Time-Referenced Scanning Beam MLS: Received Signal Strength - To"and "Fro'scan C y C L e

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FLIGHT International, 30 October 1976 1323

been based on foghorns and ear-trumpets, just so long as

the requirements were met.
Britain and the US launched the two most significant
national programmes. Eight-month Phase 1 development
contracts were awarded by the FAA to six US companies.
Four were instructed to study frequency-referenced scan-
ning beam techniques (Texas Instruments and AIL con-
sidered mechanically scanned systems, with Bendix and
Raytheon working on electronically scanned alternatives),
and two concentrated on commutated Doppler (Hazeltine
•-To"and "Fro'scan c y c l e - and ITT Gilfillan).
Phase: 2, which did not begin until much later, called
strength for the demonstration of hardware representative of future
landing-guidance systems. Four companies won Phase 2
A T related to 6 contracts: Texas Instruments and Bendix were asked tc
Time • build FRSB systems, with Hazeltine and ITT Gilfillan work-
ing on commutated Doppler equipment. Hardware was
called for by the end of 1973, in readiness for flight
Time-referenced scanning beam MLS evaluation in January 1974.
The British followed a similar, two-phase timescale. The
TRSB MLS uses two narrow fan beams which are initial phase involved theoretical studies and simulation
scanned rapidly to-and-fro in the azimuth and eleva- of the three preferred techniques—frequency-referenced
tion sectors. In every scan cycle two pulses, one and time-referenced scanning beam, and commutated
each during the "to" and "fro" scans, are received Doppler. Much of this work was carried out by RAE
in the aircraft.. An aircraft receiver within the Farnborough, and it was when RAE comparisons of
coverage volume derives its position directly from predicted performance showed up in its favour that UK
measurement of the time difference between these interest shifted finally to commutated Doppler. British
pulses. Precise solid-state timing devices and inte- Phase 2 work began with the award of a £1 million con-
grated digital circuitry are used to determine each tract to Plessey in June 1973. Under the terms of the
angle accurately. contract, Plessey—to which STL's experience had passed
The American TRSB proposals use four beams, or with the acquisition of its landing-guidance interests in
"elements," for azimuth, elevation, back-azimuth 1971—continues to share UK MLS funding with the Civil
and flare measurements. These can be transmitted Aviation Authority, the Ministry of Defence and the
in any order—preamble instructions are used to Department of Industry.
identify each signal—but all four signals, plus any Other British MLS research concentrated on a ground-
auxiliary data which are desired, are synchronised derived interferometry system—giving rise to MEL's
so that one time difference is measured on each Madge—and Marconi carried out studies of ground-derived
signal in each 150msec "frame." Doppler and hybrid scanning-beam MLS. These are no
Reflected-beam reception is eliminated by time- longer under consideration as possible future international
gating and time-averaging techniques, and beam systems and, apart from Madge, have stayed on paper.
scanning can be achieved either by mechanical Five states made initial submissions to Icao in 1973.
means or by phased-array switching. These, with the techniques proposed, were Australia
(TRSB), France (FRSB), West Germany (DME-based land-

Texas Instruments delivered its TRSB MLS

to the FAA this year. From left to right, the
system comprises an equipment cabin, azimuth
antenna and elevation antenna

electronic scanning would be too complex for a production ing system, DLS), UK (commutated Doppler) and the USA
system. The US industry now believes that electronic scan- (FRSB and comimutated Doppler).
ning has lost a lot of its terrors, but it is still out of favour The Australian TRSB "InterScan" was radically different
in Britain for Category 3 uses because the required from the other submissions. Germany's DLS was a DME-
integrity is difficult to achieve. based, ground-derived system which has remained virtually
Soon after the appearance of the SCI 17 report, the Icao unchanged up to the present. It is not strictly an MLS at
AWOP presented an operational requirement to the Air all, demonstrating that the Icao requirements do not
Navigation Commission. This was adopted at the next Air specify microwave guidance.
Navigation Conference and has been the guiding light for The Icao AWOP then set up a Working Group' to
development teams ever since. Icao had meanwhile con- evaluate the technical submissions. It has been the work-
cluded that it would have to issue a new standard practice ings of the Group, and a sudden American decision to
if the world's conflicting international and domestic change techniques, which have captured the headlines
requirements were to be reconciled and a new common over the last two> years.
worldwide landing aid chosen. The initial Working Group meeting was held at The
Over the next three years, teams in five countries worked Hague in March 1974, followed by a second in September
on the best way of satisfying the AWOP operational of the same year. The Working Group comprises 10
requirement. Though the Icao requirement makes no members, eight of whom are considered to have sufficient
specific reference to microwave frequencies, most of the expertise to judge the proposed techniques. They come
development teams chose to use this band. But as far as from Australia, Canada, France, West Germany, the
Icao was concerned, the new landing system could have Netherlands, the UK, USA and USSR, and are joined by

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