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Nowadays, science and technology have developed so much which helped solve

many problems, however they also bring about another problems. With me, this
idea is true.
Advances in science and technology help us have better life such as people over
the world can be closer together by smart phone, computer, internet. The
factories make many useful products. They make people’s life to be more

But they aslo created many negative problems. If we use them, depend on them
so much, they can affect the health of people such as become short-sighted, have
headaches. Besides that, they make global warming worse by the CFC it gives
off because CFC traps the heat on the earth when it goes up.
To solve these problems, parents should restrict their children about the time of
using technology in order to protect their health. In addition, we must plant many
trees, use environment friendly technology so that clo from CFC can be
In summary, science and technology are important in our life, so we use them
effectively to reduce their harmful effects.

Main Sources of water

1 – Rain Water

Rain water includes other sources such as snow and additional types of

The precipitation that falls to the Earth is a major part of the water cycle as it
replenishes both surface and underground water sources.

2 – Underground Water

These are the sources of water that basically you can’t see or can’t access easily.

The important role underground water sources play in the water cycle is that they
are the primary sources for human consumption.

These underground bodies of water are often accessed through wells and when
pressure under the surface is too great, this water is pushed up and out through

3 – Surface Water

Easy to see and use, surface water is easily the most abundant supply of natural

The downside is that most of the surface water on the planet is salt water so it is
not ideal for drinking for most living species.
Surface water does play an important part in our daily lives in addition to being a
source of drinking water. Surface water is used to produce hydro-electric power
as a clean energy source that is also renewable.

Surface water is supplied by precipitation, springs and ice melting from higher
elevations and glaciers.

Water in our daily lives

Water has been important for people for thousands of years. Without water there
would be no life on earth.
We use water in our houses for cooking, bathing and washing the dishes. Water
is used to grow food. In many dry areas farmers must bring water to the fields
through canals and expensive irrigation systems .
Industries and factories also use water. Fruits and vegetables must be cleaned
before they can be processed and sold in supermarkets. Water is used for cooling
in many areas, for example in steel production.
Many countries around the world use water to produce energy. Power
stations burn coal which turns water into steam. Countries with many mountains
and rivers use the power of water to produce electricity .
Water is important for our free time. People enjoy themselves at seaside
resorts or on cruise trips .
Transportation was at first carried out on waterways . Ancient civilizations
traded goods across the Mediterranean Sea . Today oil, coal,wheat and other
products are transported on waterways.
Up to 75% of our body is water
What are the causes of water pollution?

Most water pollution doesn't begin in the water itself. Take the oceans: around 80
percent of ocean pollution enters our seas from the land. [16] Virtually any
human activity can have an effect on the quality of our water environment. When
farmers fertilize the fields, the chemicals they use are gradually washed by rain
into the groundwater or surface waters nearby. Sometimes the causes of water
pollution are quite surprising. Chemicals released by smokestacks (chimneys)
can enter the atmosphere and then fall back to earth as rain, entering seas, rivers,
and lakes and causing water pollution. That's called atmospheric deposition.
Water pollution has many different causes and this is one of the reasons why it is
such a difficult problem to solve.

The best way to prevent large-scale water pollution is to try and reduce its harmful
effects. There are various small changes we can make to protect ourselves from a
scary future where water is scarce.

1. Save Water: Conserving water is our first aim. Water wastage is a major
problem globally and we are only now waking up to the issue. Simply small
changes you can make domestically will make a huge difference.
2. Better treatment of sewage: So treating waste products before disposing of it
in a water body helps reduce water pollution on a large scale. Agriculture or
other industries can reuse this wastewater by reducing its toxic contents.
3. Use environmentally friendly products: By using soluble products that do not
go on to become pollutants, we can reduce the amount of water pollution
caused by a household.

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