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Evaluation of the measurement uncertainty: Some common mistakes with a

focus on the uncertainty from linear calibration

Article  in  Journal of Chromatography A · March 2017

DOI: 10.1016/j.chroma.2017.03.078


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1 author:

Rouvim Kadis
D.I. Mendeleyev Institute for Metrology


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Journal of Chromatography A, 1499 (2017) 226–229

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Evaluation of the measurement uncertainty: Some common mistakes

with a focus on the uncertainty from linear calibration
Rouvim Kadis
Department of State Measurement Standards in Physico-Chemical Measurements, D. I. Mendeleyev Institute for Metrology, 19 Moskovsky pr.,190005 St.
Petersburg, Russian Federation

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The rational strategy in the evaluation of analytical measurement uncertainty is to combine the “whole
Received 24 January 2017 method” performance data, such as precision and recovery, with the uncertainty contributions from
Received in revised form 27 March 2017 sources not adequately covered by those data. This paper highlights some common mistakes in evalu-
Accepted 28 March 2017
ating the uncertainty when pursuing that strategy, as revealed in current chromatographic literature.
Available online 29 March 2017
The list of the uncertainty components usually taken into account is discussed first and fallacies with
the LOD- and recovery uncertainties are noted. Close attention is paid to the uncertainty arising from a
linear calibration normally used. It is demonstrated that following a well-known formula for the standard
Chromatographic analysis
Measurement uncertainty evaluation
deviation of an analytical result obtained from a straight line calibration leads to double counting the
Combined bottom up/in-house validation precision contribution to the uncertainty budget. Furthermore, the precision component itself is often
approach estimated improperly, based on the number of replicates taken from the precision assessment experi-
Uncertainty from linear calibration ment. As a result, the relative uncertainty from linear calibration is overestimated in the budget and may
Uncertainty budget become the largest contribution to the combined uncertainty, which is clearly shown with an example
calculation based on the literature data.
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM) [2] and the

empirical (or “top-down”) approach that encompasses three “whole
There is a general trend in modern analytical science and service, method” performance methodologies: single-laboratory valida-
encouraged by laboratory accreditation requirements [1], towards tion, interlaboratory studies, and proficiency testing, as outlined
providing analytical measurement results with their uncertainty, in the EUROLAB report [3].
a key indicator of both reliability and fitness for purpose. In view The modelling approach based on a thorough analysis of
of lack of a standardized procedure of the uncertainty evaluation, the measurement system, modelling, and propagating individual
the task is far from being simple; it requires deep understanding of uncertainties through the measurement model relating the mea-
the measurement process and mastery of statistical tools, in which surand to other quantities upon which it depends is rather difficult
most analytical chemists do not take an active interest. Eventually to implement in chemical analysis. Actually, an exhaustive model
it leads to incorrect evaluation, with the resulting uncertainty and of a chemical measurement process is not always possible to build
the conclusions about the relative magnitudes of its constituents because of complexity of the process. Even if the model is con-
being questionable. This is particularly the case with regard to pub- sidered known, the difficulty consists in evaluating independent
lications on measurement uncertainty in chromatographic analysis uncertainty components each corresponding to an input quantity
constituting perhaps the most part of the analytical uncertainty in the model.
evaluations published. On the other hand, the empirical approach that is based on the
The problem of the measurement uncertainty evaluation is com- estimated “whole method” performance makes allowance for the
plicated by the fact that there is no single way to do it, which all-inclusive variability at once, but immediately poses the question
would be universally recommended in all practical situations. Two of sufficiency, the extent of coverage, and “extrapolation” from the
principal approaches to measurement uncertainty are the mod- specific conditions of the performance study to the actual condi-
elling (or “bottom-up”) approach set forth in the basic Guide to tions.
The helpful adaptation of the basic approach [2] to analyti-
cal chemical problems, made in the EURACHEM/CITAC Guide [4],
E-mail address: allowed using the “whole method” performance parameters, such
0021-9673/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
R. Kadis / J. Chromatogr. A 1499 (2017) 226–229 227

as precision and recovery, alongside with individual uncertainty Dictated by common sense, the constituents of the combined
components emerging from the model. The rational strategy is uncertainty on Eq. (1) are not objectionable, but their quantification
thus to combine the performance information, commonly obtained in the evaluations cited rises questions.
during in-house validation studies, with uncertainty contributions For example, the recovery term u(rec)rel reckons with the situ-
from sources not adequately covered in those studies. This is a ation where the recovery factor or, more precisely, the “apparent
kind of combination of the bottom-up uncertainty approach and recovery” [21], is (reciprocally) involved in the measurement equa-
in-house validation data. tion so that the result of analysis is explicitly corrected for observed
With this strategy, however, the risk is run to take account of a bias. Then the uncertainty associated with (corrected) recovery is
source of uncertainty twice: once as an individual contribution and given by [22]:
second one within the measure of the overall performance. Here 
we face a problem of double counting, an issue often overlooked in (srec )2rel
u(rec)rel = + (uref )2rel (2)
estimating the uncertainty of analytical measurement. m
In the present paper, the problem of double counting is high- where (srec )rel is the relative standard deviation of the results during
lighted with regard to the uncertainty arising from a linear estimation of the recovery, m is the number of replicates performed,
calibration function normally used. Calibration of the measurement and (uref )rel is the relative standard uncertainty of the reference
system with reference materials is known to be an important point value carried by a CRM or spiked material used for estimating the
in instrumental analysis. However, is the uncertainty from calibra- recovery.
tion really the largest contribution to the combined uncertainty as Very often, however, even bad recoveries, such as 75–125% [23],
suggested in many chromatography uncertainty evaluations pub- are considered acceptable. (There must be technical and economic
lished? As is seen from the discussion that follows, this finding is a reasons that would justify a correction [24]; otherwise the correc-
consequence of inadequate evaluation rather than may reflect the tion is not applied.) In this case many authors simply omit the term
reality. u(rec)rel considering that is all there is to it. However, an addi-
tional uncertainty contribution accounting for that uncorrected
bias should be taken into consideration; a number of approaches
2. The relevant uncertainty components
for doing this was discussed in the literature (see the review articles
[24,25]). As a matter of fact, the need for increasing the uncer-
As may be seen from current publications [5–14],1 the typical
tainty to account for an estimated but uncorrected bias is ignored
list of the component uncertainties to be taken into account in
in papers on the uncertainty in chromatographic analysis.
chromatographic analysis, following the combined bottom up/in-
It is generally assumed that the separate contributions in the
house validation approach, includes (as relative contributions): (i)
uncertainty assessment budget expressed by Eq. (1) are not “over-
the uncertainty associated with sample preparation, u(sample)rel ,
lapped”. For instance, the uncertainty arising from random effects,
(ii) the uncertainty associated with calibration (including calibra-
if assessed under repeatability or even day-to-day precision con-
tion standards uncertainty), u(calibr)rel , (iii) the uncertainty arising
ditions with calibration being unchanged, does not include the
from random effects (precision), u(prec)rel , and (iv) the uncertainty
calibration uncertainty that needs therefore to be estimated sepa-
associated with recovery, u(rec)rel , so that the expression for the
rately. “Overlapping” may be difficult to avoid as is specifically the
combined standard uncertainty will run as follows:
case with the contributions derived from precision and recovery
 studies. As is seen from Eq. (2), the uncertainty in the recovery esti-
(uc )rel = u(sample)rel 2 + u(calibr)rel 2 + u(prec)rel 2 + u(rec)rel 2 (1) mate inevitably includes the precision of the observed mean value
that is used in calculation of the recovery. Bearing this in mind,
some authors [6,18,26,27] do not include the term u(prec)rel into
Some authors [15–19] take also account of the limit of detection
the budget in addition to the u(rec)rel thus trying to avoid double
(LOD) as a separate source (an element) of uncertainty, quantified in
relative form as the reciprocal of the analyte level: u(LOD)rel = LOD
c . In the following, we will focus mainly on the two uncertainty
The reasoning of the proponents of this view [15] such as “the
components in Eq. (1), u(calibr)rel and u(prec)rel . Usually, it does
uncertainty is 100% when the concentration level is equal to LOD”
not present any difficulty to quantify the component u(sample)rel
does not seem to be convincing enough to consider the LOD to be
that incorporates contributions from the sample mass or vol-
a source of uncertainty in analytical measurement. The LOD is not
ume measurement as well as from other operations during a
of direct relevance to the uncertainty evaluation. In fact, involv-
sample preparation procedure (which are not covered by the pre-
ing the term LOD c in Eq. (1) is an attempt to model the variation of cision/recovery experiment).
the combined uncertainty with the level. The general mathematical
expression proposed for this aim (termed uncertainty or character-
3. Calibration and its associated uncertainty
istic function [20]) is based on a two-component model combining
both constant (˛) and proportional (ˇc) effects,  which in case of In a typical case of multipoint calibration, either external or
u ˛2
the relative uncertainty takes the form: c = + ˇ2 . It is evi- internal, the linear calibration function y = a + bx is used relating
dent that the squared LOD-component suggested to be included an analytical signal y to the analyte content x in the prepared
in Eq. (1) acts as the first term in this model, intended merely to sample solution, with the peak area or peak height, or the respec-
provide rapidly increasing values as concentrations fall towards tive signal-ratio as the analytical signal. Initially, the least-squares
zero. To sum it up, the dependence on the level (where a wide regression is performed on a set of calibration data (xi , yi ) to derive
working range is covered) should be accounted for in the precision the parameters a and b of the best fit line. Thereafter the inverse of
component u(prec)rel , without invoking the LOD. the calibration function
y0 − b
x0 = (3)
Reports on quantitative analysis using chromatographic techniques with
can be utilized to infer (or as they often say “to predict”)
detailed uncertainty evaluations following the combined approach above, published the unknown analyte content x0 corresponding to an observed
from 2010 to 2016, have been taken into consideration only. response y0 .
228 R. Kadis / J. Chromatogr. A 1499 (2017) 226–229

According to Eq. (3), the uncertainty in the estimated value x0 , It is this approach that was used in studies on the uncertainty in
which is often referred to as calibration uncertainty, arises from chromatography water analysis [26,27].
the variability in y0 combined with the variability in location of
the regression line (due to the uncertainties in a and b). An addi- 4. How many replicate determinations are required to
tional uncertainty due to the fact that the reference values xi are obtain the measurement result?
not known exactly, but with some uncertainty, can be accounted
separately in the budget; this uncertainty commonly contributed Double counting above is not the only cause of overestimation
by the degree of purity of the material, weighing and volumetric of the relative calibration uncertainty calculated from Eq. (4); the
operations, and so on will not be considered here. other one is as follows.
The calibration uncertainty u(x0 ) is estimated using the well- Figure m in Eq. (4) should be read as signifying the number of
known formula for the standard deviation/confidence interval on replicate determinations carried out on the analytical procedure
x0 , deduced in the linear regression analysis [28]: in its actual or intended use. It is this number of replicates that is
required to produce the result of analysis having a stated uncer-

sy/x  1
tainty. Accordingly, the precision estimate in the budget should be
1 (x − x̄)2
u(x0 ) =  + + n 0 (4) adjusted for this m value by dividing the standard deviation s(single)

b m n  of a single determination by m. The surprising thing in nearly
 (xi − x̄)2
all the evaluations cited is that the “uncertainty associated to the
i=1 method precision” calculated in relative form as
s(sin gle)
In this equation sy/x is the residual standard deviation (of the data u(prec)rel = √ (5)
x̄0 m
points from the regression line), m is the number of replicates on
the sample performed to give the value of x0 , n is the number of (with x̄0 standing for the mean result) takes account of the number
calibration points (multiplied where appropriate by the number of of replicates m from the precision assessment experiment (where
replicate measurements at each point), x̄ is the average value of x usually m ≥ 6), not from the analytical procedure specification (that
in the calibration set, and the summation is over all data pairs. is lacking); as if someone would perform six or more replicate
The formula, Eq. (4), has long been involved in standard texts determinations in practical analysis. As a consequence, the preci-
on statistics in analytical chemistry, such as [29]; its derivation, sion of the result, that usually contributes significantly, turns out
conditions for validity, and the use with regard to analytical cal- to be underestimated in the uncertainty budget in favor of other
ibration were explained in the literature [30,31]; the formula is constituents, first of all that arising from calibration.
recommended in the EURACHEM uncertainty Guide [4 (E.4)]. And It is instructive to recall why clear specification is necessary:
yet, if calibration uncertainty is considered in the budget along with only specified analytical procedure can produce the result with a
the “whole method” performance data, calculation following Eq. (4) stated uncertainty, while “analytical method” since it is described
will be wrong. in general terms cannot.
Indeed, the term sy/x /bm (or simply sy/x /b in case m = 1) in this Another reason why the relative calibration uncertainty is exag-
equation characterizes the estimated precision in the quantity x gerated in the budget, especially at low concentration levels, comes
from a calibration experiment. Meanwhile the observed precision from limitations of the least squares statistical model. One of the
(estimated from replicate determinations during validation study assumptions of the simple least squares method is that the random
or quality control checks) is directly included in the budget, Eq. variation of the response (expressed as the sy/x statistic in Eq. (4)) is
(1), with the term u(prec)rel . The fact that the observed precision independent of the variable x, so that the uncertainty u(x0 ) from Eq.
incorporates all the individual sources of variability, including that (4) does not convey the notable analytical feature that the uncer-
relating to calibration, renders the sy/x /bm contribution superflu- tainty tends to decrease as x decreases. Because of this, the relative
u(x )
ous within calibration uncertainty. It follows that the first term quantity x0 that behaves as the reciprocal of x may show a large
under the radical in Eq. (4) needs to be omitted in the budget-based (but conceptually unjustified) increase in its magnitude when the
uncertainty evaluation to avoid double counting. Unfortunately, analyte level is diminished.
this fact has been overlooked in the uncertainty evaluations cited
[5–19], resulting in overestimation of the calibration uncertainty 5. Example calculation
in varying degrees.
There may be cases where calibration covers most sources of The features highlighted above can be exemplified with the
variation inherent in the whole measurement, and so, the y/x b
component uncertainties estimated from published data from the
statistic in Eq. (4) represents the analytical precision. Then, the study of the quantification of pentachlorophenol (PCP) in water by
component u(prec)rel may alternatively be omitted in the budget. SPME-GC–MS [7]. The Table 1 gives the relative calibration uncer-

Table 1
The relative calibration uncertainties and the relative precision uncertainty as derived from the data in Ref. [7].

u(x0 ) S(single)
Concentration, mg/l u(cal)rel = x
,% a u(prec)rel = √
x̄0 m
, %b

Calculation using Eq. (4)

1 1
with m
without m
m=6 m=2

0.8 125 78
4 23.9 13.8 9.6 16.6
8 11.6 6.3
12 7.6 3.9
20 4.6 2.4
40 3.2 2.6
Raw data from Table 2 in [7] (m = 2, n = 6).
Raw data from Table 3 in [7], available for concentration of 4.0 mg/l only.
R. Kadis / J. Chromatogr. A 1499 (2017) 226–229 229

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