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1. Explain briefly about Oracle database architecture

a. Oracle database architecture is a combination of instance and database. Instance is a combination of
memory structures and background processes which helps in reading and writing the data to/from the
database .
2. Which background process is used during user connectivity?
3. What are base tables? When and how they will get created?
a. Base tables are dictionary information of the database. They will be created at the time of database
creation using SQL.BSQ script.
4.What are different views DBA uses? Which script will create them?
a. We use data dictionary views to look into permanent information about the database and dynamic
performance views to get ongoing actions in the database. Both the views will be created after database
creation using catalog.sql script.
5. Why to execute catproc.sql script?
a. It will create necessary packages and procedures which DBA use for certain actions.
6. Explain the phases of SQL execution
a. SQL execution contains 2 phases.
i. Parsing – in which syntax checking, semantic checking and dividing the statement
into literals will be done
ii. Execution – in which parsed statement will get converted into ASCII format and will be executed
iii. Fetch – in which data will be fetched either from database buffer cache or database.
7. What is mean by semantic checking? Which component helps in that?
a. Semantic checking means checking for the privileges for the user or in other words authorizing the user.
Base tables or dictionary will help in doing this.
8. Explain how a select statement will process in the database
a. Answer is available in the class notes.

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