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Information for Pregnant Women:

As part of the campaign, a minimum package of antenatal care services would be provided to pregnant
women in their 2nd / 3rd trimesters of at government health facilities.

A key feature of this programme is that antenatal checkups services would be provided by OBGY
specialists/Radiologist / Physicians with support from private sector doctors to supplement the efforts of
the government sector.

What benefits would pregnant women receive?

Pregnant women must contact the ANMs / ASHAs / health workers in their area to receive information
about the nearest government health facility where PMSMA services would be provided. When a
pregnant woman visits the government health facility (DH, SDH, CHC- FRUs etc) designated to provide
PMSMA services, she would be provided the following set of services:

 Registration: The ANM/ Staff nurse would register the pregnant woman coming to the PMSMA Center
and provide her a Mother and Child Protection Card and Safe Motherhood booklet.
 Examination: The Staff Nurse/ANM will take the height and weight of the pregnant woman, check her
pulse and BP and record the findings and send the mother to the laboratory for diagnostics.
o Lab Investigations : Hemoglobin, Urine Albumin and Sugar, Malaria, VDRL, HIV, Blood Grouping,
Screening for GDM using OGTT etc.
o Ultrasonography (USG): All PMSMA beneficiaries who have registered would receive an examination
by an Obstetrician / medical officer with the report of their investigations. Based on the examination and
reports of investigations & USG reports, a red sticker / stamp would be added on to the MCP card of
women who are found to be ‘high risk’.
 Injection Tetanus Toxoid, Tablet Iron Folic Acid, Tablet Calcium and any other medication prescribed by
the Medical Officer
 Counselling : All pregnant women would receive group counseling (in groups of 10-12) on diet, sleep,
regular ANC check up, institutional delivery, breast feeding, contraceptives etc
 Transportation facilities would be provided to pregnant women residing in difficult / inaccessible areas
where public transport is either not available or very poor, PW from vulnerable communities and in
blocks with home deliveries > 20%.

Pregnant women with a red sticker on their MCP card must visit nearby government health facilities on
the advice of the Obstetrician/ medical officer and plan for delivery in a facility that provides assured
emergency obstetric care services (i.e. FRU – SDH, CHC, DH / Medical College Hospital).

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