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25. Which is correct? Sorting will take place in PGA or temp tablespace?

a. Both. If the data which to be sorted is more than sort area size of PGA, then temp tablespace will be used.
26. How you will define INSTANCE and DATABASE?
a. INSTANCE is a combination of memory structures and background processes which helps in
reading/writing the data. DATABASE is mix of physical and logical structures which helps in
storing user data.
27. What is SGA?
a. SGA is a combination of different memory structures which helps in several actions in the database.
28. What are the responsibilities of SMON?
a. It will do instance recovery, coalesces the tablespace and will release the temp segments
occupied by a transaction when it is completed.
29. How SMON will perform instance recovery?
a. Answer is available in the class notes.
30. Why oracle maintains 2 redolog files?
a. To avoid any space constraints.
31. What is a logswitch? What happens when it occurs?
a.Answer is available in the class notes.
32. What are the activities of PMON?
a. Answer is available in the class notes.
33. What are the situations when DBWR and LGWR will write?
a. Answer is available in the class notes.
34. What is SCN and which process writes that?
a. SCN is a unique number assigned to a transaction which modifies data in the database. CKPT process will
always update this SCN to both datafiles header and control file.
35.What are the other new background processes in 10g that you know?
a. MMAN – memory manager which helps in maintaining ASMM
b. RVWR – helps in generating flashback logs incase flashback is turned on
c. CTWR – hepls incremental backup in RMAN
d. MMNL – memory monitor light, which helps in AWR statistics collection
e. MMON – managebility monitor, which helps in automatic problem detection and self-tuning.

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