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Treatment of Substance Abuse

Medical help is given to manage problems related to withdrawal symptoms. It is crisis

intervention for immediate relief from abstinence, pain overdose dangers. It is detoxification
which subside the physical dependence on drugs. This is mainly grouped as:

1. Abrupt withdrawal:
a. The client is made to withdraw from drugs/substance, suddenly or with
immediate effect.
b. This type of withdrawal causes psychological and physiological disturbances,
which may prove to be fatal if not managed.
c. The symptoms need to confirm with medication.

2. Random withdrawal:
a. The client is made to give up addiction without a allowing a conscious decision.
b. the body needs fast conditioning to changes.
c. Medication is given to counter the withdrawal symptoms.

3. Gradual Withdrawal:
a. In this type of withdrawal the intake of the drug/substance is slowly and
gradually reduced, thereby enabling the client to tolerate withdrawal symptoms.
b. The symptoms are mild and gradually the dependency on the drug/substance
reduces to zero; without much trouble.

4. Psychological intervention:
a. It helps the client to overcome habituation and psychological craving.
b. It is at a supportive, objective and motivational level.
c. It helps to strengthen the client’s ego.
d. Some of the psychological interventions are:

i. Individual counselling:
 It aims to educate the client in a rational way
 It involves insight, persuasion, suggestions, reassurances and
introduction in sessions and terminations.
ii. Psychotherapy: This deals with interpersonal problems of the client
since childhood
iii. Social Intervention: This includes environmental manipulation

5. Family therapy:
a. It is a form of psychotherapy that aims at reducing distress and conflict by
improving the systems of interactions between family members.
b. It aims at improving communication, role clarity relationships within the family.
c. It aims at reducing apathy and resentments within the family
6. Reality Therapy:
a. It aims at dealing with the problem in the present situation.
b. Addicts general escape from reality; it helps the addict to accept reality.

7. Spiritual Therapy:
a. It aims at creating moral, spiritual and religious influences on behaviour and
physical health.
b. It uses spiritual & religious beliefs and values to strengthen the client’s self.

8. Group Therapy:
a. Groups are mainly homogenous groups.
b. Gives addicts a feeling of belongingness and an opportunity to share their
c. Helps addicts learn better coping styles and mechanism.
d. Helps addicts to learn adjustment techniques.

9. Behavioural Therapy:
a. It uses rewards and punishment techniques for behaviour modification.
b. Under behaviour therapy following therapies are used:
i. Aversion therapy
ii. Electro Compulsive Therapy (ECT); it is very painful
iii. Fear of God
iv. Medication to block effects of drugs
v. Contract: a contract is signed b/w the addict and the counselor
vi. Relaxation and Yogic exercises are taught.

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