Afd Sabtank CCR T 002 19

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Transmittal No. AFD-SABTANK-CCR-T-002-19

C.R. # 2050038389 Date 5-Mar-19
Your Reference :

Attn : Mr. MOHIUDDIN AHMED M. Project Engineer (E&PM)




Please find enclosed Documents for above subject.

Item# Document No./Title Rev. No No of Files Description


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Corporate Office :
C.R. # 2050038389
King Faisal Rd, Yanbu Al Sinaiyah, Yanbu Al Bahr 46457
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ISSUING Type of Document

No. Document Number Rev. Document Title Document for Attached Discipline status Date
Trans. No. Issued Date Reply Due

82-CN-0001-MS 0 Method of statement for earthwork and backfilling work approval copies QA / QC approved 23-Jan-14
1 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0001-13 25-Dec-13 8-Jan-14
82-CN-0002-MS 0 Method of statement for grounding and lightning protection system. approval copies QA / QC approved 28-Jan-14

SEN-SGP-ITP-BU-001 0 Inspection and test plan for construction for building finishes approval copies civil approved 28-Jan-14
2 GAS-SGPCO-SGPPO-T-CN-0002-13 31-Dec-13 14-Jan-14
SEN-SGP-ITP-CA-002 0 Inspection and test plan for concrete work approval copies civil approved 28-Jan-14

3 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0001-14 1-Jan-14 15-Jan-14 - 0 Mix Design/technical Data approval copies civil approved 23-Jan-14
Method of statement for concrete works (including Rebar, embedded items and form
4 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0002-14 1-Jan-14 15-Jan-14 82-CN-0004-MS 0 approval copies civil
5 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0003-14 6-Jan-14 20-Jan-14 SEN-SGP-ITP-BU-002 0 Inspection and test plan for construction for protected membrance roofing approval copies civil approved 23-Jan-14
planning &
6 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0004-14 6-Jan-14 20-Jan-14 82-CN-0001-MOM 0 Minutes of Meeting (MOM) for record copies ongoing
7 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0005-14 6-Jan-14 20-Jan-14 - 0 Material approval request(Bituminous Paint) approval copies civil approved 23-Jan-14
Material approval request(Polyethylene sheet, coated tie wire, plastic spacer, PVC
8 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0006-14 6-Jan-14 20-Jan-14 - 0 approval copies civil approved 23-Jan-14
GAS-SGP-WPS-0001 0 Welder Procedure Specification TM/WPS/002 approval copies Q/A / QC approved 13-Jan-14

0 Welder Procedure Specification TM/WPS/003 approval copies Q/A / QC approved 13-Jan-14

9 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0007-14 8-Jan-14 22-Jan-14 GAS-SGP-MPEP-0003 0 Welder Procedure Specification TISC-WPS-11-004 approval copies Q/A / QC approved 13-Jan-14

GAS-SGP-WPS-0004 0 Welder Procedure Specification TM/WPS/008 approval copies Q/A / QC approved 13-Jan-14

GAS-SGP-WPQ-0005 0 Welder performance Qualification Test Record approval copies Q/A / QC approved 13-Jan-14

GAS-SGP-QP-0006 0 Radiographic Examination Procedure approval copies Q/A / QC approved 13-Jan-14

GAS-SGP-QP-0007 0 Quality Procedure Radiation Safety Procedure approval copies Q/A / QC approved 13-Jan-14

GAS-SGP-UEP-0008 0 Liquid penetrant examination procedure approval copies Q/A / QC approved 13-Jan-14

10 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0008-14 8-Jan-14 22-Jan-14 GAS-SGP-UEP-0009 0 NDT personal Certification approval copies Q/A / QC approved 13-Jan-14

GAS-SGP-MPEP-0010 0 Quality Procedure Magnetic Particle examination procedure approval copies Q/A / QC approved 13-Jan-14

GAS-SGP-EUP-0011 0 Quality procedure penetrant examination procedure approval copies Q/A / QC approved 13-Jan-14

GAS-SGP-EUP-0012 0 Quality Procedure Ultrasonic examination procedure approval copies Q/A / QC approved 13-Jan-14

11 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0009-14 8-Jan-14 22-Jan-14 SGP-ITP-P-002 0 Inspection and test plan for metallic underground piping installation and coating approval copies piping approved 13-Jan-14

12 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0010-14 8-Jan-14 22-Jan-14 82-S-0020-SA 0 Contractor response to comments on EHSS document ((82-S-0001-SA)(82-S-15-SA)) approval copies piping ongoing

13 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0011-14 8-Jan-14 22-Jan-14 - 0 Material Approval request (Polyethylene sheet) approval copies piping approved 23-Jan-14

14 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0012-15 8-Jan-14 22-Jan-14 - 0 Material Approval request (Coated Reinforcement Steel) approval copies piping ongoing
Procedure of field application of liquid girth weld coating on the external girth weld
15 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0013-14 9-Jan-14 23-Jan-14 82-CN-0006-MS 0 approved copies Q/A / QC approved 12-Jan-14
areas of welded spools, fittings & pipes

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ISSUING Type of Document

No. Document Number Rev. Document Title Document for Attached Discipline status Date
Trans. No. Issued Date Reply Due

16 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0014-14 9-Jan-14 23-Jan-14 82-CN-0007-MS 0 Procedure of repair of liquid coating (internal & external) approved copies Q/A / QC Approved 12-Jan-14

17 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0015-14 9-Jan-14 23-Jan-14 82-CN-0008-MS 0 Method statement for fabrication of under ground piping approved copies Q/A / QC approved 12-Jan-14

18 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0016-14 21-Jan-14 4-Feb-14 SGP-TIS-QCP-02 0 Welding consumable Control Procedure approval copies piping Aprroved 19-Feb-14

19 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0017-14 21-Jan-14 4-Feb-14 SGP-TIS-QCP-09 0 Weld Repair Procedure approval copies piping ongoing

20 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0018-14 12-Jan-14 26-Jan-14 82-CN-0003-MOM 0 Minutes of Meeting (MOM) for record copies piping ongoing
Method of statement for concrete repair work and application of protective coating to
22 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0019-14 12-Jan-14 26-Jan-14 82-CN-0005-MS 0 approval copies civil approved 23-Jan-14
concrete surface.
23 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0020-14 14-Jan-14 28-Jan-14 82-CN-0003-MOM - Minutes of Meeting (MOM) approval copies Civil ongoing

SGP-ITP-BU-01 - Inspection and test plan for construction for building finishes approval copies planning & control approved 1/23/2014

24 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0021-14 15-Jan-14 29-Jan-14 SGP-ITP-CA-02 Inspection and test plan for concrete work copies civil approved
Method statement for concrete works(including rebar, embedded items and form
82-CN-0004-MS 1 copies civil approved 23-Jan-14
Material approal request (concrete supplier) (1. Saudi Ready Mix) (2. Qanbar Ready
25 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0022-14 15-Jan-14 29-Jan-14 - - approval copies civil ongoing
Mix)(3. Badgaish Ready Mix)
26 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0023-14 15-Jan-14 29-Jan-14 - - material approval request (epoxy coated reinforcement steel supplier) approval copies civil approved 2-Feb-14

27 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0024-14 15-Jan-14 29-Jan-14 - - material approval request (hollow metal door supplier) approval copies civil approved 23-Jan-14

28 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0025-14 15-Jan-14 29-Jan-14 - - pre-qualification of third party approval request (1. Ayed Eld Al Osaimi Engineering) approval copies civil approved 27-Jan-14

29 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0026-14 19-Jan-14 2-Feb-14 - - material approval request (roof water proofing supplier) 1) Issam Khabbani & Partners approval copies civil approved 29-Jan-14

30 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0027-14 19-Jan-14 2-Feb-14 - - material approval request (fence supplier) 1 Saudi Chain Link Fence MFG. CO.LTD. approval copies civil approved 29-Jan-14

31 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0028-14 19-Jan-14 2-Feb-14 - - material approval request (bituminous paint test certificates) approval copies civil rejected 2-Feb-14
(substation building foundation bar bending schedule)(electrical building foundation
32 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0029-14 19-Jan-14 2-Feb-14 - - approval copies civil ongoing
bar bending schedule)
33 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0030-14 19-Jan-14 2-Feb-14 82-CN-0004-MOM 0 Minutes of Meeting (MOM) (Weekly progress meeting for SGP (14 Jan. 2014) approval copies civil ongoing

34 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0031-14 27-Jan-14 10-Feb-14 - - Minutes of Meeting (MOM) (Weekly progress meeting for SGP (21 Jan. 2014) for record copies - - -

35 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0032-14 27-Jan-14 10-Feb-14 - - SGP Site Staff Directory for record copies - - -
Material approval request. (1. Structure Fill, Al-Osais 2. Sub base, Al-Osais 3. Sand,
36 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0033-14 28-Jan-14 11-Feb-14 - - approval copies civil ongoing
Al-Osais 4. Road Base, Al-Base
37 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0034-14 28-Jan-14 11-Feb-14 - - MOC (Modification of road to facilitate compressor shelter) approval copies civil ongoing

38 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0035-14 28-Jan-14 11-Feb-14 - - Tamimi Project Organization information copies TAMIMI(SUBCON) -

39 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0036-14 28-Jan-14 11-Feb-14 - - Curriculum Vitae of Tamiimi Key Person approval copies ongoing
40 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0037-14 29-Jan-14 12-Feb-14 CN-S-001 0 Report of EHSS Incident Notification information copies HSE -

41 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0038-14 30-Jan-14 13-Feb-14 82-CN-0006-MOM 0 Minutes of Meeting (MOM) Weekly Progress Meeting for SGP(27 Jan, 2014) for record copies - -

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ISSUING Type of Document

No. Document Number Rev. Document Title Document for Attached Discipline status Date
Trans. No. Issued Date Reply Due
Minutes of Meeting (MOM) Interference with existing cable trench and compressor
42 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0039-14 30-Jan-14 13-Feb-14 82-CN-0007-MOM 0 for record copies - -
43 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0040-14 17-Feb-14 N/A - 0 IP Phone (-FCH 13068YHV, FCH 130693Y, FHC 13069 KTA information copies - -

44 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0041-14 22-Feb-14 8-Feb-14 OCR-TM-14-001/1-6 0 Concrete test result for 7 and 28 days (17MPa(OPC) approval orginal civil ongoing 23-Feb-14

45 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0041-14 22-Feb-14 8-Feb-14 OCR-TM-14-002/1-6 0 Concrete test result for 7 and 28 days (30Mpa+MS) approval orginal civil ongoing 23-Feb-14

46 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0041-14 22-Feb-14 8-Feb-14 OCR-TM-14-002/1-6 0 Concrete test result for 7 and 28 days (35Mpa+MS) approval orginal civil ongoing 23-Feb-14

47 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0042-14 22-Feb-14 8-Feb-14 SC/2523/35 0 Material Approval Request for Fire-Rated CMU approval orginal civil ongoing 23-Feb-14

48 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0042-14 22-Feb-14 8-Feb-14 SC/2523/36 Material Approval Request for Fire-Rated CMU approval orginal civil ongoing 23-Feb-14

49 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0043-14 20-Feb-14 6-Feb-14 SPG-ITP-T-001 0 General painting/coating for piping approval orginal civil ongoing 20-Feb-14

50 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0043-14 20-Feb-14 6-Feb-14 SPG-ITP-ME-001 0 General rotary equipment installaiton directly coupled approval orginal civil ongoing 20-Feb-14

51 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0043-14 20-Feb-14 6-Feb-14 SPG-ITP-ME-002 0 Liquid oxygen pump(cryogenic service) installation approval orginal civil ongoing 20-Feb-14

52 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0043-14 20-Feb-14 6-Feb-14 SPG-ITP-ME-003 0 General statidc equipment installation approval orginal civil ongoing 20-Feb-14

53 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0043-14 20-Feb-14 6-Feb-14 SPG-ITP-ME-004 0 vertical axial flow pumps installation approval orginal civil ongoing 20-Feb-14

54 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0044-14 22-Feb-14 8-Feb-14 SC/2523/39 0 Gypsum board approval orginal civil ongoing 23-Feb-14


56 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0046-14 23-Feb-14 9-Feb-14 CN-S-005 0 EHSS incident reporting, classification, investigation and analysis approval orginal civil ongoing 23-Feb-14

57 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0047-14 23-Feb-14 9-Feb-14 SEN-ETEC-TR-040 0 Approval request for calculation and drawing of staging information copies civil close 23-Feb-14

58 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0048-14 24-Feb-14 10-Feb-14 SGP-ITP-T-002 0 inspection and test plan for painting and coating in general steel structures approval orginal civil ongoing 25-Feb-14

59 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0049-14 24-Feb-14 10-Feb-14 TIS-WPS-11-DE-002 0 welding procedure specification approval orginal civil ongoing 25-Feb-14

60 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0049-14 24-Feb-14 10-Feb-14 TIS-WPS-11-AE-001 0 welding procedure specification approval orginal civil ongoing 25-Feb-14

61 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0050-14 24-Feb-14 10-Feb-14 82-CN-0014-MS 0 Nitrogen purging and preservation for undeground piping at SADARA road section approval orginal civil ongoing 25-Feb-14

62 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0050-14 24-Feb-14 10-Feb-14 82-CN-0015-MS 0 blasting and painting approval orginal civil ongoing 25-Feb-14

63 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0050-14 24-Feb-14 10-Feb-14 82-CN-0016-MS 0 piping support fabricatoin and erection approval orginal civil ongoing 25-Feb-14

64 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0050-14 24-Feb-14 10-Feb-14 82-CN-0017-MS 0 scaffolding erection/dismantling approval orginal civil ongoing 25-Feb-14

65 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0050-14 24-Feb-14 10-Feb-14 82-CN-0018-MS 0 piping fabrication approval orginal civil ongoing 25-Feb-14

66 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0050-14 24-Feb-14 10-Feb-14 82-CN-0019-MS 0 piping erection U/G approval orginal civil ongoing 25-Feb-14

67 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0050-14 24-Feb-14 10-Feb-14 82-CN-0020-MS 0 piping erection A/G approval orginal civil ongoing 25-Feb-14

68 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0051-14 24-Feb-14 10-Feb-14 SC/2523/52 0 Amin cured epoxy based primer/sealer approval orginal civil ongoing 25-Feb-14

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ISSUING Type of Document

No. Document Number Rev. Document Title Document for Attached Discipline status Date
Trans. No. Issued Date Reply Due

69 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0051-14 24-Feb-14 10-Feb-14 SC/2523/52 0 High build epoxy polyamide(70 micron) approval orginal civil ongoing 25-Feb-14

70 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0051-14 24-Feb-14 10-Feb-14 SC/2523/52 0 Plymid Epoxy approval orginal civil ongoing 25-Feb-14

71 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0051-14 24-Feb-14 10-Feb-14 SC/2523/52 0 solvent free amin cured epoxy paint(1000micron) approval orginal civil ongoing 25-Feb-14

72 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0051-14 24-Feb-14 10-Feb-14 SC/2523/52 0 epoxy plymide sealer/primer(70micron) approval orginal civil ongoing 25-Feb-14

73 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0051-14 24-Feb-14 10-Feb-14 SC/2523/52 0 no-shrinkage grout approval orginal civil ongoing 25-Feb-14

74 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0051-14 24-Feb-14 10-Feb-14 SC/2523/52 0 high builed polyamide epoxy approval orginal civil ongoing 25-Feb-14

75 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0052-14 26-Feb-14 10-Feb-14 TIS-PL-PCKG-03 0 blasting and painting doucment package approval orginal civil ongoing 25-Feb-14

76 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0053-14 24-Feb-14 10-Feb-14 SC/2523/60 0 Concrete repair work from BASF approval orginal civil ongoing 25-Feb-14

77 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0053-14 24-Feb-14 10-Feb-14 SC/2523/61 0 Concrete repair work from FOSROCK approval orginal civil ongoing 25-Feb-14

78 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0054-14 24-Feb-14 10-Feb-14 TIS/PL/MSPT-01 0 Method statement for Pneumatic testing approval orginal civil ongoing 25-Feb-14

79 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0055-14 25-Feb-14 11-Feb-14 TIS/PL/GLPQR-01 0 GLOBETECH PQR document approval orginal civil ongoing 25-Feb-14

80 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0056-14 25-Feb-14 11-Feb-14 TIS-PL/LEMS-01 0 List of equipment method statement information orginal tamimi close 25-Feb-14

81 GAS-SGPCS-SGPPS-T-CN-0057-14 25-Feb-14 - - - CV's ((Syed Mustafa)(E & I Inspector)) information orginal tamimi close 25-Feb-14

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Transmittal No. GAS-SGPCO-SGPPO-PR-0756-14

Ref.Transmittal No.
Date Err:504
Reply Due Err:504
The following documents:

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Are transmitted for :

### Review ### Comment ### Approval ### Information ### Reference
### Enquiry ### Construction ### Final ### As-built ### For record

No. Document Number Rev. Document Title Remarks

Subject : Pre-inspection Meeting





YunSuk Sung Date
Project Manager

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Bashir Choudry Date JunYoung.Lee Date & Stamp

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