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3 The devotees should regularly see my status in temple touch my lotus feet and offer worship
able paraphernalia and prayer. He should see in spirit of renunciation from the mode of goodness and
see every living entity as spiritual.Purpot by his divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad
.Temple worship is one of the duty of the devotee it is a specially recommended for neophytes. But those
who are advanced should not refrain from temple worship there is a distinction in a matter of a
neophyte and an advanced devotee. There is a distinction in the manner and neophyte and advanced
devotee appreciate the Lord’s presence in the temple and neophyte considers the Archa Vigraha the
statue of the Lord to be different from original personality of Godhead. He considers it a representation
of the supreme Lord in the form of a deity. But an advanced devotee accepts the deity in the temple as
the Supreme personality of Godhead. He does not see any difference between the original form of the
Lord and the statue or the Archa form of the Lord in the temple. This is vision of the devotee who’s
devotional service is the highest stage of Bhava or love of Godhead. Whereas neophyte’s worship in the
temple is matter of routine duty. Temple deity worship is one of the functions of the devotee he goes
regularly to see the deity nicely decorated and with veneration and respect he touches the lotus feet of
the lord and presents offering’s of worship such as fruits flowers and prayers at the sametime to advance
in devotional service a devotee should see other living entities as spiritual sparks parts and parcels of the
supreme Lord. devotee is to offer respect to every Living entity that has a relationship with the
Lord.Because every living entity originally has a relationship with the Lord as parts and parcel. A devotee
should try to see all living entities on same equal level of spiritual existence as stated in Bhavad Gita a
Pundit one who is learned sees equally at very learned Brahmin a shudra a hog a dog and a Cow he does
not see the body which is only an outward dress. He does not see the dress of a Brahmin or that of a cow
or that of a hog. He sees the spiritual spark part and parcel of supreme Lord. If a devotee does not see
every living entity as part and parcel of the supreme Lord he is considered Prakrita Bhakta a materialistic
devotee he is not completely situated on the spiritual platform rather he is in the lowest stage of
devotion. He does however show all respect to the deity. Although a devotee sees all living entities on
the level of spiritual existence he is not interested in associating with everyone simply because a tiger is
part and parcel of supreme Lord does not mean that we embrace him because of his spiritual
relationship with the supreme Lord. We must associate only with persons who have developed Krishna
Consciousness we should be friend and offer special respect to persons who are developed in Krishna
Consciousness other living entities are undoubtedly part and parcel of the supreme Lord but because
there Consciousness is still covered and not developed in Krishna Consciousness we should renounce
their association .It is said by Viswanath Chakrawarthi Thakur that even if one is a Vaishanava if he is not
of a good character his company should be avoided.Aithough he may be offered the respect of a
Vaishnava.Anyone who accepts Vishnu as the Supreme personality of Godhead is accepted as a
Vaishnava.But a Vaishanava is expected to develop all the good qualities of the demigods. The exact
meaning of the word Satvena is given by Shridhar Swami as been Synonymous with Dharyena or
patience.One must perform devotional service with great patience one shouldnot give up the execution
of devotional service because one or two attempts have not been successful.One must continue.Sri Rupa
Goswami also confirms that one should be very enthusiastic and execute devotional service with
patience and confidence.Patience is necessary for developing the confidence that Krishna will certainly
accept me because I am engaging in devotional service.Krishna will certainly accept me because I am
engaging in devotional service.One has only to execute service according to rules and regulations to
ensure success.Herein Lord Kapila dev is continuing to devahuti devi his explanation of devotional
service.Today’s verse is putting great emphasis on the worship of the deity in the temple.There are many
various perceptions and realizations regarding deity worship.But here we find from the point of view of
supreme Lord himself is great importance a devotee should regularly see the deity in the temple.Like all
aspects of devotional service we are taking medicine to cure us from the chronic disease of material
bondage.Since time immemorial we have abused our senses by utilizing them to try to gain some
enjoyment from the objects of material sense gratification.Therefore the living entity is literally addicted
to sense gratification.Just like we see there is alcoholic anonymous.When people are addicted to alcohol
very very difficult to overcome.Therefore we have to really really concentrate our energies in association
of other persons who are like minded otherwise it is practically impossible to give up this
alcohol.Similarly today there is from alcoholic synonymous there is narcotics synonymous there is sex
anonymous there is gambling anynonymous and as kali yuga proceeds for practically every activity a
person engages in sense gratification there will be some organizations of anonymous to some how or
other try to give it up.This sex anonymous is growing very very big in the western world because people
just cannot control there illicit desire for sex life.It’s just intense obsession and I remember here in
Bombay when some nobel souls would regularly invite me to alcoholic synonymous I found in these
people more of a sincere spiritual mood than in most temples and churches around the world because
they really have accepted within their heart that they are totally helpless that they cannot overcome
this force which is destroying their lives they have recognized it and the only power that could help them
is the power of God and without like minded persons helping them they cannot connect to that power of
God.But one unfortunate situation is probably 95 percent of the people who were discussing these very
very nice topics were smoking cigrattes.Because the smoking of cigrates helps them to some how or
other bear that temptation for alcohol.So what it is actually is just some how or other diverting your
attention from one distructive activity to another distructive activity both destroy the bodies and both
destroy ones spiritual inclinations.Infact any type of addiction to any type of material bodily pleasure is
great enemy to one’s spiritual lives.Therefore 0:12:35.8 the great acharyas teach us according to shastra
that with the same senses that are now causing you so much bondage and suffering engaged them in
service of supreme personality of Godhead.Your senses become purified you become free from all these
material distinct these material identifications and gradually you develop love for Krishna.So for the
neophyte devotee deity worship is actually very very important.Because it helps us fix all our present
senses on Krishna.Ofcorse some religions they are very very ferocious in the way they condem deity
worship.But everyone of them has their own different type of deity worship.May not as scientifically
developed as what we find in Vaishnaism but they say why are you worshipping these statue in
temple.Acoording to our God you are not supposed to have any grave in image.But yet when you go to
the church there is generally always a crucifix with Lord Jesus Christ and everyone kneels down behind
him I mean in front of him and they weep and they cry and they pray it’s a deity.They are focusing their
attention on him and one of the greatest of the catholic’s saint Francis of the cc his spiritual life really
began when he went to a church in a helpess destitute positionand he prayed to the deity and he saw
the deity cry and then he heard the deity speak give him an instruction to surrender.Hare Krishna and yet
the same people that worship him condem deity worship.Because it’s just a different way of
approaching a deity they have a very primitive less developed idea of deity worship but the deity is there
and similarly in islam we find they have their big temple and there is nothing in the temple.They codem
deity worship but yet they are all bowing down in the direction of Mecca either east west north south
depending upon were Mecca may be according in relation to were you are standing and they are
concentrating on that that’s their deity they are focusing their attention they are worshipping.Mecca is
the place it’s not just an ferial concept.So they are concentrating their minds on something physical and
offering their obeisances and their worship’s to something physical.They also worship their Kuran the
jewish faith very much condem deity worship idol woship but one time I was in Jerrusalam for one of the
biggest festival and it is festival where they take Torra.The Torra is the holy books but they are in scrolls
because books are considerd not as sacred as when you read from scrolls.Just like our Goswami’s use
palm leaves in those days they would just take scrolls and wrap them up in wood beans just roll them up
and then roll them out.So they took the torra and they had incredible beautiful Gold and Silver casing
over the Torra and they had all kinds of jewels they decorated with and then they put all kinds of silken
cloths over it and every one was bowing down to it and putting their head on it and then they went to
most Holy place the walling wall with these Torras and everyone was in procession behind the Torra they
had it on a Palaquin then they took it of the palquin and put more garlands and more decoration’s on it
and then they started dancing with it and everyone was dancing around the Torra and some were kissing
it and embracing it.Hare Krishna if they go to our temple they say we cannot accept idol
worship.Because they consider this is non different than God because it embodies the word of God.So
factually wherever you go you will find deity worship of some sort because people have a very very great
need to utilize their senses in such a way that they contemplate and fix it upon something spiritual.When
the deity worship is according to Guru Sadhu and shastra according to rules and regulations then we
make great great progress in disentangling our selves from material bondage.We find Sri Chaitanya
Mahaprabhu is a yugaavatar he came in this age of Kali especially to teach us how we should purify our
hearts and wherever he went he was worshipping the deities of the Lord.When he left in his own home
in Navadvip he would worship his deities of Shaligram Sheela and how would he worship those shaligram
sheela’s.He loved Krishna so much in role of his own devotee that he would just look at the shaligram
sheela and just by picking the shaligram sheela up he would be in such love with this form of the
Lord.Now to you and me when we see a shaligram sheela we just see a little black stone and some body
has to draw little painting of face and put a little crown and flute so that we have any conception that
this has anything to do with Krishna.But Lord Chaitanya just the sheela he would see that sheela and he
would begin to tremble and weep and cry he would cry so much upon seeing the shaligram sheela that
his entire body with all the clothes would be soaked.Then he was thinking I am too contaminated now to
worship shaligram sheela covered with tears so he would go to the Ganges to bathe he would come back
put on fresh clothes put on his tilak come before his shaligram sheela got to pick up the sheela trembling
and weeping and crying torrents and torrents of tears until every limb of his body was soaked and his
clothes were drenched.He would take off his clothes go to the ganges take his bath put on fresh clothes
pick up his shaligram sheela torrents of tears drenched put down the shaligram sheela go back to the
Ganges come back again and again and again finally the Lord with great humility he said to Gadadhar
Pandit that you please worship shaligram sheela for me.I am so unfortunate that I am not qualified to
worship the shaligram sheela so you please worship.He wasn’t just saying that he was feeling this what is
the inconceivable contradiction that’s going on in the mind of Vaishnava.On one hand Viashnava is on
the highest platform but even those esctacies he considers to be sign he is on the lowest platform.Hare
Kriishna.Here he is exhibiting the ultimate perfection of life.We have shaligram sheela here in our temple
most of you probably don’t even know notice that he is there.But Mahaprabhu just seeing that sheela is
in ecstasy weeping crying the conclusion of all the scriptures and yet he is thinking that he is so
unfortunate so fallen that he is not allowed to worship the sheela.He is considering his esctacies to be a
contamination interfering with his devotional service.Similarly Srila Rupa Goswami describes one of the
servants of Krishna when he is fanning Krishna tears of ecstasy flowing from his eyes and they are
flowing in such a way that he can’t even properly see Krishna.How many of you have cried in such away
that you can’t even see what standing before you that’s not just some sentimental tears that’s ecstatic
love torrents of tears he couldn’t see Krishna properly it was interfering with the way he was fanning
Krishna he was praying to Krishna let these feelings go away.He was considering himself unfortunate and
disqualified because of ecstatic symptoms because he was inconcerned with being happy with being in
ecstasy he was concerned with giving Krishna ecstasy with serving Krishna this is Vaishnava.Don’try to
see Krishna try to serve Krishna in such a way that he want’s to see you.Everyone want’s the
nectar.Everyone want’s to go here there to get nectar more nectar and more and more nectar but what
about Krishna.We leave our service to deity we lave our service to our Guru to go look for nectar but the
real nectar is in devotion.Devotional Bhakti Purbhupad doesn’t say just devotion he says devotional
service because the essence of devotion is service.The real nectar is in pleasing Krishna and if our own so
called happiness and esctacies and interfering with our prescribed duties to Krishna then they are
actually impediment to our spiritual advancement.But it takes certain degree of humility to understand
this and accept it.When we utilize our senses in seeing the beauty of Krishna smelling the insence
offered to Krishna in touching the deity or the Prasad that the deity has given us in hearing the glories of
the deity in chanting those glories all of our senses and our mind are immersed in ultimate purification
of Krishna’s mercy.Srila Prabhupad explains in this very very important purpot that a neophyte devotee
feels that the deity is the representation of Krishna and an advance devotee understands that it is
Krishna.Now we may think that I know it’s Krishna therefore I am not a neophyte I know that the deity is
nondifferent than Krishna therefore that must mean I am an advanced devotee but do you actually
accept the deity as Krishna or you still thinking the deity is representation of Krishna it’s not just the
matter of redrick or what we say it’s how we live?how we respond and reciprocate with the deity.One
senior devotee of Srila Prabhupad was giving class Prabhupad personally ordered him to give class and
Prabhupad was sitting and listening to him and the devotee was explaning how Krishna is in the deity
Srila Prabhupad asked a question which part of the deity is Krishna in?The devotee was speechless if
anyone asks I am sure he would have had many many very very intelligent profound answers.But
Prabhupad asked he was speechless than Prabhupas said no Krishna is not in the deity Krishna is the
deity there is the difference.This is the body of Krishna it’s not a piece of stone and some how spirit of
God within that stone the stone is saccit ananda Vigraha.Krishna assumes the form of that stone or
wood to reciprocate love with us.So if we are in the temple room and we are inattentive during the arrati
or at other times we are talking all kinds of causual talks that means you really accept that the deity is
representation of Krishna.But you are not really seeing Krishna in the deity.You actually felt his divine
presence how perfect you would be in your behavior when we are dressing the deities some times
running out and we are doing all kinds of things like this and like that because we don’t want to get in
trouble for being late but if you are actually experiencing that Krishna is in the deity how will you be so
ultimately careful respectful and loving in every single gesture of yours and every minute details.But by
worshipping the deity according to rules and regulations we gradually please Krishna and when Krishna
is pleased then he reveals himself to us.It’s not by some philosophical conviction alone that you can see
Krishna in the deity.It’s by serving Krishna with such attention humility that Krishna revals himself to
you.But it is explained here that deity worship alone is insufficient for that realization.We must also learn
to see how every living entity is spiritual and has relationship with Krishna.It is often said that a third
class devotee worships the deity in the temple but doesnot honour and respect other living entites.If we
want to raise above third class we have to learn to honour and respect every living entity as part and
parcel of Krishna.You will see a connection of the deity in the heart of everyone in two ways one is that
the living entity himself whether it’s a blade of grass and insect or bird or fish an animal or human being
he will see that this living entity is a pure infinitesimal part and parcel of Krishna and eternal servant of
Krishna just somehow or other covered over by some karmic consequences and therefore in this
particular body.But also besides that in every living entity is Krishna directly as paramatama .Krishna is
personally within the heart of every living entity how can we disrespect anyone.If we are actually Krishna
Conscious we will see in this way natural and spontaneously and if we are not Krishna Conscious we have
to learn to see this way on the basis of philosophical conviction and than we have to act on the basis of
that conviction so that we can gradually realize it.Practical application is the basis of all our realizations
we can talk about compassion we have to actually be the instruments of Guru and Gauranga’s
compassion.By association with devotees who have compassion we have the opportunity to become
compassionate but we actually act on the basis of that association we find in the story of Mirgrari the
hunter.He was half killing animals so that they would suffer and very slowly die.But by associating with
Narad Muni he learned the process of hearing about Krishna chanting the names of Krishna being the
servant of the Lord being the servant of every living entity that he came to the point where he was so
sensitive in his respect for the welfare of all living beings he would not even dare to risk stepping on an
ant.Recently when I was in Vrindavan I met a very dear person to Srila Prabhupad’s heart he never got
initiated although he knew Prabhupad from 1970 there was few people like this very famous people in
the Public’s eye for various material opulances they had and due to their material opulances Prabhupad
actually instructed them to continue doing what they were doing and because of that some of them
never actually were able to get initiated.So this manhis name is Peter Burwash have you heard of him he
was one of the most world famous tennis player.He was in the championship circuit for tennis.Do you
know what tennis is?That some sort of a perverted reflection of Cricket.By your estimation by my
estimation I am not going to make any evaluations.You hit these balls with these rackets back and forth
and it takes tremendous amount of energy and strength and it’s very popular sport and being a
champion he was always on television always on radio always in newspapers and magazines and he was
also doing business.He told me in 1970 he went to see Srila Prabhupad in Toronto and Prabhupad was so
eager to meet this person he told his servant you go out of the room I want to speak alone.He told
Prabhupad what happen is when he publicly made it clear that he was a devotee he lost over one million
dollars worth of contracts.So Prabhupad told him when you are doing business you don’t have you keep
your devotional service underground.Don’t reveal it there is greater things that you can do through your
influence and then he told me that Prabhupad spoke to him for 3 hours about how to perform business
for Krishna and on the basis of what he heard from Prabhupad he started giving seminars on leadership
and business and practically any other subject on the basis of that talk with Prabhupad and today he is
one of the popular speaker’s in the world for about 15 years he was speaking 300 days a year to
executives corporations companys government officials all classes of very high ranking people and get’s
paid 5000 US dollars for one hour speaking .Hare Krishna and the basis of everything he says has come
from that talk with Srila Prabhupad and he is on his own way he is somehow inter jets the values of
Krishna Consciousness.But to get back to the point that we were speaking on he told me that one time
he was in a championship tournament international it was on national televise tv millions of people were
watching it was the final tournament and he was in it and it was the last moments of the that
tournament and in tennis were you stand is very important strategically.So he happen to see some ants
crawling were he was were the best place to stand was so he moved aside to another place and he knew
if I move aside I may lose infact it is almost impossible for me to win but I can’t step on these ants
Prabhupad taught me to be compassionate and consider of every living being and I am going to consider
my being the champion winning this tournament to be more important than the life of these ants so he
moved aside and millions of people on tv and all the critics and all the newspaper and everthing were
thinking why in the world does he’s standing there it’s the last minute of the tournament championship
and he lost and knew he lose he couldn’t win and people were asking him why were you standing there
then he understood if I tell them that because I didn’t want to step on ant’s they would think I totally
crazy so he didn’t give any answer now he is retired from tennis but he considers that one of the
Highlights of his carrier he doesnot in any way regret that because he felt Prbahupad would be pleased
with him and although nobody else in the planet knew anything about it in his heart he knew Prabhupad
would be pleased because he taught me to be compassionate to others even if the risk of huge sums of
money glorious reputation he sacrificed it all to protect an ant.Srila Prabhupad Ki Jai.It’s faith that’s
Krishna Consciousness and action although here we are many of us we have dhoti’s and shaved heads
and we have Kantimala and we have tilak’s and were ever we go we like to just practically put up flag’s
that I am a Vaishnava I am sadhu I am a saint as we are stepping on the so many millions of ants without
even caring.Hare Krishna.But here is some one who just looks like an ordinary American tennis man but
within his heart there is such a sincere faith and conviction to apply Prabhupad’s teaching’s according to
what Prabhupad told him. You cannot judge a book by looking at it’s cover.Not all the time.Certainly
appearances are indicative but always not necessarily like that.Krishna Consciousness is based on the
faith and conviction of our heart and how we are willing to implement that faith in our actions in
life.Srila Prabhupad in his purpot he’s instructing us how we should learn to offer respect to everyliving
entity especially to Vaishnavas who are the devotees of the Lord.Because they are so dear to the
Lord.Utimately everyone is dear to the Lord we talk about Vaishnav aparad that is certainly the most
sincere offence that will cause Krishna to withdraw his protective potency away from you.Without
Krishna’s protection you fall there is nothing else you fall.Your knowledge your strength your fame will
not protect you only Krishna’s mercy can protect you.But then again offense to any living entity will
cause a disturbance to our spiritual life if it is unnecessary if our offences are due to negligence or false
pride amani manadena we should respect everyone we should respect our mothers and fathers we
should respect the government officials we should respect the simple sweeper of the street even those
who are alcoholics prostetutes meat eaters we should respect them but we have to learn how to respect
them Srila Prabhupad gives an example very important listen carefully.By hearing with Srila Prabhupad
says attentively it will protect us form falling in to the hands of maya.We should not read these books
ritualistically.We should really try to be awake and alert to understand what Prabhupad is telling me it’s
an essential it’s urgent it’s matter of life and death to understand and apply what he is speaking.That you
must respect the spirit soul in the heart of a tiger and you must worship not only respect you must
worship the paramatama that’s in the heart of the tiger but because somehow or other due to some
karmic influences that spirit soul and that paramatama is in the body of a tiger.You have to discriminate
you don’t say Haribol Prabhu Tiger Prabhu and embrace him if you embrace him you die.We respect
from a distance similarly materialistic persons who are addicted to sinful activity they are more
dangerous than snakes and tigers.Chaitanya Mahaprabhu said to associate with people who are too
much attached to sex life and material oppulance is more dangerous than living in a room that is
completely enveloped by flames of fire.It is more dangerous than living in a pit of hundreds of poisonous
snakes because a snake and a fire can only kill your body but they will not disturb your propensity to
serve Krishna infact they may help you cry out for Krishna even louder with more feeling but associating
with materialistic people destroys our propensity for devotional service because we become like what
we associate with but yet we must offer respect to them because Krishna is there in there heart.So we
respect the person but we don’t associate with the bad habits that the person is addicted to.Just like if
your own mother has some serious disease you may keep your distance form her because it’s a
contagious disease but still you respect her and this hold true according to Srila Vishwanath
Chakrawarthi Thakur with other Vaishanvas inn this age of Kaliyuga especially during todays
circumstances this point has to be very carefully understood otherwise we are subjected to tremendous
confusion because on one hand we talk about the dangerous of Vaishnav aparad and the glories of
Vaishanvas but here Srila Prabhupad quoting Vishwanath Chakrawarthi Thakur is making things very
clear that even if one is a Vaishnava if he is of not good character his company should be avoided
0:49:55.6 is present in so many ways within our lives as Vaishnavas.If a person is belives that Vishnu is
the supreme personality of Godhead is a Vaishanava.Therefore they must be respected as Vaishanvas
but at the sametime if they are preaching blasfaming against your faith by associating with them your life
will be destroyed but if you blasfame them your life also may be destroyed.Hare Krishna.So we must
keep respectful distance from such persons.Sometimes Vaishanvas are too much attached to sense
gratification sometimes Viashanvas like to talk Prajalpa sometimes Vaishanvas like criticize other
Vaishanvas if you associate with them it will destrub your spiritual progress it may even destroy your
spiritual progress but at the same time they are Vaishanvas if you blasfame them if you disrespect them
that will also be harmful to your spiritual life.This is what you have got yourself in to this dilemma we
cannot avoid it it’s material world the only pure satsang of Vaishnavas is in Goloka Vrindavan.But in this
material world there is all kinds of devotees with all kinds of motivations they should be respected but
we have to understand who to associate with and who to listen to.Sometime Vaishavas may actually be
very detached from sense gratification they may be more austere than you and there sadhana might be
than yours but and they may be very very aridiate and learned in the philosophy of the scriptures but if
they are preaching against your Guru Parampara by associating with them you are commiting a great
aparad to your Guru to your Param Guru and to your whole parampara and they will withdraw there
mercy or if they are speaking aspects of devotional service that are contrary to how you are receiving it
from your line of disciplic succession unless you are very very very advanced to accomdate it and not
have your faith disturbed then by that aasociation you are actually offending your own Guru line and you
lose faith and you become confused or you become unchaste unfaithful it happens every day and yet
people don’t think anything of it he is a Vaishanava therefore we should hear he is a Vaishanva therefore
we should associate one thing definitely is true if he or she is Viashava they must be respected but at the
sametime we must discriminate.Srila BhaktiSiddhanata Saraswati Thakur he is very very much disliked by
many of the Babaji’s of Vrindavan and the lines that have come down from them why because he
wouldn’t associate with them.He considered many of them Prakrita Sahajias taking things very cheaply
speaking very very very laughty topics but acting in a very animalistic way behind the curtains.Bhakti
Vinod Thakur Bhakti Siddhanata Saraswati Thakur they wrote many essays even books about the various
apasiddhanta sampradya’s Sahajiya Sampradya were they have different conceptions different
presentations although they may be chanting one lakh a day they may be living in little bhajan kutir’s
they may be extraordinarily learned in presenting very laughty conclusion from the root books of Rupa
and Ragunath Das Goswami’s but yet there certain conceptions and certain activities that make their
association extremely harmful for our sprirtual lives.But if you offend them it’s Vaishnav aparad because
they are devotees.They are taking the name so we should only associate with those devotees who
encourage and invigorate our faith and we should offer respect to those who potentially can threaten
our faith and if we donot understand this principal very very seriously then we are heading for spititual
confusion without a doubt.At one time Srila Prabhupad told the devotees not to associate or read the
books of his Godbrothers even though he knew that most all of his Godbrothers were very bonafied pure
hearted great Vaishnavas but he told you must respect them.But if for whatever reason they are
speaking something in a different way you will be confused different devotees are confused in different
ways some people they hear something presented in a different way they just cannot accomdate how
this person this and my Guru saying this and you know there is a contradiction.But there is another type
of human nature that the grass is always greener on the other side.We find that the some people hear
the presentation of our devotees and they are very very this is nectar this is so wonderful but after we
hear for so many years we are very attracted to hear something else and as soon as something else is
there this is higher nectar because it’s different and therefore we give up we actually give up our faith
and our chastity to our own Guru Pramapara because we want to chase after something newer
something fresher something more exciting to my mind and senses but you make spiritual advancement
by your dedication by your faithfulness by your desire to serve we want to find the nectar of devotion
yes we want Hari Katha and we want Hari Kirtan but we want it in such a way that we reamin faithful
humble and sincere.So therefore although Prabhupad personally honoured many of his Godbrothers
with great respect you respect them you don’t go because it’s not good for your spiritual life at other
times he sent devotees to his Godbrothers for Philosophical clarification’s and for some enrichment so
we find through this example that even great bonafied Vaishnavas sometimes there association isn’t very
good for us by Prabhupad’s own example but if you disrespect them you will fall downand ofcourse there
are also those who appear to be very great great famous Vaishnavas but they have a very different idea
of what’s required to back to Godhead than our disciplic line and there are so many various sectarian
factors if you don’t accept this particular type of initiation you cannot go back to the spiritual world.In
Vrindavan the idea of siddha pranali.Siddha Pranali is acient bonafied type of initiation but Srila
BhaktiSiddhanata Saraswati Thakur and his associates saw and realized that it’s not the only type and it’s
been so much abused and misused in the hands of wrong people and given to the wrong people.We
read in Chaitanya Charitamrita Chaitnaya Bhagvat Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was sending people back to
Goloka Vrindavan simply through Hari Nam and Vaishanv seva.It’s simple safe way so this is what they
stressed and it’s perfect but others will tell you without siddha Pranali unless the Guru tells you what is
your name in spiritual world what is your particular form what is your service what kind of dress you
wear what kind of ornaments you wear what paraphernalia you worship with Krishna what time you
worship Krishna how you worship Krishna and you meditate on those things deep in your heart then at
the time of death how will you remember those things and go back to that place this is the propaganda
and we will that ha may they are right may there something my Guru is not giving me.Prabhupad said I
am giving you everything are we doubting his word is there something he is not giving us that’s Guru
aparad so therefore we must offer respect’s to those people when they ask Srila Bhakti Siddhanta
Saraswati Thakur about siddha pranali he gave them the most perfect instruction he said out siddha
pranali mantra is 1:03:41.5 meditate on that put that on your contemplation in your life and you will
definitely go back to Goloka Vrindavan if it is Krishna’s desire and without that whatever high high topics
were discussing or learning whatever meditation’s we may have without humility like a blade of grass
tolerant like a tree if we are not ready to offer all respect to others and expect none in return unless we
are chanting holy name constantly in that sweet mood the we cannot actually digest any Krishna
Conscious subject matter within the core of our hearts .You can eat the most nutritious foods but if you
can’t digest it you get no benefit you see it’s not the question of whether certain topics are bonafied or
not naything from the scriptures written by Rupa Goswami or Krishna Das Kaviraj Goswami are bonafied
they are perfect and complete but the acharyas are giving us to what degrees we take so that we can
digest it and what life style we live so that we can digest this subject matter because unless the message
of Krishna touches the core of our heart and transforms the sincerity of our purpose then it has minimal
value.So we should respect Vaishnavas but those who are blasfamist those who are critical those who
challenge our own faith those who are fallen who are materially attached to sense gratification
opulences and sex life those devotees must be respected from a distance this is the conclusions of Srila
Viswanath Chakrawarthi Thakur we should respect all Vaishnavas.Sometimes Prabhupad Bhakti
Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur and others they would speak strongly against people but actually in their
hearts they were not envious they were not proud they were just trying to serve their little children even
Srila Prabhupad in regard to his Godbrothers sometime to protect us he would say certain things but he
would also say I can say these things but you cannot because if you say it’s Vaishnav aparad you will fall
down I am saying with love and respect for them but also love and respect for your condition to protect
you and when Prabhupad was in his last days in Vrindavan many of those Godbrothers came to visit him
and said please forgive me I have spoken against you.Sometimes in the battlefield when we are
preaching trying to protect our devotees we have to say certain things please forgive offenses I may have
made and his Godbrothers understood his motives that no swamiji you never made any offenses it’s
actually true he never did because his purpose was free of envy free of pride it was only out of
compassion and love for his devotees his disciples the Godbrother that Srila Prabhupad criticized the
most during Prabhupad’s life he left his body the news came the devotees around because they were not
very matured devotees when the news came this particular left his body they heard Prabhupad say so
many things against him because he was criticizing ISKCON this Sanyasi was criticizing ISKCON he was
criticizing the activities of ISKCON he was even trying to stop Prabhupad from getting his land and his
project going in Mayapur and devotees were going there and hearing these things so Prabhupad have to
say no he is like this and he is like this no you cannot go there Hare Krishna.So they heard this for years
they said Prbahupad he left his body were did he go they were expecting to hear all kinds of description
from the 5th canto of Srimad Bhagvatm what different hellish suffering they were excited devotees like
these types of topics Prabhupad were did he go where did he go P rabhupad very grave with all
soberness he said he went back to Godhead to Goloka Vrindavan devotees what how is that possible he
did this he did that you said he did this he did and that he said yes but he did great service for my Guru
Maharaj therefore he has gone back to Godhead.This is 1:10:20.6 and practical action on one level great
Vaishanv on another level what his motives were what he was doing why should we even speculate but
Prabhupad understood that association will ruin our spiritual lives but yet we have to respect him as a
Paramhamsa who has gone back to Godhead it may be little bit difficult to understand but Prabhupad
makes it very clear herein in this purpot and if you disrespect that person quoting what Prabhupad said
30 years ago what will happen to you he is participated in Krishna’s lila in Goloka Vrindavan.So we should
respect all Vaishnavas and even those devotees who criticize the Vaishanvas who are attacking and
criticizing our movement it’s best not to hear that either there may be good devotees with fundamental
differences perhaps that minimized Srila Prabhupad and Srila Prabhupad’s vision and his and the way he
wanted our mission to go on that’s there business that they may be right but it’s not our right because
Prabhupad has it was his sacrifice that saved us it was his vision has nourished us therefore our
faithfulness and our chastity to him as the servant of his servants as our life and soul if someone doesn’t
agree with that or doesn’t appreciate that same vision we offer all respects to that person but we don’t
listen we keep some distance in our respect and we can love them and respect them and not even Judge
them we just know it’s not for me it’s not that such people are even wrong because they don’t have
these same obligations of faith that we do so some maturity and broad mindedness is required but that
maturity and broad minded should not make us reckless broad minded means to be able to accomdate
so many different people with so many different perceptions of bhakti and they are all Vaishnavas and to
respect them accordingly and maturity means not to do recklessly not anything any one is speaking
about anyone I am eager to hear that type of broad mindedness has to be balanced with maturity of
what actually is beneficial for me what is approved sanctioned and blessed by the Guru Sadhu and
shastras that we have taken shelter of so love and respect should go to all Vaishanvas love and respect
should go to every living entity but maturity is very important to understand how to offer that love and
respect so the tiger from a distance to loving godbrother embrace to a senior Vaishnava you put head on
his feet.Senior Vaishnav may embrace you but the etiquette is you should be not going up and embracing
sanyasis if they embrace you you can embrace back because what else can you do but the etiquette is
you should bow down so there is way of respecting there is way of showing love it’s called Viashnav
etiquette and if we understand the principles of Vaishanv eitiquette very carefully will never be confused
there will never be impediment of maya on our path that will disturb our progress and last of all Sridhar
Swami in his commentary he explains that the word satvena which means the mode of goodness in
pratical application means we must be patient this is one of the most essential items of devotional
service patience.Rupa Goswami says we must be enthusiastic with patience and confidence.Patience is a
symptom of surrender without patience our surrender id hollow and incomplete we must execute
Krishna Conscious principles with great great enthusiasm but we are not fruitive workers we are not
business with Krishna.When Lord Narashingha dev offered Prahalad Maharaj benedictions and he could
have chosen the benediction even to go back to Godhead anything.He said my Lord I am not here to do
business with you I am not a fruitive worker that I have performed my service and remained faithful with
expection that you will give me something I have done it for your satisfaction but one thing devotee
wants is pure heart 1:18:31.6 for the devotees of Lord Narayan whether they are in heaven or hell or in
mukti makes no difference there only concerened is to serve.So we want pure heart because the pure
heart the more pleasing our service will be whther Krishna want’s us send us to hell or to heaven or
mukti or Goloka or Vaikuntha wherever he want’s me to please him I want to be there but just give me
pure heart so I have that motive I have that sincerity of purpose but after years of hearing and chanting
after years of working so hard sometimes even giving up so much of what is precious to the ordinary
beings our health our youth still the ego is there the lust the anger the envy the pride the illusion are
there why I have tried once I have tried twice how many times I have dressed Radha Gopinath How
many times have I comepleted my 16 rounds how many times have I bow down and said 1:20:12.5 to the
Vaishnavas how many books have I distributed how many risks have I taken how many people have I
brought to Krishna Consciousness how many times have I become sick invalid and gone on on my service
and still my heart is not pure patience means that Krishna I am always going to be examining and
reexamining the quality of my service and the intentions of my service because if I am not pure or
perhaps I am not doing it right perhaps there some flaw perhaps I am making offenses so we can’t just
be patient because if you are making aparads if you are negligent of certain Viashnav principles then you
could be patience from millions of births so we always have to be scrutinizingly examining and
reexamining what is the quality of my sadhana my bhajan my seva my relationship with vaishnavas and
what is the inner content of my heart when I am performing it I am doing it for prastistha for recognition
or am I doing it to please Krishna to please Guru to please Vaishnavas and while carefully Practicising in
this way if it takes our whole life if it takes hundreds or millions of births it doesn’t matter because I
know when it’s pleasing to Krishna he will deliver me I am his servant 1:22:34.0.I donot want money I
donot want women I donot want followers disciples I don’t even want liberation I only want to serve you
birth after birth after birth unconditionally.Unconditional service means patience whenever Krishna so
desire he will deliver me it is his promise 1:23:13.7 always think of me become my devotee worship me
and offer your homeage un to me in this way you will come to me without fail.Srila Prabhupad explains
the essence of patience.Patience is necessary for developing the confidence that Krishna will certainly
accept me because I am engaging in devotional service one has only to execute service according to rules
and regulations to ensure success.We worship the deity as Krishna himself we honour every living entity
as part of Krishna we worship and respect every Vaishnava with maturity and we carry on in this way
chanting the holy names hearing the glories of the Lord serving his devotees with patience andfaith
never give up if ever we give up that means we are not worthy of bhakti if our intention is clear that I will
go on for as long as you want Krishna and when you want to purify my heart that’s your business but I
will never give up it is that consciousness that is the price of Krishna Consciousness.Thankyou very
much.Is there any questions?Yes Maharaj you explained very nicely about being matured and
accomdating but we see that in our own practical life if we see someone doing very nicely some other
Vaishnava s speaking nicely or doing some devotional service nicely he amy not be from our sampradaya
he may not be teaching what we are trained by our spiritual master then we tend to get influenced by
them and the start analyzing our relationship with our spiritual master and start disrespecting and in
other hand that if we start going away from them then usually what happens we start to criticize them
and we preach about them to other devotees so two extremes either we get completely influenced by
them and start judging our own line or else criticize them and become an offender how to balance it
practically?We should receive instructions of how to deal in these particular circumstances.The tendency
of neophyte devotees is often to go to extremes then this great impediment not only I our own spiritual
lives but to our society of large.I few try to imitate Haridas Thakur you will fall down if you try to live the
life of Rupa and Raghunath you will fall down it’s an extreme you cannot accomdate at the same time
because I cannot live like Srila Raghunath das Goswami did on banks of Radha Kund therefore let meeat
anything and do anything and go anywhere you will fall down chant sixteen rounds follow the four
regulative principles receive the blessings of your Guru and the Vaishanvas and perform your service
according to how you are obligated that’s balanced if somebody id saying something that’s different we
blasfame him and call them rascals demons sahajayas smarta Brahmins mayavadis that’s and extreme
ofcourse sometimes Srila Prabhupad did it but he wasn’t extreme he was telling it like it is for our benefit
and if we see someone is actual mayavad and we may have to speak it but when we are dealing with
Vaishnavas we have to be very balanced.It’s like this defects on a Vaishnav is like spots on full moon if
you are advanced devotee matured devotee you can just appreciate the beauty of the moon but you see
there some spots there also but if you are a neophyte devotee those spots could kill you those spots in
the moon could be cause of your spiritual down fall because you cannot accomdate so if one hand if you
blasfame the moon for having spots you will fall down on the other hand if you associate with that moon
those spots will make you fall down.Hare Krishna.So the best thing is just form a distance Puranachandra
Namaskar I offer my obeisances to the full moon.1:30:12.7 we shouldnot go to extremes extremism is
very dangerous.Krishna tells us in Gita shouldnot eat too much eat too little sleep too much sleep too
little you have to regulate.Prahalad Maharaj was a child he never played even Narad Muni his guru never
played in his previous life only interesting in serving Vaishnavas and meditating on Krishna serving the
deity but if you try to raise your children like that and not allow them to play just give them deities or
lock them in room and say you just worship these deities the child will become it’s abuse it’s child abuse
you may find yourself in lost suit on the times of India so we have to be balanced they want to play let
them play but give them Krishna moderate.So in our own lives we have to be very moderate mature
respectful extremes if someone is little different then me I attack them the other is someone is little
different I want that instead it’s different it’s new I have been chewing the old bamboo of this Krishna
conscious ISKCON Philosophy for so many years I need some juice some new some new bamboo with
juice in it.Hare Krishna.Actually the juice is there sometimes we take it for granted but the you go there
and after you learn everything they are saying the you want some new juice from somewhere else and
from somewhere else it’s unlimited than nectar within our Guru Varga unlimited and it’s not that we
cannot take nectar from places outside ISKCON we have to do it with maturity and with blessings that is
important.So the other extreme is one is every one is saying something different is a demon and the
other extreme is everyone who is saying something different that’s what I want and the balanced
Viashnav way is offer all respects affection to everyone to not speak against unless there an emergency
that I have to protect someothers than we may have to do it but we shouldn’t like it we should hate to
do it but we have to.So we keep a particular respectful distance with love and affection that is the safe
path back home back to Godhead.Is there any other questions?Yes.Hare Krishna Maharaj my question
will be offensiveso please forgive me if it is little offensive because I want to ask you told that deity is
Krishna himself Krishna is not in the deity Krishna is deity but deity is made of material element so it may
break also like.Deity is made of material elements that may be if you donot handle the deity very
carefully the deity may break so one may think if it’s Krishna Krishna’s arm never break I never read this
in Srimad Bhagvatam.So we have to honour the needs of Krishna in that particular form to be handle
very carefully but in the spiritual sense even that which is material becomes spiritualized by the
precense of Krishna.So the body may be out of marble but Krishna assumes that form wholesale
therefore that body is Krishna’s sacitananda form.Although in a medium of marble to us it’s nondifferent
than Krishna it is Krishna he is Krishna and how is it that we find in the great acharyas what type of
wonderful pastimes they are having with the deities many of us went to yatra to Karoli where the
beautiful merciful form of Sri Radha Madan Mohan is present.When Srila Sanatan Goswami was living in
mahavan he saw the deity of Madan Gopal literally playing with his friends with the local children of the
Brajavasi neighbourhood on the banks of Jamuna all day long he was so attracted who is this beautiful
boy he followed him back to wherever he was going the boy went in the temple.Sanatan Goswami
followed him and when he entered the temple he saw there was only the deity of Sri Madan Gopal the
Lord was having pastimes for him it was the deity doing that the same deity that you are looking at but
how he was seeing him.Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswami he was worshipping the deity of Sri Radha
Ramanji.At one time he had several shaligram sheela’s from the Gandaki Kali gandaki river in Nepal
Himalayas he was longing to worship Krishna in his three fold bending form because other Goswami’s
they had so many opportunities to serve with crowns and clothes so it is said on Narsingha Chaturdasi
that Gopal Bhatta Goswami prayed that just as Narsingha dev on this day you manifested your beautiful
form out of a stone pillar please appear in your three fold bending form not for his enjoyment but so
that he could better serve.So from Damodar sheela Radha Ramanji manifested.Rupa Goswami Sanatan
Goswami they all came to see this beautiful beautiful deity they had a wonderful abhishekam and a
festival to inaugurate the worship of Sri Radha Raman but after sometime Gopal Bhatta Goswami was
feeling a certain unhappiness in his heart because his father Vaenkatta Bhatt from SriRangam gave him
the order before he left this world that you should always worship our most beloved lord of our heart Sri
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu he was thinking my ista dev is Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu but I am
worshipping the form of Radha Raman is there some shortcoming he was thinking like that while sitting
before Radha Ramanji and the Lord knows the heart of his devotee.When you are worshipping the deity
it’s not just what you are giving it’s how you are giving it.Krishna knows your heart he is seeing from
inside out you are seeing him from outside in but he is seeing you from inside out.Sri Radha Goipinath Ki
Jai.When Srimati Radha rani and Sri Gopinath dev when you see them casting there merciful loving
beautiful glance upon you you should know that when they see you they not only see what you are
doing how you are doing it but they see right through your senses your mind your intellect your ego your
very soul and every thing contacted they are seeing the sincerity of the purpose in which we are offering
what we are offering and they will reciprocate according to that.It’s very fashionable to worship the deity
as an active prestige because especially in India to be a Brahmin pujari doin the seva to bhagavan is very
prestigious in certain circle’s sometimes when we take the Vijay murthi on procession and we are
holding him are we thinking let everyone see the deity or are we thinking let everyone see me holding
the deity your spiritual advancement is not based on holding your deity it’s what is your mood what is
your purpose.So Gopal Bhatta Goswami was thinking like this and Sri Radha Ramanji seeing the sorrow in
his heart’s in his devotees heart his istadev is Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu he is worshiping me let me give
him pleasure right in front of Gopal Bhatta Goswami’s eyes Radha Raman transformed in to beautiful
golden swroop of Sri Gauranga then he understood yes there is no difference Radha Ramanji is
Gauranga Mahaprabhu he is appeared to me in this form therefore whole heartedly without reservation
I will give him my life and my soul Sri Gopal Bhatta prandan he Jai Radha Raman Sri Radha Raman Radhe
when we sing these songs we should understand what it means it’s the life and soul of Gopal Bhatta
Goswami.Lokanath Das Goswami he was longing to worship the deity at Kishori Kund he was feeling
immense separation from Chaitanya Mahaprabhu he just wanted to be with him but the Lord ordered
him stay in Vrindavan so he did the prarikrama of the twelve forest at Krishnori Kund he was just living in
seclusion longing to serve the Lord personally.When the Lord personally manifested a form of a effulgent
person who appeared before Lokanath Das Goswami with the murti of Sri Krishna then the person left
Lokanath Goswami was wondering what is this deity and who was that mysterious person that gave and
gave him to me he was quiet perpexled then the deity right in front of his eyes he spoke to him he said
my name is Radha Vinod and I personally took the from of that person to give my self to you now
Lokanath Goswami stop all your mental anxieties I am hungry cook something for me the deity spoke to
him Hare Krishna.Jiva Goswami when he was worshipping Radha Damodar sometimes he would hear the
flute he would hear the most sweet ambrosial sound of Venu.So Jiva Goswami went to the deity and
there he saw Sri Radha Damodar playing his flute and dancing and performing his Vrindavan pastimes
right before his devotee eyes.Is the deity made out of stone?In one sense yes however Krishna is
absolute he makes that what you see as stone he makes that in to his original transcendental form.If you
massage the feet of the deity you are ditectly and personally massaging the feet of Bhagvan.When you
are putting the flute in his hand you are personally equipping Thakurji with his flute to attract Sri
Radharani and to attract the hearts of all the condition souls.So this is spiritual subject matter Krishna
tattva how Krishna who is the controller of all the elements of material creation can enter in to those
elements to make himself fully visible to his devotee.Does that answer your question?Hare Krishna.One
more question.Hare Krishna Maharaj as you were explaning about the confusion which can take place
among disciples because of association wrong association so like as we know spiritual master and
encourages his disciples in different different ways according to the propensity and we can also know
that there can be many best in the spiritual relam so in such a situation if we want to take association of
some devotees like there priorities are different and at the same time you told that sore it we can keep
can a safe distance so that we will not be influenced by the prioties and other so that we should we will
not be diverted in our aim so how to take association of devotees also of our Godbrothers and other
people and at the same time we should be in our main stem which we are doing.Like I don’t know other
conveyed the message.Within Srila Prabhupad society everyone is meant to share Prbahupad’s message
therefore however many intiating or instructing spiritual master’s there may be and however may be
disciples may be following them the aim is very much one and maturity is to see that.That we are all
brothers and sisters and we shouldnot be sectarian because we may that see that somebody elses faith
is more and someone else you may have more faith in someone they may have more faith in someone
your faith souldnot disturb them and there faith souldnot disturb you.You should understand that
Krishna is attracting different people’s hearts in different ways we should not expect everyone to be like
me and when we are dealing with other Gaudia Vaishnavas also even outside of ISKCON we should
understand somebody has faith in there Guru we should respect and honour and encourage that.We
shouldn’t think it as a challange because they have a different faith than me.If they are challenging your
faith if they are attacking your faith then you have to keep a distance but if we are understanding
etiquette properly we shouldnot be confused by other having different type of faith than our ourselves
there are bothers there are sisters that’s very very important.We shouldnot be so egoistic and so self
centered to think everyone has to have my faith and if somebody doesn’t have my faith that means they
are a dangerous enemy to me.The tendency of neophyte devotees is because we want to be God we
want to be great therefore whatever we are connected to we want to feel that we are the greatest my
Guru is the greatest my line is the greatest there is always a competition but this is material conception
to you might be the greatest but to someone else might be the greatest.Krishna is the greatest and he
may be revealing to different people in different ways at different times so we should honour and
respect Krishna how he is manifesting himself to different people in different ways.You will see when we
are thinking about Srila Prabhupad it’s not that we have to be convinced that he is the ultimate greatest
and no one is equal to or better than him otherwise how we will have faith and follow him.What we do
know is he saved us and therefore our loyality our faith and our devotion to him is for eternity without
second thought.If someone else is as spiritual advanced as him or if someelse is more philosophical than
him that doesn’t make any difference whether they are or not there is no difference he is bringing me
back to Godhead and I will remain faithful to him.But some people think that they have to prove he is
the greatest he is superior and push down everyone else but somebody from another math is going to
think there Guru is the greatest and we are seeing he didn’t spread Krishna Consciousness all over the
world it’s not our right to start talking to them like that they may have the reasons that they are for
having the faith ultimately they have faith because that person saved them and we have faith because
Prabhupad saved us ether directly or through his personal energies therefore there is no competition
there is no conception of this if somebody else is pleasing there Guru very very nice wonderful if
somebody saying how there Guru has done this for Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati and that we just very
wonderful it’s not challenge to our faith in Prabhupad it’s not a competition we don’t have to be little
them and prove we are better in our heart Prabhupad is best and he will always be best in there hearts
something else I offer respect to the faith that Prabhupad has given me and I will offer all respect to the
faith that Guru’s have given them then there can be unity but as long as there is canvassing mentality my
Guru is better than your’s my Guru mahabhagvat your Guru is not a mahabhagvat as long as that
mentality is there it’s just a lack of etiquette and immaturity we should respect the faith of others
Vaishnavas they should respect our faith as well and we don’t have to prove anything to anyone if our
faith is so weak that we have to prove that my Guru is better than all other Guru’s than we haven’t
understand Guru tattva at all Guru is Krishna he manifesting himself in many ways through many people
and our faith is in that principal through Guru Krishna comes down to this material world to embrace the
condition souls and bring him back to Godhead.So we should respect and honour that principal.

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