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1. Shall we go to the cinema on Sunday?

2. He graduated from Oxford in 1985.
3. I must get up early in the morning.
4. The shops open at nine.
5. She has never seen the sea in winter.
6. I am going to meet her on Wednesday.
7. Let's have a break at noon.
8. They moved here in October.
9. It happened at half past seven.
10. Is the match on Saturday afternoon?
11. We were at the cinema at 6 p.m. yesterday.
12. My next English lesson is on Friday.
13. The concert started on July 7th.
14. The bus leaves at 8.45 p.m.
15. We eat lunch at noon.
16. He likes watching TV in the evening.
17. I went to bed at midnight.
18. What do you usually do in the evening?
19. We finished the game late at night.
20. I go on holidays in summer.


1. The hungry lion roared. (roared – intransitive)

2. I have submitted the report. (have submitted – transitive; object – the report)
3. The boy stood on the burning deck. (stood – intransitive)
4. He has fallen ill. (has fallen – intransitive)
5. The ass continued braying. (continued – transitive; object – braying)
6. The old man sat in a corner. (sat – intransitive)
7. The wind is cold. (is – intransitive)
8. She is charming. (is charming – intransitive)
9. Why are you blowing hot and cold? (are blowing – intransitive verb)
10. He tried again and again. (tried – intransitive)
11. The child is sleeping. (is sleeping – intransitive)
12. They are Chinese. (are – intransitive; no object)
13. The weather is hot. (is – intransitive; no object)
14. Bad boys hide their faults. (hide – transitive; object – their faults)
15. They elected him president. (elected – transitive; object – him)

Punctuation Exercise-Answers
1. We had a great time in France – the kids really enjoyed it.
2. Some people work best in the mornings; others do better in the evenings.
3. What are you doing next weekend?
4. Mother had to go into hospital: she had heart problems.
5. Did you understand why I was upset?
6. It is a fine idea; let us hope that it is going to work.
7. We will be arriving on Monday morning – at least, I think so.
8. A textbook can be a ‘wall’ between teacher and class.
9. The girl’s father sat in a corner.
10. In the words of Murphy’s Law: ‘Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.’

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