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Substance Abuse

Substance abuse is generally seen as a personal problem, however, it a public issue. Not all
kinds of drugs are banned. Drugs have been discovered for the welfare of physical and mental
wellbeing and happiness. Some of the sociologists have seen substance abuse as a symptom of
social disorganization. The use of traditional drugs like opium, cannabis, and marijuana are still
used and generally not considered a problem and are socially and culturally approved. Some of
the causes of substance abuse are:

1. Strict administration
2. Social transformation
3. Social experience
4. Social relationships
5. Cultural factors
6. Personality factors
7. Individual attitudes
8. Individual purposes and goals
9. Life organization
10. Religion
11. Business
12. Recreation
13. Rituals
14. Love and marriage
15. Curiosity
16. Experimentations
17. Conformity with group norms
18. Belongingness in the group
19. Defiant behaviour
20. Improper socialization
21. Inability to adapt to social norms and values
22. Broken families
23. Unemployment
24. Escapism
25. Misuse of freedom
26. The need of truth
27. Peer group pressure
28. Poor law enforcement
29. Corruption in administration
30. Search for alternative lifestyle
31. Unfavourable social environment
32. Early availability of drugs at cheap rates
33. Failure to check supply of elicit and illegal drugs
34. Social, psychological, environmental and personal factors

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