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10/11/2010 07:11

Festivals of Mizoram

Mizoram has an ancient and incredibly rich tradi- 

tion with dances which reflect the amalgamation of They dance in joyous celebration of life, each team
centuries of cross-cultural inputs. The indigenous displaying the best of its region. These are generally
festivals of this beautiful state mirror it’s diverse group dances with a lot of bonhomie and courting
heritage during the celebration of the seasonal cycle woven into them. Some dances are strictly martial
of sowing and harvesting. danced by strong virile warriors with their weapons
 and trophies. 
‘Kut’ is the Mizo word for ‘Festival’. Since Mizos are 
agriculturist in occupation, all the festivals are clo- One dance perennially popular is the Cheraw or the
sely associated with agricultural activities. The major «bamboo dance» so called as long bamboo staves
festivals of the Mizos areChapcharKut(March),Mim are used for this dance. This is the most colourful
Kut & Pawl Kut (November/December) andThal- and distinctive dance of the Mizos requiring skill
favang Kut(November). and an alert mind to perform.
Various indigenous musical instruments used du- The other main dances performed during Chapchar
ring these festivities as accompaniments such as Kut are Khuallam, Chheihlam, Chai and Sarlamkai.
the «tingtang» (Guitar), a string instrument and the 
«Phenglawng» ( a flute). The revivalist movement 
of old traditions has been the reappearance of love «Khual lam» is an auspicious dance performed by a
songs and lullabies originating from the time of the group of dancers celebrating new beginnings. It is
great migrations from Burma. also a welcome dance for guests during community
 festivities. To attain a position of distinction, a Mizo
  had to go through a series of ceremonies and per-
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form many feats of heroic deeds. These ceremonies

hapchar Kut »  are always accompanied by a feast and to this feast,
At the end of February, when winter starts friends from nearby villages are invited - hence,
receding, the Mizos prepare the land for fresh Khuallam is the dance for the visitors or guests.
planting. There are few days of relaxation before the 
serious business of sowing starts and that is when The «Chheih lam» is another community dance per-
the Chapchar Kut festival is celebrated with gaiety formed by both men and women. The war dance
and fervour. A spring festival, this is the most im- «Solakia», a prerogative of the male population of
portant festival and the only one regularly observed the community, is accompanied by rhythmic beating
during the first week of March in Mizoram.  of the drums.

On this day people of all ages, young and old, men Exhibition and sale of indigenous Handloom and
and women dressed in their colorful costumes and Handicraft products and other tourist attractions
distinctive head gears and jewelries, assemble and like flower show, food festival, musical competition
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perform various folk dances, singing traditional and different traditional games are also organized
songs accompanied by beating of drums, gongs and during the Chapchar Kut festival.

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10/11/2010 07:11

Festivals of Mizoram

Mim Kut & Pawl Kut »
These festivals are celebrated in the last week of
November or the first week of December (part of
the tourist season) to celebrate the completion of
the harvesting season. The entire community joins
in the celebration with great enthusiasm, joy and
feasting. Traditional folk dances, songs and games
are performed during the festival. 

Thalfavang Kut »
Mizoram celebrates the festival of Thalfavang Kut
every November. This festival is celebrated after the
completion of weeding of the land in preparation
for the forthcoming harvesting season. This festival
also depicts the cultural heritage and the traditional
games of the Mizo. It has given the community an
opportunity to come together and renew old bonds
and ties.

Christmas »
Since the majority of the population is Christian,
Christmas is one of the most important events of
the Mizos. This festival is usually celebrated from
24th December to 26th December. Christmas Eve
is celebrated on the 24th followed by celebrations
in the church on the 25th of December. On the last
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day a great feast is organized where everyone from

children to adults take part with great fervor and
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