Aircraft Structures

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Shuchurad Aralysis Stabeally, Determinabe habically Indeterminate Problem Con be Sdved using Equations of equilibiur Quotient of quilibium inguffient to solve the olune problem, nor ns uf agplicobls nef ne gf applicable Unxnaaind cquitiniom aqustin, | denoiint aquilinum equation, e 4 g++ “qt K oF Me gz 1 Te Ne, te Voenous 8, 4%, C ; 17% Unenouns RRM, M2 C4) Fqustions zyeo, ameo C2) aot eve Sohically determinate 2 cue “4 Stoheally indeerminale. Equations, a equilbum fer an case Zhyso Fyre 2F,-0 | SMyr0 EMyrOo | eM 0 fr a av case ZAz0 gv=0 gM=0 ‘ 4 Ke 4 4 PReeeeee eee eeeee Eee Basic Shnuchsvo} Elements ae 4 Bax Caxial loading) Beam Clim + Column (axial taoding) vere! # Shaft % shut Fuss ¥ Bear C transverse. looding ipa ® Plate. a shell isn Shean fore and Bending Momunt EN PN ne eS m Bl yf Corsidin Siemply Guppanted Beam, oe, with loads PL, RY Py, tp \ Gmsider a eedion mn ot o distome = ~—————> x fom the LE @appnk, fF; jean TO find tha equitibviuum of his R te VE portion of the beam, we have to consider aot only orbernal toads spelert V but alto ts reackon and tht . saa? ») Internal forus that are distbubed Ly oven Ha orpss Seclion and thy Yepregent tha acon af Ha wight portion gf the beam on dhe LEE portion . Truse forus must be of a magnibede to equilibviake P, R&R, At wil be advantageous to ved #2 achtal ayshem Sf externa! fores to oa Simplified equivalent agttem. TWuse eystem of fores on be repleusd wa Binge fore C v= 6hen fore) ond o couple ( Bending moment). V= R-P-Am M= Rx - fOrHq)- BR Cr-4) v- Shaoring force at crses ection mn M- Bending moment at exoag Gecko mn ® 3 we cantidin dhe right povton af the. beorm on éeckon, ma, whe algebraic ae Ames fo the wight of the crass deckon and the algebrale Sum of momunls ef forus ty the wight af the ewes section ott be equal by V and M Cut of oppasihe Serge ouing, be equillorium. Sign Convention for bending, rmamant , eee eee ee Greer Cee eg ging Soggy Tyre of Beama & ae endibions Propped _canbleren C70 dre x 20 Bx Mo Fixed /clamped Bear = wo wed gee 4re feo thes M to mdo Free -free Beam [fuselage when TT age is degre) eo tek dae. yee ae 40 & Mad M=0

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