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476th vFG TACTICS,


Published and released under Authority of the 476th vFG Command Staff.

24 April 2016

Flying Operations


ACESSIBILITY: 476TTP volumes are available for download online at the following website:

RELEASIBILITY: This publication is authorized for public release, distribution via 476th vFG website only. Requests for further
distribution must be approved by the 476th vFG .

Supersedes: 476th vFG Mission Planning Standard Certified by: 476 vFG OG/CC
476th vFG Formation Guide 76 vFS SQ/CC
74th vTS Basic Flight Maneuvers 81 vFS SQ/CC
74th vTS Air-to-Air Refueling Guide 74 vFS SQ/CC

Pages: 265

PURPOSE: This publication provides DCS A-10 pilots a comprehensive document containing fundamental employment
procedures and techniques that may be used to accomplish the mission of the A-10. This handbook is the primary A-10 attack
aircraft fundamentals for the 476th Virtual Fighter Group, 76th Virtual Fighter Squadron, 81st Virtual Fighter Squadron, and 74th
Virtual Training Squadron.

APPLICATION: The procedures and techniques are presented for pilot consideration in planning and are not for regulatory
purposes. Other procedures and techniques may be used if they are safe and effective. This publication addresses basic flying
tasks and planning considerations for both the air-to-air and air-to-surface arenas, and is intended to be used in conjunction with
the 476 OI series of publications. Should there be a conflict between this publication and an OI, the OI will take precedence. The
following standard definitions apply to the guidance contained in this publication:

Tactics. The employment and ordered arrangement of forces in relation to each other.

Techniques. Non-prescriptive ways of methods used to perform missions, functions, or tasks.

Procedures. Standard, detailed steps that prescribe how to perform specific tasks.

SCOPE: This publication presents a solid foundation upon which effective tactics can be developed. It is not designed to be used
as a step-by-step checklist of how to successfully employ the A-10C, but rather provides information and guidelines on basic
procedures and techniques to facilitate standardization.

SERIES: The series of 476TTP volumes includes the following:

476TTP 3-1.General Planning General Planning and Employment Considerations

476TTP 3-1.Brevity Operational Brevity Words, Definitions, and Counterair Communication Standards
476TTP 3-1.Threat Guide Threat Reference Guide and Countertactics Manual
476TTP 3-1.A-10 Tactical Employment – A-10C
476TTP 3-3.A-10 Combat Aircraft Fundamentals – A-10C

AUTHORS: The following people assisted in the writing and preparation of this volume:
Paul “Snoopy” Kempton 476 vFG
Danny “Stuka” Vanvelthoven 81 vFS
James “Eddie” Knight 81 vFS
Nick “Noodle” Landolfi 76 vFS
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 iii

1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Purpose .........................................................................................................................................................................1
1.3 Change Procedures ........................................................................................................................................................1
2 MISSION PREPARATION .................................................................................................................................................3
2.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................3
2.2 Mission Preparation .......................................................................................................................................................3
2.3 Mission Briefing ............................................................................................................................................................7
2.4 Flight Briefing ...............................................................................................................................................................8
2.5 Stepping to Fly ..............................................................................................................................................................9
2.6 Ground Operations ........................................................................................................................................................9
2.7 Visual Procedures ........................................................................................................................................................ 12
2.8 Instrument Procedures ................................................................................................................................................. 18
2.9 After Landing .............................................................................................................................................................. 26
2.10 Debriefing ...................................................................................................................................................................27
2.11 Abnormal Procedures .................................................................................................................................................. 27
2.12 Radio Failure ............................................................................................................................................................... 29
2.13 Spatial Disorientation .................................................................................................................................................. 30
2.14 Armament System Malfunctions..................................................................................................................................31
3 FORMATION .....................................................................................................................................................................33
3.1 Formation Flight Fundamentals ...................................................................................................................................33
3.2 Basic Two-Ship Formation ..........................................................................................................................................35
3.3 Basic Four-Ship Formation ..........................................................................................................................................45
3.4 Tactical Formation ...................................................................................................................................................... 49
3.5 Two-Ship Tactical Formations.....................................................................................................................................52
3.6 Three-Ship Tactical Formations ...................................................................................................................................71
3.7 Four-Ship Tactical Formations ....................................................................................................................................74
3.8 Rejoins From Tactical Formation ................................................................................................................................ 81
4 AIR TO AIR EMPLOYMENT ..........................................................................................................................................83
4.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................83
4.2 Preparation ..................................................................................................................................................................83
4.3 Aircraft Handling Characteristics.................................................................................................................................83
4.4 Acceleration ................................................................................................................................................................ 84
4.5 Basic Geometry ........................................................................................................................................................... 84
4.6 Turning Room ............................................................................................................................................................. 86
4.7 Pursuit Curves ............................................................................................................................................................. 89
4.8 Yo-Yo .........................................................................................................................................................................91
4.9 Control Zone ............................................................................................................................................................... 93
4.10 Offensive Weapons Employment.................................................................................................................................93
4.11 Basic Tenets of Air-to-Air ...........................................................................................................................................98
4.12 Offensive Air-To-Air Maneuvering ............................................................................................................................. 99
4.13 Defensive Air-to-Air Maneuvering ............................................................................................................................ 106
4.14 High-Aspect Basic Fighter Maneuvers ...................................................................................................................... 113
iv 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

4.15 One versus Two Circle Fights.................................................................................................................................... 116

5 AIR TO SURFACE EMPLOYMENT ............................................................................................................................. 119
5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 119
5.2 Weapon Delivery Preparation .................................................................................................................................... 121
5.3 IP Holding Pattern ..................................................................................................................................................... 124
5.4 DSMS Weapon Profiles ............................................................................................................................................. 127
5.5 Weapon Delivery....................................................................................................................................................... 130
5.6 Safe Escape Maneuvers ............................................................................................................................................. 130
5.7 Weapon Delivery....................................................................................................................................................... 135
5.8 Computed Free-Fall Munitions Employment ............................................................................................................. 155
5.9 Manual Free-Fall Munitions Employment ................................................................................................................. 161
5.10 Rocket Employment .................................................................................................................................................. 161
5.11 Gun Employment ...................................................................................................................................................... 162
5.12 AGM-65, Maverick ................................................................................................................................................... 166
5.13 Laser-Guided Bomb (LGB) Employment .................................................................................................................. 170
5.14 Inertially Aided Munitions (IAM).............................................................................................................................. 171
5.15 Final Attack Planning ................................................................................................................................................ 172
5.16 Medium Altitude Methods ......................................................................................................................................... 176
5.17 Low Altitude Methods ............................................................................................................................................... 182
5.18 Run-in Timing ........................................................................................................................................................... 186
5.19 Egress the Target Area .............................................................................................................................................. 187
5.20 INFLTRPT or Close Air Support Check-Out Brief .................................................................................................... 187
5.21 Multi-Ship Attacks .................................................................................................................................................... 187
6 AIR TO AIR REFUELING .............................................................................................................................................. 198
6.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 199
6.2 Mission Planning ....................................................................................................................................................... 199
6.3 Ground Operations .................................................................................................................................................... 199
6.4 Enroute...................................................................................................................................................................... 199
6.5 Tanker Rendezvous ................................................................................................................................................... 201
6.6 Refueling Sequence ................................................................................................................................................... 201
6.7 Post Air Refueling Procedures ................................................................................................................................... 207
6.8 Night Air Refueling ................................................................................................................................................... 207
6.9 A-10 Lighting ............................................................................................................................................................ 207
6.10 Refueling ................................................................................................................................................................... 207
6.11 Quick Flow (QF) ....................................................................................................................................................... 208
6.12 System Malfunctions or Damage. .............................................................................................................................. 210
7 LOW ALTITUDE OPERATIONS .................................................................................................................................. 211
7.1 General Low Altitude Procedures .............................................................................................................................. 211
7.2 Navigation ................................................................................................................................................................. 211
7.3 Low-Altitude Flying Basics ....................................................................................................................................... 212
7.4 General Low Altitude Training Procedures ................................................................................................................ 216
8 NIGHT OPERATIONS .................................................................................................................................................... 219
8.1 Ground Operations .................................................................................................................................................... 219
8.2 En Route/Navigation ................................................................................................................................................. 219
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 v

8.3 Rejoin........................................................................................................................................................................ 219

8.4 Night Formation Procedures ...................................................................................................................................... 219
8.5 Approach and Landing .............................................................................................................................................. 221
9 PROFICIENCY EXCERCISES ...................................................................................................................................... 223
9.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 223
9.2 Familiarization and Aircraft Handling Exercises ........................................................................................................ 223
9.3 Air Combat Training (ACBT) Proficiency Exercises ................................................................................................. 234
9.4 Low Altitude Training/Step-Down Exercises ............................................................................................................. 236
Attachment 1 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 242
Attachment 2 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 244
Attachment 3 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 245
Attachment 4 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 246
Attachment 5 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 248
Attachment 6 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 250
Attachment 7 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 251
Attachment 8 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 253
Attachment 9 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 255
Attachment 10 ............................................................................................................................................................................ 257
Attachment 11 ............................................................................................................................................................................ 260
Attachment 12 ............................................................................................................................................................................ 261
Attachment 13 ............................................................................................................................................................................ 263
Attachment 14 ............................................................................................................................................................................ 265
vi 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Figure 2-1 - Plotting MGRS Coordinates ........................................................................................................................................8
Figure 2-2 - Overhead Pattern....................................................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 2-3 - Overhead Pattern 4-Ship Flow ..................................................................................................................................18
Figure 2-4 - A-10C Performance and Control Instruments ............................................................................................................ 19
Figure 2-5 - Holding Pattern ......................................................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 2-6 - Entering Holding from Missed Approach .................................................................................................................. 25
Figure 2-7 - Circling Approach Wing Reference........................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 3-1 - Two-Ship Line-up ..................................................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 3-2 - Attitude Direction Indicator ......................................................................................................................................37
Figure 3-3 - Turning Rejoin Line .................................................................................................................................................. 39
Figure 3-4 – Two-Ship Cross Under ............................................................................................................................................. 41
Figure 3-5 - Close Formation References......................................................................................................................................42
Figure 3-6 - Route Formation References .....................................................................................................................................43
Figure 3-7 - Fighting Wing ........................................................................................................................................................... 44
Figure 3-8 - Four-Ship Line-up ..................................................................................................................................................... 45
Figure 3-9 - 4-Ship Cross Unders ................................................................................................................................................. 46
Figure 3-10 - Echelon Left Example ............................................................................................................................................. 47
Figure 3-11 - Echelon Right Example ...........................................................................................................................................47
Figure 3-12 - Finger-4 Right Example ..........................................................................................................................................48
Figure 3-13 - Finger-4 Left Example ............................................................................................................................................ 48
Figure 3-14 - Basic Formation Lookout Responsibilities .............................................................................................................. 49
Figure 3-15 - Six O’clock Visual Coverage ..................................................................................................................................50
Figure 3-16 - Six O’clock Look Angle References ....................................................................................................................... 51
Figure 3-17 - Go “……” .............................................................................................................................................................. 53
Figure 3-18 - Combat Trail ........................................................................................................................................................... 54
Figure 3-19 - Line Formation ....................................................................................................................................................... 55
Figure 3-20 - Line Formation Lookout Responsibilities ................................................................................................................ 56
Figure 3-21 - 90 Degree Turn into Wingman ................................................................................................................................ 57
Figure 3-22 - 90 Degree Turn Away from Wingman Option 1 ......................................................................................................57
Figure 3-23 - 90 Degree Turn Away from Wingman Option 2 ......................................................................................................58
Figure 3-24 - 90 Degree Turn Away from Wingman .................................................................................................................... 59
Figure 3-25 - Less than 90 Degree Turn Away from Wingman Option 1 ...................................................................................... 60
Figure 3-26 - Less than 90 Degree Turn Away from Wingman Option 2 ...................................................................................... 60
Figure 3-27 - Cross Turn (Top View) ...........................................................................................................................................62
Figure 3-28 - Cross Turn (Side View) ...........................................................................................................................................63
Figure 3-29 - In Place 90 Degree Turn..........................................................................................................................................64
Figure 3-30 - In Place 180 Degree Turn ........................................................................................................................................64
Figure 3-31 - Point maneuver ....................................................................................................................................................... 65
Figure 3-32 - Shackle maneuver ................................................................................................................................................... 66
Figure 3-33 - Wedge Formation.................................................................................................................................................... 67
Figure 3-34 - Wedge Formation Lookout Responsibilities ............................................................................................................ 68
Figure 3-35 - Trail Formation ....................................................................................................................................................... 69
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 vii

Figure 3-36 - Two-Ship Formations Overview ............................................................................................................................. 70

Figure 3-37 - Three-Ship Vic Formation .......................................................................................................................................71
Figure 3-38 - Three-Ship Vic Formation .......................................................................................................................................72
Figure 3-39 - Three-Ship Wedge .................................................................................................................................................. 73
Figure 3-40 - Four-Ship Box ........................................................................................................................................................ 74
Figure 3-41 - Offset Box .............................................................................................................................................................. 75
Figure 3-42 - Offset Box Lookout Priorities .................................................................................................................................75
Figure 3-43 – Low Stack Box ....................................................................................................................................................... 76
Figure 3-44 - High Stack Box ....................................................................................................................................................... 77
Figure 3-45 - Four-Ship Vic ......................................................................................................................................................... 79
Figure 3-46 - Four-Ship Wedge Trail Wedge ................................................................................................................................ 79
Figure 3-47 - Four-Ship Wedge on Wedge ...................................................................................................................................80
Figure 4-1 - Plane of Motion ........................................................................................................................................................ 85
Figure 4-2 - BFM Geometry ......................................................................................................................................................... 85
Figure 4-3 - In-Plane Turning Room............................................................................................................................................. 87
Figure 4-4 - Out of Plane Turning Room ......................................................................................................................................88
Figure 4-5 - The Egg ....................................................................................................................................................................89
Figure 4-6 - Pursuit Curves Example ............................................................................................................................................ 91
Figure 4-7 - High/Low Yo-Yo ...................................................................................................................................................... 92
Figure 4-8 - Control Zone ............................................................................................................................................................. 93
Figure 4-9 - Integrated Flight and Fire Control Computer Air-to-Air Sight ................................................................................... 95
Figure 4-10 - GAU-8 Employment Aspect and Range .................................................................................................................. 96
Figure 4-11 - Stadia Metric Techniques ........................................................................................................................................97
Figure 4-12 - Funnel Width as a Measurement of Lead Error........................................................................................................98
Figure 4-13 - Overshoots ............................................................................................................................................................ 100
Figure 4-14 - Quarter Plane ........................................................................................................................................................ 101
Figure 4-15 - Lag Roll ................................................................................................................................................................ 102
Figure 4-16 - Turn Circle Entry Recognition .............................................................................................................................. 104
Figure 4-17 - Pursuit Curve and Turn Circle Application ............................................................................................................ 106
Figure 4-18 - Lift Vector ............................................................................................................................................................ 108
Figure 4-19 - Guns Jink Recognition .......................................................................................................................................... 109
Figure 4-20 - Guns Jink .............................................................................................................................................................. 111
Figure 4-21 - Reversal Picture .................................................................................................................................................... 113
Figure 4-22 - Lead Turns ............................................................................................................................................................ 114
Figure 4-23 - Neutralizing a Lead Turn ...................................................................................................................................... 115
Figure 4-24 - Two-Circle Fight ................................................................................................................................................... 116
Figure 4-25 - One-Circle Fight ................................................................................................................................................... 117
Figure 5-1 - Bomb Triangle ........................................................................................................................................................ 120
Figure 5-2 – Weapon Sled .......................................................................................................................................................... 121
Figure 5-3 - Air to Surface Weapon Employment Cockpit Interface ........................................................................................... 121
Figure 5-4 - Conventional Pattern and Methodology................................................................................................................... 123
Figure 5-5 - Low Altitude Hold Wedge Figure 8 ........................................................................................................................ 125
Figure 5-6 - Low Altitude Hold Wedge Racetrack ...................................................................................................................... 126
Figure 5-7 - Level Straight Through SEM .................................................................................................................................. 131
viii 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Figure 5-8 - Turning SEM .......................................................................................................................................................... 132

Figure 5-9 - Turning Level Turn SEM ........................................................................................................................................ 133
Figure 5-10 - Climbing SEM ...................................................................................................................................................... 134
Figure 5-11 - Level Bomb Delivery ............................................................................................................................................ 135
Figure 5-12 - Dive Bomb Delivery ............................................................................................................................................. 136
Figure 5-13 - Correct Wire and Deviation. .................................................................................................................................. 137
Figure 5-14 - Wire Analysis Example ......................................................................................................................................... 138
Figure 5-15 - Dive Angle Analysis ............................................................................................................................................. 139
Figure 5-16 - Altitude Analysis .................................................................................................................................................. 139
Figure 5-17 - Airspeed/Angle of Attack Analysis ....................................................................................................................... 140
Figure 5-18 - Skid Analysis ........................................................................................................................................................ 141
Figure 5-19 - Bank Angle Analysis............................................................................................................................................. 141
Figure 5-20 - “G” Analysis ......................................................................................................................................................... 142
Figure 5-21 - Ideal Low Drag Bomb; No Wind .......................................................................................................................... 143
Figure 5-22 - Ideal Bomb; With Wind ........................................................................................................................................ 144
Figure 5-23 - Release Aimpoint Extended and Release Aimpoint ............................................................................................... 145
Figure 5-24 - Crab vs. Drift ........................................................................................................................................................ 146
Figure 5-25 - Roll-in Target Placement References..................................................................................................................... 148
Figure 5-26 - Bombing Triangle—Initial HUD Placement and Initial Pipper Placement ............................................................. 149
Figure 5-27 - Bombing Triangle—Initial Target Placement/Initial Aim-Off Angle ..................................................................... 149
Figure 5-28 - Indirect Pop-up Pattern - Vertical .......................................................................................................................... 150
Figure 5-29 - Indirect Pop-up Pattern – Lateral ........................................................................................................................... 151
Figure 5-30 - Direct Pop ............................................................................................................................................................. 151
Figure 5-31 - Direct vs Indirect Pop............................................................................................................................................ 152
Figure 5-32 - Base Leg Pop-Up Canopy References ................................................................................................................... 153
Figure 5-33 - Base Leg Pop-Up Horizontal Canopy References .................................................................................................. 154
Figure 5-34 - 10° Low-Angle High-Drag Canopy References ..................................................................................................... 154
Figure 5-35 - CCIP Consent Release Symbology ........................................................................................................................ 156
Figure 5-36 - Post designated CCIP Consent Release Symbology ............................................................................................... 156
Figure 5-37 - CCIP Consent Pre-Designate Warnings When MRS is Outside HUD FOV ........................................................... 158
Figure 5-38 - CCIP Consent Post-Designate Warnings when MRS is Outside HUD FOV .......................................................... 158
Figure 5-39 - CCRP Display Symbology; IAM .......................................................................................................................... 160
Figure 5-40 - CCRP Display Symbology, Non IAM ................................................................................................................... 161
Figure 5-41 - HARS, CCIP/CCRP .............................................................................................................................................. 163
Figure 5-42 - Velocity Vector and Crab and Drift Aim points ..................................................................................................... 164
Figure 5-43 - Slant Range/Mill Relationship ............................................................................................................................... 165
Figure 5-44 - CCIP Gun Reticle with Combat Mix ..................................................................................................................... 166
Figure 5-45 - Maverick Keyhole ................................................................................................................................................. 168
Figure 5-46 - Dive Angle versus Slant Range ............................................................................................................................. 170
Figure 5-47 - Wheel Attack ........................................................................................................................................................ 177
Figure 5-48 - 2-Ship Medium Altitude: Wedge Shooter/Cover ................................................................................................... 179
Figure 5-49 - 2-Ship Medium Altitude: Wedge/Bombs ............................................................................................................... 180
Figure 5-50 - Arcing the Target .................................................................................................................................................. 181
Figure 5-51 - Parallel Attack Axis .............................................................................................................................................. 181
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 ix

Figure 5-52 - Two-Ship Low Altitude Wedge/Bombs Attack ..................................................................................................... 183

Figure 5-53 - Two-Ship Low Altitude Wedge/Guns Attack ........................................................................................................ 184
Figure 5-54 - Two-Ship Low Altitude/Maverick Attack ............................................................................................................. 185
Figure 5-55 - LGB Simultaneous Delivery ................................................................................................................................. 190
Figure 5-56 - LGB Split Element Attack..................................................................................................................................... 191
Figure 5-57 - LGB Lead Trail Attack ......................................................................................................................................... 192
Figure 5-58 - LGB Standoff Orbit Attack ................................................................................................................................... 193
Figure 5-59 - LGB Ground Designation ..................................................................................................................................... 194
Figure 5-60 - LGB Deadeye-Single Pass .................................................................................................................................... 196
Figure 5-61 - Bad Systems Single Pass ....................................................................................................................................... 197
Figure 6-1 - A-10C Air Refueling Lights, Switches, and Panels. ................................................................................................. 200
Figure 6-2 - Point Parallel Rendezvous ....................................................................................................................................... 201
Figure 6-3 - KC-135 Observation Position .................................................................................................................................. 202
Figure 6-4 - Air Refueling Key Areas ......................................................................................................................................... 203
Figure 6-5 - KC-135 Astern/Pre-contact Position........................................................................................................................ 204
Figure 6-6 - KC-135 Contact Position ........................................................................................................................................ 205
Figure 6-7 - KC-135 Boom Limits .............................................................................................................................................. 206
Figure 6-8 - KC-135 Reform Position ......................................................................................................................................... 207
Figure 6-9 - Quick Flow Air Refueling ....................................................................................................................................... 208
Figure 7-1 - Low-Altitude Turn Picture ...................................................................................................................................... 213
Figure 7-2 - Perpendicular Ridge Crossing. ................................................................................................................................ 214
Figure 7-3 - Parallel Ridge Crossing ........................................................................................................................................... 215
Figure 7-4 - Saddle Ridge Crossing ............................................................................................................................................ 215
Figure 8-1 - Night Close Formation Spacing Reference Example ............................................................................................... 220
Figure 8-2 - Night Route Formation Spacing Reference Example ............................................................................................... 220
Figure 9-1 - Aileron Roll ............................................................................................................................................................ 226
Figure 9-2 - Barrel Roll .............................................................................................................................................................. 227
Figure 9-3 - Loop 228
Figure 9-4 - Split-S ..................................................................................................................................................................... 229
Figure 9-5 - Immelmann ............................................................................................................................................................. 230
Figure 9-6 - Chandelle ................................................................................................................................................................ 231
Figure 9-7 - Lazy Eight .............................................................................................................................................................. 232
Figure 9-8 - Cuban Eight ............................................................................................................................................................ 233
Figure 9-9 - Fighting Wing Reference ........................................................................................................................................ 234
Figure 9-10 - A-10 Mil Size Reference ....................................................................................................................................... 235
Figure 9-11 - MIL sizing using AIM-9 Reticle & Engine ............................................................................................................ 235
Figure 9-12 - 10° Rule (Vertical Jink)......................................................................................................................................... 238
Figure 9-13 - Turning Oblique Jink ............................................................................................................................................ 239
Figure 9-14 - Turning Oblique Jink ............................................................................................................................................ 240
Figure 9-15 - ZSU Break ............................................................................................................................................................ 241
x 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Table 2-1 - Time and Fuel Planning................................................................................................................................................6
Table 2-2 - Common A-10 Store Weights.....................................................................................................................................15
Table 2-3 - Cruise Power Settings ................................................................................................................................................ 20
Table 2-4 Descent Checks. ........................................................................................................................................................... 21
Table 2-5 - Aircraft Categories ..................................................................................................................................................... 21
Table 2-6 - Penetration Descent Planning .....................................................................................................................................23
Table 2-7 - The Six Ts ..................................................................................................................................................................24
Table 2-8 - LIDS Check ............................................................................................................................................................... 24
Table 5-1 - Fence Checks. .......................................................................................................................................................... 122
Table 5-2 - Weapon Systems Checks. ......................................................................................................................................... 123
Table 5-3 - Profile Naming Structure .......................................................................................................................................... 127
Table 5-4 - Weapon Type Coding. .............................................................................................................................................. 128
Table 5-5 - Delivery Type Coding. ............................................................................................................................................. 129
Table 5-6 - Error Analysis .......................................................................................................................................................... 136
Table 5-7 - Wire Analysis........................................................................................................................................................... 138
Table 5-8 - Baseline Throttle Settings ......................................................................................................................................... 147
Table 5-9 - IAM Employment, STAIR Check............................................................................................................................. 172
Table 5-10 - A-10C Fighter-to-Fighter Brief Standards............................................................................................................... 173
Table 5-11 - Low Altitude Delivery Unmask Ranges .................................................................................................................. 182
Table 5-12 - Run in Timing ........................................................................................................................................................ 186
Table 5-13 - TOT/TYT Calculation ............................................................................................................................................ 186
Table 5-14 - Ordnance TOF Calculation ..................................................................................................................................... 186
Table 5-15 - In-Flight Report...................................................................................................................................................... 187
Table 5-16 - Coordinated Attack Types ...................................................................................................................................... 188
Table 7-1 - Sample Check Points ................................................................................................................................................ 211
Table 9-1 - Mil Size/Distance Quick Reference .......................................................................................................................... 234
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 1

1.1 Overview
Fighting in both the air-to-air and air-to-surface environment is a relatively new form of combat, spanning a period of only 100
years. During that time, ever advancing technologies have spurred progress from very primitive weapon systems such as shooting
at each other with pistols and dropping hand grenades from the cockpit, to the present beyond visual range and “point and shoot”
capabilities of modern combat aircraft.

Throughout this brief but spectacular history, the basic principles and fundamentals of aerial combat have remained virtually
unchanged. A thorough understanding of these fundamentals is a critical component of effective combat training. The discussions
on formation flying, basic air-to-air employment, and basic air-to-surface employment of the A-10C are designed to build a strong
foundation of tactical skills. The techniques and procedures addressed are a means to an end, a learning vehicle for pilots to
experience first-hand the methods used to achieve desired results in air combat training and basic surface attack.

1.2 Purpose
This volume is designed to supplement existing training programs, and when used in conjunction with 476TTP 3-1, provides
pilots with all the information needed to make sound decisions during any phase of a tactical mission. This volume does not
provide authorization to deviate from established procedures and directives, nor is it intended to be directive in nature.

1.3 Change Procedures

Simulation updates, aircraft modeling changes, and combat/training experience will and should necessitate changes to this
volume. Old tactics, techniques, and procedures should never be disregarded simply because they have been around for a long
time. However, as new and better ways of accomplishing the mission evolve over time, they will be incorporated into this volume.
Safety-of-flight changes will be incorporated as soon as possible. Other changes and updates will be included during the normal
review cycle. Suggested changes should be forwarded to the 476th vFG Command Staff via the 476th vFG forums at
2 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016


476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 3

2.1 Introduction
Mission preparation is the foundation of successful air combat operations. Before a pilot can successfully employ the A-10
weapon system in combat, many basic mission tasks must be second nature to him. These basic tasks include mission planning
and preparation, ground operations, departure, instrument flight, and visual pattern work. This chapter provides techniques for
accomplishing all of these tasks.

2.2 Mission Preparation

Mission planning is essential for the successful training and combat employment of the A-10. There is a direct correlation between
the successful briefing, execution, and debriefing of a mission and the amount of quality preparation. When preparing for a
mission, priorities are:

Establish mission objectives

Individually prepare for the mission
Brief and execute the mission

2.2.1 Establishing Priorities

During any mission, there are occasions when everything can’t be done in the time available, requiring the pilot to prioritize
tasks. Task priority should be established and understood long before getting near the airplane. High Priority Tasks

High priority tasks include activities that relate to basic aircraft control and safety of flight such as:
Maintain aircraft control
Never hit the ground or anything attached to the ground
Never hit anything in the air (e.g., your lead/wingman, SAMs, AAA)
Never run out of fuel Low Priority Tasks

Lower priority tasks include a wide range of activities such as:
Changing radio frequencies
Copying information to/from a kneeboard
Map study
Talking on the radio Prioritizing Tasks

Although the order of high priority tasks may change, they never go away. For example, at 20,000 feet in close formation
in the clouds, avoiding collision with members of your flight is a much bigger concern than hitting the ground.. Allowing
low priority tasks to take precedence over high priority tasks is defined as mis-prioritization, and endangers the pilot, his
aircraft, and other personnel in the area. Should a situation arise when an aircraft malfunction or emergency makes it
impossible to adequately perform the high-priority tasks, consider ejecting.

In combat, killing the target and accomplishing the mission have a high priority. However, when planning the mission,
ensure that the tactics used do not expose the flight to a risk level higher than that defined by the command staff. In
training, there is no mission more important than safe recovery of your airplane Mis-prioritization
Mis-prioritization can have disastrous results. By professionally preparing for each mission and defining objectives
incorporating the lowest common denominator (flight member ability, weather, etc.), it is possible to delay or deny task
saturation factors. One technique to individually prepare for a mission is to “chair fly” the sortie, anticipating and
rehearsing the high workload portions of the flight. Fighter pilots aren't born, they’re made. Situational awareness (SA)
must be developed and kept “current”. This applies to virtual pilots as well.

2.2.2 Psychological Considerations

Air combat missions – even virtual ones – demand total involvement, whether it is actual combat or just training. This
requires mental preparation prior to every mission. Mental preparation requires setting aside outside stresses as much as
possible, allowing for total concentration on the mission. It must be remembered that habit patterns cannot be turned on and
off at will. The same skills and techniques developed during training will be the ones used in combat; if you don’t train
effectively you can’t fight effectively. Professionalism and discipline are qualities common to all combat pilots and the basis
for the combat pilot attitude. This ensures a proper blend of pride, desire, aggressiveness, and knowledge.
4 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

2.2.3 Flight Leadership

Flight leads have the general responsibility for planning and organizing the mission, leading the flight, delegating tasks within
the flight, and ensuring mission accomplishment. They are in charge of the resources entrusted to them. They must know the
capabilities and limitations of each flight member. Once airborne, they have the final responsibility and controlling authority
for establishing the formation(s), maximizing the flight's effectiveness, and leading the flight successfully to and from the

Be prepared to provide wingmen with directive commentary. Immediately correct wingmen who are not performing their
briefed responsibilities. If conditions require that the briefed plan must be altered, tell the flight as soon as time permists but
keep radio transmissions short and concise. All flight members must master the fundamentals of flying the A-10 so that the
focus can be shifted to the development and instruction of combat tactics.

2.2.4 Wingman Responsibilities

Wingmen also have critical responsibilities in the flight. They help the leader plan and organize the mission. They have visual
lookout and search responsibilities, perform back-up navigation tasks, and are an essential and integral part of every attack.
Wingmen engage as briefed or when directed by the leader and support when the leader engages. Wingmen must thoroughly
understand their briefed responsibilities and execute their contract with discipline. Discipline is the most important qualit y a
fighter pilot can possess and leads to success on the battlefield. Discipline is maintaining self-control, maturity, and judgment
in a high-stress, emotionally charged environment. Mutual Support

The basic combat unit employed by tactical fighters is the two-ship element. The wingman’s primary responsibility is
mutual support. The successful basic mission capable (BMC) wingman will possess a thorough knowledge of the
fundamentals applicable to every mission, including:

Aircraft and weapons systems and controls.

Emergency procedures.
Flight rules and procedures.
Local area procedures.
Squadron standards. Additional Responsibilities

During combat operations, the combat mission ready (CMR) wingman will also possess a thorough knowledge of theater
specific rules of engagement (ROE), special instructions (SPINS), airspace restrictions and procedures, air and ground
orders of battle, and threats and countermeasures. Pre-briefing
The wingman should coordinate with the flight lead prior to the briefing to determine the flight’s primary and alternate
missions, objectives, and responsibilities for mission planning. The flight lead will direct the wingman’s role in specific
mission planning duties. Regardless of the planning duties assigned, wingmen should review all of the standard mission
preparation areas as if the mission was to be flown single-ship. Briefing
During the briefing, the flight lead will clearly communicate to the wingman the flow of the planned mission, as well as
the tasks to be completed. If the wingman does not fully understand any aspect of the mission, he must ask questions.
The wingman must never leave the briefing room with any doubts as to mission flow, tasks, procedures used to
accomplish those tasks, or the wingman’s responsibilities for the mission.

2.2.5 Flight Objectives

Preparation for any mission is based on specific objectives which are tailored to achieve desired outcomes. Objectives
establish the performance standards by which pilot and mission effectiveness is measured, and should broadly define the
purpose of the mission. Objectives must be established for both training and combat missions, and must be specific,
measurable, and attainable. Without these three characteristics, any evaluation of performance or effectiveness would be
entirely subjective. Objective Structure

In addition to the three characteristics discussed above, a valid objective has three discrete parts.

Performance. Identify explicit tasks or actions that must be accomplished by the pilot or flight during the
mission. Use action verbs such as destroy, disrupt, suppress, clear, search, demonstrate, employ, and practice.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 5

Conditions. Describe the environment in which the task or action is to be accomplished. Use descriptions such
as “in the control zone”, “outside the BANDIT’s turn circle”, and “from wedge formation”.
Standards. Establish how well the task or action must be performed. Use discrete time, accuracy, or quality
criteria such as “time-on-target (TOT) within plus or minus 30 seconds”, “hits within 10 meters”, and “dive
angle within plus or minus 5 degrees”. Defining Objectives

Defining objectives also depends on contingencies and other planning considerations such as weather, sun angles, day or
night, the threat environment, or the frag order. Incorporating well defined objectives based on the mission requirements
and the particular mission's lowest common denominator (e.g., weather, wingman experience) pays benefits in terms of
combating mis-prioritization and increasing situation awareness.

2.2.6 Mission Planning

Complexity of the mission will dictate the amount of planning and preparation that is required. For example, planning a 2-
ship training mission to a local range is easier than a 4-ship combat mission. Flight leads should involve fight members in the
mission planning, and should consider each pilot’s experience level when assigning tasks.

All necessary mission planning should be completed in time to conduct a concise and comprehensive briefing. The two main
factors which determine the direction and depth of mission planning are the role of the A-10 for the particular mission (on-
call close air support [XCAS], Air Interdiction [AI], Combat Search and Rescue [CSAR], etc.) and the overall mission
objective (training syllabus objectives, target destruction, etc.).

At a minimum, the following items that should be considered while mission planning:

Role (CAS, CSAR, etc.)

Target (fixed/mobile, hard/soft, etc.)
Terrain (geographic references [GEOREFs], initial points [IPs], masking, etc.)
Threat (air, surface-to-air missile [SAM], anti-aircraft artillery [AAA], etc.)
Rules of Engagement (ROE) and Special Instructions (SPINS)
Support elements (airborne warning and control system [AWACS], refueling tracks, etc.)
Routing requirements.
Meteorological conditions (ceiling, visibility, winds aloft, time of day, etc.).
Aircraft configuration (standard conventional load [SCL])
Weaponeering (desired effects, delivery options, etc.)
Take-off and landing data (TOLD).
Training requirements (pilot low altitude (LOWAT) category, etc.)
Notices to airmen (NOTAMS). Intelligence Support

A review of all relevant and available intelligence products should be accomplished during each mission planning cycle.
The target, terrain, and threat drive tactics, both in training and combat. See the 476 th vFG Operations Forum for
campaign concept of operations (CONOPS), ROE, SPINS, and other operations and intelligence related products.
Additionally, 476TTP 3-1.Threat Guide, Threat Reference Guide and Countertactics, provides specific information
regarding threat systems found in Digital Combat Simulator (DCS), and 476TTP 3-1.A-10, Tactical Employment,
provides specific information regarding the tactical employment of the A-10C in DCS. Fuel and Time Planning

Fuel and time planning are critical factors when planning a mission. As a general rule of thumb, Table 2-1 - Time and
Fuel Planning outlines average fuel consumption for various mission tasks. Actual consumption will vary depending on
aircraft configuration and weather conditions. When cruising to and from the area of operations (AO), set known fuel
flows in order to aid in fuel and endurance planning.

Pilots will land with no less than 1,000 pounds fuel remaining. When performing air-to-air refueling (AAR), pilots will
not rendezvous with less than 3,000 pounds. If the flight will arrive at the air refueling initial point (ARIP) with less than
3,000 pounds, the flight shall return to base (RTB) instead.
6 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Mission Task Approx. Duration Approx. Fuel Consumption

(minutes) (pounds)
Overhead Pattern 1 to 2 150 to 200 pounds
Cruise – Low NA 20 pounds per NM
Cruise – Medium NA 15 pounds per NM
Cruise – High NA 10 to 12 pounds per NM
Instrument Pattern 7 to 10 300 to 500 pounds
Penetration & Approach 15 500 pounds
Conventional Range Pass 2 to 2.5 200 to 250 pounds
Table 2-1 - Time and Fuel Planning

2.2.7 Navigation and Map Study

The Tactical Awareness Display (TAD) provides a digital display of navigation charts using reserve processing and graphic
capacity in the central interface control unit (CICU). Maps with scales of 1:250,000 are normally used for navigation and
general area study and 1:50,000 maps are used to plot ground forces and specific targets. In the absence of 1:50,000 maps,
1:100,000 maps provide an excellent map for CAS and FAC(A) operations while reducing the number of maps needed.

For precise locations, use features printed in black ink such as railroads, roads, and peaks. Cartographers set up black ink
features first then add other features as close to actual locations as possible to increase map readability. The most accurately
plotted figures on 1:50,000 maps may be misplotted by 85 feet (1:250,000 can be 429 feet) and still meet national mapping

Although precise depiction of natural features may be impossible, the most reliable features from one map to another are
geographic. When swapping from one map to another of a different scale or sector, the best chance of finding a common
point is by looking for specific geographical features, such as a large body of water or a prominent peak.

When working with universal transverse Mercator (UTM) and military grid reference system (MGRS), realize that map
spheroid and datum can differ for maps of the same area, yielding significantly different coordinates for the same geographic
spot. Military Grid Reference System

When working with other types of aircraft, realize their INS/GPS may not be equipped to handle MGRS coordinates.
They may need latitude/longitude coordinates. Effective employment of the A-10 requires that pilots be comfortable
plotting and passing coordinates in latitude/longitude format. This volume assumes a working knowledge of
latitude/longitude. Spheroid
Several mathematical models are available to describe Earth’s spheroidal shape. Each model is the basis of a different
datum, or coordinate system, resulting in different coordinates for the same point on earth’s surface. Since the same point
can have different coordinates depending upon the spheroid model used, ensure that all players, maps, and navigational
systems (EGI) are using the correct spheroid. EGI allows the selection of 48 different spheroid models. WGS-84 is the
default and most commonly used spheroid.

MGRS is an alpha-numeric system for expressing UTM coordinates where a single MGRS value represents an area that
is unique for the whole planet. The components of an MGRS value are as follows: UTM Grid Zone

Three characters make up the grid zone. Characters one and two indicate the longitude band. There are 60 longitude
bands, each 6° wide, labelled 01 through 60. The third character indicates the latitude band. Beginning at 80° South
latitude and proceeding northward there are 20 bands, each 8° high, labelled C through X (excluding I and O).

The vertical UTM boundaries and horizontal latitude boundaries form 6° x 8° Grid Zones. Hence, the first three
characters of the MGRS value are referred to as the Grid Zone Designator (GZD), for example “11S”. Grid zones are
depicted on the map by a blue line. Check the map legend for the correct grid zone. Grid Area

Each grid zone is divided into grid areas measuring 100,000 meters by 100,000 meters. Characters four and five are a
pair of letters which indicate one of the 100km grid areas within the grid zone, for example “PA”.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 7 Easting and Northing

If the coordinates are in the correct spheroid and grid zone, a typical coordinate is designated using the grid area
designation and either a 4-, 6-, 8-, or 10-digit numeric, such as “7667412959”. Coordinates are always truncated, never
rounded. The first half of the string represents the easting while the second half represents the northing.

The EGI will accept and display up to 10-digit MGRS coordinates.

A 10-digit numeric corresponds to a 1 m2 (one meter squared) area: “11S PA 7667412959”

An 8-digit numeric corresponds to a 10 m2 (ten meters squared) area: “11S PA 76671295”
A 6-digit numeric corresponds to a 100 m2 (one hundred meters squared) area: “11S PA 766129”
A 4-digit numeric corresponds to a 1,000 m2 (one thousand meters squared) area. “11S PA 7612” Plotting MGRS

Using “TS 675850” as an example, find the point on the chart below. See Figure 2-1 - Plotting MGRS Coordinates, and
follow these steps:

1) Locate the grid area represented by the letters TS

2) Split the 6 digit coordinates into two groups of three digits each, i.e. 675 and 850.
3) Read the first three digits horizontally on the chart, starting from the left.
4) Read the second three digits vertically on the chart, starting from the bottom.

This point represents the bottom left corner of a 100m x 100m square. Embedded GPS and INS (EGI)

A properly configured and programmed EGI system will reduce workload and cranium-down time while flying.
Presently, DCS does not allow customization of the data transfer cartridge (DTC), so be sure to verify and/or configure
the following items prior to takeoff:

Low-altitude safety and targeting enhancement (LASTE) inputs including weapon data, AAS settings, and
altitude alerts.
Squadron standard navigation points
Weapon profiles
Situational awareness datalink (SADL) settings and configuration
Tactical awareness display (TAD) scale, centering, option, and map preferences
Specific mission points
Flight plans
Head up display (HUD) anchor point display

2.3 Mission Briefing

When conduction large force employment (LFE), the mission commander should conduct a mission briefing prior to the
individual flight briefings. This mass briefing should be attended by all mission pilots unless previously coordinated with the
mission commander. The mass briefing is used to disseminate any changes to the mission or force structure, and provides an
opportunity to conduct any required coordination between assets. At a minimum, the mission briefing should cover the following:

Time hack
Roll call
Mission overview and commander’s intent
Area of responsibility (AOR) situation overview
Asset allocation
Intel and threat update
Phases, conditions, objectives, and factor threats
Airspace (altitude deconfliction, restricted operating zone [ROZ], air traffic control assigned airspace [ATCAA], etc.)
8 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Figure 2-1 - Plotting MGRS Coordinates

2.4 Flight Briefing

The briefing sets the tone for the entire mission. Establish goals in line with the mission objective(s) and have a plan to achieve
them. Flight leads and instructors are responsible for presenting a logical brief which will promote safe and effective mission
accomplishment. Ensure brief start time provides adequate time to discuss required items and accounts for mission complexity. As
a minimum, begin briefs at least 30 minutes prior to the scheduled step time. Structure the brief to accommodate the capabilities
of each flight member. Ensure contracts, roles, and responsibilities of each flight member are established, briefed, and debr iefed.
Review TOLD and ensure very flight member understands it. Place emphasis on takeoff abort factors during abnormal situations
such as short/unprepared runway, heavy gross weight, and formation takeoffs.

The briefing should be organized and outline exactly what is planned for each portion of the sortie. The briefing will cover, in
detail, each phase of the mission and what criteria must be satisfied including:

Abnormal procedures
Special Interest Items
Alternate missions
Training rules

Elements of the mission which are standard should be briefed as “standard”. Spend most of the time describing the “what” and
“how to” of the mission.

2.4.1 Alternate Mission Briefs

Brief an appropriate alternate mission for each flight. The alternate mission must be less complex than the primary mission
(e.g. Basic Fighter Maneuvers as alternate for Air Combat Maneuvers, Basic Surface Attack for Surface Attack Tactics). If
the alternate mission does not parallel the planned mission, brief the specific mission elements that are different. Mission
elements may be modified and briefed airborne as long as flight safety is not compromised. Flight leads will ensure changes
are acknowledged by all flight members. Do not fly un-briefed (either on the ground or in the air) missions or events.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 9

2.4.2 Briefing Responsibilities

The flight lead must be dynamic, credible, and enthusiastic. He motivates and challenges the flight to perform to planned
expectations, asking questions to involve flight members and determine briefing effectiveness. When possible, visual aids
such as maps and/or recce images as well as mission data cards should be incorporated into all briefings, preferably in
advance to allow all flight members time to review the information, but they can be supplied at the start of the briefing should
time constraints dictate. Tools such as online whiteboards greatly enhance the briefing process and help flight members build
initial situational awareness.

Wingmen will stay focused and pay attention during the brief. Do not speak unless prompted. Write down any questions and
ask them at the appropriate time. Never leave a briefing with doubts or unanswered questions.

2.4.3 Briefing Guides

Briefing guides provide a basis for conducting structured and through briefings and should be used to the maximum extent
possible. Subjects may be briefed in any sequence, and those items published in 476th vFG OIs, TTPs or unit standards and
understood by all participants may be briefed as “standard”. See:

Attachment 1, General Briefing Guide

Attachment 2, Special Subjects Briefing Guide
Attachment 3, Instrument/Navigation Briefing Guide
Attachment 4, Air Refueling Briefing Guide
Attachment 5, (D)ABCT Briefing Guide
Attachment 6, Escort Briefing Guide
Attachment 7, Low Level Navigation/Low Altitude Tactical Navigation Briefing Guide
Attachment 8, Air-to-Surface Weapons Employment – Basic Surface Attack Briefing Guide
Attachment 9, Air-to-Surface Weapons Employment – Surface Attack Tactics Briefing Guide
Attachment 10, Air-to-Surface Weapons Employment – CAS/BAI/RECCE/FAC(A)/JAAT Briefing Guide
Attachment 11, CSAR Briefing Guide
Attachment 12, Air Strike Control Briefing Guide
Attachment 13, NVG Briefing Guide

2.5 Stepping to Fly

After the brief and prior to “stepping” to the jet, each flight member should take the time to prepare themselves and their
equipment for the flight. The flight lead should allow adequate time so that flight members are not rushed to join the server to
make check-in time. Take the opportunity to grab a bottle of water and preflight your hardware, software, and peripherals. Ensure
that all necessary software and plugins (head tracking, comms, etc.) are running and properly configured. If you use an electronic
kneeboard, or a second monitor to display pubs such as the flight information publication (FLIP), or the abbreviated aircrew
checklist, ensure that the device is operable and the publications are open and ready. If you use external hardware such as MFDs,
or other home cockpit electronics and components, ensure that the hardware is functioning as required. When the flight is ready to
step, the flight lead should set a time hack for check-in.

2.6 Ground Operations

Upon entering the cockpit, confirm that that the aircraft fuel and stores loading is as briefed. If necessary, use the intercom to
request refueling and rearming. Ensure that the area is clear of personnel, foreign object debris (FOD), and obstructions. All
checks should be accomplished in accordance with the abbreviated checklist. For additional detail regarding start-up checks and
procedures, consult TO 1A-10C-476CL-1, 476th vFG A-10C Flight Crew Checklist.

2.6.1 Before Engine Start

Thoroughly preflight the aircraft in accordance with the Dash-1 and Dash-34 checklists. If not already accomplished ensure
that all necessary publications and mission materials are open an available on either the kneeboard or another readily
available device. Ensure that head tracking software is operating correctly, and adjust the ejection seat height. It is important
to maintain a consistent seating position between flights; one technique is to adjust the seat until the eye point is level with the
top of the Head-Up Display (HUD) combining glass. Set the radio volumes so that the priority radio has the highest volume,
and set the MID radio to PRESET and BOTH in preparation for auxiliary power unit (APU) and engine start.

To operate properly, the embedded GPS/INS (EGI) requires an alignment of the inertial navigation system (INS). Under
normal conditions, a stationary full gyrocompass alignment should be performed. It is initiated automatically when the EGI
and control display unit (CDU) power switches are place ON, and requires approximately 4 minutes to complete. Alignment
time and status should be monitored on the ALIGN page on the CDU or on the multifunction color display (MFCD) CDU
repeater. The ALIGN page is only displayed during startup when the PAGE select rotary knob is set to OTHER.

To perform an automatically initiated normal alignment, the aircraft must be on the ground and not moving. The aircraft
should not be moved for at least 50 seconds after the CDU and EGI are turned ON. If moved during this time, verify that an
10 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

in-flight (INFLT) alignment on the ground has begun. If the aircraft moves during a ground alignment, prior to a steady INS
NAV RDY, the system automatically switches to an in-flight alignment. If moved prior to a flashing INS NAV RDY, it will
cause a degraded alignment. Verify automatic transition to an in-flight alignment by noting an asterisk (steady or flashing)
displayed next to INFLT on the Align page. If an asterisk is not displayed, turn EGI OFF for at least 10 seconds and then
back ON. Placing the Page select rotary knob to OTHER allows the pilot to monitor the Align page after the CDU performs a
start-up built-in test (BIT).

Exterior lighting for all ground operations will be set as follows:

Position lights to FLASH

Anti-collision OFF
Taxi/Landing light to AS REQUIRED
Formation Lights ON for night ops ONLY

2.6.2 Engine Start

The 476th vFG operates under the assumption that engine start clearance was provided prior to stepping to the aircraft.
Therefore, requesting authorization for engine start is NOT required within the 476th vFG.

Ensure the engine area is clear. As a technique, verbalize the required switch actions and operations limitations during engine
start. This focuses attention and forces review of the ops limits on each sortie. When motoring the engine, use one hand to
actuate the engine operation switch to MOTOR and the other hand to place the throttle to IDLE. When moving the throttle to
IDLE, immediately place the ENG OPER switch back to NORM to prevent air turbine starter (ATS) burnout caused by
leaving the ENG OPER switch in MOTOR.

Once the engines are started, concentrate on setting up the radios for check-in. A good or bad check in sets the tone for the
entire flight. Know the radio procedures cold before stepping to the jet.

Where applicable, listen to the automatic terminal information service (ATIS) then set the radio to squadron common or
the briefed check-in frequency.
Confirm operation of the KY-58 Secure by going to OPERATE and C/RAD 1 or C/RAD 2 and keying the MID or AFT
radio. A tone should be heard in the background prior to depressing the MID or AFT mic switch. This synchronization
tone will cease once the mic switch has been depressed.
Double check the frequencies are set correctly. One technique is to set the manual frequencies for check-in. This will
ensure that all check-in frequencies will be set and available even if the presets are not correctly loaded.
2.6.3 Systems Start-up
Once the EGI alignment is complete, select EGI as the navigation source on the navigation mode select panel (NMSP). Set
the joint tactical radio system (JTRS) and central interface control unit (CICU) switches ON, and rotate the multi-function
color display (MFCD) knobs counterclockwise to DAY (or NIGHT as required). Load the data transfer cartridge (DTC) data
by selecting LOAD ALL on the LOAD page.

Set the situational awareness datalink (SADL) settings in accordance with the air tasking order (ATO) or squadron standards.
If the display of J12.6 SPI broadcasts from other platforms is desired, set the SPI DISPLAY option in the TAD profile to

2.6.4 Check-In
Prior to taxi, the flight lead will check in the flight. Radio checks will be accomplished after start-up and at the time specified
in the briefing prior to taxi. Front (or forward), mid, and aft refer to the mic switch on the A-10C throttle. FWD = VHF/AM,



Wingman: “TWO (THREE, FOUR, etc.)”
Wingman: “TWO (THREE, FOUR, etc.)”
Flight Lead: “HAWG ONE, CHECK AFT (or FOX MIKE)”
Wingman: “TWO (THREE, FOUR, etc.)”

KY-58 Secure Radio Checks:


476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 11


Wingman: “TWO (THREE, FOUR, etc.)”
Flight Lead: “HAWG ONE, CHECK AFT (or FOX MIKE)”
Wingman: “TWO (THREE, FOUR, etc.)”

If contact cannot be made, all flight members should check that their switches are set properly. Common errors include:

Radios in Manual when intending to be in Preset (and vice versa)

Intercom panel knobs are pushed down
Intercom knob is not set to VHF
Volume is set too low
Incorrect KY-58 FILL rotary selection
Intercom circuit breaker is popped

If the flight lead cannot make contact, he will broadcast on the last radio which checked good and state: “HAWG 1, UP ON
FWD/MID/AFT” (whichever was the last good checked radio).


2.6.5 Malfunctions
In the event that a software, hardware, or aircraft malfunction cannot be rectified, advise flight lead on the assigned intra-
flight frequency, “HAWG ONE, HAWG TWO, REDBALL FOR [REASON]”. This will alert lead to the fact that you will be
exiting the game to troubleshoot and will be stepping to a spare jet.

2.6.6 Taxi
Prior to taxi ensure aircraft lighting is set as required and cockpit switches are correctly configured. Except in the case o f an
aircraft emergency requiring immediate action, cockpit switches should not be manipulated while the aircraft is in motion on
the ground.

When taxiing clear of the parking spot, engage nosewheel steering and advance the throttles. Use the minimum amount of
thrust necessary to get the aircraft rolling. As soon as movement is sensed, lightly check for proper brake operation. Reduce
thrust to IDLE as soon as the aircraft has enough momentum to make a turn. Ensure adequate wingtip clearance and taxi at a
reasonable speed; taxi no faster than 10 knots in congested ramp areas or when making turns, and taxi no faster than 20 knots
on open taxiways. Taxi speed can be observed on the bottom right corner of the STEER page on the CDU by cycling IAS to
ground speed (GS). In the event of a nosewheel steering or normal brake failure, be prepared to pull the emergency brake

Aircraft should taxi with 150 feet nose/tail separation during daylight and 300 feet at night. Taxi spacing of approximately
150 feet can be set by placing the gun bore line (GBL) on the nose tire of the preceding aircraft. Blue taxiway lights are
typically spaced 75 feet apart and can also be used to aid in monitoring spacing. Aircraft shall not be taxied within 10 feet of
any obstacle. If any doubt exists regarding wingtip clearance, stop the aircraft. During daylight, where taxiway width is at
least 75 feet, aircraft should taxi in a staggered pattern alternating between the left and right of the taxiway centerline. This
improves visibility and avoids the jet wash of the preceding aircraft. At night, aircraft should be taxied on the centerline.

2.6.7 Arming
When arriving at the end of runway (EOR) pad or runway hold point, configure the aircraft for departure. Hold the brakes
while attention is focused on performing system checks to prevent inadvertent movement. If not previously accomplished, set
flaps to MVR. Observe other aircraft in the flight for general condition and configuration. If any abnormalities are observed,
alert the flight member on the intra-flight frequency. Perform an EGI swing check and complete digital stores management
system (DSMS) data entry if not already accomplished.

2.6.8 EGI Swing Check

A swing check is the last chance to verify waypoint coordinates and proper INS alignment. While in the arming area, the
flight lead should sequentially select each waypoint entered in the mission point database and double check the bearing and
range to each point. This check should be verbalized on the intra-flight radio, and verified by each flight member. This check
is especially important at night and in inclement weather when navigation will be heavily dependent on the EGI. On combat
missions, the swing check should be accomplished using the KY-58 secure voice capability. For example:


12 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Flight Lead: “HAWG ONE, CHECK AFT (or FOX MIKE)”

Wingman: “TWO (THREE, FOUR, etc.)”
Flight Lead: “HAWG ONE, SWING CHECK. CP ALPHA 280 for 120. IP 282 for 134. T1A 285 for 139”
Wingman: “TWO SAME (or NEGATIVE)”

When operating in a 4-ship, only number Three will acknowledge the swing check unless a discrepancy is observed.

2.6.9 Before Takeoff

As with all single-seat fighters, workload is high during takeoff and pilots must be disciplined in their preparation for
departure. Adjust the TOLD if temperature or runway conditions have changed. Complete the before takeoff checklist prior to
requesting or announcing takeoff; this will preclude any unnecessary delays once on the runway. Complete firepower,
emitters, navigation, communications, and electronic countermeasures (FENCE) checks, and complete any required
navigation checks prior to taking the runway. When completing FENCE checks, do not actually arm the weapons unless in
combat. One technique is to verbalize the checks and touch the switches without activating the systems. Do not become
rushed for takeoff.

Adjust the Kollsman setting so that the HUD altimeter reads arming area or threshold elevation. This will ensure that the
integrated flight and fire control computer (IFFCC) will perform an accurate Delta update on the takeoff roll at 70 knots.
Reset the altimeter to the local setting after safely airborne to ensure instrument deconfliction.

Double check that the fuel flow switches are in NORM, the flare jettison switch is OFF, and the targeting pod is in STBY. A
technique to verify the before takeoff checks have been completed is to use the mnemonic “Seat, heat, lights, skid, steering,
squawk, and APU”.

Prior to taking the runway, configure aircraft lighting as follows:

Position Lights to STEADY

Anti-Collision Lights to ON
Taxi/Landing light to ON/LANDING
Formation Lights ON for night ops ONLY

2.7 Visual Procedures

2.7.1 Takeoff
When cleared for takeoff, visually clear the approach area for traffic and taxi into the briefed position. Once in position, hold
the brakes and advanced the throttles to 90 percent core RPM. Check all engine instruments are in the green, release brakes,
and smoothly advance the throttles to MAX. Maintain directional control using the rudder pedals with nosewheel steering
(NWS) engaged. Do not disengage the NWS until the rudders become aerodynamically effective at approximately 50 KIAS.
If the crosswind component exceeds 20 knots, leave NWS engaged until 70 KIAS.

Check abort and predicted takeoff fan speed (PTFS) after 1,000 ft of ground roll. Use the surface-painted fixed distance
markers or the sign-mounted runway distance remaining markers to accurately estimate this point. If either engine is below
the minimum fan speed (3 percent below PTFS), abort the takeoff. Acceleration speed must be corrected for the reported
headwind or tailwind.

Monitor airspeed and anticipate rotation speed. At 10 knots below computed takeoff speed, apply approximately ½ aft stick
to establish a takeoff attitude of 10 degrees as indicated on the attitude director indicator (ADI). Hold this attitude until the
aircraft becomes airborne.

NOTE: The TVV will only indicate a 2 to 3 degree climb with 10 degrees set on the ADI.

When safely airborne, raise the landing gear and, at a minimum of 10 KIAS above takeoff speed, retract the flaps. As a
technique, delay raising the flaps until 20 KIAS above takeoff speed. This will place the aircraft very near optimum climb
speed for most common configurations should an engine failure occur too late to abort the takeoff.

Maintain a climb attitude of 10 degrees on the ADI until approaching climb speed of 200 KIAS. Generally, when in visual
meteorological conditions (VMC), remain 500 feet below the visual flight rules (VFR) pattern altitude until passing the
departure end of the runway and clear of the overhead pattern for deconfliction. Reducing the climb angle is not usually
required to meet this restriction. Adjust pitch as necessary (usually 7 to 12 degrees, depending on aircraft configuration and
atmospheric conditions) to maintain 200 KIAS or briefed climb airspeed.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 13

2.7.2 Go/No-Go” Decision

The decision to continue or abort a takeoff – the “Go/No-Go” decision – is a decision based upon many factors, and requires
thorough knowledge of the Dash 1 and specific takeoff and landing data (TOLD). Evaluate the airfield prior to the flight and
note factors such as obstructions off the end of the runway, as well as terrain features such as berms, embankments, and
slopes. Have a good idea about what you will do before stepping to the jet.

If it is necessary to abort the takeoff below refusal speed (RS), apply the abort boldface procedures: THROTTLES – IDLE,
SPEED BRAKES – OPEN, WHEEL BRAKES – AS REQUIRED. Remember, RS is the maximum speed to which an
aircraft can accelerate with all engines operating and then stop within the remaining runway. Reasons to abort a takeoff
include: 1) fan speed less than computed abort fan speed, 2) minimum acceleration check speed not attained by the computed
checkpoint, 3) loss of directional control, 4) engine failure, and 5) engine fire.

WARNING: An aborted takeoff initiated at a speed greater than RS will result in a runway overrun and a departure from the
prepared runway surface. A pilot should only abort a takeoff above RS if he has reason to believe the aircraft will not fly. Aborted Takeoff

The first step of the boldface procedure is to retard the throttles to IDLE. Placing the throttles to OFF will render normal
braking, anti-skid, and nosewheel steering inoperative. If the throttles are not immediately placed in IDLE, the excess
thrust will result in decreased braking effectiveness, increased stopping distance, and increased brake energy required to

Open the speed brakes immediately. Speed brakes opened at high abort speeds provide superior deceleration and
minimize both distance and brake energy required to stop.

Apply wheel brakes as required. Immediate maximum performance braking should be used when stopping distance is
critical, when directional control difficulty exists, or an emergency ground egress is anticipated. At high gross weight and
high speed conditions, immediate maximum performance braking may exceed the brake energy limits and result in
melted brakes prior to wheel stop. However, for most abort situations with speed brakes available and abort speed below
130 KIAS, maximum brake energy limits will not be exceeded. If maximum performance braking is not required, apply
brakes as required to slow to taxi speed within the remaining runway available. Once the aircraft is under control,
announce the abort on the ATC frequency, “HAWG ONE IS ABORTING”. Switch frequencies from Departure to Tower,
if necessary.

If the left hydraulic system is not available, release the wheel brakes, pull the emergency brake handle, and gradually
reapply the wheel brakes.

CAUTION: When the emergency brake handle is pulled, anti-skid is inoperative and the wheels may be inadvertently
locked by excessive braking resulting in blown tires. A blown tire will cause directional control difficulty and increase
stopping distance.

If neither hydraulic system is available, a minimum of five brake applications can be expected using stored pressure in
the brake accumulator. Avoid actuating the wheel brakes – even while airborne – to avoid depleting brake accumulator

Taxi to the hot brake area if hot brakes are suspected. Suspect hot brakes under the following conditions:
Any abort during which wheel brakes were used above 100 KIAS
Any abort during which speed brakes were not used
Brakes are or were smoking
Any other factor which causes the pilot to suspect that a hot brake condition exists

If it appears the aircraft is going to depart the prepared runway surface, place the throttles in OFF and pull the emergency
brake handle. As soon as the aircraft comes to a complete stop, perform a ground egress. If aborting at high speed and
runway departure is imminent with rough terrain, vehicles, or buildings in the way, consider ejecting. Continued Takeoff

If electing to continue the takeoff, climb straight ahead to a safe maneuvering altitude. As a general rule, 2,000 feet AGL
should be sufficient to provide a safety margin and also coincides with the minimum altitude for controlled-bailout
prescribed by the Dash 1. The two most critical emergencies during takeoff are an engine failure or fire.

When an engine fails at a point too late on the takeoff roll, apply the SINGLE-ENGINE FAILURE OR FIRE ON
TAKEOFF (TOO LATE TO ABORT) boldface procedure: Simultaneously apply rudder into the good engine to prevent
14 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

buildup of yaw due to asymmetric thrust. Identify the failed engine and identify how it will affect the gear, flaps and slats
during clean up. If necessary, reduce pitch while banking toward the good engine to reduce drag. Ensure minimum
single-engine speeds are attained before changing aircraft configuration.

When an engine fire occurs at a point too late on the takeoff roll, apply the SINGLE-ENGINE FAILURE OR FIRE
DURING TAKEOFF (TOO LATE TO ABORT) boldface procedures. Do not rush to shut down the engine; an engine on
fire may be producing useable thrust. Evaluate the best time to transition to a single-engine condition, and consider
keeping the engine running until a safe altitude and airspeed are reached. Once the decision to shut down the engine is
made, shut it down using the ENGINE/APU FIRE boldface procedure.

2.7.3 Visual Departure

Establish and maintain a standard climb of 200 KIAS (or briefed airspeed) until level-off. After level-off, accelerate to cruise
airspeed. The minimum altitude is 400 feet AGL for any turns after takeoff, regardless of clearance and 1,000 feet AGL at

2.7.4 Aircraft Handling

Visually clear for other aircraft throughout the sortie. Despite the large canopy area of the A-10, forward cockpit visibility is
less than optimal. Canopy bow obstructions must be compensated for by check turns and moving your head side-to-side while
clearing. Lateral and aft visibility is excellent. The low canopy rails on the side do not afford sufficient reference for attitude
and overbanking. In hard maneuvers (especially at low-altitude), cross-check out the front windscreen to monitor aircraft
flight path. Aircraft handling characteristics are as follows: Training
Aircraft handling characteristics (AHC) training is used to build and maintain pilot proficiency in aircraft performance
throughout the flight envelope. The objective of AHC training is to give pilots a solid understanding of the flight
envelope and help him develop a feel for aircraft energy state. The ultimate goal is to produce an aggressive pilot who is
confident and can safely maneuver the A-10 throughout its full flight envelope. Energy Loss

The A-10 is more maneuverable than most fighters at slow airspeed; however, the penalty for a high turn rate and small
turn radius is rapid energy loss during maneuvers. The A-10’s turbofan engines do not produce sufficient thrust to
overcome this loss, resulting in a limited area within the flight envelope in which the aircraft will accelerate. Flying the
A-10 by feel is difficult. Be aware of required stick displacement for different load factors at various airspeeds. Audio
Two audio cues are available to aid in obtaining maximum performance: the steady peak performance tone and the
chopped stall warning tone. With the chopped stall warning tone present, the aircraft may be anywhere between
approximately one angle-of-attack (AoA) unit prior to stall and a fully developed stall. To obtain maximum performance,
fly between the steady and chopped tones, ensuring not to maintain an AoA that triggers the chopped tone by relaxing
back pressure whenever the chopped tone is heard. The chopped tone has a constant frequency regardless of how far the
aircraft progresses beyond stall AoA. Buffet
Airframe buffet occurs after the stall and, in most cases, well into the engine disturbance zone. Do not use airframe buffet
as an indicator of maximum performance; the aircraft is losing energy but not maneuvering. If airframe buffet is present
while in uncoordinated flight, the aircraft is in the engine disturbance zone and a flameout or compressor stall is possible. Roll Rate

The A-10’s roll rate remains fairly constant throughout the entire airspeed envelope. However, at slow airspeeds and high
load factor, anticipate slower roll rates. The aircraft will maintain roll authority into the stall. Extending speed brakes
between 20 and 40 percent will increase roll rates, however this technique is not recommended due to excessive energy
loss. Departure
High AoA, slow airspeed, and large control inputs can combine to cause a stall or out-of-control situation. A departure is
characterized by large, uncommanded aircraft motions. Following departure, the aircraft will enter either a spin or a post-
stall gyration (PSG), depending on control surface positions at the time of departure. Full aileron or crossed controls,
maintained for at least two seconds after stall, will produce the sideslip necessary for a PSG. At altitudes exceeding
15,000 feet MSL, less control input is required for a shorter duration to cause a PSG. Rudder control is sufficient to
exceed 25 degrees of sideslip and depart the aircraft at any airspeed below 240 KIAS. Warning cues associated with
sideslip departures include high yaw rate, high lateral acceleration, and light airframe buffet. Sideslip departures occur
only below stall AoA. At stall AoA or above, sustained full rudder inputs will produce a spin. All out-of-control
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 15

situations may be avoided by making smooth and coordinated control inputs. If a stall or sideslip occurs, recognize it
immediately and execute recovery procedures before it becomes aggravated. Stall must be aggravated to force a PSG or
spin. The following guidance will aid on avoiding inadvertent stalls, departures, PSGs, or spins:
Do not use rudder rolls; they are prohibited. Aileron control is excellent at all AoA and produces much better
roll performance.
Avoid full rudder sideslips and abrupt rudder reversals. This will reduce the possibility of loss of control and
keep the aircraft out of the engine disturbance zone at high AoA.
Lead large aileron inputs at high AoA with rudder. This augments the yaw stability augmentation system (SAS)
which helps reduce sideslip induced by adverse yaw and improves roll performance.
There is no adequate natural stall warning; closely monitor the aural tones to avoid stalls. Keep in mind,
however, that due to the position of the AoA vane and lift transducer, the AoA gauge, AoA indexer, and aural
tones may be unreliable at high sideslip angles.

2.7.5 Landing Speed Computations

The following speed calculations are based on the normal landing configuration (gear down, full flaps, and speed brakes
extended 40 percent) and are based on an aircraft gross weight of 30,000 pounds. Single-engine, no-flap, and minimum-run
landing speeds are discussed further in paragraph 2.11, Abnormal Procedures.

As a technique, first determine final approach airspeed. From the final approach speed, subtract 10 KIAS for landing airspeed
and add 15 KIAS for final turn airspeed. If aircraft gross weight exceeds 30,000 pounds, 2 KIAS MUST be added for every
1,000 pounds. See Table 2-2 - Common A-10 Store Weights for additional information.

Approx. Approx.
Store Weight Store Weight
(pounds) (pounds)
DRA 100 AIM-9 200
TER 100 BDU-33 25
LAU-117 125 TGM/AGM-65 475
LAU-131 150 FFAR 25
Travel Pod 450 BDU-50/MK-82 500
ALQ-184 700 SUU-25 (w/ 8 flares) 500
Table 2-2 - Common A-10 Store Weights

The final turn should be flown with an on-speed AoA indication (green “donut”), but no slower than the computed final turn
airspeed. Final turn airspeed is 145 KIAS plus 2 KIAS for each 1,000 pounds over 30,000 pounds aircraft gross weight.

Final approach should be flown at the computed final approach airspeed or the on-speed AoA indication, whichever is
greater. Final approach airspeed is 130 KIAS plus 2 KIAS for each 1,000 pounds over 30,000 pounds aircraft gross weight.

Landing (touchdown) speed is 10 KIAS less than final approach speed for a given aircraft gross weight.

The maximum allowable crosswind component for landing is 35 knots. When crosswind component exceeds 20 knots, the
sideslip required to align the fuselage with the aircraft during flare causes significant error in airspeed and AoA indications.
During these conditions, the AoA system is unreliable and approaches should be flown with reference to airspeed, not AoA.
The Dash-1 recommends adding 10 KIAS to the computed final approach and landing speeds, however, do not add 10 KIAS
to the single-engine approach airspeed.

In gusty winds conditions, add half of the gust factor to the final approach and touchdown airspeeds.

2.7.6 Straight-In Approach

The straight-in approach begins approximately 20 miles from airfield. Transmit, “CREECH TRAFFIC, HAWG ONE, TWO
ZERO MILES NORTH, INBOUND, STRAIGHT-IN, TWO SIX” on the ATC frequency. Establish a course which, after turning
onto final, will position the aircraft at least 5 nautical miles from the approach end of the runway. To calculate the descent
point, plan to lose 300 feet for each nautical mile flown on a 3 degree glidepath. Use the TACAN and/or EGI to maintain
situational awareness. At 5 nautical miles, transmit, “HAWG ONE, FINAL, TWO SIX” on the ATC frequency.

Roll out on final at approximately 1,500 feet AGL and adjust the TVV to align the flight path with the extended runway
centerline. Decelerate and configure the aircraft for the approach. Establish a descent to maintain the desired glidepath;
usually 2.5 to 3 degrees. Aim to arrive at a point 1 nautical mile from the touchdown point at 300 feet AGL. A descent rate of
16 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

600 to 700 feet per minute is nominal. As airspeed decreases toward the computed final approach speed, crosscheck the AoA
indexer and maintain computed final approach speed or an on-speed AoA indication, whichever is higher. Check the runway
is 2.5 to 3 degrees below the HUD horizon, and place the TVV on the aimpoint. Recheck the gear is down, confirm landing
clearance, and visually clear the runway for traffic.

2.7.7 Go-Around
Do not touch down during the go-around; touch-and-go landings are not authorized in the A-10. Because it is difficult to
judge altitude above the ground in the landing configuration, execute the go-around early. Simultaneously advance the
throttles to MAX and close the speed brakes. Maintain the landing attitude until airspeed begins to increase. If touchdown
occurs during a late go-around, accelerate to takeoff speed on the runway before establishing takeoff attitude. Retract the gear
upon positive rate of climb, and retract the flaps at a minimum of 130 KIAS. Observe local restrictions and visually clear for

2.7.8 Overhead Pattern, Landing, and Rollout

The straight-in approach begins approximately 20 miles from airfield. Transmit, “NELLIS TRAFFIC, HAWG ONE, TWO
ZERO MILES WEST, INBOUND, OVERHEAD, TWO ONE RIGHT” on the ATC frequency. Establish a course which, after
turning onto initial, will position the aircraft at least 5 nautical miles from the approach end of the runway.

Roll out on initial at the published VFR pattern altitude (generally 1,500 feet AGL), and maintain 250 to 300 KIAS (as
directed by local regulations). At 5 nautical miles, transmit, “HAWG ONE, INITIAL, FULL STOP (or LOW APPROACH)” on
the ATC frequency.

While on initial, acquire a ground reference abeam the break point. Execute the break when crossing the approach end or up
to one-third of the way down the runway. Aggressively roll into a 60 to 70 degree bank level turn and smoothly reduce power
while increasing back pressure to 2 to 3 Gs. Use the TVV to aid in maintaining a level turn. Use trim as the aircraft
decelerates during the break, and plan to increase pitch by 2 or 3 degrees on downwind.

Roll out on downwind referencing the runway heading. Adjust heading to account for crosswinds and maintain an appropriate
lateral offset from the runway. As a rule-of-thumb, the amount of crab required on downwind is approximately double the
crab required on initial. For a typical 1,500 feet AGL pattern, place the runway halfway between the outermost weapon pylon
(station 1 or 11) and the wingtip. When significant crosswinds are present, favor the wingtip or the pylon as appropriate. Prior
to configuring for landing on downwind, maintain level flight no slower than 150 KIAS or final turn speed, whichever is
greater (185 KIAS recommended).

Abeam the touchdown point, open the speed brakes to 40 percent. Check airspeed, lower the gear, and extend the flaps to full.
Anticipate the need to add thrust and increase pitch slightly to maintain level flight. Prior to starting the final turn, verify
aircraft configuration; anti-skid ENGAGED, landing light ON, gear handle DOWN and three green lights, and hydraulic
pressures in the green. Do not fly slower than the calculated final turn speed or the slightly-fast AoA indication. Trim the
aircraft to final turn speed prior to beginning the turn.

The perch is the point when the aimpoint is just aft of the wing trailing edge (approximately 1 nautical mile beyond the
touchdown point). Begin the final turn and transmit, “HAWG ONE-ONE, BASE, GEAR, STOP (or LOW APPROACH)” (note
this is an individual call made by each aircraft in a formation). The perch is the first critical point of the final turn. Be stable
and on altitude; if fighting the parameters, the final turn is likely to be erratic.

The final turn should be one continuous symmetric turn, rolling out on final at 1 nautical mile and 300 feet AGL. Initially
overbank and establish a descending turn with 45 degrees of bank at 10 degrees nose low. The overbank will help lower the
nose. As the turn progresses, maintain 30 to 45 degrees of bank and 10 degrees nose low. For a 1,500 feet AGL pattern, one
technique is to place the top of the accelerometer (right turn) or magnetic compass (left turn) on the horizon. If terrain is
uneven, be sure to visualize the true horizon. Reduce power as the aircraft rolls off the perch and adjust as required to
maintain a slightly-fast AoA indication. A slightly-fast AoA indication received at a significantly higher than planned
airspeed may indicate a problem. To determine the proper corrective action, consider the following possibilities:
Improper aircraft configuration, i.e. flap and speed brake position
Power setting too high for existing gross weight
Pattern too tight for existing wind and gross weight
Miscomputed final turn speed
Excessive pull

Adjust pitch, bank, and power as required to arrive half way around the turn with a 50 percent decrease in altitude. The goal is
to roll out at 1 nautical mile and 300 feet AGL, therefore, half way around the turn the aircraft should have lost 600 feet
(1,500 feet – 300 feet = 1,200 feet). Use this “gate” as a reference to adjust pitch and bank during the turn. Approximately
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two-thirds through the turn, crosscheck the precision approach path indicator (PAPI) lights and acquire the aimpoint. Roll out
with the aimpoint 2.5 to 3 degrees below the HUD horizon.

Reduce bank and back pressure to roll out on final and reduce power to slow to final approach speed. As airspeed decreases,
increase back pressure slightly to prevent a high sink rate. If a slightly-fast AoA indication is received prior to slowing to the
computed final approach speed, maintain the slightly-fast AoA indication. Adjust bank as required to maintain the centerline.
The rate of descent should be 600 to 700 FPM with a glidepath of 2.5 to 3 degrees and the TVV on the aimpoint. The
aimpoint should be on the runway threshold in order to touch down approximately 500 feet down the runway.

Crossing the overrun, increase pitch slightly to reduce the rate of decent while smoothly retarding the throttles to IDLE.
Touch down on centerline within the first 1,000 feet of the runway.

After touchdown, lower the nosewheel to the runway and fully extend the speed brakes. Speed brakes are highly effective
above 80 KIAS. Maintain directional control using the rudders. If aerobraking is used, maintain the landing attitude and use
caution to prevent scraping the tail. Lower the nose prior to losing elevator authority (approximately 100 KIAS). Once the
nosewheel is on the ground and airspeed is less than 100 KIAS, lightly test the brakes to ensure they are working.

If available runway length does not require maximum performance braking, use the entire length of the runway to slow to taxi
speeds, and apply light to moderate steady braking as required. Monitor the runway distance remaining and aim to have the
aircraft slowed to 20 knots at 1,000 feet prior to the turnoff.

If landing distance is critical or speed brakes or anti-skid are not available, use one smooth brake application until slowed. Do
not drag the brakes during rollout or taxi; this generates excessive heat and may cause hot brakes.

Once safely clear of the runway, stop the aircraft and perform the AFTER LANDING checks. Taxi to the EOR pad for de-
arming or to the ramp (as briefed), and wait for further instructions/shutdown clearance from flight lead. Observe local
regulations regarding EOR and taxi flow.

Figure 2-2 - Overhead Pattern

18 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Figure 2-3 - Overhead Pattern 4-Ship Flow

2.7.9 Closed Traffic Pattern

Advance the throttles to MAX, accelerate to between 150 and 200 KIAS, and allow the aircraft to climb to at least 200 feet
AGL. Initiate the closed pull-up at the departure end of the runway. First, pull the nose up to 20 degrees nose high then roll to
60 degrees of bank. Adjust bank, back pressure, and power to arrive on downwind at pattern altitude with a minimum of 150
KIAS (185 KIAS recommended). Lateral spacing is the same as for an overhead pattern. Adjust heading as required to
compensate for crosswinds. Monitor airspeed and adjust power to maintain 185 KIAS until configured for landing. The perch,
final turn, and landing portions of the closed traffic pattern are the same as for an overhead pattern.

2.8 Instrument Procedures

This section describes A-10 specifics and techniques for use in the instrument environment. A thorough understanding of
instrument procedures and regulations is required prior to applying these techniques.

2.8.1 A-10C Performance and Control Instruments

For the cockpit locations of the performance and control instruments, see Figure 2-4 - A-10C Performance and Control
Instruments. Performance Instruments

Performance instruments include the airspeed, altitude, vertical velocity indicator (VVI); the AOA gauge and indexer,
horizontal situation indicator (HSI), and the standby compass. The primary reference for airspeed, altitude, heading, and
vertical speed are the cockpit gauges, not from the HUD. The HUD is not certified for instrument flight and should not
be used as a primary reference. AoA data during approach and landing is obtained through the AoA indexer. The AoA
gauge can be used as a backup during approach when needed to determine maximum endurance or maximum range AoA.
The standby compass is normally only used during flight to check the HSI for accuracy or in the event of an electrical or
HSI failure. Control Instruments

Control instruments include core rpm, fan speed, fuel flow, interstage turbine temperature (ITT) gauges and the attitude
director indicator (ADI). Use the ADI as your primary source for attitude information. The ITT and fuel flow gauges are
the most commonly used control to set power. For cross-check purposes include the standby attitude indicator in the
instrument cross-check.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 19

Figure 2-4 - A-10C Performance and Control Instruments

2.8.2 Unusual Attitude Recovery

Recovery from an unusual attitude consists of three steps: recognize, confirm, and recover. Consider the following aerodynamic
principles which will aid in the recovery from an unusual attitude:
Eliminating bank in a nose-low attitude will reduce altitude lost.
Increasing bank in a nose-high attitude will expedite recovery.
Proper use of power and drag devices will aid in airspeed control.
An unusual attitude may be recognized by looking out the canopy; by observing the ADI; or by noting unusual or unexpected
indications on the performance instruments. Regardless of the method used to recognize the unusual attitude, prior to initiat ing a
recovery using the ADI, verify the condition actually exists by comparing the indications of the performance to those of the
control instruments. This will prevent inadvertent entry of an unusual attitude in case of an erroneous instrument indication.
Crosscheck other sources of attitude information – standby attitude indicator; VVI; altimeter – to identify whether the aircraft is
climbing or descending. If recovery is uncertain, decide upon an altitude at which to eject. The minimum uncontrolled bail-out
altitude is 4,000 feet AGL, and should be known and briefed prior to every flight in the A-10.
If a nose-low recovery is to be made, perform the following (as required):
If airspeed is high, reduce thrust and open the speed brakes to minimize altitude lost
Roll in the shortest direction to a wings-level attitude.
Pull the nose to a level flight attitude by pulling to the steady tone, if necessary.
When the aircraft is no longer descending, adjust pitch, power, speed brakes, and AoA to return to the desired flightpath.
If a nose-high recovery is to be made, perform the following (as required):
Advance throttles to MAX.
Relax stick back pressure.
Roll the aircraft up to 60 degrees to minimize airspeed loss and expedite the pitch reduction.
When approaching a level pitch attitude, roll to a wings-level and slightly nose low attitude until achieving level flight

2.8.3 Instrument Takeoff

Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) takeoff procedures assume visual contact with the runway, therefore the techniques and procedures
are the same as those for a single-ship takeoff (described in paragraph 2.7.1, Takeoff) with the following exceptions. Takeoff and
landing minimums are published in 476th vFG OI 03.
20 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Prior to taking the runway, ensure that instrument approach plates (IAP) for the landing runway are readily available in the event
an emergency during or immediately following takeoff requires a return to land. Position the standard instrument departure (SID)
in an easily observable position.

Once on the runway, crosscheck the runway heading against the HSI and standby compass, and set the ADI to indicate level

Once airborne with the gear and flaps retracted, climb straight ahead to a minimum of 1,000 feet AGL and 200 KIAS before
making any turns, except when departure procedures or obstructions specifically preclude compliance.

2.8.4 Instrument Flight Rule Departure

After takeoff, follow the SID. Make standard radio calls on the appropriate frequency. Adjust airspeed and vertical velocity to
comfortably comply with the departure profile. If the SID or clearance includes a low-altitude level-off, climb at 1,000 to 2,000
fpm (725 to 750 ITT) until established at the required altitude. Climb rate, airspeed, and turn lead points should be thoroughly
planned and briefed before flight.

2.8.5 Cruise
Set known pitch and power to maintain level flight and a constant airspeed. Altitude control during cruise is simplified by using
the low-altitude safety & targeting enhancement (LASTE) low-altitude autopilot (LAAP) in either the altitude (ALT) or
altitude/heading (ALT/HDG) mode.

Trim the aircraft before engaging the autopilot to avoid inadvertent autopilot disengagements which may occur when encountering
turbulence. The LASTE incorporates a two-axis autopilot (pitch and yaw) and will attempt to correct rolling tendencies using
rudder. This results in uncoordinated flight conditions. If the yaw SAS authority is exceeded while trying to fix this out-of-trim
condition, the autopilot will disengage.

Approximate power settings for desired cruise speeds at 10,000 feet MSL are given in Table 2-3 - Cruise Power Settings. For
higher altitudes, increase the power settings.

Configuration Fuel Flow (pph) Airspeed (KIAS)

2,500 300
2,200 270
Clean(1) 1,800 250
1,500 230
1,000 200
External stores increase required fuel flow settings.
Table 2-3 - Cruise Power Settings

2.8.6 Steep Turns

Steep turns are turns in which the bank angle is greater than required for normal instrument flying (30 degrees in the A-10). Steep
turns are occasionally used in instrument meteorological conditions (IMC) when tactical considerations warrant a tighter than
normal turn. Practicing steep turns will build pilot confidence and improve instrument cross-check. They should be practiced at
200 KIAS and bank angles of 45 and 60 degrees. Use nose-up pitch trim to reduce pitch stick forces.

To enter a steep turn, use the same technique as for a 30 degree bank turn. As the bank angle increases through 30 degrees, the
change in lift vector requires a slight increase of pitch. Additional thrust is required to maintain 200 KIAS as the bank angle is
increased. During the steep turn, pitch and power controls are used conventionally, however, a larger pitch adjustment is required
for a given altitude deviation. Varying bank angle will complicate pitch control, therefore, keep the ADI bank angle pointer in
your crosscheck to maintain a constant bank angle.

When rolling out of a steep turn, anticipate corrections required for greater than normal nose-up pitch trim, pitch attitude, and
thrust used during the turn. Roll out at the same rate as for a normal turn. Cross-check performance instruments closely during the
rollout since the ADI may have some precession error.

2.8.7 Point-to-Point
Flying direct from one fix to another is often required in the terminal area. Refer to AFI 11-217V1, Instrument Flying Procedures,
for complete TACAN point-to-point procedures. Although the A-10 is not authorized to use Area Navigation (RNAV) in the
terminal area, the EGI may be used as a backup. Two methods are available to accomplish this: 1) enter the coordinates of the
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 21

point directly into the EGI, if available; or 2) generate coordinates by using the CDU offset point calculation. To fly an EGI point-
to-point, perform the following:
Select OTHER on the Page Select knob on the AAP
Press the OSET function select key (FSK) on the CDU to access the OFFSETT Page
Select the reference waypoint using the correct waypoint database and number or identifier line select key (LSK)
Enter the offset heading and distance in HHHDD or HHHDDD format and press the magnetic heading/distance
The coordinates of the resulting point appear adjacent to the latitude and longitude (L/L) LSKs
NOTE: The coordinates generated are not saved in the EGI. To save the coordinates as a stored waypoint, name the point by
typing a name into the scratchpad then depress the COPY? LSK. The waypoint will be saved in the next available slot in the
mission database.

2.8.8 Prior to Descent

Be fully prepared before beginning an enroute descent or instrument penetration. Accomplish a descent check and review arriva l
weather, required headings, descent rates, lead radials and turn points, approach procedures, and final approach airspeeds. See
Table 2-3, Descent Checks, for more information.


M Minimum reviewed W Weather
A Altimeter set H Holding
I Initial rate of descent O Obtain clearance
L Lost comm procedures P Plate review
M Missed approach review D Descent check
A Airspeed for penetration S Speed
N NAVAIDS set N Next approach coordination
Table 2-4 Descent Checks. Descent Check

The descent check is listed in the checklist; however, an often overlooked item is the EGI/heading and attitude reference system
(HARS) comparison check. The EGI/HARS comparison of attitude and heading is a critical check which the Dash-1 emphasizes
with a WARNING. The importance of this check may only be realized after it’s too late, i.e., when the EGI fails in IMC
conditions and the HARS has precessed significantly. When selecting HARS, the master caution light and aural alert come on, and
the enhanced attitude control (EAC) will disengage. If HARS attitude does not match the EGI attitude, verify attitude using the
standby attitude indicator (SAI), VVI, turn needle, and altimeter. Activate the FAST ERECT switch in wings-level unaccelerated
flight if necessary. If HARS heading does not coincide with EGI heading, check the magnetic compass. Push the PUSH-TO-
SYNC control in wings-level flight on a steady heading if necessary. After checking attitude and heading, select EGI and reset the
EAC switch. Aircraft Category

For determining instrument approach minimums, the A-10 is a Category “D” aircraft. However, Category “C” minimums may be
used in an emergency at a divert field where no Category “D” minimums are published, provided a straight-in approach is flown;
the final approach is flown at 140 KIAS or less; and the missed-approach is flown between 200 and 210 KIAS. See Table 2-5 -
Aircraft Categories for additional information.

Approach Speed (KIAS)* FAA Aircraft Category

< 91 A
91 - 120 B
121 – 140 C
141 – 165 D
> 165 E
*Approach speed at certified maximum landing gross weight
Table 2-5 - Aircraft Categories

2.8.9 Descent
Air traffic control (ATC) requirements have more influence on when the descent is initiated than any other factor; however,
consider the following before starting the descent:
22 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Range and altitude

Desired descent rate
Low-altitude fuel consumption Final Approach Fix (FAF) Altitude

Prior to starting the descent, ensure completion of all required checks. As a technique, plan to arrive at the final approach fix
(FAF) altitude approximately 2 to 3 NM prior to the FAF. This will allow adequate time and distance to slow down and configure
for the approach prior to the FAF. If aircraft altitude is well above FAF altitude, consider configuring even earlier. Holding
Slow to holding airspeed and determine the anticipated inbound and outbound holding headings prior to arrival at the holding fix.
Tune and identify the TACAN station. Adjust the TACAN volume on both the TACAN and intercom control panels.

Holding airspeed for the A-10 ranges from 200 to 250 KIAS. Refer to the appropriate standard terminal arrival (STAR) or
instrument approach procedure (IAP) chart for specific holding airspeed requirements. As a general rule, a holding airspeed of 200
KIAS is safe for all altitudes and types of airspace.

Holding instructions may be given as a number of “turns” to be flown in the holding pattern, or as a length of time to remain in the
holding pattern. If an expect further clearance (EFC) time is given, plan the number of full and partial patterns required to arrive at
the holding fix at the designated time. As a rule-of-thumb, at 200 KIAS, a holding pattern is completed in four minutes: one
minute for each 180 degree turn, and two one-minute wings-level sections. The length of the holding pattern may be defined as a
distance instead of a duration; e.g., 10 nautical mile legs. Exact timing will depend on the holding airspeed and the size of the
holding pattern. See Figure 2-5 - Holding Pattern for additional information.

To remain in the holding pattern’s protected airspace, it is essential to monitor the Number 1 bearing pointer (BP1) and course
deviation indicator (CDI) on the HSI. In the presence of crosswinds, establish the necessary crab angle on both the inbound and
outbound legs. Reduce bank angle when turning upwind, and increase bank angle when turning downwind. With extreme
crosswinds, it may be necessary to angle the outbound leg into the wind in order to prevent overshooting during the inbound turn.

Figure 2-5 - Holding Pattern

476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 23

2.8.10 TACAN Penetration

Prior to beginning the penetration, ensure you have a thorough understanding of the procedure and are able to comply with all
restrictions. Plan the required rate of descent prior to beginning the penetration. Configure the aircraft for penetration and notify
traffic on the appropriate frequency when beginning the descent. For gradual descents, set 80 percent core rpm and lower the nose
approximately 8 to 10 degrees. Make minor pitch adjustments as necessary in order to maintain a penetration speed of 200 to 250
KIAS. If a more rapid descent is required, set 80 percent core rpm and plan on using up to 40 percent speed brakes. For descent
planning procedures, see Table 2-6 - Penetration Descent Planning.

Objective Actions

1) Determine amount of altitude to be lost

2) Determine the distance in which altitude is to be lost
Calculate required descent gradient 3) Descent gradient (feet/NM) = altitude to lose / distance to lose
Ex: 10,000 feet / 20 NM = 500 feet/NM

1) Determine the descent gradient

Calculate required pitch attitude 2) Required pitch attitude = descent gradient / 100
Ex: 500 feet/NM / 100 = 5 degrees

1) Obtain true airspeed (TAS) from the STEER page.

2) Determine speed in nautical miles per minute (NM/min)
NM/min = TAS/60

Calculate required vertical velocity Ex: 240 KTAS / 60 = 4 NM/min

3) Determine vertical velocity (VV)
VV = NM/min * pitch attitude in degrees * 100
Ex: 4 * 10 * 100 = 4,000 fpm

Table 2-6 - Penetration Descent Planning

During the penetration, use preplanned lead points for large turns. As a rule-of-thumb, at 200 KIAS, use a 1.5 nautical mile lead
point for a 90 degree turn at 30 degrees of bank. Adjust bank angle as necessary to compensate for wind and airspeed. Set the
altimeter to the local setting prior to descending through the transition level (FL180 in CONUS).

If a level-off at an intermediate altitude is required during the penetration, reduce pitch attitude by half 1,000 feet above the level-
off altitude. This reduces vertical velocity and helps prevent overshooting the level-off altitude. Complete the level-off using the
10 percent rule, e.g., if descending at 3,000 fpm, begin the level-off 300 feet above the desired level-off altitude. If leveling off
prior to the FAF, do not decelerate slower than 150 KIAS until the aircraft is configured for landing. Once configured for landing,
do not slow below computed final turn airspeed until lined up on final and no further maneuvering is anticipated. If a circling
approach is to be flown, maintain computed final turn airspeed until the circling maneuver is completed and lined up on final.

Ensure the aircraft is on-speed and configured for landing prior to the FAF. Maintain final approach airspeed or on-speed AoA
indication, whichever is higher.

2.8.11 TACAN Final

Before departing the FAF, review the published missed approach instructions. When crossing the FAF, intercept or maintain the
final approach course and begin descending to the minimum descent altitude (MDA). Maintain a steady 1,000 to 1,500 fpm
descent at final approach airspeed and level off at the MDA prior to the missed approach point (MAP). In normal landing
configuration, expect to use 85 to 86 percent core rpm during the descent and approximately 90 to 91 percent after level-off. To
ensure timely acquisition of the runway environment, add an external scan after departing the FAF. See Table 2-7 - The Six Ts
for a useful memory aid.

T Description
Time Hack the clock passing the FAF.
Turn Turn to intercept the final approach course.
Throttle Reduce throttles and descend to the MDA.
Twist Set the final approach course in the HIS course window.
24 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Track Track the final approach course.

Talk Advise approach/tower of intentions and gear position when passing the FAF .
Table 2-7 - The Six Ts Visual Descent Point

The visual descent point (VDP) is a guide to begin the descent for landing. If not depicted on the approach plate, a VDP can be
calculated manually. Assuming a 3 degree glide path, one technique is to subtract the touchdown zone elevation (TDZE) from the
MDA and divide by 300. The result to the nearest tenth is the distance in statute miles between the touchdown point and the VDP. Missed Approach Point

Upon reaching the missed approach point (MAP), if the runway environment is not in sight, execute the published missed
approach. Execute a missed approach if visual contact with the runway cannot be maintained until touchdown, or if flying an
intentional low approach.

2.8.12 Instrument Landing System Approach

An instrument landing system (ILS) provides precision lateral (localizer) and vertical (glideslope) information down to a height
above touchdown (HAT) not lower than 200 feet. When TACAN information is no longer required on the course deviation
indicator (CDI), set the localizer inbound course on the HSI course set knob and select ILS on the NMSP. Verify the correct
localizer frequency is set on the ILS control panel, the volume control knob is turned up, and the ILS monitor switch on the
intercom panel is pulled up. Monitor the ILS audio and positively identify the Morse code of the tuned station. Some ILS/localizer
(LOC) approaches have their own DME. To receive DME, ensure the paired channel is tuned on the TACAN control panel. See
Table 2-8 - LIDS Check for a useful memory aid.

LIDS Check Description

L Localizer – Tune, identify, monitor, and select ILS on the NMSP.
I Inbound Course – Set in the course select window.
D DME – Set for localizer.
S Slow – to final approach speed.
Table 2-8 - LIDS Check Localizer Intercept

Aim to join the localizer at an optimum angle of 30 degrees. Valid localizer information will be received within 2.5 degrees of the
final approach course. Select ILS on the NMSP and ensure the switch light is illuminated. Enable the pitch and bank steering bars
by setting the PTR switch to ABLE. When intercepting the localizer, initially use raw data before transitioning to the steering
bars. Crosscheck the raw data with the steering commands throughout the approach. Maintain the assigned altitude or the
published altitude for the approach until intercepting the glide slope. Glide Slope Intercept

Configure the aircraft for landing at glide slope intercept. Transmit “NELLIS TRAFFIC, HAWG 1, GEAR DOWN, FINAL ILS
TWO ONE LEFT” on the ATC frequency. Set approximately 85 to 86 percent core rpm on final and maintain 600 to 700 fpm rate
of descent. Hack the clock when crossing the FAF to begin timing for a backup localizer-only approach. ILS Corrections

Course and glide slope corrections must become progressively smaller as DME decreases. As a rule-of-thumb, use 2 to 3 degrees
of pitch or bank to make precise corrections. If localizer, glide slope, or airspeed/AoA limits are reached, execute a missed
approach. Do not attempt to salvage a bad approach; go around early to avoid an unstabilized approach. At decision altitude (DA),
either transition to a visual landing or execute the published missed approach.

2.8.13 Instrument Missed Approach

Procedures for executing a missed approach are identical for both TACAN and ILS approaches. Simultaneously advance the
throttles to MAX, retract the speed brakes, and establish a takeoff attitude on the ADI. When a positive rate of climb is observed
on both the altimeter and VVI, retract the landing gear and flaps at a minimum of 140 KIAS. When climbing through 1,000 feet
AGL, reduce power to 700 ITT and adjust pitch to maintain 200 KIAS or as required by the published missed approach. Missed Approach

As soon as practical, announce “NELLIS TRAFFIC, HAWG ONE-ONE, GOING AROUND” on the ATC frequency. Once
established on a segment of the published missed approach procedure and when workload permits, announce “NELLIS TRAFFIC,
HI-ILS APPROACH TWO ONE LEFT.” See Figure 2-6 - Entering Holding from Missed Approach for additional information.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 25

Figure 2-6 - Entering Holding from Missed Approach

2.8.14 Circling Approach

A circling approach is a visual maneuver executed from an instrument approach used to align the aircraft with the landing runway.
When practicing circling approaches, fly them at the published minimums; however, when flying actual circling approaches, fly
them as high as the weather allows. Use the MDA and approach minima for the instrument approach procedure flown, not the
landing runway. Arrival
Aim to arrive at the circling MDA prior to the published MAP. Configure for landing with the gear down, full flaps, and 40
percent speed brakes. Throughout the circling maneuver, maintain at least final turn airspeed. Once level at the circling MDA and
with the runway environment in sight, assess whether the prevailing ceiling and visibility will allow completion of the circling
maneuver. If not, execute the published missed approach procedure for the instrument approach flown. Final
Maneuver the aircraft so that the turn to final can be accomplished with 30 degrees of bank or less. This requires that the aircraft
be positioned on downwind approximately one mile from the runway. As a reference, position the runway approximately one
speed brake width outboard of the wingtip. See Figure 2-7 - Circling Approach Wing Reference. Maintain visual contact with
the runway throughout the circle maneuver, and start the turn to final when the touchdown point is 45 degrees aft of the wing line.
Maintain the circling MDA until arriving on a 2.5 to 3 degree glide slope. Use the PAPIs and/or HUD pitch ladder as an aid to
determine the glide slope. Once established on final, maintain final approach airspeed or an “on-speed” AoA indication,
whichever is higher, and complete a normal landing.
26 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Figure 2-7 - Circling Approach Wing Reference Circling Approach Considerations

When flying a circling approach, consider the following:
If there is any doubt whether the circling approach can be completed to a safe touchdown, execute the published missed
Do not allow the aircraft to descend below the published MDA.
Maintain the computed final turn airspeed until established on final. Unlike a normal overhead pattern with a descending
final turn, the circling approach’s final turn is a level turn. With the aircraft configured for landing, more power will be
required than normal.
In the presence of strong crosswinds, fly an appropriate offset from the runway on the downwind leg so that required
bank does not exceed 30 degrees during the final turn.
When properly positioned on downwind, the aircraft will be twice as far from the runway as normal. If normal pattern
visual references are attained, the aircraft will be too close to the runway to safely fly the final turn. Fly a pattern that
appears as least twice as large as a normal pattern.

2.8.15 Landing from an Instrument Approach

If the final portion of the instrument approach is flown in VMC, transition to a VFR approach and normal landing. If the final
portion of the instrument approach is flown in instrument meteorological conditions (IMC), continue flying the approach using an
instrument cross-check. Include an exterior scan in the cross-check, but continue to fly the published approach until either the
runway is in sight or the aircraft has arrived at the DA or MAP.

If unable to make a safe landing, execute the published missed approach. The normal instrument landing touchdown point is
slightly long compared to a VFR landing. Do not intentionally descend below the electronic glide slope in an attempt to make a
VFR landing. Accept a slightly long landing. Intentionally descending below the glide slope could result in an inadvertently high
sink rate at very low altitude.

2.9 After Landing

2.9.1 De-Arm
At airfields which have an EOR, taxi to and park at EOR to await all other flight members. See the appropriate inflight guide
(IFG) for EOR taxi flow. Ensure all switches are SAFE, set external lighting per Operating Instruction requirements and follow
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 27

the After Landing; After Clearing the Active Runway section of TO 1A-10C-476CL-1, 476th vFG A-10C Flight Crew Checklist.
Flight lead will direct the flight to taxi to parking, and transmit intentions on the appropriate ATC frequency.

At airfields which do not have EOR, clear the runway then stop the aircraft and complete the After Landing; After Clearing the
Active Runway section of TO 1A-10C-476CL-1, 476th vFG A-10C Flight Crew Checklist. Once the checklist items have been
completed, transmit intentions on the appropriate ATC frequency and taxi to the parking area single-ship.

Do not taxi in front of aircraft with forward firing ordnance (FFO) being de-armed.
2.9.2 Taxi-in and Shut Down
Taxi to the assigned parking spot. Exercise caution while taxiing in congested ramp areas, and when entering protective aircraft
shelters (PAS). Shutdown the aircraft in accordance with TO 1A-10C-476CL-1, 476th vFG A-10C Flight Crew Checklist,
Engine Shutdown.

NOTE: Those wanting to simulate a real world recovery and shut down should also follow Appendix B of TO 1A-10C-476CL-1,
476th vFG A-10C Flight Crew Checklist.

2.10 Debriefing
The debriefing is a critical component of the sortie, and is where a significant portion of learning takes place. The debrief is used
to determine if the desired mission objectives were achieved; identify lessons learned; and define aspects of knowledge needing
improvement. Allow flight members time consolidate their thoughts and tend to physiological needs. As a rule-of-thumb, allow 5
to 10 minutes after disconnecting from the server to begin the debrief.

Each flight member should prepare for the debriefing. Start Tacview, establish a connection to the Online Debriefing, and queue
the tape to the first relevant mission objective. Gather notes and range scores which will help reconstruct the mission and evaluate
how well the flight accomplished each objective.

An honest assessment of accomplishments and events is more important than “winning the debrief”. Cover procedural items first.
Discuss significant departures from the briefed plan or established procedures without chair-flying the entire mission. Review
each segment of the mission in broad terms, and each attack in detail. Point out both the good and bad aspects. Critique
experienced pilots in the same manner as new ones; wingmen learn from others’ mistakes as much as from their own.

It is essential to derive accurate lessons learned; not simply the mistakes made. See Attachment 14, Mission Debriefing Guide.

2.11 Abnormal Procedures

2.11.1 General
This section contains procedures to follow when other than normal operations occur. They do not replace or supersede Normal or
Emergency procedures contained in TO 1A-10C-476CL-1, 476th vFG A-10C Flight Crew Checklist.

After isolating or correcting a malfunctioning system, do not use the system again unless using its degraded mode is essential for a
safe recovery. Complete emergency procedures are outlined in TO 1A-10C-476CL-1, 476th vFG A-10C Flight Crew Checklist.

If a fuel imbalance occurs, terminate tactical maneuvering and investigate. Follow the Left/Right Tanks Unequal Emergency
Procedures as outlined in TO 1A-10C-476CL-1, 476th vFG A-10C Flight Crew Checklist.

2.11.2 Loss of Brakes While Taxiing

Do not taxi an aircraft that has a nose wheel steering (NWS) or brake system malfunction.

If loss of braking occurs while taxing, release brake pedal pressure and pull the emergency brake handle. Since anti-skid
protection will not be available, slowly reapply brake pedal pressure. If the right hydraulic system has also failed, anticipate
having no more than five brake applications using emergency accumulator pressure only. In this situation it is best to make one
long, smooth brake application. Stop the aircraft as soon as possible and notify flight lead of the situation.

2.11.3 Ground Aborts

When a flight member aborts prior to takeoff, the flight leader will realign flight positions to maintain a numerical call sign
sequence. Pilots who do not takeoff with the flight may rejoin the flight with Flight Lead’s permission.

2.11.4 Take-off Aborts

Prior to flight, every flight member will review and understand takeoff and landing data (TOLD). Pay special attention to factors
because of short/wet runway and heavy gross weights. See section, Aborted Takeoff and section 3.2.2, Formation Takeoff
for detailed information.
28 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

2.11.5 Air Aborts

If an abort occurs after takeoff, all aircraft will maintain their original numerical call sign. The pilot of the aborting aircraft will
advise their flight lead of the conditions causing the abort, intentions and assistance if required. If an emergency, escort the
aborting aircraft to the landing airfield. For aborts other than emergencies, Flight lead will determine if the aborting aircraft
requires an escort.

Abort the mission if any of the following occur:

Bird strike /Engine Fire

Flight control system anomaly

2.11.6 Minimum Run Landing

When planning a short-field landing consider the following factors:

Aircraft gross weight and center of gravity (CG).

Fuel imbalance that could result in an aft CG configuration (main tanks)
External ordnance configuration.
Crosswinds and gusts.
Obstruction clearance at the approach end of the runway
Corrections on final may require an increased elevator deflection due to lower airspeeds.

Minimum run landings may be accomplished from a precision or non-precision approach, visual straight-in or overhead pattern.
Final approach speed (speed brakes 40%, flaps and gear down) should be 10 KIAS slower than the “on-speed” AoA or the
computed final approach speed. Use the airspeed indicator to fly a minimum run landing, the AoA indexer will show slow (red)
and will not provide sufficient guidance for a safe approach. Fly a normal glide path and plan on touching down at a point 500 to
1,000 feet from the runway threshold.

Accomplish a power-on approach with sink rate limitations. Do not flare, this could cause the aircraft tail to hit the runway. Do
not move throttles to idle until after touchdown. On touchdown deploy speed brakes to 100% and establish maximum braking.
Maintain maximum braking until you are sure that the stopping distance is no longer critical.

2.11.7 No-Flap Approach and Landing

A straight-in approach using no flaps for landing may be required under certain emergency conditions. These approaches are very
similar to normal straight-in approaches except for AoA, configuration, and final approach speed. Pitch attitude on final is 2 to 3
degrees higher than a normal approach and speed brakes are used on approach. When on final approach, fly an “on-speed” AoA
indication but no slower than computer airspeed (140 KIAS plus 2 knots per 1,000 pounds gross weight above 30,000 pounds).
Ensure you add 10 KIAS when crosswind component is in excess of 20 knots.

Since drag is reduced on a no-flap approach, a lower power setting is required to maintain final approach speed. It is possible that
power settings will be near idle to correct for a high and/or fast final. Anticipate corrections in power because of the increased
time required for fan lag and engine response. After landing, deploy speed brakes to 100% and apply brakes as required.

Take into account the increased time to configure the aircraft as well as the brake/anti-skid failures associated with loss of the
hydraulics. Reference TO 1A-10C-476CL-1, 476th vFG A-10C Flight Crew Checklist for specific emergency procedures.

2.11.8 Single-Engine Approach and Landing

Reference the Single-Engine Landing section of TO 1A-10C-476CL-1, 476th vFG A-10C Flight Crew Checklist for specific
emergency procedures.

During single-engine situations, the objective is to recover the aircraft on the first attempt with a minimum amount of corrections.
Necessary turns should be made into the good engine if possible with the lowest possible bank angle. During single engine
operations, the aircraft can quickly run out of available rudder authority while attempting an approach with strong crosswinds.
When crosswinds exceed 10 knots, make the approach with the crosswind from the side of the available engine.

When thrust is lost from a single engine a noticeable yawing motion will occur that must be countered with rudder. Level flight at
high altitudes may be impossible. Yaw SAS configuration is left to pilot discretion. Do not attempt to keep both yaw channels
engaged, this could result in distractions and uncommanded yaw inputs. The ball will displace toward the good engine
proportional to the amount of bank used. Use bank and rudder input as necessary to maintain control of the aircraft and ensure
maneuvering airspeed is maintained.

If the left hydraulic system is not available (left engine failure) ensure enough time for emergency gear extension exists. Delay
lowering gear until just prior to descent on final. Start the descent on a steep glide path (3-degree). Use the TVV and pitch ladder
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 29

to assist in establishing the glide path. Accomplish all maneuvers prior to 2 or 3 NM from touchdown. Good planning will result
in fewer throttle changes thus leading to less effort to maintain aircraft control. Prior to final, check rudder trim is set to neutral
and align the aircraft with the extended runway centerline approximately 1 to 2 NM from touchdown. Maintain the required
minimum airspeed until go-around is initiated or landing is accomplished.

Flying with the pitch SAS disengaged causes an increase in pilot workload. Do not chase pitch oscillations and use pitch trim in
small increments. If pilot induced oscillation (PIO) occurs, pull the stick slightly aft of neutral and execute go-around procedures.
The decision to accomplish a single-engine go-around must be made early. Single engine spool-up produces a large yawing
moment that pilots must be prepared for. Smoothly apply rudder to offset yaw and maintain coordinated flight. Under certain
conditions a single engine go-around may be impossible.

Plan your single-engine landing to touchdown within the first 1,500 feet of the runway. Airspeed should not decrease below 150
KIAS plus 1 knot per 1,000 pounds over 30,000 pounds aircraft gross weight. As you cross the overrun, slowly reduce power on
the operating engine and simultaneously release rudder pressure to break the rate of descent and hold the proper landing attitude.
Upon touchdown lower the nose wheel to the ground and open speed brakes 100%. Extend full flaps to assist in reducing landing
distance. Be cautious when using speed brakes with SAS disengaged as a nose pitch-up condition could occur.

If a single-engine go-around is necessary, begin your recovery by correcting yaw with rudder inputs while slowly applying MAX
power on the operating engine. Ensure speed brakes are closed, flaps up, gear down and accelerate to the best single-engine climb
speed (10 KIAS less than single-engine approach speed). A slight descent may be required. To achieve the best single-engine
performance, establish a slight bank (up to 5 degrees) into the good engine and apply rudder as required to maintain a constant
heading. The ball will be displaced toward the good engine, proportional to the amount of bank used.

Once a positive rate of climb has been established, raise the gear (if the left engine failed your gear will remain down) and set fuel
flow switches to OVERRIDE. At best, single-engine climb speed will increase 10 KIAS once gear is raised. Because of the large
rudder input required to counter the yaw, an increased risk of yaw departure exists at low airspeed. Attempt to maintain a climb
speed above 150 KIAS. If airspeed decreases below 150 KIAS, controlling the yaw rate through rudder and bank into the good
engine is essential to reduce the probability of a yaw departure.

2.11.9 Shutdown after Emergency Landing

Pilot actions after an in-flight emergency will vary depending upon the nature of the issue and status of the aircraft after landing.
If directional control of the aircraft is lost, stop and shut down the aircraft. If directional control of the aircraft still maintained,
follow procedures outlined in section 2.9, After Landing.

2.11.10 Hydraulic System Failure

Reference the Hydraulic Emergencies section of TO 1A-10C-476CL-1, 476th vFG A-10C Flight Crew Checklist for specific
emergency procedures. In addition to the emergency checklist, if the aircraft has good gear indications, braking and nose wheel
steering, follow the procedures outlined in Section 2.9, After Landing. If not, shut down the aircraft on the runway.

2.11.11 Stopping without Anti-Skid

Anti-skid braking is extremely important for stopping the A-10. Without anti-skid it is difficult to know if the wheels are spinning,
skidding or sliding.

In the case of anti-skid failure after landing, release brake pedal pressure, pull the emergency brake handle and smoothly reapply
the brakes.

When landing without anti-skid, use 100% speed brakes and aerobrake by maintaining landing attitude. Prior to loss of elevator
authority, gently lower the nose wheel to the runway. If possible, only apply wheel brakes below 80 KIAS. Apply brakes slowly.
If skidding is detected immediately release brake pedal pressure and smoothly reapply. As speed decreases use heavier pressure.

2.12 Radio Failure

2.12.1 Formation
Any aircraft which experiences a total radio failure while in close or route formation will maneuver within close/route parameters
to attract the attention of another flight member. NORDO (No Radio) aircraft will then begin rocking wings as a visual signal
identifying radio failure. Terminate the mission as soon as practical and lead the NORDO aircraft to the base of intended landing
or a divert base. Perform a formation approach to a drop-off on final unless safety, fuel, weather, or other considerations dictate

If flying in other than close/route formation when radio failure occurs, the NORDO aircraft should attempt to rejoin in route
position on another flight member. The rejoining aircraft is responsible for deconfliction. Once in position, follow procedures as
30 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

outlined in paragraph 2.12.1. Aircraft experiencing any emergency in addition to NORDO will proceed as required by the
situation in accordance with TO 1A-10C-476CL-1, 476th vFG A-10C Flight Crew Checklist.

2.12.2 Surface Attack NORDO Procedures for Unmanned Ranges

Make a “high and dry” pass on the target while rocking wings. The flight lead will either rejoin the flight in sequence and recover
or direct another flight member to escort the NORDO aircraft to the recovery base.

If the NORDO has an emergency they will, if practical, make a pass on the target rocking wings, turn opposite direction of traffic
and proceed to the recovery base. The flight lead will either rejoin on the NORDO aircraft or direct another flight member to
rejoin on the NORDO aircraft and escort to the recovery base.

2.12.3 NORDO Landing

Fly the aircraft along the side of the landing runway, 1,000 feet above the field elevation, rocking wings until reaching end of the
runway. Turn to downwind and observe the airfield to ensure deconfliction with other aircraft.

2.12.4 Severe Weather Penetration

Flights will assume an in-trail formation with a minimum of 1 NM separation between aircraft/elements.

2.12.5 Precision/Non-Precision Final

Wingman will momentarily turn away to ensure separation, inform flight lead, and commence the published missed approach
procedure while obtaining separate clearance.

2.12.6 Missed Approach

Wingman will momentarily turn away to ensure separation, inform flight lead, and commence the published or assigned missed
approach procedure while climbing to 500 feet above missed approach altitude.

2.12.7 Flight Lead

Will acknowledge the lost wingman’s radio call and respond with attitude, heading, altitude, airspeed and any other appropriate
information. Wingman will then base lost wingman procedures on leads transmitted data.

2.12.8 Wingman
If a wingman becomes separated and any aircraft experiences radio failure the aircraft with an operational radio will obtain a
separate clearance.

2.12.9 Join-up from Lost Wingman

With flight lead permission, wingmen may join if weather conditions permit a visual re-join.

2.13 Spatial Disorientation

Conditions which prevent a clear visual horizon or increase pilot tasking are conducive to spatial disorientation (SD). To prevent
SD, the pilot will increase their instrument cross-check rate. When SD symptoms are detected, take the following steps until
symptoms no longer exist:

2.13.1 Single Ship

Fly basic instrument with frequent reference to the attitude indicator. Use heads-down instruments. Stop all non-
essential cockpit tasks.
In symptoms persist, bring aircraft to a straight and level flight condition with reference to the attitude indicator and
maintain straight and level flight, terrain permitting, until symptoms no longer exist.
If necessary, declare an emergency and advise ATC.

2.13.2 Formation Lead

Lead will advise wingman that they are experiencing SD and will comply with procedures in paragraph 2.18.1 above.
Wingmen should confirm attitude and provide verbal feedback to lead.
If symptoms persist, terminate the mission and recover the flight by the simplest and safest means possible.

2.13.3 Formation Wingman

Wingman will advise lead when SD makes it difficult to maintain position.

Lead will advise wingman of aircraft attitude, altitude, heading and airspeed.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 31

If symptoms persist, lead will establish straight and level flight for 30 to 60 seconds if conditions permit.

If ineffective, lead will consider passing the lead to the wingman, preceding the lead will be able to maintain situation awareness
from a chase position. Transfer lead while in straight and level flight. Once assuming the lead, maintain straight and level flight
for 60 seconds. If necessary, abort the tactical mission and recover by the simplest and safest possible way.

2.13.4 Greater Than Two-Ship Formation

Lead should separate the flight into elements to more effectively handle a wingman with persistent SD symptoms. Establish
straight and level flight IAW paragraph 2.13.3. The element with the SD pilot will remain straight and level while the other
element separates from the flight.

2.14 Armament System Malfunctions

2.14.1 Inadvertent Release

Check armament switches SAFE and do not attempt further release in any mode. Treat remaining stores as hung
ordnance and obtain a chase aircraft during RTB, if possible.
If the remaining stores could present a recovery hazard, jettison in a suitable area on a single pass, if possible.

2.14.2 Failure to Release/Hung Ordnance

If ordnance fails to release when all appropriate switches are set: Live Ordnance

Note all release and fusing switches, then safe.

Attempt to jettison store(s) using jettison or alternate delivery mode.
If ordnance remains on the aircraft, follow the hung ordnance recovery procedures. Practice/Inert Ordnance

Re-check switch positions and make an additional attempt to expend. If no release occurs, select another mode of
delivery in an attempt to expend.
If the secondary release mode fails, ordnance from other stations/dispensers may be released providing the aircraft will
remain within symmetrical load limits.
If remaining stores present a recovery hazard, jettison in a suitable area on a single pass, if practical.
If ordnance remains on the aircraft, follow the hung ordnance recovery procedures.

2.14.3 Hang Fire/Misfire--General

A missile that fires but fails to depart the aircraft is a hang fire. If this occurs, the chase pilot should closely observe and safety
check the missile.

A missile that fails to fire when all appropriate switches were selected is a misfire. If this occurs, safe the Master Arm switch and
follow the hung ordnance recovery procedures.

2.14.4 Gun Unsafe

Set the GUN/PAC and MASTER armament switches to SAFE and declare an inflight emergency.

Accomplish gear extension over an unpopulated area.

2.14.5 Recovery with Weapons Malfunction/Hung Ordnance

Visually inspect aircraft for damage.

Declare an inflight emergency (not required for hung practice/inert ordnance or rockets).
If available, obtain a chase aircraft and avoid populated areas and trail formations.
Fly a straight-in approach.

2.14.6 Miscellaneous Procedures

Do not attempt to expend ordnance using a delivery system with a known weapon release malfunction. After any weapons
malfunction/hung ordnance another aircraft will visually inspect the launching aircraft (if possible) to determine if any damage
has occurred.
32 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016


476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 33

3.1 Formation Flight Fundamentals
The two-ship formation is the foundation of A-10 combat employment. The four-ship formation is an extension of the two-ship
and when employed properly, provides concentration and mass of firepower. Formation employment, whatever the size, increases
survivability and maximizes effectiveness through mutual support. The concept of mutual support can be broken into three types:
visual, communication, and firepower. The application of mutual support is critical for mission success and survival, and relies
upon the formation discipline of all flight members. Formation discipline is essential for the safety and control of the flight.
Formation integrity can only be maintained if the flight lead has complete knowledge and control of the flight. Therefore, the
flight lead will brief the formations to be flown throughout the flight, and all flight members must know the procedures outlined in
this chapter. Flight members must execute the assigned formation responsibilities until a change is directed or approved by the
flight lead.

3.1.1 Mutual support

Fighter operations are dependent on the concept of mutual support to ensure survivability and mission success in combat.
Flight leads should use outside assets such as airborne warning and control system (AWACS), situational awareness datalink
(SADL), and other friendly fighters to increase situational awareness (SA). Mutual support is when two or more aircraft act in
concert with clearly defined responsibilities, and is divided into three types: visual, communication, and firepower. Visual
The most important factor in any tactical situation is the ability to see the threat. Therefore, visual mutual support should
be the primary factor in selecting a tactical formation when a surface or air threat is present or suspected. Effective
lookout techniques are essential in this environment. Primary and secondary lookout responsibilities are defined for each
flight member. Wingmen must be in a position to visually monitor other aircraft and provide mutual support. Communication
The second type of mutual support is communication. Proper terminology and radio discipline are essential aspects of
effective communication. For a list of operational brevity terms, see 476TTP 3-1.Brevity, Operational Brevity Words,
Definitions, and Counterair Communication Standards.

Using the correct terminology allows threat calls to be short, crisp, and timely. Consider using the plain English terms
CHAFF and FLARE in threat calls when necessary to ensure that those systems are activated.

A well-executed engagement is characterized by excellent directive and descriptive commentary. Timely transmission
pauses are necessary to all other flight members a chance to state SA through VISUAL, BLIND, TALLY or NO JOY
calls. If a wingman spots the BANDIT first, the initial move should be called. The wingman pauses, then continues
directive and descriptive commentary until lead calls TALLY. Firepower
The third type of mutual support is firepower. When necessary, the flight must be ready to employ in self-defense. Prior
to weapons employment, the target must be positively identified as enemy and the flight member must have a clear shot.

3.1.2 Radio Discipline and Visual Signals

Discipline within a formation starts with communications, whether by radio or visual signals. All communications must be
clearly understood by every flight member. Radio discipline requires not only clarity and brevity in the message itself, but
limiting unnecessary transmissions as well. Use visual signals whenever practical. Only standard visual signals should be
used unless otherwise briefed by the flight lead.

There are three parts to every radio transmission: 1) who is being called; 2) who is calling; and 3) the purpose of the call. The
first part of any radio call should always be call sign of the entity being called. This alerts the listener that a message is
coming and specifies to whom it is directed. Always identify yourself by call sign. The reliance on voice recognition or
tone/inflection to identify another aircraft is poor technique and should not be practiced. Wingman acknowledgement should
be immediate, clear, and concise. The nominal wingman response is “TWO”. These procedures apply regardless of the radio
used or entity contacted. All transmissions should be sharp, concise, and professional.

3.1.3 Operations checks

Ops checks will be initiated by the flight leader. This is the time to confirm proper fuel state, fuel transfer, engine operation,
and operation of life support equipment. It is each pilot's responsibility to continually check these items without prompting by
the flight leader. When conducting ops checks or changing a radio frequency, keep your eyes on lead while turning your head
slowly toward the gauge or component to be checked. When comfortable, and without sacrificing aircraft control, glance at
the gauge or component. Change frequencies incrementally. Staying in position is more important than a quick radio change.
34 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

A good flight lead understands this challenge and will give wingmen ample time to complete the task. When changing MID
radio frequencies, use the UHF remote channel indicator to minimize cranium-down time.

3.1.4 Flight Lead Techniques

As a flight lead, consider the limitations of the wingmen. Push them to perform, but do not exceed their limitations. Monitor
the position of all wingmen, especially during lead and positions changes. Ensure that visual signals and radio transmissions
are clear and distinct. If there is any confusion, repeat the signal or call. In close formation, adjust attitude and power slowly
and smoothly so that wingmen can anticipate and follow the maneuver. Plan ahead to avoid turns into an echelon. If a turn
into echelon is unavoidable, use the minimum practical bank and roll-in as slowly and smoothly as possible.

3.1.5 Wingman Responsibilities

The wingman is responsible to maintain the assigned formation position. If sight of lead is lost, state altitude, and positively
maneuver away from lead’s last known position. Lead will immediately deconflict the flight using vertical and/or lateral
deconfliction. Wingman will not change position except for the following reasons:

When directed by the flight lead

When losing sight of the aircraft ahead
When unable to join up or stay in formation without crossing under, over, or in front of the aircraft ahead.

When leaving the formation, clear in the direction of turn and notify lead. Mid-air collision potential is highest among
members of the same flight. All flight members must adhere to formation positions and comply with all procedures. Exercise
extreme caution for potential collisions during lead and position changes, tactical maneuvering, rejoins, and while in close
formation during night or instrument meteorological conditions (IMC). If in doubt about any formation instruction, make a
radio call to clarify the situation.

Avoid rejoins from above a flight or aircraft due to the difficulty of estimating closure. Excess energy during the rejoin can
lead to the tendency to roll the aircraft belly-up to the formation and use G to bleed energy. This can cause the rejoining pilot
to lose sight of the flight or aircraft below the canopy rail and increases the risk of collision. Always remain below the flight
or formation while rejoining. If executing an overshoot, exercise caution and maintain visual with the other aircraft.

3.1.6 Ground operations

The flight lead will check the flight in on the briefed frequency at the briefed time. Flight members will acknowledge
sequentially. Inform the flight lead before check-in of any delays and give an estimate of how long until ready for taxi.

3.1.7 Lead Changes

Lead changes require an unmistakable transfer of responsibilities from one flight member to another. Lead changes will be
initiated and acknowledged with a radio call. Visual contact with the new lead is required prior to initiating a lead change.
The flight member assuming lead will be no further aft than the normal route/fingertip position prior to initiating or
acknowledging the lead change. The lead change is effective upon acknowledgment. All flight members must continue to
ensure aircraft separation as positions are changed. The new leader must continue to monitor the new wingman's position
until the leader is established in front with the wingman looking at lead. The wingman assuming the lead will so state in his
acknowledgment. All flight members must monitor aircraft separation until the new positions are established.

3.1.8 Lost Wingman Procedures

When flying in close or route spacing, anytime a wingman loses sight of lead and is unable to immediately regain visual,
inform lead with a BLIND radio call and execute the appropriate lost wingman procedure. Lost Wingman (Wings-Level)

Inform lead.
Simultaneously turn away using 15 degrees of bank for 15 seconds.
Resume heading. Lost Wingman (Outside of Turn)

Inform lead.
Simultaneously reverse the turn using 15 degrees for 15 seconds.
Continue straight ahead and ensure separation before resuming the turn. Lost Wingman (Inside of Turn)

Reduce power to ensure nose-tail separation.
Simultaneously inform lead to roll out of the turn.
Maintain existing bank angle to ensure lateral separation.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 35

3.2 Basic Two-Ship Formation

3.2.1 Formation Takeoff
Prior to the flight taking the active runway, the flight lead will broadcast a position report on the Ground/ATC radio
frequency. For example, “VAZIANI, HAWG ONE FLIGHT TAKING THE ACTIVE, 32”.

The flight lead will taxi onto the runway and when crosswind component exceed 5 knots, will place the wingman on the
upwind side of the runway. The wingman will maintain wingtip separation and taxi forward to a position where lead’s
wingtip and nose gear strut are aligned, and lead’s rudders are aligned. When established at the correct position, the wingman
will transmit “HAWG TWO IS IN” on the intra-flight frequency. See Figure 3-1 - Two-Ship Line-up.

The flight lead will direct engine run-up and change to departure frequency (if applicable). Perform the lineup check, advance
the throttles to 90 percent core RPM, and verify all engine indications are within limits. As a technique, perform a flight
control check to ensure free and correct movement of all flight control surfaces. Do not look at lead until you are ready for
takeoff. When ready, look at lead and scan his aircraft for proper takeoff configuration and airworthiness, then transmit
“HAWG TWO IS READY” on the intra-flight frequency.

Upon receiving the wingman’s ready signal, lead signals for brake release by transmitting “BRAKES, BRAKES, BRAKES” in
an even cadence on the intra-flight frequency. The flight lead and wingman release brakes simultaneously upon the third
BRAKES call. As an alternative technique, lead may instead transmit “RELEASE BRAKES, READY, NOW” with brake
release occurring upon the word NOW. Regardless of the technique used, lead will simultaneously release brakes and
smoothly advance the throttles to MAX, then reduce power slightly to give the wingman a power advantage. The power
reduction should not exceed 3 percent below predicted takeoff fan speed (PTFS).

Nose wheel steering can be used during the initial takeoff roll to maintain lateral spacing. As speed increases above 50 knots,
disengage nose wheel steering and use rudder and aileron to maintain position. Match lead’s rotation by applying back stick
pressure when lead’s nose strut begins to extend.

Once airborne, raise gear on lead’s signal and raise flaps once the gear horn stops. Use back pressure and trim to compensate
for the configuration change. Once the flaps are retracted, move smoothly into close formation. Common Errors

Common errors are failure to: anticipate required power changes, maintain lateral separation, and maintain vertical

Power control is difficult for the wingman due to the “fan lag” inherent to the A-10’s high-bypass ratio turbofan engines.
Fan lag is the time required for the fan to reach commanded RPM following a change in power lever angle (PLA).
Wingmen must anticipate brake release while allowing the engines to stabilize. If the wingman falls behind the flight
lead, the wingman may call for power by transmitting “HAWG ONE, GIVE ME ONE” on the intra-flight frequency. The
flight lead may reduce power to 2 percent below PTFS. If the wingman continues to fall behind, check the engine
instruments to ensure that minimum fan speed has been obtained, and abort the takeoff if necessary. Conversely, if
overtaking lead, light brake applications are effective to maintain position during the first 500 feet of the takeoff roll. If
continuing to overtake lead, the wingman may call for power by transmitting “HAWG ONE, PUSH IT UP” on the intra-
flight frequency. If the wingman passes lead’s aircraft, the flight lead will direct a lead change and the wingman should
place both throttles in MAX and continue the takeoff while maintaining centerline deconfliction. Once airborne, the
flight will be directive for the rejoin.

Directional control problems are exacerbated by poor runway alignment. Ensure the aircraft is properly aligned with the
runway and while rolling forward, ensure the nosewheel is straight. Maintaining directional control and adequate lateral
spacing can be simplified by constantly scanning lead’s aircraft for visual references and using timely rudder inputs to
correct deviations early. Do not focus exclusively on one particular set of visual references as this can lead to over-
controlling and a loss of separation.

During the takeoff roll, set the stick slightly aft of neutral. This will help ensure immediate pitch response upon rotation,
especially if you utilize a “curve” on your controller axes. Match lead’s rotation rate and place lead’s helmet on the
horizon. Stack level throughout gear and flap retraction, then move smoothly into close formation. Formation Takeoff Contract

Maintain centerline de-confliction.
If lead aborts below 100 KIAS, wingmen will also abort.
If lead aborts above 100 KIAS, wingmen may continue if safety considerations permit.
If the wingman overruns the flight lead, the flight lead will direct the wingman to take the lead.
Match lead’s configuration.
36 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Figure 3-1 - Two-Ship Line-up

3.2.2 Interval Take-off

An interval take-off is the procedure used to get a flight of two or more airborne when conditions won't permit a formation
takeoff. Wet runways, crosswind limits, weapons load, configuration differences, and low ceilings or poor visibility are
normally deciding factors. Interval takeoff procedures closely mirror single-ship takeoffs with a few key differences.

The takeoff interval is typically 10 or 20 seconds. A 20 second interval is used when carrying live ordnance or when
performing an instrument trail departure (ITD). The flight lead should announce the time at which he will begin his takeoff
roll. Wingmen should monitor the HUD clock and release brakes at the specified interval after the preceding aircraft to ensure
planned formation spacing. Once rolling, aircraft should maneuver to the runway centerline. Wingmen should pay close
attention to the preceding aircraft, as since they may abort without making a radio call. Interval Takeoff Contract

Ten second minimum interval.
Twenty second interval when carrying live ordnance (including heavy-weight inerts) or when performing an
instrument trail departure (ITD).
If a pilot must abort the take-off and directional control is available, maneuver to achieve centerline
If lead aborts, wingmen will hold position, or, if at low speed, abort. If at high speed, wingmen will continue
while maintaining wingtip separation. Formation/Interval Takeoff Aborts

If a flight member aborts his takeoff, all flight members must quickly decide whether to abort or continue their takeoff.
Once an abort decision has been made, immediately accomplish the boldface actions. Remember, speed brakes are more
effective at higher airspeeds, and anti-skid braking is more effective at lower airspeeds. If directional control is available,
maneuver the aircraft to the “cold” side of the runway. A subsequent flight member continuing his takeoff should
maneuver to the “hot” side of the runway to ensure centerline deconfliction. Once the aircraft is under control, inform the
flight of the aborted takeoff and state intentions on the air traffic control (ATC) frequency. Abort considerations

The following abort considerations apply to all flight members. Regardless of flight position, maintain aircraft control
and avoid hitting another aircraft or obstacle.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 37

Flight lead aborts during a formation takeoff. If the flight is below 100 knots, the wingman should abort with the flight
lead. It is essential to maintain centerline deconfliction until safe separation is achieved. If the flight is above 100 knots,
the wingman should consider TOLD, runway condition, and directional controllability before deciding whether to
continue the takeoff. If the takeoff is continued, place the throttles in MAX and maintain centerline deconfliction.

Preceding aircraft aborts during an interval takeoff. The following aircraft should hold position or abort if below 100
knots. If above 100 knots or if safety dictates, continue the takeoff and maintain centerline deconfliction.

After aborting, when aircraft control is established, announce the abort and state intentions on the ATC frequency.

3.2.3 Visual Departure

After takeoff, establish a pitch attitude of 10 degrees and accelerate at MAX power. With 10 degrees set on the attitude
direction indicator (ADI), the HUD pitch numeric will indicate an approximately 2 to 3-degree climb. Each flight member
will climb to a minimum of 400 ft. AGL on runway heading prior to initiating any turns or rejoins. During climb out, lead
will establish a 200 knot climb and maintain contract power setting (ITT 750°C). Wingmen may use cutoff to establish
themselves on the turning rejoin line. See Figure 3-2 - Attitude Direction Indicator.

Once the flight is airborne, the flight lead will transmit “HAWG ONE AIRBORNE AS FRAGGED” on the ATC frequency to
inform other flights that the flight is airborne and proceeding en-route as detailed in the air tasking order (ATO).

When the flight reaches 20 miles from the airfield, the flight lead will transmit “NELLIS TRAFFIC, HAWG ONE
DEPARTING YOUR AIRSPACE TO THE WEST” on the ATC frequency to inform other flights that the flight is leaving the
airport terminal airspace.

Figure 3-2 - Attitude Direction Indicator Straight Ahead Rejoin Contract

Lead will maintain 200 KIAS
Two will re-join on the left.
Wingmen will use 30 to 50 KIAS of overtake.
Stabilize in route with four ship-widths lateral spacing.
If an overshoot occurs or is imminent, advise the flight on the radio.
38 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 Turning Rejoin Contract

Lead will establish a level turn at 30° bank and 200 KIAS.
Two will re-join on the inside of the turn.
Wingmen will use 20 to 30 KIAS of overtake.
Wingmen will stabilize in route before moving to close.
If an overshoot occurs or is imminent, advise the flight on the radio.

3.2.4 Instrument Trail Departure

Perform an ITD when a rejoin on top of the weather is desired or required. When performing an ITD, the standard instrument
departure (SID) chart should be reviewed and all navigation equipment set up accordingly prior to line-up.

Runway lineup and takeoff are the same as a 20 second interval takeoff. After takeoff, accelerate to 200 knots at MAX power,
then adjust power to 775ºC ITT or the briefed power setting for climb. Maintain aircraft control by making a timely transition
to instruments as outside visual cues deteriorate. At level-off, adjust power to maintain 200 knots.

The flight lead will announce the initiation of all turns and the passage of altitude increments on the intra-flight frequency.
For example, “HAWG ONE, TURNING LEFT 280 NOW” or “HAWG ONE, PASSING TWO THOUSAND”. When lead calls
passing an altitude increment, wingmen will respond with their altitude. Wingmen will make all turns at the same point or
time interval and will advise the flight when they initiate turns. All turns will be flown at 30º bank. The flight lead will
closely monitor deconfliction and will be directive to maintain proper spacing. A common navigational aid (NAVAID) such
as the departure airport tactical air navigation (TACAN) station, and the tactical awareness display (TAD) should be used to
maintain positional and situational awareness.

Until reaching visual meteorological conditions (VMC), maintain at least 1,000 feet vertical separation between flight
members. As the aircraft climbs, adjust pitch attitude to maintain 200 knots or the briefed climb speed. As a technique, adjust
ITT in 25º increments to adjust vertical separation during the climb. Instrument Trail Departure Contract

Twenty second interval.
Accelerate in MAX power to 200 KIAS.
Climb at 200KIAS and set 750° ITT.
No turns below 1,000ft and 200 KIAS.
Make all turns using 30 degrees of bank.

3.2.5 Rejoins and Overshoots

Rejoining the formation commonly occurs after interval takeoffs, after being separated on the range, when leaving tactical
formation to penetrate the weather, and when preparing for initial. Lead signals for a rejoin by rocking wings or by
transmitting “HAWG ONE, REJOIN ECHELON LEFT” or “HAWG ONE, REJOIN FINGERTIP” on the intra-flight
frequency. Turning rejoin

For turning rejoins, lead will establish a 30 degree bank level turn at 230 knots. The wingman should place lead in the
lower front quarter panel, just in front of the canopy bow. Visualize a line connecting lead’s inside rudder to the outside
wingtip, this is the turning rejoin line. While it is initially easy to maneuver to the turning rejoin line, the A-10’s small
turn radius, the wingman must make frequent corrections to maintain this rejoin line. See Figure 3-3 - Turning Rejoin
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 39

Figure 3-3 - Turning Rejoin Line

Maneuver to the rejoin line by adding power to establish 20 to 30 knots of overtake. Remain slightly below lead’s plane
of movement (POM) by keep lead’s aircraft approximately one wingspan above the horizon. When on the rejoin line,
maneuver the nose slightly toward lead as opposed to aligning fuselages. This will prevent driving ahead of the rejoin

Monitor the angle between nose position and lead’s nose position. Too much angle off nose (AON) will result in
excessive closure that will either cause an overshoot or will require an increase in bank and G to arrest; a dangerous
situation with aircraft in close proximity. Constantly maneuver the aircraft to control AON and remain on the rejoin line.
Small adjustments to bank angle work best.

If lead’s rudder is behind the far wing, the aircraft is ahead of the rejoin line and aspect angle (AA) is increasing.
Momentarily reduce bank, which will increase turn radius and drive the aircraft aft toward the rejoin line. Once back on
the line, realign the fuselages to reduce AON.

If lead’s rudder is ahead of the wing, the aircraft is behind the rejoin line and AA is decreasing. Momentarily increase
bank angle which will decrease the turn radius and drive the aircraft forward toward the rejoin line. Once back on the
line, realign fuselages and establish a small AON.

Keep airspeed in the cross check and adjust power and use speed brakes as necessary to control closure. Begin reducing
speed approximately 2,000 to 3,000 feet from the preceding aircraft and transition to route formation visual references.
Stabilize momentarily in route formation before proceeding to close formation. Two will rejoin on the inside of the turn
unless otherwise briefed. Overshooting a Turning Rejoin

Overshoots are caused by excessive AON and/or airspeed. When executing an overshoot, transmit “HAWG TWO,
OVERSHOOTING” on the intra-flight frequency. In a formation of three or more aircraft, successive wingmen will
acknowledge “THREE, FOUR” on the intra-flight frequency.

An overshoot is similar to a cross under, but with increased speed and/or AON. Increasing bank and G in an attempt
to salvage the rejoin increases the potential for collision. If in doubt, perform an overshoot. Do not attempt to salvage
the rejoin.
40 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

To execute an overshoot, reduce bank and back pressure. Ensure nose/tail separation and cross behind and below all
aircraft in the formation. If the decision to overshoot is made late, it might be necessary to retard throttles to IDLE
and use speed brakes to maintain nose/tail separation. Keep all flight members in sight when crossing their 6 o’clock.

Do not fly higher than the echelon position once on the far side of the formation. There is no rush to get back into
position. Stabilize position by increasing bank and G to reduce AON and turn radius.

Once stabilized with nose/tail separation, visually ensure that successive wingman have stabilized on the inside of
lead’s turn and have left sufficient clearance. Cross under lead to route formation, then complete the rejoin to close

Misjudging the overshoot may result in passing directly below or in front of lead or a preceding aircraft. This is a
dangerous situation with a high risk of collision. Upon recognition of this situation, wingmen will accomplish the

• Roll wings-level and ease forward on the stick

• Reduce airspeed using throttles and/or speed brakes
• Keep lead in sight
• If sight is lost, immediately report BLIND. Do not maneuver back toward lead until VISUAL and cleared
by lead
• Stabilize position and obtain lateral clearance on the outside of the turn
• If abeam or forward of lead, do not cross under. Reduce power and remain outside the turn until nose/tail
separation is obtained. Straight Ahead Rejoin

Closure rate is much more difficult to estimate during a straight-ahead rejoin. When directed to rejoin straight ahead,
Two will rejoin on the left unless otherwise briefed. Set power as required to achieve 30 to 50 knots of overtake. The
goal is to arrive in the route position at a controlled airspeed with a later spacing of approximately four ship-widths. One
technique is to initially point at a point below flight lead to avoid jet wash. At approximately 2,000 feet in trail, shift the
flight path to achieve lateral spacing. This will help avoid the tendency to angle toward lead late in the rejoin.

Use HUD references to estimate range. The A-10 has a 57 foot wingspan and at 2,000 feet in trail, lead’s aircraft appears
28 mils wide, or slightly wider than one leg of the pitch ladder.

At 2,000 feet in trail, begin reducing overtake by reducing power. Due to fan lag, be cautious not to pull the power back
too far. Speed brakes are very effective, and should be used during the later portion of the rejoin if necessary. Continually
cross check airspeed and maintain lateral separation. Match lead’s airspeed in the route position before moving into close
formation. Overshooting a Straight-Ahead Rejoin

Reduce overtake by retarding throttles to IDLE and extending speed brakes. Transmit “HAWG TWO,
OVERSHOOTING” on the intra-flight frequency. Maintain lateral separation while keeping lead in sight. If lateral
separation cannot be maintained, bank away from lead and/or break out of formation.
Once overtake is under control, slide back parallel to lead’s flight path while maintaining lateral separation. Adjust
power and speed brakes to stabilize in route. A common tendency after overshooting is to look over the shoulder
back at lead and inadvertently drift toward lead while doing so. A technique to avoid this tendency is to step on the
rudder or bank slightly away from lead as you slide aft into position.

3.2.6 Cross Unders

Cross unders are used to reposition the wingman from one side of the formation to the other. The visual signal for execution
is a dip of the wing in the desire direction of movement. Execution can also be directed by transmitting “HAWG TWO,
CROSS UNDER” or “HAWG TWO, TAKE THE RIGHT SIDE” on the intra-flight frequency.

To execute a cross under, reduce power slightly and descend just below lead’s aircraft. When nose/tail separation is achieved,
bank slightly and begin a slow and controlled lateral movement toward the other side of lead’s aircraft. Cross below and
behind lead’s aircraft while maintaining nose/tail separation. Add power as required to prevent falling behind. Remain
vertical separation to avoid flying through lead’s jetwash. Once wingtip separation is achieved, bank slightly in the opposite
direction to stop the lateral movement. Add power to move forward and up into position. See Figure 3-4 – Two-Ship Cross
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 41

Figure 3-4 – Two-Ship Cross Under

3.2.7 Close Formation

Close formation/fingertip is primarily used for weather penetration. As a general rule when correcting back to position,
correct the vertical displacement first, lateral displacement next, and fore/aft displacement last. The following references
should be used to maintain position:

Lateral - Align the aft end of the tail pipe of the close engine with the aft end of the cowling on the far engine
Vertical - Place the wingtip position light on the bottom of the star insignia on leads fuselage.
Fore/aft - Place the leading edge of the wing tip on the ejection triangle, below the canopy.

Avoid fixating on any one particular formation reference; constantly scan all references. This will make small changes in
position more obvious. Adjust power in small increments with smooth throttle movements.

When turned into, reduce power slightly and push forward on the stick to maintain the correct position. Close formation is
flown with approximately 12 feet of lateral spacing. Flight leads should avoid turns into wingman when flying close
formation. If a turn is made into the echelon, each aircraft will maintain the same relative position as in straight and level

When turned away from, anticipate adding power and increasing back pressure. Advance power smoothly as soon as the turn
is initiated. Because of the A-10’s wingspan, a fairly large movement through space is needed to maintain close formation
position. See Figure 3-5 - Close Formation References.
42 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Figure 3-5 - Close Formation References

3.2.8 Route Formation

Route formation is an extension of fingertip formation, and is the most commonly used formation when traveling long
distances in non-tactical formations. Maintain the same fore/aft references as close formation references, and position
yourself slightly below lead. Nominal spacing of 500 feet between aircraft allows wingmen to check cockpit instruments,
provide adequate visual lookout and mutual support, and allows easy transition to close formation when weather conditions
require. The following references should be used to maintain position:

Lateral - Align the leading and trailing edges of the vertical stabilizers to form a “V”
Vertical - Place the wingtip position light on the bottom of the star insignia on leads fuselage.
Fore/aft - Place the leading edge of the wing tip on the ejection triangle, below the canopy.

When turned into, momentarily reduce power and stay below lead’s plane of motion (POM). Maintain the stack-level position
by putting lead slightly above the horizon and slightly above the canopy rail.

For turns away, roll to match lead’s bank and maintain the same horizontal plane. Since the wingman is on the outside of the
turn, he scribes a larger circle and therefore needs to anticipate the need for power early in order to maintain position. Use
bank to control vertical position and power to control fore/aft position. During rollout, reduce power to maintain position. See
Figure 3-6 - Route Formation References.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 43

Figure 3-6 - Route Formation References

3.2.9 Echelon Formation

Echelon formation is used primarily to align a flight for break up during landing or range work. As a general rule, all turns in
the VFR pattern are accomplished in echelon. Maintain the same position references used in close or route formation during
straight and level flight.

If at all possible, flight leads should avoid echelon turns into the wingman. However, if needed, aircraft should maintain the
same relative position as for straight and level flight.

When turned away from, the wingman rolls in place to align his fuselage on the same horizontal plane as the flight lead. AS
the flight lead begins the turn, the wingman should match lead’s roll rate and bank in order to maintain spacing. Maintain
horizontal alignment by placing lead’s aircraft on the horizon. Align the forward edge of the gear pod with the star on flight
lead’s fuselage to maintain for/aft position. As bank angle increases, place the forward edge of the gear pod on the aft portion
of the canopy, or place the main tire on the star. Anticipate rollouts and maintain position to rollout in close formation.

For echelon turns with route spacing, see paragraph 3.2.8, Route Formation.

3.2.10 Fighting Wing

Fighting wing is the most maneuverable and easy to maintain formation you can fly, especially as a wingman. Fighting wing
is often flown as a proficiency exercise. See Chapter 9, Proficiency Exercises.

The fighting wing envelope is a 120 degree, or 0 to 6 aspect angle (AA), cone extending from 500 feet to 3,000 feet aft of
lead’s tail. Once technique to visualize the 120 degree cone is to imagine the cone’s apex in lead’s cockpit, and extend the
cone so that its outside edges touch lead’s wingtips. Do not stabilize within a 20 degree cone of lead’s 6 o’clock, or from 0 to
2 AA. See Figure 3-7 - Fighting Wing.

Use mil sizing to remain within the 500 to 3,000 foot envelope. Lead’s wingspan is 114 mils at 500 feet slant range, and 19
mils at 3,000 feet slant range.
44 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Figure 3-7 - Fighting Wing

3.2.11 Chase Formation

Chase formation is similar to trail however it is used only in training, and is generally flown by either a safety observer, an
instructor pilot (IP), or a Flight Examiner (FE) to observe the performance of another pilot (IQT, MQT, etc.). Chase
formation places the chasing aircraft 30 to 60 degrees aft (right or left) of the lead aircraft, with a minimum of nose/tail
separation out to approximately 1,000 feet. The chase aircraft is responsible for maintaining formation, and ensuring flight
path deconfliction.

3.2.12 Approach/Landing
When in VMC, flight lead will adjust the formation to a stacked-level position. The wingman’s reference is to place the
leading edge of the wing on the nose strut, halfway between the fuselage and the landing light. Line up the aft edges of the
rudders. The vertical reference in non-mountainous terrain is to place lead’s helmet on the horizon.

Cross check the runway on final to ensure adequate runway is available for a safe touchdown. Use the flight lead as the
primary reference for lateral, vertical, and fore/aft positioning through touchdown. Avoid the tendency to drop aft of the
formation or move further away from lead on short final and touchdown. These errors can cause a short, hard landing or
touchdown off the side of the runway.

Approaching the runway threshold, anticipate back pressure to match lead’s pitch attitude and reduce power to maintain
fore/aft position. This is the most critical part of a formation approach and landing; the flight lead’s techniques should be
thoroughly briefed. Wingmen should touch down simultaneously with lead.

After touch down, check throttles to IDLE and deploy full speed brakes while maintaining your side of the runway. Flight
lead will smoothly retard throttles to IDLE after touchdown and deploy full speed brakes after confirming nose-tail
separation. The flight lead should not aero brake after landing. Use normal after-landing rollout and deceleration procedures.
Do not attempt to maintain the wing position if overrunning lead. The flight lead and wingman should clear to the cold side
only after positive nose/tail separation has been attained.

A formation go-around will follow either a planned formation low approach or an actual missed approach. To initiate a
formation go-around, lead will advance power and close speed brakes to establish a positive rate of climb. Wingmen continue
to stack level and match lead’s power and configuration. Once the flight has established a positive rate of climb, lead will
make a radio call to retract the gear and flaps on the intra-flight frequency. The flight lead will accelerate to 200 KIAS and
continue with missed approach/climb out instructions, as appropriate.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 45

3.3 Basic Four-Ship Formation

3.3.1 Four-Ship Line Up and Takeoff

In the case of a 4-ship flight lead must ensure that enough space aft exists for three and four to line up. Three will line-up
directly behind one and four directly behind two with 600 feet spacing between the elements to ensure sufficient clearance
from jet wash. Once in position broadcast on flight radio channel “[FLT CALLSIGN] X in position, brakes set” Example:
“Tiger 12 in position, brakes set”

Figure 3-8 - Four-Ship Line-up

3.3.2 Rejoins
46 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

3.3.3 Cross Unders

Figure 3-9 - 4-Ship Cross Unders

3.3.4 Close Formation

3.3.5 Route Formation

3.3.6 Echelon Formation

Echelon formation is primarily used in the final stages of a mission to bring the flight to the airfield and perform an overhead
break landing. Echelon has two variations, Echelon Left and Echelon Right.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 47

Figure 3-10 - Echelon Left Example

Figure 3-11 - Echelon Right Example

48 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

3.3.7 Finger-4 (Fingertip)

Finger-4 is the primary non-tactical flight formation and is the standard formation used for re-join after departure unless
otherwise briefed. Finger-4 is used for non-tactical transit phases of the mission as well as weather penetrations.

Figure 3-12 - Finger-4 Right Example

Figure 3-13 - Finger-4 Left Example

476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 49

3.3.8 Approach/Landing

3.4 Tactical Formation

Varying factors of the tactical arena (weather, visibility, background, terrain, threat, etc.) will determine the position and
responsibilities for the individual flight members. Central to all maneuvering must be a capability to communicate intent, role, and
threat information. Definitions of pilot responsibilities and emphasis on air discipline will help ensure success in a hostile
environment. The formations described in this chapter are applicable to all air-to-surface operations. The guidelines given have
proven to be the most universally applicable. As the tactical situation changes, the numbers given here may change. Remember,
flying a given formation is not an end in itself; it facilitates proper task prioritization, lookout, and offensive/defensive
considerations. If you cannot perform your responsibility in a formation listed, get into one which does permit you to carry out
your formation responsibilities. The flight briefing should cover, as much as possible, any changes that may be necessary.

3.4.1 Mutual Support

A vital subset of situational awareness is mutual support (MS). Mutual support is a contract within a flight of two or more aircraft
that supports the flight’s mission objectives. An effective mutual support contract will enable a flight to maintain the offensive
while enhancing its survival in a hostile environment. Mutual support in the modern combat arena is more directly related to SA
than ever before. It demands position awareness of other flight members and the threat as well as an understanding of the flight’s
and the threat’s weapons capability. Flight leads must carefully assess the experience/proficiency level of their flight members
when developing the flight’s MS contract.

A sound MS contract should provide for:

Position awareness of other flight members.

Early position awareness of the threat and the attack axis.
Communication of offensive and defensive information to the flight.
Targeting and weapons employment prior to attack.
The ability to prosecute the attack and/or disengage.

Figure 3-14 - Basic Formation Lookout Responsibilities

50 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

3.4.2 Formations
Visual formations can provide for all of the elements of a sound MS contract. Additionally, visual contact with other element
members is critical in a visual fight. We typically choose to travel in a visual formation as we cannot always assume that the
enemy is only operating beyond visual range. Visual formations are easy to fly, provide a common and reliable reference for
communications and targeting, mass firepower, and most importantly provide immediate position awareness of supporting
fighters. The angular references in

Visual lookout is a priority task for all flight members; flight leads as well as wingmen. Historically, 90% of all air-to-air kills
were achieved due to undetected attacks. Visual formations evolved throughout the years in an attempt to visually clear the six
o’clock of other aircraft and deny the enemy an unseen approach from which to engage the flight. In addition to visual detection,
survivability increases when each flight member has a potential for timely assistance by using the radio or his weapons. The
amount of time you spend maintaining visual contact or the formation position influences your ability to detect a threat visually or
by other.

Figure 3-15 - Six O’clock Visual Coverage

476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 51

Figure 3-16 - Six O’clock Look Angle References

3.4.3 Formation Selection

The basic combat formation employed by the A-10 is the two-ship flight with the four-ship being utilized in situations where the
mission dictates the use of more aircraft but does not warrant two separate flights. Regardless if operating in a two-ship or four-
ship, the two-ship element is the basic fighting unit. The wingman's main duty is to fly formation on his leader and to support him
at all times. He is to clear the area and perform his portion of the briefed mission. A four-ship flight consists of two elements
directed by the four-ship flight lead, increasing the mutual support of all. Considering the variety of air and surface threats, terrain,
weather, target arrays, and mission objectives that will be encountered in carrying out a wide range of combat tasks, there is a
need for both line abreast and wedge formations. Each of these two tactical formations has unique strengths. Conversely, each has
weaknesses that restrict their utility and flexibility.

For example, line abreast has several strengths. Where the major threat is from enemy fighters, it provides optimum visual cross
coverage and good position for rapid maneuvering and mutual support to counter attack. Also, it diminishes the opportunity for a
ground threat to be alerted by the leader's overflight and carry out a successful engagement on the wingman. (At ingress airspeeds
gunners have an additional 3 to 12 seconds reaction time on a wedge wingman). Line abreast makes it easy for the leader to check
on the position and status of his wingman. It also lends itself well to simultaneous attacks by the leader and wingman against
known enemy targets with distance deconfliction and turning room. On the other hand, line abreast formation has certain
disadvantages. It is not practical to fly at extremely low altitude with random maneuvering. Moreover, line abreast is difficult for
the wingman to achieve spacing on the leader for a sequenced attack, particularly where target location is not precisely known.

In this same regard, wedge formation has its own set of strengths and weaknesses. Wedge provides less 6 o'clock threat lookout
coverage and has less flexibility in initial maneuvering to counter air-to-air attacks behind the 3/9 line. On the strength side,
wedge formation can be flown successfully at lower altitude, especially in mountainous terrain, because the wingman can keep
both the leader in sight and adequately scan approaching terrain. In certain threat scenarios, extremely low altitude flight can be a
critically important advantage. Wedge formation also allows for good offensive air capability against a forward quarter threat and
allows good maneuvering potential. Wedge also provides much greater maneuvering flexibility as the wingman handles turns of
any magnitude by maneuvers in the cone on either side of the leader. Such maneuvering often is required to pinpoint targets at the
last minute, and also to evade pop-up ground threats such as automatic weapons fire. Finally, wedge also has advantages for
multiple attacks against the same target or target array (not all threat scenarios call for single pass tactics). Both types of low
altitude tactical formations are valid and necessary in varying threat scenarios.
52 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

3.4.4 Formation Responsibilities

The flight lead assigns responsibilities for each flight member. Dividing responsibilities ensures each pilot has a manageable
number of tasks to perform. Flight member normal responsibilities are:

Number One: Primary planner and decision maker, primary navigation, visual lookout for mutual support of #2, and
primary engaged fighter, if practical.
Number Two: Maintain formation position, visual lookout, and mutual support of number one. Navigation position
awareness as other responsibilities allow.
Number Three: Support number one. Secondary planner and alternate decision maker, maintain support position for
lead element, secondary navigation monitor, visual lookout for number four, mutual support of the entire flight, and
secondary engaged fighter, if practical.
Number Four: Maintain formation position, visual lookout for the flight, mutual support of number three. Navigation
position awareness as other responsibilities allow.

3.4.5 Time-Sharing
The goal on every low level mission should be to improve the development of this cross-check. Practice and discipline are
essential to maximizing visual mutual support. On each mission, pilots must start with the basic NEAR TERRAIN, FAR
TERRAIN, and CHECK SIX pattern and build up the visual search arena as allowed by task saturation, threat and flight
conditions. When encountering extremely rough terrain, defensive reactions, navigation turns, etc., drop the lowest priority sectors
in order. There will be times, such as hard turns, when only NEAR TERRAIN can be cross-checked. The key is to quickly re-
establish the cross-check one sector at a time as tasks permit.

Although the virtual pilot has a wide selection of responsibilities, he can only perform one task at a time. Therefore, he must
employ a time sharing plan to quickly and efficiently accomplish many tasks. The following is an example of a time share plan for
lookout responsibilities. The airspace around the aircraft is divided into sectors and each sector is assigned a priority based on
lookout responsibilities (Figure 3.11). This plan is developed from a perspective of number two in a four-ship, but the principles
apply to all positions in the flight.

Sector 1: This is the hub of the cross-check. It is divided into two parts. Sector 1 is NEAR TERRAIN, the terrain that will affect
your flight path in the next 10 to 15 seconds. This sector is the highest priority sector and is the center of the cross-check. NEAR
TERRAIN is the thing that presents an immediate threat to your safety. Sector 1A is FAR TERRAIN, the terrain that will affect
our future maneuvering. Pilots that look ahead at the FAR TERRAIN are smooth in their maneuvering to maintain position or
navigate because they see the mountain peaks and valleys in time to make the small corrections necessary before they become big

Sector 2: Besides avoiding the ground, the next most important area for lookout space is inside the flight's six o'clock. Sector 2
allows number two to monitor his formation position and check lead's six o'clock. Sectors 1, 1A and 2 make up the basic cross-

Sector 3: Once sector 1 and sector 2 responsibilities are completed, other areas can be brought into the cross-check. The next
sector is inside the flight ahead of the 3/9 line. Searching this area can detect bandits approaching the flight from the front, as well
as SAMs that may be fired from the front quadrant. Sector 3 is lower priority than Sectors 1, 1A and 2; therefore, it should be
searched less frequently. NEAR TERRAIN and FAR TERRAIN must be checked during each search cycle. The frequency of
search is dependent on pilot task saturation.

Sector 4: When proficient enough, expand the search to a 360º lookout by picking up Sector 4. Sector 4 is outside the flight,
ahead/behind the 3/9 line. This sector is the lowest priority - the wingman owes it to his flight lead to provide inside the flight
lookout before dedicating time to this sector.

3.4.6 Cockpit Tasks & Sensor Management

Performing cockpit tasks is the next problem. The best plan is to accomplish as many as possible prior to entering the low altitude
flight regime. Switch errors are often made in the heat of battle. When switch changes are required, substitute them for a cross-
check sector search. For pacing, do one task, and then reference your normal cross checks before moving to another task.

3.5 Two-Ship Tactical Formations

All tactical turns will be a 2 G turn at 60° of bank. The only exception will be when making a turn because of a threat. These will
be a 3G turn at 70° of bank with throttles at MAX.

3.5.1 Transitions
Transitions to any tactical formation from Echelon can be easily accomplished by turning 45° away from lead, when
approximately half the required spacing turn 90° towards lead. Once in the correct position turn 45° towards lead to establish
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 53

the correct heading. See Figure 3.12, Go Trail. Lead will direct the transition by simply stating “VANGUARD1 GO

Figure 3-17 - Go “……”

54 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

3.5.2 Combat Trail

Combat trail, like fighting wing, is a highly maneuverable formation which is easy to maintain although the greater separation
does make it easier to lose sight of lead/wingman. Combat trail is especially well suited to mission which require dynamic low
level terrain masked flight in areas with large contours, such as high hills and/or mountains and valleys.
Its use should be carefully considered where a credible air threat exists as the formation provides limited mutual support for the
trail aircraft when compared to wedge/line. The formation does provide a high degree of support for the lead aircraft against
ground fire as the trail aircraft will have good visibility of the terrain below lead and have sufficient time to suppress any threats
should it be desired.

Highly maneuverable formation

Provides limited mutual support to the trail aircraft against air threats and ground.
Gives very good support to the lead aircraft against surface threats.

Figure 3-18 - Combat Trail

476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 55

3.5.3 Line
Line is a primary formation for the A-10 as it does some very good things for you. Firstly, it provides excellent mutual
support for both aircraft (the best you’ll get with any formation), both in terms of visual lookout and firepower support (the
ability to turn and point the gun at anyone that threatens you or your wingman). Its disadvantage however is that it is more
difficult to fly than other formations, it requires a higher level of skill and situational awareness from both flight members,
lacks ease of maneuverability, and isn’t great in low visibility or rough terrain.

Line is most appropriate in situations where enemy aircraft are your biggest threat, or where you need both aircraft to reach a
point at the same time (such as when performing a two-ship gun or Maverick attack).

Figure 3-19 - Line Formation

The numbers in the image above are a general ballpark guide, but use you head, and vary the distances if appropriate. If
you’re flying a medium altitude with an air threat, spread things out a bit, and likewise if you’re down in the weeds close
things up. At low level separation of around 4000-6000 feet makes things easier. In addition to having some flexibility in
distance separation the wingman also has 10 degrees of “slop” in both the fore and aft and altitude separation. But the closer
you are to a perfect line, the happier lead will be. When flying line at low level remember the wingman ALWAYS stacks
level to high of lead, NEVER low.

Suitable for situations where maximum mutual support is required against air and surface threats.
56 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Figure 3-20 - Line Formation Lookout Responsibilities Formation Maneuvering

When flying in tactical formations any course changes must be coordinated and properly orchestrated in order to
maintain the intended formation parameters and effect an efficient and timely change of direction without having to
spend time regaining formation following the turn. In order to achieve this there are a variety of pre-determined
formation turns and maneuvers to accomplish the task of changing the direction of travel of a flight in tactical formation
for both navigational and tactical purposes. Turn into Wingman

To initiate the turn, lead will broadcast on flight channel “[FLT CALLSIGN], 90/45 Left/Right”.

Wingman will wait until lead’s aircraft is at the 5 or 7 o’clock position before initiating the turn.
Match lead’s heading.
2G, 60 degrees of bank, level turn.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 57

Figure 3-21 - 90 Degree Turn into Wingman

Figure 3-22 - 90 Degree Turn Away from Wingman Option 1

58 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Figure 3-23 - 90 Degree Turn Away from Wingman Option 2 Turn Away From Wingman

To initiate the turn, lead will broadcast on flight channel “[FLT CALLSIGN], away 90/45 Left/Right”

Wingman will stop turning and roll out as soon as seeing lead turn.
The flight lead will then continue the maneuver to regain formation parameters.
2G, 60 degrees of bank, level turn.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 59

Figure 3-24 - 90 Degree Turn Away from Wingman

60 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Figure 3-25 - Less than 90 Degree Turn Away from Wingman Option 1

Figure 3-26 - Less than 90 Degree Turn Away from Wingman Option 2
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 61 Cross Turn

Used to turn a line formation 180 degrees in order to reverse the direction of travel, generally used when holding in a
racetrack orbit, although can be used to reverse direction in response to a pop-up threat. To initiate the turn, lead will
broadcast on flight channel “[FLT CALLSIGN], Cross Turn”

Lead always on the inside of the turn, wingman on the outside.

Lead slightly high to give additional vertical separation.
2G, 60 degrees of bank, level turn. (For threat evasion a 3G, 70 degrees of bank, level turn)
62 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Figure 3-27 - Cross Turn (Top View)

476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 63

Figure 3-28 - Cross Turn (Side View)

64 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 In Place Turns

In place turns can be used to turn a formation 90 or 180 degrees left or right. These turns can be either in response to
a threat, or for tactical reasons, for example moving a trail formation into a line formation for a Maverick attack. To
initiate the turn, lead will broadcast on flight channel “[FLT CALLSIGN], In-place 90(180) Right (Left)”.

Figure 3-29 - In Place 90 Degree Turn

Figure 3-30 - In Place 180 Degree Turn

476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 65 Point Maneuver

The point maneuver provides a means to increase 6 o'clock coverage by performing an aggressive “check six”
maneuver. It can also be used to change and/or regain desired formation parameters (much like a shackle maneuver)
in largely separated tactical formations.

Figure 3-31 - Point maneuver Shackle maneuver

The Shackle maneuver is primarily used to switch lead/wing’s side in line or wedge formation or to correct
formation integrity. This maneuver is also known as a “Weave”.

Lead will direct by broadcasting “[FLT CALLSIGN], Shackle”

Both aircraft turn 45 degrees towards each other, aft aircraft should turn slightly less.
Wing should pass below lead, as per the cross under maneuver.
Rollout in the proper position on the opposite side.
2G, 60 degrees of bank, level turn.
66 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Figure 3-32 - Shackle maneuver

3.5.4 Wedge
Wedge is the recommended alternative to line when there is no air threat, the weather is poor or the terrain is so lumpy that
your wingman needs to pull out the emergency underwear change checklist after the first delayed 90 degree turn.

Wedge provides the flexibility and maneuverability that may be your best defense when conditions get bad, it’s also much
easier for the wingman to fly and simpler for lead to manage. Wedge is also an excellent attack formation in its own right and
can easily be converted in to line or trail if required.

Used as an en-route formation when required due to threats, terrain, weather, or night operations.
Wingman is free to maneuver to either side
Avoid direct 6 o’clock position when switching sides
To transition, lead will broadcast on flight channel “GO WEDGE.”
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 67

Figure 3-33 - Wedge Formation

The formation can be modified to suit the situation, but the wingman should strive to maintain a line that is 30 degrees back from
the lead to allow him to provide proper mutual support. However, there will be situations that require the wingman to fly further
back (as far as 60 degrees), such as narrow valleys and/or hard turns. But in all cases the wingman should strive to maintain the
30-degree line as much as possible. The wingman may also switch side from left to right and vice versa whenever it seems like the
right thing to do; this flexibility allows the wingman to maneuver to avoid terrain restrictions while still maintaining formation.

A good reference when flying wedge as wingman is to keep lead outside of the canopy bow; right next to the bow marks the 60
degree back point (the furthest back you want to fly), if you’re in the correct position you shouldn’t be able to see lead when
looking forward through the windshield.

Getting lazy and dropping in to trail should be avoided, except for a very few circumstances which make it unavoidable (terrain,
very heavy maneuvering). Try and put yourself in the position of the ZEUS gunner or MANPADS operator, two (or more) jets in
trail are great, the first one alerts you and the second one gets the shell/missile.
68 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Figure 3-34 - Wedge Formation Lookout Responsibilities

3.5.5 Trail
Trail formation is primarily used when performing an attack as it allows both aircraft to employ weapons with a 10 – 30 second
delay between each delivery (based on both aircraft travelling at 300 KIAS). This separation ensures the lead aircraft is clear of
wing’s line of sight when employing forward firing ordnance and that wing is not caught it the blast/frag from leads weapons
when employing free fall munitions.

Trail formation’s other advantage is that it is much easier for the wingman to fly than any other formation type and allows the
flight to operate safely at low level in rough terrain and/or poor visibility.

The main disadvantage is the loss of mutual support for the wingman as lead will be unable to maintain visual contact and
therefore check wing’s six o’clock or watch for any AAA/SAM fire. Flight leads should be acutely aware of the loss of mutual
support when employing trail in combat, in anything other than a very low threat environment its use should be kept to an absolute
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 69

Figure 3-35 - Trail Formation

When in trail the wingman is free to manoeuver to either side out to 30 degrees of lead’s six o’clock position.
The direct 6 o’clock position should be avoided.

Used as an en route formation when required due to threats, terrain, weather, or night operations.
Wingman is free to maneuver to either side
Avoid direct 6 o’clock position when switching sides
To transition, lead will broadcast on flight channel “GO TRAIL.”
70 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Figure 3-36 - Two-Ship Formations Overview

476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 71

3.6 Three-Ship Tactical Formations

3.6.1 Three-Ship Vic

The Vic formation is an excellent way to operate as a three-ship as it combines navigational flexibility for the point man and a
good 6 o’clock lookout for the trailing element. All the pros and cons of line apply to the element, but they have the added task of
keeping formation with the point man.

Figure 3-37 - Three-Ship Vic Formation

72 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

The three-ship Vic is essentially a two-ship line flying behind a singleton, the only difference is in the way it is managed. Firstly,
the point man is usually the flight lead, although it doesn’t have to be, the flight lead could put any member of the flight in the
point position, considering experience, navigation ability, payload etc. for certain portions of the mission as appropriate. In cases
where lead is not the point man, he would fly in the element lead (three) slot and retake command when the situation dictates. An
in place 90-degree turn is all that would be required to put lead back in front.

Figure 3-38 - Three-Ship Vic Formation

476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 73

3.6.2 Three-Ship Wedge

Wedge is the other option for maneuvering the three-ship. The three-ship wedge works exactly the same as a two-ship as far as
positioning goes. The wingmen are still free to maneuver in their 30-60 degree cones. The number three references the number
two and takes the same spacing as number two has from lead. The wingmen can cross at will to maintain their position and
spacing from lead.

Figure 3-39 - Three-Ship Wedge

74 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

3.6.3 Stinger Formation

Stinger is a three-ship formation uses the same basic procedures as the Vic formation except that element is now in the front.
The front element is responsible for navigation plus forward and beam quadrant look-out. The single trailing aircraft is
responsible for 6 o’clock coverage.

3.7 Four-Ship Tactical Formations

The four ship flight is not considered ideal for the A-10 as combat tactics in the CAS/Air Interdiction roles are based on the two-
ship flight, when a mission requires more firepower than a two-ship can provide, operating as “sequenced” or “coordinated” two-
ships would normally be preferable to a four-ship. If it is not necessary for all aircraft to reach the CP (Contact Point) at the same
time, let the other flight lead worry about managing his flight and arriving on time. However, if this is not an option and you have
to fly to the target as a four-ship the formations used are essentially just multiples of the two-ship formations.

3.7.1 Box
Rather than flying a four-ship line we fly each element in a line and position the second element behind the first. Each element is
flying a standard line formation as described above. Box has the same advantages and disadvantages as line, but has the addit ional
advantage of improved mutual support, especially for the lead element.

Allows the lead element to concentrate on navigation while the rear element’s emphasis is mutual support and 6 o’clock
First element flies line. The second element may be stacked high or low in relation to the lead element and flies in trail.
To transition, lead will broadcast on flight channel “GO BOX” or “GO OFFSET BOX”

Figure 3-40 - Four-Ship Box

476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 75

3.7.2 Offset Box

Offset box is essentially the same as Box, the difference being that the two element fly offset from each other.
Again the advantages and disadvantages are essentially the same as with line, however offset box provides improved mutual
support for the trail element as the lead element is now better able to maintain visual on the trail element, especially their six

Figure 3-41 - Offset Box

Figure 3-42 - Offset Box Lookout Priorities

76 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 Low-Stack Box

In addition to distance separation, the elements can also be separated by altitude. In a low stack box formation the second element
is positioned approximately 2000ft. lower than the lead element.

Figure 3-43 – Low Stack Box

476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 77 High-Stack Box

As per the low stack box but with the trail element stacked 2000ft. higher than the lead element.

Figure 3-44 - High Stack Box

78 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

3.7.3 Four-Ship Vic

The four-ship Vic is the same as the three-ship formation described above, but with the addition of a wingman for the lead aircraft
positioned in wedge. Four-ship Vic is a combination of Wedge and Line, with the lead element flying Wedge and the trail element
flying Line, and provides the advantages and disadvantages of each formation for the respective element.

Designed to allow a four-ship flight lead maneuverability while maintaining good visual lookout.
First element flies either Combat Trail or Wedge formation. The second element, in Trail formation on the lead element,
maintains Line formation.
To transition, lead will broadcast on flight channel “GO VIC.”
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 79

Figure 3-45 - Four-Ship Vic

3.7.4 Four-Ship Wedge Trail Wedge

Four-ship Wedge Trail Wedge is simply both elements flying a standard wedge formation with the second element flying trail on
the first. It provides the same advantages and disadvantages as two-ship wedge. The variation of wedge to be used should be
briefed prior to flight.

Used as an en-route formation when required due to threats, terrain, weather, or night operations.
Wingmen fly a standard Wedge position relative to the lead aircraft in each element. Three will fly trail in relationship to
Number One.
To transition, lead will broadcast on flight channel “GO WEDGE.”

Figure 3-46 - Four-Ship Wedge Trail Wedge

80 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

3.7.5 Four-Ship Wedge on Wedge

Four-ship Wedge on Wedge is similar to Wedge Trail Wedge but with the second element lead flying a standard wedge
formation on the wingman of the first element. It provides the same advantages and disadvantages as two-ship wedge and has
the advantage of bringing the second element closer to the first than in Wedge Trail Wedge. It can however be harder to
maneuver than Wedge Trail Wedge. The variation of wedge to be used should be briefed prior to flight.

Used as an en route formation when required due to threats, terrain, weather, or night operations.
Each aircraft will fly trail in relationship to the preceding aircraft.
To transition, lead will broadcast on flight channel “GO WEDGE.”

Figure 3-47 - Four-Ship Wedge on Wedge

476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 81

3.8 Rejoins From Tactical Formation

Unlike the straight-ahead rejoins previously discussed, which begin from a trail position, tactical rejoins generally begin with
6,000 to 9,000 feet of lateral separation. Rejoin should occur to the same side that the tactical formation is being flown. For
example, if flying Line formation on lead’s right side, rejoin to the right side of lead.

3.8.1 Turning Rejoin Turn Into the Wingman
The most difficult part of a turning rejoin into the wingman is adjusting for angle-off and closure rate. As lead turns into
you, you will automatically be ahead of the normal cutoff line. The immediate concern should be to control the forward
vector and reduce the lateral separation by maneuvering back to the rejoin line.

One technique to solve the problem is to start a climbing turn towards lead to get back to the rejoin line, then use the A-
10’s turning capability to turn away from lead to minimize HCA. Using the vertical helps decrease some of your forward
vector, and banking towards lead helps get the aircraft back to the rejoin line. Upon moving closer to lead, pull back to
the inside of the turn and align your fuselage with lead’s to reduce HCA. Maneuvering may be somewhat similar to a
High Yo-Yo. Accomplish this type of maneuver early in the rejoin and in easily controlled increments. Pulling too high
and/or turning too far aft of lead may cause you to lose sight of lead when turning back and down to the inside of the
turn. Plan to arrive in a route position near co-airspeed. Turn Away From the Wingman

If lead begins a tactical rejoin by turning away, you will be well behind the normal rejoin line. To facilitate the rejoin,
maneuver to the inside of the turn, adjusting bank and airspeed to get on the normal rejoin line. Continue the rejoin by
joining to the inside of the turn for Two and outside for Three and Four.

3.8.2 Straight-Ahead Rejoin

Start the rejoin by adding power and banking towards lead to establish a nominal 20 degrees of heading crossing angle
(HCA). Lead will maintain the tactical formation airspeed during the rejoin unless otherwise briefed. Plan to arrive slightly
aft of the route position. Adjust bank to parallel lead’s heading and power to match airspeed.
82 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016


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4.1 Introduction
The purpose of the Air-to-Air (A/A) chapter is to review the basic training spectrum of the A-10 in aerial combat. The central
focus of A-10 A/A training is to develop the skill, confidence, and proficiency to survive when threatened by an A/A adversary,
and is useful throughout the wide range of missions flown by the A-10.
The arena is very dynamic, and the skills used must be learned over time. Personal desire and discipline will determine how
quickly the individual masters the required skills. To reach the end objective of achieving the ability to effectively defend against
an air threat, you will need to train in the basics of aircraft handling, followed by the essentials of the 1 vs 1 close-in engagement
and then progress to acting as part of a team providing mutual support to your wingman as part of 2 vs 1 and 2 vs 2 air combat

4.2 Preparation
Aerial combat is extremely dynamic. Success is dependent upon skill and a thorough understanding of aircraft handling
characteristics (AHC), adversary tactics, weapons capabilities, BFM, and air combat maneuvers (ACM). BFM and ACM skills are
learned through study, repetition, and disciplined training. The following is a non-exhaustive list of important steps in the
preparation process:
Know your aircraft and its capabilities. Ensure you’re comfortable with all the systems and weapons you’ll be employing
on the mission, and if not re-read the DCS manual and/or other TTP guides to refresh your mind.
Discuss your mission in advance with all the flight members, as well as other package members to develop the mission
Study the threats you’re likely to encounter and their capabilities, and how you can best counter them.

4.2.1 Training Rules and Rules of Engagement

Every training sortie is governed by training rules (TR). Every pilot is responsible for knowing and adhering to the TRs—strict
adherence is critical to safety of flight. In the event of a violation, an immediate “KNOCK IT OFF” will be called. During
exercises and combat, there will be rules of engagement (ROE). Thoroughly review and memorize the ROE for the area of
operation (AO); know when permitted to fire in self-defense and cleared to engage the bandit.

4.3 Aircraft Handling Characteristics

Operating the A-10 throughout the flight envelope is required for success in any aerial engagement. AHC knowledge and training
produces a pilot with a thorough understanding of the aircraft operating envelope and an awareness of aircraft energy state. Pilots
must be familiar with Figure X.X, Stall Warning and Engine/Airframe Compatibility. A-10‘s operating in the engine disturbance
area (normally low airspeed and high angle of attack [AOA]) have experienced compressor stalls. Coordinated flight and absence
of a stall warning indication (chopped tone) will keep the aircraft out of the engine disturbance area. Pilots will also ensure proper
operation of slat, peak performance tone, and stall warning prior to any BFM or ACBT maneuvering.

In order to assist in developing this awareness, in addition to simply spending time flying the aircraft, there are a set of basic
maneuvers that will greatly assist in developing the skills required to handle the A-10C on the limit of its flight envelope. Refer to
Chapter 9 for a detailed description of these maneuvers and flight exercises.

4.3.1 Roll
At 300 KIAS and low AOA, the A-10 has a roll rate capability of 130 degrees per second without speed brakes. With 40 percent
speed brakes, the roll rate increases to 200 degrees per second. While speed brakes will increase roll rate, energy will be lost and
performance may actually be degraded if speed brakes are left open. Utilizing speed brakes at high AOA and low airspeeds is not
recommended. As airspeed slows and the AOA increases, roll performance begins to degrade. At slow speed, the roll rate is
decreased but still sufficient for most purposes. Both loaded and unloaded rolls have specific uses in aerial combat, however, roll
rates are higher when the aircraft is unloaded.

4.3.2 Turn
Turns enable the pilot to solve range, angle, and closure problems offensively, and to present the same problems defensively. Turn
performance (rate and radius) is a function of true airspeed (TAS) and available G. When attempting a maximum performance
turn, use caution to prevent stalling the aircraft (aircraft buffet). Stall warning for the A-10 is provided through aural tones based
on AOA indications. Pilots should not maintain sustained flight in the chopped tone.

4.3.3 Turn Rate

Turn rate is defined as the number of degrees per second of heading change. Two aircraft at the same G and TAS will have the
same turn rate. In a constant G turn, an aircraft turn rate will decrease as airspeed increases. The aircraft with the higher turn rate
will be able to travel around the circle quicker and solve or generate angles, range, and closure better than the aircraft with the
slower turn rate.
84 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

4.3.4 Turn Radius

Turn radius defines the size (circumference) of an aircraft‘s turn. An aircraft‘s turn circle is twice its turn radius. An aircraft with a
smaller turn radius is able to turn inside of a bandit to solve angles and range.

4.4 Acceleration
Acceleration defines the total energy gain/loss of an aircraft, or the tradeoff between airspeed gained and altitude lost. The best
acceleration is achieved by minimizing drag and maximizing thrust. Other factors affecting acceleration are altitude, attitude,
airspeed, G, and gross weight of the aircraft. Constantly manage the energy of the aircraft and attempt to keep sufficient airspeed
in the fight in order to maintain adequate turn performance. Sustained high Ps turns and/or high altitude and gross weight will
bleed aircraft energy and eventually cause turn rate to decrease and turn radius to increase.

4.4.1 Acceleration Maneuver

An acceleration maneuver results in a net gain of energy and is executed simply by reducing G and/or unloading and descending.
The fastest airspeed gain occurs in an unloaded, nose-low attitude. A technique for accelerating is to place the top of the canopy
bow on the horizon with the throttles set to MAX while minimizing G-loading. This equates to an approximate 20-degree nose-
low attitude and a gain of 35 KIAS for every thousand feet of altitude lost. This is not the best solution for every situation,
however, most acceleration maneuvers will generally result in exchanging altitude for airspeed. Above 250 KIAS, acceleration
rates decrease as parasitic drag becomes a dominant factor in aircraft speed.

4.5 Basic Geometry

Understanding the basic angular relationship between two aircraft is critical in order to survive or kill when engaged in aerial
combat. Fighter pilots who comprehend and apply their knowledge of position and energy will emerge victorious. The following
concepts and figures form the basis of aerial combat: plane of motion (POM) (Refer to Figure 4.1, Plane of Motion), range, aspect
angle (AA), heading crossing angle (HCA), antenna train angle (ATA), (Refer to Figure 4-2 - BFM Geometry), and line of sight
(LOS) rate. Assumptions for visual cues include; turn circles aligned and the attacker in or near the control zone.

4.5.1 Plane of Motion

Velocity and radial G define the aircraft‘s plane of motion (POM). For an aircraft in straight and level flight, radial G is zero and
the aircraft is operating in an infinite number of planes. For an aircraft executing a turn, the two vectors define a POM. (Refer to
Figure 4-1 - Plane of Motion.) It is possible to recognize the POM of the bandit by ―projecting‖ the flight path of the aircraft.
A common misunderstanding is to think of the bandit‘s POM as being directly related to the aircraft‘s attitude (plane of
symmetry) rather than its actual flight path (thinking that radial G acts perpendicular to the wings). This is actually true only in the
case of pure vertical flight (Loop or Split ―S‖). In all other cases, radial G acts below the wings due to the downward effect of
gravity (e.g., an aircraft in a 2-G turn using a constant 60-degree bank). Rather than acting in the 60-degree plane through the tail,
the radial G vector (and aircraft POM) is actually in the horizontal plane. Correct control of lift vector allows a pilot to place the
POM where it is required.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 85

Figure 4-1 - Plane of Motion

Figure 4-2 - BFM Geometry

86 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

4.5.2 Range
Range is the distance between two aircraft. (Refer to Figure 4-2 - BFM Geometry).

4.5.3 Aspect Angle

Aspect angle (AA) is defined as the angle from the defender‘s 6 o‘clock to the attacker, regardless of the attacker‘s heading. AA is
also referred to as angle-off-tail (AOT). (Refer to Figure 4-2 - BFM Geometry.) Defensively, AA is viewed as the position of the
attacker in relation to your tail. An attacker moving forward towards your wing line has an increasing AA. Offensively, AA is
commonly referred to as the defenders plan form, or as AA increases, the amount of plan form seen increases. (See Figure 6.4,
Aspect Angle/Antenna Train Angle, for a depiction.) In general, the tactical advantage on offense can be improved if the AA
against the adversary is reduced. On defense, improve your situation by increasing AA to the attacker.

4.5.4 Heading Crossing Angle

Heading crossing angle (HCA) is the heading difference between two aircraft. With converging vectors, HCA can be measured up
to a maximum of 180 degrees for a head on pass. HCA is also referred to as ―Angle Off. HCA can be thought of as the alignment
of aircraft fuselages, the lower the HCA, the closer the alignment. (Refer to Figure 4-2 - BFM Geometry.)

4.5.5 Antenna Train Angle

ATA is the angle measured from the nose of one aircraft to the position of the other aircraft. ATA is independent of the heading or
longitudinal axis of the other aircraft and may be referred to as ―angle off nose. From the defensive perspective, the attacker‘s
ATA is referred to as ―plan form (as the ATA decreases the ―plan form decreases). Offensively, ATA can be seen as the angle
between the nose of the A-10 and the defender (e.g., as ATA increases, the defender moves away from the HUD towards the
canopy bow).

4.5.6 Line-of-Sight Rate

Line-of-sight rate can be thought of as the rate of movement across the canopy.

4.6 Turning Room

Turning room is used to solve range, aspect, and HCA problems to achieve a weapons employment zone (WEZ). Turning room is
any displacement between two aircraft in either the lateral (horizontal) or vertical plane. The size of the fight or turn circle is
established by the defender‘s turn radius. It also determines how much and where the turning room exists.

4.6.1 Turning Room in the Bandit‘s Plane of Motion

Turning room in the bandit‘s POM is the distance between the two aircraft in the same plane. The attacker can be inside or outside
the defender‘s turn circle. (See Figure 4-3 - In-Plane Turning Room.)
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 87

Figure 4-3 - In-Plane Turning Room Attacker Inside the Defender‘s Turn Circle

If the attacker is inside the defender‘s turn circle; the attacker has exclusive use of lateral turning room. However, the attacker
must have superior turn rate and smaller radius in order to take advantage of the available turning room. If the attacker cannot
―hack the corner,‖ they will either overshoot or have to maneuver out-of-plane to gain turning room. Attacker is Outside the Defender‘s Turn Circle.

If the attacker is outside the defender‘s turn circle; lateral turning room is available to both aircraft.
88 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

4.6.2 Turning Room Out of the Defender‘s Plane of Motion

Turning room is acquired out of the defender‘s POM. If the defender is in a horizontal or level turn, then turning room is available
either above or below the defender‘s POM. (See Figure 4-4 - Out of Plane Turning Room.) If the defender is in a descending turn,
turning room will be created in the horizontal plane. It is important to remember that vertical turning room is available to both
aircraft, and there are valid reasons for going high or low to gain turning room. The decision is dependent upon an accurate
assessment of relative energy states.

Figure 4-4 - Out of Plane Turning Room

476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 89

4.6.3 The Egg

The concept of turning room is extremely important and is sometimes referred to as using ―the egg.‖ The egg refers to the fact
that the earth‘s gravitational pull imparts an additional G on the aircraft when inverted at 0 degrees bank angle or in a pure vertical
pull-down. A 45-degree slice increases G by 0.7 G. Conversely, a 4-G pull-up in the pure vertical will net a 3-G turn as - god‘s G
works against the turn capability of the aircraft. (See Figure 4-5 - The Egg.) Using optimum or energy conserving turns at the
bottom portion of a vertical turn and high turn rates at the upper portion yield a high average turn rate. The more vertical the
maneuver, the higher the turn rate at the top, and the greater the negative effects of gravity at the bottom. Unless fighting a co-
capability aircraft (i.e., another A-10), and because the A-10 is thrust deficient, it is not normally recommended that a fight be
taken all the way to the top of the egg. As a general rule, consider using a 45-degree nose-high or nose-low as a maximum pitch
change. This area of the egg is known as the hockey puck, and maximizes the advantages of the top portion of the egg while
minimizing the adverse effects of the lower portion of the egg.

Figure 4-5 - The Egg

4.7 Pursuit Curves

In aerial combat, the attacker must use geometry and energy to solve range and angle problems to maneuver to the control zone
(CZ) and the WEZ. Since the A-10‘s acceleration capability is limited, the primary method of reaching a WEZ is through pursuit
curves. The three types of pursuit curves are pure, lead, and lag. (See Figure 6.8, Pursuit Curves.) An attacker uses the basic
pursuit curves to control AA, HCA, range, and closure. The attacker‘s nose position, lift vector, and G create a total vector in
relation to the defender which determines the pursuit curve. Pursuit curves are independent of the attacker and defender POM.

4.7.1 Pure Pursuit

An attacker is on a pure pursuit curve if the total vector of the attacker‘s aircraft is on the defender. Pure pursuit results in a slowly
increasing AA and HCA, and decreasing range. (See Figure 4-6 - Pursuit Curves Example.)
The following are visual cues from the defensive perspective:

The attacker will increase size.

Maintain a constant Antenna Train Angle (plan form).
Heading Crossing Angle will increase slowly towards 90 degrees.
Aspect Angle will increase.
Zero Line of Sight rate.

The following are visual cues from the offensive perspective:

90 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

The defender will increase size.

Maintain a constant ATA.
AA will increase (plan form).
Zero LOS rate.

4.7.2 Lag Pursuit Curve

Lag pursuit is used to eliminate closure, reduce AA and increase HCA. The attacker is on a lag pursuit curve if the attacker‘s total
vector is behind the defender. (See Figure 4-6 - Pursuit Curves Example.) Fast movers may employ lag pursuit in missile attacks
against aircraft with superior turn performance. This ―lag entry‖ allows the attacker to maintain a speed advantage over the
defender while maneuvering. HCA increases rapidly during lag pursuit, particularly when in plane with the defender.

The following are visual cues from the defensive perspective:

Attacker ATA (plan form) will increase.

Attacker LOS rate will increase (aft LOS in the canopy).
AA will decrease.
Range will increase.

The following are visual cues from the offensive perspective:

Defender LOS rate will increase (forward LOS in the canopy/HUD).

Decrease AA (plan form).
Range will increase.

4.7.3 Lead Pursuit Curve

Lead pursuit is used to decrease HCA and range while increasing AA. The attacker is in lead pursuit when the total vector is in
front of the defender‘s. Lead is required when employing the GAU-8 and the AIM-9.

The following are visual cues from the defensive perspective:

Attacker ATA will decrease (assuming attackers nose is currently behind the aircraft).
Attacker LOS rate will increase (forward LOS in the canopy.)
Range will decrease.

The following are visual cues from the offensive perspective:

Defender AA (plan form) will increase.

ATA decreases.
Defender LOS rate will increase (aft LOS in the canopy/HUD).
Range will decrease.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 91

Figure 4-6 - Pursuit Curves Example

4.8 Yo-Yo
Yo-Yos are lead (Low Yo-Yo) and lag (High Yo-Yo) pursuit curves executed out-of-plane from the defender. An attacker uses
Yo-Yos if they are unable to solve angle, closure, and range problems with lead or lag pursuit in-plane. The magnitude of each
maneuver is proportional to the severity of the problem. In most instances, a combination of Low and High Yo-Yos is necessary
in order to obtain a position to kill the bandit.

4.8.1 High Yo-Yo

A High Yo-Yo is initiated when the attacker places the aircraft‘s total vector behind the bandit while maneuvering high and out of
the defender‘s POM. Like a lag pursuit curve, it is used to decrease AA and closure, and will result in an increased HCA;
however, maneuvering out of the defender‘s POM allows the attacker to create vertical turning room and prevent or minimize
overshooting. One technique is to pull the lower mirror toward the defenders aircraft, for example, if this is a right hand turning
fight, the bottom mirror is the right mirror. As the defender, counteract a High Yo-Yo by placing the POM on the attacker and
attempting to deny turning room. In the thrust limited A-10, closely monitor energy to avoid losing too much airspeed while
climbing. (See Figure 4-7 - High/Low Yo-Yo.)
92 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

4.8.2 Low Yo-Yo

A Low Yo-Yo is initiated when the attacker places the aircraft‘s total vector in front of the bandit while maneuvering low and out
of the defender‘s POM. Like a lead pursuit curve, it is used to decrease HCA and range and will result in an increased AA. In
most cases the initiation of a Low Yo-Yo will allow the attacker to use the egg to out rate the defender. One technique is to pull
the top mirror toward the defenders aircraft, for example, If this is a right hand turning fight, the top mirror is the left mirror. The
defender can take away the turning room by rotating the POM onto the attacker. (See Figure 4-7 - High/Low Yo-Yo).

Figure 4-7 - High/Low Yo-Yo

476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 93

4.9 Control Zone

The control zone (CZ) is defined as the area behind the defender‘s 3/9 line, on or near the defenders extended turn circle (with the
turn circles aligned), where the attacker can control the fight, forcing the defender to react. The inner limit permits the attacker to
employ ordnance with sufficient time to reposition if the attack is not successful or minimum ranges are reached. The outer limit
positions the attacker so that the defender reacts exclusively to the attacker and is under constant pressure. The CZ is not a fixed
area and is dependent on the attacker‘s AA, HCA, ATA, closure, and weapons capability. As a ROT, the CZ is located
approximately 1,000 to 3,500 feet slant range from the defender with a 1 to 5 AA (assuming a 2,000 to 2,500 foot turn radius).
However, as the turn circle increases, the CZ range increases. (See Figure 4-8 - Control Zone).

Figure 4-8 - Control Zone

4.10 Offensive Weapons Employment

A successful aerial attack requires the careful blending of all three pursuit curves in relation to the defender‘s turn circle in order
to maneuver to the defender‘s CZ and WEZ. The AIM-9 missile may be employed with the attacker on virtually any pursuit
curve, however, avoid firing it while in lag. A gun attack requires closing with the defender and aligning POM and angle-off end

4.10.1 30mm Cannon Employment

To achieve an A/A gun kill, the gun must be fired with the defender in range, in plane, and with the proper amount of lead. A/A
shot opportunities are fleeting in nature, so react quickly to estimate a gun solution and then attempt the kill. GAU-8A Employment Envelope

The GAU-8A envelope is constrained by GAU-8 ballistics and target HCA, airspeed, and G-loading. Target Envelope

A target can be attacked from any aspect with the gun (monitor the TRs). The optimum gun employment target aspect is either
tail-on or head-on, ±30 degrees. High-angle shots are possible, but they have an extremely low probability of kill (Pk) due to lead
angles, LOS, and the minimal time the target spends passing through the bullet stream. Ballistic Envelope

The GAU-8 has a high muzzle velocity and bullet velocity is sustained over the bullet time of flight (TOF). The GAU-8 is
extremely accurate with its 5 mil, 80 percent dispersion, which is smaller than all other airborne gun platforms. The rate of fire is
relatively low (3,900 rounds per minute compared 6,000 rounds per minute for the 20mm M61 Vulcan) which decreases bullet
94 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

density. This is partially offset by the kill capability of the round. The armor-piercing incendiary will penetrate the length of a
fighter aircraft. In Plane (of Motion)

The attacker must be in the target‘s POM for a tracking gunshot. Lead for target motion usually occurs in plane with the defender.
Thus, if the attacker‘s POM does not coincide with the target, the bullets will have a low probability of hitting the target. In Range
Taking the above factors into account, the A/A employment envelope of the GAU-8 is shown in Figure 4-10 - GAU-8
Employment Aspect and Range. With Lead

The gun must be in lead for an effective A/A gunshot. IFFCC provides stadia metric cues to provide lead solutions. Integrated Flight and Fire Control Computer Gun Sight.

IFFCC provides an air-to-air gun sight capable of targeting from any aspect.

IFFCC Air-to-Air HUD Symbology. The A/A gun sight is enabled only if IFFCC is on-line and the master mode control button
(MMCB) is depressed and held. See Figure 4.9, Integrated Flight and Fire Control Computer Air-to-Air Sight, when studying the
symbology outline as follows:

Point A - Gun Bore Line Cross. The gun bore line (GBL) is a 5- by 5-mil cross-located at 33.7 mils. This indicates the
actual depression in the HUD at which the bullets leave the aircraft.
Point B - Funnel. The funnel is a lead computing optical sight (LCOS) using stadia metric ranging against targets that are
less than 6AA or greater than 12AA (low/high).
Point C - Multiple Reference Gun sight System. The multiple reference gun sight system (MRGS) is a stadia metric sight
using medium AA targets.
Point D - Air Mass Impact Line. The air mass impact line (AMIL) is intended for use against targets directly head on or
tail on. The AMIL is a line approximately 10 mils in length.
Point E - AIM-9 Seeker Head. This is a 15-mil circle that represents the AIM-9 seeker head.
Firing Evaluation Device System. The firing evaluation device systems (FEDS) are two electronic tracer streams
separated by the input target wingspan. They are present with the trigger depressed, A/A sight selected, and Master Arm
switch is set to either ARM or TRAIN. The FEDS represent bullet TOF from 0.18 to 2 seconds in a line between two
paired dots.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 95

Figure 4-9 - Integrated Flight and Fire Control Computer Air-to-Air Sight IFFCC Gun Sight Application.

The first step in helping IFFCC provide the best targeting data is accurate target dimensions. This directly affects the stadia metric
ranging solution. Fixed-wing aircraft require fuselage length and wingspan while rotary wing aircraft require fuselage length and
rotor disk size. Aiming References

The IFFCC system provides three types of aiming references: stadia metric funnel, MRGS, and AMIL. In broad terms, both the
funnel and the MRGS are LCOS, which use stadia metric techniques to determine lead angles. The funnel is a series of LCOS at
different ranges, and the MRGS is a group of five LCOS at a single lead angle. The overriding premise in both sights is that the
shooter‘s turn rate while tracking a target approximates the target‘s LOS rate. The funnel relates the target range to the input
wingspan, and the MRGS relates the range to the input fuselage length. (See Figure 4-10 - GAU-8 Employment Aspect and
96 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Figure 4-10 - GAU-8 Employment Aspect and Range

476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 97 Stadia Metric Funnel

The funnel is based on the input target wingspan, and the assumption of zero LOSR. Lead angle solutions are computed from 0.18
to 2 seconds TOF of the bullet (which is generally 600 to 6,000 feet). The funnel is used primarily for gun attacks less than 6AA
or greater than 12AA. The funnel provides an accurate gun solution when the target aircraft wingspan is placed exactly betwee n
the edges of the funnel and the GBL is in the target‘s POM. (See Figure 4-11 - Stadia Metric Techniques.)

Figure 4-11 - Stadia Metric Techniques

98 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

If the target wingspan is larger than the funnel width, too much lead is present. Conversely, a wingspan less than the funnel width
indicates there is not enough lead. (See Figure 4-12 - Funnel Width as a Measurement of Lead Error) To optimize the Pk, open
fire with the target slightly smaller than the funnel, and evenly distribute a 1 to 2 second burst while applying G so that the target
is slightly larger than the funnel at the end of the burst. Another method would be to open fire with the target larger than the
funnel and ease off of the G so that the target is slightly smaller than the funnel at the end of a 2 second burst.
In either case, be sure to do the following:

Input the most accurate number available for expected bandits.

Use the GBL as the primary reference for POM.
Always take a slow raking gunshot.
Attempt to match the target‘s LOS rate and open fire early.

Figure 4-12 - Funnel Width as a Measurement of Lead Error

4.10.2 AIM-9 Sidewinder

The AIM-9 is a supersonic, A/A, rail-launched missile that uses passive IR homing. The AIM-9 navigates proportionally to a
predicted target collision point and is propelled by a rocket motor with a burn time of around 5 seconds. Employment Considerations

Positive identification of the adversary is mandatory, and the HUD must be SOI before engaging with an IR missile.

A technique to employ the AIM-9 is to utilize a 5Ls mnemonic (lock, lead, look, listen, and launch) as described below:

Lock - Initiate/consent track (TMS, China Hat or Slew Switch as appropriate).

Lead - The less angle the AIM-9 has to solve the better.
Look - Ensure Aim-9 reticle is tracking target, and look for IRCM.
Listen - Listen for a valid tone.
Launch - Fire the AIM-9 and prepare for the next shot.

4.11 Basic Tenets of Air-to-Air

Below are outlined the main “golden rules” of BFM which represent the fundamentals of air combat.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 99

4.11.1 Lose Sight . . . Lose the Fight

This is perhaps the most critical element to survival for the A-10 pilot. You must gain and maintain the tally throughout the

4.11.2 Maneuver in Relation to the Bandit

Execute the A/A game plan by maneuvering in relation to the bandit: observe, predict, and maneuver. Fly the aircraft to take
advantage of the errors committed by the bandit.

4.11.3 Nose Position versus Energy

The A-10 is thrust deficient, and the opportunity to employ weapons and kill the bandit may be fleeting. Constantly assess
whether to sacrifice energy for nose position in order to achieve a kill. Be careful to avoid maneuvering into a position where the
3/9 advantage will be lost should the shot miss the target.

4.12 Offensive Air-To-Air Maneuvering

Thanks to its excellent turn performance, particularly at low speed, the A-10 has the ability to bring A/A weapons quickly top bare
on any threat. The greatest problem you will face as a virtual A-10 pilot is the aircraft’s inability to maintain energy and
participate in a prolonged engagement. This section describes offensive BFM from three ranges: short, medium, and long. The
objectives of offensive BFM are; to maneuver to the WEZ and kill the bandit, and to maintain the offensive advantage. If unable
to maintain the offensive, attempt to separate before becoming defensive. Consider the following when performing offensive

Gain and maintain a 3/9 line advantage (get behind, and stay behind).
Enter the bandit‘s turn circle.
maneuver into the bandit‘s Control Zone (CZ).
Kill with valid weapons employment.
Maintain sufficient energy for future maneuvering potential against the adversary or its wingman.
Maintain mutual support of the flight.

4.12.1 Basic Fighter Maneuver Tactics. Aircraft Energy States.

Starting (“fights-on”) parameters used in the following examples are as follows:

Attacker and defender are co-altitude.

Attacker has a 20 degree AA, with 0 degrees ATA (pure pursuit).
The attacker is traveling at 550 feet per second (approximately 330 KIAS).
The defender is traveling at 500 feet per second (approximately 300 KIAS).
Turn radius is 2,000 feet.
Sustained turn rate is 12 degrees per second.

4.12.2 Short-Range Offensive Basic Fighter Maneuvers (3,000-Foot Setup)

If within 3,000 feet of the bandit, you will be on or in the turn circle and close to the CZ. This can occur either as the result of an
unwary adversary or the result of effective long-range BFM. Initial Move

At this range, a missile shot may not be an option. However, do not hesitate to take any shot opportunities given by the defender.
If the defender reacts to the attack, assess the defender‘s turn performance. If the attacker can beat the defender‘s turn radius (poor
turning aircraft or a less than maximum performing similar aircraft), a maximum performance turn allows for a quick gunshot.
This occurs when the attacker performs a maximum rate turn and keeps their nose in pure or lead pursuit while maintaining inside
the defender‘s turn circle, or the ATA decreases without a major increase in AA. If the defender‘s turn radius is equal to the A-
10‘s, there is high potential for overshoot to occur since the turn circles are not aligned. The Control Zone

Once established in the Control Zone (CZ) and with closure under control, it is time for the kill. Closely monitor range and Aspect
Angle when maneuvering for weapons employment. It is important to remember not to pass up one WEZ trying to get to another
(i.e., missing an opportunity for an AIM-9 shot while trying to get a gunshot). Combine a series of small, Low and High Yo-Yos
to maneuver to the defender‘s POM. Be cautious as too much of either a Low or High Yo-Yo could force a significant flight path
overshoot. If the defender planform increases rapidly inside the canopy bow, the attacker should momentarily relax G to execute a
lag pursuit and decrease the AA. If the defender has a rapid LOS rate towards the HUD and is rapidly increasing AA (planform)
the attacker will need to execute a High Yo-Yo or quarter plane to stabilize the LOS.
100 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 Floor Transitions

While following the defender through a maneuver, it is important to be aware of the amount of turning room between the A-10
and the ground (or floor). If the defender makes a nose-low guns jink close to the ground or floor, then the defender will more
than likely bust the floor (or die) from lack of turning room. By flying a shallower vertical flight path, not only will altitude above
the floor be preserved but also energy, if the defender does manage to pull out in time. These series of maneuvers are termed floor
transitions. Initially, while lagging the defender through a floor transition, it will look like you are losing position on the defender
while the defender is using the vertical below to maintain a good turn rate and smaller turn circle. Once again, patience is the key.
The defender will deplete energy as the flight path shallows out to stay above the floor/ground. It is possible to transition back to
the CZ with more energy than the defender. As a ROT, the dive angle should not exceed twice the altitude to the floor, or 1,000
feet for every 20 degrees nose low (e.g. there is 2,000 feet to the floor; instantaneous dive angle should be no greater than 40
degrees). Overshooting
The attacker has numerous problems to solve in pursuit of the bandit. Two of the biggest problems, excessive AA and closure,
will cause an overshoot if not corrected. There are three types of overshoots:

A flight path overshoot - occurs when the attacker‘s aircraft crosses to the outside of a defender‘s turn circle.
Longitudinal overshoot - occurs when the attacker crosses the longitudinal axis of the defender.
3/9 line overshoot - occurs when the attacker actually crosses the lateral axis (wing line) of the defender. (See Figure
4-13 - Overshoots)

Figure 4-13 - Overshoots The Quarter Plane

The Quarter Plane is the last line of defense to prevent a flight path or 3/9 line overshoot and it is a very aggressive maneuver to
reposition to the high 6 o‘clock of the defender. If a Quarter Plane is required, use an unloaded roll to place the lift vector at the
bandit‘s high 6 o‘clock. Pull maximum available G until closure appears to be under control (defender‘s LOS stabilizes and then
begins to move forward on the canopy). Leave power in MAX. Once the overshoot has been prevented and the aircraft is moved
aft in relation to the bandit, use a lead pursuit curve to settle back into the CZ. (See Figure 4-14 - Quarter Plane)
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 101

Figure 4-14 - Quarter Plane The Lag Roll

The Lag Roll controls closure by rolling around the flight path of the defender and increasing the distance flown in relation to
actual ground distance. It will also decrease AA at the expense of HCA. The Lag Roll can be used to control a predicted overshoot
and AA problems not requiring a quarter plane. The maneuver is performed by varying G on the aircraft and rolling opposite the
direction of turn, towards the defender‘s high 6 o‘clock, reorienting the lift vector on the defender and pulling to realign fuselages
using the altitude gained. This will resemble and feel like a tight barrel roll. As the defender‘s LOS rate permits, pull into lead
pursuit for the gunshot. Two common errors when executing a Lag Roll are initiating the roll when the nose is already in lag or
using excessive G across the top of the Lag Roll. (See Figure 4-15 - Lag Roll.)
102 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Figure 4-15 - Lag Roll Scissors
If an attacker overshoots, especially with high LOS rate, it is possible the defender will reverse. If this happens, the attacker must
aggressively maneuver and pull to the defender‘s high six. If the defender counters with the same maneuver, it is likely that a
scissors will develop. Whether it is the defender or the attacker, the considerations are the same. Because the A-10 is thrust
limited, it is at an extremely low energy state while in a scissors. This can be fatal in aerial combat. Nearly all of pilot’s
concentration must be focused on the opponent resulting in low overall situational awareness (SA). The first to make a mistake
will most likely lose the flight. While in a scissors, both you and the adversary are predictable to an outside aircraft and can be
targeted easily. There are several types of scissors: flat, rolling, and vertical. Flat Scissors

A flat scissors occurs when the overshoot is in plane and both fighters are at the same approximate altitude. In this situation,
continue to rotate the lift vector and pull towards the defender‘s high 6 o‘clock to arrest the forward motion. To prevent flying in
front of the defender, ensure the pull is towards the defender‘s 6 o‘clock, not towards the defender‘s aircraft. The key here is to
attain a higher pitch rate and attitude than the defender during the initial entry into the scissors in order to slow the ground track
and gain a 3/9 line advantage. In a flat scissors, one aircraft will usually wind up higher than the other aircraft. Remember that a
flat scissors is basically a flying contest won by the more maneuverable aircraft at slow speed and high AOA. High Fighter

The fighter on top should try to get the scissors into a gentle weave in order to generate lateral turning room. This complements
the vertical turning room the fighter already has attained. The high fighter must avoid an excessive bank angle that causes loss of
lift. If the high fighter can get lateral room in addition to vertical room, the high fighter may have an opportunity to roll, put the
lift vector on the lower fighter, and pull for a gunshot. An attempted gunshot may force the defender to react and fall back into a
defensive role. Low Fighter

The lower fighter wants to prevent the high fighter from gaining turning room. Stay directly underneath the high fighter by
reversing turn early as the high fighter begins to weave. Staying directly under the high fighter has several advantages. It denies
the high fighter lateral turning room, and it forces the high fighter to roll up to see the lower fighter. Each bank results in loss of
lift and altitude. The bottom fighter can momentarily unload for airspeed and then slowly start a climb up to the high fighter,
attempting to achieve a WEZ or intimidate the high fighter and force an error.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 103 Rolling Scissors

A rolling scissors generally occurs when the overshoot is in the vertical or an altitude differential exists at the start of a flat
scissors. A lower wing-loaded adversary may also force a higher wing-loaded fighter into a rolling scissors as a defense. This
maneuver may begin with improper execution of a Lag Roll, forcing the offender towards the defender‘s 3/9 line. As the
attacker‘s lift vector drops, the total vector increases forward, forcing the attacker forward of the 3/9 line. The fighter on the
bottom can accentuate the forward flush by pulling into the vertical and reversing roles. If neither fighter transitions to a flat
scissors when on top, these role reversals continue until one fighter out flies the other and gains a sufficient energy advantage to
roll towards the other fighter‘s six. The goal of a rolling scissors is to fly a larger distance through the air to force the other fighter
forward of the 3/9 line. To accomplish this, fly higher in the vertical. Maintain nose/tail separation and maneuvering energy. In a
continuous rolling scissors, the fighter with the better maneuverability and nose positioning capability wins. The A-10‘s lack of
energy forces you to be extremely cautious and monitor nose position and flight path when in a rolling scissors. As a rule of
thumb for energy loss, expect that the A-10 will use 1,000 to 1,500 feet for each leaf in a rolling scissors. Vertical Scissors

The vertical scissors is the most dangerous in A-10 terms. With the A-10‘s limited power and airspeeds, do not maintain this for
long or hang in there with higher thrust aircraft. The A-10‘s lack of energy forces you to be extremely cautious and monitor nose
position and flight path when in a vertical scissors. If in training, call a - “KNOCK IT OFF” immediately if you are not positive of
deconfliction. In combat, separation is probably the only option.

4.12.3 Medium-Range Offensive Basic Fighter Maneuvers (6,000 Feet)

Medium-range offensive BFM teaches how to enter the turn circle, maneuver to the CZ, and then fine tune your position for
weapons employment. A similar maximum performing defender can create up to 100 degrees of HCA prior to the attacker
reaching the turn circle. Maneuvering to solve any angles should not begin until entering the defender‘s turn circle. Initial Move to the Turn Circle

If possible, point your nose at the bandit and fire an AIM-9. Be careful to avoid holding pure pursuit during the missiles flight
because it will aggravate angle problems should be missile be defeated by increasing aspect angle and decreasing HCA. Drive to
the defender‘s turn circle by rolling out and flying to a point approximately one-third in from where the defender started the break
turn and the center of the turn circle, this is called the - entry window. There are several techniques that can be used to define this
position. (See FIGHT‘S ON of Figure 4-16 - Turn Circle Entry Recognition.)

Place the edge of the HUD (8 degrees) on the defenders position (at the - FIGHT‘S ON call).
Pure pursuit the defender through 45 degrees of their turn and then roll out. Maneuvering to the Turn Circle

After the initial move, unload and accelerate. Getting to the turn circle in the shortest amount of time limits the defenders time to
increase AA and HCA. The closer to the center of the turn circle the attacker points, the quicker the aircraft will enter the turn
circle. However, there is a tradeoff; entering closer to the center will increase AA and require more out-of-plane maneuvering. Turn Circle Recognition

The primary reference for turn circle entry should be the bandit‘s LOS. Initially the bandit will have a small LOS rate, appear to
rotate, and move slowly out of the HUD FOV towards the canopy bow. (See 3K of Figure 6.18, Turn Circle Entry Recognition.)
The AA, ATA, and HCA will continue to increase until reaching the turn circle at which point the AA will momentarily stabilize
and the defender‘s LOS rate will increase. (See 6K of Figure 4-16 - Turn Circle Entry Recognition.) Also, use all available visual
cues to recognize the turn circle (i.e., flares or contrails). (See 9K of Figure 4-16 - Turn Circle Entry Recognition). Using the
assumptions listed above, the attacker requires 8 seconds to reach the turn circle; allowing the defender to turn 96 degrees. If the
attacker enters the turn circle approximately one-third to the center of the turn radius, with a heading equal to the attacker at the -
FIGHTS ON call, the ATA equals 27 degrees, AA equals 7 Right, HCA equals 96 degrees, and the range is 3,800 feet. (See 8
Seconds, Figure 4-16 - Turn Circle Entry Recognition).
104 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Figure 4-16 - Turn Circle Entry Recognition In the Turn Circle

Once inside the turn circle, utilize pursuit curves and Yo-Yo‘s to maneuver into the CZ. The initial maneuver should stabilize the
LOS and decrease the AA (planform). Initially rolling to place the POM just above the defender will create turning room for a
follow on lead pursuit curve. A good turn circle entry maneuver should result in approximately 3,000 feet slant range (SR), 3 to 4
AA, and 70 to 80 degrees HCA after 90 degrees of turn. Remember, in the heart of the control zone, AA will equal ATA, and
therefore, if the defender is at the top of the canopy bow (30 to 35 ATA), the AA (planform) should equal 30 to 35 degrees. If the
defender planform is greater than the position in the canopy, the attacker is inside the turn circle and vice-versa. If the AA
(planform) begins to rapidly increase with no change in the ATA, you are in the POM of the defender and in pure pursuit. A lag
pursuit (in or out of plane) will decrease AA and result in getting back to the heart of the control zone. If the AA remains constant
(defender planform not changing) while the ATA is decreasing (defender moving toward the HUD), the attacker has a rate
advantage and should continue to maneuver to a WEZ. Once in the control zone, continue with a series of small lead and lag
pursuit curves along with High and Low Yo-Yos to maneuver to a WEZ. Normally it is better to use several small Yo-Yos rather
than attempting to solve all problems with one or two big Yo-Yos. Being too aggressive may cause an overshoot, negating any
offensive advantage the attacker may have had. In the Control Zone Gaining
If both range and AA are decreasing while stabilized in the CZ, and movement is toward the HUD, then a rate advantage is
created. Continue to prosecute the attack as described in paragraph 4.12.2, Short-Range Offensive Basic Fighter Maneuvers
(3,000-Foot Setup). Losing
If range and AA are both increasing, and LOS is away from the HUD, the defender is winning the rate fight; execute a lead pursuit
curve. If unable to improve turn rates, consider separating. Corrective action must be taken immediately to continue to threaten the
defender. Overbank, pull the nose down if altitude is available, and perform a Low Yo-Yo. Remember, if using a Low Yo-Yo, the
defender may also go downhill and deny the use of the turning room. Separations
Because of the A-10‘s thrust deficiency, it will be extremely difficult to separate from almost any threat. However, if fighting a
co-capability aircraft or helicopter in any other situation, use the following techniques.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 105

First, generate maximum HCA, preferably when the defender is turning in one direction or reacting to a shot. Pull to pass the
bandit close aboard or attempt a snapshot. If in a WEZ, the bandit will have to react to the attacking aircraft while it is setting up
for a separation. If unable to employ ordnance, attempt to threaten the bandit with the nose while sliding towards the bandit‘s deep
six, delaying the bandit‘s reaction to the separation. If low on energy and unable to threaten the bandit, do not continue to pull and
waste energy that could be better used for the subsequent separation.

After passing the bandit, reverse the turn and place the bandit within 30 degrees of the aircraft‘s six o‘clock position. Strive to be
180 degrees out from the bandit. Unload and execute an optimum-acceleration maneuver while maintaining sight of the bandit.
Use infrared countermeasures (IRCM) if the bandit pulls nose on.

4.12.4 Long-Range Offensive Basic Fighter Maneuvers (9,000 Feet)

Long-range offensive BFM begins with a 3/9 line advantage at a range well outside the bandit‘s turn circle. Due to the range, the
bandit is able to increase angles until you enter the turn circle. Starting at 9,000 feet range and 30 degrees AA, a similar,
maximum performing defender can generate an additional 60 to 90 degrees of AA before the attacker enters the turn circle. Snapshot
Due to the tactical situation or the defender‘s reaction to the maneuvers, the attacker may be driven to attempt a high aspect
gunshot or AIM-9 shot. Whatever the circumstances, do not forget that you will need to be in range and POM with adequate lead.
Once in range, attempt to align the POM with the defender‘s. The attacker can take a 1-G gunshot without pulling in the
defender‘s POM, but the Pk will be higher if the attacker can pull in the defender‘s POM to slow LOS rate and increase the bullet
density. Start firing to establish a steady stream of bullets for the bandit to fly through. It is better to start firing sooner than later.
A good technique for most gunshots is to pull a little more lead than required, then start firing and relax the stick to allow the
bandit to fly through the stream of bullets. Entering the Turn Circle

If a high-angle snapshot is not taken, then maneuver to the defender‘s turn circle and CZ. Resist trying to immediately pull the
nose to the defender for the shot. Much of the energy will be depleted and excessive angles produced if the shot is missed. Using
out-of-plane maneuvering is key, especially if the bandit is flying a flat fight. Keep in mind that because of the high angles the
bandit generates, more out-of-plane maneuvering is required to reach the CZ. This could give other bandits time to enter the fight
if unable to achieve a quick kill. Bandit Separation

If the bandit is a high performance aircraft, the bandit may attempt to separate in the horizontal or vertical. If the bandit attempts
to separate in the vertical, attempt to pull the nose up and take a shot. Monitor energy closely. Prior to taking the shot, consider the
predictability of the aircraft at an extremely nose-high attitude, the lack of energy to react, and the possible loss of mutual support.
If the bandit attempts to separate in the horizontal, max perform to pull the nose toward the bandit and threaten. If the defender
continues the separation, assess the range and the difference in velocity (opening Vc). If within AIM-9 missile parameters, fire. Attack Example

Reference the appropriate point on Figure 4-17 - Pursuit Curve and Turn Circle Application, as the following attack is discussed:

Point A - Depending on the defender‘s turn rate and starting AA, the initial phase of an attack requires lead or lag pursuit
to enter the turn circle. The attacker will have to aim towards an entry window.
Point B - Once inside the turn circle and reaching the entry window, the attacker should maneuver to stabilize the LOS
rate and then utilize pursuit curves in- and out-of-plane to decrease AA.
Point C - Utilizing a High Yo-Yo will decrease the AA and closure but will increase the HCA.
Point D - With AA under control, the attacker may execute a Low Yo-Yo to decrease the HCA (align fuselages) and
ATA to get to the WEZ.
Point E - The lead maneuver allows the attacker to maneuver to the WEZ reducing the HCA and ATA and stabilize in the
control zone.
106 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Figure 4-17 - Pursuit Curve and Turn Circle Application

4.13 Defensive Air-to-Air Maneuvering

There are three objectives of defensive BFM:

Defeat the initial shot.

Deny follow on shots.
Neutralize, separate, or kill the bandit.

4.13.1 Initial Moves and Defensive Turns

Once the bandit is acquired, react. The reaction depends upon bandit type, geometry, and range. The initial move creates geometry
problems for the bandit or missile. There are three types of defensive turns:

Navigation turn - An energy sustaining turn at low G; bandit not threatening, unsure of intentions.
Hard turn - An energy sustaining turn at moderate G; bandit maneuvering to gain 3/9 line advantage or attempting radar
lock outside of IR missile range.
Break turn - A maximum performance turn; missile in the air and/or bandit closing for guns; inside IR missile range.
Dispense flares and chaff, and pull to the steady/chopped tone. Defensive Turns

The defensive turn can be measured by direction, intensity, and duration.

The direction of the defensive turn is determined or limited by the requirement to maintain tally, generate maximum HCA and
AA, and turn or descend toward the most favorable engagement arena.

The intensity of the defensive turn is determined by the energy level, the requirement to increase HCA, and the need to keep the
adversary in sight in order to properly assess the threat.

The duration of the turn is dependent on the range and AA of the attacker.

4.13.2 Defensive Cues and Clues

Accurate assessment and sound fundamentals are the keys to success. BFM engagements are rarely won but are often lost. To
counter an attack, closely analyze the bandit‘s energy level, altitude, closure AA, ATA, and HCA.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 107

Observe - the current situation.

Predict - decide on the current course of action based upon the assessment.
Manoeuver - execute.
Assess - did the maneuver have the desired effect. Bandit Acquisition

If the defender acquires the bandit outside of the turn circle, assume the bandit has a tally and is closing. It may be difficult to
judge the bandit‘s nose position and, therefore, assess the pursuit curve. An in-plane turn into the threat will generate the most
angular problems, however a lift vector slightly below the bandit will aid in maintaining a maximum performance turn for a
longer period of time. Every degree turned, prior to the bandit reaching the turn circle, will generate another degree of AA and
HCA for the bandit to solve. Bandit Goes to Lead or Pure

If the bandit pulls lead or pure pursuit, continue to max perform the jet and build angles. Mil size the bandit and anticipate a guns
WEZ, watch the bandits nose for smoke/bullets and jink as necessary. Guns jinks will be discussed later in paragraph 4.13.3 Guns
Defense. Prepare for a reversal opportunity, and monitor the AA as well as the velocity and HCA the bandit generates to
determine when to initiate the reversal. Bandit Goes to Lag

If the bandit maneuvers to lag, continue to max perform the jet. There are advanced missile systems capable of maintaining a lock
and hacking the turn when faced with large angle problems. During the defensive turn, monitor bandit movement on the canopy to
determine their entry into the turn circle. The bandit should move forward on the canopy from the 5 to 7 o‘clock position towards
the 3/9 line of the aircraft as you turn. Turn circle entry occurs when the bandit is no longer moving forward, assuming the bandit
has made a bid to lag. Bandit Enters Turn Circle Lift Vector Control against a Low Yo-Yo

At turn circle entry, the attacker may decide to execute an in-plane maneuver (G entry) or a Low Yo-Yo. At this point the bandit
has placed his lift vector in front of the defender and is looking to use his energy advantage and altitude to out-rate the bandit. In
either case, the defender needs to put his lift vector on the bandit. Visualize a point above the aircraft - this is the lift vector. Use
the silver lightning strip across the top of the canopy as a tool to control the lift vector. In most cases and depending on seat height
and seat position, the defender can approximate lift vector on the bandit by putting the bandit slightly below the lightning strip on
the canopy (see Figure 4-18 - Lift Vector). The lift vector (POM) is on the bandit (i.e., you are in plane with him), when the
defender is not moving up or down in the canopy, rather, the bandit is only increasing ATA (planform) and AA (moving forward
towards the wing line). If the bandit is moving down the canopy the lift vector is too high, and if moving up, the lift vector is too
low. The idea of placing the lift vector (POM) on the bandit is to deny turning room so that the bandit cannot get to weapons
employment before AA and closure force a maneuver to lag. Lift Vector Control against a High Yo-Yo

At turn circle entry, if the bandit decides to execute a High Yo-Yo, then the defender may do the following:
Rotate the lift vector (POM) on the bandit to take away this turning room. In this case the defender must know the aircraft‘s
energy state to avoid taking it up too much and bleeding excessive airspeed. If the attacker has more energy at the start of the
engagement, he will be able to take it up higher and wait for the defender to bleed off energy and become predictable as he is
forced to go downhill.

Keep bank and relax G to regain airspeed, and wait for the attacker to transition to a Low Yo-Yo. Anticipate the bandit‘s transition
from a High Yo-Yo to a Low Yo-Yo by rotating the aircraft‘s lift vector (POM) on to the bandit and pulling to the steady-chopped
tone. Hold this maneuver until the attacker is forced to lag off and aft LOS is observed. A common error is failure to maintain the
aircraft‘s lift vector (POM) on the bandit as the bandit descends below the defender‘s POM. Failure to do so, will allow the bandit
turning room. Nose Counters

Nose counters are POM shifts in the opposite direction of the bandit‘s POM (if the bandit goes nose-high, the defender goes nose-
low). This forces the bandit‘s POM and nose out of phase, making it difficult to achieve a weapons solution (increased ATA). Be
cautious when defensive and going high with the bandit going low. It is very possible to run out of airspeed before the bandit
because of the A-10‘s thrust deficiency. Nose counters can be difficult to employ, and in many cases, counterintuitive. Nose
counters give the bandit substantial HCA and/or ATA problems and keep the bandit out of plane. However, this provides turning
room for the bandit (i.e., bandit does High Yo-Yo, defender over-rotates and goes down; attacker comes back down, defender
does the opposite).
108 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 Bandit Separates

If the bandit enters a WEZ, the bandit may take an IR missile shot or guns shot and either separate or extend to attempt another
entry. In this case, employ IRCM and jink if needed. Maintain tally and attempt to regain mutual support. Clear aggressively for
other bandits.

Figure 4-18 - Lift Vector

4.13.3 Guns Defense

If the bandit presses the attack to guns range (Rg), you must defeat the solution. Even the most sophisticated A/A guns still require
the same basic problems to be solved in order to achieve a valid gun solution. For a high Pk guns shot, the bandit must be in
range, in plane, with lead. If the bandit is in gun range and is maneuvering into plane, think guns defense (do not forget about
flares and chaff for a minimum range missile shot). Every aircraft maneuver at this point should be designed to aggravate the
bandit‘s problem of maneuvering into plane. Guns Jink. When
Begin a guns jink when the bandit‘s nose is pointing towards you and the bandit appears to have greater nose authority.
Remember, some aircraft with off-bore sight self-guided weapons or an elevated gun (e.g., F-15) can employ from lag. A visual
reference (A-10 versus A- 10) for when to begin is just prior to looking down the bandit‘s intakes. Seeing the belly of the bandit‘s
aircraft means the bandit has achieved lead. Initiation of a jink at this point is late. (Figure 4-19 - Guns Jink Recognition).
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 109

Figure 4-19 - Guns Jink Recognition How
The quickest and easiest way to spoil a solution is to change the POM. Rotate the lift vector 60 to 90 degrees out of the plane of
motion. The 90-degree maneuver generates the most out of plane, but reduces the bandit‘s closure problems. 60 degrees provides
an acceptable out of plane maneuver and angular problems. As a general rule, visualize a plane extending through the wing line
while rolling unloaded. Set the lift vector when the wing line plane is approaching perpendicular to the bandit‘s POM. Pull to the
steady/chopped tone or until the bandit repositions. The fact that the bandit requires lead pursuit to reach a guns solution means
that closure and AA will be increasing throughout the jink. If the bandit does not reposition, a 3/9 overshoot may occur. Watch for
the bandit to reposition using a lag maneuver to control closure; then assess the situation and plan the follow-on maneuver. Look
for reversal opportunities or bandit separation as the bandit repositions from the gunshot. (Figure 4-20 - Guns Jink). Take note, if
the defender is at the floor, there is no option to jink down. If the defender has limited airspeed (less than 200 KIAS) the intensity
of a guns up jink will be limited and may not be possible. In such a case, another option is to perform a - horizontal jink. This
maneuver is performed initially by reversing the direction of the turn, using the same visual cues used to execute a nose up or
down jink as discussed earlier. If the bandit is in lead or approaching lead this maneuver will put the bandit‘s nose in lag.
However, it must be emphasized if the bandit‘s nose has not achieved enough lead for a valid guns shot, and the defender initiates
a horizontal jink, then the defender will have solved all of the attacker‘s problems. Follow-on horizontal jinks are designed to put
the bandit‘s nose out of phase. This will prevent a tracking shot, but may not prevent the bandit from getting multiple snapshots.
Horizontal jinks should be used as a last resort guns jink. Remember the following when performing guns jinks:

Losing sight of the attacker. Large lift vector (POM) changes during guns jinks are often very disorienting and may cause
a - NO JOY. Also, remember the bandit changes sides of the canopy when initiating a nose down guns jink. It is
absolutely imperative to know how the bandit position changes in the canopy when the defender changes the aircraft‘s
lift vector.
Getting the nose buried during a nose down jink. Remember to hold the guns jink and observe what the bandit is doing. If
the bandit was forced to reposition and bandit‘s aircraft is now in lag, then a 90-degree out-of-plane reposition is no
longer necessary. Late recognition is likely to put the defender‘s aircraft in an extremely nose-low position. A predictable
flight path and pull against - God‘s G is the likely outcome.

4.13.4 No-Sight Defense

If the bandit is approaching the CZ, continue the break turn towards the bandit‘s last known position. As a ROT, look where the
bandit would be if the bandit was performing perfect BFM. If approaching guns range, keep the aircraft moving by changing POM
every 3 to 5 seconds until visual is regained. If the bandit is maneuvering on the turn circle, continue the hard turn in the bandit‘s
last known POM. Assess last known AA, closure, and HCA. It is likely that the bandit is in lag and is maneuvering at six. Keep up
110 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

the turn and consider expending chaff and flare. Initially, check high six to regain tally. If no joy, expect the bandit to reposition to
lead or perform a Low Yo-Yo and appear slightly low on the inside of the circle.

4.13.5 Bandit Overshoot and Reversal

This may be an ideal opportunity to either conserve energy or reverse. The decision is entirely situation dependent and either
choice should be executed judiciously, however, once the decision is made do not second guess or hesitate. Realize that if the
reverse is not successful the defender may be solving the attacker‘s angle problems.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 111

Figure 4-20 - Guns Jink

112 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 Flight Path Overshoot

A bandit flight path overshoot may not be significant in and of itself, and is more a function of the range at which it occurs. As
previously mentioned, a lag entry will cause the bandit to overshoot the flight path to some degree. This is an intentional
maneuver and is used to conserve energy for later in the fight. The overshoot only becomes significant to the defender if the range,
HCA, and LOS rate present the bandit with problems that can be aggravated into a more complicated situation for the attacker.
There are circumstances where a flight path overshoot will immediately become a 3/9 line overshoot. Generally, they are
characterized by large energy differences between attacker and defender such as high LOS or close aboard pass (inside
approximately 2,000 feet). There are also instances where a flight path overshoot can be aggravated into a 3/9 line overshoot by a
hard defensive turn. Longitudinal Overshoot

This type of overshoot provides a much better reversal opportunity than the flight path overshoot. Degree of HCA and overshoot
range is still important when deciding to reverse. The closer the overshoot, the more likely it is the defender will be successful
when reversing. The defender must use care to deny both guns and missile WEZs. 3/9 Line Overshoot

A 3/9 line overshoot can occur as a result of being forced out front by the defender or late recognition of excessive closure, HCA,
and AA by the attacker. Either situation requires quick action on the part of the defender to reverse roles, gain the 3/9 line
advantage, and capitalize on any shot opportunities which present themselves. If it is apparent that a 3/9 overshoot is imminent, a
reversal should be almost automatic. Consider initiating the reversal prior to the actual overshoot to gain the advantage earlier.
When attempting to force a 3/9 line overshoot, maneuver when the overshoot becomes apparent and while the attacker is still
inside the turn circle. The objective is to slow the motion over the ground, rotate the POM, and move the center of the turn circle
to a point where the attacker is forced out front of the wing line. One technique to accomplish this is to determine the point in the
overshoot where the attacker is unable to put the nose on the defender‘s aircraft, then set the wings flat, and quickly assess the
bandit position. If the bandit is well aft of the wing line and easily able to maintain a 3/9 line with a High Yo-Yo or quarter plane,
then immediately resume the defensive turn and look for the bandit to attempt a re-entry low and inside or separate. However, if
the attacker is on or rapidly approaching the wing line, immediately initiate a flat pull to the bandit‘s high 6 o‘clock and attempt
the reversal. High LOS Overshoot

A high LOS overshoot may present fleeting opportunities. Depending on closure, you may find the bandit out of range by the time
you can bring the nose to bear. Execution: unload, roll to get maximum roll rate, and maneuver to the bandit‘s high 6. The idea is
to get to the bandit‘s control zone and eventually a WEZ. (Figure 4-21 - Reversal Picture). Low LOS Overshoot

The defender may choose to use a loaded rolling reversal for a low LOS overshoot. This continues to generate angular problems
while forcing the attacker out front. The penalty for this is a slow roll rate and high energy bleed. The loaded reversal is a means
of denying plane to a bandit with low AA and only a mild overshoot. Flares should be employed throughout to deny a missile
shot, and the loaded roll will deny plane to the gun WEZ. If in doubt, when reversing, perform a loaded roll. Angles may be lost,
but the WEZ should be denied. Take note, on a loaded reversal, the defender will quickly be nose-high, slowed down, and low on
energy. A rolling scissors can quickly result if the attacker attempts to maintain a position of advantage. The first aircraft to
recognize a rolling scissors and roll wings-level while on top will most likely achieve a position of advantage.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 113

Figure 4-21 - Reversal Picture

It cannot be overemphasized that once the decision is made to reverse, the defender is committed to a close quarter nose position
fight. Both aircraft will be extremely vulnerable to attack from outside the engagement. Attempt to build sufficient turning room
to put the nose on the bandit, employ ordnance quickly, and communicate the plan to the wingman. It is very likely that the
wingman who is able to quickly enter the fight from outside and achieve weapons parameters that will achieve the kill and end the

Judging overshoots, recognizing reversal opportunities, and seeing entry windows is more art than science. The only way to gain a
feel for timing and execution is through structured training scenarios. The situations where these maneuvers will be needed are
most likely rare occurrences and certainly well into the - commit to kill‖ portion of the progressive offense. They require a
maximum performance of the aircraft at low speed and high AOA. High SA, knowledge of aircraft handling characteristics, and
strict compliance with applicable training restrictions is mandatory to safely conduct training in this part of the BFM regime.

4.14 High-Aspect Basic Fighter Maneuvers

High-aspect basic fighter maneuvers (HABFM) may occur throughout many phases of a tactical engagement. Always attempt to
achieve turning room prior to a merge. If the bandit is aware, the bandit may deny any turning room opportunities. Do not
continue to try for turning room and lose the opportunity for a lead turn. Remember that turning room for you is turning room for
the bandit. The bandit may have a tally, and may attempt to achieve turning room also.

4.14.1 Lead Turns

A lead turn typically applies to high aspect merges and is nothing more than an attempt to decrease HCA prior to passing the
opponent‘s 3/9 line. The classic lead turn is accomplished by off-setting the flight path from the adversary by one turn diameter,
then predicting where the bandit will be at some future point in time—this prediction is the key element. Then initiate a turn
forward of the adversary‘s 3/9 line to arrive at a WEZ in the bandit‘s rear hemisphere. An important note is the tighter turning
fighter has the advantage. Additionally, having more turning room to initiate the lead turn will require a lower G-loading to
complete the maneuver. Lead turns can be accomplished in any plane. (Figure 4-22 - Lead Turns).
114 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Figure 4-22 - Lead Turns

To neutralize a lead turn, attempt to lead turn to meet the bandit ―close aboard at 180 degrees of HCA. (Figure 4-23 -
Neutralizing a Lead Turn). Close aboard means to take away turning room from the bandit. In a high-aspect fight, a close aboard
180-degree AA pass is the most neutral position. If planning for and initiating a lead turn against a bandit with equal or inferior
turn performance at the proper range, you will negate any lead turn the bandit has or attempts to gain.

The bandit may attempt to expend forward hemisphere ordnance and blow through, hoping to achieve a kill on a single pass. If
this is the case, use preemptive flares; then attempt to offset laterally and vertically to build turning room. Do not assume the
bandit will separate. As soon as adequate turning room is available (usually with the bandit outside the canopy bow) or if the
bandit initiates a lead turn, put the lift vector on the bandit and use the turning room to reduce HCA or counter the bandit‘s lead
turn. Use a lead turn if involved in a high-AA engagement. As a ROT, for pre-merge, either build or use turning room to reduce
angle-off at 3/9 line passage. When in doubt, start the lead turn early. If it appears that the turn will be in front of the opponent,
relax G and allow the size of the turn circle to increase to meet the bandit on or inside the turn circle. Remember to lead turn to the
bandit‘s WEZ, not the bandit, which would setup a high LOSR overshoot.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 115

Figure 4-23 - Neutralizing a Lead Turn

116 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

4.15 One versus Two Circle Fights

Ordnance, adversary‘s capabilities, and tactical entry will determine whether to execute a two or one-circle fight. Remember that
the last aircraft to turn will determine which fight will ensue.

4.15.1 Two-Circle Fight

When both aircraft turn in opposite directions post merge, a two-circle fight develops. In a two-circle fight, each aircraft flies a
separate circle over the ground. (Figure 4-24 - Two-Circle Fight). A two-circle fight is primarily a rate fight where the fighter with
the better rate over time gains an offensive advantage. The key is to get as much airspeed as possible up to corner velocity and use
any available altitude below while making the turn. Some all-aspect capable adversaries may attempt to stay fast, building
maximum distance across the two turn circles in hopes of employing a radar or IR missile from across the circle. This may allow
you to get the nose on the bandit first for an AIM-9 shot. Be prepared to expend chaff and flare to deny a shot from the bandit
across the circle.

Figure 4-24 - Two-Circle Fight

476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 117

4.15.2 One-Circle Fight

A one-circle fight is created when both fighters turn in the same direction post merge, describing a single-circle over the ground.
(Figure 4-25 - One-Circle Fight). The pilot should use a one-circle fight when the aircraft has a clear turn radius advantage or
cannot sustain turn performance as long as the bandit can (i.e., low airspeed with no altitude below to get to corner velocity). To
avoid relinquishing extra turning room, pass as close aboard the adversary as possible at the merge.

Figure 4-25 - One-Circle Fight

118 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016


476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 119


5.1 Introduction

5.1.1 Air to Surface Terminology

The world of A/G combat, just like everything in military aviation, is full of acronyms and abbreviations. It is important that we
learn and understand all that pertain to A/G weapon employment in the A-10C. In addition to aircraft and avionics terms, pilots
are to be familiar with the terms listed below and their meanings.

Abort Altitude — The altitude at which the attack run should be aborted/called off. Aim-off Distance (AOD) – a
distance beyond the target that is predictable for any weapons delivery. That distance is the no-wind projected flight path
of an aircraft (where the aircraft would hit the ground if the pilot did not recover) in a dive delivery.
Aim-off point (AOP) — the point on the ground, long of the target, at which the aircraft must fly to during the weapons
delivery pass. The AOP provides a ground reference to fly the aircraft to until a track reference can be set.
Angle of attack (AOA) — the angle between the zero sight line (ZSL) and the relative wind.
Ballistic trajectory — the path of munitions from release to impact. This trajectory is a result of release velocity, release
angle, release height above the target, gravity, and weapon drag characteristics.
Base Altitude & Airspeed — The altitude above the ground and airspeed at which you should be on when beginning
your attack.
Base Range — The range from the target you should be at when beginning your attack.
Bomb range (BR) — the horizontal distance the bomb will travel over the ground from release to impact.
Bomb trail (BT) — the horizontal distance between the aircraft and the bomb impact.
Combat offset — adjusting the release aim point by a certain distance to correct for a previous miss.
Cross Wind Adjustment —
Desired Time of Flight — The desired time after release for the munitions to strike the target.
Dive angle — the angle of dive for weapons delivery.
DSMS Fuse Setting — “N” – Nose, “T” – Tail, “N/T” – Nose/Tail
DSMS Minimum Altitude Setting — The minimum altitude for safe delivery, used for training only (hard deck).
Gun bore line (GBL) — Represents the initial bullet muzzle velocity vector extended to infinity. This is the depression
from the ZSL where the bullets initially come out of the gun. The A-10 GBL is at 33.7 mils depression. The GBL is
sometimes used to approximate the aircraft vector on roll-out because the total velocity vector (TVV) lags the actual
aircraft flight path.
Head/Tail Wind Adjustment —
Initial Pipper Placement (IPP) — Angle from the target to the total solution in mils at track altitude.
Initial HUD Placement (IHP) — IHP is the angle at track altitude between the ZSL and the target, in mils. IHP can be
derived from the total mil setting and the value for IPP. Total Mils = IHP + IPP.
Initial Aim-off Angle (IAA) — IAA is the angle between the AOP and the target at track altitude.
Initial Target Placement (ITP) — ITP is the position of the target relative to a pitch ladder at track altitude.
Mil — a term commonly used by pilots as an abbreviation for milliradian (1/1,000th of a radian). Mils are used to
measure sight depression or relative positions and sizes of objects as seen through the HUD. One mil is equal to 1 foot at
a range of 1,000 feet, and 1 degree equals 17.45 mils.
Minimum Time of Flight — The minimum time it will take after release for the munitions to strike the target.
Relative wind — the speed and direction of the air mass relative to the aircraft. It is opposite in direction to the aircraft’s
velocity vector through the air mass.
Release Aim Point (RAP) — the wind-corrected point on the ground where the pipper must be placed at release for the
munition to strike the target.
Release Aim Point Extended (RAPE) — the point on the ground on which the aircraft track reference is set. This point
is corrected upwind from the RAP.
Release Airspeed — The and airspeed at which weapons delivery is accomplished.
Release Altitude — the altitude above the ground at which weapons delivery is accomplished.
Release Quantity & Interval — Number of munitions released and the interval type.
Roll-in Target Placement (RTP) — a cockpit reference used to establish an aim-off angle for the aircraft.
Safe Escape maneuver (SEM) — maneuver that should prevent fragging yourself when delivering munitions.
Total Sight Setting (TSS) — the depression from the ZSL to the target at release altitude for the planned release
conditions. Deviations from planned release parameters such as airspeed, dive angle, altitude, or G-loading will have an
effect on the planned total sight setting.
120 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Track Reference — a position or point in the HUD that is used to maintain or correct the aircraft to the planned wire.
Some common track references used in weapons delivery are IHP, IAA, IPP, and the desired release cue (DRC).
Tracking — a portion of any dive weapons delivery that is devoted to the final alignment of aircraft sighting systems
with the target. The amount of time associated is referred to as wings-level or tracking time.
Track Altitude — Altitude at which the desired dive angle should be achieved, the target should be under the PBIL and
the Pipper should begin “tracking” up to the target.
Weapon Type — The type of weapon used in the delivery
Zero sight line (ZSL) — a basic reference line extending through the fuselage of the A-10 parallel to the longitudinal
axis of the aircraft. All sight depressions are referenced from the ZSL.

Figure 5-1 - Bomb Triangle

5.1.2 Weapon SLED

SLEDs are used to assist in visualization of various weapon delivery profiles and to quickly enter data into the DSMS.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 121

Figure 5-2 – Weapon Sled

5.2 Weapon Delivery Preparation

Accurate and effective weapons delivery requires a thorough understanding of weapons delivery theory, head-up display (HUD)
symbology, excellent aircraft systems knowledge and mastery of your weapons. It is also vital that you learn about the things you
want to destroy.

Figure 5-3 - Air to Surface Weapon Employment Cockpit Interface

122 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

5.2.1 Training Preparation

When weapons (live or training) are to be employed on training flights, special attention is to be given to the requirements of the
476th operating instructions to ensure safety requirements and range procedures are followed.

5.2.2 Range Entry and Exit

Written procedures and guidance can be found in command directives, applicable supplements, and local directives. Normally,
entry to the controlled range as accomplished from a basic or tactical formation, depending on weather and/or spacing desired.

5.2.3 In-Flight Checks

Weapons delivery “in-flight checks” encompass nearly all systems on the A-10. They include fuel checks, weapons system
checks, wind checks, estimated vertical error (EVE) checks, and a needle/ball check. .


Be extremely careful not to become distracted or target fixated, and drop them out of the crosscheck.

5.2.4 Wind Checks

Analyzing winds is critical for accurate and consistent weapons delivery. Analyze winds by using your EGI readings (select STR
INFO page on CDU) and visual indications provided by dust or smoke. Winds affect every aspect of the weapons delivery pattern
and should be accounted for in flight.

5.2.5 En-Route Checklists

There are certain checks that need to be accomplished before reaching the target area; these are collectively known as a
“firepower, emitters, navigation, communications, and electronic countermeasures” (FENCE) checks. A FENCE check simply
groups the items that need to be covered and is generic to any aircraft. Perform a FENCE check prior to weapons employment,
including weapons switches set for the first pass. For training missions, do not place the Master Arm to ARM until entering the
range and cleared by lead.

The FENCE check is an on-going process. Start with a pre-take off FENCE check and accomplish another one for each phase of
flight. Before arriving at the IP, the aircraft must be ready for combat. Once in the target area, your focus must be on finding and
attacking the proper target. A common generic FENCE acronym is show in the table below, FENCE Checks. Also a common A-
10C FENCE check acronym (CWLITTER) is also shown.

Fire control systems Set. Weapon systems checks. Chaff/flare. CMS set to appropriate settings for
Gun armed. EO power on. expected threat.
Electronic warfare systems. CMS set and Weapons. Conduct weapon system checks.
programs configured. RWR volume set. Confirm correct configuration/profile.
Navigation. EGI, map, and TACAN configured
N L Lights. OFF.
and ready. Wind direction/speed checked.
Communications. Correct frequencies set & radio
C I IFF. N/A for DCS.
checks completed.
Emitters (reduce or select). External lights OFF.
TACAN. Set to receive only, or off (may be left
E TACAN set as required. EMCON state as T
operating if EMCON not required).
appropriate for threat environment.
T Tape. DVADR running. N/A for DCS.
E ECM. Set as appropriate/as briefed.
R RWR. Set as appropriate/as briefed.
Table 5-1 - Fence Checks.


The letter I (for IFF) in CWLITTER is not applicable to DCS: A-10C as the IFF system is not modelled.


EO Power may be left out of the FENCE checks at flight lead’s discretion.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 123

5.2.6 Weapons System Checks

The Weapons portion of the FENCE check requires amplification to correctly set up weapons for employment. Disciplined
weapons system checks are critical to mission success. When directed by the flight lead (FL), perform a Weapons System Check.
Two acronyms to aid in performing the weapons system check are shown in the table below.

S Switches set. A Arm
P Profile selected P Profile, DSMS
A Altitude source set. E Elevation source.
DSMS quick look (for station and profile setting
E Elevation set as briefed (if HOT used)
S SOI and SPI set as briefed.
Table 5-2 - Weapon Systems Checks.

5.2.7 Radio Transmissions

Standard and expected radio transmissions while operating on the conventional range may vary; however, the basics remain the
same. See Figure 5.3, Conventional Pattern and Methodology, for example radio calls.

Figure 5-4 - Conventional Pattern and Methodology

5.2.8 Contingencies
Contingencies that could be encountered on the range must be briefed. The basic rules apply: maintain aircraft control, climb
away from the ground while analyzing the problem, and call a - “KNOCK IT OFF” if required on the range frequency. Lost Sight

The most common contingency is losing sight of one or more flight members. If blind on the preceding aircraft, immediately
request the aircraft position. An example in a four-ship formation, if Hog Three loses sight of Two: “HOG TWO, SAY
POSITION.” Number Two should respond immediately with two‘s position in the conventional pattern. Number Three then has
two responses, “CONTINUE” or “KNOCK IT OFF”. The continue call is made when Number Three picks up a visual on Number
Two or determines that there are no deconfliction problems in the pattern. If positive separation cannot be immediately ensured,
then Number Three should call “Knock it Off” (with altitude, as a technique) to ensure safety of flight. It is important to remember
that if a “SAY POSITION” call is made, particularly within a four-ship, all aircraft must remain silent until the aircraft being
124 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

addressed responds with its position and the requesting aircraft confirms the response with a “CONTINUE” or a “KNOCK IT
OFF” call. Lost Comm

If NORDO on range, then continue to fly the briefed range pattern. However, on final (DRY) rock wings to indicate to fellow
flight members of the NORDO condition. Expect a rejoin followed by RTB. If NORDO with emergency, then rock wings on final
then turn opposite direction to normal range traffic. Expect a rejoin and be prepared to communicate problems via SADL if
possible, or if necessary via the sim text chat function. Weapon Malfunction

Inform flight lead of any suspected weapon malfunctions, then follow locally briefed range procedures or, where none exist, set
switches to safe and RTB.

5.3 IP Holding Pattern

476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 125

Figure 5-5 - Low Altitude Hold Wedge Figure 8

126 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Figure 5-6 - Low Altitude Hold Wedge Racetrack

476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 127

5.4 DSMS Weapon Profiles

DSMS profiles and inventory settings control not only what weapons the DSMS and IFFCC think are loaded on the aircraft, but
also affect the targeting symbology presented to the pilot. It is vital that we fully understand each setting and how it is used if we
want to be as effective as possible when delivering ordnance.

All delivery specific information that IFFCC needs to calculate the correct solution is contained in the profiles created during
mission planning and loaded to the DSMS via the DTC. This includes weapon type, delivery mode (CCIP, CCRP), release mode
(Single, Ripple Single, etc.), fusing (type and time), DTOF, minimum altitude and desired safe escape maneuver.

Free-fall bomb deliveries and rockets primarily use continuously computed impact (CCIP) mode while LGBs and IAMs typically
use continuously computed release point (CCRP), although either aiming method may be used. It is imperative to know how the
CICU, DSMS, UFC and IFFCC all integrate and function prior to weapons employment.

5.4.1 Weapon Profile Naming Convention

With HOTAS and DSMS interaction, it is easy for the pilot to reference the HUD to select profiles. However, in many cases it is
possible for aircraft to carry multiple weapons (specifically free fall) that a simple delivery name would not suffice. The following
naming convention was developed to identify the weapon type selected, delivery parameters, and release quantity in one profile
name. Given that profiles are limited to eight characters, some items were left out of the naming convention. Assumptions

Only eight characters are allowed in a profile name.

Names must be unique within the weapon type.
Ripple deliveries are RIP SGL and at 75’ spacing for Mk82 class and 150’ for Mk84 class weapons.
Toss deliveries are from a level release.
Maverick, rockets and flare profiles are for weapon arming only. Flight leads should set specific guidance for IFFCC
inputs for these profiles (i.e. min alt) if required. Naming Structure

The first three characters denote the weapon type. The next four denote the delivery type (as applicable). The last character
denotes the quantity. Refer to Table 5.3, Naming Structure.

Weapon Type Delivery Type Qty

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Table 5-3 - Profile Naming Structure
128 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 Weapon Type

The weapon type is coded; however, in most cases the numeric identifier for the weapon is used to make it easy to interpret (i.e.
82 is a MK-82 low drag). Refer to Table 5.4, Weapon Type Coding.

Weapon Type
1 2 3
B 2 BDU-33 Sim MK-82LD
B A BDU-33 Sim MK-82AIR
B 7 BDU-33 Sim CBU-87
A MK-82AIR Pilot Option
A 1 MK-82AIR Pilot Option 1
A 2 MK-82AIR Pilot Option 2
A L MK-82AIR Fixed Low
A H MK-82AIR Fixed High
8 2 MK-82 Low Drag GP
8 4 MK-84 Low Drag GP
1 0 GBU-10
1 2 GBU-12
3 1 GBU-31
3 8 GBU-38
An X following MK-82, MK-82AIR, MK-84, GBU-31, GBU-38 denotes airburst fuse
compatible delivery profile (currently not applicable to DCS)
H An “H” following weapon type denotes the profile is built for HARS delivery
0 3 CBU-103
0 5 CBU-105
8 7 CBU-87
9 7 CBU-97
5 0 BDU-50LD
5 0 A BDU-50Air
5 0 L BDU-50 LGB
6 5 AGM-65
W P MK-156 Rockets
H E MK-151 Rockets
T P WTU-1 Rockets
2 5 7 M-257 Overt Illumination Rockets
M K 1 MK-1 Rockets
M K 5 MK-5 Rockets
L U 2 LUU-2 Overt Illumination Flares
Table 5-4 - Weapon Type Coding.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 129 Delivery Type

The delivery type consists of four characters. The first two characters denote the dive angle associated with the delivery. The
second two denote the delivery type (dive bomb, low angle high drag, etc.) For toss deliveries, the floor or abort altitude is listed.
Night deliveries are denoted by an ‘N’ in the third character. This only applies to deliveries that are calculated differently due to
night minimum altitudes. Deliveries that are the same, day or night, are not coded with an ‘N’ (45 HADB for example). Refer to
Table 5.5, Delivery Coding.

Weapon Type
4 5 6 7
V L D Visual Level Delivery
0 5 H D 5 LAHD
1 0 H D 10 LAHD
1 5 H D 15 LAHD
2 0 H D 20 LAHD
0 5 L D 5 LALD
1 0 L D 10 LALD
1 5 L D 15 LALD
2 0 L D 20 LALD
2 0 N D 20 LALD For Night
3 0 D B 30 DB
3 0 N B 30DB For Night
4 5 D B 45DB
4 5 N B 45DB For Night
6 0 D B 60 DB
3 0 H A 30 HADB
4 5 H A 45 HADB
6 0 H A 60 HADB
4 5 H B 45 HARB
6 0 H B 60 HARB
0 5 K Level LAT - 5K Floor
1 0 K Level MAT - 10K Floor
1 5 K Level MAT - 15K Floor
2 0 K Level MAT - 20K Floor
Table 5-5 - Delivery Type Coding.


A BDU-33 simulating a MK-82AIR Pilot Option 10° low angle high drag delivery for a ripple delivery releasing three
bombs is: BA_10HD3.
A GBU-12 toss delivery for a 15,000’ floor for a single release is: 12__15K1.
A MK-82 low drag night 45° dive bomb compatible with airburst fusing and ripping 2 bombs is: 82X45NB2. Profile Sorting

In addition to the naming convention, the following profile sorting convention is applied.
First sort by weapon type:

2. GP Bombs
3. CBU
4. Illumination Flares
5. Rockets
6. Maverick

Where there are multiple profiles for one weapon type, sort by delivery parameter:

1. Toss Deliveries – High to Low Altitude

2. Dive Deliveries – Steep to Shallow Dive Angle

Lastly, where there are multiple versions of the same delivery for one weapon type, sort by release quantity.
130 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

5.5 Weapon Delivery

This section describes the mechanics of the weapon delivery from the point of roll out on to the desired attack heading to the
actual weapon release.

5.5.1 Roll Out

Since the center of the pitch ladders show the aircraft’s path over the ground in computed HUD modes, centering the pitch ladders
over the target results in a smooth PBIL track through the target. The PBIL guides to the desired release point by predicting the
future position of the bomb along the ground. Begin roll-out as the pitch ladders approach the target. Since the pitch ladders are
wind corrected this will aid in leading a roll out that positions the aircraft upwind of the release aim point. Another usefu l
reference is to set the depressible pipper to 34 mils (Gun Bore Line), and begin the roll out when the pipper reaches the desired
attack heading & dive angle.

5.5.2 Tracking
After roll out, fix any PBIL errors with aggressive corrections while setting track. The DRC and MRS are displayed on the PBIL
to show how the desired time of fall and abort cue relate to the current aircraft position. “Set” the DRC. Remember at track that
ITP is only an indication of aircraft position, not a track reference. If during the tracking phase it becomes apparent that desired
release parameters cannot be met before descending below the desired minimum altitude or safe escape range do not delay the
decision to abort.

5.5.3 Final
Once track is set, check the parameters and decide if they are within those required for the delivery. Keep the PBIL/DRC on the
release aim point and allow the pipper to track towards it. As the pipper reaches the aim point, depress the weapon release button
and hold it long enough for the aircraft to release the number of weapons selected, for large ripple quantities it is important to keep
the pickle button held and the aircraft on the correct track until all weapons have left the aircraft. After pickling, perform the
appropriate SEM immediately.

5.6 Safe Escape Maneuvers

The safe escape manoeuver (SEM) is an important part of any weapon delivery, in fact, in terms of aircraft safety it is the most
important phase of the attack. A properly executed SEM ensures that you do not fly in to the terrain or frag from your own
weapons, and also makes it harder for threats to track your aircraft.

You should begin the SEM after ordnance release, reaching the abort cue, or if you lose SA. For free-fall munitions, the primary
concerns during recovery are; hitting the ground (or descending below a desired altitude), delivering a weapon with a time of fall
below the minimum fuse time (a DUD weapon), or being hit by fragmentation from the ordnance employed. The primary planned
recovery maneuvers for free-fall munitions are the climbing maneuver (CLM) and turning level turn (TLT) safe escape maneuvers
It is important to understand that when executing the SEM, it must be executed immediately after weapons release.

The safe escape maneuvers are common for all aircraft types and consist of:

The Level Straight Through (LST) SEM,

The Climbing (CLM) SEM,
The Turn (TRN) SEM
The Turn Level Turn (TLT) SEM.

Additionally there is the back-up SEM, which is essentially the climbing SEM used when another SEM was planned but
terrain/weather/threats prevented it being performed.

5.6.1 Common Errors

CLM SEM errors include: excessive G during the recovery, exceeding 30 degrees of bank prior to 30 degrees nose high, and not
completing the maneuver to 30 degrees nose high.

TLT SEM errors include: an unloaded roll as the nose approaches the horizon, excessive nose high or nose low during the turn,
rolling out prior to completing 60 degrees of turn, and most importantly, not maintaining G on the aircraft until the TLT SEM is
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 131

5.6.2 Level Straight Through (LST)

This is the simplest of the SEMs and is exactly what its name suggests; safe escape is provided by a level, constant speed, no-turn
profile. Maintain this SEM until 3 seconds after the TOF of the last bomb in the stick. This is only used with a level release, like
the VLD you might use with MK-82AIRs.

Figure 5-7 - Level Straight Through SEM

132 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

5.6.3 Turning (TRN)

While the TRN SEM isn't often planned in the A-10, the tactical situation may dictate its use. It's valid for attacks using up to 20°
of dive. After release, simultaneously apply MIL (MAX in the A-10) and establish a 4g loaded roll (60-85° of bank) in the desired
direction. As the TVV nears 5° of dive increase your bank angle to maintain 4g and 5° of dive for at least 60° of heading change.

Figure 5-8 - Turning SEM

476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 133

5.6.4 Turning Level Turn (TLT)

This is far more common than TRN, and is also used for deliveries with up to 20°. After release, simultaneously apply MIL power
(MAX in the A-10) and establish a wings-level 4g pull within 2 seconds. As the TVV nears the horizon, perform a 2-4g loaded
roll in the desired direction and establish a 4g level turn for at least 60° of heading change.

Figure 5-9 - Turning Level Turn SEM

134 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

5.6.5 Climb (CLM)

The CLM SEM can be used for attack profiles with as much as 60° of dive. After weapon release, establish a 4g pull within 2
seconds. As the nose approaches the horizon, apply MIL power (MAX in the A-10) and maintain the 4g pull until the TVV is 20°
above the horizon, and then relax the pull until the TVV indicates at least a 30° climb.

Figure 5-10 - Climbing SEM

476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 135

5.7 Weapon Delivery

5.7.1 Free-Fall Weapons

Deliveries can be from level flight or when in a dive. Level deliveries encompass dive angles from 0 to 5° while Dive bomb
deliveries encompass dive angles greater than 5° to 60°. Normally high-drag (HD) munitions are delivered from low altitudes and
low-drag (LD) munitions are delivered from medium or low altitudes.

Every munition has specific delivery parameters, pilots will use DAPS or reference the 476 th vFG Battle Book for DCS World
specific parameters. If your aircraft exceeds the abort criteria the delivery should be aborted as soon as the aircraft can be safely
recovered. Abort criteria is based on minimum altitude, safe escape from weapon fragmentation and minimum fuzing time. Level Bombing

The main advantage of low altitude/level deliveries are they minimize the possibility of detection and allow attacks in extreme
low ceiling environments. The largest disadvantage is the exposure to small arms and automatic weapons fire. It is also
extremely difficult to identify the target and accurately deliver a weapon the lower and faster you approach. To compensate select
a good IP, navigate with precision and use all other available aids.

Figure 5-11 - Level Bomb Delivery Dive Bombing

The most common delivery employed against ground targets. Deliveries are classified as high angle (above 20°) or low angle
(greater than 5° to 20°). High angle deliveries are best suited for low drag munitions, low angle are best suited for CBU or high
drag munitions. The dive angle used is the discretion of the flight lead taking into consideration the target type, location, terrain,
either and air defenses systems.

Dive bombing offers three advantages over low angle:

Better target acquisition/tracking

Safe delivery of large yield munitions
Better weapons effects

Accuracy is reduced when conducting very high altitude deliveries as well as the cloud layer/ceilings may be below the base
altitude making it difficult to visually acquire the target.
136 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Figure 5-12 - Dive Bomb Delivery

5.7.2 Error Analysis

Pilots may not get to the desired release point on the planned wire but if a valid track is referenced the aircraft can get close. The
differences between the planned and actual attack parameters will significantly alter the effect weapons have and even if the target
is hit may not achieve the desired result. The IFFCC compensates for most pilot induced errors and improves accuracy but it is
important to provide the IFFCC with a stable aircraft for it to compute a proper solution. Errors are broken down into categories,
trajectory error (TE) and release point error (RPE). It is rare the planned parameters are actually achieved, using wire analysis
will allow the pilot to make the necessary corrections prior to the next pass or sortie.

Condition RPE TE
Steep = long Steep = short
Dive angle
Shallow = short Shallow = Long
High = short High = long
Low = long Low = short
Fast = long Fast = long
Slow = short Slow = short
Positive G = short Positive G = long
Negative G = long Negative G = short
Bank Short N/A
Skid Long N/A
Table 5-6 - Error Analysis
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 137 Wire Definitions

Planned wire - flight path of the aircraft from the planned base altitude and distance at the planned dive angle which
intersects the ground plane at the appropriate aim-off-distance (AOD).
On the wire - aircraft position is on the planned wire at track altitude.
Above the - the aircraft position is above the planned wire at track altitude.
Below the - the aircraft position is below the planned wire at track altitude.
Steep wire - the dive angle is greater than planned at track altitude.
Shallow wire - the dive angle is less than planned at track altitude.
Correct wire - describes the flight path of the aircraft from current position at track (above or below the planned wire) if
track were to be set and is different for each pass.
Low wire - actual dive angle is less than it should be if track were set properly (aircraft must pull up to be on correct
wire). Actual IAA is less than planned IAA.
High wire - actual dive angle is more than it should be if track were set properly (aircraft must push over to be on correct
wire). Actual IAA is greater than planned IAA.

Figure 5-13 - Correct Wire and Deviation.

138 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 Wire Errors

Wire analysis can be used during the debriefing using Tacview or as shown in Table 5-7 - Wire Analysis. Wire analysis presents a
starting point to determine how to fix errors on the next pass or sortie. Steep/shallow errors are normally caused by incorrect base
positions, low/high errors are normally caused by not pulling to the correct AOD (pulling to the target or not taking into account
wind speed/direction).

Wire Analysis
Step 1 – Determine position in relation to the planned parameters
• Actual ITP greater than Planned ITP = above the wire
• Actual ITP less than Planned ITP = below the wire
• Actual ITP equal Planned ITP = on the wire
Step 2 – Was proper track reference set?
Yes – Proceed to step 3 No:
• Actual IAA greater than planned = high wire
• Actual III less than planned = low wire
Step 3 – Review dive angle
• Actual dive angle greater than planned = steep
• Actual dive angle less than planned = shallow
Step 4 – Was the base position/roll-in (or both) incorrect?
• Shallow wire if base was flown to wide (incorrect wind analysis or base reference)
• Steep wire if flown to tight (incorrect wind analysis or base reference)
• Incorrect track set
Table 5-7 - Wire Analysis

Figure 5-14 - Wire Analysis Example

476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 139

Figure 5-15 - Dive Angle Analysis

Figure 5-16 - Altitude Analysis

140 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Figure 5-17 - Airspeed/Angle of Attack Analysis

476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 141

Figure 5-18 - Skid Analysis

Figure 5-19 - Bank Angle Analysis

142 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Figure 5-20 - “G” Analysis

476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 143

5.7.3 Wind Correction

Wind impacts all munitions, pilots have to correct the release aim point for manual weapons delivery or the aircraft position when
using CCIP. The ideal situation for free falling munition deliveries in with no wind, unfortunately that will almost never happen.
An aircraft flying in level unaccelerated flight with no wind, at release the bomb will fall below the aircraft until impact. An
infinite number of release points around a target with no wind is possible. These points represent a circle around the target. See
Figure 5-21 - Ideal Low Drag Bomb; No Wind; No Wind, a bomb released anywhere on the circle will impact the target.

Figure 5-21 - Ideal Low Drag Bomb; No Wind

Referencing the same situation discussed above but with the addition of wind moving at a constant speed and direction above the
ground both the aircraft and bomb would drift moving the impact point. To calculate wind corrections pilots must assume that
air mass (V) and bomb TOF are known constants for any release condition meaning the bomb will impact a predictable distance
and direction from the target regardless of the heading at release. See Figure 5-22 - Ideal Bomb; With Wind. The distance missed
will be downwind of the target. To avoid this, the release aimpoint (RAP) must be adjusted upwind. The formula for calculat ing
the adjusted release point is 1 knot = 1.69 feet per second or RAP (feet) = 1.69 x TOF (second) x V (knots)

An additional consideration is the wind speed/direction at altitude will often be different than at ground level. Wind corrections
for RAP and RAPE will differ, pilots should plan accordingly.
144 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Figure 5-22 - Ideal Bomb; With Wind

For diving deliveries the drift during the track time on final must also be taken into account. References must be corrected to an
upwind distance, this is the release aimpoint extended (RAPE). The aircraft must be placed further upwind at the track altitude to
arrive at the PAT. Figure 5.20, Release Aimpoint Extended and Release Aimpoint. Calculate the RAPE by RAPE = 1.69 x
(TOF +TT) x v (knots).

Wind velocities vary from ground level up having different speeds and directions at different altitudes. One way to simplify
determination of the RAP is to think of the wind as a single direction and speed measured at an altitude above release. The Drift
acceptance rate for an A-10 is approximately 2 seconds. A good technique is to use the wind values at an altitude 2 seconds prior
to release instead of base altitude winds to calculate the wind effect using the formula Wind check altitude = release altitude =
(20 x dive angle).

Winds below the release altitude have varying effects on BR and the track, most noticeably when using longer Time of Fall
settings. High drag munitions are more susceptible to wind drift due to the energy loss of the bomb.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 145

Figure 5-23 - Release Aimpoint Extended and Release Aimpoint

5.7.4 Crosswind Delivery

Drift and Crab are the two primary methods used to for crosswind deliveries. Drift Release

This method involves flying a constant heading and allowing the wind to push your aircraft downwind from the ground track
heading. Pilots will roll in on the release heading which is parallel to the desired approach track placing the pipper upwind of the
RAP. The pipper then drifts downwind so that it arrives at the RAP at the exact moment the aircraft arrives at the proper range
from the aim point. After release, the munition trails directly behind the aircraft, at impact the aircraft is ahead of the bomb. This
principle applies to both low drag and high drag munitions but the BT will be more noticeable with high drag munitions. Crab Release

This method is flown by turning into the wind to maintain a constant ground track at rollout. With this approach, roll in with the
heading offset into the wind so that the ground track is parallel to the desired approach track. Maintain the ground track until the
sight reaches the RAP. It is almost impossible to roll out exactly parallel to the desired approach track with the correct amount of
crab and usually requires multiple small corrections until the correct track is established. Bomb trail for low drag munitions is
very small but has a large influence on high drag munitions. For this reason you must offset the approach track upwind in
addition to crabbing when delivering high drag munitions.
146 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Figure 5-24 - Crab vs. Drift

476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 147

5.7.5 Convention Pattern Canopy Rail References

Pilots should use canopy references based on the initial target placement (ITP) for delivery as the primary method to establish the
base position. Pilots should assume a 90° off final attack heading with the canopy rail equaling a 51° ITP. Roll-In Target Placement References

Once a pilot has established the correct canopy rail reference pilots will then develop a roll-in target placement to aid in
establishing the proper aim-off distance for the base leg. Establishing and using RTP will aid in placing the aircraft on the correct
wire when using proper cockpit references during roll-in without the aid of aim-off distance markers in a tactical engagement.
RTP references are measured left or right from the center of the HUD. RTP references are valid 2 seconds prior to the track.
Bank the aircraft and pull the TRP reference to the target. This will establish the aircraft on the correct plane of motion. As the
target passes the canopy bow and approaches the HUD transition from the RTP reference to roll out visual cues.

Pull the gun bore line or center of the top of the HUD to the AOP is one technique used to roll-in to establish the aircraft on the
correct wire and validate RTP references. DO NOT use the TVV as a reference as it will lag behind the actual aircraft parameters. Initial target Placement

During the roll-in refine the dive angle using the pitch ladder. Once the aircraft is halfway through the turn check the HUD pitch
ladder to estimate if the target will be located at the correct angle when the aircraft rolls out. If the target is less than planned relax
back pressure while decreasing back and adjust the AOP longer than planned. If the target is greater than planned increase bank
angle and “G” to adjust the AOP shorter than planned. Rollout (Center)

Relax G during the roll-in as the top of the HUD approaches the target. During CCIP, as the HUD pitch ladders approach the
target begin an unloaded roll. The pitch ladders should bracket the target once the rollout is completed. If the target is not
centered make the appropriate 3/9 corrections. Once centered place the PBIL through the target and set your track reference.
Adjust the throttles as required to establish the correct airspeed at release. As a reference, throttle settings should be set as shown
in Table 5-8 - Baseline Throttle Settings but can vary based on base airspeed and configuration.

Delivery Throttle Setting at Roll-Out

10 LAHD Max
20 LALD Max
30 DB Max
45 DB Stand-Up
45 HADB Idle
60 DB Idle
Table 5-8 - Baseline Throttle Settings
148 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Figure 5-25 - Roll-in Target Placement References Track Reference

In CCIP the desired release cue (DRC) is the best tracking reference. The DRC continuously computes and corrects for changes
in AOA, G-loading, and airspeed. Set the DRC 2 to 5 mils above the target at track altitude. This establishes and refines the AOP
for a correct wire.

IHP is the angular representation (in mils) of the target relative to the ZLS. The pilot requires accurate wind information and must
add/subtract the applicable head/tail wind component. Note, the depressible pipper does not provide crosswind correction
therefore it is important to center the target between the pitch ladders while cross checking the target abeam the depressible pipper
at track altitude and continue with the normal track until release.

IIA is the planned angle between the AOP and the target at track altitude. See Figure 5-26 - Bombing Triangle—Initial HUD
Placement and Initial Pipper Placement.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 149

Figure 5-26 - Bombing Triangle—Initial HUD Placement and Initial Pipper Placement

Figure 5-27 - Bombing Triangle—Initial Target Placement/Initial Aim-Off Angle

150 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 Pipper Track

Use smooth, coordinated control inputs when on final. Divide attention between the movement rate of the pipper and the aircraft
parameters. For CCIP use the projected bomb impact line (PBIL) to fly the CCIP pipper to the target. The CCIP pipper will track
quickly to the target, avoid attempting to slow the pipper down by deploying speed brakes. One technique to help smooth the
pipper track is to trim nose down one “click” for each 10 degrees of planned dive. This can be accomplished on base, continue to
trim as required through the toll-in or after establishing your track. Pickle
Release the weapon with the aiming reference on the target making adjustments as needed on proceeding attempts. Recovery
As soon as the munition is released begin the recovery. The primary concern is hitting the ground or descending below an
established altitude, being hit by fragmentation from the munition or delivering a weapon with a time of fall below the fusing
time. The planned recovery maneuvers for free-falling munitions are CLM and TLT SEM. Generally for low-altitude deliveries
(20° or less) execute a TLT SEM, for anything over 20° execute a CLM SEM. The SEM must be executed immediately after
weapons release. Maintain the minimum aircraft “G” for duration of the maneuver.

5.7.6 Pop-Up Pattern

Pop-up is a maneuver used at low altitude to “unmask” and acquire a target visually when using free-fall, gun, rockets or
mavericks. The approach can be straight ahead or an offset but normally the offset is 45°. The 45° offset allows a balance of
target acquisition, turning room to reposition for the pull down, and limited exposure to the threat. Tactically, the goal is 3
seconds wings-level time before descending to mask.

Figure 5-28 - Indirect Pop-up Pattern - Vertical

476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 151

Figure 5-29 - Indirect Pop-up Pattern – Lateral

Figure 5-30 - Direct Pop

152 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Figure 5-31 - Direct vs Indirect Pop

Run-in Altitude: The altitude above or below target elevation.

Approach Course: The ground track the aircraft flies until reaching the pop-up point (pull-up point (PUP)).
Attack Heading: Final attack heading.
Angle-off (AO): The angular difference between the Approach Course and Attack Heading.
Pull-Up Point (PUP): The point along the approach course at which the pull-up to the climb angle is initiated.
PUP Aspect Angle (AA): The angular difference between the Approach Course and a line directly to the target from the
Climb Angle: The angle-of-climb that is to be achieved following the initiation of the pop-up.
Pull-Down Point (PDP): A maneuver to transition from the climbing to the diving portion of the pop-up delivery.
PDP Aspect Angle (AA): The angular difference between the Approach Course and a line directly to the target from the
Pull-Down Target Placement (PTP): The angular difference between the horizon and a line directly to the target at the
Apex: Highest altitude the aircraft reaches during the pop-up profile.
Dive Angle: The planned dive angle for weapons delivery.
Aim-Off Distance: The distance from the target to a point on the ground beyond the target that is the projected flight
path of an aircraft in a dive delivery.
Tracking: A portion of any dive weapons delivery that is devoted to the final alignment of aircraft-sighting systems with
the target.
Minimum Attack Perimeter (MAP): Is a circle centered on the target, which depicts the point at which target tracking
is initiated. Using track altitude as a point on the ground, the distance from the target to this point is the radius of the
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 153

Release Altitude: The altitude above the ground at which weapons delivery is accomplished.
Bomb Range: The distance the bomb will travel over the ground from release to impact.

Typically a TLT SEM is accomplished to establish the aircraft on the crosswind. The downwind leg can be parallel to the run-in
leg or parallel to the final leg. When turning to base descend and turn to arrive on the planned range course. Altitudes will vary
based on terrain, weather, and flight lead direction. Pull-up Point

At the PUP set throttles to MAX and begin a 3-g wings level pull to the desired climb angle. Pull up 5° higher than the planned
delivery angle. PUP distanced assume the ground elevation to the target is equal for the entire maneuver. Once you are
established at the climb angle visual acquire the target. It should take approximately 5 to 10 seconds, depending on the run-in
altitude, to acquire the target. During the climb the target will move down and aft the forward quarter panel. Use the angle off the
nose (AON) to the target at the pull-up point and pull-down point. See Figure 5.29, 10° Low-Angle High-Drag Canopy
References. The correct PUP is based upon the desired delivery slant range and desired dive angle.

Figure 5-32 - Base Leg Pop-Up Canopy References

154 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Figure 5-33 - Base Leg Pop-Up Horizontal Canopy References

Figure 5-34 - 10° Low-Angle High-Drag Canopy References

476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 155

5.7.7 Bump-up
Primarily used to unmask for forward-firing diving deliveries or level free-fall munitions. Like the pop-up, it is an unmask
maneuver designed to achieve visual of the target. On final, execute within ±15 degrees of the final run-in heading. Use a slight
climb to acquire the target followed by a negative G pushover to intercept planned release altitude. A common error is to level off
higher than planned release altitude which may result in a CCIP consent delivery with a short time on final.

5.8 Computed Free-Fall Munitions Employment

5.8.1 Integrated Flight and Fire Control Computer (IFFCC)

When bombing with the IFFCC it simplifies weapons delivery. The IFFCC provides CCIP information on the selected weapon in
the current DSMS profile taking into consideration wind, aircraft velocity, AOA, altitude and attitude. The IFFCC provides
accurate weapons delivery when though the aircraft may be off planned parameters. However, weapons effect may be less than
anticipated. Flying your aircraft through the planned delivery requires the use of solid delivery techniques and procedures to
include wind analysis.

5.8.2 Digital stores management System (DSMS)

All information specific to delivery that the IFFCC uses to calculate the correct solution is contained in the profiles created during
mission planning. This includes weapon type, delivery mode (CCIP/CCRP), release mode (Single/Ripple Single), fusing
(type/time), and desired time of fall, minimum altitude and desired safe escape maneuver. Free-fall bomb and rocket deliveries
primarily use CCIP while LGBs and IAMs normally use CCRP. It is extremely important to know how the CICU, DSMS, UFC
and IFFCC integrate and function.

5.8.3 Altitude Sources

The three sources for altitude information are Radar, Baro, and Delta. Radar mode uses the radar altitude directly below the
aircraft as the height above the target. This mode is only valid over flat terrain and is limited to 5,000 feet AGL and below. Baro
mode computes true MSL altitude by starting with the CADC barometric altitude adjusted by the cockpit altimeter and adjusting
for lag, installation error, and nonstandard air temperatures. The aircraft takes an automatic barometric reference point during
takeoff, this is called the “Baro update.” Between 50 and 60 KIAS the IFFCC records the CADC barometric altitude from the
cockpit altimeter and begins all subsequent calculations from this point. To ensure this is accurate dial in the correct alt imeter
setting so the elevation matches the airfield elevation. Unlike Baro mode, Delta mode uses the CADC pressure altitude as a
starting point to compute true MSL altitude and calculates its own nonstandard correction (Delta) rather than rely on the alt imeter
setting. An initial update is accomplished during the takeoff roll and assumes the cockpit altitude is an accurate reading of true
MSL. Changing the altimeter setting while in flight has no effect on Delta Mode.

Baro provides the most accurate method, this is due to the constant Baro update. If estimated vertical error (EVE) is greater than
50 feet Delta provides the most accurate information. Radar mode may be preferred over flat terrain when the pilot is sure the
terrain elevation below the aircraft at release is the same as the target elevation and the release occurs below 5,000 AGL.

5.8.4 Computed Free-Fall Solution Options Manual Release

This allows the solution to be displayed only if the solution is within the HUD field of view. When outside the HUD field of view
the PBIL will be dashed. When the pilot depresses the weapons release button the weapon will release in accordance with the
profile but the pilot cannot deliver the weapon accurately. CCIP Consent (5 mil and 3/9)

This function provides a CCIP weapons release capability when the solution is outside the HUD FOB when above 550 mils (level
flight). When outside the FOV the reticle is clamped to the outer edge of the HUD. The PBIL and CCIP reticle are dashed,
analog range bar is missing and the predesignated time-to-release numeric is displayed inside the dashed reticle if the time to
weapons release is less than 20 seconds. See figure Figure 5-35 - CCIP Consent Release Symbology. When the solution is within
the HUD FOV the solution and symbology will behave the same as manual release.

To employ the CCIP consent release function the CCIP pipper is used as the aiming reference to the intended target. The pilot
rolls in and places the CCIP pipper over the target then depresses and holds the weapons release button to enter the CCIP consent
release function. This causes the PBIL and CCIP bomb reticle to become solid and the CCIP consent symbology will be
displayed. This symbology consists of a steering line, 10 mil diameter solution cue, and the TTRN in whole seconds. See Figure
5-36 - Post designated CCIP Consent Release Symbology.
156 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Figure 5-35 - CCIP Consent Release Symbology

Figure 5-36 - Post designated CCIP Consent Release Symbology

Once designated the aircraft should be flown to align the CCIP pipper with the solution cue. When 5 Mil is selected from the
main menu, IFFCC commands release when the CCIP pipper is within 5 mils and passes the 3/9 line of the solution cue. If the
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 157

pipper passes outside of 5 mils the release will not occur. When 3/9 is selected from the main menu, IFFCC commands release
when the CCIP pipper crosses the 3/9 line of the solution cue regardless of horizontal range to the solution. The solution will
become invalid prior to the IFFCC command release if the weapons release button is released prior to the actual weapons release.
The IFFCC calculates and displays abort cues based on pilot and aircraft data. The IFFCC will also calculate the minimum TOF
for safe escape maneuvers based on the actual aircraft parameters and the planned SEM.

For free-fall munitions the IFFCC calculates a minimum TOF for the SEM based on the actual aircraft parameters and the planned
SEM. The IFFCC calculates safe escape for fuse, frag, or minimum altitude and displays the MRS and MRC based on the higher
of the three. If NONE is selected, the IFFCC will not consider frag in the computation for the MRS on general purpose bombs.
Selecting NONE when using CBU-87/-97 than in the Mark-82/-84 has a different effect in the submenus:

Mark-82/-84, MRS and MRC excludes frag only being based on the values the pilot enters for Min Alt and Fuse. In
addition, no consideration is given to SEM.
CBU-87/-97, MRS and MRC represents sub munition arming but does not consider frag for the canister. Only Fuse and
function are considered, none to SEM.

When using MAN REL, MRS and MRC are calculating real-time abort cues using the inputs for minimum altitude, faze, time and
SEM. The MRS is displayed along the PBIL while the MRC is displayed as a caret on the inside of the reticle, this corresponds to
the minimum release slant range for the highest fuse, frag, or ground. The minimum release point is reached when the analog
range bar meets the caret at the same time the MRS will meet the pipper. The IFFCC will display an “X” over the pipper if this
occurs and the attack run should be aborted. If the range bar has not met the caret or the staple is above the pipper when the bomb
is released the aircraft was outside the minimum slant range computed by the IFFCC. The Valid solution indicator (VSI) appears
as a small “x” over the MRS or the DRC when the IFFCC determines a solution will not be available within the HUD FOV prior
to passing the respective TOF. This will occur only when the no consent option is selected or available.

When using CCIP consent release modes, the MRS will be based on the true CCIP solution which will be outside the HUD FOV.
If the MRS is between the dashed reticle and the true CCIP solution the IFFCC will display a dashed “X” over the pipper. This
lets the pilot know that if the aircraft is maneuvered to place the MRS above the clamped solution the pass needs to be aborted. If
the MRS is below the true CCIP solution a solid “X” is displayed over the pipper and the delivery should be aborted. By selecting
the incorrect profile, incorrect settings, or significant deviations can result in these occurring.

If the MRS is below the solution cue but above the CCIP pipper a dashed “X” will appear over the pipper. The dashed “X” tells
the pilot that the aircraft needs to be maneuvered to place the MRS above the clamped solution or the pass needs to be aborted. If
the MRS is below the CCIP pipper a solid “X” will appear over the pipper and the pass should be aborted. See Figure 5-37 -
CCIP Consent Pre-Designate Warnings When MRS is Outside HUD FOV and Figure 5-38 - CCIP Consent Post-Designate
Warnings when MRS is Outside HUD FOV.
158 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Figure 5-37 - CCIP Consent Pre-Designate Warnings When MRS is Outside HUD FOV

Figure 5-38 - CCIP Consent Post-Designate Warnings when MRS is Outside HUD FOV
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 159

5.8.5 IFFCC Error Analysis

The IFFCC provides accurate information for weapons deliveries but pilots still need to be able to understand what happened
during the pass and how errors affect weapon employment. RAP Errors

Failing to put the pipper on the target is the most common error in IFFCC deliveries. Being able to effectively place the pipper
and anticipating RAP are the largest factors contributing to errors. Use the PBIL during the end of the pass to aid in getting the
pipper to the FAP remembering that the IFFCC can bomb in a bank with a greater degree of accuracy than when using a non-
computed solution. When making a decision of accepting bank at release or not having the pipper over the RAP accept the bank Parameter Deviations

The IFFCC will also correct most trajectory and release point errors, however pilots still need to focus on correct base positions,
setting the track and getting to the correct wire. Pilots must fly within the aircraft structural limits, weapon requirements and
training rules. Poor techniques can result in near zero track time or long times on final. This will result in missing the target or
giving the enemy more time to shoot at you. Setting a valid reference will help place the aircraft on the correct wire. Consent Option Errors

Pilots should know when a diving delivery would result in a consent to release. Review parameters and wind analysis for the
planned roll-in heading are two main factors to consider.

When the pipper falls over the intended release aimpoint depress the weapons release button and expect the consent solution. If
the solution is bold prior to the RAP a MAN REL will occur. If HUD symbology changes to consent place the PBIL on the
solution cue and maintain sufficient load factor to align the PBIL and azimuth steering line to allow the pipper and solution cue to
interest. Wait for the pipper to flash then initiating the SEM otherwise the last bomb may bet tossed during the climb. A few
other errors include releasing the pipper prior to the solution cue, insufficient load factors to allow the solution cue and pipper to
intersect within 5 miles when in “5 mil” consent and not realizing that Man Rel is the current mode mistaking the delivery for a
consent release.

5.8.6 Continuously Computed Release Point (CCRP)

CCRP provides an increased ability to release ordnance from a larger standoff range resulting in decreased exposure time.
Delivery of weapons is accomplished using loft, curvilinear and dive toss release tactics. Visualize the HUD as a “pitch and bank
flight director” for weapons delivery similar to how you use the pitch and bank setting bars on the ADI when flying an ILS
approach. Only the IFFCC-commanded consent to release is available for bombs, GBUs, and conventional CBUs. IAMs,
rockets, and flares manual release is only available. CCRP is accessed by selecting a weapons profile that is set to CCRP or
manually with the master mode control button on the stick. CCRP is always based on the current SPI, prior to weapons release
ensure the correct SPI has been selected. CCRP is used for the following situations and weapons:

IAM deliveries
Primary mode for LGBs
Medium and low altitude loft rockets
Illumination flare and rockets
As required to deliver general purpose and CBUs from medium altitude level/TOSS JDAM/WCMD CCRP HUD Symbology

If consist of the dynamic launch zone (DLZ) and corresponds to the launch acceptability region (LAR). See Figure 5-39 - CCRP
Display Symbology; IAM. In range staple displays the current minimum and maximum range for the selected weapons based on
aircraft parameters. In zone staple displays the minimum and maximum ranges that the weapon will achieve the profile impact
angle. The target range caret and numeric provide a visual representation of the range to the target with respect to the range
staple. As the aircraft approaches the target the caret moves down along the staple, the numeric next to the caret displays the
ground range to the target in nautical miles. The time display below the staple has multiple purposes. When pointing towards the
target with the range caret above the staple (outside the LAR) the time is preceded with an “R” indicating the time until the range
caret is within the staple. Once the caret is inside the staple (in the LAR) the time reflects predicted time of fall for the weapon.
After the weapon is released the time reflects the actual time of fall. The ASL provides a steering cue towards the current
steerpoint and should be centered in the HUD. A common mistake is to have the ALS centered between the pitch ladders.
160 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Figure 5-39 - CCRP Display Symbology; IAM Non IAM CCRP HUD Symbology

Symbology for non IAMS is also very easy to use with symbology similar to JDAM and WCMD. See Figure 5-40 - CCRP
Display Symbology, Non IAM. The solution cue is a 10 mil circle surrounding the pipper to match the 5 mil radius inhibit
threshold. The reference depicts the desired release point and moves down the PBRL to intersect the CCRP reticle at release. The
solution cue is positioned along the PBRL by referencing the difference between current LOS and release point LOS. The time to
release numeric appears in the HUD 20 seconds prior to release and is displayed at the 3 o’clock position to the solution cue
displayed in whole seconds. The release angle numeric (RAN) replaces the TTRN for rockets displayed to the right of the
solution cue when within range of the target but does not indicate the aircraft has reached a computed release point. It only
represents the required flight path angle to the release point.

The maximum loft solution that CCPR can display is 45° loft delivery for rockets. The azimuth steering line (ASL) is a roll-
stabilized line with the solution cue at the top indicating the flight path heading required for wings level delivery. The ASL
extends no lower than the bottom of the roll-stabilized CCRP pipper/reticle. If any wind is present, the ASL will show the offset
required to be flown into the wind. The ASL should be centered within the HUD, one common mistake is to center the ASL
between the pitch ladders. The predicted bomb release line (PBRL) looks and acts like the PBIL, the only major difference from
the PBRL to the PBIL application. The PBRL is used in conjunction with the ASL and solution cue unlike the PBIL which aligns
with the target.

The CCPR reticle is similar in function and shape to the CCIP reticle. When employing bombs, the reticle is positioned 100 mils
below the TVV. The analog bar extends around the inside of the reticle clockwise starting at the 12 o’clock position indicating
slant range in thousands of feet to the target. A 5 mil tick identifies the end of the analog range bar. Deliveries were the
computed range is over 12,000 feet slant range are clamped at 12,000 feet with the two digit numeric displayed below the reticle
showing actual range as with other IFFCC symbology. The numeric displays range in NM (0.0 to 9.9 then 10 through 99). When
outside the maximum computed range for 45° rocket delivery or 20 seconds time to go for other munitions the analog range bar
displays zero feet indicating the maximum range is exceeded.

MRS and DRC equivalents are included in CCRP mode which enhances safety by providing an indication when the aircraft is
below the set conditions during a weapon delivery pass. The MRS in CCRP indicates the minimum slant range that allows all
bombs to meet fuzing, arming, safe escape, and minimum altitude criteria. MRS and DRC will not be displayed until the aircraft
flight path is -3° and below when LUU or M257 are selected. The analog range bar inside the CCRP reticle provides different
information for LUU and M257 deliveries, the caret inside the reticle indicates the desired release altitude (in thousands of feet)
for the corresponding submenu entry. The analog bar will indicate current altitude to give the pilot a quick visual indication of
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 161

being above or below the desired release altitude. Pilots have to fly onto the analog range bar providing enough G and dive angle
to place the MRC on the analog range bar to achieve the desired release altitude.

There are three release mode indications, 5 Mil, 3/9, and MAN REL. These modes operate similar to CCIP consent however a
few differences exist.

5 Mil is assigned to BDU, Mark-82, Mark-82AIR, Mark-84, and CBU-87

3/9 is assigned to GBUs and CBU-97
MAN REL is assigned to all IAMS, rockets, and flares. The pickle button is hot whenever “MAN REL” is displayed

Figure 5-40 - CCRP Display Symbology, Non IAM

5.8.7 CCRP Employment

The most important aspect when accomplishing a CCRP delivery is to confirm the correct target is set as the SPI. Because it can
be difficult to align CCRP symbology while banking the closer the aircraft is to wings level prior to release with the PBRL lined
up with the ASL the better chances the pilot has to steer the CCRP pipper to the center of the solution cue.

5.9 Manual Free-Fall Munitions Employment

This section will cover manual free-fall munitions employment to include manual sights, parameters, wind analysis and
corrections. Manual bombing is “non-computed” weapon delivery.

5.10 Rocket Employment

Rockets can be delivered at low or medium altitude. Rocket employment is similar to bombing but they have a shorter TOF and a
flatter trajectory than a bomb requiring a shorter AOD and reduced sight depression.

5.10.1 Delivery Considerations

Wind Analysis. Like free-falling deliveries rockets require thorough analysis of winds. The decreased TOF for rockets causes the
wind correction required to be much smaller.

Tip-Off. Tip-off can occur by increasing or decreasing “G” loading at release. Allow the pipper to track toward the target to
prevent tip-off, applying “G” to the aircraft will cause a rocket to be short, negative “G” will result in the rocket going long.
162 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Slant range. The second critical factor when delivering rockets. Pilots must establish the correct parameters and corrections in
order to ensure accurate weapons delivery. IFFCC CCIP/CCRP will compute slant range and eliminate the need to pilots to
estimate distances.

5.10.2 Conventional Rocket Employment

Characterized by short slant ranges and steeper dive angles (30° or more). Because of the shorter slant range conventional rockets
are more accurate than standoff, or loft rockets. MAN REL is the only release mode for rocket deliveries meaning the pickle
button is always ‘hot’. CCIP Rockets

The IFFCC significantly reduces the difficulty in shooting accurate rockets. When selected the PBIL, MRS, DRC, and MRC are
removed from the normal CCIP display. The rocket reticle will not be displayed on the HUD unless a solution is available. Slant
range is constantly computed and displayed by the analog ranging bar inside the reticle and below the reticle in NM.

On roll-in placed the pipper upwind and halfway between the pipper and the top of the rocket reticle to allow for correction, trim
the aircraft to maintain correct “G” loading and allow the piper to track to the target. Manual Rockets

Use a depressible pipper with either STBY pipper, HARS, or GUNS. CCRP Rockets

Normally used from low altitudes to “loft” rockets or at medium altitude for a level or shallow delivery. RAN replaces TTRN and
displays a “45” numeric 7 seconds prior to the target being in range. During low altitude deliveries the pilot can perform a 10°,
20°, or 30° loft. .” This solution is always calculated based on the SPI.

5.11 Gun Employment

The GAU-8 is the primary weapon of the A-10C carrying 1,150 rounds of 30mm high-explosive incendiary (HEI) and armor-
piercing incendiary (API), or training projectile (TP) rounds.

5.11.1 Characteristic
The GAU-8 goes through a clearing cycle within 0.5 seconds after every firing. If the clearing cycle is not completed in 2.5
seconds the gun unsafe light will illuminate. The cooling cycle is designed to eliminate increased bullet dispersion due to the
barrel heating, the GAU-8 automatically cycles at 24, 60, 100, and 150 seconds after firing. The cooling cycle can be interrupted
at any point by squeezing the trigger.

5.11.2 Deliveries
Gun deliveries are divided into two categories, high-angle and low angle. Low-angle strafe (LAS) and long-range strafe (LRS)
are considered for any delivery 15° or less and High-angle strafe (HAS) is 30° and above. The Two-target strafe (TTS) can be
accomplished from either LRS or HAS. Strafe parameters are decided by the target, the threat, and the weather. Low-Angle Strafe

The LAS delivery is designed to effectively kill a hard target (tank). Cease fire on soft targets at 2,000 feet and 3,000 feet on
hard targets. Breaking the 3/9 line will likely result in frag/ricochet damage. Long-Range Strafe

The LRS delivery is designed to use the standoff distance of the GAU-8 to destroy or immobilize a target. LRS is extremely
effective against infantry, lightly armored targets or soft-skinned vehicles. High-Angle Strafe

Less sensitive to elevation and slant range errors than low-angle deliveries. The increased dive angle results in an increased bullet
density, more parts of the target are exposed and the overall effective target area is increased. HAS deliveries are used from
medium altitudes with dive angles greater than 20°. 15° to 30° dive region for hard targets due to limited weapons effects should
be avoided. Two-Target Strafe

TTS is engaging two targets with two separate bursts on the same pass. When employing in a low-angle delivery look at it as a
combination of LRS and LAS incorporating techniques from both. Targets should be close enough that they are viewable within
the HUD FOV when opening fire on the first target. Shoot long then short if the targets are aligned with the run in axis so you
don’t break the 3/9 with the closest target.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 163

5.11.3 Manual Strafe Deliveries

Several sight settings for manual deliveries exist, standby pipper, HARS fixed gun cross, wind-corrected 4,000 foot gun cross and
4/8/12 reticle. Elevate the sight for the estimated slant range while offsetting for wings. If using the wind-corrected 4,000 foot
gun cross elevate only for the slant range. When using the 4/8/12 reticle three pippers are inside one reticle to aid estimating
elevation. The top pipper is the 4,000 feet pipper and is fixed at 41 mils. See Figure 5-41 - HARS, CCIP/CCRP for more

Figure 5-41 - HARS, CCIP/CCRP

Wind correction has similar problems to those encountered with other munitions. Elevate the gun cross for the headwind and
depress for a tailwind. When dealing with crosswinds correct when on final using drift/crab or bank. When using the drift
method establish an upwind roll-in point and aim of point. Once established on final the wind will cause the aircraft to “drift” into
the firing position. The same effect can be achieved using the crab method into the wind. The release aim point for both methods
will be the same and neither method offers and advantage over the bank method other than firing with the wings level. The
standard correction factors when dealing direct crosswinds are 0.5 mil per knot of crosswind for most slant ranges or 1 foot per
knot of crosswind for every 2,000 feet of slant range. Figure 5-42 - Velocity Vector and Crab and Drift Aim points better
illustrates the technique using a gun cross to TVV ratio against cross winds to determine the aim point when using the OPT-C gun
cross. As a general rule use a 1:6 ratio against armor (up to 4,000 feet slant range), a 1:4 ratio for LRS (4,000 to 10,000 feet) and
a 1:2 ratio for very long range strafe (slant range greater than 10,000 feet).

When encountering strong crosswinds drift/crab attacks will require a large offset aim point. Do not use the rudder as
uncoordinated flight will cause lateral trajectory errors. LAS and LRS required minimal headwind and tailwind corrections due to
the bullet velocity and low trajectory angles. HAS corrections using drift/crab are the same as low-angle deliveries. Headwinds
and tailwinds are a larger factor when conducing HAS for both the ground track and aim of point. For 30° or greater, use 0.5 mil
for every knot of direct headwind or tailwind.
164 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Figure 5-42 - Velocity Vector and Crab and Drift Aim points

Using the bank method for LAS/LRS the drift of the aircraft is countered by tanking into the wind. Keep the no-crosswind aiming
reference for slant range on the target with bank and engage at the appropriate slant range. Because the wind drift is being
canceled out by bank the aircraft is flying straight at the target. Banking strafes are only valid for crosswinds up to 15 knots
and/or slant ranges up to 8,000 feet. See Figure X.XX, Manual Strafe Techniques for further references.

5.11.4 Strafe Techniques

During roll in set the sight just short of the target to evaluate the slant range. As you approach the desired slant range pull the
pipper up to the target and track. Squeeze the tripper to engage PAC-1 and continue tracking the target. Squeeze the trigger to
PAC-2 and engage the target.

Use the track-shoot-track approach. If the pipper was on the target prior to firing it likely was during firing. When rolling in set
the gun sight to the aiming reference, stabilize, and pull to the first detent (PAC-1) to track then pull the trigger to second (PAC-1,
shoot) and continue to track then recover. Shoot in 2 second bursts and look at the target when tracking/firing not the gun cross.
Learn from any errors made in the first run and correct for the next.

5.11.5 Mil Sizing

Because mil in the HUD is a fixed size it is possible to estimate the range to a target if the size of the target is known. A standard
conventional range target is 16 feet, the standard chassis of most Russian equipment (tank, APC) is approximately 20 feet (length)
x 10 feet (width) x 10 feet (height). A good technique to remember is “4 x 5 = 20” which is the mil sixe of a 4,000 feet slant range
on a Russian tank. Use the following formula to calculate mil size.

Mil Size = Actual target size in feet x 1,000

Slant range in feet

The relationship between slant range/mills must be determined for both head/tail and bean aspects. The aspect must be
determined prior to release and the mil relationship used to determine the slant range and aim point. For the standard Russian tank
and 4,000 foot slant range is 5 mils on the beam and 2.5 mils head/tail.

If the 5 mil width of the gun-cross leg is twice the size of the target do not shoot unless the purpose is suppression only. If on the
beam it is outside the effective gun range versus a tank (6,000 feet) and if on a head/tail the probability of hitting is small due to
the low bullet density. The target may be in range for a mid-range head shot or long-range beam shot if it is one-half or greater
the size of the 5-mil gun cross let. Column size, orientation, direction of movement, terrain, and LOCs are factors you can use to
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 165

determine this gray area. When the target approaches the 5-mil gun cross led width begin looking for details of the target.
Without being able to pick out details this is likely a mid-range beam shot. If the target is larger than 5 mils it is to close for a
head or tail shot, target detail will make this apparent. See Figure 5-43 - Slant Range/Mill Relationship.

Figure 5-43 - Slant Range/Mill Relationship

166 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

5.11.6 Common Strafe Errors

These include uncoordinated flight, slant range estimation, and aim point/tracking errors.

Uncoordinated Flight errors may be caused by rudder input or by having the rudder incorrectly trimmed. When stepping on the
left rudder the nose will swing left but the flight path will not change immediately. Bullets will hit between the flight path of the
aircraft and the aiming reference.

Slant range errors are caused by the pilot not knowing the mil necessary to hit a target at various slant ranges. Using the incorrect
slant range for a given mil setting is the second most common error when using manual strafe deliveries.

The most common error is aim point and tracking errors. This is a failure to place and maintain the aiming reference on the target
and not following the rule of track-shoot-track. In order to focus on track-shoot-track at slant ranges of 1 NM or less, if the pilot
uses a 2 second burst they will see the bullets impact prior to pulling off the target.

5.11.7 Using Combat Mix.

HEI is lighter and has an initial faster velocity than API but higher drag causes it to not carry as far. At long ranges HEI will land
shorter than API. This becomes obvious at slant ranges greater than 12,000 feet and 30° dives or less, greater than 15,000 feet and
45° dive and negligible in 60° HAS. See Figure 5-44 - CCIP Gun Reticle with Combat Mix.

Figure 5-44 - CCIP Gun Reticle with Combat Mix

5.11.8 Precision Attitude Control (PAC)

When the gun is fired it causes the aircraft to vibrate violently causing errors in the pipper placement beyond the pilots ability to
control. The IFFCC compensates for these errors through the PAC system. PAC is available whenever EAC is armed, Master
Arm switch is in ARM or TRAIN, and the air refueling door is closed and in gun in both CCIP/CCRP. PAC-1 is engaged when
the trigger is pulled to the first detent, PAC-2 is engaged when the trigger is at the second detent.

5.12 AGM-65, Maverick

The AGM-65 is a precision guided standoff missile. The accuracy, effective warhead, standoff ability, and ease of use optimize
target destruction and aircraft survivability. Electro-Optical (EO) versions (B/H/K models) use dark and light contrasts to lock
onto the target. Infrared (IR) versions (D/G models) use heat signatures for target acquisition. The IR models are also useful in
night searching for targets if a TGP is not carried. LAU-88s will only be loaded when performing a pre-planned attack on a
known target/enemy position where the standard 2 missile LAU-117 configuration is not sufficient (e.g. low level attack on an
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 167

armored column where mavericks will be the primary/only weapon employed). A maximum of 4 mavericks will be load when
using LAU-88s, targeting pods will not be carried.

5.12.1 Boresight
Good boresight is important for effective combat employment. This allows the pilot to determine the look angle of a caged
mission, minimizes the time required to lock an assigned target, minimizes slew requirements and is required for GROUND
stabilize and SLAVE TO SPI functions to work correctly. AGM-65D/G/H/K Bore Sighting

These models are capable of remembering a seeker boresight position within 6 degrees of the longitudinal axis of the missile.
Pilots can use any mil setting within 105 mils of the longitudinal axis. A common technique is 70 mils for low-altitude
employment and 150 mils for medium altitude employment. The pointing cross centered on the MAV page means the missile is
boresighted to its longitudinal axis (approx. 70 mils). If the pointing cross is center on the 5° depression marker it is bore sighted
at approximately 150 mils.


Maverick bore sights on ground targets involve diving towards the ground, keep good cross-check and abort at a safe altitude to
avoid hitting the ground. Using a Ground Reference While Airborne

When bore sighting using a ground target while airborne the IFFCC uses the range value it calculates through the depressible
pipper. It is necessary to have an accurate target elevation and altitude source for the air-to-ground boresight in order for the
IFFCC to calculate the slant range correctly (normally DTS and BARO). Using an Airborne Reference While Airborne

The most common technique, ensure a slight look-up angle when performing an air-to-air boresight and fly at 9,000 feet trail.
This will ensure the IFFCC is using the A/A assumption. Using a Ground Reference While on the Ground

This is the most inaccurate technique and should only be used in a situation where once airborne you will immediately be
engaging targets.

5.12.2 Mission Planning

Successful employment of mavericks requires thorough mission planning taking into account many factors that are known such as
the target, weather and threats. Important target information includes:

Knowing what types of targets are expected

Knowing if the targets are parked or moving
Being familiar with the surrounding terrain and known threats in the area
The expected cloud cover in the area
The sun angle

Additional important information:

It takes 3 minutes for mavericks to warm up, there is a limit of 30 minutes of video display total for each missile per
mission, 60 minutes total maverick (EO) power on, and 45 seconds between passes for missiles to realign.
30° maximum bank at lock-on, 30° per second roll rate at launch, and 30° maximum bank angle change lock-on to
Minimum altitudes are 300 feet AGL for EO and 150 AGL for IR, 60° maximum dive angle, G limits equal to +0.5 to
+3.0, minimum range equals 10 x KTAS (25 x KTAS for G model), and time of flight equals 1,000 feet per second (3
NM launch equals approximately 18 seconds). To achieve maximum-range launches at low altitudes, bank angle at lock
should be less than 10°. Each degree of bank results in 1% loss of range.
When launched the missile will initially climb to extend its range, this is known as G-bias. The amount of climb is based
on the distance from the target at launch. Firing inside of 12,000 feet slant range minimizes G-bias.
168 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

5.12.3 Target Acquisition and Lock

It the target is within the window or “keyhole” the pointing cross will become steady, if not the cross will flash. The limits are
10° around the longitudinal axis of the missile and 15° down from the center. H/K models have a 10° radius while E models have
a 15° launch constraint circle. See Figure 5-45 - Maverick Keyhole.

Figure 5-45 - Maverick Keyhole

5.12.4 Contrast Modes

Look at the target and determine which contrast mode the maverick will need for a successful lock. When tracking the target with
a targeting pod note the polarity to determine which to use for the maverick. EO Mavericks
When a target has a lighter background select AFT on the boat (polarity) switch. If the target is darker than the background select
forward. IR Mavericks
When the target is hotter than the background select AFT, if colder select forward. IR signatures result from heating or fro m the
basic IR properties of the material. The target aspect may reveal or mask the heat sources. Generally at night the surrounding
area will cool faster than metal objects. Many factors will affect the IR head signature, they are:

High winds
Calm water surfaces
Dry Ground
Scattered/broken cloud cover
Bare spots in snow

5.12.5 Employment
Ensure a maverick profile is selected. Selected the MAV page on your MFCD or use CHINA HAT-FWD/SHORT with the
maverick profile selected and HUD SOI to automatically switch the MFCD to maverick video and make it SOI. When rolling-in
pull the maverick symbol to the target. Ensure the symbol is given a chance to stabilize over the target. One technique is to roll in
wide field of view so that the target is apparent, compare the scene with visual indications. Use reference points (roads, tree lines,
rivers) to help direct to the target. Stabilize the scene by pressing DMS-FWD/LONG to space stabilize, TMS-AFT/SHORT to
ground stabilize, or CHINA HAT-FWD/LONG to slave to the SPI.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 169 Lock On, D/G/H/K

Once the target is acquired space stabilize (DMS-FWD/LONG) and switch to NFOV using CHINA HAT-FWD/SHORT. Once in
NFOV lock the target. Another technique is to roll into the target in NFOV, this improves contrast and allows for faster target
locks at greater ranges than WFOF. G/K/H in Force Correlate Mode

With the boat switch in the center position prior to commanding a lock the missile will lock onto a specific area. Point the
crosshairs to the target and release the slew switch. The crosshairs will create a solid crosshair in both the horizontal and vertical
axes on the aimpoint in the center of the screen. The scene must have some contrast to lock, the point cross will indicate when a
good lock has been established. Note, do not use on moving or point targets.

5.12.6 Firing
Ensure the cross is steady for at least 1 second prior to launch. A flashing cross indicates that the missile may lose lock at or after
launch. The cross will flash on D/G/H/K models if:

Temperature difference between the target and background is insufficient

Target is to small
The seeker head exceeds launch angle criteria
The missile may be out of gimble limits, fly towards the flashing cross.

5.12.7 Time on Final

Consider time on final to avoid threats, ground impact or unnecessary exposure to threats. The flight lead will establish time-on-
final criteria and brief prior to any attack run. Normally, 10 seconds for medium and high altitude, set the altitude alert to give a
pull-off cue in addition to setting a minimum altitude in the maverick profile. Flight leads should also brief an abort altitude for
delivery in the event pilots do not adhere to the 10 second TOF.

5.12.8 Safe Escape Maneuver

The only SEM for mavericks is to stop the rate of descent and climb back out of the threats if at medium altitudes or remask when
at lower altitudes. Do not shoot mavericks when within the minimum safe launch distances.

AGM-65D/H, 10 x TAS = abort slant range (normally 300 KIAS or 3,000 feet)
AGM-65G/K, 25 x TAS = abort slant range (7,500 feet)

The dynamic launch zone (DLZ) is displayed in the HUD and MAV page when the maverick is NOT in sensor mode.

5.12.9 Loss of IFFCC

Losing the IFFCC causes two changes:

The maverick reticule will not be visible on the HUD resulting in slant range information being lost.
Use the depressible pipper as a boresight reference. Dial in the correct mil reference for where the missile was

5.12.10 Medium Altitude Employment

Target acquisition is easier at higher altitudes and allows the pilot to avoid flying into various threat envelops. Key points to
consider are establishing base distances and altitude and target acquisition. Establish a base distance and altitude based on the
planned slant range as well as establish a minimum altitude for recovery.

5.12.11 Low Altitude Employment

Employment is the same as at medium altitudes with a few signification differences. Equalize time spend inside the cockpit with
priority given to flying the aircraft. Do not get so involved in employment of the missile you hit the ground. A good rule of
thumb is two slews maximum then abort the pass. Altitude alerts should be used to provide minimum altitude abort cues with a
maximum of 10 seconds on final. The key is knowing when and where to unmask in order to acquire and shoot the target.
Unmask ranges will be established in the brief by lead but can change due to many factors. A few basic rules for unmasking:

Target identification range is the range the boresight can be put on the desired target or area. Range varies based on how
a target is identified (TGP, FAC, visual). Terrain and environmental factors also play a larger part. Do not unmask until
the boresight is on and the target is confirmed.
In the MAV page, video identification range is accomplished by distinguishing the target under the boresight from the
170 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Maverick launch range is the range where the target size meets the minimum maverick target’s mil size requirements.
Plan to unmask at rollout with boresight on the target so the target will be large enough to avoid exposure waiting for the
target to meet maverick launch-range limitations (approximately 5 NM).

5.12.12 Searching
Mavericks can be used as a tool to locate targets during day or night operations if a TGP is unavailable. Fly to the target area,
move the boresight on the steerpoint and begin to search scanning left and right to maximize the effectiveness with missile FOV.
If the area is unknown use lead in features (roads, rivers, tree lines, buildings) to assist in target locations. Once a target is
identified cross-check symbology to ensure it is locked. Timing and distance from a known point can also be used, reference
Figure 5-46 - Dive Angle versus Slant Range. A few examples of data to use:

Establish at a known point, contact point or IP

Use a time, distance and heading from the area to search
Dive directly at the target or area
Fly at 8,000 feet or above
The target should be around 10° pitch latter at 8 miles
Call up the Maverick prior to 8 miles from the target, slew to the 10° pitch ladder
Begin target search

NVGs can be used to assist and visually acquire a target. You can then call up a maverick and start from the visually acquired
area. This allows for adjustment on subsequent passes.

Figure 5-46 - Dive Angle versus Slant Range

5.13 Laser-Guided Bomb (LGB) Employment

LGBs (GBU-12 or GBU-10) are normally delivered from a level or TOSS CCRP deliveries similarly to general purpose bombs.
In certain situations, LGBs can be delivered from a diving CCIP delivery. The major difference when employing LGBs is they
require laser energy to guide to the target. The laser spot can be provided by the aircrafts TGP, (self-lase), from another aircraft
(buddy lase) or from ground forces.

5.13.1 Laser Codes

Codes will be briefed by the flight lead during the mission briefing. During aircraft start up ensure all LGBs are set to the correct
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 171

5.13.2 Employment
When using CCRP the target is always the SPI. Verify the current steerpoint or SPI is correct in the HUD. The technique for all
CCRP deliveries once the target steerpoint is in the HUD is to TMS-AFL/LONG to ensure the SPI is set to the current steerpoint.
Select the correct LGB weapons profile using DMS switch and ensure the correct station(s) are armed using DSMS quick look
(COOLIE-DOWN/LONG). If the LGB profile is set to CCRP the HUD will automatically change to CCRP when the profile is

If self-lasing the target make sure the TGP laser code matches the LGB, turn the aircraft towards the target using HUD
symbology. If needed roll in a slight dive to confirm the location of the target symbol in the HUD FOV then pull wings level.
Align the PBRL with the ASL and when the TTRN reads 5 seconds hold the pickle button down until the weapon is released. The
consent option for CCPR is always 3/9 for LGBs. After weapons release check away approximately 45° to 60° to maintain visual
and maintain a safe standoff distance from the target. In a low threat environment, a level/straight pass will aid in minimizing
laser spot size. Normally check left if the RGP if loaded on station 10 to minimize masking. Once rolled out, refine the TGP
aimpoint and fire the laser until weapon impact. Time of fall is displayed on the left side of the HUD and the lower right corner of
the TGP display.

It is important to correct the laser aimpoint for winds, specifically the surface and 4,000 feet AGL since these have the largest
effect on the bomb. Adjust the aimpoint 1 foot upwind per knot of wind. High surface winds can require the laser aimpoint to be
completely off the target. LGBs require a minimum of 8 seconds of guide time; times less than 8 seconds may result in the bomb
missing the desired point.

When buddy lasing follow the same procedures listed above but verify the LGBs code matches the code of the aircraft or ground
forces that will be lasing the target.

5.13.3 Common LGB Errors

Inadvertent HOTAS errors causing TGP laser type to change from laser to IR marker
Not having the TGP at the correct desired point of impact, adjustments made while the LGB is in the air results in the
bomb depleting energy or the guide time becomes less than 8 seconds
Not correcting for winds
Other aircraft using the same laser code

5.14 Inertially Aided Munitions (IAM)

Inertially guided munitions include Joint Directed Attack Munitions (JDAM) and Wind Corrected Munitions Dispensers

5.14.1 Joint Directed Attack Munitions (JDAM)

JDAMS (GBU-38 or GBU-31) are versatile and accurate weapons and are used against a variety of targets. The JDAM is a GPS
guided munition that is guided to the SPI. When the pickle button is depressed the current SPI coordinates are sent to the JDAM
and the JDAM guides itself to the coordinates after release. JDAMs are always employed in CCRP. When the JDAM is released
from the aircraft its own position is known and it begins guiding to the target coordinates. The JDAM searches for a GPS satellite
and acquires a 3d solution, if a GPS signal cannot be found it will guide to the target using it’s inertial measurement unit. Employment
Verify in the DSMS the JDAMS status is “ALN GRDY.” JDAMS are coordinate seeking munitions, the most important element
for a successful delivery is ensuring coordinates are as accurate as possible. The difference between coordinates generated by the
aircraft TGP and the actual target location is known as target location error (TLE). JDAMs always target the SPI, ensure the
correct SPI is selected. There are numerous ways to acquire target coordinates.

Lase the target with the TGP, create a mark point (TMS-RIGHT/SHORT), you can then copy the new mark point and
place it into the next available steerpoint labelling it accordingly.
If a TGP is inop a flight member can generate coordinates using the TGP and pass on through SADL messages or by
broadcasting their SPI.
If SADL is inop the wingman can pass the coordinates over secure radio channels and then you can manually enter
coordinates into a steerpoint.
172 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

For FENCE checks use the “STAIR” check as described below

Step Action
S Steerpoint Ensure target steerpoint is current & in HUD
T TMS-AFT/LONG Reset SPI to current steerpoint
A Slave All Slave all to SPI
I IAM profile Correct JDAM profile selected
R Read back Confirm/read back SPI coordinates
Table 5-9 - IAM Employment, STAIR Check

Once the target has been confirmed maneuver the aircraft in the LAR. This can be accomplished by turning towards the target
steerpoint and centering the captain’s bars. The left side of the HUD will show the DLZ, if outside the LAR the timer will
indicate time until max range for the LAR is reached. Once established in the LAR the HUD will display MAN REL and the
timer will change predict time of fall. The JDAM can be released at maximum range to maintain standoff from the threat. The
JDAM release sequence can take up to 1.5 seconds to complete from pickle to weapons release. Do not release the pickle button
until the munition is released, if you release the pickle button early it could result in a hung weapon.

5.14.2 WCMD
WCMD (CBU-103 or 105) are delivered using the same HUD symbology and techniques as JDAMS. WCMD contain an INS
only and do not require GPS information for delivery. WCMD’s can be delivered unguided and will act like the conventional
counterparts (CBU-87 or CBU-97). To drop in a conventional mode to the specific station within the DSMS and on the STAT
page turn it off, then select the desired conventional profile and deliver the weapon in either

5.15 Final Attack Planning

Take the time to develop a specific plan prior to employing any weapon. When working with a JTAC or FAC (A) know what
they will be expecting. It is normal to have specific or restrictions for run-in headings due to the location of friendly forces,
terrain features and known threats. Take into consideration strafe ricochet and ordnance frag patterns when employing near
friendly forces. Choose the ordnance that will provide the maximum effect taking into account delivery and weapon impact angle,
attack axis, release altitude, SEM and fusing. When delivering from low altitudes consider run-in timing, ingress routing, an
unmask point, and egress routing.

5.15.1 Final Attack Preparation

Prior to executing the IP-to-target run in at low altitude or rolling in from a medium altitude accomplish one final weapons system
check to ensure munitions will release armed and on target. Ensure you have green ready lights, the proper elevation selected and
that all counter measures are operating as desired. Before departing the IP make sure it is clear to all flight members the role they
are assigned.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 173

5.15.2 Formations and Attacks

Flight lead will decide the attack formation and role for each flight member. The flight lead will provide a thorough briefing prior
to the sortie detailing what they expect. When in route the flight lead will direct specific attacks through fighter-to-fighter briefs.
See Table 5-10 - A-10C Fighter-to-Fighter Brief Standards. Attacks are designed to fit a tactical situation and can vary from the
pre-briefed plan. Flight members must understand their responsibility but remain flexible. Flight lead may shorten the fighter-to-
fighter briefing and pre-brief all attacks. The below table provides general assumptions and guidance for the fighter-fighter brief.

General Assumptions
Ingress Formation
If one role is assigned it applies to all flight members
Roles Assume shooter if not specified
Roles are assigned respective to the flight member and not employment order
Weapons If one weapon assigned it applies to all flight members
If no time assigned it is based off ingress formation assigned
Timing Timing given is based on impact spacing from previous aircraft
Cover will not be given timing
Multi-ship Assumptions
If only timing is assigned it applies to all flight members.
If one element fighter-to-fighter is provided it applies to all elements.
Element fighter-to-fighter applies to each element and should be prefaced with assigned
element number.
If only one formation is assigned it applies to all elements in the flight.
Trail spacing is assumed between elements (measured from element leads). Leads may be
required to deviate to make assigned timing.
If desired timing between elements differs from assigned timing within the element it will
be specified during remarks.
Timing is assigned only to aircraft delivering ordnance.
Three ship, if an initial formation is given as VIC then no other formations will be assigned
during fighter -to-fighter.
Additional Remarks (as required)
Ingress direction (“In from the…,” “Relative to the target…”)
Egress direction (“Off to the…,” “Relative to the target…”)
Egress formation (if different than ingress formation)
Egress point/sector (if different than IP/hold)
Target sort.
Any required clarification for the attack plan.
Table 5-10 - A-10C Fighter-to-Fighter Brief Standards. Attack Formations

The formation the flight is in when departing the IP or delivering ordnance is the attack formation, and is depended upon weather,
terrain, ordnance, and threats.

Wedge attacks are primarily used when tasking requires flexibility and maneuverability. Poor visibility or rough terrain
are two factors that may lead to choosing wedge formation and is good for attacking target rich environments. Wedge is
suitable for shooter/cover role.
Trail attack is suited best for point targets or when timing is required between attacks but not optimal when air threats
are in the area. Timing between aircraft is the key to a successful trail attack. Spacing should be approximately 15
seconds for gun runs. The minimum spacing for low altitude CBU or general bomb runs on targets not separated beyond
the weapons frag cylinder will be a minimum of 36 seconds to avoid frag. Maverick spacing depends on the model
carried, pilot proficiency, target area, weather, and threats. Normally the first aircraft completes the attack prior to the
second aircraft unmasking.
Line attack is designed to have both aircraft attack a target simultaneously (or nearly), best suited for an area target. Pick
a geographic (road intersection or terrain feature) or cockpit reference to split the target area and avoid engaging the same
174 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 Roles
Each member of the flight has a specific responsibility depended on the role the flight lead assigned. Roles may change between
each attack or remain constant throughout the time on target. The following roles for flight members may be assigned.

Shooter, primarily responsible for putting munitions on target.

Cover, responsible for providing mutual support to the other flight member. Specific requirements for this role will be
briefed by the flight lead.
Recce, or reconnaissance requires getting close to the target area to look while minimizing exposure to threats.
Suppressor, can be active or pre-emptive. This role normally gives the responsibility to engage enemy defenses which
can interfere with the attack. Suppressor will be specifically briefed by the flight lead.
Decoy, flight members’ primary responsibility is to create confusion, deny, or delay enemy defenses to keep them from
engaging the attacking aircraft. Decoy will be specifically briefed by the flight lead. For example “VANGUARD,
Eyeball, is assigned to a pilot who will employ the TGP during the attack. Pilots assigned this role can expect to mark
the target with the laser and/or IR marker for target identification purposes and/or LGB guidance. Contracts
Because of the complexity of fighter-to-fighter and FAC-to-fighter briefings contracts must be followed at all times. It is the
responsibility of the flight lead to brief these contracts prior to every sortie. The A-10 was designed for close air support (CAS) –
support of friendly forces in close proximity to the enemy. However, the A-10C has been and will continue to be called upon to
perform additional missions, including air interdiction (AI), combat search and rescue (CSAR), suppression of enemy air defenses
(SEAD), reconnaissance, and forward air controller—airborne (FAC (A)), and others.

Each flight member’s responsibility revolves around the particular role the flight lead assigns. This role may change between each
attack or remain constant throughout the time on target cover, suppressor, and decoy are all time-sensitive roles. The optimum
effect in each of these roles is of a short duration and must be precisely timed in relation to the flight member being supported.
The following contracts guide flight members through attack planning and execution. Administrative/Holding Contract

A great quantity of information must be passed prior to a CAS attack and will most likely require holding. The following contract
applies to holding in the CAS stack:

Wingmen will stack high and outside of the formation.

Flight will strive for a 1-to-1 ratio of pilots head-down at any given time.
When wingmen are PLOT/POCKET complete, they will relay to lead the target location’s Coordinate Ranging elevation.
“READY” indicates that flight member understands the attack geometry, FENCE checks are complete, correct target is
the current steerpoint for CCRP deliveries, and is ready to execute.
At the “IP INBOUND” call, flight members are cleared to the briefed tactical formation. Fighter-to-Fighter Briefing Contract

In flight, the flight lead will direct a specific attack through the use of the fighter-to-fighter brief. It is the wingman’s
responsibility to thoroughly understand the pre-briefed attack and never leave a brief with questions unanswered. The following
contract specifies fighter-to-fighter briefing assumptions:

If only one role is assigned, it applies to all flight members.

If a role is not specified, assume shooter.
Roles are assigned in flight member position order.
If only one weapon is specified, it applies to all flight members.
Timing given is based on desired impact spacing between flight members.
If no timing is specified, timing is based on the assigned ingress formation.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 175

5.15.3 In the Target Area

Once in the target area the priority is to put weapons on the target. Wingmen have the additional responsibility to provide cover
for the flight lead while accomplishing the assigned role. When assigned “shooter” the wingman’s job is to put munitions on
target. When assigned “cover” all attention should be given to provide visual, comm, and firepower mutual support for the flight
lead. Arc the target area or fly the briefed formation off of lead, DO NOT employ weapons unless briefed. When at low altitude
remain masked as long as possible, unmask only if firepower is required while in mutual support. When in the decoy role the
flight lead will brief the wingman on what to decoy and where to maneuver the aircraft. When acting as a suppressor, suppress
known/visible threats in the target area so other flight members can attack the primary target. The primary objective of recce
(reconnaissance) is to identify location of target groups, identify best way to approach, locate friendly positions, threats and egress

Flight leads will brief a minimum communication plan and hasty attack option in the event time or fuel becomes an issue,
communication becomes degraded or the fighter-to-fighter brief cannot be accomplished. The minimum communication for hasty
attacks is “WEDGE/GUNS.” The role of shooter is assumed if not stated. Attack Contract

Using attack contracts decreases time needed in pre-mission briefings to cover these items and helps standardize procedures so
that wingmen know what is expected with different flight leads.

Wingmen will ingress on the outside of the formation and visually clear through elements toward the target area.
Flight members shall not employ forward-firing ordnance with a friendly aircraft in the HUD FOV.
Element leads will come off the target away from wingmen.
Wingmen will come off in the same direction as element leads, threat permitting.
Off the target, the following priorities determine which aircraft has the right-of-way:
Lower flight position number
Higher flight position number
Off the target, the following priorities apply to egress:
Complete the SEM
Egress the threat area
Egress the target area
Terrain mask
Re-establish mutual support

Prior to release clearance for each attack will be received. To obtain clearance for each pass broadcast:

Fighter – “VANGAURD, IN”


Flight lead will also brief egress contracts, generally the last flight member off the target should regain visual and mutual support
as quickly as possible after maneuvering to defeat threats. Low-Altitude Egress Contract

Element leads egress away from the wingmen and maneuver to defeat the threat.
When clear of the threat, element leads provide mutual support until wingmen are also clear of the threat.
When the wingman is clear of the threat and visual on the element lead, both aircraft will egress to the IP in a mutually
supporting formation such as wedge or line. High-Altitude Egress Contract

Element leads will release weapons, maneuver to defeat the threat, then climb and extend away from the threat.
Wingmen will provide cover during the attack and egress.
When the element lead is clear of the threat and visual on the wingman, the two aircraft will swap roles for the next

5.15.4 General Delivery Methods

The following apply to low and medium altitude attacks, conventional diving attack, level or continuous curvilinear attack, and
dive toss.
176 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 Conventional Dive Attack

Can be employed from low altitude pop-up or medium altitude to deliver free-fall or forward firing munitions. The attack will
provide the pilot with a planned time duration to track the target during delivery. Diving attacks are easier than continuous
curvilinear and DT attacks but have longer exposure to threats. Level
Medium altitude level free-fall deliveries can be employed using CCIP or CCRP. CCRP delivers are independent of mil
depression. Level deliveries at low altitude are used to deliver free-fall munitions when exposure time is a major concern and
primarily used for high-drag munitions. Low-level ingress will make it difficult for the threat to detect and defend the attack.
But, target acquisition is very difficult. Three-dimensional maneuvering if required to defeat a threat can further complicate the
attack run. Also, the miss distance for an aiming error in elevation or altitude source is greater for a level delivery than a dive.
Plan a ripple delivery to offset the range error. Ensure delivery parameters account for weapon fuzing and SEM. Continuous Curvilinear Attack

Can be employed from low altitude pop-up or medium altitude to deliver free-fall or forward firing munitions. The curvilinear
approach is a constantly descending and accelerating turn to release from either medium altitude or apex at low altitude. This
results in the aircraft constantly accelerating in all three planes and presents enemy defenses with difficulty tracking. Fly the
IFFCC reticle through the target and pickle with the pipper on the target. If in steep banks pilots may need to place the PBIL
slightly above the target, the pipper will track below the path predicted by the PBIL. From the ripple release the string will not
fall long and short of the target but will cut across the target at the angle shown by the PBIL. This is useful since the bomb strings
can be oriented by adjusting the bank at release. Observe the minimum range cues and abort altitude as if accomplishing a normal
bomb or CBU pass. When accomplishing manual deliveries roll out on final with sufficient altitude above release to allow for
setting your track reference. Dive Toss (DT)

Low altitude or pup-up from medium altitude deliveries employing free fall ordnance. The IFFCC is capable of performing DT
deliveries in CCRP. DT allows reduced exposure time and higher recovery altitudes. Degraded accuracy can occur with DT due
to the higher LOS rates created by the onset of G forces. Use ripple deliveries to help minimize errors but consider proximity to
friendly forces. Deliveries from medium altitude will increase weapon spacing while high sight depression will complicate the
attack. Attack Abort Procedures

If an aircraft is not lined up correctly with the target, friendly troops may be endangered, or multiple other reasons the JTAC or
FAC(A) will direct an abort. The challenge-reply response procedure is often used. Controllers will direct an aborted run by
transmitting “ABORT, ABORT, ABORT.”

5.16 Medium Altitude Methods

Tactics can be created based on the situation at the time of the attack, the following figures are examples. Additional tactics will
be developed by the 476th and added when appropriate.

Figure 5-47 - Wheel Attack

Figure 5-48 - 2-Ship Medium Altitude: Wedge Shooter/Cover
Figure 5-49 - 2-Ship Medium Altitude: Wedge/Bombs
Figure 5-50 - Arcing the Target
Figure 5-51 - Parallel Attack Axis

5.16.1 Delivery Patterns

All are flown from an overhead patter and can range from a conventional box patter, overhead wheel, a random hold or in a
specific formation. Flight leads will use threats, weather and pilot proficiency to select the best delivery pattern. Box Pattern

This pattern is identical to the range pattern and is used when in close proximity to friendly forces for restricted attacks. The
downwind is flown over friendly forces when possible to minimize the exposure to enemy threats.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 177 Wheel Pattern

A circle flown in trail offset or around the target, can be used in restricted or random attacks, and allows a constant visual on the
target. Establish an altitude at or above the base altitude. Flight leads will offset at a distance from the target to establish the
desired dive angel required for ordnance delivery. See 5.42, Wheel Attack,

Figure 5-47 - Wheel Attack

5.16.2 Random Attacks

This allows pilots of each aircraft in the flight the ability to vary attack headings from the preceding aircraft. Spacing should
allow ordnance to be continually put on target while maintaining frag clearance.

5.16.3 Restricted Run-In

This occurs when a JTAC or FAC (A) restricts the flight to an attack axis that ordnance must be delivered. DO NOT deviate from
the final attack heading because a short or long bomb delivered could land on friendly troops. The controller should not clear you
to attack if not established on the run-in heading.

5.16.4 Delivery Methods

High angle (40° to 60°) deliveries result in a lower threat exposure than low angle (0 to 30°) deliveries. Conventional diving
attack, continuous curvilinear, dive toss, level and random turn approaches are the primary delivery methods. A variation of the
curvilinear approach places the base altitude above the effective range of small arms and uses a steep dive to a low angle final to
minimize exposure time. A series of random curvilinear turns on final increases the unpredictability and makes tracking difficult.
These are normally required on final approaches longer than 3 to 5 seconds requiring turns of 20° to 30° on either side of the
target to be effective.
178 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

5.16.5 Attack Geometry

Cover pilots must consider the attack geometry when attacking from a medium altitude in order to provide continuous mutual
support. Monitor the target area and “shooter” while maintaining turning room so you can roll-in if called upon to employ
munitions. The most critical part of mutual support during an attack and recovery is visual. It is difficult for the attacking aircraft
to clear its 6 o’clock while maneuvering off the target because of the higher delivery altitudes. Two methods to help reduce loss
are: Arcing the Target

As the “shooter” rolls in the cover aircraft continues to arc the target. You must arc far enough away so the entire target area can
be seen but close enough to maintain a visual on the “shooter” aircraft during roll-in and recover. A good technique is to keep the
target area on the canopy rail, this permits a dive angle of approximately 45° if required to roll-in. When in trail or wedge prior to
roll-in it will be difficult to use this technique since the “shooter” will be traveling away from your aircraft’s position. When
possible, the cover aircraft will art toward the direction of the pull-off location of the “shooter. See Figure 5-50 - Arcing the
Target. Parallel Attack Axis

Similar to Arcing, the different is the “shooter” provides a verbal cue to clear the cover aircraft to maneuver parallel the attack
axis. The verbal cue will be briefed prior to the attack either on the ground or in the air. The cover aircraft establishes a position
to employ ordnance and monitor the target area and “shooter” during roll-in and pull-off. When the “shooter” pulls-off the cover
aircraft will be in a predictable point aiding the “shooter” regaining visual. This will minimize “Blind” calls from the “cover” or
“shooter.” See Figure 5-51 - Parallel Attack Axis.

5.16.6 Reacquiring Visual

Normally once a flight member transmits “IN” all other flight members are responsible for cover. Flight members are responsible
for flight deconfliction with the aircraft that is delivering ordnance. To assist the “shooter” regain a visual on flight members
radio transmissions will be used as required.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 179

Figure 5-48 - 2-Ship Medium Altitude: Wedge Shooter/Cover

180 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Figure 5-49 - 2-Ship Medium Altitude: Wedge/Bombs

476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 181

Figure 5-50 - Arcing the Target

Figure 5-51 - Parallel Attack Axis

182 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

5.17 Low Altitude Methods

The attack will require some form of unmasking maneuver to achieve LOS with the target. The specific unmask maneuver will
depend on altitude, direction and attack axis and can be straight-ahead or offset. Every attempt should be to minimize wings level
time when established on the final attack heading. For forward firing munitions the climb should be high enough to obtain LOS
over terrain features that obstruct visual acquisition. The distance an aircraft unmasks is dependent on the threat, weather, desired
weapon effects, terrain, and target acquisition. Tactics can be created based on the situation at the time of the attack, the following
figures are examples. Additional tactics will be developed by the 476th and added when appropriate.

Figure 5-52 - Two-Ship Low Altitude Wedge/Bombs Attack

Figure 5-53 - Two-Ship Low Altitude Wedge/Guns Attack
Figure 5-54 - Two-Ship Low Altitude/Maverick Attack.

As a general rule follow the below table for unmasking ranges.

Delivery Unmask Range (NM)

LAS 1.5
LAHD 2.0
AGM-65D/G/H/K 4.0 to 5.0
Table 5-11 - Low Altitude Delivery Unmask Ranges
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 183

Figure 5-52 - Two-Ship Low Altitude Wedge/Bombs Attack

184 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Figure 5-53 - Two-Ship Low Altitude Wedge/Guns Attack

476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 185

Figure 5-54 - Two-Ship Low Altitude/Maverick Attack

186 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

5.18 Run-in Timing

Many attacks will have specific time-on-target (TOT) or time-to-target (TTT), strict adherence to the timing is critical. This
enables JTAC/FAC (A) to deconflict attacks and coordinate mark timing. When required calculate a departure time from the IP.
TOT/TTT are based on ordnance on target so your first calculation will be to compute the distance from the IP to the firing point.
Next convert the distance you will be flying and the distance the weapon will be flying into time. You can then calculate your IP
departure time. Although this may seem difficult you can practice these calculations on the ground to ensure they can be executed
when traveling at more than 5 NM per minute.

Target timing is calculated by multiplying the IP to target distance by the aircraft ground speed (per NM) and adding the weapon
item of flight (TOF). Use the table below to assist in having munitions on the target as a specific TOT/TTT.

Step Data
From IP to target distance minus the distance from the target at weapons release
7 NM – 4 NM = 3 NM
Calculate the aircraft IP to release point timing (in seconds)
3 NM at 11 seconds/NM = 33 seconds
Calculate the weapon release point to target timing (TOF)
4 NM at 5 seconds/NM = 20 seconds
Add the times together to get the combined IP to target weapon impact time
33 seconds + 20 seconds = 53 seconds
Subtract the IP to target weapon impact time from you TOT/TTT to get your IP
departure time.
4 minutes – 53 seconds = 3 minutes 7 seconds (flight will depart IP 3+07 from the
initial time hack)
Table 5-12 - Run in Timing

5.18.1 TOT/TOT Timing

Use the following tables to calculate TOT/TTT.

Aircraft Run-in Speed and Timing.

Ground Speed NM per Minute NM per Second

240 4.0 15
270 4.5 13
300 5.0 12
330 5.5 11
360 6.0 10
Table 5-13 - TOT/TYT Calculation

Ordnance Time of Flight

Weapon Time of Flight (Seconds per NM)

GAU-8 2
AGM-65 5 (or 2 second per 1,000 feet)
Free-Fall As per pre-set TOF
Table 5-14 - Ordnance TOF Calculation

5.18.2 Initial Point Departure

A call is required when inbound from the IP, this notifies JTAC/FAC (A) with an alternative timing measure. The controller will
then calculate when the “shooter” will attack based on a straight-line distance to the target and estimated speed the “shooter” will
fly. Because this is based on the listed assumptions it does not always hold true and time will often vary. If additional t ime is
needed the controller may ask for a “30 SECONDS PRIOR” call.

5.18.3 Time-to-Impact
JTAC/FAC (A) should instruct the “shooter” when to make calls for time coordination as required. This provides the controller
with time to mark target(s), coordinate suppressive artillery fire, and/or mark friendly troops. The normal time-to-impact call is “2

5.18.4 Employment Clearance

Clearance will be provided by JTAC/FAC (A) prior to deploying munitions. When operating at low altitudes clearance should be
provided prior to departing the IP. Ordnance should be expended unless the JTAC/FAC (A) transmit and abort command. If the
IP is departed prior to clearance, DO NOT deploy munitions until clearance is received.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 187

5.18.5 Low-Altitude Reattack

Do not take the decision to reattack lightly, take into consideration the target value versus threats and your aircraft energy state.
Once you are clear of the threat establish wings level and accelerate away from the target. Once breaking LOS and gaining
enough energy turn back towards the target. The direction of the turn depends on depends threats in the area as well as if the
attack is random or restricted. Lead should indicate the desired reattach heading.

One alternative for a reattack is to egress the area and return from a new direction, altitude and at varied intervals. This will allow
for some element of surprise to be reestablished, gain sufficiently energy and reestablish mutual support. Assess the situation and
see which option is the best for the current situation.

5.19 Egress the Target Area

Once egressed from the target area, if threats permit, accomplish a battle damage check (BDC). Bomb damage assessment (BDA)
will be made by the JTAC/FAC (A) at the end of every TOT. It will include target coordinates, time on/off target, flight accuracy,
and specific results/effectiveness. The BDA should be copied and passed on in the form of in-flight report (INFLTRPT).

5.20 INFLTRPT or Close Air Support Check-Out Brief

Use the BDA information provided by the JTAC/FAC (A) and pass on INFLRTRP to the AWACS or debriefing forum thread.
Items such as unreported threats, low ceilings, poor visibility, enemy activity, time of day, and any remaining targets should be
included in the remarks section.

INFLTRPTs can also provide important information when returning to base such as the weather and safe route updates, tanker
information and airfield status. See Table 5-15 - In-Flight Report for the 476th FG approved format.

476 vFG In-Flight Report

1. Flight Call sign: “Vanguard1,
2. Mission Number: 761505501,
3. Location: 38T GG 123 456 (East Kutaisi City),
4. Time-On-Target: 1900L,
5. Results: 5 T-72 convoy destroyed,
6. Remarks Scattered @ FL100, 3 T-72 remain, 2050L,”
Table 5-15 - In-Flight Report

5.21 Multi-Ship Attacks

All two-ship flight leads need to be familiar with and ready to employ multi-flight attack concepts. The opportunity to gain target
information, threat locations, friendly positions, and to concentrate firepower/mutual support should not be overlooked. Although
easier to employ against area targets, with proper coordination multi-ship attacks can be used to attack convoys or columns and
should be used to concentrate attacks on multiple or time sensitive targets. For multi-ship attacks an on-scene commander (OSC)
is required.

5.21.1 OSC
The OSC must be Lead Pilot Rated and already in the target area. If multiple flight leads are in the target area the one with the
greatest situational awareness will assume the role of OSC. The OSC is responsible for all aspects of the attack and can include:

Holding pattern coordination

JTAC/FAC(A) coordination
IP deconfliction
Communication plan development
Ordnance selection
Attack geometry/timing
Egress deconfliction
Rules of Engagement (ROE)
Target sorting.
188 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Other flight leads may provide suggestions/inputs but the OSC is the only lead who can adjust the plan. The number one factor in
successful multi-ship employment is to keep it simple. Do not force multi-flight attacks if good communication cannot be
established and be flexible and adjust tactics as required.

5.21.2 Holding
Locations should be assigned to allow room to maneuver while coordinating and provide inter-flight deconfliction. Separate IPs
can be used to provide geographical deconfliction. If only one hold point is established vertical deconfliction will be
accomplished by assigning altitude blocks to each flight. If only visual deconfliction is available, use the standard four-ship

5.21.3 Communication Plans

Communication must be clearly understood by all flight members as well as the JTAC/FAC(A). A common frequency will be
decided by the OSC for all inter-flight coordination with intra-flight communications on separate radios.

5.21.4 Roles
Roles will be established for each flight during the inter-flight fighter-to-fighter briefings the same as they are for two-ship
fighter-to-fighter briefings. Flights will be assigned specific roles within the multi-flight attack. If only one role is briefed assume
all members of that flight will be in that role.

5.21.5 Attack Maneuvering/Coordination

This is broken down into two elements; geographic and time. Geographic attacks such as sectored attacks use different approach
directions to the target area while combine attacks are from the same attack heading. Timing is broken down into simultaneous,
sequential, or random. See Table 5-16 - Coordinated Attack Types as a reference. Sectored Attack

If the target is known in advance sectors should be selected during mission planning and designated by the OSC. Sectors are
defined as an area of operations for each element and based on prominent geographic references (rivers, valleys, power lines,
roads, railroads) or map grid lines. Grid lines should be used as a last resort. Sector attacks can be accomplished from a common
IP but two or more are preferred to make deconfliction easier. Each 2-ship operates within its own sector. If the sector is
accidentally violated radio call will be made while maneuvering to leave the sector. Deconflict visually and with radio calls as
appropriate. The flight that violated the sector is responsible for collision avoidance until they have returned to their sector.
Ordinance ricochet and frag patterns will be planned to allow deconfliction. If sector boundaries or assignments have to be
changed the OSC will transmit directions and acknowledgement received from all flights must be received. Timing can be
simultaneous, sequential, or random.

Coordinated Attack Types

Type of Attack Simultaneous Sequential Random
Visual or Hack Visual or Hack
Combined Visual Spacing or Visual Spacing or Not Normally Used
Time Hack separation Time Hack separation
Sectored Visual or Hack Visual or Hack
Visual Spacing or Visual Spacing or Free Flow*
Acknowledge Sector
Time Hack separation Time Hack separation
*Ensure frag deconfliction
Table 5-16 - Coordinated Attack Types Sectored/Simultaneous Attacks

The aim is to place firepower on a target within 5 seconds to overwhelm defenses and increase survivability. A common time
between flights will be required to ensure correct timing and is mandatory if the flights cannot maintain visual contact. Sectored/Sequential Attacks

These keep continuous pressure on the target but can result in predictability. Timing may be accomplished with sequential TOT,
TTT with a time hack, or visual sequencing. Sequencing may also be accomplished by different weapons TOF or simultaneous
departures with different IP-to-target runs. Sectored/Random Attacks

Basically individual flight operations with airspace deconfliction but coordination must still occur to ensure weapons employment
is effective. The closer flights get to the target area the more coordination is required.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 189 Combined Attacks

When terrain, target, or ROE limit elements to use different headings to approach the target the OSC can direct combined attacks.
Combined attacks can start from a common IP but two or more can be used. Visual formations can be used and element spacing
obtained. Two IPs can be used for holding with the rejoin made to the attack formation at a common IP for the attack run. Using
two IPs eases deconfliction but makes attack coordination more burdensome. When poor visibility or run-in restrictions occur a
flow for egressing the target will be established by the OSC. The first flight will offset will be given the right-of-way and
establish an egress route to ensure deconfliction with the subsequent flight. Re-attacks WILL NOT be made unless all other
flights are clear of the target area. Timing options are similar to sectored attacks. Combined/Simultaneous Attacks

Can be used when the approach is wide enough for two flights to safely operate. Frag avoidance and flight deconfliction is
critical. It is important to let the other element know the attack roles and weapons that will be employed and a high level of SA is
required. Combined/Sequential Attacks

These are accomplished visually or with time coordination (TOT or TTT with a hack). Timing can be anywhere form 10 seconds
to several minutes. When the timing is short the attacks may appear similar to a four-ship attack. The options best suited are pre-
briefed to avoid confusion that can result from a complex inter-flight attack briefing. When the timing is long target and threat
information will be updated as well as successful tactics will be relayed from the egressing flight. Combined/Random Attacks

These are hazardous because of the autonomous operation within the same airspace. Because flights are unpredictable the risk of
collision without target destruction is increased. Because of this it is extremely rare to use this type of combined attack.

5.21.6 Guided Munitions

This section will cover Laser Guided Bombs (LGB) and Inertially-Aided Munitions (IAM) delivery techniques.

5.21.7 LGB (GBU-12/GBU-10)

LGBs can be employed by self-lasing or buddy lasing the target in level, diving and loft deliveries. The attack profile should be
chosen based on threats, weather, target priority, target type, desired weapons effect and rules of engagement. Although the topics
and tactics of this section are specific for LGBs they can be used for IAM munitions as well. LGB Level Attack

The easiest method when using LGBs. It is very important to maintain the proper formation spacing, altitude, airspeed, targeting
pod and visual references to ensure an effective and safe attack. LGB Dive Attacks

Dive attacks allow a diving delivery to achieve weapons release that is not possible in a level delivery. This should be executed
when target acquisition makes it impossible to accomplish a level attack. The dive is not intended to establish the aircraft on the
wire as in basic surface attacks but to allow the pilot to achieve a visual reference to the target. Altitude loss should be minimal,
begin pulling up as soon as the target is visually acquired and captured. LGB Simultaneous Attacks.

When threats or timing make it impossible to reattack a simultaneous attack will be used. They key is to have both aircraft release
ordnance at the same time from the same attitude and airspeed. Establish line formation (no farther than 2 NM separation)
approximately 15 miles from the target. When 20 seconds from release lead will transmit “VANGUARD1, 20 Seconds.” Once
this call is made both pilots should have their respective targets set as SPI and have the correct timing information based on the
formation and steering. If the wingman is not within 2 seconds of the flight lead as the 20 second to release point adjust
airspeed/altitude to aggressively correct formation position and timing as required.

At 10 seconds lead will advise by “VANGUARD1, 10 Seconds” followed by a countdown to release once inside 3 seconds
“VANGUARD1, Three, Two, One, Pickle.” If the wingman cannot release within 2 seconds of lead they will transmit
“VANGUARD12, Off Dry.” If the threat allows a reattack lead can authorize so the wingman can get ordinance on target. See
Figure 5-55 - LGB Simultaneous Delivery.
190 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Figure 5-55 - LGB Simultaneous Delivery LGB Shooter/Eyeball Attacks

This attack can be used anytime the shooter cannot self lase the target. The shooter is responsible for visual deconfliction from
the eyeball flying the opposite site of the planned attack direction. Once the weapon is released the shooter will fly visual
formation off the eyeball transitioning to the cover role. LGB Buddy Lase

This attack is when the aircraft delivering the bomb does not designate the target and is primarily used for SCAR or as a backup
when systems are degraded. Coordination between the designator and attacking aircraft is the key to successfully use this
technique. One technique to ensure basic coordination is the Four “Cs.”

Confirm (attacking fighter laser off)

Code (attacking laser code correctly set by designator)
Capture (target in TGP and ready to lase)
Clearance (to release)

Adequate lase time for weapon guidance must be ensured. It is recommended to use continuous lasing during buddy-lase attacks
because of the possible time of fall discrepancies between the lasing and attacking aircraft. When continuous lasing would
significantly degrade weapon energy delay lasing may be required. Delay lasing requires more coordination and communication
between aircraft. Weapons release, time to go to impact, and 10 seconds to impact all need to be communicated. This will ensure
the lasing aircraft begins lasing at least 10 seconds prior to impact. LGB Buddy Lase Attacks

Weather, target acquisition and tactical situations will impact which attack option is best. The following attacks provide tactical
alternatives when one of the common buddy lase attacks cannot be used.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 191 Split Element

When the wheel is to tight, not enough altitude to execute a dive, or weapons effect cannot be achieved with a dive attack and the
situation requires an aircraft to maintain the wheel for positive identification the element will separate with the eyeball aircraft
remaining in the target area and the shooter establishing spacing to make their attack run.

The eyeball aircraft will remain 1000 feet below the shooter to ensure deconfliction. This gives the shooter the option to climb to
establish the correct base altitude for delivery or operate through weather. Coordination is required to allow the eyeball to
maneuver to the appropriate side of the target to lase and ensure deconfliction with the weapon once released. Generally the
eyeball will be at the target’s three o’clock relative to the shooter’s attack run. See Figure 5-56 - LGB Split Element Attack.

Figure 5-56 - LGB Split Element Attack

192 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 Lead/Trail
This works well when a small clearing in the clouds or other obstructions is the only option for delivery. Having the eyeball in
2nm trail establishes a balance between target acquisition and providing mutual support. See Figure 5-57 - LGB Lead Trail

Figure 5-57 - LGB Lead Trail Attack

476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 193 Standoff Orbit

This places the designator in an orbit far enough from the target that they remain outside of the threat circle but close enough to
allow target identification. The orbit is offset from target 15° to 30° degrees from the attack heading. Clear communication
between the designator and attacking aircraft is extremely important so the designator can ensure they are looking at the target the
entire time of fall of the weapon. See Figure 5-58 - LGB Standoff Orbit Attack.

Figure 5-58 - LGB Standoff Orbit Attack

194 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 Ground Designator

Occasionally a JTAC will be available to last the target. Care must be taken to ensure the positive location and identification of
friendly forces is established prior to the attack. Communication between the JTAC and attacking aircraft must be clear and
specific. The attack run will be offset between 10° to 60° from the laser-to-target line. Once the ordinance is released the
attacking aircraft will turn away from the laser-to-target line and make a 10 second call prior to the required laser start time. The
“LASER ON” call will ensure the laser is on for the last 10 seconds time of fall. See Figure 5-59 - LGB Ground Designation.

Figure 5-59 - LGB Ground Designation

476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 195 LGB Contingency Attacks

When an aircraft experiences some type of system failure with the TGP or for aircraft that are not caring a TGP but have LGBs
use the following methods. Deadeye-Single Pass

The pilot with the good pod will release on their target then establishes a wheel pattern to buddy lase for the aircraft with TGP
failure. After impact the aircraft with the good pod will set the TGP to match the laser code of the other aircraft. The aircraft with
the good pod will broadcast “VANGUARD, Capture, 1511 set” letting the other aircraft know they are ready and for the bad
aircraft to validate the correct code has been set. The pilot with the bad pod will fly formation off the good aircraft in a cover roll
until directed otherwise.

Once cleared to a shooter roll the aircraft with the bad pod will turn in for their attack run. They will call in and weapon away (to
include number of seconds for weapon TOF). The attacking aircraft will ensure recovery is made 1,000 feet below the lasing
aircraft to ensure deconfliction. See Figure 5-60 - LGB Deadeye-Single Pass.
196 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Figure 5-60 - LGB Deadeye-Single Pass

476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 197 Bad System-Single Pass

This is the same as the deadeye-single pass except both aircraft operate as shooter. See Figure 5-61 - Bad Systems Single Pass.

Figure 5-61 - Bad Systems Single Pass Unguided Delivery

As a last resort LGBs can be delivered CCIP using the same tactics as outlined in section 5.7 Weapon Delivery.
198 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016


476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 199


6.1 Introduction
In-flight refueling in the A-10C is a common and critical mission requirement during day and night operations for both training
and combat. This chapter discusses planning, procedures, and techniques for day, night, and emergency air-to-air refueling

Additional References
See the air-to-air Refueling section within TO 1A-10C-476CL-1, 476th vFG A-10C Flight Crew Checklist for specific checklist
requirements and Figure 6.1 for A-10C Air Refueling Lights, Switches, and Panels.

6.2 Mission Planning

6.2.1 Air-to-Air Refueling Information

Ensure you are aware of information to include tanker call sign, AAR track, altitude, and frequencies (radio and TACAN). Flight
planning should be completed using the appropriate flight planning procedures with special considerations made concerning
weather, air aborts, alternate refueling routes, recovery/emergency bases, and Bingo fuel.

6.2.2 Night Air-to-Air Refueling

During night AAR (NAAR) mission planning and execution are the same as in daytime with an increased emphasis on available
visual references. See paragraph 6.8, Night Air-to-Air Refueling, for night specific requirements.

6.3 Ground Operations

6.3.1 Before Taxi Check

Perform an operational check of the AAR system by opening the AAR door, ensure the “Ready Light” illuminates. If “Ready
Light” illuminates close the AAR door and continue with your normal ground operational checks and procedures.

6.3.2 External Tanks

Calculate the aircraft takeoff and landing data (TOLD) for the increased weight and drag of the external fuel tanks. Consider how
takeoff, in-flight and landing emergencies will be different and anticipate corrections.


Failure to turn off the external tanks will cause fuel transfer from the external tanks to the aircraft. Takeoff with partially filled
external tanks is prohibited.

The increased weight and drag of the external tanks can make it difficult or impossible to air refuel at higher altitudes. Ensure
the external fuel tanks are turned off a minimum of 10 minutes prior to refueling to ensure maximum fueled capacity.

6.4 Enroute

6.4.1 Armament Safety Checks

Prior to joining up with the tanker flight lead will verify the armament and countermeasure systems are safe on intra-flight
frequency stating “WARTHOG FLIGHT, SWITCHES SAFE.” This should be included as part of the 20 miles prior to
rendezvous initial point (RVIP) broadcast.

6.4.2 Pre-contact/Astern Checks

Accomplish in accordance with TO 1A-10C-476CL-1, 476th vFG A-10C Flight Crew Checklist prior to moving to the pre-
contact/astern position. Flight lead will verify completion of checklist items by all members of the flight.
200 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Figure 6-1 - A-10C Air Refueling Lights, Switches, and Panels.

6.4.3 Rendezvous Initial Point/Rendezvous Control Point

The flight leader will guide the flight to the RVIP and hold 1,000 feet below tanker altitude. All flight members will verify
altimeters are set properly. Flight lead will initiate radio contact with the tanker as well as broadcast on the appropriate tanker
frequency “WARTHOG1, 2 SHIP A-10, INBOUND SHELL.”

The tanker will normally be in a left-hand orbit pattern at 220 KIAS anchored at the Rendezvous Contact Point (RVCP).

The tanker will acknowledge flight leads radio contact, flight will then depart the RVIP and proceed to Rendezvous with the
tanker at the RVCP.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 201

6.5 Tanker Rendezvous

Because of limitations in DCS World the RV Delta (point parallel rendezvous) is the only option. RV Delta is a predictable
racetrack pattern flown by the tanker and receiving aircraft using fighter turn-on to effect the rejoin.

6.5.1 RV Delta (Point Parallel Rendezvous)

The flight will depart the RVIP on course to the RVCP at 230 to 240 KIAS (or cruise speed), whichever is higher with the goal of
being at the RVCP at the Rendezvous Contact Time (RVCT). Flight will maintain a minimum of 1,000 feet below the tanker
altitude until visual contact with the tanker has been established. The flight will use electrical aids (A/A TACAN) to assist in the
rendezvous starting no later than 50 NM or the RVIP, whichever occurs first until reading the astern position. Following the
rendezvous receivers will turn off A/A TACAN. See Figure 6-2 - Point Parallel Rendezvous.

Figure 6-2 - Point Parallel Rendezvous Rejoin (Fighter Turn-On) Bearing
When the tanker is 40 DME, the number one bearing pointer should indicate 12 o’clock off the nose, at 30 DME the bearing
pointer should shift to 10 degrees off the nose. At 20 DME the bearing pointer should be 20 degrees off and at 10 DME 30
degrees off. Rejoin (Fighter Turn-on)

Use a lead pursuit curve to make the turn to rejoin with the tanker. Visual Contact

When the flight has visual contact with the tanker A/A TACAN will be turned off. Rendezvous will be in Echelon left, route
spacing. The flight will rejoin to the left observation position, the first receiving aircraft can join directly astern the tanker with
proceeding receivers joining to the left wing in Echelon.

6.6 Refueling Sequence

Key areas around the tanker are pre-contact/astern, observation, contact/refueling, and reform areas, see Figure 6.4, Key Areas.
Normal receiver flow will be lead to the pre-contact/astern position with other flight members to the left wing observation lower
and departing high on the reform area after refueling. When rendezvoused with the tanker the flight will join up on the tanker as
202 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

briefed by flight lead. One aircraft at a time is allowed to change formation around the tanker with all others remaining steady.
Flight lead directs and clears each member of the flight for formation changes.

6.6.1 Observation Position Transition to Position

When cleared to the observation position, maintain a small amount of overtake and fly slightly away from the tanker. Complete
rejoin off the tankers left wing. Observation and Reform Position References

Maintain position along the tanker’s wing line maintaining one receiver’s wingspan clearance from the tanker. Keep high enough
to see part of the tanker’s opposite wing and slightly forward of an imaginary line connecting the training edge of the tanker’s
wingtips. During turns, stack low (observation position) or high (reform position) and maintain the horizontal plane of the aircraft
in contact/refueling position.

KC-135. Align wingtip formation light with the door or window below the wing root. See Figure 6-3 - KC-135 Observation

Figure 6-3 - KC-135 Observation Position

476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 203

Figure 6-4 - Air Refueling Key Areas

204 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

6.6.2 Astern/Pre-contact Position Transition to Position

Flight lead will clear each flight member to the astern/pre-contact position by broadcasting “WARTHOG2 CLEAR ASTERN.”
Open the AR door and transition to the astern/pre-contact position. Maneuver is similar to the first half of a cross under. Drop
below the tanker, slightly reducing power. Move at a controllable rate and position approximately 50 feet (one aircraft length)
behind and slightly lower than the boom. See Figure 6-4 - Air Refueling Key Areas and Figure 6-5 - KC-135 Astern/Pre-contact

Figure 6-5 - KC-135 Astern/Pre-contact Position

Pilots will then contact the tanker for refueling authorization. Do not contact the tanker until in a stabilized astern/pre-contact
position. Once authorized by the tanker move to the contact/refueling position.

6.6.3 Contact Position Transition to Contact/Refueling Position

Move smoothly and slowly to position placing the end of the boom directly in front of the air refueling receptacle. Advance
power slowly moving the aircraft towards the tanker.


Moving to the contact/refueling position may be easier for some of the nose of the aircraft is placed level with or slightly below
the boom. Look directly at the lower part of the boom for alignment and closure rate, approach slowly. When 2 to 3 feet away
from the boom stabilize the aircraft with a small reduction in power and transition to a reference on the tanker and maintain this
position. If starting from 100 feet or more away the aircraft may build up excessive overtake. This can make power control
difficult and cause excessive overcorrection. Note the airspeed of the tanker while in the observation position and use 1 to 2
KIAS overtake when moving into the contact/refueling position.

The boom operator will position the boom into the receptacle and make contact. Once latched, verify the “Latched” light is
illuminated. Quickly glance at the fuel gauge to confirm fuel is transferring to your aircraft.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 205 Contact Position References

Fly off the tanker not the boom. Cockpit references vary and should be checked against the director lights. The boom may block
the director lights, move your head accordingly to reference said lights. See Figure 6-6 - KC-135 Contact Position.

Figure 6-6 - KC-135 Contact Position

A disconnect will occur if the refueling envelope limits are exceeded. When this happens move the aircraft to the astern/pre-
contact position, reset the air-refueling system by pressing the AR disconnect/reset button on the control stick and verify the
Ready light is illuminated. Ensure you do not drift to far back and slowly move back into the contact position. Maintaining Contact

Continue flying references of the tanker and do not overcorrect. Never chase the boom. When you arrive in the contact posit ion
ensure you are stabilized and let the boom operator connect the boom.

When connected make small power and flight control inputs. Anticipate corrections to avoid being slow and do not over control
the aircraft. Be prepared to make high power setting as the aircraft receives fuel offsetting the increased weight of the aircraft.

6.6.4 Disconnects Normal Disconnect

Once the aircraft is full or the briefed fuel load is received disconnect from the tanker. If a partial load is received press the AR
disconnect/reset button on the control stick. Verify the Disconnect light is illuminated and follow the reform after disconnect
procedures in paragraph Envelope Limit Exceeded Disconnects

If boom limits are exceeded an automatic disconnect will occur. KC-135 azimuth limits are 10 degrees left and right, elevation
limit is a 10 degrees up or down. Inner limit is 6 feet and the outer limit is 18 feet.

Disconnect if pitch or yaw control becomes violent, uncontrollable or if you believe boom limits are about to be exceeded.
206 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Figure 6-7 - KC-135 Boom Limits Reform After Disconnect

Upon completion of refueling perform a normal disconnect and transition slightly down and aft. When clear of the boom pay
attention to other aircraft in the observation and reform positions. Perform a cross under on any wingmen in the reform area and
move to a route spacing in the reform area off the wing or your wingman or tanker if flight lead. See Figure 6-8 - KC-135 Reform
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 207

Figure 6-8 - KC-135 Reform Position

6.7 Post Air Refueling Procedures

6.7.1 Post Air Refueling Checks

Accomplish checks in accordance with the Air-to-Air Refueling, Post Air Refueling section of TO 1A-10C-476CL-1, 476th vFG
A-10C Flight Crew Checklist. Flight lead will verify completion of checks once all members have completed air refueling.

6.7.2 Departure
Once flight has completed air refueling flight lead will clear the flight to depart by broadcasting “WARTHOG1, 2 SHIP A-10,
DEPARTING SHELL.” Flight lead will ensure deconfliction with the tanker and proceed with departure.

6.8 Night Air Refueling

Differences between day and night procedures are minimal. NVGs can be work for night tanker rejoins but will be raised prior to
moving to the pre-contact position and remain off through contact and refueling. Goggles can be worn when in the observation or
reform positions.


Wearing NVGs during entire refueling process is authorized in combat blackout operations (tankers external lighting is off or the
tanker has been updated with NVG compatible exterior lighting).

6.9 A-10 Lighting

Refueling receptacle, nacelle floodlights and nose illumination lights must be operational. Nacelle floodlights are controlled by
the slipway light rheostat and nose illumination lighting only works when formation lights are on.

6.10 Refueling
Formation procedures do not change. Move into the contact/refueling position with a closure rate of 1 to 2 knots. The nose
illumination lights will begin to illuminate the end of the boom during approach to the contact position.

Once in position maintain position, use the director lights to assist in maintaining proper position. Nose illumination lights should
illuminate the boom enough to see the green portion. Remain patient and avoid large power or control changes.
208 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

After the aircraft is full or the briefed fuel load is received disconnect from the tanker and move slightly down and aft. When
clear of the boom pay attention to other aircraft in the observation and reform positions. Perform a cross under on any wing men
in the reform area and move to a route spacing in the reform area off the wing or your wingman or tanker if flight lead.

6.11 Quick Flow (QF)

6.11.1 General
Used to quickly complete air refueling operations and allows receivers to minimize refueling time while obtaining the maximum
fuel possible and can only be used in VMC conditions. Echelon left formation will be used for QF operations.

6.11.2 QF Procedures
The receiver flight will join the tanker with the flight lead moving directly to the astern position. All other aircraft will proceed to
the left observation position. When flight lead begins refueling the second aircraft will move to the on-deck position. On-deck is
Echelon left off the receiver in the contact position. Once the flight lead completes refueling they will transition to the reform
area off the tanker’s right wing. The second receiver will move from the on-deck to contact position. If more than two receiver
aircraft are part of the formation the third receiver moves to the on-deck position. This process continues until all aircraft have
completed refueling. See Figure 6.9, Quick Flow Air Refueling.

6.11.3 Breakaway Procedures

If an emergency exists during refueling operations the pilot who observed the emergency will transmit on the AR frequency
“BREAKAWAY” three times.

The tanker will maintain current heading and/or established angle of bank. Descend down and aft keeping the tanker in sight until
clear of the tanker and the refueling boom. Aircraft do not have to be in the contact position for anyone to call a breakaway.

If the breakaway call is made prior to reaching the observation position the entire flight will execute breakaway procedures. If
called after a receiver has reached the observation position only the aircraft in stern/pre-contact or contact/refueling position will
execute breakaway procedures. If visual contact of the tanker is lost descend 500 feet below the tanker. Aircraft in the
observation position will maintain formation on the tanker. If unable to stay with the tanker or loss of visual contact acco mplish
applicable lost wingman procedures.

Figure 6-9 - Quick Flow Air Refueling

476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 209

6.11.4 Loss of Visual Contact/Lost Wingman

Take immediate action to achieve safe separation from the tanker and other receivers. This is accomplished by executing loss of
visual contact/lost wingman procedures and transmitting “WARTHOG11, LOSS OF CONTACT” or “WARTHOG11, LOST
WINGMAN.” Straight and Level Procedures

In Contact/Refueling or Astern/Pre-contact Position.


Slow 10 knots.
Descent 500 feet.
Hold tanker heading.
After 30 seconds resume normal airspeed.

Aircraft Closest to Tanker.

Turn away using 15 degrees bank for 15 seconds

Resume tanker heading to a parallel track.

Next Aircraft (Number 3).

Turn away using 30 degrees bank for 30 seconds.

Resume tanker heading to a parallel track.

Next Aircraft (Number 4).

Turn away using 45 degrees bank for 30 seconds.

Resume tanker heading to a parallel track. Tanker Turning, Aircraft on Outside of Turn

In Contact/Refueling or Astern/Pre-contact Position.


Slow 10 knots.
Descent 500 feet.
Roll out wing level.
Hold tanker heading.
After 30 seconds resume normal airspeed.

Aircraft Closest to Tanker.

Turn away rolling through level flight to 15 degrees angles of bank in the opposite direction for 15 seconds.
Resume tanker heading to a parallel track.

Next Aircraft (Number 3).

Turn away rolling through level flight to 30 degrees angles of bank in the opposite direction for 30 seconds.
Resume tanker heading to a parallel track.

Next Aircraft (Number 4).

Turn away rolling through level flight to 45 degrees angles of bank in the opposite direction for 30 seconds.
Resume tanker heading to a parallel track Tanker Turning, Aircraft on Inside of Turn

In Contact/Refueling or Astern/Pre-contact Position.


210 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Slow 10 knots.
Descent 500 feet.
Roll out wing level.
Hold tanker heading.
After 30 seconds resume normal airspeed.

Aircraft Closest to Tanker.

Reduce power to ensure nose-tail separation.

Maintain 15 degrees angles of bank for 15 seconds.
Resume tanker heading to a parallel track.

Next Aircraft (Number 3).

Attempt to maintain formation

Reduce power to ensure nose-tail separation.
Maintain 30 degrees angles of bank for 30 seconds.
Resume tanker heading to a parallel track.

Next Aircraft (Number 4).

Attempt to maintain formation

Reduce power to ensure nose-tail separation.
Maintain 45 degrees angles of bank for 30 seconds.
Resume tanker heading to a parallel track.

6.12 System Malfunctions or Damage.

Stop refueling if any damage to the fuel system occurs. Only attempt AR if a fuel emergency exists (low fuel).

6.12.1 Refueling With Right System Hydraulic Failure

Air refueling can be accomplished with a right hydraulic system failure. Pull the AR door handle to the OPEN position, springs in
the refueling door will cause the door to open. The Nozzle lock is spring loaded open but will not lock when engaged with the
tanker boom. The receiver aircraft needs to maintain position, the boom operator will hold the boom in place.


Due to no hydraulic pressure being present the AR door will not close.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 211


7.1 General Low Altitude Procedures

A low cloud deck or threat environment has the potential to drive operations into a low-altitude environment. Using the curvature
of the earth or terrain masking will delay the enemy from acquiring visual or sensor detection which contributes to tactical
advantages. While operating in the low-altitude environment task prioritization and management are critical to flight safety and
mission effectiveness. Continue to cross-check the radar altimeter and cockpit altimeter against known elevations. Never fly
lower than necessary to accomplish assigned tasking effectively and safely.

The EGI and the moving map are aids for low-altitude navigation and can reduce workload but they should not replace sound
navigation skills. Pilots should practice dead reckoning (DR) and pilotage often.

Dead reckoning is flying from one point to another relying on distance, heading and time and is the primary method of navigating
in the low-altitude environment because forward/side visibility may be reduced and visual check points may be hard to locate.

Pilotage is determining the position of the aircraft by matching symbols on the mat with terrain or man-mad features on the
ground. It is a key skill for navigation because it provides precise position plotting and allows for early detection and correction
of navigational errors. Selection of suitable check points that will be used to correct the position of the aircraft or to check the
position and direction of travel should be selected early in mission planning. Threats permitting, check points should be easily
definable man-mad objects or terrain features. See Table 7-1 - Sample Check Points for a guide on good and bad check points.
To determine present position select a feature on the map (or F10 view) and find it on the ground. If you are uncertain of your
position use every detail possible to confirm position. When using a large city choose a distinct landmark to provide your best
reference. Cloud cover or flying over barren areas of water make map reading difficult or almost impossible.

Good Check Points Bad Check Points

• Small cities in a definite pattern or with some • Small cities or towns with no definite pattern
outstanding reference points • Regular highways, roads, small power lines
• Prominent structures, speedways, railroad • Small peaks with ridges of similar size and shape
yards, underpasses, rivers, lakes or rugged vast mountains
• Race tracks and grain elevators • Railroads (expanded) straight sections
• Prominent peaks, cuts, gorges, gashes, passes • Small mines and man-made dams
• Large open-pit mines • Trails and small roads
• Isolated peaks • Extended forest areas
• Major road/rail intersections • Underground pipelines
• Desert roads, washes, and dry lakes
• Radio, microwave, and gondola towers
Table 7-1 - Sample Check Points

7.2 Navigation

7.2.1 Low-Level Route

Low-level route is a precise form of tactical navigation which enables a pilot to fly a specific route to arrive at location at a
specific time. It is not very flexible and does not allow for deviations from the planned route. When planning study the route
visualizing every turn point and analyze how weather effects (haze, smoke, dust) and the angle of the sun will affect it. Review
planned altitudes for all legs looking for the highest obstacles along the route. If a specific time-on-target is required work from
the target backwards calculating the time you need to be at each navigation point along the route.

7.2.2 Low-Altitude Tactical Navigation (LATN).

LATN is a flexible form of navigation that does not follow a preplanned route, normally flown using pilotage and DR to
determine locations then plotting a suitable route to the destination avoiding any known threads. LATN preparation and planning
consists of:

Study the map/F10, identify significant terrain features to use as aids in navigation.
Select turn points that are unique in size and position.

While executing LATN terrain avoidance is the most critical task, getting lost won’t get you killed hitting the ground will. Keep
the aircraft under positive control at the proper altitude. Attention should be divided between clearing your flight patch, checking
six and performing other duties. When maneuvering at low level make level or slightly climbing turns, if altitude is gained
descend after wings level, DO NOT make corrections while in the turn. Look through the forward windscreen in the turn and not
down over the canopy rail. If you must check six only look for 1 to 2 seconds then return forward to recheck the flight path.
212 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016


Flat terrain or calm water is dangerous because it lacks depth perception. Flying a across sloping terrain can provide a false
horizon slowly drawing you off course. Enemy defenses as well as terrain obstructions should be flown around and not over
whenever possible.

7.2.3 Route Planning

Determine key references, turning points, man-made and natural references, airspace coordination and potential threats. Study the
F10 map looking for terrain and obstacle elevations geographic features that can be used for terrain masking. Identify terrain
features that are the most evident and can assist in visual navigation (mountain, lake, large intersections). Once established use
them to identify funneling features to aid in terrain masking, target location, turning points or points of interest. This philosophy
is known as working big to small, the mountain or large lake serve as the big while the funnel features lead you to the small
(targets, turning point, etc.). Fuel consumption at lower altitudes will be higher, anticipate the use of an additional 20 pounds per
mile while at tactical airspeeds.

7.2.4 Awareness
The primary responsibility during low-altitude operations is terrain and obstacle avoidance followed by successful mission
completion. Mission tasks fall into:

Terrain clearance tasks (top priority).

Maintaining positive control of the aircraft.
Establishing altitude control for tasks. If significant head-down time is required climb to a higher altitude.
Critical task (needs to be accomplished now)
Maintain SA, threat awareness and avoidance, and weapons delivery.
Weapon employment
Non-critical tasks (can be accomplished later)

7.2.5 Task Saturation

While operating in a low-altitude environment pilots will likely become overtasked. It is important that all members of the flight
to observe each other for signs of task saturation. A good example is failing to make a radio call, not following contracts or
falling out of formation. If this occurs immediately stop completion of all non-critical tasks. If this does not alleviate the situation
climb to a safe altitude. If in a combat environment you may be forced to abort the mission.

7.3 Low-Altitude Flying Basics

7.3.1 Altitude
The altitude to fly depends on factors such as threat(s), weather, terrain and fuel consumption and all should be considered when
planning a sortie. A general rule is to fly as high as the threat(s) and weather will to accomplish a successful mission.

7.3.2 Airspeed
Fuel consumption is the main factor used to plan the airspeed flown in a low-altitude environment. Faster airspeeds help defeat
threats and decrease the time to get to the area of operations but it increases fuel flow resulting in a shorter playtime. Flight leads
must decide if speed or endurance is more important.

7.3.3 Turning
Turns are made to avoid terrain, threats, or obstacles and should be limited while in a low-altitude environment. At 300 feed a
good visual reference is to place the center mirror on the horizon to maintain a level turn. See Figure X.X, Low-Altitude Turn
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 213

Figure 7-1 - Low-Altitude Turn Picture

7.3.4 Ridge Crossings

When possible avoid ridge crossings. If unable to avoid use one of three types; perpendicular, parallel, and saddle.

Perpendicular ridge crossings deny visual or radar acquisition but should only be accomplished when your 6 is clear. Pull
early to avoid an overshoot crossing the ridge and crest the ridge at the minimum low-level altitude. Wait until the top of the
ridgeline of the hill is 3° to 5° above the TCC. Pull the stick back to place the TVV 5° above the ridgeline. If accomplished
at 1 mile from the ridgeline and held the aircraft will pass the top at 500 feet AGL. If waiting until 0.5 miles the aircraft will
cross at 250 feet AGL. Figure 7-2 - Perpendicular Ridge Crossing.. You can use one of three methods to descend on the
back side of the ridge:

Wings level bunt. Limits the wing flashes and maintains straight line navigation and is less disorienting allowing the
pilot to assess the back side of the hidden ridgelines and quickly stop descent when required. The bunt should begin
as the top of the ridgeline falls to the bottom of the HUD FOV.
Roll-and-unload. Roll 90° to 120° of bank and unload letting overbank help as the nose drops to achieve a rollout
dive angle on the other side of the ridge.
Roll-and-pull. Most aggressive, roll to a near inverted (120° bank maximum) turning pull. Most effective when
crossing large, steep, isolated ridgelines or if immediate re-masking is required. When you reach the top of the ridge
roll and pull the nose down through the horizon. When the nose crosses the horizon clear the flight and stop the pull
5° nose low. Quickly unload and roll the aircraft is upright 10° nose low and execute a standard dive recovery.
214 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Figure 7-2 - Perpendicular Ridge Crossing.

Parallel ridge crossings are used if a threat to your 6 o’clock position exists, it denies the bandit a blue-sky background and
makes it difficult to acquire a gun solution from both ground or air threats. Turn to arrive at the pull-up point approximated
45° offset to the ridge. Pull up later than the perpendicular ridge crossing and continue to climb until parallel to the ridge
crest just below the top. Roll and pull into the ridge to cross the crest at the minimum altitude. Use a roll-and-unload or roll-
and-pull maneuver on the downside to fly down the ridge on a heading of 90° to 135° from the ridgeline. See Figure 7-3 -
Parallel Ridge Crossing.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 215

Figure 7-3 - Parallel Ridge Crossing

Saddle ridge crossings are similar to parallel. Turn to parallel the ridgeline while remaining masked until reaching a canyo n
that crosses to the other side. The maneuver is dictated by actual terrain characteristics. See Figure 7-4 - Saddle Ridge

Figure 7-4 - Saddle Ridge Crossing

216 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

7.3.5 Routing
Use a route that is easy to navigate, avoids threats, and allows the easiest formation maneuvering, sung angle and factors in fuel
consumption and arrival time. Some factors may have to be sacrificed to accomplish the required mission. Flying into a low sun
should be avoided if possible.

7.3.6 Contingencies
Always be prepared for bad weather, in needed accomplish a climb, hood turn or deviate as necessary to maintain VMC. If
accomplishing a hook turn use caution because it is possible to lose vertical references during the turn and begin descending. If
all other options have been exhausted abort and return to base. Flight lead will call “WARTHOG FLIGHT, KNOCK IT OFF,
ROUTE ABORT.” Members of the flight will initiate a maximum power climb to the briefed route abort altitude and transition to
instruments as required. Continue flying the preplanned ground track until directed otherwise. Lead will use heading, formation
spacing, timing, and altitude separation to ensure aircraft deconfliction,

When experiencing any type of inflight emergency immediately initiate a climb and broadcast “KNOCK IT OFF” and advise
flight of the problem.

If a low-altitude ejection is required if possible try to climb or attain wings level prior to ejection.

7.4 General Low Altitude Training Procedures

GCAS will be on and set for all low level training operations. Flight leads will brief the minimum altitudes, pilots will set the
warnings according. Navigate using a combination of pilot skills, dead reckoning and EGI information. Dead reckoning is the
primary means of navigation. When unable to visually acquire or ensure safe separation from vertical obstructions leads will
direct a climb to ensure safe separation 2 NM prior to the obstacle. When crossing high or hilly terrain do not exceed 120° of
bank. When possible limit zero or negative G crossings of obstacles to upright bunting maneuvers. For planning purposes, the
minimum airspeed for low altitude flight/navigation is 240 KIAS. During the flight the actual minimum airspeed is 200 KIAS.

The minimum safe altitude (MSA) will ensure a clearance of 1,000 feet above the highest obstacle/terrain feature within 5 NM of
the planned route or operating area. Leads may establish an MSA for each leg of the intended route of the flight or for a specific
target. During all low altitude operations, the immediate reaction to task saturation or an emergency is to climb. If in a combat
area immediately turn towards friendly forces.

Fly low-level formation positions/tactics

Fly line abreast formation at or above 300 AGL
When flying below 300 AGL lead will direct wedge, trail or combat trail
Training conducted between 100 to 300 AGL will be in short segments
Maximum dive angle when below 5,000 AGL is the lesser of 45° or 1% of AGL (e.g., 40 degrees’ nose low at 4,000, 30
degrees’ nose low at 3,000 AGL etc.)
Below 1,000 AGL wingmen will not fly lower AGL altitude than lead
When operating in the low altitude environment if a “Knock-It-Off” call is made will climb to a pre-briefed safe altitude
(minimum 1,000 AGL)
Navigate using a combination of dead reckoning (DR) and EGI information. DR is the primary means of navigation
If unable to visually acquire or unable to ensure lateral separation from vertical obstructions leads will direct a climb to
ensure separation 2 NM prior to the obstacle
Do not exceed 120° of bank when crossing high or hilly terrain
Minimum planned airspeed for low altitude flight/navigation is 240 KIAS but no less than 200 KIAS
Radar altimeter will be on and alerts set at the briefed minimum altitude.
Minimum Safe Altitude (MSA) is a clearance of 1,000 feet above the highest obstacle/terrain feature within 5 NM of the
planned course or operating area. A separate MSA may be established for each low level leg of the flight
Immediate reaction to task saturation, diverted attention or emergency is to climb (minimum 1,000 AGL)
Weather Minimums 1,500 feet ceiling and 3 miles visibility

Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC) Route/Abort Procedures:

Maintain safe separation from terrain/obstacles

Maintain VMC at all times, if unable follow IMC procedures listed below

Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC) Route/Abort Procedures:

Every effort will be made to avoid entering IMC. If encountered pilots will transmit [CALLSIGN, knock-it-off]
Immediately climb to or above the briefed altitude, transition to instruments when in IMC
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 217

Route abort is an emergency procedure; pilot judgment is of the utmost importance.

Lead will ensure safe separation
Maintain pre-planned ground track, execute lost wingman procedures if necessary.
Lead is responsible for ensuring heading and altitude deconfliction is accomplished during the IMC route abort
procedure. Ensure deconfliction is based on the same altimeter setting.
Use current altimeter setting until directed to change by lead

TGP Minimum Altitudes. 5,000 AGL until granted TGP LASDT upgrade. Once upgrade is awarded:

1,000 AGL during day

2,000 AGL for night/high illumination
2,000 AGL or MSL, whichever is higher, for night/low illumination

Use of TGP LSS/LST capability below the above minimums are limited to HOTAS actions required to initiate LSS/LST
symbology in the HUD.
218 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016


476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 219

8.1 Ground Operations

8.1.1 Cockpit Lighting

Cockpit lighting should be set to ensure the primary flight instruments are the most visible gauges. Other lighting can be set to
each pilot’s personal preference. When not using NVGs cockpit lighting should be set to the minimum possible so they do not
impact night vision. When using NVGs adjust the lighting to your comfort level ensuring the primary flight instruments are most

8.1.2 Taxing
Aircraft will remain on the taxiway center line while maintaining a minimum of 300 feet nose to tail separation between aircraft.
Use taxi light spacing to aid in maintaining nose to tail clearance. In addition to normal ground operation lighting formations
lights will be turned ON and the aircraft taxi light will be used anytime the aircraft is moving. The aircraft taxi light will be turned
off when holding short of the active runway so it will not interfere with aircraft taking off or landing.

8.1.3 Interval Takeoff

Procedures for nighttime interval takeoff remain the same as during daytime operations with a few additional requirements. If an
abort is required ensure to broadcast “ABORT” as soon as you have control of the aircraft. Continue to check instruments to
ensure you are maintaining a positive climb. Unless departure plates direct otherwise, climb on runway heading to 2,000 feet
AGL at 200 KIAS before initiating any turns.

8.1.4 Formation Takeoff

Procedures for nighttime formation takeoff remain the same as during daytime operations with a few additional requirements.
Because of limited visibility all configuration changes (gear up, flaps up, etc.) must be initiated with a radio call.

8.1.5 NVG Takeoff

NVG takeoffs can only be accomplished when operating at airfields under blackout conditions.

8.2 En Route/Navigation
NVGs will not be worn until authorized by flight lead. Leads will ensure “Goggles On” call is only made when in wings-level
flight. NVGs will be removed at a minimum 5 minutes prior to landing. Visibility when wearing NVGs is greatly impacted on
available illumination sources. With good illumination and weather it is possible to operate the aircraft at all altitudes using
ground references and your map. When flying with poor illumination or bad weather be prepared to switch IMC flight rules.
Avoid when possible flying into a rising/setting sun, bright areas or a low-angle moon. This will cause blooming and loss of

8.3 Rejoin
Can be accomplished with or without NVGs. Caution must be used to limit overtake during rejoin. 30 KIAS is the maximum
overtake speed, lead will broadcast heading, altitude and airspeed if different than briefed. For turning rejoins establish a
maximum of 30° of bank. Position the lead in the front quarter panel of the windscreen aligning the tail position light, upper
formation light, and inside wing position light from an isosceles triangle. Use the two strip lights on top of the fuselage shaped
like “/\”as a reference if the aircraft is turning in or away from you. Remember if on a collision course lead will remain stationary
on the canopy. When 3,000 feet away maintain 30 KIAS of overtake, when approaching 1,600 feet reduce overtake to
approximately 15 KIAS. Continue to cross check altitude to ensure enough altitude separation is available if an overshoot occurs.

8.4 Night Formation Procedures

Visual cues for both are the same as during daytime operations but the primary references used is the lighting pattern. Unless
briefed otherwise route is the normal night spacing. Use TACAN Yardstick to assist in maintaining aircraft spacing. The TAD
should be used as a secondary means.

8.4.1 Close Separation

For close formation align the wingtip position light between the upper and lower fuselage formation lights and fly no further
forward than the vertical stabilizer formation light. When in the proper position the tail position light will be barely visible. You
are to close if the tail position light is hidden behind the rudder. Close formation will not be flown while wearing NVGs. See
Figure 8-1 - Night Close Formation Spacing Reference Example.
220 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Figure 8-1 - Night Close Formation Spacing Reference Example

8.4.2 Route Separation

Visual references are the same with the exception that the tail position light is visible and you are behind the vertical for mation
lights. See Figure 8-2 - Night Route Formation Spacing Reference Example.

Figure 8-2 - Night Route Formation Spacing Reference Example

476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 221

8.4.3 NVG Formation Procedures

Because of the field of view limitations pilots must constantly scan when using NVGs during formation flying. Close formation is
never flown when wearing NVGs.

8.4.4 Air-to-Air Refueling Procedures

NVGs may be worn during rejoins with the tanker but will be removed prior to entering the pre-contact position and remain off
until refueling has completed. NVGs may be worn when flying in the Observation or Reform areas.

8.4.5 Flight Breakup

Breaking up the flight is the same as daytime, Lead will broadcast current altitude, airspeed, altimeter setting and heading. Once
directed to separate immediately being cross-checking instruments and outside references.

8.5 Approach and Landing

8.5.1 Formation Approach

Formation approaches should only be used during emergency situations where the wingman plans to execute a go-around once the
lead aircraft has landed. Approach should be established a minimum of 15 miles our using TACAN and ILS if available. The
lead aircraft will broadcast all configuration changes. For example “WARTHOG1, FLAPS DOWN, NOW” OR “WARTHOG1,
SPEED BRAKES, NOW.” The wingman should increase wingtip clearance and fly stacked-high maintaining the proper fore/aft
position. Once lead touches down initiate a missed approach.

8.5.2 Landing
Scan the entire runway to avoid staring at the touchdown point. The landing light should provide enough illumination to see the
runway. Cross-reference the runway remaining markers and airspeed indicator to slow the aircraft safely.

8.5.3 Emergency Procedures

In-flight emergencies are address the same as during the day but pilots must also ensure they continue to cross-check instruments
while referencing checklists and accomplishing emergency procedures.
222 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016


476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 223

9.1 Introduction
This chapter covers proficiency exercises which are grouped into three areas: familiarization and aircraft handling characteristics
(AHC); air combat training (ACBT); and low-altitude step-down training (LASDT).

9.2 Familiarization and Aircraft Handling Exercises

The objective of these exercises is to provide A-10 pilots with a thorough understanding of the flight envelope and a good feel for
aircraft energy state.

9.2.1 Confidence Maneuver

The objective of this exercise is to demonstrate the forgiving nature and natural recovery characteristics of the A-10.

Begin the maneuver at or above 10,000 feet AGL at 250 KIAS. Begin a 2 to 3 G wings-level pull and retard throttles to IDLE.
Reduce stick pressure to avoid overshooting 70 degrees of pitch (the aircraft may pitch over to inverted if 70 degrees is exceeded
during the climb). The aircraft will quickly decelerate through 50 KIAS and the nose will pitch down to 80 to 100 degrees of dive.
When the aircraft accelerates through 150 KIAS, add power and pull to level flight on the steady tone. Some roll may occur
during the maneuver; do not mistake this for a spin entry.

9.2.2 Stall Warning Tone/G-Available Exercise

This objective of this exercise is to demonstrate the G available at various airspeeds. The maneuver will be flown twice, once at
275 KIAS and once at 220 KIAS. Accomplish all maneuvering at or above 5,000 feet AGL.

Perform a 360° turn at 275 KIAS with throttles at MAX. Slowly increase back pressure until hearing the steady tone. If the
chopped tone is heard, reduce back pressure slightly to maintain the steady tone. Allow the aircraft to descend as necessary in
order to maintain airspeed. Note the load factor (between 3.5 and 4.0 G)

Repeat the maneuver at 220 KIAS and compare the load factor (approximately 2.5 G)

9.2.3 Energy Loss/ Control Effectiveness Exercise

The objective of this exercise is to demonstrate energy loss and control effectiveness during stalled flight. Accomplish all
maneuvering at or above 5,000 feet AGL.

Perform a level turn at 250 KIAS with throttles at MAX (approximately 70 to 75 degrees of bank). Increase back pressure until
hearing the chopped tone. Continue to increase back pressure until airframe buffet or a roll-off occurs. Release back pressure to
break the stall. Roll out and note the airspeed and energy lost during the maneuver.

9.2.4 Stability Augmentation System Exercise

The objective of this exercise is to demonstrate the difference in flight characteristics with and without the SAS engaged.

With the SAS engaged, perform a Lazy-8. Paddle off the SAS and fly another Lazy-8.

With the SAS engaged, perform an aileron roll. Paddle off the SAS and fly another aileron roll.

With the SAS disengaged, open and close the speed brakes and note the pitch motion.

9.2.5 Simulated Single-Engine Exercises

The objective of these exercises is to demonstrate the flying characteristics of the A-10 during single-engine operations.
224 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 Simulated Single-Engine Maneuvering/Go-Around at Altitude

The objective of this exercise is introduce simulated single-engine (SSE) maneuvering and to build a feel for aircraft performance.
Accomplish all maneuvering at or above 5,000 feet AGL. Prior to retarding the applicable throttle to IDLE, accomplish the
Neutralize Rudder
Paddle the SAS off
Re-engage anti-skid
Re-engage the yaw SAS channel corresponding to the operable engine

Retard one throttle to IDLE and fly a series of turns, climbs, and descents at different airspeeds and throttle settings to develop a
feel for aircraft handling and performance.

Decelerate to 200 KIAS and lower the landing gear. Fly another series of turns and note aircraft performance. When complete,
slow to single-engine approach speed and establish a 3-degree glide path using the TVV. Fly another series of turns and again note
aircraft performance.

Execute a go-around by advancing the good engine’s throttle to MAX. Smoothly and immediately apply bank and rudder into the
good engine to maintain aircraft control. Note the time required for engine spool-up and the amount of rudder input required to
prevent yaw as the engine accelerates. Increase back pressure to stop the descent and establish a climb at 10 KIAS below single-
engine approach speed. Note aircraft climb performance, required rudder input, and handling characteristics.

Raise the landing gear, accelerate to single-engine climb speed, and continue the climb. Note aircraft climb performance, required
rudder input, and handling characteristics.

Set a simulated field elevation and repeat the go-around maneuver. Note the altitude lost during the maneuver.

Reconfigure the SAS and anti-skid as required following the completion of the exercise. Simulated Single-Engine Go-Around from a normal configuration at Altitude

The objective of this exercise is to emphasize the critical importance of the timely inputs required to maintain aircraft control
when confronted with an engine failure on final when configured for a normal landing. Maintaining aircraft control in this flight
regime requires immediate pilot action to reduce drag, apply all available thrust, maintain coordinate flight, and attain computed
single-engine speeds. Accomplish all maneuvering at or above 5,000 feet AGL.

NOTE: In this exercise, only one throttle is used during the go-around in order to simulate the asymmetric thrust of an engine
failure. In an actual single-engine situation, advance both throttles.

Attain an altitude higher than 5,000 feet AGL. Slow to 200 KIAS and configure the aircraft with landing gear down, full flaps, and
speed brakes 40 percent. Continue slowing to final approach speed and establish a normal 2.5 degree glide path.

During the descent, pull one throttle to IDLE to simulate an engine failure. Immediately accomplish the SINGLE ENGINE
FLAPS – MVR. Control yaw with rudder while advancing thrust on the good engine. Accelerate to single-engine climb speed
with the gear down. This may initially require a slight descent. Best performance is achieved by establishing a slight bank (up to 5
degrees) into the good engine and applying rudder as required to maintain heading.

Once a climb is established at computed single-engine climb speed, raise the landing gear. The best single-engine climb speed
increases by 10 KIAS when the gear retracted and another 10 KIAS when the flaps are fully retracted. Raise the flaps above 150

CAUTION: In an actual single-engine situation with the left engine inoperative, the landing gear must be raised quickly in order
to utilize residual left hydraulic system pressure prior to bleed-off. It may also be necessary to raise the flaps using the flaps
emergency retract switch.

The exercise is terminated when a positive rate of climb is established and the aircraft is in a clean configuration with gear and
flaps retracted. Note the altitude lost during recovery.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 225 Simulated Single-Engine Approach & Landing

During both actual and SSE conditions, the objective is to recover the aircraft with minimum maneuvering and maximum
assurance that a landing will occur on the first attempt. Accordingly, SSE landings are flown from a straight-in approach. The
following rules apply to SSE approaches and landings:
Altitude shall not be lower than 2,000 feet AGL and airspeed shall not be less than 200 KIAS until establishing the
landing configuration and beginning the descent on final.
Speed brakes shall remain closed.
Single-engine final approach airspeed shall be 150 KIAS plus 1 KIAS for each 1,000 pounds greater than 30,000 pounds
aircraft gross weight.
Gust factor is not added to single-engine final approach speed.
Pitch SAS shall be disengaged. The operable yaw SAS channel may be engaged.
Turns should be made into the good engine at the minimum practical bank angle.
Retard the simulated failed engine’s throttle to IDLE and accomplish the applicable boldface and checklist procedures for a
single-engine landing. Maintain adequate maneuvering speed and use rudder and bank as required to maintain aircraft control. If
possible, delay lowering the landing gear until just prior to descending on final. If flying a visual approach, fly a steeper-than-
normal glide path of at least 3 degrees. Strive to complete all maneuvering prior to 3 DME. Passing 1 DME, the aircraft should be
aligned on the extended runway centerline and all attention should be focused on maintaining aircraft control. Trim early and
avoid the tendency to chase pitch oscillations. If a pilot-induced-oscillation develops, go-around immediately using both throttles.

During go-arounds from a SSE approach, differential thrust results in differing spool-up times between engines when the throttles
are advanced to MAX. With yaw SAS disengaged, the yaw effect is very noticeable. Anticipate this phenomenon and smoothly
apply rudder to maintain coordinated flight.

SSE landings should touch down in the first 1,500 feet of the runway. Approaching the overrun, smoothly reduce power on the
good engine and reduce rudder input to keep the aircraft aligned with the runway. Increase back pressure slightly to break the rate
of descent and maintain landing attitude. Do not slow to less than single-engine final approach speed or use speed brakes until
landing is assured. After touchdown, lower the nose wheel to the runway and extend full speed brakes.

9.2.6 Slow Flight

9.2.7 Stalls Characteristics Aural Tones Stall Recovery 1G Level Stall Power-on Stall Traffic Pattern Stalls

226 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

9.2.8 Aerobatics
Aerobatics are maneuvers that expose a pilot to the entire flight regime of an aircraft. Accomplish all aerobatic maneuvering at or
above 5,000 feet AGL. Aerobatic maneuvers should be flown in a smooth coordinated manner. Adhere to the entry parameters
defined for each maneuver. Aileron Roll

An aileron roll is a 360 degree roll around the longitudinal axis of the aircraft using only aileron input. The maneuver is completed
once the aircraft is returned to wings-level.

Begin the maneuver at 200 to 300 KIAS with throttles set at 90 percent core rpm. Smoothly pull the nose up 20 degrees, unload,
and execute a maximum performance roll using the ailerons. Perform one roll with the speed brakes closed and then one with 40
percent speed brakes. Note the increased roll rate with the speed brakes extended.

Figure 9-1 - Aileron Roll

476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 227 Barrel Roll

A barrel roll is a coordinated roll in which the nose of the aircraft goes around a point on or near the horizon. The maneuver is
completed when the aircraft is wings level abeam the reference point on the original side and entry airspeed has been

Objective. Maintain coordinated flight through a 360° roll circling around a point on the horizon.

Procedure. Throttles should be set to 90% with an entry speed of 250 to 300 KIAS. Select a reference point on or above the
horizon. Start a shallow climb to begin a loaded roll. As airspeed slows increase aileron input to maintain a constant roll rate. As
the airspeed begins to increase during the lower half of the circle adjust ailerons and back pressure to maintain a constant roll. If
an excessive nose-low attitude occurs immediately pull throttles to idle while executing an unloaded roll and recover to wings-

Figure 9-2 - Barrel Roll

228 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 Loop
A loop is a 360° turn on the vertical plane with constant heading and nose track. The elevator is the primary control surface.
Rudders and ailerons should be used to maintain directional control as required. The maneuver is completed when wings are level
at the horizon on the same heading as at entry.

Objective. Complete a 360° turn in the vertical with constant nose track.

Procedure. Throttles should be set to MAX with an entry speed of 325 KIAS. Maintain 4Gs until hearing a steady tone then
maintain the tone until the nose has gone past the top of the loop. Slowly relax stick back pressure as you go over the top to
prevent a stall. Airspeed at the top should be approximately 130 to 140 KIAS. When the aircraft begins accelerating on the
backside gradually increase Gs to attain 325 KIAS at the bottom.

Figure 9-3 - Loop

476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 229 Split-S
Combines first half of an aileron roll with the last half of a loop. It is used to demonstrate the loss of altitude if recovery from
inverted flight is attempted by pulling through the horizon. The aircraft will climb during entry and descend during recover of the
maneuver. It is complete when the aircraft returns to level flight.

Objective. Complete a max performance, 180-degree descending turn in the pure vertical.

Procedure. Throttles should be set to 90% with an entry speed of 150 to 200 KIAS.


You must have enough altitude to recover above 5,000 feet AGL. Begin by pulling the nose up 20°. Once reaching 20° roll
inverted and pull the stick back maintaining a steady tone recovering the aircraft with minimum altitude loss. Speed brakes can be
used during the maneuver.

Figure 9-4 - Split-S

230 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 Immelmann
A half loop followed by a half roll flown on the same vertical plane. The maneuver is completed after returning to level flight on
the opposite heading from entry.

Objective. Complete a vertical, climbing, 180 degree turn with constant nose track.

Procedure. Throttles should be set to MAX with an entry speed of 325 KIAS. Begin the same as with a loop. At the top of the
loop roll to wings level with the nose 10° to 20° degrees above the horizon and use rudder inputs to maintain correct nose
position. Use caution at the top of the maneuver as the aircraft speed will be between 130 and 140 KIAS.

Figure 9-5 - Immelmann

476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 231 Chandelle
A climbing 180° turn

Objective. Gain maximum altitude during a 180-degree turn.

Procedure. Throttles should be set to 90% with an entry speed of 300 KIAS. Establish the aircraft in a 10° to 20° nose down
configuration. Begin a climbing turn so 60° of bank is reached climbing through level flight. Maintain 60° of bank until crossing
135° of the turn. Start rolling to wings level and arrive wings level at approximately 150 KIAS and 180° of turn.

Figure 9-6 - Chandelle

232 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 Lazy Eight

The lazy eight is a slow maneuver that describes the horizontal figure eight at on the horizon. Pitch, bank and airspeed change
throughout the maneuver. The maneuver is completed after two 180° of the turns and reestablished entry airspeed.

Objective. Maintain coordinated flight through two successive, symmetric opposite direction turns.

Procedure. Throttles should be set to 90% with an entry speed of 300 KIAS. Begin by pulling the nose up, slowly increase bank
as pitch increases. Most airspeed lost will occur during the first 45° of turn. At 45° of the turn your bank angle should be
approximately 45° and pitch at 30° to 40°. At 90° of the turn bank should be 80° to 90° with an approximate airspeed of 150
KIAS. As the nose crosses the horizon the nose will continue to drop to 35° to 40° nose low at 135° of the turn. Repeat to
complete the maneuver.

Figure 9-7 - Lazy Eight

476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 233 Cuban Eight

Each half of the Cuban eight is a combination of a modified loop and Immelmann. The maneuver is completed when established
on level flight at entry airspeed and heading.

Objective. Maintain coordinated flight through two successive loop-type turns in the vertical.

Procedure. Throttles should be set to MAX with an entry speed of 325 KIAS. Begin the same was as a loop, once you cross
over the top and approach 45° nose low roll the aircraft upright. Perform either an unloaded roll or use opposite rudder during the
first 90° of the roll and positive rudder for the last 90° of the roll to maintain the correct ground track. Allow airspeed to increase
establishing entry airspeed then begin the second half of the maneuver. The second half is performed the same as the first except
when 45° nose low on the backside roll in the opposite direction.

Figure 9-8 - Cuban Eight

234 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

9.3 Air Combat Training (ACBT) Proficiency Exercises

9.3.1 Fighting Wing

Figure 9-9 - Fighting Wing Reference

9.3.2 Ranging Exercise

This exercise is used to help pilots become familiar with what an A-10 will look like at various distances. Start between 6,000
and 7,000 feet in trail and slowly close to 1,000 feet. See Table 9-1 - Mil Size/Distance Quick Reference.

Distance A-10 Milliradian Size

9,000 6
8,000 7
7,000 8
6,000 9
5,000 11
4,000 14
3,000 19
2,000 28
1,000 57
Table 9-1 - Mil Size/Distance Quick Reference
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 235

Figure 9-10 - A-10 Mil Size Reference

Figure 9-11 - MIL sizing using AIM-9 Reticle & Engine

236 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

9.3.3 Guns Tracking Exercise

9.3.4 Lead Turn Exercise

9.3.5 Roll-Slide Exercise

9.3.6 Heat-to-Guns Exercise

9.3.7 Vertical Roll to Six/Snatch Back Exercise

9.3.8 Cross Turn Exercise

9.4 Low Altitude Training/Step-Down Exercises

9.4.1 Dive Recovery Exercise.

To demonstrate the effectiveness of a max performance recovery. DO NOT cross 5,000 feet AGL.


Instructor Pilot selects a road.

Pilots fly a 90° offset to the road, roll-in using the H30DB profile listed below (down the road).
When crossing 7.2 AGL at 375 KIAS execute recovery.

Note the loss of recovery altitude, use the steady/chopped tone.

9.4.2 Overbank Exercise

To demonstrate how quickly 500 feet of altitude can be lost in an A-10 when overbanking.


250 KIAS, throttles at max power

Minimum 2,500 AGL
IP in chase
Initiate 60° bank turn and increase bank angle to 90° while increasing back pressure until you head a steady tone.
Once you’ve lost 500 feet initiate recovery by rolling wings level and pulling to the horizon.

9.4.3 GCAS Training Exercise

To practice the correct recovery technique when receiving GCAS warning
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 237


GCAS to training mode

Select 2,000 feet option
250 KIAS, throttles at max power at 5,000 AGL
Initiate 15° to 30° nose down descent
Recover when GCAS “PULL UP, PULL UP” warning occurs

In a Turn:

Determine aircraft attitude is less than or more than 90° of bank.

Less than 90°, aggressively apply positive stick force and rudder input in a loaded roll maneuver towards an upright
wings-level attitude. Maximum performance (steady) tone should be heard. An occasional stall warning (chopped) tone
is ok in limited amounts. Continue loaded roll until wings level, continue G pull-up until clear of obstacles.
Greater than 90°, use the same technique as above except delay G onset until 90 degrees of back. Once at less than 90°
follow procedures listed in “Less than 90°”

9.4.4 Vertical & Oblique Jinks using the 10° Rule

Used to practice and demonstrate proficiency in controlling vertical maneuvers. Vertical Jink is a building block for the oblique
Jinks. The Oblique Jink is a building block for threat reaction maneuvers and for indirect pops. Maneuvers are low-high-low
maneuvers using climb angles and time to control altitude based on application of the 10° rule. Maneuvers will only be
accomplished during training above 5,000 AGL.

10° Rule applies to low-high-low maneuvers such as pop-ups and vertical Jinks. The rule is as follows:

Start rollout at or before a dive angle equal to your highest observed climb angle minus 10°
Start your pull-up at or before a time equal to the time spent in the climb.
238 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 10° Rule (Vertical Jink)

Pull back until 20° nose up

Continue climb for 2 seconds
Roll inverted, once inverted pull stick back establishing a -10° dive angle.
Roll out continuing -10° dive angle for 2 seconds
Pull stick back establishing wings level to the horizon

Figure 9-12 - 10° Rule (Vertical Jink) Straight-Ahead Oblique Jink (No Delay)

Begin wings-level pull to 15° or 20° nose high.

Unload and roll 135 degrees of bank right or left
Pull down to 5° to 10° nose low, unload and roll to wings level
If no delay in climb an immediate recovery (4 G in 2 seconds) will be initiated Straight-Ahead Oblique Jink (Delay)

Begin wings-level pull to 15° or 20° nose high.

Once established, delay at the apex 1 to 3 seconds.
Unload and roll 135 degrees of bank right or left
Pull down to 5° to 10° nose low, unload and roll to wings level
Delay the recovery to level flight for 1 to 3 seconds
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 239 Turning Oblique Jink

Climbing turn 45° of bank to predetermined climb angle

Unloaded roll immediately (or after delay) to 135° degrees of bank
Pull-down to desired dive angle
Unloaded roll to wings level at the dive angle (determined by 10-degree rule)
Recover to level flight (or after delay equal to top of maneuver)

Figure 9-13 - Turning Oblique Jink

240 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 Reverse Oblique Jink

Climbing turn (approx. 45° of bank) to predetermined climb angle

Unloaded 180° roll to an inverted turning pull (may be underneath or over the top)
Unloaded roll to wings level at the dive angle (determined by 10-degree rule)

Figure 9-14 - Turning Oblique Jink

476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 241 ZSU Break

This maneuver is performed at low altitude in response to a ground threat. The call to initiate the maneuver is “JINK RIGHT” or

Immediate 2 to 3 G wings level pull

When nose crosses the horizon accomplish a loaded roll away from the threat
Apply the 10° rule, continue loaded roll to a slicing turn
At 90° to 135° of total heading change roll out and descend back down

Multiple jinks may be used if needed. The maximum climb angle should be approximately 10° to 15°, altitude between 500 and
800 feet at the highest point of the maneuver.

Figure 9-15 - ZSU Break

242 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Attachment 1


A1.1 Mission Preparation:

A1.1.1. Time Hack
A1.1.2. EP/Threat of the Day
A1.1.3. Mission Objective(s)
A1.1.4. Mission Overview
A1.1.5. Mission Data Card
A1.1.5.1. Mission Commander/Deputy Lead
A1.1.5.2. Joker/Bingo Fuel
A1.1.5.3. Takeoff and Landing Data
A1.1.5.4. Working Area
A1.1.6. Environmental Conditions
A1.1.6.1. Weather/TDA
A1.1.6.2. Sunrise/Sunset (If Applicable)
A1.1.6.3. Moon Illumination (If Applicable)
A1.1.7. NOTAMs
A1.1.8. Personal Equipment
A1.1.9. FCIF/Pubs/Maps
A1.2 Ground Procedures:
A1.2.1. Pre-Flight
A1.2.1.1. Aircraft
A1.2.1.2. Armament
A1.2.2. Check-in
A1.2.3. Taxi/Marshalling/Arming
A1.2.4. Spare Procedures
A1.3 Takeoff:
A1.3.1. Runway Lineup
A1.3.2. Formation Takeoff
A1.3.3. Takeoff Interval
A1.3.4. Abort
A1.3.5. Landing Immediately After Takeoff
A1.4 Departure:
A1.4.1. Routing
A1.4.2. Trail Departure
A1.4.3. Rejoin
A1.4.4. Formation
A1.4.5. Ops Checks
A1.5 Recovery:
A1.5.1. Rejoin
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 243

A1.5.2. Battle Damage/Bomb Check (If Applicable)

A1.5.3. Flight Breakup (If Applicable)
A1.5.4. Contingency Routing
A1.5.4.1. Hung/Unexpended Ordnance (If Applicable)
A1.5.4.2. Weapons/Aircraft Malfunction (If Applicable)
A1.5.5. Pattern and Landing
A1.5.6. Landing/De-Arm
A1.5.7. Emergency / Alternate Airfields
244 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Attachment 2


A2.1 General Roles and Responsibilities (IP, Flight Lead, Wingman):

A2.1.1. Formation Specific Responsibilities and Priorities
A2.1.2. Flight Member Mission Priorities
A2.1.3. Sensor Prioritization
A2.1.4. Deconfliction Contracts
A2.1.5. Instructor Responsibilities
A2.2 Chase Procedures
A2.3 IFF Procedures
A2.4 Visual Search Responsibilities/Midair Collision Avoidance/Flight Path Deconfliction:
A2.4.1. Departure/Enroute/Recovery
A2.4.2. High Density Traffic Areas
A2.4.3. From Other Military Aircraft
A2.4.4. From Civilian Aircraft
A2.5 Dissimilar Formations
A2.6 Terrain Avoidance:
A2.6.1. Departure/En Route/Recovery
A2.6.2. Use of Radar Altimeters / GCAS
A2.6.3. Ejection decision (immediately after T/O, prior to landing, departing a prepared surface, high altitude, low altitude)
A2.7 Bird Strike Procedures:
A2.8. Hazards Associated With Human Factors (i.e. e., Channelized Attention, Task Saturation/Prioritization, and
A2.9 G-Awareness:
A2.9.1. Turn/G-Suit Connection/G-tolerance
A2.9.2. Use of L-1 Anti-G Straining Maneuver (AGSM)
A2.10 Visual Illusions/Perceptions
A2.11 Spatial Disorientation/Unusual Attitudes/G-Excess Illusion
A2.12 Lost Wingman
A2.13 Radio Inoperative
A2.15 Recall Procedures
A2.16 SIIs
A2.17 Training Rules / Special Operating Instructions
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 245

Attachment 3


A3.1. Climb:
A3.1.1. Instrument Departure
A3.1.1.1. Power Setting/Airspeed
A3.1.1.2. Trail Departure (If Applicable)
A3.1.1.3. Routing (SID, Radar Vectors, etc.)
A3.1.2. Level Off
A3.1.3. Formation
A3.2. Cruise:
A3.2.1. En route
A3.2.2. Cruise Data
A3.2.3. NAVAIDs
A3.2.4. Fuel Awareness/Ops Checks
A3.3. Area:
A3.3.1. Air work
A3.3.1.1. Airspace Restrictions
A3.3.1.2. Area Orientation
A3.3.1.3. Instructor Responsibilities (If Applicable)
A3.3.1.4. Maneuvers/G-Awareness
A3.4. Approaches:
A3.4.1. Frequencies
A3.4.2. Holding
A3.4.3. Penetration
A3.4.4. Missed Approach/Climb out
A3.5. Special Subjects:
A3.5.1. Alternate Mission
A3.5.2. Emergency/Alternate Airfields
A3.5.3. Spatial Disorientation
A3.5.4. Unusual Attitudes
A3.5.5. Hazards Associated With Human Factors (Channelized Attention, Task Saturation/Prioritization, and Complacency)
A3.5.6. Low Altitude Ejection
A3.5.7. Lost Wingman
A3.5.8. Aircraft Lighting Considerations
246 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Attachment 4


A4.1. General:
A4.1.1. Tanker Call Sign(s)
A4.1.2. Refueling Track(s), (Altitude and airspeed)
A4.1.3. Radio Frequencies
A4.1.4. ARIPs, ARCPs, ARCTs
A4.2. Buddy Procedures:
A4.2.1. Departure
A4.2.2. Join-up
A4.3. Enroute:
A4.3.1. Route of Flight
A4.3.2. Formation
A4.3.3. Ops Checks
A4.4. Rendezvous:
A4.4.1. Type Rendezvous
A4.4.2. Holding Procedures/Formation
A4.4.3. Ground Radar Assistance
A4.4.4. Tanker Identification—A/A TACAN/ Ground Radar/ADF/Visual
A4.4.5. Wingman/Deputy Lead Responsibilities
A4.4.6. Receiver Formation/Join-up Procedures
A4.4.7. Rendezvous Overrun
A4.5. Refueling:
A4.5.1. Checklist Procedures
A4.5.2. Radio Calls
A4.5.3. Refueling Order
A4.5.4. Techniques
A4.5.5. Radio Silent Procedures (EMCON/Visual Signals)
A4.5.6. Fuel Off-Load
A4.5.7. Abort Points/Abort Bases
A4.5.8. Drop-Off Procedures
A4.5.9. Wake Turbulence
A4.6. Rejoin and Exit:
A4.6.1. Formation
A4.6.2. Clearance
A4.7. Emergency Procedures:
A4.7.1. Breakaway Procedures
A4.7.2. Systems Malfunctions
A4.7.3. Damaged Receptacle
A4.8. IMC/Night Considerations (If Applicable):
A4.8.1. Lost Wingman Procedures
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 247

A4.8.1.1. Enroute
A4.8.1.2. On the Tanker
A4.8.2. Aircraft Lighting
A4.9. Special Subjects:
A4.9.1. Alternate Mission
A4.9.2. Spatial Disorientation
A4.9.3. Hazards Associated with Human Factors (Channelized Attention, Task Saturation/Prioritization, and Complacency)
248 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Attachment 5


A5.1. General:
A5.1.1. Call Signs
A5.1.2. Number and Type Aircraft
A5.1.3. Dissimilar Formation (If Applicable)
A5.1.3.1. Formation References
A5.1.3.2. In-flight Visual Signals
A5.1.4. Debriefing (Time/Place)
A5.1.5. G-Awareness/Tolerance/Warm-up
A5.1.6. Area Information
A5.1.6.1. Controlling Agency
A5.1.6.2. Airspace Limits/Restrictions
A5.1.6.3. Frequencies
A5.1.6.4. Squawks
A5.1.6.5. Block Altitudes/Minimum Altitudes
A5.2. Tactical:
A5.2.1. Scenario
A5.2.1.1. Type Threat Simulated/Tactics Limitations
A5.2.1.2. Safe Areas/FEBA
A5.2.1.3. Ingress/Egress Routing/Target Locations
A5.2.2. LOWAT (If Applicable)
A5.2.2.1. Minimum Altitudes
A5.2.2.2. Maneuvering Limitations
A5.2.3. BFM
A5.2.3.1. Setups
A5.2.3.2. Offensive
A5.2.3.3. Defensive
A5.2.4. Flight/Element Tactics
A5.2.4.1. Tactics/Mutual Support
A5.2.4.2. Formation /Look out Responsibilities
A5.2.4.3. Roles and Responsibilities
A5. Engaged
A5. Supporting
A5.2.4.4. Clearance for Wingman to Engage
A5.2.4.5. Radio Usage
A5.2.4.6. Egress/Separate/Rejoin
A5.2.4.7. Termination
A5.2.5. Weapons Employment
A5.2.5.1. Weapons System/RWR/ECM/IFF Checks
A5.2.5.2. Simulated Ordnance (Type/Quantity)
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 249

A5.2.5.3. Shot Criteria/Air-to-Air Weapons Switchology

A5.2.5.4. Kill Criteria/Removal
A5.3. Specific Mission Considerations:
A5.3.1. Air to Air Training Rules
A5.3.2. Midair Collision Avoidance/Flight Path Deconfliction (With/Without Visual)
A5.3.3. Maneuvering Limitations
A5.3.3.1. AOA/Airspeed and G
A5.3.3.2. Recognition/Prevention/Recovery from Out of Control
A5.3.3.3. Heavy Gross Weight Effect on Maneuvering
A5.3.3.4. Limitations
A5. Aircraft
A5. Ordnance
A5.3.3.5. Asymmetrical Configuration/Thrust
A5.3.3.6. Adverse Yaw/Accelerated Stalls
A5.3.3.7. Stalls/Departures
A5. Engine Stall Susceptibility
A5. Flight Control Effectiveness
A5. Use of AOA/Aural Tones
A5.3.3.8. A-10 vs A-10 unique considerations
A5.3.3.9. A-10 vs High Speed Fighter
A5.3.3.10. Energy/Thrust Limitations
A5.4. Special Subjects:
A5.4.1. Emergencies/Escort/Dissimilar Formation Recovery (If Applicable)
A5.4.2. Additional Considerations
A5.4.2.1. Film/VTR
A5.4.2.2. Tape Recorders
A5.4.2.3. Air-to-Air TACAN
A5.4.2.4. Code words
A5.4.2.5. Environmental Considerations (Sun angle, etc.)
A5.4.3. Hazards Associated with Human Factors (Channelized Attention, Task Saturation/Prioritization, and Complacency)
A5.4.4. Alternate Mission
250 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Attachment 6


A6.1. En route To Rendezvous/Post-Mission Navigation:

A6.1.1. Formation
A6.1.2. Route of Flight/Applicable Restrictions
A6.1.3. Control Agency Callsign/Frequency
A6.2. Rendezvous:
A6.2.1. Protected Force Callsign/Common Frequency
A6.2.2. Number/Type Aircraft
A6.2.3. Rendezvous Point/Time
A6.2.4. Altitude
A6.2.5. Airspeed
A6.3. Escort Procedures:
A6.3.1. Type Formation
A6.3.2. Tactics/Mutual Support
A6.3.3. Escort Route/Airspeed
A6.3.4. Weapons Considerations
A6.3.5. ECM/RWR
A6.4. Training Rules.
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 251

Attachment 7


A7.1. General:
A7.1.1. Route/Clearance/Restrictions
A7.1.2. Flight Responsibilities
A7.1.2.1. Navigation
A7.1.2.2. Visual Search Responsibilities
A7.1.2.3. Radio Procedures
A7.1.2.4. Entry/Spacing/Holding
A7.2. Route Procedures:
A7.2.1. Airspace Restrictions
A7.2.2. Fence Checks
A7.2.3. Tactical Formation/Turns
A7.2.4. G-Awareness/Warm-up
A7.2.5. Low Level Navigation
A7.2.5.1. Map Preparation/Pilotage/Dead Reckoning
A7.2.5.2. Use of NAVAIDs/EGI
A7.2.5.3. Visual Search Techniques
A7.2.5.4. Updates
A7.2.5.5. Time/Fuel Control
A7.2.5.6. Use of Terrain/Wingman Considerations
A7.2.5.7. Leg Altitudes/Obstacles (MSL/AGL)
A7.2.5.8. Turn Point Acquisition
A7.2.6. Threat Reactions
A7.2.6.1. CMS Employment/Restrictions
A7.2.6.2. Engagement Criteria
A7.2.6.3. LOWAT (If Applicable)
A7.2.6.4. Flight Path Deconfliction (With/Without Visual)
A7.3. Special Subjects:
A7.3.1. Fuel Awareness/Ops Checks
A7.3.2. Two/Three Ship Options
A7.3.3. Low Level Safety Procedures
A7.3.3.1. Terrain Avoidance
A7. AGL/MSL Altitude Alerts
A7.3.3.2. Time to Ground Impact
A7. Wings Level
A7. Over Bank/Under G
A7.3.3.3. Aircraft and Flight Maneuvering Parameters
A7.3.3.4. Knock-It-Off Criteria/Response
A7.3.3.5. Low Level Emergencies/Malfunctions
A7.3.3.6. Route Abort Procedures (RAA)
252 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

A7.3.3.7. Hazards Associated with Human Factors (Channelized Attention, Task Saturation/Prioritization, and
A7.3.3.8. Task Saturation/Prioritization
A7.3.3.9. Visual Illusions/Perceptions
A7.3.4. Alternate Mission/Routing
A7.3.5. Emergency/Alternate Airfields
A7.3.6. Special Operating Instructions (If Applicable)
A7.4. Weapons Employment
Refer to Appropriate Air-to-Surface Employment Briefing Guide
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 253

Attachment 8


A8.1. En route—G-Awareness/Warm-up
A8.2. Range Information:
A8.2.1. Target/Range Description
A8.2.2. Restrictions
A8.2.3. Range Entry/Holding
A8.2.4. Radio Procedures
A8.2.5. Formation
A8.2.6. Sequence of Events
A8.2.7. Pattern Procedures
A8.3. Employment Procedures/Techniques:
A8.3.1. Switch Positions
A8.3.1.1. Arming
A8.3.1.2. Displays
A8.3.1.3. Use of EGI/HUD/LASTE
A8.3.2. Pop-up Delivery
A8.3.2.1. Entry Airspeed/Altitude
A8.3.2.2. Pop Point/Pull-up Angle/Power Setting
A8.3.2.3. Target Acquisition
A8.3.2.4. Pull Down/Apex Altitudes
A8.3.2.5. Pattern Corrections
A8.3.3. Roll-In
A8.3.3.1. Position
A8.3.3.2. Techniques (Pitch/Bank/Power)
A8.3.3.3. Roll-out/Wind Effect
A8.3.4. Final
A8.3.4.1. Aim-Off Distance/IPP
A8.3.4.2. Dive Angle
A8.3.4.3. Airspeed
A8.3.4.4. HUD Depiction
A8.3.4.5. Sight Picture/Corrections/Aim-Point
A8.3.4.6. Release Parameters
A8.3.4.7. Release Indications
A8.3.4.8. Recovery Procedures
A8.4. Night Procedures (If Applicable):
A8.4.1. Aircraft Lighting
A8.4.2. Radio Calls
A8.4.3. Target ID/Range Lighting
A8.4.4. Night Spacing Techniques
A8.4.5. Instrument Cross-check/Disorientation
254 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

A8.4.6. Flare Pattern

A8.4.6.1. Flare Release Points and Interval
A8.4.6.2. Wind Effect/Offset
A8.4.6.3. Dud Flare Procedures
A8.4.6.4. Switching Aircraft Patterns
A8.5. Over Water Range Operations:
A8.5.1. Employment Techniques
A8.5.1.1. Depth Perception/Reduced Visual Cues
A8.5.1.2. Distance/Altitude Estimation
A8.5.1.3. Pop-Up Positioning
A8. Timing
A8. Visual/Aircraft References to Establish Pull-up Point
A8.5.2. Special Considerations
A8.5.2.1. Adjusted Minimum Altitudes
A8.5.2.2. Training Rules/Special Operating Procedures
A8.6. Range Departure/Recovery:
A8.6.1. Armament Safety Checks
A8.6.2. Rejoin
A8.6.3. Battle Damage/Bomb Check
A8.6.4. Hung Ordnance
A8.6.5. Inadvertent/Unintentional Release
A8.6.6. Gun Unsafe/Jam
A8.7. Special Subjects:
A8.7.1. Error Analysis
A8.7.2. Air to Surface Training Rules/Special Operating Instructions
A8.7.3. Fouls
A8.7.4. Minimum Altitudes
A8.7.5. Maneuvering Limitations
A8.7.5.1. Aircraft
A8.7.5.2. Stores (Carriage/Release)
A8.7.6. Target Fixation/Channelized Attention
A8.7.7. Time to Ground Impact
A8.7.7.1. Wings Level
A8.7.7.2. Over Bank/Under G
A8.7.8. Hazards Associated with Human Factors (Channelized Attention, Task Saturation/Prioritization, and Complacency)
A8.7.9. Alternate Mission
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 255

Attachment 9


A9.1. General Mission Data:

A9.1.1. Intelligence/Threat Scenario
A9.1.2. Low Level (See Low Level Briefing Guide)
A9.1.3. Fence Checks
A9.1.4. G-Awareness/Warm-up
A9.1.5. Operating Area Entry/Description/ Boundaries
A9.1.6. Target Area/Clearing Pass
A9.1.6.1. Location/Description/Elevation/TOT
A9.1.6.2. Visual Cues in the Target Area
A9.1.6.3. Target Area Weather
A9. Ceiling/Visibility
A9. Winds/Altimeter
A9. Sun Angle/Shadows
A9.1.7. Threat Array
A9.1.7.1. Type/Capabilities
A9.1.7.2. Locations
A9.1.7.3. Countermeasures
A9. Chaff/Flare
A9. Terrain Masking
A9. Radio Silent Procedures
A9. Authentication/Comm-Jamming/Chattermark Procedures
A9.1.7.4. Threat Reactions
A9. LOWAT (If Applicable)
A9.2. Delivery:
A9.2.1. Tactics
A9.2.1.1. Overview
A9.2.1.2. Ingress
A9. Formation
A9. Speed/Altitude
A9.2.1.3. Weapons Delivery
A9. Type Delivery
A9. Switchology
A9. Attack Parameters
A9. Action Point/Pop Point
A9. Altitudes (Pull-Down/Apex/Release/Minimum)
A9. Visual Lookout/Mutual Support Responsibilities
A9.2.1.4. Egress
A9. Recovery/Return to Low Altitude
A9. Loss of Mutual Support/Rendezvous Point
256 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

A9.3. Night Procedures (If Applicable):

A9.3.1. Aircraft Lighting
A9.3.2. Radio Calls
A9.3.3. Target ID/Range Lighting
A9.3.4. Night Spacing Techniques/Minimum Altitudes
A9.3.5. Instrument Cross-check/Disorientation
A9.3.6. Flare Pattern
A9.3.6.1. Flare Release Points and Interval
A9.3.6.2. Wind Effect/Offset
A9.3.6.3. Dud Flare Procedures
A9.3.6.4. Switching Aircraft Patterns
A9.3.7. Rejoin/Range Departure
A9.3.8. Battle Damage/Bomb Check
A9.3.9. Mission Reporting (BDA/In-flight Report)
A9.4. Contingencies:
A9.4.1. Two/Three Ship Options
A9.4.2. Tactical Lead Changes
A9.4.3. Air-to-Air TACAN
A9.4.4. Code words
A9.4.5. Weather Backup Deliveries
A9.4.6. Degraded Systems
A9.4.7. Reattack
A9.4.8. Asymmetric Considerations
A9.4.9. Jettison Procedures/Parameters
A9.4.10. Hung/Unexpended Ordnance Procedures
A9.4.11. Wounded Bird/Escort Procedures
A9.5. Special Subjects:
A9.5.1. Air-to-Surface Training Rules/Special Operating Instructions
A9.5.2. LOWAT Training Rules (If Applicable)
A9.5.3. Maritime Training Rules (If Applicable)
A9.5.4. Night Procedures (If Applicable)
A9.5.5. Hazards Associated with Human Factors (Channelized Attention, Task Saturation/ Prioritization, and Complacency)
A9.5.6. Alternate Mission
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 257

Attachment 10


A10.1. General Information:

A10.1.1. Intelligence/Threat Scenario
A10.1.2. Low Level (See Low Level Briefing Guide)
A10.1.3. Ordnance/Weapons Data
A10.1.3.1. Type/Fuzing
A10.1.3.2. Weapon Settings
A10.1.3.3. Live Ordnance Procedures/Minimum Altitudes
A10. Safe Escape/Safe Separation
A10. Fuse Arming/Frag Avoidance
A10.1.3.4. Laser Operations
A10.1.4. En route Formation(s)/Look Out Responsibilities/LOWAT (If Applicable)
A10.1.5. Fence Checks
A10.1.6. G-Awareness/Warm-up
A10.1.7. Control Agency
A10.1.7.1. Call Sign
A10.1.7.2. Frequencies
A10.2. Armed Recce Procedures:
A10.2.1. Recce Route/Altitudes
A10.2.2. Formations
A10.2.3. Target Types
A10.2.4. Engagement Criteria
A10.2.5. Attack Tactics--Refer to Weapons Delivery
A10.3. JAAT Procedures:
A10.3.1. Controlling Agencies
A10.3.1.1. Air Battle Captain (ABC)
A10.3.1.2. HeloFAC
A10.3.2. Coordination
A10.3.2.1. AVN CDR/HeloFAC-to-Fighter Brief
A10.3.2.2. Unmask Call/Code Words
A10.3.2.3. Airspace Restrictions
A10. Helicopter Altitude Block
A10. Fighter Altitude Block
A10. Artillery Corridor/Separation
A10.4. FAC Procedures:
A10.4.1. Call Sign/Mission Number
A10.4.2. Primary/Alternate Target Area
A10.4.2.1. Description
A10.4.2.2. Frequencies
A10.4.3. Rendezvous Point/TOT/Authentication Procedures
258 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

A10.4.4. Fighter--FAC Briefing

A10.4.4.1. Mission Number
A10.4.4.2. Ordnance (Simulated/Actual)
A10.4.4.3. Playtime
A10.4.5. FAC--Fighter Briefing
A10.4.5.1. Friendly Position
A10.4.5.2. Restrictions
A10.4.6. Target Description
A10.4.6.1. Location/Elevation
A10.4.6.2. Highest Obstacle within 5 NM
A10.4.6.3. Description
A10.4.6.4. Positions of Enemy/Friendly Troops
A10.4.7. Attack Tactics
A10.4.7.1. Type Attack/Attack Restrictions
A10.4.7.2. Direction of Attack Recovery
A10.4.7.3. Ordnance Delivery Procedures (Refer to Weapons Delivery)
A10.5. Weapons Delivery:
A10.5.1. Tactics
A10.5.1.1. Type Delivery
A10.5.1.2. Switchology
A10.5.1.3. Attack Parameters
A10. Action Point/Pop Point
A10. Altitudes (Pull-Down/Apex/Release/Minimum)
A10.5.1.4. Visual Lookout/Mutual Support Responsibilities
A10.5.1.5. Egress
A10. Recovery/Return to Low Altitude
A10. Loss of Mutual Support/Rendezvous Point
A10.5.2. Battle Damage/Bomb Check
A10.5.3. Mission Reporting (BDA/In-flight Report)
A10.6. Contingencies:
A10.6.1. Two/Three Ship Options
A10.6.2. Tactical Lead Changes
A10.6.3. Air-to-Air TACAN
A10.6.4. Code words
A10.6.5. Weather Backup Deliveries
A10.6.6. Degraded Systems
A10.6.7. Reattack
A10.6.8. Asymmetric Considerations
A10.6.9. Jettison Procedures/Parameters
A10.6.10. Hung/Unexpended Ordnance Procedures
A10.6.11. Wounded Bird/Escort Procedures
A10.7. Special Subjects:
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 259

A10.7.1. Air-to-Surface Training Rules

A10.7.2. LOWAT Training Rules (If Applicable)
A10.7.3. Night Procedures (If Applicable)
A10.7.4. Hazards Associated with Human Factors (Channelized Attention, Task Saturation/Prioritization, and Complacency)
A10.7.5. Alternate Mission
260 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

Attachment 11


A11.1. Combat SAR Procedures:

A11.1.1. Enroute to SAR Area
A11.1.1.1. Formation
A11.1.1.2. Route
A11.1.1.3. Cruise Data
A11.1.1.4. Control Agency(s) Call Sign/Frequencies
A11.1.1.5. Holding Points And Procedures
A11.1.1.6. Safe Areas
A11.1.2. Electronic/Visual Search
A11.1.2.1. Minimum Altitudes/Airspeeds
A11.1.2.2. Patterns and Wingman Position/Responsibilities
A11.1.2.3. Radio Procedures
A11.1.2.4. Look-Out Doctrine
A11.1.2.5. Low Altitude Hazards
A11.1.2.6. IP Selection and Ingress Route
A11.1.2.7. Survivor Briefing/Authentication
A11.1.3. Helicopter Rendezvous/Escort
A11.1.3.1. Helicopter Call Sign
A11.1.3.2. Altitude/Airspeed
A11.1.3.3. Helicopter Briefing
A11.1.3.4. Type Formation/Patterns for Escort
A11.1.3.5. Tactics
A11.1.3.6. ECM/RWR
A11.1.3.7. Suppression
A11.1.3.8. Pick-Up Techniques
A11.1.3.9. Hover Cover Patterns
A11.1.3.10. Egress Route/Altitude
A11.1.4. Air Strike Control (ASC) & Strike Coordination and Reconnaissance (SCAR) Procedures
A11.1.5. Ordnance Considerations (Refer to Weapons Delivery)
A11.1.6. Ops Checks
A11.1.7. Fuel Considerations (Tanker Availability)
A11.1.8. After Pick-up Procedures
A11.1.8.1. Target Area Egress, Rejoin, Ordnance Checks and Return Navigation
A11.1.8.2. Recovery with Weapons Malfunctions
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 261

Attachment 12


A12.1. Intelligence:
A12.1.1. Controlling Agencies
A12.1.2. Enemy Positions/Defenses
A12.1.3. Friendly Positions
A12.1.3.1. Call Sign/Ground Commander/JTAC
A12.1.3.2. Frequencies
A12.1.3.3. Minimum Altitudes
A12.1.4. Threat Information
A12.1.5. E&E/SAFE Areas
A12.1.6. SAR
A12.1.7. Authentication/Code Words
A12.2. Local Operating Procedures
A12.3. Range/MOA Data:
A12.3.1. Frequencies
A12.3.2. Boundaries
A12.3.3. Entry/Exit
A12.3.4. Restrictions
A12.3.5. G-Awareness/Warm-up
A12.4. FAC Strike Data:
A12.4.1. Fighters/ATO Information
A12.4.1.1. Call Sign/Mission Number/Frequencies
A12.4.1.2. Type Ordnance
A12.4.1.3. Contact Point/TOT
A12.4.1.4. Restrictions
A12.4.2. Sequence of Delivery/Fuzing
A12.4.3. FAC Tactics
A12.4.3.1. Alternate Plan for Weather
A12.4.3.2. Late/No Fighters
A12.4.3.3. Worsening Ground Situation
A12.4.4. Target Description
A12.4.4.1. Location / Elevation
A12.4.4.2. Highest Obstacle Within 5 NM
A12.4.4.3. Description
A12.4.4.4. Positions of Enemy / Friendly Troops
A12.4.5. Target Marking
A12.4.5.1. Switch Procedures
A12.4.5.2. Delivery Data
A12.4.5.3. Minimum Delivery Altitudes
A12.4.5.4. Footprint Data
262 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

A12.4.5.5. Ground Marking Techniques

A12.4.6. Clearance Procedures
A12.4.6.1. Cold/Hot/Dry
A12.4.6.2. Ground Commander/FFAC
A12.4.7. Mandatory Calls
A12.4.7.1. Clearance
A12.4.7.2. Armament Safety Check/Fuel
A12.4.8. Minimum Airspeeds
A12.4.9. Battle Damage Check
A12.4.10. BDA
A12.4.11. FAC to ASOC Brief/Debrief
A12.5. Contingencies:
A12.5.1. Range/MOA Emergency Procedures/ NORDO
A12.5.2. Hung/Unexpended Ordnance Procedures
A12.6. FAC-to-Fighter Pre-mission Brief
A12.7. Air-to-Surface Training Rules
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 263

Attachment 13


A13.1. General.
Note. This guide is meant to highlight general NVG considerations, and provides a reference for a basic NVG briefing. All
applicable NVG considerations should be incorporated into the specific briefing for the mission being flown.
A13.2. Weather/Illumination:
A13.2.1. Civil/nautical twilight
A13.2.2. Moon rise/set times/phase/elevation/azimuth
A13.2.3. Ceiling/visibility
A13.2.4. LUX/EO TDA
A13.2.5. Obscurants to visibility
A13.3. NVG Preflight:
A13.3.1. Check adjustments/helmet fit and security
A13.3.2. Batteries
A13.3.3. Resolution/focus (eye lane)
A13.3.4. NVG compatible flashlight
A13.4. Cockpit Preflight:
A13.4.1. Cockpit setup
A13.4.2. Cockpit lighting (leaks)/mirrors up
A13.4.3. Cockpit FAM
A13.4.4. Check focus, stow for taxi
A13.5. Before Takeoff:
A13.5.1. Don NVGs/check and adjust/disconnect
A13.5.2. Stow for takeoff
A13.6. Airborne:
A13.6.1. Exterior lights
A13.6.2. Scan pattern
A13.6.2.1. Forward scan
A13.6.2.2. Narrow field of view
A13.6.2.3. Peripheral vision
A13.6.2.4. Scan techniques
A13.6.3. Join-up and enroute altitude/airspeed
A13.6.3.1. Rejoin/closure
A13.6.3.2. Air-Air TACAN
A13.7. Mission:
A13.7.1. Route study/scene interpretation
A13.7.1.1. NVG predictions/ALBIDO
A13.7.1.2. Terrain/shadowing/visual illusions
A13.7.1.3. City/cultural lighting
A13. Direction/orientation of lighting
A13.7.2. Aggressive formation maneuvering
264 476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016

A13.7.3. Radar altimeter usage

A13.7.4. Map reading
A13.8. Target Area:
A13.8.1. RV/Holding procedures (NVG differences)
A13.8.2. Target study/acquisition (NVG predictions)
A13.8.3. Deliveries/Pattern procedures
A13.8.3.1. Minimum altitudes
A13.8.3.2. Flight member responsibilities
A13.8.3.3. Moth effect/Deconfliction
A13.8.4. Laser/IR Pointer Operations
A13.8.5. Threat I.D and reaction
A13.8.6. Egress
A13.9. NVG Safety:
A13.9.1. Lost sight--NVGs
A13.9.2. Lost wingman--NVGs
A13.9.3. Depth perception
A13.9.4. Visual illusions
A13.9.5. NVG failure
A13.9.6. Battery failure
A13.9.7. Overconfidence in NVG Capabilities
A13.9.8. Transition to Instruments
A13.9.9. Correct lighting of primary/secondary flight instruments
A13.9.10. Disorientation/misorientation/vertigo
A13.9.11. Target fixation
A13.9.12. Lack of dive information
A13.9.13. Fatigue
A13.9.14. Aircraft emergency
A13.9.15. Ejection--GOGGLES—OFF
476TTP 3-3.A10C, 24 April 2016 265

Attachment 14


A14.1. Ground Procedures

A14.2. Takeoff, Join-up, Departure
A14.3. En route Procedures
A14.4. Mission Accomplishment/Analysis:
A14.4.1. Mission Reconstruction
A14.4.2. Mission Support (FAC, GCI, Helicopters, etc.)
A14.4.3. VTR/Film Assessment (If Applicable)
A14.4.4. Learning Objectives Achieved
A14.4.5. Lessons Learned
A14.4.6. Anti-G Straining Maneuver Effectiveness
A14.4.7. Recommendations for Improvement
A14.5. Recovery/Landing/After Landing
A14.6. General
A14.6.1. Radio Procedures
A14.6.2. Flight Discipline/Effectiveness
A14.6.3. General Areas for Improvement
A14.7. Comments/Questions

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