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1. Trasnslate these sentences into English !

Saya memiliki dua saudara perempuan.Kakak tertuaku bernama Maiza, dia melanjutkan
studinya di UGM mengambil jurusan Hubungan International.Ia berumur 19 th dan kakakku
yang lainnya bernama Fadia. Ia bersekolah di SMA klas I,ia pandai sekali matamatika dan
sekolahnya adalah sekolah terfavorit di kotaku.Namaku Datta,aku adalah anak termuda di
keluargaku dan sekarang aku belajar di SD klas 6.Umurku 11 tahun dan kami saling
mendukung dan menyayangi satu sama lain.

2.Change this sentence into conditional type 2 and 3!

If I have enough money,I will lend you some
- Tipe 2 :
- Type 3 :
3.Change this sentence into comparative and superlative degree
My house is as comfortable as your apartement

4,Change these sentences into Passive Form and mention what the tenses are!
a.Bill is going to invite Ann to the party.
b.Alex is preparing that report.
c.Waitresses and waiters serve customers.
d.Fadia has suggested a new idea.
e.Shakespeare wrote that play.

5. Complete the dialog with the appropriate adjective ed/ing(surprise and excite )
Via:HiNia , Have you heard the
Nia : Not yet . What is it ? Will it make me......excited/surprised?
Via : Yes of course, because It is You are promoted to be Manager of our
division .
Nia : Really, I don’t believe it. I am..... to hear that.

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