HANA Based BW Transformation

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Torsten Kessler
May 24, 2016 19 minute read

HANA based BW Transformation

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1      HANA based BW Transformation

What is a SAP HANA push down in the context of BW transformations? When does a push down occur? What
are the prerequisites for forcing a SAP HANA push down?

Before I start to explain how a SAP HANA based BW transformation could be created and what prerequisites
are necessary to force a push down I will provide some background information on the di erences between an
ABAP and SAP HANA executed BW transformation.

A HANA based BW transformation executes the data transformation logic inside the SAP HANA database.
Figure 1.1 shows on the left-hand side the processing steps for an ABAP based transformation and on the right-
hand side for a SAP HANA based transformation.

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This blog provides information on the push-down feature for transformations in SAP BW powered by SAP
HANA. The content here is based on experiences with real customer issues. The material used is partly taken
from the upcoming version of the SAP education course PDEBWP – BW Backend und Programming.

 This blog is planned as part of a blog series which shares experiences collected while working on customer
issues. The listed explanations are primarily based on releases between BW 7.40 SP09 and BW 7.5 SP00.

The following additional blogs are planned / available:

HANA based Transformation (deep dive) (Added on 06/17/2016)

HANA based BW Transformation – Analyzing and debugging(Added on 06/23/2016)
SAP HANA Analysis Process
General recommendation (Added on 03/24/2017)
HANA based BW Transformation – New features delivered by 7.50 SP04 (Added on 08/29/2016)
Error Handling

HANA based BW Transformation – SAP Notes (Added on 06/09/2016)

A HANA based BW transformation is a “normal” BW transformation. The new feature is that the transformation logic is
executed inside the SAP HANA database. From a design time perspective, in the Administrator Workbench, there is no
difference between a HANA based BW transformation and a BW transformation that is executed in the ABAP stack. By
default the BW runtime tries to push down all transformations to SAP HANA. Be aware that there are some restrictions
which prevent a push down. For example a push-down to the database (SAP HANA) is not possible if a BW
transformation contains one or more ABAP routines (Start-, End-, Expert- or Field-Routine). For more information see
Transformations in SAP HANA Database.

Restrictions for HANA Push-Down

Further restrictions are listed in the Help Portal. However, the documentation is not all-inclusive. Some restrictions
related to complex and “hidden” features in a BW transformation are not listed in the documentation. In this context
“hidden” means that the real reason is not directly visible inside the BW transformation.

The BAdI RSAR_CONNECTOR is a good example for such a “hidden” feature. A transformation using a customer
speci c formula implementation based on this BAdI cannot be pushed down. In this case the processing mode is
switched to ABAP automatically.

The BW workbench o ers a check button in the BW transformation UI to check if the BW transformation is “SAP
HANA executable” or not. The check will provide a list of the features used in the BW transformation which prevent
a push down.

SAP is constantly improving the push down capability by eliminating more and more restrictions In order to implement
complex customer specific logic inside a BW transformation it is possible to create SAP HANA Expert Script based BW
transformations. This feature is similar to the ABAP based Expert-Routine and allows customers to implement their own
transformation logic in SQL Script. A detailed description of this feature is included later on.

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SAP Note 2057542 – Recommendation: Usage of HANA-based Transformations provides some basic
information and recommendations regarding the usage of SQL Script inside BW transformations.

1.1      HANA Push-Down

What is a SAP HANA push down in the context of BW transformations? When does a push down occur? What
are the prerequisites for forcing a SAP HANA push down?

Before I start to explain how a SAP HANA based BW transformation could be created and what prerequisites
are necessary to force a push down I will provide some background information on the di erences between an
ABAP and SAP HANA executed BW transformation.

A HANA based BW transformation executes the data transformation logic inside the SAP HANA database.
Figure 1.1 shows on the left-hand side the processing steps for an ABAP based transformation and on the right-
hand side for a SAP HANA based transformation.

Figure 1.1: Execution of SAP BW Transformations

An ABAP based BW transformation loads the data package by package from the source database objects into
the memory of the Application Server (ABAP) for further processing. The BW transformation logic is executed
inside the Application Server (ABAP) and the transformed data packages are shipped back to the Database
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Server. The Database Server writes the resulting data packages into the target database object. Therefore, the
data is transmitted twice between database and application server.

During processing of an ABAP based BW transformation, the source data package is processed row by row
(row-based). The ABAP based processing allows to de ne eld-based rules, which are processed as sequential
processing steps.

For the HANA based BW transformation the entire transformation logic is transformed into a
CalculationScenario (CalcScenario). From a technical perspective the Metadata for the CalcScenario are stored
as a SAP HANA Transformation in BW (see transaction RSDHATR).

This CalcScenario is embedded into a ColumnView. To select data from the source object, the DTP creates a
SQL SELECT statement based on this ColumnView (see blog »HANA based BW Transformation – Analyzing and
debugging«) and the processing logic of the CalcScenario applies all transformation rules (de ned in the BW
transformation) to the selected source data. By shifting the transformation logic into the CalcScenario, the data
can be transferred directly from the source object to the target object within a single processing step.
Technically this is implemented as an INSERT AS SELECT statement that reads from the ColumnView and
inserts into the target database object of the BW transformation. This eliminates the data transfer between
Database Server and Application Server (ABAP). The complete processing takes place in SAP HANA. 

1.2      Create a HANA based BW Transformation

The following steps are necessary to push down a BW transformation:

Create a SAP HANA executable BW transformation

Create a Data Transfer Process (DTP) to execute the BW transformation in SAP HANA

1.2.1       Create a standard SAP HANA executable BW transformation

A standard SAP HANA executable BW transformation is a BW transformation without SAP HANA speci c
implementation, which forces a SAP HANA execution.

The BW Workbench tries to push down new BW transformations by default.

The activation process checks a BW transformation for unsupported push down features such as ABAP
routines. For a detailed list of restrictions see SAP Help –Transformations in SAP HANA Database.  If none of
these features are used in a BW transformation, the activation process will mark the BW transformation as SAP
HANA Execution Possible see (1) in Figure 1.2.

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Figure 1.2: First simple SAP HANA based Transformation

When a BW transformation can be pushed down, the activation process generates all necessary SAP HANA
runtime objects. The required metadata is also assembled in a SAP HANA Transformation (see Transaction
RSDHATR). The related SAP HANA Transformation for a BW transformation can be found in menu Extras =>
Display Generated HANA Transformation, see (2) in Figure 1.2.

From a technical perspective a SAP HANA Transformation is a SAP HANA Analysis Process (see Transaction
RSDHAAP) with a strict naming convention. The naming convention for a SAP HANA Transformation is TR_<<
Program ID for Transformation (Generated)>>, see (3) in Figure 1.2. A SAP HANA Transformation is
only a runtime object which cannot not been explicit created or modi ed.

The tab CalculationScenario is only visible if the Export Mode (Extras => Export Mode On/O ) is switched on.
The tab shows the technical de nition of the corresponding CalculationScenario which includes the
transformation logic and the SQLScript procedure (if the BW transformation is based on a SAP HANA Expert

If the transformation is marked as SAP HANA Execution Possible, see (1) in Figure 1.2 the rst precondition is
given to push down and execute the BW transformation inside the database (SAP HANA). That means if the ag
SAP HANA Execution Possible is set the BW transformation is able to execute in both modes (ABAP and HANA)
and the real used processing mode is set inside the DTP. To be prepared for both processing modes the BW

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transformation framework generates the runtime objects for both modes. Therefore the Generated Program
(see Extras => Display Generated Program) for the ABAP processing will also be visible.

The next step is to create the corresponding DTP, see paragraph 1.2.4 »Create a Data Transfer Process (DTP) to
execute the BW transformation in SAP HANA«.

1.2.2       Create a SAP HANA transformation with SAP HANA Expert Script
If the business requirement is more complex and it is not possible to implement these requirements with the
standard BW transformation feature, it is possible to create a SQLScript procedure (SAP HANA Expert Script).
When using a SAP HANA Expert Script to implement the business requirements the BW framework pushes the
transformation logic down to the database. Be aware that there is no option to execute a BW transformation
with a SAP HANA Expert Script in the processing mode ABAP, only processing mode HANA applies.

From the BW modelling perspective a SAP HANA Expert Script is very similar to an ABAP Expert Routine. The
SAP HANA Expert Script replaces the entire BW transformation logic. The SAP HANA Expert Script has two
parameters, one importing (inTab) and one exporting (outTab) parameter. The importing parameter provides
the source data package and the exporting parameter is used to return the result data package.

However, there are di erences from the perspective of implementation between ABAP and SQLScript. An ABAP
processed transformation loops over the source data and processes them row by row. A SAP HANA Expert
Script based transformation tries to processes the data in one block (INSERT AS SELECT). To get the best
performance bene t of the push down it is recommended to use declarative SQLScript Logic to implement your
business logic within the SAP HANA Expert Script, see blog »General recommendations«.

The following points should be considered before the business requirements are implemented with SAP HANA
Expert Script:

ABAP is from today’s perspective, the more powerful language than SQL Script
Development support features such as syntax highlighting, forward navigation based on error messages,
debugging support, etc. is better in the ABAP development environment.
SQL script development experience is currently not as widespread as ABAP development experience
A HANA executed transformation is not always faster

From the technical perspective the SAP HANA Expert Script is a SAP HANA database procedure. From the BW
developer perspective the SAP HANA Expert Script is a SAP HANA database procedure implemented as a
method in an AMDP (ABAP Managed Database Procedure) class.

The AMDP class is be generated by the BW framework and can only be modi ed within the ABAP Development
Tools for SAP NetWeaver (ADT), see https://tools.hana.ondemand.com/#abap. The generated AMDP class
cannot not be modi ed in the SAP GUI like Class editor (SE24) or the ABAP Workbench (SE80). Therefore it is
recommended to implement the entire data ow in the Modeling Tools for SAP BW powered by SAP HANA, see
https://tools.hana.ondemand.com/#bw.  The BW transformation itself must still be implemented in the Data
Warehousing Workbench (RSA1).

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Next I’ll give a step by step introduction to create a BW transformation with a SAP HANA Expert Script.

Step 1: Start a SAP HANA Studio with both installed tools:

ABAP Development Tools for SAP NetWeaver (ADT) and

Modeling Tools for SAP BW powered by SAP HANA

Now we must switch into the BW Modeling Perspective. To open the BW Modeling Perspective go to Window =>
Other .. and select in the upcoming dialog the BW Modeling Perspective, see Figure 1.3.

Figure 1.3: Open the BW Modeling Perspective

To open the embedded SAP GUI a BW Project is needed. It is necessary to create the BW Project before calling
the SAP GUI. To create a new BW Project open File => New => BW Project. To create a BW Project a SAP Logon
Connection is required, choose the SAP Logon connection and use the Next button to enter your user logon

Recommendations: After entering your logon data it is possible to nalize the wizard and create the BW
Project. I recommend to use the Next wizard page to change the project name. The default project name is:

     <System ID>_<Client>_<User name>_<Language>

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I normally add at the end a post x for the project type such as _BW for the BW Project. For an ABAP project
later on I will use the post x _ABAP. The reason I do that is both projects are using the same symbol in the
project viewer and the used post x makes it easier to identify the right project.

Once the BW Project is created we can open the embedded SAP GUI. The BW Modeling perspective toolbar
provides a button to open the embedded SAP GUI, see Figure 1.4.

Figure 1.4: Open the embedded SAP GUI in Eclipse

Choose the created BW Project in the upcoming dialog. Next start the BW Workbench (RSA1) within the
embedded SAP GUI and create the BW transformation or switch into the edit mode for an existing one.

To create a SAP HANA Expert Script open Edit => Routines => SAP HANA Expert Script Create in the menu of the BW
transformation. Confirm the request to delete the existing transformation logic. Keep in mind that all implemented stuff like
Start- End- or Field-Routines and formulas will be deleted if you confirm to create a SAP HANA Expert Script.

In the next step the BW framework opens the AMDP class by calling the ABAP Development Tools for SAP NetWeaver
(ADT). For this an ABAP project is needed. Select an existing ABAP Project or create a new one in the dialog.

A new window with the AMD class will appear. Sometimes it is necessary to reload the AMDP class by pressing F5. Enter
your credentials if prompted.

The newly generated AMDP class, see Figure 1.5, cannot not directly be activated.

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Figure 1.5: New generated AMDP Class

Before I explain the elements of the AMDP class and the method I will finalize the transformation with a simple valid SQL
statement. The used SQL statement, as shown in Figure 1.6, is a simple 1:1 transformation and is only used as an
example to explain the technical behavior.

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Figure 1.6: Simple valid AMDP Method

Now we can activate the AMDP class and go back to the BW transformation by closing the AMDP class window.
Now it is necessary to activate the BW transformation also. For a BW transformation with a SAP HANA Expert
Script the ag SAP HANA Execution possible is set, see Figure 1.7.

Figure 1.7: BW Transformation with SAP HANA Script Processing 

As explained before, if you use a SAP HANA Expert Script the BW transformation can only been processed in SAP
HANA. It is not possible to execute the transformation on the ABAP stack. Therefore the generated ABAP program

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(Extras => Display Generated Program) is not available for a BW transformation with the processing type SAP HANA
Expert Script. Sorting after call of expert script 

Within the BW transformation the flag Sorting after call of expert script, see Figure 1.8, (Edit => Sorting after call of expert
script) can be used to ensure that the data is written in the correct order to the target.

Figure 1.8:

Sorting after call of expert script 

If the data is extracted by delta processing the sort order of the data could be important (depending on the type
of the used delta process).

By default, the ag is always set for all new transformations and it’s recommended to leave it unchanged.

For older transformations, created with a release before 7.40 SP12, the ag is not set by default. So the
customer can set the ag if they need the data in a speci c sort order.

Keep in mind that the ag has impact at two points:

The input/output structure of the SAP HANA Expert Script is enhanced / reduced by the eld RECORD
The result data from the SAP HANA Expert Script will be sorted by the new eld RECORD, if the ag is set,
after calling the SAP HANA Expert Script

The inTab and the outTab structure of a SAP HANA Expert Script will be enhanced by the eld RECORD if the ag
is set. The added eld RECORD is a combination of the elds REQUESTSID, DATAPAKID and RECORD from the source
object of the transformation, see Figure 1.9. 

Figure 1.9: Concatenated eld RECORD 

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The RECORD eld from the outTab structure is mapped to the internal eld #SOURCE#.1.RECORD. Later on in a
rownum node of the CalculationScenario the result data will be sorted by the new internal eld
#SOURCE#.1.RECORD, see Figure 1.10. 

Figure 1.10: CalculationScenario note rownum The AMDP Class 

The BW transformation framework generates an ABAP class with a method called PROCEDURE. The class implements
the ABAP Managed Database Procedure (AMDP) marker interface IF_AMDP_MARKER_HDB. The interface marks the
ABAP class as an AMDP class. A method of an AMDP class can be written as a database procedure. Therefore the BW
transformation framework creates a HANA speci c database procedure declaration for the method PROCEDURE, see
Figure 1.11: 

Figure 1.11: Method PROCEDURE declaration 

This declaration speci es the method to the HANA database (HDB), the language to SQLSCRIPT and further on
de nes that the database procedure is READ ONLY. The read only option means that the method / procedure must
be side-e ect free. Side-e ect free means that only SQL elements (DML) could be used to read data. Elements like
DELETE, UPDATE, INSERT used on persistent database objects are not allowed. These data modi cation statements
can also not be encapsulated in a further procedure. 

You cannot directly read data from a database object managed by ABAP like a table, view or procedure inside an
AMDP procedure, see (1) in Figure 1.12. A database object managed by ABAP has to be declared before they can used
inside an AMDP procedure, see (2). For more information about the USING option see AMDP – Methods in the ABAP

Modi cation of the method declaration

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Modi cation of the method declaration

In case of reading from further tables inside the SQL Script it could be necessary to change (enhance) the method
declaration by adding the USING option. It is important to ensure that the rst part of the method declaration is
stable and will not be changed. Do not change the following part of the declaration:


The USING option must be added at the end of the declaration part, see Figure 1.12

Figure 1.12: Declaration of DDIC objects 

The AMDP framework generates wrapper objects for the declared database object managed by ABAP .  The view
/BIC/5MDEH7I6TAI98T0GHIE3P69D1=>/BIC/ATK_RAWMAT2#covw in (3) was generated for the declared table
/BIC/ATK_RAWMAT2 in (2). The blog Under the HANA hood of an ABAP Managed Database Procedure provides some
further background information about AMDP processing and which objects are generated. 

AMDP Class modi cation

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AMDP Class modi cation

Only the method implementation belongs to the BW transformation Meta data and only this part of the AMDP
class would been stored, see table RSTRANSCRIPT.

Currently the ABAP Development Tools for SAP NetWeaver (ADT) does not protect the source code which
should not been modi ed, like in an ABAP routine. That means all modi cations in the AMDP class outside the
method implementation will not be transported to the next system and will be overwritten by the next
activation process. The BW transformation framework regenerates the AMDP class during the activation

Reading from local table without DDIC information

All tables and views from the local SAP schema must be declared in the USING clause and must be de ned in
the ABAP DDIC. It is possible to read data from other schema without a declaration in the USING clause.
If a table or view in the local SAP schema starts with the pre x /1BCAMDP/ it is not necessary to declare the
table/view in the USING clause.

Later on I’ll provide some general recommendations in a separate blog which are based on experiences we
collected in customer implementations and customer incidents. The general recommendation will cover the
following topics:

Avoid preventing lter push down

Keep internal table small
Initial values
Column type de nition
Avoid implicit casting
Potential pitfall at UNION / UNION ALL
Input Parameter inside underlying HANA objects
Internal vs. external format

AMDP Class name
Until version BW 7.50 SP04 the AMDP class name is generated based on the eld RSTRAN-TRANPROG. From
BW 7.50 SP04 the eld RSTRAN-EXPERT is used to generate the AMDP class name. The metadata storage for
the AMDP routines was adjusted to align the AMDP metadata storage analogous to the ABAP metadata.

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AMDP database procedure
Sometime, in BW 7.40, it could be happen that the corresponding database procedure is not generated. The
report RSDBGEN_AMDP can be used to generate the database procedures for a given AMDP class.

1.2.3       Data ow with more than one BW transformation

The push down option is not restricted on data flows with one BW transformation. It is also possible to push down a
complete data flow with several included BW transformations (called stacked data flow). To get the best performance
benefits from the push down it is recommended to stack a data flow by a maximum of three BW transformations. More are
possible but not recommended.

The used InfoSources (see SAP Help: InfoSource and Recommendations for Using InfoSources) in a stacked
data ow can be used to aggregate data within the data ow if the processing mode is set to ABAP. If the
processing mode set to SAP HANA the data will not be aggregated as set in the InfoSource settings. The
transformation itself does not know the processing mode, therefore you will not get a message about the
InfoSource aggregation behavior. The used processing mode is set in the used DTP.

That means, the BW transformation framework prepares the BW transformation for both processing modes
(ABAP and HANA). During the preparation the framework will not throw a warning regarding the lack of
aggregation in the processing mode HANA.

By using the check button for the HANA processing mode, within the BW transformation, you will get the corresponding
message (warning) regarding the InfoSource aggregation, see Figure 1.13

Figure 1.13: HANA processing and InfoSources 

CalculationScenario in a stacked data ow

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CalculationScenario in a stacked data ow

The corresponding CalculationScenario for a BW transformation is not available if the source object is an InfoSource.
That means the tab CalculationScenario is not available in the export mode of the SAP HANA transformation, see Extras
=> Display Generated HANA Transformation. The source object for this CalculationScenario is an InfoSource and an
InfoSource cannot be used as data source object in a CalculationScenario. The related CalculationScenario can only be
obtain by using the SAP HANA Transformation from the corresponding DTP. I’ll explain this behavior later on in the blog
»HANA based Transformation (deep dive)«.

1.2.4       Create a Data Transfer Process (DTP) to execute the BW transformation in

The Data Transfer Process (DTP) to execute a BW transformation provides a flag to control the HANA push-down of the
transformation. The DTP flag SAP HANA Execution, see (1) in Figure 1.14, can be checked or unchecked by the user.
However, the flag in the DTP can only be checked if the transformation is marked as SAP HANA Execution Possible, see
(1) in Figure 1.2. By default the flag SAP HANA Execution will be set for each new DTP if

the BW transformation is marked as SAP HANA execution possible and

the DTP does not use any options which prevent a push down.

Up to BW 7.50 SP04 the following DTP options prevent a push down:

Semantic Groups
Error Handling – Track Records after Failed Request

The DTP UI provides a check button, like the BW transformation UI, to validate a DTP for HANA push down. In case a
DTP is not able to push down the data flow (all involved BW transformations) logic, the check button will provide the

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Figure 1.14: DTP for the first simple SAP HANA based Transformation

In the simple transformation sample above I’m using one BW transformation to connect a persistent source object
(DataSource (RSDS)) with a persistent target object (Standard DataStore Object (ODSO)). We also call this type a non-
stacked dataflow – I’ll provide more information about non-stacked and stacked data flows later. The related SAP HANA
Transformation for a DTP can be found in menu Extras => Display Generated HANA Transformation, see (2) in Figure
1.14. In case of a non-stacked data flow the DTP uses the SAP HANA Transformation of the BW transformation, see (3)
in Figure 1.14.

The usage of a filter in the DTP does not prevent the HANA push down. ABAP Routines or BEx Variables can be used as
well. The filter value(s) is calculated in a pre-step and added to the SQL SELECT statement which reads the data from the
source object. We will look into this later in more detail.

1.2.5       Execute a SAP HANA based transformation

From the execution perspective, regarding the handling, a HANA based transformation behaves comparable to
an ABAP based transformation, simply press the ‘Execute’ button or execute the DTP form a process chain.

Later on I will provide more information about packaging and parallel processing.

1.2.6       Limitations
There is no option to execute a transformation with a SAP HANA Script on the ABAP application server. With
BW 7.50 SP04 (the next feature pack) it is planned to deliver further option to use SAP HANA Scripts (Start-,
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End- and Field-Routines are planned) within a BW transformation.

1.2.7       Feature list that prevents a push down (Added on 07/20/2016)

The o cial SAP Help provides a small feature list which prevents a HANA execution. Here are a more detailed

Queries as InfoProvider are not supported as thesource

ABAP Start-, End- and Field-Routines 
With BW 7.50 SP04 corresponding SQL Script routines are supported

Formula elements that prevents a push down

Customer created formulas (BAdI RSAR_CONNECTOR)

Transfer routineCharacteristic- / InfoObject – Routine) are not supported

0SOURSYSTEM and 0LOGSYS are supported
To use the eld routine logic within a HANA transformation a constant rule with an initial “Constant
Value” is required! (Added on 01/16/2019)

Rule typeTIME (Time Characteristic) with Time Distribution are not supported
Rule groups are not supported
InfoObject with time-dependent Attributes are not supported as source and as target
Supported with BW 7.50 SP04

Cube like DataStore Objects (advanced) are not supported as target

Supported with BW 7.50 SP04

DataStore Objects (advanced) with non-cumulative key gure(s) are not supported as target
Supported with BW 7.50 SP04

To read data from DataStore objects, the entire key must be provided
Near-line connections
Supported with BW 7.50 SP04 (Added on 09/21/2016)

DTP Options
Error Handling not supported

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Supported with BW 7.50 SP04

Semantic Groups 

Further information about supported SAP HANA execution feature are provided in the SAP note: 2329819 –
SAP HANA execution in DTPs (Data Transfer Processes) – Optimizations.

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BW (SAP Business Warehouse) | SAP HANA | abap | Business Intelligence | bw |

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Related Questions
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HANA based transformation is failing in process chain

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Do we need InfoObject for Composite Provider based on HANA Model
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Former Member

June 1, 2016 at 1:35 pm

Hi Torsten, thanks for blog – we were working on BW 7.5 SP2  HANA project & for one of requirement we need
to delete some data coming in from source ERP to BW. like in BW we would normally use start routine to delete
unwanted records but here as we know processing at HANA DB will not be supported when we use Start

Hence we were looking to use HANA SQL script in order to leverage HANA hence please can you let us know if
this is possible to delete certain records based on some condition lets say

I want to delete all records from source where eld X is blank.

If this is possible then can you advise syntax pls as when I was trying to use DELETE in procedure it was giving

Hence appreciate your quick response.



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Torsten Kessler | Post author

June 1, 2016 at 2:42 pm


SQLScript Start-, End- and Field routines are planned for SP04.

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But to delete (do not further process) speci c rows you can lter the inTab.

For your sample above you can write the whole content from the inTab into a temporary table and lter out the
rows which you do not want to process further on. Example:

  tmpInTab =

    SELECT *

      FROM :inTab

     WHERE “ eld_X” = ”;

If there no further logic required you can also  write the ltered result into the outTab:

   outTab =

    SELECT < eld list>

      FROM :inTab

     WHERE “ eld_X” = ”;

Here you must explicit map the elds from the inTab to the eld from the outTab!

Keep in mind that the logic should be implemented by using declarative SQLScript logic

to enable the optimizer to get the best runtime performance.

I’ll provide more information about recommendation in one of the next upcoming blogs (General recommendation).



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Torsten Kessler | Post author

June 9, 2016 at 11:30 am

Short update:Added box: Modi cation of the method declaration

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Former Member

June 10, 2016 at 2:42 pm

Great information, thank you!

What could be the reason that I can’t see the generated procedure in Figure 1.12 ?

Also, I try to map a sample eld with a lookup. How should be the whole sytax?

I’m working on a BW 7.4 SP14 and HANA system.


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Torsten Kessler | Post author

June 10, 2016 at 7:22 pm


1.  == What could be the reason that I can’t see the generated procedure in Figure 1.12 ? ==

You mean, you had created a transformation with a SAP HANA Expert Script and activated the AMDP class and the
database procedure <<CLASS-NAME>>=>PROCEDURE is not in the folder PROCEDURE in the schema SAP<SID>?

In that case you can rst try to activate the transformation. Is the DB procedure still not there. Open the report
RSDBGEN_AMDP enter your class name and choose the option “Create database objects”. But option two should not
be necessary.

2. ==Also, I try to map a sample eld with a lookup. How should be the whole sytax? ==

First, our recommendation is use standard transformation function if it possible. First check if a standard rule like
(Masterdata read, read from classic DSO, read from advanced DSO) usable. We’d enhanced the lookup rule so that you
also can map field in case the original InfoObjects are not in the source structure available. See SAP Help:

Read from DataStore Object (advanced):

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To read from a DataStore object (advanced), the system first provides you with a proposal for how the fields can be
assigned. The key fields must be assigned to the source fields of the transformation. When assigning the fields, the names
do not need to be identical.

In case the standard rules doesn’t t you can read (join) the data from a table with the source data (inTab).

The following sample explains how I read the eld TK_VENDOR form the table /BIC/ATK_RAWMAT1 and add it
to the outTab. To do that I JOIN the inTab with the table /BIC/ATK_RAWMAT1.

outTab = SELECT intab.“MATERIAL”,






      FROM :inTab as intab

      JOIN “/BIC/ATK_RAWMAT1” as mat

      ON intab.“MATERIAL” = mat.”TK_MAT”;

More information about the JOIN operation could be found here All about Joins using SQL in HANA

Hope this is helpful


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Former Member

June 11, 2016 at 5:10 pm

Hi Torsten,

Thanks for the detailled explanation.

What I meant was, in Figure 1.12 the image marked with “3” includes the following line:
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The part “#covw” seems to be a generated su x, right?

Is it generated once “USING ZTABLE” is added and acivated within the script?

If so, that’s something I couldn’t nd.

I will try the standard option as long as possible.

Thanks again.

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Torsten Kessler | Post author

June 13, 2016 at 8:15 am


that’s right the generated object


is a view (not a procedure) and could be nd in the folder view (not column view).


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Aby Jacob

June 13, 2016 at 6:31 am

Excellent Info

Thanks !!

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Former Member

June 13, 2016 at 12:05 pm

Hello Torsten!
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We are currently facing the issue with ltering incoming data by dtp lters.

I noticed, you’re planning some articles about

Input Parameter inside underlying HANA objects

Maybe you can provide some additional sources to look up on this topics?

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Torsten Kessler | Post author

June 16, 2016 at 12:16 pm

Hi Vladimir,

In one of my next blogs (general recommendations)I will provide a sample where I use a CaclView with an input
variable. The CalcView is part of a CompositeProvider and the CompositeProvider is a source of a transformation.

I’ll show in case the input parameter is mandatory that the DTP lter is also mandatory. 

Sorry but I have no further source material to provide.

May be you can explain your issue in more details or in case of an error create an incident.


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Former Member

June 16, 2016 at 12:52 pm

Hi Torsten!

I’ve open discussion Input parameters in HANA DTPs from Composite Provider, Virtual Provider on HANA
Views. Error occurs when I try to check HANA Execution in DTP parameters.

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abilash n

June 13, 2016 at 3:32 pm

Excellent Blog Torsten.. with detail explanation,screenshots. Bookmarked it as currently I moved from BW
to HANA. De nitely a big Like from my end…..(expecting will be back to bw once HANA project is completed)

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Torsten Kessler | Post author

July 20, 2016 at 12:34 pm

Short update – Added paragraph:

1.2.7       Feature list that prevents a push down

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Former Member

August 25, 2016 at 12:46 pm


Very good blog, thank you!

I see in your example that you refer to the active table if you need to read data from another ADSO in your SQL

To be NLS safe, we read the ‘External SAP HANA view’

(example: SELECT * FROM “system-local.bw.bw2hana::DADSO1”).

What is your idea about using SQL script in BW and NLS?


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Torsten Kessler | Post author

December 12, 2016 at 10:59 am

regarding your NLS question, do you mean
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– a NLS located object as source object of the transformation or

– do you want to read data from a NLS located object inside the SQL script?


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Former Member

December 15, 2016 at 9:31 am

Hello Torsten,

I meant reading data from a NLS located object inside the SQL script.



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Torsten Kessler | Post author

December 16, 2016 at 1:52 pm

Okay, I’ll check this and come back to you.
Because of years end it could take some days.


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Former Member

July 5, 2017 at 9:06 am

Hello Torsten,

In the meantime we use the ‘External SAP HANA view’ of an ADSO in a lot of our HANA Expert scripts to
SELECT or JOIN. This works perfectly. We recently tried to upgrade from 7.5SP3 to 7.5SP7 and we
encountered performances issues in some SQL statements that are using these views. In most cases but we
have solved the issue by reactiving the ADSO (it regenerates the HANA view) but not all cases are solved. Do
you advice we use these  ‘External SAP HANA view’  in HANA Expert scripts?


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Torsten Kessler | Post author

July 24, 2017 at 9:07 am


rst please ensure that all notes are implemented after the upgrade.

I’d added some new notes today.

Regarding the external view’s, it is not so easy to provide a general recommendation.

I’ll check if it be possible provide a recommendation here and will come back.


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Torsten Kessler | Post author

July 25, 2017 at 12:57 pm

Hi Jan,

I’d discussed the topic internally and up to now we can say their is now way that we can recommend. That
means We can not recommend to use external views neither we can recommend to read data direct from the
active BW object table.

But that does not mean that we forbid the use.

What we recommend try to implement the transformation logic by using standard rule types (read from ADSO,
read Masterdata, Formula, …).

Sometimes it is necessary to split the logic of a routine in several standard rules (used in a stacked data ow)
to obtain the same logic as in the routine .

For BW/4 HANA (SP07) we’re planing to provide a new stable view which can be used in the staging context.

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Former Member

December 12, 2016 at 9:00 am

Nice blog Torsten;

I am wondering if you can provide us some sample code for reading a inTab into temporary table and another
dso table from BW into another temporary table with lookup using ABAP temporary work area structure and
updating using loop functions to get the nal result.

Sorry for asking help in this kind of coding. Any help on sample typos to follow in AMDP SQL script?

such as how we used to write expert ABAP routines as below.

Loop at SOURCE_PACKAGE into workarea_source_package.

read table /BIC/Ablablabla

into workarea_looptable
with key key = workarea_source_package.

if sy-subrc = 0.

wa_result_package- eld1 = wokarea_sourcepackage- eld1.

wa_result_package- eld2 = worarea_looptable- eld2.
wa_result_package- eld3 = worarea_looptable- eld4.


append workarea_result_package to RESULT_PACKAGE.


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Torsten Kessler | Post author

December 12, 2016 at 10:45 am

as I wrote above:

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However, there are di erences from the perspective of implementation between ABAP and SQLScript. An
ABAP processed transformation loops over the source data and processes them row by row. A SAP HANA
Expert Script based transformation tries to processes the data in one block (INSERT AS SELECT). To get the
best performance bene t of the push down it is recommended to use declarative SQLScript Logic to implement
your business logic within the SAP HANA Expert Script, see blog »General recommendations«.

That means you have to consider that a push down transformation is processed in one SQL (INSERT AS
SELECT) statement. Therefore a general recommendation is to avoid statements like:


like we are typical using in ABAP.

In a SQL Script routine (or AMDP routine) the  parameter inTab is the same as the SOURCE_PACKAGE in the
ABAP routine.

If you want to select some data from the inTab you can create a select on the inTab:
tmpTable = SELECT COLUMN_A, COLUMN_B,  from :inTab;

To read data from an active DSO table you can also create a select statement:
tmpDSO = SELECT COLUMN_X, COLUMN_Y from “/BIC/Ablablabla”;

Now you can create a UNION or a JOIN based on both tmp table. It is also possible to join or union the inTab
directly with a database table.

But keep in mind, if you create to complex statements it is sometime hard to read and understand the coding if
you search for an error or if you searching the reason for erroneous data.

Otherwise, compiling the whole logic in one complex statement can increase the runtmie.
So the goal is to nd a way in between, a good runtime and coding that can be maintained.


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Former Member

December 13, 2016 at 12:19 am

Thanks Torsten,

The reason I am asking the traditional ABAP way because; we have little bit di erent situation. I have tried to
do straight select statements but it doesn’t help transforming the data. Let me explain our situation with our

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We have several hierarchies coming from several sources. I have planned to load them using BODS into BW
PSA and then to aDSO with out any transformations. From there we are again loading into another aDSO from
attening it however the data is not as straight as other transformation for lookups.

We have 5 elds up to 8 levels of hierarchy

1. Child hierarchy code
2. Level no
3. Parent hierarchy code
4. Child hierarchy code attribute 1
5. Child hierarchy code attribute 2

My target aDSO is like below:

Lvl8 Code – Key

Lvl8 code attr 1
Lvl8 code attr 2
Lvl7 Code
Lvl7 code attr 1
Lvl7 code attr 2
Lvl6 Code
Lvl6 code attr 1
Lvl6 code attr 2
Lvl5 Code
Lvl5 code attr 1
Lvl5 code attr 2
Lvl4 Code
Lvl4 code attr 1
Lvl4 code attr 2
Lvl3 Code
Lvl3 code attr 1
Lvl3 code attr 2
Lvl2 Code
Lvl2 code attr 1
Lvl2 code attr 2
Lvl1 Code
Lvl1 code attr 1
Lvl1 code attr 2

Now I am trying to transform the data and atten it from making the tail end level 8 code being the key in

My logic is as below:

source1 = select * from :inTab where level = 8;

source2 = seelct * from :inTab where level <> 8;

from here I am stuck how to prepare the result data attened without loops. Sorry for asking such a deep dive
cause I am stuck at this where I have written most of the in ABAP expert routines to move the project. Any

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Torsten Kessler | Post author

December 14, 2016 at 9:04 am

you can use all SQL Script feature. It is also possible to use loops and conditions.

I didn’t get your requirement complete but I think it would be possible do get the requested result with a
statement like:

SELECT CASE (level = 8) THEN …

CASE (level = 7) THEN …

otherwise you can implement it in a same way as in ABAP.

As explained in the blog, if you are using declarative programming logic it will be translated into L (L-Pop).

And this CAN (not must) blog the optimizer!

The general declaration form the development is: “It is implausible that a L-Pop is faster than a pure SQL


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Former Member

December 15, 2016 at 3:00 am

Hi Torsten,

I have gured it out and written the AMDP script in SQL using unions and joins but very clumsy. I have been
doing lot of ABAP and converting that into HANA AMDP SQL script is not that straight forward but made me
think a lot.

I have nally written and tested the transformation and data successfully but I couldn’t nd di erence in
performance from BW routine world to HANA AMDP world. Or may be due to less volume of data.

However its more interesting and challenging to learn new coding techniques. I went through HANA sql guide
and writtent line by line for 3 days to nish it.

This is how i have written:

de ne lvl int :=7;

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temp_source = select from :inTab by HLVL desc, child asc;

l_out = select
“target structure with Nulls most and relevant elds for level 8 of parent child hierarchy with attributes” from

while :lvl = 0 DO

CASE (:lvl = 7)
l_out =  “target structure with Nulls most and relevant elds for level 7 and 8 of parent child hierarchy with
attributes” from l_out as main inner join temp_source as part (main.parent = part.child) where “temp_source
level = :lvl”;

CASE (:lvl = 6)
l_out =  “target structure with Nulls most and relevant elds for level 6, 7 and 8 of parent child hierarchy with
attributes” from l_out as main inner join temp_source as part (main.parent = part.child) where “temp_source
level = :lvl”;

CASE (:lvl = 5)
l_out =  “target structure with Nulls most and relevant elds for level 5, 6, 7 and 8 of parent child hierarchy with
attributes” from l_out as main inner join temp_source as part (main.parent = part.child) where “temp_source
level = :lvl”;

CASE (:lvl = 4)
l_out =  “target structure with Nulls most and relevant elds for level 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of parent child hierarchy
with attributes” from l_out as main inner join temp_source as part (main.parent = part.child) where
“temp_source level = :lvl”;

CASE (:lvl = 3)
l_out =  “target structure with Nulls most and relevant elds for level 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of parent child hierarchy
with attributes” from l_out as main inner join temp_source as part (main.parent = part.child) where
“temp_source level = :lvl”;

CASE (:lvl = 2)
l_out =  “target structure with Nulls most and relevant elds for level 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of parent child
hierarchy with attributes” from l_out as main inner join temp_source as part (main.parent = part.child) where
“temp_source level = :lvl”;

CASE (:lvl = 1)
l_out =  “target structure with Nulls most and relevant elds for level 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of parent child
hierarchy with attributes” from l_out as main inner join temp_source as part (main.parent = part.child) where
“temp_source level = :lvl”;
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end case;

lvl := :lvl – 1;

end while;

outTab = select from l_out structure;

erorTab = select error stu ;

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Former Member

March 3, 2017 at 2:41 pm

Hi Thorsten,

is there any news regarding the new version of the PDEBWP course you mentioned? Or is it already available
and I couldn’t nd it?

Thanks in advance,

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Torsten Kessler | Post author

March 3, 2017 at 6:58 pm

Hi Philipp,

we (the o cial trainer/course owner and me) are currently quite busy with other topics ;-(

And the idea is to cover BW/4 topics as well in the new version.

May be in the middle of the year but no promise on that.


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Former Member

March 7, 2017 at 1:48 pm

Hi Torsten,

no worries. Just wanted to ask, if it’s still on the table.

Thanks for the answer. Philipp

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Torsten Kessler | Post author

March 7, 2017 at 1:58 pm

You’re welcome and yes it is

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Former Member

June 5, 2017 at 8:59 am

Hi Torsten,

It is a very informative blog. I got a lot of information from here.

But for sure I have to read this one more time to be acquainted. Going for deep dive again, thanks

Going for deep dive again, thanks a lot for this

Thanks, KD Jain

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Former Member

July 5, 2017 at 12:45 pm

Hi Torsten,

nice article.

Is it also possible to include custom R-Code in the SQLScript ?

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Torsten Kessler | Post author

July 24, 2017 at 8:57 am


from the BW side we had no restriction on that.

But I’d never tested that.


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Torsten Kessler | Post author

July 25, 2017 at 1:08 pm


if you say “include”, I assume you wants to call a procedure which is implemented in R, right?

Or do you mean that you can change the method declaration  from:




The second one is currently not possible.

But we can talk about.

Can you provided a use case?


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Rajesh Majeti

August 3, 2017 at 2:36 pm

Hi Torsten,

We moved to ECC on HANA and leveraging  embedded BW for our BPC. As a part of our requirement, loading
from one hierarchy Infoobject to another  Hierarchy Infoobject. We are having an issue like

Target IOBJ HIER not supported for HANA execution

Transformation must not be executed on HANA.

Is it an issue with BW7.5 SP5 or the way on how we are handling the hierarchies?. I thought to check with  you
before i raise to SAP as it looks like an issue with Hierarchies.



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Torsten Kessler | Post author

August 3, 2017 at 3:01 pm


the message only means that you can not execute the transformation in the processing mode HANA. But you
can use the processing mode ABAP instead.


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Rajesh Majeti

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August 4, 2017 at 7:01 pm

Hi Torsten,

How to i enabled the  ABAP processing  mode?. I dono’t see that option in embedded BW in DTP  settings.
Please let me know if i works di erently.



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Torsten Kessler | Post author

August 4, 2017 at 7:44 pm


in the right upper corner should be a checkbox with the label “SAP HANA Execute”.

If the checkbox is marked than the DTP is running in the HANA processing mode.

If you remove the marker from the checkbox the DTP is executed in the ABAP mode.

If the DTP runs in delta process and the init is already been processed it could be that you can not change the
processing mode. In that case it is necessary to empty the target rst.

You can see the checkbox at point (1) in 

Figure 1.14: DTP for the rst simple SAP HANA based Transformation

 in this blog.


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Rajesh Majeti

August 4, 2017 at 8:09 pm

Thanks Torsten. That will be usual case in BW modeling but embedded BW is working strange.

I have the checkmark disabled( not selected).  It looks like we cannot load hierarchies manually in BW7.5 SP5(
only  Remote Hier  Class  with Hier Class Parameters:CL_FCOM_IP_HRY_READER_GLACCT).



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Shanthi Bhaskar

August 16, 2017 at 2:11 pm

Hi Torsten,

Great article.

Did you had a chance of using the SAP Function modules in your SQL scripts. I am trying to convert lot of my
transformations into AMDP, but I don’t know how to handle the FM’s.



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Torsten Kessler | Post author

August 16, 2017 at 3:03 pm


no that’s not possible.

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It makes also no sense . The main purpose to push down the transformation processing is to prevent the data
transfer. In case of using FM in SQL script the data must be transfer from the database to the application
server for processing in the FM.

Keep in mind, it is not necessary to migrate existing transformation soon.

The ABAP runtime is still available.


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Former Member

September 6, 2017 at 10:48 pm


Thanks for the blog. One question though.

If I have global declarative section in my original ABAP with an internal table which is shared between Start
and End Routines, How can I have similar data sharing between AMDP based Start and End Routines?

OUTTAB provides for the dataset being processed but I have another global table that is used in the end
routine for additional processing.

I have also used that Global table for look ups and decision making steps between data packets such as if I
have processed certain customers etc., in previous packets already or newer record came in a earlier data
packet etc.,

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Torsten Kessler | Post author

September 11, 2017 at 1:45 pm


that is not possible. The AMDP methods are declared as READ-ONLY to ensure that the coding is side-e ect-
free. That means you can not use temporary table or session variables to share data along database

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Your sample  with certain customer in earlier packages sounds like a semantic group issue. I’m not sure which
release you are using but with BW4/HANA (I belive started with SP04) semantic groups does no longer
prevent a push down.

Further on, please do not try to translate all ABAP based transformation as a one-to-one copy into a SQL
Script (AMDP) based transformation. The processing logic between ABAP and SQL Script is di erence. Please
see paragraph 1.1 in this blog.

We provide a toolbox with a lot of standard transformation rules and the option to use ABAP and/or SQL Script
in case the standard rules are not enough.

Its up to you to pick the right option to implement the business logic.


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Former Member

September 19, 2017 at 11:37 pm

Hi Torsten,

Thanks for the nice blog. You blog encouraged me to write try AMDP script. We have been
recently upgraded to 7.5 SP5. When I tried to test a simple logic following your blog, I ran into an
issue. Code was activated without any errors but when I tried to activate transformation, its
giving an error that text eld cannot be mapped ( rst snapshot attached). I deleted all my logic
and added simple select from intab (second snapshot). Even then I see the error. If I delete start
routine and mapped elds directly, transformation gets activated without any issues. I could not
nd any note on market place. I am not sure if I am doing anything wrong or its a bug. Your
feedback is appreciated. 

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Torsten Kessler | Post author

September 20, 2017 at 7:17 am


for the topic BW transformation with HANA push down we do not create separate notes for each issue. We are
putting the xes in  collection notes for each SP.

I’d written a special blog where you can nd all relevant notes. 

Please check which notes are relevant for your release / SP and implement them in the latest version!

If all notes are on the current version, please try again.


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Former Member

December 15, 2017 at 2:46 pm

Hi Torsten,

I’m transforming a few transformations in our BW 7.5 SP06 environment and facing a situation where Start
routine is used to pre-populate a global internal table to be consumed by multiple eld routines. (It used to be
best practice for performance optimization at ABAP transformations.)

How is this situaion supposed to be handled with AMDP – since the auto-generated AMBD’s for Start and Field
rutines are separate Classes?


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Torsten Kessler | Post author

December 15, 2017 at 3:39 pm



You cannot hand over this type of programming logic from ABAP to HANA (AMDP).

In the HANA processing mode, we are working on package level on not like in ABAP on row level.

That means if you create an AMDP eld routine all the importing parameter inTab handover all values of the
source package. And the better way here is to use join operation to enrich your data.

Up to now a eld routine has one target eld (except a key gure with a unit). Field routines with more than one
target elds are under investigation but only for BW/4.

Please keep in mind that eld routines are HANA internally could be processed in parallel.

The picture below shows the potential parallel processes in the blue background rectangle.

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Sunil Paladugu

December 21, 2017 at 7:45 pm

Hi Torsten !

I need to sort the Source Package by certain elds and need to delete the adjacent duplicates from the
Source_Package, Can you please guide me how to do that in AMDP?

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Thanks ,


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Torsten Kessler | Post author

December 22, 2017 at 6:43 am


in some cases the sort order is important to write the data in the right order into the target and you can not /
should not change the order.

Reason for that are key gure aggregation- and delta-handling.

In case you are sure the aggregation- and delta-handling does not matter you can use the the start routine to
reach your requirement by using following statement:

inTabCleared =


FROM :inTab;

Than your further processing within the start routine must base on inTabClered. In case that’s all what you
wants to do in the routine you can directly write the result from the SELECT into the outTab.

But please keep an eye on your key gure aggregation behavior.


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Sunil Paladugu

January 16, 2018 at 8:07 pm

Thank you  Torsten for your detailed explanation. Appreciate it.

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Dio .

December 28, 2017 at 3:03 pm

Hi Torsten,

many thanks for your great support in the whole topic.

I’d like to ask how can I force the system where to process? In HANA (push down) vs. ABAP?

Because I face an issue with a transformation if I want to use “Read Master Data” for one eld and for a second
eld a formula say with “DATECONV”. This can not be combined at all because  “Read Master
Data” forces the processing in HANA. So I face the problem that DATECONV does not just prevent the push
down, it prevents everything at all.  Is this a feature or does it sound like a bug?



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Torsten Kessler | Post author

December 29, 2017 at 7:21 am


which release/SP you are running?


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Dio .

December 29, 2017 at 6:01 pm


Thanks for your immediate response.

Patchlevel & DB

SAP_BW 750 0006

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Torsten Kessler | Post author

December 29, 2017 at 6:14 pm

Hi Dirk,

please ensure that all relevant notes (see my note related blog)  are implemented in the latest version.

Further on I need more information:

Source object (ADSO?)

is the source eld a eld or an InfoObject

Target object (ADSO?)

is the target eld a eld or an InfoObject

a detailed error message (may be a screenshot)

the formula you are using


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Dio .

December 30, 2017 at 7:16 pm

Hi Torsten,

nope, not all notes has been applied yet. This is due to the fact that some of them are not available at the
moment. It seems to me it might be easier to update the SP in total than applying all the notes and the

Source object is a data source. Target is a InfoSource, which will end up in a DSO.

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I got the same results with an ADSO and a DSO as direct (or indirect via InfoSource) target object.


Request: Determine the last day of the previous month for a given calmonth.


Target: 0CALDAY

Formula: DATECONV(0CALMONTH & “01”, YYYYMMDD)   (more is not necessary to get the error)


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My question is, does “read from master data” always force the processing in HANA or is there a workaround to
bring the processing back to the application server?

Many thanks & Best wishes for 2018

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Torsten Kessler | Post author

January 2, 2018 at 9:38 am


“Read Master Data” doesn’t force a Push-Down!

How do you comes to this assumption?

Can you please create an incident and send the incident number to my mail?


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Dio .

January 2, 2018 at 8:20 pm

Hi Torsten,

great to hear this. It is said in the run time status of the transformation and even adding a dummy routine will
not change this behaviour in our system.

Yes, I plan to raise an incident but as u know the support wants to see some actions from our side. I´ll send u
the incident number by mail.




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Dio .
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January 3, 2018 at 7:23 pm

Hi Torsten,

many thanks for your great help in sorting out what is wrong in our system. Your advise with note 2416745
xed the issue.

Never had such a great support in 20 years SAP.



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dharmateja nandipati

March 29, 2018 at 6:07 am


Hello Torsten Kessler ,

My reply is not relevant to this discussion but  can you please guide me below to the requirement.

Currently I am trnasforming existing ABAP  logic to AMDP Script in my Bw4HANA sandbox.What is the best
way to append rows for outtab in BW trannsformations ? Is it with Union/Union All or Insert .I know DML
operations are not allowed inside the procedure ? What do you recommend ? I used Union as well as Union
All and it took almost 19 minutes to process one record.Bascially we want to popullate future scal buckets.

For example A document D1 has Period 2018 001 with Credit 100 and Debit 0 .We want to populate it as
below.My AMDP script is working but in my testing it took almost 20 minutes to process one record.Below is
the  sample output and the corresponding logic in AMDP script.

Doc         Fiscal Period Balance

D1 20180 100

D1 20180 100

D1 20180 100

D1 20180 100

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D1 20180 100

D1 20180 100

D1 20180 100

D1 20180 100

D1 20180 100

D1 20180 100

D1 20180 100

D1 20180 100

D1 20180 100

D1 201801 100

D1 20180 100

D1 20180 100

declare cursor c_out2 for select * from :intab where ( debit + credit ) != 0;
declare t_maxperiod nvarchar( 3) ;
declare n_prds nvarchar( 3);
declare add_periods nvarchar( 3);
t_maxperiod = '016';
add_periods = '001';
************************Start of Populating Future Fiscal Buckets with Balance****************
FOR r1 AS c_out2 DO
*if (r1.credit + r1.debit) != 0
n_prds = t_maxperiod - r1.fiscper3;
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while n_prds > 0

outtab = (select * from :outtab ) union
( select

(FISCPER + add_periods) as fiscper,
(FISCPER3 + add_periods ) as fiscper3,
RECORD as record,
"/BIC/YSL_LINE" = r1."/BIC/YSL_LINE" and
"/BIC/YDOC_CAT" = r1."/BIC/YDOC_CAT" and
AC_DOC_NO = r1.AC_DOC_NO and
n_prds = n_prds - '001';
add_periods = add_periods + '001';
end while;
add_periods = 1;

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* end if;
***************************************************End of Populating Future Fiscal Buckets
********************Start of Combine Current and Future buckets with Balance
outtab = (select

(FISCPER3 + 0 ) as fiscper3,
RECORD as record,
SQL__PROCEDURE__SOURCE__RECORD from :intab) union (select * from :outtab) ;
**************************Start of Combine Current and Future buckets with Balance

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Torsten Kessler | Post author

March 29, 2018 at 7:34 am


without data it’s quite di cult to analyze the code.

In case of an huge :intab we do not recommend imperative programming logic.

I’m not sure it is possible to re-implement the coding in a declarative way?!?!

Otherwise, if the ABAP implementation works, keep it in ABAP.


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Dharmateja Nandipati

November 19, 2018 at 8:25 am

Sorry for the late reply ,I have corrected my  AMDP script  it’s working ne now.

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Avinash Kumar Mavilla

February 16, 2018 at 2:06 am

Thank You Torsten.

Nice article.

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Former Member

March 30, 2018 at 3:43 pm

Hi Torsten,

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As a HANA executed AMDP transformation does not support DTP semantic groups, is there any possible way
to ensure that all data related to the key eld (say, one customer) are in the same package?

Appreciate your help and suggestion for this.



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Torsten Kessler | Post author

March 31, 2018 at 7:12 pm


semantic groups are supported. But only in BW/4

I guess  that’s not the answer you wants to hear.

Seriously, in BW 7.50 you can only ensure that all data related to a semantic key are delivered in the same
package if you adjust the package size so huge that all data are delivered in one package.
So if semantic grouping is important and you need it for your logic I would recommend to implement the logic
in ABAP.
An other alternative way is to switch to BW/4.
Sorry that I can not provide a better answer.

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Former Member

April 3, 2018 at 1:31 pm

HI Torsten,

No worries, thanks for the suggestion.

I actually tried a way in the AMDP code to backward lookup from the source DSO all data related to the
semantic key to be delivered in the same package. But this is de nitely not the right way, it gives memory
allocation issue with usual DTP package size of 1 million to execute on HANA.

Reducing the DTP package size to 50k enables the load to complete but doesn’t help to leverage the HANA
bene ts of shorter load runtime.

So as you said, maybe the better way would be to implement the logic in ABAP.

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Thank you.



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Jakob Thilo

April 13, 2018 at 12:58 pm

Hi Torsten,

great Series, very informative.

A couple Questions for you:

(1) you were mentioning a new upcoming Release of the PDEBWP course – any guess when this mighth
become available? The current release is stilled based on 7.0 (although I suppose with some input regarding
later releases)…

(2) I could’nt help notice that your blogs included chapter-numberings, starting with 1 through 4 (750 SP4
changes) and the blog on the recommendations continues with a “9” numbering. Any plans on your part on
putting up chapters 5 – 8 ?

(3) In addition to the PDEBWP material sevaral colleagues were using the SAPPress book on ABAP in BW by
(your former?) colleague Dirk Herzog (never heard from him or seen him around here for several years). It
would be really great to have something like that up to date in the BW on HANA / BW/4HANA context – are
there any plans for such a book by yourself or anyone at SAP?

kind regards,


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Torsten Kessler | Post author

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April 16, 2018 at 8:29 am

(1) yes you’re right the course based on BW 7.0 which is quite stable (or somebody says old ;-} ).

But the most technical concepts which are covered within the course (like generic DataSources, Customer
Exits and BAdIs) are still the same. There are some changes like in the reporting where we switched from an
Exit to an BAdI, but the technical fundamentals are the same. So if you are running a BW7.4 or 7.5 the
course is nevertheless usefully. 

Waht is currently is not covered within the course PDEBWP is SQLScript (also called AMDP Routines).

But here is a new course available which started this week:


I’m not sure what the future brings for PDEBWP? ;-{

(2) The blog series based on an internal document. I must prepare each chapter into an external format
(regarding the content). That needs time and I’d focused on these parts where we get the most

(3) I’d currently no plans to write a BW/4 book. But I’m currently working on an update of the blog series
based on BW/4. But there is no “release-date”

May be the AMDP course provides the information you are looking for. I’d seen the course material and there
are a lot of usefully topics around SQLScrips are covered within the course.


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Eddy De Clercq

June 28, 2018 at 7:01 am

Hi Torsten,

When will this new course will be available outside Germany or in English?

Speaking of, what about extractors?

We use CDS view whenever possible, but that doesn’t cover the complicated custom extractors (which we
have a lot since Business Content doesn’t deliver the things we need).

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Since there is still no alternative, we still use the RSAX framework.

Are there any possibilities to write AMDP based extractors and if so, how can this be achieved? If not, what are
the alternatives?



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Torsten Kessler | Post author

July 16, 2018 at 10:50 am


I’m not longer deep involved in the course creation and maintenance process.

But there is a new course available:

WDBWH1 – SAP HANA SQL Script within SAP BW powered by SAP HANA or BW/4HANA
For more information I would suggest to contact SAP Education

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Yannick Rödl

August 21, 2018 at 10:04 am

Hello Torsten Kessler :

Just for clari cation in paragraph 1.2.7 you have mentioned

“Transfer routineCharacteristic- / InfoObject – Routine) are not supported

0SOURSYSTEM and 0LOGSYS are supported”

Meaning that in the case where 0LOGSYS is used a push-down to HANA should be possible, right? At least it
has been on BW/4 SP05. Has there been any change between this SP and BW/4 SP08. Because at least in our
systems we get an error in this case. We have seen the
note https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/2488774 but it seems to solely apply to constant

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Thanks for clari cation and best regards


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Torsten Kessler | Post author

August 21, 2018 at 10:15 am


yes for this two InfoObjects we’d implemented a special logic.

That means the logic from the ABAP program is covered within the generated HANA runtime object.

Currently there is an issue regarding the HANA execution check within the frontend.

This issue will be xed with Patch 03 (version 1.19) of BWMT – for further information on the release schedule
please check the attached note 1944835 – SAP BW Modeling Tools – Delivery Schedule.

That means it could be happen that you get an error regarding the HANA runtime check if you are using one of
this two InfoObjects within a transforamtion.


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Yannick Rödl

August 21, 2018 at 11:52 am

Hello Torsten,

thanks for your quick answer. Then we are going to wait for Patch 03.

Best regards


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Christophe Posson

December 6, 2018 at 9:27 am

Hi Torsten,

we are running BW on HANA 7.5 SP11.

I have installed BMT 1.19.30 (which corresponds to 1.19 patch 04 if I understand it well from the release notes.

I just tried reactivating a transformation based on a Calculation View as a source, and still get the error that
the transfer routine for 0SOURSYSTEM is not supported.

Any idea what the issue could be?



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Jorge Aguirre Fernández

October 5, 2018 at 1:23 pm

Hi Torsten,

Thanks for this amazing blog series.

I didn’t nd anything regarding the possibility of accesing HANA views in AMDP.

I didn’t nd any problem when accesing External HANA Views from BW objects but I’m receiving an error when
activating an AMDP routine accessing data through a CV with calculated attributes. I couldn’t nd anything in

Do you know if there are restrictions on this?

Kind regards,

Jorge Aguirre.

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Torsten Kessler | Post author

January 16, 2019 at 4:54 pm


what does the error message tell us?

Can you post the message here?


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Jorge Aguirre Fernández

January 23, 2019 at 1:14 pm

Hi Torsten,

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Version is 7.5 SP07



PD: Version update.

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Torsten Kessler | Post author

January 23, 2019 at 2:02 pm


can you create an incident for this?

And let me know the incident number.

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Jorge Aguirre Fernández

February 5, 2019 at 11:29 am

Hi Torsten,

Should I post it here?



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Torsten Kessler | Post author

February 5, 2019 at 11:55 am

You can send it directly to my mail torsten.kessler@sap.com

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Jorge Aguirre Fernández

February 27, 2019 at 10:23 am

Hi Torsten,

After implementing the notes for AMDP transformations error has been corrected and we have been able to
activate the transformation.

Thanks for your support and kind regards.


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January 18, 2019 at 9:32 am

Dear Torsten,

Thanks for all your blogs related to BW HANA.

Quick question, is there a abap program like RSDG_TRFN_ACTIVATE to activate a transformation between 2

ADSO in the production system, if the transformation transported has not been activate during the transport.



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Torsten Kessler | Post author

January 22, 2019 at 4:58 pm


why you can not use the report  RSDG_TRFN_ACTIVATE?

Do you know why the transport (after import) does not activate the transformation?

any error messages within the log?


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Christof Jähngen

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January 30, 2019 at 12:50 pm
Hi Torsten,

I have an aDSO (with 500+ mio data records) with SID generation switched on for an InfoObject. I’ve created
an Expert Routine with AMDP script and added the logic here.

But when executing the DTP the system throws an error that there’s an invalid colum name: see the
screenshot below. I also tried to add the SID eld to the OUTTAB etc., but wihtout success.

If I remove the SID generation for the InfoObject, the DTP can be executed successfully and provides the
correct data.

Does the AMDP has some issues with the SID generation or is the SID generation obsolete? I couldn’t nd any
hints for this.

Thanks in advance,


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Torsten Kessler | Post author

January 30, 2019 at 1:00 pm


please check at rst if all notes from our overview note:

2603241 – Overview and summary of the most important SAP Notes in the context of BW transformations
with SAP HANA and ABAP execution

are implemented in the latest version.

In case the error is still present please create an incident.

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Which BW Version / Release /SP you are running?


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Christof Jähngen

February 4, 2019 at 7:02 am

Hi Torsten,

thanks for your reply.

We’re on BW 7.50 SP06.

I implemented the latest version of the report Z_SAP_BW_NOTE_ANALYZER as requested in 2603241 and
realized we’re far away from having all the listed notes.

But I found the root cause of my issue:

In the aDSO the SID was added to the DataStore. After removing the SID, I was able to complete the AMDP
script whithout issues.

But with the added SID in the DataStore, I didn’t found a way to make the AMDP running because I couldn’t
add the SID column to the OUTTAB.

So the question is, how can this be treatened?

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Best Regards,


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Torsten Kessler | Post author

February 4, 2019 at 1:51 pm


the SID column should be lled by the transformation / DTP without further action from you.


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Viren P Devi

January 30, 2019 at 4:22 pm

Hello Torsten,

In my case I have Composite provider as a source of AMDP Transformation. While loading data it tries to
process all packages in ONE go and dumps due to memory over ow. Is there any way I can avoid this?

Thank you so much.


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Torsten Kessler | Post author

January 31, 2019 at 8:42 am


that a very less information.

What Release / SP you are running?

What do you mean with AMDP Transformation? I assume a HANA processing transformation with at least
one AMDP routine. Which routine?

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Depending on the release we’d added a Breakpoint option to generate a PlanViz to analyse where the
memory allocation is very high. Do you checked this option already?
Is the CompositeProvider based on only ADSO or you are also using CaclViews inside the

Please consider SAP Note for more information:

2329819 – SAP HANA execution in DTPs (Data Transfer Processes) – Optimizations


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