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1) The law, governing the force between electric charges is known as

A) Ampere's law B) Ohm's law C) Faraday's law D) Coulomb's law

2) When the distance between the charged particles is halved, the force between them becomes

A) One-fourth B) Half C) Double D) Four times

3) There are two charges +1μC and +5μC. The ratio of the forces acting on them will be

A) 1 : 5 B) 1 : 1 C) 5 : 1 D) 1 : 25

4) A charge q1exerts some force on a second charge q2. If third charge q3is brought near, the force of
q1exerted on q2

A) Decreases B) Increases C) Remains unchanged D) Increases if q3is of the same sign as q1and
decreases if q3is of opposite sign

5) Fgand Fe represents gravitational and electrostatic force respectively between electrons situated at a
distance 10 cm. The ratio of Fg/Feis of the order of

A) 1042 B) 10 C) 1 D) 10−4

36) The ratio of the forces between two small spheres with constant charge (a)in air (b)in a medium of
dielectric constant K is

A) 1 : K B) K : 1 C) 1:K2D) K2:1

7) A soap bubble is given a negative charge, then its radius

A) Decreases

B) Increases

C) Remains unchanged

D) Nothing can be predicted as information is insufficient

8) Four charges are arranged at the corners of a square ABCD, as shown in the adjoining figure. The
force on the charge kept at the centre O is

A) Zero B) Along the diagonal AC C) Along the diagonal BD D) Perpendicular to side


9) In the absence of other conductors, the surface charge density

A) Is proportional to the charge on the conductor and its surface area

B) Inversely proportional to the charge and directly proportional to the surface area

C) Directly proportional to the charge and inversely proportional to the surface area

D) Inversely proportional to the charge and the surface area

10) A body can be negatively charged by

A) Giving excess of electrons to it

B) Removing some electrons from it

C) Giving some protons to it

D) Removing some neutrons from it

11) The minimum charge on an object is

A) 1 coulomb B) 1 stat coulomb C) 1.6×10−19coulomb D) 3.2×10−19coulomb

12) Out of gravitational, electromagnetic, Vander Waals, electrostatic and nuclear forces; which two are
able to provide an attractive force between two neutrons

A) Electrostatic and gravitational

B) Electrostatic and nuclear

C) Gravitational and nuclear

D) Some other forces like Vander Waals

13) A total charge Q is broken in two parts Q1and Q2and they are placed at a distance Rfrom each other.
The maximum force of repulsion between them will occur, when

A) Q2=QR, Q1=Q−QR

B) Q2=Q4, Q1=Q−2Q3

C) Q2=Q4, Q1=3Q4

D) Q1=Q2, Q2=Q2

14) Three charges 4q,Qand qare in a straight line in the position of 0, l/2and lrespectively. The resultant
force on qwill be zero, if Q=

A) q B) −2qC) −q2D) 4q

15) An isolated solid metallic sphere is given +Qcharge. The charge will be distributed on the sphere
A) Uniformly but only on surface B) Only on surface but non-uniformly C) Uniformly inside the volume
D) Non-uniformly inside the volume

16) Two small spheres each having the charge +Qare suspended by insulating threads of length L from a
hook. This arrangement is taken in space where there is no gravitational effect, then the angle between
the two suspensions and the tension in each will be

A) 180o,14πε0Q2(2L)2B) 90o,14πε0Q2L2C) 180o,14πε0Q22L2D) 180o,14πε0Q2L2

17) Two charges each of 1 coulombare at a distance 1kmapart, the force between them is

A) 9×103 NewtonB) 9×10−3 NewtonC) 1.1×10−4 NewtonD) 104 Newton

18) +2Cand +6Ctwo charges are repelling each other with a force of 12N. If each charge is given −2Cof
charge, then the value of the force will be

A) 4N(Attractive) B) 4N(Repulsive) C) 8N(Repulsive) D) Zero

19) Dielectric constant of pure water is 81. Its permittivity will be

A) 7.12×10−10MKSunits B) 8.86×10−12MKSunits C) 1.02×1013 MKSunits D) Cannot be calculated

20) There are two metallic spheres of same radii but one is solid and the other is hollow, then [ ; BHU ]

A) Solid sphere can be given more charge B) Hollow sphere can be given more charge C) They can be
charged equally (maximum) D) None of the above

21) In general, metallic ropes are suspended on the carriers which take inflammable material. The
reason is

A) There speed is controlled B) To keep the centre of gravity of the carrier nearer to the earth C) To keep
the body of the carrier in contact with the earth D) Nothing should be placed under the carrier

22) Three equal charges are placed on the three corners of a square. If the force between q1and q2is
F12and that between q1and q3is F13, the ratio of magnitudes F12F13is A) 1/2B) 2 C) 1/2√D) 2√

23) ABCis a right angled triangle in which AB=3cmand BC=4cm. And ? ABC = p/2. The three charges +15,
+12and −20e.s.u.are placed respectively on A, Band C. The force acting on Bis

A) 125 dynesB) 35 dynesC) 25 dynesD) Zero

24) With the rise in temperature, the dielectric constant Kof a liquid

A) Increases B) Decreases C) Remains unchanged D) Charges erratically

25) Two charges q1and q2are placed in vacuum at a distance d and the force acting between them is F.
If a medium of dielectric constant 4 is introduced around them, the force now will be
A) 4FB) 2FC) F2D) F4

26) Force of attraction between two point charges Q and ? Q separated by d metre is Fe. When these
charges are placed on two identical spheres of radius R=0.3d whose centres are d metre apart, the force
of attraction between them is

A) Greater than FeB) Equal to FeC) Less than FeD) Less than Fe

27) When 1014electrons are removed from a neutral metal sphere, the charge on the sphere becomes
[Manipal JEE ] A) 16μCB) −16μCC) 32μCD) −32μC

28) A force Facts between sodium and chlorine ions of salt (sodium chloride) when put 1cmapart in air.
The permittivity of air and dielectric constant of water are ε0and Krespectively. When a piece of salt is
put in water electrical force acting between sodium and chlorine ions 1cmapart is

A) FKB) FKε0C) FKε0D) Fε0K

29) A conductor has 14.4×10−19coulombspositive charge. The conductor has (Charge on electron

A) 9 electrons in excess B) 27 electrons in short C) 27 electrons in excess D) 9 electrons in short

30) The value of electric permittivity of free space is [ ; R ]

A) 9×109NC2/m2B) 8.85×10−12Nm2/C2secC) 8.85×10−12C2/Nm2D) 9×109C2/Nm2

31) Two similar spheres having +qand −qcharge are kept at a certain distance. Fforce acts between the
two. If in the middle of two spheres, another similar sphere having +qcharge is kept, then it experience a
force in magnitude and direction as

A) Zero having no direction B) 8Ftowards +qcharge C) 8Ftowards −qcharge D) 4Ftowards +qcharge

32) A charge Qis divided into two parts of qand Q−q. If the coulomb repulsion between them when they
are separated is to be maximum, the ratio of Qqshould be

A) 2 B) 1/2C) 4 D) ¼

33) Number of electrons in one coulomb of charge will be [/ ; Pb. PMT ; AIIMS ; R ]

A) 5.46×1029B) 6.25×1018C) 1.6×10+19D) 9×1011

34) When air is replaced by a dielectric medium of constant k, the maximum force of attraction between
two charges separated by a distance

A) Decreases ktimes B) Remains unchanged C) Increases ktimes D) Increases k−1times

35) A glass rod rubbed with silk is used to charge a gold leaf electroscope and the leaves are observed to
diverge. The electroscope thus charged is exposed to X-rays for a short period. Then [AMU ]
A) The divergence of leaves will not be affected B) The leaves will diverge further C) The leaves will
collapse D) The leaves will melt

36) One metallic sphere Ais given positive charge whereas another identical metallic sphere Bof exactly
same mass as of Ais given equal amount of negative charge. Then [AMU ; R ; ]

A) Mass of Aand mass of Bstill remain equal B) Mass of Aincreases C) Mass of Bdecreases D) Mass of

37) The force between two charges 0.06mapart is 5N. If each charge is moved towards the other by
0.01m, then the force between them will become [SCRA ]

A) 7.20NB) 11.25NC) 22.50ND) 45.00N

38) Two charged spheres separated at a distance d exert a force Fon each other. If they are immersed in
a liquid of dielectric constant 2, then what is the force (if all conditions are same) [AIIMS ; MH CET ]

A) F2B) FC) 2FD) 4F

39) Two point charges +3μCand +8μCrepel each other with a force of 40N. If a charge of −5μCis added to
each of them, then the force between them will become [SCRA ; JIPMER ] A) −10NB) +10NC) +20ND)

40) When 1019electrons are removed from a neutral metal plate, the electric charge on it is [Karnataka
CET (Engg./Med.) ]

A) ? 1.6 C B) + 1.6 C C) 10+19CD) 1019C

41) Electric charges of 1μC,−1μCand 2μCare placed in air at the corners A, B and C respectively of an
equilateral triangle ABC having length of each side 10 cm. The resultant force on the charge at C is
[EAMCET (Engg.) ]

A) 0.9 N B) 1.8 N C) 2.7 N D) 3.6 N

42) Charge on α-particle is

A) 4.8×10−19 C B) 1.6×10−19 C C) 3.2×10−19 C D) 6.4×10−19 C

43) Two small conducting spheres of equal radius have charges +10μCand −20μCrespectively and placed
at a distance R from each other experience force 𝐹1 . If they are brought in contact and separated to the
same distance, they experience force 𝐹2 . The ratio of F1to F2is

A) 1 : 8 B) ? 8 : 1 C) 1 : 2 D) ? 2 : 1

44) Two charges each equal to 2μCare 0.5m apart. If both of them exist inside vacuum, then the force
between them is

A) 1.89 N B) 2.44 N C) 0.144 N D) 3.144 N

45) Two charges are at a distance ?d? apart. If a copper plate (conducting medium) of thickness d2is
placed between them, the effective force will be [UPSEAT ; J & K CET ]

A) 2F B) F / 2 C) 0 D) 2√F

46) Two electrons are separated by a distance of 1A. What is the coulomb force between them [MH CET

A) 2.3×10−8N B) 4.6×10−8N C) 1.5×10−8N D) None of these

47) Two copper balls, each weighing 10g are kept in air 10 cm apart. If one electron from every
106atoms is transferred from one ball to the other, the coulomb force between them is (atomic weight
of copper is 63.5)

A) 2.0×1010N B) 2.0×104N C) 2.0×108N D) 2.0×106N

48) A solid conducting sphere of radius a has a net positive charge 2Q. A conducting spherical shell of
inner radius band outer radius c is concentric with the solid sphere and has a net charge ? Q. The surface
charge density on the inner and outer surfaces of the spherical shell will be

A) −2Q4πb2,Q4πc2B) −Q4πb2,Q4πc2C) 0,Q4πc2D) None of the above

49) Three charges each of magnitude q are placed at the corners of an equilateral triangle, the
electrostatic force on the charge placed at the center is (each side of triangle is L) A) Zero B)
14πε0q2L2C) 14πε03q2L2D) 112πε0q2L2

50) Two charges placed in air repel each other by a force of 10−4N. When oil is introduced between the
charges, the force becomes 2.5×10−5N. The dielectric constant of oil is A) 2.5 B) 0.25 C) 2.0 D) 4.0

51) Three charges are placed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle of side ?a? as shown in the
following figure. The force experienced by the charge placed at the vertex A in a direction normal to BC
is [AIIMS ] A) Q2/(4πε0a2)B) −Q2/(4πε0a2)C) Zero D) Q2/(2πε0a2)

52) Two particle of equal mass mand charge qare placed at a distance of 16 cm. They do not experience
any force. The value of qmis

A) l B) πε0G−−−−√C) G4πε0−−−−−√D) 4πε0G−−−−−√

53) When a glass rod is rubbed with silk, it

A) Gains electrons from silk B) Gives electrons to silk C) Gains protons from silk D) Gives protons to silk

54) An electron is moving round the nucleus of a hydrogen atom in a circular orbit of radius r. The
coulomb force F−→between the two is (Where K=14πε0)

A) −Ke2r3r^B) Ke2r3r⃗ C) −Ke2r3r⃗ D) Ke2r2r^

55) A body has 80 micro coulomb of charge. Number of additional electrons in it will be
A) 8×10−5B) 80×10−17C) 5×1014D) 1.28×10−17

56) Two point charges placed at a certain distance r in air exert a force F on each other. Then the
distance r' at which these charges will exert the same force in a medium of dielectric constant k is given

A) r B) r/k C) r/k√D) rk√

57) Dielectric constant for metal is

A) Zero B) Infinite C) 1 D) Greater than 1

58) A charge of Q coulomb is placed on a solid piece of metal of irregular shape. The charge will
distribute itself

A) Uniformly in the metal object

B) Uniformly on the surface of the object

C) Such that the potential energy of the system is minimized

D) Such that the total heat loss is minimized

59) Five balls numbered 1 to 5 are suspended using separate threads. Pairs (1, 2), (2, 4) and (4, 1) show
electrostatic attraction, while pair (2, 3) and (4, 5) show repulsion. Therefore ball 1 must be A) Positively
charged B) Negatively charged C) Neutral D) Made of metal

60) Equal charges qare placed at the four corners A,B,C,Dof a square of length a. The magnitude of the
force on the charge at B will be

A) 3q24πε0a2B) 4q24πε0a2C) (1+22√2)q24πε0a2D) (2+12√)q24πε0a2

61) Two identical conductors of copper and aluminium are placed in an identical electric fields. The
magnitude of induced charge in the aluminium will be

A) Zero B) Greater than in copper C) Equal to that in copper D) Less than in copper

62) Two spherical conductors B and C having equal radii and carrying equal charges in them repel each
other with a force F when kept apart at some distance. A third spherical conductor having same radius
as that of B but uncharged is brought in contact with B, then brought in contact with C and finally
removed away from both. The new force of repulsion between B and C is

A) F/4B) 3F/4C) F/8D) 3F/8

63) When a body is earth connected, electrons from the earth flow into the body. This means the body

A) Unchanged B) Charged positively C) Charged negatively D) An insulator

64) The charges on two sphere are+7μCand −5μCrespectively. They experience a force F. If each of them
is given and additional charge of −2μC, the new force of attraction will be [R ]

A) F B) F / 2 C) F/3√D) 2F

65) The ratio of electrostatic and gravitational forces acting between electron and proton separated by a
distance 5×10−11m,will be (Charge on electron = 1.6×1019C, mass of electron = 9.1×1031kg, mass of
proton = 1.6×10−27kg,G=6.7×10−11Nm2/kg2)

A) 2.36×1039B) 2.36×1040C) 2.34×1041D) 2.34×1042

66) Two point charges 3×106Cand 8×106Crepel each other by a force of 6×103N. If each of them is given
an additional charge 6×106C, the force between them will be

A) 2.4×103N(attractive) B) 2.4×109N(attractive) C) 1.5×103N(repulsive) D) 1.5×103N(attractive)

67) Two equally charged, identical metal spheres A and B repel each other with a force 'F'. The spheres
are kept fixed with a distance 'r' between them. A third identical, but uncharged sphere C is brought in
contact with A and then placed at the mid-point of the line joining A and B. The magnitude of the net
electric force on C is

A) F B) 3F/4 C) F/2 D) F/4

68) Two charges of equal magnitudes and at a distance r exert a force F on each other. If the charges are
halved and distance between them is doubled, then the new force acting on each charge is

A) F / 8 B) F / 4 C) 4 F D) F / 16

69) An infinite number of charges, each of charge 1 mC, are placed on the x-axis with co-ordinates x = 1,
2, 4, 8, ....? If a charge of 1 C is kept at the origin, then what is the net force acting on 1 C charge

A) 9000 N B) 1 N C) 24000 N D) 36000 N

70) The number of electrons in 1.6 C charge will be [R ]

A) 1019B) 1020C) 1.1×1019D) 1.1×102

71) Four metal conductors having different shapes 1. A sphere 2. Cylindrical 3. Pear 4. Lightning
conductor Are mounted on insulating stands and charged. The one which is best suited to retain the
charges for a longer time is

A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4
72) Identify the wrong statement in the following. Coulomb's law correctly describes the electric force

A) Binds the electrons of an atom to its nucleus

B) Binds the protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom

C) Binds atoms together to form molecules

D) Binds atoms and molecules together to form solids

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