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How to skim:

Four reading techniques

Active readers use reading strategies to help save  note any bold print and graphics.
time and cover a lot of ground. Your purpose for  start at the beginning of the reading and glide your READING
reading should determine which strategy or eyes over the text very quickly.
strategies to use.  do not actually read the text in total. You may read a COMPREHENSION II
few words of every paragraph, perhaps the first and
1. Previewing the text to get an overview last sentences.
 always familiarise yourself with the reading material
What is it? Previewing a text means that you get an by gaining an overview and/or skimming before
idea of what it is about without actually reading the reading in detail.
main body of the text.
3. Scanning
When to use it: to help you decide whether a book
or journal is useful for your purpose; to get a What is it? Scanning is sweeping your eyes (like radar)
general sense of the article structure, to help you over part of a text to find specific pieces of information.
locate relevant information; to help you to identify
the sections of the text you may need to read and When to use it: to quickly locate specific information
the sections you can omit. from a large quantity of written material.

To preview, start by reading: To scan text:

 the title and author details  after gaining an overview and skimming, identify the
 the abstract (if there is one) section(s) of the text that you probably need to read.
 then read only the parts that ‘jump out’; that is:  start scanning the text by allowing your eyes (or
main headings and sub headings, chapter finger) to move quickly over a page.
summaries, any highlighted text  as soon as your eye catches an important word or
 examine any illustrations, graphs, tables or phrase, stop reading.
diagrams and their captions, as these usually  when you locate information requiring attention, you
summarise the content of large slabs of text then slow down to read the relevant section more
 the first sentence in each paragraph thoroughly.
 scanning and skimming are no substitutes for
2. Skimming thorough reading and should only be used to locate
material quickly. ISAE UNIVERSITY
What is it? Skimming involves running your eye
very quickly over large chunks of text. It is different 4. Intensive reading
from previewing because skimming involves the Teacher: Griselda Stewart
paragraph text. Skimming allows you to pick up What is it? Intensive reading is detailed, focused, ‘study’
some of the main ideas without paying attention to reading of those important parts, pages or chapters. Student: Yasmin Castillo
detail. It is a fast process. A single chapter should
take only a few minutes. June, 22 n d 2019
When to use it: When you have previewed an article
and used the techniques of skimming and scanning to
When to use it: to quickly locate relevant sections find what you need to concentrate on, then you can slow
from a large quantity of written material. Especially down and do some intensive reading.
useful when there are few headings or graphic
elements to gain an overview of a text. Skimming
adds further information to an overview.
decides to take up his lance and sword to Finally, we read an interesting reading called
defend the helpless and destroy the wicked he “Genealogy” , then we discussed the reading at
This brochure contains a concise compilation
hbh dragged out Sancho Panza with him on this
about what I’ve learned on the subject called class and resolved the questions asked at the
strange journey failing many times they never second part of the document and at the end the
Reading Comprehension II. I really enjoyed quit and that is something that we have to
this class, not only because we had the teacher asked us to underline words we think
learned, to never give up. are different for us and for next class bring a
opportunity to learn about how to identify the
most important elements on a short story or vocabulary with these words.
Second, the teacher explained us the
reading, like its plot, setting, characters, different elements on a short story that can
conflict, and theme but we have learned so Teacher told us to read the story called “The
be used as guide to help us think about the Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin to discuss it
many things on how we have to teach children
actions, themes and context of the story. in the next class and make a vocabulary with
English, little tips and tricks to make children
learn by playing and being their selves without
Elements like theme, setting, characters, different words extracted from the reading.
taking out their childhood. point of view, characterization, plot which
includes exposition statement, rising Class N º2
action, conflict, climax, falling action,
resolution. In this class, we discussed the different
elements of the story called “The Story of an
Third, we talked about the four techniques a Hour”. We did a summary about the
teacher needs to accomplish teaching: reading, characters, the setting, the plot, and we realized
these elements are useful for us on how to
speaking, listening and writing. After that,
teacher made us write in a piece of paper five understand a story and the meaning of it.
questions: what is your name, what is your
favorite color, what is your favorite dish, what For next class, we will discuss the story called
is your favorite subject and what is your favorite “Eleven” by Sandra Cisneros and also as a
Class N º1 brand? After having answered all, we discussed homework make a vocabulary with some words
of this reading.
the answers at class person by person and at
This class was a very interesting class because we
the end we learned the best technique ever on
not only learned about things related to the Class N º3
how to make a child listen, read, write and
subject itself but we have learned tips and
speak, using all the techniques we just have
techniques on how to teach English to the We discussed a little of the elements found in
learned. Teacher taught us children learn
children. the story called “Eleven”, which was really
playing and that is the best way to teach. Never
interesting because this story represents what
First, the teacher talked about what it is reading criticize and ask by their families because not
we really are when we are eleven, we have all
comprehension and how important is reading all the children are in good terms with their
the past years due to the experiences we have
nowadays because with reading we not only learn mothers and fathers.
lived, and we can also act like if we were three
new things but we relate things on each story with years old when we cry or make tantrums. Our
our lives that make us be better human and take I sincerely enjoyed this part of the class
age expresses all the time and experiences we
pieces of stories to apply them on our daily because since I like so much teaching and
have gone through during our lives, is not just a
living. The teacher explained to us an example love children, I would really like to use this
flat number.
about the reading “Don Quixote”, a man technique on my classes due to the fact I can
obsessed with the chivalrous ideals touted in make children learn by playing and also After discussing the reading, we had a small
books he has read he knowing better each other. reunion celebrating Father’s Day, we enjoy that
time thanking God for what we have learned
and friendships we have made at college.

“The more you read, the more things you

know. The more that you learn, the more
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