Project Synopsis On Recruitment Process

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The recruitment and selection is the major function of the human resource department and
recruitment process is the first step towards creating the competitive strength and the recruitment
strategic advantage for the organisations.

Recruitment process involves a systematic procedure from sourcing the candidates to arranging
and conducting the interviews and requires many resources and time. A general recruitment
process is as follows:

 Identifying the vacancy:

The recruitment process begins with the human resource department receiving requisitions for
recruitment from any department of the company. These contain:

• Posts to be filled
• Number of persons
• Duties to be performed
• Qualifications required

 Preparing the job description and person specification.

 Locating and developing the sources of required number and type of employees
(Advertising etc).
 Short-listing and identifying the prospective employee with required characteristics.
 Arranging the interviews with the selected candidates.
 Conducting the interview and decision making
1. Identify vacancy
2. Prepare job description and person specification
3. Advertising the vacancy
4. Managing the response
5. Short-listing
6. Arrange interviews
7. Conducting interview and decision making

The recruitment process is immediately followed by the selection process i.e. the final
interviews and the decision making, conveying the decision and the appointment

The human resources are the most important assets of an organization. The success or failure of
an organization is largely dependent on the caliber of the people working therein. Without
positive and creative contributions from people, organizations cannot progress and prosper. In
order to achieve the goals or the activities of an organization, therefore, they need to recruit
people with requisite skills, qualifications and experience. While doing so, they have to keep the
present as well as the future requirements of the organization in mind.

Recruitment is distinct from Employment and Selection. Once the required number and kind of
human resources are determined, the management has to find the places where the required
human resources are/will be available and also find the means of attracting them towards the
organization before selecting suitable candidates for jobs. All this process is generally known as
recruitment. Some people use the term “Recruitment” for employment. These two are not one
and the same. Recruitment is only one of the steps in the entire employment process. Some
others use the term recruitment for selection. These are not the same either. Technically
speaking, the function of recruitment precedes the selection function and it includes only finding,
developing the sources of prospective employees and attracting them to apply for jobs in an
organization, whereas the selection is the process of finding out the most suitable candidate to
the job out of the candidates attracted (i.e., recruited).Formal definition of recruitment would
give clear cut idea about the function of recruitment.

The following are the 2 important factors affecting Recruitment:-


 Recruiting policy
 Temporary and part-time employees
 Recruitment of local citizens
 Engagement of the company in HRP
 Company’s size
 Cost of recruitment
 Company’s growth and expansion


 Supply and Demand factors

 Unemployment Rate
 Labour-market conditions
 Political and legal considerations
 Social factors
 Economic factors
 Technological factors

The sources of recruitment may be broadly divided into two categories: internal sources and
external sources. Both have their own merits and demerits. Let’s examine these.

 Internal Sources:-
Persons who are already working in an organization constitute the ‘internal sources’. Retrenched
employees, retired employees, dependents of deceased employees may also constitute the
internal sources. Whenever any vacancy arises, someone from within the organization is
upgraded, transferred, promoted or even demoted.

 External Sources
External sources lie outside an organization. Here the organization can have the services of : (a)
Employees working in other organizations; (b) Jobs aspirants registered with employment
exchanges; (c) Students from reputed educational institutions; (d) Candidates referred by unions,
friends, relatives and existing employees; (e) Candidates forwarded by search firms and
contractors; (f) Candidates responding to the advertisements, issued by the organization; and (g)
Unsolicited applications/ walk-ins.

The size of the labour market, the image of the company, the place of posting, the nature of job,
the compensation package and a host of other factors influence the manner of aspirants are likely
to respond to the recruiting efforts of the company. Through the process of recruitment the
company tries to locate prospective employees and encourages them to apply for vacancies at
various levels. Recruiting, thus, provides a pool of applicants for selection.

To select mean to choose. Selection is the process of picking individuals who have relevant
qualifications to fill jobs in an organisation. The basic purpose is to choose the individual who
can most successfully perform the job from the pool of qualified candidates.

The purpose of selection is to pick up the most suitable candidate who would meet the
requirements of the job in an organisation best, to find out which job applicant will be successful,
if hired. To meet this goal, the company obtains and assesses information about the applicants in
terms of age, qualifications, skills, experience, etc. the needs of the job are matched with the
profile of candidates. The most suitable person is then picked up after eliminating the unsuitable
applicants through successive stages of selection process. How well an employee is matched to a
job is very important because it is directly affects the amount and quality of employee’s work.
Any mismatched in this regard can cost an organisation a great deal of money, time and trouble,
especially, in terms of training and operating costs. In course of time, the employee may find the
job distasteful and leave in frustration. He may even circulate ‘hot news’ and juicy bits of
negative information about the company, causing incalculable harm to the company in the long
run. Effective election, therefore, demands constant monitoring of the ‘fit’ between people the

The Process
Selection is usually a series of hurdles or steps. Each one must be successfully cleared before the
applicant proceeds to the next one. The time and emphasis place on each step will definitely vary
from one organisation to another and indeed, from job to job within the same organisation. The
sequence of steps may also vary from job to job and organisation to organisation. For example
some organisations may give more importance to testing while others give more emphasis to
interviews and reference checks. Similarly a single brief selection interview might be enough for
applicants for lower level positions, while applicants for managerial jobs might be interviewed
by a number of people.

Steps in Selecting Process



Designation –
Note – Please tick the appropriate option.

1. What external source you adopt to source candidates?


1. Employee Exchange

2. Private Employee

3. Advertisement

4. Internet

5. Any other

2. Which type of interview is conducted by the Bank?

S. Options

a. One-to-one interview
b. Sequential interview
c. Panel interview
d. No Response
3. What are general criteria underlying the filtering of the candidate pool that the company
1. Qualification
2. Work experience
3. Personal skills
4. Are you satisfied with the existing recruitment policy in your organisation?


1. Yes

2. No

3. To some extent

5. Does the recruitment system able to attract highly qualified and competent people?

S. No. Options

a. Yes

b. No

c. Can‘t say

6. When you submitted your application in the Bank, what factors did attract you

towards the Bank?

S. No. Options

a. Bank‘s Image

b. Remuneration

c. Others

d. No Response
7. Which is the most effective strategies for retaining the employees?

S. No. Options

a. The Working Workshop

b. Consultation

c. Coaching for retention

d. Communicating Retention

8.You feel that the qualification you possess is necessary & relevant to the job.

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree

9. . Is there any provision for evaluation and control of recruitment and selection process?
1. YES

2. NO

10. Through which source your organizations recruit the employees?

1. Internally
2. Externally
3. Both
11. . Does the Bank have proper job description and job specification for recruiting the
1. YES

2. NO

Aswathappa, K ‗Human Resource and Personnel Management‘, Tata

McGraw-Hill Publication Pvt. Limited, New Delhi.

Dessler, Human Resource Management, Prentice-Hall.

Kothari C.R., Research Methodology- Methods and techniques, new age

international publishers.


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