615.4
m so as to match with the FRL of the existing Shiva Anicut on the left
limb of Cauvery river. The MWL for the 100year return period flood is
EL 619.4 m. The left bank bund level is EL 614 m. Initially the weir
was extended beyond the left bank for a distance of 300 m. On the
left bank of the right limb is fertile agricultural land which would
submerge with this proposal. In order to safeguard this agricultural
land, a retaining wall and an earthen bund is proposed all along the
left bank with its top at an elevation of one meter above the MWL is
now proposed. With this proposal the length of the weir got reduced
by 300 m and submersion of agricultural land is avoided.

9.4.3 ii) Intake and head works:

At around 150 m on the upstream of the proposed weir where is a
small valley on the right bank of the river which is an ideal location
for the intake and other head works. No alternatives are available for
studies for intake and head works.

9.4.4 iii) Power House

The ground level after the intake and head works is around EL 600
m. The tail race exit is at a distance of around 4.5 km from the head
works. The elevation at the tail race exit is EL 405 m. Hence an
underground power house immediately next to the head works is
most appropriate. One single power house was first proposed for
utilizing the entire head between the weir FRL of EL 614.5 m and tail
water level of EL 405 m. The proposal was then changed as there is

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a downstream project proposed across Cauvery namely Mekedatu

project comprising of a reservoir with FRL at EL 440 m. If the
downstream project is implemented, the proposed power house will
get submerged. In order to safeguard the power house from
submersion, the underground power house is raised so that the
tailrace level is at EL 440m.

9.4.5 iv) Tailrace Tunnel

The first proposal for tailrace tunnel was along a straight line from
power house to the tailrace exit. With the revised proposal of the underground power house, the
alignment of the tailrace tunnel was revised so that the tail race exit
level is El 440 m in a valley between the power house location and
tail race exit. This alternative was found to be expensive. Finally the original tailrace tunnel alignment was slightly modified so
that it opens in the existing valley near the tailrace exit. This proposal
is cheaper and found to be the most suitable alternative for utilizing
the full available potential at Shivasamudram.

9.4.6 The alternative studies made is depicted in the Drawing enclosed

vide Drawing No. SRRP/Civil/08.

9.5 The final layout

9.5.1 After detailed studies of all the alternatives possible, the present
layout with an underground power house is finalized. The finalized
layout is enclosed vide Drawing No. SRRP/Civil/06 & 07.

9.6 Design flood and sedimentation studies

9.6.1 The detailed design flood studies are discussed in Chapter VI. The
inflow design flood considered for the designs and other protective

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measures is 16990 cumecs. The sediment data observed at Kollegal

gauge site is enclosed as Annexure in volume II of the report.

9.7 Free Board

9.7.1 Detailed free board computations for both the proposed weir and the
earthen bund proposed along the left bank of the river is enclosed as
Annexure in volume II of the report. The computations are as per IS
6512 The free board provided is 1.10 m for both concrete and
earthen bund portion.

9.8 River Diversion arrangement – Choice of Design floods

9.8.1 The Cauvery river bifurcates into two limbs on the downstream of
Kollegal bridge. The requirement of water to Bangalore water supply
and for the existing Shiva and Shimsha power houses are drawn
from the left limb of Cauvery river. The proposed Shivasamudram
weir is on the right limb of the Cauvery river. During non monsoon
season the lean flows are being diverted to left limb by a small wall
constructed across the river at the point where the river splits. From
December onwards till monsoon there will not be any flow in the right
limb. The construction of the proposed weir will be taken up during
this period and water will be diverted through the right limb.

9.9 Construction materials

9.9.1 The important construction materials required are soil, sand, rubble,
cement, steel & explosives. The quantities of these materials
required are given below.
Sl.No. Materials Unit Quantity
i) Earth for bund Cum 285900
ii) Sand Cum 80400
iii) Aggregates Cum 221200
iv) Rubble Cum 21500

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Sl.No. Materials Unit Quantity

v) Cement Tonne 62320
vi) Structural steel Tonne 2290
vii) Structural steel for gates Tonne 120
vii) Reinforcement steel Tonne 4250
viii) Steel plates for penstock Tonne 950
(ASTM A285 Grade ‘C’)
Steel plates for penstock Tonne 810
(ASTM A517 Grade ‘F’)
viii) Explosives Tonne 300

i) Rubble:
The requirement of rubble is 21500 Cum. One quarry has been
identified to meet the requirement of rubble for the project works.
The quarry is very near to the weir site and easily approachable. The
tunnel muck is also proposed to be utilized for coarse aggregates to
minimize the cost and to utilize a portion of the muck. The samples
collected from the quarry has been tested and found suitable for
construction. The test result is enclosed as Annexure in volume II of
the report.

ii) Aggregates
The requirement of aggregates of various sizes is 221200 cum. The
tunnel muck of suitable quality will be utilized to minimize the cost. If
the quality of tunnel muck is not as per the required standard, the
aggregates are sourced from the quarry identified.

iii) Sand:
The requirement of sand is 80400 Cum. One sand quarry in the
banks of Cauvery river has been identified in Kukkur village.
Sufficient quantity of sand is available from the quarry. The access to

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the sand quarry is via … road. The location of the sand quarry is
enclosed vide drawing. The distance to the sand quarry from the
project site is 35 km.

iv) Water:
It is proposed to use the water from Cauvery river for construction.
The water samples have been collected and tested. The results
indicate that the water is suitable for construction. Adequate water is
available throughout the year.

v) Manufactured Materials:
Cement & Steel will be procured indigenously and transported by rail
up to Maddur and by road from there to various work sites.
Explosives will be transported by road. A magazine of adequate
capacity will be constructed at the work site. The location of the
Magazine building is shown in drawing No. SRRP/Civil/07.

9.10 Details of Model studies:

9.10.1 Model studies have not been proposed for any component. There
are no critical components which needs model studies. However if
necessary model studies will be got done before taking up the

9.11 The design of weir :

9.11.1 The various components of Shivasamudram Run of the River project
have been explained in the earlier chapters. This chapter deals with
the design aspects of various components of the scheme.


The concrete over flow portion is designed as as per IS 6934:1973
to pass the design inflow flood.

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The concrete gravity dam for the overflow and non-overflow portions
is designed as per IS 6512:1972 based on the following

1. Unit weight of concrete is assumed as 2.4 tonnes/cum.

2. Uplift pressure :
a) Normal conditions: 100% water pressure at heel corresponding
to FEL, 100% water pressure at the toe corresponding to max.
TWL and tail water pressure plus 1/3 the difference between
the u/s & d/s water pressure at drainage gallery.
b) Extreme condition: 100% water pressure at heel linearly
decreasing to tail water pressure at toe, assuming complete
clogging of the drainage holes.

3. Sliding factor: Tan  0.75 (normal condition).

4. Shear strength of concrete ‘C’ on rock 100 T/M2

5. Shear friction factor

a) For normal condition 4.00
b) For extreme condition 2.50

Stability analysis of Non-overflow and overflow sections along with

design of crest profile are enclosed as Annexure in volume II of the

The following seismic co-efficients are adopted in the design of the gravity
dam as per IS 1983 - 2002.

1. Horizontal – 0.12 g at the top uniformly reducing to zero at the bottom.

2. Vertical equivalent to half the horizontal acceleration.
The following cases are considered for analysis of the stability of dam as
per IS 6512.

a) Reservoir empties with earthquake from downstream to upstream.

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b) Reservoir full at FRL with earthquake from u/s to d/s and normal
c) Reservoir full at FRL with earthquake from u/s to d/s and uplift
corresponding to drains fully clogged. WEIR ACROSS RIGHT LIMB OF CAUVERY RIVER:

The weir is situated just u/s of Barachuki Falls across the river
Cauvery near Buddikatte village of Kollegal taluk in Chamarajanagar
district. This weir along with the existing Shiva Anicut is designed to
accommodate flood of 6 lakh Cusecs. Gates are not provided. The
over flow section is provided in the river bed portion and non over
flow sections on the both the banks. The bed level at this site is EL
607m and FRL is EL 615.4m. The dam foundation level is EL605m.
The height of dam (overflow section) above the average riverbed
level is 10.4m. The riverbed has good foundation rock at depths of 1
to 2m below the river bed. The right flank has an over burden of 1 to
4 m. The detailed drawings are enclosed in drawing volume (volume
IV) of the report.

The water sample test results are enclosed as annexure in volume II

of the report. SILT LOAD COMPUTATION :

Silt load considered is based on the actual measurement made by

CWC at Kollegal Gauge site on the upstream of the weir. FREE BOARD COMPUTATION:

The free board is arrived as per IS 6512 – 1984. The effective fetch
of the water-spread at MWL of EL 619.4m is 0.91km. The wave
height is 0.7m assuming a wind velocity of 118.8 km/hr. The design
wave height is 1.0m above the still water surface.

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9.12 Design of intake, power channel/tunnel, balancing

reservoir/ fore-bay, surge shaft, penstocks, power house,
tailrace, switch yard etc.

9.12.1 SHAFT:
The water conductor system for the main powerhouse is at a
distance of 150m upstream of the weir on the right-bank of the river.
In order to have sufficient rock cover for the Pressure shaft it is
proposed to have an approach channel and then the tunnel starts.
The length of approach channel is 120m. The intake structure is
located at this point.

9.12.2 The ground level at the site is EL 612m and the sill level of the intake
is EL 609.43m. For smooth entry into the Pressure shaft, a trash
rack arrangement is proposed with bell mouth entry. Vertical lift
gates are provided for maintenance purpose. Operation of the gates
is from the platform located at EL 620.5m (above FRL). Suitable
approach to the platform is also provided.

9.12.3 A 120m long approach channel with sloping apron (6:1) connects the
intake structure with the reservoir. The sill level of the weir leading
to the approach channel is EL609.43m, which is below the MDDL of
the reservoir to allow flow of water at minimum load. The intake
structure is designed as per IS:9761 : 1995 and the design is
enclosed as Annexure in volume II of the report. The plan and
section of intake is enclosed vide drw no. SRRP - 9 & 10 of
drawings volume.


From the intake structure, water is carried through a single pressure
shaft. This is trifurcated onto three penstocks to run three turbines.
The pressure shaft runs horizontally for a length of 30.8m and then it
changes inclination to 510 and the turn is smooth. The diameter of

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pressure shaft is 6.9m. The inclined shaft runs for a length of

212.7m. The pressure shaft trifurcates into three penstocks after
running 14.6 m horizontally and is reduced to 3.05m . The pressure
shaft is proposed to be lined with concrete and steel. The steel liner
calculations have been done taking into consideration of rock mass
pressure and so also the case with penstocks. The penstock leads
the water to Underground Powerhouse. The economic diameter of
the pressure shaft and penstock is calculated as per IS:11625:1986
code stipulations and the calculations are enclosed as Annexure in
volume II of the report.

9.12.5 It is proposed to do consolidation grouting for the hill mass

surrounding the pressure shaft/penstock. Contact grouting will be
done between the concrete lining and the rock and also between
concrete and steel lining.

9.12.6 The details of the Intake structure, and the pressure shaft/penstock
tunnel are shown in the following drgs.
Plan of Intake SRRP /civil/15
Cross-section of Intake SRRP /civil/16
Plan of Penstock & Power House SRRP /civil/17
L-Section of Penstock & Power House SRRP /civil/17
The powerhouse has sufficient rock cover of 180 m above invert
level. The cavern lies in Granite gneiss mass. The powerhouse
complex accommodates three units of 100MW each. The machine
hall itself accommodates the valve chamber. The transformer and
tailrace collection chambers are provided in separate chambers.
The overall dimension of the machine hall is 21 x 42m with a 21m x
21m service bay, a 5m wide end bay and 21m x 18m Annex building.
The height of power house 20.0m from generator floor level and total

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height is 44.75m from lowest level. The hall has provision for control
room and erection bay. One more transformer cavern is proposed at
a distance of 20m from the power house cavern. This will house
transformers. The cavern is of dimension 17m x 78m long with oil
handling bay at the end. The two caverns viz power house cavern
and transformer cavern are connected by three bus duct tunnels of
4.5m ‘D’ shaped for carrying cables. One more cable duct tunnel
runs from the transformer cavern onto control room. Tail race
collection cavern of size 14m x 68 m is proposed at a distance of
80.2 m from transformer cavern. The detailed drawings of both plan
and sectional view of the UGPH is enclosed vide drawing no. SRRP
/Civil/20 to 22.

In order to know the characteristics of the river water and their effect
on the turbine blades Petrological and Petrographic studies of silt
samples have been conducted and the results are enclosed as
Annexure vide volume II of the report.

One ventilation tunnel is proposed to take off from the Machine hall
cavern, the length of the tunnel is about 185m of size 2m and one
HT cable tunnel is proposed to take off from the transformer cavern,
the length of tunnel is about 220m and of size 5 x 5m ‘D’ shaped.

The underground power house will be provided with access tunnel of

length 1800m of ‘D’ shaped of size 7 x 7m. This tunnel will be
utilized for mucking during construction time and will be permanent
access to the UGPH. A loop is provided to take off from this tunnel
to have access to trifurcation Chamber to facilitate construction.

The power house and transformer cavern will also hold other rooms
such as work shop, air conditioner room, HVWS room and toilets as
shown in the drawings. The detailed drawings pertaining to the
different caverns and their approaches are depicted vide drawing no
SRRP /Civil / 22.

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One tailrace tunnel of size 9m x 9m ‘D’ shaped with concrete lining is
provided to lead the released waters from powerhouse back to the
river Cauvery. The tailrace tunnel is of length 4500m. One
construction adit of length 930m to the tailrace tunnel has been
provided. The tail race tunnel is free flow tunnel and is proposed to
be lined. The tunnel will provided with permanent supports as per
the site condition. The detailed longitudinal section and typical cross
sections are enclosed vide drawing no SRRP/Civil / 29 to 32.

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10.1.00 TURBINE

10.1.01 PREAMBLE
a) The Shivasamudram run of the river project across the river
Cauvery consists of Underground Power House of capacity– 2 X
100 MW
b) The Shivasamudram run-of of the River Power generation
scheme across Cauvery river envisages the construction of a high
pick-up weir across the right limb of the Cauvery river at the
upstream of Bharachukki falls and approach channel, intake
structure, pressure shaft, Underground power house consisting of
2X100MW generating units, Access tunnel and a Tailrace tunnel
for discharging the waters.


(Under Ground Power House consisting of 2 X 100MW)

a) It is proposed to maintain the reservoir at a nearly constant level

as near to FRL as possible to maintain the optimum head for
generation of power at UGPH.

b) The gross design head available is worked out conventionally

considering the FRL, MDDL, maximum and minimum tail water
levels and the same is fixed at 176.26 m. The total head loss in
the water conductor system works out to 2.45 m and the net
design head works out to 173.81 m.


It is proposed to install two units each of 100MW capacity plus 10%
overload capacity. The rated discharge for the rated output at rated
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head is 65.19 m3/ sec and the design discharge of each unit with
10% continuous overload is 71.71 m3/ sec.


The head available for power generation is around 173.81 m. In a
run of the river scheme, the water availability for power generation
fluctuates from day to day and month to month. Higher installed
capacity means higher cost without corresponding increase in
energy generation. The corresponding installed capacity is 200MW
which is proposed to be installed. There will be two units each of
unit capacity 100MW.


The maximum gross head is 179.40m and the minimum gross head
is 170.00m. The water conductor loss is 2.45 m. The variation of net
head is between 176.95 m and 167.55 m respectively corresponding
to 101.81% to 96.40% of the rated head of 173.81 m. According to
design calculations, Francis type of turbines is suitable for this head
and head range. (The operating limits of Francis turbine varies
between 65% & 125% of rated head).


For the unit capacity of 100MW plus 10% continuous overload
capacity and design head of 173.81 m, the proposed unit rated
speed is 250rpm. The parameters of the turbine for the proposed
speed are as follows:
1 Runner discharge diameter in m (D3) 2.88
2 Inner diameter of runner in m (D2) 2.85
3 Top diameter of runner in m (D1) 3.17
4 Length of spiral casing in m 10.72
5 Width of spiral casing in m 9.55

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6 Inlet diameter in m 3.04

7 Length of powerhouse in m 68
8 Width of powerhouse in m 21
9 Deepest draft tube elevation in EL m 422.49
10 Centre line setting of turbine in EL m 432.24

However, the rated speed will be decided at the time of

implementation after consulting leading manufacturers of hydro
generating units.


The salient particulars of the turbines are as indicated below.

1. Turbine Vertical Francis

2. FRL of Dam EL 615.4m
3. MDDL of Dam EL 610.00m
4. Minimum tail water level EL 436.00m
5. Maximum tail water level EL 440.00m
6. Runner centre line EL 432.24m
7. Head loss in water conductor system 2.45m
8. Maximum Net head 176.95m
9. Minimum Net head 167.55m
10. Rated head 173.81m
11. Rated discharge 65.19 cumecs
12. Discharge at overload capacity 71.71 cumecs
13. No. of units 2
14. Speed of the turbine 250rpm
15. Nominal diameter of runner 2880mm
16. Type of main inlet valve Spherical


a) The powerhouse length and width have been worked out
considering the dimensions of the spiral casing, required concrete

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cover and space for the inlet valve, inspection gallery as per
standard practice. The height of the crane beam from the service
bay has been fixed considering 12m clear height required for
handling turbine runner – shaft assembly during assembly and
lowering. The height above the crane beam upto the roof is fixed
as 8m based on the overall height of similar capacity cranes. The
length of service bay is fixed at one and half times the unit
spacing since there are two units.

b) The powerhouse accommodates 2 units each of 100MW

capacity. The powerhouse measuring 68.00m (L) x 21.00m (W)
has been proposed including Main Inlet Valve and service bay
area. Height of crane beam will be 12m from the service bay.

c) The details of the powerhouse are as detailed hereunder:-

(i) Length of the powerhouse : 68.00m (including MIV &

service bay area)
(ii) Width of the powerhouse : 21.00m
(ii) CL of the turbine runner : EL 432.24m
(iv) Service bay level : EL 444.73m
(v) Deepest draft tube point : EL 422.49m
(vi) M/C hall/ generator floor level : EL 444.73m
(vii) Crane beam level : EL 456.73m
(viii) Roof level : EL 464.73m

d) The control room annexe of 18m x 21m is proposed to be housed

adjacent to the service bay. The common auxiliary, battery,
battery charger, LTAC, etc., are proposed to be housed in the
common auxiliary annexe just below the control room.


The water conductor system consists of the following:

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(a) An Approach channel from Approach Weir.

(b) 117.74m long open channel

(c) One pressure shaft of 6.9m diameter and of length 246.87 mtrs
leads the water to two generating units through one bifurcation at
suitable distance. The dia of penstock is 4.0 mtrs.

(d) An underground powerhouse of size 68.00m x 21.00m to house

two generating units, each of 100MW capacity including service
bay & MIV.
(e) The transformers will be housed in separate cavern measuring
68mtrsX17 mtrs with a niche of 17 mtrs X 10 mtrs for oil handling
equipments and 20 mtrs X 10 mtrs niche for workshop
(f) Cable tunnels, ventilation tunnels, approach tunnel connecting
machine hall, transformer hall control room etc will also be
(g) XLPE cables from Transformer cavern to the surface ODY will run
through H.T Cable tunnel.
(h) 220kV surface ODY will be provided consisting of two unit bays,
two line bays.
(i) A ‘D’ shaped 4.5 Km tailrace tunnel is proposed to lead the water
after power generation to the river course.
(j) The steel requirement for the penstocks and pressure shaft for
Shivasamudram run of the river project of Under Ground Power
House is as follows:
Steel Conforming to Quantity
Boiler quality Mild Steel ASTM’ A 285’ Grade 949MT
plates C
EHT Steel Plates ASTM’A 517’ Grade F 813 MT

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(k) For easy fabrication and to avoid preheating and stress relieving,
it is proposed to have thickness of steel plates as follows
Steel Conforming to Thickness
Boiler quality Mild Steel ASTM ‘A 285’ Grade 17-38 mm
plates C
EHT Steel Plates ASTM ‘A 517’ Grade 34-37 mm
Wye piece ASTM ‘A 537 ‘Class 37 mm

(l) The intake structure will be provided with trash racks, to prevent
entry of debris and other floating materials into the pressure shaft.
The top of the slab will be kept at a suitable elevation to facilitate
inspection of trash racks in emergency conditions.


The intake structure accommodates control gates (Hydraulic gates)

provided to regulate the flow. Stop log gate is provided upstream of
the control gate (Hydraulic gates) for maintenance of the service
gate. A smooth transition is provided from the rectangular opening of
the bell-mouth to the pressure shaft of diameter 6.9m.


The main inlet valves provided are of Spherical type upstream of the
turbine. Considering the high head, Spherical valves are selected.
Gates are provided at the surge tank to facilitate closure of tunnel for
any repairs to the tunnel, penstock and MIV. Spherical valve is
proposed with oil pressure operated servomotor, servomotor
operated by-pass valve, air valve along with isolating valve,
dismantling joint, inlet pipe with manhole, as per standard practice.

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The pressure rise will be limited to 35% of operating head with
overload output and 100% gate opening and speed rise will be
limited to 40% of the rated speed at any operating condition
including 10% overload with single stage closing.

The flywheel effect of generator will be designed for these

conditions. The guide vane closing time will be such that the speed/
pressure rises are within the above-mentioned limits.

The runner will be of the cast stainless steel (13% Chromium & 4%
Nickel) with polished stream lined vanes, crown and skirt, upper and
lower labyrinth seals machined integral with the runner. The runner
will be provided with aeration arrangement. The runner will be
statically balanced. Drilled holes will be provided through the runner
crown to drain the water to reduce the hydraulic thrust. TURBINE SHAFT

The turbine shaft will be forged, carbon steel conformed to BS 970
having guide bearing journal, properly heat treated to relieve all
stresses due to forging and machining. The shaft will operate at any
speed upto maximum runaway speed, without vibrations or
distortions. The shaft will also withstand short circuit stresses without
damage or distortion. TURBINE GUIDE BEARING

The guide bearing will be Babbitt metal lined, self oil lubricating type
designed and constructed to operate at all speeds upto the runaway
speed for five minutes with water supply cut off. The bearing will be
located above the stuffing box. The type of bearing will be pivoted

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pad/Shell type. Thermal relays, indicating dial type thermometer with

adjustable trip and alarm contacts, RTD’s, connection for oil filling
and drain, suitable pressure gauges at the output etc. will be

1. The bearing will be designed and constructed to operate at
runaway speed for 5 minutes without cooling water.

2. When running at normal operating temperature, the bearing will

be capable of operating for a period of 15 minutes after failure of
cooling water supply to the bearing with the turbine operating at
rated capacity and at rated speed.

3. The bearing will be capable of operating without injury under the

following conditions.

a) Continuous operation at any speed from 50% to 115% of the

rated speed with cooling water and oil.
b) Operation for a period of 15 minutes at runaway speed with
cooling water and oil.
c) For at least half an hour at any speed down to 10 rpm with oil,
cooling water and HP LUB ON. BABBIT METAL

The babbit metal lining will be of sufficient thickness and of suitable

grade to ensure long life of operation without the need for
frequent remetalling. TEMPERATURE RISE

The oil temperature of the bearings oil will not exceed 550C when
operating at any load upto the maximum rating. The temperature of
the bearing metal will be determined by means of Thermometer in

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the bearing metal. The working temperature of bearing will not

exceed 650C and the maximum safe temperature that bearing metal
can withstand will not exceed 700C. TURBINE SHAFT GLAND

The main shaft gland provided for the turbine shaft will be of proven
design and which can be operated by the raw water tapped from the
cooling water system of the unit. The shaft gland will be located
below the main turbine guide bearing. A flow indicator and two
pressure gauges and a differential pressure switch will be provided
with contacts for annunciation of low flow and low pressure. A
maintenance seal (isolating seal) of inflatable rubber will be provided
below the shaft seal to enable replacement or adjustment of the
shaft seal without dewatering the unit. Possibility of providing
segmental shaft seal will be examined at the time of installation after
consulting leading manufacturers. SPEED RING

The speed ring will be of electrically welded steel of boiler quality
plates (impact tested) designed to bridge the throat of the spiral
casing and to transmit the weight of the unit to the foundation with
properly shaped massive guide rings. The upper ring will be
designed to carry the main turbine cover and pit liner and the lower
ring will be provided with heavy base plate extended to carry the
pivot ring and foundation ring. The two rings will be rigidly tied
together with strong stream lined stay vanes which lead water
smoothly to the guide vanes. SPIRAL CASING

Each turbine will have a spiral casing and inlet pipe of site welded
Boiler quality steel plate construction complete with a watertight
access manhole. Tapping for penstock drainage, pressure and flow
measurement will be provided. Spiral casing and inlet pipe provided

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will be designed to withstand pressure rise during load throw off. On

any one unit, provision will be made to conduct the field efficiency
test on turbine by methods specified in the IEC. DRAFT TUBE

The draft tubes will be of elbow type with two vents. This will consist
of a plate steel fabricated draft tube suction cone, steel line section
of elbow liners of sufficient length to prevent concrete erosion and a
concrete lined horizontal section upto the draft tube outlet. The draft
tube suction cone will be provided with a manhole, water level check
valve, pressure gauge fittings and attachments for mounting a
maintenance platform within the draft tube. A draft tube drain tapping
will be provided for each draft tube at the invert for draining the draft
tube during maintenance.

The D T liner and the D T cone will be fabricated out of structural

steel conforming to IS 226/ IS 2062 in pieces suitable for fabrication.
The D T liner will be welded to D T cone and DT cone to the
foundation ring/ discharge ring. DISCHARGE RING (FOUNDATION RING)

The discharge ring will be cast stainless steel/ welded stainless steel
construction, heavily ribbed to maintain its circularity and fabricated
in transportable sections. GUIDE APPARATUS

The movable guide vanes will be of stainless cast steel of 13%
Chromium & 4% Nickel. The spindles and vanes will be cast in one
piece and will be easily accessible for replacement. The lower stem
will be guided once in the pivot ring and the upper stems will be
guided twice in the top cover. All parts of the guide apparatus having
relative motion in contact will be properly bushed and will be of the
self-lubricated type (PTFE type guide vane bushes). The guide vane-
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operating ring will be of strong and rigid construction made out of

steel plates conforming to IS quality and will be provided with
suitable bearing and renewable guides. PIVOT RING

The pivot ring will be made of cast steel or from steel plates
conforming to IS 2000 Grade 2A or equivalent and will be adequately
reinforced by ribs and flanges. Lower stems of the guide vanes will
be housed in pivot ring. The pivot ring will consist of self-lubricating
bearing bushes for lower stem of guide vanes and renewable
stainless steel liners below & above guide vanes and renewable
stationary labyrinth rings (top & bottom stationary labyrinths). TOP COVER

Top cover will be of welded steel plate, construction with stainless
steel liner plates in the area of guide vanes in the closed position.
The top cover will withstand the transient up thrust from the turbine
runner. The bushes for guiding the guide vane stem in the top cover
will be of self lubricating type without any external greasing. Two
pump sets of suitable rating will be provided to drain the leakage
water collected on the top cover. Gravity drain pipe/ siphon
arrangement will also be provided to drain the leakage water. REGULATING RING

The regulating ring will be of forged steel plates, stress relieved and
provided with renewable bronze bearing strips. The heavy anchor
pins for the connecting rods of the guide vane servomotors complete
with bronze bushes for the inner link pins will also be provided. TURBINE PIT LINER

The turbine pit liner will be fabricated out of structural steel
conforming to IS 226/ 2062 quality with strong ribs. The thickness of

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the steel plate will be minimum 10mm. Provision will be made for
mounting the guide vane servomotors inside the pit liner. A circular
monorail with hand operated hoist and traveling trolley will be
provided in the pit liner to handle shaft gland and bearing

The turbines will be provided with two oil pressure single stage
closing servomotors having a combined capacity sufficient to operate
the guide vanes through the full range under the maximum head
conditions with minimum operating pressure of oil.

10.1.14 GOVERNOR Each turbine will be provided with a micro processor based digital
PID governor, Electro-Hydraulic Control equipment and oil pressure
system of sufficient capacity to control the speed and load of the unit

a) Digital Governor for processing and Control Orders.
b) Measuring devices that issue feedback signals to the governor
c) Regulating devices that carry out the orders issued by the
governor viz., actuators, oil-distributing valve, servomotor
controlling the turbine water supply. THE GOVERNING SYSTEM WILL PERFORM THE

(i) Speed control for start up and synchronizing.

(ii) Optimization of unit operation by Guide vane control / operation

(iii) Speed regulation under no load operation

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(iv) Loading after synchronization

(v) Manual and automatic control

(vi) Interface with the distributed control system for automatic

starting and stopping.

(vii) Emergency shutdown

(viii) Synchronous condenser operation

(ix) Return to no load operation after load rejection

(x) Load reduction and unit shut down

(xi) Over speed detection and Hydraulic over speed protection

(xii) Isolated grid operation

(xiii) Gate limiter to limit the loading to desired value.

(xiv) RGMO and FGMO operation. The governors will have speed setting from 0 to 10% and
sensitivity of 0.01%. The system will meet the relevant
BIS/International Standards. The digital governor panel will consist of processor unit with
redundant processor, input / output modules and redundant power
supply unit with provisions for SCADA compatibility. The speed will
be sensed by a toothed wheel mounted on the machine and speed-

The governor oil pressure system of high pressure for each unit will
consist of a sump tank, two screw/gear pumps of suitable rating
(main and standby) and an accumulator. The sump tank provided
will be of sufficient capacity. Filters for the oil will be provided i.e.,
main and stand by. On load filter changing will also be provided. The

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governor oil system will be provided with suitable capacity

compressed air system to maintain the system pressure in the
accumulator. Alternatively, providing Nitrogen bladder in the
accumulator to maintain the system pressure will be examined
during the implementation considering the cost aspects.


10.2.01 The generators will be three-phase synchronous machines of the

vertical shaft type directly coupled to their respective turbines.

10.2.02 The nameplate rating of the synchronous generators proposed are

as follows:
(a) Normal Rating 111MVA
(b) 10% Overload capacity 122MVA
(c) Rated Speed 250rpm
(d) Type of generator Umbrella/Semi–Umbrella/Pendent
(e) Rated voltage 11kV ± 5%
(f) Rated frequency 50Hz +3%/ -5%
(g) No. of phases 3
(h) Power Factor 0.90 lag
(i) No. of poles 24
(j) Type of ventilation Closed

10.2.03 The generators will be umbrella/semi-umbrella or pendent type

three-phase synchronous machines of the vertical shaft type directly
coupled to their respective turbines.

10.2.04 The generator will be rated at 100MW, 0.90 power factors and 11
KV, 50 Hz. The generator will be capable of delivering 10%
continuous over load. The generators will be provided with auxiliaries
such as H.S. lubrication system, brake dust collector system,

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interpad cooling system, mulsifyre system, over speed device,

marshalling box etc.

10.2.05 Thrust and guide bearing

a) The thrust and guide bearings provided will be of self circulation
type complete with oil coolers, temperature, oil level measuring
instruments and oil purification connections. The thrust pads will
support the total weight of the generator and turbine-rotating parts
including the maximum hydraulic thrust of the turbine. The thrust
bearing will be provided with a high-pressure pump lubrication oil
system, which will be operated during starting and stopping.

b) The thrust bearing will consist of number of pads with each pad
resting on pre compressed spring mattress. Thrust pad stoppers
would be placed at suitable locations. The thrust and guide
bearing housing will have plug in type heat exchangers to
dissipate heat in the oil during unit operation.

c) The generator top guide bearing on top of generator will be of the

self/forced circulation type with oil coolers temperature, oil level
measuring instruments and oil purification connections.

10.2.06 Stator Core

Each stator core will be built up with insulated CRGO silicon steel
laminations of high quality and low loss designed and fabricated to
prevent hot spots and / or loose spots. The stator frame with core
and windings will be shipped from the factory /works in suitable
segments considering transport limitations.

10.2.07 Coolers
Each generator will have a closed circuit ventilation system with air
to water coolers. The system will allow a generator to be operated at

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its maximum continuous rating with one cooler removed without

exceeding the temperature limits or making piping modifications.

10.2.08 Braking system

The generator will be provided with air-operated brakes to bring the
rotating parts of the generator to rest from about 15% of the rated
speed during normal operation. The brakes will be suitable for
application at higher speed during emergency shutdown of the unit in
order to bring the unit to rest at a faster rate. The brakes will operate
manually/automatically from local panel/unit control board.

10.2.09 Stator windings

The stator windings will be suitable for continuous operation over the
specified voltage range. The stator winding shall be insulated using
the epoxy pour high voltage insulation system VACUBAND of class
“F” insulation manufactured by vacuum pressure impregnation (VPI)
process. The temperature rise will be limited to class “B” values
above ambient temperature as per IS.

10.2.10 Rotor
a) The rotor for all the units will be of salient pole type. The 100 MW
units will have 24 poles. Damper windings/ bars will be provided
on the face of the pole.
b) The rim of each rotor will be made of laminated tensile steel. The
brake ring would be located at the bottom of the spider. The
brake and jack assembly would be located below the rotor rim.
c) The field windings will be strip on edge copper with class F
insulation with corresponding limiting temperature rise. The field
leads on the rotor and in the generator pit will also be fully

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10.2.11 First filling of oil

Oil for first filling for turbine and generator bearings and governor
system will also be included and will be of grade ISOVG


Suitable monitoring system will be provided for measuring shaft
vibrations of the Generator /Turbine shaft at all bearing locations.


On line Partial discharge measurements with associated analyzer
& partial discharge pickups of reputed make for measurement of
stator bar insulation.


Air gap monitoring system of reputed make to measure the air
gap at any operating condition from standstill to overspeed. This
will continuously monitor the dynamic behavior of both stator and
rotor structure.


Shaft current monitoring system will be provided to monitor shaft
current of the Generator.


The babbit metal lining will be of sufficient thickness and of suitable
grade to ensure long life of operation without the need for frequent


The oil temperature of the bearings will not exceed 650C when
operating at any load upto the maximum rating. The temperature of
the bearing metal will be determined by means of Dial type

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Thermometer in the bearing metal and the same shall not exceed


The main shaft shall consist of integral thrust collar for thrust
bearing, integral half coupling to suit turbine shaft half coupling,
guide bearing journal for bottom & top guide bearing. Tubular shaft
for mounting collector rings and speed switches is located above the
generator main shaft.


a) A static excitation system of the fully controlled thyristor type with
digital AVR will be provided for generator. System will consist of
an excitation transformer, field circuit breaker, field discharge
resistor, digital voltage regulator system with auto voltage
regulator (Auto channel) / field current regulator (Manual channel)
and associated control, limiters, protection and indication
equipment. Field flashing from station AC and DC supply will be
provided for initial voltage build up while starting the unit.

b) Excitation Power will be derived from generator terminals through

bus duct / cables connected to a dry type excitation transformer.
The AC 3 phase fully controlled thyristor bridges, the firing angle
of which is controlled by digital regulator, will rectify power fed
from excitation transformer. Total number of thyristor bridges
provided will be such that, 100% redundant two independent
converters with one bridge out of service, the full rated output is

c) Excitation transformer will be of the dry type with a continuous

rating to match the specified rating of the excitation system and to
meet the requirements of ceiling voltage/ current. Direct current
circuit breaker provided in the field circuit will ensure

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disconnection from the supply source and subsequent discharge

of energy in the field circuit in the event of a fault or disturbance
through a field discharge resistor.

d) The digital voltage regulator will have two channels with an

Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) and a standby Excitation
Current Regulator (ECR). The voltage set point will be
controllable over the generator voltage range and the excitation
system will maintain the generator voltage within the set value.
The ECR will continuously track the AVR to allow a smooth
automatic transfer from automatic to manual control. The ECR will
be able to control the field current from 60% to 130% of rated
open circuit stator voltage and up to full load field current at rated

e) The following protections and limiters will be provided in the

excitation system:

(i) Over excitation field current limiter with adjustable time delay
and current setting

(ii) Under excitation limiters with adjustable setting of the MVAR

/ MW characteristic to automatically match the generator

(iii) Stator current limiter

(iv) Volts/Hz limiter

(v) Power system stabilizer

(vi) Over voltage protection

(vii) Rotor earth fault protection

(viii) Excitation transformer over current protection

(ix) Excitation transformer over temperature protection

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(x) P T fuse fail with change over facility to ECR mode with
indicator/ alarm/ trip facility

(xi) Rotor over temperature

f) The required meters to indicate field voltage, field current and

generator voltage will be provided on the AVR panel. Indications
and controls required for field breaker, channel change over and
excitation raise/lower will also be provided. A micro controller for
display and setting of control parameters and logic will be
provided. Controls/ annunciations, indications shall be SCADA


For evacuation of power from the generator to the transformer, it is
proposed to have isolated phase bus ducts by selecting the cross
section to suit the current rating.


2 Nos., 3 phase OFWF power transformer of capacity 125MVA to
step up the generator voltage to 220kV will be provided. 2nos.
Auxiliary transformer of capacity of 2000KVA, 11kV/ 415V, 3 phase,
50 Hz, ONAN will be provided to meet the auxiliary needs of the
station and units as well. Rating of auxiliary transformer will be
reviewed during implementation stage. Soak pit of sufficient capacity
will be provided for draining the transformer oil in case of


Surface type conventional switchyard is proposed for the

Shivasamudram run of river project. The step up voltage from 11/220
kV transformer is carried to switchyard through 220 kV XLPE cables.
The switchyard will be established at suitable elevation on the

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hillock. Double bus bar scheme is employed in the switchyard with

220 kV breakers, isolators, current transformers, Voltage
transformers and Lightning arresters as it provides greater flexibility
during maintenance and separate operation of station bus. The
switchyard will have 2 Nos. generator transformer bays, 2 Nos. line
bays, one No. bus coupler and PT bay. The following will be the
main features/parameters of the 220kV switchyard of the
Shivasamudram run of river scheme.
1. Nominal system voltage – 220 kV
2. Highest system voltage – 245 kV
3. System neutral earthing – solidly earthed
4. No. of phases – 3
5. Frequency – 50 Hz
6. Short-circuit current (withstand for 1 sec) – 40 kA

The following minimum clearances in the air will be maintained:

a) Between phases : 3500 mm

b) Phase to earth : 4000 mm
c) Section clearance to the live parts : 4275 mm
d) Ground clearance to the live parts : 5500 mm

Voltage withstand levels

a) One minute power frequency : 460 kV rms.
b) 1.2/50 micro second impulse : 1050 kV Peak
c) Creepage distance for Equipment (Min.) : 6125 mm
The following equipments are proposed for the system:


As per modern practice SF6 gas circuit breaker with following
features will be provided.

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1. Number of poles 3
2. Class Out Door Type
3. Nominal System Voltage 220 kV
4. Rated Voltage 245 kV
5. Rated Insulation Level 1050 kV(peak)
6. Rated Frequency 50 Hz
7. Rated normal current 3150 Amps.
8. Rated Line Charging breaking 125 Amps.
9. Rated Cable Charging 250 Amps
breaking current
10. Rated S.C. breaking current 40 kA
11. First pole to clear factor 1.3
12. S.C. making current 100 kA
13. Rated Operating Sequence O-0.3sec-CO-3min.-CO
14. Creepage distance (min.) 6125 mm
15. 1.2/50 micro sec. lightning
impulse withstand voltage.
to earth 1050 kV(peak)
across the open circuit voltage 1050 kV(peak)
applied to one terminal
16. Power frequency withstand
to earth 460 kV (rms)
across terminals of open 460 kV (rms)
circuit breaker


The isolator shall be three pole, double break, center pole
rotating, with solid core insulator. The isolator will be either
ground mounted or beam mounted both up right and under hung
depending on the usage. The isolator with and without earth

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switch will be used. The isolator will have the following

a) Rated Voltage : 245 kV
b) Nominal system Voltage : 220 kV
c) Type of installation : Outdoor
d) Rated normal current : ≥ 1600 A
e) Rated short-circuit
making current for : 40 kA
earth switch
f) Operation:
i) Isolator : Motor operated
ii) Earth Switch : Manual
g) Rated short time current:
i) 1 sec. KA rms : 40 KAp.
ii) Peak withstand KA : 40 KAp.
h) No. of poles : Three
i) Operation
Main switch : Horizontal break

j) Insulation level:
A) Wet one minute power frequency withstand voltage
i) Across isolating
distance kV(rms.) : 460
ii) To earth and
between poles kV (rms.) : 395
B) 1.2/50 micro second impulse withstand voltage
i) Across isolating distance KV (peak) : 1050 kV peak
ii) To earth and between poles KV (peak) : 950 kV peak

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The 245 KV Current transformers shall be electro magnetic type,
out door, single phase, 50 Hz, oil immersed, self cooled. The CTs
in the bus and lines are used for protection & metering purpose.
The CTs will have the following parameters. The No. of cores,
accuracy and burden will be decided during engineering stage.

a) Rated /Nominal System voltages : 245/220kV

b) One minute power frequency : 460 kV rms.
c) 1.2/50 micro second impulse : 1050 kV Peak
d) Creepage distance for Equipment (Min.) : 6125 mm
e) No. of phases : 3
f) Frequency : 50 Hz
g) Short-circuit current (withstand for 1 sec.) : 40 kA


The 245 kV potential transformers shall be electro magnetic type,
out door, single phase, 50 Hz, oil immersed, self cooled. The PTs
are used for protection & metering purpose. The PTs will have the
following parameters. The No. of cores, accuracy and burden will
be decided during engineering stage.
a) Rated /Nominal System voltages : 245/220kV.
b) Ratio : 220/√3/ 110/√3 V
d) One minute power frequency : 460 kV rms.
d) 1.2/50 micro second impulse : 1050 kV Peak
e) Creepage distance for Equipment (Min.).: 6125 mm
f) No. of phases : 3
e) Frequency : 50 Hz
f) Short-circuit current (withstand for 1 sec.): 40 kA


Lightning arresters shall be gapless metal oxide, hermetically
sealed type, of self supporting type and suitable for mounting on
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the support structure. They shall have adequate thermal

discharge capacity for various types of surges. The arresters shall
have the following parameters:
a) Type : Gapless metal oxide,
Outdoor type
b) Rated Voltage of Arrestor : 198 kV
c) Nominal system voltage : 220 kV
d) Rated voltage : 245 kV

e) Nominal discharge current

(8/20 micro sec. impulse) : 10 KAP
f) Maximum residual voltage
at lightning impulse of
8/20 micro sec wave : 600 kV Peak
g) Maximum continuous : 168 KV
operating voltage
h) Line discharge class : 3
i) Single impulse energy
capability : 4.5 kJ per kV
j) High current short duration
test value : 100KA peak
k) Pressure relief device : class A


Since conventional switchyard is adopted, galvanised steel

structures are proposed for bus formation. The steel structures
shall be lattice type with bolt connection. ACSR conductor of
adequate capacity to carry the current along with clamps and
connectors will be used for bus stringing of the bus conductors
and bus formation.

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The power house and switchyard will be provided with earth mat
made of 2X2 meters OR 3X3 meters grid (MS steel buried in the
ground) depending on the design comprising of earth electrodes
of adequate size for the 220 kV switchyards recommended by
IEEE and other standards for earthing system and lightning
protection. The effective earth resistance shall not be greater than
0.5 ohms. All electrical equipments in the power
house/switchyard shall be connected to this mat.


The lightning protection system for the proposed switchyard will

be provided as per modern practice by Lightning mast and
Faraday caging. Lightning finials will be provided on all the tower
tops to cover the entire switchyard. Design optimization will be
done during engineering stage.


Power evacuation scheme is proposed through 220 kV double

circuit line between Torekadanahalli 220 kV station and
Shivasamudram run of the river scheme.


Single line scheme enclosed as Annexure A


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10.7.01 Protections for Generator, Generator-Transformer,

Transmission lines and bus bar
The protection panel provided for Generator, Generator Transformer
and Unit Auxiliary transformer protection will consist of two numbers
of numerical relays as Main – I & Main-II of different make for each
Generator protection, two numbers of numerical relays as Main - I &
Main-II of different make for each Generator Transformer Protection
& one number numerical protection relay for each Auxiliary
transformer protection.

The protection functions covered by the above numerical relays are

as follows: Generator Protection functions

Generator differential, Negative phase sequence, Loss of excitation,
Stator earth fault 95% and 100%, over voltage protection, under
voltage protection, Under / over frequency protection, Reverse
power protection, back up impedance, dead machine, over fluxing,
Local breaker backup protection, Rotor earth fault, shaft current
measurement, Protection PT fuse fail, AVR PT fuse fail, Metering PT
fuse fail, thermal overload protection, phase fault ,Inter turn fault
protection (if required). Generator transformer protection functions

Overall differential protection for generator and generator
transformer, GT restricted earth fault protection for HV winding of
transformer, over fluxing, over current protection, back up EF, LBB
protection of GT. Auxiliary Transformer Protection

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Differential protection for UAT and over current & earth fault at
HV&LV side.
In addition to the above, the following protection relays will also be
provided for Generator transformer & Auxiliary transformer:

(i) A set of separate auxiliary relays for functions like Buchholz,

pressure relief, Winding & oil temperature, Oil level low & very low,
fire protection trip shall be provided for Generator Transformer &
Auxiliary Transformer.

(ii) Discrete numerical relays for GT restricted earth fault protection,

backup over current and earth fault protection with high set
instantaneous for Generator Transformer, standby earth fault with
high set instantaneous for Generator Transformer.

(iii) High speed trip relays with trip coil supervision

(iv) Trip Circuit supervision relay for Generator circuit breaker and
field circuit breaker.

(v) Discrete / Numerical relay for backup over current and earth fault
protection with high set instantaneous for Auxiliary Transformer.

(vi) Contact multiplication relay for circuit breaker and isolator with
sufficient no. of NO/NC contacts.

(vii) One no. numerical relay for XLPE cable protection. The transmission line will be provided with two nos. of numerical
distance relays as Main I & Main II of different make will be provided
for each line with4 forward zones and one reverse zone for phase to
phase and phase to earth faults, with independent simultaneous
measurement of phase to phase and phase to earth impedance for
each distance zone. The relay will be full scheme (non-switched)
with separate measuring elements with 6 group settings. The relays
will have features like switch on to fault, carrier protection, auto
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reclose function, current reversal guard logic, fault locator function,

disturbance recording function etc.

One number static directional earth fault relay as backup, fuse failure
relay for CVT, High speed trip relay to trip circuit breaker with coil
supervision, breaker trip circuit supervision relay, contact multiplication
relay for circuit breaker auxiliary contacts will be provided. The bus coupler will be provided with one no. numerical non-
directional 3 phase over current and earth fault relay with high set
instantaneous feature, one no. static / numerical directional earth
fault relay to provide backup protection, High speed trip relay to trip
circuit breaker with coil supervision, breaker trip circuit supervision
relay, contact multiplication relay for circuit breaker auxiliary
contacts. A numerical low impedance bus-bar protection system to perform

high speed tripping of the generators and lines on bus faults will be
provided. The scheme will be very fast acting and will be capable of
energizing the trip circuits of all the circuit breakers connected to the
bus. The bus bar protection will be fully selective and isolate only
the faulted bus zone. The scheme will be based on the percentage
biased circulating current principle with varying slope (and the phase
(directional) comparison of currents in the different bays). In order to
guard against mal-operations a check feature will also be provided.
Local breaker backup protection will be an integral part of bus bar
protection scheme and will trip all breakers connected to the bus in
the event of failure of any breaker tripping on its protection. All the numerical relays shall have features like self monitoring,
display measurement functions, event and fault recording, time
synchronizing etc. The relays will also have disturbance recording

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feature. The relay will be provided with built in tripping matrix. The
trip matrix will be flexible and will be possible to change through user
defined software program. The relay will be capable of
communicating both locally and remotely via communication ports. It
will be possible to program all settings with the help of a PC. A
communication bus and a central PC will interconnect all numerical
relays of generator transformers and lines. The PC will have
software to communicate with numerical relays to read and change
settings, event recording, time synchronizing etc. All the numerical
relays are to be connected to the SCADA system via LAN network.
They will be capable of communicating on IEC 61850 protocols.


Generators and lines will be provided with microprocessor based

ABT compliant trivector meter to record energy. The accuracy class
of energy meters will be 0.2. The lines will be provided with main
and check meters. The meter will be capable of metering active
energy (both import & export) and reactive energy (both import &
export) suitable for balanced / unbalanced 3 phase load and other
parameters. The instantaneous line frequency is also measured and
averaged for 15 minutes and stored in the corresponding 15-min
block register. The Load survey parameters for each 15 minute
block period, billing parameters, maximum demand,
tamper/abnormal events with date and time stamping will be stored
in separate registers in meter’s memory. The metering system will
be interconnected for data transfer on online basis to the server over
suitable communication channel. The software loaded to the server
will allow performing different functions under ABT i.e., Scheduling,
tabular/graphical display of active & reactive energies, average
frequency, unscheduled interchange etc. To read the meter in the

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absence of power supply, an inductively coupled arrangement or a

rechargeable battery will be provided for each meter.


Supervisory control and data acquisition system for control and
monitoring of the plant will be provided. The system will meet the
total operating functions of the plant, which are normally performed
by plant operators.

SCADA system comprises of Control panels for units and lines,

Video surveillance system, Human Machine Interface, Large Video
Screen, Printers, networking devices etc.

The unit control panel controls and supervises the entire turbine
generator set and its auxiliaries. The controller executes the
functions of control & sequencing, safety, unit synchronization. All
interlocks & sequential operation of starting, stopping and loading of
the units, emergency shutdown due to mechanical faults will be
provided by the programmable software. Automatic sequencing/step
by step/ individual drive operation will be selectable. Automatic
sequencing will provide single push button operation from standstill
to synchronizing and loading and vice versa. All field devices are
hard wired to Unit Control Panel for feedback and execution of
commands. The transducers for parameters like position, pressure,
level, flow, current, voltage, MW, MVar, PF, and Frequency will be
provided and these are analog inputs to Unit Control Panel. RTD
inputs are also hardwired. The HMI and some auxiliary systems like
Governor, excitation, Protection communicate with Unit Control
panel through soft signals in a LAN network. The safety module of
the unit control panel handles all mechanical and temperature fault
conditions of the unit which requires an emergency shutdown. Each
unit panel will have an auto synchronizer to synchronize the unit.
Separate manual synchronizing equipment will also be provided.
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Meters for energy, current, voltage, MW, MVAR, PF, frequency,

excitation parameters and governor parameters will be provided in
this panel. All indications and control push buttons will also be

Lines will be provided with Bay Control units where all signals from
breaker, isolator, CT, PT is terminated. Check synchronization for
the lines will be provided in the bay control unit. Further all
Units/Lines can also be synchronized/charged
manually/automatically from control room.

Common control panel for control and monitoring of common

auxiliaries like battery and battery charger system, LTAC, Air
handling system, Air conditioning, compressors, dewatering &
drainage pumps etc. will be provided.

All the units and lines can be controlled and monitored from HMI.
Control and monitoring from HMI is achieved by communication with
respective control panels in a high speed LAN network. All the
processing and execution of commands is done by the respective
control panels of units/lines. Data logging and alarm summaries will
be achieved in the SCADA system along with over all plant
monitoring through data acquisition in the form of alarms, mimics,
event recording, trends, bar charts etc.


Following auxiliary plants will be provided in the generating

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The heaviest weight to be lifted in the powerhouse by the crane is
that of rotor whose weight is about 270 tonnes. Two numbers of
150/50T EOT cranes are proposed with 10T capacity under slung
hoist for handling the rotors and other equipments. The cranes will
be suitable for tandem operation.

10.8.02 LIFT
Two Nos. of lifts shall be provided for the power house with V3F
drive. One no. lift of 680 kg (10 persons capacity) from the annex
block to control room and another lift of 840 kg (12 persons capacity)
from Repair bay to Turbine floor will be provided.

10.8.03 WORKSHOP
A small workshop with machine tools such as a high-speed precision
lathe, radial drilling machine, power hacksaw, grinding machine, will
be provided in the powerhouse to meet the machining requirements
during construction, operation and maintenance.


The following test equipments are to be kept at lab of
Shivasamudram Run of River Scheme Power House.
1. C.T. current booster upto 1000 Amps.
2. AC High Voltage test kit (Range 0-35 kV)
3. Kelvin Bridge (Range 0-11 ohms)
4. Relay test kit (For testing numerical relays)
5. Megger 0-5 kV range
6. Transformer oil BDV test kit
7. Motor checker
8. Tong tester
9. Digital multimeter
10. DC rectifier set 0-6000 Amps for static heat run

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The brief description of lab equipments is as follows:

1. Primary Current Injection set (C.T current booster)
The equipment shall be capable of delivering, controlling &
measuring a heavy current in a comparatively low voltage, low
impedance circuit. It shall be suitable for routine testing of current
transformers, circuit breakers, etc.

2. AC High voltage test kit (Range 0-35 kV)

The equipment shall be suitable for HV testing of equipments like
stator coils, field poles, transformers, bus duct, cables, insulators,
motors etc. It comprises of control panel, auto transformer, HV
transformer etc.

3. Kelvin Bridge
It shall be used for the measurement of very low resistances. The
bridge shall be designed for resistance measurement over a
range of 0.2 micro ohms to 11 ohms with high accuracy with rated
current upto 10 amps. It shall have a light spot type
galvanometer with fine and coarse switches for balancing the

4. Relay test kit

The kit shall be used to feed the required current / voltage,
simulating necessary fault conditions & check the functioning of
numerical relays.

5. Megger
The equipment shall be analogue portable type and precision
grade motor operated HV megger. It shall be suitable for
measuring insulation resistances of inductive coils like generator
stator coils, transformer windings etc., compactly designed and
housed in a portable box and provided with carrying case. The
out put range shall be 0-5 Kv in steps of 1 Kv and short circuit
current shall not be less than 5mA.

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6. Transformer oil BDV test kit

This equipment shall be used for testing the transformer oil. The
set shall consist of Control panel, HT transformer and oil test cell
(with electrodes & gauges).
7. Digital Electronic Motor checker
The instrument shall be used for testing squirrel cage motors, slip
ring motors, variable speed motors, power tools, submersible
pumps and other 3 phase machines. The instrument shall be
capable of comprehensive check of rotor and stator inductance
resistance and insulation resistance without dismantling. The
instrument shall be portable.

8. Digital Clamp meters (Tong tester)

The instrument shall be capable of measuring AC currents by
clamping on to wires / cables.

9. Digital multimeter
The instrument shall be used for measuring AC / DC voltages,
currents, Resistance & continuity, etc.

10. DC rectifier set

This set comprises of control panel, auto transformer and DC
rectifier unit.

In case of long shut down of Generator for annual maintenance,

before put back of generator to system, the high dc current is to
be circulated in stator coils to dry out of moisture through DC
rectifier set. This process will be continued until the designed PI
value attained.

10.8.05 DG SET
DG set of capacity 1000kVA has been proposed as a standby
source of power supply to facilitate unit start up for dark start of the
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The centralized air conditioning system proposed for the UGPH is

round the year and as per relevant Indian standards. When the
desired temperature and humidity inside the power house is not
obtainable AC may be resorted to by cooling the natural air drawn
from atmosphere to the desired temperature to maintain desired
comfortable working conditions in the areas occupied by the working
personnel. Separate centralized Air Conditioning for ODY control
room is to be provided as per IS. Effective AC for areas like control
room, protection panel room etc., will be provided.


a) Mulsifyre and fire hydrant system for generator and fire fighting
equipment to take care of fire at various locations in line with the
guidelines of T.A.C. will be provided.

b) Automatic fire detection cum high velocity water spray system

will be provided for transformer protection against fire hazards.
Fire hydrant system will be provided for fire protection. Portable
fire fighting equipments will also be provided at strategic
locations in the powerhouse as well as the ODY. Fire detection
and alarm system for cable gallery and control room will be


a) Water required for cooling of generator air coolers, Thrust and
Guide bearings, TGB, shaft seal and transformer oil heat
exchangers will be taken from the tailrace. Pumps will be
provided to meet the requirements of cooling water at the desired
pressure. Duplex strainers will be provided to filter the water
before circulation for cooling effect. On load strainer-changing
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facility will also be provided. Pressure reducers if necessary will

be provided to reduce the pressure required for the cooling
system of the transformer.

The duplex strainers will be suitable for handling the entire
quantity of water flowing through the generator air coolers and
bearings, turbine guide bearing and also transformer coolers etc.
These strainers will be suitable for changing over from one
chamber to another chamber under pressure when the pump is


In the cooling water system, in addition to the duplex strainers
before the pumps, centrifugal sand separators will be examined
and if required will be provided on the delivery side for separating
the separable solids from the system. The separators will be
provided with adequate capacity manual purge valves with piping
at the bottom of the separators for purging the separated particles
even when the separator is in service.


The valves shall be of the motor operated type. The motor
operated valve control unit shall consist of a high torque electric
motor to operate the valve stem through a gear reduction to either
open or close position. The valve, limit switches for both ends of
stem travel, declutching mechanism and a positive seating
device, all condensed into a compact unit, shall be mounted on
the valve. It will be suitable for both local and remote operations.

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A compressed air system consisting of two air compressors with one
main & standby will be provided for governor, generator brakes and
service air. A station service air receiver will be provided for the
station air system. A brake air receiver will provide brake air supply
for the station generators for braking.


Storage tanks of suitable capacity will be provided for circulating /
collecting /filtering the transformer oils and suitable capacity
transformer oil filter will be provided.
Drainage and Dewatering Systems will be provided for the
powerhouse that will be capable of discharging into the tailrace when
it is at its design flood level. Level switches will automatically control
the drainage system.

The dewatering system consisting of suitable number of vertical

turbine pumps will be provided to enable any turbine and penstock to
be dewatered within eight hours using one dewatering pump with the
tail water level at the maximum level.

The lighting will be so designed to provide adequate illumination for
all the areas of the power house. The design will be based on the
nature and difficulty of the visual tasks in the power house and
switchyard areas like lighting level, illuminance distribution, glare
restriction, direction of incidence of light and shadow, color
appearance and color rendering.

The design will be as per IS-3646 ( P-I and II) considering the
specified lux levels and factors like co-efficient of utilization,
maintenance factor, reflection factor for the areas of application. The

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designer will provide the fittings based on the areas like flame
proof/corrosion proof for battery room, energy efficient anti glare
mirror optics with reflector for control room, energy efficient for
turbine/generator/governor floors, flood light with reflector for ODY,
high bay HPSV/HPMV with reflector for machine hall, etc.,

The illumination system will be designed to ensure visual comfort

with minimum eye strain and glare for operating personnel, impart
aesthetic look and in harmony with surroundings.

Street lighting for the approach roads to PH and Weir (Dam) will also
be provided.

According to modern practice, illumination will be provided with

energy efficient lamps and fittings. D.C. Emergency lamps will also
be provided at all levels. Adequate illumination will be maintained at
different areas and floors in the powerhouse and outdoor yards in
line with relevant Standards/ IS.



Each unit will be provided with a separate 415V AC unit auxiliary

panel, which will be used to supply the unit’s auxiliary system. The
unit auxiliary panel will be supplied either directly from the auxiliary
transformer or from the common auxiliary bus.

Supply to each unit auxiliary panel will be selected by a circuit

breaker, either from the unit auxiliary transformer or from the Station
415V common auxiliary system. This arrangement will provide the
auxiliaries of each unit with an assured power supply.



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a) DC system will be used for electrical control and protection of

equipment and indications on the control panel, communication
system, DC lighting and DC field flashing in case of total failure of
the AC system.

b) The battery is sized considering the following:

(i) Momentary load for 1 minute

(ii) Emergency load for 2 hours

(iii) Continuous load for 10 hours

c) Under normal conditions, the battery will be on float charger. The

float charger will be connected to a distribution board with
required feeders and meets the requirements of DC load. In case
of additional demand of load on AC supply failure, the battery will
meet the requirement of DC loads. The boost charger will charge
the fully discharged battery in 12 hours before bringing it back on
float charge. Two sets of 220V, 1000AH with two nos. float and
boost chargers each with an associated direct current
switchboard will meet the DC loads. The batteries shall be of
Plante / OPZS/ Tubular lead acid type. The chargers with modern
version of Thyristor controls will be provided. The chargers shall
be SCADA compatible with latest communication system.
Separate battery & battery chargers for +/- 24V or 48 V DC shall
be provided for governors as required.

d) 60AH, 220V, Battery with float cum boost charger along with
associated equipments shall be provided at Butterfly valve

10.9.03 CABLES
a) Cables required for 220kV, system, 415V power, control and
instrumentation will be sized based on current carrying capacity

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and fault level. The power and control cables will be laid on
separate Aluminum ladder type and perforated cable trays.

The generating units 1& 2 and the associated transformers will be
located at Under Ground Power House. The 220 kV cables
covered in this specification are required for transmitting power
from the transformers at powerhouse to the surface switchyard.
The single core, XLPE insulated, extruded lead sheathed with
extruded high density polyethylene over sheathed cables shall be
terminated at one end in the oil immersed cable box at the unit
transformer of 3 Phase, 11/220 KV and the other end shall be
terminated with the out door sealing end to be installed in the
switchyard in the out door yard.

c) Eleven lengths of single core, XLPE insulated extruded lead

sheathed, 220 kV power cables shall have a maximum
continuous rating (under specified installation and operating
conditions).Two lengths will be used as a spare cable.

The construction of the cable shall generally conform to IS 7098

(Part-8) and with exception to the specific requirements of these
specifications and tests as per IEC-62067-2001. Except to the
extent mentioned in the specification, the cables and the
accessories shall conform to the latest editions and amendments
of the standards wherever applicable.

d) 415Volt Power Cables

650/ 1100V grade stranded Aluminum conductor, HR PVC/PVC
insulated, colour coded, PVC sheathed/ Galvanized steel wire
armored overall PVC sheathed cables conforming to IS – 1554
are proposed.

e) Control, Protection, Signaling and Supervisory Cables

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650 / 1100V grade, annealed high conductivity stranded copper

conductor, PVC/ Elastomer sheathed signaling and supervisory
would be in twisted pairs and screened wherever required.

f) Cable Trays
The cable trays are required for running control/Power/
Instrumentation cables, PVC insulated and PVC sheathed
unarmoured, 1.1 kV class cables of different cores & sizes.
Adequate quantity of cable trays required to lay cables in the
powerhouse and in switchyard will be decided as per site

The construction of the cable trays shall be suitable to withstand

the associated cable load without undergoing bending or sagging.
The cable trays will be of suitable width and length. Necessary
provision will be made to connect adjacent trays and the
necessary components such as splicer plates, Hexagonal head
screws, nuts and washers along with 90 degree Horizontal Elbow,
Horizontal Tee etc. to fix the trays will be included in the scope of
supply. The perforations provided shall be such that adequate
ventilation is allowed and also facilitate binding the cables to the


The maximum dimension of equipments to be transported is
transformers. The maximum dimension would be 3.2 m width, 6.5 m
length and 4.1 m height. The goods can be transported through
national highway from Bangalore to Dindigul via Kanakapura town to
the project site. No hitch is anticipated for transportation as far as the
maximum dimension is concerned.

The anticipated maximum weight required to be transported is 85

tons. The only hurdle anticipated is the bridge across Cauvery river

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near Sattegala village. However temporary measures can be made

to cross the river during non monsoon month on the upstream of the
bridge along river bed.
All embedment required for synchronous system operation is
included in scope of supply. However, the compressors etc. will be
installed at a later date.


For effective communication in the plant, the following facilities will

be provided.
(i) PLCC system
(ii) P & T line
(iii) Mobiles
(iv) Intercom to be provided by 50 lines Auto Electronic

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11.1 Transmission of power

i) Since, KPCL and KPTCL are state owned companies, no

agreement is executed between them for evacuation of power as
KPCL is a generating company and KPTCL is a transmission and
distribution company. It is imperative that whatever power KPCL
generates is evacuated by KPTCL.

ii) The following evacuation scheme is proposed for the two power
houses as proposed by KPTCL.

iii) Construction of a 220 kV double circuit line with twin ACSR Moose
conductor between proposed switchyard at Shivasamudram and
220/66 kV switchyard at Torekadana Halli substation for a distance
of 30 Kms.

a) Conversion of 220 kV Single circuit line from TK Halli-

Kanakapura – Somanahalli ( Bangalore) to 220 kV DC line.

iv) The proposed power house is about 125 Kms from Bangalore and
70 kms from Kanakapura in Bangalore district. Although there are
no industrial hubs near and around the power houses it is proposed
to transmit the generated power to Bangalore. The following 220
kV stations are already existing around the proposed power
a) Torekadana Halli 220 /66 kV substation – 30- Kms.
b) Somanahalli 400/220 kV substation – 70 Kms.

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c) Vajamangala 220 kV station – 70 Kms.

In order to augment the evacuation scheme, the state owned KPTCL

has proposed the following evacuation scheme for the proposed
power houses.

a) Construction of 220 kV double circuit line with twin ACSR Moose

conductor between proposed switchyard at Shivasamudram and
220/66 kV switchyard at Torekadana Halli substation for a
distance of 30 Kms.

b) To augment the evacuation scheme, the existing 220 kV Single

circuit line from TK Halli- Kanakapura – Somanahalli ( Bangalore)
is being converted to DC circuit.

a) Co-ordination will be made between the transmission company

(KPTCL) and the generating company ( KPCL) to match the
commissioning schedule of the evacuation scheme with the
commissioning of generating units at Shivasamudram power houses.

b) As both KPCL and KPTCL are state owned companies there is

no such agreement between the companies covering the risk in
case of default /delay in commissioning by either of the parties. It
shall be noted that the best efforts will be made between the
companies to complete the project in time and the power
evacuation scheme will be ready by the time the generating units
are ready at KPCL end.
11.2 Telecommunication aspects:

Power line carrier communication equipment will be provided for the

transmission lines to have efficient, secure, reliable information link
for carrier aided distance protection, direct tripping, and also to have
speech communication between the 220 kV sub stations. They will

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have separate carrier terminals of mutli-purpose type speech and

protection purposes. Frequency planning will be done as per CIGRE
guidelines and IEC-663 .

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12.1 Pert Chart:
12.1.1 The details of construction programme for various activities for all
major activities of Civil, Mechanical and Electrical works has been
prepared and enclosed in drawing volume (Volume IV) of the report.
12.2 Bar Chart:
12.2.1 Bar charts showing the construction programme quantity wise,
item wise and month wise targets for construction is prepared and
enclosed in drawing volume (Volume IV) of the report.
12.3 Key Material planning:
12.3.1 The important construction materials required are soil, sand,
rubble, cement, steel and explosives. The total quantities required for
the project are given in chapter 9.9.1. The quarries and availability of
materials are also discussed in the same chapter.

12.4 Executing agencies for major works:

12.4.1 The project implementation will be done by award of contracts
through bids. The executing agencies will be selected after considering
their experience in executing similar works and of similar magnitudes.

12.5 Various alternatives of construction programme:

12.5.1 The construction programme is based on the time required for
completing various components of the project. The work of access
tunnel to power house will start first. The other components of the
project are staggered so that the project could be completed in a period
of 48 months from the zero date.

12.6 Plant / Equipment planning

12.6.1 Equipment planning for assessing requirement of equipment is
carried out based on the number of working days available, which
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further depend upon climatic conditions in the project area. Normally

300 working days are considered as available per annum.
12.6.2 The works will be done by award of contracts through bids. The
equipments required will have to be planned and deployed by the
contractor. However the list of main equipments required for various
major components of the project are given below.

1. list of major construction plant & equipment of main weir & power house

Major Construction Plant & Equipment required for construction of Weir

and surface power house are:

 Hydraulic Excavators

 Wheel Loaders

 Dozers

 Crawler / Wagon Drill

 Diamond Core Drilling M/C

 Jack Hammers

 Dumpers

 Hydraulic Rock Breakers

 Aggregate Processing Plant

 Batching & Mixing Plant

 Transit mixers

 Tower Cranes

 Concrete pumps

 Grout pumps

 Concrete buckets

 Tippers

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 Trucks

2. List of major construction plant and equipment for tunnel and

underground works
 Single Boom hydraulic Drill Jumbo
 Scoop trams
 Jack Hammers
 Low profile trucks
 Shotcrete machine
 Transit mixers
 Traveller form
 Batching and mixing plant
 Air compressor
 Concrete pumps
 Grout pumps
 Aggregate processing plant
 Trucks

12.7 Programme for construction of Underground Power House and

12.7.1 A detailed programme for excavation of tunnels and underground
power house is prepared and enclosed in Annexure volume (volume II)
of the report The size of approach tunnel to power house is 7.0 m x 7.5
m, ‘D’ shaped, of length 1720 m. The tailrace tunnel is of size 9 m x 9
m, ‘D’ shape, of length 4500 m. The size of power house cavern is 21 m
x 47 m x 44.75 m. The size of repair bay cavern is 21 m x 21 m x 20 m.
The size of Annex block is 21 m x 18 m x 21 m The size of the
transformer cavern is 17 m x 78 m x 15 m.
12.7.2 A progress of 5 m per day is considered for tunneling works and a
maximum of 250 cum of excavation per day is considered for power

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house and transformer cavern excavation. The details and methodology

of excavation is enclosed in Annexure volume (volume II) of the report.

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13.1 Proposed setup for the project:

It is proposed to have a separate construction organization for the
project. The Karnataka Power Corporation Ltd. would be in charge of
the execution of this project. The Corporation has executed similar size
projects and has the required experience in execution projects of this
magnitude. The organization has sufficient trained man power in the
form of Engineers, Accounts & HR personnel.
13.2 Details of the proposed organization:
It is proposed to post one Chief Engineer- Civil and one Chief Engineer
–Electrical in charge of the whole construction assisted by four
Superintendent Engineers in Civil and two Superintendent Engineers for
Electrical works. One Superintendent Engineer – Mechanical will look
after the Hydro-Mechanical as well as Electro Mechanical works. The
requirement of other staff including Administrative and Accounts staff is
indicated in the organization chart enclosed in Annexure in Volume
(Volume II) of the report.

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14.1 Access roads

i) Roads to the project:
The project site is easily accessible from Bangalore. Malavalli is a taluk
head quarter on the Maddur - Malavalli State highway (SH 33). Maddur
happens to be the focal point for access to the project site. The project
site is also accessible from Bangalore through Kanakapura, a taluk
head quarters. The access to the project site is from Bangalore –
Dindigul National Highway (NH 207). A deviation road leading to the
Island from Sattegala cross on the highway is the approach road to the
project site. The roads are asphalted up to the Tippu Bridge constructed
across the right limb of Cauvery River. The road from Tippu Bridge to
the project site needs to be asphalted.
The nearest rail head is Maddur on the Sourthen railway Bangalore –
Mysore line.
The nearest airport is Bangalore International Airport at a distance of
around 185 km. The project site has good communication facilities.
A Topo map showing the roads leading to the project site is prepared
and enclosed in the Drawing volume (Volume IV)
i) Roads in the project area:
From the asphalted road near Tippu Bridge, metalled roads have been
formed by KPCL for various components of the project. Improvements
to this road are proposed. Connecting roads from this to the project
components, quarry sites, magazine building and dump yards have also
been proposed. The details of the roads required and their lengths are
indicated in the drawing enclosed in volume III of the report. A chart
showing the roads required length of the roads and estimated cost for

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these roads has been prepared and enclosed in the Annexure Volume
(Volume II)

14.2 Rail head:

Maddur station on the Southern Railways Bangalore – Mysore rail line
is the nearest rail head for all activities of the project. The distance to
the project site from Maddur railway station is around 40 km.

14.3 Port Facilities:

14.3.1 There are no ports nearby as the project is located in the interior
of Karnataka.

14.4 Construction Power Requirement:

14.4.1 The power requirement for construction purpose of both the
power houses is estimated to be of the order of 3 MW to 4 MW. 11 kV
power lines are to be drawn from nearest substation of CHESCOM /
KPTCL to the convenient points near the work sites of tunnel and power
houses. The power requirement has to be got sanctioned from ESCOM

14.5 Power Supply facilities:

14.5.1 A 66 / 11 kV KPTCL substation is existing at Sattegala village
situated at a distance of around 5 kms from the project area. 11 kV
lines are existing in the nearby villages which are 2 to 3 kms from the
power houses. Power supply could be availed from either of these
villages for construction and illumination purpose.

14.5.2 In addition alternative power supply will have to be made by

installing DG sets of adequate capacity for works during power failures
or power interruptions. If the contract is awarded on turnkey basis, then
the responsibility of arranging construction power supply will be the
responsibility of the contactor.

14.6 Telecommunication facilities during construction and after the

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Good Telecommunication facility is available at the existing Shimsha

Colony near the project site. Wireless handsets and mobile phone
facilities will be made available for proper communications during
construction. Land line facilities and hot lines from power house to the
load dispatch centre at Bangalore will be provided after the completion
of the project.

14.7 Project Colonies, Buildings:

The colony requirement will be for staff required for operation and
maintenance of weir and power houses. No separate colony for this
project is envisaged. It is proposed to accommodate all the staff
required for maintenance at the existing Shiva colony which is nearby to
the project site. Required number of quarters will be built in Shiva
colony itself for the staff requirement of Shivasamudram project.
Sufficient land is available in the existing colony to house the staff
required for Shivasamudram project. Transportation arrangements for
the staff would be made from and to the work spots.
The existing colony has all the required educational, social, recreational
and hospital facilities.

14.8 Workshops:
The present policy of Karnataka Power Corporation is to hire /
outsource the vehicles required for the staff. However a small work
shop will be provided at the colony itself for minor repairs and
maintenance of machinery and vehicles.

14.9 Drinking water facilities:

Safe and treated potable drinking water facilities will be supplied to the
staff residing in the colonies. Required water treatment plants will be
provided for this purpose.

14.10 Others:
Other required facilities like shopping complex, transportation facilities
to the children of the employees going for higher education in nearby

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towns, weekly bus facilities to nearby towns for marketing etc. will also
be provided in line with the facilities provided at other colonies of
Karnataka Power Corporation.

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15.1 Status of Environmental clearance

15.1.1 The proposed Shivanasamudram seasonal across the river
Cauvery is a Run-of-the River Scheme in the Kollegala taluk of
Chamarajanagar District of Karnataka. It envisages the construction of
a 9.00 m high pick up weir across the right limb of the Cauvery River at
the upstream of Bharachukki falls, an approach channel, intake
structure, pressure shaft, underground power house, access tunnel and
a tailrace tunnel for discharging the waters back to the same river.

15.1.2 In terms of landform the area has been classified as part of

Gneiss-Charnockite-Sargar land unit physiographically the study area
belongs to Mysore plateau. Major portions of the Chamarajanagar and
Mandya Districts are open and undulating plains situated at an average
elevations of 650 m to 700 m above the mean sea level. There are a
sporadic rocky hill and a few fertile but shallow valleys. The Biligiri
Ranganabetta hill range of the Chamarajanagar district extend over the
southeastern parts of Mandya district through Basavanbetta State
Forest and taper off into the plains at Gundpura Village of Malavalli
range. A group of low hills appear along the southern margin of the
district and also towards east in the Malavalli taluk. In the eastern part
of the project area bifurcation of (there are hill range of Doddabetta (927
m along N.NW-S.SW direction Javanaganahalli Gudda along the west
bifurcation of the Cauvery.

15.1.3 The proposed project site is located across the right the Cauvery
River. The terrain in the region is hilly and undulated. The outstanding
feature of the area is the Ganganachukki falls of about 70 m height,
located in the left bifurcation of the river. Over 80% of the land surface
in the 1 km. surrounding project area is hilly. In many places these hills

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have very steep escarpments. There is also a small stream called

Tenginahalla on the northeast of the project site which joins the
Cauvery River in the downstream of the proposed project site. The two
bifurcation of the Cauvery come together in a west to East following
Course. The Cauvery course in this area appears to be structurally

15.1.4 The EIA & EMP studies have been entrusted to ‘INSTITUTE FOR
ICSEM, BENGALURU’. The MOEF committee has been approached
with a pre feasibility report of the project for Terms of Reference (TOR)
for the EIA studies. The committee has specified the TOR for the EIA
report and the work of preparing the EIA report is under progress. The
pre-monsoon quarterly report has already been received. The EIA
report will soon be prepared and will be placed before the MOEF
committee for environmental clearance of the project.

15.2 Forest Clearance

15.2.1 The total area required for the project is 165 Ha. Out of which the
forest land required is 90 Ha which includes 15 Ha of submersible land
and 75 Ha of non submersible land required for various components
and for other activities like roads, dump yards, space for labour colony,
fabrication area, site office etc. The details of land required are marked
in the topo map and enclosed vide Drawing No. SRRP/Civil/07.

15.3 Cost of proposed remedial & mitigative measures

15.3.1 No village gets submerged or is getting affected due to the

project. The population affected and displaced is nil. The loss
environment and ecology is compensated as compensatory
afforestation, catchment area treatment and improvement to landscape.
An amount of Rs 201 lakhs is en-marked for the project in the estimate.

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The Civil Cost Estimates of the project has been prepared as per “Guidelines
for preparation of estimates for the river valley projects” issued by CWC
and Indian Standard IS: 4877 “Guide for Preparation of Estimate for
River Valley Projects”.

16.2 The estimate of the proposed Scheme has been divided under the
following heads:
A. Direct Cost
I. Works
A - Preliminary
B - Land
C - Works
J - Power Plant Civil Works
K - Buildings
M - Plantation
O - Miscellaneous
P – Maintenance during construction
Q - Special T&P
R - Communications
S - Power Plant and Electro- Mechanical system
X - Environment and ecology
Y - Losses on stock
Total I-Works
1. Establishment
2. Tools and Plants
3. Suspense
4. Receipt And Recoveries
Total (A) - Direct Cost
B. Indirect Cost

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i. Capitalization of Abatement of Land Revenue

ii. Audit and Account Charges
Total (B) - Indirect Cost
Total Cost (A+B)

16.3 Preparation of estimates

16.3.1 The capital cost of the project includes all cost associated with
investigations, design, construction and maintenance during
construction period of the project.

16.3.2 For preparation of cost estimates of civil works, the unit costs of labour,
materials and equipment necessary to perform the work designated in
the various pay-items for the proposed construction has been

16.3.3 The analysis of rates for various items has been worked out taking into
consideration the cost of materials, carriage-handling-storing, labour
and share of machines involved in executing various items of the work
and overhead charges.

16.3.4 Quantitative assessment of material requirement has been adopted.

The appropriate cost for freight, unloading, cartage, storage, inspection
and testing has also been included.

16.3.5 Provision for contingencies and work-charge establishment is

considered as 3% and 2% respectively of the work cost and provided in
the detailed work estimate prepared on the heads of items rates and
quantities of works to be executed. These percentage provisions have
not been considered on lump-sum items.

16.3.6 The communication facilities for the project site is given in the report.
Provisions are made in the estimate for improving the Kuchha roads,
laying of new roads leading to different components of the project.

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16.4 Preparation of detailed Estimates of Cost ( I -Works )

16.4.1 A- Preliminary

The provision under this head covers the works relating to various
investigations, Surveys, Model tests, ecological studies etc.

16.4.2 B-Land

The provisions under this head covers acquisition of land, rehabilitation

& resettlement including compensation for property, Interest charges,
Solatium charges, demarcation & measurment charges, etc. have been
made as per actual.

16.4.3 C- Works

The provisions under this head covers the costs of the Head works viz.
Weir, spillway, energy dissipation works, etc.

Important items considered under this head are

(a) Weir
i) Excavation
ii) Foundation treatment
iii) Cement concrete for foundation
iv) Concrete for weir body
v) Concrete for flip bucket.
vi) Gates with auxiliary equipment
vii) Reinforcement steel
viii) Instrumentation etc.

16.4.4 J- Power plant civil works

Important items considered under this head are

(a) Intake structure

i) Excavation
ii) Foundation treatment
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iii) Cement concrete for foundation

iv) Concrete for guide walls of approach channel
v) Concrete for trash racks including raking arrangement
vi) Gates with auxiliary equipment
vii) Reinforcement steel
viii) Instrumentation etc.

(b) Tail Race Tunnel, Approach Tunnel & Intermediate Audit to

i) Excavation
- Open cut
- Tunnel including temporary supports
ii) Rock bolts
iii) Permanent support, ventilation
iv) Drainage
v) Cement concrete for lining
vi) Steel lining
vii) Drilling and grouting
viii) Gates and ancillaries,
ix) Reinforcement steel
x) Instrumentation

(c) Tail race channel

i) Excavation
ii) Lining with Rubble / cement concrete in bed and sides
iii) Pucca works
- Cross Drainage
iv) Instrumentation

(e) Penstock
i) Excavation
ii) Cement concrete for

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- Bed
- Anchor blocks
- Lining
- Intermediate supports
iii) Steel pipes for
- Stiffner
- Reducers
- Bends
- Wye pieces
iv) Instrumentation

(f) Power House

i) Excavation
ii) Concrete for foundation, sub-structure, super structure and
supports for turbines and generators
iii) Masonry/concrete for super-structure and other necessary items
for buildingwork
iv) Scroll casing / Generator barrel
v) Draft tube
vi) Bulkhead gates, crane and hoisting equipment
vii) Power-house crane
viii) Miscellaneous items such as anchor bolts, grouting etc.
ix) Instrumentation

16.4.5 K – Buildings

Under this head provisions are made for Residential / Non-residential

buildings, Office buildings, Testing laboratories, Workshops, Other
Service Buildings, Community Centre etc.

16.4.6 M – Plantation

Lump sum provisions have been made for plantation programme like
Gardens etc. for beautification around Power House structure.

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16.4.7 O – Miscellaneous

Under this head, provisions are made for the capital cost &
maintenance of Electrification, Water supply, Sewage disposal &
drainage works, Recreation, Medical, Fire fighting equipments,
Inspection vehicles, School bus, Pay van, Visit of dignitaries, welfare
works etc.

16.4.8 P - Maintenance during Construction

A provision under this head is made to the extent of 1% of the total cost
under the heads of C Works.

16.4.9 Q – Special T&P

The provisions of Rs. 2 crores has been made under this head towards
special tools and plants such as Drilling & Grouting equipments,
Compaction, Electrical equipments, Construction Plant & Earth Moving
equipments and other Miscellaneous equipments.

16.4.10 R - Communication

The provisions under this head cover the construction of main approach
roads, quarry roads, temporary or permanent river crossing and
connecting roads.

16.4.11 S - Power Plant and Electro – Mechanical System

The provisions under this head cover the Electro-mechanical equipment

for the power plant, and associated substation under the sub-heads as
indicated in Annex-S “Abstract of Cost Estimates of Electro-Mechanical

16.4.12 X- Environment and Ecology

Under this head provisions are made for items like, compensatory
afforestation, catchment area treatment, establishment of fuel depot,

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salvage / rehabilitation of any rare or endangered species of flora and

fauna, control of aquatic weeds, public health measures to control water
or soil borne diseases, Restoration of land, seismological measures etc.

16.4.13 Y- Losses on stock

As per the CEA guidelines provision under this sub-head is made at
0.25% of the total cost of C Works, J-Power Plant Civil Works and K-

16.5 Establishment
Provision for establishment is made for civil works at 8% of the total
cost of C Works, J-Power Plant Civil Works and K-Buildings and at 6%
of the cost of S – Power plant and Electro - Mechanical System.

16.6 Tools & Plants

As already provision has been made for special plants and tools, the
provision made under this sub-head is “NIL”.

16.7 Suspense

The net provision under this minor head is “NIL” as all the outstanding
suspense accounts will cleared by adjustment to appropriate heads on
completion of the project.

16.8 Receipts & recoveries on capital account

Provision is made under this sub made towards estimated recoveries by
way of resale at 15% of the total cost incurred towards Q-Special tools
and plants and Cost of vehicles under O- Miscellaneous..

16.9 Indirect charges

A provision of 0.5% of I- work cost is made for Audit and Account

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17.0 Allocation of cost for each component
17.1.1 The proposed Shivasamudram run of the river power project is
purely a power project with no storage or consumptive use. There is no
storage proposed and hence there is no provision for flood moderation.
At present a few hundred hectares of land situated in the island formed
by the two limbs of Cauvery river is utilizing the Cauvery water for
irrigation. Provision will be made to facilitate drawing of water from the
reservoir formed for irrigation of these lands. The entire cost of the
project is for power project.
17.1.2 Though Cauvery river is an inter-state river, the entire project
area lies in Karnataka state and the entire benefits of power generation
are for the Karnataka State only. Hence no allocation of cost is made for
different states.

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18.1 Phasing of expenditure
18.1.1 The work sites in and around the project area receives scanty rainfall.
The number of working days in a year is taken as 300. Time required
for Preliminaries such as tender process, river diversion and
approaches is taken as 18 months.
18.1.2 The major activity which requires more time is approach tunnel to
underground power house and excavation power house and
transformer caverns. It is proposed to take up this work immediately
after the tender process is over. Other works are suitably staggered so
that the all the works are completed simultaneously. The project
requires 54 months for completion from zero date.

18.2 Interest during construction

18.2.1 The project is estimated to cost Rs. 76,184 lakhs which includes Rs.
45,923 lakhs towards civil works and Rs. 30,261 lakhs towards
electro-mechanical works. The period of construction has been
estimated as 48 months from the zero date and the phasing of
expenditure over the construction period has been prepared and
enclosed in in the report (Phasing of Expenditure). The financial
studies have been carried out to calculate the interest during
construction (IDC). The IDC works out to 13,181 lakhs. Thus the total
cost of the project including IDC works out to Rs. 89,365 lakhs.
18.2.2 The tariff of Shivasamudram Run of the River Project has been
worked out is based on the following:
 Only rupee term loan for debt components. No foreign exchange is
 Income Tax and tax on dividend is not applicable as per present
notification for the first 10 years
 Depreciation has been charged at 5.28% of the loan amount for
loan period and then 1.43% per annum thereafter.
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 O&M charges at 2.00% of capital. The cost towards O&M and

insurance charges which will be escalated at the rate of 5.72% per
 The return on equity has been considered at 15.50% Per annum as
per prevailing practice of GOI.

18.3 Cost of generation at power house bus bar

18.3.1 The annual energy generation for the 90% dependable year with 95%
machine availability has been worked out as 815.09 MU. The
levellized tariff of generation at the power house bus bar works out as
Rs. 2.58 /Kwh.

18.4 Sale rate of energy

18.4.1 The tentative sale price is taken as Rs. 2.36/Kwh for the first year. The
actual sale rate will be decided by the Karnataka State Electricity
Regulatory Commission.

18.5 Levelised tariff

18.5.1 The levelised tariff over a period of 35 years works out to Rs.
2.58/Kwh. The details of financial analysis are enclosed in the report.

18.6 Comparison of cost of generation with alternative source of

18.6.1 Generally hydro power is the cheapest source of energy. The tariff at
90% dependability from the project works out to Rs 2.36/ Kwh for the
first year. This rate is cheap when compared to the cost of generation
from alternate sources of energy like Thermal, diesel and gas based
power plants. The cost of generation is cheaper when compared to the
similar proposed hydro power scheme in the state.

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19.1 Details of buildings to be constructed to meet the requirements

of the project
19.1.1 The project site is situated close to the existing Shimsha & Shiva
project colony. The existing colony and other buildings in the Shiva
project will be made use of in the phase I of the project and no
provision is made for the construction of new permanent and
temporary buildings during the Phase I .
19.2 Departmental requirement of buildings after completion of the
19.2.1 The permanent buildings existing at the Shiva project will cater for
the requirement of staff for maintenance of the two existing power
projects and also for the proposed Shivasamudram run of the river
power project.
19.3 Requirement of buildings by other agencies
19.3.1 The construction of various components of the project will be through
EPC route. The agencies during construction of the project will be
accommodated in the existing buildings in the colony after repairs.
The buildings are old and are proposed for dismantling after the
project is completed.

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20.1 Economic justification of the project

20.1.1 The Shivasamudram project conceived will contribute by
enhancing the hydro power to the state. The development of such
schemes will benefit the state and the southern grid as a whole. The
project will contribute 815.09 MU of energy annually at an
economical tariff compared to any other project.

20.2 Socio-Economic and other benefits

20.2.1 The project will help in development of the local areas by way of
small scale industries, employment potential and by improving the
infrastructural facilities.

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21.1 Allotment letters & Clearances

21.1. Copies of the following allotment / clearances are enclosed for

1. Government Order No. EN 74 PPC 2008 Bangalore, dated 30th

January 2009 for withdrawal of allotment from ‘National Hydro-
Electric Power corporation’ and allotting the project to ‘Karnataka
Power Corporation limited (KPCL) for implementation of the
‘Shivasamudram Seasonal Power Project’.

2. Government Order No. EN 74 PPC 2008 Bangalore, dated 7th

June 2010 for according approval to
i) Change the name of the project from ‘Shivanasamudram
Seasonal Power Project’, to ‘Shivasamudram Run of the
River Power Project’ and
ii) Instead of single underground power house with an installed
capacity of 270 MW (2 units of 135 MW) to incorporate two power
houses, one underground with an installed capacity of 300 MW (3
units of 100 MW each) and one surface power house at the
tailrace exit of the underground power house with an installed
capacity of 45 MW (3 units of 15 MW each).

3. No objection certificate from ‘Fisheries Department’ vides their

letter no. RSH/51/2008-09 dated 17th Dec. 2008.

4. No objection certificate from ‘Directorate of Health & Family

Welfare Services’ vide their letter no. DHS/JDM/2008-09 dated

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5. No objection certificate from ‘Department of Archeological Survey

of India’ vides their letter No. 48/MISC/MYS/NOC/2008/M – 4140
dated 16.06.2009.

6. ‘Terms of Reference’ (TOR) from ‘Expert Appraisal Committee for

river valley and Hydroelectric projects’ in the meeting held on 15th
may 2009 and 29th & 30th July 2009.

7. Letter of comfort from ‘Karnataka Power Transmission

Corporation Ltd.’ to provide evacuation system with Schedule.

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Karnataka Power Corporation Limited
Shivasamudram Run Of The River Power Project
Amount in Lakhs
Electro -
Name of work CIVIL Works Mechanical Total
A - Direct Cost
I. Works
A Preliminary 562.00 562.00
B Land 305.00 305.00
C Works
1) Pick up Weir across right limb of cauvery
5171.00 5171.00
river, U/S of Bharachukki Falls
2) Approach to pick up weir and protective
4262.00 4262.00
J Power plant Civil Works
a) Intake Structure 2563.00 2563.00
b1) Tail race tunnel and exit portal 8920.00 8920.00
b2) Approach Tunnel, Ventilation Tunnel &
4699.00 4699.00
Cable Duct Tunnel
b3) Intermediate Adit to Tail race Tunnel 1014.00 1014.00
c) Tail race channel works. 79.00 79.00
e1) Penstock - Civil Works 841.00 841.00
e2) Penstock - Steel Cost 3669.00 3669.00
f1) Under ground Power House, Machine hall,
3856.00 3856.00
Repair bay & Control room.
f2) Transformer Hall 772.00 772.00
f3) Tail Race Collection Chamber 2101.00 2101.00
f4) Out Door Yard & Appurtenant Works 595.00 595.00
M Plantation 20.00 20.00
O Miscellaneous 110.00 110.00
P Maintenance During Construction (1% of the total
385.42 385.42
cost under the head C,J & K)
Q Special Tools and Plant 200.00 200.00
R Communication 360.00 360.00
S Power plant and Electro - Mechanical system
A) 3 x100MW Generating unit coupled
Vertical Francis Turbine
1.Generating Plant and Equipment
a) Generator, turbine and accessories 20531.25 20531.25
b) Auxiliary electrical equipment for power
1648.39 1648.39
c) Auxiliary equipment and services for
665.61 665.61
power station
d) Central Sales Tax @ 2% on 1(a), (b) & (
456.91 456.91
e) Transportation,handling and Insurance
1370.72 1370.72
charges@6% of 1(a),(b)&(c)
f) Erection and commissioning charges @ 8
1746.23 1746.23
% of 1 (a),(b) & ( c ) excl. spares
Electro -
Name of work CIVIL Works Mechanical Total
S 2. Substation Equipment & auxillary
equipment and service of switch yard
(a) Substation equipment and auxiliary
1609.87 1609.87
equipment and service for Switchyard
(b) Central sales tax @ 2% om 2(a) 32.20 32.20
(c) Transportation,handling and insurance
96.59 96.59
charges @6% on 2(a)
(d) Erection and commissioning charges @
126.83 126.83
8% of 3(a) excl.spares
207.38 207.38
3. Contingencies @ 1% (equipment cost only)
4. Tools & plants @ 0.5% of items 1 & 2 103.69 103.69
X X - Environment and Ecology 201.00 201.00
Y Y - Losses on stock (0.25% of the total cost of C-
works, J-Power Plant Civil Works & K -Buildings 96.36 96.36
Total I -Works ` 40781.78 ` 28595.67 ` 69377.45
1 Establishment charges
@ 8% of the total cost under the head C,J & K for
3083.36 3083.36
Civil Works
@6% for Electro Mechanical Works 1244.27 1244.27
2 Tools & Plants Nil
3 Suspense Nil
4 Receipt And Recoveries (15% of Q - Special T&P &
-30 -30.00
Total (A) - Direct Cost ` 43835.14 ` 29839.94 ` 73675.08
B. Indirect Cost
i. i. Capitalisation of Abutment of Land Revenue 0
ii. ii. Audit and Account Charges (@0.5% ) 219.18 149.20 368.38
Total (B) - Indirect Cost ` 219.18 ` 149.20 ` 368.38
Service Tax @ 14.5%
@ 14.5% of the 33% cost under the head C,J & K
1844.23 1844.23
for Civil Works
271.59 271.59
@ 14.5% on erection and commissioning of item 'S'
Miscellaneous And roundoff ` 24.45 0.27 24.72
Total Cost (A + B + Service Tax ) ` 45923.00 ` 30261.00 ` 76184.0
Karnataka Power Corporation Limited
Shivasamudram Run Of The River Power Project
Estimate for civil engineering works
Based on KPCL SR-2014-2015
Name of work Amount in lakhs
SL. No.
A - Direct Cost
I. Works
A Preliminary 562.00
B Land 305.00
C Works
1) Pick up Weir across right limb of cauvery river,
U/S of Bharachukki Falls 5171.00
2) Approach to pick up weir and protective works.
J Power plant Civil Works
a) Intake Structure 2563.00
b1) Tail race tunnel and exit portal 8920.00
b2) Approach Tunnel, Ventilation Tunnel & Cable
Duct Tunnel 4699.00
b3) Intermediate Adit to Tail race Tunnel 1014.00
c) Tail race channel works. 79.00
e1) Penstock - Civil Works 841.00
e2) Penstock - Steel Cost 3669.00
f1) Under ground Power House, Machine hall,
Repair bay & Control room. 3856.00
Transformer Hall 772.00
Tail Race Collection Chamber 2101.00
Out Door Yard & Appurtenant Works 595.00
M Plantation 20.00
O Miscellaneous 110.00
Maintenance During Construction (1% of the total
P cost under the head C,J & K) 385.42
Q Special Tools and Plant 200.00
R Communication 360.00
X X - Environment and Ecology 201.00
Y - Losses on stock (0.25% of the total cost of C-
works, J-Power Plant Civil Works & K -Buildings
Y only) 96.36
Total I -Works ` 40781.78
Establishment Charges (@ 8% of the total cost under
1 the head C,J & K for Civil Works ) 3083.36
2 Tools & Plants
Name of work Amount in lakhs
SL. No.
3 Suspense Nil
Receipt And Recoveries (15% of Q - Special T&P &
4 Vehicles) -30
Total A - Direct Cost ` 43835.14
B. Indirect Cost
i. Capitalisation of Abatement of Land Revenue 0
ii. Audit and Account Charges (@0.5% ) 219.18
Total (B) - Indirect Cost ` 219.18
Service Tax @ 12.36%
@ 14.5% of the 33% cost under the head C,J & K for
Civil Works 1844.23
Miscellaneous And roundoff 24.45
Total Cost for civil engineering works ` 45923.00
Karnataka Power Corporation Limited
Shivasamudram Run Of The River Power Project
Estimate for civil engineering works
Based on KPCL SR-2014-15

Sl Description of works Unit Amount RS
No in Lakhs
1 Topographical Investigations

a Departmental surveys for preparing block levels

of dam approach tunnel, intake and T R T LS 10.00

b Surveys for colonies. Access roads. Etc LS 5.00

2 Hydrological and Meteorological Investigations. LS 5.00

3 Geological Investigation and Material Testing. LS 20.00

4 Improvement of Inspection paths and Approach

Roads. LS 10.00

5 Consultation Charges on Specific problems LS 10.00

6 Printing Project Reports, Estimates and Design

Reports. LS 1.50

7 Vehicles for inspecting officers for inspection LS 5.00

8 Establishing soil testing and other laboratories LS 12.00

conducting preliminary tests

9 Hydraulic Model Studies and other Studies LS 5.00

10 Training of Engineers. LS 5.00

11 Surveys and Mathematical Instruments. LS 2.00

12 Miscellaneous and Unforeseen Items. LS 2.88

Already spent 468.62

Total ` 562.00

[ Rupees Five hundred sixty two Lakhs Only ]

Karnataka Power Corporation Limited
Shivasamudram Run Of The River Power Project
Estimate for civil engineering works
Based on KPCL SR-SR-2014-15

Sl Description of works Unit Qty Rate in Amount Rs

No lakhs in Lakhs

1 Compensation for Lands required for

township, roads, amenities etc.

a Private land i) For Roads ha 2.98 2.50 7.45

ii) For colony ha 50.76 2.77 140.61

b forest land(Lease amount) ha 90.00 0.012 1.08

2 Provision for Labour and Material for

Demarkating Land.( 1 % of Cost of Land) 1.48

3 Add 15% Statutory allowance for Item 1 22.37

4 Establishment charges for acquistion

of land @6.25% 9.69

5 Payment of Interest on compensation

payable. LS 10.00

6 Legal Charges. LS 15.00

7 Provision for environmental safegaurds

such as fuel wood etc LS 5.00

8 Cost of compensatory afforestation ha 90.00 1 90.00

9 Miscellaneous and rounding off LS 2.32

Total Rs. ` 305.00

[ Rupees three hundred Five Lakhs Only ]

Karnataka Power Corporation Limited
Shivasamudram Run Of The River Power Project
Estimate for civil engineering works
Based on KPCL SR-SR-2014-15


Sl Amount Rs in
Description of works Unit Qty Rate in Rs.
No. lakhs
1 Preliminaries such as Surveys, setting
outs etc., LS 5.00
2 Excavation for seating the dam, tail channel,
spill way, intake structure and appurtenant
works including placing neatly or disposing
off the excavated stuff as directed etc., with
all lead and lifts (R.A-11)

I) all kinds of soil cum 27502.00 80.00 22.00

ii) soft rock cum 6208.00 128.00 7.95
iii) hard rock cum 12332.00 193.00 23.80
3 Preparation of foundation bed for masonry
or concrete including removal of all loose
materials, disposing off the same as directed
and cleaning the surface with air and water
jet etc., complete with all lead and lifts (R.A-
15) Sqm 12409.00 40.00 4.96
4 Drilling 30 mm to 35 mm diameter holes by
jack hammer in rock, masonry or concrete
including cost of all materials, machinery,
labour etc.,complete. (RA - 33)

Vertical or inclined upto 10° to vertical Rm 1386.00 160.00 2.22

5 Fabricating and fixing 22 mm to 32 mm dia
cold twisted deformed steel anchor rods in
drilled holes including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, cleaning and flushing the
holes, grouting with cement slurry etc.,
complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all
lifts(excluding cost of steel). (RA -34)
Rm 2772.00 68.40 1.90
6 Providing and laying insitu vibrated cement
concrete M-15 using approved, clean, hard
graded aggregates including cost of all
materials, machinery,labour,form work,
centring, scaffolding, cleaning, batching,
mixing, placing in position , levelling ,
vibrating, finishing, curing etc., complete
with all lead and lifts, using 40mm and down
course aggregates and 28 days cube
compressive strength not less than
15N/sqmm(150 kg/sqcm) cement
content=270 Kg/cum; Levelling course,
foundation filling, backfilling and similar
works. (R.A - 2)

levelling course cum 3534.00 5360.05 189.42

Sl Amount Rs in
Description of works Unit Qty Rate in Rs.
No. lakhs
7 Providing and laying insitu vibrated cement
concrete M-15 using approved, clean, hard
graded aggregates including cost of all
materials, machinery,labour,form work,
centring, scaffolding, cleaning, batching,
mixing, placing in position , levelling ,
vibrating, finishing, curing etc., complete
with all lead and lifts, using 80mm and down
course aggregates and 28 days cube
compressive strength not less than
15N/sqmm(150 kg/sqcm) cement
content=240 Kg/cum--Gravity type retaing
walls, by-pass weirs and similar works., (R.A-

(for weir body) cum 61261.00 5632.50 3450.53

8 Providing and laying insitu vibrated cement
concrete M-20 using approved, clean, hard
graded aggregates including cost of all
materials, machinery,labour,form work,
centring, scaffolding, cleaning, batching,
mixing, placing in position , levelling ,
vibrating, finishing, curing etc., complete
with all lead and lifts, using 40mm and down
course aggregates and 28 days cube
compressive strength not less than
20N/sqmm(200 kg/sqcm) cement
content=320 Kg/cum (R.A-10)

(For by pass weirs & retaining wall) cum 13947.00 6205.90 865.54
Providing and laying insitu vibrated cement
concrete M-25 using approved, clean, hard
graded aggregates including cost of all
materials, machinery,labour,form work,
centring, scaffolding, cleaning, batching,
mixing, placing in position , levelling ,
vibrating, finishing, curing etc., complete
with all lead and lifts, using 40mm and down
course aggregates and 28 days cube
compressive strength not less than
25N/sqmm(250 kg/sqcm) cement
content=380 Kg/cum (R.A-20) Cum 115.00 6299.80 7.24
10 Providing , Fabrication and placing in
position reinforcement steel for RCC works
including cleaning, strightening, cutting,
bending, hooking, lapping, welding wherever
required, binding with 1.25mm diameter soft
annealed steel wire, including cost of all
materials, labour, machinery, (including cost
of reinforcement and including wastage)
etc.,m complete with all lead and lifts. (R.A-

t 283.00 56622.50 160.24

Sl Amount Rs in
Description of works Unit Qty Rate in Rs.
No. lakhs
11a Drilling 45 mm to 50 mm diameter holes by
percussion drillling using wagon drill or any
other suitable machinery in rock, masonry or
concrete including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour etc., complete with all led
and lifts (R.A-30) Rm 2772.00 745.00 20.65
11b Flushing grout holes of all sizes alternatively
with water and air jets for an averageperiod
of 30 minutes including water intake
observations, cost of all materials,
machinery, labout etc., complete (R.A - 54)
Rm 2772.00 77.20 2.14
12 Grouting: consilidation /curtain
grouting in drilled holes by stage grouting
method under preassure as directed, with
cement slurry including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, redrilling if necessary
etc., with all lead and lifts (R.A-9)
t 70.00 12470.00 8.73
13a Providing sluice gate of size 2 x 2.3 m
with embeded parts t 8.50 95000.00 8.08
13b Hoisting arrangement for the sluice gate
Set 1.00 1000000.00 10.00
14 Back filling the excavated trench on the D/S
of dam in layers using avilable free draining
material, including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, tamping etc., complete
with all lead & lifts (R.A-14)
cum 5501.00 246.50 13.56
15 Back filling the excavated trench on the U/S
of dam with soil from approved borrow areas
including cost of all materials, machinery,
labour, all operations such as excavation,
sorting, spreading, watering and compaction
in layers of 10 to 15 cm by pneumatic
rammers etc., complete with initial lead upto
1 km and all lifts. (R.A - 35)
cum 2751.00 327.50 9.01
16 Dewatering and desilting charges LS 97.00
17 River diversion by providing sand bags
across the river wherever necessary LS 10.00
18 Instrumentation to the Dam LS 5.00
19 Contengencies at 3% 147.75

20 Work charged establishment @2% and

rounding off 98.29

Total Rs. ` 5171.00

[ Rupees Five thousand one hundred seventy one Lakhs Only ]
Karnataka Power Corporation Limited
Shivasamudram Run Of The River Power Project
Estimate for civil engineering works
Based on KPCL SR-SR-2014-15



Sl Amount Rs.
Description of works Unit Qty Rate in Rs.
No. In lakhs
1 Preliminaries such as jungle clearance &mark out
etc., 3.00
2 Excavation for seating the dam, tail channel, spill
way, intake structure and appurtenant works
including placing neatly or disposing off the
excavated stuff as directed etc., with all lead and lifts
I) all kinds of soil cum 29199 80.00 23.36
ii) soft rock cum 5016 128.00 6.42
iii) hard rock cum 2508 193.00 4.84
3 Drilling 30 mm to 35 mm diameter holes by jack
hammer in rock, masonry or concrete including cost
of all materials, machinery, labour etc.,complete. (RA -
Vertical or inclined upto 10° to vertical Rm 3600 160.00 5.76
4 Fabricating and fixing 22 mm to 32 mm dia cold
twisted deformed steel anchor rods in drilled holes
including cost of all materials, machinery, labour,
cleaning and flushing the holes, grouting with cement
slurry etc., complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all
lifts(excluding cost of steel). (RA -34)
Rm 7200 68.40 4.92
5 Providing and laying insitu vibrated cement concrete
M-15 using approved, clean, hard graded aggregates
including cost of all materials, machinery,labour,form
work, centring, scaffolding, cleaning, batching,
mixing, placing in position , levelling , vibrating,
finishing, curing etc., complete with all lead and lifts,
using 40mm and down course aggregates and 28
days cube compressive strength not less than
15N/sqmm(150 kg/sqcm) cement content=270
Kg/cum; Levelling course, foundation filling,
backfilling and similar works. (R.A - 2)
cum 4751 5360.05 254.66
6 Providing and laying insitu vibrated cement concrete
M-15 using approved, clean, hard graded aggregates
including cost of all materials, machinery,labour,form
work, centring, scaffolding, cleaning, batching,
mixing, placing in position , levelling , vibrating,
finishing, curing etc., complete with all lead and lifts,
using 80mm and down course aggregates and 28
days cube compressive strength not less than
15N/sqmm(150 kg/sqcm) cement content=240
Kg/cum--Gravity type retaing walls, by-pass weirs and
similar works., (R.A-1) Cum 53092 5632.50 2990.41
Sl Amount Rs.
Description of works Unit Qty Rate in Rs.
No. In lakhs
7 Stone pitching providing and constructing 45 cm thick
rough stone pitching aver 15 cm thick 40 mm size
aggregate backing including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour etc., complete with all lead and lifts
(R.A-12) Sqm 37174 994.95 369.86
8 Providing embankment with homogenous soil from
excavation in layers of 25 to 30 cm including cost of
all materials, machinery,labour, all operations as
excavation, clods, sectioning, watering & compaction
to the required density control not less than 97%,
using, sheep foot/pad foot roller as stipulated etc.,
complete, with all lead and lift (R.A-13)
cum 148777 149.50 222.42
9 Providing , Fabrication and placing in position
reinforcement steel for RCC works including
cleaning, strightening, cutting, bending, hooking,
lapping, welding wherever required, binding with
1.25mm diameter soft annealed steel wire, including
cost of all materials, labour, machinery, (including
cost of reinforcement and including wastage) etc.,m
complete with all lead and lifts. (R.A-5)
For anchor rods t 46 56622.50 26.05
10 Providing and laying of soling(150mmthick),
metalling(80mm thick), watering, consolidation,
murrum spreading and 20mm thick Chip carpeting
with seal coat etc., complete with all leads and lifts -
for 4m wide. (R.A - 36) Km 3 2230501.0 66.92
11 Dewatering and desilting charges LS 80.00
12 Contigencies at 3% 121.76
13 Work charges Establishment charges at2 % and
rounding off. 81.63
Total Rs. ` 4262.00

[ Rupees four thousand two hundred sixty two Lakhs Only ]

Karnataka Power Corporation Limited
Shivasamudram Run Of The River Power Project
Estimate for civil engineering works
Based on KPCL SR-SR-2014-15


Sl. Amount Rs. In

Description of works Unit Qty Rate in Rs.
No. lakhs
1 Preliminaries LS 4.00
2 Excavation for seating the dam, tail channel,
spill way, intake structure and appurtenant
works including placing neatly or disposing
off the excavated stuff as directed etc., with
all lead and lifts (R.A-11)

I) In all kinds of soil Cum 63867 80.00 51.09

ii)In soft Rock. Cum 35644 128.00 45.62
iii) hard rock cum 35644 193.0 68.79
3 Preparation of foundation bed for masonry or
concrete including removal of all loose
materials, disposing off the same as directed
and cleaning the surface with air and water
jet etc., complete with all lead and lifts (R.A-
15) SQM 7077 40.00 2.83
4 Providing and laying insitu vibrated cement
concrete M-15 using approved, clean, hard
graded aggregates including cost of all
materials, machinery,labour,form work,
centring, scaffolding, cleaning, batching,
mixing, placing in position , levelling ,
vibrating, finishing, curing etc., complete with
all lead and lifts, using 40mm and down
course aggregates and 28 days cube
compressive strength not less than
15N/sqmm(150 kg/sqcm) cement
content=270 Kg/cum; Levelling course,
foundation filling, backfilling and similar
works. (R.A - 2)
Cum 2123 5360.05 113.79
5 Providing and laying insitu vibrated cement
concrete M-15 using approved, clean, hard
graded aggregates including cost of all
materials, machinery,labour,form work,
centring, scaffolding, cleaning, batching,
mixing, placing in position , levelling ,
vibrating, finishing, curing etc., complete with
all lead and lifts, using 80mm and down
course aggregates and 28 days cube
compressive strength not less than
15N/sqmm(150 kg/sqcm) cement
content=240 Kg/cum--Gravity type retaing
walls, by-pass weirs and similar works., (R.A-
Cum 9019 5632.50 508.00
Sl. Amount Rs. In
Description of works Unit Qty Rate in Rs.
No. lakhs
6 Providing and laying insitu vibrated cement
concrete M-25 using approved, clean, hard
graded aggregates including cost of all
materials, machinery,labour,form work,
centring, scaffolding, cleaning, batching,
mixing, placing in position , levelling ,
vibrating, finishing, curing etc., complete with
all lead and lifts, using 40mm and down
course aggregates and 28 days cube
compressive strength not less than
25N/sqmm(250 kg/sqcm) cement
content=380 Kg/cum (R.A-17)

For the intake structure Cum 10756 6589.80 708.80

7 Drilling 30 mm to 35 mm diameter holes by
jack hammer in rock, masonry or concrete
including cost of all materials, machinery,
labour etc.,complete. (RA - 33)

Inclined 45° to 90° to vertical Rm 1500 176.00 2.64

8 Fabricating and fixing 22 mm to 32 mm dia
cold twisted deformed steel anchor rods in
drilled holes including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, cleaning and flushing the
holes, grouting with cement slurry etc.,
complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all
lifts(excluding cost of steel). (RA -34)
Rm 3000 68.40 2.05
9 Providing , Fabrication and placing in
position reinforcement steel for RCC works
including cleaning, strightening, cutting,
bending, hooking, lapping, welding wherever
required, binding with 1.25mm diameter soft
annealed steel wire, including cost of all
materials, labour, machinery, (including cost
of reinforcement and including wastage)
etc.,m complete with all lead and lifts. (R.A-
5) t 1068 56622.50 604.73
10 Providing embankment with homogenous
soil from excavation in layers of 25 to 30 cm
including cost of all materials,
machinery,labour, all operations as
excavation, clods, sectioning, watering &
compaction to the required density control
not less than 97%, using, sheep foot/pad
foot roller as stipulated etc., complete, with
all lead and lift (R.A-13)
Cum 61267 149.50 91.59
11a Providing Gate to Intake of HRT 5.6 x 7.35 m

t 56 95000.00 53.20
b Embedded Parts for gate
t 40 76000.00 30.40
c Hoisting arrangements
Set 2 5000000.00 100.00
Sl. Amount Rs. In
Description of works Unit Qty Rate in Rs.
No. lakhs
12 Trash rack for intake (30 Panels) with
embeded parts t 5.4 95000 5.13
13 Dewatering and desilting charges LS 48.00
14 Contengencies at 3% 73.22
15 Work charged establishment @ 2% and
rounding of 49.11
Total Rs. ` 2563.00
[ Rupees two thousand Five hundred sixty three Lakhs Only ]
Karnataka Power Corporation Limited
Shivasamudram Run Of The River Power Project
Estimate for civil engineering works
Based on KPCL SR-SR-2014-15


Sl. Amount Rs.

Description of works Unit Qnty Rate in Rs.
No. In lakhs
1 Preliminaries such as Surveys,
setting out etc., LS 5.00
2 Excavation for tunnel by tunneling
methods including excavation for
supports in all types of soil/rock strata
requiring supports including shoring,
strutting and cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, scaling excavated
surface, ventilition, lighting, drainage,
removing and hauling excavated
muck outside tunnel upto specified
dump area and all other ancillary
operations etc., complete with all lead
and lifts (R.A-18) cum 333590.00 1880.00 6271.49
3 Providing and laying insitu vibrated
cement concrete M-25 using
approved, clean, hard graded
aggregates including cost of all
materials, machinery,labour,form
work, centring, scaffolding, cleaning,
batching, mixing, placing in position ,
levelling , vibrating, finishing, curing
etc., complete with all lead and lifts,
using 40mm and down course
aggregates and 28 days cube
compressive strength not less than
25N/sqmm(250 kg/sqcm) cement
content=380 Kg/cum (R.A-20)
Cum 15540.00 6299.80 978.99
4 Providing and fixing 25mm dia steel
rock bolts with machanical/wedge
type anchorage including drilling
35mm dia holes, providing 15 cm
long 20mm thick steel tapered wedge
, 10mm thick 20cm*20 cm plate
washer and nuts, tightening bolt by
torque wrinch, cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, ventilition, lighting,
drainage and all other ancillary
operations etc., complete with all lead
and lifts (R.A-19) Rmt 13740.00 1065.00 146.33
Sl. Amount Rs.
Description of works Unit Qnty Rate in Rs.
No. In lakhs
5 Providing, Fabricating, transporting
to the site, hoisting and erecting
structural steel member fabricated
from rolled steel sections like
channels, angles, flats, I-sections,
plates, rails etc., as per drawing
including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, operations such
as cutting, bending, grinding, welding
etc., and providing one coat of zinc
chromate red oxide primer after
scrapping and cleaning the surface,
scaffolding etc., complete with all lead
and lifts including cost of steel (R.A-8) MT 680.00 76228.35 518.35
6 Drilling 32 mm to 35mm diameter
(a) grout holes in concrete/rockby
percusion drilling using jack hammer
or stooper drills as directed to
specified depth for consolidation
/contact grouting including of all cost
of all materials, machinery, labour,
redrilling where ever necessary,
ventilition, lighting, drainage and all
other ancillary operations etc.,
complete with all lead and lifts (R.A-
21) Rmt 13740.00 296.00 40.67
7 Flushing grout holes of all sizes
alternatively with water and air jets for
an averageperiod of 30 minutes
including water intake observations,
cost of all materials, machinery,
labout etc., complete (R.A - 54) Rmt 13740.00 77.20 10.61
8 Grouting: consilidation /curtain
grouting in drilled holes by stage
grouting method under preassure as
directed, with cement slurry including
cost of all materials, machinery,
labour, redrilling if necessary etc.,
with all lead and lifts (R.A-9) MT 700.00 12470.00 87.29
Sl. Amount Rs.
Description of works Unit Qnty Rate in Rs.
No. In lakhs
9 Providing , Fabrication and placing in
position reinforcement steel for RCC
works including cleaning,
strightening, cutting, bending,
hooking, lapping, welding wherever
required, binding with 1.25mm
diameter soft annealed steel wire,
including cost of all materials, labour,
machinery, (including cost of
reinforcement and including
wastage) etc.,m complete with all
lead and lifts. (R.A-5) MT 575.00 56622.50 325.58
10 Removing and hauling overfallen
muck due to natural causes such as
geological faults etc., out of tunnel
including breaking any large
fragments by blasting if necessary
and disposing off the same in
specified dump area or as directed
including cost of all
materials,machinery, labour,
ventilition, drianage,lighting and all
other ancillary operations etc.,
complete with all lead and lifts.(R.A-
22) cum 6670.00 392.00 26.15
11 Dewatering and desilting charges LS 85.00
12 Contingencies at 3 % 254.86
13 Work charge Establishment at 2 %
and rounding off. 169.68
Total Rs. ` 8920.00
[ Rupees eight thousand nine hundred twenty Lakhs Only ]
Karnataka Power Corporation Limited
Shivasamudram Run Of The River Power Project
Estimate for civil engineering works
Based on KPCL SR-SR-2014-15



Sl. Amount Rs.

Description of works Unit Qnty Rate in Rs.
No. In lakhs
1 Preliminaries such as Surveys and
setting out etc., LS 5.00
2 Excavation for seating the dam, tail
channel, spill way, intake structure
and appurtenant works including
placing neatly or disposing off the
excavated stuff as directed etc., with
all lead and lifts (R.A-11)
i) all kinds of soil cum 22845 80.00 18.28
ii) soft rock requiring blasting cum 5919 128.00 7.58
iii) hard rock cum 13810 193.00 26.65
3 Excavation for tunnel by tunneling
methods including excavation for
supports in all types of soil/rock
strata requiring supports including
shoring, strutting and cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, scaling
excavated surface, ventilition,
lighting, drainage, removing and
hauling excavated muck outside
tunnel upto specified dump area and
all other ancillary operations etc.,
complete with all lead and lifts (R.A-
18) cum 135975 1880.00 2556.33
4 Providing and fixing 25mm dia steel
rock bolts with machanical/wedge
type anchorage including drilling
35mm dia holes, providing 15 cm
long 20mm thick steel tapered
wedge , 10mm thick 20cm*20 cm
plate washer and nuts, tightening
bolt by torque wrinch, cost of all
materials, machinery, labour,
ventilition, lighting, drainage and all
other ancillary operations etc.,
complete with all lead and lifts (R.A-
19) RMT 39180 1065.00 417.27
Sl. Amount Rs.
Description of works Unit Qnty Rate in Rs.
No. In lakhs
5 Providing and laying insitu vibrated
cement concrete M-20 using
approved, clean, hard graded
aggregates including cost of all
materials, machinery,labour,form
work, centring, scaffolding, cleaning,
batching, mixing, placing in position ,
levelling , vibrating, finishing, curing
etc., complete with all lead and lifts,
using 40mm and down course
aggregates and 28 days cube
compressive strength not less than
20N/sqmm(200 kg/sqcm) cement
content=320 Kg/cum (R.A-10)
b)Adit, intakte, lift shaft shaft & similecum 12060 6120.90 738.18
6 Providing , Fabrication and placing in
position reinforcement steel for RCC
works including cleaning,
strightening, cutting, bending,
hooking, lapping, welding wherever
required, binding with 1.25mm
diameter soft annealed steel wire,
including cost of all materials,
labour, machinery, (including cost of
reinforcement and including
wastage) etc.,m complete with all
lead and lifts. (R.A-5) MT 376 56622.50 212.90
7 Drilling 32 mm to 35mm diameter
(a) grout holes in concrete/rockby
percusion drilling using jack
hammer or stooper drills as directed
to specified depth for consolidation
/contact grouting including of all cost
of all materials, machinery, labour,
redrilling where ever necessary,
ventilition, lighting, drainage and all
other ancillary operations etc.,
complete with all lead and lifts (R.A-
21) RMT 6888 296.00 20.39
7 Flushing grout holes of all sizes
(b) alternatively with water and air jets

for an averageperiod of 30 minutes

including water intake observations,
cost of all materials, machinery,
labout etc., complete (R.A - 54) RMT 6888 77.20 5.32
Sl. Amount Rs.
Description of works Unit Qnty Rate in Rs.
No. In lakhs
8 Grouting: consilidation /curtain
grouting in drilled holes by stage
grouting method under preassure as
directed, with cement slurry including
cost of all materials, machinery,
labour, redrilling if necessary etc.,
with all lead and lifts (R.A-9) MT 483 12470.0 60.23
9 Conducting water loss tests in hard
strata using necessary packers in
stages of 8.00m at three desired
pressure ranges including saturation
for not less then 24hours and cost of
all materials,machinery, labour,
water charges etc., complete with
all lead and lifts(R.A-23) Each 500 2105.00 10.53
10 Providing, Fabricating, transporting
to the site, hoisting and erecting
structural steel member fabricated
from rolled steel sections like
channels, angles, flats, I-sections,
plates, rails etc., as per drawing
including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, operations such
as cutting, bending, grinding,
welding etc., and providing one coat
of zinc chromate red oxide primer
after scrapping and cleaning the
surface, scaffolding etc., complete
with all lead and lifts including cost
of steel (R.A-8) MT 368 76228.35 280.52
11 Providing drainage tunnel sump
chamber and other drainage
arrangements Rmt 1800 1000 18.00
12 Water supply and sanitory
arrangments LS 10.00
13 Dewatering charges LS 88.00
14 contingencies @ 3% 134.25
15 Work chrged establishment @2%
and rounding off 89.58

Total Rs. ` 4699.00

[ Rupees four thousand six hundred ninety nine Lakhs Only ]
Karnataka Power Corporation Limited
Shivasamudram Run Of The River Power Project
Estimate for civil engineering works
Based on KPCL SR-SR-2014-15

J - b3 -Intermediate Adit to Tail Race Tunnel

Sl. Amount Rs.

Description of works Unit Qnty Rate in Rs.
No. In lakhs
1 Preliminaries such as Surveys and
setting out etc., LS 2.00
2 Excavation for seating the dam, tail
channel, spill way, intake structure
and appurtenant works including
placing neatly or disposing off the
excavated stuff as directed etc., with
all lead and lifts (R.A-11)
i) all kinds of soil cum 2870 80.00 2.30
ii) soft rock requiring blasting cum 431 128.00 0.55
iii) hard rock cum 1005 193.00 1.94
3 Excavation for tunnel by tunneling
methods including excavation for
supports in all types of soil/rock
strata requiring supports including
shoring, strutting and cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, scaling
excavated surface, ventilition,
lighting, drainage, removing and
hauling excavated muck outside
tunnel upto specified dump area and
all other ancillary operations etc.,
complete with all lead and lifts (R.A-
18) cum 25369 1880.00 476.94
4 Providing and fixing 25mm dia steel
rock bolts with machanical/wedge
type anchorage including drilling
35mm dia holes, providing 15 cm
long 20mm thick steel tapered wedge
, 10mm thick 20cm*20 cm plate
washer and nuts, tightening bolt by
torque wrinch, cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, ventilition,
lighting, drainage and all other
ancillary operations etc., complete
with all lead and lifts (R.A-19) RMT 11760 1065.00 125.24
Sl. Amount Rs.
Description of works Unit Qnty Rate in Rs.
No. In lakhs
5 Providing and laying insitu vibrated
cement concrete M-20 using
approved, clean, hard graded
aggregates including cost of all
materials, machinery,labour,form
work, centring, scaffolding, cleaning,
batching, mixing, placing in position ,
levelling , vibrating, finishing, curing
etc., complete with all lead and lifts,
using 40mm and down course
aggregates and 28 days cube
compressive strength not less than
20N/sqmm(200 kg/sqcm) cement
content=320 Kg/cum (R.A-10)
b)Adit, intakte, lift shaft shaft & simile cum 2767 6120.90 169.37
6 Providing , Fabrication and placing in
position reinforcement steel for RCC
works including cleaning,
strightening, cutting, bending,
hooking, lapping, welding wherever
required, binding with 1.25mm
diameter soft annealed steel wire,
including cost of all materials, labour,
machinery, (including cost of
reinforcement and including
wastage) etc.,m complete with all
lead and lifts. (R.A-5) MT 129 56622.50 73.04
7 Drilling 32 mm to 35mm diameter
(a) grout holes in concrete/rockby
percusion drilling using jack hammer
or stooper drills as directed to
specified depth for consolidation
/contact grouting including of all cost
of all materials, machinery, labour,
redrilling where ever necessary,
ventilition, lighting, drainage and all
other ancillary operations etc.,
complete with all lead and lifts (R.A-
21) RMT 1296 296.00 3.84
7 Flushing grout holes of all sizes
(b) alternatively with water and air jets
for an averageperiod of 30 minutes
including water intake observations,
cost of all materials, machinery,
labout etc., complete (R.A - 54) RMT 1296 77.20 1.00
Sl. Amount Rs.
Description of works Unit Qnty Rate in Rs.
No. In lakhs
8 Grouting: consilidation /curtain
grouting in drilled holes by stage
grouting method under preassure as
directed, with cement slurry including
cost of all materials, machinery,
labour, redrilling if necessary etc.,
with all lead and lifts (R.A-9) MT 91 12470.0 11.35
9 Conducting water loss tests in hard
strata using necessary packers in
stages of 8.00m at three desired
pressure ranges including saturation
for not less then 24hours and cost of
all materials,machinery, labour, water
charges etc., complete with all lead
and lifts(R.A-23) Each 20 2105.00 0.42
10 Providing, Fabricating, transporting
to the site, hoisting and erecting
structural steel member fabricated
from rolled steel sections like
channels, angles, flats, I-sections,
plates, rails etc., as per drawing
including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, operations such
as cutting, bending, grinding, welding
etc., and providing one coat of zinc
chromate red oxide primer after
scrapping and cleaning the surface,
scaffolding etc., complete with all
lead and lifts including cost of steel
(R.A-8) MT 91 76228.35 69.37
11 Providing drainage tunnel sump
chamber and other drainage
arrangements Rmt 930 1000 9.30
12 Dewatering charges 19.00
13 contingencies @ 3% 28.97
14 Work chrged establishment @2%
and rounding off 19.38

Total Rs. ` 1014.00

[ Rupees one thousand fourteen Lakhs Only ]
Karnataka Power Corporation Limited
Shivasamudram Run Of The River Power Project
Estimate for civil engineering works
Based on KPCL SR-SR-2014-15


Sl. Amount Rs. In

Description of works Unit Qnty Rate in Rs.
No. lakhs
1 Preliminaries such as Surveys, setting
out etc., LS 5.00
2 Excavation for seating the dam, tail
channel, spill way, intake structure and
appurtenant works including placing
neatly or disposing off the excavated
stuff as directed etc., with all lead and
lifts (R.A-11)
I) all kinds of soil Cum 2200.00 80.00 1.76
ii) soft rock cum 4400.00 128.00 5.63
iii) Hard rock cum 4400.00 193.00 8.49
3 Providing and laying insitu vibrated
cement concrete M-15 using
approved, clean, hard graded
aggregates including cost of all
materials, machinery,labour,form work,
centring, scaffolding, cleaning,
batching, mixing, placing in position ,
levelling , vibrating, finishing, curing
etc., complete with all lead and lifts,
using 40mm and down course
aggregates and 28 days cube
compressive strength not less than
15N/sqmm(150 kg/sqcm) cement
content=270 Kg/cum;
Cantilever/counterfort retaining walls,
skin walls and similar works. (R.A - 37) Cum 240.00 6310.05 15.14
4 Providing and fixing 25mm dia steel
rock bolts with machanical/wedge type
anchorage including drilling 35mm dia
holes, providing 15 cm long 20mm
thick steel tapered wedge , 10mm
thick 20cm*20 cm plate washer and
nuts, tightening bolt by torque wrinch,
cost of all materials, machinery,
labour, ventilition, lighting, drainage
and all other ancillary operations etc.,
complete with all lead and lifts (R.A-
19) Rmt 280.00 1065.00 2.98
Sl. Amount Rs. In
Description of works Unit Qnty Rate in Rs.
No. lakhs
5 Drilling 32 mm to 35mm diameter
(a) grout holes in concrete/rockby
percusion drilling using jack hammer
or stooper drills as directed to
specified depth for consolidation
/contact grouting including of all cost of
all materials, machinery, labour,
redrilling where ever necessary,
ventilition, lighting, drainage and all
other ancillary operations etc.,
complete with all lead and lifts (R.A-
21) Rmt 280.00 296.00 0.83
5 Flushing grout holes of all sizes
(b) alternatively with water and air jets for
an averageperiod of 30 minutes
including water intake observations,
cost of all materials, machinery, labout
etc., complete (R.A - 54) Rmt 280.00 77.20 0.22
6 Grouting: consilidation /curtain
grouting in drilled holes by stage
grouting method under preassure as
directed, with cement slurry including
cost of all materials, machinery,
labour, redrilling if necessary etc., with
all lead and lifts (R.A-9) MT 20.00 12470.00 2.49
7 Providing , Fabrication and placing in
position reinforcement steel for RCC
works including cleaning, strightening,
cutting, bending, hooking, lapping,
welding wherever required, binding
with 1.25mm diameter soft annealed
steel wire, including cost of all
materials, labour, machinery,
(including cost of reinforcement and
including wastage) etc.,m complete
with all lead and lifts. (R.A-5) MT 22.00 56622.50 12.46
8 Stone pitching providing and
constructing 45 cm thick rough stone
pitching aver 15 cm thick 40 mm size
aggregate backing including cost of all
materials, machinery, labour etc.,
complete with all lead and lifts (R.A-
12) Sqm 1800.00 994.95 17.91
9 Dewatering charges LS 2.00
10 Contingencies at 3 % 2.25
11 Work charge Establishment at 2 %
and rounding off. 1.83
Total Rs. ` 79.00
[ Rupees seventy nine Lakhs Only ]
Karnataka Power Corporation Limited
Shivasamudram Run Of The River Power Project
Estimate for civil engineering works
Based on KPCL SR-SR-2014-15

J - e - Civil Works of Penstock

Sl. Amount
Description Of Works Unit Qty Rate in Rs.
No. Rs in lakhs
1 Preliminaries LS 4.00
2 Excavation for tunnel by tunneling
methods including excavation for
supports in all types of soil/rock strata
requiring supports including shoring,
strutting and cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, scaling excavated
surface, ventilition, lighting, drainage,
removing and hauling excavated
muck outside tunnel upto specified
dump area and all other ancillary
operations etc., complete with all lead
and lifts (R.A-18)
cum 15057.00 1880 283.07
3 Providing and fixing 25mm dia steel
rock bolts with machanical/wedge
type anchorage including drilling
35mm dia holes, providing 15 cm long
20mm thick steel tapered wedge ,
10mm thick 20cm*20 cm plate
washer and nuts, tightening bolt by
torque wrinch, cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, ventilition, lighting,
drainage and all other ancillary
operations etc., complete with all lead
and lifts (R.A-19)
Rm 1090.00 1065.00 11.61
4 Providing, Fabricating, transporting
to the site, hoisting and erecting
structural steel member fabricated
from rolled steel sections like
channels, angles, flats, I-sections,
plates, rails etc., as per drawing
including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, operations such
as cutting, bending, grinding, welding
etc., and providing one coat of zinc
chromate red oxide primer after
scrapping and cleaning the surface,
scaffolding etc., complete with all lead
and lifts including cost of steel (R.A-8)

MT 62.00 76228.35 47.26

Sl. Amount
Description Of Works Unit Qty Rate in Rs.
No. Rs in lakhs
5 Providing and laying insitu vibrated
cement concrete M-25 using
approved, clean, hard graded
aggregates including cost of all
materials, machinery,labour,form
work, centring, scaffolding, cleaning,
batching, mixing, placing in position ,
levelling , vibrating, finishing, curing
etc., complete with all lead and lifts,
using 40mm and down course
aggregates and 28 days cube
compressive strength not less than
25N/sqmm(250 kg/sqcm) cement
content=380 Kg/cum (R.A-20) cum 4214.00 6299.80 265.47
6 Providing , Fabrication and placing in
position reinforcement steel for RCC
works including cleaning, strightening,
cutting, bending, hooking, lapping,
welding wherever required, binding
with 1.25mm diameter soft annealed
steel wire, including cost of all
materials, labour, machinery,
(including cost of reinforcement and
including wastage) etc.,m complete
with all lead and lifts. (R.A-5) t 277.00 56622.50 156.84
7 Drilling 32 mm to 35mm diameter
(a) grout holes in concrete/rockby
percusion drilling using jack hammer
or stooper drills as directed to
specified depth for consolidation
/contact grouting including of all cost
of all materials, machinery, labour,
redrilling where ever necessary,
ventilition, lighting, drainage and all
other ancillary operations etc.,
complete with all lead and lifts (R.A-
21) Rmt 1090.00 296 3.23
7 Flushing grout holes of all sizes
(b) alternatively with water and air jets for

an averageperiod of 30 minutes
including water intake observations,
cost of all materials, machinery,
labout etc., complete (R.A - 54) Rmt 1090.00 77 0.84
Sl. Amount
Description Of Works Unit Qty Rate in Rs.
No. Rs in lakhs
8 Grouting: consilidation /curtain
grouting in drilled holes by stage
grouting method under preassure as
directed, with cement slurry including
cost of all materials, machinery,
labour, redrilling if necessary etc.,
with all lead and lifts (R.A-9)
MT 78.00 12470.00 9.73
9 Removing and hauling overfallen
muck due to natural causes such as
geological faults etc., out of tunnel
including breaking any large
fragments by blasting if necessary
and disposing off the same in
specified dump area or as directed
including cost of all
materials,machinery, labour,
ventilition, drianage,lighting and all
other ancillary operations etc.,
complete with all lead and lifts.(R.A-
22) cum 753.00 392.00 2.95
10 Conducting water loss tests in hard
strata using necessary packers in
stages of 8.00m at three desired
pressure ranges including saturation
for not less then 24hours and cost of
all materials,machinery, labour, water
charges etc., complete with all lead
and lifts(R.A-23)
Each 4 2105.00 0.08
11 Dewatering charges LS 16.00
12 Contingencies @ 3% 24.03

13 Work charged Establishment at 2 %

and rounding off. 15.88
Total Rs. ` 841.00
[ Rupees eight hundred fourty one Lakhs Only ]
Karnataka Power Corporation Limited
Shivasamudram Run Of The River Power Project


Amt in Rs. Lakhs
Particulars Unit Qty. Rate Amount
1 Supply, Fabrication, Erection of the following
grade of Boiler quality Steel plates including
sand blasting, painting and transportation
(for Under ground Power House)
a) Mild steel plates (ASTM A285 Grade C) MT 949 1.570 1489.80
b) EHT steel plates (ASTM A517 Grade F) MT 813 2.549 2071.90
Contigencies @ 3% and round off 107.30

TOTAL ` 3669.00
[ Rupees three thousand six hundred sixty nine Lakhs Only ]
Karnataka Power Corporation Limited
Shivasamudram Run Of The River Power Project
Estimate for civil engineering works
Based on KPCL SR-SR-2014-15


Undrerground power house. Machine hall. Repair bay, Control room .

Sl. Amount Rs. In

Description of works Unit Qnty Rate in Rs.
No. lakhs
1 Preliminaries such as Surveys
settingout etc., LS 5.00
2 Excavation for tunnel by tunneling
methods including excavation for
supports in all types of soil/rock strata
requiring supports including shoring,
strutting and cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, scaling excavated
surface, ventilition, lighting, drainage,
removing and hauling excavated muck
outside tunnel upto specified dump area
and all other ancillary operations etc.,
complete with all lead and lifts (R.A-18)
cum 75081 1880.00 1411.52
3 Providing and fixing 25mm dia steel rock
bolts with machanical/wedge type
anchorage including drilling 35mm dia
holes, providing 15 cm long 20mm thick
steel tapered wedge , 10mm thick
20cm*20 cm plate washer and nuts,
tightening bolt by torque wrinch, cost of
all materials, machinery, labour,
ventilition, lighting, drainage and all other
ancillary operations etc., complete with all
lead and lifts (R.A-19) RMT 22810 1065 242.93
4 Providing and laying insitu vibrated
cement concrete M-25 using approved,
clean, hard graded aggregates including
cost of all materials,
machinery,labour,form work, centring,
scaffolding, cleaning, batching, mixing,
placing in position , levelling , vibrating,
finishing, curing etc., complete with all
lead and lifts, using 40mm and down
course aggregates and 28 days cube
compressive strength not less than
250N/sqmm(250 kg/sqcm) cement
content=380 Kg/cum (R A 4)
g)Tie beams, slabs,lintels etc., cum 3276.56 7494.80 245.57
h)Machine hall substructures (I stage)
including forming galleries, adits,
openings sumps hatches etc cum 11942 55 8839 80 1055 70
Sl. Amount Rs. In
Description of works Unit Qnty Rate in Rs.
No. lakhs
5 Providing , Fabrication and placing in
position reinforcement steel for RCC
works including cleaning, strightening,
cutting, bending, hooking, lapping,
welding wherever required, binding with
1.25mm diameter soft annealed steel
wire, including cost of all materials,
labour, machinery, (including cost of
reinforcement and including wastage)
etc.,m complete with all lead and lifts.
(R.A-5) MT 760 56622.50 430.33
6 Drilling 32 mm to 35mm diameter grout
(a) holes in concrete/rockby percusion
drilling using jack hammer or stooper
drills as directed to specified depth for
consolidation /contact grouting including
of all cost of all materials, machinery,
labour, redrilling where ever necessary,
ventilition, lighting, drainage and all other
ancillary operations etc., complete with all
lead and lifts (R.A-21)

RMT 4272 296.00 12.65

6 Flushing grout holes of all sizes
(b) alternatively with water and air jets for an
averageperiod of 30 minutes including
water intake observations, cost of all
materials, machinery, labout etc.,
complete (R.A - 54) RMT 4272 77.20 3.30
7 Grouting: consilidation /curtain
grouting in drilled holes by stage grouting
method under preassure as directed, with
cement slurry including cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, redrilling if
necessary etc., with all lead and lifts (R.A-
9) MT 300 12470.00 37.41
8 Conducting water loss tests in hard strata
using necessary packers in stages of
8.00m at three desired pressure ranges
including saturation for not less then
24hours and cost of all
materials,machinery, labour, water
charges etc., complete with all lead and
lifts(R.A-23) Each 200 2105 4.21
Sl. Amount Rs. In
Description of works Unit Qnty Rate in Rs.
No. lakhs
9 Providing, Fabricating, transporting to
the site, hoisting and erecting structural
steel member fabricated from rolled steel
sections like channels, angles, flats, I-
sections, plates, rails etc., as per drawing
including cost of all materials, machinery,
labour, operations such as cutting,
bending, grinding, welding etc., and
providing one coat of zinc chromate red
oxide primer after scrapping and cleaning
the surface, scaffolding etc., complete
with all lead and lifts including cost of
steel (R.A-8)

MT 95 76228.4 72.42
10 Providing and fixing 25*25*2 cm gray
mosaic tiles of approved quality for
flooring set over a bed of 1.5 to 2.0 cm
thick CM 1:3 proporation including
pointing, machine polish three times,
including wax polishing , curing
etc.,complete with all lead and lifts (R.A-
24) Sqm 1584 560.70 8.88
11 Providing 4 cm thick granolithic flooring
with/without adding ironite compound in
CC 1:1.2 proporation using 12.5 mm
down size approved clean, hard,
aggregates laid in alternate panals of
specified size including mixing, laying,
tamping, finishing to proper slope, curing
etc., complete with all lead and
lifts(excluding cost of ironite compound)
Sqm 1895 389.95 7.39
12 Providing guniting in cement mortar
including cost of all materials, machinery,
labour, scaffolding, mixing, laying,
finishing,curing etc., complete with all
lead and lifts. 25mm thick using cement
mortar 1:3 proportion by weight. (R.A-26)
Sqm 5473 657.20 35.97
13 Providing fixing 7X8M electrically and
mechanically operated steel doors 2 Nos
Sqm 102 4200.00 4.28
14 Providing drainage tunnel sump
chamber and other drainage
arrangements LS 15.00
15 Water supply and sanitory arrangments LS 8.00
16 Dewatering charges LS 72.00
Sl. Amount Rs. In
Description of works Unit Qnty Rate in Rs.
No. lakhs
17 contingencies @ 3% 110.18

18 Work chrged establishment @2%

and rounding off 73.27

Total Rs. ` 3856.00

[ Rupees three thousand eight hundred fifty six Lakhs Only ]

Sl. Amount Rs. In
Description of works Unit Qnty Rate in Rs.
No. lakhs
Karnataka Power Corporation Limited
Shivasamudram Run Of The River Power Project
Estimate for civil engineering works
Based on KPCL SR-2014-15



Sl. Rate in Rs. Amount Rs in

Description of works Unit Qnty
No. lakhs.
1 Prelimaniries such as surveys, settingout
etc., LS 3.00
2 Excavation for tunnel by tunneling methods
including excavation for supports in all types
of soil/rock strata requiring supports
including shoring, strutting and cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, scaling
excavated surface, ventilition, lighting,
drainage, removing and hauling excavated
muck outside tunnel upto specified dump
area and all other ancillary operations etc.,
complete with all lead and lifts (R.A-18) cum 21405 1880.00 402.42
3 Providing and fixing 25mm dia steel rock
bolts with machanical/wedge type
anchorage including drilling 35mm dia
holes, providing 15 cm long 20mm thick
steel tapered wedge , 10mm thick 20cm*20
cm plate washer and nuts, tightening bolt by
torque wrinch, cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, ventilition, lighting,
drainage and all other ancillary operations
etc., complete with all lead and lifts (R.A-
19) Rm 9168 1065.00 97.64
4 Providing and laying insitu vibrated cement
concrete M-25 using approved, clean, hard
graded aggregates including cost of all
materials, machinery,labour,form work,
centring, scaffolding, cleaning, batching,
mixing, placing in position , levelling ,
vibrating, finishing, curing etc., complete
with all lead and lifts, using 40mm and down
course aggregates and 28 days cube
compressive strength not less than
250N/sqmm(250 kg/sqcm) cement
content=380 Kg/cum (R.A-4)
g)Tie beams, slabs,lintels etc., cum 804 8839.80 71.07
Sl. Rate in Rs. Amount Rs in
Description of works Unit Qnty
No. lakhs.
5 Providing , Fabrication and placing in
position reinforcement steel for RCC works
including cleaning, strightening, cutting,
bending, hooking, lapping, welding
wherever required, binding with 1.25mm
diameter soft annealed steel wire, including
cost of all materials, labour, machinery,
(including cost of reinforcement and
including wastage) etc.,m complete with all
lead and lifts. (R.A-5) t 96 56622.50 54.36
6 Drilling 32 mm to 35mm diameter grout
(a) holes in concrete/rockby percusion drilling

using jack hammer or stooper drills as

directed to specified depth for consolidation
/contact grouting including of all cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, redrilling
where ever necessary, ventilition, lighting,
drainage and all other ancillary operations
etc., complete with all lead and lifts (R.A-21) Rm 1880 296.00 5.56
6 Flushing grout holes of all sizes alternatively
(b) with water and air jets for an averageperiod
of 30 minutes including water intake
observations, cost of all materials,
machinery, labout etc., complete (R.A - 54) Rm 1880 77.20 1.45
7 Grouting: consilidation /curtain
grouting in drilled holes by stage grouting
method under preassure as directed, with
cement slurry including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, redrilling if necessary
etc., with all lead and lifts (R.A-9) t 132 12470.00 16.46
8 Conducting water loss tests in hard strata
using necessary packers in stages of 8.00m
at three desired pressure ranges including
saturation for not less then 24hours and
cost of all materials,machinery, labour,
water charges etc., complete with all lead
and lifts(R.A-23) Each 100 2105.00 2.11
Sl. Rate in Rs. Amount Rs in
Description of works Unit Qnty
No. lakhs.
9 Providing, Fabricating, transporting to the
site, hoisting and erecting structural steel
member fabricated from rolled steel
sections like channels, angles, flats, I-
sections, plates, rails etc., as per drawing
including cost of all materials, machinery,
labour, operations such as cutting, bending,
grinding, welding etc., and providing one
coat of zinc chromate red oxide primer after
scrapping and cleaning the surface,
scaffolding etc., complete with all lead and
lifts including cost of steel (R.A-8) t 27 76228.35 20.58
10 Providing 4 cm thick granolithic flooring
with/without adding ironite compound in CC
1:1.2 proporation using 12.5 mm down size
approved clean, hard, aggregates laid in
alternate panals of specified size including
mixing, laying, tamping, finishing to proper
slope, curing etc., complete with all lead and
lifts(excluding cost of ironite compound)
(R.A-25) Sqm 1326 389.95 5.17
11 Providing guniting in cement mortar
including cost of all materials, machinery,
labour, scaffolding, mixing, laying,
finishing,curing etc., complete with all lead
and lifts. 25mm thick using cement mortar
1:3 proportion by weight. (R.A-26) Sqm 2280 657.20 14.98
12 Flushing of grout holes of all sizes
alternatively with water and air jet for an
average period of 30 minutes including
water intake observation, cost of all
materials,machinery, labour, etc., complete
with all lead and lifts (R.A-28) No. 235 91.00 0.21
13 Providing drainage tunnel sump chamber
and other drainage arrangements LS 15.00
14 Water supply and sanitory arrangments LS 10.00
15 Dewatering charges 15.00
15 contingencies @ 3% 22.05
16 Work charge establishment @2% and
rounding off. 14.93
Total Rs. ` 772.00
[ Rupees seven hundred seventy two Lakhs Only ]
Karnataka Power Corporation Limited
Shivasamudram Run Of The River Power Project
Estimate for civil engineering works
Based on KPCL SR-SR-2014-15
Sl. Amount Rs. In
Description of works Unit Qnty Rate in Rs.
No. lakhs
1 Preliminaries such as Surveys,setting
out etc., 5.00
2 Excavation for tunnel by tunneling
methods including excavation for
supports in all types of soil/rock strata
requiring supports including shoring,
strutting and cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, scaling excavated
surface, ventilition, lighting, drainage,
removing and hauling excavated muck
outside tunnel upto specified dump area
and all other ancillary operations etc.,
complete with all lead and lifts (R.A-18) cum 33312 1880.00 626.26
3 Providing and fixing 25mm dia steel rock
bolts with machanical/wedge type
anchorage including drilling 35mm dia
holes, providing 15 cm long 20mm thick
steel tapered wedge , 10mm thick
20cm*20 cm plate washer and nuts,
tightening bolt by torque wrinch, cost of
all materials, machinery, labour,
ventilition, lighting, drainage and all
other ancillary operations etc., complete
with all lead and lifts (R.A-19) RMT 8520 1065.00 90.74
4 Providing and laying insitu vibrated
cement concrete M-25 using approved,
clean, hard graded aggregates including
cost of all materials,
machinery,labour,form work, centring,
scaffolding, cleaning, batching, mixing,
placing in position , levelling , vibrating,
finishing, curing etc., complete with all
lead and lifts, using 40mm and down
course aggregates and 28 days cube
compressive strength not less than
250N/sqmm(250 kg/sqcm) cement
content=380 Kg/cum (R.A-4)
4 g)Tie beams, slabs,lintels etc., cum 2693 8839.80 238.06
Sl. Amount Rs. In
Description of works Unit Qnty Rate in Rs.
No. lakhs
5 Providing , Fabrication and placing in
position reinforcement steel for RCC
works including cleaning, strightening,
cutting, bending, hooking, lapping,
welding wherever required, binding with
1.25mm diameter soft annealed steel
wire, including cost of all materials,
labour, machinery, (including cost of
reinforcement and including wastage)
etc.,m complete with all lead and lifts.
(R.A-5) MT 323 56622.50 182.89
6 Drilling 32 mm to 35mm diameter grout
(a) holes in concrete/rockby percusion
drilling using jack hammer or stooper
drills as directed to specified depth for
consolidation /contact grouting including
of all cost of all materials, machinery,
labour, redrilling where ever necessary,
ventilition, lighting, drainage and all
other ancillary operations etc., complete
with all lead and lifts (R.A-21) RMT 1808 296.00 5.35
6 Flushing grout holes of all sizes
(b) alternatively with water and air jets for
an averageperiod of 30 minutes
including water intake observations, cost
of all materials, machinery, labout etc.,
complete (R.A - 54) RMT 1808 77.20 1.40
7 Grouting: consilidation /curtain
grouting in drilled holes by stage
grouting method under preassure as
directed, with cement slurry including
cost of all materials, machinery, labour,
redrilling if necessary etc., with all lead
and lifts (R.A-9) MT 127 12470.0 15.84
8 Conducting water loss tests in hard
strata using necessary packers in
stages of 8.00m at three desired
pressure ranges including saturation for
not less then 24hours and cost of all
materials,machinery, labour, water
charges etc., complete with all lead and
lifts(R.A-23) Each 100 2105.00 2.11
Sl. Amount Rs. In
Description of works Unit Qnty Rate in Rs.
No. lakhs
9 Providing, Fabricating, transporting to
the site, hoisting and erecting structural
steel member fabricated from rolled
steel sections like channels, angles,
flats, I-sections, plates, rails etc., as per
drawing including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, operations such as
cutting, bending, grinding, welding etc.,
and providing one coat of zinc chromate
red oxide primer after scrapping and
cleaning the surface, scaffolding etc.,
complete with all lead and lifts including
cost of steel (R.A-8) MT 967 76228.35 737.13
10 Providing and fixing 25*25*2 cm gray
mosaic tiles of approved quality for
flooring set over a bed of 1.5 to 2.0 cm
thick CM 1:3 proporation including
pointing, machine polish three times,
including wax polishing , curing
etc.,complete with all lead and lifts (R.A-
24) SQM 450 560.70 2.52
11 Providing and painting with water proof
cement paint (Mylac or equivalent) of
approved colour including scraping the
surface, necessary scaffolding etc.,
complete with all lead and lifts (R.A-27) SQM 3162 58.45 1.85
12 Providing guniting in cement mortar
including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, scaffolding, mixing,
laying, finishing,curing etc., complete
with all lead and lifts. 25mm thick using
cement mortar 1:3 proportion by weight.
(R.A-26) SQM 480 657.20 3.15
13 Providing drainage tunnel sump
chamber and other drainage
arrangements LS 10.00
14 Water supply and sanitory arrangments
LS 6.00
15 Providing and fixing RS joints at the
bottom of gate groove etc., LS 6.00
16a Providing Gates for draft tube
t 3 95000.00 2.85
b Embedded Parts for gate
t 4.5 76000.00 3.42
c Hoisting arrangements
Set 1 1500000 15.00
17 Providing hand Rails LS 5.00
18 Dewatering charges LS 40.00
Sl. Amount Rs. In
Description of works Unit Qnty Rate in Rs.
No. lakhs
19 contingencies @ 3% 60.02
20 Work charge establishment @2% and
rounding off 40.42
Total Rs. ` 2101.00
[ Rupees two thousand one hundred one Lakhs Only ]
Karnataka Power Corporation Limited
Shivasamudram Run Of The River Power Project
Estimate for civil engineering works
Based on KPCL SR-SR-2014-15

J - f4 -OUTDOOR YARD & Appurtenant Works

Sl. Rate in Amount Rs.

Item of work Unit Qty
No. Rs. In Lakhs

1 Preliminaries LS 4.00
2 Excavation for seating the dam, tail
channel, spill way, intake structure
and appurtenant works including
placing neatly or disposing off the
excavated stuff as directed etc., with
I) all kinds of soils cum 17379 80.00 13.90
ii) Soft rock cum 8690 128.00 11.12
iii) Hard rock cum 8690 193.00 16.77
3 Providing and constructing UCR
masonry with approved rubble stones
in CM including cost of materials,
machinery, labour, scaffolding,
ramps, cleaning, packing marter,
wedging stone chips, curing etc.,
complete with all lead and lifts (R.A-6)
U C R masonary in CM 1:4 (per cum 224.00 4862.40 10.89
4 Providing & laying cement concrete,
using 20 mm and down size
approved, clean,hard, graded
aggregates for RCC works laid in
layers not exceeding 15 cm thick and
well compacted/ vibrated including
mixing,curing, and necessary
centering,shuttering and formwork
including finishing etc.,complete with
initial lead upto 50 m and initial lift
upto 4m (excluding cost of steel and
its fabrication.) M20 concrete (cement
content 364 kg/cum)
a For Column footing for main and
secondry beams in foundation &
Basement & strip footing in
foundation (R.A - 51) cum 3132.00 5144.75 161.13
b For columns. (RA - 52a) cum 113.00 7367.75 8.33
c For beams & Lintels. (RA - 52b) cum 168.00 7328.75 12.31
d For slabs, staircases & canopies (RA - cum 106.00 6945.25 7.36
e For chajja (RA - 52d) cum 2.00 7172.75 0.14
Sl. Rate in Amount Rs.
Item of work Unit Qty
No. Rs. In Lakhs
5 Providing , Fabrication and placing in
position reinforcement steel for RCC
works including cleaning, strightening,
cutting, bending, hooking, lapping,
welding wherever required, binding
with 1.25mm diameter soft annealed
steel wire, including cost of all
materials, labour, machinery,
(including cost of reinforcement and
including wastage) etc.,m complete
with all lead and lifts. (R.A-5) t 297.00 56622.50 168.17
6 Providing and constructing 20cm thick
walls using 40X20X20 cm size
cement concrete cavity (hollow)
blocks manufactured from CC 1:5:3
proportion with shell thickness of not
less than 40mm and solid material
between 50% to 70% of volume , in
C.M. 1:6 including necessary
scaffolding, curing etc.,complete with
initial lead upto 50m and initial lift
upto 4m. (RA - 38) cum 85.00 880.15 0.75
7 Providing and fixing in position
anodised aluminium door/ partition
fully glazed using extruded sections
cut to length, joints mitred and
corners grinded, stiffened with corner
angle strips with all joints made water
proof including providing necessary
holes in the frame and concrete/
masonry for fixing 5.5 mm thick plain
glass with glazing clips and PVC
beading etc., complete with all leads
and initial lift upto 4m.
a Fixed portion using extruded frame
section having weight not less than
1.6 kg/m length and glazing clips
having weight not less than0.1kg/m
length (R.A -39) Sqm 105.00 5954.00 6.25
Sl. Rate in Amount Rs.
Item of work Unit Qty
No. Rs. In Lakhs
b Door portion using extruded frame
sections having weight not less than
1.6kg/m length and shutter sections
having weight not less than1.5 kg/m
for top section, 0.9 kg/m for middle
section, 2.1kg/m for bottom section ,
2.0 kg/m for sides with the weight of
glazing clip not less than 0.1 kg/m
including providing hinged or pivoted
opening arrangement with steel
bearings, approved quality aluminium
handles, lever locks, chrome plated
floor type door latches for each
shutter, heavy duty double action
floor springs etc.,complete with all
leads and initial lift upto 4m. (R.A -
40) Sqm 15.00 10049.00 1.51
8 Providing and fixing in position
anodised aluminium fully glazed
windows/ventilators using extruded
hollow section cut to length joints
mitred, corner grinded, stiffened with
corner angle strip with all joints made
water tight, including making
necessary holes in the frame,
concrete/masonry for fixing 4mm
thick plain glass with glazing clips,
handles, stoppers and PVC gasket
with all leads and initial lift upto 4m.
Sliding window (openable) two track
using sections having weight in kg/m
of Frame - Frame top & Side -
0.45kg; Frame Bottom-0.58Kg;
Shutter top & bottom - 0.51Kg;
Shutter interlock - 0.52Kg; & Shutter
side - 0.4Kg(R.A -41) Sqm 50.00 4251.00 2.13
9 Providing plastering to stone masonry
/ BB masonry / laterite masonry
including raking joints, smooth
finishing, curing, scaffolding etc.,
complete with initial lead upto 50m
and initial lift upto 4m ; 2.0cm thick in
CM 1:4 propn (R.A -42) Sqm 416.50 190.10 0.79
Sl. Rate in Amount Rs.
Item of work Unit Qty
No. Rs. In Lakhs
10 Providing plastering to stone masonry
/ BB masonry / laterite masonry
including raking joints, smooth
finishing, curing, scaffolding etc.,
complete with initial lead upto 50m
and initial lift upto 4m ; 1.2cm thick in
CM 1:4 propn (R.A -43) Sqm 416.50 143.85 0.60
11 Providing lime rendering to the
plastered surface including
scaffolding and curing etc., complete
with initial lead upto 50m and initial lift
upto 4m (R.A -44) Sqm 589.50 29.30 0.17
12 Providing 1.2 cm thick plastering to
concrete surface in CM 1:3 including
scraping the surface, smooth
finishing, curing necessary scaffolding
etc., complete with initial lead upto 50
m and initial lift upto 4 m. Ceiling,
bottom of chajja, lintel, beam and
column (R.A -45) Sqm 173.00 165.05 0.29
13 Providing and painting with distemper
(Mylac or equivalent) including
scraping the surface, repairing the
scratches, necessary scaffolding etc.,
complete with all leads and initial lift
upto 4m. Oil-bound distemper two
coats with one coat of primer (R.A -
46) Sqm 589.50 39.85 0.23
14 Providing and painting with water
proof cement paint (Mylac or
equivalent) of approved colour
including scraping the
surface,necessary scaffolding etc.,
complete with all leads and initial lift
upto 4m - Two coats with One coat of
primer (R.A -47) Sqm 416.50 58.45 0.24
Sl. Rate in Amount Rs.
Item of work Unit Qty
No. Rs. In Lakhs
15 Providing and fixing false ceiling
consisting of ceiling boards of
approved quality and 25 X 25 mm
anodised aluminium angles fixed to
the walls by rawl plugs and screws,
25 X 25 mm anodised aluminium tees
with aluminium clips in grid of 600 X
600 mm hung from hooks provided in
ceiling by 14 gauge GI wire including
cost of all materials, labour, providing
holes/ openings wherever required for
fittings,fixing ceiling boards by screws
etc., complete with all leads and lift
upto 4m. Using 8 mm thick cement
bonded particle boards. (R.A -48) Sqm 80.00 1657.50 1.33
16 Providing and fixing MS hand railing
to stairs,balconies and around
openings as per design using mild
steel flats, square or round bars with
50 mm diameter galvanised iron pipe
railings at the top including two coats
of synthetic enamel paint of approved
quality over a coat of zinc chromate
red oxide primer, scaffolding etc.,
complete with all leads and lifts. Note:
The total weight of mild steel flats,
square or round bars shall not be less
than 12.10kgs/sqm. (R.A -49) Sqm 48.00 1750.00 0.84
17 Providing painting to metal surfaces
with synthetic enamel paint(1st
quality) of approved colour including
cleaning the surface, repair of primer
coat, cost of all materials, labour,
scaffolding etc., complete with all
leads & lifts. Base coat with one
additional coat of paint (R.A -50) Sqm 48.00 121.30 0.06
18 Supply of approved clean, hard,
single, size metal of size 40mm
including stacking in standard heaps
and spreading/levelling the same in
outdoor yard, substation etc.,
complete with initial lead upto 1 km
and all lifts.(R.A -53) cum 540.00 1644.20 8.88
Sl. Rate in Amount Rs.
Item of work Unit Qty
No. Rs. In Lakhs
19 Stone pitching providing and
constructing 45 cm thick rough stone
pitching aver 15 cm thick 40 mm size
aggregate backing including cost of
all materials, machinery, labour etc.,
complete with all lead and lifts (R.A-
12) Sqm 1665.00 994.95 16.57
20 Back filling the excavated trench on
the D/S of dam in layers using
avilable free draining material,
including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, tamping etc.,
complete with all lead & lifts (R.A-14) cum 10427.40 247 25.70
21 Electification of ODY (10% of total
Amount) L.S 48.046811
22 Sanitry & Water supply to ODY (8%
of Total amount) L.S 38.4374488

23 Contingencies @ 3% 17.01

24 Work charged estblishment @ 2%

and rounding off. 11.04
Total Rs. ` 595.00

[ Rupees Five hundred ninety Five Lakhs Only ]

Karnataka Power Corporation Limited
Shivasamudram Run Of The River Power Project
Estimate for civil engineering works


Sl Description of Works. Unit Qty Rate Amount Rs

No in Lakhs
1 Transport vechile maintenance and
running charges of
a) 4 Wheel drive Jeeps Diesel Engine
Fitted No's 4 80000 3.20
15 No's Jeeps for Five years (four
Wheel) (Rs.30,000/- per vehicle per
month on hire basis) No's 15 6000 54.00
b) Heavy duty Trucks No's 0 500000 0.00
c) Omni Bus for staff No's 0 440000 0.00
2 Power supply to the Worksites, colony
etc., LS 2.00
3 Field Laboratory
a) Equipments LS 5.00
b) Maintenance LS 2.00
4 Photography
a) Photographic equipments such as
Cameras, Projectors etc., LS 1.00
b) Running cost LS 1.00
5 Tele communications
a) Installation charges ( P & T phones) LS 2.00
b) Running and Maintenance charges LS 1.00
c) Installation of Internal Telephones LS 1.00
d) Maintenance cost of internal Telephon LS 0.50
6 Art Gallery LS 2.00

a) Preparation and exhibition of Models LS 1.00

7 Medical Aid
a) Equipments for Hospital / Dispensarie LS 1.00
b) Running and Maintenance charges LS 2.00
8 Health Sanitation Anti Malaria Measures.
a) Purchase of Equipments and machina LS 1.00
b)Maintenance cost LS 1.00
9 Educational Facilities
a) Purchase of library books and furniture LS 1.00
b) Running cost LS 0.50
10 Entertainments
a) Entertainnment for Guest and
Visitors LS 0.50
b) Printing Technical Literature and
Publicity LS 1.00
11 a) Labour wekfare and adult education LS 1.00

Sl Description of Works. Unit Qty Rate Amount Rs

No in Lakhs
b) Amenities to Employees LS 2.00
Power Supply to Colonies, Work sites
12 etc LS 1.00
13 Workmens Compensation 5.00
14 Recreation Centres. LS 1.00
15 Security Arrangements.
a) Security Police, and staff. LS 2.00
b) Fire fighting services LS 1.00
a)Foundation Laying ceremonies and
16 project inaugaration LS 1.00
b) Furnituer to circuit house LS 1.00
c) Award to workers LS 1.00
17 Erection of memorial tableaus LS 1.00
Illumination to Weir site and intake
18 structure & Miscellaneous LS 1.00
Demolition of existing old & disintigrated
19 structures LS 2.00
20 Water treatment plant LS 3.00
Overhead tank of 4 lakhs capacity with
21 raising main & delivery lines. LS 2.00
Sewage treatment plsnt (Aerobic) of
22 400KLD capacity LS 1.30

Total Rs. ` 110.00

[ Rupees one hundred ten Lakhs Only ]

Karnataka Power Corporation Limited
Shivasamudram Run Of The River Power Project
Estimate for civil engineering works


Sl Description of Works. Unit Qty Rate (Rs. Amount (Rs

No In Lakhs) in Lakhs)
1 Improvement to existing road from Hosakkur
Km 3.00 5.00 15.00
to Kakkur -3 Kms (sand quarry)
2 Formation of new roads / improvement to
existing rods
a) Road from New Tippu bridge ro PH Km 3.06 5.00 15.30
b) Road from PH to Right bank of weir over
Km 1.00 5.00 5.00
intake structure
c) Road from PH to TRT end Km 6.84 5.00 34.20
d) Road to Arroach adit to TRT (Portal) Km 1.84 5.00 9.20
e) Road to Approach tunnel (Portal) Km 1.16 5.00 5.80
f) Road (New alignment) to Surface power
Km 3.00 10.00 30.00
house from TRT end
g) Road to magazine Building Km 1.00 5.00 5.00
h) Road to Dump Yard Km 3.00 5.00 15.00
i) Road to stone quarry Km 1.00 5.00 5.00
j) Road to Store yard Km 1.00 5.00 5.00
k) Road to Soil Quarry Km 1.00 5.00 5.00
3 Providing cross drainage works No's 12.00 1.00 12.00
4 Construction of Bridge across Muduki halla LS 100.00
5 Deposits to be made with National Highway
for strengthening of National highway & MDR LS 90.00
road bridges
4 Miscellaneous and rounding off 8.50
Total Rs ` 360.00

[ Rupees three hundred sixty Lakhs Only ]

Karnataka Power Corporation Limited
Shivasamudram Run Of The River Power Project
Estimate for civil engineering works

X- Environment and Ecology

Sl Description of Works. Unit Qty Rate (Rs. Amount (Rs

No In Lakhs) in Lakhs)
1 Rehabilitation LS 20.00
2 Compensatory afforestation Ha 90.0 0.30 27.00
3 Disaster management plan LS 20.00
4 Restoration of land in construction areas by
LS 20.00
filling, grading etc. to prevent further erosion
5 Control of aquatic weeds in submerged areas to
LS 20.00
provide improved habitat for aquatic life
6 Salvage/rehabilitation of any rare or endangered
species of flora and fauna found in the affected LS 20.00
7 Enforcement of anti poaching laws LS 10.00
8 Measures to prevent forest fires, over grazing of
LS 10.00
areas etc
9 Establishment of fuel depots etc LS 5.00
10 Public health measures LS 5.00
11 Catchment Area Treatment LS 5.00
12 Environmental and ecological studies LS 30.00
12 Survey to access Net Present Value of forest
Ha 90.00 0.10 9.00
Total Rs ` 201.00

[ Rupees two hundred one Lakhs Only ]

Annexure - 1

Abstract of Hydraulic & Electrical Engineering works

(Rs. Lakhs)
S.No. Item Amount
1 Preliminary ( Annexure - 2 ) 0.00

2 Generating Plant and Equipment

a)Generator, turbine and accessories ( Annexure - 3 ) 20531.25
b) Auxiliary electrical equipment for power station
( Annexure - 4 ) 1648.39
c) Auxiliary equipment and services for power station
( Annexure - 5 ) 665.61
d) Central Sales Tax @ 2% on 2(a), (b) & ( c )
e) Transportation, handling and Insurance charges @6%
of 2(a),(b) & © 1370.72
f) Erection and commissioning charges 1746.23
@ 8 % of 2(a),(b) & ( c ) excl. spares

Total Generating Plant & Equipment 26419.11

3 a) Substation equipment and auxiliary equipment and

service for Switchyard ( Annexure - 6A & 6B ) 1609.87
b) Central Sales Tax @ 2 % on 3(a) 32.20
c) Transportation,handling and insurance charges @6%
on 3(a) 96.59
d) Erection and commissioning charges @ 8% of 3(a) 126.83

Total ( Substation equipment and auxiliary

equipment and service of Switchyard) 1865.49

4 Contingencies @ 1% (Equipment cost only) 207.38

5 Tools & Plants @ 0.5 % of items 2 &3 103.69

6 Sub-Total of 1 to 6 28595.67

7 Establishment ( based on Manpower to be deployed

limited to 6% Equipment cost only ) 1244.27

8 Sub-Total of 6 & 7 29839.94

9 Audit and Account charges @ 0.5% 149.20

10 Service tax @ 14.5 % on erection and commissioning 271.59

GRAND TOTAL 30260.73

Annexure - 2

Hydraulic & Electrical Engineering works

(Rs. lakhs)
Sl Excise Duty
Item Particulars Qty Rate Amount Total
No % Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 Consultancy Charges / 0.00 0.00


2 Model Test ( Included in 1(a) of annexure 3 )

3 Construction Power ( Included in civil works O - Miscellaneous )

a) Diesel Generating Sets

(125 KVA)

b) Substation

c) Transmission Line

d) Distribution Line

e) LT Switchgear, cable

Total 0.00 0.00

KPCL / SSPS-100MW Annexure - 3
Hydraulic & Electrical Engineering works

Generator, Turbine and Accessories

(Rs. lakhs)
Sl Rate/ Excise Duty
Item Particulars Qty Amount Total
No KW % Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 (a) Generating units 100 MW, 250rpm, 2x 16400.00 12.50 2050.00 18450.00
172.53m head, Vertical shaft, Francis Turbine, 100000
125 MVA, Generator (AC), 11 kV, 0.9 p.f,
Equipment complete with Governor with oil
pressure system, Lubricating oil system,
suitable bearing system, Static excitation
system, AVR, Auto sequencer, UCB, Main inlet
valve, including Unit control panel,Model

b) Unit Control Boards

c) Cooling Water System
d) Drainage and Dewatering Systems
e) Compressed Air System including pipes,
valves etc.,
f) Surge Protection & Neutral earthing
g) Oil for first filling for governor, bearing etc.,

h) Spares @ 5% on items 1(a) 820.00 12.50 102.50 922.50

Sub-Total 17220.00 2152.50 19372.50

2 Bus Duct for GT connection ( 11 kV ), length

(1) Main and Included in Sl. No.1(a) above

(2) Tap off

3 Supervisory control and data acquisition system LS 1000.00 12.50 125.00 1125.00
comprising Microprocessor based relays, control
boards and panels, protective relays,
annunciation, synchronising equipments,
measuring, recording automation and protective

4 Line control panels, Included in 3 above

relays, annunciation, energy metering & busbar

5 Butterfly valve along with associated NA


6 Air valve Included in Sl. No.1a) above

7 Spares @ 3 % on item 3, 4 & 5 30.00 12.50 3.75 33.75

Total 17250.00 2281.25 20531.25

Annexure - 4


Hydraulic & Electrical Engineering works


(Rs. lakhs)

Sl Excise Duty
Item Particulars Qty Rate Amount Total
No % Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 Step up Transformer including oil 2 450 900.00 12.50 112.50 1012.50

for first filling (Rating 125 MVA,
11 / 220KV, OFWF cooled, 3
phase )
2 Unit Auxillary Transformer 2 1000 50.00 12.50 6.25 56.25
(Rating 2.5MVA, 11/0.415kV, 3 Rs. /
Phase ) kVA
3 Station Service Transformer 1 2.50 12.50 0.31 2.81
(Rating 125 kVA, 11/.415 kV, 3
phase )
4 LT AC Switchgear for aux. power LS 80.00 12.50 10.00 90.00
supply to power house and
outdoor switchyard complete
including 415 V Distribution
Board for auxiliary power supply

5 2 sets of Batteries, Battery LS 100.00 12.50 12.50 112.50

charging equipment, DC
Distribution Board with D.C.
Switchgear for Power House (
Rating 1100 AH, 220 V)
6 415 V LT Distribution Board for
Included in 4
auxiliary power supply at Power
7 Diesel generating set (Rating 1 25.00 25.00 12.50 3.13 28.13
8 Control & Power cables (excluding LS 100.00 12.50 12.50 112.50
XLPE cables) a) Control
cables with accessories
b) 11 kV Power cables complete
with clamps etc.,
c) 415 V Power cables complete
with clamps, cleats etc.,

9 Cable racks and accessories LS 40.00 12.50 5.00 45.00

10 Ground mat and internal earthing LS 40.00 12.50 5.00 45.00
for P.H & Switchyard
11 Illumination of Weir, Power House LS 50.00 12.50 6.25 56.25
& Switch yard
12 Electrical Test Laboratory LS 40.00 12.50 5.00 45.00

Sub-Total (items 1 to 8 ) 1257.50

13 Spares for items 1 to 8 @ 3% 37.73 12.50 4.72 42.45

Total 1465.23 183.16 1648.39

KPCL / SSPS-100MW Annexure - 5


(Rs. lakhs)
Sl Excise Duty
Item Particulars Qty Rate Amount Total
No % Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 Electrical Over head 2 200.00 400.00 12.50 50.00 450.00

travelling crane for
Power House (Capacity
150T/ 50T/ 10T )

2 Electric lifts 2 10.00 20.00 12.50 2.50 22.50

3 Fire fighting equipment LS 45.00 12.50 5.63 50.63

with storage tanks,
strainers, pipes,
pumps, valves and
HVWS, hydrant &
portable fire

4 Air conditioning, LS 70.00 12.50 8.75 78.75

ventilation and heating

5 Filtered water supply Included in civil scope of supply

for power house

6 Oil handling LS 20.00 12.50 2.50 22.50

equipment with pipes,
valves, tanks, purifiers

Sub-Total (Items 1 to 6) 555.00 69.38 624.38

7 Workshop machines LS 20.00 12.50 2.50 22.50

and equipment

8 Spares for item No. 1 to 16.65 12.50 2.08 18.73

6 above @ 3%
Total 591.65 73.96 665.61
KPCL / SSPS-100MW Annexure - 6A
Hydraulic & Electrical Engineering works

Substation Equipments & Aux. equipment & Service For Switchyard

(Rs. lakhs)
Sl Excise Duty
Item Particulars Qty Rate Amount Total
No % Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 Station Structures
Steel structure at LS 191.25 12.50 23.91 215.16
terminal end

Sub-Total Item - 1 191.25 23.91 215.16

2 DC Battery Charger & Included in Item No. 5 of Annexure - 4

DC Distribution Board in
the Switchyard

3 Fire Protection System Included in Item No. 3 of Annexure - 5

for 400 kV Switchyard

4 Telecommunication
a) PLCC equipment with
express facility,
teleprinter, telecontrol
b) Local & internal
LS 40.00 12.50 5.00 45.00
including telephone lines

Telemetering equipment
d) Load frequency control

5 Fencing and security Included in Civil Works

Sub-Total ( 2 to 4) 40.00 12.50 5.00 45.00

6 Spares for items 2 to 5 @ 1.20 0.15 1.35


TOTAL 232.45 5.15 261.51

KPCL / SSPS-100MW Annexure - 6B
Hydraulic & Electrical Engineering works
Substation Equipments & Aux. equipment & Service For Switchyard
Rs in lakhs
Sl Excise Duty
Item Particulars Qty Rate Amount Total
No % Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Switch Gear equipments for LS 1178.00 12.50 147.25 1325.25
double bus bar arrangements

i 245 Kv SF6 CB 7

ii 245 Kv isolators

a) Up right isolators 16

b) Under hung isolators 6

c) Ground mounted isolators 3

d) Isolators with earth switch 3

iii 245 Kv Current Transf. 21

iv 245 Kv Voltage transformer. 6

v 245 Kv Capacitor Voltage 9


vi 198 Kv lightning arresters 18

vii Cable to air termination kit 10

viii Transformer to cable 9

termination kit.

ix 220 Kv single core cable in 4000


x Galvanised steel structures/ 225

Support structures in Mt

xi GI pipes, fittings etc., L/S

xii Grounding materials L/S

xiii ACSR Conductors and L/S


xiv Wave traps Included under PLCC against Sl. No.

4 under Annexure - 6A

2 Spares for above items against 20.54 12.50 2.57 23.11

Sl. No.vii, viii & ix @ 3%

1198.54 1348.36
Karnataka Power Corporation Limited
Shivasamudram Run Off The River Power Project
Amount in Lakhs
CIVIL Works 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year
Name of work Total
` in Lakhs Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
A - Direct Cost
I. Works
A Preliminary 562.00 490.00 25.00 15.00 15.00 17.00 562.00
B Land 305.00 100.00 100.00 105.00 305.00
C Works 0.00
1) Pick up Weir across right limb of cauvery
5171.00 0.00
river, U/S of Bharachukki Falls
i. Excavation 59.00 39.00 0.00 20.00 59.00
ii. Concreting 4675.00 300.00 1000.00 1200.00 1000.00 400.00 775.00 4675.00
iii. Gate Erection 18.00 10.00 8.00 18.00
iv. Other Items 419.00 60.00 20.00 80.00 80.00 100.00 20.00 59.00 419.00
2) Approach to pick up weir and protective
4262.00 0.00
i. Excavation 35.00 35.00 35.00
ii. Concreting 3271.00 400.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 800.00 271.00 3271.00
iii. Other Items 956.00 80.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 200.00 76.00 956.00
J Power plant Civil Works 0.00
a) Intake Structure 2563.00 0.00
i. Excavation 166.00 30.00 50.00 50.00 36.00 166.00
ii. Concreting 1935.00 200.00 200.00 400.00 100.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 135.00 1935.00
iii. Gate Erection 189.00 100.00 89.00 189.00
iv. Other Items 273.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 18.00 273.00
b1) Tail race tunnel and exit portal 8920.00 0.00
i. Excavation 6271.00 200.00 300.00 450.00 450.00 450.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 421.00 6271.00
ii. Concreting 1823.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 173.00 1823.00
iii. Other Items 826.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 50.00 50.00 60.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 106.00 826.00
b2) Approach Tunnel, Ventilation Tunnel &
4699.00 0.00
Cable Duct Tunnel
i. Excavation 2609.00 100.00 300.00 400.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 9.00 2609.00
ii. Concreting 1232.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 232.00 1232.00
iii. Other Items 858.00 20.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 38.00 858.00
b3) Intermediate Adit to Tail race Tunnel 1014.00 0.00
i. Excavation 482.00 100.00 200.00 182.00 482.00
ii. Concreting 312.00 100.00 150.00 62.00 312.00
iii. Other Items 220.00 40.00 50.00 100.00 30.00 220.00
c) Tail race channel works. 79.00 0.00
i. Excavation 16.00 16.00 16.00
ii. Concreting 28.00 15.00 13.00 28.00
iii. Other Items 35.00 10.00 15.00 10.00 35.00
e1) Penstock - Civil Works 841.00 0.00
i. Excavation 283.00 45.00 100.00 100.00 38.00 283.00
ii. Concreting 470.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 50.00 150.00 150.00 105.00 470.00
iii. Other Items 88.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 28.00 88.00
e2) Penstock - Steel Cost 3669.00 400.00 600.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 269.00 3669.00
f1) Under ground Power House, Machine hall,
3856.00 0.00
Repair bay & Control room.
i. Excavation 1412.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 250.00 200.00 200.00 150.00 112.00 1412.00
ii. Concreting 1775.00 150.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 275.00 1775.00
iii. Other Items 669.00 40.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 100.00 109.00 669.00
CIVIL Works 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year
Name of work Total
` in Lakhs Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
J f2) Transformer Hall 772.00 0.00
i. Excavation 402.00 50.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 102.00 402.00
ii. Concreting 166.00 50.00 50.00 30.00 36.00 166.00
iii. Other Items 204.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 24.00 204.00
f3) Tail Race Collection Chamber 2101.00 0.00
i. Excavation 626.00 50.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 76.00 626.00
ii. Concreting 1158.00 50.00 50.00 200.00 300.00 300.00 258.00 1158.00
iii. Gate Erection 12.00 6.00 6.00 12.00
iv. Other Items 305.00 20.00 20.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 25.00 305.00
f4) Out Door Yard & Appurtenant Works 595.00 75.00 150.00 150.00 130.00 90.00 595.00
K Buildings 0.00 0.00
M Plantation 20.00 10.00 10.00 20.00
O Miscellaneous 110.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 110.00
P Maintenance During Construction (1% of the
total cost under the head C,J & K) 385.42 3.01 10.48 14.12 15.97 15.25 17.00 12.39 26.58 29.73 36.68 24.95 49.40 54.42 41.77 21.39 12.28 385.42

Q Special Tools and Plant 200.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 200.00
R Communication 360.00 20.00 100.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 20.00 20.00 360.00
S Power plant and Electro - Mechanical system
A) 3 x100MW Generating unit coupled Vertical
Francis Turbine
1.Generating Plant and Equipment 0.00
a) Generator, turbine and accessories 20531.25 1026.56 2258.44 2258.44 3285.00 4516.88 3490.31 1642.50 2053.12 20531.25
b) Auxiliary electrical equipment for power
1648.39 428.60 247.25 494.51 74.35 164.84 74.00 164.84 1648.39
c) Auxiliary equipment and services for power
665.61 66.56 379.41 33.28 66.56 53.23 66.57 665.61
456.91 1.00 0.00 80.31 0.00 87.68 33.88 76.05 72.92 33.06 26.32 45.69 456.91
d) Central Sales Tax @ 2% on 1(a), (b) & ( c )
e) Transportation,handling and Insurance
1370.72 3.01 0.00 240.92 0.00 263.05 101.64 228.14 218.76 99.17 78.96 137.06 1370.72
charges@6% of 1(a),(b)&(c)
f) Erection and commissioning charges @ 8 %
1746.23 7.03 301.38 349.26 133.75 297.62 260.46 130.01 94.96 171.75 1746.23
of 1 (a),(b) & ( c ) excl. spares
2. Substation Equipment & auxillary
equipment and service of switch yard
(a) Substation equipment and auxiliary
1609.87 160.99 160.99 1126.90 160.99 1609.87
equipment and service for Switchyard
(b) Central sales tax @ 2% om 2(a) 32.20 3.22 0.00 3.22 0.00 22.54 0.00 3.22 32.20
(c) Transportation,handling and insurance
96.59 9.66 0.00 9.66 0.00 67.61 0.00 9.66 96.59
charges @6% on 2(a)
(d) Erection and commissioning charges @
126.83 31.71 31.71 31.71 31.71 126.83
8% of 3(a) excl.spares
3. Contingencies @ 1% (equipment cost only) 207.38 0.81 29.37 32.75 13.11 29.09 34.02 13.84 18.48 35.91 207.38
4. Tools & plants @ 0.5% of items 1 & 2 103.69 51.85 25.92 25.92 103.69
X X - Environment and Ecology 201.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 21.00 201.00
Y Y - Losses on stock (0.25% of the total cost of C-
works, J-Power Plant Civil Works & K -Buildings 0.75 2.62 3.53 3.99 3.81 4.25 3.10 6.65 7.43 9.17 6.24 12.35 13.61 10.44 5.35 3.07 96.36















` 69377.45 69377.45
Total I -Works
CIVIL Works 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year
Name of work Total
` in Lakhs Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
1 Establishment charges 0.00
@ 8% of the total cost under the head C,J & K for Civil
3083.36 24.08 83.84 112.96 127.76 122.00 136.00 99.12 212.64 237.84 293.44 199.60 395.20 435.36 334.16 171.12 98.24 3083.36
@6% for Electro Mechanical Works 1244.27 622.13 311.07 311.07 1244.27
2 Tools & Plants 0.00
3 Suspense 0.00
4 Receipt And Recoveries (15% of Q - Special T&P &
-30 -30.00 -30.00














` 73675.08 73675.08
Total (A) - Direct Cost
B. Indirect Cost 0.00
i. i. Capitalisation of Abutment of Land Revenue 0 0.00
ii. ii. Audit and Account Charges (@0.5% ) 368.38 4.52 7.17 9.11 9.90 8.66 9.94 6.95 28.26 16.32 40.09 27.65 50.15 57.78 49.13 21.56 21.17 368.38

` 28.26

` 16.32

` 40.09

` 27.65

` 50.15

` 57.78

` 49.13

` 21.56

` 21.17
` 4.52

` 7.17

` 9.11

` 9.90

` 8.66

` 9.94

` 6.95
` 368.38 368.38
Total (B) - Indirect Cost
Service Tax @ 14.5% 0.00
@ 14.5% of the 33% cost under the head C,J & K for
1844.23 14.40 50.15 67.56 76.42 72.97 81.35 59.29 127.19 142.26 175.51 119.39 236.38 260.40 199.87 102.35 58.76 1844.23
Civil Works
Service tax @ 14.5% on Erection & commissioning of
271.59 1.12 46.64 54.09 20.35 46.08 40.36 21.59 14.73 26.63 271.59
item 'S''
Miscellaneous And roundoff 24.72 10.00 10.00 4.72 24.72

` 10363.55

` 11914.86

` 10107.18
` 1492.26

` 1899.29

` 2066.04

` 1813.69

` 2081.07

` 1455.84

` 5853.89

` 3422.58

` 8288.61

` 5697.25

` 4460.73

` 4344.39
Total Cost (A + B + Service Tax ) ` 76184.00 ` 922.76 76184.00

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