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SURVEYING – Refresher Course


I. Simple Curves T E T
Elements: M
T =tangent distance I/2 C/2 C/2 I/2 PT
E =external dist. R-M
R I/2 I/2 R
M =middle ordinate
C=long chord T C/2
s inI/2 s inI/2
R= radius R E R
R R -M
I = angle of intersection c os I/2 c os I/2
R E R
T C/2
tanI/2 tanI/2
R R -M
Degree of Curve(Da)–
I Subtended angle per station

I. By Arc Basis

S = Da R
20 m = Da R
R = 1145.916/Da
I/2 C/2 C/2 I/2 PT II. By Chord Basis
R-M C = 2Rsin(Da/2)
R I/2 I/2 R
20 = 2Rsin(Da/2)

Deflection Angle ,i

Deflection Angle at any station ,i

= ½ of Subtended angle
A 6-degree circular curve has a central angle of 36. Station of PC
is @ 10 + 020.
1.1. Compute the external distance.
a. 9.83 m b. 6.02 m
c. 5.04 m d. 7.86 m

1.2. Compute the middle ordinate.

a. 8.41 m b. 6.35 m
c. 5.34 m d. 9.35 m

1.3. Compute the stationing of the point where deflection angle

is 8.
a. 10+ 085.2 b. 10 + 073.3
c. 10 + 120.3 d. 10 + 215.4
I=36O 190.99
cos36 /2 
190.99  E
E = 9.83 m

T E T Middle Ordiante, M

R -M
M cosI/2
10 + 020 R
I/2 C/2 C/2 I/2 PT
PC 190.99 - M
R-M cos36 /2 
R I/2 I/2 R
M = 9.35 m

Da = 6o Statationing @ I = 8o
S =DaR
 = 16o
20 = 6o *(/180)*R
R = 190.99 m Sta/ = 10 020 + R

External distance, E Sta/ = 10 020 + 16*(/180)190.99

cosI/2 Sta/ = 10 073.33 m or
R E
10 + 073.33
AB and BC are tangents of a simple curve. AB is due north and BC
is N50E. Degree of simple curve is 4 and PC is at station 20 +
2.1. Compute the length of the long chord.
a. 242.14 m b. 184.52 m
c. 386.12 m d. 284.51 m

2.2 Compute the area bounded by the curve and the tangents
in m2
a. 2460.73 b. 3460.80
c. 5460.14 d. 1460.60
2.1 Long Chord C,

By arc basis:
C R = 1145.916/Da
50O R = 286.48 m
C = 2Rsin(I/2)
R C = 2*286.48*sin(50/2)
C = 242.14 m
2.2 Area bounded by
A 50O tangent and the curve
R A = 2*Atriangle - Asector
A = 2*1/2TR - 1/2R2I
T = Rtan(I/2)
T = 286.48tan(50/2)
T = 133.59 m
A = 133.59*286.48 - ½*(286.48)2*50o*/180o
A = 2460.73 m2
The deflection angles of two intermediate points M and N of
a simple curve are 430’ and 815’ respectively from the PC.
. If the chord distance between PC and M is 60 m.
3.1 Determine the length of the chord from M to N.
a. 50 m b. 60 m
c. 70 m d. 80 m

3.2 Determine length of chord from PC to N.

a. 125.45 m b. 109.72 m
c. 136.81 m d. 98.512 m

3.3 Compute the offset distance from tangent passing

PC to point N.
a. 12.14 m b. 15.76 m
c. 18.51 m d. 13.45m
3.1 Chord M-N
IM = 4o 30’
IN = 8o 15’

x CPC-M = 60 m
C= 2Rsin(I/2)
N Consider arc
iM from PC to M
60m CPC-M=2Rsin(I/2)
PC iN R 60=2Rsin(9/2)
7o 30’ R = 382.65 m
9o CM-N=2*382.65*sin(7o30’/2)
16o 30’ CM-N= 50 m
3.2 Chord PC-N
3.3 Offset to point N
Sin(iN ) = x/CPC-N CPC-N=2*382.65sin(16o 30’/2)
x= 109.72 *sin(8o15’) CPC-N= 109.72 m
x= 15.76 m
The common tangent BC of a reversed curve with a common radius is 280.5 and has
azimuth of 31229’. AB is a tangent of the first curve whose azimuth is 25245’. CD
is a tangent of the second curve whose azimuth is 21813’. PI1 is at station 16 +
523.37. A is at PC and D is at PT .
4.1 Find the total length of the curve
a. 456.48 m b. 561.42 m
c. 641.52 m d. 632.41 m

4.2 Find the stationing of PI 2.

a. 16 + 785.88
b. 16 + 883.4
c. 17 + 051.8
d. 16 + 685.11

4.3. Find the stationing of PT.

a. 16 + 785.88
b. 16+ 861.50
c. 16+ 962.20
d. 16 + 882.32



T2 T2

T = T1 + T2 ( common tangent)
4.1 LTOTAL = ?
4.2 PI2 = ?
4.3 PT = ? B
T1 T1
BC =280.5 = T1 + T2 C
280.5 = R1tan(I1/2) + R2tan(I2/2)
Total Length: But , R = R1 = R2
S2 = I2R2
LT = (IR)1 + (IR)2 280.5 = Rtan(59o
44’/2) +
S2 = 94o16’(/180)168.832
o o
I1 = 312 29’ - 252 45’ R = 169.832 m S2 = 279.42 m
I1 = 59o 44’
S1 = I1R1 LT = 177.057+279.42 m
o o
I2 = 312 29’ - 218 13’
S1 = 59o44’(/180)168.832 LT = 456.48 m
I2 = 94o 16’ S1 = 177.057 m
4.1 LTOTAL = ?
4.2 PI2 = ?
4.3 PT = ? B
T1 T1
Sta PI2 = 16523.37-97.526 + 177.057 +
Sta PI2 :
Sta PI2 = Sta PI1 – T1 + S1 + T2 Sta PI2 = 16 + 785.875
T1 = Rtan(I1/2) Sta PT:
T1 = 169.832tan(59o44’/2) Sta PT = staPI1 – T1 + LT
T1 = 95.526 m Sta PT = 16523.37 – 97.526 + 456.48
T2 = 169.832tan(96o14’/2) Sta PT = 16 + 882.32
T2 = 182.974 m
The perpendicular distance between two parallel tangents is equal
to 8 m, central angle equal to 8o and the radius of curvature of the
first curve is 175 m.
5.1 Find the radius of second curve of the reversed curve.
a. 647 m b. 800 m
c. 555 m d. 250 m

5.2 Find the total length of the curve.

a. 114.77 m b. 120.41 m
c. 136.41 m d. 186.40 m

PC T1 8m

I1 = I2 = 8o T1

R1 = 175 m

T2 S2

Sin8o = 8/T Total Length
T = 57.48 m = T1 + T2
ST = S1 + S2
T = 57.48 m = R1tan(I/2) + R2tan(I/2)
ST = (IR)1 + (IR)2
57.48 m = 175tan(8o/2) + R2tan(8o/2)
ST = 8o *(/180)175 + 8o *(/180)647
R2 = 647m
ST = 114.77 m

Given a compound curve with l1 = 28, l2 = 42, D1 =3o D2 = 6.

6.1 Determine the length of common tangent

a. 168.55 m b. 287.51 m
c. 196.41 m d. 154.2 m

6.2 Determine the stationing of the P.T. If PI is at sta. 30 + 512.13

a. 30 + 412.817b. 30 + 623. 543
c. 31 + 123.45 d. 29 + 987.62
By sine Law:
I1 = 28o PI
I2 = 42o x/sin42o = 168.55/sin110o I = I1 + I2
D1 = 3o X = 120.02 m
D2 = 6o S1 = I1R1 110o
R = 1145.916/Da S1 = 28(/180)381.97 x
R1 = 1145.916/3 S1 = 186.66 m
R1 = 381.97 m T2 42o
S2 = I2R2 o I1 T1 I2
R2 = 1145.916/6 28
S2 = 42(/180)190.99 T2
R2 = 190.99 m T1
S2 = 140 m
T 1 = R1 tan(I1 /2) S1
T 1 = 381.97 tan(28 /2) PT
T 1 = 95.24 m PC
T 2 = R2 tan(I2/2)
T 2 = 190.99 tan(42/2) Sta PT = 30512.13- R1 I2 R2
T 2 = 73.31 m 120.02-95.24+186.66+140
Sta PT = 30+623.53
Common Tangent: T
T = T1 + T2
T = 95.24+73.31 = 168.55m I1
Sta PT if PI is @ 30+512.13
Sta PT = sta PI - x - T 1 + S1 + S2

A parabolic curve has a descending grade of -2.5% which intersect

at an ascending grade of 1.20%. The total allowable change of
grade per 50m station is 0.3%.

7.1 Find the total length of the curve.

a. 712.48 m b. 807.33 m
c. 616.67 m d. 512.71 m

7.2 Compute the distance of lowest point from PC.

a. 416.67 m b. 561.41 m
c. 360.45 m d. 438.51 m

7.3 If elevation of PI is 96.5 m, compute elevation of PT.

a. 96.45 m b. 106.5 m
c. 102.7 m d. 100.2 m
I. Symmetrical vertical
Parabolic Curve g1 H g2
y1 y2
Sta.PT = sta.PC + L PC x1 x2 PT
Sta.PT = sta.PI + L/2 L/2 L/2
el.PT = elPI  g2L/2
el.PC = elPI  g1L/2 L

H = LB/8 B = [g1-g2]
Measured from PT:
Location of the Xm2 = g2L/B
highest/Lowest point
Squared Property of Parabola
Xm = gL/B
Measured from PC: H/(L/2)2 = y1/x12 = y2/x22
Xm1 = g1L/B
g1 = -2.5% L = 616.67 m

g2 = 1.2%
Location of lowest
r = 0.3% - rate of
point from PC:
change of grade
per 50 m station xm = g1L/B
Length of Curve: xm = (2.5)(616.67)/[-2.5%-1.2%]
r = [g1-g2]/n xm = 416.67 m
n = L/50
Elev. PT:
0.3%= [-2.5%-1.2%]/(L/50)
El PT. = El PI + g2(L/2)
L = 616.67 m El PI = 96.5
El PT = 96.5 + 0.012(616.67/2)
El PT = 100.2 m

A parabolic curve having a forward tangent of -5%

intersects a back tangent of 7% at station 10 + 750 whose
elevation is 435.8 m. The curve passes through point A
whose elevation is 432.15 at sta. 10 + 767.30.
8.1 Determine the length of the curve.
a. 240 m b. 250 m
c. 260 m d. 270 m

8.2 Determine stationing at PT.

a. 10+ 450 b. 10+ 960
c. 10 + 875 d. 10 +340

8.3 Determine the stationing of the highest point.

a. 10 + 660.4
b. 10 + 770.83
c. 10 + 890.1
d. 10+ 623.0
10+750@ 435.8 m

g1 = 7% g2 = -5%
g1 = 7% H y
g2 = -5%
Sta A = 10+767.3 @ PC
432.15m 17.3 x =L/2-17.3
Solving L: L/2
435.8 - z – y = 432.15 L
435.8 – 17.3(0.05) – y = 432.15 Sta. PT:
y = 2.875 m Sta. PT = Sta. PI + L/2
H = LB/8 Sta. PT = Sta. 10750+ 250/2
H = L[g1 - g2]B/8 Sta. PT = Sta. 10 + 875
H = L[0.07-(-0.05)]/8
Sta. of the highest point:
H = 0.015L
By Squared property of parabola Xm2 = g2L/B

H/(L/2)2 = y/x2 Xm2 = 0.05(250)/[0.07+0.05]

0.015L/(0.5L)2 = 2.875/(0.5L-17.3)2 Xm2 = 104.17 m – measured from PT

By inspection: Sta (highest) = sta PT – xm2
L = 250 m Sta (highest) = 10875 – 104.17
Sta (highest) = 10 +770.83

Rc+ E
E I/2
IC Sin(I/2) = (T-Z)/(Rc+E)
C CS C Cos(I/2) = (Rc+p)/(Rc+E)
Tan(I/2) = (T-Z)/(Rc+p)
Z Rc Rc
TS Rc  C C  C R
c ST
p I = IC+2 C Rc = radius of circular curve
T - tangent dist. Rc = radius of circular curve
E - external dist.
I - angle of intersection Z = Ls/2
p-length of throw = xc /4
- Distance along
C SC tangent at any
point on spiral

Ls 
y = L – L5 /40Rc2 Ls2
@ S.C , L = Ls , y = yc
yc = Ls – Ls3 /40Rc2

-Spiral angle at any point -Offset distance at any point

 = L2/2RcLs x = L3/6RcLs - Deflection
angle, i
@ S.C, L = Ls @ S.C , L = Ls , x = xc
 = c i = /3
xc = Ls /6Rc
 c = Ls/2Rc
An 80 m spiral curve has an external distance of
20.5 m. If the angle of intersection is 40,

10.1 Compute the radius of the central curve

a. 310 m b. 210 m
c. 305 m d. 380 m

10.2 Compute the long tangent.

a. 53.35 b. 45.865
c. 60.85 d. 35.110

10.3 Compute the tangent distance

a. 151.33 m b. 168.52 m
c. 136.45 m d. 125
(80)2 xc = Ls2/6Rc
Rc 
LS = 80 m cos(40/2) xc = (80)2/6*304.92
R c  20.5
E = 20.5 m xc = 3.497 m
Rc = 304.92 m
I= 40o yc = Ls – Ls3 /40Rc2
Radius of central curve, Rc Long tangent of spiral yc = 80 – (80)3 /40(304.9)2
h yc = 79.862 m
c L.T = yc - h
R c+ E tan  c = xc/h
I/2 tan(7.5o)= 3.497/h
h = 26.5 m
Cos(I/2) = (Rc + p)/Rc + E L.T = 79.86 -26.5
L.T = 53.35 m
p = xc/4
Tangent Distance
p = Ls2/6Rc/4  c = Ls/2Rc
p = Ls2/24Rc Sin(I/2) = (T-z)/R+E
 c = 80/2*304.92*(180/) Sin(40/2) = (T-40)/(304.9 +20.5)
 c = 7.5O T = 151.33 m
A 100 m spiral easement curve is connected to a simple curve at
both ends. If the maximum velocity of a car that can pass thru the
curve is 75 kph,

11.1 Find the degree of the simple curve using arc basis.

a. 7.55o b. 6.80o
c. 5.40o d. 4.95o
11.2 Find the offset distance at second quarter.
a. 2.74 m b. 1.37 m
c. 3.78 m d. 2.87 m

11.3 Compute the deflection angle at third quarter.

a. 5.71o b. 3.53o
c. 2.84o d. 4.85o
Offset distance at second
LS = 100 m
L = 2 quarters = 2x(100/4) = 50 m
V = 75 kph

Degree central curve, Rc x

Ls = 16.5 eV c
e = V2/gR
V = 20kph = 20.83 m/s Deflection angle @ 3rd
L = 50
100 = 16.5(20.832 /9.81R)(20.83) quarter
R = 150 m
 =L2 /2RLs
D = 1145.916/R
D = 1145.916/150 L = 3(25) = 75m
x= L3/6RL s
D = 7.54o
(75)2 180
x = (50)3/6(150)100 θ 
2150100 π
x = 1.37 m
 = 10.6o
i =  /3 = 10.6/3
i =  /3 = 3.53O

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