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© 2017 EDIZIONI MINERVA MEDICA European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 2018 February;54(1):100-9
Online version at DOI: 10.23736/S1973-9087.17.04663-9


Innervation zone targeted botulinum toxin injections

Bayram KAYMAK  1, Murat KARA 1 *, Arzu YAĞIZ ON  2, Abdullah R. SOYLU  3, Levent ÖZÇAKAR  1

1Department of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Hacettepe University Medical School, Ankara, Turkey; 2Department of Physical

and Rehabilitation Medicine, Ege University Medical School, İzmir, Turkey; 3Department of Biophysics, Hacettepe University Medical
School, Ankara, Turkey
*Corresponding author: Murat Kara, Department of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Hacettepe University Medical School, Ankara, Turkey.

Muscle overactivity (spasticity, dystonia or spasm) seen in certain neuromuscular disorders has been effectively treated with intramuscular injec-
tion of botulinum neurotoxins (BTXs). Since they act in the nerve terminals, toxins must be transported to the neuromuscular junctions which
are generally clustered in one or more restricted areas (innervations zone(s) (IZs)) in a skeletal muscle. Likewise, IZ targeted BTX injections
using guidance is highly recommended to achieve an optimal therapeutic goal with lower doses and fewer side effects. Hence, detection of the
injection sites should be based on the knowledge about the localization of the IZs and also the transport mechanism of BTX in skeletal muscle
is crucial for intramuscolar application of BTX.
In this paper, IZ(s) of the skeletal muscles, distribution of BTX, proper sites and guidance for the injections are discussed taking into account
the muscle structure and architecture.
(Cite this article as: Kaymak B, Kara M, Yağız On A, Soylu AR, Özçakar L. Innervation zone targeted botulinum toxin injections. Eur J Phys Rehabil
Med 2018;54:100-9. DOI: 10.23736/S1973-9087.17.04663-9)
Key words: Muscle spasticity - Dystonia - Innervation zone - Neuromuscular junction - Botulinum toxins.

B otulinum neurotoxins (BTXs) are used to treat

muscle over/hyperactivity (spasticity, dystonia or
spasm) seen in certain neuromuscular disorders. They
Hence, the knowledge about the localization of IZ and
the transport mechanism of BTX in a muscle is crucial
to determine the injection site(s). It should also be kept
act in the cytosol of the motor nerve terminal via inhib- in mind that the structural and architectural features of
iting acetylcholine (Ach) release from the presynaptic a muscle largely determine the characteristics of IZ and
membrane of the neuromuscular junction (NMJ).1 BTX BTX transport.
does not enter the nerve cytosol through the plasma All BTX injections are performed by manual place-
membrane, but is only internalized by receptor medi- ment or various guidance methods like electrical stimu-
ated endocytosis at unmyelinated nerve terminals form- lation (ES), electromyography (EMG) or ultrasound
ing presynaptic membranes.2 Therefore, the effect of (US). Moreover, instrumented guidance of injection is
BTX injection on muscle hyperactivity largely depends strongly recommended for the treatment of spasticity
on the amount of toxin transported to NMJs. Since and focal dystonia in both adults and children.5
NMJs in a muscle are generally clustered in one or In this review, we discuss the muscle structure and ar-
or other proprietary information of the Publisher.

more restricted areas which are defined as innervation chitecture, localization of the IZ, transport mechanism
zone(s) (IZs), BTX injection targeting this specific re- of BTX, and injection sites and techniques. Accord-
gion is highly recommended to achieve an optimal ther- ingly, we aim to provide a more rational basis for BTX
apeutic goal with lower doses and fewer side effects.3, 4 injections as regards safety and effectivity.

100 European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine February 2018

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Skeletal muscle structure and architecture

Skeletal muscle is a composite tissue formed by stri-
ated muscle fibers (cells) and interstitial tissue contain- Fiber endings
ing extracellular matrix (ECM). The basic structure and
composition of ECM is formed by structural fibers (col-
lagen and elastin) and ground substance molecules (e.g.
proteoglycans, glycosaminoglycans) as well as water,
electrolytes, nutrients and some plasma proteins.6 Con-
nective tissue that surrounds individual muscle fibers, NMJs
bundles of muscle fibers (fascicles) and collection of
fascicles (muscle) is defined as endomysium, perimy-
sium and epimysium, respectively.7 The composition,
amount and morphology of the intramuscular connec-
tive tissue show considerable variations between skel-
etal muscles having different functions.8 For instance,
the total content of collagen fibers, which are the most
abundant type of connective tissue structure, may vary
from 1% to 15% of dry weight of the animal muscle.8
Skeletal muscle architecture is defined as “the ar- A B
rangement of muscle fibers relative to the axis of force Figure 2.—Muscle fiber types in a fascicle: non-spanning fiber (A) and
spanning fiber (B). Acetylcholine esterase activity in the neuromuscular
generation.” The angle between the direction of muscle junctions (NMJs) and at the ends of the muscle fibers.
fibers and the force axis is called as “pennation angle”
(Figure 1). Muscle fascicles extend between tendons, (Figure 2). The type of muscle fiber array in fascicles
aponeuroses and/or bone surfaces. Muscle fibers within and arrangement of fascicles in a muscle are substan-
the fascicle elongate parallel to the connective tissue tial determinants on the distribution of NMJs. It should
surrounding the fascicle. Therefore, fiber arrangement also be kept in mind that the architectural features are
in a muscle can be ascertained via assessing the fascicle not unique and show considerable changes between the
tracking with certain imaging techniques, e.g. diffusion neuromuscular compartments throughout the muscle.11
tensor imaging (DTI) and US.9 Arrangement of muscle
fiber in a fascicle vary among different skeletal mus-
cles. Some muscle fibers may not span throughout but NMJ distribution and IZs in skeletal muscles
may end at any place within the fascicle. In these fas- NMJs
cicles, fibers are serially connected to each other (non-
spanning fibers).10 On the other hand, fibers extending During its course in a skeletal muscle, a motor neu-
along the entire fascicle are defined as spanning fibers ron axon gives rise to terminal branches that end on the
individual fiber. Before positioning over a particular re-
gion on the muscle fiber membrane (end plate region),
terminal branches lose their myelin sheath distally and
AGC divide into small swellings, called as synaptic bou-
tons. They form a cluster of NMJs located on the end
AGC θ T plate region (Figure 3). Membrane of a synaptic bou-
AS ton (presynaptic membrane), postsynaptic muscle fiber
membrane and the synaptic cleft in between constitute a
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NMJ (end plate).12 Ach receptors reside on invaginated

Figure 1.—Muscle architecture of a pennate muscle (i.e., gastrocne- postsynaptic membranes on muscle fibers. Basal lamina
θ: pennate angle; AGC: aponeurosis of gastrocnemius muscle; AS: apone- within the synaptic cleft contains Ach esterase which is
urosis of soleus muscle; T: tendon. an enzyme rapidly hydrolyzing Ach (Figure 4).13

Vol. 54 - No. 1 European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 101

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whereas red fibers have very few of them.15 However,

slow and fast fibers of different muscles may have same
Myeline sheath size and similar features for NMJs. Oki et al. reported
that the NMJs of slow fibers of soleus muscle and fast
fibers of extensor digitorum longus muscle have some
Synaptic boutons differences, but not as much as the difference between
End plate zone the different fiber types within the same muscle.14, 16
These structural changes of NMJs within and between
skeletal muscles should be kept in mind when deciding
on the optimal dosage of BTX per muscle and evaluat-
ing the therapeutic effect. It was shown that the effects
of BTX-A induced muscle fiber paralysis on the me-
chanical properties of skeletal muscle are not uniform;
Muscle fiber but that they depend on stimulation frequency and mus-
cle length. Muscle weakness was found to be greater
at decreased frequency of stimulation and with shorter
Figure 3.—Muscle fiber innervation. muscle length.17
Continuous structural remodeling — expansion/
regression and sprouting/retraction — constantly un-
dergoes in a dynamic equilibrium in the adult NMJs.14
Eighty percent of NMJs in a muscle may show remod-
eling during a 90-day period. Denervation or synaptic
blockade of NMJs via toxin injection results in a shift
Myeline sheath
in this remodeling. Blockade of synaptic transmission
results in a significant change not only in postsynaptic
Synaptic vesicle but also in presynaptic component of the NMJs. After
the blockade, substantial degree of nerve terminal out-
Synaptic bouton

growth and arborizations has been detected after 5-6
membrane Basal membrane days of inactivity. These presynaptic changes are ac-
synaptic cleft companied by the spread of existing receptors and the
Ach receptor insertion of newly synthesized receptors in the post-
membrane synaptic membrane.18 In addition to these regenerative
changes, degenerative changes such as decrease in the
number and depth of secondary postsynaptic folds were
also detected.19 It was also found that these structural
changes occurred faster in the soleus than extensor digi-
Figure 4.—Neuromuscular junction. torum longus muscle. This may cause variations in the
Ach: acetylcholine. duration of BTX effects on distinct skeletal muscles.

Number, localization and morphology (size and IZs of the skeletal muscles
shape) of the end plates in muscle fibers, size of the
nerve terminal as well as the pattern of neurotransmis- An IZ may be defined as the three-dimensional band-
sion in NMJs vary among different fiber types in ver- like portion of the skeletal muscle in which NMJs
or other proprietary information of the Publisher.

tebrates.14 NMJs of the white muscle fiber are well de- densely exist. The IZ of some skeletal muscles have
veloped and complicated, having larger end plates than been determined by using certain techniques. Some of
the red ones.14 Furthermore, nerve terminals innervat- those target the structural neuromuscular components
ing the white muscle fibers have numerous boutons, as terminal nerve branches, Ach esterase in the synaptic

102 European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine February 2018

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cleft and Ach receptors on the postsynaptic membrane. We suggest that an anatomical method may also be
The others use the electrophysiological properties of used to estimate the IZ of a muscle based on the fact
neuromuscular innervations. that the NMJs are located at a relatively small area (end
Intramuscular nerve distribution of the skeletal mus- plate region) near the mid-portions of the muscle fi-
cles is investigated using cadaver dissection and Sihler’s bers.26 As such, three-dimensional localization of NMJs
staining techniques. Using microscopic dissections of in a muscle may be determined by detecting the course
muscles, it is difficult to distinguish the terminal nerve and the length of the muscle fibers. As muscle fibers lie
branches from the vascular structures and collagen parallel to the connective tissue surrounding the fasci-
bands, and to trace a terminal branch during its course. cle, their course can be ascertained via scanning the fas-
On the other hand, Sihler’s staining, a whole mount cicle tracking. On the other hand, midpoints of spanning
nerve staining technique, demonstrates the precise in- fibers are possibly located equidistant from the ends of
tramuscular nerve branching and distribution pattern in the fascicle because their lengths are similar to the fas-
their three-dimensional position. All nerve branches are cicle length. Cluster of these IZs of the fascicles forms
stained dark blue or purple and can be visible to their ter- the IZ of the muscle distributed in a band-like area.
minals while non-nervous tissue is rendered transparent. The shape of this zone is determined by three-dimen-
Myelin sheath surrounding the nerve fibers is the sole sional architecture of the muscle fibers. For instance,
structure of the neural tissue that is stained by hema- biceps brachii muscle contains spanning fibers which
toxylin component of Sihler’s stain. Myelin amount of show a substantially symmetric curvilinear course. In
the nerve fiber reduces towards the end of the terminal accordance with its fiber architecture, it has a reverse
branches and disappears before dividing into synaptic V-shaped band like IZ — 5 to 10 mm wide and 4-6 cm
boutons. Although terminal ends of the nerve branches long — at nearly the half way between the proximal
are stained weakly and the NMJ cannot be observed, and distal myotendinous junctions.28 However, fascicle
Sihler’s staining is the most commonly used technique length cannot be considered equal to the fiber length in
which indirectly determines the IZ of the skeletal mus- fascicles containing non-spanning fibers. Fascicles in-
cles via detecting the area of the most densely localized cluding serially connected fibers do not have a single
intramuscular nerve arborization.20-22 It is also used to band-like IZ, but NMJs are scattered through the fas-
detect neuromuscular compartments which have distinct cicle consistent with the mid-portions of the intrafas-
IZs in a skeletal muscle. As a disadvantage, intramuscu- cicularly terminating fibers. For instance, gracilis and
lar nerve branching and distribution may be illustrated sartorius muscles consisting of non-spanning fibers do
incompletely in the large and thick muscles.23 not have a band-like IZ but NMJs disperse through a
The IZ of a muscle can also be detected histochemi- considerable volume of these muscles. It is detected that
cally via staining the Ach esterase enzymes in the syn- the range of fascicle lengths in muscles with one IZ var-
aptic clefts of the NMJs. Longitudinal cryosections of ies between 32 and 130 mm in humans.29
a muscle (20 µm) are stained for Ach esterase and then Fascicle architecture (course and length) is not unique
marked as dots. Using computer analysis, these two- throughout the muscle and may show significant com-
dimensional distributions of dots are reconstructed to plexity between the neuromuscular compartments.11, 30
three-dimensional volumes.24, 25 However, Ach esterase Skeletal muscle compartments having different struc-
activity does not solely exist in the NMJs, but also at tural and architectural features may also show distinct
the ends of the muscle fibers.26 It is detected that the functional properties and can be activated indepen-
labeling ability of the enzyme in NMJs is 14 times dently according to the desired task (Figure 5).31 When
greater than that in non-junctional regions.27 Therefore, evaluating the NMJ distribution of a muscle, differ-
the NMJs are the predominant source of Ach esterase in ent compartments should be taken into account. Each
muscles. Enzymatic activity at musculotendinous junc- compartment of a muscle having spanning fibers would
or other proprietary information of the Publisher.

tion has the form of cups cuffing the ends of the muscle have distinct band-like IZs. For example, semitendino-
fibers.26 This feature also makes this technique to be sus muscle has upper and lower parts connected by a
useful in detecting fascicles including non-spanning tendinous inscription. Each part has muscle fascicles ar-
muscle fibers in a skeletal muscle (Figure 2). ranged in a parallel array and fascicles of each part con-

Vol. 54 - No. 1 European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 103

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Figure 5.—Cross-sectional drawing at the proximal 40% of the calf il-

lustrating soleus muscle’s anterior and posterior compartments.
F: fibula; T: tibia.

sist of fibers spanning through. Hence, semitendinosus Innervation

muscle reveals two IZs consistent with its architecture (lower)
(Figure 6).29, 32
Muscle fascicle length and the three-dimensional ar-
rangement can be determined with cadaver studies and
certain imaging techniques such as DTI and US.9, 33 Figure 6.—Schematic drawing of the innervation zones in semitendi-
However, these techniques have lack of ability to de- nosus muscle.
tect the fiber length in the related fascicle. Hence, mus-
cle architecture may only be useful to estimate the IZ EMG signal generated becomes significantly smaller
if the fascicle has spanning fibers. Fiber arrangement due to cancellation of the action potentials travelling
in a fascicle can be determined by applying Ach stain- in opposite directions. Furthermore, surface electrodes
ing in the skeletal muscles.29 On the other hand, we should be placed along the direction of the muscle fibers
may assume that the fascicles whose lengths are less
for optimal recording as well. Therefore, this technique
than 130 mm have a single band-like IZ.29 As men-
can only be used reliably for detecting the IZ of the su-
tioned above, cluster of these zones will form three-
perficial muscles whose fibers are parallel to the skin
dimensional arrangement of IZ of a skeletal muscle.
To our knowledge, there is yet no study concerning (i.e. fusiform muscles like biceps brachii or pennate
this topic. ones like vastus medialis). However, the distribution
In the superficially located muscles, IZ can be deter- of IZ of the deep compartments of a muscle cannot be
mined by using multichannel superficial EMG (sEMG) evaluated using this technique.
signals.34 A linear or 2D electrode array is placed on the Most of the skeletal muscles which are commonly
skin over the muscle of interest. Each electrode detects affected in neuromuscular disorders and needed to be
monopolar electrical signals which are generated in the treated with BTX are investigated to detect their IZs
end plate regions (IZ of the muscle fibers) and propa- using the aforementioned techniques.20, 21, 28, 34 In these
gate to the opposite directions towards the ends of the studies, the locations of the IZs are generally measured
or other proprietary information of the Publisher.

muscle fibers.13, 35 The amplified difference of two mo- according to the bony landmarks whose positions do
nopolar signals detected by a pair of electrodes is called not change with the movement of the related joint seg-
as differential EMG signal. If IZ is located between two ments. However, IZs are found to be shifted proximally
consecutive electrodes, amplitude of the differential about 3 cm with the flexion of certain joints in the upper

104 European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine February 2018

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and lower extremities.36, 37 Isometric contraction may dertaken in a restricted volume (e.g. artery, tube) or in
also cause proximal shift in the IZ up to 2.4 cm in biceps an infinite medium (e.g. interstitium). Hydraulic con-
brachii muscle.38 This could be explained by the short- ductivity is inversely proportional to the fluid viscos-
ening of the muscle fibers towards the stationary seg- ity in case of flow in infinite medium. But in the tube
ment of the joint and/or lengthening of the distal tendon shape restricted volume, it is additionally proportional
due to the increasing forces. In some patients, spasticity to fourth degree of radius of the pipe.40 On the other
or dystonia does not allow the physician to place the hand, when the water is at rest (not flowing), there is
extremity in the anatomical position in which the IZ is also movement of solute molecules resulting from bom-
actually detected. As such, we suggest that BTX injec- bardment of much smaller solvent atoms. If the concen-
tions to muscles crossing the joints with flexion con- tration of the particles is not uniform, there will be more
tracture should be applied more proximally than their particles wandering from a region of high concentra-
determined IZ. tion to one of low concentration than vice versa. Hence,
molecules of specific components will travel down their
concentration gradient until the gradient is removed or
Transport of BTX in muscle tissue neutralized. This motion is called diffusion. Diffusion
is inversely proportional to the particle radius and fluid
The BTX vials comprise a BTX component, and ex- viscosity.39, 40
cipients including lactose, sucrose, and albumin. BTX Uniformity of the medium in which transport takes
component (150-450 kDa) consists of BTX and non- place may not be constant and changes considerably
toxic complexing proteins. Two BTX molecules consti- according to direction. In isotropic medium, which
tute a dimer with a molecular weight of 600 or 900 kDa. have uniformity in all orientations, physical and chemi-
Protein content also differs between the BTX serotypes. cal properties are independent of direction; whereas in
Transport of the BTX in the muscle tissue is ensured anisotropic medium, properties depend on the direction
by intramuscular injection of BTX diluted with 0.9% determined by the structural features.41 Anisotropy is
NACI/H2O (saline). Injection is performed by syring- sometimes used to describe the medium whose prop-
es with certain needle gauges. As biophysical terms, erties vary systematically depending on the direction.
BTX molecules are solute particles, saline is solvent Skeletal muscles are composed of elongated muscle fi-
and force applied on plunger top of the syringe is the bers arranged in parallel array and intercellular space
pressure source. Transport of BTX molecules from the (interstitium) between muscle fibers including connec-
barrel of syringe to NMJs in the muscle tissue is pos- tive tissue and certain cells. Therefore, muscle can be
sibly based on the transport phenomenon related with accepted as anisotropic medium whose transport prop-
fluid and particles. Therefore, before discussing about erties may change with each direction.
the transport of BTX in the muscle, we will briefly give
some information about biophysical fundamentals of Flow and diffusion in tissue
material (e.g. BTX molecules and saline) transport in a
medium (e.g. muscle tissue). Hydraulic flow of isotonic saline through interstitium
has been evaluated in some tissues. Combined inter-
Fundamentals of transport active effects of collagen fibrils, glycosaminoglycans
and proteoglycan core proteins residing in interstitium
Transport of matter is caused by the gradient which is are found to be responsible for the low interstitial con-
often referred as the driving force. Among those, pres- ductivity. Especially the fractional volume of collagen
sure gradient causes fluid flow (hydraulic flow) and fibrils spanning the intercellular space offer high resis-
concentration gradient causes diffusion of the particles. tance to hydraulic flow.42 Moreover, tortuous arrange-
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In a three-dimensional medium, transport takes place ment of collagen fibrils also reduces hydraulic flow via
through each coordinate — x, y, or z.39 increasing path length. Because of cell membrane’s
In fluid flow, molecules are moved via a streaming low hydraulic conductivity, cells act as relatively im-
process caused by an external force. Flow may be un- pervious obstacles to flow.42-44 It is stated that cells con-

Vol. 54 - No. 1 European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 105

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tribute very little to tissue resistance to hydraulic flow the water channels in the muscle fiber membranes, al-
even in high cellular tissues (e.g. synovium with cell though some amount of saline probably diffuses from
volume 80%).42 the intercellular space into the muscle cell.46 As such,
We may extrapolate the hydraulic conductivity of we may conclude that fluid flow and diffusion sub-
skeletal muscle tissue from the above quoted informa- stantially take place through the interstitium along the
tion, although it has not been investigated so far. Muscle collagen fibers coursing nearly parallel to the muscle
is a highly cellular tissue with low interstitial volume fibers. Since skeletal muscles have distinct architectural
resembling synovium. Since cells contribute very little features, transport of BTX seems to vary between the
to tissue resistance, the main determinant of the fluid muscles. Moreover, significant differences between the
flow through the muscle tissue seems to be dense fibrous connective tissue contents of ECM may also change the
structures and ground substance molecules in its intersti- fractional volume of collagen fibers which has signifi-
tium. Moreover, hydraulic conductivity of a tissue is not cant effect on fluid flow.8, 42 As mentioned before, hy-
fixed quantity, but increases with hydration and pressure draulic conductivity of a tissue is not a fixed quantity,
gradient which is the driving force for fluid flow.42 but increases with hydration and pressure gradient.42
In addition to fluid flow, particles are also transported Accordingly, dilution rate, pressure of the injected BTX
with diffusion in ECM which is a typical heterogeneous solution and the structural changes in the muscle due to
environment. It is suggested that biomolecules in the spasticity also seem to be important factors on flow of
ECM interact nonspecifically with collagen fibers via BTX with saline.
van der Waals forces and then diffuse through the col- Diffusion of BTX is also affected by dense connec-
lagen fibers similar to diffusion in a viscous fluid. As tive tissue in the ECM of a muscle. Moreover, it is
in hydraulic flow, diffusion of biomolecules in ECM is inversely proportional to the particle radius and fluid
considerably affected by highly condensed collagen fi- viscosity.40 Protein content of BTX components differs
bers surrounding the cells. Rearrangement and conden- between the BTX serotypes.47 This difference may af-
sation of collagen fibers are also important.45 fect the diffusion in the muscle tissue via changing the
Transport of BTX within the muscle is probably based molecular radius of BTX component.
on two phenomena; fluid flow and diffusion. During in- Intramuscular transport of BTX was investigated
jection, the solution (BTX and saline) passes through via measuring neural cell adhesion molecule expres-
the needle of the syringe and then flows into the muscle sion in muscle tissue, force production, muscle fiber
tissue. This flow depends on the resistance in the needle diameter variability and Ach staining, and peak am-
and the pressure differences between the syringe and plitude of compound muscle action potential.48-50 It
the muscle tissue. Resistance is directly proportional to was reported that BTX largely remained close to the
viscosity of the solution, needle length, and inversely injection site, and exhibited limited distribution in the
proportional to fourth degree of the radius (gauge) of adjacent muscles. However, measurable weakness of
the needle.40 Different protein contents in the BTX may non-injected neighboring muscle was also detected. In
change the viscosity of the solution. Pressure differenc- an animal study, distribution of BTX was detected up
es probably depend on the force applied on plunger top to 4.5 cm from the injection site.51 In none of these
and the muscle structure which may alter with certain studies, three-dimensional architecture of muscle was
neuromuscular disorders like spasticity. Hence, toxin not taken into consideration. In a recent human study,
type, needle gauge and length, pressure applied on the transport of BTX in a normal and spastic biceps bra-
plunger and the muscle structure may have some effects chii muscle was evaluated on sagittal plain with DTI.
on the flow of BTX through the muscle. Extracellular distribution of saline largely took place
Hydraulic flow and diffusion of BTX in the muscle longitudinally and parallel to the muscle fibers in the
tissue should be considered as regards the three-dimen- shape of long and thin hyperintense layers. While
or other proprietary information of the Publisher.

sional architecture and structural features of muscles. longitudinal distributions were 5.3 cm and 3.2 cm in
Intercellular spaces between the muscle fibers are ori- healthy and spastic biceps brachii muscles respective-
ented according to the three-dimensional elongation of ly; vertical distributions perpendicular to the muscle
fibers. BTX dimers seem not to be able to travel through fibers were restricted to 0.5 cm for healthy and 0.7 cm

106 European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine February 2018

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in spastic muscles. It is well known that IZ of a muscle The BTX injection sites in the muscle have been
is placed on three dimensions. Therefore, the distribu- identified via electrophysiological techniques. Injection
tion of BTX solution perpendicular to muscle fibers on can be applied where the EMG activity is the highest.
coronal plain should have also been evaluated in that Charts illustrating standard needle EMG localization
study. Considering the biceps brachii muscle structure, sites are used for this purpose. However, higher EMG
distribution of BTX solution perpendicular to muscle activity may not always be consistent with the localiza-
fibers on coronal plain should be similar to that in the tion of IZ in the muscle. Further, some muscles have
sagittal plain. As mentioned above, skeletal muscles more than one IZ. Another EMG guided technique is
show distinct features about their architectures and based on searching for end plate activity (seashell mur-
connective tissue contents around the muscle fibers. In mur). Detecting end plate potentials may be useful only
most of the skeletal muscles, muscle fiber elongations if the muscle architecture, i.e. the distribution of IZ, is
are not parallel to the muscle orientation and make well known.
different angulations with three planes. Therefore, it Some authors use motor point charts for BTX injec-
should be kept in mind that the transport of BTX in tions. Motor (entry) point is defined as the area (on or
a muscle is dependent on its three-dimensional archi- within the muscle) where muscle contraction can be
tecture. On the other hand, differences between con- elicited via stimulating with a minimal intensity and
nective tissue content probably result in distinct rates short duration of ES. Motor point(s) of a muscle can
of transport among skeletal muscles. In the aforemen- be localized by superficial or indwelling electrodes by
tioned study, fluid flow in biceps brachii muscle was stimulating extra- or intramuscular motor nerve branch-
evaluated and presumed that BTX was transported es. Motor point localization and its relationship with in-
with the saline. In addition to the fluid flow, BTX was tramuscular nerve ramification are not unique and differ
also transported with diffusion. Therefore, distribu- according to the muscle type.53 Moreover, it is stated
tions of BTX in skeletal muscle would probably be that there may be considerable differences between mo-
greater than those mentioned above. tor points and IZ of a muscle.54
The US-guided BTX injections seem to be superior
BTX injection sites and guidance to EMG in terms of locating the targeted muscle and
avoiding injury to the neurovascular structures. On the
Since BTX can only be taken into the nerve terminals other hand, EMG has an advantage in the diagnostic
at the NMJs, IZ targeted BTX injections are highly rec- stage via recording abnormal electrical signals of dys-
ommended to achieve an optimal therapeutic goal with tonia or spasticity which can be useful to detect the in-
lower doses and fewer side effects.3, 4, 52 It has been re- volved muscles. Therefore, we recommend that intra-
ported that BTX injection 1 cm away from the end plate muscular BTX injections should be performed with the
zone (in biceps brachii muscle) yielded an almost 50% guidance of EMG and/or US to the IZ which have been
reduction in its effect.3 already localized in the previous literature for common-
The BTX injections are generally applied by palpa- ly injected muscles.
tion and relay on superficial anatomical landmarks (es- In conclusion, BTX transport is probably dependent
pecially for superficial and large muscles). However, on toxin type, dosage, dilution rate, needle gauge and
this injection technique is blind and sizes of the muscles length, pressure applied on the plunger, and the archi-
change with age, gender, body composition and with tectural and structural features of the skeletal muscle.
neuromuscular disorders. In addition, spasticity-related Since IZ targeted injection is highly recommended to
musculoskeletal deformities may change the relation- achieve an optimal therapeutic goal with lower doses
ship between the superficial anatomical landmarks and and fewer side effects; transport of the BTX should be
the muscles. For that reason, injections need to be per- restricted to the muscle portion in which IZs reside.
or other proprietary information of the Publisher.

formed using certain techniques (e.g. EMG, ES, and BTX injection must also be applied to proper muscles
US) not only for targeting the IZ but also for injecting while avoiding any damage to the neurovascular struc-
to correct muscles while protecting nearby neurovascu- tures. In this sense, illustrations for IZ and guidance
lar structures. (US and/or EMG) are definitely needed.

Vol. 54 - No. 1 European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 107

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Article first published online: March 6, 2017. - Manuscript accepted: February 28, 2017. - Manuscript received: January 24, 2017.
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Vol. 54 - No. 1 European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 109

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